#Cooza Ackerman
ova-kakyoin · 2 months
Welcome back to WatchMojo, where today we'll be counting down the Top 10 Straightest Beyblade Burst Characters
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Number 10: Drum Koryu Drum cares a lot about the people around him and is constantly trying to hug other boys, but many take that as him being gay, which he very much is not! It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 9: Free de la Hoya He is a laid back person and he only does things that he wants to, including wearing a skirt. Many people have interpreted this as to meaning he is gay, which he is not. He is a straight, cisgender man. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 8: Aiger Akabane All it took for Aiger to be co-opted by the woke left was to ask another boy to be his partner in a battle in a very intentionally vague way that made it almost read as a love confession. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 7: Varuto Aoi Valt Aoi (蒼井バルト, Aoi Baruto; Aoi Valt) is the main protagonist of the anime and manga series, Beyblade Burst and Beyblade Burst Evolution. He is an enthusiastic Beyblader who founded Beigoma Academy's Beigoma Academy BeyClub, where he served as the team's captain. He competed in the National Tournament with Victory Valtryek Boost Variable. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 6: Gronny How many times do i have to tell you people that Gwyn and Dante are just friends. Gwyn was a very isolated kid who didn't understand the people around him and as soon as he makes a friend, you lot call him gay for feeling strongly. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 5: Shu Kurenai Shu Kurenai is a God-fearing christian. The only man he has ever wanted is Jesus Christ. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 4: 小紫ワキヤ Wakiya Murasaki, AKA Wakiya Komurasaki, AKA Komurasaki Waikya, AKA Goldilocks, AKA The Tempest One is simply a man with style that carries himself in a very flamboyant way. There is nothing gay about walking around with limp wrists, the color purple, and having a ponytail and, frankly, it's harmful that many perpetuate this stereotype. It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 3: Cuza Ackerman When Cuza said he was 'into Silas', he meant he was into his blading style. Not everything everyone says should be taken literally. It's a shame people have to make everything the gays these days.
Number 2: Heaven or Las Vegas Jotchua may have a wall of pictures of Free de la Hoya, but, as Joshua's cunty sister so clearly explains in the dub (which is known for never censoring anything ever) he only has all of those posters and follows him around and does research on him and joins his team and is devasted when he gets rejected by him because he respects Free as a fellow blader!!!!!!!!!! It's a shame people have to make everything about the gays these days.
Number 1: Ranjiro Kiyama If blushing at another man makes you gay, then fine, I'm I mean Ranjiro is gay. I personally think that blushing at another man, living with him, and following him to the ends of the earth even when it puts you and him in danger isn't gay in the slightest.
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Demigirl Pride Flag color picked from Cuza Ackerman!
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veenoms · 3 years
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"We're the bully busters, we eat straight rocks and if we catch you bullying, WE'LL KNOCK OFF YOUR SOCKS"
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iiyarada · 3 years
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I just really wanted an excuse to use some low quality screenshots of Cuza and Clio I found
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Cuza: You’re pretty cool. I’m a Roman Catholic (Papist). I work in a corn field but I’m allergic to the leaves so I come home with sores and rashes all over my limbs.
Anton: That’s great man.
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princesslocket · 4 years
A2 with uhh Cuuza??
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Here you go~ I hope you like it 🧡
Send me a character & an outfit
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mechaseraph · 5 years
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*drops smthing random on beyblade tag to never be seen again* (well ok maybe I’ll draw smthing else for this show idk) Decided to check second season of this anime only ‘cause it got black haired kid with Junko Takeuchi’s voice I hitted the rarest pair I could for this show, yes?
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rajakaan-archive · 6 years
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hinotsubasa · 7 years
Beyblade Burst God: Character Intros
Long time no post ^^;  sorry about that~ 
ANyway... I was on the Beyblade Burst official site downloading one of the free wallpapers when I wondered vaguely if anyone had translated the character introductions on said site. Then I thought, why not do it myself? 
So... this may be a work in progress, if more characters are added. There are more than 10 character intros atm, so... I’m putting them under a cut. 
AOI VALT CV: Inoue Marina
Affiliation: BC Sol (Spain)
Bright and energetic, this boy is the type to be positive in everything. He tends to act before thinking things through. He brightens his surroundings and makes other people smile. He dreams of becoming the world’s Number 1 Beyblader. Inspired by his rival Shu, he went overseas and joined Spain’s BC Sol. Worldwide, he’s still an unrecognized Blader, but he grows with each battle and becomes someone who influences those around him. Beyblade: God Valkyrie 6V.Rb
Special Techniques: - Bound Attack - Bound Jet Shoot - God Reboot - God Slash
SISCO CARLISLE CV: Terashima Takuma
Affiliation: BC Sol (Spain)
Called a genius, he’s a powerful person who’s commanded numerous tournaments. He always thinks about battling strong opponents, as he believes that will help him improve. An overbearing sort, he thinks there’s a place somewhere just for him, though in reality he isn’t confident in this. He’s honest and calls things as he sees them, with no malicious intent.
Beyblade: Kreis Satan 2G.Lp.   
Special Techniques: - Roller Drift - Roller Defense - Cyclone Loop
KIYAMA RANTARO CV: Okabayashi Fumihiro 
Affiliation: BC Sol (Spain)
His nickname is “Kumicho” (Boss), and he’s close friends with Valt. The embodiment of justice, he can be foolishly honest. Laughter, tears, joy –his exaggerated expressions convey his emotions perfectly. Because he acts roughly, he’s often misunderstood. In reality, he’s a simple and nice person. Following Valt, he went to Spain and passed BC Sol’s entrance test.
Beyblade: Blaze Ragnaruk 4C.Fl. Special Techniques: - Ragnaruk Zone - True Ragnaruk Zone
FREE DELA HOYA CV: Shiraishi Ryoko
Affiliation: New York Bulls (America)
The Number 1 Blader in the World Rankings currently playing for the New York Bulls. Originally from BC Sol, he became the top player through training and player promotions. He speaks bluntly, whether his opponent likes it or not. He has a certain saying for when a battle isn’t enjoyable for him. “A match is fun if you win. I always win, so I always have fun.”
Beyblade: Drain Fafnir 8.Nt.   Special Techniques: - Drain Spin
Affiliation: Real Sun Bat (Spain)
The only son of the head of the conglomerate known as the Komurasaki Group, he’s intensely self-confident, believing he will win. This belief is because he trains as hard as he can. Shu going overseas to face new challenges lit a fire in Wakiya’s heart, and he bought the Spanish team Real Sun Bat with the intent to challenge the World League. He’s decided that both he and his team will become the best in the world.
Beyblade: Tornado Wyvern 4G.At. Special Techniques: - Hyper Shield Crush - Tornado Shield - Super Tornado Attack
Affiliation: BC Sol (Spain)
A Blader playing for BC Sol. With both parents working in a circus, Cooza has been traveling the world from a young age. He’s good at acrobatics, having good reflexes and being exceedingly nimble. While he’s very cheerful, in battle he becomes a cold, indifferent warrior, as though he were a different person. A parrot named Carl always accompanies him.
Beyblade: Alter Chronos 6M.T.   Special Techniques: - Slide-on Shoot - Slide-off Shoot - Tightrope Dive 
Affiliation: Paris Bladers (France)
He joined France’s Paris Bladers and rebuilt it into a strong team. He’s extremely fixated on victory, which prompts some to call him the Grim Reaper. Bursting an overwhelmingly strong opponent’s Bey after thorough research makes him happier than anything. He has an endearing side that loves small animals, but he hates for anyone to see it.
Beyblade: Killer Deathscyther 2V.Hn. Special Techniques: - Hunt Shoot - Doublestrike
GHASEM MADAL CV: Hamazoe Shinya
Affiliation: Royals (England)
A Blader with England’s Royals. Originally from Thailand, he’s also a practitioner of Muay Thai. When his fighting instinct shows, he’s like a beast. This sparked the rumor that he was raised by beasts, frightening opponents so much they couldn’t gather their wits in time, let alone face him properly. He’s extremely hostile towards Sisco Carlisle, who destroyed the Bey he’d received from his father.
Beyblade: Maximum Garuda 8F.Fl. Special Techniques: Unknown
Affiliation: Unknown
A top Blader at the mysterious training ground known as the Snake Pit. His true identity is a mystery, since his face is hidden by a mask. Decidedly reticent, he’s the type who’ll risk everything in order to strengthen himself.   His goal is to become the strongest. In order to achieve that, if he thinks there are opponents he has yet to beat, he’ll target them.
Beyblade: Legend Spriggan 7.Mr. Special techniques: - Axe Shoot - Upper Shoot - Counter Break
KURENAI SHU CV: Enoki Junya 
Affiliation: Unknown
The masked Blader Red Eye’s true identity. After losing to Shirasagijou Lui, he returns to the Snake Pit to surpass his limits.  He throws Legend Spriggan away, and goes through the Requiem Project, leading to the creation of Spriggan Requiem. Now, Kurenai Shu discards the past, seeking only strength.
Beyblade: Spriggan Requiem 0.Zt. Special techniques: - Requiem Spin - Requiem Slash  
JOSHUA BOONE CV:  Furukawa Makoto
Affiliation: New York Bulls (America)
A super Hollywood star known all over the world. Talented at Beyblading and ranked No. 5 worldwide, he’s one of those called the “Big 5”. He believes he’s the best in everything. Full of confidence whatever he says and does, he’s a natural entertainer who delights those around him.
Beyblade: Blast Jinnius 5G.Gr. Special Techniques: - Cyclone Whirl - Cyclone Counter  
Affiliation: Brazil Rios (Brazil)
More popularly known as Xhaka. He's a bright, cheerful, big-hearted sort, a parent-like figure whom everybody likes. He's childhood friends with Aoi Valt. He heads for Brazil and joins the Brazil Rios in order to become stronger. He possesses superhuman physical ability and strength, which helps him excel in martial arts. His Beyblading ability is also on the world level, leading to him quickly becoming one of the Big 5.
Beyblade: Sieg Xcalibur 1.In. Special Techniques: - Double Impact - Triple Impact
SON RUWEI CV: Sawashiro Chiharu
Affiliation: Brazil Rios (Brazil)
One of the top Bladers in the world known as the Big 5, he’s a member of the Brazil Rios. He’s able to predict where his opponent’s Bey will land as well as calculate its movement, thus defeating them calmly. A master of Chinese martial arts, especially with the staff. In the world of martial arts, he has a rivalry with Xhakuenji Kaiza.
Beyblade: Shelter Regulus 5S.Tw. Special Techniques: - Fang Attack - Shelter Defense
Affiliation: Unknown
A Blader originally from Mexico, he’s been thoroughly trained at the organization called the Snake Pit. He became stronger with the goal of catching up to and then overtaking Red Eye. Having overcome extremely difficult special training and tests, he’s made Arc Bahamut his own. Now he accompanies Red Eye on his “Blader Hunt”.
Beyblade: Ark Bahamut 2B.At. Special Techniques: - Final Guard - Final Crush
CLIO DELON CV: Amano Kokoa/Ishii Kokoa
Affiliation: Paris Bladers (France)
Originally from Romania and a self-styled descendant of Count Dracula. He’s always drinking tomato juice. Both parents are magicians, and he’s been interested in magic since he was young, resulting in his old-fashioned manner of speech. He really likes his childhood friend Cooza Ackerman, and is convinced they’re best friends.
Beyblade: Deep Chaos 4F.Br. Special Techniques: - Lift Shoot 
Affiliation: Unknown
Though Japanese, he grew up in America. One of the Big 5, he’s called “The White Tyrant”. He sees only Flee dela Hoya, the top-ranked Blader in the world, as a worthy rival. He has talent yet puts in more effort than anyone else he knows, so he’s confident that he is the strongest. He really is one of the strongest Bladers, and is an overwhelming presence.
Beyblade: Nightmare Longinus Ds. Special Techniques: - Metal Dragon Crush
Affiliation: Unknown
A former world champion, also called the Emperor. Thanks to a long ripcord almost 2 meters long and his incredible jumping ability, he can perform a strong launch.  When he felt like there were no other opponents stronger than him, he disappeared from the world stage. Then, he started battles in a place where underground Bladers gathered, now  known as the Underworld. Now he seeks more thrilling and exciting battles.
Beyblade: Beat Kukulcan 7U.Hn. Special Techniques: - Thunder Attack - Trigger Attack NORMAN TARVER CV: Wakabayashi Yuu Affiliation: Unknown While he was a Blader with at the Snake Pit, he was called Gold Eye. Before Kurenai Shu appeared, he was the strongest of all the Bladers, acknowledging no one. He has a strong sense of rivalry with Shu, and joins the God Bladers Cup in order to regain the title of the Snake Pit’s strongest. Beyblade: Twin Nemesis 3H.J. Special Techniques: - Smash Hammer - Upper Crush
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mercury-void · 7 years
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did someone say pride headcanons?
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ova-kakyoin · 3 years
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Agender Flag colorpicked from Cuza Ackerman!
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veenoms · 3 years
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ugh they 😫💖✨✨
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pochixtu · 6 years
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princesslocket · 7 years
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After seeing this little scene… I couldn’t help but drawing a lil something~
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veenoms · 3 years
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May i offer you some beyburst sketches in those trying times ?
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