#Copia Wedding
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic written for my ghestie @sistersaccharine featuring her OC and Copia at their wedding!!!!
Thank you so much for letting me write this for you sister! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Stay With Me...Forever
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The day has finally come for Sister Saccharine to marry Copia. Won't you be our ghuest at the wedding?
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
It was early morning, the dew still heavy on the grass and the sounds of birds chirping filled Saccharine’s ears. She was still in her night robes, tucked away on the sacred olive tree, hidden deep within the Abbey’s Forest. She sat perched on a large, crooked root that rose up from the ground, like the finger of a corpse–contorted and old. Surrounded by the forest which was brimming with life all around her. Sunlight pouring in from the spaces between the trees and the warm breeze blowing gently through her hair.
Saccharine closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, exhaling into a smile as felt soft tufts of fur nudging her cheek. A small fawn, pressing his muzzle against her as she carefully brought her hands to the top of his head. Her animal friends had begun to gather in this secret place. One she kept just for herself.  
“Hello little one. My, how you've grown since the beginning of Spring.” Saccharine smiled as she gently patted the fawn’s head. His mother, not too far behind him in the woods. The sweet sister fiddled with the hem of her nightgown. Her whole body, feeling like it may burst into a million tiny pieces. The excitement brewing inside her was overwhelming, but she had never been happier. 
It was obvious Lucifer had blessed them with a beautiful day. The late summer heat—only a mere suggestion. The welcomed pleasant breeze, keeping it at bay. The sun too was shining brightly in the sky—it was perfect. Oh, so perfect. 
“I have been waiting for today my whole life.” she whispered, speaking her story to the trees and the animals that surrounded her. “I grew up feeling the longing in my heart for true love. Searching for that one person who made my heart sing.” She continued, watching the small family of rabbits huddle together beneath her in the shade of the root.  “Someone to grow old with…”
Suddenly Saccharine hopped up off the root. Careful not to disturb the blue cohosh that was covering the ground. The layers of her robes, flowy gently as she began to twirl around. Her dance, a tribute to the massive tree who had always been her shelter. A dear confidant she could always confide in. All the flora and fauna of the forest, envious of her happiness. 
She dropped to her knees a moment, whispering her salutations to the rabbits and giving the mischievous dormouse a pat. When she got herself back up on her feet, she let out the most content of sighs. Brushing the bit of dirt from her robes and turning to the deer once more, continuing on with her story. Ever so eager to share her joy with her friends. 
“...and you know what little one—I’ve found them. Today…well today is the day I marry him. My sweet Papa.” She smiled, now catching the attention of the birds. One landed upon her, allowing itself to be gently brushed with the pad of her finger. He was a small sparrow that bore a heart-shaped marking in the feathers of his chest. One Saccharine had known since he was a fledgling, barely two flaps of his wings from the nest.  
All the animals were like family. It was because of that she had to invite them. Devastated when Sister Imperator told her that they would not be allowed to “run amuck” within the Abbey. Only for Copia to devise a plan for them both to be wed in the woods. Surrounded by all those she loved and those who loved her back. 
It truly was a dream come true, and now it was only hours away, already planned down to the smallest detail. From the beautiful fabrics of crimson and onyx that hung from the trees to her beautiful gown. Breathtaking with its billowing fabric, black as the night, and laced with corset at her waist. The sleeves like the petals of flowers–sleek and flowy. 
The ceremony grounds were covered in what felt like an endless array of flowers. Though they were far from where she stood now, she swore she could smell their scent. Soft and lovely as it was carried on the breeze. The hint of the black baccara roses with small accents of white and black calla lilies that were freshly picked from Primo’s garden. Painting lush images of them in her mind. 
It would have been a surprise had she not snuck out with some of her best sisters for a late-night ritual of their own, hoping to bless the next day's ceremonies. Coming upon the grounds by accident, Saccharine's eyes filled with delight as she saw them. Primo’s magic, keeping everything thriving and ready for until after they were wed. Everything was waiting for her–all that was left was the hair, though she knew not what to do with it. 
She tried pulling her hair back and away from her face. Wondering if she should wear it up or down. Copia loved it in all its forms, but Saccharine knew that down was his favorite. He told her down was the best at framing her delicate features. 
The birds took note. Hopping around the big tree as they sang to one another. Speaking in chirps and tweets that only they could understand. “What are you doing, silly birds?” Saccharine laughed as they returned to her. Each of them, flowing over her head. Bestowing her with a small sprig of thorns, from a nearby bush, tucking them neatly into her hair. Eventually their efforts had formed a crown. 
“It's perfect.” she told them, hoping that by some miracle it would last until the evening. Then it hit her, she had completely forgotten the time. “Oh my! I am running behind! I will see you all tonight ok!” she shouted back into the trees as she bounded from her sanctuary and back to the Abbey. There were people waiting for her there—after all today was her day. 
Back at the Abbey there was a boom of activity. Saccharine felt a bit overwhelmed as she made her way through the countless siblings and ghouls. All of them focused on their assigned tasks—delighted to do their part to prepare for the big night. As she made her way to her room, Saccharine almost took out both a brother and a pair of sisters that were heading to the Great Hall with boxes of champagne glasses. Then only moments later, she bumped into a group of ghouls, their claws filled with clusters of folding chairs, on the way to the ceremony site. By the time Saccharine reached the stairs to the siblings' quarters, she was relieved. Dabbing a bit of sweat from her brow before making her way upstairs to her friends, whom she knew would be waiting anxiously for her arrival.  
When she arrived in the siblings’ wing, Saccharine could see Sister Ariadne was waiting just outside the doors. Tapping her toe and clearly over having to wrangle around the ghouls all morning. “Where have you been? Everyone is waiting for you so we can start.” she teased, ushering Saccharine beyond the doors and towards her room. She had been rushed off so fast that when Ariadne stopped just short of the door, Saccharine thought something might be wrong. Before she could say anything, Ariadne slipped off the mother of pearl ring from her hand. Taking Saccharine’s right hand and placing it on her finger. 
“What is this for?” Saccharine asked. Ariadne smiled and squeezed tight to her sister’s hands. Ariadne’s heart, so full of happiness for the dear couple. 
“This is your something borrowed, I’ll need it back after.” she winked as she opened the door of the room. The two of them, heading inside to find it completely buzzing with energy. Prime Mover Ren and Nova, chasing after one of Ren and Secondo’s littles ones, while Sister Belladonna and Rosemary were fussing about with the dress. It looked more magical than Saccharine remembered, hanging from on the dress form. She could hardly believe something so beautiful could exist. 
“Saccharine! You’re here!” Nova shouted gleefully as she ran straight towards her, nearly taking out Gnocchi under her feet. The little ratto, managing to squeak its way past Ariadne and Saccharine into the room. 
“Oh! You darn rat!” Nova yelped, annoyed at almost tripping. Her arms held wide open as they found their way around Saccharine. Nova, embracing her tightly. Tail wagging with contentment as the ghoulette spoke again, “Now the real fun begins.” 
At the same time, though much more than a few steps away from the siblings' wing, Copia was pacing the floor of his Papal suite. Fiddling anxiously with the buttons on his jacket. His eyes, unable to stop staring at the Monstrance clock on the mantle. Counting down the moments until he’d be with her once again. Praying to Lucifer that he’d be spared from sweating through his suit.
“You’re going to drive us crazy fratello, would you just sit down?” Terzo barked, bouncing his leg on the floor and running his hands through his hair. The third Emeritus brother slumped into the chair like a bored teenager.  
“I know…I know…” Copia began, forcing himself to sit down beside Secondo. Secondo, groaning as he swirled the ice in his scotch glass and scooted forward to the edge of the sofa. 
“Leave the man alone Terzo, this is a big day for him.” he chided. Nodding his head to Copia and raising his glass to him. “Not much longer now.” he said before taking a sip from his glass. 
“I am just a bit nervous is all. Was it like this for you...when you married Ren?” Copia asked.  
“Si, though I managed to not wear a hole in my rug.” Secondo laughed.
"Just the hair from your head." Terzo jabbed. Secondo rolling his eyes at him.
“...there is nothing to worry about.” Secondo assured him. 
“You are right.” Copia agreed, taking in a deep breath, feeling like he might finally be able to relax. He exhaled, allowing his weight to sink down against the back of the sofa. Graciously accepting the offering of a swig of Secondo’s scotch. 
“Always is…smug bastard.” Terzo teased, when suddenly the sounds of scratching came from the front of the room. Copia pulled himself back up and made his way to the door, opening it to reveal little Rigatoni standing there. His little head perked up and his whiskers twitched to the gentle pats of his Papa’s hand. 
“Ah topolino, I have been waiting for you.” Copia said, pulling from his jacket a small piece of parchment and tying it around the rat’s neck. “You take this to her now, si?” The tiny squeaks assuring Copia that he understood his task. 
“You're sending the rat off with a little love note. Turning the vermin into carrier pigeons now, eh?” Terzo teased as he sent Copia a wink. 
“Something like that.” Copia smiled back. Carefully lowering Rigatoni onto the floor so that he might be on his way. 
“We should head down, I’m sure that Ren is more than ready for me to relieve her of the children…they must be driving her crazy by now.” Secondo cringed, setting down his glass and tapping Terzo’s shoulder to get him up too. “You’ll find out one day soon.” Secondo teased, watching Copia’s face tint to red. His freckles, lighting up like Christmas lights upon his cheeks.   
“Let’s do this.” Terzo stretched, raising up out of the chair. Secondo turned once more to face Copia before the three of them headed out. 
“Ready to become a husband fratello?” he asked him, Secondo surprising him with a short embrace. Copia felt the tears beginning to well in his eyes. Trying to shake them off quickly before they’d disturb his well-placed Papal paints. 
“More than anything.”
“Hold still, I don't want to poke you in the eye now.” Ren chuckled as she began to line the upper lashes of Saccharine’s eyes. The rich black liner accenting her already gorgeous, doe-like eyes.  
“Sorry.” Saccharine replied, letting Gnocchi down on the vanity. The rat scurrying over the top before bumping into the container of translucent powder. The poor little thing, sneezing as the powder cascaded in the air. 
“Oh.” Ren laughed as Saccharine hurried to help dust off Gnocchi. Setting her back down on the ground between them. 
“What are we going to do with you?” she smiled as she watched the little rat take off. Ren worked quickly to finish up Saccharine’s look. Though she hardly needed the adornment. Saccharine could hear that Rosemary was approaching from behind her. The sweet mysterious sister, pulling from her habit an old copper flask. 
“I was told by Ren you would need something old and well…” she explained, handing over the flask, its age betrayed by the patina. “...this is thought to have the blood of the old one inside it.” Rosemary smiled, “...can’t get much older than that. Here you should carry it with you.”
“Thank you.” Saccharine beamed, sniffling back her tears of gratitude as Nova too came towards her. The sparkle in her eyes, telling Saccharine that she too was excited to give her something. “Do you have something too Nova?”
“I do!” Nova exclaimed as she spun Saccharine around in her chair. Both of them reflected in the glass of the mirror. "Listen girl, the birds are great and everything, but we should spruce you up just a bit. Then you can have this" the ghoulette smiled, pulling out the most beautiful and sparkling obsidian comb, ".…a gift from Terzo and I. We picked it out just for you. It can be your ‘something new’.” she explained.  
Saccharine was overwhelmed with gratitude. Her friends were literally the best anyone could have hoped for. Always there to support her, nourishing her happiness as she always did for them. All of them, more like family than anything she’d ever had before. 
She hugged Nova tight, allowing her ghoulette friend to help even out the lay of her hair. Polishing it up far better than the birds could have done. Saccharine, feeling more than blessed that she had the kind of friends that had wanted to make this day special for her. Her thoughts, remaining in that place of contentment and joy as they dressed her.
Helping lace her up and button everything in place. Saccharine’s breath, stolen from as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Ren, quickly grabbing a tissue to help keep the bride-to-be from running her makeup. Drying her eyes as Saccharine took it all in. 
This was the woman who would become Copia’s wife. Papa Emeritus the Fourth’s lover for all eternity. Hearts bound forever by fate. Sanctified under the eyes of Lucifer, once she walked down the aisle. It seemed like a dream. One she never hoped to wake from. Marveling at herself in the full-length mirror while the other’s made sure she was all good to go. 
“Oh, and one more thing!” Sister Belladonna yelled, running to grab something from the other room. Returning after only a moment, quickly wrapping a grucifix rosary around Saccharine’s neck. The blue sapphire stones and onyx, perfect shades to compliment her Papa’s vestments. “I made this for you. It’s in Papa’s colors and after all…a bride needs something blue.” She smiled. 
“Oh my. I absolutely love it.” Saccharine beamed, her hands coming up to touch it. Feeling its weight against her collar, “It's perfect.”
“It is.” Ren smiled, “...and I have something for you too. Saccharine instinctively held out her hand convinced she knew what was coming. She had been given her something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue—all that was left was the sixpence for her shoe.
“My sixpence I assume.” Saccharine asked her. Ren took hold of her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze before she continued. 
“Not exactly.” she winked, reaching in her pocket and pulling from it a small totem made from rose quartz. A symbol of fertility and happiness.
“Oh it’s…” Saccharine began.
“May you be fruitful and multiply.” Ren winked, Saccharine’s face blushing at her words. A tiny nose that resembled her own and a pair of mismatched eyes surely belonged to Copia. Perfectly upon a small little face, flashing in her mind. Her heart began to flutter when her attention was drawn to a noise coming from the floor. 
“Eek...eek…” Rigatoni called, standing at her feet. Saccharine noticed that he had come with something small tied onto him. She bent down to pick him up, pulling the little rolled up parchment from his neck. 
“And what do you have little one? She asked. The group of sisters, gathering round to see what the mysterious note would contain. 
“What is it?” Nova asked, as the others all waited patiently. She unraveled it, starting down at the words carefully written across it.  The smile, spreading her face told them all they needed to know.
“It’s a note from Copia.” she explained, her heartbeat quickening in her chest. Cheeks aching with the intensity of the pull of her smile. 
“Go on, read it, read it!” Sister Ariadne begged her. 
“Saccharine, la mia bellissima futura sposa. The hours we have spent apart have only made me more sure of us. Sure, that my life means little without you by my side. I want nothing more than to see you from the moment I wake, until I close my eyes at night. Your smiling face, my constant companion. Tonight, I prove to everyone the love that gives meaning to the beat of my heart. Binding us forever in the eyes of Lucifer. Until we wed my love—C” Saccharine read, desperately trying to hold it together. Her Papa’s words were everything she needed to hear and more. A profession of love that made Saccharine’s heart sing. 
“You’re a lucky girl, that's for sure.” Sister Rosemary commented. 
“Yes…yes I am.”
The hours had passed and the time she had been waiting for had finally come. Saccharine and the rest of the sisters were ready to leave, when there was a knock at her door. It was Papa Primo dressed in his best vestments and a sweet smile on his face. His heart, full at the sight of Saccharine in her wedding dress. An image of grace and dark beauty—one he would never forget. 
“Sisters…if it’s alright with you all, I will take it from here.” Primo assured them. Handheld out for Saccharine to take it as he led her out the door. She was comforted by Primo, who had become somewhat of a father to her. She steadied herself, drawing in a deep breath and closing her eyes to help ground herself. Her hand held tightly to Primo’s. Tears balancing along her lash line before she quickly wiped them away. 
While she had never been happier, the day was bittersweet for Saccharine. It wasn’t that long ago that she imagined this moment—though much different than it was now. Engaged to her once beloved Jasper, and content to live out her days in the small town she was born in. Days spent dreaming of things that enchanted her—books and fairytales of worlds that she longed to explore, convinced that they might only ever be fiction.
Now the world had all been opened up to her. Promises of the universe, all found in the Dark One’s name. Guided into the warmth and thrilling embrace of the darkness by her sweet Papa. Their love, sanctified not only until death, but beyond eternity—until the end of time itself. 
Though she didn’t miss Jasper, she did miss her mother and father. An aching, nagging pain had been rooted in her chest from the day she turned away from them. Following her heart, choosing to leave them behind. Primo could sense it. Knowing what held her thoughts and her heart. The eldest Emeritus son, pulling her close and placing a small kiss upon her forehead.
“I know you miss them piccola. They would be so proud of you.”
“I know.” she sighed. 
“I know I am not your father… but would you do me the honor of allowing me to walk you down the aisle?” Primo asked her, the tears hitting her once more. 
“Oh yes please.” Saccharine cried, hugging Primo so tight he couldn't breathe, his words and warmth–healing the wounds she carried inside her heart. Knowing that Primo would always be there for her even when her parents could not. 
Primo dismissed the sisters so that he might spend a moment alone with Saccharine before the ceremony. The lot of them giggling and waving as they spilled into the hall. Primo placed his hand on Saccharine's, as they sat in silence. A welcome moment of calm amidst the chaos of the day. Primo feeling the trembling of her hand.
"You alright piccola?" He asked her. 
"I'm just a bit nervous." She admitted, smiling as Primo began chuckling to himself. 
"Completely normal, I suspect." Primo smiled, "I know my fratellino will make you very happy…and you him. There is nothing to worry about, I promise."
"You always know just what to say to make me feel better Papa." She smiled up at him just before Primo pulled her in close for a hug. After a tight squeeze, he released her. Brushing himself off and helping Saccharine straighten out her dress.
"Now, do you have everything you need?"
"I think so…" she told him, a pensive look on her face as she brought her hand to her chin.
"Ah, well I know one thing you're still missing."
"Oh?" Saccharine asked as Primo reached into his vest. Pulling from it a silver coin and placing it in her hands. "What is it?"
"This, mio piccola, is an obol. It's an old coin, meant to assure safe passage across the river Styx…today it shall make do as your sixpence. For good luck." Primo winked. Saccharine was overcome with emotion, practically pouncing Primo with a hug.
"Oh, thank you Papa! I love it!" She cried, carefully wiping the tears from her eyes. 
"Alright let's not mess you up before the ceremony or the Prime Mover will never let me hear the end of it." Primo smiled, rolling his eyes. "Ready?"
Primo and Saccharine down the main stairs. Each step, bringing her closer to eternity with Copia. The empty halls of the Abbey, surreal as they walked through it. Saccharine’s heart beating faster and faster. Soaring as the sound of music grew closer. 
A symphony composed just for her. Each and every note written by Papa himself. She tried to focus on her breathing as they reached the edge of the woods. Saccharine, closing her eyes and allowing Primo’s hand to guide her the rest of the way. 
The Processional had begun. All of the guests in their seats, turning to watch as Secondo and Ren’s little ones, the flower girl and ring bearer, came bounding down the aisle. Followed closely by their parents and dressed in the most adorable little vestments and taffeta dress, handsewn just for the occasion. Then came Nova and Terzo, both of them starry-eyed at one another as they walked. Making no secret that one day Saccharine and Copia would be back to celebrate vows between them.   
“We’re up.” Primo whispered. Saccharine opened her eyes and tried to take it all in. It was truly magical. The clearing in the woods, filled with siblings and ghouls. Everyone dressed to the nines and ready to celebrate as their Papa took his bride. The trees, adorned in splays of fabric and lights. The lush floral arrangements, Primo and the ghoulettes had created, breathtaking to behold. Their sweet scent, filling the space—soft and perfect. And the warm humming of the guests, a gentle background noise as the song changed to announce her arrival. 
Despite all the beauty that surrounded her, the only thing she could see was Copia. Her sweet Papa, standing at the end of the aisle. Smiling ear to ear as he watched her approaching him. It felt like both forever and yet only a blink, before Primo relinquished her hand to Copia. The two of them now standing before Mr. Saltarian, ready to begin the officiation of their ceremony, while everyone took their seats behind them. 
While they both knew they were supposed to look at Saltarian, Saccharine and Copia couldn’t help but steal glances at one another. Barely staving off tears of joy from their eyes. Drowning out all the world around them until Saltarian snapped them back to attention. Clearing his throat to alert them before speaking to the crowd.
“While we might have been made in God’s image…it is only through Satan's grace that are we given dominion over the earth and its creatures. Given truth and power over ourselves. Made free to commit sin. It is through our lust and love we shall fill the earth and subdue it. That through our unions we shall honor him—the Morningstar. Today siblings, ghouls, and Clergy—we have gathered for the most unholiness of ceremonies. The union of Papa Emeritus the Fourth, and our good sister Saccharine.” Saltarian smiled, his words filled with hope and love.
“Nema!” called out the guests. Both Copia and Saccharine, smiling at one another as things continued on. Mr. Saltarian spoke in length about love and commitment. How it was the duty of a Papa to shepherd his flock—and that his wife would help with his guidance. Giving him the strength and inspiration for the task. All things, though meaningful and well intentioned, the couple could only vaguely remember. Both too engrossed in one another’s eyes to care.
Copia was stunned in her presence. Saccharine was always beautiful but seeing her there before him now was like nothing he had never known before. A beauty that surpassed the visions of hell itself. Saccharine was overcome too, wondering to herself if Copia had ever looked this incredibly handsome before. His suit, even more impressive than anything he’d ever worn on stage. 
When it came time for their vows, both of them struggled. Choking back tears and trying desperately to convey what no number of words ever could. Copia went first, his palms a bit sweaty as he tried to hold Saccharine’s hand. Nervous that he would fumble his words. 
“Saccharine. Ever since the day in the garden, I have been bewitched by you. Enchanted by your gentle kindness, and compassion for all who surround you—even the scruffiest of rats,” Copia chuckled, the notes of tears heavy in his voice,” Your beauty—undeniable. When you held my hand the first time. Helping this old man rise from the dirt, covered in petals and brush. My heart was forever captivated. Only growing more in love as I listened to the gentle sound of your voice, my still new sorella. Allowing me to help guide you into your siblinghood and all the while stealing my heart. There will never be a day I don’t worship you. A day that I don't praise Lucifer for bringing you into my life. And I will spend the rest of eternity showing you just how much I love you. For whatever may come for us in this life, let it be known that since that day—my life has become yours.”
Saccharine sniffled back. Unable to help the tears from pouring out. Silently running over her cheeks as she squeezed Copia’s hands. Wanting to kiss him so badly, though it was not yet time. She began her vows. Her voice, shaky, but certain. “Copia, my dear sweet Papa. I had to leave so much behind me. Shaken to my core as I began life anew here at the Abbey. Still lost in my own fears and doubts. While I may have helped you in the garden that day, it was you who became my savior. Having only known me a moment, you lent me your whole heart. The best of intentions and a smile on your face. You guided me to the meaning of this life and into a happiness I might have never known. I fell fast and hard, only growing to love you more as we traveled this path together. I want nothing more than to spend my life with you. This one and the next. Declaring my love for you before any god that might hear it—I am yours now and for always.” she cried.    
Not a dry eye in the house as they say. The words shared between them, piercing the hearts of their guests. There was never any doubt that they belonged together, meant for each other as if their love had been ordained from the beginning. When the cosmos formed, and the stars burst into life. 
Saltarian bent down to help Ren and Secondo remove the rings, from the small black satin pillow in little Christian’s hands. Untying them carefully and handing one of the small golden bands to Copia. “Now repeat after me and place the ring on Saccharine’s finger. I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.” Copia repeated, his voice trembling. Saccharine too, finding it hard not to embrace him. Wanting to hold on to him for dear life. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” Saltarian continued. Everyone, watching as Copia slipped the ring onto Saccharine’s hand. A gentle wind blowing past them. Saccharine, working to push back a wayward stand from her face. Copia was never more in love. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” he finished. Saccharine, repeating the same rites as he. Their faces, hurting from the intensity of their smiles. Powerful emotions aching in their chest.   
“It is now, in the eyes of Lucifer, the father, the Antichrist and son, and the unholy spirit…I pronounce that you are husband and wife…” Saltarian declared, but before he could get the rest out, Copia dipped Saccharine back. Passionately taking her lips onto his. A roar of applause, erupting from the guests. Cheering loud and jumping for joy as the confetti, made from rose petals, went flying all round in the air.
The evening had only just begun. The newlyweds, celebrating along with the Abbey with an incredible reception. The ghouls had managed to throw together a makeshift dance floor and helped to DJ some music for everyone to dance to. The evening, spent with delicious food, wine, good conversation, and well wishes from all who stopped at the head table.
Copia and Saccharine had already been on the dance floor for several songs. Copia, twirling her around and showing her off like the prideful husband that he was. Ever grateful and yet still surprised that he had found a love such as this. Saccharine too in awe of them, occasionally wondering if she might wake from it all—finding it had only been a dream.
As they made their way back to the table, Marianna and Christian came barreling down through the crowd. Knocking into Saccharine as Copia quickly grabbed her before she fell. Saccharine shrugged it off, bending down to meet with the children face to face. Prime Mover Ren, running closely behind them. 
“Are you both alright?” Saccharine asked them, pulling the children close and giving them each a hug.
“Sorry Auntie Saccharine, we’re ok.” said Marianna. Ren, taking hold of both her children's hands.
“I’m so glad. You two be careful now.” Saccharine told them, smiling up at Ren who was mouthing a 'thank you' to her for being kind to them. Copia was immediately taken back. Mesmerized by watching her with them. The thoughts of one day Saccharine tending to their own children, tugging at his heart strings.  
“You are very good with them, si?” Copia said, both him and Saccharine blushing red. An unspoken thing said between them. Though neither would admit it just yet. 
“They’re just darling.” she replied as Secondo arrived to help Ren with their brood.
“Well, I don't know about that.” he snickered, Ren, quickly giving him a jab at his side. Both Copia and Saccharine, amused at the situation. A drop of lovely, in an already overflowing glass of happiness. Another slow song on the queue as the night continued on. The whole of the Abbey dancing the night away.
It was a couple hours later when Copia brought his mouth to Saccharine’s ear. Whispering softly and sending a rush of tingling through her as the breath escaped his lips. “Think they will miss us Amore?” he asked her.
“Oh…ah…I’m not sure.” Saccharine told him. The thrilling heat hitting her full force. Her heart beginning to pound harder inside her chest.
“I think they’ll manage, follow me–” Copia assured as he pulled her through the crowd. Rushing her outside the large doors of the Great Hall and into the small opening of the woods. The well-worn spot, filling with the small orbs of red light as they approached.
“Oh my.” she smiled as the bats fluttered above her head. The rats, pouring forth from the bushes and a small horde of spiders, trickling over the limbs of the trees to greet them. The beautiful creatures of the night, too light-shy to have visited in the day, now happily came to see the newlyweds as they fled deeper into the forest.
When Copia was satisfied with the spot, he took Saccharine back into his arms. Dancing with her under the moonlight. Spinning and twirling together in the cool night air. Relishing that it was just the two of them together. 
Saccharine laid her head on Copia's shoulders as they swayed. Copia humming to the songs they could just barely make out being played. Both of them, thinking that they could spend forever dancing in each other's arms. After a short time alone, Copia stopped. Taking Saccharine's hand and giving it a peck before speaking. 
“Mia principessa, let me show you something…” and before she knew it, Saccharine was being rushed back out of the woods and into the nearest part of Primo’s garden. The string lights, guiding them into an opening. In the middle sat a small canopy, made from bundles of black and red fabrics, and the suggestion of light coming from inside.
“What's all this?” she asked him, as Copia pulled back on it to help her inside. As Saccharine stepped in, she was delighted to find that in the middle was a mountain of pillows and blankets. Plush and plentiful. Surrounding a pair of juice boxes and some candles in the center. 
“I had the ghouls set this up for us, but it was my idea.” Copia beamed, proud of himself for conjuring the idea.
“I’ll have to thank them.” Saccharine smiled, planting a small kiss to Copia’s cheek. Copia, quickly picking up one of the juice boxes and handing it to her. 
“Heh…I know you’re not a big wine drinker.” he smiled, helping to open the straw. It was so sweet of him. He really had thought of everything. Even the view of Primo’s garden from the canopy was beautiful. The vivid colors from the flowers surrounding them, visible from every angle. Saccharine was honestly shocked any blooms remained after all that had been used in their ceremony. 
It was perfect. Everything was absolutely perfect. While it had all been so wonderful, the day had also been overwhelming. The celebrations and the ceremony were everything she could have wanted and more. She was grateful now for it to be just the two of them to be together. Alone in this small space, surrounded by the flowers.
Saccharine let out a sigh, relaxing into the pillows and slipping the shoes off her aching feet. Copia quickly took her foot in his hand and massaged it. Doing everything he could to help her get comfortable in their temporary abode. Both of them, smiling as the stress of the day began to melt away. 
“That's good.” she hummed just as he picked up her other foot.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you. Heels are great to look at—not so great to spend the day in.” Saccharine laughed, Copia soon joined her as he removed his jacket and slipped out of his own shoes. Settling down on the as he settled on the best of pillows beside her. 
“Feeling good enough to sin…Mrs. Emeritus?” Copia growled as he ran the back of his palm along the swell of Saccharine’s bosom. Bringing with him a tingling up her spine and a breath, took up sharply in her chest. The familiar ache, beginning to grow between her legs. 
“Copia!” she squeaked before becoming lost in his kiss, so soft and passionate. His hands, traveling gently beneath the fall of her dress. Fingers tracing the inside of her thigh. A journey they had well-traveled before, and meeting with her heated core. Teasing her folds through the fabric of her panties.  
“Si, la mia bellissima moglie. Won’t you allow me to show you how much I love you?” he asked, his voice begging and thick as honey. His eyes, falling over her. Etching her in his memory for the times when they would have to part. His lust and love for her, growing stronger inside as Copia watched the grucifix rosary rise and fall. Heavy on her chest.
“Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito.” she replied, slowly undoing the buttons that lined his shirt. Fingers carefully working through them and teasing the skin beneath.
“You’ve been practicing.” Copia hummed, his lips returning to hers. When she was finished, Saccharine pushed the shirt off from his shoulders. Running her fingers through the nest of hair that covered his chest. His eyes staring directly into hers, as he left out a breathy moan.
“I want you Copia. I need to feel you inside me. Make me yours.” Saccharine whispered, brushing her lips against his ear and sending a throb straight to his sex. Copia’s eyes widening as she ran her hand down his belly and over the growing bulge in his pants. Stroking him through the fabric. 
“I need you sweetheart…so much.” Copia whimpered, hungry for the feel of her against him. Saccharine turned around, pulling her hair off to the side, and allowing him full view of her back. Copia, kissing marks of black paint along her shoulders and her neck. Nimbly working his fingers to pull through the ties of her corset. Loosening them up enough so that he might remove her dress. 
“Kiss me.” Saccharine commanded as she turned back around to face him. Copia, pulling her to a stand, helping her to step out from her dress. His lips, never leaving hers. He caressed her face in his hands before allowing them to fall over her supple breasts. Kneading them in his hands as his tongue slid into her mouth.��
Saccharine worked to unzip his pants, both of them moaning and groaning. Their lungs, in need of air, though neither wanted to stop. She took hold of his sex and stroked him gently. Copia moaning at her touch. Aching to be inside her, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to last long. 
He lifted Saccharine up in his arms. His bride, following his lead as she wrapped her legs around him. The two of them, giggling and kissing as Copia carried her over to the best spot in the canopy. Setting her down gently on her back as he relished her naked body before him. The lights from the fireflies, beginning to dance in the air. 
“I would unmake and remake the world for you, if you’d only ask…mia dea oscura.” Copia growled, kissing down her neck and over her breasts. Taking his time to worship her before drawing a nipple into his mouth. Sucking gently as his fingers made their way to the precipice of her thighs.
“Oh Copia.” she moaned, unable to control the lift of her hips, moving to meet with his hand. Closing her eyes as her husband gently slipped his fingers past her folds. Pressing tight against the spot ribbed flesh deep inside her. A spot only he would ever know. Copia, quickly having her cumming against his hand, having learned exactly how to touch her. 
She shook and cried out. Fingers, digging half-moons into Copia's shoulders as she fell from the height of her orgasm. Her husband, looking sexier with his smug and satisfied grin. Engrossed in how glorious it was to see her like this.
Open and blossoming for him. Her body, belonging to him—and his to her. He moved above her, gently nudging his erection against her folds. Using the fruits of his efforts to aid his glide. Pushing himself in slowly until he was fully seated inside.
"Oh sweetheart, you feel so good." Copia groaned, his face flush and his mouth hung open. Saccharine looked deep in his eyes, her body already beginning to pulse once again with his movements.
"Oh Copia…You do too." She moaned. Saccharine, no longer the shy virgin he deflowered but his lover, his partner—his wife. Unafraid to show him just how good it felt to have him inside her. Her body tugging tightly against him with each thrust of his hips. 
"Ah!" Copia growled as her body squeezed around him. His movements, more intentioned and his stride picking up in pace. He wanted nothing more than to make her cum again. Ready to catch her on the way down when she fell from the heights of their passion. His mouth, returning to her breast.
Within moments, Saccharine's second orgasm quickly crashed over her. Copia, pulling her up onto his lap as he continued thrusting inside. Her hand, flying up and over her mouth as she came—hard and fast. Praying to Lucifer that she'd been able to contain the sound before alerting a whole pack of ghouls. 
She was putty in his hands. Copia, having to help hold her upright as he kept moving. Both of them, completely covered in sweat and the remnants of his paints. Her arms wrapped around him, while tears poured down her cheeks. Overwhelmed by the sheer ecstasy of their lovemaking and the emotions swirling through her.
"Copia! Ah! Cum with me!" She cried out, staring deep into his eyes. Copia could see the beauty of all the world wrapped up in them. Watching her in rapturous bliss, the likes of which only he could bring her. Her thighs, tightening up around him as his shaft began swelling inside to fill her. Both of them trembling together, held in each other’s arms.
"That's my girl, my beautiful wife…make me cum" He whined, completely losing control of his rhythm and allowing himself to let go fully as he came inside her—just as she came for him. 
"Oh. Sweet. Lucifer." Saccharine said, breathy and exhausted, before falling limp into Copia's arms. Both of them panting against each other. Their first time as husband and wife, proving to be one to remember. Neither of them, able to speak. Still too deep in the haze of pleasure.
Copia moved them both. Cradling Saccharine in his arms as he laid down beside her. Her head, resting on his chest and the scent of his cologne filling her nose. Then from the sea of heavy breathing and shared heartbeats, came Copia's voice. The sound, sweeter than ever before to her ears. 
"I love you." He smiled before kissing her forehead.
"I love you too Copia…promise me something ok?" She asked, scared that this happiness might someday end.
"Anything amore."
"Promise me that you stay with me…forever." Saccharine cried. Copia held her closer, feeling the warm tears falling in his chest.
(Mio) piccola- (my) little one
mia principessa- my princess
la mia bellissima moglie- my beautiful wife
Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito- Always, my handsome husband
mia dea oscura- dark goddess
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dejablonde · 2 months
Okay, so I did in fact make more. Uhhhh enjoy
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Full spread
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Looking for your Cardinal?
Fem!Reader x Papa Emeritus III (Terzo), mentions of Reader X Cardinal Copia
TW: semi-public sex, mentions of getting caught, technically cheating??, smut, nothing but smut
Word Count: 1.6k
In which the Reader has a spicy dream about her Papa. (Based on true events which happened to me this morning 😂)
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You quickly scurry through the halls of the abbey looking for the one in red. Up the stairs your feet carry you as you hurry towards your private meeting spot, although it won't be private for long; classes start soon.
The Cardinal had told you to meet him there, as he'd been burning the midnight oil to make some alterations to his cassock and he wanted you to be the first to see them.
Quickly but quietly opening the door to the study room, attached to a large classroom, your eyes scan the room for anything red. That's when you see it, and it catches you off guard: Terzo sprawled across the little sofa like a cat getting a good sunbath. "Looking for your Cardinal, eh?"
"I, uhh..." You look at the floor, trying to admire the pattern of the rug.
"Don't lie to your Papa, Sorella. You don't think I know about how nostro Cardinale makes you sing like a song bird for him?"
You blush bright red, as he demands you come over to him, "Come on, sit, bella ragazza."
You do as you're told, sitting next to his lying form on the tiny couch. He isn't in his usual long tailored suit coat; you suppose it's too early in the morning for that. It's intoxicating being this close to him, taking in his features, surrounded by the fragrance of his cologne, especially while his fingers delicately trace shapes on your hands and up your arms, which rest stiffly in your lap.
He props himself up, his face right next to your ear and a hand not allowing you to move away from him, "Mi piacerebbe sentire la tua canzone, dolcezza." With a nip to your earlobe, the cat had caught the songbird like prey.
You let out a nervous breath before your lips found his. 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘴, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘊𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘢 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸.
Next thing you know, you're kissing that silent prayer right into your Papa's chest, black lipstick trailing his torso closer and closer to his desire.
As Terzo flips you onto your back, it's like he's purposely taking his time with you, urging someone to walk in. He nips at your thighs, drawing little breathy whines from you, "Brava ragazza. Continua così..."
Pushing the skirt of your habit up, his teeth tease at the waistband of your panties, his hot breath on your skin making all sorts of little hairs stand up. "Did you wear these in hopes your Cardinal would like them?" He works the habit up over your head, "Perhaps in hopes that they would fall to the floor at his hands?" As if to accentuate his point, he throws your habit across the little room, the fabric rustling into a pile in the corner.
Shrugging his shirt off, he positions his hips on top of yours with your legs on either side of his grabbable little waist. 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘵. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘢 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘦𝘳𝘻𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵? But before you can really feel bad, his hardness is grinding against you through layers of fabric. The feeling is absolutely delicious but leaves you both wanting more, as told by your wanton moans. Terzo leans down to press his needy mouth to your neck, leaving a string of sloppy, open-mouth kisses. You can't help but return the favor, peppering his shoulder with love bites. He rocks against you like that for a while, truly savoring taking his time with you, until you hear the sound of feet shuffling and doors opening and closing in the hallway.
"Cazzo, class is starting, principessa..." Terzo languidly whispers in your ear, "What if someone sees us? What if your precious Cardinal comes looking for you, hm?"
His erection still grinding against your clit makes it impossible to think, the sound of Siblings, high clergy, Ghouls, whoever outside the door only heightens your excitement. "Fuck, Terzo..."
"Fuck what, eh? Fuck you? I could arrange that, Tesoro," and with that, he rips you up off of the couch and pulls you into a tiny utility closet and locks the door this time. It's pitch black, but you can tell you've been leaned up against something cold and metal, drawing a hiss from you. Maybe a washer for the Siblings' habits? You don't care as you search for Terzo's lips again, and you find them with fervour this time.
This time when his fingers tease the lace of your panties, they do hit the floor, just as he described earlier. His fingers waste no time in traveling to your center, diving between your folds gracefully, and they only leave you to remove your bra.
Clearly an experienced lover, your Papa's hands traverse your body, finding all the little spots that will make you chirp for him. As he has one hand between your legs and the other around your throat, you reach out for him, unhooking the pants he was straining against. They slid down a bit, exposing his defined hips and the bright pink tip of his cock. Your thumb gently teases at the leaking slit, which earns you a growl from the man before you're thrown up onto what you presume to be a washing machine.
He aggressively kicks his pants off before pulling you to the edge of the cold metal, lining himself up with you, but he doesn't sink into you just yet. Oh no... He's got more teasing to do.
Terzo takes his length in his hand, pumping himself lazily a few times, "You can hardly take your eyes off it, dolcezza. What would the Cardinal think? Do you think he knows how badly you yearn for another?" The last part is whispered right in your ear. Gently at first, you feel his hard member stroking itself against your core again, slicking itself up in your want for him. Every time he rakes over your clit, you choke out a squeak, trying to stay quiet as classes start all around you. "It wouldn't be a shame if someone were to see you like this--è una bella vista. I can see why our Cardinal likes to make you wail so early in the morning, for everyone nearby to imagine what he might be doing to you."
"P-Papa... Please, Papa..." you whine for him, hooking your legs on his hips to pull him closer. The throbbing between your legs is so intense, you can already feel your core tightening.
"Please, what, bambino? What can Papa do for you?" He brushes a hand through your hair, appreciating the flush on your cheeks.
"Fuck me, Papa! I need it, I need you," you beg for him.
"Mmm, you need this?" he asks, teasing you yet again by pressing the head of his cock against your entrance.
"Please, yes, please, Terzo," your eyebrows knit together and you can't stop yourself from bucking your hips. 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘺, 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦.
You can't take it anymore as he tickles your neck with kisses once again. Your heel finds the back of his knee, and in one swift move, you push him to the hard marble floor. You hungrily take in his form while you move to straddle him: leaned back against something on his elbows, legs spread at the knees, his angry red cock kissing at his bellybutton. "My, my, dolcezza," he looks at you deviously, his heavy brow bone making his scowl intense, "I should almost say that it should be the Cardinal that sings for 𝘺𝘰𝘶-"
Unlike Terzo, you waste no time in sinking down on his member, and it rips a loud groan from both of you. His arm wraps almost protectively around your waist as you take your pleasure from him, making plenty of noise like your reputation had suggested.
"Beautiful, dolcezza, bellissima... I just had to hear you myself," Terzo praises you between moans of his own, his hips rocking up into yours to match your pace.
"God damn it, Papa," you squeeze your eyes shut, still bouncing on his cock at a dangerous speed, "Terzo, I'm already close- you fucking tease."
"I know the Cardinal has his tricks... But I have mine, sì?" he chuckles deeply before commanding you, "Vieni per me, dolce ragazza. Lasciami sentire la tua voce..."
Your release crashes over you, screaming Terzo's name, a melody of rhythmic moans spilling from you as he continues to thrust into you, taking you through your orgasm. Your legs shake and your pussy clenches tightly around him.
You hear a small, "Fuck..." escape your Papa as he furrows his brow and his head rolls back, obviously lost in the heights of his own climax.
Suddenly the door bursts open and you see a flash of that unmistakable red fabric before you're jolted awake.
"Mia cara, are you alright?" Copia's soft voice washes over you; you're wrapped in his silk sheets, his arms draped around your waist. "You're not too warm are you?" He checks your forehead with his hands.
"No, I'm okay, w-why? What's wrong?" you try to maintain a calm voice, the last waves of your apparent orgasm still rippling through your core.
"Nothing, dolcezza, you were just having a dream and started twitching about. You had me worried for a moment, that's all," his obvious concern for you quickly pushing that dream from your head, but certainly not the tension that had grown between your legs. You meet your Cardinal with a fiery kiss, throwing a leg over his hip. "What's gotten into you, mia cara?" he chuckles, "It's been years since we woke up so early to make love."
But you did that morning.
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movie-whore · 1 year
If Cardinal Copia ever got married he would drop the rings and chase them down the aisle because of course they started rolling and as he is running he would trip and fall somehow. When he gets back up, he's all sweaty and his hair is disheveled while he walks back up to the altar and apologizes to everyone. (He would also have hurt his knee when he fell so he would have a limp for the rest of the wedding, so during the first dance he keeps on stepping on his s/o's feet.)
Idk I just thought of that cause I'm at a wedding right now being antisocial as hell. (It's my dad's wedding😭)
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copiawife · 20 days
it's so weird i feel anxious sharing anything concrete about my ship so there's so many little plot points or details that nobody knows about or me so i'll be tempted to reference them and then be like you have to talk about them first blair,,
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can-of-pringles · 10 months
Imagine when Copia and Silas get married instead of the usual wedding cake toppers they get matching cardinal birds
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rightintheghoulies · 2 years
Copia on his wedding day would sneakily ask his bride-to-be 'You still like me, right?' She'd say yes ovbs, after which he'd leave her with a 'Great. Cool.' *fist bump* *struts away*
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skywarpie · 2 years
He's so babygirl and literally for what reason
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stealingyourteeth · 2 years
btw guys Cardinal Copia definitely objected the wedding and confessed his love to Sans and no one cared and Sans and Nagito got married (real) (not clickbait)
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mypoisonedvine · 3 months
𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔰 (part I) | frater imperator x reader
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 | when the newly-appointed head of the clergy decides (or, has it decided for him) that it is time to marry, he neither has time for nor has to worry about the stress of dating... he can just take his pick.
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 | 5.2k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 | for the series overall: smut (18+ only!!), arranged marriage, extreme religious themes, shy!reader, and lots of pining/slow-ish burn. for this chapter: mention of death and mostly just reader having anxiety... and a hint of my glove kink coming through but that's neither here nor there
this is probably not worth saying when it's already in the title but uh, rite here rite now spoilers. so sorry but it's literally what the fic is based on so I couldn't help it.
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Frater Imperator… Frater Imperator…
He couldn’t quite wrap his head around the title, still.  It was a shock already when he first read the letter from his mother— on top of the shock of losing her, which was more than enough— but it still hadn’t quite sunk in.
He was so shocked by the promotion, in fact, that he’d been entirely unable to process the paragraph afterwards:
And please, do as I’ve been asking for quite some time and finally take a wife.  Or husband!  I’m not picky.  But you need someone beside you to keep things in order and keep you in line.
Yes, Copia’s mother had been encouraging him towards marriage for quite some time, even before he knew she was his mother; in some ways, it made more sense once that element came to light, though it did change the tone of her request quite a lot.  It also made him take it much more seriously.
And now, it could be argued that this was basically her dying wish.  He really had no other choice: he couldn’t put off a marriage any longer.
See, he’d never had a problem with the idea of it— he’d always imagined getting married some day, like most people seem to— but he wasn’t the luckiest in love.  A broken heart or two (or five) had convinced him to focus more on his work with the church, and to be fair, no one could deny that the work had paid off.  But, as they say, it gets lonely at the top: and now, he was the leader of the whole church, and he had no prospects or even romantic interests to speak of.
Fortunately, he had realized that because he was the leader, he didn’t need all that: all he had to do was say the word.
The announcement spread through the congregation like wildfire: the newly-minted Frater Imperator was going to get married.  The part they neglected to mention— and the part everyone wanted to know the most— was to whom.
There were already plenty of rumors, which you avoided because you felt they were all baseless.  Even within one day you’d heard three different stories about this mysterious future spouse, each more preposterous than the last: that he had a secret lover in the ministry he would wed, that he met a fan at a ritual and swept her off her feet, and that he had some previously unmentioned long-term girlfriend who wasn’t even in the church.
The wedding was less than a week away and all anyone knew was that everyone would be there.
Unfortunately, it was hard to ignore the gossip, even if you weren’t participating in it.  The night when it all began, you were trying to read while several of the other Sisters were giggling amongst themselves over their various theories.  “I wasn’t sure he’d ever marry,” someone admitted, “even though he could probably have anyone he wanted.”
“Not me,” one Sister announced smugly, “I never thought he was all that good-looking.”
“Oh please,” another scoffed incredulously, “you’d be on your knees in a second if you saw him at a ritual.”
“Besides, his looks aren’t the most important thing: this is the head of the clergy.  Whoever he marries is probably going to be spoiled rotten!”
They laughed excitedly, and though you’d been trying to tune it out, you couldn’t help but wonder about it as well.  The announcement had left so much unanswered, but the timing of it seemed too important to ignore.  Perhaps the clergy had forbidden the Papa to marry— you weren’t aware of any rule against it, since to your knowledge none of them had ever tried— and so he’d had to wait until his time was complete to be with the person he loved.  Perhaps it was the death of his mother that triggered it: at best, a renewed desire to find happiness and family when faced with a reminder of mortality; at worst, his mother hadn’t approved of his lover and only now was his final obstacle removed.
Ironically, after all those times you failed to ignore them before, it took the other Sisters several attempts to tear you out of your train of thought now: you blinked quickly and looked up from your book as you realized they were saying your name to get your attention.
“Hm?” you mumbled hazily when you looked at them.
“A message for you,” Sister Agnes informed you, leaning over to hand you a rolled parchment.  You weren’t sure if it was private or not, but everyone was staring at you in anticipation— in fact, you noticed then that their entire conversation had died down to silence— and so you awkwardly unrolled it and read the writing inside.
Frater Imperator and the clergy request your presence in the upper sanctum imminently.
As soon as you descended the stairway back to the mail halls of the abbey, a gaggle of Sisters descended on you, wide-eyed and desperate for gossip.  “So?!” Sister Lilith asked expectantly, like the rest of her question should be obvious. “What was it about?”
“Was the whole clergy there?”
“U-uhm, all but Frater,” you replied shyly.
“What did they say?”
“Don’t be silly, ladies,” Sister Agnes scoffed, “it was obviously about the wedding.  What else would there be meetings about today?  They must want her to help in some way: communion, maybe?”
“Ooh!  A bridesmaid!” another in the group suggested excitedly.  “Do you know who he’s marrying?”
“Of course she knows!” someone answered for you.  “Who is it?  I was right, wasn’t I— it’s someone in the church!”
“Well… yes, I know who it is,” you mumbled, “but I… I’m not sure I’m permitted to speak on it.”
That was a lie, but you were too busy trying to process it all yourself to share it with anyone.
“Just tell us,” they begged.  “You won’t get in trouble!”
“The wedding’s only a few days away,” Sister Lilith pointed out, “so there’s no point in it being a secret now— and if I’m right about who it is, Sister Magdalena owes me a fifty.”
“I’m sure you didn’t guess it,” you promised her.
But the questions just kept coming: “It is a woman, though, right?” “Is it someone you know?  Wait, is it someone we know?” “
You realized that if you didn’t tell them now, they would either figure it out soon or be entirely blindsided at the ceremony.  Not to mention that if you refused to answer their questions, they’d just keep grilling you until they got something.  Your voice was actually quite feeble in that moment, not loud or strong enough to cut through all that chatter— but your words were enough to stop every question being thrown at you in its tracks.
“It’s me.”
You waited for them to react, but for a moment, they didn’t.
“I was asked to— to take the position,” you specified, putting it as vaguely as possible.  I’m going to marry Frater Imperator was just as true but was just as hard to say as it was to wrap your head around.
They erupted into a variety of reactions, all of which at least had some element of shock involved.  “I had no idea you were so close!” Sister Agnes exclaimed.
“We’ve… never even spoken…” you shyly replied, and the excitement quickly died down.  You weren't offended by their quizzical stares; if anything, it was a relief to see some of them looking as confused as you felt.
Why did he choose her? you caught a few whispers in the back of the group.  They're strangers? What makes her so special, then?
You wish you knew the answers to those questions.
That night as you laid in bed, you couldn’t do anything but replay the clergy meeting in your mind.  You’d felt so small across the table from all of them; you had no idea air could feel so heavy and stiff, matching the tense energy as you waited for them to explain why you’d been summoned.  As it all happened, you thought you would never forget every detail— but already you were losing your memory of what was said in what order, when exactly you realized you weren’t in trouble, how long it took you to believe what you were hearing.
Should we not court first?  Or have a meeting, maybe? You had suggested.  Frater does not feel it is necessary, a clergyman firmly replied.
And he’s not here now, because… you trailed off.
We all feel you should make this decision privately— in case his presence would sway you one way or another, a high Sister answered.
You could see the logic in that, and appreciated the concern for your uncoerced consent… except, of course, that this was an offer already impossible to say no to.  They’d successfully convinced you that you wouldn't be punished for turning down the proposal, but the marriage itself had already been announced: if you rejected the offer, someone else would surely take your place.  And for some reason, though the idea of going through with this terrified you, passing it up sounded even worse.  Even just imagining another woman taking her place at his side… why did it bother you so much? 
Because you will take your husband's title, but will not have decision-making power over the clergy, your title from henceforth shall be Sister Imperator Consortia.
It had a ring to it, but it didn’t feel like you— at least not yet.  It felt too… formal, too important.  Generally, people don’t join a convent and put on a habit because they’re intent on standing out, Satanic or not.
You told yourself that you needed to rest while you could, you had a busy week ahead starting with a dress fitting first thing tomorrow.  But still, you hardly got a moment of sleep that first night; part of you thought if you shut your eyes long enough, you would wake up to learn this had all been some bizarre dream.
You couldn’t decide, though, if you’d be relieved or heartbroken if you awoke.
In some ways, the wedding mass was quite similar to how you’d always pictured yours would be… except for the attendance.  You were sure you’d never met this many people in your life!  Even tonight, you wouldn’t be able to meet them all!
But, of course, this was the social event of the year, if not decade, for any church member or Satanist: it only made sense that there were throngs of people not only in the church but outside, waiting to see the new couple.
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, face obscured by the black veil, your eyes widened with the thought that you might be basically the Kate Middleton of Satanism in this moment…
Trading your opaque veil for one of lace, your loose and simple dress for a form-fitting and extravagant one made of dark red silk and sporting an over-the-top train, you wondered if you were going to be swallowed up by all this overwhelming intricacy, all this… pomp.
Taking a shaky breath, you tried not to imagine that everyone else watching you walk down the aisle would agree with you that you were horribly out of place.  You wished you’d had a chance to understand why you were chosen— to even just meet the high Frater, but the clergy had insisted several times that he was too busy with his new duties and planning the wedding.  Yes, your fiance was too busy planning your wedding to speak to you.  It was all horrifically ironic, and irritating.  So, as you turned and stepped out of the bridal suite, taking your bouquet of Dahlias from one of the Sisters assisting you, you thought to yourself if nothing else, at least I’ll get to finally try to understand all this by the end of the night.
The doors to the main hall opened for you, and there was no turning back.
It was a massive room, with easily a thousand people between you and the altar, but the very first thing your eyes fell on was Copia all the way at the other end of the aisle: the all black suit was no surprise, yet even from so far his white eye stood out prominently, and it was fixed on you.
Walking down the aisle took quite some time— you’d been reminded to take slow steps, as if you were just going to break into a sprint or something.  You tried to keep your eyes ahead, and ignore all the eyes on you: people seated on the furthest ends of the pews leaned and stood on their tiptoes to try to get a glimpse, but between all the encouraging smiles you caught an occasional glare of disapproval… it seemed plenty of your siblings were jealous of or disappointed by you one way or another.
Adjusting your clammy hands slightly, you realized you were unintentionally holding a concerningly tight grip on the Dahlia stems and the ribbon they were wrapped with; that said, you were very thankful for something you do with your hands.
Your heart was pounding by the time you reached the front of the hall, where the priest, the clergy, and your betrothed waited for you at the altar.  A Sister took your bouquet away to free your hands just as you passed the front row, and when you looked forward again there were only a few carpeted steps between you and… everything.
Copia surprised you by reaching forward— at first you weren’t sure what he meant by it, until you realized and quickly took his hand, letting him guide you up the stairs.  He was wearing those leather gloves you hardly ever saw him without, but even still, it was the first time you’d ever touched him; was his hand shaking?  You couldn’t tell, yet it almost felt like it.  Not to say that his grip wasn’t a strange sort of comfort in that moment; as he helped you up the stairs, you felt yourself relaxing slightly, despite being far from over with the hardest parts of this.
The first few minutes were just a matter of standing and waiting while the priest spoke: you wish you could say you remembered a damn word of it, he must’ve said something about love or marriages or… you know, all that.  Whatever it was, you were relieved when it was over and you could move on to the communion and prayer— the more familiar parts, and the parts where you got to kneel.  You were actually amazed that your legs hadn’t been noticeably wobbly so far, but they definitely could use a break.
In the time that your head was meant to be bowed in your prayer, you carefully opened your eyes and turned your head— just enough to take a peek at him quickly.  Well, your intention was to be quick about it, but once you started looking, you became distracted rather easily.  It was just that you'd never seen him so up close, you were sure: you'd never noticed the slope of his nose before, or how long his eyelashes were, or the shape of his lips in this profile—
Suddenly, as if he sensed your stare somehow, his eyes popped open and glanced over to return it.  He gave you a half smirk as your eyes widened and you snapped your gaze back down to your clasped hands.
“...and may they be joined in unholy matrimony for all eternity,” the priest ended his prayer: “Nema.”
“Nema,” you and Copia and the rest of the congregation replied.
The penultimate step of the ceremony was the exchanging of the rings, which were extended towards you both on a little velvet pillow— it was actually kind of adorable, you thought.
You figured he might take his gloves off for you to put the ring on, but it was apparently designed to fit around them; alternately, you had to suppress a startled reaction to your own ring as he gently placed it on your finger.  It was a massive ruby surrounded with onyx and black diamonds, intricate and completely unsubtle.  You knew Copia had expensive taste, and it was certainly in keeping with such a lavish wedding, but you wondered if it would look entirely out of place on you for daily wear.
I’ll wear this ring every day, forever, you reminded yourself; you breathed out shakily as his hands held yours so tenderly for one more moment after your ring was in place.
And then there was only one thing left.  The thing you’d been preparing yourself for since this morning— or perhaps since that fateful meeting with the clergy: the kiss.
It felt pretty melodramatic with him lifting your veil over your head, and it felt surreal to be in the part of this that you’d been imagining in hopes of preparing yourself.  Of course, it was a little different than how you’d pictured it, most of all the look on his face: it was subtle, but he didn’t seem as serious or muted as you were used to.  It wasn’t like he was grinning or anything— that would’ve actually been sort of creepy— but there was a small smile on his face.
You heard the priest say something about husband and wife but you weren’t paying attention, it all sounded distant somehow.  And maybe you sort of psyched yourself up for this moment too much— maybe you wanted to get the wedding over with, maybe you were afraid if you didn’t commit fully that you’d end up instinctively backing away when he came closer and you’d both be humiliated in front of all these people.
There were other possible explanations for what you did, but for whatever reason, you all but threw yourself onto him and kissed him.
It only lasted for a few seconds, but that moment may as well have been frozen in time; it took him a second to react, his hands settling near your waist— and it took the crowd a moment too, but they began to clap and cheer for you both at some point.
Truthfully, you weren’t thinking much about how it felt to kiss him… you couldn’t, really, without losing focus on the point of all this.  You weren’t here to have a nice kiss or meet someone you might like— you were here to serve a purpose, to fill a role.  And that’s not to say you weren’t grateful, but you weren’t going to let yourself be distracted from your duty to the church.
You backed away as suddenly as you’d latched onto him, and when you opened your eyes after scrunching them shut during the kiss, you saw him looking at you with a bit of shock in his expression.  Only then did you wince to yourself and wonder, was that too much?
He took your hand and turned to face the congregation, so you followed suit of course, and as he smiled and waved at them politely you were a little surprised to see them all standing and applauding.  It definitely felt like a bigger crowd from this side of the cathedral…
You were almost frozen for a second, until you felt his hand guiding you down— he was already on the first step down, so you quickly picked up your skirt and followed him.  You had wondered before if you would feel different walking back down the aisle with him, compared to when you processed on it alone.  You weren’t sure if you really felt married or something— what would that even feel like?— but you did feel different.
You felt better, actually— relieved, happier, you even caught yourself smiling at the crowd, but it was hard not to with how… energetic they were.  Despite not really knowing what to do with all that attention, you at least appreciated it, though it surely had little to do with you.  They were cheering for him because he’s Copia— Frater, the former Papa, heir of the Emeritus bloodline— and they were only cheering for you because you’re his wife.
And no, just because you understood that logically didn’t mean it felt at all real yet.
Frater Imperator and Sister Imperator Consortia! you could hear the announcement echoing through the hall, though it was distant compared to the claps and hollers.  You dared one glance at him by your side, thinking it might be easier than looking at this massive crowd around you, and found him already smiling at you; and with a warmth beginning to spread on your face, you let him guide you out of the doors, into the rest of the church submerged in nightfall. 
After a crowded spectacle like that, the quiet of his chambers was quite a relief.  So much so, actually, that it dampened some of that eerie, anxious feeling of being alone with Copia in his bedroom; it wasn’t quite as spacious as you would’ve assumed someone with his level of importance would have, but the ornate and luxurious furniture made perfect sense.
You were so caught up in taking it all in, almost entranced by the beauty all around you, that when he spoke it slightly startled you. 
“That kiss,” he said suddenly.  “Wow.”
It was just that his voice sounded so different like this: no microphone, no massive chapel, just one small room with stone walls.  There was a brief pause as he ran his gloved hand over his hair, blowing air quickly out of his mouth, and you realized you should probably respond somehow: for some reason, your mind struggled to accept that he was speaking to you directly.  “I’m sorry if I was too forward, I just—”
“No!  No, not at all,” he laughed thinly, “no, you did very well.  I’m sure today was… overwhelming for you.”
It felt good to just hear him confirm that: up until now, everyone in the clergy had been sort of acting like this was normal, never really acknowledging (let alone validating) your stress.
“If it’s any comfort, it was for me, too.  And I’ve had a lot more experience with large crowds than you,” he added.
You smiled a little; “Yes, that’s true— but it must be different here, at home.”
“Mm,” he nodded, pondering that for a second.  “It is.  But it’s preferable in some ways, too— like now, being able to come back to my own space.”
You envied that a bit; you were likely never to return to your chambers across the building, and while you didn’t necessarily enjoy sharing that space with a dozen other Sisters, it was probably easier than sharing a bed with just one man.
Before you could get a little too caught up in that train of thought, he spoke again.  “I can’t believe I haven’t already told you how exquisite you look in your dress,” he offered.
“O-oh, thank you,” you hummed, “I’m very fortunate, it’s a beautiful gown.”
“Of course it is, I picked it out,” he informed you proudly.  “I have excellent taste, no?”
“You do,” you agreed with a small laugh.
“And you liked the ceremony, I hope?”
“Yes, Papa,” you answered dutifully.  “I-I mean, Frater.”
“Force of habit,” he noticed, “literally.  But, I'm not Frater to you anymore, I'm your husband.”
That certainly made your heart skip a beat, even though you couldn’t imagine you had forgotten it in the last ten minutes.  “So what should I call you, then?” 
“Well, just my name should do,” he laughed slightly, seeming a bit surprised by the question.  “Spouses call each other pet names from time to time, would you like that?”
You might have been able to think about that idea more clearly if his hand wasn't on your waist, petting along the curve of it absent-mindedly.  “I… don't know,” you admitted, “I’ve never really tried it.”
“It will come naturally, I suppose,” he shrugged.
“So, it is a proper marriage then,” you realized.
You wondered if you shouldn’t have said it aloud.  “I-I just mean, I wasn’t sure at first… if maybe it was all political, you know,” you admitted.  “A marriage for show, not necessarily of a personal nature, I guess.”
“If it were political, I would have been paired up with someone from another church, I imagine,” he explained, one of his eyebrows raising.  “Did you think I chose you randomly?”
It felt pretty fucking random, you wanted to say, but that would have been a little bit harsh.  Instead, you sat down on the edge of the bed (which was only a little cumbersome with your dress) and he copied you, sitting just a few feet away.  “I’m so honored you chose me, Copia,” you began, feeling a little odd about using his name so casually, “but I just… I can’t imagine why.”
“The clergy asked me the same thing,” he recalled, “but they weren’t satisfied with my answer— I’m sure you won’t be, either.”
“Try me,” you encouraged.
“Well… I saw you once,” he explained slowly, “in a Mass— I gave you communion, do you remember that?”
“O-oh, yes, I think you’ve served me the elements a few times.”
“This was the first time,” he assured, “I know, because I thought to myself she must be new, if I’d seen her before I would’ve remembered it.”
You tried not to smile too wide, but you couldn't help some reaction.  You never imagined you'd left such an impression on him.
“You looked up at me, and you just looked so sweet… I couldn’t get the image out of my mind, you on your knees before me…”
You crossed your legs tightly.  “I mean, I remember that too, of course.  But it’s because it was the first time I saw you in your papal robes— I was just one of hundreds, I didn’t even know you could tell us apart.”
“Well, you stood out to me— maybe it was fate, eh?” he smirked.  But he was the head of the clergy, the most important man in the church: he made his own fate.
“And that’s it?” you realized sheepishly.  “You thought I was pretty, or something, a few years ago and so you married me?”
“Not pretty, no— pretty is cheap, cara mia.  You were enchanting.”
Was this flattery?  It seemed too perfect to be totally genuine, but hell, he was smooth.  
“I thought of you often,” he admitted, moving closer to you, “I imagined if I might have you to myself someday… and now I do.”
His gloved hand rested on your shoulder before carefully moving up to the back of your neck; he guided you towards him, slowly and patiently, looking into your eyes for a moment but taking longer to look at your lips. 
You swallowed nervously once before letting your eyes fall shut.
The kiss was soft at first, but grew more intense with every moment; he breathed a little heavier through his nose and you could feel it against your face.
His arms wrapped around you, and it should've felt nice, like a loving embrace; it sort of did, it just also started to make you feel claustrophobic, forcing you to fight the urge to squirm out of his grasp.
You wanted to give into it, you wanted to let yourself melt into his arms… but as he held you tighter and kissed you harder, your heart started to race in a way that wasn’t pleasant anymore.
Pulling back and pushing against him, you broke away and hoped he wouldn’t be angry with you or hurt by your rejection.  Fortunately, he let you move back as soon as you tried, and looked at you with an expression more of surprise than frustration.
“W-wait, I—” you mumbled nervously, willing your hands not to shake with nervousness.  “It’s not that I don’t— we’ve only just— I do find you attractive, but—”
“We don’t know each other very well,” he finished for you.  “It's alright, you seemed nervous already.”
“Yes,” you sighed, smiling with relief.  “I just thought… maybe we could get to know each other better first, before we…”
“I didn't expect you to be so shy,” he noticed with a soft laugh.  You were keeping close watch on his tone and, from what you could tell, he thankfully didn't sound too disappointed.
“I-I’m usually not,” you assured, “maybe compared to some other Sisters…”
“Well, that's a low bar,” he noted with a raised brow, “but anyhow, it doesn't bother me.  I'm happy to wait until you're… more comfortable.”
You smiled a little, glancing away briefly.  “Thank you,” you began, barely managing to stop yourself from calling him by a title again.
“I just hope you'll stay in my bed tonight— it's your bed, too, you know.  Nothing else has to happen.”
“Of course,” you smiled, “I'd like that.” 
He nodded shortly at you and moved as if he was going to get up, but you opened your mouth impulsively to speak— even if nothing came out right away— and he stopped.
“But, um— you could kiss me again,” you suggested quickly, before you lost the nerve.  He smiled, with a certain sparkle in his eyes that made you squirm slightly against the bed.
His hand brushed under your chin gently, lifting your face until you were forced to look right up at him.  “If it would please you,” he returned with a purr.
Swallowing thickly, you nodded; “Yes,” you insisted softly.
This kiss was slower, but no less intoxicating: he touched you like you were the most fragile thing, and the movements of his lips seemed to gently guide your own.  You heard yourself sigh against him, and his thumb started to pet your jawline tenderly.
You remembered that moment clearer now, the one he described to you before. Taking communion from him, kneeling under him, waiting with an open mouth for him to deliver the mana to your tongue… the cool golden chalice against your lip and the bittersweet wine…
His other hand delicately landed on your lower back, and you opened your mouth wider, letting his tongue graze against yours.
When he pulled back, you found yourself leaning forward just for a second, chasing him for more.  And he obviously noticed, it was clear from the way he smiled down at you.  You wondered if he would indulge your desire for more— for a second, you imagined he might decide that you were more ready than you'd let on and take you right then and there.  A little brutish, yes, but the idea tickled a certain corner of your brain.
But, no, he sat up straight and let out a short breath.  “I'll get ready for bed,” he announced.  “You should too— you've had a long day.”
You nodded back; “Yes, Papa,” you returned compulsively once again.  “Damn it!”
“It seems you have a lot of new things to get used to,” he laughed.
More than you know, you thought to yourself as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
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deakyjoe · 3 months
Arranged & Absolute
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Pairing: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia x Reader (fem, afab)
Category: arranged marriage, smut
Summary: To strengthen his new position as Papa, Copia agrees to marry someone he’s never met.
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected p in v sex, desk sex, you get cum on the paperwork, vaginal fingering, grinding/dry humping, kissing, groping, arranged marriage, unspecified age gap, awkward first meeting, Sister Imperator being a supportive mother (but not because Copia doesn’t know she’s his mother), dead Papas (all of them, even Nihil), guilt, self esteem issues, parental issues, loneliness, poorly translated Italian, reader vaguely described as being shorter than Copia but nothing else, let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 6.9k
A/N: I chose the gif specifically because he looks hot in it. This fic went from “huh maybe one day I could write about an arranged marriage thing with Copia but I don’t know what exactly yet since I don’t have any solid ideas” to “what the fuck have I done” in the space of less than 24 hours! Enjoy!
Consider buying me a coffee :)
Copia had thought it was a stupid idea. But Sister Imperator had insisted. So here he was. On his wedding day. Having never met his bride.
His foot tapped against the floor at a rapid pace, nerves radiating out of him, as he stood at the head of the chapel and watched the guests flood in to take their seats. He didn't fail to notice that almost everybody there was there for him, so many of them arriving in fact that they had to start sitting on the pews that were supposed to be reserved for your friends, family and kin. But he knew you'd travelled a long way, practically the only information he knew about you, so maybe no one from your home was willing to make the journey. Still, Copia found it sad.
Sister Imperator stood at his side, attempting to be supportive. "Calm down. The ceremony will go smoothly."
That wasn't what he was worried about. He knew the wedding itself would go smoothly, Sister would make sure of it, but everything else about it seemed all wrong. For starters, he'd never met his future wife. Which was bad enough by itself. But what if you hated him? From what he'd understood, you weren't too thrilled about the pairing either but your father had managed to convince you. Copia had met your father at least but he wasn't a particularly nice man.
When Imperator had initially come to Copia with the idea he'd laughed it off thinking it was a joke. An arranged marriage in the 21st century? And in the Satanic church where they encouraged freedom of all places? He thought it was nonsense. But then when she'd explained that a well thought out match would be put in place to strengthen his new title of Papa Emeritus IV... he started to realise that she was being serious.
He'd refused at first, saying that his position was enough. He was Papa now. And there was no taking that away, especially with his three predecessors dead and Nihil also in the grave. Who was there to question his authority? But Imperator pointed out his lack of legitimacy, he wasn't really an Emeritus, and how Papa Nihil had been reluctant to let him be the face of the clergy when he was still a mere Cardinal. Then he saw the cracks in his status.
So he agreed. A spouse would be found for him, to stand by his side and bring more power to his Papacy. He'd only allowed himself a brief second of panic when Imperator had mentioned in passing the need for an heir.
Copia looked at Sister, who had changed out of the usual skirt suit she wore and had chosen to adorn a dress in a nice green colour that suited her. Despite insisting that the whole thing was a formality, Copia appreciated her effort in making the day nice. "What if she doesn't like me?"
The older woman's face softened for a moment, how hadn't she realised that was what he was nervous about? He was a sensitive soul after all, constantly seeking approval. "She will adore you, C. Don't worry."
Copia looked down at his outfit, what if he wasn't dressed well enough? First impressions mattered after all. And the paints on his face itched more than usual. What if they started sweating off? But it was too late to dwell on that now. The last few people settled in the pews and silence descended over the chapel. It was time.
The large double doors at the back of the room swung open with a creak and the quartet in the corner started playing, what Copia believed to be, some sort of twist on the wedding march. He froze as his eyes landed on you, the reality of the situation dawning on him fully and sending him into a spiral. He was about to marry somebody he'd never met.
He tried not to let it show as you started walking towards him down the aisle, a train of lace following you. Nobody was walking you to him, ready to give you away, he noticed. Your father hadn't come to the wedding? Copia drank you in, the black wedding dress sweeping down the curves of your body and the matching veil covering your face. At least he had a moment to compose himself before he had to make eye contact with you.
You walked quickly, like you wanted to get the whole thing over and done with, and you were stood at the base of the steps in front of Copia before he could blink twice. He offered a gloved hand to you to help you up, which you took after a brief moment of staring at it through your veil. Copia squeezed it gently, hoping to offer some support and solidarity. He didn't know if it translated well.
And then you were in front of him, and the ceremony was beginning.
Imperator coughed quietly behind him. "C, the veil."
"Oh." He gasped and reached up the take the bottom of it in his fingertips, pausing for a second to allow you a moment to stop him if you wanted, before lifting it and pushing it back over your head.
The moment he met your eyes, Copia felt all oxygen leave his body. You were beautiful.
You sent him a nervous smile. "Hi."
Your voice was barely a whisper, so small and worried, that he barely heard you.
"Hi." He replied, sending a smile of his own and taking your hands in his.
Sister Imperator relaxed behind him, she could tell that he was smitten with you already. She’d chosen well.
The officiant ran through the ceremony with ease, the two of you repeating all the necessary parts when needed. Then suddenly it was over, the 'I do's' were said, rings were exchanged and Copia was a married man.
"You may kiss the bride." The officiant said.
Copia looked at you for confirmation that it was okay and when you gave a small nod of approval, he shuffled towards you and rested a gloved hand on your cheek. You leaned in first, which he was glad for as he felt as if his heart was about to beat up and out of his mouth, and met him halfway. Your lips pressed together for a second or two before the both of you pulled away with shy smiles.
The room cheered, a clear mix of real elation and dubious celebration. It wasn't a love match after all. But Copia didn't care, he had high hopes about the pairing now. You seemed nice enough and he found you breathtaking, he just hoped you could feel a fraction of the same about him. Which he feared you didn't, what could he possibly offer you?
The thoughts left him as Sister Imperator patted him on the back. "Well done, C."
"Thank you." He nodded at her before looking back towards you again.
Imperator looked at you as well. "And congratulations, it's lovely to finally meet you."
"Thank you, Sister. My father speaks very highly of you." You bowed your head at her before glancing at your new husband. "I think we're supposed to run out of here now. Like the wild newlyweds people expect to see."
Copia grinned, liking your attitude, and nodded his head in agreement. "That is exactly what people expect, shall we?”
You took the hand he offered to you and the two of you trotted down the few steps before speeding towards the doors of the chapel. People shouted words of praise and felicitations as you passed them which you could only smile at in return.
Once the both of you had burst out of the exit and the doors had swung shut behind you, a moment of peace was found. You turned to each other breathless, bashful looks gracing your faces.
“Hi.” You said, louder than the first time at the altar.
“Hi.” He repeated back to you. “You look beautiful in your dress, by the way.”
“Oh, thank you.” You looked down at the garment before looking back at him. “You look handsome too. I like your jacket.”
“This old thing?” Copia replied before wincing. Why did he make it seem like he’d worn an old jacket for his wedding?
But you didn’t seem to notice his slip up as you continued to smile at him. “What happens now?”
“I believe Sister Imperator has organised a banquet for us.” He pulled you closer to him as guests started to file out of the chapel and guided you in the direction of the ballroom.
“A banquet? That’s pretty fancy.” You chimed, looping your arm through his so the two of you could walk together.
“She pulled out all the stops.” Copia looked over at you, surprised at how well you seemed to be taking it all. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.” You glanced over your shoulder at the crowd of people that was emerging steadily. “Can we just walk a little faster? I don’t want to be bombarded by all those people just yet.”
“Sì, sì.” He increased his pace, making sure you were tightly secured to his side the whole time. “What made you agree to this marriage? I heard at first that you said no.”
“Ah.” You paused. “I did say no at first. Nothing personal against you, I promise.”
“We did not know each other. It’s okay.” He assured before letting you carry on.
“I didn’t want to marry a stranger. But I did want to escape my father. You know who he is, correct?”
Copia nodded. “I’ve met him.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry.” You winced. “He’s not a nice man. But holds a high position in the clergy. I’m his only child, you see. And he’s always drilled into me that I am useless because I am a daughter. What use is a daughter? I cannot be an heir and inherit anything from him.”
“That’s not true!” He gasped. “The clergy dictates that-“
You cut him off by laying a hand on his arm. “It’s not the clergy’s doing. It’s my father’s. It’s okay, I grew used to his archaic ways. Anyway he said the only good I would be was marrying me off. At first I said no because I thought he was going to marry me off to an old, ugly man who was unkind. Then he told me that you seemed sensitive when he met with you which translates to nice. And he also told me that no Emeritus has ever been ugly. I believed him. He used to keep a portrait of Papa Emeritus III before he died so I knew there was some truth in that at least.”
Copia’s stomach twisted at the reminder of Terzo’s death, a sense of guilt still ate away at him when he thought about him and his older brothers. But he didn’t let it show in front of you. “Well, I am glad that you decided to believe that I was not unkind nor ugly. However, considering you didn’t mention anything about me not being old I am going to assume that you consider me to be ancient.”
You gasped out a laugh. “I didn’t say that!”
“You didn’t need to. It was implied.” He laughed along with you as you reached the ballroom, pushing the door open to allow you to go in first. When he joined your side again, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his mouth as you linked your arm with his again.
“Wow.” You mumbled as you took in the expanse of the room. “You weren’t kidding when you said Sister Imperator pulled out all the stops.”
Copia led you over to the table designed for the newlywed couple. It held four chairs. One for him, one for you, one for Sister, and one meant for your father. He guessed that chair would remain empty for the evening.
You made no comment on it as you took your seat, watching your new husband closely as he sat next to you. “What about you? What made you agree to this marriage?”
He sighed deeply before looking at you. “I feared my place as Papa would be easy to shake. I didn’t inherit it officially through the Emeritus line like my predecessors. Marrying a family member of a high upper clergy member is meant to solidify my status.”
“Ah, a power play.” You nodded.
“Yes, a power play.” He frowned at that term. “But I only agreed once Sister promised she would find me a good match.”
“And what constitutes as a good match to you?” You asked, wondering what he’d requested in a wife.
A smile lit up his face. “The gorgeous woman who is sitting in front of me.”
“Smooth.” You replied, reminding yourself to interrogate him on the topic later.
Guests started flooding in, finding their seats at the various tables that filled the room. You just watched with barely concentrated attention.
You turned to Copia once the room was about three quarters of the way full. “How many of these people do you actually know?”
“I recognise most of them. I would say I probably know a third of them personally.” He shrugged. “How many do you know?”
“None of them.” You shrugged. “I didn’t have any guests come.”
“What? None of them?” He couldn’t quite believe that. He’d assumed that the people he didn’t recognise were your half of the wedding party.
“I don’t know many people back home. Those I do know… I wouldn’t want them here.” Your nose scrunched at the memory, the people you’d grown up around were not people you needed ruining what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
Copia looked at you sadly for a moment, wondering whether you were upset by the ordeal. But you seemed fine. “Well, now you have me.”
You looked at him, surprised, before a gentle smile settled on your face. “Now I have you.”
He returned the smile, picking up your hand and placing a soft kiss on the back of it. He mumbled an apology when he noticed the black kiss print he’d left on the skin there. You stopped him when he reached for a napkin to wipe it away, insisting he leave it there.
The moment was disrupted by Sister Imperator collapsing into the seat next to Copia. “You two seem to be getting along well.”
You exchanged a slightly giddy look with Copia before looking back at the older woman.
“We are.” He clarified. “You matched us well.”
“Knew I would.” She said smugly before looking at the empty chair next to you. “Your father did not attend.”
It was a statement more than a question.
A neutral smile settled over your lips, like you were prepared to discuss this. “No. I didn’t want him here. He didn’t want to be here. It was an easy enough decision.”
Imperator respected that response so said no more on the matter, only glancing towards the door to the kitchens where a group of servers were bustling about. “Food should be served soon. Then the day’s celebrations will be over.”
“No after party?” Copia sounded disappointed.
“That’ll be held next weekend. After all official marriage business has been taken care of. Ah, the food!” She sat up straighter in her chair as a waiter suddenly appeared and placed a plate in front of each of you.
You stared down at the appetiser salad that was about the size of your big toe. You hoped there were more courses to come. A lot more. Nevertheless, you picked up your fork and stabbed at a crunchy piece of lettuce before popping it in your mouth.
Copia did the same next to you before looking back towards Imperator again. “Official marriage business? Like what? We are married.”
She looked at him like it was obvious. “Well, you know what happens on the wedding night.”
He only looked more confused. “People getting drunk?”
Imperator rolled her eyes before practically hissing at him. "You must consummate the marriage."
Both you and Copia stopped chewing, forks being lowered to your plates with a clatter.
You swallowed the mouthful, straining slightly to force it down. "How- how soon?"
"Well, tonight preferably." Imperator said calmly. "To solidify your union."
"Sister, we've only just met." Your husband croaked.
The older woman looked at him unimpressed. "Are you trying to tell me you've never had a one night stand with someone you just met?"
"Well-" Copia choked. "That's- that's different."
"Different how?" She questioned, eyes flicking between the two of you. "Treat it like a one night stand. If it's terrible then you do not have to touch each other again. Well, until an heir is expected. But if it is good then see it as a lovely start to your marriage."
You ignored the talk of an heir, the thought of having a man you just met's baby being too much for you to handle in that moment. "Okay."
"Okay?!" Copia whirled on you, surprised you'd agreed that easily.
"Ah, beloved husband, do you find me that repulsive?" You grinned at him, only a hint of genuine worry in your voice.
"No, no. Of course not." He rushed out, thinking about how it was quite the opposite in fact. "I just did not expect you to give in so quickly."
"Give in?" You asked, eyebrows raising in question. "It might surprise you that the concept of sleeping with you does not sound so bad to me, Copia."
His heart, and cheeks, warmed at the use of his name. It was the first time you'd done so. It sounded nice coming out of your mouth. Out of his wife's mouth. "Eh, very well. We shall consummate the marriage."
"Wonderful." Sister Imperator clapped her hands together before standing up. "I shall inform the clergy of this joyous news."
The two of you watched her walk away, abandoning her salad, the knowledge that a group of old men now knew about your future sex lives playing in the back of your minds.
You shook the thought away as you scooted your chair closer to Copia's, lowering your voice for only him to hear. "You sound elated at the concept of sleeping with me."
His eyes widened as he looked at you. "Um, I uh-"
You smirked. "It's okay. We can just pretend if you'd like. They'll never know the difference."
"No, that's- we don't have to do that. Do you want to do that?" He took a deep breath. "To pretend?"
You looked him up and down. "No."
His ears and neck burned red with a flush. "Really?"
You let out a short giggle. "Yes, why is that so surprising to you?"
"Because I'm- and you're-" He gestured at your face but said no more.
You smiled softly. "Well, to me you are-" You mimicked his gesture to his face.
"Oh." He squeaked and you grinned widely at him. "But you're sure? So soon?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Although I would maybe like to see what's underneath all this paint first." You said, letting your eyes roam his face.
"Of course, of course." He babbled. "Maybe you will find yourself disappointed and change your mind."
You rolled your eyes. "Unlikely."
Copia liked your confidence in assuming you were going to find yourself attracted to his face underneath the makeup. He wasn’t so sure himself but at least you’d given his ego a slight boost.
The two of you exchanged idle conversation as more food was served, bigger portions to your relief, and the occasional guest came up to your table to wish you congratulations. You didn’t fail to notice the looks of envy that were sent your way by several people who eyed up Copia hungrily as they approached. You could only laugh to yourself, finding it even funnier that your new husband seemed to lack faith in his looks despite there clearly being a long line of people who wanted him.
A couple of hours passed by and soon enough the guests started clearing out, which you were thankful for. You couldn’t wait to take your shoes off or to ease up the laces on your dress. It had been a long day. But you knew it wasn’t over yet. The time was slowly approaching. The time when you were supposed to sleep with your new husband for the first time.
You weren’t nervous exactly. But there was still an element of apprehension deep inside you.
Once the last few people had departed and Sister Imperator had wished you both a good night, a very suggestive look on her face, you and Copia were left in an empty ballroom.
“Would you like me to give you a tour of the building now? Or in the morning?” He asked you as he took your hand in his, rubbing his gloved thumb over your knuckles.
“In the morning.” You decided. “It will give us something to look forward to. Besides, I can see that you’re tired.”
“Not too tired for you, I promise.” He sighed. “It’s just been a long day.”
“I know.” You agreed and stood up. “Let’s go to bed.”
The words weren’t suggestive in the slightest which is why Copia didn’t feel nervous as he joined your side and the two of you made your way out of the ballroom. He pointed out a few landmarks of the place as you walked in the direction of his rooms but everything went largely unexplored. It could wait for tomorrow.
Anxiety set in as you reached the corridor that led to his bedroom. What if you didn’t like his space? He was willing to change things, to accommodate, as he wanted you to feel welcome. But what if you hated it? And didn’t want to share a room, or a bed, with him. He supposed he would find you your own place to stay. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that it would make him sad.
“And these are my rooms.” He said as he pushed his door open and ushered you in. “Our rooms, if you’d like. But if not then I’m sure we can find you somewhere of your own to stay.”
You looked around as the doors were closed behind you. It was nice. Very him from what you’d gathered so far. There was a book case, overflowing with volumes, next to a desk covered in paperwork in one corner. A large bed took up almost an entire wall, four posters with a curtain hanging around it. Fancy. He had an ornate oak wardrobe teeming with sparkly jackets that poked out of the open doors, you’d have to ask him to model some of those for you at a later date.
You turned towards Copia with a timid smile. “I don’t want to intrude. This is your home.”
He rushed towards you, taking your hands in his to reassure you. “It’s your home now too. I want you to be comfortable here. Well, not right here if you don’t want. Or if you do want.”
You couldn’t express how relieved you were at how sweet he was. “I do want. For now at least.”
His face lit up. “You’ll stay here? With me?”
You nodded, matching his positivity. “Yes.”
“Wonderful, hehe.” He paused and glanced over your shoulder towards the bed. “I will go wash my face and then… then we can…”
“Consummate the marriage?” You offered with a sarcastic smile. “It’s okay, we can take it slow.”
Copia nodded before turning and disappearing into the bathroom. You took the opportunity to snoop around a little, to get a feel for your new husband some more.
In the bathroom, he washed his face meticulously, careful not to be too harsh on his skin. He wanted to look clean and fresh for you, not like a ripe tomato from being too aggressive with a washcloth.
Once he was done Copia stared at himself in the mirror, face only slightly red from where he’d scrubbed the paint away. Faint traces of black had been left around his eyes but he knew no amount of rubbing his eyes raw with a washcloth would clean it away so he left it there. His fists clenched around the edge of the basin, nerves setting in. What if you were disappointed by what was revealed to be under his paints? You said it was unlikely you would be but a part of him still worried. The day had been going smoothly, almost too smoothly, that he thought something was bound to go wrong. And what if it turned out to be his appearance.
Pushing all of that away, he realised that he wouldn’t know any of it for sure until he just went for it. So, after letting the murky grey water wash away, Copia opened the bathroom door and stepped out with an air of faux confidence that quickly dissipated.
He found you stood next to his desk, eyes scanning his book shelves as you had a good look at all of the titles. You glanced over your shoulder at him, doing a double take when you saw him. He was standing in the arch of the bathroom doorway, backlit with light that made him glow. If you weren’t a Satan worshipper you would have said he looked angelic.
Copia shifted from foot to foot as you stared at him silently. The panic was starting to set in again as you continued to say nothing. Why weren’t you saying anything? That feeling vanished when you held out a hand to him.
“Come here.” You said quietly, tipping your head back to invite him over.
He practically ran to you, taking your hand in his but still keeping his distance by a foot or so.
You closed the distance yourself, lifting your spare hand to cup the side of his face in it. “You are so beautiful.”
His shoulders relaxed, tension leaving them, as he leaned into your touch and turned his head to kiss the palm of your hand. “That is high praise coming from you.”
You shook your head playfully. “Oh, my husband’s a charmer.”
My husband. He was your husband. He liked that. “Only for you, amore mio.”
“Don’t go making promises you might not be able to keep.” You teased, warmth flooding through you at the term of endearment he’d used. “What if we hate each other?”
“I think we made a promise when we recited our vows.” He kissed your palm again before leaving one on your wrist as well, quickly making his way down your arm until it was wrapped around the back of his neck. “And I cannot imagine myself ever hating anyone as lovely as you.”
You hummed in response, not being able to form a coherent reply as his face drew nearer to yours. His free hand reached for your waist, winding his arm around you and pulling you flush against his chest. Your intertwined hands stayed connected beside you.
He looked down at you with a half smile curling the edges of his mouth. “Cat got your tongue, amore mio?”
You shook your head slowly. “Just wondering where the shy Copia of a few moments ago disappeared to.”
“Ah, well, my gorgeous wife told me I am beautiful so I decided to toss the nerves aside.” He tilted his head to the side innocently.
“Your wife sounds wise.”
“Oh, she is.” His eyes flickered downwards. “She is also driving me crazy in this dress.”
You averted your own eyes in embarrassment. “I was hoping you’d like it.”
“Oh, amore mio, I do. I really do.” Copia decided then to push towards where the night was inevitably going to end. “However, I think I’d like it even better on the floor.”
Your eyes widened at that. But you liked it. “We better get to work then because it has a lot of buttons and a lot of lace up.”
“You are in luck. I am good with that, you see.” He grinned and gestured downwards.
You followed the angle of his hands and saw that he also had a lot of lace up. Over his crotch. “I guess we can help each other then.”
And with that he kissed you. It was a lot different to the one kiss you’d shared at the altar. That had been shy and slightly awkward, hundreds of people had been watching after all. But this kiss left that one behind. It was sweet and tender, just as you expected from your new husband. But it was also hungry, like he’d been waiting all day for it. Which he had.
The arm around your waist tightened as he craned his neck to meet you halfway. He tasted vaguely of the soap he’d used to clean his face but it wasn’t unpleasant. You hummed against his lips in approval which only spurred him on, his tongue now licking into your mouth. You let your hand card through his hair before sliding it down onto his cheek again, to keep his face close to yours even when you broke apart to breathe. Your connected hands swung lowly by your sides, his fingers twitching against yours and tangling them further together.
You pulled away from him, breathless, and lifted your joint hands. “Can I ask about the gloves? It’s just I noticed that you kept them on when we did the ring exchange. It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.”
“Oh, right.” He looked down at his hand, specifically to where his new wedding ring was sitting over the top of the leather. “I don’t know really. I’ve always just liked them.”
You hesitated before answering, taking in the way he was looking at you with pure open honesty, before nodding. “Okay. Would you like to keep them on now?”
Copia shook his head rapidly. “No, I will take them off.”
“You don’t have to.” You assured, not wanting to pressure him in to anything.
“No, I will. And then you can put my ring in its rightful place on my finger. Sì?”
You nodded and stepped back a pace as he slid the gloves from his fingers. You bit back a comment about how his hands were beautiful just like the rest of him and only watched until he looked up at you again. He handed you his wedding ring and offered his left hand out to you.
“You sure? No backing out after this.” You joked.
He chuckled. “I think I signed that right away when I said ‘I do’.”
You hummed and slipped the ring onto his finger, bending down to place a kiss over it once you’d done so. “Ah, perfect. See?”
“Yes, perfect.” He whispered.
When you looked back up you found that he was looking at you. You tried not to swoon.
“Are you going to help me get my dress off now that your fingers are free from leather?” You asked to distract yourself from the way he was looking at you.
“Sì, turn around.”
You did as you were told, exposing your back to him. He unfastened all of the buttons slowly and carefully, being gentle with the fabric of your dress, before exposing the section underneath with all of the ribbons that laced up your dress.
“How long did this take you to put on this morning?” He grunted as he untied the first ribbon and loosened it.
“Too long.” You sighed. “I really needed to pee by the end of it.”
Copia huffed out a laugh, his breath fanning against the back of your neck. “All for me? Amore mio, you shouldn’t have.”
“First impressions matter.” You retorted, letting out a quiet groan of relief once the second ribbon was loosened.
He reflected back on his own thoughts of first impressions only hours previously. They did matter, he agreed. He paused when you let out another quiet groan. “Does that feel good?”
“Yes.” You sighed. “This dress may be pretty but it sure is uncomfortable.”
“Should have said something. Would have ripped it off you in the ballroom if it was going to make you comfortable.” He pulled more quickly at the next ribbon, eager to get it off you now.
“Would have been a sight for your guests.” You said over your shoulder.
“No, would have got them to leave. My naked wife is not for them to see.”
“Ah, so possessive already?” You giggled quietly.
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on the side of your neck. “Would prefer it if your body was reserved for me only, yes.”
Your eyelids fluttered shut. “It is, don’t worry.”
His hum of approval vibrated against the skin of your neck. “You’re free by the way.”
Your eyes snapped open and you turned to him again, dress falling loosely around you. You clutched at the neckline for a moment, grasping it to keep you covered. “Um, this dress doesn’t really allow for underwear. So I am actually naked underneath this.”
Copia’s eyes darkened as he glanced towards where you were pressing the fabric against your dress. “Do you want me to look away?”
“No, I was just warning you.” You clarified.
“Warning me?” He took a step closer to you, hand lifting to cover your own. “Amore mio, drop the dress. Please.”
There was only a split second of hesitation before you let go and the dress floated to the ground and created a pool of black lace at your feet. Copia tried desperately to keep his eyes on yours but the temptation was too strong. And when he looked down, there was no looking back up again.
He drank you in slowly but ravenously, eyes taking in every inch of your exposed form. When he started babbling words of appreciation to the Dark One, you couldn’t hold yourself back anymore.
“It’s only fair.” You stated before reaching for his own laces at his crotch.
Copia just batted your hand away from him, grabbing you by the shoulders and spinning the two of you around. Before you could ask what he was doing, he slid his hands down to the back of your thighs and lifted you the couple of inches onto his desk.
“Your paperwork-” You started but he cut you off.
“Don’t worry about it.” He huffed and kissed you again.
You moaned into his mouth when he started pawing at you, hands gliding over your body and squeezing at the handfuls of flesh he was finding. He seemed to be doing it more for his own enjoyment than yours. But you didn’t care, happy that he was just appreciating your body.
Your hips jumped forward when his clothed pelvis met yours, a mewl tumbling from your mouth at the friction. Copia took note of that and hooked an arm around the back of your ass and scooted you forward towards the edge of the desk.
“Did that feel good?” He asked and smiled when you nodded enthusiastically. “Hm.”
He bucked his hips towards yours again, using his hand at the small of your back to guide you closer to him and encourage your own movements. You whimpered into his mouth, desperate for more. It felt good but you needed more. You needed him.
“Copia…” You whined, hoping to get the idea across.
“I know, amore mio, I know.” He huffed, shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders. “Can you get the buttons on my shirt please?”
Your hands flew to unfasten it as quickly as possible, not questioning why he wasn’t doing it himself. Not until one of his hands drifted from your waist to your inner thigh at least. You paused momentarily, toes curling, when his thumb brushed against your clit. Watching your reactions closely, Copia did it again.
You cried out, forehead dropping to meet his chest. “Please.”
“Please what, amore mio? Tell me, hm?” He kissed the top of your head gently to encourage you, the confidence he had when performing as Papa now helping him take charge now.
“More. Please more.” You didn’t have the words to describe what you needed.
But he knew. He lifted your head with his free hand, kissing you again, before rubbing a tight circle against your clit with his thumb. The noise you made cemented what he already knew. So he did it a few more times before re-angling his hand to slide a finger inside of you.
It felt so good that you bit down on his bottom lip by accident.
“Ah, fuck, I’m sorry.” You grumbled against him.
“No apologies necessary.” He replied softly, pulling his finger back out before pumping it back in again. This time joined with a second one.
Your eyes closed in pleasure, head dropping backwards and legs circling around the backs of his.
“Amore mio, you didn’t finish with my shirt.” He reminded you in a playful tone.
Your eyes shot open again, your hands racing to get the last of the buttons undone and the garment off of him. When it was done, pushed off his shoulders, slid down his arms, his hand momentarily retracting from you to get it fully off and on the floor, you immediately leaned forward and started exploring his chest with your mouth. You kissed, you licked, you sucked, you bit, you were insatiable. Copia enjoyed your enthusiasm.
So he doubled down in his own actions, pumping his fingers into you at an even faster speed, thumb circling your clit even harder. And soon enough it had you crashing over the edge and collapsing backwards on the desk, back flattening against the piles of paperwork.
Copia licked his hand clean, sucking your essence from his skin, with a satisfied hum. He then finished undressing himself, having no trouble with his own laces, before grabbing your hips to get your attention.
You lazily lifted your head, shooting straight up when you saw what he’d been hiding between his legs. “Are all Papas this hung?”
He barked out a laugh. “Yes, it’s a requirement for the position.”
You watched as he pumped himself a few times before stepping forward and running his tip through your folds, gathering your slick to lube himself up. Your jaw hung open the whole time.
Copia rested a hand on your cheek to get your attention again. “Amore mio, are you ready?”
You nodded at him. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
He slid into you with ease, face falling to meet your shoulder as you swallowed him in. He groaned lowly at the feeling, you were so warm and wet and felt so good. You made your own desperate sounds next to his ear that he couldn’t even take a moment for himself, too eager to please you. So he pulled back out slowly before thrusting in again. Your hands flew to his back, keeping him near as your nails scratched into him. He didn’t care.
Lifting his head to see the two of you meeting between your bodies, he noticed that you were doing the same thing. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing you when you made eye contact. Thoughts ran wild through his head, wondering how’d he been lucky enough to be granted you as his mystery wife. The universe must have messed up somehow, right? No, it hadn’t. Because here you were. On your wedding night. And he was inside of you as you kissed.
The kiss made mobility difficult but neither of you wanted to pull away. Copia had an arm around your waist to keep you steady and a hand on the back of your head to keep you close. You, on the other hand, just clung onto him like your life depended on it. His hips snapped backwards and forwards at a fast pace to keep the friction going but not too harshly as to disturb the meeting of your mouths. Your tongue licked into his mouth hotly and Copia could taste the desire on you. It reflected what he already felt in himself.
“Close.” You managed to gasp out during a break for oxygen.
But Copia knew that, he could tell by the way you were clenching around him. So he didn’t switch up the pace, just kept going with what he knew felt good for you. And soon enough, he had you falling over the precipice again.
He wasn’t far behind, hips rutting forward frantically a few more times before he pulled out and spilled himself over your thighs and the stacks of paperwork you were sitting on.
You giggled tiredly at the sight and looked up at him. “It’s our wedding night and we didn’t even make it to the bed.”
He hadn’t even realised that, glancing over at his large bed with fresh sheets. “We still have time.”
The fatigue washed away at that answer. “Oh?”
Copia offered a hand out to you. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up first.”
You took his hand and hopped off the desk, following him into the bathroom where he washed your thighs off. After that, Copia led his wife to your shared bed where he planned to keep you for the foreseeable future.
A/N: me staring at the title of this fic knowing full well I already have an Obi-Wan fic titled “Absolution”. It bothers me a little but not enough to come up with a new title since this one took me almost as long to come up with as it took me to write the fic itself.
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ghulehunknown · 4 months
Clergy Headcanons - Proposals!
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Rated G - Purely fluff! Gender neutral reader
How I think the head members of the Clergy would propose to you 😌
(inspired by Älva’s Papa engagement ring post!)
Very romantic
He asked a parental figure/someone important in your life for your hand (well, at least told your loved one(s) beforehand to give a semblance of traditionality)
Plans a picnic with all your favorite foods, and he brought your favorite roses and other pretty flowers from his garden. He actually secretly grew a special engagement bouquet just for you!
He doesn’t get down on one knee because of his arthritis, but proposes while you’re both sitting down
The ring is very traditional and likely passed down for generations in his family. He’s been waiting a whole lifetime to give it to you 🥺
Whatever he has planned, it’s completely with your personality in mind - whether you are more inclined for something quiet or a something with a little more opulence
But it’s probably something a little more lowkey, like after a lovely dinner that he cooks for you. He may not be one for grand gestures but he does know how to make you feel very special
He has a very romantic, although not super long, speech before he gets down on one knee and hands you the most wonderful ring you’ve ever seen
The ring is beautiful, but dark - much like him. It’s probably got some black star sapphires in it or something, and the band is made from tungsten or titanium because it’s durable and lasting like his love for you
He…may or may not have proposed impulsively one evening after a date because he got excited…then remembered he’s Terzo and vows to do better with a surprise later. (Eloping isn’t out of the question for him)
He plans a grand day out doing all your favorite activities before coming back to the Ministry which is decorated to the max and all your loved ones are there in attendance
He gets down on one knee and gives an elaborate, moving speech and promises you the world
The ring is GORGEOUS and extravagant and must’ve cost a fortune. But your love is priceless, so a silly little price tag doesn’t stop him (don’t worry, he paid full price and didn’t use the Papa discount; he makes sure you know that)
He definitely planned a flashmob for you with Siblings and Ghouls dressed in tuxedos and wedding dresses, but waves them off after he sees how overcome with emotion you are
Can’t wait for you to see the second part…alone in his room, because you have to “christen the engagement”
Oh god he’s nervous AF, he’s sweating and stumbling. He doesn’t want to mess this up because he’s been planning it for a long time. He knew you were the one the day he met you
He takes you back to the spot you had your first date. You can tell something is up because he’s acting a little funny
He definitely messes up his little speech he has prepared but he says something like: “You will never walk alone”
He’s so, so sweet and everything is perfect no matter how nervous you both are 🥺
He gets down on one knee and everything and you feel like the most special person in the world, because to him you are
He gives you a traditional, but absolutely beautiful ring. It’s probably got diamonds or your birthstone in it. He’s not a fully traditional man, but for things as important as this he doesn’t want to miss a beat
He’s ready to start planning the wedding!
“Here,” and hands you the ring
He probably proposes immediately after you have an argument in attempt to makeup and show you he still wants you
The ring is simple, but durable. It’s probably solid gold, because to him you’re golden
Afterwards he takes you out to your favorite restaurant then a drive in movie (it reminds him of the good ol’ days)
Sister Imperator (bonus round!)
Very methodical and planned to a T
Lots of beautiful decorations
The speech is simple and to the point, as she often is, so there’s really no way to get lost in flowery language. You know what she wants, and it’s you and her forever
“We would be good together, don’t you think?” she’d say with her all-knowing smirk
She hands you a sturdy stainless steel ring and got herself one to match
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harpersessentials · 1 year
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I don't know if it happens to you - but I often find myself with a sudden urge to rebuild worlds - Even though I'm the worst sim-builder and sim-decorator in the whole history of Sims 😋 And in my quest for lots there's one thing that stresses me out all the time: where will the builds fit in the map?! 🤯 Therefore, I have been creating some personal lists with favourite lots and I thought why not sharing them with you too!
Below I leave a list of my absolute-favourite cc-free lots for Tartosa (and their respective location in the map). A selection of builds made by amazing and astonishingly creative architect simmers. Thank you all for sharing your builds with us!
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1 - Piccola Luce 20x20
Seascape (Residential) by @96langerlui99
House by the sea (Residential) by @plantsimgirl
Hayes Terrace (Residential) by @xogerardine
Piccola Luce (Residential) by @alerionjkeee
Hayes Terrace (Residential) by @xogerardine
Tiny Holiday Villa (Residential/Rental) by Lazysimie
Piccola Luce Villa by @raylamars
Piccola Luce (Residential) by Pugowned
Mediterranean House (Residential) by @juliafilms
2 - Villa Vigna 30x20
Rosa Discoteca Cafe (Cafe) by @beetlemp3
Villa Vigna (Residential) by @alerionjkeee
Tartosa Castle (Rental) by @theseptembersim
3 - The Old Wood Nectary 40x30
Casa di Fortuna (Residential) by @96langerlui99
Tartosa Villa Family Home (Residential) by Aveline
4 - Rifugio dei Pirati 30x20
Soleggiato Plaza (Restaurant) by @shysimblr
Amorosa's Garden (Residential) by @catsaar
Tartosa Villa (Residential) by Annathini
Rifugio dei Pirati (Residential) by @alerionjkeee
Pirate Cove (Residential) by @96langerlui99
Italian Rustic Villas (Residential) by @giuliabuilds
Old Couple Home (Residential) by @sunnysimsieyt
Tartosan Stone Home (Residential) by schnuck01
5 - Via Romanza 30x30
Villa Sophia (Residential) by @96langerlui99
Tartosa Wedding Venue (Wedding Venue) by SimCubeez
Via Romanza (Wedding Venue) by @salemssimblr
Italian Dream Villa (Residential) by @paleanelo-sims
Via Romanza Villa (Residential) by Wooldrop
Villa Rosa (Residential) by schnuck01
6 - La Coppia Serena 50x40
The Flair of Provence (Residential) by @96langerlui99
Old Tartosa Farmhouse (Residential) by @ghostlycc
Villa La Florence (Wedding Venue) by @xogerardine
Villa Almahada (Wedding Venue/Rental) by @whyeverr
La Copia Serena Redo (Wedding Venue) by Wooldrop
7 - Thebe Estate 50x50
Tuscan Wedding Venue (Wedding Venue) by @giuliabuilds
Villa Firenze (Residential) by @96langerlui99
Tuscan Village (Multiple Lot Options) by @giuliabuilds
Villa del Vino (Residential/Wedding Venue) by @shysimblr
8 - Celebrazione d' Amore 50x40
Mediterranean Restaurant (Restaurant) by @theseptembersim
Il Vigneto Restaurant (Restaurant) by Riemunen
Roman Amphitheater (Wedding Venue) by @ploufzizi
9 - Baia dell' Amore 40x20
Baia dell' Amore (Beach) by @its-opheliasgarden | cc-lite
Baia dell' Amore (Beach) by @alerionjkeee
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ghostchems · 8 months
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infernal | nsfw | parts: one/two/three/four/five | ao3 link
papa emeritus iii x fem reader Terzo is serving a death sentence. It isn’t like he had much of a choice. He remembers the game night clearly. The typical arguments and accusations of cheating had subsided and it was a rare moment of fun and relaxation with his brothers. The next thing he remembers is waking up on a gurney and gasping for air. They told him his brothers were dead. They told him they had removed his head for a photoshoot and then reattached it again. They gave him a choice: die now or take their money and never speak to them again.
the devil’s damsel | nsfw: non-con | parts: one/two/three/four | ao3 link
papa emeritus ii x fem reader after one mistake, you end up in the belly of the beast
cemetery stroll | nsfw | parts: one/two | ao3 link
papa emeritus ii x fem reader a creature interrupts your evening walk through the abbey cemetery.
bad idea right? | nsfw | parts: one/two/three | ao3 link
raphael x fem tav your companions have made their stance on making a deal with a devil clear but as the stakes of your quest grow you aren't so certain
lovers led astray | nsfw | parts: one | ao3 link
cardinal copia x fem reader - upior sequel much has changed within the ministry since the dust settled. you're stuck in a position you never wanted - the chosen lover of the cardinal, the heir apparent, as well as the secretary for the ministry's budding satanic education program. despite your life having more meaning that it ever has, you're still flooded with memories of the before times.
*the titles link to the tumblr post. ao3 links included for all! for fics with multiple parts, i linked the last part bc i am lazy :) there are no tumblr links for burn with me because its an ~ao3 exclusive~ (i stopped consistently posting the chapters on tumblr the longer it went dhdjsjsj)
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papa emeritus iii
cirice | nsfw | ao3 link
you are searching for inspiration at the site of a local urban legend but something beckons to you
kazoo comfort | sfw | ao3 link
you take a break from your daily duties to clear your head when you run into a cozy-looking retired papa
the rose | sfw | ao3 link
terzo reminisces about simpler times
upiór | nsfw | ao3 link
upiór (n.) - a person cursed before death, a person who died suddenly, or someone whose corpse was desecrated
the wedding guest | nsfw | ao3 link
you have just gotten over a break-up and attend a wedding of a friend alone. a man with face paint distracts you from the festivities
the cardinal’s cure | nsfw | ao3 link
cardinal terzo notices you seem a bit stressed and he has perfect solution
gloves | nsfw | ao3 link
you are the resident glove maker at the abbey and cardinal terzo comes to you with a curious request.
you drive me (crazy) | nsfw | ao3 link
the prompt: Now that Terzo has retired he has to take driving lessons because Imperator won't let any of the ghouls drive him around anymore. Reader is hired to teach him but what happens when love (or just sex) gets in the way of his lessons?
a man after midnight | nsfw | ao3 link
the prompt: looking at the mirror but the reflection isn't. looking. at. you.
the phantom touch | nsfw | ao3 link
when copia is gone, the phantom comes out to play.
the dressing room | nsfw | ao3 link
the last show of the popestar tour has concluded with Papa being dragged off stage. your task is to keep him occupied in his dressing room
smoke break | sfw | ao3 link
you find solace and a private place to smoke when you are caught by the new papa.
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cardinal copia
burn with me | nsfw | ao3 link
It’s been a long time since Copia has been able to play with his food.
restroom detour | nsfw | ao3 link
you're out with your friends at the new local hot spot: the pinnacle lounge. a trip to find the bathroom has you stumbling into something not for your eyes.
road rage | nsfw | ao3 link
as copia's assistant, you've found a nonconventional way to keep your boss calm.
oops | nsfw | ao3 link
copia makes a mistake while summoning a new ghoul.
upiór | nsfw | ao3 link
upiór (n.) - a person cursed before death, a person who died suddenly, or someone whose corpse was desecrated.
devotion | nsfw | ao3 link
the cardinal™️ doesn’t feel that you’ve been a good little sinner lately.
boys suck | nsfw | ao3 link
dracopia with the prompts: that gut feeling something is following you & having blood smeared all over you
the cream in cardinal copia's coffee | nsfw | ao3 link
you are blessed with the task of making the new cardinal his coffee each morning and on your first day, you forget the evaporated milk.
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papa emeritus iv
the sads | sfw | ao3 link
you've fallen behind on your classes at the ministry because of an episode of the sads.
somethin’ spooky | nsfw | ao3 link
you've secured an invite to an exclusive party at a satanic church only to end up being underwhelmed by the lack of "spooky".
have some sympathy and some taste | nsfw | ao3 link
you become charmed by a spooky live performance at a bar you wandered into.
wrong place, right time | nsfw | ao3 link
you work at a local concert venue, specializing in requests from the music acts. one request and one warning slips your mind.
on leather wings | nsfw | ao3 link
copia surprises you with a spooky weekend getaway, culminating in some winged bedroom time
longing | nsfw | ao3 link
at a certain moment during a performance, copia thinks of you.
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papa emeritus ii
la bella luna | nsfw | ao3 link
after a disappointing evening, you run into a mysterious man on the street.
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mary goore
baptized in blood | nsfw | ao3 link
you will never forget the day Mary Goore rolled into town.
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thief | nsfw| ao3 link
desperate for shimmer, you steal some from the last drop and make your escape
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profanepurity · 9 months
assuming that having a single white eye is a trait exclusive to the emeritus bloodline, did anybody question why Copia had it when he first came to the church or did everyone assume he was just another one of Nihil’s bastards
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The following is AU content! While the white eye is a trait that is found in the Emeritus bloodline, it's not actually exclusive, at least not technically. Because the white eye is so common in the Emeritus family, it's now assumed to be an exclusive feature. It's as if the bloodline has been eternally blessed by Hell. Even those that marry into the family, such as Prime Movers, will receive the white eye during the wedding ritual. However, there has been a few cases, documented and undocumented, in the past of the white eye appearing on those that are not part of the bloodline. The origin of the white eye is said to be a mark that Lucifer will give to his chosen few that serve a special purpose in his plan. The Devil's own eyes are also mismatched and pale, so to share a trait with him marks those with the white eye as blessed and special. In fact, when Sister Imperator brought Copia to the church as an "orphan", one of her justifications for it was because she found him with the, "Blessed Eye". When Copia was a child, the fact that he had this feature was enough for the clergy to accept him. They permitted him to rise in the ranks and become a cardinal. Obviously, Lucifer has some kind of purpose for this... "unremarkable man". With that information in mind, it's painfully ironic that Copia is the only clergy member to have never heard Lucifer's voice...
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