#Cover Stategy
ricardotomasz · 6 months
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Exclusive Insider Info: Discover the 19 Types of Comic Book Covers!
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on http://greaterandgrander.com/exclusive-insider-info-discover-the-7-types-of-comic-book-covers-out-there/
Exclusive Insider Info: Discover the 19 Types of Comic Book Covers!
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Comic book covers are often the first point of contact between readers and the stories contained within. They serve as captivating snapshots of the adventures, characters, and emotions awaiting readers within the pages of these graphic narratives. For both casual readers and dedicated collectors, comic book covers play a pivotal role in shaping perceptions, sparking intrigue, and conveying the essence of each issue. Understanding the significance of comic book covers is essential, as it not only underlines their cultural importance but also highlights the value of optimizing content related to this unique and visually rich medium. In this article, we will explore why comic book covers matter, and what the general composition formats of comic book covers are in use, and what kind of emotions each composition style stirs in a potential customer.
A quick logistical note, there are a lot of images on this page, and several of these comic images are pulled from other websites (rather than our own server) so if some images don't load correctly after a couple of years, our apologies.
Standard Covers vs. Variant Covers
Of these two types, Standard comic book covers and variant comic book covers represent two distinct approaches in the comic book industry, each with its own set of incentives and emotional impact. Standard covers are the primary design intended for the majority of issues, featuring the main storyline or key characters. They establish consistency and brand recognition for the series. On the other hand, variant covers are created to provide collectors and fans with unique and often limited-edition artwork. These variants can range from artistic interpretations of the main characters to thematic tie-ins or even special events.
The incentive for creating variant covers lies in their ability to generate excitement, drive sales, and engage collectors on a deeper level. They tap into the emotional connection readers have with their favorite characters and stories. The hunt for these special covers triggers emotions of anticipation, thrill, and exclusivity, encouraging fans to invest in multiple copies or editions of a single comic book. For publishers and retailers, this strategy can boost sales and create buzz around a particular release, enhancing the overall visibility and desirability of a comic series. In essence, variant covers provide a thrilling and emotionally charged dimension to the comic book collecting experience, making them a valuable asset in the industry.
Below is one example from Marvel's X-Men.
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Splash Page Covers
Splash Page Covers are designed to mimic the style of a splash page within a comic book and hold a unique and compelling role in the world of comic cover art. These covers (often presenting a full-page image that encapsulates a pivotal moment involving multiple characters in the heat of battle) are masterpieces of visual storytelling. They evoke a wide range of emotions in the reader, from awe and excitement to curiosity and anticipation. They serve as eye-catching thumbnails that captivate potential readers browsing online platforms. Splash page covers also effectively communicate the essence and intensity of the comic's storyline, enticing both established fans and newcomers to delve into the issue. When utilized strategically, they increase the discoverability of a comic while fostering an emotional connection that compels readers to explore the narrative behind the striking imagery.
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The Aftermath Cover
The Aftermath comic book cover composition is a visually intense and emotionally charged style that captures the aftermath of a bloody battle or a significant event within the story. These covers depict scenes of destruction, chaos, and the consequences of intense conflicts, evoking a range of emotions, including shock, awe, and a compelling sense of curiosity about the story's resolution. On a crowded shelf, Aftermath covers stand out due to their dramatic and often gruesome imagery, drawing the eye of readers seeking intense and impactful storytelling. This composition is well-suited for stories in genres such as war, post-apocalyptic, and epic fantasy, where significant battles and their consequences are central to the narrative. It also is a good choice for storylines dealing with intense rage and trauma, as it accentuates the effect and destruction that powerful emotions connotate. Aftermath covers serve as a powerful visual teaser, enticing readers to explore the comic's content to discover how these tumultuous events have shaped the characters and the world they inhabit.
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The Minimalist Composition
Minimalist cover composition is a design approach in comic book covers that utilizes simplicity and a reduction in visual elements to create a striking and memorable image. Within this style, there are two noteworthy subsets: the virgin cover and the negative space cover. Virgin covers typically feature artwork without any trade dress, logos, or text, offering a clean, unadulterated view of the cover art. Negative space covers, on the other hand, make clever use of the blank or empty areas on the cover to emphasize the central image or theme, creating a sense of depth and intrigue through what's not shown.
There is also the Textless Cover, which is similar to the Virgin cover but might still have some logos or minor text.
The emotions evoked by minimalist covers are often a sense of mystery, anticipation, and artistic appreciation. They can make a comic stand out on a crowded shelf by drawing attention through their unique and visually striking design. Minimalist covers are particularly well-suited for stories that contain deep, thought-provoking themes, intricate character dynamics, or moments of profound significance. They allow readers to ponder the symbolism and mood of the story without being overwhelmed by excessive detail or distraction. In essence, this composition style complements narratives that are more nuanced, requiring readers to delve deeper into the story's core elements and emotions.
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The Silhouette Composition
The silhouette comic book cover composition is a powerful visual technique that relies on the use of shadow and outlines to create a striking and evocative image. Unlike the minimalist composition, this creates silhouettes with little or no detail to portray the characters. By obscuring the finer details of characters or scenes and emphasizing their silhouettes, this style conveys a sense of mystery, intrigue, and dramatic tension. Silhouette covers evoke emotions of anticipation and curiosity, as they invite readers to explore the hidden narratives waiting within the pages. On a crowded shelf, these covers are eye-catching due to their distinctive and enigmatic qualities. They are particularly well-suited for stories that involve suspense, thriller, and mystery genres, as well as tales with complex character relationships or those that rely on visual metaphors. The silhouette composition excels in piquing the reader's imagination and inviting them to uncover the secrets and emotions hidden within the story.
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Wraparound Covers
The Wraparound cover is a visually captivating design approach in the world of comic book covers. It stands out by extending the artwork across both the front and back covers, creating a seamless, panoramic image that engulfs the entire comic. There can also be a Gatefold cover added (a fold-in going into the first page), creating three panels of artwork. This cover style evokes a sense of grandeur, immersing the reader into the world of the comic before they even open it. The continuous artwork across the entire cover creates a sense of continuity and a heightened anticipation for what lies inside. On a crowded shelf, wraparound covers grab attention through their expansive and immersive visuals, making them particularly effective for grabbing the eye of potential readers. They are a great fit for epic and sprawling narratives, often found in genres like fantasy, science fiction, and superhero comics, as they mirror the scope and scale of the stories they encase. Wraparound covers also work well with comics that have intricate, interconnected plotlines, as they offer a visual representation of the interconnectedness of the narrative elements. Below are some examples from Marvel.
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Connecting Cover Strategy
The connecting comic book cover is a creative and visually engaging approach that allows covers of consecutive issues or different titles to be placed next to each other, forming a larger, continuous image. This composition evokes emotions of anticipation, continuity, and a sense of collecting something special. It encourages readers to invest in the entire series, as they look forward to completing the larger picture and uncovering the narrative it suggests. On a crowded shelf, connecting covers stand out by virtue of their unique and interactive design, inviting readers to explore the ongoing story. This style is well-suited for long-running series, particularly in genres like superhero comics, epic fantasy, or interwoven narratives, where the overarching story benefits from a sense of cohesion and interconnectivity. From a business perspective, connecting covers fosters reader loyalty and increases sales, as collectors are more likely to commit to the entire series to complete the larger image. It's a strategic choice that enhances reader engagement and brand recognition.
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Dead Center Composition
The Dead Center comic book cover composition is a striking visual style that centers the main character on the cover, often against an evocative backdrop. This design captures the reader's attention by putting the protagonist front and center, making it clear who the story revolves around. The emotions evoked by Dead Center covers include a strong connection with the central character, a sense of focus and importance, and an immediate desire to explore the character's journey. On a crowded shelf, these covers stand out by offering a clear and engaging focal point that draws readers in. This composition works exceptionally well with character-driven stories, superhero comics, coming-of-age tales, and personal dramas, as it highlights the character's journey, emotions, and development. Dead Center covers effectively convey the essence of the protagonist's role in the narrative and resonate with readers who seek a strong character connection.
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Mentor Composition
The Mentor comic book cover composition, a variant of the Dead Center style, strategically centers the main character while featuring the mentor figure hovering above them in the top half of the cover. This design invokes a powerful sense of guidance, wisdom, and the passing of knowledge from one generation or character to the next. It evokes emotions of reverence, respect, and the anticipation of a significant mentor-mentee dynamic within the story. On a crowded shelf, this cover stands out through its depiction of this crucial relationship and the promise of character growth and development. The Mentor composition is particularly well-suited for stories across various genres that involve mentorship, whether in fantasy adventures, superhero narratives, sports stories, or coming-of-age tales. It effectively conveys the mentor's influence on the main character's journey and adds depth to the narrative, making it an appealing choice for readers who appreciate meaningful character connections and the transmission of wisdom and experience.
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The Artful Pose Composition
The Artful Pose comic book cover composition is a subtly alluring design that places the main character just off center, depicted in a naturalistic and contemplative pose, often looking away from the viewer. Set against a nebulous, dreamlike backdrop, this style invokes emotions of introspection, mystery, and a sense of enigma. It entices readers to explore the character's inner world and the secrets they may hold. On a crowded shelf, Artful Pose covers stand out by offering a distinct and visually captivating atmosphere that piques curiosity. This composition is particularly well-suited for stories in genres like psychological thrillers, mysteries, and dramas, where the character's inner journey, emotions, and personal evolution play a central role. The Artful Pose cover effectively conveys the complexity and depth of the main character by offering a nebulous background, making it an excellent choice for readers who appreciate narratives that delve into the human psyche and the complexities of personal growth.
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The Foreboding Danger
The foreboding danger cover composition is a masterful visual technique that conveys a palpable sense of impending threat and tension. With the looming threat situated at the top of the composition and the main character positioned off-center, adhering to the rule of thirds, this style creates a dramatic and unbalanced dynamic. It evokes emotions of suspense, unease, and anticipation, compelling readers to explore the comic to understand the looming danger's significance and how the main character will confront it. The cover also often uses a darker color palette to help add to the feelings of dread and unknown danger. On a crowded shelf, these covers excel at capturing attention with their powerful visual storytelling. This composition is ideal for stories within genres like horror, suspense, and thriller, where the narrative revolves around confronting ominous forces or unraveling dark mysteries. Foreboding danger covers draw readers into an atmosphere of imminent peril, igniting their curiosity and desire to uncover the secrets and confrontations that lie within the pages.
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Fractured Composition
The fractured comic book cover is a visually striking and enigmatic style that focuses on a segmented body part(s) or a specific moment in time, deliberately omitting the full character or scene. This composition evokes emotions of suspense, mystery, intrigue, and a strong desire to piece together the fragmented narrative. It entices readers to explore the comic to uncover the missing elements and understand the significance of the chosen framing. On a crowded shelf, fractured covers stand out by offering a visually unique and thought-provoking aesthetic that sparks curiosity. This style is well-suited for stories in genres like psychological thrillers, mysteries, and suspense, where the element of uncertainty and the challenge of piecing together the narrative play a central role. From a business perspective, fractured covers serve as a clever marketing strategy, as they compel readers to engage with the comic on a deeper level, increasing the chances of purchasing and fostering a sense of connection with the story. It adds an element of allure, making the comic more memorable and desirable.
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The Die-Cut Cover
Most early die-cut covers for comic book gimmicks were pretty awful. One of Marvel's very first die-cut covers was on "Fantastic Four" #358, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Fantastic Four, and it was just a simple circle cut into the cover showing the Fantastic Four logo. However, Marvel then followed that up with the much more impressive work later that same year with "Wolverine" #50. The comic cover was designed like it was a file folder, with Wolverine's claws cutting through the file folder. This tied directly in with the storyline going on in Wolverine's title at the time, which had him discover for the first time that he had fake memories. When you opened up the cover, it followed the file motif by showing photographs and paperwork from various pieces of Wolverine's alleged past, all in the folder.
This composition evokes a sense of curiosity, and surprise. Readers are drawn in by the promise of a unique visual experience that transcends the traditional boundaries of a comic book cover. On a crowded shelf, Die-Cut Covers immediately catch the eye due to their tactile and multidimensional appeal. This style is well-suited for stories in genres such as mysteries, thrillers, and science fiction, where the element of surprise and the unveiling of hidden layers enhance the overall storytelling experience. The primary benefit of any of these formats is immersion.
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The Surrealism Cover
The surreal comic book cover composition is a visually captivating and thought-provoking style that pushes the boundaries of reality and conventional imagery. These covers often blend dreamlike, abstract, or fantastical elements to create a sense of otherworldly intrigue. The emotions they evoke range from wonder and fascination to a touch of disorientation, enticing readers to delve into the comic to make sense of the surreal visuals. On a crowded shelf, these covers immediately grab attention due to their unique and unconventional design, making them a compelling choice for readers seeking a departure from the ordinary. This composition is particularly well-suited for stories within genres like fantasy, psychological thrillers, magical realism, and other surrealist genres, where the narrative itself explores themes of the unusual, the metaphysical, or the subconscious. Surreal covers act as a portal to the imaginative and the bizarre, encouraging readers to embark on a journey that challenges their perceptions and ignites their curiosity.
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The Holofoil/Holographic comic book cover is a visually dynamic and attention-grabbing style featuring a shiny, reflective cover that changes appearance when viewed from different angles. This composition evokes a sense of wonder, fascination, and a feeling of owning something truly special and unique. The cover's iridescent quality captivates readers, inviting them to explore the comic with a heightened sense of excitement and movement. Holofoil covers immediately stand out due to their shimmering and ever-changing visuals, as well as their rarity, effectively drawing the eye in a sea of standard covers. This style is versatile and fits well with a variety of stories and genres, from superhero comics to science fiction and fantasy. Their perceived added value makes them attractive to both longtime fans and new readers, driving up demand and making the comic a sought-after collectible. It enhances brand recognition and emphasizes the comic's significance within a series or event, contributing to its overall success.
Unfortunately, still images do not do it justice, making social media promotion more difficult, but here are some examples you might recognize.
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Embossed Cover
Embossed covers use a process that involves raising certain parts of the cover artwork, such as characters or logos, to create a three-dimensional, tactile effect. These raised elements are typically made of paper or other materials, adding texture to the cover. When you run your fingers over an embossed cover, you can feel the raised areas, enhancing the sensory experience. Embossed covers don't typically change in appearance when viewed from different angles, but they provide a tactile element that adds depth to the cover's design.
Embossed comic book covers evoke a tactile sense of fascination and appreciation. When readers run their fingers over the raised elements, they feel a connection to the cover art, creating a tangible engagement that piques curiosity and adds an extra layer of depth to the visual experience. On a crowded shelf, embossed covers immediately capture attention due to their textured and three-dimensional quality, standing out from flatter covers. This style can enhance various genres, but it's particularly effective for stories that involve a strong emphasis on character depth, rich world-building, or stories with intricate details worth exploring.
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Lenticular Cover
Lenticular covers, on the other hand, use a specialized printing process that incorporates a lenticular lens sheet to create the illusion of depth or motion. These covers have a slightly plastic-like appearance and display different images or animations when viewed from different angles. As you tilt or move the comic, the images on the cover change or create a 3D effect. Lenticular covers offer an interactive visual experience, often with multiple images or frames. They are captivating and attention-grabbing due to the dynamic nature of the visuals.
Lenticular comic book covers evoke a sense of wonder and intrigue, enticing readers with their dynamic visuals and the illusion of depth or motion. As readers shift their viewing angle, the cover comes to life, creating a captivating, interactive experience that fosters excitement and curiosity. On a crowded shelf, lenticular covers immediately draw the eye due to their eye-catching, ever-changing visuals. This style is particularly well-suited for stories in genres like science fiction, fantasy, and superhero comics, where the dynamic and visually engaging nature of lenticular covers complements the extraordinary elements and action-packed narratives.
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Sketch Comic Book Cover
The Sketch comic book cover composition is a unique and interactive style that allows artists to provide custom sketches directly on the cover. These covers are often mostly blank, serving as a canvas for personalized artwork. The emotions evoked by Sketch covers are excitement, appreciation for artistry, and a sense of connection with the creator. This style is particularly popular at conventions and signings, where fans can commission their favorite artists to add a one-of-a-kind touch to their comics. From a business perspective, it serves as a valuable strategy to engage fans and generate interest in a particular comic. It also enhances the collectability of the issue, as each sketch cover becomes a unique piece of art in itself. While Sketch covers can be used for a variety of genres, they are especially well-suited for stories that focus on character-driven narratives and intricate world-building, as they allow fans to express their personal connection to the characters and the comic's universe through art.
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#ArtfulPoseComposition, #Book, #BookCovers, #Books, #ComicBooks, #ComicCon, #ComicCover, #Comics, #ContentDissemination, #CoverStategy, #DieCutCover, #Ebook, #EmbossedCover, #Exclusive, #FracturedComposition, #Holographic, #Insider, #InsiderInfo, #LenticularCover, #Marvel, #MentorComposition, #Minimalist, #NonComicBookSuperhero, #PostPromotion, #Sketch, #Sketchbook, #Storybook
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yeastinfectionvale · 4 months
Valentino walked into the paddock, Pecco hanging off his hip. The pair wore matching shirts, a visor for Vale and a baby bucket hat for his son.
He tapped tapped his paddock pass, his passport picture appearing on screen as he waited for Pecco to tap his. The poor baby struggled with his coordination, a content squeal leaving the child's mouth as he noticed his picture pop-up when he finally touched the pass to the reader. 
The pair moved through the barriers, Vale shielding Pecco’s face from the flash of camera’s as a mic his held to him. Pecco doesn’t really listen to the questions the journalist asks him, more interested in tugging on his dad’s earring. Vale jutts his head away, trying to focus on explaining his plan for the weekend, his professionalism floating away as wet chubby fingers capture metal and tug. Vale curses quickly as the journalist laughs, letting the pair walk towards the Honda motorhome. A few fans stop them on the way, pausing for pictures, a quick chat and a pinch on Pecco’s cheeks. Vale shift his son from his hip, cradling him as he walks up the stairs and inside. 
The cabin is cool with the AC already turned on, a bottle of water already set out on a side table. Valentino sets Pecco inside his bounce swing, feet barely touching the floor as he jumps. There was a knock at the door and in popped Mick Doohan, a smile on his face growing as he looked at the excited baby. He sat down on the floor with Valentino lying down in front of him, hands open flat so Pecco's could smack his own down on them. The pair spent a good hour discussing stategies for the race, the main targets and what Valentino was to avoid. Mick would pause ever so often so Pecco could bumble something to add to the conversation.
It was time for Vale to head down into the garage, he picked Pecco up, quickly changing his nappy before reapplying sunscreen on his arms and legs. The trio headed into the Honda garage, a few engineers moving from their stations to give both father and son a high-five. Dani stood in his racesuit, helmet in his hand. "Ah pequeño osito," he said kissing Pecco's forehead. Pecco reached out and held onto Dani's face with both hands. Dani took him from Vale so he could get ready, the pair walked around the front of the garage, a few riders popping in from their own garages to greet the little boy.
Dani handed Pecco over to his paddock nanny, putting his helmet on as the nanny secured a pair of earmuffs on the baby. Vale walked over to his son, covering his face in kisses before putting his own helmet on, getting into race-mode.
The race itself wasn't Valentino's best. He still wasn't used to the Honda bike and postpartum joint pain was another battle he was fighting. Doctors has said that after a couple months rest off the bike, his hips would stop aching. But he couldn't stay off a bike and after consulting with the MotoGP Doctors he started riding six weeks after giving birth. But not everything was terrible, halfway through Valentino has climbed his way from 8th to 3rd. He crossed the line on the last lap, finishing third on the Podium. He drove into parc ferme, ripping his helmet off as soon as he could.
Vale scanned the crowd, looking for his boy. His eyes locked on little Pecco who was trying to wrestle himself out of his nanny's arms. She set him down for a second, readjusting her top oblivious to Pecco gripping the fence, hands clenched with precision. Vale's heart lept into his throat as Pecco turned, one hand in the air as he turned to face his dad. The crowd hushed and cameras turned on the boy. Casey and Hayden leaned against their bikes, moving them out of the way.
Someone began to chant, the words "Orsetto", "Francesco" and "Pecco" thrown around as he took a careful step forward. Vale suppressed the urge to run up and scoop his baby into his arms. Instead crouching down with open arms. Pecco saw his dad waiting for him and toddled forward, letting go of the fence. He fell forwards and everyone readied themselves to hear a cry. But no sound came from the boy, instead he steadied himself upright, making his way closer to Valentino, falling right into his arms.
Vale sobbed as he held Pecco, kissing his forehead as he looked up into the camera. The crowd erupted into shouts of happiness as Hayden and Casey made their way to Vale, patting him on his back and giving Pecco a hug. But Vale didn't notice them, all his focus on his baby.
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solutionlab · 8 months
Digital Branding Stategy - Virtual Event Branding - Digital Brand Exper...
Digital Branding Stategy - Virtual Event Branding - Digital Brand Experience - VR Events
Online virtual events - Ideas for virtual events - Virtual company events - Virtual event activities - Virtual corporate event ideas - Virtual work events Welcome to our channel! In this highly anticipated video, we delve into the dynamic world of Digital Branding Strategy. As businesses strive to establish a strong online presence, understanding the intricacies of digital branding has become more crucial than ever. Join us as we unravel the key components and strategies that contribute to building a powerful and resonant brand in the digital landscape. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a budding entrepreneur, this video is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of successful digital branding. Navigating the Digital Landscape The digital realm is constantly evolving, and staying ahead requires a strategic approach. In this video, we'll guide you through the ever-changing landscape of social media, content marketing, and online platforms. Learn how to leverage these channels effectively to create a consistent and compelling brand image. From crafting engaging content to mastering the art of storytelling, we've got you covered. Get ready to explore innovative techniques that will set your brand apart in the vast digital space. Building a Cohesive Brand Identity Your brand is more than just a logo; it's an experience. Discover the importance of a cohesive brand identity and how it contributes to brand recall and loyalty. We'll explore the elements that make up a brand's visual identity, such as color schemes, typography, and imagery. Uncover the secrets of creating a brand persona that resonates with your target audience. By the end of this section, you'll have the tools to develop a brand identity that leaves a lasting impression. Engaging Your Audience In the digital age, audience engagement is the heartbeat of a successful brand. Learn effective strategies to connect with your audience on a personal level. From interactive social media campaigns to creating shareable content, discover how to foster a community around your brand. We'll also explore the role of influencers and user-generated content in amplifying your brand's reach. Buckle up for a deep dive into the tactics that turn casual viewers into passionate brand advocates. Don't Miss Out – Subscribe, Like, and Share! Ready to take your digital branding game to the next level? Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the latest trends, tips, and insights. If you found this video valuable, give it a thumbs up and share it with your network. Let's build a community of like-minded individuals passionate about mastering digital branding. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and empower your brand to stand out in the crowded online arena. Subscribe now and join us on this exciting journey! 💖 With a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals. So, welcome🤝 to a world where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. 🤝Welcome to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality. 
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osakaso5 · 2 years
IDOLiSH7 End Of Year Story 2021: Idol Werewolf
~LIVE or HEAVEN~ Part 7: Nighttime Stategy Meetings ~Day 2~
Chapter Index
Iori Izumi: Phew... Momo-san...
Tenn Kujo: He's really something...
Iori Izumi: He's almost too good at his job...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Guys, are we sure Yukirin's not a wolf, too?  
Iori Izumi: Yes, obviously. Momo-san was only trying to protect you.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Huh!? Me!?
Tenn Kujo: Momo-san's most likely the madman. That's why he framed Yuki-san, so you could escape execution a second time.
Tenn Kujo: Tomorrow, he'll ask to be executed, meaning you'll still be alive by the day after tomorrow.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Momorin really did all that for me..!?
Iori Izumi: It's practically a miracle that you're still alive, after your little coming out on the first day. Momo-san's done everything he can to keep you alive.
Iori Izumi: You should face his direction and say "thank you", at least.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Wait, where is he!? Momorin, thanks a lot!!!
Iori Izumi: Thank you.
Tenn Kujo: Thank you very much, Momo-san. To think that you'd even sacrifice Yuki-san...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I wonder if Yukirin's mad. Also, does this mean I don't get to go to the graveyard tomorrow, either?
Iori Izumi: Is that a problem?
Tamaki Yotsuba: It's just... I really wanna apologize to So-chan soon...
Tenn Kujo: Yotsuba-san. Two or three days don't make that much of a difference here.
Tenn Kujo: He'll be equally angry at you regardless.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Aaaah, I guess... Okay! I'm gonna live the life I got from Re:vale to my fullest!
Iori Izumi: That's the spirit. So, who shall we kill tonight?
Tenn Kujo: Maybe Mido-san... With all the calculations he's been making, he'll notice if the villagers' numbers start getting low.
Iori Izumi: I think so, too. He'll be a dangerous player if he gets too used to this.
Tamaki Yotsuba: But Toracchi seemed pretty reliable to me. Like, I think he's probably one of the good guys.
Iori Izumi: And someone who's a "good guy" to the villagers is an enemy to us.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Oh, right.
Tenn Kujo: Nikaido-san is probably the real fortune-teller. When he tried to cover for Yuki-san, he seemed really protective of the village in general.
Iori Izumi: That's right. Nikaido-san is a sincere person at heart.
Tenn Kujo: The fact that he gave up on his defense to protect himself also tells me that he's the real deal.
Iori Izumi: That's right. Nikaido-san is also very quick to give up.
Iori Izumi: His primary enemies right now are you, Momo-san, and Natsume-san....
Iori Izumi: ...And he doesn't have much faith in himself, so he must be very disheartened right now.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah. Even though he's done a pretty good job of being our group's leader.
Tenn Kujo: I'm sure Nikaido-san could never have foreseen that his teammates would be saying this about him, just because he was chosen as the fortune- teller in a game of werewolf.
Tenn Kujo: I suppose that leaves Natsume-san as the fox, then.
Tamaki Yotsuba: He's totally got a fox vibe.
Iori Izumi: He does seem like he'd like inari sushi.
Tenn Kujo: Hopefully he'll be cursed by Nikaido-san.
Tamaki Yotsuba: What about the medium? If it's Rikkun, then shouldn't we attack him?
Tamaki Yotsuba: If he's dead, nobody will know that Yukirin was a villager.
Iori Izumi: It'll be more beneficial to us if we let Momo-san be caught in a lie and get executed.
Tenn Kujo: Otherwise, it'll be you hanging at the end of the next rope, Yotsuba-san.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Oh, right. That was part of Momorin's plan, too. Thanks again, Momorin...
Iori Izumi: Besides, if we kill Nanase-san before he has a chance to play the part of the medium, he'll most likely complain to us later.
Tenn Kujo: Yeah, probably...
Iori Izumi: He'll say something along the lines of "Iori, you meanie! Waaahh!"
Tamki Yotsuba: Huh? And what's that got to do with the game?
Iori Izumi: Nothing.
Tamaki Yotsuba: And So-chan's already mad at me, anyway!
Iori Izumi: No, he's not. Osaka-san is more reasonable than that.
Tenn Kujo: I'm sure he'll understand.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Really!? Hey... Just in case he's mad, can you apologize to him with me..?
Iori Izumi: No, he's too scary.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Iorin!?
Tenn Kujo: Our prey for the night is Mido-san. As for my fortune reading,  this time I'll say that Nanase-san is a villager.
Iori Izumi: Understood.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Got it... 
- - - -
Yuki: Huh... This place is warmer than I expected...
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Nagi Rokuya: Welcome, Mister Yuki!
Sogo Osaka: Welcome. Good work out there.
Yuki: Ah, so this is what the graveyard looks like.
Yuki: They've even brought food. Looks delicious.
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Audience: Yuki!
Audience: Look over here!
Yuki: Where?
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Yuki: Wanna look at my beauty mark? Let me just get my hair out of the way, so you can all see.
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Nagi Rokuya: You must have had it very rough, Mister Yuki. Mister Momo is a skilled player indeed!
Yuki: Did you guys see that? Just how did Momo get so good at lying?
Sogo Osaka: I don't know.
Yuki: Sigh... He wasn't always like that. Showbiz changes people. ...Well that, and being friends with a certain fox-faced guy.
Audience: You mean Minami-kun?
Yuki: Minami..?
Nagi Rokuya: Natsume-shi is the fox.
Yuki: I had no idea.
Audience: Hang in there, Yuki!
Yuki: I can't. I'm already dead.
Audience: Ahahahaha!
Sogo Osaka: Ah, what would you like to drink? We have wine... or sake, if you'd prefer.
Yuki: We're allowed to drink? Well, since it's the New Year, a nice, refined sake should do.
Sogo Osaka: I'll pour you a cup. Here you are.
Yuki: You're so nice, Sogo-kun. Should we form a unit together?
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Yuki: Nagi-kun, you too.
Nagi Rokuya: What shall we call ourselves?
Yuki: What do you think, Sogo-kun?
Sogo Osaka: Um, well...
Sogo Osaka: "January First"?
Audience: Ahahahaha!
Sogo Osaka: Ah... They're laughing.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! January First. A name that will always remind us of the day we were formed. Very nice!
Yuki: We can shorten it to 1/1. Okay. And what instruments will we all play? You look like you could play the keyboard, Nagi-kun.
Sogo Osaka: Ah, so it's more of a band. Um... I'm not sure... My hands are getting sweaty...
Yuki: Really?
Sogo Osaka: Eek..!
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Yuki: Ah, I guess you're right. And what's with the "eek", silly?
Sogo Osaka: Nagi-kun, Nagi-kun.
Nagi Rokuya: What?
Sogo Osaka: I'm sober again.
Nagi Rokuya: Thank you for letting me know.
Audience: Ahahahaha!
Nagi Rokuya: I will play the keyboard. Will you play the guitar, Sogo?
Sogo Osaka: I wouldn't dare, not with Yuki-san here!
Yuki: It's fine, I'll be the bassist. Bass players are typically the sexiest members of the band, anyway.
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Sogo Osaka: I'm sure you'd be a very cool and sexy bassist..!
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Sogo Osaka: I'll... play the guitar, then. Oh, man... My heart won't stop racing.
Yuki: Whoa, I can feel your pulse just by touching your wrist.
Yuki: Thump, thump, thumpthumpthump.
Sogo Osaka: It's really irregular...
Audience: Kyaaaaaa..!
Yuki: I don't know why you sound so happy about it.
Sogo Osaka: I thought my heartbeat could play the drums for us. It's clearly got a unique rhythm.
Nagi Rokuya: Are you sure that is not caused by the alcohol?
Audience: Ahahahaha!
Nagi Rokuya: OH! But before we choose a vocalist, let us check in on the others! 
- - - -
Yamato Nikaido: Ah...
Yamato Nikaido: I should've left Yuki-san to fend for himself... Either that, or actually followed through with helping him.
Yamato Nikaido: Instead, I half-assed both. No wonder people suspect me...
Yamato Nikaido: I have to say, Momo-san is freaking scary. Who just throws their own partner under the bus like that? I mean, seriously...
Yamato Nikaido: Then again... Maybe it's because they're Re:vale that they can do that, and just forgive and forget it all later.
Yamato Nikaido: Still, they're really something...
Yamato Nikaido: Alright. This time, I'll find a wolf! Or at least a villager who won't die right away!
Yamato Nikaido: If my reading finds a live villager, I'll do everything I can to keep them alive!
Yamato Nikaido: I'll protect you, whether you want me to or not..!
Yamato Nikaido: On that note, I'll read Mido's fortune. He's seemed like a villager so far, but he'd also make a pretty scary wolf. ...Wait, didn't I say that about Nagi last night?
Yamato Nikaido: Hmm... No, I'll go with Mido. There's no way he'll get attacked.
Yamato Nikaido: If he does, I guess I'll have to marry whichever wolf chose him. We're clearly on the same wavelength.
Yamato Nikaido: I'm counting on you, Mido..! 
- - - -
Torao Mido: One, two, three... We're really cutting it close, huh.
Torao Mido: If we're gonna execute all the fortune-tellers, we have to start doing it as soon as we execute Yotsuba tomorrow.
Torao Mido: If the hunter succeeds in protecting someone, that gives us an extra day.
Torao Mido: But with four fortune- tellers running around, I bet the hunter's having a really hard time choosing who to shield... It'd be easier if the medium came forward already.
Torao Mido: ...Oh, I get it now. So that's who the wolves are. Interesting.
Torao Mido: Among the fortune-tellers, we've got one real one, one madman, one wolf, and one fox.
Torao Mido: Momo-san could be the real one, but if he's not, that makes him either a wolf or the madman.
Torao Mido: The reason why he's making these bold plays could be because he knows he's got allies he can count on.
Torao Mido: Meanwhile, the fox plays alone. They lose automatically if they die, so they can't do anything reckless.
Torao Mido: If Yuki-san was a wolf, then Nikaido should be our next suspect. But if Yuki-san was a villager, Nikaido is probably the real fortune-teller.
Torao Mido: In the first scenario, he defended Yuki-san because he didn't want a fellow wolf to be out of the game. In the second scenario, he defended Yuki-san because he didn't want a fellow villager to be out of the game.
Torao Mido: Why do you think Nikaido did what he did?
Torao Mido: Minami's...
Torao Mido: ...Probably the fox... He's been awfully quiet this whole time. It's like he's trying to lie low.
Torao Mido: Haha, what a scary guy. He's like a snake, waiting to swallow a toad whole.
Torao Mido: All things considered, we  should probably execute him, but I don't wanna be the one to suggest it...
Torao Mido: He's sure to claim that I'm a wolf if I do... I know him well enough to know that's something he'll do.
Torao Mido: Either way, it all depends on Yuki-san's results. If he's a villager, then I'll try to help bail Nikaido out.
Torao Mido: Or at least convince the others that he's the last fortune- teller we should kill. 
- - - -
Momo: Phew...
Momo: God, I have fulfilled my duty. A weight has been lifted off my heart.
Momo: I'll join you soon enough, Yuki.
Momo: Don't get too friendly with the other graveyard boys while I'm gone, mmkay?
Momo: I hope I'll at least get executed before Tamaki tomorrow.
Momo: All I need is to draw attention to myself, so they'll forget about him.
Momo: My dear wolfies, may you feast on a most delectable villager tonight! Don't lose to those darn humans!
Momo: I have your back!
- - - -
Minami Natsume: Still alive.
Minami Natsume: Yip yip.
Minami Natsume: Ugh... I wonder who the true fortune-teller is...
Minami Natsume: The one man who can kill me... I do hope they get executed or attacked soon...
Minami Natsume: Dear wolves, please sink your teeth into whoever the real fortune-teller is soon. Signed, Fox Spirit.
Minami Natsume: Perhaps it's Nikaido-san. He didn't seem to be acting earlier. Neither did Yuki-san...
Minami Natsume: As for me, tomorrow I will proclaim someone confident and logical, such as Iori Izumi or Mido-san, as a villager.
Minami Natsume: ...But which one..?
Minami Natsume: Izumi-san it is.
Minami Natsume: Congratulations on being chosen by me. 
- - - -
Mitsuki Izumi: Considering how confident he was back there, Momo-san's gotta be the real fortune-teller...
Mitsuki Izumi: I mean, why would he lie, when he knows we'll find out tomorrow, anyway?
Mitsuki Izumi: He'd just get executed next.
Mitsuki Izumi: The fact that he's not afraid at all must mean that he's telling the truth.
Mitsuki Izumi: Hmm... The geezer seemed genuine, too. Then again, he's always been a great actor.
Mitsuki Izumi: I wish I could play it cool and say that I can see through my own teammates, but...
Mitsuki Izumi: With Yamato-san, you can never be completely sure...
Mitsuki Izumi: ...At least not when you take his track record into account. But, still... Hmm...
Mitsuki Izumi: If it turns out he can even fake being all flustered, like he was back there, then I won't know what to believe anymore.
Mitsuki Izumi: This is hard... Something's off here... Ah, speaking of which.
Mitsuki Izumi: Iori.
Mitsuki Izumi: Is it just my imagination, or has he been acting weird?
Mitsuki Izumi: I thought he'd be more active in a game that makes you use your brains as much as this one.
Mitsuki Izumi: Maybe he's trying not to hog the spotlight, because there's so many players?
Mitsuki Izumi: I should keep an eye on him tomorrow. 
- - - -
Gaku Yaotome: .........
Gaku Yaotome: ...Is Momo-san the real one?
Gaku Yaotome: The wolves went after Rokuya, instead of the fortune-tellers.
Gaku Yaotome: Are they gonna go after someone else tonight, too? Who should I protect..?
Gaku Yaotome: .........
Gaku Yaotome: After Rokuya, their next target would be...
Gaku Yaotome: No, but if I fail to protect Tenn this round, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.
Gaku Yaotome: I'll protect Tenn, since that was my original plan.
Gaku Yaotome: Come at me, wolves! 
To be continued...
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turtle-go-brrrr · 3 years
The gang playing Torchlight II
I grew up on the first Torchlight and the 2nd one is my favorite, it's fantastic and I keep playing over and over again, so of course i would make a post about it. Enjoy :3 (also I highly recommend that game)
I didn’t go into too much details because 1) Not a lot of people know this game, and 2) I wanted to talk about the armors and stuff, because their designs are great but i figured it would have been a little too complicated ^^’
Anyway, self indulgence time
Class: Outlander
“Outlanders are agile ranged weapon users who are experts in magical and martial arts”
His favorite weapons are bows and crossbows
It's a nice changes from his swords
Doesn’t really enchant his weapons, he keeps his gold for armor or better weapons
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Salt Barrens - a dried-up inland sea characterized by parched, cracked earth and ancient shipwrecks.
He loves the Ship Graveyard the most
His pet is a Wolf
His favorite skill is Bane Breath - A blast of cursed breath poisons enemies. If they are killed, they are converted into Shadowling Fiends that fight for you for ten seconds.
It’s like he has his own little army
His favorite item quote is from (potion) Sweet-Aide: 243602 Health loss over 13.33 minutes
Class: Engineer
“The Engineer is a heavy melee fighter who can use cannons, battle wrenches and deploy mechanical constructs to aid them in battle”
His favorite weapons are polearms and staves
Unlike Leo, he prefers to stay comfortable
Loooooves enchanting his weapons and adding Electric gems to them
Not only does it adds damage, it also looks really nice
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Frosted Hills - a snowy outdoor area
He especially likes destroying the Slaver’s camp
His pet is a Hawk
Really hesitated with the Stag
His favorite skill is Healing Bot -The Engineer assembles a small clockwork drone that emits energy pulses, healing both himself and allies.
He names his little robot Buddy and he loves it as much as his pet
He chooses this class solely for that skill
His favorite item quote is from (helmet) the Servo-Helm: It mechanically augments your own brain power!
Class: Berserker
“These savage warriors use ferocious melee attacks, fist weapons, and can summon animal spirits in battle”
His favorite weapons are Maces and Fist Weapons
Especially when he has a double set of claws
He feels like Wolverine
His favorite skill is Stempede - A brutal forward dash that damages all foes in its path
It’s hella cool and he loves destroying his ennemy by just running into them
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Ossean Wastes - a desert overworld area characterized by sand dunes and the skeletons of giant animals 
Absolutely in love with this aesthetic (and the armor style you can find in this part of the game)
His pet is a Stag
It really surprised everyone, but he thinks it’s cool
His favorite item quote is from (gloves) the Twilight Vambraces:These bracers do not sparkle, as some might expect.
Class: Embermage
“The spellcasters of the Imperial army, these ranged magic users are masters of the elements, attacking with frost, fire and lightning“
His favorite weapons are Staves and Wands 
He’s not used to range weapons, but wands work for him
Adds Poison gems to everything
Likes to put Fire and Frost gems too
His favorite skill is Fire Bombs - You hurl three gouts of flame that ignite the ground for 3 seconds and sometimes cause foes to stumble in panic as they burn.
Destructive Drama Queen ™
His pet is an Alpaca
He just loves how cuddly it looks
Names it MikeyJr
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Path of the Honored Dead -The cemetery / memorial of the Estherian Enclave, this pass is covered in fog and has become infested with the undead.
It’s spooky and pretty and it’s right up his alley
His favorite item quote is from (boots) Killian’s Boots: Killian would be furious if he knew you were wearing these.
Class: Engineer
“The Engineer is a heavy melee fighter who can use cannons, battle wrenches and deploy mechanical constructs to aid them in battle”
Her favorite weapons are Maces and Polearms
There is an amazing skill you can only use with two handed heavy weapons (hence why she picked those)
Flame Hammer - Crushes foes with a flaming slam attack. Charges add flaming splinters that radiate out from the impact
She feels so powerful with this skill and it’s really efficient, so she uses mainly this
Her pet is a Panther
She wanted a cat, but why stop so small?
Her favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Sundered Battlefield - It contains the ruins of an ancient dwarven battleground
She loves the ruins, and even more the quests of this particular area
Her favorite item quote is from (necklace) the Pocketwatch of the Tennant: It’s full of wibbly wobbly stuff.
Class: Berserker
“These savage warriors use ferocious melee attacks, fist weapons, and can summon animal spirits in battle”
His favorite weapons are Fist Weapons and Swords
He likes the unique claw kind, but... Swords, amaright?
He doesn’t have a stategy, he just spams the Attack and Heal buttons
It works so far
His favorite place in the Torchlight world is the Blightbogs - It is a haunted swamp populated by werewolves, witches, and ghosts.
He likes the werewolf area in the Abandoned Sawmill
His favorite skill is Devastate -You rush forward in a flurry of powerful attacks using all equipped melee weapons 
He nicknames it Feral Boy, but everyone else says it’s just Raph But Higher Level
His pet is a Chakawary
Because unlike litterally everyone else, he has a personality
(He’s right, the Chakawary is cool as hell) 
His favorite item quote is from (sword) Joyous: It's good to be alive!
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The brotp kind of wanna ask about Alexa and Rainbow (I know she's mine but feel like Alexa spends more time with my OCS rather than canon 😂😂)
She really does 😂
who steals french fries off the other’s plate Probably Rainbow
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple Again Rainbow
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail I feel Alexa would do the balling
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues Alexa needs all the help she can get
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes Alexa ("IT'S GOOD STATEGY!!!")
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk I feel like if would be Rainbow
who starts and who wins the pillow fights Alexa starts and wins
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush R A I N B O W
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Brotp Meme
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Finally more lads!!
The updated ref of three more members of the Powers is finally here! I hope you guys like it!
Here we have Reva, an angel of Patience, and the most prominent angelic mentor to Asa as she’s first recruited into the team on account of her powers, and the fact that said powers could attract danger to her on her own. Although on the surface she is rather strict, callous, and even hotheaded during her efforts to train Asa, Reva is actually a quite caring, passionate, and protective person who just wants the people she loves to not get hurt...
Then Eran, a Temperance angel, who in spite of his lack of physical prowess, is incredibly intelligent and proficient in Enochian (aka Angel Magic) magic ranging from teleportation to a barrage of pure energy. He is often sought to for battle stategies or learning about the enemy’s weaknesses and strengths. However, Eran can be difficult to work with, as he is a rather stuffy and cold angel who often overworks himself to the point of obsession, as seen from the amount of time he spends researching alone in Heaven’s library, seldom meeting with others other than his own team...Still, underneath his uptight exterior, is a truly compassionate and courageous fighter willing to try his best to be stronger, in intelligence and actual stength, for his friends, even if it hurts him...
Finally, there is the Charity angel Gerard! He is often the cool head of the group, who, along with Eran, the main voice of reason in the team, helps keep his friends grounded even in stressful situations. While he appears incredibly intimidating and aloof to the point of not understanding his own angelic aquaintances, he is also an incredibly gentle, sensitive, and profound figure in spite of his alienation to both modern Heaven trends and human customs when down on Earth. He is especially charitable, always willing to devote his time to help his friends outside of work, give vital advice, and even take on the harder brunt of work when on duty. In fact, to his friends’ concern, he seems selfless to the point of sacrifice...
The weapons between Gerard and Cari are now switched so Gerard has the hammer and Cari has a spear! Will draw soon!
Book is optional accessory of Eran as an alternate weapon! The full design of the circle on the cover is just like how it is shown, except with an extra point on the bottom of it.
Do Not Repost
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solutionlab · 8 months
Digital Branding Stategy - Virtual Event Branding - Digital Brand Exper...
Digital Branding Stategy - Virtual Event Branding - Digital Brand Experience - VR Events
Online virtual events - Ideas for virtual events - Virtual company events - Virtual event activities - Virtual corporate event ideas - Virtual work events Welcome to our channel! In this highly anticipated video, we delve into the dynamic world of Digital Branding Strategy. As businesses strive to establish a strong online presence, understanding the intricacies of digital branding has become more crucial than ever. Join us as we unravel the key components and strategies that contribute to building a powerful and resonant brand in the digital landscape. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a budding entrepreneur, this video is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of successful digital branding. Navigating the Digital Landscape The digital realm is constantly evolving, and staying ahead requires a strategic approach. In this video, we'll guide you through the ever-changing landscape of social media, content marketing, and online platforms. Learn how to leverage these channels effectively to create a consistent and compelling brand image. From crafting engaging content to mastering the art of storytelling, we've got you covered. Get ready to explore innovative techniques that will set your brand apart in the vast digital space. Building a Cohesive Brand Identity Your brand is more than just a logo; it's an experience. Discover the importance of a cohesive brand identity and how it contributes to brand recall and loyalty. We'll explore the elements that make up a brand's visual identity, such as color schemes, typography, and imagery. Uncover the secrets of creating a brand persona that resonates with your target audience. By the end of this section, you'll have the tools to develop a brand identity that leaves a lasting impression. Engaging Your Audience In the digital age, audience engagement is the heartbeat of a successful brand. Learn effective strategies to connect with your audience on a personal level. From interactive social media campaigns to creating shareable content, discover how to foster a community around your brand. We'll also explore the role of influencers and user-generated content in amplifying your brand's reach. Buckle up for a deep dive into the tactics that turn casual viewers into passionate brand advocates. Don't Miss Out – Subscribe, Like, and Share! Ready to take your digital branding game to the next level? Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the latest trends, tips, and insights. If you found this video valuable, give it a thumbs up and share it with your network. Let's build a community of like-minded individuals passionate about mastering digital branding. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and empower your brand to stand out in the crowded online arena. Subscribe now and join us on this exciting journey! 💖 With a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals. So, welcome🤝 to a world where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. 🤝Welcome to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality. 
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smiff-faded · 6 years
Straightforward Ways You Can Lighten Your Teeth
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You can not get it wrong in relation to the techniques presented on this page with regards to teeth whitening. Great teeth must indicate a fantastic smile, but only in case your tooth are gleaming white. Many people really like a fantastic look, along with the suggestions presented for you personally are meant to safely and securely and efficiently keep your the teeth white colored and wholesome.
The Best For Whiter: Teeth
Rinse your mouth with a single percent peroxide. Peroxide pieces are expensive to acquire and harsh in your teeth. Keep the peroxide inside your mouth for a minimum of one minute and ensure you may not swallow an excessive quantity of the solution. Follow-up by cleaning your teeth.
There exists a deficiency of proof recommending they are far more useful than regular toothpastes. Check with your dental office if he or she recognizes much better final results with a certain make of tooth paste.
Make normal meetings to obtain your tooth cleaned out from a dentist. You have to timetable these appointments at least once each year. The slight discoloration on your pearly whites is probably not brought on by actual yellowing but by simply oral plaque construct-up, that is challenging to take away without having the skilled equipment your dental office has.
Always rinse the mouth area out right after enjoying caffeine or tea. They can be both popular for yellowing teeth. For better final results, make an effort to eradicate it through your diet entirely. The same thing goes for soda and wines they can spot your the teeth as much, or more than caffeine and teas.
Teeth Bleaching
Question your dental office concerning the different whitening possibilities available to you. Some dental practitioners may advise a process that they can give in their business office. Some may possibly point you to definitely a specific merchandise that one could get at your local local pharmacy. Some could basically claim that you brush your the teeth more regularly.
When using over-the-counter whitening teeth products it is important to study and keep to the recommendations cautiously. Don't depart the strips or gel on longer than the recommendations influence, because this may lead to lesions and difficulties with your mouth. Stay away from ingesting or ingesting acid food items or liquids for two several hours following therapy.
When trying to whiten your pearly whites, use toothpaste specifically created for teeth whitening. These toothpastes use peroxides that act as a bleaching professional to your pearly whites. Make sure to glance at the volume of hydrogen peroxide within the toothpaste, typically the focus is in between 15 and 20 percent. Select a merchandise in the center, and if your the teeth put up with the toothpaste (and also you want more efficient whitening), relocate to a toothpaste with 20Percent hydrogen peroxide.
Usually do not count on just about any whitening teeth solutions to work the first time, even bleaching them. Many individuals assume that it only takes 1 time to have their pearly whites sparkly white colored and provide up when the one time will not work. Normally, remedies need a adhere to-up each and every couple of months.
To cover it, you wish to have no anxiety about smiling due to stained the teeth. These are some beneficial pointers hopefully it will be possible to put these people to great use. Offer the stategies time to operate. So, just give it a go, you are going to really like your new grin.
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willowingends · 6 years
10 small ways to worship Ereshkigal
1. Make a compost pile, baring that, leaving a small piece of fruit out to rot, somewhere where local animals can't carry it away. 2. Light a candle in her name. Dark colors or cloyingly sweet. 3. Hang out with your cats, or spend some time at a local shelter with cats. The Lionness is a simple of Ereshkigal after all. 4. Set two magnets end to end. Ereshkigal and Inanna sre said to be polar opposites, so magnets can be said to represent one half of her aspect. 5. Bury something in the earth that will decompose, giving it as an offering to her. 6. Write a small prayer to honor her and cover it in earth. Let it rot away, as it does so sending your message to her. 7. Play a stategy game with her in mind as you start. It was her use if cunning and stategy thay had her trap Inanna in the Underworld with her. 8. Visualize an owl while you meditate, as one of her symbols concentrsting on it will help you connect. 9.  Count down your temper. Rear it in, hold it until it is right to release it. Mindless displays of anger are not what kept her on her throne. It was careful release of it that did so. 10. Love your partner, but make sure they treat you as an equal. You share your life, you are not subserviant in it.
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loverintranslations · 6 years
『Tasaki Asahi-chan♡MAJOR 2nd♡Maria found the Humming&Dream stage play♪*゚』(2018-7-11)
🌷 Tasaki Asahi-chan 🌷
I could meet Asahi-chan 💗
Maria was really happy
Details are here 💕
                                    From Maria Makino
    Good evening。I'm Maria。
  Today I properly studied 🌴
I had a 『Mari Love』 recording 🐰
Maybe there’s a surprise for next week ���❓❓
🙂 Maybeー 🙂
 『Morning Musume。'18 ‘s Makino Maria’s
Marian   💞 LOVE Rin Desu   💕 』
CBC Radio-san Every Tuesday 24:30~25:00
 Look forward to the broadcast 🐰
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  ✨『Weekly Shonen Sunday』#33 ✨
Released today 7/11(wed)
Front cover&opening poster‼‼‼‼‼
⚾MAJOR 2nd⚾
 Weekly Shonen Sunday Official Site
Shigeno Goro ×Makino Maria Interview
  ⬆Please look at it⬇⬇
  ⚾Anime「Major 2nd」⚾
15th episode   Koryaku no Tegakari [Hint for the stategy]
7/14(sat) 5.35pm~
 Anime 「Major 2nd」WEB Site
 NHK Anime World『Seiyuu Ura Talk』
Anime「Major 2nd」
Fujiwara Natsumi-san(Role of Daigo-kun)
Nishiyama Koutarou-san(Hikaru-kun)
Makino Maria(Morning Musume。'18)
Listen to our trio talk 🐰
 Trailer     1st Episode     2nd Episode    3rd Episode
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 Spring tour
I talked about it in the NHK Osaka Hall MC✨
 I、love Major❤
I love the anime Major 2nd❤
 And so・・・
I’m humming 🎶
🎶 You cannot see the finished picture until your tears have dried
I’m etching this picture with my hand  🎶
(Kokoro E)
 One day I too、
Together with Daigo and Hikaru-kun
Anime「Major 2nd」’s theme song
I’d like to sing it 💗
                          The end
                      To Goroー
Maria’s dream stage play
                           From Maria
         『Morning Musume。'18 Concert Tour Autumn
⬆Currently accepting advance applications through the members official blogs⬆
Pekorinko 🐰
                                        🍀 Maria Makino 🍀
Original - https://ameblo.jp/mm-12ki/entry-12390137716.html
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Few Stategies To Save Water In Dwelling
StopWatt Review http://stopwatt.net/. Then take time to seal them with caulking or weather draining. This will allow the hot and cool air to stay inside longer which means less cooling and heating to trim expenses on energy. On one other hand, overloading is only one thing you ought to avoid but under-loading as well. If you place loads are generally very little, chances carry out you have additional medications more batches of clothing. Remember that washing a few but big loads usually requires less energy than several small enormous. If you only have a few shirts with your laundry, do not wash it first but wait for one week's worth of laundry. Or StopWatt Device maybe if you absolutely need those shirts immediately, wash them yourself. Eateries the particular movie theater offer food at prices that can burn a big hole to your bottom line. It would perceived as great idea if you carry some homemade popcorns, and candies along along with you to munch inside while watching the movie. Some movie tickets come at discounted values. Check online and you will benefit from getting to save much on that account too. So, StopWatt Review you know now the right way to save lucrative revenue while taking your family out to view a . How to Save Electricity You could have to treat it the in an identical way you do with all kinds of will cost you. You will need understand the structure of power will greatly reduce use. Knowing which electrical appliances take big part of your expenses is a must. For example, ironing machine takes a lot of electricity and surely costs you more than additional appliances. How frequently do make use of it? Regarding your air conditioner? Do you've got it started up for high-quality day? Electrical heater is also another big player. This type of questions will allow you go using your analysis. It is going give the picture of methods you helps save your expense. Avoid wasting money by over-drying your clothes. It is important your dryer has a sensor that automatically turns off the machine when your clothes are executed. These panels are Energy Saving Tips in order to understand build tending to cut your energy bill by eighty per-cent. If you aren't a do-it-yourself type of human you can kits that take you thru the process step by step. Take benefit of the sun's heat, leave your blinds and draperies open for a southern and eastern sides of your home, close these window coverings when the sun lessens. All of us want to reside in an environment-safe atmosphere. But, there a multitude of vehicles which usually are causing polluting of the environment. We are inhaling lots of poisonous smoke and killing ourselves progressively. Thus, we should think that growing danger and look at carpool. Carpool is also useful in reducing pollution, but also saves big money. So, analyze the neighbors, who share the same route or any of one's co-workers and relish the ride along with. By opting for carpool, you are acting as the responsible citizen and incrementing your savings.
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knball · 7 years
Hi :) I'm not even sure if ask box is open but I'm gonna take a risk. My favourite characters are Midorima, Hanamiya and Imayoshi (he's so masculine!), so could you do a fanfic about them when they fall in love with girl who loves books (and who is a bit weird) so they start to borrow books from her and give her their own to catch her attention. Thank you. ~Agnes
Whoaa I’m so sorry Agnes-sann. I just misread your request and it turned out a bit different, I’m so sorry! Hope you still like this!
Four times. 
You sighed in irritation. 
It’s four times on a week your notebook got swapped with someone’s else. Incredible. How can it be? Why can’t the class committee do their job more carefully? And besides… 
You raised your eyebrow to neat the handwriting on the cover that reveal the owner of that book.
Who is this Hanamiya Makoto guy anyway…?
One time, two times, you can accept it to be accident. But four times and it repeated with the same person? There must be an explanation for it. That’s why instead of letting the class committee to fix their mistakes like before, you decided to face this ‘Hanamiya Makoto’ and ask for his side of story.
“Hanamiya-kun? Why?” Your friends voiced their surprise through their confused eyes. It’s rare for you, who seems to not care about anything else but books, to actually look for… real human being?
“I’m just curious.” You shrugged lightly, getting used to their ‘rude’ yet true words. It’s not uncommon for people to judge you, yet you couldn’t care less. You have friends and family who accept you, so? If there’s people who see you as problem, it’s theirs, not yours. “Come on, tell me. I have to get back my literature book or else I won’t be able to make it on time.”
You walked down the school corridor toward the basketball gym. It’s past school time that you finally got time to look for that certain someone. If you’re not wrong, he must still on his club activity.
“Hara pass! You’re holding the ball too long!”
“Okay, okay~”
Lively shouts coming from guys running full speed in their practice court. You’ve heard about how your school basketball team almost managed to enter WInter Cup only to get kicked out by seemingly newborn team. You had no interest at basketball and all those sports, yet… You raised your eyebrow.
“Captain you have someone looking for you.”
You waited patiently at the side of the gym when Furuhashi Koujirou, one of your classmate you managed to remember, called for the one you’re looking for. You didn’t have to wait long when a black haired guy approached you, kind smile on his face. “Ah, ___san right? Is there anything you need from me?”
Kind, gentlemanly and genius. That’s sort of conclusion you are able to make from your friends long compliment. Listening to their praises you can see why almost half of your classmates adore the guy. Hanamiya Makoto is a rare almost perfect guy you ever want to be your captain, friend or even… boyfriend.
“I just want to give this back to you.” You smiled giving back the book to its owner. “Sorry to trouble you, but can you give mine back tomorrow?”
“Ah, thank you ___san! I’m so relieved to find it again.” And of course I’ll bring yours back tomorrow. Is lunch time okay for you?“
Nodded with wide smile, you bowed slightly. “Then, I’ll take my leave now. Good luck with your practice. See you tomorrow Hanamiya-kun.”
“Thank you, ___san. I’ll be looking forward to it.” Hanamiya flashed you a perfect smile and you walked out.
“Oh, and before I forget.” Midway in your steps, you turned your head back. Smile in your lip, your eyes stare into his black one. “It’s quite annoying how you swapped our notebooks for fourth times now. But I’m quite impressed by how managed to persuade our stubborn class president to cooperate with your plan, so I think I’ll let it slide this time.”
“Wha…?” Hanamiya blinked.
“…and for suggestion, Hanamiya-kun.” You grinned. “Since you’ve gotten my attention now… You know I picked something interesting in how your team plays and I’m not quite fond of it. So please don’t think I will let it slide easily next time I see it. Hm, how should I say it, oh right. I’ll be watching your back, Hanamiya-kun.”
GIving him a last smile, you spring back to your steps out from that gym leaving Hanamiya standing still with book on his hand.
“Backfired huh?” Furuhashi commented from behind him.
“I never knew someone who noticed our team stategy only by watching it once.” Chewing on his gum, Hara laughed amusingly.
“So what are you going to do?” Seto asked at their captain who became silent since the girl walked by. “It’ll be bad if she-”
“HAHAHAHAHA.” Kirisaki Daiichi’s basketball team stare at their captain in shock as Hanamiya suddenly laughed out loud.
“Watch my back huh? Fufufu. Interesting.”
He knew you’re different from first glance. It took special talent for someone who didn’t take interest to anyone but their books. Lost in your own worlds, Hanamiya’s been watching in interest how your expression tend to change endlessly only by burying your nose on thousand books of yours. That’s why. That’s the reason he willing to risk everything to make you notice him. To shift your undivided attention from your books to him. Yet from all that he expect… Seems like you’re much more than that. His hardwork is not a waste after all.
“Then let’s see then who’ll come as winner, ___chan. Let the game begin.”
“…Imayoshi, you just got that look again on your face.” 
Captain and vice captain of Touou high school basketball team were just studying on library, chatting lightly about their class subject when Susa noticed his friend’s attention was shifted to something, uh, no, someone else. Anyone else might not realize the meaning behind Imayoshi’s smile but Susa is his friend not for nothing. 
“Hm? What is it? I don’t understand what you’re talking about Susa?”
“Ah well… if you say so.” Not that it means he has to say something. Only the guy knew what’s inside that brain of his. So if he didn’t want him to interfere, Susa won’t.
“Then I’ll take my leave here. Thanks for accompanying me.” Smiled Imayoshi tidied up his books, took off to where his eyes trained to.
You are sitting alone at your usual place near school garden. Since finding that here is the only place you can get your peaceful silent among your energetic (read: quite noisy) classmates, you prefer to spend your lunch time there. With those cute dandelion and these pretty little cosmos, you smiled inhaling the sweet scent of flowers around you. Your friends said you’re weird. Saying things that you appreciate them more than people in general. But you cannot help it. People are just too troublesome to handle with. Though if you speak about that, there’s something, no, no, someone. Someone who picked your interest lately…
“Whoa so the babies already born ___chan?”
“Imayoshi-kun!” You turned your head only to find your classmate, Imayoshi Souichi, pointed at the little cosmos that just started to blossom. Nodded you smiled brightly. “Yes! They’re so cute right?”
“Yes, yes. So cute~”
The way he said it with usual smile of his, making your cheek unbelieveablely warm.
It was all like magic really. How can you, who is very absorped in your own happy little world, get close to someone like Imayoshi. It started by a fateful day. The accident happen when you found out the book you’re borrowing from library got mixed up with an unknown guy. Too lazy to trade it back, you just brought it home and read it. The book is surprisingly good that you ended up reading it all. The person’s who supposed to borrow the book shown up the next day. With apologetic smile, Imayoshi asked if his book bore you. And that’s the beginning of your daily conversation with him. Meeting with him here to talk about books, you two exchanged promise to share if you find new interesting one. Now talking to him is as easy as speaking to your friends, not that 'friend’ can make your heart ran like this… 
“Here it is Imayoshi-kun. Thank you for lending me this. It’s so amazing.” You took out thick book from your bag, giving it to him with wide smile. “The main character is so clever that he even able to set his strategist without anyone notice. It’s hard to believe there’s someone like that. He makes it look so easy to deceive person’s heart.”
“Ah I wonder, ___chan. But maybe it isn’t that hard to do so in the first place?”
“Huh? What do you me-”
“Anyway, here’s the final part of those books series.” Smile on his face, Imayoshi placed the said book on your hand. “Eh don’t underestimate it because it’s so thin ___chan. This is the most important of all, so read it with care okay?
Especially for the end part. I’ll be waiting for your opinion about it. Promise me okay ___chan~?”
Uh. Did you really see his eyes glint behind that glasses of his or…. “Sure. I’m looking forward to read it.”
Later that night, you hurriedly texted him, asking to meet him in order to give answer to his question that was written in bold neat letters at the end of that book.
'…Seems like it’s the perfect time so I’ll ask anyway~ Will you be mygirlfriend, ___chan?’
“Morning, is there anything I can help? Ah you want this? Please wait a minute.”It’s just a beautiful Sunday morning. You just do your usual shift helping your family book store, when two pair of eyes eyeing you from across the street.
“You know, you could just talk with her like any of those guys do instead of playing this game right Shin-chan?” Takao muttered from where he hide behind Midorima’s tall figure.
“What nonsense are you talking about nanodayo? I’m just here to bring back ___’s book that got mixed up with mine again.” MIdorima sighed pushing up his glasses with frown. “It’s not like I want to visit her in weekend without any special reason.” 
“Yeah, yeah I got it.” Takao’s grin said he knew exactly what is going on here. Who is he going to fool anyway? Midorima is a very bad liar after all. “So what are we waiting for? Let’s go Shin-chan!”
“Thank you for bringing it like always Midorima-kun. I’m sorry you always have to give it back to me.” Smiling sincerely at him, you bowed slightly. 
“I-It’s no problem at all nanodayo. I just need mine for my school project.”Takao sweat-dropped at two persons in front of him. After trying so hard (for Midorima’s level) for that many times, he’s going to end it up just like this again? Takao knew him well. He always take things seriously and this is not an exception. He’s serious about you and those feeling are the reason why Midorima is willing to walk through baby steps. He’s not the type of person who shove his affection forcefully. He’s kind of guy who will wait for you to realize it yourself. One by one. Until both of your feelings connect each other naturally. But unfortunately (or fortunately) for him… Takao here is not that patient.
“Well then we’ll be go-”
“Whoa ___chan!“ Takao cut off Midorima’s words. "Your family store is so interesting! I never knew there’s book store like this on our neighborhood!”
“Ah thank you. I’m glad to hear it.” You smiled bashfully. This store is your family pride. Though how you had to sacrifice your free time to help around store instead of spending time with your friends making you looked distant and odd on your classmates perspective. That’s why meeting with your classmate, especially Midorima who you never talked with before in school day off is quite rare indeed. And it’s all just because of that coincidence, no, coincidences to be exact. 
First time you realized your biology book disappeared, you were on full panic. With test coming up tomorrow, you’re desperately looking inside out your school bag. It did bring out big question when you just found out the book that doesn’t even belong to you. Have no other options, you studied and managed to pass the test with awesome mark. Midorima’s notebook is so neat and arranged that it took special talent not to understand it. Saying thanks to the guy who claims he had no idea either how their book got swapped each other, you’re just going to forget about the accident. But it seems like fate wants to speak different tale.
Two times, three times, even five times, the things repeated itself. And it certainly more than enough times for you to noticed him. Midorima is cold. He tend to speak only when its necessary and took everything almost too seriously. He’s not type of guy you got friend with, but after your fateful coincidence, you began to understand. His stubbornness. His diligence. And his desperately-tried-to-hide kindness. Slowly, yet steadily, you’re withdrawn to the guy whose notes helped you passing tests in big success.
Though his 'honesty’ still made you hesitate to make any assumption about his feeling on this matter…
“I don’t like any book in particular but… You know a lot don’t you Shin-chan? Ah then! How about we help you today? It surely more fun to do it together!”
"Eh?” You blinked as the situation got out of your hand before you realized it.
“Wha- What are you saying Takao?? It’ll be very rude to cause such bother in such busy times!”
“Ehh~ It’ll be fine! Besides this’ll be more efficient to keep eye on ___chan since her rank is the lowest today right Shin-chan?“
You tilted your head in wonder as Takao and Midorima seems debating something with those hushed whispers of theirs. "Guys…?”
“….I know you’ll agree Shin-chan!” Takao grinned triumphantly then turned to you. “Of course if you don’t mind___chan…?”
Midorima agreed…? Cheek heated, you shook your head. “Not at all…”
“Yosha! Come on Shin-chan! You helped ___chan while I handle those books okay? It’s fine, it’s fine. I can handle it on my own. You two just take your time~”
Well, though you had to ask them to move the huge panda statue Midorima brought in with him (that without your knowing, is your lucky item for the day), from getting in the way shop’s door, three of you managed to handle the shop for the day. And because of Takao who stubbornly asked, you cannot help but wait eagerly for next week when they’ll come to help again at your family store. 
Maybe, just maybe… You’ll be able to tell him those feeling of yours then…?
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The Chinese President Xi Jinping done a very good job and the 1. 4 billions Chinese compatriots well education systems and discipline defeated the Americans #trumpvirus #coronavirus #covid19 planted in Wuhan. If Xi Jinping of the CCP party not cover up #coronavirus attacks Wuhan and plan careful for at less a week before announce to the 1.4 billions Chinese compatriots, the Americans #coronavirus attacks China. 1. 4 billions people stampede and its will be disaster panicking buying food storages extra. In fact the entire world copy the Chinese stategy from China like Italy, Spain, France US, UK as well relax and slowly to tell the nation self isolation. The reality, Communist China has save the entire world. Because of the CCP govt action and strategy Deny as much as you like that fact. How It All Started: China’s Early Coronavirus Missteps https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-it-all-started-chinas-early-coronavirus-missteps-11583508932?fbclid=IwAR1e2i-ojZ-__3bfwIFKV91eZLmris2A0faw0Lk8BJe9l-F_nQDu6dwJWlE https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-I1nHAvFU/?igshid=qcgmwb4nqy20
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queeranarchism · 7 years
Some extremely common lies used to turn the public against a protest
“Most of those who were arrested at the protest about this local issue were not from the neighbourhood” Very often untrue. Outsiders posing as ‘concerned local citizens’ does happen but this is almost entirely a strategy of white supremacists. Anarchists and other left wing radicals don’t use this stategy as it runs counter to their goal of winning over the people. Some ways the police manipulate statistics: - defining ‘the neighbourhood’ in extremely narrow terms - assuming all those arrested who did not give their address are outsiders - just plain making up statistics.
“The road block prevented emergency services from doing their job” Almost always untrue. Road blocks pretty much without exception allow ambulances to pass. When police report this some likely explanations are: - ‘emergency services couldn’t pass’ just means 'the police couldn’t pass’ - the police organized a blatant trap, driving an ambulance to the blockade followed closely by lots and lots of riot cops, and the blockade didn’t fall for the obvious trick. - it’s pure fiction
“A mindless mob destroyed it’s own neighbourhood.” Just not what protestors, rioters or mobs do. Some reasons you may hear it: - protestors entered local stores to get essential supplies to defend themselves against police violence - protestors destroyed windows close to protest lines because that is much safer than waiting for a rubber bullet to smash that window and send glass flying everywhere - locals damaged businesses known to collaborate with the police - locals destroyed surveillance equipment - locals accepted an amount of physical damage to their neighbourhood in the struggle and their efforts to clean up and repair the next day were not covered by the media - the police send people into the protest whose only intention was to cause mayhem and reck the neighbourhood. - More fiction
There are way more like these and different police forces and governments have a different set if them that they use often. Know some? Reblog and add!
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