#Criminal Minds fam
javsobsessions · 2 months
No, cuz why is it that out of everything that’s happened this season, the thing that bothers me most is the fact Emily has a sister.
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dr-spencer-reidd · 5 months
funny little insights 1.0:
Garcia talks to herself when she thinks no one’s watching
While Penelope’s working, Hotch sneaks in to check on her from the door. It’s the only time I’ve seen him smile without even talking. He just looks at her working in her pink office full of gadgets and lights up.
Morgan has called Garcia baby girl in front of the president of the DEA. She thought he was talking to her so she responded with “thanks baby boy”
Garcia’s phone doesn’t work and she refuses to get it fixed
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ssahotchnerr · 5 months
Omg Jack would be such a great big brother to his baby sister 🥺
right 🥹🥹🥹 he'd be SO super helpful too <333 hehe like when she first gets home from the hospital, not only is jack super attentive to you, but he's absolutely glued to his sister's side 🥹 he wants to swaddle her himself, always lets her grab onto his fingers with her very tiny hands, (does avoid the diapers at all costs LOL) and omg those nights where she's up crying and jack wakes up to it, you and aaron are both like, "sorry she woke you buddy🥺" and jack just says it's alright he's not mad 🥺 and maybe adds in something sweet like, "maybe she's scared of the dark, she's never seen it before and that's why she's crying🥺🥺🥺" SOBS
and as she gets older, he LOVES teaching her new things 🥹🥰 his favorite thing to teach her is definitely soccer too <333 hehe the two of them in the backyard on a sunny day, you and aaron are sat in the grass enjoying the warm afternoon, and meanwhile jack's showing her how to kick the ball into the goal 🥹🫶🏻 and when she makes it, he gets SO excited, which only makes her super excited too!!!!!!!! AH i love him
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whoisspence · 6 months
WAIT so what's the fandom name ???? i'm lost
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careol · 2 months
LIKED : more drafts yay! / @r3f1ect (jack)
               carol   made   a   rather   aggressive   throat   clearing   sound   as   she   walked   behind   him,   her   eyes   fixed   on   the   homework   paper   in   front   of   jack.      when   his   eyes   met   hers,   she   quickly   shook   her   head.      she’s   not   supposed   to   offer   help   unless   he   asks,   and   she’s   certainly   not   supposed   to   just   give   him   the   answer   either.      it   was   up   to   jack   to   make   those   mistakes   and   to   learn   from   them.      a   valuable   lesson   aaron   wanted   him   to   learn,   and   she   understands   why.      you   don’t   get   handed   things   in   life,   you   need   to   work   for   it   even   if   it   means   some   failure   along   the   way.      but   she   just   couldn’t   help   herself   this   time   around.
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               ❝   read   the   question   very   carefully.   ❞      that’s   her   hint,   because   there   are   a   lot   of   times   that   math   questions   will   try   to   fool   you   with   their   wording.      case   in   point,   this   very   question.
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prentisscminds · 1 year
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Happy Birthday A.J <3
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major tws: suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, hallucinations, self-destructive behaviours, sad emily prentiss.
He finds her in the same place he has everytime, on the fire escape.
"Emily, come inside, it's cold." She doesn't seem to hear him, just goes on staring at the cityscape ahead of her, and he wonders, not for the first time, where she goes when she gets like this.
Helplessly, he watches. The hand that lifts the bottle to her lips shakes, the hand that holds the cigarette does not.
"Go home, Hotch." She doesn't call him Aaron anymore. It's just another thing that has changed between them since she came back to life. He watches the back of her head, wishing he could read her mind. Wishing he could reach into it and bring her back, because she's not the same as she was before.
Maybe it's unfair to expect her to be. You can't die and be ressurected as the same person. Change is the only truly implicit aspect of human nature.
read the rest on ao3 or fanfiction.net
wordcount: 4.5k (complete)
taglist: @hopefulfangirl24 @thebewingedjewelcat @platypus-whit-boots @luhwithah @cvtsbutcut3 @acetheticlytired @ccmattis-22 @duchessas @lucreziaq2001 @scorpiofangirl1109 @natasha-barton @lil-koala @themetaphorgirl @sequinsmile-x @emobabeyy @my-mummy-dust @section-chief-prentiss @canyouhearmyfear @loriprentiss @psychicmuffinpandasludge @bingetvcarls
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doyouever-daydream · 2 years
the other day i saw a lot of people commenting on a cme post about bringing back Spencer and i went like "yeah, yeah, Spencer this, Spencer that, no hate to him but...
i miss my Matt Simmons
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snarkylinda · 2 years
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The asnwer to this shouldn't had been "Kid there is no way you could had known that was going to happen" it should had been "Reid look at me, what the fuck would you had done exactly?" And watch him slowly sit down.
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domestikhighway58 · 2 years
Home, Alone
18+ Explicit
Not too explicit but IDK how this works on the Tumblr
WC: 1600
Hotch comes over for dinner and a movie after Spencer takes a day off. Dinner is heavy and the movie is relaxing but they still find a way to get down with the dirty-dirty, even if it is a little new.
YO--Go order the Hotchreid Zine if you haven't yet! Orders close in like 2 days or so. <3 This is for fun but also for that. <3
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"Hey, yeah, come on up--chicken's done--hang on!"
Hotch shook his head with a tired smile and made his way up once the door to Reid's apartment building finally clicked open.
He had to tell the kid to get the code fixed so he could buzz himself up next time. Hotch had been there every night for nearly two months now. It was probably far past time but Spencer had never had a boyfriend before. This was all new.
Hotch let himself in and found Spencer bustling around his cramped kitchen in an old band t-shirt and a ragged pair of cords, barefoot for once.
"I roasted a chicken, an entire, organic, humanely sourced chicken I had to order from the Market and it only just got here--Aaron, it still had a few feathers in it, I tweezed it but--"
Aaron held up a hand while he shrugged his jacket off.
"Sorry, wait--Spencer, you tweezed the chicken?"
Spencer stared with a rapid blink as he stood up to his full height.
"Yes?" he asked with a wince just as the buzzer dinged again.
"Oh--shit, okay--is it--yes, that's brown enough right? I broiled it for the last little bit, the internal temperature read just at 175 degrees Fahrenheit--"
Hotch placed his hands on Spencer's hips just above the loose old cords. His fingers met warm skin and both men sighed at the subtle contact.
"Get it out and we'll taste test once it's rested. What else did you make on your rare day off?" Aaron breathed into Spencer's long hair.
Spencer shivered and batted him off.
He made quite a lot and he didn't feel like getting distracted yet again before they could actually eat.
Hotch stood back and chuckled, hands raised at the look his love shot him over his shoulder.
"Show me, Reid, I'll behave."
Spencer proceeded to outline in depth the meal he planned for hours that morning at 4 am when he realized he had to take a day off or risk it not carrying over to next year. He was still junior enough on the FBI payroll not to get rollover PTO. It was annoying, sure, but...
He rather enjoyed his random day at home, all alone. Waiting for Hotch to get back from a thankfully clear paperwork day.
They made it to the table this time without a bedroom detour. Spencer found he rather enjoyed the dinnertime banter, the perusal of flavors he found that day in the two dozen cookbooks he memorized, the way Hotch tried and loved his puffed pastry for dessert...
It was truly the first time they had to take time together since starting this secret thing they had.
When the dishes were finally done after a silly attempt at domesticity--Hotch deciding Spencer was far too clinical in his approach and Spencer deciding Hotch knew nothing of hygiene whatsoever--both of them were far too exhausted and full to consider their normal raucous romp.
Spencer leaned against the sink drying his hands with a towel before carefully tossing it in the little basket next to the door for immediate washing. Aaron nearly laughed but groaned instead when he remembered laughing hurt his ridiculously over-stuffed stomach.
"Remind me not to let you force seconds on me of every course, you're like my grandmother, Spencer, Christ, I could pass out right now," the older man lamented with a very content sigh. Spencer blushed and shrugged at him.
He grabbed Aaron's wrist to pull him along to the living room where the rest of their night home alone waited.
Spencer might have been envisioning this for a while. It was all going according to plan so far.
"I didn't forcefeed you, Hotch. But now that you mention it, I would just like to... um, relax? Together? We can have sex, but maybe... right now let's just... be?" he asked quietly with a nod to the couch. His lips twitched up in a hopeful smile and honestly, Hotch had never seen anything more perfect.
"That sounds pretty damn good, Reid. Movie?" he asked with a reciprocal smile.
Spencer sprawled out with a laugh on his couch and reached a hand up to pull Aaron down with him.
"Mhmm. Your choice."
Hotch grinned with a glint in his eye that had Spencer questioning his motives but he stuck by his offer to hand his partner the remote.
Forty-five minutes later found them both nearly catatonic on the couch staring open-mouthed as the fighter jets of Top Gun whizzed to and fro across Spencer's old TV.
Their feet rubbed against each other where they met perched on the coffee table but otherwise they kept to their respective sides out of comfort. Both of them assumed they'd start fucking within the first five minutes like they usually did when they sat down to "watch. a movie" but this time...
The comfort level was at an all time high. Sex could wait.
They both somewhat forgot where they were when the comfort level got a little higher than usual.
Spencer's hand was down his pants within ten minutes of the captivating movie. He was too tired to realize his old private passtime playing out beneath his cords. Simply touching and holding, nothing too crass. Maybe he'd be diverted enough eventually to focus on a fantasy and play it out til orgasm, maybe he'd just sit there touching himself until he fell asleep.
He never did know. Right now, it just felt natural.
Aaron took longer in the pursuit. It wasn't until he saw Spencer's hand moving beneath his pants with long, erratic little pumps that his own cock demanded the same attention. At first, he just watched Spencer just stare at the screen and touch himself like he was entirely alone. He waited for the man to look over and tease him with a grin, invite him over to join.
Then the movie caught his attention again somehow and before he knew what was happening, he was simply stroking his cock out of comfort, completely lost in the theatrics on screen.
They kept going like that until Spencer noticed for the first time with a yawn where his hand was. A glance at Aaron confirmed to him with a shock that they were both just lying there playing footsie absently while playing with themselves.
It was, perhaps, the most erotic moment of Spencer Reid's life.
His hand increased its tempo, sliding up and down his cock beneath his pants as he watched Aaron just fondle himself like that.
Spencer let a tiny moan escape. Aaron shook himself from the sleepy stupor to look over at him. Eyes on his face. On his crotch. The hand moving there.
"Hey," Spencer whispered while Top Gun played out loud in the background.
Aaron swallowed hard.
They both increased the tempo of their strokes.
Feet tangled with feet.
Spencer let hishead fall back against the couch. He pulled his cock out of his pants fully and let it all go, fast, furious strokes, the way Hotch always touched him. When he opened his eyes he saw Hotch had his out too, dragging his fist up and down slow, steady, just the way Spencer rode him.
Spencer felt himself building to that point the longer he watched Aaron touch himself like that.
"You know I... I touched myself every single night for years before you took me that first time... always thinking it was you...." he whispered with a tiny moan like he used to when he still held back.
Aaron nearly lost it when he heard that. Ever since they'd let it all go, ever since they went for it, he hadn't heard Spencer be anything but loud and wild.
Hearing that tiny whisper again...
It had him coming right then and there.
"Fuck--Spencer--baby--k-keep going--come on yourself for me--" he managed to choke out between the throbbing spasms of his cock into his own hand. Hotch didn't care that he came first that time.
It just meant he got to watch Spencer whine and whimper and need more--more Hotch would not be giving despite that desperate look. Their movie was ending. It was time for bed, no matter how much Spencer begged.
"A-Aaron... hmmm... not the same without you--fuck--"
Aaron couldn't help the gasping smirk as he waved his cum-covered cock at his boyfriend with a sleepy grin.
"I wanna see you come without this in your ass, Spence. Let's see it. Then maybe tomorrow, you can have it for breakfast."
Spencer's eyes got big and he nearly cried when he finally came all over his t-shirt, avidly imagining the next morning while he banged his feet against the table through the sensation.
"Good boy, Spencer.... god... dinner and a movie with you is never just dinner and a movie, is it?" Aaron muttered with satisfaction at the sight of Spencer shaking and covered in his own cum at the end of the couch.
Spencer laughed through the last shaky bit of his release and shook his head. When he opened his eyes it was to find Hotch standing with his shirt off, wiping the cum from his chest and belly like he did it every day.
Spencer blushed gratefully and pulled his own cum-soaked tee off before cleaning up half-heartedly.
Why bother...
Aaron pulled him for a deep kiss while the credits rolled behind them. Spencer melted into it and he didn't care that they were both about to go to bed covered in cum without brushing their teeth.
Breakfast was bound to be messy.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
Drama Over Dinner - Elle/JJ/Emily
Written based on a prompt from @quick-otp-prompts . Sharing with @bau-drabbles and @criminalmindsgonewrong​ again. JJ has two hands and Emily is a brat, why not bring Elle home?
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“Darling, honey, love of my life. You’re killing me.. How could I ever live on?”
Emily’s pout is clear in her voice and Elle sighs even as she hangs her jacket up, glancing over at JJ who look completely unimpressed even as Emily pouts at them both. She’s used to this by now but Elle can’t help rolling her eyes.
“What did you say?” Elle’s question is soft and JJ sighs and shrugs.
“Nothing. She’s just moping because I refused to cook dinner.”
“Well, good news…”
Elle laughs, setting a bag on the table, her smirk soft when Emily opens the bag and instantly squeals in delight.
“Elle Greenaway you actual angel…”
Emily pulls out the sweet and sour pork and a pair of chopsticks, Elle smiling at JJ’s laugh as she settles to her own meal, glancing up at JJ.
“C’mere Jayje…”
She’s pulled JJ into her side even as she hands over the food she’d brought for JJ, her own meal following before they settle to dinner, Elle smirking at Emily’s content sigh.
“Happy now, drama queen?”
Emily nods, continuing to scoop food into her mouth a little too fast, Elle smirking a little.
She might still be adjusting to sharing JJ and Emily’s life but she can’t help loving moments like this.
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introverted-author · 1 year
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abc1dspntjlc4 · 1 year
Season 7 of criminal minds is an apologies for the stupidity of season 6
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whitecrossgirl · 2 years
In case anyone is interested, here is a sneak peek at my newest fairy tale AU. In a slight departure from my usual repertoire, this one isn't a Hotchniss fic but I'm sure you'll enjoy it anyway.
Points for whoever can guess which characters play which roles. The story itself will be fairly obvious haha 🧜‍♀️
“Luke! Luke, you jellyfish! Get back here!” Princess Tara called as she watched her brother dart off with a flick of his fins. She rolled her eyes as Emily and Jennifer joined her. 
“You know he won’t just come back. We need to find him before Bailey tells Father.” Emily stated as the three princesses sped off after their wayward brother. Although the four royals were permitted to travel wherever they wished to within the underwater kingdom, Luke always seemed to wind up somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be. One of these days he was either going to find himself in the Outer Territories or worse, the Surface.
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
@snoopyrps​ submitted : 
Was that [REIKY DE VALK]? Oh no no, that was just [STEVEN UNIVERSE], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [STEVEN UNIVERSE]. They are [TWENTY-ONE] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: amy, 23, est, she/her}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. steven universe [reiky de valk]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
Was that [NATASHA LYONNE]? Oh no no, that was just [NADIA VULVOKOV], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [RUSSIAN DOLL]. They are [FORTY] years old, use [PRONOUNS], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: amy, 23, est, she/her}  **two quick notes:1) i’m so sorry if the text didn’t send as bolded - sending from mobile is always… more annoying 🤦‍♀️ 2) could i extend my prentiss reserve by just a few hours? it totally slipped my mind that i only have an hour between getting off work and going to a birthday party, so i haven’t had much time to look thru fcs! lordy me…
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. nadia vulvokov [natasha lyonne]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
** emily prentiss is reserved for amy until 12/01 at 7:02pm est!
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prentisscminds · 1 year
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Im going through a very hard time right now,so im very thankful for criminal minds cast they can always cheer me up! <3
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