#Corperate Spy Au
angstymdzsthoughts · 8 months
Corporate Espionage AU
You know the power of rumours. Like a celebrity is accused of something and it gets cleared up but nobody believes that? When their achievements are mentioned and people comment about how shitty they were, allegedly?
So, when the CE scandal is leaked, Wangxian’s second child was only a couple of months old. Feeling betrayed by WWX, LWJ gives the go ahead to Meng Yao’s scheme of a smear campaign against WWX. MY goes one step further and pays multiple people to make false accusations against WWX.
When the truth comes out, wwx is long dead with no body, no tombstone to be found. Feeling immensely guilty, the lans try to restore his image and clear his name. They’re even willing to pay the double amount to the people hired by MY and have them take back their statements.
Somehow it gets leaked that lans are paying these people. It only worsens wwx’s name. Nobody believes he’s innocent. Not even wangxian’s second child.
As they were growing up, they were taught to hate their ma, now their father wants them to love their ma? They’re confused. Their friends in the school mock them, their family has changed tunes. They don’t understand nor do they want to. A lifetime of hatred doesn’t go away so easily.
Lwj is devastated. How can he change the world’s mind when he failed with his child. His and wei Ying’s child. The same child who naw hates their ma. Still he pleads with them, “please get to know your ma. You’ll realise he was the loveliest, kindest and smartest person I had even known. You’ll love him. Just get to know him”
Their child’s words stop him in his tracks “how do you even get to know a dead person? Whose words should I believe? Yours? How? It was you who taught me to hate him!”
The Lans: Well, well... if it isnt the consequences of our actions.
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not-that-dillinger · 6 months
Ed's TRON 2.0 AU
Also known as Ed's misadventures in the Grid
so... This idea came up in an RP, and I kinda like it? Idk. Some day I will give Ed something to be happy about in his backstory, but that day is not today.
Any way a big part of Ed's background is that his father threatened to kidnap him if he refused to work for Sr. But what if SR didn't threaten?
The thing is, he paid for Ed's college education expecting Ed to work for fCon when he graduated. Instead, Ed essentially cut ties and went to go work for fCons largest competitor. At first, he gave Ed the option to be a corporate spy, but when it becomes clear Ed has no interest in that, he figured if Ed won't be useful, he might as well make him useful... by letting him be the first (second after Thorne???) test subject for fCon's attempt at the digitization technology.
Regardless, if Dillinger Sr. kidnapped him, at this point in Ed's life, he's been at Encom a short enough time and holds a position low enough that nobody would really bat an eye at his disappearance beyond the necessary paperwork to hire someone to replace him.
There are SO MANY ways this could go.
If he's the first, before they realized they needed Ma3a (YORI??? WHAT HAPPENED TO YORI? FUCK IT IN THIS VERSION IT'S YORI IF NOT BOTH), Ed likely gets corrupted and is trapped as such in the computer. Unless someone (Lora?) with experience with the laser finds him and recruits probably a whole hospital's worth of doctors to help restore him, he's likely to just... haunt the system as a user-program eldritch horror. There's a lot of fun themes about what it is to be human that could be explored here.
If fCon got a hold of Yori, he could either be kidnapped and digitized in addition to, or instead of Alan.
If it's instead of Alan, there's very little chance of anyone realizing what happened. Dillinger Sr. would very likely try to contain Ed, and maybe for a while he would succeed, but eventually Ed, determined not to end up in the situation he'd grown up in again, would manage to escape containment. Even then, the chances of returning to the other side of the screen are uncertain. More likely, he just wanders around the system, maybe he ends up staying to cause chaos on fCon's server, maybe he tries to get back to Encom to just live out the rest of his life as a digital being. Maybe Yori finds him and helps him get out once they both get back to Encom's server.
If Alan is also kidnapped and the events of 2.0 play out, then it's possible Jet may find him and they could escape together. This could be either the beginning of a very strong friendship or bitter rivalry. Either way, this scenario is the one where he's most likely to escape back to the other side of the screen.
There are several end scenarios in the event that Ed does make it back, regardless of the path it took to get there.
The fist is the status quo remains (mostly) unchanged. Ed goes back to working for Encom, he files for a restraining order on his father, maybe he's friends with Alan and Jet, maybe he's not. He knows what fCon is up to, and is quietly trying to foil the rest of their plans with Alan and Jet.
Dillinger Sr. catches wind that they're about to escape and arrives just after they've made it back to the other side. That mishap that happened to Lora in the 2.0 timeline? It doesn't happen to Lora. Maybe it's a mishap, maybe it's not, but the laser fires, and Dillinger Sr. is caught in it. Maybe Dillinger Sr. is corrupted, maybe he's not. regardless, he's put on a portable storage device. There's a chance that fCon crumbles once Dillinger Sr. is gone, but if it doesn't, it's no longer the Evil Corperation of Evil any more. Just another competitor. Ed keeps the portable drive locked in a desk drawer or firebox, labeled clearly DO NOT OPEN. Ed sleeps a little easier, though he still fears someone getting ahold of the drive and unwittingly freeing Dillinger Sr.
The laser misfires. When the local authorities arrive and Ed, Alan, and Jet give their statements, there are no charges. It was an accident, or it was self defense, though it may take a while to convince everyone when Dillinger Sr.'s death hits the news.
Ed is finally safe and his father will never be able to control him again, but it will be a while before Ed can sleep without dreaming of his father's charred remains.
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person-behind-books · 3 years
going through the “Corperate Spy AU” tag on @angstymdzsthoughts and like I normally love LWJ and Wangxian but right now I’m just like “Bitch Suffer” @ LWJ and “Yes hun, cut that bitch out of your life you don’t need them, they need you” @ wwx
what are you doing to me @angstymdzsthoughts ? what are you doing!? you’re turning me against characters I love and I can’t stop crawing more
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
Corporate Spy AU: Wei Wuxian marries Wen Qing after the scandal/divorce/prison, only so they have the legal right to stay together (plus Wen Ning, obviously). Nie Huaisang is an occasional visitor, but rarely talks about what they call WWX's "past life" after he notices it causes them distress. And then one day he arrives and says "I brought a visitor", and there's A-Yuan, right there, fury and determination written all over his face, no longer a child but not quite a teenager yet.
So A-Yuan looks up at WWX, WQ, and WN, and he says "I believed you. I believed you but it didn't matter, because they wanted me to testify in court but wouldn't listen to any thoughts of my own. I'm tired of this life, I just want to go to school like a normal kid, draw in the evenings with my Baba, find who my birth family was because no one else will tell me." And he starts to cry because, "How do I do it? How do I make things right for you and save myself? How?"
And WWX takes a deep breath, and looks at the child that he hasn't seen in years, and gives him a big hug, and whispers, "I don't know. Maybe I've never known. But your Xian-gege is here now, it'll be okay." And slowly, it starts to be. A-Yuan (and Jingyi and Jin Ling and Zizhen) made friends with A-Qing, WWX's niece (through Xiao Xingchen), so they use that as a cover story to visit. No one at WWX's "old life" knows, until the scandal breaks wide open, and A-Yuan, now 18, is missing in the aftermath.
That's not the only thing though, everything WWX ever worked on for the company is missing. And he did a lot, little errands and fixing problems and generally making everything easier, and that plus the scandal means that Gusu Lan just lost so much work. Then they discover a neat stack of files in WWX's old office, legal notices that means they can't actually do anything to get the work back, because it wasn't theirs.
At first they think WWX did it, but NHS just waves his fan, smiles with the edge of a blade because his revenge isn't complete, not yet, and says, "Oh it wasn't him, he's been with his wife the past few months. He hasn't been back in Gusu for decades." And no one knows what to do with that.
A year later, a nonprofit organization opens in Yiling, providing millions of dollars worth of help to anyone. It's led by Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, with Wen Qing as their resident doctor/medical expert, Wen Ning as their lawyer (he wrote the legal notices), and Wei Wuxian doing what he loves, leading the teams that provide services. And then there's A-Yuan, who's not sure what he's going to do now that he isn't part of Gusu Lan anymore, but who helps take care of the people who come for help.
When Lan Wangji tries to contact Wei Wuxian, he discovers that after he was released from prison, WWX filed a restraining order (not quite that, but similar) against almost everyone from his "past life". No one can reach him anymore, and he's happy that way.
Bonus plot twist if Wen Rouhan is that Asshole Uncle who's undeniably an asshole but also surprisingly useful, and he helped A-Yuan take back all of WWX's work. The Wen family (minus Wen Chao who is just,,,, no) also help fund the nonprofit :D
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
Corporate spy au, LSZ is in high school when it happens. He begs the Lans, his father to believe wwx, but they don't and wwx leaves w/o much fuss
Time passes, lsz goes to college. The scandal breaks.
Lwj tries to contact wwx but can't. Neither can anyone else
It's a coincidence really, that he was near campus that day. It's a coincidence he passes the cafe they first met, that he looks on the window and sees wwx and lsz talking
Lwj looks at his son and his lover, he looks at his family and realises there's no place for him in it
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
corporate spy!au what if wwx doesn't die, but jgy takes him as a hostage and threatens to kill him if they don't let him go. (i couldn't handle the major character death)
Detectives go to search Jin Guangyao's house in search of more incriminating evidence. Not the home he shared with his husband Lan Xichen but a remote cabin that had been left to him by his father. They find enough to put Jin Guangyao away for life, but the biggest find was a man left to die inside a locked room resembling a dungeon.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
Hey Hello
About spy! Au. What if WWX remarries a couple of years after the divorce?
When the truth about his innocence comes out, he is married again, maybe WN?
WRH maintains WWX without knowing the new information about the case so that he is happy with his nephew, when A-Yuan looks for his father or LWJ for his ex, WRH tells them that WWX is forming a new life and does not need that remains of his previous family who abandoned him
WWX never finds out that he was found innocent or if he finds out, he doesn't know why even A-Yuan has tried to look for him, but he thinks he no longer remembers him, so he doesn't seek to meet him either
It would be a big twist if it turned out Wen Ruohan gave Jin Guangyao the order to frame Wei Wuxian so he could snatch him up while he’s at his lowest and bring him into his own family.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
For the corporate spy!AU. After WWX is framed and the divorce is settled, he finds himself blacklisted from getting a job. That, plus the parental alienation (LWJ has primary custody of LSZ), Jiang's disownment, and generally being a social pariah leads WWX to decide to move overseas and start over. He packs up his life and moves in with his old friends Wen Ning and Wen Qing. He's sad to leave his son behind, but he can tell staying would hurt LSZ more, considering all the lies told to him (1/?)
Corporate spy!AU. WWX decides to change careers in his new country, and with his savings and WQ's help, goes to medical school. During the 13 years before JGY gets caught, WWX graduates with honors and takes a position as a doctor at a remote research facility, and only stays in contact with WN and WQ. When JGY's lies are revealed, he so far out of contact that he doesn't even hear about it, and it takes LWJ another 3 years to get into contact with him. WWX is confused when he does (2/?)
Corporate spy!AU. "Why are you bothering me now?" is the first thing WWX asks LWJ once he's tracked down. LWJ wants to marry him again, and during the 3 yrs he's been looking for WWX, LWJ and his family (LQR, LXC, LSZ), the Jiangs, and everyone from their old social group have worked up a fantasy that WWX will forgive them and marry LWJ again. WWX thinks this is his only chance to have a relationship with his son, and with so much social pressure, he agrees to move back and marry again. (3/?)
Corporate spy!AU. But WWX doesn't love LWJ like he did before, and he's still constantly waiting for someone to stab him in the back like last time. He gets a job as a doctor, keeps finances completely separate, and tries to keep himself apart from the Lans, Jiangs, and everyone else. LWJ worries constantly that his love will leave again, and showers him with gifts, anything to show his love, but others pressure LSZ to guilt WWX not to leave. They're constantly scrutinized and miserable. (4/?)
Corporate spy!AU. Then something happens at the company which WWX would have been able to prevent if he still worked there, and LQR and Mdm Yu make it apparent that they blame him for it. WWX has been the scapegoat before and isn't interested, and LSZ is leaving for college, so he decides to do charity doctor work overseas. LWJ is furious and the Lans and Jiangs all fight about WWX being driven away again. The fighting leads WWX to decide to stay away longer, and get a divorce again. (5/5)
The car ride home from Lan Qiren's office is tense and quiet, as things normally are between the two of them without Lan Sizhui around. 'A marriage only in name' is what Lan Xichen had called them last month. Lan Wangji had silently agreed but he had no right to complain about his marital troubles, not when he had been the cause of them.
Wei Wuxian laughing quietly make him turn to look at him. "I am blamed when I work for them and I am blamed when I don't work for them... Isn't that funny, Lan Zhan?"
He had gotten a call from Yu Ziyuan more then an hour ago, screaming about an issue with a business deal between the Jiang and Lan corporations. She hadn't given him much chance to get a word in and had placed the blame of the failed deal firmly on Wei Wuxian. She hadn't stopped until Wei Wuxian hung up and blocked her calls. Shortly after both of them were summoned to Lan Qiren's office. He was just as angry as Yu Ziyuan and held Wei Wuxian responsible as well. Lan Wangji had stayed quiet while his uncle lashed out at his husband, unable to say anything in Wei Wuxian's defense.
Now, driving home afterwards, Wei Wuxian looked more then defeated.
He gave an exhausted sigh, not looking at Lan Wangji when he said "I can't do this again, Lan Zhan."
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
I want nothing but modern AU, where LWJ&WWX are married like LXC&MY. Despite the fact that MY is bethrothed to First Jade, he is secretly working on Jin Corporation. One day Lans corporation data leaked and MY make everyone believe that this is WWX's fault. WWX is expelled from clan, LWJ is disappointed and don't believe WWX words about his innocence. 13 years after that truth comes out, but it's too late for LWJ now. WWX doesn't want to see him anymore. Sorry for my terrible english, btw.
(That was terrible english????)
He and LWJ had been apart far longer then they were together. Four years married, thirteen years divorced. Their adopted son was the only thing connecting them and Lan Wangji normally sends his brother or uncle to drop off and pick up Lan Yuan from Wei Wuxian on the weekends he has him. Every event their son has is carefully planned so Lan Wangji doesnt need to see the horrible man who betrayed his trust and almost ruined his family's company. Wei Wuxian has made his peace with this way of life.
And then a scandal.
Jin Guangyao, a corperate spy for his father that had already invaded the companies of Wen, Nie, Lan, and several smaller familys. The story is blown wide open and a string of other dirty secrets soon follow. Accusations of murder, arson, fraud and more. The news anchor is saying how neither the Lan or Jin have put forward a statement when Wei Wuxian changes the channel.
Lan Wangji shows up at the front door of his apartment a few hours later looking as perfectly presentable as always. His eyes grow wet when he looks at Wei Wuxian.
"Wei Ying..."
"Your brother told me that he would be picking Yuan up for school on Monday. I imagin you're going to be busy for a few days trying to figure out how much Jin Guangyao leaked, so do you want me to keep Yuan for the rest of the week?"
Lan Wangji's voice trembles when he says "Wei Ying, please..."
"I know he's a teenager," Wei Wuxian continues, ignoring him. "But it might be best for him to avoid being around all that madness. The last thing I want is for lawers and reporters to harass him for a statement they can use."
Lan Wangji reaches out to him. Wei Wuxian isn't sure what his ex husband had been hoping to do exactly, but he slapped the hand away anyway. "Dont."
"I... I'm sorry, Wei Ying."
"You should be, that was rude of you, Lan Wangji. So am I keeping our son for the rest of the week or not?"
Lan Wangji looks close to tears. "Whatever you want..."
"Alright. Hes already asleep so I'll let him know in the morning. Next time something like this happens please just call or text. Goodnight Lan Wangji."
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
Corporate spy!AU addition01 Prison sentence of over 13 years for a white collar crime seems just too unrealistic, unless he has stolen billions and they were tracked down to his name. So maybe WWX served about 5 years. He had no visitors during his time there, not even NHS, because he believed the lies at first. JGY crimes however were so much more. Embezzlement, theft, espionage, arson, multiple murders. He is going behind the bars for life.
Corporate spy!AU addition02 WWX was disowned by the Jiangs when he was framed. Jins treated to break of the engagement between JYL and JZX. As if Madame Yu was not outraged enough, she immediately had him disowned publicly. Most painful of all: JWY truly believed the slander and lies and was utterly vicious to WWX even after he was released from prison. While he was in jail JGY murdered JYL&JZX, could not pin it on WWX but as an accident (gotta get rid of legitimate heirs).
Corporate spy!AU addition03 After prison he was left all alone. He was refused any visitation rights, in court it was obvious LQR and JGY turned A-Yuan against him, child was downright cruel. WWX soldiered on with a broken heart, through the years he slowly rebuilt his life; after all he was still highly intelligent, hardworking, beautiful and charming. He built a new home for himself and even a small new family. I'm thinking widower Song Lan taking care of A-Qing.
Corporate spy!AU addition04 WWX and SL found comfort and companionship at first. And then even love and passion. Most of all: Loyalty and trust. So when LWJ came with his tail between his legs he was promptly asked to leave and not cast shadows upon the shelter WWX has finally gained. Lan Yuan is angry and regretful, blaming LQR and his uncle. He is jealous of A-Qing, seeing how she is pampered and loved while he lives with a cold father and rigid and cruel rules every day.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
Hi... umm
Can i ask about the wangxian corporate spy au?
Is it a prompt or is there a fic about it?
Both? Kind of? It started as a prompt [here] and then it got a few fics based off it [here] [here] and [here]
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
Corporate spy au
WWX refuses to let his life be ruined without a fight.
After Lan Wangji divorces him, he goes on a search to find out who did leak the information. With the help of NHS (JGY has been messing with his company too, so he takes this opportunity) he eventually tracks it all down to JGY, and because he’s so smart he makes sure to get proof.
However before he can tell anybody, JGY has already sent someone to get rid of him.
The Lans are never informed of WWXs death so they all just think he ran away and went into hiding. It’s not until 13 years later when the truth is revealed, and Lan Wangji is desperate and searching that he finds out WWX had been dead the entire time.
No one really questioned why Wei Wuxian just vanished from their lives one day. The divorce was finalized, Lan Wangji was given full custody of Lan Yuan, the Jiang family had disowned him, and Wei Wuxian really didn’t have much reason to stick around. Everyone just assumed that he had quietly moved away and started a new life.
If Lan Wangji had a habit of searching for his ex husband on social media sites then that was no ones business but his.
But then Jin Guangyao was exposed and Wei Wuxian’s name was among his victims.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
I was thinking about the corporate spy au but the ending where wwx has been dead for the past 13 years, I can't get the image of lwj going to see jgy in prison and demanding to know how and why and only getting that dimpled smile in response. The silence is deafening and finally lwj can't take it any more and goes to leave, but as he's about to walk out all he hears is a soft, "If only you had heard how he called for you."
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
I just read it and I loved it! They really did the original post justice and its only chapter one! I cant wait till read more of it. Highly recommend this one.
"Wei Ying-" Lan Zhan says, stutters, "I'm sorry." 
And now Wei Wuxian sees it, the red rimming Lan Zhan's eyes, the rumpled edges of his blazer. There is an old, familiar urge for him to reach over, to hold Lan Zhan's hand and smooth his hair, to tell him that everything will be fine. 
"We're all a bit sorry about this, I think," he says instead, and finds that he means it. For Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji and everyone else in that Guanyin temple, the pain must be unbearably fresh, like skin just flayed open. But Wei Wuxian's chest had been cracked open a long time ago, his wounds licked and cauterized and sewn shut over five long years - Ever hurting, but a dull, constant ache, "It's really alright, Lan Zhan."
Five years after being accused of corporate espionage and losing everything, the Guanyin Scandal breaks open and Wei Wuxian finds a familiar face at his door.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
Corporate spy!au: For years, A-Yuan was frustrated. He knew that the man who raised him with so much love and care is innocent, yet his other father always shut him down when he tried to defend him, uncle and granduncle dismissing him as a naive child. He should've been happy when the truth came out, but why is everything even a bigger mess? His dad is mostly the same, maybe a bit more tired, while his father is a shadow of a person. What is he supposed to do?
Lan Yuan dosen't understand what happened for a long time. He has distant memories of an ideal childhood and a few heated arguments muffled by his bedroom walls and then his distress seeing his dad cry while packing boxes. He remembers asking why Dad couldnt live at home anymore but his father would never answer and would look so sad and eventually Lan Yuan stopped asking.
Even into his preteen years the reason for his parents divorce was never mentioned. Grand Uncle would say little, unkind comments about his dad but never enough to paint a solid picture since one look from Father would silence him.
He was seventeen when his dad sat him down and finally told him about the leaked information more then a decade ago, the way that the evidence pointed at Wei Wuxian, and the speedy divorce that followed. When he was done Sizhui asked "But did you do it?"
He almost regretted asking after his dad looked so sad. "No, of course I didnt. Why would I want to hurt my family and Lan Zhan like that?"
Sizhui only pondered the question for a moment. If one thing can be said about his dad its that he loves his family more then anything. The man had tried to give up his appendix after his uncles had bursted and felt horribly guilty when he was told they weren't compatible. It's difficult to think the same person would sell out his husbands company secrets.
"Ok, I believe you, Dad."
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angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
Corporate spy!AU: LZ shut down contact with WY, because he'd known, if he saw WY deny everything with tears in his eyes again, he'd believe him. He'd be just like his father, blinded by love. Like his uncle and brother said it always was when it came to WY. He'd miss and resent his ex everyday, but think he made the right choice. Revelation was devastating. WY might hate him forever, but he'll never stop trying to make up for the pain he caused, even if WY doesn't forgive him till they die
I feel like Qiren and Xichen had a lot of 'divorce would be best for you and A-Yuan' talks with Wangji when it first happened. They genuinely did belive it too and both have their own regrets after Jin Guangyao is exposed.
Now Im thinking of Lan Wangji trying to support Wei Wuxian financially and Wei Wuxian doesnt take it well.
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