eirasummersart · 2 years
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This is a bit late, but I finally finished Dalia's birthday art! It was on the 14th sakfjhsakfl
The dress design is from @amanilla-arts-academy , my friend gave it to me when I told her I was doing the birthday art <3
Just her under the cut, in higher resolution, so you can appreciate the drawing more~
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eirasummers · 3 years
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So @tisafinedayforsimping had been talking about her fancanon school called "Amanilla Arts Academy" in the twst universe and I really liked her idea and concepts! So I asked if I could design an OC in there and she said ok! So here she is! Her name is Dalia. She's twisted from Alice's cat, Dinah, from Alice in Wonderland. She's in the Coronaea dorm, which is the one focused on fine arts :D Her art is mainly focused in abstract art, mostly drawings and paintings, but she sometimes does sculptures as well. But, contrary to what her bizarre art might suggest, she is actually a really down to earth and calm person, who has a realistic way of the world. I'm still working on her, but this is the basic character sheet and some info! Hope you like her <3 Edit: You can see the timelapse on my twitter! Also, the uniform design is by her as well, just drew her in the outfit myself! <3
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[Aesthetic board link]
Coronaea is the dorm focused on Fine Arts.
It's inspired by Rapunzel and the Kingdom of Corona!
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eirasummersart · 2 years
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From this OC Challenge as well! I shared it in the Discord server I'm at and my friend @rozengrotto wanted to se no. 8 "Winter clothes" with my OC Dalia! :D
I hope you like it~
Feel free to request any other from that challenge if anyone wants to~
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eirasummersart · 2 years
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Dalia's basic profile:
Name: Dalia Jolliet Gender: Female. Age: 17. Species: Beastwoman. Birthday: January 14th. Zodiac: Capricorn.
Height: 160cm Eye Color: Bright turquoise. Hair Color: Brown with redish highlight tips.
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene. School: Amanilla Arts Academy. ( @amanilla-arts-academy ) Dorm: Coronaea. School Year: 2nd year. Occupation: Student. Club: Horse Riding. Best Subject: Arts (painting and sculpture).
Dominant Hand: Right. Favorite Food: Sushi. Least Favorite Food: Salad. Dislikes: Bullies.
Hobby: Drawing. Talents: Calm under pressure.
Unique Magic: “Vivid dreams” - She can make the drawings she drew herself “real” in the form of an illusion. You can’t touch them or have any other sensorial stimulus from it except sight. It looks so real that even if you know of her magic, it’s hard to see past it.
Personality: After seeing all her abstract nonsensical art, most people would think she’s a really eccentric and odd type of person. But they could not be more far off.
She’s actually a really calm and composed young lady. Raised to be polite and with good manners, she always acts elegantly no matter what the situation is. But that does not mean she’s also serious or uptight. Dalia takes everything in stride and doesn’t let much bother her. She mostly has a nonchalant aura around her.
She likes observing her environment and other people, but not getting involved with them. She would often be sitting slightly far from the action, drawing on her notebook while she discreetly takes all the information in. Thanks to this, she does a fast and accurate evaluation of most people.
Dalia’s also a really down to earth logical person. She will be the voice of reason when her classmates or friends are trying to do anything crazy. Although she would usually just let them do their own thing, without intervening, unless they directly ask her for help or she sees the other person is going in a really bad direction with their actions.
She loves hearing other people’s stories, especially the more bizarre and unbelievable ones. The fantasy genre is also her favourite when it comes to reading or watching shows/movies.
Dalia also enjoys fashion trends and staying up to date with them, but she doesn’t usually apply them to herself. She enjoys the content and seeing the pretty outfits more than wearing them.
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eirasummersart · 3 years
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I quick sketch I made of two of my OCs, Dalia (Twisted Wonderland OC) and Alena (Genshin Impact OC). I randomly saw those dresses online and thought they really fit for them! <3
It's gonna stay as a sketch forever, so that's why I'm sharing just like this~
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eirasummersart · 3 years
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For TwstOBer day 16 here's what I made~ From left to right, there's Dalia, my OC for @amanilla-arts-academy's fan school, then there's my MC Yuuki and my OC Dillon! For the purpose of this drawing, AAA and NRC got together for some Halloween activities (not canon unless stated otherwise by the main blog hahha) Dillon is telling them some silly story and they're laughing about it. Also, nothing was wasted this day, Dillon ate everything they took out from the inside of the pumpkins, raw lmao
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eirasummers · 3 years
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Here's day 3!! It's kinda messy this time afhsalkf Don't attempt to draw something "digital" on traditional, it only brings pain hahaha The prompt list I’m following is this one.
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eirasummersart · 3 years
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Just a silly bad animation because I'm trying to figure out how to animate in Clip Studio. I might change to another program since it only allows 24 frames. If anyone has any recomendations, feel free to tell me!
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eirasummers · 3 years
Aida might not understand what Dalia's art is about, but I'm sure Dalia is more than happy to show the forest princess her art~
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Of course! If Aida's interested in seeing it, Dalia will let her see her art for sure! :D I'm sure they would get along~ This drawing is so cute and you did it so fast! I did not expect anything like this alkfhsalkf Thank you! Aida is also adorable <3 asflksahflkahf me receiving this cute ask:
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eirasummersart · 2 years
🖊+ for Dalia ♥️
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Refering to this ask meme.
Two people asked about Dalia! I'm so happy you guys like my girl~ Thank you two! <3 Time to gush and share some info about her, then!
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The reason why I made her so down to earth and logical, even if she's not that serious, is as a reference to the movie and the books. Dinah is always seen at the start of the story with Alice. And, as she starts to "leave towards wonderland", Dinah always stays back in reality.
Her art is mostly drawings and paintings, but she also has quite a love for sculpture. So she does sometimes make weird nonsensical sculptures as well! It's way more involved and takes more time and materials, so that's why she doesn't do it as often.
The reason why she strongly dislikes bullies (aside from the general reason one might dislike them) is because of her love for her sister Ada. She was always a weird kid who would tell fantastic tales and unbelievable facts just for fun. But some of the other kids did not appreciate it and called her a "liar" and made fun of her being "out of touch with reality". That made Ada quite sad, even if she did not let others see it. But Dalia did, being so close to her, and became really protective of her sister. So now, when she sees someone getting bullied, she can't help but get mad and defend that person too.
Related to the last point, Dalia is not someone who you'll see mad almost ever. She's really chill and takes everything with humor. But seeing bullies or having someone hurt her family or dear friends will incur her wrath. She'll mostly use harsh words against whoever made her mad. But, if she does need to defend herself in a more forward manner, she won't hesitate to use her UM to show horrible images to the other person, to intimidate and scare them.
Her physical strenght and stamina are not that good. She's more of a studious and intellectual kind of person and she always uses that to her advantage instead. That does not mean she's extremelly weak physically, but she'd much rather sit down and chill or take a leisure walk than do any kind of sport/excercise.
She actually really likes fashion and has a quite active magicam account. She does not apply fashion trends/advice to herself that much, so she's often just liking and commenting other people's posts. The type of pics you can see on her account are cute selfies of her outfit for the day (if she's not wearing her uniform), cute hairstyles she's trying out, food or snacks she's eating that day and, of course, pictures of her art (only the ones she deems decent, though!).
She prefers wearing skirts and dresses over pants pretty much always. The few exceptions to this are PE class and when she takes part of the Horseback Riding club activities. She could ride with a side saddle, but she prefers the regular saddle.
In her canon timeline she attends my friend's fanschool @amanilla-arts-academy but I do enjoy indulging in an AU where she goes to NRC quite often too. I've only shared a couple drawings of that in here before, but I have quite some thoughts and info on that myself. If anyone is interested, I could share some of that too~
And I think that's enough rambling hahaah Thanks again for the asks!! <3
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eirasummersart · 2 years
Dalia ❄- What is this oc's favorite and least favorite food?
Refering to this post! Thanks for the ask <3
I actually got down and thought of this not long ago, so I have the info ready! :D
Dalia's fav food is sushi. I wanted to make it some "fish" dish but not plain fish, so sushi it is~~
And then, Dalia's least fav food is any kind of salad. She does try to eat healthy, but is not too fond of veggies. Specially in salad format hahah
That's all~~ <3 Thanks again! :D
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eirasummersart · 2 years
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This is from @chervill for this OC Challenge~
She requested no. 19 "Good or evil swap". I was kind of at a lost of what to do aslkhfksal So I kinda did it like this.
For context, Dalia can make really vivid and real illusions with her UM, after she draws something she can make other "see it" in a way. So I thought evil Dalia would make really disturbing and scary illusions just to scare people. She'd be showing them true horrors while she laughs about it in their faces asflkhsaklf
Also lowkey inspired by this song~
I'm not good with horror or anything like that, so I'm sorry to all horror fans hahaha
And feel free to request more for the OC challenge! :D
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"Calm down, everyone has a 'giant streak of paint across your finished canvas' moment at least once. Don't cry, I'll fix it for you!"
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Introducing: Pia Luto, dorm leader of Coronaea, twisted from Pascal of Tangled!
Year: Second
Age: 17
Personal Focus: Oil painting
Unique Magic: Painter's Palette - Pia can change the color of anything, including herself
Fun Facts:
Pia's UM activates automatically when she feels strong emotions, making her one of the easiest people to read ever
She sleeps with a sun-shaped nightlight
Picrew Link
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