#Cross-border yacht transport
crosschartering · 9 months
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Yacht Shipping
Sail confidently with our specialized yacht shipping services, ensuring the secure and timely transport of your vessel across oceans!
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dominimoonbeam · 5 months
To The Edge - 9
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: scifi romance, hijinks in space, rogues learning to trust, violence, blood, guns, death, explicit language, so much kidnapping,
Works organized and easily found over on the patreon. <3
They were almost there. Almost to the hub station where the mercenaries they’d contacted had said to meet them. For a second, before he patched them up, Stardust had considered trying to buy Cosmic’s help. They needed to get someplace and they needed a ship. From what they’d learned on Styx, buying a jet this far out was nearly impossible, but hiring transport was easy. Just about everyone with a ship was looking to make easy money.
…It wasn’t going to be easy money, though. There was a good chance their cousins would send more bounty hunters and, even if they didn’t, if Cosmic betrayed their contract he’d end up with a price on his head.
There was no way they could trust him to help them at his own risk, and if he was willing… there was no way Stardust could do that to someone. Especially not someone that had patched them up.
The console lit up in a strobe of bright yellow.
They tapped the console.
Call declined.
Cosmic sighed loudly. “That’s the third time that L-class yacht has tried to call, Stardust… Maybe you should just answer.”
They scoffed, swiveling side to side in their seat and watching the stars rather than their captive. Why answer? To hear Tansy’s terms of surrender? Or to have Genesis list the ways he’d make them pay when he got his hands on them? No. They’d rather not know which one it was.
They spun around to face their bounty hunter, smirking when a thought occurred to them. “Wouldn’t that reflect badly on you? You should be begging me not to answer.”
“Yes, it would look bad for me if you did and someone found out I’d lost my ship to my bounty…but I don’t think that’s why you’re avoiding the call.”
Stardust felt their smile sag. What if it wasn’t Genesis or Tansy? What if Illya was involved? Or Galileo herself? Would Stardust have to return if they called? How could they not? Solinoh knees only bent for the family and those were the names that brought them crawling.
No. It couldn’t be Galileo. If she knew, it would be over. If she knew, the others would have scattered and pretended they’d never had their eyes on the prize.
“Did you really run away from home? Is that what you were doing out here when you got picked up by pirates?”
Stardust looked at him. Rory Antilla. They still thought Cosmic suited him better. They’d had time to sift through his ship logs. He was a jack of all trades and had been to just about every corner of the edge, flirting with the border to the Court but not quite crossing. He was a smugglers, a thief, and a bounty hunter with an impressive log of successful jobs. No wonder he’d been the first to find them.
He laughed when they didn’t answer, the sound frustrated. “It is, isn’t it? Why? What cracked plan led you to think that life out here would be better than on some luxury resort planet back in the prime?”
They wrinkled their nose and tried to push away thoughts of Lu-Pan and Cory’s offer to hide out on a beach. There was no way to explain it to Cosmic—definitely no way without giving him enough information to get him killed. “What do you know about it?” they snapped off instead.
“Yeah, I don’t know anything,” he agreed. “But you could tell me. I mean, I am a captive audience. Emphasis on captive…”
They scrubbed a hand over their face, hating how much they did want to tell him. “My family can be… dangerous.” Fuck. That was nowhere close.
“Yeah, I know your family is dangerous, Stardust,” he started with a scoff but slowed, his eyes reconsidering them in a way that made their skin feel exposed. “Is that… I mean, why would that matter to you? Are you…scared of them?”
Their chest tightened. It was so much more complicated than just being family. They were blood. They were Solinoh. But not every branch of their tree was equal and not every branch loved the others. Stardust was a Solinoh Fairvell, a line of the family that had swung back and forth between trying to rule and trying to leave. It had not inspired closeness.
“Is that why you ran?” he asked, trying to understand.
They flinched at that honest effort—at what sounded dangerously close to caring in his voice. “I didn’t run,” they retorted. “I just left.”
He huffed, rolling his eyes. “Oh, you didn’t run?” he asked, words dripping with amusement. “Like how you didn’t faint?”
They set their jaw. They would absolutely never admit to having fainted.
Cosmic dragged a breath and slouched back in the chair, having long since stopped trying to pull his arms and legs free of all that duct tape.
“Okay,” he tried again. “Just tell me what you’re doing and maybe I can help. Was your family after you before the pirates tried to ransom you?”
Stardust swiveled side to side. He was smart. They felt like if they didn’t get off that ship with him soon, he might actually figure out what was going on.
“Damn. You do have bad luck, Stardust…” he laughed, like their silence was answer enough. “So, why are they after you? Did you steal something?”
They laughed before they could think better of it, shrugging and leaning back to look up at the ceiling. “I guess you could say so. I stole myself.” And now they were in deep.
“…You…You stole yourself? What does that mean?”
They pressed their mouth shut and shook their head. They shouldn’t have said that. They shouldn’t be talking to him at all. So, why hadn’t they just taped his mouth shut? With a sigh, they sat upright and swiveled forward again, back to him.
“Wait! Wait! Come on, we can figure this out. You don’t want to go home? Fine. I’ll drop you someplace else. Cut me loose and I’ll forget about the whole stealing my ship thing. Promise.”
They smiled despite all effort not to but refused to look back at him again. “Really?” they asked, doubtful. Hadn’t he been promising to make them pay an hour ago?
“Yeah, I mean, if I wasn’t taped to this chair, I could even make it a pinky promise.”
They ignored him.
Cosmic groaned, kicking at the floor. “Come on, Stardust! You don’t have a plan! You’re going to get us both killed.”
They tsked at him. “I have a plan.”
“Oh, you do have a plan? Fantastic! What is it? I’m all ears.”
They watched the stars. “I’m hiring alternative transport. We’re going to some station called Carina where you will get your ship back and I will be on my way, out of your hair.”
Quiet stretched with only the hum of the ship for so long that they had to look back just to make sure he was still there. He was. Still taped to his seat and staring at her.
“You… No. That’s not a plan. That’s like jumping out of a ship without a helmet and calling it a plan, Stardust.”
They rolled their eyes and turned their attention forward again.
“Going to another station to meet—”
“I’m hiring alternative transport,” they corrected. “I’ll let you go after!”
“Oh,” he said with sarcastic cheer. “Oh! You’re going to hire some mercenaries to take you where you want to go and then you’ll cut me loose. Well, thank you, but that’s not going to work.”
“Really? You think I can’t find someone with a ship willing to take me where I want to go?” They’d already found someone, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Logistics aside, you don’t stand a chance. There is a bounty out for your return. You think I’m the only one that got wind of it? Why do you think I was hauling ass to get you home? Every hunter on this side of the galaxy is going to be looking for you.”
They shrugged. How many could there even be out on this side of the galaxy? There was nothing out this way but abandoned settlements and stations.
“Stardust… Have you ever heard about Baron?” he asked.
Baron? They almost rolled their eyes. They’d known plenty of people who called themselves Baron, half of them legally named it. Royalty names were always popular in the prime. Cornelius had been middle-named Contessa. Admittedly, it was cooler than the affinity for space names like Stardust.
“He was some high-born primer like you that roamed too far from home and got kidnapped.”
Stardust shot Cosmic a lifted eyebrow. He was bullshitting now.
Only, nothing about his expression hinted at a joke. “It was a while back… but things didn’t go smoothly. Hunters started killing each other to be the one collecting that bounty. If anyone realizes who you are, things are going to get ugly. Shit, Stardust, even if they don’t realize who you are, they’re going to double-cross you. You’ll get yourself killed.”
They tore their gaze off him. He could be right. What insurance did they have that these mercenaries wouldn’t double-cross them? Payment. Part now and part later. It wasn’t like they had any other options. “So why did you do it?” they asked the stars, not turning to look back at him this time.
“What?” he asked, confused, and then he laughed darkly. “You want to know why I took the job if it was so dangerous?”
They nodded at the window, his reflection there in the glass, like he was out there in the stars.
“Because I’m the best,” he said, so smug that it sent a chill right down their spine. “Because it’s a huge payday and because…” He stopped short, the words and thoughts catching on something else. Some memory or terrible truth? The bounty hunter sighed, his eyes finding theirs in the reflection. “Because last time, that rich kid didn’t make it back… The hunters were so busy fighting over the bounty that he just… He got caught in the crossfire. That’s what happens out here. Things go wrong and people die. People like you are dangerous because everyone else around them gets hurt too.”
Stardust stared back at him. “That’s no different than back in the prime.” People like them, Solinohs, were dangerous everywhere.
“When that high born died, even though half the hunters that were fighting over him had died too, his family sent one of their yachts out here armed to the teeth and shot down everything they laid eyes on. They blew a whole station off the map.”
Stardust refused to wince, because of course that was what would happen. When a Solinoh died, even in the prime, even in the house of other primers, someone had to pay for that loss—someone had to learn the lesson so that everyone else would remember the value of their lives above all others. Why wouldn’t the primers do the same to others? It was ugly and wrong, but it was exactly what they would do.
Cosmic nodded at their reflection, lip curled, and they knew he saw it in their face—saw the lack of surprise. “So, you, Stardust, are going home. Right back where you belong. I am getting that payday and that’s going to be the end of it.”
Stardust pushed their boot along the floor, twisting their seat around to look at him. “I don’t think anyone but my relatives have ever tried to command me, Cosmic. It’s honestly adorable, especially considering that you’re still taped to that fucking chair.”
He grinned, and it looked like he’d bite them if he could. “Yeah, I can see why you think you have the upper hand right now, but we both know you’re not going to leave me here to die. So, you will have to cut me loose eventually.”
They bit back a laugh. He was so clever but he still hadn’t figured out how this was going to go down… “I know you really wanted that bounty. How about this, I’ll send you the money myself when I get someplace. It’s only fair for you getting me out of that situation with the pirates and letting me borrow your ship.”
His teeth clicked angrily. “Whatever tiff you’re having with your bloodline, you can sort out after I drop you off.”
The ship beeped and then announced, Approaching station.
The bounty hunter glared. “You’re not listening to me at all, are you?”
“Never have, no,” Stardust admitted, getting up from the captain’s chair and pulling their jacket back on.
“Stardust, you are going to get us killed,” he implored, all serious and big eyes now.
They fixed their collar, the ship jostling a little as it neared the station. “I’m saving you, asshole. You’ll realize it eventually. Or you won’t but, by then, I’ll have wired you some cash and you’ll feel better.”
“Saving… Stop! You’re not saving anyone! Least of all me.” He kicked at the ground, struggling against his bindings anew. “Fine! Go! Just cut me loose and get the hell off my ship!”
Preparing to dock.
They grabbed onto the edge of wall near him, the ship jerking to the side when it coupled with the station. Gears and valves hummed as it connected.
Stardust reached into their boot and pulled out the little weapon they’d kept since they first tied him up.
Cosmic tensed, staring at them. “What are you doing with the stun gun?”
Stardust bit back a guilty smile.
“No. You don’t have to knock me out before you cut me loose. I’ll let you go!”
“Oh, right, I’m definitely going to believe that…”
“I’m not lying!”
They waited, raising an eyebrow.
He snarled. “…Okay, I’m lying! But if you stun me with that thing again, I swear, I’m going to make you pay. I don’t care how far you run or how many mercenaries you hire, Stardust. I’m going to get you back, I’m going to steal your jacket, and I’m going to drag your ass all the way back to your cousins.”
Stardust stepped closer, grabbing the back of his chair over one shoulder. “You’re not the first to threaten me or even the first to hunt me.”
They flicked the safety off the stun gun.
He stared right into their eyes. “Don’t do this…” It was more of a warning than a plea.
Stardust had had a lot of enemies and rivals over the decades of their life, but they thought they might like him the most. “I am sorry,” they admitted because it was true. They didn’t want to hurt him. If there was a better way to knock him out, they would take it. They hadn’t been familiar enough with the drugs in his med room to risk using one of those.
“Don’t apologize! Just don’t do it!” he yelled.
Stardust tased him. Again. They didn’t look away, because they wanted to. They didn’t like seeing his body seize and his eyes roll back like that. It looked painful and it felt cruel, but it was their choice to do it—so they’d witness it too. That was how they’d been raised. They could do bad things, but they had to look.
When he was out, they made quick work of cutting the tape, not enough that he’d fall out of the seat but enough that he’d be able to get loose when he came too.
“Thanks for the ride,” they said to no one before leaving.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Monday, August 2, 2021
Frustration as Biden, Congress allow eviction ban to expire (AP) Anger and frustration mounted in Congress as a nationwide eviction moratorium expired at midnight Saturday—one Democratic lawmaker even camping outside the Capitol in protest as millions of Americans faced being forced from their homes. Lawmakers said they were blindsided by President Joe Biden’s inaction as the deadline neared. More than 3.6 million Americans are at risk of eviction, some in a matter of days. The moratorium was put in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the COVID-19 crisis when jobs shifted and many workers lost income. The eviction ban was intended to prevent further virus spread by people put out on the streets and into shelters. Congress approved nearly $47 billion in federal housing aid to the states during the pandemic, but it has been slow to make it into the hands of renters and landlords owed payments.
Breakneck pace of crises keeps National Guard away from home (AP) In the searing 108-degree heat, far from his Louisiana health care business, Army Col. Scott Desormeaux and his soldiers are on a dusty base near Syria’s northern border, helping Syrian rebel forces battle Islamic State militants. It’s tough duty for the soldiers. But their deployment to the Middle East last November is just a small part of the blistering pace of missions that members of the Louisiana National Guard and America’s other citizen-soldiers have faced in the past 18 months. Beyond overseas deployments, Guard members have been called in to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and protests against racial injustice. For many, it’s meant months away from their civilian jobs and scarce times with families. While Guard leaders say troops are upbeat, they worry about exhaustion setting in and wonder how much longer U.S. businesses can do without their long-absent workers. “This past year was an extraordinary one for the National Guard,” said Gen. Dan Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau. Does he worry about exhaustion setting in? “That’s something I’ve been very concerned with right from the start.”
Western Wildfires May Take Weeks To Months To Contain (NPR) Pockets of the American West continued to burn over the weekend, as another nine large fires were reported on Saturday in California, Idaho, Montana and Oregon. The 87 fires still active in 13 states have consumed more than 1.7 million acres. Just shy of 3 million acres have been scorched since the start of 2021, with months left in what experts predict will be a devastating fire season. In southern Oregon, the Bootleg Fire has become the largest active blaze in the country. The 413,000-acre inferno was contained at 56%, as of Saturday night. A fire line has been constructed around the entire perimeter, ranging from 100 to 150-feet wide between the burn and unburned areas.
Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect (AP) Thanks to a reworked menu and long hours, Jeannie Kim managed to keep her San Francisco restaurant alive during the coronavirus pandemic. That makes it all the more frustrating that she fears her breakfast-focused diner could be ruined within months by new rules that could make one of her top menu items—bacon—hard to get in California. “Our number one seller is bacon, eggs and hash browns,” said Kim, who for 15 years has run SAMS American Eatery on the city’s busy Market Street. “It could be devastating for us.” At the beginning of next year, California will begin enforcing an animal welfare proposition approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 that requires more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves. National veal and egg producers are optimistic they can meet the new standards, but only 4% of hog operations now comply with the new rules. Unless the courts intervene or the state temporarily allows non-compliant meat to be sold in the state, California will lose almost all of its pork supply, much of which comes from Iowa. Animal welfare organizations for years have been pushing for more humane treatment of farm animals but the California rules could be a rare case of consumers clearly paying a price for their beliefs.
Why are so many migrants coming to one of Europe’s smallest countries? Blame Belarus, officials say. (Washington Post) Europe’s newest migration crisis is unfolding in one of its most unlikely places. Lithuania, a Baltic nation roughly the size of West Virginia with fewer than 3 million residents, hasn’t been known as a destination for undocumented immigrants: Each year, the country sees roughly 70 people unlawfully cross its border with Belarus. In July, the number skyrocketed to more than 2,600, consisting mostly of immigrants from Iraq and sub-Saharan Africa. Officials expect the numbers to grow in the coming weeks. This new flow of people did not begin organically, Lithuanian and European Union officials say. Instead, they say, it is the result of an audacious plan by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to weaponize migration in response to E.U. sanctions. In June, Lukashenko threatened to allow human traffickers and drug smugglers to stream into Europe. E.U. officials say they have evidence that his government is also encouraging immigrants to travel there: coordinating with a Belarusian travel agency to offer tourist visas, setting up flights and then transporting people from Minsk to the Lithuanian border. Lithuania, which has virtually no experience with large numbers of immigrants, has scrambled to construct a barbed wire fence along the border.
Thousands protest against COVID-19 health pass in France (Reuters) Thousands of people protested in Paris and other French cities on Saturday against a mandatory coronavirus health pass for entry to a wide array of public venues, introduced by the government as it battles a fourth wave of infections. It was the third weekend in a row that people opposed to President Emmanuel Macron’s new COVID-19 measures have taken to the streets, an unusual show of determination at a time of year when many people are focused on taking their summer break. The number of demonstrators has grown steadily since the start of the protests, echoing the “yellow vest” movement, that started in late 2018 against fuel taxes and the cost of living. An interior ministry official said 204,090 had demonstrated across France, including 14,250 in Paris alone. This is about 40,000 more than last week.
Turkey evacuates panicked tourists by boat from wildfires (AP) Panicked tourists in Turkey hurried to the seashore to wait for rescue boats Saturday after being told to evacuate some hotels in the Aegean Sea resort of Bodrum due to the dangers posed by nearby wildfires, Turkish media reported. Coast guard units led the operation and authorities asked private boats and yachts to assist in evacuation efforts from the sea as new wildfires erupted. A video showed plumes of smoke and fire enveloping a hill close to the seashore. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed, the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests and some settlements, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate. In one video of the Bodrum fire filmed from the sea, a man helping with the evacuations was stunned at the speed of the fire, saying “this is unbelievable, just unbelievable. How did this fire come (here) this fast in 5 minutes?”
Afghans flee (NYT) A mass exodus is unfolding across Afghanistan as the Taliban press on with a military campaign and the U.S. withdraws. At least 30,000 Afghans are leaving each week and many more have been displaced. The Taliban have captured more than half the country’s 400-odd districts, according to some assessments, sparking fears of a harsh return to extremist rule or a civil war. The sudden flight is an early sign of a looming refugee crisis, aid agencies warn.
As the Taliban closes in, Afghan forces scramble to defend prisons holding thousands of militants (Washington Post) Huddled in brightly lit yards late one recent night, hundreds of inmates taunted a team of about a dozen special forces who were rounding the walls along the top of Kunduz prison. The appearance of elite soldiers was an anomaly, a sign to the prisoners that something was happening. “What’s going on?” they shouted. “Is tonight going to be our last night in here? Taliban fighters planned to storm the compound that evening, according to information gathered by local intelligence officers. Government forces hoped the show of force would spur prisoners—some in possession of smuggled cellphones used to communicate with the Taliban—to wave off the attack. Without enough fighters to hold the city’s front lines and reinforce the prison, the special forces’ move was a gamble. But it appeared to work: The night passed without incident. As Taliban militants close in on Afghanistan’s provincial capitals, they are inching closer to central prisons that house around 5,000 of their fellow fighters, leaving the government scrambling to secure the detention facilities. If just a fraction of the detainees were to escape, Afghan security officials warn, it would hand the militants a significant advantage on the battlefield, where they are already making steady gains.
Burkina Faso sees more child soldiers as jihadi attacks rise (AP) Awoken by gunshots in the middle of the night, Fatima Amadou was shocked by what she saw among the attackers: children. Guns slung over their small frames, the children chanted “Allahu akbar,” as they surrounded her home in Solhan town in Burkina Faso’s Sahel region. Some were so young they couldn’t even pronounce the words, Arabic for “God is great,” said the 43-year-old mother. “When I saw the kids, what came to my mind was that (the adults) trained these kids to be assassins, and they came to kill my children,” Amadou told The Associated Press by phone from Sebba town, where she now lives. She and her family are among the lucky ones who survived the June attack, in which about 160 people were killed—the deadliest such assault since the once-peaceful West African nation was overrun by fighters linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State about five years ago. As that violence increases, so too does the recruitment of child soldiers. The number of children recruited by armed groups in Burkina Faso rose at least five-fold so far this year, according to information seen by the AP in an unpublished report by international aid and conflict experts.
Behind the Rise of U.S. Solar Power, a Mountain of Chinese Coal (WSJ) Solar panel installations are surging in the U.S. and Europe as Western countries seek to cut their reliance on fossil fuels. But the West faces a conundrum as it installs panels on small rooftops and in sprawling desert arrays: Most of them are produced with energy from carbon-dioxide-belching, coal-burning plants in China. Concerns are mounting in the U.S. and Europe that the solar industry’s reliance on Chinese coal will create a big increase in emissions in the coming years as manufacturers rapidly scale up production of solar panels to meet demand. That would make the solar industry one of the world’s most prolific polluters, analysts say.
Americans Spend Nearly 60 Billion Hours a Year on Google (PC Magazine) Collectively, Americans spent 57.3 billion hours on Google per year. Its video equivalent, YouTube, comes in second with 29.6 billion hours, followed by Facebook with 9.7 billion hours.
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sciencespies · 4 years
COVID-19 Stranded Scientists Trying to Save Endangered Birds From Killer Mice
COVID-19 Stranded Scientists Trying to Save Endangered Birds From Killer Mice
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An invasive species of house mice are gnawing on the eggs and chicks of nesting seabirds on Gough Island, a remote breeding island in the south Atlantic. The mice—about 50 percent larger than normal house mice—pose an existential threat to many of the island’s bird species, including the critically endangered Tristan albatross, Jason Daley reported for Smithsonian magazine last year.
In February, a conservation team from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) traveled to the Island with a plan: kill the mice, save the birds. However, their conservation plans collapsed when the COVID-19 pandemic escalated in mid-March, according to a United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office statement.
As nearby countries began ramping up travel restrictions, officials had to scramble to figure out how to get the 12-person team off the remote island, Mark Brown reports for the Guardian. Gough Island, part of the British Overseas Territory Tristan da Cunha, is located in the South Atlantic Ocean about 1,750 miles west of South Africa and 2,000 miles east of South America. The island is uninhabited except for a weather station, Amy Woodyatt reports for CNN.
“We knew the team back in the UK were working on a plan, and they communicated to us regularly, though the information and plan seemed to change almost on a daily basis due to the ever-changing border closures and travel restrictions around the world,” Kate Lawrence, one of the RSPB members stuck on Gough Island, says in the statement. “Travelling via Cape Town, the Falkland Islands, St. Helena and Ascension Island were all possibilities at some point.”
Ultimately, the team sailed on a yacht through rough seas for 12 days—crossing 1969 nautical miles—to Ascension Island, an island home to about 800 people. Once on Ascension Island, they waited five days before boarding a Royal Air Force transport aircraft that flew them the 4,000 miles back to the U.K., per the Guardian.
“Sailing in that boat for 12 days, looking at the endless blue ocean around me, made the world feel quite big, in contrast to the previous ease of air travel and the rapid spread of COVID-19, which makes the world seem so small,” continues Lawrence.
According to the BBC, the RSPB team included conservationists from South Africa, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Greece. “It was a complex operation involving staff from three UK Overseas Territories, as well as our teams in South Africa, Vienna and London, to ensure this team, doing such important work in such an isolated location, could make it back to the UK safely,” says Fiona Kilpatrick, Tristan da Cunha Administrator, in a statement.
Gough Island, a designated World Heritage Site, hosts about 8 million breeding seabirds from 24 different species, per Smithsonian. In addition to the Tristan albatross, the island is also an important breeding site for the Sooty and Atlantic yellow-nosed albatrosses, per the RSPB’s website.
According to Smithsonian, birds evolved on the island in the absence of nest predators, leaving them defenseless against the invasive mice, which were likely introduced by humans in the 19th century. Feasting on eggs, chicks and sometimes adult birds, the island mice have evolved over the century to grow much larger than typical house mice—and more deadly. One study published in 2018 found that the mice kill 2 million chicks on Gough every year.
George Dvorsky for Gizmodo reports that the RSPB team had planned to combat the mutant mice by dropping cereal pellets containing rodenticide.
“The loss of another season’s chicks to mouse predation is devastating to us all,” the RSPB wrote in a statement on its website. “We remain committed to our mission to restore Gough as a seabird paradise, and our intention is to return in 2021.”
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When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, conservationists were forced to leave Gough Island and return to the U.K.
(Photo via the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds )
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sarcasticcynic · 6 years
MASTERPOST: Why Trump's Vanity Wall Is Stupid and Everything Trump Says About It Is a Lie
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Image from Medium
Some actual facts to keep in mind while listening to the anticipated lies Trump will be spewing on national television this evening.
A Wall Won’t Stop Illegal Immigration
Because more than half the immigrants currently in the United States illegally came here legally:
“In 2006, the Pew Research Center calculated that more than a third of all unauthorized immigrants entered lawfully and then simply overstayed their visas. ... By 2012, visa overstays accounted for 58 percent of all new unauthorized immigrants.”
“Overstays accounted for about two-thirds (66 percent) of those who arrived (i.e., joined the undocumented population) in 2014. Overstays have exceeded EWIs [Entries Without Inspection, i.e. immigrants who crossed the border without proper immigration documents] every year since 2007, and 600,000 more overstays than EWIs have arrived since 2007.”
“Two-thirds of the foreigners living here illegally didn’t sneak across the border; they came on temporary visas.”
A Wall Won’t Stop Illegal Drugs
Because most illegal drugs arrive via ship or plane, not by land:
“According to the DEA, almost all drugs come in through legal points of entry.”
“As for drugs, the Coast Guard says 95 percent of them arrive in container ships or other boats.”
According to a report from the DEA, TCOs [Transnational Criminal Organizations] “generally route larger drug shipments destined for the Northeast through the Bahamas and/or South Florida by using a variety of maritime conveyance methods, to include speedboats, fishing vessels, sailboats, yachts, and containerized sea cargo. In some cases, Dominican Republic-based traffickers will also transport cocaine into Haiti for subsequent shipment to the United States via the Bahamas and/or South Florida corridor using maritime and air transport. ... According to DEA reporting, the majority of the heroin available in New Jersey originates in Colombia and is primarily smuggled into the United States by Colombian and Dominican groups via human couriers on commercial flights to the Newark International Airport.”
This holds true even for drugs coming specifically from Mexico:
Again, according to the DEA: “The most common method employed by Mexican TCOs involves transporting drugs in vehicles through U.S. ports of entry (POEs). Illicit drugs are smuggled into the United States in concealed compartments within passenger vehicles or commingled with legitimate goods on tractor trailers.”
“A barrier in the form of a wall is increasingly irrelevant to the drug trade as it is now practiced because most of the drugs smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico no longer arrive on the backs of those who cross illegally. Instead, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, most of the smuggled marijuana as well as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines comes through the 52 legal ports of entry on the border.”
“Stephen D. Morris, a Middle Tennessee State University political science professor whose research has largely focused on Mexico, gave us the same two reasons for why he believes ‘the wall will not do very much to stop drugs.’ ‘First, as you say, most drug shipments come disguised as commerce and are crossing the border by truck or in cargo containers. Human mules, to my knowledge, bring in a small fraction,’ he said. ‘Second, smugglers adapt. Whether it is tunnels, submarines, mules, drones, etc., they are good at figuring out new ways to get drugs to those in the US who will buy them.’”
Trump’s then-Chief of Staff John Kelly, testifying before Congress: “Certainly the metrics are people that don’t cross into the United States illegally. Another metric would be the amount of -- It mostly comes through the ports of entry.”
A Wall Won’t Stop Terrorists
Because most foreign terrorists arrive by plane, not over the Mexican border:
According to Trump’s own State Department: “At year’s end there was no credible evidence indicating that international terrorist groups have established bases in Mexico, worked with Mexican drug cartels, or sent operatives via Mexico into the United States.”
“According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officials, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years.”
“In fiscal year 2017, federal officials stopped 3,755 people on the terrorist watch list from traveling to or entering the United States, but that includes people traveling through airports, seaports and land ports. The vast majority of those attempt to enter by air.”
“U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered only six immigrants at ports of entry on the U.S-Mexico border in the first half of fiscal year 2018 whose names were on a federal government list of known or suspected terrorists, according to CBP data provided to Congress in May 2018.
“Nick Rasmussen, the former director of the National Counterterrorism Center from December 2014 through December 2017 said, ‘During my tenure, the threat of terrorists trying to infiltrate the United States across our southern border was much more of a theoretical vulnerability than an actual one. It simply isn’t the case that terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda see the southern border as the optimal the way to get would-be terrorists into the country.’”
“Federal law enforcement has warned America’s airports and airlines that they remain top targets for terrorists because of their symbolic value, ‘inherent accessibility, and the presence of large crowds in unsecure areas.’”
Even Fox News contradicts the Trump administration on this: “Wait, wait, wait, wait wait - I know the statistic. I didn’t know if you were going to use it, but I studied up on this. You know where those 4,000 people were captured? Airports. The State Department says there hasn’t been any terrorists found coming across the southern border.”
Heck, more foreigners--as well as more people, period--on the terrorist watch list enter the United States through Canada than through Mexico:
“Overall, 41 people on the Terrorist Screening Database were encountered at the southern border from Oct. 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018, but 35 of them were U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. Six were classified as non-U.S. persons. On the northern border, CBP stopped 91 people from the database, including 41 who were not American citizens or residents.”
A Wall Is Unnecessary
Because current enforcement measures are already working:
Illegal entries are down to “roughly one-tenth the 2005 level.”
According to the Department of Homeland Security: “The successful illegal entry of migrants has significantly declined over the last ten years, the deterrence rate of illegal migration at the border has risen substantially, and the probability of apprehension has also risen.”
“Ramped-up border enforcement is working, helping to reduce successful crossings to one-tenth of what they were a decade earlier across the southern U.S. border with Mexico. ... Far fewer migrants from Mexico are successfully entering the country illegally than a decade ago because stepped-up border enforcement means fewer are trying, more are getting caught and more are giving up. ... Border Patrol apprehensions ... have dropped to the lowest levels since the early 1970s. The size of the nation’s undocumented population has leveled off at about 11.1 million after years of rapid growth, according to the Pew Research Center.”
And because, while fewer Mexicans are coming to the United States, more Americans are relocating to Mexico:
“The estimated number of Mexicans in the United States illegally rose steadily for many years, from 2.9 million in 1995 to a peak of 6.9 million in 2007. But the number began dropping in 2008 and has fallen more since, reaching 5.8 million in 2014, the latest year for which Pew analyzed data. If the number is falling, that means more illegal Mexican immigrants are leaving the United States than entering it. The numbers include both immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally and those who overstayed their visas. ... In 2014, the Border Patrol apprehended more non-Mexicans than Mexicans for the first time in at least 60 years.”
“Many Americans worry about illegal immigration from Mexico. The country is actually gaining immigrants itself. The legal foreign-born population doubled from 2000 to 2010. It’s now one million total. Of these, 750,000 are Americans. As a result, more Americans have immigrated to Mexico over the past few years than vice-versa.”
Walls Don’t Help Enforcement
According to former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and “other experts”: “A wall does not add enforcement value except in heavy crossing areas near towns, highways, or other ‘vanishing points.’”
“Fencing has value in border crossing areas near ‘vanishing’ points (towns or highways), but in other places ‘makes no sense at all’ and ‘doesn’t add any value.’ Moreover, constructing a 2,000 mile barricade would pose immense engineering and environmental challenges and the result would be far from ‘impenetrable.’”
Existing barriers have already proven ineffective: “Using the broad powers granted to the Attorney General (AG) to control and guard the U.S. border, the USBP began erecting a barrier known as the ‘primary fence’ directly on the border in 1990 to deter illegal entries and drug smuggling in its San Diego sector. The San Diego fence formed part of the USBP’s ‘Prevention Through Deterrence’ strategy, which called for reducing unauthorized migration by placing agents and resources directly on the border along population centers in order to deter would-be migrants from entering the country. The San Diego primary fence was completed in 1993 ... The primary fence, by itself, did not have a discernible impact on the influx of unauthorized aliens coming across the border in San Diego.”
Walls Don’t Deter Immigrants
“One statistic that correlates closely with the construction of more walls [is] an increase in the number of deaths. As easier routes are closed, migrants choose ever more dangerous paths to reach their destination. ... Despite these clear material impacts on the lives of migrants, millions of people globally continue to cross borders without authorization—meaning walls are relatively ineffective.”
No One Wants a Wall
A majority of the country doesn’t want a wall:
“A majority -- 59 percent of Americans -- oppose building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.”
61% of registered voters “think building a wall between the US and Mexico ... should not be an immediate priority.”
Local politicians--including Republicans--don’t want a wall:
Rep. Will Hurd, a Republican from Texas whose district includes 800 miles of the Mexican border, says: “You can’t build a wall from sea to shining sea. It just doesn’t work. It’s the most expensive way to do border security, and it’s the least effective.”
Even the U.S. Border Patrol doesn’t want a wall:
“Border Patrol agents on the front lines say they need more technology and additional personnel to curb the illegal traffic ... less than one half of 1 percent of the agents’ suggestions to secure the Southwest border mentioned the need for a wall. ... [Trump’s] funding requests for a wall far exceeded proposed spending on border technology and personnel, which border agents identified as critically needed.”
A Wall Would Devastate the Environment
A wall would destroy the natural habitats of dozens of species:
“The Center for Biological Diversity reports that 93 wildlife species would be adversely affected. ‘This may well lead to the extinction of the jaguar, ocelot, cactus ferruginous pygmy owl and other species in the United States.’”
“Wall construction proceeds without the necessary depth of environmental impact analysis, development of less-damaging alternative strategies, postconstruction environmental monitoring, mitigation, public input, and pursuit of legal remedies. ... The border wall harms wildlife populations by eliminating, degrading, and fragmenting habitats ... the border bisects the geographic ranges of 1506 native terrestrial and freshwater animal (n = 1077) and plant (n = 429) species, including 62 species listed as Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List ... construction of the wall and associated infrastructure, such as roads, lights, and operating bases, eliminates or degrades natural vegetation, kills animals directly or through habitat loss, fragments habitats (thereby subdividing populations into smaller, more vulnerable units), reduces habitat connectivity, erodes soils, changes fire regimes, and alters hydrological processes (e.g., by causing floods). ... Physical barriers prevent or discourage animals from accessing food, water, mates, and other critical resources by disrupting annual or seasonal migration and dispersal routes. ... If cut off by a border wall, 17% of the 346 species we analyzed, including jaguar (Panthera onca) and ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), would have residual US populations covering 20,000 square kilometers or less ... This would elevate their risk of extirpation within the United States according to IUCN Red List criteria.”
“Scientists agree with the irrefutable evidence that the border wall is a rampant ecological disaster. This is notable because consensus is rare among scientists. When scientific consensus does exist—as with climate change—it’s a wake-up call that business as usual is likely to result in catastrophe. ... the border wall also cuts through the habitats of over 1,500 wildlife species. ... [A] wall is an unclimbable barricade for 346 nonflying animal species, not to mention flighted species like the endangered Quino checkerspot butterfly and the threatened and endangered ferruginous pygmy-owl that cannot fly high enough to surmount the wall. Without passage, animals cannot disperse to new populations to spread their genes, potentially leading to genetic inbreeding akin to the plight of the African cheetah. During natural seasonal flooding, the wall traps flood waters and kills wildlife and vegetation. During natural disasters like heat waves, when water or food on one side of the wall is not available, those species will be left to perish, unable to access resources on the other side. ... Building the border wall sacrifices the ancient biodiversity of North America for the momentary political gain of one president.”
One example: Trump is planning to build his wall through the National Butterfly Center, and has already begun “the surveying and staking of a ‘clear zone’ that will bulldoze 200,000 square feet of habitat for protected species like the Texas Tortoise and Texas Indigo, not to mention about 400 species of birds.” On privately owned property, yet.
A Wall Is Absurdly Expensive
Trump’s wall will cost--at a minimum--more than 2½ times the $8 billion Trump originally claimed:
His own Department of Homeland Security estimates the cost at $21.6 billion, not including maintenance.
“The best estimate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers” is $31.2 billion.
Some estimates have been as high as $70 billion!
And based on the last time we built a barrier on the border, the wall is likely to cost at least five times the estimate:
“Congress set aside $1.2 billion for the 700-mile border fence in 2006. ... The Congressional Research Service found that by 2015, Congress had already spent $7 billion on the project.”
Oh, and Mexico is not paying for it.
Why Trump Insists on Building His Vanity Wall Anyway
He’d like to be permanently enshrined on this list:
Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
Mount Rushmore
Grant’s Tomb
Jefferson Memorial
Hoover Dam
Kennedy Center
Roosevelt Island
Trump Wall
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cohenobrien-blog · 5 years
Get a Quotation on Truck Shipping Costs In this article.
Most of the people would securely suggest that they dislike the entire process of relocating. Myself personally, I have already been although tens of movings. Once I was younger, I used to effortlessly move from one dwelling location to one more, a handbag was sufficient to transport all the tasks. But because some time passed by, the quantity of what to carry along with you when you are moving considerably greater. So, let’s assume you're moving from one house in a specific point out into yet another house in a totally different state, then one of the belongings is a truck? This can be a hefty little bit of baggage, you realize! When it comes to shipping a truck, or a yacht, the operation is thought of as incredibly demanding one. You need to retain the services of someone they are driving your truck. Nonetheless, venturing long ranges on a truck is assigned to risks, including car or truck damage first of all. A righteous real question is if you should check their reputation. Out of this viewpoint, it is wise to contact a business that can have accountability for the actions.
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In principle, delivery a truck needs to be effortless, and it will be in the event you begin calling companies after you check a number of ideas that are useful to know. Prior to you signing the documents, ensure you learn how long the organization operates and examine the company’s status. Make sure you check out about the insurance coverage. Companies work on distinct insurance services which might not advantageous for you personally. If the vehicle wants special attention, make sure to will include a agreement on this inside the agreement. Ultimately, the provider will complete the shift by picking your pickup truck and dropping it off of in the place you have pre-decided. Should you contact a god organization, the entire paperwork shall not take in excess of an hour. To find out more details about the leading shipping truck business, but in addition with regards to the tips you should take into consideration just before initiating this technique, rush to click this web page link to check out a great short report that would provide light for you. You will understand about difficulties very often arise in the course of truck shipment, and about standards to utilize on organizations that you would assign this obligation. In add-on, you will examine a short introduction of Shipaa, a nicely reliable transport firm perfectly suitable to achieve this job. Wish that your endeavor will be simple and prosperous. More details about shipping a truck website: click for info. ABOUT US: Automakers and dealers involved in the sale of cars often use the services of car shipping over the US. Anyway, occasionally, simple citizens are faced with the demand to transport their car. Sometimes, the transportation with their own ways might be acceptable, but considering the long distances, it is usually simpler to load the car into an auto transporter, a distinct car or even into a container and get it at the destination safe and sound. Usually, the organization of such long-distance transportation may take some time if you deal with this issue yourself. If you delegate all the organizational points to the transport company, the car shipping will be carried out right away and at best value. Specialized operators from Shipaa will assist you to: - Transport exotic or classic cars, motorcycles, trailers and boats all over the US - Check the vehicle during loading and unloading - Secure the car to the trailer frame - Review all related documentation - Insure your vehicle during transportation Assigning work on organizing the transportation of cars to Shipaa Transportation Company and its specialists in car transportation, you obtain first-class service and quick delivery. Furthermore, you can be assured that your cargo: - Will cross the border without issues - The cars will be monitored all the time, even during nightstands, as operators always opt for paid guarded parking lots - Delivery will occur on time with no wait - You can take a look at the route of circulation of cargo whenever you want. Precisely why is Shipaa Transportation Company more desirable than others and you have to think of us for your car shipping? Simply because you will avoid brokers fees, will save up to 30% on your next shipping, won’t be forced to pay up-front deposit or cancelation fees, the shipping is performed door to door, we offer 24/7/365 customer support and $1,000,000 liability insurance. Shipaa Transportation Company features 12 years of expertise in nationwide car transportation. We supplied more than 5000 luxury cars to their location points and maintain a base of 4500 loyal and happy customers. What is next? Get your instant online quote, receive up to 4 offers, choose the deal which you enjoy the most and pay after excellent delivery. For additional points do not hesitate to contact us. Contact us on: E-mail: [email protected] Telefon: +1 (843) 608-6857 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shipaacom-582606452132901/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shipaa3 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Shipaa3/
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crosschartering · 9 months
Yacht Shipping
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Yacht Transport: Ship Your Yacht, Anytime, Anywhere
Regarding luxury transportation, nothing quite captures the elegance and prestige of yacht transport. Whether you are a yacht owner looking to relocate your vessel to a new destination or a first-time buyer eager to sail the seas, there are numerous factors to consider in choosing the right yacht transport vessel service.
With so many options available in the market, finding a reliable and efficient provider can be a daunting task. However, worry not, as yacht transport has never been more accessible. With the ability to ship your yacht anytime, anywhere, the industry is booming with innovative solutions to cater to your needs.
From specialized carriers equipped with state-of-the-art technology to the knowledgeable and experienced crew, Cross Chartering Yacht Transport is committed to ensuring our clients a seamless and hassle-free experience. So, whether you dream of cruising the Mediterranean or exploring the Caribbean, the yacht transport services team can help you realize your nautical dreams.
What is Yacht Shipping, and Why Is it Important?
Yacht transportation refers to moving vessels from one location to another with yacht transport by sea or land. It is an important first-class service for yacht owners and enthusiasts who want to relocate their vessels or participate in international events.
Yachts are valuable assets and require special care during transportation to ensure their safety. Cross Chartering Yacht Transport employs experienced yacht movers and uses specialized equipment to handle and move yachts.
Depending on the size and destination of the yacht, it can be transported using different methods such as trailers, lift-on/lift-off, or roll-on/roll-off. Yacht transport allows owners to explore new cruising areas without the hassle of undertaking long voyages.
It also enables participation in prestigious regattas and events held in distant locations. Yacht transport contributes to the growth and development of the maritime industry, creating employment opportunities and supporting related businesses. Overall, yacht transport is important for yacht owners and the industry as it facilitates the movement of vessels and enables access to various locations and events worldwide.
Types of Yacht Transportation Services Available
Various types of yacht transport services are available to cater to the different needs and preferences of yacht owners and enthusiasts. One popular option is the Roll-on/Roll-off (RO-RO) service, where yachts are loaded onto specially designed vessels using a ramp or platform.
This method is often used for smaller yachts and offers a convenient and cost-effective mode of transport. Another option is the LO-LO (Lift-On/Lift-Off) service, which involves lifting yachts onto and off the transport vessel with the help of cranes.
This method suits larger, heavier yachts that cannot be easily rolled onto a vessel. Yacht shipping services are also available for customers who prefer a more secure and protected mode of transport yacht.
Vessels are carefully loaded onto specialized yacht transport ships, securely stored, and protected from the elements during transit. This method is particularly suitable for longer journeys or transporting valuable or delicate yachts.
Yacht delivery services are also available where experienced captains and crew sail the yacht to its intended destination. This option allows yacht owners to avoid transport logistics and enjoy the experience of sailing in their vessels. Overall, the availability of these different types of yacht transport services ensures that yacht owners have options to suit their specific needs and requirements.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Yacht Transport Company
When choosing a yacht transport company, several factors need to be considered. First and foremost, it is important to evaluate the reputation and experience of the company. Look for testimonials or reviews from previous clients to determine their level of customer satisfaction.
Consider the company’s track record in handling yacht transportation. Ensure they have experience transporting yachts of similar size and type to yours. Another crucial factor is the company’s insurance coverage. Make sure that they have adequate insurance to protect your yacht during the transportation process.
It is important to examine the company’s pricing and payment terms. Compare quotes from different companies and evaluate the overall value you will receive. Lastly, consider the company’s network and resources.
A well-established company like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, with a strong network of partners and resources, will be better equipped to handle any potential challenges or obstacles during transportation.
Benefits of Shipping Your Yacht Instead of Sailing It
There are several benefits to shipping your yacht instead of sailing it. First, shipping allows you to save time and energy. Sailing a yacht can be long and tiring, especially if you are not experienced or do not have a crew to assist you.
By shipping your yacht, you and the captain can avoid the hassle of planning and executing a long journey, freeing up your time and energy for other activities.
Shipping your yacht allows you to avoid potential dangers during a long voyage, such as adverse weather conditions or unexpected accidents. Finally, shipping offers convenience and flexibility. You can arrange for your yacht to be transported to any destination, allowing you to explore new cruising grounds without needing a long and arduous journey.
How to Prepare Your Yacht for Transport
Preparing your yacht for transport is important to ensure its safety and protection during transit. First, prepare properly by removing non-essential items from the yacht to reduce weight during transportation. This includes personal belongings, electronics, and any loose items or equipment. Secure any remaining items properly to prevent them from moving or shifting during transport.
Properly winterizing your yacht is also crucial if you are transporting it during the colder months. This includes draining all water systems, adding antifreeze to the engine, and protecting vulnerable areas from freezing temperatures.
Before loading the yacht onto the transport trailer or ship, it should be cleaned thoroughly to remove any salt, dirt, or debris that could cause damage. Lastly, ensure that all necessary paperwork and permits are in order, and communicate with the transport company to ensure a smooth and well-coordinated boat transport and process.
Choosing the Right Transport Method for Your Yacht
When transporting your yacht, choosing the right method is crucial. There are various options to consider, each with its own advantages and limitations. One common method is using a specialized yacht transport company, like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport.
We have the expertise and equipment to handle different sizes of yachts and ensure their safe delivery. Another option is to sail your yacht to its destination. This can be a great choice if you have the time and experience. It allows you to enjoy the journey and provides a unique adventure. However, it requires careful planning, including extensive knowledge of weather conditions and maritime routes.
If your yacht is small enough, you may opt for trailering it. This can be cost-effective and convenient, as you have more control over the schedule and route. However, it is important to ensure your trailer is suitable for the size and weight of your yacht. Overall, analyzing your needs and the specific characteristics of your yacht will help you choose the best transport method.
Understanding the Costs of Yacht Transport
Understanding the costs of yacht transport is essential for anyone considering moving their yacht to another destination. There are various factors to consider when determining the cost of transporting a yacht.
The size and weight of the yacht play a significant role in the overall cost, as larger and heavier yachts require specialized equipment for loading and unloading. The distance and location of the destination port can also affect the cost, as shipping to remote or less accessible areas can increase expenses.
The season and market demand can influence pricing, with peak times typically being more expensive. Other factors to consider include customs fees, insurance costs, and additional services required, such as cradle or shrink-wrapping.
It is crucial to consult with reputable yacht transport companies, like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, to obtain accurate quotes based on your yacht’s express-specific requirements. Yacht owners can plan and budget accordingly by understanding these costs, ensuring a smooth and successful transportation process.
Yacht transport services provide a convenient and reliable way to ship a yacht, regardless of the destination or time of year. With specialized carriers and experienced crew members, you can trust that your yacht will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
Whether you need to transport your yacht across the country or to a remote island, Cross Chartering Yacht Transport can cater to your specific needs. We offer a range of options, including lift-on/lift-off and roll-on/roll-off methods, ensuring that your vessel is transported safely and efficiently.
By utilizing yacht transport services, you can eliminate the stress and logistical challenges of sailing your yacht to different locations. This allows you to focus on enjoying your time on board and exploring new destinations, knowing that your yacht will be waiting for you at your desired location. Get your FREE QUOTE today. Contact us at (954) 686-6902 or fill in the contact form on our website!
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gmiresearch · 3 years
Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market Research Report
Global Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market
The GMI Research contemplates that the Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market will bolster at a faster demand over the forecast period. This is because of the ongoing technological modernisations and increasing endorsement of connected devices.
Request for a FREE Sample Report on Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market
Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market Dynamics
The augmenting demand for GIS services by various businesses to acknowledge the changing preferences of customer in order to amplify the sales across the targeted area is driving the growth of the global geospatial imagery analytics market. Also, the increasing adoption of these solutions by businesses to stimulate their decision making procedure is further supplementing the market growth. Several government authorities are emphasising to make disaster management effective by interpreting the data produced by satellites and GIS to decrease the negative influence of natural disasters such as floss, tidal waves, and earthquakes. Moreover, various border authorities are heavily investing in satellite technologies to encapsulate superior images & videos to decrease cross-border terrorist activity and guard national security. Thus, this rapid endorsement of GIS technology is supplementing the market growth across transportation and logistics industry.  The vendors increasingly seek for economical options to enhance fleet functioning offered by geospatial analytics solutions to provide them with data related to traffic obstructions. However, rising legal issues and rigorous norms are expected to hinder the Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market Size. 
Geospatial Imagery Analytics Market Segmentation: Segmentation by Component
Segmentation by Type
Image-based Analytics
Video-based Analytics
Segmentation by Collection Medium
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Segmentation by Application
Surveillance & Monitoring
Disaster Management
Energy & Resource Management
Segmentation by Region:
Asia Pacific
North America
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Rest of APAC
United States of America
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
About GMI Research
GMI Research, a consulting and research enterprise provides acumen and reports to different enterprises to help the clients formulate judicious business policies and achieve long-term growth in the specified market domain. The large team of analysts and industrial experts from different regions offer a comprehensive solution to the client. The research report of GMI organisation offers a complete analysis about forecasts, competitive landscape, key drivers, and other market perception to help companies make planned decisions. We at our organisation try to help our clients stay ahead of others.
Media Contact Company Name: GMI RESEARCH Contact Person: Sarah Nash Email: [email protected] Phone: Europe – +353 1 442 8820; US – +1 860 881 2270 Address: Dublin, Ireland Website: www.gmiresearch.com
For More Info:
yacht market
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fayyaztravels · 3 years
The Most Trusted Business Travel Agents in Singapore
Fayyaz Travels is known as one of the best Business Travel Agencies with its highly skilled and experienced travel agents in Singapore. The very foundation of this agency’s existence is the sheer passion and love for the travel of its entire team. Due to this, all our services have been crafted keeping in mind the potential requirements of all kinds of travelers to make their journey smooth and comfortable.
 No matter if you travel for pleasure or business, all your needs will be well-taken care of. Every traveller has a different travel requirement based on their budget, destination, lifestyle, tastes and several other factors. We understand there has been a rapid change in the ways of how industries work these days. Due to rapid expansion and globalization in the corporate world, the job of people is no more limited to a fixed geographical location. Nowadays people are much more engaged in cross-border movement for various business purposes. Business travel is not as easy as it sounds. There are various factors to look after while planning corporate travel. Unlike unofficial travel, it has to be carefully organized and systematic in order to make the entire process smooth and feasible. 
As far as Business travel is concerned along with flight tickets it also includes frequent commute from the workplace to the hotel, organizing meetings, conferences, seminars, incentive programmes, various events such as the launch of a new product, annual parties, birthday parties, yacht tours, golf tours and any other events based on the nature of the business. Hence, the trip should be well-organized and every need should be well-taken care of in advance. 
As one of the expert Business Travel Agencies in Singapore, Fayyaz Travels has a team that possesses years of experience in planning corporate trips and address all concerns that are part of this travel. Along with booking the best flights we also help you arrange meetings, seminar and conference rooms, official parties, and events along with your accommodation, transportation and food. Therefore, our professional corporate travel agents provide top-notch corporate travel management and help you save a lot of time, money and energy that usually go into organizing a trip independently. 
From Luxury Holiday Packages, tailor-made packages to corporate travel packages we have it all. Just let us know about your requirements and be ready to travel the world with much more fun and enthusiasm.
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New Post has been published on https://fleetconcepts.com/freight-broker/freight-broker-vs-co-brokering-double-brokering/
Freight Broker vs Co-Brokering vs Double Brokering
Freight Broker 101
A freight broker, in freight transport in the USA by truck, is frequently made use of as part of logistics. This may be part of an overall shipbroking using a freight broker, a freight forwarder, a third-party logistics broker (3PL), and also even a fourth-party broker when outsourcing is needed (in contrast to internal) for freight transportation. The brokering can be single mode or by multimodal transportation as well as can utilize specialized brokers on a long-term basis or as required to guarantee timely traffic administration.
A load may be posted on a truckload board by carriers, brokers, or agents. This might accompany unique orders, freight brokers and/or representatives that do not have an established logistics base, or brokers and also representatives seeking a backhaul for a truck not currently in a high-traffic lane. Numerous brokers focus on particular freight such as complete truckload (FTL) or less than truckload, vehicle, boat or private yacht, mass tanker (fluid or dry goods), oversize, equipment hauling on lowboys, flatbed, step deck, or any other kind of freight transportation with sufficient loads.
Co-brokering Freight
Co-brokering is a legal method utilized to guarantee there is an available truck to transfer freight. A 4PL may make use of a 3PL broker to match loads with trucks, with a shipper’s understanding. The first freight broker will take a smaller amount of the charge and the second broker will book the load for transport getting a bigger share of the very same fee.
Co-Brokering Versus Double Brokering
For many years, the transportation market has actually confounded “double brokering” and “co-brokering” to imply the same. As a result, both have gotten an unfavorable response. It is essential to recognize the difference between double agenting as well as co-brokering due to the fact that one can be an asset to your brokerage organization, while the other is a definite risk.
Individuals typically ask whether it is legal for a licensed transportation residential or commercial property broker to accept a load from its client and also consider offering that load to an additional broker for assistance organizing transportation. The solution is yes, and it’s called co-brokering.
Not only is co-brokering lawful, but it may also be helpful sometimes to have one more broker help cover a load, as long as the agreement that the original broker has with its client doesn’t specifically forbid co-brokering. When done correctly, there’s definitely nothing bad about co-brokering, knowing the transaction is taken care of according to the authorization of the initial broker.
The Disadvantages of Double Brokering
There truly are no advantages to double brokering – only risks. By the inherent nature of the purchase, double brokering is not like co-brokering.
When a carrier consents to carry freight for a broker (under the guise it will carry the freight), and the carrier ultimately re-brokers it to one more carrier, the freight has actually now been double agented.
The exact same is true when a carrier (that additionally has broker authority) accepts a brokered load (as the carrier) and after that tenders that load with an additional carrier through its brokerage (without the broker’s knowledge or permission).
In either event, the original broker is currently in an endangering scenario:
It does not know who is actually handling the freight.
It does not know whether the actual carrier has the required authorizations.
It does not know if the carrier’s insurance coverage suffices to secure the parties.
It does not know what due diligence was done to certify the carrier.
Mapping the freight becomes suspicious at best, generally leaving the initial broker with incorrect info to transfer to its consumer.
The original broker likewise risks being captured in a possible double risk situation. For instance, if it pays the acquired carrier (that double agented the load), and that carrier does not pay the actual carrier, the original broker (or its consumer) might be held accountable to pay a second time for the exact same freight shipment.
Undoubtedly, this type of low-grade task has aided in providing the transportation brokerage community an unwarranted suspicious reputation.
Advantages of Co-Brokering
Co-brokering is when a freight broker works with one more broker to service a particular demand, with all parties aware of each other’s functions and responsibilities. The question is not whether to manage another broker, however instead to use another broker’s resources to your benefit when your resources aren’t sufficient.
One of the most powerful advantages of co-brokering is servicing your customers. It verifies your brokerage has the available resources to service all their requests.
Beyond that, co-brokering can lead to a profit on a purchase that your brokerage could have or else refused. After all, you’re in business to do service, not reject service. If you do not provide service to your customers, someone else will.
Some freight brokers have actually established specific niches that brokers can utilize to their advantage in better servicing their clients. Some of the particular niches include border crossings, bound freight, working with unsafe materials, extra-large equipment, and also local contracts.
A freight broker’s services are not limited by properties, but instead by its creativity to adapt and also get used to scenarios. Consequently, its capacities can be boosted by leveraging the abilities of other brokers. When brokers work together, it is normally since one has capacities to finish whatever the various other currently lacks. The bottom line is that co-brokering provides brokers the capability to adjust as well as to adapt to unfamiliar situations.
By interacting in a co-broker connection, both brokers benefit, along with the preliminary client. All events entailed need to have the contentment of a job well done by assisting a client and also keeping a consistent profit. The other choice would be to leave the money on the table for the competitors to take.
An alliance with another broker is just an additional chance to supply solutions that your brokerage did not have before the partnership. Once a broker acknowledges the benefits of co-brokering (and also makes a decision to manage other brokers), the freight broker can include the services of its co-brokering allies within its very own portfolio, consequently broadening its range of services offered. When it pertains to obligation and the bottom line, would you rather handle a broker you understand or a carrier you do not?
Prior to conducting business with another freight broker, you should execute ample due diligence to research and get to know the firm you are considering. This is a really vital step that needs to not be overlooked. There are agreements created specifically for co-brokering, detailing what each participant in the deal can anticipate of the various other.
Freight Broker Concerns
Double-brokering or re-brokering is illegal and happens when a freight broker bills a fee (often 15%) and then hands off the load to a 2nd broker that will decrease the freight charge additionally collecting a fee that can be approximately 15%. A $1,150 load going 400 miles would net a carrier $977.50 however the exact same load double brokered might lead to $875.00 to the carrier or one more 14.3% brokerage charge. The carrier may not be aware of this and also the contracted truck will likely not be dispatch to pick up the load. This could have serious implications in case of a mishap or event, specifically if there are operating issues with the carrier. Confusion on the payment could cause a possessory lien (rather than “freight charges held hostage.”), a load not delivered, and also legal actions.
What’s the difference between a freight broker and a freight representative?
The greatest distinction is that a freight agent is typically an individual that serves as an independent professional salesman for a freight broker. Freight agents have their very own customers as well as typically work on commission. A section of the freight representative’s gross earnings goes to the freight broker in exchange for management assistance, circulation, insurance coverage, liability buffers as well as the track record that comes along with the broker’s name.
Freight brokers need a certificate from FMCSA as well as a guaranty bond. They are in charge of the economic aspects of the business (i.e. invoicing carriers, paying carriers, expanding debt, case help, paying representatives, etc.). Freight brokers can range from a one-man procedure to a large international company with billions in profits. Freight brokers are in charge of only working with truck carriers that satisfy the FMCSA guidelines including authority, insurance coverage and also safety requirements and that payments as a result of carriers are not withheld. Eventually, freight brokers assume the danger of providing credit ratings to consumers so it’s crucial for them to examine and also keep an eye on a consumer’s credit history.
A freight agent is responsible for sales and joining carriers with customer demands. Many representatives work from their own houses, under the instructions and authority of an accredited freight broker. Therefore they have minimal to no liability yet have the ability to earn a significant amount based upon the profit their clients create. Representatives communicate with both shipping clients as well as electric motor carriers in an initiative to guarantee their customers’ freight is gotten as well as provided on time, in good condition with no troubles. The majority of a freight representative’s day revolves around soliciting new customers, supplying freight rates, sourcing carriers, negotiating with shippers/carriers, sending off trucks, organizing pick-up/deliveries and also resolving issues that might possibly delay or damage a shipment.
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Settling In
Rolling hills, unspoilt beaches, yachts bobbing gently in the water, with white sails softly blowing in the breeze, the varying blues of the sea, pretty skies, magnificent aging trees like old men watching with smiles on their faces at the children and families playing in the parks and playgrounds below, the cows and sheep quietly grazing on fields of lush, green grass…serene, peaceful, quiet…it is all so stunningly beautiful. This is New Zealand.
The safety and the sense of 'order' one feels here is tangible. Added to this is a great transport system, with buses (that run every fifteen minutes), trains and ferries (to take one across to the north shore or to one of the many islands dotted around), all of which you can easily hop on and off from early in the morning until late at night. Our house is cosy and sunny and feels more like a holiday home. Happy voices of children are heard daily in the playground across the road in the park, children climbing and running and swinging and jumping… The large trees line the winding pathways of the park, dogs pull their owners along on their leashes, or run free, tails wagging, catching the balls that are hurled in the air in front of them, the grass is luxuriously thick and green and feels soft to the feet. A walk through this park leads one to the long, superb stretch of sea and sand. Looking out to sea, the islands Rangitoto, Whangarei as well as the little village of  Devonport, part of the North Island, and the Coromandel can be seen in the distance.   The twisting promenade curves its way for kilometres along the beachfront - keep walking along the beach to the left (about 6 kms) and you will eventually reach the beautiful Auckland City, dominated with the Sky Tower on it’s horizon. Walk to the right and you will be able to explore the charming village of St Heliers with its quaint shops, restaurants, bakeries and little stores. Yachts all along the coastline bob up and down in the expanse of water, and stand-up paddle borders, kayakers, swimmers enjoy the gentle water protected in this bay by the land and islands surrounding it. Across the road people gather in sidewalk cafes; as you walk past, the aroma of coffee tempts one to join the other patrons and perhaps even to enjoy one of the delectable meals on offer. Looking around the restaurant you will find people working on their laptops, or just simply sitting and watching the view in front of them. People smile when they walk by, even sometimes stopping for a chat, they seem happy as they walk their dogs, ride their bicycles or scooters (called ‘limes’ ‘cos they are lime green) - both forms of transport are dotted all over the place - you can just pick one up wherever you find one lying around and then drop the bike, or scooter, off wherever you want (all done on a phone app to pay for their use - I'm yet to try one!). Despite the first couple of days of jetlag, I managed to meet Craig's colleague, Jimmy and his wife at their house; they kindly took us for a coffee and ice cream near where they live. Two days later we were off on a four-hour drive to Whakatane to visit Craig's sister, Jan. It was lovely to see her again and meet her husband and to see her children again after so many years. Also, to meet her two gorgeous and bubbly little grandchildren! Parks adorn Auckland city; the picturesque Cornwall Park was the first one that I had the pleasure to visit; it was a diving friend of Craig's birthday and we met there, with other friends, for a ‘barbeque’. This massive park reminded me of the forests in England, (there are apparently more than 800 trees), a working farm with cows and sheep, and many trails and paths for the public to enjoy, including the path up to the extinct volcano where you can be rewarded with a stunning view over Auckland and the surrounding areas. There are 48 extinct volcanoes in Auckland, I’ve walked up two so far, but I still have to experience this one!   Waitawa Regional Park, about an hour's drive from home, was next on my list of places I had the opportunity to visit.  This unspoilt beautiful coastline is exquisite! We met our new friends, Jonathan and Linda there for a picnic. The view of the ocean with it’s islands dotted around is spectacular. Sharing a special evening at the book launch of author, Nicky Pelligrino, with Caitie at our community library, was a special treat. Whilst sipping on a glass of wine, nibbling on dates and cheeses and other delicious snacks, Nicky spoke about her life and how she started writing books. I bought her latest book, "A Dream of Italy", which, of course she duly signed for me, a romantic novel in which various characters, and for various reasons, leave their mundane lives to buy a house and start a new life in Italy! The subtitle “Sometimes a new place changes everything” somehow appealed to me! Mt Eden is the highest extinct volcano in Auckland.  A relaxed and enjoyable 2km walk along a winding path brought us to the top; it was a perfect place to appreciate the spectacular views, and to try and assimilate that yes, I am actually here, finally, in New Zealand, after years of discussions and speculating whether we would ever make this move! The 27th April was Matt's 20th birthday and we decided to take the ferry to the little village of Devonport where we wandered up the one main little street, visiting ‘old-worlde’ little shops along the way. We stopped for a coffee and apple pie and cream in an inviting little coffee shop before making our way up a winding hill to another extinct volcano, Mt Victoria. The final part of the walk were steps up and then....oh my goodness a breathtakingly-beautiful 360ﹾ view of Auckland and surrounds! I actually felt quite emotional and was taken aback by the splendour of the view that was in front of me and around me! I have had countless dreams, since I have been in New Zealand, where I am still in Johannesburg, still desperately trying to sell the house, still trying to leave South Africa and all the stress that goes with it! I still sometimes can't believe that I now live at the bottom of the world, so far from all I have known, from my brothers, from dear friends, from the familiarity of everything in South Africa. It is a weird feeling, like my body is in NZ but my brain sometimes still feels like it is still in SA. An old South African friend of mine, who now lives here and who I had the wonderful chance to spend time with again, said to expect this for the first two years of living here as she felt the same! So at least it is normal! I am getting to know the immediate area around the house and have GoogleMaps on when I drive to keep me on track! To begin with either Craig, Cates or Matt would come with me to the shops to point out the best brands etc which was a big help! The grocery shops here are mostly quite different to those in South Africa, they are very big, like warehouses, which is probably a good thing because there’s no sense in lingering in shops like these as they are quite rough. It can be rather overwhelming to walk around the many aisles, faced with so many different varieties of grocery items, and always nice to see something one recognises, whether it’s a tin of milo or the proverbial Mrs Balls chutney! Our two dogs, Marshall and Mara, seem happy, especially loving their walks to the park and beach! Our cat, Coco, however, doesn't seem to have settled quite as well as the dogs. We are keeping him inside for the moment which he doesn't seem to mind. He has taken to using a litter box quite easily but he seems a little 'skittish' at times so I hope he will settle down properly at some stage. I think generally it is the freedom here which stands out for me as the most important quality of life in New Zealand. The freedom of not having to lock doors and windows, the ‘luxury’ of being able to drive with your windows down, even at night, the freedom of being able to hop on and off buses, trains and ferries, the freedom to walk around late at night, of being able to stand outside in the garden at 3 ‘o clock in the morning waiting for Mara to ‘spend a penny’, with a little picket fence wall, and not fear that someone is going to jump over the wall and threaten your life. Driving is also a very different experience to the driving in South Africa. It is difficult at first to keep to the 50km speed limit that is the rule on most roads, but it does create a sense of order and safety on the roads. The speed limit on highways is 100km which seems plenty fast enough to me and which you soon get used to. Drivers are courteous and ready to say ‘thanks’ with a wave of a hand, politeness rules as ordinary civilians say ‘thank you’ as they get off buses…to waiting cars as they cross the pedestrian crossings…there is a ‘niceness’ here, everything seems quite calm, and one seldom hears the sound of car horns hooting or police sirens wailing, people talk softly in restaurants, even sitting on the beach is quiet as there are no waves (can be a little disconcerting!). However, (and there has to be a ‘however’ as nothing is ever perfect in life) I do miss the familiarity of the people in South Africa, the ways of doing things, the common thread that runs through South Africans in how they think and feel and do. Watching the news on New Zealand TV and listening to chat shows on the radio, the sense of humour is quite different, there is a ‘silliness’ sometimes as little things are discussed which really wouldn’t even make it on to a news or discussion show in South Africa. It can sometimes seem ‘petty’ and ‘trivial’! But I am being quite critical and probably because we are used to much more serious discussions and situations in South Africa! Maybe, with time, I will get used to ‘a lost cat’ which makes 7 ‘o clock evening news as really something to be concerned about! And that there may have been a spotting of a panther on the South Island! And that a sea-lion visited someone camping in a tent one night! And that a young man has broken a record for sitting on a park swing for 34 hours! It really is a ‘simple’ life here! What I really miss is not being able to spend time with family and friends, like my brothers Michael and Paul, and my dear friend and next-door neighbour, Alex when we used to meet in the road for a chat or for a pizza at Throbbing Strawberry, not being able to meet with Sally-Anne and Bridge for a ‘brekkies’ in the morning, or Carmel for a honey-nut latte and basil-mushrooms-on-low-GI at Woolies, or spend time with Cathy for a good chat at Lifestyle Nursery accompanied by a tasty English breakfast, visiting Uscha and Stel at their home or meeting her at our ‘head office’ vegetarian restaurant at Hobart shopping centre, or taking my brother to Cresta on Saturday mornings and enjoying a lunch from the harvest table in Woolies, or spending each day with Lorraine at school, discussing the kids, our teaching, the school, going on bush camps and field trips together, just the two of us with the children, and then enjoying time outside of school together… get-togethers with my dearest ‘luvverly ladies’ friends, Colleen, Erica, Yvonne, Denise, Bronwyn, Carmel, (and Kelly-Mae) for our chats and giggles.. Sometimes when I am grocery shopping here in NZ, I expect to bump in to someone I know, as I often used to back ‘home’ ….it is the familiarity that I miss… even writing this, I feel nauseous with longing as I wonder when I am going to see my family and friends again? In making the move abroad, because you want a ‘better’ life, mostly for your children, as safety is your concern, their future career prospects, a ‘better’ quality of life…it is a decision one makes, but the cost is great, not only financially but more importantly in missing the people you leave behind. Perhaps the older you are when you make the move, as Craig and I are, in our late fifties, the more difficult it is, or maybe it will just take longer to integrate into ‘normal’ life once again… It will be interesting to see what friends we make in time…and how we settle into a new life in a new country with new people and new ways…. So, it’s like many things in life, yin and yang, I feel extremely happy to be here, grateful, knowing it is right, and yet, at the same time, feeling sad and missing those I love. Some say it is a courageous act to emigrate, but I think it is possibly an even more courageous act to decide to stay.
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Walking Mara in our park...
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...and along the walkway of our beach
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Fun in the waves!
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A visit to Catie’s Uni in Auckland city when Sarah was still visiting.
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Stopping for a quick lunch with Cates at the café across the road from her Uni
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Eploring the city!
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Waitawa Regional Park with Linda and her family
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Craig and I at Waitawa Regional Park
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Cates and I at Nicky Pellegrino’s book launch
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Cates and Matt at the top of Mt Eden with the Auckland Sky Tower in the background
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In Devonport, with Auckland city in the background
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Views from the top of Mt Victoria
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Leaving Devonport by ferry in the evening to make our way back to Auckland city in the background.
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Marshall and Mara go to the beach for the first time!
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bigyack-com · 5 years
nCoV - Arbitrary Restrictions and Blanket Travel Bans Cause Confusion
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With so much confusion, misinformation and different strategies surrounding the current 2019-nCoV outbreak, it is a very worrying time for the global travel and tourism industry and the millions of people around the world who rely on it for their livelihoods. Commenting on the current developments regarding the 2019-nCoV outbreak, Mr. Andrew Herdman, Director General of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said, “The safety and well-being of the travelling public are always uppermost in our minds. Asia Pacific carriers are well-prepared to handle health crises including those involving communicable diseases, and are taking every possible measure to minimise the risk of the novel coronavirus being spread more widely across frontiers. The air transport industry is strictly following established guidelines developed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), in consultation with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airports Council International (ACI), covering the management of public health events.”
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On the important role played by the WHO in responding to the current situation, Mr. Herdman said, “We very much appreciate the leadership being shown by the WHO in coordinating the global response to the current outbreak. It is worth noting that the WHO has to date not recommended any restriction of international travel or trade based on the current information. It would, however, be prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention.” Noting that a number of governments have nevertheless introduced various measures including travel advisories, border entry restrictions and quarantine requirements, Mr. Herdman said, “Regrettably, some of these measures, whilst well-intentioned, seem to lack any proper public health justification, whilst causing significant and widespread disruption to travel and trade activities across the world. Arbitrary restrictions and blanket travel bans are inconsistent with international health regulations, and result in unnecessary inconvenience and added uncertainty amongst members of the public. Governments in Asia and elsewhere must strengthen dialogue and work together with WHO, ICAO, and other stakeholders to develop a more comprehensive strategy and globally co-ordinated set of policy measures in response to the current outbreak.” Regarding the effect on travel and tourism, Mr. Herdman said, “Understandably, growing public concern about the outbreak has already had a very significant impact on demand for air travel across the region, forcing airlines to cut back or suspend services on affected routes. The risk of crews being subjected to arbitrary quarantine measures has resulted in further operational disruption, regardless of any proper risk assessment. Airlines are generally waiving cancellation fees or providing refunds to affected passengers on these routes. Rather than impose arbitrary travel bans, we believe that passengers can be trusted to make informed decisions, provided that there is open and transparent communication of accurate information.” “At this critical juncture, improved co-operation and co-ordination by international organisations, national governments, health authorities and everybody involved in combating this global health emergency are of overriding importance. Asia Pacific  airlines are fully committed to working closely with the relevant governments and national health authorities to support such efforts in the wider public interest.” “AAPA is closely tracking this rapidly evolving situation, and will continue to work closely with other industry stakeholders in addressing further developments.” See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: AAPA, nCoV. 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African Travel Tips When Visiting Kenya
Kenya is the land that has given start to the most popular African activity for vacationers, specifically the safari, and its easy to see why. Subsequently, all travel to the nation was advised towards, and a lot of people wanted to assert on their global travel insurance coverage, which was complicated given the unusual circumstances. Additionally don't miss the Mombasa Marine National Park, the Moi Avenue gateway arch, dhow cruises and the beaches. Try to get a private deal, with just the two of you touring, moderately than being part of a big group, and be sure that your travel is commensurate with the posh you might be in search of: a minimal of business class flights, and first-class rail and street journey where it is involved. Indignant folks went to the streets after evidence of election fraud by the present President, Mwai Kibaki. Kenya's excessive tourist season is between January and February and June to September. This board markets vacationer locations regionally and internationally has played an awesome role in enhancing this sector. This space is right for walks, picnics, trout fishing, camping and evening sport viewing. Most persons coming to Kenya would love an opportunity to visit this wildlife reserve. It additionally has a Safari Stroll - a really unique facility that allows one to see nearly all the animals of the jungle in just a brief stroll! Throughout your keep in Mombasa, I suggest at all times requesting for bottled water to drink versus the tap water which is typically questionable. Moi worldwide airport -The airport is about 10 minutes from the city middle permit an additional half -an-hour on your journey to the south coast because of the ferry crossing. The water in most city accommodations is usually safe for consuming Nonetheless, if in doubt, bottled water is obtainable. Climbers can rent equipment, ropes and kit in Kenya, but may wish to convey their own private equipment and equipment. For individuals who can not afford the short flight safaris which might be accessible to single vacationers, joining a price range safari presents a viable method to enjoying the wonders of the Mara in a more inexpensive approach. From April 2009 to November 2009, the vary has been roughly 1USD: KES74.00 to 1USD: KES80.00. Most banks offer extra aggressive charges than resorts however the quite a few overseas alternate bureaus available in Mombasa will most likely offer you the most effective charges without a commission cost. There are numerous tourism authorities-owned our bodies which have played an important function within the fast growth of tourism in Kenya. The Kenya National Parks are protected by the Kenya Wildlife Service and the money charged from the doorway fee is used to cater for wages, park improvement and upkeep. Use our customized Kenya Journey package to print records of all this data. Sibiloi Park is Situated at the border of the Kenya and Ethiopia. Mombasa locals use rickshaws (tuk tuks), matatus (minivans) and boda boda (bicycles) to get across the city. During your keep here in Kenya, your accommodation can be in the very best lodges, resorts and luxury tented camps where you may be served scrumptious meals and drinks. Most inns and restaurants embody a ten% service charge. The excessive value of transportation in some locations makes it tough to take pleasure in various excursions. The park is house to 116 species of amphibians and reptiles, 139 species of mammals and more than four hundred species of birds. You too can visit Wasini the place there is a marine nationwide park to see the inexperienced turtles, dolphins, the whale shark and numerous kinds of stunning fish. Divers will discover wonderful dive gear for hire in Kenya, but may wish to bring their very own regulators or dive computer systems. Emails can be sent from inns, as can faxes and telexes. There are also many coastal points of interest together with sandy seashores, marine parks and coral reefs. For walking safaris or sport viewing on foot clothes needs to be of neutral color, and white, vibrant or vividly patterned clothing prevented. Use it as a base for a visit to Lamu Island, which was a base for the slave commerce, and on which the only means of journey apart from foot is by donkey. The Corcovado Nationwide Park in Costa Rica is an excellent rain forest that incorporates over one hundred,000 acres of land and 5,000 acres of marine habitat. All travellers to Kenya ought to go to their personal physicians or health clinics four-eight weeks before departure. cheap hotels denver co The park is a forested mountain rising up out of the surrounding desert. This vaccination is to be taken at the very least two weeks before you make that trip to Kenya. This type of disease is very common within the highland region of the nation however visitors to Nairobi and Mombasa also have to take it. As an illustration, the tourism companies in Kenya pay a Catering Tourism and Growth Levy(CTDL). Earlier than departure, travellers are advised to transform any excess Kenya Shillings into foreign forex at a bank or bureau de change. The Mombasa Kenya seashores similar to Nyali, Bamburi, Mtwapa, Tiwi, and Diani have world-class resorts and guesthouses that offer glorious accommodation and cuisine. For that you will have to guide your self a luxury adventure trip, with personal service providing vacation planning from just your self and your accomplice. Visas: most guests to Kenya require a visamultiple and singe entry visas can be found. Unfortunately the big recreation, the lions specifically, are in grave hazard in Nairobi Park due to the action of humans, so make the most of the chance to see them within the wild while you can. Nevertheless, if you are traveling alone and do not thoughts becoming a member of other like-minded, although strangers on safaris, you may break through the associated fee barrier and luxuriate in magnificent safaris. The vast mouth of the coastal waters at Kilifi Creek makes Mombasa a perfect place for crusing and there are yachts in addition to trained crew obtainable for rent. Security it's a wise precaution to not stroll alone within the isolated cities or beach areas particularly after darkish. Take your credit cards collectively Traveller's Cheques and a few U.S. Dollars money. You may have a custom-made tour to fit your necessities or select a selection of budget and luxurious safari packages with the help of your company. Jomo Kenyatta airport also connects common flights to Lamu, Malindi, Mombasa and Kisumu. Safari's range from less expensive choices starting around $500.00 for an eight day excursion to very luxurious safaris costing up to $9,000. Bank cards- All main international playing cards are accepted. You also needs to check out Masai crafts on the Utamanduni Craft middle and go to the giraffes at the Giraffe Heart. It made me wonder about different locations that may be conducive to viewing wildlife in a natural setting. You may discover the Malindi Nationwide Park by boat as you watch the marine life. The Kenya Airways is the nationwide airline and a Sky Staff associate member. Humpback whales and sea lions are in abundance off shore and on land bears and moose are often times available for viewing. If you call or email the travel agent, they are going to inform you whether it is out there or not, depending in your dates of travel. The most important international airports embrace; Jomo Kenyatta Worldwide Airport, Moi Worldwide Airport and Eldoret Worldwide Airport. Mombasa is on the same time zone as the remainder of Kenya. Most of such safaris would invariably be the finances type. The country is known as after Mount Kenya, the second highest mountain in Africa. As you enjoy sport viewing within the limitless plains of the Mara reserve, you'll have an opportunity to see the massive 5(lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo) and make your tour a true African safari. For these planning loads of travel by public transport or trekkers, a backpack is advisable. From my research I have give you a listing of among the greatest locations to visit if viewing animals in nature is your goal. The Masai, Pokot and the Turkana communities are good examples of itineraries where you possibly can learn and follow a number of the cultural actions. The Kenya Tourism Improvement Company is responsible for tourism facilities growth in varied fields such as; direct funding, expansion of present facilities, improvement of facilities within the business. There are various different the explanation why it's best to travel to this country. Mombasa is a excessive-threat area for Malaria and it is very important take a course of anti-malarial tablets. This situation was hardly safe for guests coming to Kenya. Although English is also extensively spoken, it's helpful to know some widespread words and phrases to use while visiting Mombasa. When going out on a safari, it might be effectively worth it to go to the grocery store at the start of your journey and buy some issues. When Hudson Bay freezes, between October and November, this town is overrun with polar bears as they travel their migration path. In Malindi, there's the perfect Sea Fishing in the African Content where you will find sailfish. Forex Kenyan shilling (KSH) currently around Ksh67 per USD. This place is good for snorkeling, diving, fishing and surfing. Areas which are more susceptible in towns are slums like Kibera in Nairobi the place there is very poor sanitation and lack of satisfactory piped water which at all times results in outbreaks of typhoid and Cholera. At the start of a 12 months, Kenya could usually count on to be welcoming lots of of tourists a day - the current fall out lowered the numbers down to a brave few who had decided to disregard the inevitable warnings from the overseas office about travelling to the country, which was then positioned in the 'civil unrest' list of locations to not visit. So there isn't any need to journey across your complete nation simply to expertise the tradition of the various communities. The small city of Marsabit has basic facilities including a bank, petrol station, post workplace, airport, eating places and retailers. Within the United States, nationwide parks are the most effective place to start. A peaceful tropical island with an interesting historical past, which will be explored within the winding streets of its medieval stone city, a World Heritage Website partly as a result of it being the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. Theodore Roosevelt is a less well-known park and due to this fact presents great viewing of bison, wild horses, deer and elk with out all of the crowds. You can camp in the park for better game viewing and photography. Visit the magnificent Fort Jesus and harbour, see the Arab architecture in Outdated Town and scent the scent of spices. As a result of altitude and topographical variations of the various areas, these seasons and temperatures are not uniform and vary drastically. Malinda is another part of Kenya you have to not miss: situated on the Indian Ocean Malinda offers Hemingway's a luxury lodge that provides the perfect personal service. Conversely the obvious draw back of such a safaris is that you are in the firm of individuals which might be strangers to you. Other Africa greatest-recognized nationwide parks include the Amboseli, Tsavo and Lake Nakuru that are all located in Kenya. You can too do it in fashion, however make sure that your price is all-inclusive for the reason that extras for the flights and safari journeys might be excessive. The kind of luxury you'll be able to expertise on these trips is unbelievably excessive, and journey journey to Kenya is just not all safaris and living tough. The lengthy coral seashores and the Malindi National park are the highlights of this beautiful Island. A lot of the instances they are costlier but you would nonetheless get a very good deal for those who book early.
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African Travel Suggestions When Visiting Kenya
Kenya is the land that has given beginning to the preferred African exercise for vacationers, particularly the safari, and its straightforward to see why. Subsequently, all travel to the nation was suggested against, and a lot of people wanted to assert on their global travel insurance coverage, which was confusing given the unusual circumstances. Additionally do not miss the Mombasa Marine Nationwide Park, the Moi Avenue gateway arch, dhow cruises and the beaches. Try to get a private deal, with just the 2 of you touring, rather than being part of a big group, and guantee that your journey is commensurate with the posh you are in search of: a minimal of enterprise class flights, and first-class rail and highway journey where it is involved. Indignant people went to the streets after proof of election fraud by the present President, Mwai Kibaki. Kenya's excessive tourist season is between January and February and June to September. This board markets tourist locations regionally and internationally has played an ideal function in improving this sector. This area is right for walks, picnics, trout fishing, tenting and night game viewing. Most persons coming to Kenya would love an opportunity to go to this wildlife reserve. It additionally has a Safari Walk - a really unique facility that enables one to see almost all of the animals of the jungle in only a brief stroll! During your stay in Mombasa, I suggest always requesting for bottled water to drink versus the faucet water which is typically questionable. Moi worldwide airport -The airport is about 10 minutes from town heart allow an extra half -an-hour for your journey to the south coast due to the ferry crossing. The water in most city inns is usually protected for drinking Nevertheless, if unsure, bottled water is available. Climbers can rent equipment, ropes and kit in Kenya, however could want to deliver their own personal equipment and equipment. For those who can not afford the short flight safaris which might be accessible to single travelers, becoming a member of a price range safari presents a viable strategy to enjoying the wonders of the Mara in a more reasonably priced means. From April 2009 to November 2009, the vary has been approximately 1USD: KES74.00 to 1USD: KES80.00. Most banks offer extra competitive charges than hotels but the quite a few foreign exchange bureaus available in Mombasa will most likely give you the perfect rates without a commission cost. There are numerous tourism authorities-owned our bodies which have performed a vital position in the speedy growth of tourism in Kenya. The Kenya Nationwide Parks are protected by the Kenya Wildlife Service and the money charged from the entrance payment is used to cater for wages, park improvement and maintenance. Use our personalised Kenya Travel equipment to print data of all this info. Sibiloi Park is Located at the border of the Kenya and Ethiopia. Mombasa locals use rickshaws (tuk tuks), matatus (minivans) and boda boda (bicycles) to get around the town. During your stay here in Kenya, your lodging will be in the very best lodges, accommodations and luxurious tented camps the place you will be served delicious meals and drinks. Most lodges and restaurants embody a ten% service charge. The high price of transportation in some destinations makes it troublesome to enjoy various excursions. The park is residence to 116 species of amphibians and reptiles, 139 species of mammals and more than 400 species of birds. You too can go to Wasini the place there is a marine national park to see the green turtles, dolphins, the whale shark and countless forms of lovely fish. Divers will discover excellent dive gear for rent in Kenya, but may additionally wish to convey their own regulators or dive computers. Emails can be sent from hotels, as can faxes and telexes. There are additionally many coastal attractions together with sandy seashores, marine parks and coral reefs. For walking safaris or recreation viewing on foot clothes needs to be of impartial colour, and white, vivid or vividly patterned clothing averted. Use it as a base for a visit to Lamu Island, which was once a base for the slave trade, and on which the only means of journey other than foot is by donkey. The Corcovado Nationwide Park in Costa Rica is a superb rain forest that accommodates over 100,000 acres of land and 5,000 acres of marine habitat. All travellers to Kenya ought to visit their personal physicians or health clinics four-eight weeks before departure. The park is a forested mountain rising up out of the surrounding desert. This vaccination is to be taken not less than two weeks before you make that journey to Kenya. One of these disease is very common within the highland region of the nation but visitors to Nairobi and Mombasa additionally need to take it. As an illustration, the tourism businesses in Kenya pay a Catering Tourism and Development Levy(CTDL). Earlier than departure, travellers are suggested to transform any extra Kenya Shillings into foreign foreign money at a financial institution or bureau de change. The Mombasa Kenya seashores corresponding to Nyali, Bamburi, Mtwapa, Tiwi, and Diani have world-class resorts and guesthouses that supply glorious lodging and cuisine. For that you will have to book your self a luxury adventure vacation, with private service offering vacation planning from just your self and your partner. Visas: most guests to Kenya require a visamultiple and singe entry visas can be found. Unfortunately the big game, the lions specifically, are in grave danger in Nairobi Park due to the action of people, so benefit from the opportunity to see them in the wild while you can. However, if you're touring alone and do not thoughts joining other like-minded, although strangers on safaris, you can break by means of the associated fee barrier and enjoy magnificent safaris. The huge mouth of the coastal waters at Kilifi Creek makes Mombasa a really perfect place for sailing and there are yachts in addition to skilled crew out there for hire. Safety it's a sensible precaution not to walk alone in the isolated towns or seashore areas notably after darkish. Take your bank cards collectively Traveller's Cheques and a few U.S. Dollars money. You'll be able to have a customized tour to suit your necessities or select a selection of price range and luxury safari packages with the help of your company. Jomo Kenyatta airport additionally connects regular flights to Lamu, Malindi, Mombasa and Kisumu. Safari's range from inexpensive options beginning around $500.00 for an eight day excursion to very luxurious safaris costing as much as $9,000. Bank cards- All major worldwide playing cards are accepted. You must also check out Masai crafts at the Utamanduni Craft middle and visit the giraffes on the Giraffe Middle. It made me wonder about other places that might be conducive to viewing wildlife in a natural setting. You possibly can discover the Malindi National Park by boat as you watch the marine life. The Kenya Airways is the nationwide airline and a Sky Staff associate member. Humpback whales and sea lions are in abundance off shore and on land bears and moose are often times out there for viewing. For those who call or e mail the travel agent, they are going to inform you whether it is out there or not, relying on your dates of travel. The main international airports embrace; Jomo Kenyatta Worldwide Airport, Moi International Airport and Eldoret Worldwide Airport. Mombasa is on the identical time zone as the remainder of Kenya. Most of such safaris would invariably be the price range type. The nation is named after Mount Kenya, the second highest mountain in Africa. As you get pleasure from sport viewing within the infinite plains of the Mara reserve, you'll have an opportunity to see the massive five(lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo) and make your tour a true African safari. For these planning quite a lot of travel by public transport or trekkers, a backpack is advisable. From my research I have come up with an inventory of a few of the finest places to visit if viewing animals in nature is your objective. The Masai, Pokot and the Turkana communities are good examples of itineraries where you can study and observe some of the cultural activities. The Kenya Tourism Improvement Company is accountable for tourism amenities improvement in various fields akin to; direct funding, expansion of present amenities, enchancment of facilities within the trade. There are numerous different the explanation why you must travel to this country. Mombasa is a excessive-threat space for Malaria and it is important to take a course of anti-malarial tablets. This example was hardly protected for guests coming to Kenya. Though English can be extensively spoken, it's useful to know some widespread phrases and phrases to use whilst visiting Mombasa. When going out on a safari, it might be nicely price it to go to the grocery store at the beginning of your journey and buy some things. When Hudson Bay freezes, between October and November, this city is overrun with polar bears as they journey their migration path. In Malindi, there's the most effective Sea Fishing within the African Content material where you'll find sailfish. Currency Kenyan shilling (KSH) at present around Ksh67 per USD. This place is ideal for snorkeling, diving, fishing and browsing. Areas that are extra inclined in towns are slums like Kibera in Nairobi where there may be very poor sanitation and lack of enough piped water which always leads to outbreaks of typhoid and Cholera. Firstly of a year, Kenya might usually count on to be welcoming tons of of vacationers a day - the latest fall out reduced the numbers down to a courageous few who had determined to disregard the inevitable warnings from the overseas office about travelling to the country, which was then positioned in the 'civil unrest' list of places not to visit. So there is no such thing as a have to travel throughout the whole nation just to experience the culture of the various communities. The small city of Marsabit has primary amenities including a bank, petrol station, publish workplace, airport, eating places and outlets. In the United States, nationwide parks are one of the best place to start. A peaceful tropical island with a fascinating history, which might be explored within the winding streets of its medieval stone city, a World Heritage Web site partly on account of it being the oldest and greatest-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. Theodore Roosevelt is a less well-known park and due to this fact gives great viewing of bison, wild horses, deer and elk with out all the crowds. You may camp in the park for better game viewing and photography. Visit the magnificent Fort Jesus and harbour, see the Arab structure in Previous City and smell the scent of spices. On account of altitude and topographical variations of the various areas, these seasons and temperatures should not uniform and range greatly. Malinda is one other part of Kenya you should not miss: situated on the Indian Ocean Malinda gives Hemingway's a luxurious lodge that gives the easiest private service. Conversely the apparent draw back of the sort of safaris is that you are within the company of persons which might be strangers to you. Different Africa greatest-known national parks include the Amboseli, Tsavo and Lake Nakuru which are all positioned in Kenya. cheap hotels lanzarote You can also do it in model, but guantee that your price is all-inclusive for the reason that extras for the flights and safari trips will be high. The kind of luxurious you can experience on these trips is unbelievably high, and journey travel to Kenya just isn't all safaris and living tough. The long coral beaches and the Malindi Nationwide park are the highlights of this stunning Island. Most of the occasions they're more expensive but you possibly can nonetheless get an excellent deal when you book early.
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Cruising Returns With A New Domestic Focus
Several cruise lines are finding innovative ways to resume operations despite the continuing restrictions on international travel due to the coronavirus.
As countries have begun to ease restrictions on daily life, people are anxious to resume normal activities including traveling. However, with the limits on international travel, closed borders and ports, and reduced numbers of international flights, normal overseas vacation patterns and especially cruises seem to be just a dream for many people this year. 
“For liability and passenger safety reasons, we expect cruise lines to be the last segment of the travel space to restart,” says Jonathan de Araujo, the owner of The Vacationeer, a travel agency based in North Carolina. Supporting this outlook is the fact that in the United States the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to have its “no sail order” in place and recently admitted in an interview with the Miami Herald that it “has not begun to review plans for how to safely operate cruises prior to development of a vaccine.”
Despite these challenges, the cruise industry recognizes that people are anxious to plan summer vacations and are looking for alternatives. “History has shown that even in negative times and poor media that it doesn’t stop people from traveling,” says Nichole Ratner, a frequent cruiser and editor of the consumer website cruisingwiththefamily.com. 
River cruising is taking the first steps as a number of the lines plan to resume trips. In Germany, Nicko Cruises embarked passengers on its first river cruise on June 1. Several other river cruise lines plan to resume service in both Europe and the United States during June and July. However, ocean cruising facing more difficult challenges appears to months away from even taking its first steps to resume cruises.
To meet the demand of travelers, and seeking to maintain a portion of the travel industry, several cruise lines have found an innovative solution, creating a new domestic cruise segment focusing on individual countries and local destination. Where ocean cruising is typically known for proving passengers with a broad range of ports across multiple countries, these new cruises reverse that trend marketing locally and focusing on ports of call in an individual country.
One of the first areas where this new domestic cruise is emerging is in Scandinavia. While Norway continues to restrict international travelers, two cruise lines, SeaDream Yacht Club and Hurtigruten, have both announced they will resume sailing in June for Norwegians and possibly the broader Scandinavian community depending on travel restrictions.
One of the two SeaDream cruise ships (file photo) - courtesy of SeaDream Yacht Club
SeaDream, the operator of two 112 guests, luxury yacht-style cruise ships, recently announced that it will resume cruises on June 20 as its SeaDream I sails in Norway between Bergen and Oslo. SeaDream will be operating 7 and 12-day voyages on the Norwegian coast traveling as far north as Tromsø, above the Arctic Circle. The line launched a dedicated website in Norwegian for the cruises, but says it hopes as travel restrictions ease to expand the marketing to its international customers.
Similarly, Hurtigruten, which has a long heritage of operating on the Norwegian coast as well as its expedition cruises, also plans to resume operations with its first departure from Bergen on the Finnmarken on June 16. Its vessels the Richard With, Trollfjord, and Midnatsol will also resume their original routes from Bergen along the Norwegian Coast, crossing the Arctic Circle to the northern port of Kirkenes.
According to Hurtigruten, “further restarts and sailings for other ships will be considered as we go. The size and scale of our step-by-step restart is dependent on national and international travel restrictions, government support, and other external factors outside of our control.” 
Passengers on these first cruises will experience a variety of changes to the previous travel patterns. Hurtigruten, for example, is restricting the number of passengers on each sailing to help with maintaining social distancing. Every crew member will have undergone a health check and have completed WHO’s official COVID-19 course for hygiene procedures and infection management and there will be an increased emphasis on hygiene and cleaning of spaces aboard the ships. Meals will be served with more seating times and no self-service.
While the new trend of domestically marketed cruises that sail around the local region is emerging on the rivers and in Norway, other cruise lines around the world are also looking at this concept as a possible route to restoring service while the broader travel restrictions remain.
One of the Ponant Explorer cruise ships (file photo) - courtesy of Ponant
In Australia, the consumer travel publication Cruise Passenger is reporting that the French cruise line Ponant is exploring resuming expedition cruising in the Kimberley region of northwest Australia. Ponant has scheduled cruises between the cities of Darwin and Broome aboard its vessel the Le Laperouse with departures as early as July 2020. 
Monique Ponfoort, Vice President Asia-Pacific for Ponant, explains “You will appreciate that, in Australia and New Zealand, there are so many variables in play, all we can do is look at options as best we can, including monitoring when borders are likely to reopen, and when domestic and international flights will again operate. Right now, we are not sure of the start dates in Australia and New Zealand, but we are undertaking the groundwork to recommence as soon as possible.”
While Ponant is exploring resuming operations in Australia, the company has also announced plans for local cruises sailing from France beginning in July.  The company intends to offer cruises both along France's Atlantic coast as well as ships cruising from the Mediterranean ports.
Even in the U.K., which has struggled to control the virus, Viking has hinted at possibly running some local cruises before the end of the summer. The company recently began exploring possible interest from its loyal audience while admitting that it would also require further changes in the current travel restrictions. Viking was the first cruise line to suspend operations before the industry-wide initiative and currently has all cruises canceled through August.
Some of the larger European cruise lines have also suggested that they might resume cruising with cruises to nowhere meaning only time at sea and no ports or just a single port with the trip being focused on sea time. 
The domestic cruise solution, however, will not work in the United States, where government regulations prohibit international cruise ships from transporting passengers between two U.S. ports without visiting a most distant foreign port. Similarly, a few years ago the enforcement of the regulations changed to prohibit cruises to nowhere from U.S. ports. It is unclear if U.S. authorities would permit these cruises with a technical call in a foreign country, but regardless until the CDC acts no cruises will sail from the United States.  
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/cruising-returns-with-a-new-domestic-focus via http://www.rssmix.com/
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