#Course à Pied
cherusque · 1 year
Fanny Fernandez 🇫🇷
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mdameninie · 6 months
10 conseils pour les débutants en course à pied : comment commencer du bon pied
Je vous l’avais dit, ça ne sera pas le seul article sur la course à pied sur mon blog. Après avoir lu 10 bienfaits de la course à pied, on va passer aux personnes qui sont désireuses de faire de la course à pied et j’avoue que j’aurais aimé à obtenir ses conseils avant de commencer à courir sur la route. 1. Fixez des objectifs réalisables : Avant de commencer à courir, définissez des objectifs…
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fitnessmith · 1 year
La testostérone : Ce que tout sportif devrait savoir
NOUVEAU 👉 La testostérone : Ce que tout sportif devrait savoir
Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de la testostérone, cette hormone clé pour les sportifs. Mais saviez-vous que le sport peut influencer son niveau ? 1. Baisse après un effort intensif : Des recherches montrent que les hommes qui s’entraînent intensivement peuvent voir leur niveau de testostérone au repos diminuer. Imaginez cela comme une batterie qui se vide après une longue séance de sport. 2.…
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hcdahlem · 1 year
L’été en poche (36): Quatre heures, vingt-deux minutes et dix-huit secondes
L’été en poche se poursuit avec ce roman joyeusement ironique. Lionel Shriver y raconte comment un sexagénaire se lance le défi de finir un marathon alors qu'il n'est guère sportif. Face aux yeux effarés de son épouse, il va s'entêter...
En deux mots Devant les yeux incrédules de son épouse Serenata, Remington annonce qu’il a l’intention de courir un marathon. Comme le sexagénaire n’est pas vraiment un sportif, elle s’imagine que cette lubie va lui passer. Mais non seulement il persiste, mais va vouloir en faire encore davantage. Ma note ★★★★ (j’ai adoré) Si vous voulez en savoir plus… Ma chronique complète publiée lors de la…
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hopefuless · 1 year
Comment choisir sa veste coupe-vent pour courir ?
Lorsque vous aimez courir en extérieur, la météo peut rapidement devenir un obstacle à votre pratique. En effet, le froid, le vent ou la pluie peuvent vite devenir un frein à votre motivation. C’est pourquoi, une veste coupe-vent est souvent un élément essentiel pour pouvoir continuer à courir tout en restant protégé. Mais comment choisir la bonne veste pour courir, parmi la multitude de modèles…
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lessecretsducoureur · 2 years
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monlivrepratique · 1 year
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var-83-tv · 2 years
Première soirée dans la nuit où s'est déroulée une course à pied et une randonnée dans la nuit tout en haut du château de
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cherusque · 2 years
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Fanny Fernandez 🇫🇷
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mdameninie · 7 months
10 bienfaits de la course à pied
Premier article d’une longue série, je l’espère que le blog. Si vous me suiez sur mon Instagram, je parle de plus en plus de course à pied. Et ce qui est tout à fait normal, j’en pratique régulièrement à mon niveau certes mais j’essaie de me lancer des défis avec souvent une médaille de finisher à la clé.Bref, je ne suis pas là pour vous parler de moi mais, des bienfaits de la course à pied et au…
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Quelle est la vitesse moyenne idéale pour un débutant en course à pied ?
Quelle est la vitesse moyenne idéale pour un débutant en course à pied ? Saviez-vous que près d’une personne sur trois qui commence la course à pied, abandonne au bout de 6 mois ? [1] Et à votre avis, quelle est la raison principale de ces abandons ?Personnellement, j’aurais dit que ces personnes abandonnent suite à une perte de motivation. Mais non, en réalité près de la moitié de ces abandons…
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fitnessmith · 1 year
L’importance de la force musculaire pour l'endurance ( et dans la vie )
NOUVEAU 👉 L’importance de la force musculaire
Aujourd’hui, je vais parler de musculation et de cardio, pour répondre à la question d’un abonné. Je vais vous montrer les liens possibles entre la pratique de la musculation et de la prise de force pour améliorer son cardio et sa vie de tous les jours. Selon une étude intitulée “L’importance de la force musculaire : considérations pour l’entraînement” publiée dans le Sports Medicine volume 48,…
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abdou-lorenzo · 7 months
La vie n'est jamais une course. Il faut juste s'asseoir au pied du chêne, et regarder sur les flots du lac, le poisson qui va venir s'attraper à l'hameçon de son désir......💞✨✨
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hopefuless · 1 year
Comment choisir le portefeuille idéal pour aller courir ?
Si vous êtes un passionné de course à pied, vous savez à quel point il est important d’avoir les bons équipements pour une expérience de course agréable et réussie. Mais il est également important de savoir comment emporter vos affaires personnelles avec vous lorsque vous vous entraînez. C’est là que les portefeuilles pour la course deviennent très utiles. Dans cet article, nous allons examiner…
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sainzfilm · 2 years
🌟🌅 serendipity - charles leclerc 🌅🌟
summary: a year ago, meeting a stranger at the eiffel tower on christmas eve and spending the night together sounded something out of a film. would the two of you find each other again the next year despite not knowing each other’s name?
taglist: @svechyaho @squderia @idkiwantchocolatee @koufaxx @melonunicornbby @myescapefromthislife @leclerclvr @slut-era @pachiibatt @clcspeonies @estevries @sidcrosbyspuck @barzysreputation @uhhevie @verclercswiftie @mick2mercedes @mehrmonga
check out my winter wonderland celebration!
Turning to the Monégasque seated beside you on the field in front of the Eiffel tower, “You know you’re not bad company.”
“Of course I’m not,” Charles grinned, taking a bite of his croissant, “This is a unique way to spend Christmas eve with a complete stranger.”
“Hm, strangers?” You raised an eyebrow, sipping your coffee, “I wouldn’t share some pastries with a stranger.”
Charles shrugged with a teasing smile, turning his attention back to the sight before him, “We don’t know each other’s names though.”
“And it’s better for it to stay that way,” You replied nonchalantly, setting your cup down on the field, “No strings at all.”
Exhaling the night breeze, Charles took a quick glance at you, a bittersweet feeling in his heart, “If we find each other again, you must tell me your name.”
“Okay, deal,” You nodded, reaching your hand out with a small smile, “Who knows if we actually would?”
Charles smiled, shaking your hand and feeling his heart pick up its pace, “All I can do is hope.”
Hurriedly exiting the plane, you muttered apologies to the people you’ve accidentally bumped into. Taking a flight on Christmas eve was not a brilliant idea, but you would be lying if you said that a certain Monégasque wasn’t your reason as to why you’re currently in Paris again.
“So glad I packed light,” You mumbled, rushing out to the taxi bay and getting into one quickly, “A la Tour Eiffel très vite, s'il vous plait.” To the Eiffel tower quickly, please.
As the taxi driver drove, you looked out the window and nervously played with the strap of your backpack. Was it the correct decision to follow your gut feeling that he might be there?
“Ah, merde,” The driver groaned, shaking his head and looking at you in the rearview mirror, “Nous sommes entrés dans la circulation, mademoiselle.” Ah, fuck. We’ve gone into traffic, miss.
“Shit,” You mumbled, running a hand down your face and turning your attention to him, “Combien de temps pensez-vous que ce sera?” How long do you think this will be?
Clicking his tongue, he sighed, “Pas certain. C'est probablement le trafic de Noël.” Not sure. It’s probably Christmas traffic.
Quickly glancing at the clock, you impatiently tapped your foot. It’s an hour until Christmas – you’re definitely not going to make it from the way the cars are situated right now.
Leaning over the console from behind, you turned your attention to the driver, “Voici l'argent, j'y vais à pied. Joyeux noël!” Here’s the money, I’m getting there by foot. Merry Christmas!
Without another word, you grabbed your backpack and got out of the taxi, running to the Eiffel tower as fast as your feet could bring you.
“Oh, please be there,” You breathed out, spotting the landmark not far from where you were, “God, please.”
It took you a few more minutes before you leaned over your knees, breathing heavily on the sidewalk near the Eiffel tower. You looked down at your watch – 11:58 pm. Two minutes to spare, he probably would’ve left if he even came.
Walking over to the spot the two of you stayed at, you sighed and crossed your arms, staring at the Eiffel tower and hearing people greeting each other.
Frowning in confusion, you got a glimpse of a familiar brunette a few meters away from you. You immediately pushed past a bunch of people, profusely apologizing in case you’d ruin their night, before you reached out to tap him on the shoulder, “Excuse me?”
“Hm?” The guy turned around, raising an eyebrow, “Can I help you?”
“Oh, sorry,” You stuttered, smiling sheepishly and backing off, “You just…looked like someone I knew.”
You walked off before you could hear the stranger’s response, sitting down on the spot and pulling out a bag of Twizzlers and munching on them in sadness, “Merry fucking Christmas, Y/N. All alone.”
Feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket, you pulled it out and answered it, putting it to your ear, “Hello?”
“Merry Christmas, my darling best friend!” Lily exclaimed, “How’s Paris? Have you found him?”
“Merry Christmas, lovely,” You laughed softly, continuously munching on your Twizzlers, “I just ran a few kilometers to the Eiffel tower. It was traffic, and no, he isn’t here. I’m sadly munching on my Twizzlers.”
“Since when have you become athletic for a man?” She laughed, laying in bed, “Hey, no negativity! Maybe he’ll come…or you could return later afternoon.”
“I just – he was really nice, you know?” You muttered, resting your chin on your knees, “I could just take a roundtrip back so we could spend the holidays together.”
Lily scoffed, shaking her head, “No no! Just stay put over there, if it’s destiny then it’s destiny.”
“Maybe it’s not destiny,” You rolled your eyes, drinking from your bottle of water, “What if it was a one time thing? Just the universe playing tricks on me.”
“Trust me, Y/N,” Lily replied softly, “I have a good feeling he could come. I’ll go ahead now, okay? A bit knackered.”
Sighing in response, you looked around and chewed on the inside of your cheek, “Okay then. I love you, Lils. I’ll see you soon.”
As you shoved your phone back inside your bag, you hummed to yourself and mentally preparing yourself for the best and worst. People were starting to clear out, going back to their homes for some sweet rest, which you were hoping you could have.
Checking your watch for the nth time tonight, you shrugged and picked your bag up, turning to look at the Eiffel tower with a small smile, you frowned as you felt someone tap you on the shoulder.
Turning around, you froze in your place from utter disbelief from the sight before you, “It’s…you.”
“It’s me,” Charles nodded, a small smile forming on his lips, “You…came.”
Laughing softly, you hugged yourself from the cold night breeze, “I did, and so did you.”
“I just wanted to see you again,” Charles shyly admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, “A deal’s a deal.”
“So, what now…” You trailed off, swaying back and forth, “Mister?”
“I’m Charles. Charles Leclerc,” He smiled, holding his hand out, “And you are?”
Shaking his hand, you could feel your heart pick up its pace – the same feeling Charles got a year back, “Nice to meet you, Charles. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“This feels like some kind of fever dream,” Charles chuckled, putting his hands inside his pockets, “I never thought you’d come.”
“Not to be weird or anything but,” You bit your lip, uncontrollably smiling, “I do want to share pastries and coffee with you again. And probably a few more times.”
Charles felt his face turn red from what you had just admitted, he smiled to himself, “Isn’t it pretty to think…that all along there was some-”
“Invisible string?” You raised your eyebrows with a smile, “Tying you to me and vice-versa?”
“Something like that,” He shrugged, chuckling to himself and holding a hand out, “Café not as strangers but as Charles and Y/N?”
Nodding as you smiled at the man, who changed your life a year ago, standing in front of you, “That sounds wonderful.”
For people passing by, they couldn’t care any less about the two of you walking hand in hand to a café – the two of you looked like a normal couple, nothing special. But to the both of you? What you had could bloom into possible romance from a serendipitous night that you shared on Christmas eve in the past year.
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