haute-lifestyle-com · 1 month
President Biden spoke, with strength, to an adoring crowd of supporters on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, speaking on the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration, and the importance of the election to complete the work
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funnyanimalsrace · 2 years
ఆవుకి కరోనా - Corona to Cow Story in Telugu Kathalu Moral Stories | Bul ...
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rescuestories · 2 years
ఆవుకి కరోనా - Corona to Cow Story in Telugu Kathalu Moral Stories | Bul ...
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bhardinbmba · 6 months
15.846 Corona Case
When it comes to Grupo Modelo's Corona beer smashing it in the U.S., I realize, now, that they didn't just stumble into success. They had a killer branding strategy that basically made everyone think of chilling on the beach with a cold one whenever they cracked open a Corona. You know, that whole vibe of relaxation and fun? It's safe to say they nailed it-- from their ads to the packaging, everything screamed laid-back lifestyle, and people ate it up. Corona created this strong connection with consumers that stuck.
*And* let's not forget about Carlos Fernandez and Valentin Diez, the big shots behind the scenes. These guys were definitely visionaries and weren't just satisfied with selling a few cases or the status quo. These founders wanted Corona to be the premium idea for imported beer in every corner of the globe. Their leadership style informed their branding approach. Their leadership style was all about pushing boundaries and staying ahead of the game. They didn't just wait for things to happen; they made them happen. That's the kind of drive you need to make it big in the beer industry.
Some questions I have-- however, pertain to Corona's rebrand (if at all) after the Covid-19 verbiage and publicity. I know that corona truly suffered in part to the negative stigma in society at that time. I found this article to be an interesting response to my own question, and the case overall. https://procoolmfg.com/corona-beer-vs-coronavirus/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cornavirus-corona-beer-they-have-nothing-to-do-with-each-other/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/no-coronas-beer-sales-did-not-suffer-from-the-coronavirus/
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epistolizer · 10 months
Hit & Run Commentary #146
Autarch Biden in an address to the regime assured that, if the collective harkens obediently to his directives, he MIGHT magnanimously allow the thralls to celebrate Independence Day not in large groups but rather in small clusters. But if most have been duped into obediently surrendering to invasive alchemical injections by that point, what does the size of the group matter? He did not nothing to discourage the superspreader swarms that assembled at the announcement of his election victory.
Wonder if Autarch Biden will be as disconcerted over the size of riots likely to break out this summer in the name of Communist revolution as he is over the number likely to be at cook outs held in local cell blocks, oh I mean neighborhoods.
Four workers at a Chicago area hospital experienced an adverse reaction to the Coronavirus vaccine. Administrators assured that accounts for only .15% of those to whom the inoculation was administered. But if that constituted the percentage coming down with the virus, wouldn’t society come to a screeching halt and pretty much not be allowed to start up again?
So does Facebook post a disclaimer to everybody that has ever posted about an adverse reaction to peanuts since the vast majority can consume that agricultural product without an allergic reaction? If not, why one in regards to an unnamed form of invasive pharmaceutical alchemy?
California Governor Gavin Newsom admitted to considering curfews to combat the Cornavirus such as those in Saudi Arabia. Should we also consider that regime’s methods for controlling carnal deviants and reluctance to allow female drivers on the roads as well?
In a podcast with social theorist Yuval Levin, Southern Baptist functionary Russell Moore remarked how easily people get offended over social media as a result of taking things so seriously. But hasn’t he himself contributed to this environment in light of his overreaction to Donald Trump --- likening the at the time candidate to a “Bronze Age warlord” ---- as well as Moore’s conniptions in response to support for the Confederate flag on the part of some Southern Baptists in that particular ecclesiastical association?
Regarding these medical cost sharing ministries that posture as being morally superior to traditional health insurance and attempt to guiltttrip Christians into signing up by emphasizing the opposition to abortion. If members write checks directly to cover each other’s expenses, what is to prevent this service from degenerating into a popularity contest or as a way of rewarding who can be the squeakiest wheel? After all, as anyone that has been around church for a while knows, some are inherently granted most of the attention while others that are quieter are nearly always overlooked.
A headline at ChurchMilitant.com read, “A Message To Mayor Pete From A Latino Momma: Don’t Force Your Sexual Ideology On Me and My Children”. It must be asked, what does your race or ethnicity have to do with this? Is it somehow less of a moral outrage when this sort of invasive totalitarianism is imposed upon White children? Are Latinos, even the ones no darker than run of the mill White people with a suntan, somehow more moral than Caucasians?
Contrary to Kamala Harris, not everyone here deserves to be recognized as an American. Only those with U.S. citizenship should be recognized as Americans.
Biden says hate has no safe harbor in America. But how is that defined, simply disagreeing with a minority?
If you get more back in a child tax credit than you paid in taxes, that is not a credit but rather a welfare handout. I don’t care what President is behind it --- Reagan, Trump, Obama or Biden.
Insisting that something is not political but rather scientific is euphemism that you do not possess the right to question or critique regime decrees.
Tolerancemongers are insisting that Trump is responsible for the attack on Asian whorehouses because of his remarks categorizing the geographic origins of the Coronoavirus (a fact actually more scientifically unassailable than mandatory mask decrees). So applying this reasoning, shouldn’t Autarch Biden condemn Black Lives Matter for constantly harping on “White supremacy” for the looting and destruction of property that still continues night after night which his regime is barely saying jack squat about in comparison to statements made in regards to the Capitol Kerfuffle?
Apparently massacring Asian harlots because you can't otherwise get enough of them is not as bad as doing the same because you despise them for being Asian.
If America is such a racist vile place as insisted by Deputy Autarch Harris, why did her parents come here rather than remain in their respective Third World utopias?
The Centers for Disease Control, an agency under the auspices of Autarch Biden, issued a decree advising Americans not to travel at this time. It is feared that such could spark another round of Coronavirus. Yet the Autarch is extending his blessing to illegal migrants not only brought into the territorial boundaries of the United States but also allowing their free movement across the country without being subjected to the same invasive medical exams actual Americans are subjected to often as a condition of being allowed out of their very homes or to go about making a living.
In response to the Colorado supermarket massacre, Autarch Biden remarked that he would not be speculating or commenting as to the motives of the gunman. No doubt because the name and geographic origins of the murderer was evocative of Islamist jihadism. For Biden certainly doesn’t mind shooting off at the mouth to parrot platitudes and talking points in condemnation of “White supremacy” and “systematic racism”. For someone supposedly not wanting to speculate as to the nature of the specifics of this incident, the Autarch certainly did not mind droning on about the need for increased gun control.
On Fox News, a Democratic propagandist remarked that it was imperative to remember that acts of violence have been inflicted upon people of color for decades. So because minorities were mistreated in the past, the launching of bottle rockets at diners in a restaurant that played no part in that mistreatment is really no big deal. The interview ended with the remark that we all need to come together and be united. But just what exactly is the average American obligated to surrender for such a ballyhooed state to come about if such explicit acts of terrorism are being inflicted upon those for merely peacefully expressing a dietary preference and dismissed by pundits claiming to speak on behalf of the nation’s most powerful political party?
Was blocked on facebook from commenting for twenty-four hours over posting a link to a Yahoo story about Republican men being a threat to public health for not getting vaccinated. I titled it “Vaccine Reluctance Equated With Man Spreading, Unwanted Hiney Swatting & Assorted Acts Of Terrorism”. So apparently we must be so pro-vaccine that it is out of line to admit that content exists produced by leftwing technocrats themselves that vaccine reluctance even exists.
By Frederick Meekins
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qudachuk · 1 year
Mexico’s president has suspended a tour of the Yucatan peninsula after acknowledging he tested positive for the cornavirus, having previously suffered two bouts of COVID-19
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opedguy · 2 years
Fauci Acts Clueless on Fox News
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Jan. 14, 2023.--Acting clueless on Fox News “Your World” with Neil Cavuto, 82-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci, former head of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden’s Covid-19 response team, Fauci said he had no idea what billionaire CEO of Tesla Motors, SpaceX and Twitter called “Fauci files.”  Asked by Cavuto if he knew what Musk was talking about in his “Fauci files,” Fauci said he had no idea.  “I have no idea what he’s talking about,” Neil.  “I wish I did. I’m clueless about what he’s referring to,” Fauci told Cavuto.  Fauci, of course, knows exactly what Musk refers to with the “Fauci files,” knowing his role from Day One of the deadly novel coronavirus global pandemic in covering up the origin of the virus.  Fauci conspired with World Health Organization [WHO] Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to deny the global pandemic for at least three months.
Tedros did everything possible in the early months of the pandemic to prevent negative publicity to Communist China.  Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan got Tedros his job as WHO Director-General.  Former President Donald Trump banned Chinese flights to-and-from China Jan. 30, 2020, prompting an angry response from Tedros in a Feb. 6, 2020 Geneva press conference.  Tedros told a Feb. 6 Geneva press conference that no country, referring the U.S., had a right restrict commerce to another country.  No one knew at the time that Tedros was covering the infectious disease crisis in Wuhan, China, where bodies stacked up on the streets with the city’s 14 crematoria running 24/7.  Yet Tedros, with Fauci’s complicity, refused to call a global pandemic for the deadly novel cornavirus. Fauci was busy scheming to blame the virus on a seafood market in Wuhan.
Fauci knew all about Chinese President Xi Jinping speech to the Chinese Communist Party Central committee Feb. 14, 2020, telling delegates that he asked the Ministry of Science and Technology to tighten up biosecurity at China’s microbiology labs.  Xi wasn’t talking like the virus emerged from a natural source, he knew it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Xi dispatched Peoples Liberation Army chief virologist Chen Wei to visit Shi Zhengli’s lab.  Fauci knew all about Zhengli’s lab because through his friend, EchoHealth CEO Peter Daszak, he funded Zhegli’s lab for “gain-of-function” experiments.  Zhengli hosted many foreign scientists, including University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill microbiologist Ralph Baric to inject harmless bat coronaviruses with Angiotensin II (ACE-2], turning them into the most infectious viruses known to man.
So, when Fauci says he know nothing about the “Fauci files,” he’s trying to dupe the press into believing him.  Fauci also conspired with Daszak to convince the British medical journal Lancet to think the virus occurred naturally in Wuhan.  Daszak and 27 other scientists, with Fauci’s knowledge, published a letter in Lancet saying the deadly novel coronavirus came from Wuhan. Fauci and Daszak didn’t want the world to know they paid Zhengli to engineer history’s most deadly made-made virus.  By the time Tedros declared a global pandemic March 1l, 2020, it was already too late in the U.S. and Europe with the deadly novel coronavirus spreading like wildfire.  Two days after Tedros announcement in Geneva, Chinese Foreign Minister Spokesman Zhao Lijian said the deadly virus was made in America and exported by the U.S. military to Wuhan, China.  Fauci said nothing about Lijian’s statement.
Fauci, Daszak and Tedros did everything possible to cover-up the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus.   China’s official position was the U.S. spread a bioweapon, made in Fort Detrick, Md., to China, something so preposterous U.S. officials were dumbfounded.  Yet Fauci insisted, on every radio and TV interview, that the virus occurred naturally, likely from a seafood market in Wuhan.  Fauci refused to admit he funded Daszak’s EchoHealth Alliance to pay Zhengli for “gain-of-function” research to create the world’s most deadly virus.  Fauci’s knock-down-drag-out fights with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) under oath showed his egregious denials in funding “gain-of-function” research.  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fauci shouted at Paul.  “I resent your suggestion that I funded gain-of-function” research. So, when Fauci says bluntly that he has no clue what’s in Musk’s “Fauci files,” it’s a cover-up.
Whatever Fauci did to convince Trump to shut down businesses during the height of the pandemic to save lives, it pales in comparison to his deliberate cover-up on the origin of the virus.  Trump said April 30, 2020 that the virus came of a Wuhan virology lab.  All the media took Fauci’s side during the election year, blaming Trump for mishandling the Covid-19 crisis.  Fauci spent most of time in interviews with anti-Trump TV and radio shows, blaming the president for a poor response to the crisis.  Fauci says he’s nonpartisan, simply an innocent public health official, but he said only negative things about Trump during the 2020 election.  “I just don’t understand what he’s doing.  And I don’t think I should be addressing it because it’s a bit puzzling to me,” Fauci told Cavuto on Fox News.  Cavuto asked nothing substantive to Fauci, only allowing the 82-year-old a way out.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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hockeysweetheart · 3 years
So I tested Postive for covid 19 with an at home test. Basically what happened was a family member came to my house sick we thought oh just another cold we would get over it. Then a family member living in the house and myself got sick we thought another cold... that family member took a test yesterday and negative today postive so I took one and postive right away.
I feel fine. I have a runny nose. No Smell. A mild headache and a little tiny tiny bit caughing and sneezing just a tiny bit.
We may go to a testing center. But with both of us unable to smell pretty clear
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dirtyfilthy · 3 years
a kafkaesque coronavirus nightmare
So my (double dosed) vaccination status wasn’t showing up on my immunisation record. Which I’m gonna need eventually when vaccine passports become a thing -- to get into places, actually socialise with people etc
In what I thought was a logical first step, I call the coronavirus hotline. They put me on hold for fifteen minutes. Then transfer me to someone else on the “vaccine team” internally, who tells me to call the immunisation register.
I call the immunisation register. Hold for 10 minutes. Tell me to call another extension. Call the other extension. Placed on hold for another 15 minutes. They tell me to call myhealth.
Call myhealth. Hold for 15. Then another half an hour talking to some dude only to find out he can’t help me.
Call the immunisation register again. I figure, it’s their goddamn website right? 20 minutes on hold. Made sure to very, very clearly explain the issue and that I had already talked to myhealth etc and eventually got the guy to find that “my records were unlinked” (?) and he said he had escalated the request to head office -- with “no timeframe for resolution”.
It’s like that bureaucratic “The Place That Sends You Mad" from the old “The Twelve Tasks of Asterix” comic. 
Hopefully this works and fixes shit at some indefinite period in the future. Only took me two hours.
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alchimia31 · 3 years
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spring 2020 be like
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Coronavirus in Gotham
(Scarecrow and Merrymaker are prepared)
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tietensgo · 3 years
10 to 5 - 5
It was too long to make one post so I made two. Part 1 here.
1) The post doesn’t discuss the timing and motivation of the change. Others have suggested before now that 10 days was a lot. (This person recommended that you can test out of isolation early). But the CDC didn’t change from 10 days as the guideline until now. What struck me most about the CDC’s update was that it was right at the holidays and right on top of a virus surge. Like, in the middle of a situation getting worse, where tons of people were getting sick, the CDC’s statement wasn’t to stay home more, it was more like most people are only mildly sick, so let’s get as many of the mildly sick back into society (back to work) asap so we don’t have staffing shortages.
This MSNBC interview even suggests that Delta Airlines lobbied the CDC to change its guidelines, (see the letter here) and some flight attendants themselves don’t feel safe going back. I don’t know that the CDC issued changes /because/ of Delta Airlines (Dr. Fauci says they didn’t) or outside of science or anything like that, but Dr. Fauci openly said that the new CDC mandate is to help people get back to work (increase people’s ability to work despite it).
TLDR; the new guidelines were issued seemingly to allow people to get back to work sooner during an acknowledged rise in Covid cases, mostly from the more contagious Omicron variant. One letter in particular from Delta Airlines demonstrates that CEOs are in favor of the change while some of their employees are hesitant.
2) The suggestions in the post are not exactly what the CDC recommended. The guidelines don’t differentiate by vaccination status; both vaccinated and unvaccinated people get the benefit of the 5 day shortened isolation. If they are asymptomatic or with “resolving symptoms, no fever for 24 hours”, they get to be out in public with a mask. (If I’m reading that right, it means yesterday Day 4 I had a fever, today Day 5 no fever, tomorrow Day 6 I’m good to be in public). A negative antigen test is not required to come back to the public, only a mask. (Dr. Fauci says that an antigen test wouldn’t be as useful to tell if you are contagious after 5 days anyway. But I think you can see where not mandating a negative Covid test before leaving isolation* leaves the door open to be contagious and be out in public. That is, the exception cases who are contagious for the longest (> 5 days contagious) are precisely the cases being missed by saying no test is required. For these cases, I think what they’re saying is masking will cover it. But if just masking covers them when they’re contagious over 5 days, why didn’t just masking cover the other people who were contagious under 5 days? Why did the less than 5 days contagious asymptomatic group have to isolate at all if just masking covers the (rarer) over 5 days contagious asymptomatic group? What if someone’s peak contagiousness happens on Day 6, when they’re in public and asymptomatic? The post said it exactly: the CDC used 10 days at first to be safe (see tweet 7). Recently, it was changed to 5 days with 5 masking. (I think people also point out that 10 days was put in place near the start of the pandemic, and more of the public is vaccinated now and contagious periods are generally reduced (for the vaccinated), so 5 days makes sense in that way also. But I’d also mention that not everyone is (or can be) vaccinated (adults and children), so their contagious periods aren’t reduced, and now, vaccinated or not, the isolation time has been reduced to 5 days without a negative test at the end).
*It seems like at one time test availability might’ve been a consideration for not mandating a negative test to come back to public/work, especially because antigen tests have that ‘test repeatedly for best results’ caveat that needs to kept in mind. But it seems like maybe getting more tests would be part of the solution, not leaving a testing requirement out of the guidelines.
TLDR; the new guidelines focus on a period of contagiousness of five days, which, while usual, isn’t true for everyone, but there is no requirement of a negative antigen test to return to the workplace. That means conceivably, some people are returning to work while contagious.
3) The post doesn’t address noncompliance. With the masking, in particular. People may or may not mask properly, and even those who do wear it most of the time might take if off to eat with coworkers during a break at work or take it off while in the car by themselves but put it on just before they pick you up for uber or take it off because they’re technically 6 feet away or take it off because it’s just a quick dash to the mailbox in the apartment building, I’ll only be on the elevator for a minute, etc. If we are in a reality where anti-mask sentiment not only exists but can be high, it’s interesting to note that a key part (5 days) of the new guidelines will depend on peoples’ good will to mask up. This as opposed to what it used to be, which was a longer isolation period (which hopefully would be backed by paid sick leave or something so it doesn’t do harm to people to step away from work) so the mask doesn’t have to make up for what the isolation didn’t catch. (Btw, It’s possible if one is the type to ignore CDC rules about isolation in the first place, one isn’t the type to wear a mask anyway, and if one does strictly abide by CDC guidelines, there’s a chance one might be a great mask wearer).
There’s another really nice post/graphic about where masks should be in this fight based on the hierarchy of controls. It’s a bit blurry but it’s in order from top to bottom as most effective: Elimination, physically remove the hazard, Subsitution, replace the hazard, Engineering Controls, separate people from the hazard (isolate, emphasis mine), Administrative Controls, change the way people work, and PPE, protect the worker with personal protective equipment (mask up). Masking, while important (necessary), is less effective than isolation in controlling spread.
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TLDR; the guidelines seem to have taken 5 of the original days of isolation and replaced them with 5 masking days. However, isolation is more effective than masking in preventing spread, especially when given the possibility of noncompliance with proper masking.
4) This one is more nebulous but. The post seems to skip over... idk trying to stop Covid from spreading as much as is possible. And moves on to trying to minimize its effect on work life/the economy.
Note: I use the words *feels like* a lot in the following. Dr. Jha actually has the position that the pandemic is here to stay and we should all adjust around it because there’s no going back to 2019. He’s not saying we should give up common sense measures like vaccination and masking, but he has said we should try to “manage the pandemic” and stop “pining for a past that isn’t coming back”. And this CDC guideline feels like a general acceptance of this, like a management decision or something, taking into account ideal medical isolation on the one hand and real people’s tolerances of isolation on the other and coming down somewhere in the middle. But it seems like that middle errs on the side of dealing with Covid as if it’s inevitable, not as if it’s on its way out or could be in the near future. It’s like the fight to win is taking too long, so some kind of peaceful coexistence treaty is being drawn up. The goalpost moved from ‘aim for Covid free’ to now ‘if the person has waited long enough (and seems fine)’, let them back to work. And it was proposed amidst/justified by a concern about getting people back into the workplace. But (hopefully this isn’t naive) isn’t... what gets people back to work good health? (and a good job?). People still need to eat, pay for rent, pay for gas, Covid didn’t change that. So if they’re healthy and feel like their workplace is safe, they will work, and the economy will take care of itself (hopefully).
It seemed like there was a problem of ‘people not being able to work’. But it was read as ‘people aren’t able to work because they’re being forced to stay at home by guidelines’ instead of ‘people aren’t able to work because they’re sick’. I guess it depends on how you read the problem (is the issue the guidelines of Covid or Covid itself), but you might approach the solution differently.
It brought to mind that one post on twitter which i can’t find the link to (I tried though) that said if you’ve gone all this time without Covid, you’re weird/different/the exception. And I was like???? No??? It’s about 15% in the US and best I can tell about 4% (3.7% or so) worldwide who have ever had it. Maybe Covid is around, but it’s not unavoidable or okay or normal. It might be difficult, but I think fighting Covid itself is valuable. As always, we have to think of those who are not vaccinated, or cannot be vaccinated (the immunocompromised, the very young, the religious exemptions) and need to go through other pills/therapies to get a defense. (I’m not one of these people who can’t be vaccinated, and I don’t mean to use them as like a shield to defend my thoughts about the guidelines; I just want to mention that it’s not only the vaccinated who are affected by the spread of Omicron). This is besides the ~5%-60% of people who experience long Covid (depending on who you ask) even after the infection is gone. Letting these attitudes proliferate feels like we’ve... given up or something, which is part of why I wanted to write this.
Also what happens if something more awful than Covid ever surfaces down the line and we don’t take the opportunity now to train ourselves to act right during a pandemic? To the extent that is reasonable, maybe we need to try to fight and fight well against Covid now and not be too quick to slide into an ‘acceptance/management’ mentality
TLDR; So many people sick with Covid that essential services are affected might be an indication that something might need updating about the current approach to preventing spread, infection, and sickness, not an indication that we need to tolerate its presence and clear people to return to work faster.
5) This one is again hard to put into words, but. The post seems to gloss over the idea of getting better from Covid.
Similar to above, I’m not sure where this leaves the discussion of like, healing completely from Covid. As the focus is on rapid antigen testing and contagiousness, are PCRs (which measure presence of virus in the body) just not relevant as The Test That Needs To Be Passed to go back to work? I’m hearing/reading 2 negative antigens 24 hours apart a lot. And that’s good, definitely; a negative antigen is great but isn’t a negative PCR better? Anyway, in the examples I tend to hear on the news, I think the CDC guideline helps someone who say, has one job and has to attend it in order to make rent, and they don’t have 10 sick days back to back saved up like that, and they’re cleared (no symptoms, no contagiousness) after 5 days, so why use a guideline that keeps them at home? Or someone who has an essential job that cannot be performed from home (like a doctor) who is cleared after 5 days. For these cases, sure, I see how the guideline helps. But I’m wondering, if someone is out sick with Covid, (in general) shouldn’t they be allowed to stay out until they’re not (PCR) sick anymore? Even if they’re asymptomatic?
I feel like there are some people out there who are itching to go back to work the moment their symptoms clear. But for others, it might be important to not just have ‘no symptoms’ but to have ‘no Covid’. I don’t know that this current wording of the guideline helps this second group of people. Instead, it seems to (not literally, but in some sense figuratively? colloquially? idk), changes the shorthand, the language about Covid from ‘10 days off’ to ‘5 days off and 5 days mask’, with an asterisk about being asymptomatic. I think the latter might not intend to, but it gives the employer ammunition to want someone back sooner than they might be ready to go. (Like the flight attendants who are not comfortable with going to work under the newer guidelines).
It’s weird how it’s possible the guideline could push people away from work by sending the message that their coworkers might be coming into the workplace sick and they themselves have less time to care for their health if they contract Covid (ie making people nervous to be at work might perpetuate the very problem the new guidelines were attempting to solve)? Again, yeah, it’s an interesting shift in the discussion to like go away from aiming for back to work after healing from Covid to aiming for back to work as soon as possible after infection.
TLDR; I’m not sure where the focus on antigen testing leaves the conversation about fully healing from Covid. Is 2 negative antigen tests 24 hours apart the same thing as being Covid free? Is it possible your body is finishing off the fight with the infection, so you could benefit from the rest and hydration that comes with staying home even though there’s not enough levels of virus to be considered contagious anymore?
6) This is just a curiosity, I wanted to check my understanding. It seems like the post really espouses/depends on the strength of the antigen test in detecting Covid contagiousness (See tweet 9, “antigen tests are contagiousness tests”). But while being highly useful and very accurate, they are known to give false negatives (you have Covid but test negative) I was wondering if the infectious period is defined as what is detectable by lateral flow/rapid antigen tests (they seem to overlap perfectly on the chart)? If so, then what happens if the antigen tests ever fails to detect a variant? Maybe another way to put it is does the shape of that graph’s curve change for Omicron v. Delta v. whatever variant might hopefully never come next? Is 5 days always okay?
FWIW, if it was possible and wouldn’t like hurt people or be outrageously expensive or something like that, I feel like we should switch our approach to Covid from like, mask up, wash hands, but generally ignore it unless it is happening to us/someone we know/we have to take a flight. A shift towards like, societally taking a wholesale get-this-thing-out-of-our-lives approach I think would be something to consider. Maybe:
In addition to doing what we can about vaccination and masking (making these things normal and available and data-driven and not an indication of your political leanings),
Make testing widely available so it can be not just a practice for those who feel sick (it appears you don’t need to feel sick to be contagious and by the time you do feel sick, contagiousness might already be on its way out) but like a regular check-in everyone can do, sick or not.
Make it easier for people to work and live (and be entertained and thrive emotionally etc) remotely. Nothing feels like in-person interaction, but give us the option? To be safe? Instead of insisting that in-person is the only path forward, thereby inadvertently giving our employers the tools to badger us into making unsafe decisions. (Obviously not every job can be done from home, so only to the extent we can).
If people are sick, essential workers or not, let them stay home confidently (no fear of losing houses, jobs, favor, falling behind in school etc) so that we can attack the Thing at higher levels of effective control, namely isolation, instead of depending on masking to cover them when they get back.
Generally speaking, and this is obviously long term, build a society (education, energy, transportation, city planning, food, etc) more resistant to pandemics.
TLDR; I like the post, the graph especially, because it explained where the 5 days comes from and gave context to the CDC announcement. It seems like the new recommendation was motivated by a desire to prevent unnecessary work suspension for people in essential working positions (hospitals, flight attendants, wastewater treatment, etc) due to rules about isolation. But the timing/motivation, to get people back to work in the midst of a Covid surge, makes me feel like the emphasis has moved from trying to stop individuals from spreading Covid in the first place to accepting that Covid is here and working through it (likely to the benefit of economic interests), instead. The conversation is shifting.
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rootbeergoddess · 5 years
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Eugene is a goddamn treasure
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feelingthought · 4 years
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writingwithcolor · 5 years
Vote on your next WWC Guide!
Hi WWC Readers!
As coronavirus has the lot of us self-quarantined, we want to send virtual good vibes your way. These vibes will conveniently stop 6 feet away from you. 
I know how stressful it can be, especially if you struggle with other physical and mental health issues. I'm personally (Colette) using the time to be as productive as possible and fend off the depression. As well as making major strides in my personal writing, I wanted to scope out time for some WWC content to help with the isolation. Camp nanowrimo is also around the corner, so there's that!
As I map out my WWC projects, I wanted you guys to help me decide on what to complete next. This is aside from responding to the asks you submit.
I planned on doing all these things below, but i'll prioritize whatever gets the most votes. 
Vote on Colette's next project! (A, B, C, or D)
A. Subverting Racial Stereotypes
How to intentionally take hold of the trope but change it enough (or pull away from it) where you don’t fulfill the trope in the end.This takes some skill!
B. List of all Black Stereotypes/Tropes & How to Handle 
I will work from my experiences as a Black American writer/reader. I shall cover every single one I can think of.
C. List of Beta Reader/Sensitivity Reader Resources 
This one requires help; we'll need to solicit for readers who offer this service!
D. Something else (what you got in mind?)
Votes sent as “Asks” may get lost among everything else. Please use this post to tell me your vote!
Stay well,
Colette & WWC
P.S. On New Moderators
We still need new moderators. We’re gonna delay this for a minute, though. Again, if you want a reminder when we put up the new app, send an ask to me directly at LastAutumnMaiden
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