#Ghestie fic
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic written for my ghestie @sistersaccharine featuring her OC and Copia at their wedding!!!!
Thank you so much for letting me write this for you sister! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Stay With Me...Forever
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The day has finally come for Sister Saccharine to marry Copia. Won't you be our ghuest at the wedding?
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
It was early morning, the dew still heavy on the grass and the sounds of birds chirping filled Saccharine’s ears. She was still in her night robes, tucked away on the sacred olive tree, hidden deep within the Abbey’s Forest. She sat perched on a large, crooked root that rose up from the ground, like the finger of a corpse–contorted and old. Surrounded by the forest which was brimming with life all around her. Sunlight pouring in from the spaces between the trees and the warm breeze blowing gently through her hair.
Saccharine closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, exhaling into a smile as felt soft tufts of fur nudging her cheek. A small fawn, pressing his muzzle against her as she carefully brought her hands to the top of his head. Her animal friends had begun to gather in this secret place. One she kept just for herself.  
“Hello little one. My, how you've grown since the beginning of Spring.” Saccharine smiled as she gently patted the fawn’s head. His mother, not too far behind him in the woods. The sweet sister fiddled with the hem of her nightgown. Her whole body, feeling like it may burst into a million tiny pieces. The excitement brewing inside her was overwhelming, but she had never been happier. 
It was obvious Lucifer had blessed them with a beautiful day. The late summer heat—only a mere suggestion. The welcomed pleasant breeze, keeping it at bay. The sun too was shining brightly in the sky—it was perfect. Oh, so perfect. 
“I have been waiting for today my whole life.” she whispered, speaking her story to the trees and the animals that surrounded her. “I grew up feeling the longing in my heart for true love. Searching for that one person who made my heart sing.” She continued, watching the small family of rabbits huddle together beneath her in the shade of the root.  “Someone to grow old with…”
Suddenly Saccharine hopped up off the root. Careful not to disturb the blue cohosh that was covering the ground. The layers of her robes, flowy gently as she began to twirl around. Her dance, a tribute to the massive tree who had always been her shelter. A dear confidant she could always confide in. All the flora and fauna of the forest, envious of her happiness. 
She dropped to her knees a moment, whispering her salutations to the rabbits and giving the mischievous dormouse a pat. When she got herself back up on her feet, she let out the most content of sighs. Brushing the bit of dirt from her robes and turning to the deer once more, continuing on with her story. Ever so eager to share her joy with her friends. 
“...and you know what little one—I’ve found them. Today…well today is the day I marry him. My sweet Papa.” She smiled, now catching the attention of the birds. One landed upon her, allowing itself to be gently brushed with the pad of her finger. He was a small sparrow that bore a heart-shaped marking in the feathers of his chest. One Saccharine had known since he was a fledgling, barely two flaps of his wings from the nest.  
All the animals were like family. It was because of that she had to invite them. Devastated when Sister Imperator told her that they would not be allowed to “run amuck” within the Abbey. Only for Copia to devise a plan for them both to be wed in the woods. Surrounded by all those she loved and those who loved her back. 
It truly was a dream come true, and now it was only hours away, already planned down to the smallest detail. From the beautiful fabrics of crimson and onyx that hung from the trees to her beautiful gown. Breathtaking with its billowing fabric, black as the night, and laced with corset at her waist. The sleeves like the petals of flowers–sleek and flowy. 
The ceremony grounds were covered in what felt like an endless array of flowers. Though they were far from where she stood now, she swore she could smell their scent. Soft and lovely as it was carried on the breeze. The hint of the black baccara roses with small accents of white and black calla lilies that were freshly picked from Primo’s garden. Painting lush images of them in her mind. 
It would have been a surprise had she not snuck out with some of her best sisters for a late-night ritual of their own, hoping to bless the next day's ceremonies. Coming upon the grounds by accident, Saccharine's eyes filled with delight as she saw them. Primo’s magic, keeping everything thriving and ready for until after they were wed. Everything was waiting for her–all that was left was the hair, though she knew not what to do with it. 
She tried pulling her hair back and away from her face. Wondering if she should wear it up or down. Copia loved it in all its forms, but Saccharine knew that down was his favorite. He told her down was the best at framing her delicate features. 
The birds took note. Hopping around the big tree as they sang to one another. Speaking in chirps and tweets that only they could understand. “What are you doing, silly birds?” Saccharine laughed as they returned to her. Each of them, flowing over her head. Bestowing her with a small sprig of thorns, from a nearby bush, tucking them neatly into her hair. Eventually their efforts had formed a crown. 
“It's perfect.” she told them, hoping that by some miracle it would last until the evening. Then it hit her, she had completely forgotten the time. “Oh my! I am running behind! I will see you all tonight ok!” she shouted back into the trees as she bounded from her sanctuary and back to the Abbey. There were people waiting for her there—after all today was her day. 
Back at the Abbey there was a boom of activity. Saccharine felt a bit overwhelmed as she made her way through the countless siblings and ghouls. All of them focused on their assigned tasks—delighted to do their part to prepare for the big night. As she made her way to her room, Saccharine almost took out both a brother and a pair of sisters that were heading to the Great Hall with boxes of champagne glasses. Then only moments later, she bumped into a group of ghouls, their claws filled with clusters of folding chairs, on the way to the ceremony site. By the time Saccharine reached the stairs to the siblings' quarters, she was relieved. Dabbing a bit of sweat from her brow before making her way upstairs to her friends, whom she knew would be waiting anxiously for her arrival.  
When she arrived in the siblings’ wing, Saccharine could see Sister Ariadne was waiting just outside the doors. Tapping her toe and clearly over having to wrangle around the ghouls all morning. “Where have you been? Everyone is waiting for you so we can start.” she teased, ushering Saccharine beyond the doors and towards her room. She had been rushed off so fast that when Ariadne stopped just short of the door, Saccharine thought something might be wrong. Before she could say anything, Ariadne slipped off the mother of pearl ring from her hand. Taking Saccharine’s right hand and placing it on her finger. 
“What is this for?” Saccharine asked. Ariadne smiled and squeezed tight to her sister’s hands. Ariadne’s heart, so full of happiness for the dear couple. 
“This is your something borrowed, I’ll need it back after.” she winked as she opened the door of the room. The two of them, heading inside to find it completely buzzing with energy. Prime Mover Ren and Nova, chasing after one of Ren and Secondo’s littles ones, while Sister Belladonna and Rosemary were fussing about with the dress. It looked more magical than Saccharine remembered, hanging from on the dress form. She could hardly believe something so beautiful could exist. 
“Saccharine! You’re here!” Nova shouted gleefully as she ran straight towards her, nearly taking out Gnocchi under her feet. The little ratto, managing to squeak its way past Ariadne and Saccharine into the room. 
“Oh! You darn rat!” Nova yelped, annoyed at almost tripping. Her arms held wide open as they found their way around Saccharine. Nova, embracing her tightly. Tail wagging with contentment as the ghoulette spoke again, “Now the real fun begins.” 
At the same time, though much more than a few steps away from the siblings' wing, Copia was pacing the floor of his Papal suite. Fiddling anxiously with the buttons on his jacket. His eyes, unable to stop staring at the Monstrance clock on the mantle. Counting down the moments until he’d be with her once again. Praying to Lucifer that he’d be spared from sweating through his suit.
“You’re going to drive us crazy fratello, would you just sit down?” Terzo barked, bouncing his leg on the floor and running his hands through his hair. The third Emeritus brother slumped into the chair like a bored teenager.  
“I know…I know…” Copia began, forcing himself to sit down beside Secondo. Secondo, groaning as he swirled the ice in his scotch glass and scooted forward to the edge of the sofa. 
“Leave the man alone Terzo, this is a big day for him.” he chided. Nodding his head to Copia and raising his glass to him. “Not much longer now.” he said before taking a sip from his glass. 
“I am just a bit nervous is all. Was it like this for you...when you married Ren?” Copia asked.  
“Si, though I managed to not wear a hole in my rug.” Secondo laughed.
"Just the hair from your head." Terzo jabbed. Secondo rolling his eyes at him.
“...there is nothing to worry about.” Secondo assured him. 
“You are right.” Copia agreed, taking in a deep breath, feeling like he might finally be able to relax. He exhaled, allowing his weight to sink down against the back of the sofa. Graciously accepting the offering of a swig of Secondo’s scotch. 
“Always is…smug bastard.” Terzo teased, when suddenly the sounds of scratching came from the front of the room. Copia pulled himself back up and made his way to the door, opening it to reveal little Rigatoni standing there. His little head perked up and his whiskers twitched to the gentle pats of his Papa’s hand. 
“Ah topolino, I have been waiting for you.” Copia said, pulling from his jacket a small piece of parchment and tying it around the rat’s neck. “You take this to her now, si?” The tiny squeaks assuring Copia that he understood his task. 
“You're sending the rat off with a little love note. Turning the vermin into carrier pigeons now, eh?” Terzo teased as he sent Copia a wink. 
“Something like that.” Copia smiled back. Carefully lowering Rigatoni onto the floor so that he might be on his way. 
“We should head down, I’m sure that Ren is more than ready for me to relieve her of the children…they must be driving her crazy by now.” Secondo cringed, setting down his glass and tapping Terzo’s shoulder to get him up too. “You’ll find out one day soon.” Secondo teased, watching Copia’s face tint to red. His freckles, lighting up like Christmas lights upon his cheeks.   
“Let’s do this.” Terzo stretched, raising up out of the chair. Secondo turned once more to face Copia before the three of them headed out. 
“Ready to become a husband fratello?” he asked him, Secondo surprising him with a short embrace. Copia felt the tears beginning to well in his eyes. Trying to shake them off quickly before they’d disturb his well-placed Papal paints. 
“More than anything.”
“Hold still, I don't want to poke you in the eye now.” Ren chuckled as she began to line the upper lashes of Saccharine’s eyes. The rich black liner accenting her already gorgeous, doe-like eyes.  
“Sorry.” Saccharine replied, letting Gnocchi down on the vanity. The rat scurrying over the top before bumping into the container of translucent powder. The poor little thing, sneezing as the powder cascaded in the air. 
“Oh.” Ren laughed as Saccharine hurried to help dust off Gnocchi. Setting her back down on the ground between them. 
“What are we going to do with you?” she smiled as she watched the little rat take off. Ren worked quickly to finish up Saccharine’s look. Though she hardly needed the adornment. Saccharine could hear that Rosemary was approaching from behind her. The sweet mysterious sister, pulling from her habit an old copper flask. 
“I was told by Ren you would need something old and well…” she explained, handing over the flask, its age betrayed by the patina. “...this is thought to have the blood of the old one inside it.” Rosemary smiled, “...can’t get much older than that. Here you should carry it with you.”
“Thank you.” Saccharine beamed, sniffling back her tears of gratitude as Nova too came towards her. The sparkle in her eyes, telling Saccharine that she too was excited to give her something. “Do you have something too Nova?”
“I do!” Nova exclaimed as she spun Saccharine around in her chair. Both of them reflected in the glass of the mirror. "Listen girl, the birds are great and everything, but we should spruce you up just a bit. Then you can have this" the ghoulette smiled, pulling out the most beautiful and sparkling obsidian comb, ".…a gift from Terzo and I. We picked it out just for you. It can be your ‘something new’.” she explained.  
Saccharine was overwhelmed with gratitude. Her friends were literally the best anyone could have hoped for. Always there to support her, nourishing her happiness as she always did for them. All of them, more like family than anything she’d ever had before. 
She hugged Nova tight, allowing her ghoulette friend to help even out the lay of her hair. Polishing it up far better than the birds could have done. Saccharine, feeling more than blessed that she had the kind of friends that had wanted to make this day special for her. Her thoughts, remaining in that place of contentment and joy as they dressed her.
Helping lace her up and button everything in place. Saccharine’s breath, stolen from as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Ren, quickly grabbing a tissue to help keep the bride-to-be from running her makeup. Drying her eyes as Saccharine took it all in. 
This was the woman who would become Copia’s wife. Papa Emeritus the Fourth’s lover for all eternity. Hearts bound forever by fate. Sanctified under the eyes of Lucifer, once she walked down the aisle. It seemed like a dream. One she never hoped to wake from. Marveling at herself in the full-length mirror while the other’s made sure she was all good to go. 
“Oh, and one more thing!” Sister Belladonna yelled, running to grab something from the other room. Returning after only a moment, quickly wrapping a grucifix rosary around Saccharine’s neck. The blue sapphire stones and onyx, perfect shades to compliment her Papa’s vestments. “I made this for you. It’s in Papa’s colors and after all…a bride needs something blue.” She smiled. 
“Oh my. I absolutely love it.” Saccharine beamed, her hands coming up to touch it. Feeling its weight against her collar, “It's perfect.”
“It is.” Ren smiled, “...and I have something for you too. Saccharine instinctively held out her hand convinced she knew what was coming. She had been given her something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue—all that was left was the sixpence for her shoe.
“My sixpence I assume.” Saccharine asked her. Ren took hold of her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze before she continued. 
“Not exactly.” she winked, reaching in her pocket and pulling from it a small totem made from rose quartz. A symbol of fertility and happiness.
“Oh it’s…” Saccharine began.
“May you be fruitful and multiply.” Ren winked, Saccharine’s face blushing at her words. A tiny nose that resembled her own and a pair of mismatched eyes surely belonged to Copia. Perfectly upon a small little face, flashing in her mind. Her heart began to flutter when her attention was drawn to a noise coming from the floor. 
“Eek...eek…” Rigatoni called, standing at her feet. Saccharine noticed that he had come with something small tied onto him. She bent down to pick him up, pulling the little rolled up parchment from his neck. 
“And what do you have little one? She asked. The group of sisters, gathering round to see what the mysterious note would contain. 
“What is it?” Nova asked, as the others all waited patiently. She unraveled it, starting down at the words carefully written across it.  The smile, spreading her face told them all they needed to know.
“It’s a note from Copia.” she explained, her heartbeat quickening in her chest. Cheeks aching with the intensity of the pull of her smile. 
“Go on, read it, read it!” Sister Ariadne begged her. 
“Saccharine, la mia bellissima futura sposa. The hours we have spent apart have only made me more sure of us. Sure, that my life means little without you by my side. I want nothing more than to see you from the moment I wake, until I close my eyes at night. Your smiling face, my constant companion. Tonight, I prove to everyone the love that gives meaning to the beat of my heart. Binding us forever in the eyes of Lucifer. Until we wed my love—C” Saccharine read, desperately trying to hold it together. Her Papa’s words were everything she needed to hear and more. A profession of love that made Saccharine’s heart sing. 
“You’re a lucky girl, that's for sure.” Sister Rosemary commented. 
“Yes…yes I am.”
The hours had passed and the time she had been waiting for had finally come. Saccharine and the rest of the sisters were ready to leave, when there was a knock at her door. It was Papa Primo dressed in his best vestments and a sweet smile on his face. His heart, full at the sight of Saccharine in her wedding dress. An image of grace and dark beauty—one he would never forget. 
“Sisters…if it’s alright with you all, I will take it from here.” Primo assured them. Handheld out for Saccharine to take it as he led her out the door. She was comforted by Primo, who had become somewhat of a father to her. She steadied herself, drawing in a deep breath and closing her eyes to help ground herself. Her hand held tightly to Primo’s. Tears balancing along her lash line before she quickly wiped them away. 
While she had never been happier, the day was bittersweet for Saccharine. It wasn’t that long ago that she imagined this moment—though much different than it was now. Engaged to her once beloved Jasper, and content to live out her days in the small town she was born in. Days spent dreaming of things that enchanted her—books and fairytales of worlds that she longed to explore, convinced that they might only ever be fiction.
Now the world had all been opened up to her. Promises of the universe, all found in the Dark One’s name. Guided into the warmth and thrilling embrace of the darkness by her sweet Papa. Their love, sanctified not only until death, but beyond eternity—until the end of time itself. 
Though she didn’t miss Jasper, she did miss her mother and father. An aching, nagging pain had been rooted in her chest from the day she turned away from them. Following her heart, choosing to leave them behind. Primo could sense it. Knowing what held her thoughts and her heart. The eldest Emeritus son, pulling her close and placing a small kiss upon her forehead.
“I know you miss them piccola. They would be so proud of you.”
“I know.” she sighed. 
“I know I am not your father… but would you do me the honor of allowing me to walk you down the aisle?” Primo asked her, the tears hitting her once more. 
“Oh yes please.” Saccharine cried, hugging Primo so tight he couldn't breathe, his words and warmth–healing the wounds she carried inside her heart. Knowing that Primo would always be there for her even when her parents could not. 
Primo dismissed the sisters so that he might spend a moment alone with Saccharine before the ceremony. The lot of them giggling and waving as they spilled into the hall. Primo placed his hand on Saccharine's, as they sat in silence. A welcome moment of calm amidst the chaos of the day. Primo feeling the trembling of her hand.
"You alright piccola?" He asked her. 
"I'm just a bit nervous." She admitted, smiling as Primo began chuckling to himself. 
"Completely normal, I suspect." Primo smiled, "I know my fratellino will make you very happy…and you him. There is nothing to worry about, I promise."
"You always know just what to say to make me feel better Papa." She smiled up at him just before Primo pulled her in close for a hug. After a tight squeeze, he released her. Brushing himself off and helping Saccharine straighten out her dress.
"Now, do you have everything you need?"
"I think so…" she told him, a pensive look on her face as she brought her hand to her chin.
"Ah, well I know one thing you're still missing."
"Oh?" Saccharine asked as Primo reached into his vest. Pulling from it a silver coin and placing it in her hands. "What is it?"
"This, mio piccola, is an obol. It's an old coin, meant to assure safe passage across the river Styx…today it shall make do as your sixpence. For good luck." Primo winked. Saccharine was overcome with emotion, practically pouncing Primo with a hug.
"Oh, thank you Papa! I love it!" She cried, carefully wiping the tears from her eyes. 
"Alright let's not mess you up before the ceremony or the Prime Mover will never let me hear the end of it." Primo smiled, rolling his eyes. "Ready?"
Primo and Saccharine down the main stairs. Each step, bringing her closer to eternity with Copia. The empty halls of the Abbey, surreal as they walked through it. Saccharine’s heart beating faster and faster. Soaring as the sound of music grew closer. 
A symphony composed just for her. Each and every note written by Papa himself. She tried to focus on her breathing as they reached the edge of the woods. Saccharine, closing her eyes and allowing Primo’s hand to guide her the rest of the way. 
The Processional had begun. All of the guests in their seats, turning to watch as Secondo and Ren’s little ones, the flower girl and ring bearer, came bounding down the aisle. Followed closely by their parents and dressed in the most adorable little vestments and taffeta dress, handsewn just for the occasion. Then came Nova and Terzo, both of them starry-eyed at one another as they walked. Making no secret that one day Saccharine and Copia would be back to celebrate vows between them.   
“We’re up.” Primo whispered. Saccharine opened her eyes and tried to take it all in. It was truly magical. The clearing in the woods, filled with siblings and ghouls. Everyone dressed to the nines and ready to celebrate as their Papa took his bride. The trees, adorned in splays of fabric and lights. The lush floral arrangements, Primo and the ghoulettes had created, breathtaking to behold. Their sweet scent, filling the space—soft and perfect. And the warm humming of the guests, a gentle background noise as the song changed to announce her arrival. 
Despite all the beauty that surrounded her, the only thing she could see was Copia. Her sweet Papa, standing at the end of the aisle. Smiling ear to ear as he watched her approaching him. It felt like both forever and yet only a blink, before Primo relinquished her hand to Copia. The two of them now standing before Mr. Saltarian, ready to begin the officiation of their ceremony, while everyone took their seats behind them. 
While they both knew they were supposed to look at Saltarian, Saccharine and Copia couldn’t help but steal glances at one another. Barely staving off tears of joy from their eyes. Drowning out all the world around them until Saltarian snapped them back to attention. Clearing his throat to alert them before speaking to the crowd.
“While we might have been made in God’s image…it is only through Satan's grace that are we given dominion over the earth and its creatures. Given truth and power over ourselves. Made free to commit sin. It is through our lust and love we shall fill the earth and subdue it. That through our unions we shall honor him—the Morningstar. Today siblings, ghouls, and Clergy—we have gathered for the most unholiness of ceremonies. The union of Papa Emeritus the Fourth, and our good sister Saccharine.” Saltarian smiled, his words filled with hope and love.
“Nema!” called out the guests. Both Copia and Saccharine, smiling at one another as things continued on. Mr. Saltarian spoke in length about love and commitment. How it was the duty of a Papa to shepherd his flock—and that his wife would help with his guidance. Giving him the strength and inspiration for the task. All things, though meaningful and well intentioned, the couple could only vaguely remember. Both too engrossed in one another’s eyes to care.
Copia was stunned in her presence. Saccharine was always beautiful but seeing her there before him now was like nothing he had never known before. A beauty that surpassed the visions of hell itself. Saccharine was overcome too, wondering to herself if Copia had ever looked this incredibly handsome before. His suit, even more impressive than anything he’d ever worn on stage. 
When it came time for their vows, both of them struggled. Choking back tears and trying desperately to convey what no number of words ever could. Copia went first, his palms a bit sweaty as he tried to hold Saccharine’s hand. Nervous that he would fumble his words. 
“Saccharine. Ever since the day in the garden, I have been bewitched by you. Enchanted by your gentle kindness, and compassion for all who surround you—even the scruffiest of rats,” Copia chuckled, the notes of tears heavy in his voice,” Your beauty—undeniable. When you held my hand the first time. Helping this old man rise from the dirt, covered in petals and brush. My heart was forever captivated. Only growing more in love as I listened to the gentle sound of your voice, my still new sorella. Allowing me to help guide you into your siblinghood and all the while stealing my heart. There will never be a day I don’t worship you. A day that I don't praise Lucifer for bringing you into my life. And I will spend the rest of eternity showing you just how much I love you. For whatever may come for us in this life, let it be known that since that day—my life has become yours.”
Saccharine sniffled back. Unable to help the tears from pouring out. Silently running over her cheeks as she squeezed Copia’s hands. Wanting to kiss him so badly, though it was not yet time. She began her vows. Her voice, shaky, but certain. “Copia, my dear sweet Papa. I had to leave so much behind me. Shaken to my core as I began life anew here at the Abbey. Still lost in my own fears and doubts. While I may have helped you in the garden that day, it was you who became my savior. Having only known me a moment, you lent me your whole heart. The best of intentions and a smile on your face. You guided me to the meaning of this life and into a happiness I might have never known. I fell fast and hard, only growing to love you more as we traveled this path together. I want nothing more than to spend my life with you. This one and the next. Declaring my love for you before any god that might hear it—I am yours now and for always.” she cried.    
Not a dry eye in the house as they say. The words shared between them, piercing the hearts of their guests. There was never any doubt that they belonged together, meant for each other as if their love had been ordained from the beginning. When the cosmos formed, and the stars burst into life. 
Saltarian bent down to help Ren and Secondo remove the rings, from the small black satin pillow in little Christian’s hands. Untying them carefully and handing one of the small golden bands to Copia. “Now repeat after me and place the ring on Saccharine’s finger. I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.” Copia repeated, his voice trembling. Saccharine too, finding it hard not to embrace him. Wanting to hold on to him for dear life. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” Saltarian continued. Everyone, watching as Copia slipped the ring onto Saccharine’s hand. A gentle wind blowing past them. Saccharine, working to push back a wayward stand from her face. Copia was never more in love. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” he finished. Saccharine, repeating the same rites as he. Their faces, hurting from the intensity of their smiles. Powerful emotions aching in their chest.   
“It is now, in the eyes of Lucifer, the father, the Antichrist and son, and the unholy spirit…I pronounce that you are husband and wife…” Saltarian declared, but before he could get the rest out, Copia dipped Saccharine back. Passionately taking her lips onto his. A roar of applause, erupting from the guests. Cheering loud and jumping for joy as the confetti, made from rose petals, went flying all round in the air.
The evening had only just begun. The newlyweds, celebrating along with the Abbey with an incredible reception. The ghouls had managed to throw together a makeshift dance floor and helped to DJ some music for everyone to dance to. The evening, spent with delicious food, wine, good conversation, and well wishes from all who stopped at the head table.
Copia and Saccharine had already been on the dance floor for several songs. Copia, twirling her around and showing her off like the prideful husband that he was. Ever grateful and yet still surprised that he had found a love such as this. Saccharine too in awe of them, occasionally wondering if she might wake from it all—finding it had only been a dream.
As they made their way back to the table, Marianna and Christian came barreling down through the crowd. Knocking into Saccharine as Copia quickly grabbed her before she fell. Saccharine shrugged it off, bending down to meet with the children face to face. Prime Mover Ren, running closely behind them. 
“Are you both alright?” Saccharine asked them, pulling the children close and giving them each a hug.
“Sorry Auntie Saccharine, we’re ok.” said Marianna. Ren, taking hold of both her children's hands.
“I’m so glad. You two be careful now.” Saccharine told them, smiling up at Ren who was mouthing a 'thank you' to her for being kind to them. Copia was immediately taken back. Mesmerized by watching her with them. The thoughts of one day Saccharine tending to their own children, tugging at his heart strings.  
“You are very good with them, si?” Copia said, both him and Saccharine blushing red. An unspoken thing said between them. Though neither would admit it just yet. 
“They’re just darling.” she replied as Secondo arrived to help Ren with their brood.
“Well, I don't know about that.” he snickered, Ren, quickly giving him a jab at his side. Both Copia and Saccharine, amused at the situation. A drop of lovely, in an already overflowing glass of happiness. Another slow song on the queue as the night continued on. The whole of the Abbey dancing the night away.
It was a couple hours later when Copia brought his mouth to Saccharine’s ear. Whispering softly and sending a rush of tingling through her as the breath escaped his lips. “Think they will miss us Amore?” he asked her.
“Oh…ah…I’m not sure.” Saccharine told him. The thrilling heat hitting her full force. Her heart beginning to pound harder inside her chest.
“I think they’ll manage, follow me–” Copia assured as he pulled her through the crowd. Rushing her outside the large doors of the Great Hall and into the small opening of the woods. The well-worn spot, filling with the small orbs of red light as they approached.
“Oh my.” she smiled as the bats fluttered above her head. The rats, pouring forth from the bushes and a small horde of spiders, trickling over the limbs of the trees to greet them. The beautiful creatures of the night, too light-shy to have visited in the day, now happily came to see the newlyweds as they fled deeper into the forest.
When Copia was satisfied with the spot, he took Saccharine back into his arms. Dancing with her under the moonlight. Spinning and twirling together in the cool night air. Relishing that it was just the two of them together. 
Saccharine laid her head on Copia's shoulders as they swayed. Copia humming to the songs they could just barely make out being played. Both of them, thinking that they could spend forever dancing in each other's arms. After a short time alone, Copia stopped. Taking Saccharine's hand and giving it a peck before speaking. 
“Mia principessa, let me show you something…” and before she knew it, Saccharine was being rushed back out of the woods and into the nearest part of Primo’s garden. The string lights, guiding them into an opening. In the middle sat a small canopy, made from bundles of black and red fabrics, and the suggestion of light coming from inside.
“What's all this?” she asked him, as Copia pulled back on it to help her inside. As Saccharine stepped in, she was delighted to find that in the middle was a mountain of pillows and blankets. Plush and plentiful. Surrounding a pair of juice boxes and some candles in the center. 
“I had the ghouls set this up for us, but it was my idea.” Copia beamed, proud of himself for conjuring the idea.
“I’ll have to thank them.” Saccharine smiled, planting a small kiss to Copia’s cheek. Copia, quickly picking up one of the juice boxes and handing it to her. 
“Heh…I know you’re not a big wine drinker.” he smiled, helping to open the straw. It was so sweet of him. He really had thought of everything. Even the view of Primo’s garden from the canopy was beautiful. The vivid colors from the flowers surrounding them, visible from every angle. Saccharine was honestly shocked any blooms remained after all that had been used in their ceremony. 
It was perfect. Everything was absolutely perfect. While it had all been so wonderful, the day had also been overwhelming. The celebrations and the ceremony were everything she could have wanted and more. She was grateful now for it to be just the two of them to be together. Alone in this small space, surrounded by the flowers.
Saccharine let out a sigh, relaxing into the pillows and slipping the shoes off her aching feet. Copia quickly took her foot in his hand and massaged it. Doing everything he could to help her get comfortable in their temporary abode. Both of them, smiling as the stress of the day began to melt away. 
“That's good.” she hummed just as he picked up her other foot.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you. Heels are great to look at—not so great to spend the day in.” Saccharine laughed, Copia soon joined her as he removed his jacket and slipped out of his own shoes. Settling down on the as he settled on the best of pillows beside her. 
“Feeling good enough to sin…Mrs. Emeritus?” Copia growled as he ran the back of his palm along the swell of Saccharine’s bosom. Bringing with him a tingling up her spine and a breath, took up sharply in her chest. The familiar ache, beginning to grow between her legs. 
“Copia!” she squeaked before becoming lost in his kiss, so soft and passionate. His hands, traveling gently beneath the fall of her dress. Fingers tracing the inside of her thigh. A journey they had well-traveled before, and meeting with her heated core. Teasing her folds through the fabric of her panties.  
“Si, la mia bellissima moglie. Won’t you allow me to show you how much I love you?” he asked, his voice begging and thick as honey. His eyes, falling over her. Etching her in his memory for the times when they would have to part. His lust and love for her, growing stronger inside as Copia watched the grucifix rosary rise and fall. Heavy on her chest.
“Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito.” she replied, slowly undoing the buttons that lined his shirt. Fingers carefully working through them and teasing the skin beneath.
“You’ve been practicing.” Copia hummed, his lips returning to hers. When she was finished, Saccharine pushed the shirt off from his shoulders. Running her fingers through the nest of hair that covered his chest. His eyes staring directly into hers, as he left out a breathy moan.
“I want you Copia. I need to feel you inside me. Make me yours.” Saccharine whispered, brushing her lips against his ear and sending a throb straight to his sex. Copia’s eyes widening as she ran her hand down his belly and over the growing bulge in his pants. Stroking him through the fabric. 
“I need you sweetheart…so much.” Copia whimpered, hungry for the feel of her against him. Saccharine turned around, pulling her hair off to the side, and allowing him full view of her back. Copia, kissing marks of black paint along her shoulders and her neck. Nimbly working his fingers to pull through the ties of her corset. Loosening them up enough so that he might remove her dress. 
“Kiss me.” Saccharine commanded as she turned back around to face him. Copia, pulling her to a stand, helping her to step out from her dress. His lips, never leaving hers. He caressed her face in his hands before allowing them to fall over her supple breasts. Kneading them in his hands as his tongue slid into her mouth.��
Saccharine worked to unzip his pants, both of them moaning and groaning. Their lungs, in need of air, though neither wanted to stop. She took hold of his sex and stroked him gently. Copia moaning at her touch. Aching to be inside her, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to last long. 
He lifted Saccharine up in his arms. His bride, following his lead as she wrapped her legs around him. The two of them, giggling and kissing as Copia carried her over to the best spot in the canopy. Setting her down gently on her back as he relished her naked body before him. The lights from the fireflies, beginning to dance in the air. 
“I would unmake and remake the world for you, if you’d only ask…mia dea oscura.” Copia growled, kissing down her neck and over her breasts. Taking his time to worship her before drawing a nipple into his mouth. Sucking gently as his fingers made their way to the precipice of her thighs.
“Oh Copia.” she moaned, unable to control the lift of her hips, moving to meet with his hand. Closing her eyes as her husband gently slipped his fingers past her folds. Pressing tight against the spot ribbed flesh deep inside her. A spot only he would ever know. Copia, quickly having her cumming against his hand, having learned exactly how to touch her. 
She shook and cried out. Fingers, digging half-moons into Copia's shoulders as she fell from the height of her orgasm. Her husband, looking sexier with his smug and satisfied grin. Engrossed in how glorious it was to see her like this.
Open and blossoming for him. Her body, belonging to him—and his to her. He moved above her, gently nudging his erection against her folds. Using the fruits of his efforts to aid his glide. Pushing himself in slowly until he was fully seated inside.
"Oh sweetheart, you feel so good." Copia groaned, his face flush and his mouth hung open. Saccharine looked deep in his eyes, her body already beginning to pulse once again with his movements.
"Oh Copia…You do too." She moaned. Saccharine, no longer the shy virgin he deflowered but his lover, his partner—his wife. Unafraid to show him just how good it felt to have him inside her. Her body tugging tightly against him with each thrust of his hips. 
"Ah!" Copia growled as her body squeezed around him. His movements, more intentioned and his stride picking up in pace. He wanted nothing more than to make her cum again. Ready to catch her on the way down when she fell from the heights of their passion. His mouth, returning to her breast.
Within moments, Saccharine's second orgasm quickly crashed over her. Copia, pulling her up onto his lap as he continued thrusting inside. Her hand, flying up and over her mouth as she came—hard and fast. Praying to Lucifer that she'd been able to contain the sound before alerting a whole pack of ghouls. 
She was putty in his hands. Copia, having to help hold her upright as he kept moving. Both of them, completely covered in sweat and the remnants of his paints. Her arms wrapped around him, while tears poured down her cheeks. Overwhelmed by the sheer ecstasy of their lovemaking and the emotions swirling through her.
"Copia! Ah! Cum with me!" She cried out, staring deep into his eyes. Copia could see the beauty of all the world wrapped up in them. Watching her in rapturous bliss, the likes of which only he could bring her. Her thighs, tightening up around him as his shaft began swelling inside to fill her. Both of them trembling together, held in each other’s arms.
"That's my girl, my beautiful wife…make me cum" He whined, completely losing control of his rhythm and allowing himself to let go fully as he came inside her—just as she came for him. 
"Oh. Sweet. Lucifer." Saccharine said, breathy and exhausted, before falling limp into Copia's arms. Both of them panting against each other. Their first time as husband and wife, proving to be one to remember. Neither of them, able to speak. Still too deep in the haze of pleasure.
Copia moved them both. Cradling Saccharine in his arms as he laid down beside her. Her head, resting on his chest and the scent of his cologne filling her nose. Then from the sea of heavy breathing and shared heartbeats, came Copia's voice. The sound, sweeter than ever before to her ears. 
"I love you." He smiled before kissing her forehead.
"I love you too Copia…promise me something ok?" She asked, scared that this happiness might someday end.
"Anything amore."
"Promise me that you stay with me…forever." Saccharine cried. Copia held her closer, feeling the warm tears falling in his chest.
(Mio) piccola- (my) little one
mia principessa- my princess
la mia bellissima moglie- my beautiful wife
Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito- Always, my handsome husband
mia dea oscura- dark goddess
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kaleidos-copia · 5 months
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I made a ceramic plate based on one of the embroidered designs from Copia's skeleton stole!
(reference photos under the cut)
Figured this was a subtle yet cool way to incorporate my love of Ghost and Copia into my pottery :)
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I'm obsessed with this stole and want one so bad (especially because I'm about to graduate college and will be wearing a boring university one 😪)
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copias-juicebox · 11 months
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it‘s nearly halloween. Everyone leave your windows open for dracopia these next few nights.
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foxybouquet · 1 month
I exhort all of you to tag me with your art and fics. ALL Y’ALL. I want to see it, I want to read it, I want to reblog it. TAG ME PLZ.
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grubbin22 · 17 days
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magma doodles ft operator
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anamelessfool · 9 months
When I send you a DM with a link to one of my new fics or art this is actually what is happening
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It's not me being pushy it is me showing you my Thing
I'm proud of my New Thing
I thought of you when I made this Thing
So here it is
My Thing
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crooked-hourglass · 8 months
Okay shot in the dark, but there's a fic that I've been thinking about for MONTHS and stupid me didn't bookmark it or reblog it and I've been trying to find it. So I'm wondering if anyone else might know of it?
I think it was relatively short, and it was a Mountain/Sunshine fic. Mountain was hibernating in his room during winter and Sunshine would visit him each night/day to tell him things that had happened during the day or sleep in his room, and it was just really cute and I need to read it again and save it this time!
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Stupid Love
Cardinal Terzo x Reader
Content tags: smut, MDNI, friends to lovers, lingerie, parties, mentions of alcohol, mentions of threesome, general whoring around~
Word Count: 6.8k
Hey Ghesties!!! Happy Ghalentine's Day! I have worked my ass off to get this out for you all today 🥰 I hope you enjoy it and I hope you were/are able to get the Ritual tickets you desire! 💅 Love you all ❤️
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You stare up at your best friend, who hovers over you, leaning against wall, pinning you to the spot.
𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦. 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺! 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴...?
You had been effectively locked in a closet with the smug bastard. After that 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 bottle stopped spinning and landed on you, you'd been sentenced to Seven Minutes in Hell with the Cardinal.
"Sorella... Won't you let me kiss you? It's what everyone does during this game. We're supposed to makeout, sì?" your friend implores you.
"No, Terzo. You're- you're my friend."
"And? I makeout with all of my friends. Except you of course, seeing as how you won't let me."
"Yeah, well. You're a bit of a manwhore!"
"Hey!" he snorts at you, "I can be lady like when I want to be..." He cuts his eyes at you jokingly.
"Oh, like when you put on your stockings and garters to dress up for the ghouls? I'm sure they love making you their little rag doll," you return his teasing look. This is just how you banter with one another after all these years.
"Sì, they do," he winks and strokes your chin with his thumb, his body still pressing your back against the wall. He licks his lips, still waiting to kiss you. His features really look handsome in this low lighting: the black eyeliner painted around his eyes, strong cheek bones and jaw line, dimples, his black lip paint smudged from already kissing about 10 other people tonight. Okay, maybe that was exaggerated, but the man is passionate about being passionate.
Face only inches from yours, Terzo brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, one hand moving to fondle your waist.
"Terzo..." you whisper, unsure what to do, but unable to take your eyes off his lips. After a moment, you tilt your head back, and he closes the space between you, lightly touching his lips to yours. You didn't even think he was capable of a kiss so chaste.
Lightly, you move your lips against his, hands clutching his black wool cassock. His hand dips to the small of your back while the other cradles the back of your head, kissing you softly again and again.
Suddenly in that moment, your brain freezes. 𝘖𝘩 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘴! 𝘐'𝘮 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥... 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸, 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦...
You pull away from him, looking at the floor then back up at the Cardinal. Just above a whisper, he calls your name. Your face contorts, flashing a series of emotions, before you push him off of you, barging out of the closet and running out of the party all together.
"Hey! Your time isn't up!" you hear some random Sibling of Sin shout after you.
𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥! 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥... 𝘏𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮...
• • •
That was years ago, but for some reason your silly brain decided to reminisce...
You're dragged out of your thoughts by a hand sneaking up on your hip. "What's got my little bird so distracted, hmm?"
Letting out a gasp, you nearly drop the papers you'd been clinging to, "Satanas, Terzo! You nearly gave me a heart attack." You turn to face him, sitting back on the edge of his desk.
"I told you I'd be right back... Besides, you haven't gotten used to my sneaking around by now, dolcezza?" His intense mismatched gaze always made you blush, but it's really working on you right now as you'd been caught thinking about him.
"I guess not..." you whisper, picking a small piece of lint from his cassock.
"Well, mi dispiace, tesoro. I'll try not to startle you again," the devious look on his face tells you otherwise. He steps aside to return to his office chair, and you stand up off his desk. "Now, we should get back to work," he smacks you on the ass, casually.
You whip around to look at him in disbelief, but all your frustration washes away when you see him snickering. His smile could get him out of anything, especially with you.
Luckily you were only filling in for his assistant for a few days while they were under the weather; you weren't sure how much of this you could take.
• • •
The next morning when he doesn't turn up to his office on time, you go to his chambers to look for him. Just as you were about to knock on the door, you hear a loud groan, followed by the sound of someone panting heavily. Gently, you press your ear to the door as the sound of Terzo's moans fill the air, "Ahh! Sorella!"
Your face beams a bright red, but the second hand embarrassment is quickly replaced by a pang of rage. Heels click the floor as you huff off, heading back to his office. 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦...
A while later, as you scratch at a few papers, taking out your anger on your pen, the man of the hour saunters through the door. "Buongiorno, cara mia!" he chirps, having the audacity to come over to where you're whittling away at his work and pat your head.
"Please, don't touch me," you cut back coldly.
"Ayyyye, why such hostility, my darling?" He kneels in front of you, looking handsome as ever. Clearly he was freshly showered and painted... 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥. 𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥.
"Because! Some of us have to keep this place up and running! I'm trying to help you look good for Papa Nihil, and- and you're out there screwing anything with a pulse!" you snap.
The smug bastard sits back on his haunches, laying his head against your knee and feigning his innocence as he looks up at you, "Not all of the ghouls have a pulse, Sorella..."
Your pen clacks to the floor as you pop him on the head, biretta falling to the floor.
"Ow!" he exaggerates.
"Terzo..." you whine, giving into your frustration, tears prickling at your eyes.
He sits back on the floor, reaching for the writing utensil and hat, and his face softens at the sight of you. "You are right, tesoro... I've been an ass, keeping you waiting. Mi dispiace." His words held a double meaning that was lost on you; he was well aware of the way you pined for one another... But you'd reacted so poorly the first time he'd kissed you. He didn't think he could take that pain again.
You sniffle, packing the feelings away. "It's okay. I know you have a lot of weight on your shoulders with preparing for the papacy. It's a long ways off, but in other ways, I know it feels like it'll be here tomorrow."
"Sì, sì..." He scrapes himself up off the floor, handing your pen back to you, "Well, let's get to work, sì? It's too much for one person to do." He gives you the best smile he can muster and cups your cheek before flopping down at his desk.
• • •
Him arriving so late to work led to an even later night, but he liked having you in the office, because you were often more dedicated than his own assistant. You pushed through all the paperwork and sorting and filing better than anyone else who had worked for him.
After getting your belly full on takeout, you curled up on the little couch in his office, papers in your lap that needed reading. But you'd been at it all day... So you just couldn't help your heavy eyelids as they drifted closed...
"Little bird, do you have- Little bird?" He was attempting to ask for some documents he needed, only to find you hunched over, eyes closed and breathing deeply. He yawns, standing up and stretching his limbs, "Sì, it is time for bed, isn't it?"
Walking over, he carefully removes the papers from your lap, scooping his arms under your relaxed body and strolling off down the halls of the Abbey with you.
The next morning your eyes flutter open, taking in a room that wasn't yours, but you were very familiar with it. You glance down to see you're still in your habit from yesterday and a pale arm with black painted fingernails draped around your waist. Hoping not to disturb his slumber, you delicately lace your fingers with your best friend's, and he makes a little grumbling sound, stroking your thumb with his before relaxing back into his pillow.
This wasn't by any means the first time you'd spent the night together... It has just become a bit more infrequent since he'd started occupying his nights with other people's bodies. You used to stay together every night after he lost his mother, holding him as he would cry himself to sleep, comforting him through the nightmares. And he'd done the same for you anytime something troubled you, from breaking up with some guy to arguments with friends. You were always there for one another, never waking up lonely if you didn't want to.
You couldn't blame him for seeking comfort in others. He's lived a hard life, and maybe you alone aren't enough for him anymore.
Suddenly, you hear a groan as Terzo begins to stir, urging you to flip over. You oblige him, turning to face his bare chest as he tangles his legs comfortably with yours. "Good morning, sleeping beauty," you reach up to sweep back his unruly bed head.
"Buongiorno..." He wraps his arm around your shoulders, cracking his eyes open just enough to look down at you.
"Please tell me you had the sheets changed since yesterday morning," you look up at him.
His deep morning voice chuckles, "Not to worry, amore... We fucked on the kitchen table."
"You're disgusting," you roll your eyes at him.
"Ahhh, you're just jealous!" He leans forward to kiss your forehead, "I'll fuck you too one day, then you'll understand."
You nuzzle into his chest, hoping he wouldn't see the blush that manifested itself at that remark.
After a few minutes, he pushes himself out of bed, saying some smartass comment about needing to be dutiful and that we can't fall asleep at work, before pushing his pants off, giving you an eyeful.
"Terzo! What the fuck!" you cover your face with your hands.
He lets out a hearty laugh, "It's not anything you haven't seen a hundred times before!" He calls out before you hear the bathroom door click shut and the shower turn on.
You groan into his pillow. ...𝘚𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥.
• • •
A few weeks had gone by, giving you time to settle back into your normal duties in the clergy offices and time to push the butterflies in your stomach out of your mind. Of course, you still see your best friend nearly every day, but at least you weren't feeling so flustered over him. You couldn't believe you still had such a silly crush after all these years...
Hearing the unmistakable loud click of high heels stepping down the marble halls of the ministry, you turn, expecting to greet Sister Imperator or perhaps another Sibling who'd decided to dress up that day. Surprisingly, you catch a glimpse of that familiar black cassock--he's in the velvet one today.
"Terzo," you slow down, letting him catch up to you, "are you wearing heels?"
"Aren't they cute?! I got them for the party tonight! You are coming, sì? Please tell me you're coming to the party, tesoro," he babbles like a school girl, showing off his new black leather high heeled booties, complete with a silver sword running down the stiletto.
"Yes, I'm coming to the party, Cardinal. You haven't shut up about it for days," you chuckle, checking out his shoes, "Those are so you! They look great, my dear."
"Bene! Bene!" He drops his voice lower, taking your hand, "I'm so happy you like them."
"Well it wouldn't even matter if I didn't. What matters is if 𝘺𝘰𝘶 like them and feel confident in them. Of course, you feel confident in just about anything," you joke with him, "even your birthday suit!"
"Mi scusi, I think you mean 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 my birthday suit, cara mia..." Giggling, he bites his lip and watches you intently, taking in your blissful expression. To him, making you smile is one of the greatest feelings.
• • •
That night, the party really was lively. What had started as a simple kick back had turned into half the abbey showing up with snacks and bottles. Even the new Cardinal... Copia, you think you heard was his name, had shown up.
Pretty much everyone had been invited except Sister Imperator, Nihil, and the Papas. Terzo loved his brothers, but he also loved attention, and especially when Secondo, the reigning Papa, showed up, everyone got outshined.
Of course, the host showed up fashionably late. This time, though, he was actually coming straight from his office, still donning his velvet cassock for the occasion, although you guess he'd left the biretta behind. He had been working as dutifully as he was capable of since you set him straight a few weeks ago.
The room lights up with people wanting to talk to him; he was like a celebrity, and you just knew he would be a natural at being Papa one day.
"Oh, come here! Follow me. You have to meet my best friend, you'll simply 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘦 her," Terzo's voice comes from the crowd as he wiggles out, a Brother of Sin in tow. From your comfy spot on one of the couches, you make quick work of putting down your bag of chips and smoothing down your hair, as the two men approach you.
The Cardinal excitedly pushes the stranger onto the couch next to you, briefly introduces you to one another, and makes his exit, but not before pressing a kiss to your knuckles and giving you the wink that means you're supposed to at least 𝘵𝘳𝘺 to like this one.
The guy follows in Terzo's footsteps, also taking your hand, but instead pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist. "It's nice to meet you, Sorella. It's a pleasure getting to know someone so close to Cardinal Terzo," he starts.
He seems nice enough, and definitely handsome with his warm eyes and stubble growing out.
"Nice to meet you," you return.
And after just a little while, he had his arm around your shoulders as you leaned against him, sharing your bag of chips and chatting about the party. Apparently you both liked to people watch, plus he was new here, so you were kind of giving him the run down on everyone.
"Oh, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 Jess? I think I've been getting her and Jen mixed up." You both share a laugh. It didn't help that the two girls looked alike on top of having similar names.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot your friend already in a heated make out session with a ghoul AND a Brother of Sin. 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵, 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮. 𝘏𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨.
As you watch his tongue dip between the ghoul's lips, you feel a heat stir between your legs, and you actively try to ignore the scene playing out and go back to telling your 'date' all the Abbey gossip.
But hardly anyone can look away when Terzo moves to straddle the Brother next to him, ghoul still attached to his neck. This wasn't out of the ordinary for a ministry party, but normally everyone was a little more drunk first.
Suddenly Terzo lets out a loud moan, and the Brother sets to work on the buttons of his cassock, exposing the Cardinal's pale shoulders.
"Wow, he's really into serving his followers, eh?" the man next to you chuckles.
You glance over at him then back at your friend, "Yeah," you choke out a giggle, "yeah, he is."
He seems satisfied with that answer as you both lean back on the arm of the couch, and you press your cheek against his chest so he wouldn't be able to see the blush forming rapidly.
Eyes drifting back to Terzo, he lifts himself off of the ghoul and the Brother of Sin, letting his cassock hit the floor, revealing little underneath. Even though you'd seen him naked before, somehow it felt more intimate seeing his bare ass framed only by a thin thong and thigh high stockings.
Cardinal Copia catches your attention for a moment, and you're both an equally deep shade of red, watching as Terzo takes his lovers' hands and exits the room.
• • •
"Sooo... Tell me all the little details, cara mia!" Terzo prompts you, laid out across from you on his bed in a tight pair of capri leggings and a little Playboy crop top, looking like a yoga mom or something. He'd invited you over for a sleepover, saying that he really missed the old days where you would stay up all night painting each other's nails, watching movies, and binging junk food.
"Details of what?" you question him. You lounge in one of the T-shirts that you'd 'stolen' from him years ago and a pair of pajama shorts.
"You knoooowww, amore. Your little date at the party... How was he?"
"Oh, well, you had to be there..." you fake your dreamiest voice, fluttering your eyelids and placing a hand over your heart. "You wouldn't know since you cut out of your own party less than an hour after it started," you tell him honestly.
"Ah! Well, mi dispiace, but I don't care what happened 𝘢𝘵 the party. I want to know what happened... after," he winks at you.
"Oh, so you're wanting to know about the steamy sex we had, breaking in his new Sibling quarters?"
Terzo nods his head, which is propped up on his head as he steals the bag of marshmallows from between you.
"Hey!" You grab the marshmallows to put them back where you can both reach them, after a fit of giggles, you settle back into your juicy story, "Well, we went back to his room, and I got on my knees..."
Your best friend's eyes go wide.
"...and he joined me for a goodnight prayer to Satan. What did you expect, Terzo? Of course I didn't sleep with him."
"You bitch! Leading me on," he laughs and reaches across the bed to pop the side of your ass.
"You like it," you wink at him.
"Well, why didn't you sleep with him? Did you see that jaw of his?! I would've taken him myself, tesoro, but I thought he might like you more."
"Because, I just... I wasn't in the headspace for it," you explain, the mood shifting slightly.
"Not in the headspace? Why, amore?" He brushes a strand of hair back behind your ear.
"I- I don't know," you stammer, not really wanting to admit to him why you couldn't sleep with that other guy. But Terzo pulls the move that always works on you, swiping all of your snacks and fingernail polish bottles out of the way and pulling you close for a big hug. It gets you to spill every time. "I guess... I guess, I was just distracted."
"I hope it was a good distraction, sì?" He kisses the top of your head.
"I- Sort of. I don't think anyone could stop thinking your grand exit the other night."
"Amore... You didn't fuck him because of my lingerie? If anything, this should've been inspiration for you," he giggles again, that devious playful look in his two-toned eyes.
"You don't get it, do you?"
A serious look settles on his face, and for once, he's silent.
"I hate seeing you throw yourself at everyone else to ignore the way you're hurting. And I hate that that it's anyone else; literally, 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 else except me!"
He looks stunned, a pink shade coming to his nose and lashline as tears threaten him. "You... You didn't even like it when I kissed you, I didn't think you would want that from me," he says quietly.
"Didn't like it? Terzo, I- I loved it."
"But, you ran away." The memory of that night had apparently lived fresh on both of your minds for some time now. "You ran away and we never spoke of it again... What was I supposed to think, cara?"
"I thought you were just doing it for fun... But then I realized you would never like me back."
"Amore... I 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶. Ti amo così tanto. Perhaps it's not the best strategy, but that's why I sleep with everyone in this place: to get la mia mente (my mind) off of you, little bird, the thing I could never have."
"You love me?" is the only response you can muster.
"Sì, certo che lo faccio. (Yes, of course I do.) I call you 'amore mio' after all."
Years of him longing for you hits you like a ton of bricks. All the late nights, the hand holding, the pet names... And he'd been too afraid to take it further because of the way you reacted over that stupid Seven Minutes in Hell game. 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥!
He holds you close to him, tucking your head under his chin and fingers tangled in your hair. You both sit like that for a long time.
"Terzo?" you break the silence.
"Hm?" He pulls back, looking down at you with a sincere look of adoration in his eyes.
"Will you kiss me?"
"You're not going to run away this time, sì?"
"I won't. I promise," you look up but only get a glance at him before his lips are on yours, passionately telling you how he's yearned for this. It only takes your lips parting a little bit before his tongue slips between them, asking permission. Of course you allow it, your tongue dancing with his.
Although you both had plenty of experience, making out with one another made you both feel like teenagers again, right back to when you were locked in that closet, like no time had passed.
Terzo rolls you onto your back, hovering above you and gaining better access to you, your mouth, your body. His fingers grasp at your sides, feeling your ribcage expand and contract with your heavy breathing. Your hands slip under his loose little crop top and digits appreciate the patch of hair on his chest.
When he pulls away from your mouth, you let out a breathless, "I love you..."
"Sì, anch'io ti amo, little bird."
Although you stayed up for hours kissing and hands roaming one another's bodies, sleeping next to him felt exactly the way it always did. So while you explored the new territory of being in love with your best friend, you found comfort in knowing some things would never change.
• • •
You wake the next morning at your usual time, much easier than your lover does. 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺...
He squirms around, eyebrows furrowing when you slip out of his arms and out of bed. Not wanting to wake him but not wanting him to be entirely alone when he does, you opt to use his shower instead of heading back to your dorm.
Soap bubbles glide down your body as you lather yourself up, absentmindedly washing your arms, shoulders, breasts. Unexpectedly, you hear the shower door pop open, "Terz- mmm..." Your best friend had snuck into the bathroom without you noticing and catches you in a passionate kiss as you had turned to look over your shoulder.
Before you could protest, and not that you would, he wraps his arms around your waist, pressing his chest to your back. He had already shed all his clothes in preparation for his sneak attack.
"Cara..." He brushes your sopping wet hair out of the way and begins marking your neck with love bites. "You look così bella like this, dolce mia."
You melt under his expert touch, heat already pooling at your core at the sensation of his fingers roughly grabbing your hips and rocking you back against his aching shaft. "Terzo," you whine for him, "please..."
Ceasing his movements, he puts just enough space between you, "Too much, tesoro? I don't mean to rush you." It's endearing the way he's still scared of running you off.
"No," you grab his hands, wrapping his arms back around your waist, "not enough." Turning around, you catch him in another fierce kiss, lips sliding together easily under the gentle spray of the showerhead. Gripping your lover by the nape of his neck, you pull him towards you as you lean back against the glass shower wall, and he responds by hooking your knee on his hip.
Terzo moans into your mouth as his hard length presses against your pelvic bone. Gliding a hand between your bodies, you caress it, digits slipping easily over his sensitive tip. Another wanton sound escapes his throat at your ministrations.
"Is that what you sound like in the ghouls' den?" you jab at the man before you.
"No, cara," a blush actually forms on his cheeks for once, "they don't get me worked up so easily," he chuckles.
"Ahhh, I see. So you are still a hopeless romantic deep down, huh?"
"And you are not?" he cuts back playfully before nuzzling his nose to yours. His eyes linger on yours before travelling down your body, taking in your collarbones and your breasts. "Bellissima, amore mio..." His hands cup your chest, thumbs teasing your nipples while he bends down to suck one between his teeth.
You always thought you'd be incredibly nervous if things ever got to this place with Terzo, but in fact, you find your resolve has worn very thin as your need grows to a place where it can't be ignored anymore. "Terzo!" you gasp as his wicked tongue circles your areola. "Satanas, will you fuck me already?!"
With a devious look in his eye, he stands up straight and banters, "I thought you'd never ask, cara mia." Abruptly, he hikes your knee up again and kisses you, forcing his tongue into your mouth as you feel his tip line up with your entrance. It has your head spinning how quicky he works.
Gently, he bucks his hips up into you, breaking the kiss to whisper in your ear, "Let me know if I need to stop, I don't want to hurt you." He's well aware of the fact that he didn't get to warm you up as he would've liked, but he couldn't wait any longer to have you.
"Okay," you breathe out, one hand snaked around his neck for support, the other digging little red lines into his back as he carefully fills you.
With one arm hooked under that leg, his other travels down to please your most sensitive spot, talented fingers circling it with ease. The sensation immediately helps you relax as he pushes in to the hilt, "Ah, cara," he pants, eyes screwed shut, "Così bene... Ti senti così bene." Sweetly, he kisses at your neck and cheek, allowing you some time to adjust.
When you groan for him to move again, he doesn't keep you waiting. Hell, he could hardly control himself. Meeting you with a sinful pace, he fucks up into your tight wet heat, unable to quell the noises coming from himself. Perhaps in an effort to muffle said noises, he kisses you again, tongue meeting with yours.
Feeling his body weight press you against the shower wall, you feel your other foot being lifted from the ground, and Terzo hooks his arms under your thighs as he bounces you on his length. Your fingers grip in his hair and thighs clench around his waist for support. "T-Terz-zo... mmm, Satanas, baby, it feels... s-so good!" you cry out.
His head lolls back as he continues to move in and out of you, moaning rhythmically into the air. "Goddammit, little bird... I need more." Without warning, he pulls out of you, causing you to whimper at the loss. Carefully, he lowers your legs, making sure you're able to stand, but the second you have purchase, he whirls you around and presses you against the wall again, your breasts squeezed tightly against the cool glass.
Anticipation gets the best of you, and you arch your back, pushing your ass needily against him.
Lining himself up once again, Terzo pushes in deep in one swift motion, resuming his pace from earlier, and the sound of skin slapping skin fills the echoey bathroom. "Ah! Dolcezza..." he calls out, gripping your hips so tightly that they might bruise. "You have no idea how long I've waited to feel you like this... La figa di nessuno è paragonabile alla tua." (No one's pussy compares to yours.)
His words make you impossibly wetter and unable to form a response, so you slide your fingers between your legs to relieve some of the tension.
Pushing your hand out of the way, he replaces it with his own, wanting all of your pleasure to come at his own discretion. His other arm snakes around your torso, holding you flush against him, as his fingers knead your bosom. "Amore mio... ti amo, mi piace sentirti così vicino a me... insieme come uno solo." (My love... I love you, I love feeling you so close to me... Together as one.)
Arching your back just a bit more turns out to be the perfect angle as he pounds right into that perfect sensitive spot inside you. You cry out his name, the sensations from his hands and his cock pushing you dangerously close to the edge of pleasure. "Terzo, please, I'm- I'm close..."
"Sì, anch'io, amore. Vieni per me... vieni sul mio cazzo..." (Yes, me too, love. Cum for me... Cum on my cock...) he grunts in between snaps of his hips. A few more flicks of his wrist and your orgasm crashes over you, and your legs are hardly able to hold you up as your muscles convulse around your lover's girth.
Revelling in the sounds he's earned from you, Terzo's hips begin to buck unevenly as his cock kicks and his seed spills deep inside you. "Ah, aaah... Tesoro, ti amo," he leans his forehead against your shoulder, kissing it, hips still riding you both through your release.
"I love you, too, sweetheart," you practically whine as you start coming down from your high, fingers lacing with Terzo's as he hugs you tightly.
Slipping out of your warmth, your lover turns you to face him once again, walking you back under the sprinkling shower. His eyes lovingly check you over, making sure your body wasn't too beaten up... That would come later, and he smirks at the thought.
"I'm surprised there's still hot water," you giggle, absentmindedly playing with his chest hair.
"Ah, Sorella, don't you know the papal suites have a tankless water heater?" he tries to be suave.
But it fails when you both burst out in laughter! "What the hell do you know about a tankless water heater, il mio 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥𝘰 ragazzo?!"
He can't help but grin anytime you use Italian; he makes a mental note to coax you into using it more.
• • •
"Terzo? What in the world is all this commotion?" You slip into the familiar chambers that you basically share now after months of dating your best friend. Familiar save for the scores of Siblings everywhere! And you could tell this was no party; everyone is dressed in formal habits and buzzing around on a mission. Various fabrics are draped across the couch, a rainbow of colors strewn everywhere. Even a few Siblings working diligently on sanitizing, organizing, and packing up a huge makeup kit.
Nerves are starting to get the best of you as you take in all the people in what had been the cozy space shared between you and your Cardinal.
"Terz?" you call out again, before a hand grips your shoulder. Both you and the new Cardinal jump upon making eye contact. 𝘎𝘰𝘴𝘩, 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘫𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘨𝘶𝘺. "Copia?! Where is Terzo?"
"Uh, he's- just in il bagno there," he points.
You pause for a moment, debating if you should ask him what's going on, but decided you wanted to hear it from your lover. "Thank you," you pat his shoulder before pushing through the dense crowd in Terzo's bedroom to make it to the bathroom where the Cardinal had pointed.
Stopping in the doorway, you see your lover stood up on a stool, white and gold mitre on his head with the ribbons hanging over his shoulder blades. He's wearing solid black papal robes with a stylist draping purple and gold satin fabrics over his arms and chest, pinning things in place. Sister Imperator is there, looking at him in the mirror, discussing patterns and placements of various motifs and materials.
It feels like you're in a dream.
As he turns to the side, you see the stark black and white paint etched across his cheek and temple. Seemingly unable to speak, you simply reach a hand out and wave lightly. It catches the man's attention and he turns to face you.
"Amore! What do you think?!" Terzo excitedly steps off the stool and rushes over to you despite the stylist and Imperator trying to stop him. He takes your hands in his new black leather gloves adorned with golden pointed fingernails, and you look him over. "Ovviamente, it's not finished..." his words trail off.
You gawk at him with the mitre on, even if it was just white with little ribbon swatches pinned to it. Not to mention his new look... It would certainly take some getting used to not being able to adore his handsome cheekbones and dimples. The only words that come out of your mouth are, "What's going on here?" and it comes barely above a whisper.
From years of reading your facial expressions, your best friend can tell how overwhelmed you are. "Mio fratello announced his retirement," Terzo sighs, giving you a half smile. "Mi dispiace, amore, I wish I could've told you, instead of you coming home to all this. It must be a lot."
"No. No! Well, I mean... 𝘺𝘦𝘴, it was a bit much to walk into all this. But we knew this was coming eventually! I'm sorry, I just..." you explanation trails off. "You look so different, my love. Good different. Like a real Papa," you smile up at him, excitement beginning to bubble up. You run your hands over his chest, giving him a quick peck on the lips, "Now, go get back over there and let them finish making Papa up. I'll be here when you're done." With a wink and a subtle pinch of his ass through the robe, he giggles and leaves you there in the doorway.
Knowing him for so many years, you just knew he was blushing under that paint; he was so excited to be Papa finally, and proud that you approve of his new look.
• • •
"Ah! Oh! Papa!!! Papaaaahhhhhh!!!!"
The sounds of you reaching pure bliss resonate from Terzo's bedroom with him immediately following you. Smudges of black, white, and gray paints besmirch your body, from your neck to your shoulders down to your thighs as you collapse onto your lover's satin sheets.
But he doesn't let you far from him, no; in an instant, he's at your side, caressing your cheek and making sure your are thoroughly pleased with the evening spent with him. Of course, you are.
"I must admit, cara mia... I could get used to you calling me Papa this way." He kisses your nose, leaving another smudge.
"Soon everyone will be calling you Papa," you smile at him. You're so honored to share the first of his reign with him, even if he hasn't been officially crowned yet.
"Ayyyye, but not the way you call out my name, singing my praises until it bounces off these walls! No. No one else will call for their Papa the same way you do, amore mio." His intense gaze has you blushing just as it always does, yet somehow he's now more... confident.
𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘮𝘦, you roll your eyes at the thought of him being more cocksure than he already is.
"Mmm, what is that, huh?" he grins at you.
"What is what?" you play dumb.
"𝘖𝘩!" he perches his chin on his hand, exaggeratively tilting head head and rolling his eyes.
"Are you mocking me?!" you giggle, swatting his arm from under his chin.
He doesn't respond, allowing his eyes to drink in your perfect form, silhouetted next to him. Softly, his fingers trace gentle shapes up and down your side, "Amore?"
"Hm?" you perk up, noticing the soft tone he's taken with you. With his new papal paint, the nervousness on his face nearly goes missed, but you're an expert at reading the man in front of you.
He fidgets for a second before pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. "I want to apologize for today, once again. That shouldn't have been how you found out about-"
"Terzo, honey, it's okay." Stroking his chest, you attempt to soothe him. "I'm so happy for you. I know you must've been overwhelmed too."
"Sì," he breathes out the admission, "there were many people, even for me."
"Yes, well they were in your space--a private space. I have no doubt you'll handle a crowd well outside of this room."
"Amore, you are so supportive of me. This is why I need you by my side." He wraps his arms around you; little do you know, he inconspicuously fishes for something beneath his pillow.
"I'm right here. Always," you promise him.
"Sì, which is why I have a question for you." His arms unfurl from around your lying form to reveal a small black leather bound box in his hand. "Today was a little... out of my control. I didn't get to tell you about mio fratello the way I wanted. Other commands will surely come down the line molto presto, so..." he bites his lip, eyes tinging red as he focuses on you, only you. "So, amore, I need you to know this question comes from me, only me, not anyone else."
Your bottom lip quivers with anticipation as Terzo pops up the vintage clasp on the little box, opening it to unveil a stunning platinum diamond ring, clearly an age old. Letting out a little gasp, your fingers cover your mouth as you glance back and forth between your lover and the piece of jewelry, tears already flooding your eyes and threatening to spill.
"Little bird, will you marry me? There's not another soul I could ever picture spending my life with." He says it plainly, trying to fight back tears of his own.
Letting out the breath you were holding, your composure cracks a bit, "Oh, Terz..." Really, you weren't expecting anything like this, and about a million thoughts swirl around your head. Taking a deep breath to call your mind, "Yes. Yes, of course, I'll marry you." You pull him close to your body, sheets tangling around you both, "I love you so much, Terzo."
Kissing each other desperately, happy tears stain both of your cheeks, only further smudging his paint.
"Ti amo, tesoro. Sei la mia vita..." (I love you, darling. You are my life...)
Finally when he pulls away from adorning you with kisses, he takes the ring from the box and slides it on your finger. "Mine."
You trail a single finger down his sternum, stopping at the base, "𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘦."
He chuckles at you copying him, and he holds you against him, admiring the the way your eyes light up for him.
"So when did you get time to sneak off and buy this?" You wiggle the fingers on your left hand at him.
"I didn't," he smiles smugly as you wait for an answer. "Mia madre gave it to me when we were young; it belonged to mia nonna. Mamma never got to wear it because Nihil wouldn't marry her, so she gave it to me. And I think she always suspected you would end up with it."
"Terzo... I never knew you had this." The tears are welling up once again at the thought of being given something passed down through his family.
"Well, that would've ruined the surprise, no?"
"Stupido! You know what I mean," you smack his chest playfully, sending you both into a giggling fit.
In this moment, the soon-to-be antipope feels like he has everything he could ever need: the position he'd worked towards his whole life finally in reach, and his best friend right by his side. He's had a lot of reasons to be sad, angry at the world, maybe even a bit immature, but he has a good feeling all of that is behind him now as he sees his future laid out in front of him, draped in his own satin purple sheets with a pretty little ring on her finger.
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sxnnelysister · 2 years
I don't think you understand. I NEED to ride the hell out of this man.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 11 months
A very warm (hot, even) thanks to @coffeesforcatchers for picking embers out of my hair on this spectacular night of ghosts and ghouls.
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Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic commission, for the awesome @dantesunbreaker featuing Copia and an AFAB Reader!
Thank you so much again ghestie for commissioning me! It was a pleasure to write for you again!!!
Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
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Being a sibling of sin is hard...especially when dealing with the wrath of Sister Imperator. Copia helps you find a way to relax.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
“Oh Lucifer, she is the most miserable and contemptuous woman I have ever met” you hissed as you stormed down the hall. Your voice, thankfully, echoing just out of earshot from Sister Imperator’s office. You had had enough after spending two hours getting drilled, along with a few other siblings, and all over a little indiscretion involving some ghouls and sacramental wine. If it weren’t for the woman being Papa’s mother, and the matriarch of the Ministry, you would have given the old woman something to really rant about. 
Alas, she is a member of the high clergy, and you—only a mere sibling. Instead, you allowed your better sensibility to guide you. Deciding that a walk around out in the courtyard, allowing your boiling blood to come down to a simmer, was a much better choice. Though you wondered if the fresh air and the change of scenery would be enough to shrug off the stress of the day. Still you continued on, walking down the stairs and through the main hall until you reached the exit into the courtyard.
The minute you stepped outside you were met by the beauty of the day. A bright blue sky and the warmth of the late summer sun beating down on you. Any other time you would have thoroughly enjoyed it, but now all you felt was the tension. Upset that even the simple pleasures of a nice day had been ruined by Sister’s raving. 
You made your way around the path that lined the cloister, kicking around a few stones at your feet. Your eyes held down to the ground as you rubbed at the knots in your neck. Kinked up and pained by the heavy mental weight you’d been carrying. Committed to walk off your fury before returning to your duties within the Abbey.
On your third trip around the year you were hit suddenly by the light scent of cologne in the air. The bitter citrus notes, mingling with bergamot and rosemary, quickly followed by a pair of arms around your waist. Arms that were all too familiar and comforting. A smile pulled at the sides of your mouth as you put it all together.
“Amore?” Copia cooed into your ear. A gentle nudge of his head into yours as he hugged you. 
“Oh Papa.” you sighed, turning around to face him. Feeling a bit of relief from only having been pulled into his arms. Copia held you close for a moment, rubbing your back and allowing you to rest on him before he pulled you up to face him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his concern showing through his paints. Worry written in the lines of his face. You dreaded telling him, though you both shared everything together. Even when it may cause a disagreement, the truth was always spoken between you. One thing you both could always count on.
“It’s…It’s…” you stammered, trying to get out the complaint. Your resolve, dampened by the fact that she was his mother. You began chewing your lip, your eyes falling back to the ground and settling on the tops of Copia’s shoes.
“Amore—just tell me.” he begged you, his face stricken with a disheartened frown. His concern, growing with each second of silence that passed between you.
“It’s your mother!” you shouted, bringing your hand quickly to your mouth. Ashamed for having blurted it out like that at him. Copia smiled, looking around the courtyard to be sure it was just the two of you. 
“Tesoro, come with me.” Copia insisted as he practically dragged you off to the storage shield that rested near the far end of the yard. You were skeptical, it wasn’t like him to rush you off in such a way. Deep down you wondered if he was upset with you and wanted to address things in private. Finding the closest place of refuge to scold you.
When you stepped inside, you began to rub at your aching head. Your eyes, crawling over the old planks of wood, bags of mulch, and discarded garden tools that had managed to escape Primo’s attention. Now more worried that you had upset him, than anything else. 
“Papa I am sorry…I wasn’t trying to offend you or Sister…” You began.
“Agh.” Copia scoffed in disagreement.
“...it’s just she drives me crazy with her nitpicking and…” you continued, watching as Copia slowly closed the door up behind you. His eyes fixed on you as he allowed you to vent your pent-up frustration. Then without warning he grabbed you, his lips pressing tightly against yours. Silencing your anger with his affection. Your eyes, unable to help but close as you melted into him. Feeling the bitterness of the day begin to shed from your shoulders.
“You, mio dolce amante, need to relax.” Copia smiled, his lips still held against yours. Kissing you again with tenderness and love. You lost yourself in it, so much so that when he pulled away you became somewhat confused. “You know I’m right.”
“I—I know.” you agreed, leaning back against the old wood shelf near the back of the shed. Copia approached you, his fingers tracing up along the buttons on the front of your shirt. Undoing them one by one until it hung open. 
“She is quite the shrew I must admit.” Copia chuckled to himself, his eyes quickly filling with desire as he began to remove your belt from its loops. The zipper of your slacks, slowly pulled down before your pants fell to your ankles as your body began succumbing to his will. The heat felt as it swirled within your gut. The sense of need, traveling into your core and leaving you wet before you could exhale your next breath.
“Oh Copia.” you purred as he brought his fingers down beneath your underwear and effortlessly found your clit. 
“You see, I can’t help the fact that my mother is…well, how she is amore…but I can do this.” Copia grinned, delighted as you squirmed beneath his touch. Always knowing exactly how you liked to be touched and teased. 
“I was afraid you were mad.” you told him, your voice breathy and low. 
“Afraid?” he asked, baffled at the thought.
“That you’d be mad at me…for being angry with her. I just…just can’t ever seem to stay in her good graces. There is always something keeping me in her sights and not for anything good.” you explained. You made a sharp inhale as Copia dipped his fingers inside you, bringing his mouth to your neck. Nipping and sucking, leaving marks of ownership into your skin. 
“I could never be angry with you…especially not over her…” he promised you, working his fingers deeper and deeper until he reached the spot, he knew would send you on edge. Letting out a satisfied groan as you began to shake inside. “That’s right, cum for me…” 
“Mmm…” You moaned as he worked you. Your insides squeezing tightly against his fingers. Fluids flowing over with your need for him. Hoping that soon he would be inside you—filling you. Copia brought his other hand down between you. Unzipping his own pants and freeing his already leaking cock. 
It was oh so hard, and throbbing, as it bounded out from the confines of his pants. The thick vein that ran its length, pulsing as he stroked himself. The sight of it, only making you more aroused as you replaced his hand with your own. Copia couldn’t help moaning as you touched him.  
“Ah…mmm…” he purred with your touch. His hips, rutting him harder into your hand.
“Are you sure?” you hummed, as you glided over his shaft with ease. 
“Assolutamente, you needn’t pay any attention to her tesoro…you belong to me. She—and everything else are nothing but background noise.” he assured as he pulled you back into a kiss. Tongue conquering yours swiftly as he made you cum again over his hand.    
“Oh C!” you cried as he spun you around. Facing you away from him, your head falling back against his shoulder. You were already so much more relaxed than you’d felt all day. He kissed along your jaw, his hands traveling to the roundness of your ass. Copia, unsatisfied until he’d made you a boneless, limp, and fleshy puddle.
He bent you over the empty shelf. Taking a tight grip on your ass as he ran his cock through your messy folds. You could feel the heat of him against you. Your body, craving for more of him. Desperate for the friction between you and the way he felt inside. It wasn’t long before he indulged you—plunging himself into you. 
“Ah! Cazzo, you feel so good!” he growled as he bottomed out. All you could do was moan and whine. Unable to gather enough brain power to focus on anything other than how tightly he was filling your pussy. You body clinging on to him as he slowly thrusted through you. Tugging against your walls with each pump of his hips.
“Mmm…” you mewled as Copia brought his fingers to your lips. Tracing the line of your mouth until you opened it for him. Allowing his thumb inside and sucking gently on the tip as he has he fucked you from behind. 
“That’s mio topolino…you’re so good for me.” Copia groaned, excited more as you continued to suck and lick his thumb. When he was satisfied, he popped it from your mouth. Using his other hand to guide you further down against the shelf. Angling your body just how he wanted it.
The sounds he was making only served to excite you even more. Washed over in pleasure while he buried his cock over and over into your pussy. It was only moments later when you felt him tease at your ass. Rubbing his thumb against your hole. Allowing you to get used to the stimulation before inserting his thumb inside. 
“Ah!” you called out as he entered you, the fingers of his hand anchored onto your ass. Helping him to hold onto you, as he slipped around his thumb inside you.
“I want you so full of me.” he purred, making small circular motions with it in your ass. “Touch yourself tesoro.” 
“Yes Papa.” you replied, happy to relinquish the control to him, bringing your fingers to your clit as he fucked you. His cock pounding away in your pussy as his thumb worked the sensitive nerves of your ass. Before long, he had you ready to cum again. Your walls, squeezing and pulling, against the rhythm of his cock. 
“Cum for me.” Copia commanded, his voice shaky and breathless. 
“Ah!” you moaned, your fluids leaking out from all around him as you came, hard and fast. The insides of your legs—covered in your satisfaction. He removed himself from you. Still gloriously hard and needing more. 
“I still think you’re a bit tense…let me help fix that.” he told you as he used his cock to gather up some generous amount of juices from your folds. Sliding up through the crack of your ass and pressing the head of his cock, heavy against your hole. Allowing you to adjust before he pushed himself inside.   
"C! Fuck!" You mewled, reaching back to grab at his wrist. Copia, gripping hold to your hips and pounding into you with the full force of his thrust. Leaving well earned bruises on the meat of your ass. 
"Let go amore! Ah! You. Are. So. Fucking. Tight." Copia grunted as he continued. Cock, running through you as your fingers found their way back to your clit. The flesh of your backside gloriously spread out by his hands. Your lover memorized as he watched the space between you, disappearing over and over into your ass. 
The sweat began to pool in the small of your back. Your fingers gripped tight to the old wooden shelf as your lover took you. Copia too was dripping from his brow. Relishing each and every pump of his pelvis into you. 
"Yes! C! Please, I'm cumming!" You cried out as you felt his cock begin to swell. His rhythm, more erratic and desperate as he got close to his own release. 
"Ah! Lucifer tesoro…I'm going to cum for you!" Copia groaned just as he painted your insides in hot, sticky cum. Spilling every last drop from his sack deep in your ass. The force of his climax, and your own diligent rubbing, sending you over. Your fingers slick with cum just as he had just begun to slow his stride.  
"That was exactly what I needed." You exhaled, your body loose and completely free of tension. The stress of the day fading as you melted with your lover's touch. "You always know how to make me feel better and help me unwind." You laughed, as Copia slipped out. Lifting you up into his arms to hold you against him.
"Believe me amore…the pleasure was all mine." He grinned, his paints a bit rougher looking than before. The sweat, blurring the once crisp edges. Smearing the black into the white. 
mio dolce amante- my sweet lover
Assolutamente- absolutely 
Cazzo- fuck
mio topolino- my little mouse
162 notes · View notes
copias-juicebox · 1 year
It's a Sin Chapter 4
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Pairing: Cardinal Copia x fem! Reader Words: 8941 Genre: romance, angst, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, SLOWBURN Warnings: in this chap: angst and spice lol Notes: oki guys it has come now. my first lil venture into some spice. i'm feeling shy posting this lol. please let me know if you liked it and if it was ok? and feedback is always appreciated. love y'all. also the biggest fucking shoutout to @fishwithtitz. without your help i would not be able to get any words down.
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The sun was shining brightly outside, contrasting the darkness that still lingered in the halls of the ministry. You spent most of the past night inside the infirmary, overlooking the Cardinal. Sister Ana and you both decided it‘d be best to supervise him because of his workaholic tendencies. And it did not even take half an hour after sundown that he proved you in your assumptions correct. He was barely awake and up, trying to get back to his stacks of papers atop his desk as if his grandma was held at gunpoint if he didnt get back to work as soon as possible. This man was really just ridiculous you thought. You encountered many passionate people in your life, especially in the church of your parents. This man though. He appeared to be just built different. Never once had you met someone that invested in his job or hobby.
On one side you were utterly taken with his love for his job and that alone earned him the utmost respect. But on the other side you could not shake the feeling that there was more to his workaholic attitude than just his own love and passion for the job. From what you had gathered so far he was the errand boy. He was sent around the ministry doing work for everyone at all times, doing people a favor when his own desk already overflowed with paperwork. It concerned you especially now that you have seen what a toll it took on him. The whole situation gave you the ick, just how everyone saw how this man worked himself to death and yet nobody decided to help him out. It was one thing you noted and you would make sure to offer your help should you ever have the opportunity to do so.
This morning you woke up early. Thankfully the backroom of the Infirmary offered a nice bed for the nurses on duty for cases like this. However you could not sleep for very long since a great amount of time you spent in the infirmary overlooking the Cardinal’s almost toddler-like sleep. He looked adorable. Realizing you found this odd looking man adorable alone made you shake your head and giggle internally. He was a grown man. In fact a middle aged man about twice your age. But you found his silly antics and awkward behavior lovely. It warmed your heart in an odd way you could not describe. There was not an ounce of displeasure in his presence, rather a feeling of calm and peace. Especially as he lay there in the bed, face finally relaxed. The crinkles on his forehead and around his eyes were less visible like this and he looked younger than you knew he was.
As much as you hated it, you decided it was time to wake him up. Opening up the curtains you turned around, watching him stir a little, the frown back on his face but his eyes still closed.
„Good morning Cardinal. It is time to wake up.“ you informed him, warmly.
„Just 5 more minutes…“ he mumbled barely audible, eliciting a chuckle from you. The sound escaping your mouth made him realize where he was and who was there. His eyes shot open, making him groan in regret as the bright light hurt his eyes and he hid his face in his hands to shield off the sunlight pouring inside.
„S..Sorella I.. good morning Sorella.“ he greeted you, eyes slowly adjusting to the light. His mismatched eyes found yours and he felt the butterflies in his stomach go wild again. There you stood, gracefully in front of the vast window. Golden rays of sunlight pouring in, casting a warm, ethereal glow that enveloped your form. Your silhouette radiant, like an angel descended from the heavens, with the light accentuating the delicate contours of your face and the flowing elegance you carried yourself with. As the Cardinal gazed back at you he sat there in awe, captivated by your otherworldly beauty and the celestial aura that seems to embrace you. Time stood still for a moment, the Cardinal caught in a moment of pure, luminous enchantment. After a moment that felt like an eternity he realized he must have hit his head pretty hard yesterday. What was it about you that made him feel that way? He was attracted to you. He knew that but why was it so strong? He could not pin it down. Was it just your beauty? But there were so many beautiful Sisters in the Ministry, none quite as pretty as you of course but still.
„So Cardinal, how are you feeling today?“ you interrupted his thoughts.
„Mi sento bene, Sorella. Yes I am alright.“ he replied absentmindedly.
„So no pain anywhere?“ You asked him as you started to feel his temperature again.
„N.. No, Sister I feel quite alright I promise.“ the Cardinal smiled sheepishly back at you, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.
„If that is the truth I am going to talk to Papa Nihil then. In the meantime I will ask for someone to bring you breakfast and I would highly recommend you to stay here and eat. I will be back in a few minutes.“ you ordered.
The Cardinal's eyes widened in surprise. „Ah no need Sister, don't bother Papa Nihil with little casualties like this.“ he tried to downplay his healthstatus.
„I have to Cardinal. He would expect you to go back to work and that would only be counterproductive Cardinal.“
„Ah then.. just tell him I am having a bad headache yeah? And I will be back at work tomorrow.“
You knew better than to discuss with him now and so you decided to not tell him what you were going to tell Papa. „Alright Cardinal. I will be back in a few.“
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You left the infirmary, walking down the corridor towards the office Wing of the Ministry. Luckily you remembered most of the layout of this place from your tour with Hannah. Walking down the hallway you checked the Name Tags next to the doors as you passed Cardinals, Terzos, Secondos and Primos offices. The last one was Papa Nihils Office. You just hoped he would be there and knocked on the door three times. A voice from inside called you in. You opened the door, stepped inside and closed it. Inside Papa Nihil sat in his chair while Terzo and Sister Imperator stood next to him.
„Excuse me Papa Nihil. I hope I am not interrupting anything? I can come back later.“ When he saw who entered his office his face lit up. You did not know why but he genuinely liked you even though he knew nothing about you.
„Ah no no of course not.“ he tried to get up from his chair but his old legs refused him so he sat back down. Sister Imperator helped him and he invited you inside with a wave of his hand. You took a few steps inside coming to a halt next to Terzo who fixed you with a curious gaze.
„Now what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?“ Papa Nihil asked, gleefulness in his tone.
„Well unfortunately I am here because of my duty. As you know the Cardinal came into the Infirmary yesterday.“
„Yes yes the Cardinal right. Is he feeling better, yes? Can he resume his work now?“ Nihil asked impatiently
„Unfortunately not. His condition has become better, yes, but he needs more rest I am afraid.“
„More rest? No, we can't afford him to rest now. He needs to get back behind his desk now.“ Nihil nearly barked, absolutely not sympathetic in the slightest. „..The Cardinal wants more time off now?“ he turned to you with a frown.
„No actually I highly recommend a week off for him. He is in a critical condition right now and if he doesn‘t rest up properly he might fall sick for an extended amount of time.“
Nihil seemed to not hear a word you had said, rambling about how dare the cardinal wants time off now until Terzo decided to step in.
„Papa the cardinale is working very hard. You should allow him to rest a bit. Consider it a.. a small holiday yes?“ Terzos deep voice rang in the room.
That successfully just put more gas into the fire. „A Holiday you say? We don‘t do holidays here. Satan doesn‘t take holidays and neither will the Cardinal!“ Nihil fumed.
You were about to speak when surprisingly Sister Imperator stepped in.
„Papa, Terzo is right. He has done a lot lately. He should be granted a gift don‘t you think? He is the most important Cardinal Papa, don‘t forget that.“ Nihil just grumbled in response.
You decided to try your luck and risk it. You knew he liked you but what you were about to do was risky as shit. It might actually have the exact opposite effect on him. You had to try though. „I am sorry Papa. I didn't mean to offend you in any way.“ you tried your doe eyes on him. „I was just thinking that you might need to know how bad it is with him.“ you added a sweet, charming smile to the mix. He looked at you and you swore you saw a slight change in his hard expression. Now or never you thought. „I am begging you as a nurse who swore to do anything to help those in need, to give him a week. I will personally take care of him if you want me to and make sure he gets back as soon as possible.“ At this point you didn‘t know what shit cake you were trying to bake here but to your surprise it seemed to work as Nihils glare seemed to fade and his features softened.
You missed the smirk and raised eyebrow your little act had earned you from Terzo.
„Well if that is so he might get his week then. If that means he will be able to get back and work as he used to that is.“
You smiled and clapped your hands together. „Thank you Papa, thank you so much you are the best. I will go then.“
„Yes yes thank you bella, You go and take care of the cardinal yes. I have other matters to attend to now.“ Nihil said and turned back to Terzo, who still watched the whole scenario unfold in front of him.
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You nearly ran the way back to the infirmary, skipping a step just being happy about your successful bewitching of Papa Nihil.
When you entered the Infirmary Sister Ana was doing paperwork on the desk and the Cardinal just finished his breakfast.
„There you are. Are you alright dear? …oh you seem to be in an oddly good mood for someone who just told Papa Nihil that his most hardworking part of the clergy needs a timeout. Does that mean you actually managed to get him a day or two?“
„Well yeah. More than that even. I managed to actually get him a week.“ you smiled proudly
„A WHAT?“ Ana stood up abruptly, bumping into the table and knocking half of the items on top off of it. „How in the name of sweet Satan did you do that? Did you suck his cock or what?“
„ANA!!“ you yelled. „No ew I would never oh my god. I just figured out he has a soft spot for me. And well I used it against him. I know I am a terrible person but it was worth it.“
„Oh you are a clever child. Honestly you shouldn‘t feel bad in the slightest. He tends to be very harsh to the Cardinal. And the Cardinal never owns up to him. You did the right thing child. He could use the time out.“ Ana stated, looking to the door that connected the Backroom with the Infirmary. „Now I just want to give you advice and keep to your word ok? Take care of Cardinal Copia. He will be over the moon to spend so much time in the presence of such a beautiful Sister that is for sure.“ she laughed and shooed you out of the room towards the Cardinal.
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„Ah Sorella, excuse me but why exactly are you escorting me back to my Chambers personally? I told you it‘s not necessary I am fine now.“ he kept stealing glances at you from the corner of his eyes.
„You see Cardinal, I spoke to Papa Nihil and he was not exactly.. happy to give you time off. So I had to convince him, yeah?“ You grinned sheepishly, looking down, matching his steps.
Copia stopped dead in his tracks. You walked two more steps and turned around to see why he had stopped. „What is it, Cardinal? Are you not feeling well again? Do you need me to bring you back?“ you asked, taking a step closer to him, worry written all over your face, a hand came to rest on his arm should he need support. The Cardinals cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. „No no Sorella uh… It‘s just I errm.. You didn‘t do anything to uh…. gain Papas favor did you?“ the man, wearing his black cassock asked. You frowned. „Cardinal I am sorry but I don‘t understand.“ you shook your head. „Sorella.. I..“ he seemed to be thinking hard. He was going to open his mouth again when in the last second he decided against it. „Ah nevermind Sorella. Please ignore an old mans rambling.“ he waved you off as if he just said the most ridiculous thing and wanted you to forget about it.
He began to walk again and you followed him, still thinking about what he could have meant. After a few minutes walk in silence you reached a dark door at the end of the hallway where the higher ranking members of the clergy resided. „We are here Sorella. Thank you for walking with me. I will be fine from now on.“ he turned and opened his door, dismissing you but you were pushing yourself in behind him and he felt the front of your body press into his back. Copia froze before he turned around just in time to see you close the door behind you. His eyes went wide and when you closed the distance between you he started to get nervous. He fidgeted around where he stood. „Ah w..what are you doing..?“ he fidgeted with his fingers out of sheer stress. His mind was trying to comprehend why you were here now as his stomach felt like it was jumping around. „..dinal? Cardinal are you there?? Earth to Cardinal Copia..“ You snipped your fingers in front of his face. His vision cleared again and he got pulled out of his momentary stupor.
„Okay I have had enough of this now. You!“ You pointed your finger at him. „You! Bed! Now!“ you commanded. Copia was speechless. He didn‘t understand what was going on. Why were you here and commanding him to his bed? His bed of all places? You couldn‘t possibly mean to… no. He had to stop himself. He would not let his mind wander there. You were far too good to him, he couldn‘t sully your pretty soul like that. His thoughts were interrupted as your hand found his and you pulled him into the room more. „So where?“ you stared at him as you were walking backwards into his living room. The cardinal's eyes were as big as saucers, staring back at you. „Ah.. Haha uh.. Sorella.. what do you mean where??“ he questioned, nervousness evident in his voice.
„Well the bedroom, silly?“ At this point he was thinking he might go insane. Was this real? The most beautiful Sorella in the whole ministry wanted to bring them to his bedroom. „The d..door to your r..right, there.“ he finally managed to stutter and look behind you. You glanced over your shoulder and gently pulled him towards the big dark door. As you opened it the first thing you noticed was the smell of fresh bedding and the beautiful dark decor of the room. The walls were black as were the silk sheets on top of the Cardinals queen sized bed. You couldn‘t take a much better look because the cardinal's well being was still present in your mind. You wanted to get him to lie down as soon as possible. He was behaving oddly even though he claimed to feel fine.
„Alright then nearly there. Please now lay down. And get some rest.“ at this point you actually had to push him down gently since he was rigidly standing there not moving. When he finally lay on his bed he kept staring at you like you were a ghost. „Cardinal are you sure you‘re alright?“
„I.. I don‘t know.“ he responded and you sighed. „Alright Cardinal just to make it clear to you I am going to be your personal nurse for the week ok? I promised Papa Nihil to take care of you and make sure you are back to work by next monday. So you need to promise me to be honest ok? Whenever something is not right you tell me.“ You sat down next to him on his bed, the mattress giving way to your weight as you sat.
Copia exhaled deeply as you told him the reason behind all this. How pathetic of him to read anything into your actions. Of course you would never show any interest in him of all people. He was relieved of the tension he felt rising between you but he was equally hurt by it. He would never show it of course but deep down he hoped you might like him a little. Just a little would be enough for him.
„Ah uhm if that‘s the case then I think I just need to rest a little more. Sí just a little more rest.“ he told you.
„Alright. Good I‘ll leave you to it then. I will come back soon and bring you lunch, Cardinal.“ you said and got up, walking towards the door.
As the door clicked shut the Cardinal was doing anything but rest. He lay there yes but his mind was racing wildly. He reproduced this morning's events many times in his head. Every time his heartbeat picked up when your hand had taken his. Your fingers were cold and in stark contrast to his own warm hands. He didn‘t understand this infatuation he had. Could he actually have a crush on you? He didn‘t know you one bit, it surely was just his far too long touch-starved body and your beautiful smile that had him worked up like that. He could only dream of someone like you. Oh what he would give to have you. You had said you were his nurse. His. In his delusional mind he created a bunch of scenarios which really didn't help his already misplaced feelings towards you. He wanted to make you his for real. In any way possible. He would give you everything you ever desired. He would offer all of him and more just for you to let him worship you as you deserved.
A few hours later you walked along the corridor, carrying a tray with the Cardinals lunch and fresh juice. As you walked up the stairs you met some Sisters and Brothers, all happily greeting you on the way. You rounded the corner and there you saw Sister Hannah and her group of friends. „Look who is here. If that isn‘t Cardi's personal nurse.“ one of the Sisters teased and winked at you. The group giggled and some of them looked at you with pity. You were slightly appalled at their reactions. „Mhm yes. Is there any problem with that?“ you asked and they answered „Ah no you see it‘s just I am sorry for you. He is so pathetic and you have to spend so much time with him now.“ You looked at Hannah, silently asking her if they were serious. She understood the look you gave her and intervened, trying to defuse the situation.
„Come one girls, don‘t be mean to our new nurse now. And also the Cardinal deserves the best treatment. He is basically running the whole ministry at this point.“ She stated. „Yeah Hannah we know you have a soft spot for the rat man. But really I hope he isn‘t gonna be weird to new sis.“ Sister Moira said, inspecting her fingernails.
„Well I am not worried he would do anything weird as you said. So far he‘s been super welcoming.“ you smiled. „Ugh yeah I‘m just saying sis..“ Sister Moira rolled her eyes. That was when Brother Damien, a tall, dark haired Brother jumped in. „What she is trying to say is that the Cardinal is a little funny, yeah?“ he tried to explain. Unfortunately you failed to understand. „Funny? What do you mean by that?“ you replied „Ugh Sis he is a creep fucking hell. And I bet he is a pervert as well.“ Sister Moira interjected, obviously getting irritated at the conversation.
Your mouth hung open and you were trying to process what you had just heard. „Are you trying to tell me he has..“
„Nonsense Sis. He never did anything like that.“ Hannah interrupted you. „Don‘t even listen to her. The Cardinal is a good and decent man. The one you should watch out for is Terzo.“ Sister Hannah informed you.
„Oh my god are you saying he..“ „No no no don‘t worry. Nothing like that. Satanas, you must be getting all the wrong impressions right now.“ Hannah grabbed your arm, leading you away from the group. „Don‘t worry no one here has done anything to anyone. At least not as long as they didn‘t want to. What I was trying to say is Terzo has a certain way with people. Especially with the Sisters. That is all.“
You sighed, your shoulders slumped as you exhaled. „Okay good. You had me worried for a second. But I meant it so far the Cardinal has been nothing but kind. And I don‘t find him creepy.“
„Correct you are. He is a sweet man. Just very awkward. Many people find that odd. Well he is odd but it‘s endearing really. Don‘t listen to what anyone says here really. Make your own experience with people and don‘t judge a book by its cover because that is what most of them do.“ she motioned back to the group.
„Alright yes. Thank you Hannah.“ you hugged her real quick from the side, balancing the tray in your hands and told her you had to go now otherwise the Cardinals food would get cold. As you turned on your heel Hannah called you one more time. „Hey are you free tonight? We wanted to go out for a drink after dinner. Wanna join?“ You contemplated and agreed. You wanted to belong and fit in and you were going to take any chance to get to know more Sisters and Brothers.
When you knocked and opened the door to the Cardinals room you heard some rustling, quick steps and a thump and a following string of curses. „Cazzo.“ When you entered his bedroom he was lying in his bed, a blanket lazily thrown over him. Unfortunately his feet were not covered and revealed the slippers he wore. One glance at the desk in the corner of the room was enough to confirm your suspicions. Papers thrown all over the desk, the lamp lying dangling off the cable on one side of his working space. You sighed „Cardinal!?“ His eyes went wide at your commanding tone. „Ah sí sorella?“ he grinned sheepishly back at you. You shook your head suppressing a smile. This man was unbelievable yet adorable. „Have you been working?“ „No no no Sorella. I was uh in my bed this whole time, yes.“ he fumbled with the rim of his blanket. „And you always keep your slippers on in bed?“ you inquired. „Oh.. uh.. that is for when I…have to hurry to get to the bathroom, yes the bathroom.“ Copia wanted to punch himself. How would that sound to her? Like he was an old incontinent man that would piss in his pants sometimes. His cheeks grew a dark shade of red when he heard your chuckle. Satanas, you were laughing about him. His head whipped up searching your face. Your eyes were locked to the ground beneath you, smiling a dashing smile. Oh how beautiful you looked like that. „You are unbelievable, Cardinal and you‘re a liar, a bad one at that.“ when your eyes found his he was surprised to find no sign of pity or remorse. Instead your eyes sparked and conveyed nothing but warmness. He was relieved to see that expression on you unlike what he had expected to see.
„Cardinal it is very obvious, don‘t you think?“ You looked around the room. „Anyway I am not here to reprimand you. I have brought you your lunch. And since you‘ve been up anyway you might eat it on the big table as well.“ you walked back out of his bedroom and put the tray on the big table that stood in the little kitchenette he had. A few moments later he followed you. This was the first time you saw him in casual clothing. He wore a wine red hoodie with a fitting pair of pants. Underneath he wore a simple black shirt and under his slippers a pair of black socks. It was a little odd to see such a high ranking member of the clergy wearing such casual clothes but it just helped you relax around him a little more. Not that the Cardinal made it hard for you to do so. His clumsiness and awkward little smiles gave you a sense of security. Like you were not the only one not knowing what to do every now and then. You were still adjusting to this new life you were having here.
Satan and his worshippers surely were going to be the biggest test the lord above had for you so far. You were going to prove to him you were standing strong in your faith and that you could show mercy and help even the misled souls.
„Thank you Sorella. Uh what about yourself?“ he questioned, brow furrowed. „Oh I already had a little snack when I visited the kitchen.“ you brushed him off. „Oh we can share then Sorella it‘s no problem.“ Copia answered already on his way to the kitchenette, opening a cabinet and pulling out a plate and cutlery for you. „It‘s not necessary, Cardinal really.“ „No it is Sorella. You need to eat.“ He patted the chair next to him and you sat down next to him. He then put half of his food on the other plate and handed it over to you. You were a little speechless. „But it is not that much you don‘t have to share with me. I can always get some more later.“
„It is enough. And I am happy to share my food with you Sorella. Please accept this?“ Copias eyes found yours, a hint of worry hidden behind his pleading eyes. It was definitely not enough for the both of you to get full but there was no way on earth you could reject him now. You sat next to each other as you both ate. You were not going to admit it but you were more hungry than you knew yourself, nearly wolfing down your food. The Cardinal stole glances at you from the corner of his eyes and tried to hide his chuckles. „So Cardinal, can I ask you a question?“
„Ah sí sí, what exactly do you want to know?“
„Mh how did you end up here?“
„Cosa intendi? Like how did I end up devoting my life to Satan?“
„Yes. What made you want to become a Cardinal or choose a clerical life anyway?“
„Well.. It uh.. it was a long time ago. You must know Sorella, I was an orphan. I have never known my parents and when I was young I didn‘t have many friends or family.“
„Oh I am sorry to hear..“ you replied, a hand resting on his arm in an attempt to provide some form of comfort.
„Don’t be Sorella. It was a long time ago. And it was the church that I found solace in. Belief carried me through my childhood. I have seen the good and the bad of it.“ the Cardinal spoke, somberness behind his words as his gaze seemed to drift off.
His words struck you and you suddenly became more interested. „H-How exactly?“ Your voice was barely above a whisper. He couldn‘t have experienced something similar as you could he?
„You see I was not a satanic Cardinal from the beginning. In fact I started studying theology and became a young servant of the catholic church. But as time went by I saw the misuse of trust, power and the truly harmful ways of the catholic church so I decided to leave this rotten institution behind.“
„And what did you do after that?“
„I survived doing smaller Jobs here and there until I came across this ministry and the wonderful message they carry out into the world.“
You wanted to know more. But at the same time you were scared to show how little you knew about it all.
„And then you asked Papa if you could stay?“
„Well not exactly. The clergy wanted me to stay here. It is… in a way this place has become my home. The first place that I feel like I am accepted just the way I am.“
You didn‘t know why but it hurt you hearing him say such a thing. He must have spent many years of his life, trying to find acceptance and through many years he seemed to have finally found it. If this place provided that for him it might not be as bad as you were taught it would be.
„I am glad you found that place. The place you can call home.“ you smiled at him and both continued to eat.
It somewhat eased the tension in the room and after you finished the Cardinal got up and took your plates off the table, rinsing them in the sink. „Cardinal.. errm thank you.“ you told him earnestly. „Prego Sorella. I have to thank you. For taking care of me so wonderfully. It is the least I could do. Maybe for dinner you could bring two plates, yes? One for you and one for me?“
„Yes I will do that.“ you two fell into silence again. Him standing in front of his kitchenette and you sitting on the chair across the room. This time it was more comfortable. He seemed less tense and so did you.
„So Cardinal back to business. I have to ask you to refrain from working. That is the whole reason why you are here now. So from now on I forbid you to work one more minute until next week.“ You instructed. His face fell as the last words fell from your lips. He couldn‘t possibly stop working. He never once took a vacation from his work. It was all that he‘d ever known. Bound to his desk, several nights back to back and making sure everything in the ministry ran smoothly.
„Ah Sorella.. I have to intervene.. I couldn‘t stop working all together.. there uh is quite a lot of responsibility that comes with..“
„Nonsense Cardinal.“ you raised your voice above his. „If I remember correctly you are not Papa. You are simply a Cardinal right?“
„Y..Yes Sorella.“ his voice was small now as he looked down to the ground.
„And as Cardinal you are not the one responsible for the ministry. Papa should be. And he will be making sure you get some rest. He even approved to my request and was the first to speak up to Papa Nihil. He has your back Cardinal. You should not worry about it even though I admire that.“
The Cardinals cheeks turned a deep crimson color, as his brain stopped thinking about any other pathetic excuse and he took mental notes that you liked if he took responsibility.
Later that evening you met Hannah and her group of friends outside to go to the local bar and enjoy your time here. To your surprise they seemed to be more friendly and nice than you expected them to be, especially after this morning's encounter with Moira. The Cardinal was not the most popular among some of them and they seemed to know you disagreed which they accepted. They even refrained from making any further inappropriate comments about him for the remainder of your night out. After a few drinks they decided each of them was going to pay you one shot of Tequila as a little welcome celebration. It had been a while since you last had that much fun and you grew closer to the other Sisters and Brothers which was a huge relief. By the end of the day you stumbled half drunkenly into your room and into your bed with a smile on your face.
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The next days went by relatively fast. You would check in on the Cardinal every now and then, you would bring him breakfast, lunch and dinner and eat it together over some light conversation. The both of you warmed up more with each day and you could feel yourself relax more around him. While you found some sort of rhythm with each other, him always trying to sneak out to do some work (of course he couldn‘t go without work) and you alway finding him either asleep with his head on his desk or scrambling around his room as soon as he heard you approach, you decided to help whenever you could. Running small errands for him to lift some of the weight he carried on his shoulders. You would stop him whenever he was taking on too much and you made sure he took a good long break every now and then. Copia was immensely happy about that. One of his biggest flaws was that he never truly knew when it was becoming too much, luckily that beautiful Sorella must have been sent by Lucifer himself to help him, saw right through it, always there to remind him to take a break or bring him food when he had neglected his well being for too long.
As you carried on your days like that you got to know each other better in between. The light conversation sometimes, turning into deeper topics that both of you were interested in. He was surprisingly attentive to you and you greatly appreciated that he truly listened to you. He never once judged you for an opinion you had and so it was just natural for you to form a bond with him that relied on trust. It was even comfortable enough for you to reveal your concern working in the ministry. You made sure to choose your words wisely around him so as to not tell him you were not a believer at least not in the same Lord he believed in. You didn‘t even know why but he was easy to open up to and so one day while you helped him sort some papers on his desk you came to talk about your reasons to take the Job in the ministry. The Cardinal had his suspicions that you were not in fact a Sister of Sin. You didn‘t share the opinions most Sisters did but he wanted to know for sure.
„One of the main reasons why I accepted this Job was because of this town.“ you revealed. „This town? How so?“ the Cardinal asked, genuinely interested, head cocked to the side. „It‘s my hometown. I grew up here. Our house was not even too far away from here.“ you reminisced. „Well that was until I went to the boarding school my parents sent me to.“
That piqued the Cardinals interest as he raised one eyebrow in confusion. „Forgive me Sorella but might I ask why they would send you away? You don‘t come across to be the rule-breaking type..“ he asked, trying not to offend you.
„Well honestly I don‘t remember exactly. I was very little back then. But…“ you tried to think hard about how to describe the night and the things that had happened without telling him about your catholic family or the traumatic events of that night.
„It was in the summer. A few weeks into the holidays. I was a child back then and I.. Well, I was a very curious child. And I questioned many things when I grew up. Many things I didn‘t understand. But my parents never liked me to ask too much. And as I grew older I think they grew tired of me and my never stopping mouth.“ you sighed, remembering the angry face of your father as he slapped you hard across your face that night. „My parents were very strict, you know. They were not open for someone to question their way of life. So yeah I overstepped and they finally had enough of me.“ you swallowed the lump in your throat.
The Cardinal beside you grew stiff. He remembered something. A specific night. A night of heavy thunder and rain. A night almost 20 years ago now. It couldn‘t be, could it?
„Cardinal? Are you ok? Do you need to lie down?“ you inquired. „Ah no I am fine Sorella, thank you. Uh may I ask you how old you are Sister?“ Copia was trying to gather as much information as he could.
„I will turn 26 in November.“ you said with a smile. „How about you? How old are you?“
„Oh uh I am an old man..“ He started to stare at his fingers silently counting. „ I am 53.. yes 53.“
„Did you really just count with your fingers?“ you snickered and he just awkwardly shrugged „Eh, I was never good at math.“
„But it is your own age how could you not know“ you still chuckled at his silly antics.
„I never celebrated my birthday so I never counted the years.“ he declared and you saw a sudden sadness flash in his eyes. Memories of his childhood came rushing back to him. He wanted to be like the other kids, celebrating their birthdays with their friends. He never had any friends to celebrate with. On his sixths birthday, the first one he would be allowed to celebrate, he planned a party with food and cake even, sending invitations to everyone he knew. The pain he felt when no one, not a single soul showed up was too much to bear and he swore never to celebrate his birthday again.
Your gorgeous face appeared before his eyes and suddenly he realized he‘d missed whatever you said to him.
„Okay Cardinal, enough of this you‘re going back into your bed now.“ you took his elbow and gently guided him to his bed. He didn‘t protest and followed your lead.
„I will finish this for you.“ you explained as you went back to the desk to sort out the last few papers and envelopes that started to stack on the dark mahogany platform.
„Sorella you don‘t have to. Please. It is not your job to do my Job.“ Copia inferred. „No it is not, I am well aware. But what kind of a nurse would I be if I watched you work yourself to death, mh? A shitty one, yes exactly. And I know once I leave for tonight, you will be up here anyway and work endlessly so I am going to take that off your shoulders.“
The Cardinal smiled at you. You knew him too well already. But what was he supposed to do anyway? You‘d been occupying his mind too much these past few days. The only way he knew to silence his restless brain was to bury himself with work. This way he forced himself to think about something else. Something that grounded him. He needed the distraction or else he would go insane. Plus he needed to actually get some of the workload off or he surely would drown once he was officially back next week. As you told him goodbye for the evening he was glad for your help. He did exactly what you had predicted and was up on his feet as soon as the door clicked shut. He was just going to oversee the finances for the past month and then he would go back to bed and sleep. At least that was his plan. Satan seemed to have other plans for him since his head was swarming with thoughts about you and the child he found all those years ago when he was a Bishop. He nearly had forgotten that encounter but now that you were here it seemed to be coming back to him. The similarities between you and the girl were just too remarkable to be purely coincidental.
Cardinal Copia could not find sleep that night. He was rolling around, restless mind running a million miles. His brain recalled the thunderstorm some 18 years ago. Your name, your hair and even your aura was so familiar. The little girl he found in the woods that night. It was you. He was sure that you were the old Pastor's daughter. His thoughts kept swirling around you and your life up to this point. He knew you were raised catholic and that made him wonder even more how exactly you ended up in a satanic church. Did your parents know about it? Did you fall from your catholic beliefs and joined Satan? He wanted to know you. To know everything about you and help you find your way in this world. Was that why you felt so familiar to him? Was it purely his protectiveness that intrigued him in? He hated the next thought that came to mind. He was attracted to you, he would be lying to himself if he denied that. It troubled him, knowing you were such a young woman and he was such an old man. He was a pervert thinking about you in a less appropriate manner but he was also just a man. Oh Satan what did he do to deserve this? Copia was not even sure if it was a curse or a blessing of the dark one. It confused him deeply why he had placed you back into his way. Was he trying to test his loyalty? He tried to reason his desires with being touch starved for too long. Your breathtaking smile flashed before his eyes and he knew he was not going to get you out of his head anytime soon.
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The next morning rolled around and once again you were on your way to the Cardinals room, tray with breakfast and fresh Orange juice in hand. You figured out that was the one he liked best. The birds outside chirped happily as the first sun rays shone through the beautiful coloured windows of the ministry, filling you with excitement and happiness. You always loved to see a beautiful sunrise with blue skies. It was the best way to start a day.
As you knocked on the Cardinals door you didn‘t hear anything and after that you slowly opened the door calling into the room. „Good morning Cardinal. It is me. I brought breakfast.“ you still hear no movement at all. Worried you set the tray down on the table and walked up to his bedroom. You knocked gently on the door. „Cardinal? Are you up yet?“
You decided to peek inside and you saw the Cardinal sleeping in his bed, arms wrapped around a pillow. As you stepped closer you saw he was covered in sweat and you sat down on the bedside next to him and gently shook his arm.
„Cardinal. You need to wake up, Cardinal. It‘s time.“ you whispered gently, leaning closer to him. He stirred slightly, lazily opening his eyes. When is duo chromatic eyes adjusted to the light in the room the first thing they landed on was your frame sitting on his bedside. His mind slowly registered your proximity and he woke up with a little jump. „Cardinal you‘re all sweaty. Did you have a bad dream or..?“
The Cardinal sat up slightly watching you lean in closer to study his moist face „Uh.. oh I don‘t know I don‘t remember.“ he said honestly. You moved your hand up to his forehead to feel for his temperature. At this point you lay halfway on his bed since he had moved away from you as he realized how close you were. He didn‘t know why but close proximity to you made him feel lightheaded. He argued it was just his attraction to you that made him feel that way. When you felt for his temperature, a crease forming between your brows and a look of concentration taking over your features he couldn‘t help but find that adorable. As he turned to look away his eyes found your body, that was presented in front of him, your breasts not exactly visible but enough for his eyes to linger, holding yourself up on one arm, hands gripping his black satin sheets.
He knew he shouldn‘t but he couldn‘t help himself. He pictured you in his bed. Naked body, writhing around in his sheets, head falling back, presenting your delicate neck, moaning and screaming his name as your hands formed fists full of the black fabric as you came down on him hard. It was overwhelming. His pupils dilated at the image in his head and his cock twitched, awakening and growing stiff.
His eyes widened as he realized it. No no no no no no. Not now, not here. Panic flooded him as he gripped the sheets tighter to cover his now painfully hard erection. „Okay you have no fever at least. I guess it was just a bad dream then.“ you summarized as you pulled back. He stared at you, not moving. „Are you sure you‘re alright Cardinal?“ „I.. I am fine, yes.. no. I mean yes… fine.“ You studied his face trying to find any indicator he was lying. „Well then I have breakfast in the other room Cardinal. Maybe I should have brought coffee this morning though. Since you clearly are not awake yet.“ „Breakfast huh? Yeah uh just give me a moment Sorella sí?“ „Of course. I‘ll change your sheets then. Please get up and out of bed Cardinal.“ you started to pull on the sheets.
His eyes grew as big as saucers. „Ahhh.. Sorella uh.. yes.“ he turned around facing away from you and got up, nearly running towards the bathroom with an awkward step. „Are you sure you‘re ok?“ you questioned. „Sí sí. I am just going to take a shower, yes.“ came his response. You simply shook your head and heard the water from the other side of the door run.
The Cardinal stood under the hot water now, closing his eyes as the droplets rippled down his bare chest. He let his head hung and when he opened his eyes his hard erection was staring back at him. He needed that to go away as soon as possible. He couldn‘t spend too long here it or it would be suspicious. But as he saw his boner his mind wandered back to what had caused that reaction. You. And just the mere thought of your face made his cock twitch in anticipation.
He groaned. This way his erection would never go away. No he had no other choice, he reasoned as he began to grab his dick and give it a few soft strokes. His non dominant hand came to rest on the tiled wall as his other hand gently yet precisely moved up and down on his length. His eyes closed and he imagined it was your feather light touch that made him shiver. You‘d kneel in front of him, staring up at him innocently while curiously stroking him, asking if it was feeling good. And how good it felt. If only it really was your soft, small hands and not his own big ones. He picked up the pace and the pressure he had on his rock hard cock as he imagined what it must be like to have your pretty lips sucking is dick like a lolli. He had to readjust his legs as he suppressed moans and whimpers. His cock throbbed in his hands and your watery eyes flashed in his mind. Another whimper.
He needed to get his shit together or else he ran the danger of your hearing him. But here was another huge turn on for him. You were right next door. Hopefully oblivious to what was going on here. His imagination changed and he pictured you back in his bed. What a sight it would be. He wondered what it must be like to fill you up. To fill you with every inch he could offer until you became one. At this point, his other hand came to rest on his cock as well. Using both of his hands now to slide up and down as his head rolled back. Another groan.
Pictures of your face hair sticking to your forehead all sweaty as he thrusted into you. Gently at first and then at full speed with a near supernatural force. You‘d be whining, screaming and moaning for the rest of the night. He would make sure you came at least two times before he would let himself reach that sweet release. You deserved that. He could feel himself getting close, his hips thrusting into his hands, eagerly, aggressively. Again he groaned and whimpered, this time louder.
„Cardinal?“ came your voice from the other side of the door.
Hearing your sweet beautiful voice was all he needed. He bit his hand to stop himself from making too many sounds as your name fell from his lips over and over again. His hips rutted into his hands erratically and he came hard, his cum spilling everywhere over the tiles as he fell to the wet floor, knees giving away under his intense orgasm. Maybe it was just too long since the last time he orgasmed but it felt like nothing he had ever experienced and it took him a few seconds to respond to your pleading calls outside.
„I… I am alright Sorella, I just bumped my head.. and stubbed my toe. I'm still a bit tired I guess.“ he tried to cover up his pathetic actions by a series of equally pathetic lies. He sighed. It made him angry. He didn‘t want to use you like that. He didn‘t want to sully you like that. You deserved better than that. He cleaned up after himself and got out of the shower, plagued by guilt and regret.
He hated himself at that moment. He hated what he did. He was nothing but a pathetic, old pervert, taking advantage of the beautiful young Sorella, who has been nothing but sweet and caring towards him.
When he opened the door, wrapped up in a white bathrobe his face fixed the floor under his feet. His expression was unreadable to you but he seemed to be in pain? Or something else so you decided to ask him. He walked past you into the room.
„Cardinal are you ok? You had me worried there.“ As he walked past you he avoided eye contact and when he heard your worry for him he felt even worse for what he had done not even 5 mins ago. You cared for him and he tainted you like that. He pressed his eyes shut and a painful expression appeared on his still damp face.
„Ah no Sorella I am alright. Now if you could excuse me now I‘d like to dress now and go to sleep. I won‘t be needing you to bring me food for today. I can always call for a Ghoul.“
You were taken aback. He was being so cold to you and you didn‘t understand.
„O-Only after I know you are feeling ok.“ you stubbornly replied with a shaky voice.
The Cardinal turned around, forcing himself to look at you. It broke his heart to hear your voice like that. And he hated himself even more for being responsible. Now he didn‘t only ruin your innocence, no he even managed to make you feel like shit for it too.
„I am okay Sorella. I swear on the dark one.“ he smiled the saddest attempt you had ever seen on him. „Now please…“ his voice broke and you knew you had to give him some privacy. You didn‘t understand what was happening and why his mood had deteriorated in the time span of a few minutes but you didn‘t want to pry. Maybe you had done something to upset him? Or even said something wrong? Offended him? Did you forget something important maybe?
„Alright. But if there is anything please call for me?“ you whispered, fearing if you put more force into your voice it might break.
With that you left the Cardinals chambers and returned to the infirmary.
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@hauntedlover03 @adinferix @ghostfangirlsweden @fishwithtitz @pinksweetsxtan @portaltothevoid @bbykens
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foxybouquet · 19 days
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@ramblingoak, you must be one of the kindest, most generous, most wonderful hype girl for others in this fandom (and in life, I'm certain!) and you've definitely earned a spot in all of our hearts! You never fail to make a day better for a friend, and you've always got something sweet or helpful to say.
Needless to say, you're also a ridiculously talented writer, a world-builder whose character-driven fics have me and so many coming back to revisit your stories many, many times again! What can I say, you're just wondrous! And I hope you celebrate today fully, joyously, and with as much generosity toward yourself as you show to others! You are magnificent!!! 💖💖💖
Oh, and The Cardinal would like to give you a taste...🎂
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papasbaseball · 1 year
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driftwoodskeleton · 2 years
Ritual (1549 words) by SomethingClich8
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Ghost (Sweden Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Cardinal Copia & Reader
Characters: Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus I, Papa Emeritus Zero | Papa Emeritus Nihil, Papa Emeritus II, Papa Emeritus III, Sister Imperator, Sister(s) of Sin, Era IV Ghouls (Ghost), Era III Ghouls (Ghost), Era I Ghouls (Ghost), Lucifer
Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, ghost - Freeform, Pseudo-horror, Involuntary Commitment
hey look, i wrote something! ongoing, hopefully updated soon. never written for Ghost before (gotta start somewhere lol)
i have 3 different things on the go atm, but this one should be the quickest to finish so its getting posted first
hope people like it:')
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dearlymrme · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Thank you so much @nocterish for the tag. It makes me so happy that people are tagging me wanting to know more about what I'm doing.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
You wanna know what I'm working on. Welll let me just open my file cabinet and…
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Potion #9.
You're Primo's witch apprentice, and try to make something for your allergies. The potion has some rather…interesting effects. Two part Shot.
Touchy Feely.
Primo blindfolds you and teases you until you snap. Snippet.
Alpha VS Omega.
Secondo is a very rough lover, and you give as good as you get. A physically violent fuck for dominance than neither of you back down from. Who will be the winner? One part Fic.
Lean Into It
You pop Secondo's back for him. He pops a boner by how easily you lift him. Snippet.
Door #3
It's an actual story instead of just smut snippets. You meet a handsome man at an art gallery, little did you know you would slowly fall in love with the satanic pope. An extreme slice of life and slow burn. You're friends before your lovers. Multi Chapter fic
The Strong Woman
You fireman carry Terzo to his room after a heavy night of drinking, and the man immediately decides that you and your goliath strength make you the perfect choice for Prime Mover.
You Wanna Bet?
Terzo has quite the collection, and for first-timers, he's more than happy to give recommendations. He bets that he can match you with the perfect toy. This is going to be a very smutty Multi Chapter fic of exploring kinks with a very slutty Terzo.
High Difficulty Setting
You have your own controller and your own game to play with Copia.
Crepuscular Rays
It's an actual story instead of a smut snippet. The technical term for a sunbeam and how you're determined to act as a shining light to break through his dark and depressed clouds. Copia loses the Grammys and falls into depression. Multi Chapter Fic.
Oh Oedipus, We're In It Now
Your fling with the touch starved and desperate Cardinal is getting serious. Even more so when he accidentally calls you 'Mommy'. You are surprisingly into it. This is still up in the air whether or not to be a Multi Chapter Fic.
On The Contrary Part 2
My darling and neglected child. I have just a little bit more I need to do before I reread it and realize I've repeated myself in five different places. ADHD brain at its best.
All Four One
The Little Ways
How each Papa shows you in very little but big ways that they love you.
Expensive Taste
Papa's lingerie preference and why they like it and how they like taking it off you.
Oh Stop You
How the Papa's flirt.
My computer is currently busted, but there is one thing I have a MIGHTY NEED to draw involving Terzo.
Yes, these all do have names. The name is like one of the first things I come up with and makes it so much easier to keep track of in the Docs.
You can blame @nocturnal-birb for so many of these ideas. I hope you can understand that I want to take these very slowly because as you can see, I have so much I wanna write. But I don't wanna burn out.
Much of my writing is going to be kept strictly to my two days off.
However, if there is stuff you wanna talk about, my inbox is open, and I promise, I am friendly. I am also in the habit of sharing bits and pieces of what I write to my mutuals. Along with ideas and just general shitghousting.
I tag @tasty-ribz and @ghestie-nun and @onedaughterofman
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