#Copia x sister of sin oc
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic written for my ghestie @sistersaccharine featuring her OC and Copia at their wedding!!!!
Thank you so much for letting me write this for you sister! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Stay With Me...Forever
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The day has finally come for Sister Saccharine to marry Copia. Won't you be our ghuest at the wedding?
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
It was early morning, the dew still heavy on the grass and the sounds of birds chirping filled Saccharine’s ears. She was still in her night robes, tucked away on the sacred olive tree, hidden deep within the Abbey’s Forest. She sat perched on a large, crooked root that rose up from the ground, like the finger of a corpse–contorted and old. Surrounded by the forest which was brimming with life all around her. Sunlight pouring in from the spaces between the trees and the warm breeze blowing gently through her hair.
Saccharine closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, exhaling into a smile as felt soft tufts of fur nudging her cheek. A small fawn, pressing his muzzle against her as she carefully brought her hands to the top of his head. Her animal friends had begun to gather in this secret place. One she kept just for herself.  
“Hello little one. My, how you've grown since the beginning of Spring.” Saccharine smiled as she gently patted the fawn’s head. His mother, not too far behind him in the woods. The sweet sister fiddled with the hem of her nightgown. Her whole body, feeling like it may burst into a million tiny pieces. The excitement brewing inside her was overwhelming, but she had never been happier. 
It was obvious Lucifer had blessed them with a beautiful day. The late summer heat—only a mere suggestion. The welcomed pleasant breeze, keeping it at bay. The sun too was shining brightly in the sky—it was perfect. Oh, so perfect. 
“I have been waiting for today my whole life.” she whispered, speaking her story to the trees and the animals that surrounded her. “I grew up feeling the longing in my heart for true love. Searching for that one person who made my heart sing.” She continued, watching the small family of rabbits huddle together beneath her in the shade of the root.  “Someone to grow old with…”
Suddenly Saccharine hopped up off the root. Careful not to disturb the blue cohosh that was covering the ground. The layers of her robes, flowy gently as she began to twirl around. Her dance, a tribute to the massive tree who had always been her shelter. A dear confidant she could always confide in. All the flora and fauna of the forest, envious of her happiness. 
She dropped to her knees a moment, whispering her salutations to the rabbits and giving the mischievous dormouse a pat. When she got herself back up on her feet, she let out the most content of sighs. Brushing the bit of dirt from her robes and turning to the deer once more, continuing on with her story. Ever so eager to share her joy with her friends. 
“...and you know what little one—I’ve found them. Today…well today is the day I marry him. My sweet Papa.” She smiled, now catching the attention of the birds. One landed upon her, allowing itself to be gently brushed with the pad of her finger. He was a small sparrow that bore a heart-shaped marking in the feathers of his chest. One Saccharine had known since he was a fledgling, barely two flaps of his wings from the nest.  
All the animals were like family. It was because of that she had to invite them. Devastated when Sister Imperator told her that they would not be allowed to “run amuck” within the Abbey. Only for Copia to devise a plan for them both to be wed in the woods. Surrounded by all those she loved and those who loved her back. 
It truly was a dream come true, and now it was only hours away, already planned down to the smallest detail. From the beautiful fabrics of crimson and onyx that hung from the trees to her beautiful gown. Breathtaking with its billowing fabric, black as the night, and laced with corset at her waist. The sleeves like the petals of flowers–sleek and flowy. 
The ceremony grounds were covered in what felt like an endless array of flowers. Though they were far from where she stood now, she swore she could smell their scent. Soft and lovely as it was carried on the breeze. The hint of the black baccara roses with small accents of white and black calla lilies that were freshly picked from Primo’s garden. Painting lush images of them in her mind. 
It would have been a surprise had she not snuck out with some of her best sisters for a late-night ritual of their own, hoping to bless the next day's ceremonies. Coming upon the grounds by accident, Saccharine's eyes filled with delight as she saw them. Primo’s magic, keeping everything thriving and ready for until after they were wed. Everything was waiting for her–all that was left was the hair, though she knew not what to do with it. 
She tried pulling her hair back and away from her face. Wondering if she should wear it up or down. Copia loved it in all its forms, but Saccharine knew that down was his favorite. He told her down was the best at framing her delicate features. 
The birds took note. Hopping around the big tree as they sang to one another. Speaking in chirps and tweets that only they could understand. “What are you doing, silly birds?” Saccharine laughed as they returned to her. Each of them, flowing over her head. Bestowing her with a small sprig of thorns, from a nearby bush, tucking them neatly into her hair. Eventually their efforts had formed a crown. 
“It's perfect.” she told them, hoping that by some miracle it would last until the evening. Then it hit her, she had completely forgotten the time. “Oh my! I am running behind! I will see you all tonight ok!” she shouted back into the trees as she bounded from her sanctuary and back to the Abbey. There were people waiting for her there—after all today was her day. 
Back at the Abbey there was a boom of activity. Saccharine felt a bit overwhelmed as she made her way through the countless siblings and ghouls. All of them focused on their assigned tasks—delighted to do their part to prepare for the big night. As she made her way to her room, Saccharine almost took out both a brother and a pair of sisters that were heading to the Great Hall with boxes of champagne glasses. Then only moments later, she bumped into a group of ghouls, their claws filled with clusters of folding chairs, on the way to the ceremony site. By the time Saccharine reached the stairs to the siblings' quarters, she was relieved. Dabbing a bit of sweat from her brow before making her way upstairs to her friends, whom she knew would be waiting anxiously for her arrival.  
When she arrived in the siblings’ wing, Saccharine could see Sister Ariadne was waiting just outside the doors. Tapping her toe and clearly over having to wrangle around the ghouls all morning. “Where have you been? Everyone is waiting for you so we can start.” she teased, ushering Saccharine beyond the doors and towards her room. She had been rushed off so fast that when Ariadne stopped just short of the door, Saccharine thought something might be wrong. Before she could say anything, Ariadne slipped off the mother of pearl ring from her hand. Taking Saccharine’s right hand and placing it on her finger. 
“What is this for?” Saccharine asked. Ariadne smiled and squeezed tight to her sister’s hands. Ariadne’s heart, so full of happiness for the dear couple. 
“This is your something borrowed, I’ll need it back after.” she winked as she opened the door of the room. The two of them, heading inside to find it completely buzzing with energy. Prime Mover Ren and Nova, chasing after one of Ren and Secondo’s littles ones, while Sister Belladonna and Rosemary were fussing about with the dress. It looked more magical than Saccharine remembered, hanging from on the dress form. She could hardly believe something so beautiful could exist. 
“Saccharine! You’re here!” Nova shouted gleefully as she ran straight towards her, nearly taking out Gnocchi under her feet. The little ratto, managing to squeak its way past Ariadne and Saccharine into the room. 
“Oh! You darn rat!” Nova yelped, annoyed at almost tripping. Her arms held wide open as they found their way around Saccharine. Nova, embracing her tightly. Tail wagging with contentment as the ghoulette spoke again, “Now the real fun begins.” 
At the same time, though much more than a few steps away from the siblings' wing, Copia was pacing the floor of his Papal suite. Fiddling anxiously with the buttons on his jacket. His eyes, unable to stop staring at the Monstrance clock on the mantle. Counting down the moments until he’d be with her once again. Praying to Lucifer that he’d be spared from sweating through his suit.
“You’re going to drive us crazy fratello, would you just sit down?” Terzo barked, bouncing his leg on the floor and running his hands through his hair. The third Emeritus brother slumped into the chair like a bored teenager.  
“I know…I know…” Copia began, forcing himself to sit down beside Secondo. Secondo, groaning as he swirled the ice in his scotch glass and scooted forward to the edge of the sofa. 
“Leave the man alone Terzo, this is a big day for him.” he chided. Nodding his head to Copia and raising his glass to him. “Not much longer now.” he said before taking a sip from his glass. 
“I am just a bit nervous is all. Was it like this for you...when you married Ren?” Copia asked.  
“Si, though I managed to not wear a hole in my rug.” Secondo laughed.
"Just the hair from your head." Terzo jabbed. Secondo rolling his eyes at him.
“...there is nothing to worry about.” Secondo assured him. 
“You are right.” Copia agreed, taking in a deep breath, feeling like he might finally be able to relax. He exhaled, allowing his weight to sink down against the back of the sofa. Graciously accepting the offering of a swig of Secondo’s scotch. 
“Always is…smug bastard.” Terzo teased, when suddenly the sounds of scratching came from the front of the room. Copia pulled himself back up and made his way to the door, opening it to reveal little Rigatoni standing there. His little head perked up and his whiskers twitched to the gentle pats of his Papa’s hand. 
“Ah topolino, I have been waiting for you.” Copia said, pulling from his jacket a small piece of parchment and tying it around the rat’s neck. “You take this to her now, si?” The tiny squeaks assuring Copia that he understood his task. 
“You're sending the rat off with a little love note. Turning the vermin into carrier pigeons now, eh?” Terzo teased as he sent Copia a wink. 
“Something like that.” Copia smiled back. Carefully lowering Rigatoni onto the floor so that he might be on his way. 
“We should head down, I’m sure that Ren is more than ready for me to relieve her of the children…they must be driving her crazy by now.” Secondo cringed, setting down his glass and tapping Terzo’s shoulder to get him up too. “You’ll find out one day soon.” Secondo teased, watching Copia’s face tint to red. His freckles, lighting up like Christmas lights upon his cheeks.   
“Let’s do this.” Terzo stretched, raising up out of the chair. Secondo turned once more to face Copia before the three of them headed out. 
“Ready to become a husband fratello?” he asked him, Secondo surprising him with a short embrace. Copia felt the tears beginning to well in his eyes. Trying to shake them off quickly before they’d disturb his well-placed Papal paints. 
“More than anything.”
“Hold still, I don't want to poke you in the eye now.” Ren chuckled as she began to line the upper lashes of Saccharine’s eyes. The rich black liner accenting her already gorgeous, doe-like eyes.  
“Sorry.” Saccharine replied, letting Gnocchi down on the vanity. The rat scurrying over the top before bumping into the container of translucent powder. The poor little thing, sneezing as the powder cascaded in the air. 
“Oh.” Ren laughed as Saccharine hurried to help dust off Gnocchi. Setting her back down on the ground between them. 
“What are we going to do with you?” she smiled as she watched the little rat take off. Ren worked quickly to finish up Saccharine’s look. Though she hardly needed the adornment. Saccharine could hear that Rosemary was approaching from behind her. The sweet mysterious sister, pulling from her habit an old copper flask. 
“I was told by Ren you would need something old and well…” she explained, handing over the flask, its age betrayed by the patina. “...this is thought to have the blood of the old one inside it.” Rosemary smiled, “...can’t get much older than that. Here you should carry it with you.”
“Thank you.” Saccharine beamed, sniffling back her tears of gratitude as Nova too came towards her. The sparkle in her eyes, telling Saccharine that she too was excited to give her something. “Do you have something too Nova?”
“I do!” Nova exclaimed as she spun Saccharine around in her chair. Both of them reflected in the glass of the mirror. "Listen girl, the birds are great and everything, but we should spruce you up just a bit. Then you can have this" the ghoulette smiled, pulling out the most beautiful and sparkling obsidian comb, ".…a gift from Terzo and I. We picked it out just for you. It can be your ‘something new’.” she explained.  
Saccharine was overwhelmed with gratitude. Her friends were literally the best anyone could have hoped for. Always there to support her, nourishing her happiness as she always did for them. All of them, more like family than anything she’d ever had before. 
She hugged Nova tight, allowing her ghoulette friend to help even out the lay of her hair. Polishing it up far better than the birds could have done. Saccharine, feeling more than blessed that she had the kind of friends that had wanted to make this day special for her. Her thoughts, remaining in that place of contentment and joy as they dressed her.
Helping lace her up and button everything in place. Saccharine’s breath, stolen from as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Ren, quickly grabbing a tissue to help keep the bride-to-be from running her makeup. Drying her eyes as Saccharine took it all in. 
This was the woman who would become Copia’s wife. Papa Emeritus the Fourth’s lover for all eternity. Hearts bound forever by fate. Sanctified under the eyes of Lucifer, once she walked down the aisle. It seemed like a dream. One she never hoped to wake from. Marveling at herself in the full-length mirror while the other’s made sure she was all good to go. 
“Oh, and one more thing!” Sister Belladonna yelled, running to grab something from the other room. Returning after only a moment, quickly wrapping a grucifix rosary around Saccharine’s neck. The blue sapphire stones and onyx, perfect shades to compliment her Papa’s vestments. “I made this for you. It’s in Papa’s colors and after all…a bride needs something blue.” She smiled. 
“Oh my. I absolutely love it.” Saccharine beamed, her hands coming up to touch it. Feeling its weight against her collar, “It's perfect.”
“It is.” Ren smiled, “...and I have something for you too. Saccharine instinctively held out her hand convinced she knew what was coming. She had been given her something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue—all that was left was the sixpence for her shoe.
“My sixpence I assume.” Saccharine asked her. Ren took hold of her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze before she continued. 
“Not exactly.” she winked, reaching in her pocket and pulling from it a small totem made from rose quartz. A symbol of fertility and happiness.
“Oh it’s…” Saccharine began.
“May you be fruitful and multiply.” Ren winked, Saccharine’s face blushing at her words. A tiny nose that resembled her own and a pair of mismatched eyes surely belonged to Copia. Perfectly upon a small little face, flashing in her mind. Her heart began to flutter when her attention was drawn to a noise coming from the floor. 
“Eek...eek…” Rigatoni called, standing at her feet. Saccharine noticed that he had come with something small tied onto him. She bent down to pick him up, pulling the little rolled up parchment from his neck. 
“And what do you have little one? She asked. The group of sisters, gathering round to see what the mysterious note would contain. 
“What is it?” Nova asked, as the others all waited patiently. She unraveled it, starting down at the words carefully written across it.  The smile, spreading her face told them all they needed to know.
“It’s a note from Copia.” she explained, her heartbeat quickening in her chest. Cheeks aching with the intensity of the pull of her smile. 
“Go on, read it, read it!” Sister Ariadne begged her. 
“Saccharine, la mia bellissima futura sposa. The hours we have spent apart have only made me more sure of us. Sure, that my life means little without you by my side. I want nothing more than to see you from the moment I wake, until I close my eyes at night. Your smiling face, my constant companion. Tonight, I prove to everyone the love that gives meaning to the beat of my heart. Binding us forever in the eyes of Lucifer. Until we wed my love—C” Saccharine read, desperately trying to hold it together. Her Papa’s words were everything she needed to hear and more. A profession of love that made Saccharine’s heart sing. 
“You’re a lucky girl, that's for sure.” Sister Rosemary commented. 
“Yes…yes I am.”
The hours had passed and the time she had been waiting for had finally come. Saccharine and the rest of the sisters were ready to leave, when there was a knock at her door. It was Papa Primo dressed in his best vestments and a sweet smile on his face. His heart, full at the sight of Saccharine in her wedding dress. An image of grace and dark beauty—one he would never forget. 
“Sisters…if it’s alright with you all, I will take it from here.” Primo assured them. Handheld out for Saccharine to take it as he led her out the door. She was comforted by Primo, who had become somewhat of a father to her. She steadied herself, drawing in a deep breath and closing her eyes to help ground herself. Her hand held tightly to Primo’s. Tears balancing along her lash line before she quickly wiped them away. 
While she had never been happier, the day was bittersweet for Saccharine. It wasn’t that long ago that she imagined this moment—though much different than it was now. Engaged to her once beloved Jasper, and content to live out her days in the small town she was born in. Days spent dreaming of things that enchanted her—books and fairytales of worlds that she longed to explore, convinced that they might only ever be fiction.
Now the world had all been opened up to her. Promises of the universe, all found in the Dark One’s name. Guided into the warmth and thrilling embrace of the darkness by her sweet Papa. Their love, sanctified not only until death, but beyond eternity—until the end of time itself. 
Though she didn’t miss Jasper, she did miss her mother and father. An aching, nagging pain had been rooted in her chest from the day she turned away from them. Following her heart, choosing to leave them behind. Primo could sense it. Knowing what held her thoughts and her heart. The eldest Emeritus son, pulling her close and placing a small kiss upon her forehead.
“I know you miss them piccola. They would be so proud of you.”
“I know.” she sighed. 
“I know I am not your father… but would you do me the honor of allowing me to walk you down the aisle?” Primo asked her, the tears hitting her once more. 
“Oh yes please.” Saccharine cried, hugging Primo so tight he couldn't breathe, his words and warmth–healing the wounds she carried inside her heart. Knowing that Primo would always be there for her even when her parents could not. 
Primo dismissed the sisters so that he might spend a moment alone with Saccharine before the ceremony. The lot of them giggling and waving as they spilled into the hall. Primo placed his hand on Saccharine's, as they sat in silence. A welcome moment of calm amidst the chaos of the day. Primo feeling the trembling of her hand.
"You alright piccola?" He asked her. 
"I'm just a bit nervous." She admitted, smiling as Primo began chuckling to himself. 
"Completely normal, I suspect." Primo smiled, "I know my fratellino will make you very happy…and you him. There is nothing to worry about, I promise."
"You always know just what to say to make me feel better Papa." She smiled up at him just before Primo pulled her in close for a hug. After a tight squeeze, he released her. Brushing himself off and helping Saccharine straighten out her dress.
"Now, do you have everything you need?"
"I think so…" she told him, a pensive look on her face as she brought her hand to her chin.
"Ah, well I know one thing you're still missing."
"Oh?" Saccharine asked as Primo reached into his vest. Pulling from it a silver coin and placing it in her hands. "What is it?"
"This, mio piccola, is an obol. It's an old coin, meant to assure safe passage across the river Styx…today it shall make do as your sixpence. For good luck." Primo winked. Saccharine was overcome with emotion, practically pouncing Primo with a hug.
"Oh, thank you Papa! I love it!" She cried, carefully wiping the tears from her eyes. 
"Alright let's not mess you up before the ceremony or the Prime Mover will never let me hear the end of it." Primo smiled, rolling his eyes. "Ready?"
Primo and Saccharine down the main stairs. Each step, bringing her closer to eternity with Copia. The empty halls of the Abbey, surreal as they walked through it. Saccharine’s heart beating faster and faster. Soaring as the sound of music grew closer. 
A symphony composed just for her. Each and every note written by Papa himself. She tried to focus on her breathing as they reached the edge of the woods. Saccharine, closing her eyes and allowing Primo’s hand to guide her the rest of the way. 
The Processional had begun. All of the guests in their seats, turning to watch as Secondo and Ren’s little ones, the flower girl and ring bearer, came bounding down the aisle. Followed closely by their parents and dressed in the most adorable little vestments and taffeta dress, handsewn just for the occasion. Then came Nova and Terzo, both of them starry-eyed at one another as they walked. Making no secret that one day Saccharine and Copia would be back to celebrate vows between them.   
“We’re up.” Primo whispered. Saccharine opened her eyes and tried to take it all in. It was truly magical. The clearing in the woods, filled with siblings and ghouls. Everyone dressed to the nines and ready to celebrate as their Papa took his bride. The trees, adorned in splays of fabric and lights. The lush floral arrangements, Primo and the ghoulettes had created, breathtaking to behold. Their sweet scent, filling the space—soft and perfect. And the warm humming of the guests, a gentle background noise as the song changed to announce her arrival. 
Despite all the beauty that surrounded her, the only thing she could see was Copia. Her sweet Papa, standing at the end of the aisle. Smiling ear to ear as he watched her approaching him. It felt like both forever and yet only a blink, before Primo relinquished her hand to Copia. The two of them now standing before Mr. Saltarian, ready to begin the officiation of their ceremony, while everyone took their seats behind them. 
While they both knew they were supposed to look at Saltarian, Saccharine and Copia couldn’t help but steal glances at one another. Barely staving off tears of joy from their eyes. Drowning out all the world around them until Saltarian snapped them back to attention. Clearing his throat to alert them before speaking to the crowd.
“While we might have been made in God’s image…it is only through Satan's grace that are we given dominion over the earth and its creatures. Given truth and power over ourselves. Made free to commit sin. It is through our lust and love we shall fill the earth and subdue it. That through our unions we shall honor him—the Morningstar. Today siblings, ghouls, and Clergy—we have gathered for the most unholiness of ceremonies. The union of Papa Emeritus the Fourth, and our good sister Saccharine.” Saltarian smiled, his words filled with hope and love.
“Nema!” called out the guests. Both Copia and Saccharine, smiling at one another as things continued on. Mr. Saltarian spoke in length about love and commitment. How it was the duty of a Papa to shepherd his flock—and that his wife would help with his guidance. Giving him the strength and inspiration for the task. All things, though meaningful and well intentioned, the couple could only vaguely remember. Both too engrossed in one another’s eyes to care.
Copia was stunned in her presence. Saccharine was always beautiful but seeing her there before him now was like nothing he had never known before. A beauty that surpassed the visions of hell itself. Saccharine was overcome too, wondering to herself if Copia had ever looked this incredibly handsome before. His suit, even more impressive than anything he’d ever worn on stage. 
When it came time for their vows, both of them struggled. Choking back tears and trying desperately to convey what no number of words ever could. Copia went first, his palms a bit sweaty as he tried to hold Saccharine’s hand. Nervous that he would fumble his words. 
“Saccharine. Ever since the day in the garden, I have been bewitched by you. Enchanted by your gentle kindness, and compassion for all who surround you—even the scruffiest of rats,” Copia chuckled, the notes of tears heavy in his voice,” Your beauty—undeniable. When you held my hand the first time. Helping this old man rise from the dirt, covered in petals and brush. My heart was forever captivated. Only growing more in love as I listened to the gentle sound of your voice, my still new sorella. Allowing me to help guide you into your siblinghood and all the while stealing my heart. There will never be a day I don’t worship you. A day that I don't praise Lucifer for bringing you into my life. And I will spend the rest of eternity showing you just how much I love you. For whatever may come for us in this life, let it be known that since that day—my life has become yours.”
Saccharine sniffled back. Unable to help the tears from pouring out. Silently running over her cheeks as she squeezed Copia’s hands. Wanting to kiss him so badly, though it was not yet time. She began her vows. Her voice, shaky, but certain. “Copia, my dear sweet Papa. I had to leave so much behind me. Shaken to my core as I began life anew here at the Abbey. Still lost in my own fears and doubts. While I may have helped you in the garden that day, it was you who became my savior. Having only known me a moment, you lent me your whole heart. The best of intentions and a smile on your face. You guided me to the meaning of this life and into a happiness I might have never known. I fell fast and hard, only growing to love you more as we traveled this path together. I want nothing more than to spend my life with you. This one and the next. Declaring my love for you before any god that might hear it—I am yours now and for always.” she cried.    
Not a dry eye in the house as they say. The words shared between them, piercing the hearts of their guests. There was never any doubt that they belonged together, meant for each other as if their love had been ordained from the beginning. When the cosmos formed, and the stars burst into life. 
Saltarian bent down to help Ren and Secondo remove the rings, from the small black satin pillow in little Christian’s hands. Untying them carefully and handing one of the small golden bands to Copia. “Now repeat after me and place the ring on Saccharine’s finger. I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.” Copia repeated, his voice trembling. Saccharine too, finding it hard not to embrace him. Wanting to hold on to him for dear life. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” Saltarian continued. Everyone, watching as Copia slipped the ring onto Saccharine’s hand. A gentle wind blowing past them. Saccharine, working to push back a wayward stand from her face. Copia was never more in love. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” he finished. Saccharine, repeating the same rites as he. Their faces, hurting from the intensity of their smiles. Powerful emotions aching in their chest.   
“It is now, in the eyes of Lucifer, the father, the Antichrist and son, and the unholy spirit…I pronounce that you are husband and wife…” Saltarian declared, but before he could get the rest out, Copia dipped Saccharine back. Passionately taking her lips onto his. A roar of applause, erupting from the guests. Cheering loud and jumping for joy as the confetti, made from rose petals, went flying all round in the air.
The evening had only just begun. The newlyweds, celebrating along with the Abbey with an incredible reception. The ghouls had managed to throw together a makeshift dance floor and helped to DJ some music for everyone to dance to. The evening, spent with delicious food, wine, good conversation, and well wishes from all who stopped at the head table.
Copia and Saccharine had already been on the dance floor for several songs. Copia, twirling her around and showing her off like the prideful husband that he was. Ever grateful and yet still surprised that he had found a love such as this. Saccharine too in awe of them, occasionally wondering if she might wake from it all—finding it had only been a dream.
As they made their way back to the table, Marianna and Christian came barreling down through the crowd. Knocking into Saccharine as Copia quickly grabbed her before she fell. Saccharine shrugged it off, bending down to meet with the children face to face. Prime Mover Ren, running closely behind them. 
“Are you both alright?” Saccharine asked them, pulling the children close and giving them each a hug.
“Sorry Auntie Saccharine, we’re ok.” said Marianna. Ren, taking hold of both her children's hands.
“I’m so glad. You two be careful now.” Saccharine told them, smiling up at Ren who was mouthing a 'thank you' to her for being kind to them. Copia was immediately taken back. Mesmerized by watching her with them. The thoughts of one day Saccharine tending to their own children, tugging at his heart strings.  
“You are very good with them, si?” Copia said, both him and Saccharine blushing red. An unspoken thing said between them. Though neither would admit it just yet. 
“They’re just darling.” she replied as Secondo arrived to help Ren with their brood.
“Well, I don't know about that.” he snickered, Ren, quickly giving him a jab at his side. Both Copia and Saccharine, amused at the situation. A drop of lovely, in an already overflowing glass of happiness. Another slow song on the queue as the night continued on. The whole of the Abbey dancing the night away.
It was a couple hours later when Copia brought his mouth to Saccharine’s ear. Whispering softly and sending a rush of tingling through her as the breath escaped his lips. “Think they will miss us Amore?” he asked her.
“Oh…ah…I’m not sure.” Saccharine told him. The thrilling heat hitting her full force. Her heart beginning to pound harder inside her chest.
“I think they’ll manage, follow me–” Copia assured as he pulled her through the crowd. Rushing her outside the large doors of the Great Hall and into the small opening of the woods. The well-worn spot, filling with the small orbs of red light as they approached.
“Oh my.” she smiled as the bats fluttered above her head. The rats, pouring forth from the bushes and a small horde of spiders, trickling over the limbs of the trees to greet them. The beautiful creatures of the night, too light-shy to have visited in the day, now happily came to see the newlyweds as they fled deeper into the forest.
When Copia was satisfied with the spot, he took Saccharine back into his arms. Dancing with her under the moonlight. Spinning and twirling together in the cool night air. Relishing that it was just the two of them together. 
Saccharine laid her head on Copia's shoulders as they swayed. Copia humming to the songs they could just barely make out being played. Both of them, thinking that they could spend forever dancing in each other's arms. After a short time alone, Copia stopped. Taking Saccharine's hand and giving it a peck before speaking. 
“Mia principessa, let me show you something…” and before she knew it, Saccharine was being rushed back out of the woods and into the nearest part of Primo’s garden. The string lights, guiding them into an opening. In the middle sat a small canopy, made from bundles of black and red fabrics, and the suggestion of light coming from inside.
“What's all this?” she asked him, as Copia pulled back on it to help her inside. As Saccharine stepped in, she was delighted to find that in the middle was a mountain of pillows and blankets. Plush and plentiful. Surrounding a pair of juice boxes and some candles in the center. 
“I had the ghouls set this up for us, but it was my idea.” Copia beamed, proud of himself for conjuring the idea.
“I’ll have to thank them.” Saccharine smiled, planting a small kiss to Copia’s cheek. Copia, quickly picking up one of the juice boxes and handing it to her. 
“Heh…I know you’re not a big wine drinker.” he smiled, helping to open the straw. It was so sweet of him. He really had thought of everything. Even the view of Primo’s garden from the canopy was beautiful. The vivid colors from the flowers surrounding them, visible from every angle. Saccharine was honestly shocked any blooms remained after all that had been used in their ceremony. 
It was perfect. Everything was absolutely perfect. While it had all been so wonderful, the day had also been overwhelming. The celebrations and the ceremony were everything she could have wanted and more. She was grateful now for it to be just the two of them to be together. Alone in this small space, surrounded by the flowers.
Saccharine let out a sigh, relaxing into the pillows and slipping the shoes off her aching feet. Copia quickly took her foot in his hand and massaged it. Doing everything he could to help her get comfortable in their temporary abode. Both of them, smiling as the stress of the day began to melt away. 
“That's good.” she hummed just as he picked up her other foot.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you. Heels are great to look at—not so great to spend the day in.” Saccharine laughed, Copia soon joined her as he removed his jacket and slipped out of his own shoes. Settling down on the as he settled on the best of pillows beside her. 
“Feeling good enough to sin…Mrs. Emeritus?” Copia growled as he ran the back of his palm along the swell of Saccharine’s bosom. Bringing with him a tingling up her spine and a breath, took up sharply in her chest. The familiar ache, beginning to grow between her legs. 
“Copia!” she squeaked before becoming lost in his kiss, so soft and passionate. His hands, traveling gently beneath the fall of her dress. Fingers tracing the inside of her thigh. A journey they had well-traveled before, and meeting with her heated core. Teasing her folds through the fabric of her panties.  
“Si, la mia bellissima moglie. Won’t you allow me to show you how much I love you?” he asked, his voice begging and thick as honey. His eyes, falling over her. Etching her in his memory for the times when they would have to part. His lust and love for her, growing stronger inside as Copia watched the grucifix rosary rise and fall. Heavy on her chest.
“Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito.” she replied, slowly undoing the buttons that lined his shirt. Fingers carefully working through them and teasing the skin beneath.
“You’ve been practicing.” Copia hummed, his lips returning to hers. When she was finished, Saccharine pushed the shirt off from his shoulders. Running her fingers through the nest of hair that covered his chest. His eyes staring directly into hers, as he left out a breathy moan.
“I want you Copia. I need to feel you inside me. Make me yours.” Saccharine whispered, brushing her lips against his ear and sending a throb straight to his sex. Copia’s eyes widening as she ran her hand down his belly and over the growing bulge in his pants. Stroking him through the fabric. 
“I need you sweetheart…so much.” Copia whimpered, hungry for the feel of her against him. Saccharine turned around, pulling her hair off to the side, and allowing him full view of her back. Copia, kissing marks of black paint along her shoulders and her neck. Nimbly working his fingers to pull through the ties of her corset. Loosening them up enough so that he might remove her dress. 
“Kiss me.” Saccharine commanded as she turned back around to face him. Copia, pulling her to a stand, helping her to step out from her dress. His lips, never leaving hers. He caressed her face in his hands before allowing them to fall over her supple breasts. Kneading them in his hands as his tongue slid into her mouth.��
Saccharine worked to unzip his pants, both of them moaning and groaning. Their lungs, in need of air, though neither wanted to stop. She took hold of his sex and stroked him gently. Copia moaning at her touch. Aching to be inside her, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to last long. 
He lifted Saccharine up in his arms. His bride, following his lead as she wrapped her legs around him. The two of them, giggling and kissing as Copia carried her over to the best spot in the canopy. Setting her down gently on her back as he relished her naked body before him. The lights from the fireflies, beginning to dance in the air. 
“I would unmake and remake the world for you, if you’d only ask…mia dea oscura.” Copia growled, kissing down her neck and over her breasts. Taking his time to worship her before drawing a nipple into his mouth. Sucking gently as his fingers made their way to the precipice of her thighs.
“Oh Copia.” she moaned, unable to control the lift of her hips, moving to meet with his hand. Closing her eyes as her husband gently slipped his fingers past her folds. Pressing tight against the spot ribbed flesh deep inside her. A spot only he would ever know. Copia, quickly having her cumming against his hand, having learned exactly how to touch her. 
She shook and cried out. Fingers, digging half-moons into Copia's shoulders as she fell from the height of her orgasm. Her husband, looking sexier with his smug and satisfied grin. Engrossed in how glorious it was to see her like this.
Open and blossoming for him. Her body, belonging to him—and his to her. He moved above her, gently nudging his erection against her folds. Using the fruits of his efforts to aid his glide. Pushing himself in slowly until he was fully seated inside.
"Oh sweetheart, you feel so good." Copia groaned, his face flush and his mouth hung open. Saccharine looked deep in his eyes, her body already beginning to pulse once again with his movements.
"Oh Copia…You do too." She moaned. Saccharine, no longer the shy virgin he deflowered but his lover, his partner—his wife. Unafraid to show him just how good it felt to have him inside her. Her body tugging tightly against him with each thrust of his hips. 
"Ah!" Copia growled as her body squeezed around him. His movements, more intentioned and his stride picking up in pace. He wanted nothing more than to make her cum again. Ready to catch her on the way down when she fell from the heights of their passion. His mouth, returning to her breast.
Within moments, Saccharine's second orgasm quickly crashed over her. Copia, pulling her up onto his lap as he continued thrusting inside. Her hand, flying up and over her mouth as she came—hard and fast. Praying to Lucifer that she'd been able to contain the sound before alerting a whole pack of ghouls. 
She was putty in his hands. Copia, having to help hold her upright as he kept moving. Both of them, completely covered in sweat and the remnants of his paints. Her arms wrapped around him, while tears poured down her cheeks. Overwhelmed by the sheer ecstasy of their lovemaking and the emotions swirling through her.
"Copia! Ah! Cum with me!" She cried out, staring deep into his eyes. Copia could see the beauty of all the world wrapped up in them. Watching her in rapturous bliss, the likes of which only he could bring her. Her thighs, tightening up around him as his shaft began swelling inside to fill her. Both of them trembling together, held in each other’s arms.
"That's my girl, my beautiful wife…make me cum" He whined, completely losing control of his rhythm and allowing himself to let go fully as he came inside her—just as she came for him. 
"Oh. Sweet. Lucifer." Saccharine said, breathy and exhausted, before falling limp into Copia's arms. Both of them panting against each other. Their first time as husband and wife, proving to be one to remember. Neither of them, able to speak. Still too deep in the haze of pleasure.
Copia moved them both. Cradling Saccharine in his arms as he laid down beside her. Her head, resting on his chest and the scent of his cologne filling her nose. Then from the sea of heavy breathing and shared heartbeats, came Copia's voice. The sound, sweeter than ever before to her ears. 
"I love you." He smiled before kissing her forehead.
"I love you too Copia…promise me something ok?" She asked, scared that this happiness might someday end.
"Anything amore."
"Promise me that you stay with me…forever." Saccharine cried. Copia held her closer, feeling the warm tears falling in his chest.
(Mio) piccola- (my) little one
mia principessa- my princess
la mia bellissima moglie- my beautiful wife
Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito- Always, my handsome husband
mia dea oscura- dark goddess
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quaildoodle · 4 months
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playing around with a swap au of cardinal katya and her assistant copia
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themratts · 14 days
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they kiiiiiiiiss
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princessscopia · 3 months
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For the ghovie premiere, I figure I'll post this art I did of my OC and Papa at the red carpet ♡
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trashland-llamas · 5 months
She's So Pretty
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Florence was at the age where they hated completing chores. Part of it being the ghouls were about to leave for rituals again. The ghouls thought it helped take Flora's mind off the impending departure but in reality, it just made it more apparent. Given a feather duster and a chide remark to be careful. Aware that the human kit would climb surfaces to reach higher. Not that Flora ever takes these chores seriously, instead half assing them.
'Cucciolo?' Papa Copia softly called out, seeing them hold a picture frame up close. The duster was discarded on the table. 'Who is she?' The picture of a blonde woman overlooking a banister. 'It's Sister Imperator, from when she was young.' Letting out a small wheeze laugh as Florence gave him a shocked look. 'I know, nothing like the old crone she is now.' Copia brushed some curls out of their face.
'She's so pretty!' Eyes full of admiration. Florence thought Sister Imperator had aged gracefully. Ultimately disagreeing with Copia's use of the word 'crone.' 
'Yea, she was. You should probably get back to dusting now, little one. Wouldn't want you to get in trouble.' Ruffling their hair, handing them back the duster as he left.
Sister Imperator's confused the next time she sees Florence. Especially with how the child looks at her with awestruck eyes, thinking of the life she must've lived.
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snail-shell2335 · 1 year
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dracopia x my sister of sin oc, snail! (an excuse for me to draw myself with dracopia)
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weirdwitcheryart · 2 years
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The rat needs to be in the picture as well!
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demonicdames · 1 year
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Second Vol in The Assistant series: Rated: E F/M Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Papa Emeritus IV x F!Reader The results of the poll!!! you can also read it on my Ao3 Here Previous Vol. : The Assistant Part 1
Chapter 2: Unplanned get away
You awoke to the sounds of birds tweeting and the wind blowing gently through the now open windows of Copia's Buick. You both were laying in the back seat snuggled together under the blanket that you had used for your little makeshift picnic.
Looking up at Copia's sleeping form, he looked so peaceful a smile on his lips rather than wake him up you snuggled down against him once more closing your eyes as sleep took you again. The next time you opened your eyes you felt fingers brush over your hair. "Mmnn.. that's nice," you mumbled as your eyes opened glancing up at your mismatched-eyed Cardinal. "Morning Bella." he greeted
"Morning handsome." you greeted him as he dipped down for a kiss, you could taste the faint remains of you on his lips especially when his tongue dipped into your mouth. "Mmph- Easy Copia we don't have any condoms and I don't know if I could hold myself back again" You winked at him watching his cheeks gain a soft hue of red.
"Sorella you have no idea how much I was holding myself back last night." "I did see a drug store a few ways back," you muttered trying to implant the thought in his head. "And a hotel." You gave your most innocent look as he stared down at you his face a darker shade of red, that is all it took in minutes he had everything packed back up then again there wasn't much, he had you tucked under his arm as you both left the little alcove, which you'd have to remember it for later. Copia looked like a man on a mission as he walked into the drug store his head held high. It only took a couple of minutes before your Cardinal exited the store and headed back to the car slipping into the driver's side and greeting you with a kiss while he held up the bag. "Condoms of destiny." that got a snort from you. "You dork!." You laughed watching as he dug around in the bag and passed you your favorite candies which he had picked up. "Aww thank you! now let's blow this pop stand." the Cardinal laughed as he started the car. "Okie Dokie bellezza." Taking off out of the driveway his hand searched for yours taking hold of it, bringing it up to his lips for a tender kiss against your knuckles making you giggle as his mustache tickled them, Copia then laced your fingers together, you stayed like that the entire ride to the hotel you had seen the night before.
When you got there both of you stepped out of the car the Cardinal holding the bag in one hand and your hand in the other, stopping at the front desk he got a one-night stay. Once you got your key cards you headed to the elevators, as soon as those doors closed Copia had you pressed against the wall kissing you as if your kisses were as necessary as the life-giving air he breathed. You could feel his clothed erection press against you. He smothered his face into your neck. "I could fuck you right here against the wall tesoro." Just to add fuel to the fire you moaned into his ear. "Fuck me Copi-aaaaaa." Your voice made his cock twitch in his pants. "You damn gorgeous she-devil." he panted against your neck he was desperate and his cock weeping with need. He was about to yank down his pants and do just that thankfully he was quite literally saved by the bell as the doors opened to your floor.
Walking hand in hand you headed to your room with the key card being slid through unlocking the door. Walking in Copia set the bag onto the shelf that housed a television and a small fridge just under it as you walked to the large comfy bed throwing yourself down onto it your arms above your head with a sigh. "Oh, this feels so comfortable." Soon you were even more comfortable as you felt the bed shift from Copia's weight as he crawled over you, laying on you his head resting on your breast. Your legs wrapping around him it was weird how right this felt, how right he felt as the Cardinal pressed his lips to yours letting it linger there for a few moments. "I want you so fucking bad tesoro." You could feel his hands going for the edge of your skirt pulling it up while he moved down along your body. Your legs instantly fell open for him giving him a good view of his prize, for Copia he was trying hard not to pinch himself fearing that this was all a pleasant dream and he'd wake up in bed alone dick in hand. Moving slowly wasn't an option after the heavy play the night before which was nice but it only relieved you both for so long, grabbing the box of condoms Copia opened it pulling the strip of foil wrappers free, pulling one free the man opened the foil square with shakey hands. Pushing his pants down below the swell of his ass allowing his cock to spring free, the condom was slipped down over himself making sure that it was on correctly before leaning over you once again.
Your lips connected in a sweet kiss as Copia took hold of the base of his cock lining up and guiding himself inside of you, as soon as you felt him spread your folds and rub along your slick walls your head fell back from the kiss with a moan. "O-Oh fuck C-Cardinal."
His face smothered into your neck showering it with kisses as he moved within you. one of your hands dug nails into his back while the other weaved itself into the hair on the back of his head while he fucked you down into the bed. Back at the ministry, the ghoul had pulled up to the building flinching as Secondo slammed the door hard enough to cause a small crack in the window, he wanted to say something to lighten the man's mood but for his safety, the ghoul remained silent while driving the car around the back of the huge building to park it. Secondo stormed into his room grabbing the clear bottle of whiskey the top being flicked off, with his head thrown back the burning liquid drained down his throat. Pulling it away a drop fell down the corner of his mouth the man panting to get a breath in when he finished it the glass bottle was thrown across the room shattering against the wall as he fell back onto his couch. Why did he have to open up to you? why did he have to tell you the truth all the damn time? why did he fall for you? Having stormed in Secondo had forgotten to close the door so the crash of the glass was heard in the hall, Emilia had heard it and came running.
"Papa Secondo?!." She yelled out as she jogged into the room stopping in front of him with a delicate hand reaching out to gently pat at his cheek. "Secondo?." "Em, leave me be." He spoke sounding lower than the dirt in the courtyard. "Papa- I can't leave you like this-." "WHAT PART OF LEAVE ME BE DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND BITCH?!." He shouted making the Latin student jump back her lip wobbling, Secondo stared at her for a moment when she took off his arm and stretched out his hand missing her. Taking his sunglasses off they were the next thing to be thrown, great now she probably wouldn't come back either he was going to end up alone, an old bitter man that couldn't control his temper. Secondo flopped his face into his hands giving a long-winded sigh. The Emeritus looked up as he swore he felt a hand on his shoulder, he did. "Emilia you came back-." The broken man spoke sounding shocked, She didn't say anything before hugging him his mismatched eyes wide. "It's gonna be okay Secondo." 'It's gonna be okay' Those are words that he liked to hear and rarely did he hear them, rather than pull away Secondo wrapped his arms around her hips his face buried against her as she stroked the back of his head. "I'm guessing you came for your lessons?." "No remember today is an off day Papa, I heard a crash and rushed to see if you were okay." "Grazie sorella." Emilia watched her Papa for a good few minutes before leaning him back against the couch. "I'm going to go make us some tea with honey okay?." Getting a nod from him she went to the kitchen to prepare two warm cups for the both of them, Secondo eased back into his place on the couch eyes closed for a few moments before getting up from his spot and moving to grab a few heavy books from the shelf that sat nearby along with some empty sheets of paper.
Emilia came back into the room holding the two steaming cups seeing Secondo set on the couch again, however, the coffee table had several books on it opened. "Papa?." She asked making her way over to the couch and taking a seat beside the man the cups set down. "Well, I figure if you are here there is no harm in a little extra credit eh?." A soft chuckle passed her plump painted lips as she nodded. "A little extra credit sounds good Papa." Perhaps she was taking advantage of the man while in this extremely rare 'low mood' but as long as she got a smile from him she was content with doing so especially if that meant she could scooch closer to his side.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel you and Copia had ordered takeout, Chinese. You were shocked at how good the Cardinal was with chopsticks then again, you knew he was good with his fingers. While he handled them like a pro you were struggling and trying to hide it. "Cara, do you need help? or would you like a fork instead?" "No, no I got it don't you wor-." As if to add insult to injury when you attempted to pick up a shrimp you somehow magically flicked it across the room and splattered it into the television where it stuck for a few seconds before slowly slipping down the screen, both your and Copia's eyes watched it slide down until it hit the floor with a small wet plop.
You looked at him, defeat written all over your face as he offered you a fork which you finally accepted. You both ate in silence for a few minutes giggling when Copia fought with a noodle before slurping it up the thing smacking him on the nose. "Cazzo-." He cursed as you grabbed a napkin and wiped the tip of his nose clean. "Dinner fighting back, huh?." You managed to say through the laugh. "Si sorella and I think it is winning." You both shared a laugh before you continued with your meal together as silence fell between you again, you could tell there was something on his mind, you were about to ask him if everything was alright but he spoke up before you could. "Why did you choose me?." "Excuse me?." "Eh… ah.. let me rephrase, you chose me over Secondo." "Yeah so?." "It, well it surprises me not that I'm complaining no no no I am eh.. like that cow from the storia per bambini." You arched a brow at him as he panicked for a moment setting his food down his hand moving with his words now. "You know the the the, that story the cow over the moon Si?…. I am over the moon that you chose me" He spoke his face flushed with embarrassment which only got redder as you laughed. "You are so fucking adorable." You managed to say through the laugh which got a lopsided grin from your Cardinal.
Wiping a tear that managed to escape from the laugh, with a sigh and a few giggles the laughter ended.
"Well, you were always so sweet and kind to me we've never fought, you always make me laugh and you tell me how you feel I'm not left in the dark trying to figure out if I should bring something up to you or not, you were there for me even at that late hour" Your words brought that red back to his face. "It is just hard to believe, between me and the others… I've… I've never been anyone's choice before." You watched as the Cardinal's eyes looked down at his gloved hands as he slowly rubbed them together you could see the pained look as memories crawled back to him.
"Each time I thought a sorella or fratello loved me, wanted to be with me they always chose Terzo or Secondo, and when that didn't work out they just…" He shrugged his shoulders. "Or they would as you say… eat the cake and have it too." Copia sighed looking deflated. "Copia…" You watched him for a few moments you never knew just how much pain was behind that cheerful smile when you met him in the halls of the Abbey. "So when you came back to me… I was all happy, scared, and shocked." You scooted over to sit beside him your head resting on his shoulder your hand taking his gloved one holding it tight.
The gesture put a smile on his face, a kiss on his cheek put that rosy red back on them. "You know dolcezza we are going to have to return home soon." "Yeah I know, but we do have all day and night so let's have fun before heading back, I mean they have a pool downstairs and a hot tub we should go and swim." "Un problema cara." He spoke holding up an index finger. "And that is?." "No swimwear." "Ah, damn you're right." Copia frowned seeing the disappointment in your face. "Unless we go to the store and buy some for this little ehh.. unplanned trip si?." Your face lit up not only because you were gonna be able to swim but you were going to swim with him and go shopping, it was almost hilarious how two mundane things brought such happiness to the both of you.
Finishing your food you both hopped up and headed out down to his car, both giddy with excitement Copia maybe even more than you. He was so excited, not only to be out of the Abbey for a little while but with his girlfriend… you were his girlfriend now, right? maybe? perhaps he'd ask you later the last thing he wanted to hear was 'no' so he'd stay quiet and just pretend that you were for now as you headed off to the store together. --To be continued--
Tag list: Remember if you wish to be tagged for the next chapter let me know! @thesoundresoundsecho, @xpapaemeritus
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korn-y-copia · 2 years
Word around the abbey is that sister Mara was seen holding the Cardinal’s rat. What word fails to mention is that he was holding the other three, and that “rat” is not a euphemism for his di—
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Otherwise known as when you fall in love with the rat man that the other siblings warned you about. As for the rats…are they symbolic of/foreshadowing the four “little rats” Copia and her will one day have of their own??? Perhaps, only time will tell…(and so will I in the event that I finish writing all of this mf story)
First and foremost: this is another breathtaking piece of art done by Jaxx29nyr over on Instagram!!! I am so so in love with this! ❤️
I’m having trouble coming up with the rat names but I like to think that since Copia is a weirdo (affectionate) they would all have a lot of pop-culture inspired names (no matter how weird or out of date). So names so far: Lucci, Rizzo, Remy and Emilia.
Rizzo, after the muppets (this is a call back to my Popia at Disney headcanons where I said he’d really get a kick out of the MuppetVision 3D attraction there) I could just see him liking the muppets in general so idk it made sense 2 me in the moment.
Remy and Emilia (initially Emile) after, uh Ratatouille his the rats’ favorite movie of all time
Lucci (I was originally thinking Lucy like shirt for Lucifer, but???) after the soap opera actress Susan Lucci 😭
I just don’t know about these I really don’t. I also affectionately call Copia an Ameriboo and I like to think in his many, many, years of life he has traveled around and ya know…been places, been to America, been exposed to daytime television soap operas and Disney movies about rats so 🤷🏼‍♀️ (this of course, prior to becoming Papa)
So…uh yes. Please, if anyone reads this let me know what you think! This is inspired by a scene in chapter one of my fic which I would like to post here but idk if there’s much interest in reading x oc content? Constructive feedback is appreciated ❤️
And if I am absolutely missing the mark/assassinating Copia’s character I am so sorry, kindly (keyword kindly) lmk
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Love Eternal
Love Eternal
Ghost (Band) Fan Fiction
Sister Maddelena Starling is new to the Clergy. Her presence there has been long foretold in the fabric of the universe. There to create a museum for the fans of the Ghost project she finds herself in a court ships with Papa Emeritus IV or Papa Copia. Their love was written in the fabric of time and her presence is there to shake the clergy to its foundation. If she is to become Copia's Prime Mover the clergy, the ghouls, the project will never be the same. Perhaps that is a good thing, not even the great sister Imperator knows what their lord Lucifer has in mind.
Copia's mind whirred with everything he had to do today. The next tour was approaching quickly and he had several things to do around the abbey in addition to press for the tour. He decided to take a break to clear his head and he started to walk to the courtyard. He'd sit beneath his favorite tree and read fanfiction on his phone for a while.
Maddalena Starling, the newest sister of sin sat beneath that very tree. New to the clergy she had been hired at a rather prestigious position. She was to be archivist of the abbey and she was set to make a museum for tourists to tour. As a part of that honor, she was awarded her own cottage to stay in. Unknown to her as well, the universe had plans for her.
Outside in the courtyard, Copia stopped when he spotted someone sitting beneath the tree. He was going to find somewhere else to sit when he realized he did not recognize the sister. Was she new? He approached her. "Excuse me, Sister, are you new here? I don't believe we've met."
She looked up from Her book. She paused. “I…I am new here. Only recently hired. I’ve been hired to be the record keeper of the abbey and to create the museum for the fans to come to.” She said to him. “I’m Maddalena, sister Maddalena.” She replied. Not quite recognizing Copia without all the face paint and papal robes. “Am I in your spot?”
She was a pretty woman, curvy, with shoulders length blonde hair, and an undercut. Her blue eyes shimmered like sunny blue skies.
He was taken aback by her beauty. God, err Lucifer she was beautiful! "Maddalena. Beautiful name. I was just looking for some shade to read in."
“We’ll let me scoot over! Come sit, I packed some lunch are you hungry?” She asked him showing the picnic basket. “I think I packed too much.” She smiled at the handsome stranger. “You look familiar.”
He smoothed his jeans and sat down beside her. "You are too kind, Sister. Truthfully, I've been so busy I forgot to eat today. I'm Papa 4." He replied.
She paused and fear came over her. She bowed her head. “Il So sorry your eminence.” She acted as the imperator had instructed. “I have taken your spot.”
He waved his hand. X "No no, none of this your eminence stuff. Just call me Papa if you'd like. Everyone else does. I'm nobody important."
“Oh, papa it is then!” She asked. “Juice box? “She showed him two choices apple or fruit punch. “Also, is peanut butter and jelly okay? I have a raspberry jam.” She continued.
"You are amazing! I love PB and J’s and apple juice!" "Imperator insists everyone call me Papa except her and Nihil, they call me C. But you can call me Copia, if you like."
She smiled. “Lucky guess on my part.” She handed them over to him. She nodded. “Copia it is then.” She affirmed before she stuck her straw in the juice pouch and sipped.
He did the same and he ate contentedly. "It has been weeks since. I had a PB and j, honestly." He continued.
“Well, I hope it’s delicious and you should eat more often! It’s bad for you to go without meals.” She gently scolded him.
He snapped out of it and mouthed the straw intentionally. "Yeah, I know. Mo-Imperator always fusses at me."
She nodded. He was cute. Nothing like how Imperator made him out to be. He was funny and kind. He had a bit of jam on his lip. She reached out and gently brushed it off his face with her thumb. “She is right to fuss.”
His eyes grew wide, she had touched him. He was hit with the urge to take her hand and nuzzle his cheek into it., but he refrained. It hit him just how touch-starved he is. "Thanks."
She wiped her thumb off on a napkin and they began to eat in comfortable silence. Once his sandwich was finished, she offered him dessert. “Would you like a scone? I made them myself.”
She told him. She scooted a little closer to him as the shade began to fade from her side. "Oh! Blueberry! Delicious! I'll have one, thank you." She scooted closer to him.
He noticed her movement, was she into him? He wondered.
Not for nothing the scooting had other motives. She wanted to be closer to him. “So, tell me what does the great papa do in his spare time? When there is spare time”
"That's not often." He sighed. "I play video games. I write fanfiction. I read a lot on the road."
“You write fan fiction? What for?” She asked as she smiled. How silly this man was. “What kind of video games do you play? I like to play Mario games and have you heard of Animal Crossing? ” "I uh... I'm a big fan of What We Do in the Shadows. I love Animals Crossing! And Pokemon! “I’ve played those before! I love Pokemon!” She spoke excitedly. “Oh, we should visit each other’s islands!” She munched on her scone. “I’ve never seen that show you mentioned! Is it funny? Should I watch it?”
"Yes, you should! The main cast is all attractive and it's really funny. I'll have to clean up my island first, I haven't played in weeks!"
“It’s been a while too. I’ve been so busy with the move and today was my first day working in the archives.” She said to him. She scooted a little closer to him. They drifted into easy conversation.
Above in the Abbey, an intrigued sister imperator looked on. “Nihl come look at this.”
"What?" He asked, coming to the window. "Who is the girl he is with?"
“The young woman I hired to fix our archives and run our museum. Sister Maddalena.” Imperator smiled. “She seems to be charming him. I would not have guessed he would take to a girl like her.”
"I thought he was gay." Nihil deadpanned.
“No, he’s pansexual that means anyone really, but this girl is good you know what that means?” She spoke as she watched the couple, her mind whirring.
"What?" Nihil asked. "And wait... Pansexual? So, he likes guys too? Has he had boyfriends?"
“I don’t know much about his relationships but this one…means grandchildren Nihl.” She sighed.
Under the tree, Maddalena was giggling at a terrible joke Copia had just told.
"What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop!" He said, making himself laugh.
She groaned and rolled her eyes. “That one was horrible, funny, but horrible” Her shoulder was now touching his. She wiped her eyes of happy tears.
He smiled and bumped her shoulder with his own. "Everything okay?"
“Yeah, you just made me laugh so hard I cried.” She smiled at him. She looked down at her watch. “Shit! I have to go back to work but keep this extra juice box and scone.” On purpose she Dropped her ring nearby, if he was observant enough, perhaps she would get to see him again today. She wanted to. “I hope to see you around.” She commented before she left.
"I'm sure you'll see me again, Sister. Thank you for the food!"
She smiled and walked away leaving him with the ring and her intoxicating scent.
Copia's head was spinning. Jesus, she was a dream come true! He sat thinking about her when something glimmering in the sunlight caught his attention. A ring. Was this her ring?
Work felt slow to her as she perused archives taking notes for exhibits. Her mind kept getting distracted by Copia. Copia. Copia. It was the only thing she could think of.
He sat in his office twirling her ring between his glove’s fingers. He finally caught a break in his day and he decided he was going to return her ring to her. He was honestly excited he had a reason to go see her. Steeling his resolve, he left his office and headed towards the museum.
Maddalena was daydreaming as she doodles in her notebook. Drawing hearts with c’s in them. It was getting late and she was getting tired.
"Sister Maddalena?" He called out as he entered the library.
Maddalena was passed out cold on her books and notes. She looked so peaceful.
He approached her gently. "Sister?" He whispered and he gently touched her arm.
She shifted her head and blinked awake. She smiled at him. “Papa. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
He smiled back at her. "Hey Sister, you dropped this." He held out her ring to her in his gloves hand.
She scrubbed her face and her eyes lit up. It had worked. She had wanted to see him again and here he was.
“Oh thank you, papa.” She reached out to take the ring. Her fingers brushed the soft leather. “I would be remiss if I didn’t have that.” She looked so precious all doe eyes and sleepy.
"Sister, you were sleeping so well but you didn't look comfortable. You should go home and rest."
“You’re right I should.” She yawned. She then grew quiet as she looked out of the abbey. It was awfully dark.
"I'll walk you home if you like. You live in that cabin at the edge of the property, don't you?" She nodded. “Yes, I do and I would like that very much.” She grabbed her belongings. A scrap of paper stuck out from her book. A heart with a ‘C’ on it.
He noticed it. "Whose C?" He inquired.
“Ohhh Uhh nothing. A person.” She tried to cover it up. He knew who it was. “Oh uh someone I’m thinking about maybe asking out.”
“If I’m allowed to ask people out? Are the sisters of sin allowed to date? I know one of them is getting freaky with the ghouls.”
He chuckled. "Yes, dating is allowed among anyone. Why, who are you thinking of asking out?"
“Walk with me.” She said as they headed to her cottage. Her heart was racing. What’s the harm it was just a date. “Well, I really wanna watch that show you told me about so I was wondering if you wanted to make it a date?”
"A date?" He asked. "You want to go on a date with me?" He asked, pointing at his chest.
“Yeah, I wanna go on a date with you. I’ve never been the person to ask but, I’m a sister in the satanic church now, and why the fuck not. Especially when the man I want to ask makes me laugh.”
A big goofy smile spread across his face. "I'd love to go on a date with you! When do you want to watch the show?"
“Well, when do you have free?” She asked him. An owl hooted and it startled her. Without thinking she grabbed his hand and hid her face in his shoulder.
She kept her face hidden for a while. “Oh my goodness it was just an owl.” She breathed out. “Thank you for protecting me.” The clouds began to part, shining moonlight falling upon her skin like silver rain.
His eyes were wide, she was absolutely beautiful. He was in awe of her.
“Papa? Are you alright?” She asked. His glove had slipped loose and their skin met for just a moment.
He swallowed hard. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. You're just..."
“I’m just what?” She asked him. She could get herself to break their contact.
"The moonlight... It looks beautiful on you."
“Oh, thank you.” She felt heat move to her cheeks. Finally, after a moment or two, they walked to her cottage. Once she was at the door, she found herself hesitating to leave him.
He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Good night, Sister."
“Goodnight papa.” She replied. “How about tomorrow night? Dinner and tv?” She asked as she gazed into his mismatched eyes.
He nodded. "That sounds great to me. When do you want to eat dinner?"
“Let’s shoot for six.” She suggested, “I get off at five.” They agreed and with another kiss of her knuckles, Copia was on his way home.
After a shower and changing into her pjs she was laying on the bed. Her heart pitter-pattering along as she lay there feeling absolutely lovesick.
Copia felt like he was floating back on his way to his chambers. When he reached his door he did a twirl, laughing as he opened the door and stepped inside. His heart felt so light.
Maddalena squealed and screamed happily into her pillow. He was so cute, so wonderful, so everything all at once amazing kicking her feet and telling secrets to her journal perfect.
0 notes
dwarfelf · 1 year
Meet Sister of Sin Kate (me) in the Ghost universe!
I want to emphasize the fact that she belong to Papa Emeritus IV and because his colors are red and blue, in the appearance of Sister Kate these colors will always be
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0 notes
copiousloverofcopia · 8 months
THIS IS IT! The final chapter of Death and Flowers is coming at you!!!
I hope you all enjoy it!!!! Our poor Copia and Ollie have been through so much. Will they have a happily ever after?
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
*Special thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the banners*-hit me up ghestie I owe you a fic or something for using these.
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Death & Flowers
It hadn’t been serious, it never was with him. While Papa was suave and Ollie enjoyed their time together it wasn’t meant to be. She knew it wasn’t something meant to last…something permanent but—here she was. It was only one missed pill and life forever changed.
Chapter 14: Long May He Reign
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven’t started yet? Start from the beginning HERE!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
They didn't bother to wait for the rest of the ghouls. Copia, along with Alpha, Omega, and Aether began working their way to Saltarian’s office. The Cardinal, having finally put all the pieces together. He was angry at himself for being so blind—the answers were right there in front of him the whole time. 
“Tell us Cardinal, who is responsible for this?” Aether asked, watching as the anger inside both Omega and Alpha grew. Threatening to billow out of them like Hell fire—consuming anything and everything in their path. 
“It is those men–the League. Maybe Saltarian, I think he has been assembling them to overthrow the Ministry. The Emeritus family and the ghouls are just casualties in their pursuit of it. 
“Then… then why weren't they after you?” Aether asked, knowing the truth of Copia’s parentage. It would have puzzled Copia too, had he not overheard the conversation between Sister and Saltarian from before. Now he knew exactly why he was overlooked, despite his heritage.  
“The man has a soft spot for Sister… I am her son and from what I have learned, I was never supposed to know Nihil was my father. Blissful ignorance meant to keep me safe in favor of her. But now that has all changed.”
“This is fucking insane; how did they think they were going to keep everything in line without the support of the ghouls. Like it or not, we are essential for the connection and power from the Dark One himself.” Alpha snarled, as they walked, trying his best not to go running off on his own to fight them. The ghouls, confused and betrayed by all they thought they knew.  
“I am sure the plan was to have some of you become fodder for those hungry to condemn someone for the Emeritus family deaths, but I can only assume they never meant to imply that all of you were involved. I am certain now that this is why you were framed. Blamed for Primo, Secondo, and Terzo’s deaths.”
“How do you know?” Omega asked.
“The scent. I don’t have senses the way you do, but I have recently come into contact with the same smell Aether described. It was overwhelming on Bishop Martin… it has to be them. 
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A few hours before…
Saltarian sat at his desk, head in his hands as he waited for the California Ministry to contact him. Hoping to have Copia set up to stay there for the majority of his time of touring. He wondered if he would be able to continue on as planned. His love for Elizabeth had already cost him so much and now with her carelessness, she threatened to undo everything he had worked so hard to orchestrate. 
He could hear it from down the hall as they approached. The sounds of footfalls on the tile, made with a sense of haste. Then as expected and without a knock, Bishops Mauro, Henry, and Martin came charging into his office. The looks on their faces telling him this was no casual visit. 
“What is it?” he asked them.
“We have a problem.” Bishop Mauro began, looking at the other two to see who might be next to speak.
“What problem?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. Allowing his pen to fall to his desk, and the room to grow quiet before he looked up at them. 
“We have learned some very disturbing news, your excellency.” Martin continued. 
“Seems our dear sweet Cardinal is not the father of Sister Olive’s child.” Henry smirked, a glint of evil in his eye. One that had far surpassed anything Saltarian had ever seen. The news was powerful, yet not a complete surprise to him. The most interesting part was the thought that Copia knew and still claimed the child as his own. Saltarian, now wondering if the Cardinal and Sister Imperator had conspired against him this whole time.
“He’s also Nihil’s son… a fact you seemed to be aware of, yet we are just now hearing of it. Is this true Mr. Saltarian?” Bishop Mauro asked, watching for a crack in Saltarian’s resolve. He was angered to the core—maddened. He had tried to do right by Sister Imperator. Hiding her bastard son from the eyes of those he answered to—those who also wanted the end of the Emeritus family. Only to have the bloodline kept alive and well in his child. Sure, that it was Sister Imperator who outed him as knowing the secret. 
“I see... that conniving bitch. That is preposterous.” he hissed under his breath. “You know what you need to do.” he nodded to the bishops. The men, acknowledging him as they set course to eliminate them all—Nihil, Copia, Olive and the child.
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Present time
Copia rounded the corner and ran straight into Bishop Martin, he was covered in blood. Unabashed by walking around in broad daylight. His smug smile, sending a chill down Copia’s spine. 
“What have you done!” Copia yelled, the crest of his knuckles bashing into the bishop’s jawline as he threw the first punch. Sending a cascade of blood from Martin’s mouth to the floor. The ghouls standing behind them, growling and tails snapping in the air like whips. 
“You really are a fool.” Martin laughed, his face already beginning to swell from Copia’s right hook. 
“Whose blood is this? If you don't tell me what is going on, I will let them devour you whole, you figlio di puttana!” 
“All this energy over your dead brother's whore?” Martin chuckled. Leaving bloody fingerprints behind on Copia’s cassock as he tried to hold him back from another hit. 
“I’ll fucking kill you.” Omega roared, Aether and Alpha holding him down so that Copia may get answers before Omega went and tore him to shreds. 
“Oh Satanas Ollie.” Copia choked, his stomach sinking as the words left him. Scared that the blood may be hers.
“Relax Cardinal, you precious whore is fine. Though not for long. This blood… belongs to your old man.” he grinned, as Copia dropped his body to the ground. Running behind him into Nihil’s office. Only to find the old man dead in his chair–throat slit and blood decorating the walls. 
“Oh fuck.” Aether said, as he and Alpha followed him into the room. Omega, still in the hall. Sinking his teeth into the bishop's carotid before his body went completely limp in the ghoul's arms. 
“He’s gone.” was all Copia could say, quickly setting course back into the hall where he found Omega hovering over the bishop. Barely clutching onto his mortal coil.  
“She’s next.” he said, choking on his own blood. The ghouls and Copia, realizing instantly what he meant.
“We need to get to Ollie and Luss now!” Alpha growled, taking off full force alongside Copia and Aether as Omega finished off Martin. 
As they made it back to Copia’s Papal suites, there was an eerie quiet. The door cracked open and no sign of Ollie or Cumulus to be seen. Copia and the ghouls carefully crept inside. Searching for them, until finally they could hear the sound of glass breaking from within the bedroom. 
As they ran inside, they saw them. Two men, in shining silver ghouls' masks, holding Ollie and Cumulus captive. Knives to their throats and the two of them struggling against their captor’s grips. Cumulus, doing her best to try and bite them, while Ollie cried. Her hands, never leaving her belly.  
“Ollie! Cumulus!” Copia cried, attempting to run for them before watching the men adjust their blades. Stopping the Cardinal in his tracks as the ghouls continued forward. 
“Take those off! You can’t fool us you motherfuckers.” Alpha hissed, watching as the men removed the masks. Revealing themselves to be Bishop Mauro and Henry. Copia’s suspicions had been confirmed. It was the League who was responsible for the deaths of his brothers—and his father. 
“Step any closer and we will slit their throats.” Bishop Henry told them. Pressing the blade against Ollie’s neck. A string of blood, beading up along the cut as she cried out. 
“It’s alright amore.” Copia called out, the bishops laughing at his weak promises. Amused with his idea he had any control, knowing they held Ollie and Cumulus within millimeters of death.  
“We will tear you apart before you do anything to them!” Omega roared, looking into Cumulus’s eyes. Doing her best to remain calm as her life lay in the balance. Never showing her fear to them as they continued on. 
“Please you all are nothing but rabid animals. No sense or reason. You’re disposable. There are millions more like you awaiting summoning. None of them will ever know better.” Mauro smiled. The three ghouls standing their ground, teeth bared and tails swishing. Ready to pounce if they only are given the chance.
“Let Ollie and Cumulus go, take me instead. They have done nothing to you. It’s me you want. I am Nihil’s son.” Copia begged, trying his best to inch closer to them without setting them off. 
“There’s just one thing…a tiny… little… thing.” Henry said. Slowly brushing back the hair from off Ollie’s shoulder. Trembling in his grasp. “This is a problem.” he said as his free hand traveled down from her shoulder and over her chest, finally settling over the swell of her belly. 
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Copia said, his teeth gritted and his rage boiling over. Bloodthirsty and ready to end them.  
“It’s nothing personal, Cardinal. The Ministry is just done with Emeritus. Sorry you got caught in the mix. Then again, you all are nothing but fools.” Mauro hissed. The tension was unbearable. Every second lingering as they stared each other down. Copia and the ghouls helpless but to watch until somehow, they could find a way in. 
Suddenly from the shadows, a figure appeared. Pushing past the men and bringing himself front and center. Positioning himself between them. Announcing himself as the man of the hour, the one who held all control—Mr. Saltarian.
“Not yet Henry…” he said, stopping things from moving forward until he had his final say. Wanting to draw out Copia’s torment for as long as humanly possible. Relish, in his agony as he watched his lover and child slowly be murdered in front of his eyes.  
“Ti sei rincoglionito?!” Copia growled, his white eye—blazing with fury. Chest heaving and ready to kill Saltarian where he stood.
“You know, I had a mind once to consider you a son. After all I have known you since your whore of a mother carried you.” Saltarian began, smirking at him as he crossed his arms. Lifting up a condescending brow and snickering to himself. 
“You are nothing—” Copia began before Saltarian cut him off. 
“I am everything… I have done everything. You know the whole reason this order, the League, was founded was to get rid of them. I may never have been able to become Papa myself, but I could have still had control. If your mother hadn’t been stupid enough to tell you about Nihil.”
“Don’t you dare…” Copia began. 
“I did EVERYTHING FOR HER!” Saltarian yelled back, turning around to rip away the knife from Bishop Henry. Pressing it into the side of Ollie’s belly, just hard enough to draw blood. The blood, staining her dress as she cried out. 
“Please don’t hurt her!” Copia pleaded, ready to give his life for her. The ghouls snapping and snarling behind him. Waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Dying to taste the blood of the men on their tongues and pick their flesh from their teeth. 
“This is your fault Copia. Had you never been born she might have been mine. Not attached to that old bastard for so long. Even then I would have given you the Papacy to please her. Getting rid of Nihil so you could start anew with me pulling the strings—but now since she managed to ruin it all helping you and helped to protect this pathetic Emeritus whelp…” Saltarian said as he raised up the knife, “...I guess I’ll have to kill you all and take the miter myself!”
Saltarian threw Ollie to the ground and lunged towards Copia. The blade, barely missing his chest and digging into his shoulder. Copia groaned as he pulled it out, him and Saltarian struggling to take hold of it. Copia’s blood painting the floor, slick and red. 
The ghouls took their opportunity in the confusion. The bishop’s had grown comfortable, letting down their guard when Cumulus thrusted her elbow backwards into Mauro. Knocking him back onto the floor. The ghouls and ghoulette, flooding over him and ripping him apart with their bare teeth and sharp claws. Bishop Henry panting as he tried to take off. Aether, jumping over his gorging brethren to snatch him. 
The ghoul’s claws sunk deep into the flesh of the bishop’s back as he screamed. Blood curdling and powerful as he fell to the ground. Ollie, still laying on the floor, cradling her belly in her arms as she watched in horror at the scene. The ghouls devouring the Bishops and Saltarian and Copia fighting to the death. 
The ruckus in the Papal suite had alerted others, crowds of siblings and other clergy members spilling in from the halls. All too shocked and afraid to make a move. Worried that their involvement would seal the wrong person’s fate. Watching as Copia and Saltarian continued to scuffle. The knife dancing between them, always a split hair away from stabbing one or the other. 
Ollie pulled herself up, grateful to a pair of sisters who came to collect her. Surrounded by pieces of what once was the bishops. Covered in theirs and her lover’s blood. Catching Copia’s eyes for a brief moment, her tears once again began to shed. Wondering to herself if this was the last time, he would ever look at her.  
Seeing Ollie was all he needed. The thought of never seeing her again, never holding her again, gave him strength beyond measure. Toppling Saltarian to the ground and hovering over him. Knife raised high as he was ready to strike. 
“You know it's far from over. I am not the only one who wanted the power of the Ministry to be their own.” Saltarian said, spitting up at Copia.  
“Your vitriol nature has done nothing for you. How does it feel to know his son bested you after all.” Copia told him, gloating at the idea. Saltarian made one last stitch effort to get the blade. Punching Copia in the gut as he tried to take it from him. The two men, rolling on the ground over one another–until suddenly they stopped. 
The two of them, looking down to see the blade piercing into Saltarian’s heart. Immediately he began choking. Feeling his death approaching. Every beat of his heart, bringing him closer as he began to bleed out from the inside. 
“This baby will be born, and the Emeritus bloodline will continue…and one day Saltarian, he will become Papa…” Copia began, watching the light starting to fade in Saltarian’s eyes. 
“No…” Saltarian shuddered as Copia pushed the knife in deeper. Twisting it as he spoke, “And long may he reign!”
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A Few Years Later…
As the lights died down on the stage at the last of the Los Angeles shows, Copia remained bowed. His heart pounding in his chest and the thrill of the crowd cheering “Papa” echoing throughout the arena. Never did he imagine his life would be like this. Admired by all and revered by the Ministry. 
It had been so long since his humbler beginnings. The night of his true rise to power was long behind him. Followed swiftly by the sweet embrace of Fatherhood not long after. Becoming Papa, despite it all, in the in between.
Now that he had been in charge for some time, Copia decided that after the Imperatour he would step down. If there was one thing Saltarian got right—was that new blood was needed in the Ministry. Terzo's son—his son, would one day rise to power and until then Copia wanted the Ministry to be helmed by someone else. Copia, knowing he had done all he could there after working to reform things. 
He had worked hard to bring down all those who co-conspired in the deaths of his father and brothers. His mother was forced to step down from her position within the church. Toured for years with Ghost, and helped to foster a new wave of worthy siblings of sin and respectful members of the Clergy. Knowing that now was the time for someone else to lead.
He and Ollie had never been better, raising their little boy to the best of their ability while on the road. Never leaving each other’s side, even now. No longer haunted by the ghosts of the past as they worked to create their own family. A life, a love, something special just for them. 
As he exited the stage, he caught sight of them. The two things he cared about more than anything else, his sweet Ollie and little Giovanni were standing there waiting for him backstage. Juice boxes, held in his pair of small hands as Giovanni went running up to his daddy. Copia, hoisting him up in the air and squeezing him tight in his arms. Ollie, following right behind him, a smile spread wide across her face.
“That was incredible.” Ollie cheered, coming to plant a kiss on Copia’s smeared painted cheek. 
“I should say so, what do you think piccolo? Did daddy do a good job?” he asked Giovanni.
“I loved it!” his son cheered, throwing his arms around Copia. Juice spraying in the air and all over the back of his father’s vestments. Ollie, quickly coming to help try and help clean it up.
“Gio, you need to be more careful.” she told him. Giving him a cheeky look before dapping away at the spill.
“It’s alright cara, I won't be needing them much longer anyways. You know very soon Gio, daddy and mommy are going to take you to the country. Spend some time in the quiet… I feel it's well earned. For all of us.” Copia chuckled, sending Ollie the sincerest of smiles. Ollie was overcome with emotion. So happy to have time to enjoy just each other. The nightmares of the past behind them. She was unable to help but kiss him. Relishing the feel of his lips against hers and the sounds of their son’s giggles as she hummed in contentment. 
“That it is Papa—that it is.”
figlio di puttana- son of a bitch
Piccolo- Little one
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quaildoodle · 1 month
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“while the world he inhabits is in some respects counterfeit…there’s nothing fake about copia himself “
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themratts · 8 months
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Valentine’s Day is around the corner 🥰
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
hi! i'm a new Ghost fan and i would love to get some fic recs since i don't know where to start. 😊 i'm pretty much open to anything but something with lots of feelings (hurt/comfort), Papa IV x someone, and around 15,000 words would be great. thank you in advance 🧡
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hellooo! welcome to our little satanic corner of tumblr!! i'm so sorry this took me so long—i had a tough time finding fics that matched your criteria. i hope it's okay that i focused on "feelings" more so than hurt/comfort specifically. definitely give these writers a follow if you haven't already. (i also wasn't sure what you meant by "x someone" so i threw in a mix of x reader, x ghoul, and x oc.) feel free to dm me or send another ask if i didn't get it right this time! i can also point you towards a bunch of fantastic writers ♡
recs under the cut!
x ghouls
paper armor - @ratballet - copia x dewdrop
“Horns,” Aether says quickly, like the words in his mouth are searing him. “It’s his horns.” He spares a glance at Dewdrop’s door, like he’s afraid he might be pressed up against it, listening. “He’s shedding them." Dewdrop is shedding his horns. Copia tries to help.
Steadfast Love, Not Sacrifice - @st-danger - copia x aether x dewdrop
It’s a bit like a shark smelling blood, he thinks as they follow close behind. It's natural they were going to want to taste it, too. “Well,” Copia says, “some of us need our beauty sleep.” He hesitates, and then proceeds to look nervously between the two of them and continue, “I meant me, of course. You two are already very, erm. I should go to bed.” It’s such a flimsy excuse. The elevator reaches the third floor before any of them speak again. Aether clears his throat. “You don’t want to though.” Copia looks very called out, but can’t do much more than stare, before realizing the two ghouls beside him are waiting for an actual answer of some kind. The elevator beeps as it passes the fourth floor. “No,” Copia says slowly, and Aether’s stomach does a little swoop. “I don’t.” Or, Sometimes the reward is worth the risk. *No Man Taketh From is another favorite of mine with Papa IV and Aether.
x reader
A Message From the Bulletin Board - @writingjourney - copia x reader
The ministry’s bulletin board, ordinarily used for missing items or party announcements, contains a particularly interesting request this week – a lonely hearts ad. Or: You and Copia are secretly crushing on each other. You both have to reach maximum desperation before you make a move. * if you're in it for the long haul PLEASE read I Knew Nothing But Shadows THE hurt/comfort fic of all time. you won't regret it.
Confessional - @da-rulah - copia x reader
As a sister of sin, it was your duty to confess at least once a month, to have your sins praised by a higher up member of the clergy. But you only ever chose Thursday nights, when you knew he was on duty. And tonight, you were working up the courage to confess your darkest sin - the dreams you had been having… *check out Rituale Septem while you're at it. lotsss of feelings but with Papa III, instead.
x OC
sweeter red - @anamelessfool - copia x oc
Your kiss so sweet, your sweat so sour…sometimes I’m thinking that I love you... but I know it’s only lust. Copia is a scrungly little nerd and this totally happened to him. There's something about Cardinal Marian. Maybe it's the way she infuriates him with her laissez-faire attitude, or ingnites his soul with envy of her free spirit. Rage and love, at a certain point they merge together into an overwhelming burning in the heart and mind: passion.
you found the ache in my argument (series) - @the-lisechen - copia x oc
In which two reasonable people from different religious disciplines have a conversation. (A study in faith, hope, and love.)
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, leave kudos and/or comments!
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anamelessfool · 1 year
Hello, I am A Nameless Fool.
30+. She/Her. I'm writing a massive Ghost AU because I'm insane. (And other stuff)
They have no time to consider what the Void is. All they understand is that it is Hungry. And they are the only two previously human beings that can ensure the health of their charge. They are the single line of defense at the border of Void and Not Void.
Scenes from the Void ( Ghost Band Eldritch Horror AU) AO3 Series Link
Feel free to read them in any order you like. I'm adding fics of each Papa, with a variety of emotional tones and subjects. They all revolve around a larger overarching plot.
Current Major Fic Projects
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WIP Oversee Us (Fallout 2024)
Cooper "The Ghoul" Howard x Outlaw Fem! Reader, Enemies to friends to lovers, bondage (con/non-con), Mystery, horror, action, Canon-typical Gore, Your Boyfriend Is Turning Into a Zombie, more tags on AO3
You're not running away from your sins, you're running towards the truth. Your crime is catching up with you and the caps are racking up. Some cheery bounty hunter is hot on your trail and basically unstoppable. You're doing everything to survive in the topside Wasteland, even if it means going along with the monster.
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WIP Violence & Gentleness
Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family| Family Drama, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Action Adventure, Mystery, Noir, Late 1970s, OC Nameless Ghouls
LATE OCTOBER 1979 Primo has his work cut out for him as the bodyguard of the beautiful and fearsome Mater Emerita Jocasta. As mystery after mystery unfolds, it becomes harder to remain a honest man in this den of thieves called the Ministry. (Title graphic by @ghuleh-recs )
Ghouls and Lore
Blackened Feathers OC | Horror, Lore
Resurrection Reader & Papa (Any) | Ritual Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness (done for the @petrifyingpapas challenge May '23)
The Garden Nameless Ghouls, Terzo/Omega | SFW (strong language), Family Bonding, Dark Magic, Trippy, Adventure, Family Drama, Secret Relationship, Nonbinary Ghouls
Ongoing WIP Bestiary Nameless Ghouls (Canon and OC) | Ficlets 18+, Dark Magic, Alternate History, Weird Lore, Historical References, Other OC Papa Emeritus/Mater Emerita
Ongoing WIP Domestics Entire "Emeritus" Family and Church | Ficlets 16+, Domestic Fluff, Angst and Fluff, Humor, Slice of Life
Terzo x Omega
The First and The Last Terzo/Omega | Dark Romance, Ritual Magic, Trippy Weirdness
Reciprocity Terzo/Omega | Artist Model, Photography, Tender Moments, Body Worship, Oral Fixation, Cardiophilia
Ribbons & Ties Terzo/Omega | Domestic Fluff, Established relationship, Weddings Bring Out Your Fear of Commitment
Copia x Cardinal Marian (OC)
Sweeter Red Copia/OC | Fluffy Romance, bdsm, demi Copia, Bittersweet
All the Stops (Sweeter Red Sequel) Copia/OC | Fluffy Romance, bdsm, Bittersweet
Tilted Copia/OC, Terzo/Omega | Adventure, Dark Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness, Dark Past, Repressed Memories, Secret Relationships, Long-term Relationship
Wanna Bewitch You Copia/OC, Terzo/OC, Nameless Ghouls, Emeritus Family| Adventure, Dark Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness, Dark Past, Long-term Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Formalwear
Valentine's Day 1985 Young Copia & Primo | Brotherly Affection, Domestic Fluff, Valentine's Day, Hurt/Comfort, My Art
Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family
For One Creature's Sake Primo & Copia | Phobias, Family Drama,Young Cardinal Copia, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Hurt/Comfort, Terminal Illness
WIP Violence & Gentleness Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family| Family Drama, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Action Adventure, Mystery, Noir, Late 1970s, OC Nameless Ghouls
Interlude: In Orbit Always Primo x OC Nameless Ghoul (Edelweiss Ghoul | FWB, One Bed Trope, Psychic Ties, Dreams, Somniphilia, First Time, Friends BUT MORE
Secondo & Family
Maestro Sister Imperator & Young Secondo, Young Terzo | Ritual Magic, Sibling Rivalry (done for the @petrifyingpapas challenge May '23)
WIP Crossroads Secondo & Terzo, Secondo & Family | Ritual Magic, Horror, Trippy Weirdness, Brother Angst, Father & Son, Family Drama
Extra (Outside of The Scenes from the Void AU)
Call Me Papa IV & GN! Reader | SFW, Hurt/Comfort, Hugs, Cardiophilia, Comfy Read, Papa IV Reassures You Everything Will Be Okay
One Shot Papa IV & GN! Reader | Silly Fic, PG-13 Fun, Overly Dramatic, Concert Experience
Tights Papa IV x GN Reader | Fishnets, Body Worship, Massage, Sensual Play, Foot Play, Foot Job, Light D/s, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
WIP No Deal Papa Nihil x Fem! Reader | 1970s, Music References, Recreational Drug Use, Oral, Shotgunning, Nihil Being Father of the Decade, Surprise Ending
VIII Strength Papa IV x Gen Reader | Dom Sub Dynamic, Established Relationshop, Power Play, Body Worship, Bondage
100 Percent Papa IV x GN! Reader | Caring for Illness, established relationship, domestic bliss, injury recovery, coziness
Housekeeping Notes
I sometimes announce I'm doing fic or doodle requests. They are PG-13. I do not post NSFW works on tumblr, please read them through AO3 and keep them on AO3. I DO really love talking about writing and meeting other writers, so please don't be shy. NEMA
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About Me 👇👇👇
I love: Clive Barker, John Bellairs, Mervyn Peake, Shirley Jackson, Terry Prachett, David Lynch, David Cronenberg
Other Hobbies: Larping, Sewing, BJD, witchcraft, wandering around the woods
Current Favorite Albums to Write to:
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