#Crisel Consunji
may8chan · 3 years
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Still Human - Oliver Siu Kuen Chan 2018
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netlex · 5 years
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Still Human (2018) by Oliver Siu Kuen Chan
A Film About a Domestic Helper, a Paraplegic – and Human Dignity
Leung Cheong-Wing (Anthony Wong) is a middle-aged man who, due to an accident, is now paralyzed from the chest down. His wife and son left him and now live their own lives in the United States, enjoying a new life in with a new husband and (step) father included. Cheong-Wing is fully dependent on the help of others. Also, and here I can totally relate, cockroaches freak him out. Evelyn Santos (Crisel Consunji), a domestic helper from the Philippines, came to Hong Kong because unlike dreams, real life cannot wait. Thus she is putting her dream of becoming a photographer aside and now makes her living as Cheong-Wing`s new aid and maid.
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gregor-samsung · 5 years
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淪落人 [Still Human] (Oliver Siu Kuen Chan, 2018)
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joneswumovie · 5 years
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《淪落人》獲得今年香港金像獎最佳新導演(陳小娟)、男主角(黃秋生)、新演員(Crisel Consunji),實至名歸。 完整文章:https://reurl.cc/53X8y
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osugna · 2 years
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Anchored by powerful and infectious performances by the lead actors, Still Human which takes leaf from The Intouchables delivers similar feel-good promise with distinctive local flavour.
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genkinahito · 5 years
Still Human 淪落人 Dir: Oliver Siu Kuen Chan Hong Kong (2018)
Still Human 淪落人 Dir: Oliver Siu Kuen Chan Hong Kong (2018)
Still Human 淪落人   
Running Time: 115 mins.
Release Date: Summer 2018
Director: Oliver Siu Kuen Chan
Writer: Oliver Siu Kuen Chan (Screenplay),
Starring: Anthony Wong, Crisel Consunji, Sam Lee, Cecilia Yip, Himmy Wong,
The city state of Hong Kong has been the setting for big emotions found in heroic bloodshed actioners, crime thrillers,…
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fareastfilm · 5 years
FEFF audiences and Black Dragon pass holders crown Hong Kong the winner
In second place, Chinese black comedy Dying to Survive, and in third position Korean blockbuster Extreme Job. FEFF 21 ends with 60,000 attendees, plus over 20,000 visitors to FEFF Events around the city.
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"We live on the other side of the world and we were worried that our film wouldn't be understood. But the world speaks a single language: the language of love..." These were the words of excited and radiant young actress Crisel Consunji on the triumph of Hong Kong film Still Human at the Far East Film Festival 21, as she shared the stage and the applause of the Teatro Nuovo with director Oliver Chan and monumental protagonist Anthony Wong (already winner of a Golden Mulberry Award for Outstanding Achievement).
The public were in no doubt about the winner, and neither were the Black Dragon pass holders, who gave Still Human the Critics Award. In second place came Chinese black comedy Dying To Survive, and in third position Korean blockbuster Extreme Job. Finally, the White Mulberry award for First Film went to Melancholic by Japanese newcomer Tanaka Seiji, while readers of MYmovies.it opted instead for another Japanese film, Takeuchi Hideki's Fly Me To Saitama.
9 days. Screenings of 77 films that describe the present and look to the future. 3 world premieres - and 14 first films - that demonstrate the central position Udine has earned itself in the Asian film market. This is the Far East Film Festival and this –  in a slightly reductive form - is the balance sheet of the twenty-first edition.
This year, the Silk Road brought 60,000 spectators, 200 guest stars from Asia (including, let's not forget, superstars Jeon Do-Yeon, Yao Chen and Anthony Wong) and 200 professionals from the Asian and European film industry (sales agents, buyers, key players of the international Ties That Bind workshop and of the Focus Asia project market) to the "Giovanni da Udine" Teatro Nuovo and the Cinema Centrale.
Add to that the 1,600 pass holders (including journalists, teachers, students and ambassadors from other festivals) from over 20 countries: Italy, Holland, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, the United States, France, Belgium, Switzerland, China, Canada , Spain, Hong Kong, Japan, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Norway, South Korea, Czech Republic, Brazil, Sweden and Serbia.
And despite the slightly less-than-inviting weather, FEFF 21 has also had a decidedly positive effect on the city: the packed FEFF Events programme of over 100 events, including the now traditional Cosplay Contest, brought in over 20,000 attendees. And we mustn't forget the festival's extremely active social media community, which once again this year numbered thousands of fans (30,000 on Facebook alone).
But in spite of these results and indicators of growth, and despite an international reputation which each year grows more solid and the festival's significant local economic impact, the FEFF continues to face deep cuts in public funding: this year, the organisation was forced to organise the festival with over 150,000 euros less than in 2018. And it goes without saying that it is impossible to maintain and protect the standards acquired over the last twenty years if this haemorrhaging of vital resources should continue. For the moment, the FEFF is holding out – which is to say, is working miracles - thanks in part to the indispensable commitment of its volunteers. But an event as complex and ramified as the FEFF needs a different kind of institutional approach if it is to look confidently to the future. And the future, of course, means next year's edition.
So all that's left to do is make a date in Udine for the Far East Film Festival 22, from the 24 April to the 2 May 2020!
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mensunohk · 5 years
發哥威風凜凜無得輸 金像獎2019紀念特刊封面曝光
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這次紀念特刊獨立造型照拍攝及美術工作由攝影師Paul Tsang by U N Workshop主理,侯選男主角有吳鎮宇(逆流大叔)、黃秋生(淪落人)、周潤發(無雙)、郭富城(無雙)和姜皓文(翠絲);侯選女主角則是曾美慧孜(三夫)、蔡卓妍(非分熟女)、余香凝(非同凡響)、Crisel Consunji(淪落人)和張靜初(無雙)。至於那一位最吸引,就真的各有千秋吧,但發哥就必定是無得輸。
men’s uno Hong Kong ►► Facebook@mensuno ►► Instagram@mensunohk ►► men’s uno
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yahootravelhk · 5 years
講起復活節,大家一定諗起可愛嘅復活兔。今個復活節有商場就反轉以三色貓咪Gloomie做主角,就係港島太古康怡、康蘭居和銅鑼灣Fashion Walk的「寵愛藝術展」,貓奴一定唔可以錯過!
另康蘭居及Fashion Walk將會展出LeonLollipop巨型油畫,康蘭居的展覽設置爲期一年,而Fashion Walk已經率先有LeonLollipop作品出現!除了三色貓眯的舉行油畫作品,更有一些LeonLollipop代表作公開展覽,例如「極光動物」作品系列。而4月27日更邀請獲提名2019年《香港電影評論學會大獎》「最佳女主角」Kindermusik教師Crisel Consunji在康蘭居創作親子故事工作坊,結合音樂,舞蹈和游戲讓小朋友更投入故事,寓學習於娛樂。各位家長同貓奴萬勿錯過,一起欣賞LeonLollipop的有趣畫作!
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Crisel Consunji於27日將會舉辦親子講故事互動工作坊。
【本地活動】Pop Art大師 中環開展覽 明星都追捧!
復活節自助餐 2019:10 間好玩、好食復活節親子自助餐好去處
維也納利奧波德博物館-暗黑系鬼才畫家席勒 Egon Schiele
【立即讚好】全新 Yahoo 旅遊 Facebook 專頁
Yahoo 旅遊以全新樣貌登場,Facebook 專頁當然同時煥然一新!立即讚好,每日睇盡旅遊新資訊!
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may8chan · 3 years
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Still Human - Oliver Siu Kuen Chan 2018
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gregor-samsung · 5 years
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淪落人 [Still Human] (Oliver Siu Kuen Chan, 2018)
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pinoyartist · 4 years
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Crisel Consunji is a professional actress, singer, and educator. Her recent project, the film “Still Human”, has earned critical acclaim from the Hong Kong Film Awards, where she is nominated for Best Actress and Best New Performer. She is passionate about the performing arts, and has built her career on connecting and changing lives though creative expression. PinoyArtist.com aims to help the Filipino culture and arts community by highlighting your struggles to turn isolation to inspiration. How do you keep yourself inspired during pandemic? Feel free to email us at [email protected] to get a chance to be featured! #CriselConsunji #HongKongFilmAward #BestNewPerformer #StillHuman #RepertoryPhilippines #Actress #Singer #Hongkong #AteneoDeManila #Pinoyartist
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yesasia · 5 years
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Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor Anthony Wong and Best New Actor Crisel Consunji star in the movie STILL HUMAN about the growing bond between a Filipino domestic helper and her grouchy employer
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style-yesnews · 5 years
第38屆香港電影金像獎 曾美慧孜、黃秋生膺影后影帝《無雙》共奪七獎成大贏家
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第38屆香港電影金像獎完滿結束。曾美慧孜黃秋生膺影后影帝,《無雙》奪七個獎項,《淪落人》女主角Crisel Consunji 奪最佳新演員, 《淪落人》導演 陳小娟奪新晉導演。
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《無雙》分別奪得:最佳電影、最佳導演、最佳編劇、最佳攝影、最佳剪接、最佳美術指導、最佳服裝造型設計共七個獎項。 攝:Tommy Tang
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最佳導演、最佳編劇 《無雙》莊文強說:條路點行自己選,如果電影無其他工作人員一齊拼搏,自己只係一個癲佬。
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最佳女主角 《三夫》曾美慧孜,這是人生第一次香港拍的電影,多謝陳果導演的這一張船飛。
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最佳男主角 黃秋生 説笑得個頭最得,好高興陳果導演的協助,導演小娟的細心,亦多謝投票比我的人,令我知道重有人支持我及我的演技還可以,而不投票給我亦令我知道有所不足,感謝媽媽教我生命短暫,教我要開心,因為人生苦短。
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黃秋生榮獲第38屆金像獎最佳男主角,在電影《淪落人》中丶黃秋生飾演半身不遂要靠坐輪椅度日的失婚男士「昌榮」。秋生表示今晚是一個奇蹟 ,他在頒獎台上竟然讀出聖經經文,榮耀神:「謝謝我媽媽,在她生命最後的時候,教導他生命有限,所以要每日開心的過。最後要多謝上帝,「我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為祢與我同在,祢的杖、袮的竿都安慰我。」
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黃秋生的大兒子,2016年在美國讀書的時候遇上大車禍, 入到醫院已沒有呼吸, 當時秋生在香港做舞台劇,也沒有美國簽証,趕不到去美國看兒子, 他只有在香港為兒子祈禱求上帝拯救, 他的太太去到美國後,兒子已醒而且奇蹟地漸漸康復了。秋生說:「遭遇甚麼困難都不緊要,當你睁大眼仍然行得走得,都應該感谢主!」信仰真的令黃秋生生命改變。
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《淪落人》女主角Crisel Consunji奪新演員獎。
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新晉導演 《淪落人》 陳小娟 :多謝所有人支持我完夢。
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《第38屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮》得獎名單: 最佳電影:莊文強《無雙》 最佳導演:莊文強《無雙》 最佳編劇:莊文強《無雙》 最佳男主角:黃秋生《淪落人》 最佳女主角:曾美慧孜《三夫》 最佳男配角:袁富華《翠絲》 最佳女配角:惠英紅《翠絲》 最佳新演員:Crisel Consunji(姬素孔尚治)《淪落人》 最佳攝影:關智耀《無雙》 最佳剪接:彭正熙《無雙》 最佳美術指導:林子僑《無雙》 最佳服裝造型設計:文念中《無雙》 最佳動作設計:林超賢《紅海行動》 最佳原創電影音樂:RubberBand《逆流大叔》 最佳原創電影歌曲:逆流之歌(RubberBand)《逆流大叔》 最佳音響效果:Nopawat Likitwong、Sarunyu Nurnsai《紅海行動》 最佳視覺效果:李仁浩、姜泰《紅海行動》 新晉導演:陳小娟《淪落人》 最佳兩岸華語電影:《我不是藥神》 專業精神獎:劉允 終身成就獎:謝賢
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娛樂資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 第38屆香港電影金像獎 曾美慧孜、黃秋生膺影后影帝《無雙》共奪七獎成大贏家 更多相關內容
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蘇嘉倫孖蔡啟明Bar City 開《亨嘉倫利》音樂會
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Stars-HK娛網 本站集中報道娛樂新聞,包括在音樂圈、電影圈、電視圈、劇團裡面,歌手和演員的活動和最新動向等。我們採取「只談專業,不談緋聞」的編審方針,希望帶給讀者清新的體驗。無論是中、港、台、日、韓等地的大明星以至新人的消息,娛網都會悉數報道。我們也會重點發掘未來新星,致力推廣。
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fareastfilm · 5 years
Il pubblico e gli accreditati Black Dragon hanno incoronato Hong Kong
Al secondo posto la black comedy cinese Dying To Survive e al terzo posto il super blockbuster coreano Extreme Job.
Il FEFF 21 chiude con 60.000 mila spettatori. Oltre 20 mila, invece, le presenze agli eventi in città.
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«Noi viviamo dall’altra parte del mondo e avevamo paura che il nostro film non venisse capito. Ma il mondo parla una lingua sola: quella dell’amore...». La giovane attrice Crisel Consunji, emozionata e raggiante, ha commentato così il trionfo hongkonghese di Still Human al Far East Film Festival 21, dividendo il palco e l’ovazione del Teatro Nuovo con la regista Oliver Chan e con il monumentale protagonista Anthony Wong (già premiato con il Gelso d’Oro alla Carriera).
Il pubblico del FEFF 21 non ha avuto dubbi, nel decidere la prima posizione della classifica, e così anche gli accreditati Black Dragon, che hanno hanno assegnato a Still Human il Premio della critica. Al secondo posto si è invece qualificata la black comedy cinese Dying To Survive di Wen Muye e al terzo posto il super blockbuster coreano Extreme Job di Lee Byoung-heon. Il Gelso Bianco per le opere prime, infine, è andato al giapponese Melancholic dell’esordiente Tanaka Seiji, mentre i lettori di MYmovies.it hanno preferito gli ardori ultra pop giapponesi di Fly Me To The Saitama di Takeuchi Hideki.
9 giorni di programmazione. 77 film che raccontano il presente e guardano al futuro. 3 anteprime mondiali – e 14 debutti – che dimostrano la centralità conquistata da Udine sul fronte del mercato cinematografico orientale. Ecco il Far East Film Festival ed ecco, pur con tutti i limiti della sintesi, il bilancio della ventunesima edizione.     
La Via della Seta ha portato al Teatro Nuovo “Giovanni da Udine” e al Cinema Centrale 60 mila spettatori, 200 guest star dall’Asia (tra cui, ricordiamo, tre super divi come Jeon Do-Yeon, Yao Chen, Anthony Wong) e 200 professionisti dell’industria cinematografica orientale ed europea (i sale agent, i buyer, i key-player del workshop internazionale Ties That Bind e del project market Focus Asia).
1600, invece, gli accreditati (giornalisti, docenti, studenti, ambasciatori di altri festival), provenienti da oltre 20 paesi: Italia, Olanda, Slovenia, Regno Unito, Germania, Svezia, Stati Uniti, Francia, Belgio, Svizzera, Cina, Canada, Spagna, Hong Kong, Giappone, Croazia, Ungheria, Polonia, Austria, Norvegia, Corea del Sud, Repubblica Ceca, Brasile, Svezia e Serbia.
Decisamente positivo anche l’impatto del FEFF 21 sulla città, nonostante un meteo tutt’altro che amichevole: il fittissimo programma dei FEFF Events, oltre 100 appuntamenti tra cui l’ormai tradizionale Cosplay Contest, ha fatto registrare oltre 20 mila presenze. Non bisogna, poi, dimenticare l’attivissima social community del festival, che anche quest’anno ha coinvolto migliaia di fan (30 mila solo su Facebook).  
A fronte di tutti i risultati e di tutti gli indicatori di crescita, a fronte di una reputazione internazionale ogni anno più solida e di una notevole ricaduta economica sul territorio, il FEFF continua però a misurarsi con pesantissimi tagli ai finanziamenti pubblici: rispetto al 2018, l’organizzazione ha dovuto costruire il festival con oltre 150 mila euro in meno. E, va da sè, non è pensabile mantenere – proteggere – gli standard acquisiti nell’arco di vent’anni qualora l’emorragia di risorse, risorse appunto vitali, dovesse proseguire. Ora il FEFF resiste, per non dire “fa miracoli”, anche grazie all’indispensabile contributo dei volontari, ma una struttura così complessa, così ramificata, necessita di un altro passo istituzionale per guardare avanti. E avanti, ovviamente, significa la prossima edizione.
Non resta che darsi appuntamento a Udine, per Far East Film Festival 22, dal 24 aprile al 2 maggio 2020!
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anthonywongblog · 5 years
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