#International yacht transport
crosschartering · 9 months
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Yacht Shipping
Sail confidently with our specialized yacht shipping services, ensuring the secure and timely transport of your vessel across oceans!
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ptseti · 10 months
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Congo Ben is an extremely obscure figure in history, with nothing but a brief mention of him in 1909 in a newspaper article called Voodooism in the South. He sounded like an interesting character, so I decided to honour him as an ancestor from the Congo using what information we could glean from the one paragraph written about him in history. As it turns out, there is so much to learn from him, his life, and his history.
In Voodooism in the South, written in 1909, Congo Ben was described like this: "Congo Ben, who only recently died on Bayou Teche, was one of the Africans imported on the Wanderer. He had all the marks of a Congo warrior on his left cheek, the scars made by deep knife cuts parallel with each other about two and a half inches long. Ben was the possessor of much mysterious knowledge. He could make Voudou fetiches, charm snakes, and do many other things. Besides this, he was an excellent gardener and was always docile, industrious, and faithful.
He was very often affected with "misery" in his back and the only remedy which could be applied successfully was liberal doses of whiskey taken internally. This always brought him "around all right." Congo Ben was also a famous hand at curing snake bites, but he would never disclose what he used in the remedies he applied."
From the 1909 newspaper article, we learn Congo Ben arrived in the United States on November 28, 1858, at Jekyll Island, Georgia on the Wanderer, a notorious slave ship engaged in illegal human trafficking of Africans from the Congo. Its crew smuggled ashore an estimated 409 enslaved people - most of them teenage boys. The 19th-century ship was built as an "opulent pleasure yacht with a sinister underside: a hidden deck where hundreds of enslaved Africans were held captive and illegally trafficked into the United States."
The Wanderer was the last ship to illegally transport enslaved people from Africa to Georgia and one of the final vessels involved in the smuggling of enslaved individuals onto American soil. Congo Ben fell victim to this criminal conspiracy for human trafficking, and his story is the story of all 409 kidnapped Africans taken from the African Congo to Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1858. Congo Ben died on Bayou Teche sometime around 1909. #Africa
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simshousewindsor · 9 months
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EASTON, Windenburg (SNN) - - The Windenburg royal household published its financial report for the year 2022-2023, giving a glimpse of how the monarch and the working members of her family get from A to B and how much it all costs.
In total, over the last financial year the royals spent §4.5 million simoleons on travel, including the official tours undertaken by George I, Queen consort Rowena, (then) Princess Katherine, and Prince Louis, as well as some minor working royals.
But how do the Windenburg royals travel, and what methods do they have at their disposal? SNN has the answers.
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One of the main methods of domestic travel for the queen and the working members of her family is by helicopter.
The queen currently relies on one main helicopter at her disposal, The Queen's Helicopter Flight (TQHF), which is painted in a deep blue color with royal cyphers on each side. The craft is a model EC155 from Americreek manufacturer LorySims and has been in use by the royals since 2009.
Though helicopters are capable of landing in the gardens of Buckingsim Palace, the main central Easton landing hub for members of the royal family is at Kently Estate in a large field at the northern end of the complex.
The 2022-2023 royal household financial statement revealed that over 179 journeys were made via helicopters by the working royals throughout the year.
As the expense for this is paid from the allocation of funds the queen receives from the government to pay for her official duties, she retains the right to approve each use of her aircraft by family members.
Private Jets
In the same way that the queen has the use of helicopters to help her travel quickly and safely within the U.K. for short haul flights, she also has access to private jets both for her personal use, as well as for the use of working members of her family and government officials.
RAF Voyager
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In the 2022-2023 financial year the royals undertook a number of foreign tours. The queen and other members of her family are regularly asked by the Foreign Office to undertake international visits, in promoting Windenburg assets around the globe.
For their journey, the royals travel aboard RAF Voyager, the U.K government's VIP jet. While it maintains a military function as a mid-air refueling craft, it's also used to transport high-ranking government officials and members of the royal family. The Duke and Duchess of Kent used it the most as they undertook the most international visits on behalf of the Crown during the year.
RAF Voyager is maintained and manned by the Royal Air Force, which oversees all of the royals' air travel.
The Royal Train
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The Royal Train comprises a dedicated set of claret liveried sleeper, dining and lounge carriages reserved for the use of senior members of the royal family when traveling around Windenburg. There has been a royal train since the reign of Edward I and the current one was presented to King George I in 1994, though it has had its interiors updated in the years since.
Total expenditure on the royal train, including operating lease payments, for 2021-2022 was §1 million simoleons.
Royal Yacht
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The royal yacht of the Windenburg monarchy, also known as The Royal Yacht Windenburgia, has been in service since 1978. It is the second royal yacht to bear the name, the first being the racing cutter built for the Prince of Brindleton Bay in 1813. The yacht travels more than five-hundred thousand nautical miles around the sims world to more than 120 ports in 16 countries.
Fleet of Motor Vehicles
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As well as helicopters, planes and trains, the royals also have a fleet of luxury motor cars that are used for official events such as the State Opening of Parliament, as well as regular engagements around the United Kingdom of Windenburg.
The Rolls Royce State Limousines are official state cars manufactured by Rolls Royce as a gift for the late King George I on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee in 2017. The two cars produced, in navy and black, were in service for the King up until his death in 2023. They have most recently been in service for Queen Katherine I. The Queen Mother (then Queen consort) used the car while accompanying the King's coffin. Both cars are kept in the Royal Mews.
In 2022-2023, the official expenditure on motor vehicle journeys undertaken by the queen and senior royals was §200,000.
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suntuusita · 4 months
Niche Mirèlha headcanons
Yacht-ie Babe : You can't spell Monaco without 'yacht.' Mer has experience being on superyachts (when she has time to kill she likes to be a deckhand), but does not own a superyacht herself. She prefers smaller sailing yachts and participates in a lot of races along with it. She is an established member at Yacht Club Monaco and teaches schoolkids how to sail in the summer. Prince Albert I's Hirondelle was the first boat Mer learned to navigate alongside the Prince.
Sun-kissed : She spends most of her day out in the sun. It may be research, teaching classes, playing tennis, sunbathing, swimming, you name it. Mer LOVES to be outside and prefers it. It's not a surprise that when you see her, she has a tan with various level of shades.
Fruit fruit fruit : Monaco is well known for its citrus. Lemons are life there, but oranges? Don't even get me started. There are so many orange trees, you can pick them and take them with you for free. Mer, a child of nature, always has an orange in her purse to consume. She just loves fruit--but that's because she had a bad case of scurvy in the 1500s during an expedition until Spain told her to eat some oranges and she's been obsessed since (and fearful of scurvy). Lemons hurt Mer's feelings because of the lemon revolts in the 1800s with losing Menton and Roquebrune (but she will go crazy on a lemon meringue)
Transportation: You would think she has the nicest cars, but she doesn't lol. She takes the bus or bike around town. It's a pain-in-the-ass to drive around Monaco due to the winding pathways and constant construction--so the bus it's where it's at.
Identity crisis: She thinks she does not have the right to be a nation due to her small size and relance on France. She has a tendency to view herself below everyone else despite being so successful. She cannot for the life of her accept the fact that other nations want to be friends with her and thinks it all out of politeness. That's why she tends to find herself inching towards cities and regions-beings, finding more similarities with them and often hides herself in very big international matters (unless it's environmental related).
Language: Prefers Italian over French. Even though French is her national language, but for most of her life, she spoke Italian. Which makes sense due to her closer relationship to the Northern Italian regions in comparison to the French regions. You would think she knew English well with Alice Heine and Grace Kelly being iconic American Princesses, but Mer barely knew anything and only smiled and nodded in conversation. She still can't comprehend the language for the life of her. If she did, she thinks she would have an American accent lol (she wants a Texan accent so bad).
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
Court Circular | 22nd February 2023
Buckingham Palace
The King this morning visited the Felix Project, Unit 12 and 14 Thomas Road Industrial Estate, Thomas Road, London E14, and was received by Colonel Jane Davis (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London), the Founders of the Felix Project (Mr Justin Byam Shaw and Mrs Jane Byam Shaw) and the Mayor of London (the Rt Hon Sadiq Khan). His Majesty, escorted by Ms Charlotte Hill (Chief Executive), toured the depot and kitchen and met members of the warehouse team, volunteers and representatives from the Project’s community partners, before unveiling a community freezer and joining a Reception for supporters. The Earl of Dalhousie was received by The King this afternoon, delivered up his Wand of Office and took leave upon relinquishing his appointment as Lord Steward. The Earl of Rosslyn was received by The King, kissed hands upon his appointment as Lord Steward and received from His Majesty his Wand of Office. The President of the German Bundestag (Ms Bärbel Bas) was received by The King. The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP (Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury) had an audience of His Majesty via telephone. The Queen Consort, Patron, BookTrust, this afternoon received Mr Joseph Coelho (Children’s Laureate).
Kensington Palace
The Earl of Wessex this morning visited George Town Yacht Club, 612B North Sound Road, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, and departed by boat to visit the Coast Guard Base. The Earl of Wessex, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, and The Countess of Wessex, Global Ambassador, this afternoon attended a Reception at Government House, Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman, for young people who have achieved the Gold Standard in the Award. The Countess of Wessex, Global Ambassador, 100 Women in Finance, this morning attended a Reception at Government House. Her Royal Highness later attended the Annual Agricultural Show at West Bay, Grand Cayman. The Earl and Countess of Wessex later departed from Owen Roberts International Airport, Grand Cayman, for Turks and Caicos Islands and were received upon arrival in Grand Turk by the Governor of Turks and Caicos Islands (His Excellency Mr Nigel Dakin). Their Royal Highnesses this evening attended a Reception at the Governor’s Residence, Grand Turk.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), this morning attended the London Region Annual Student Conference, Queen Anne Court, Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, Park Row, London SE10, and was received by Mr. Matthew Burrow (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Her Royal Highness, Chancellor, University of London, this afternoon visited the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care at King’s College London, Bessemer Road, London SE5, to mark its Tenth Anniversary, and was received by Mr. Christopher Wellbelove (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). The Princess Royal, Commandant-in-Chief (Youth), St. John Ambulance, this evening attended the Youth Award Ceremony at the Old Palace, Hatfield House, Hatfield, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire (Mr. Robert Voss).
Kensington Palace
The Duke of Gloucester, Patron, British Society of Soil Science, this afternoon received Dr Jacqueline Hannam (President), Professor Paul Hallett (President Elect) and Mrs. Sarah Garry (Executive Officer).
St James’s Palace
Princess Alexandra, Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, this afternoon presented medals to members of The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeths’ Own) at St. James’s Palace.
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rastronomicals · 10 months
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2:28 PM EST November 26, 2023:
Fleetwood Mac - "Hypnotized" From the album Mystery to Me (October 15, 1973)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Truth be told, Fleetwood Mac and I have never really seen eye to eye. When I was growing up, at a time when Rumours was ubiquitous, the teenage metalhead and/or prog freak I purposely molded myself into wasn't part of their demographic. Not even close. And now that I more closely match that (older, white, politically liberal?) demographic, the ship that might have once done the soft California rock thing for me has long since sailed.
I may not hate them, but--with the one exception I'm getting to in my typically slow fashion--Fleetwood Mac's influence on my listening habits has been next to nil. "Rhiannon" and "Don't Stop" and the rest of the Mac's massive seventies radio hits have been like neutrinos, all around me, unavoidable, yet so wispy and insubstantial that they've passed through me inert and whole, colliding with nothing of myself, reacting with nothing at all I keep internal.
Words are funny things. Rotate them a quarter turn, and all their nuance changes. I dismiss Fleetwood Mac by saying they're "insubtantial," but 90 degrees away from insubstantial is "ethereal," and ethereal can produce a very nice feeling indeed.
"Hypnotized" is, I think, Fleetwood Mac rotated their own quarter turn.
It's the same kind of story That seems to come down from long ago Two friends having coffee together When something flies by their window It might be out on that lawn Which is wide, at least half of a playing field Because there's no explaining what your imagination Can make you see and feel
Seems like a dream They got me hypnotized
Now it's not a meaningless question To ask if they've been and gone I remember a talk about North Carolina and a strange, strange pond You see the sides were like glass In the thick of a forest without a road And if any man's hand ever made that land Then i think it would've showed
Seems like a dream They got me hypnotized
They say there's a place down in Mexico Where a man can fly over mountains and hills And he don't need an airplane or some kind of engine And he never will Now you know it's a meaningless question To ask if those stories are right 'cause what matters most if the feeling You get when you're hypnotized
Seems like a dream They got me hypnotized
Cadres of English blues fans and Peter Green cultists probably curse the name of Bob Welch for the band's detour into Yacht Rock after Welch arrived.
Fine. But to me, Welch's standing as one of the seventies' premier songwriters is cemented by this song and this song alone. And if it's Yacht Rock so be it. Van Morrison and Stevie Nicks and scores of Druid metal acts have attempted to shine a light Into the Mystic, but none, I think, have illuminated that foggy inconstant world quote so well as "Hypnotized."
what matters most if the feeling You get when you're hypnotized
Hell, there are books written on the subject that don't get it so right. I don't truly believe that Don Juan ever levitated or that space aliens created a lake in the Carolina woods or that a Mothman flew over Point Pleasant or that malign spirits ever crept over the sandy floors of the Chase Vaults.
But there's a little dreamy fugue we all enter when just thinking about these fantastical and sadly unreal things, isn't there? If these things are not real, at least they can give us this wonderful, fleetingly-grasped, dreamy fugue state.
What's remarkable about "Hypnotized," its music, its lyrics, is it's another transport in.
The fugue, the trance, it's just like the daydream reverie you feel when Bob Welch's atmospheric guitar fills fly by. It's just like the slightly unreal shimmer that Mick Fleetwood's triple-time beats can bring to things, and it's just like the mysterious soft keen of Welch's and McVie's voices combining, just slightly offtune, just slightly outside the sad and boring reality we're all forced to inhabit.
RIP Bob Welch
Fleetwood Mac rotated their quarter turn
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sophia957 · 1 year
Exploring the World of Cargo Ships and Sailboats: A Maritime Transport Journey
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Cargo ships serve as the lifelines of worldwide commerce, and the maritime industry is critical to global trade and transportation. Each vessel, from massive container ships to tiny sailboats, serves a certain role and has a specific meaning. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the intriguing world of cargo boats and ships, which can range from big container ships to small cargo ships and even sailboats. So come along with me on this seafaring adventure!
Container Ships: Sea Monsters Container ships are the indisputable champions of cargo transport. These massive ships can transport thousands of standard-sized cargo containers, allowing for the efficient transportation of commodities across continents. Container ships, with their enormous size and innovative logistical systems, have changed the global economy, facilitating international trade on an unprecedented scale. Container ships ensure that items reach their destinations in a timely and cost-effective way, from consumer goods to raw minerals.
Small Cargo Ships: A Versatile Alternative While container ships dominate the maritime commercial scene, small cargo ships, particularly in coastal and inland seas, play an important role in moving products. These vessels are built for versatility, allowing them to navigate through smaller ports and rivers that larger vessels cannot. Small cargo ships serve a variety of sectors, including fishing, local transportation, and even tourism. They offer a cost-effective and dependable method of delivering commodities within certain regions, hence sustaining local economies and trade networks.
Sailboats: Harnessing Wind Power Sailboats provide a unique and environmentally beneficial alternative to motorized freight vehicles. Sailboats, which are propelled by wind energy, have a long history that precedes contemporary trade. While sailboats are not typically utilized for large-scale cargo transportation, they are frequently employed for smaller-scale deliveries, island hopping, and adventure tourism. Their exquisite aesthetics and emphasis on natural components inspire a sense of nostalgia and romance, enticing sailing aficionados.
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Environmental Concerns and Cargo Ships As we go deeper into the world of cargo ships, it is critical to consider the environmental impact of these vessels. While container ships are a cost-effective way to move products, they also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. To address these problems, the industry is looking into a variety of options, such as the use of alternative fuels, new hull designs, and increased operational efficiency. To assure a cleaner future for global trade, the maritime industry must emphasize sustainability and reduce its ecological imprint.
Experiencing New Horizons: Cruise Ships and Boats for Sale Aside from freight transport, the marine business includes a diverse range of vessels, such as cruise ships for sale and other watercraft. There has been an upsurge in interest in the sale and repurposing of cruise ships in recent years, providing chances for entrepreneurs and investors to enter the tourist and hospitality sectors. Furthermore, the boat sector, which includes anything from personal watercraft to luxury yachts, is thriving, catering to people's recreational and leisure requirements.
The cargo ship and sailboat sector is extensive and diverse, involving vessels of all shapes and sizes, each having a distinct purpose in the marine industry. These vessels represent the backbone of global trade, transport, and exploration, from the gigantic container ships that connect continents to the agile tiny cargo ships that navigate coastal waters and the wind-powered sailboats that evoke a sense of adventure. As the industry evolves, it is critical to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability in order to ensure a bright future for maritime transportation. So, whether you're captivated by massive container ships or enamored by the appeal of sail boats for sale, the world of maritime transport offers an enthralling voyage for those who embark on it.
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Luxurious Limo Services in Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and Miami
When it comes to luxury transportation, nothing beats the elegance and sophistication of a limousine service. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, booking a limo service ensures that you enjoy a comfortable, timely, and hassle-free ride. For those seeking top-tier transportation in Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, or Miami, this guide explores the best services available, tailored to meet your needs with elegance and professionalism.
Limo Service in Naples, Florida
Nestled along Florida’s Gulf Coast, Naples is a picturesque destination known for its high-end shopping, dining, and scenic coastlines. Whether you're visiting for business or pleasure, navigating the city in a luxury limo allows you to experience the opulence and convenience Naples is known for.
Our Naples limo service is perfect for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or corporate events. With our modern fleet of limousines, including stretch limos and luxury sedans, you are guaranteed a memorable experience. Our professional chauffeurs ensure you arrive at your destination on time, with a service level that exceeds expectations.
Why Choose Limo Service in Naples, Florida?
Professionalism and Comfort: Every ride with us ensures top-quality service, ensuring you travel in comfort and style.
Wide Range of Vehicles: Choose from a selection of luxury vehicles, from elegant sedans to larger stretch limousines.
Reliability: Whether for airport transfers or special occasions, you can count on punctuality and efficiency.
Fort Lauderdale Limo Service
Fort Lauderdale, with its vibrant nightlife, beaches, and yachting culture, is a hub for both business and leisure travelers. Whether you're arriving at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport or attending an event downtown, our Fort Lauderdale limo service ensures that you travel in style.
From sleek, executive black cars for corporate events to spacious stretch limousines for group travel, we offer transportation services that meet your exact needs. Our chauffeurs are experienced professionals who know the local routes, ensuring a smooth and stress-free ride.
The Benefits of Fort Lauderdale Limo Service
Executive Travel: Whether for corporate events or airport transfers, our limo service provides a seamless and luxurious experience.
Group Transportation: Large parties can travel together in comfort in our luxury buses and limousines.
Exclusive Service: We offer personalized service to cater to individual needs, ensuring a high-end experience for all our passengers.
Palm Beach Airport Limo Service
Arriving at or departing from Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) calls for a hassle-free, luxury transfer. Our Palm Beach Airport Limo Service is the epitome of efficiency and elegance, perfect for both individual and group travel.
We offer airport transfers with a focus on punctuality and comfort, ensuring you arrive relaxed and ready for the next stage of your journey. Whether you're heading to one of the many upscale resorts or preparing for a business meeting, our Palm Beach limo service has you covered.
Why Opt for Palm Beach Airport Limo Service?
Airport Transfers: Enjoy seamless transportation to and from Palm Beach International Airport, with meet-and-greet services and timely pickups.
Luxurious Fleet: Choose from our extensive collection of luxury vehicles, including sedans, SUVs, and stretch limos.
Personalized Attention: We take into account flight delays and traffic conditions, ensuring punctuality and a stress-free experience.
Miami Airport to Key Largo Taxi
For those traveling from Miami International Airport to Key Largo, a luxury taxi service provides an unbeatable blend of convenience, speed, and comfort. The scenic drive from Miami to Key Largo is a major attraction in itself, and our service ensures you enjoy the journey in the most comfortable and stylish way possible.
Whether you're heading to Key Largo for a vacation or a business retreat, we offer reliable and luxurious transportation, getting you there on time while allowing you to soak in the beauty of the Florida Keys.
Why Use Miami Airport to Key Largo Taxi Service?
Direct and Convenient: No need for multiple transfers—our service provides a direct, comfortable ride from Miami Airport to Key Largo.
Luxury Vehicles: Travel in style with our fleet of premium sedans and SUVs, ideal for groups or individuals.
Experienced Chauffeurs: Our drivers are familiar with the scenic route, ensuring a smooth, safe, and enjoyable journey.
Why Choose Us for Your Luxury Transportation Needs?
Whether you're in Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, or Miami, our limo services stand out for their unparalleled professionalism, luxury, and reliability. With years of experience, we pride ourselves on offering top-tier transportation solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
Top-Notch Fleet: Our vehicles are equipped with the latest amenities to ensure your comfort, including climate control, premium sound systems, and plush interiors.
Experienced Chauffeurs: All of our drivers are highly trained professionals, ensuring you receive the best service possible.
Competitive Pricing: While we offer luxury services, we strive to provide competitive rates that reflect the quality of our offerings.
Luxury transportation is more than just a ride—it's an experience. Whether you're attending a corporate event, planning a wedding, or just need a reliable airport transfer, our limo services in Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and Miami ensure that you travel in style, comfort, and class.
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Marine Salvage Operations
We provide a one-stop customized service according to each client’s different dredging site conditions. Professional design, international welders welding work, professional field service, and after-sale service are the foundation of our brand equipment high quality, and high reputation. The products have gained recognition and support from customers both at home and abroad due to our leading industry technology, professional manufacturing experience, excellent equipment quality, and integrity in management - marine salvage.
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Keeping your assets up and running requires regular, scheduled maintenance, new parts, and fresh components. With our range of service packages, we bring our experience. Our service packages are designed to help you get the most out of your fleet. Now, with increasing scrutiny of the marine industry’s impact on the environment and other critical concerns, even more elements factor into the success or failure of organizations in an already risk-endemic sector. As you might imagine, the variety of conditions that could be experienced by salvors is extreme, and these can make recovery tough, or sometimes even impossible - manned crane barge.
When you have a problem boat, trust our boat breaker experts to provide a full-service for yachts, motorboats & personal water craft collection, recycling & disposal solutions throughout the Upon receipt of your instruction we will handle all aspects of boat recovery, transportation, storage and disposal as required. We offer and always deliver a professional service to find solutions for end-of-life boats and insurance write-offs. Most types of marine insurance include salvage within the terms, therefore those looking to recover a vessel or cargo will need to liaise with their insurance company to do so.
We provide all marine works for the oil & gas sector at the highest international standards. We specialize in providing a full range of underwater ship maintenance and repair services for deep-sea vessels and all types of marine construction. Highly qualified workforce comprehensively involved in every salvage project from Initial planning to final execution. We know that speed is of the essence and that a quick turnaround can limit damage and risk. For more information, please visit our site https://www.Pacificmaritimegroup.com/
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lobanusclub · 11 days
Dancing Under the Stars: A Guide to Puerto Banus' Hottest Night Clubs
Puerto Bonus, the jewel of the Costa del Sol, is not just a playground for sun-seekers during the day. When night falls, this glamorous destination transforms into a vibrant nightlife hub that pulsates with energy and excitement. From luxury yachts bobbing in the marina to chic boutiques lining the streets, Puerto Bonus offers an unforgettable experience as soon as twilight sets in. As you stroll through its lively avenues, you'll discover some of Spain's hottest Night Club in Puerto Bonus - class DJs spin electrifying beats until dawn breaks over the Mediterranean Sea. Whether you're looking to dance your heart out or sip cocktails under starlit skies, there's something here for everyone. Let’s dive into what makes Puerto Bonus’ nightlife scene truly unique and share some insider tips to ensure your evening is nothing short of spectacular!
The Nightlife Scene in Puerto Bonus
The nightlife scene in Puerto Bonus is a dazzling mix of glamour and excitement. As the sun dips below the horizon, the town comes alive with music, laughter, and an electric atmosphere. You’ll find an array of night clubs catering to diverse tastes. From upscale venues featuring international DJs to more intimate spots with live bands, there’s no shortage of options. Many clubs boast stunning views of the marina, making them perfect for sipping cocktails while soaking up the ambiance. The stylish décor and vibrant crowds set the stage for unforgettable nights. Dress codes range from casual chic to high-end glam, so be sure to plan your outfit accordingly. With each club offering something unique, exploring multiple venues can lead to unexpected adventures filled with new friends and fantastic memories.
Insider Tips for Making the Most of Your Night Out
To truly embrace the vibrant nightlife of Puerto Bonus, timing is key. Arrive early to secure a good spot and enjoy happy hour specials before the crowd sets in. Dress to impress; upscale attire is often expected at the hottest night clubs. A stylish outfit not only helps you blend in but also boosts your confidence as you hit the dance floor. Don’t hesitate to mingle with locals or fellow travelers. Striking up conversations can lead to new friendships and insider recommendations that guide you toward hidden gems. Plan your transportation ahead of time, especially if you're hopping between venues. Taxis are plentiful, but booking an Umber or using local ride-sharing apps can save time during busy nights. Keep an eye on social media for special events or guest DJ appearances at night clubs in Puerto Bonus. These occasions can elevate your experience from ordinary to unforgettable!
Alternative Evening Activities in Puerto Bonus
When the nightlife in Puerto Bonus isn’t calling your name, there are plenty of alternative activities to keep your evening vibrant. Stroll along the marina and soak in the stunning views of luxury yachts illuminated under the night sky. The ambiance is magical; it’s perfect for a romantic walk or simply unwinding with friends. Dining is another fantastic option. Explore local restaurants that serve everything from traditional Spanish tapas to international cuisine. A delicious meal can set a wonderful tone for your evening, whether you opt for casual bites or an upscale dining experience. For those seeking relaxation, consider visiting one of Puerto Bonus’ chic lounges or beach bars. Enjoy refreshing cocktails while listening to live music as the sun sets over the horizon. It offers a more laid-back vibe compared to bustling nightclubs yet still captures that lively spirit unique to this seaside destination. Art enthusiasts can also find inspiration by exploring galleries hosting exhibitions featuring local artists. Engaging with art can be an immersive way to spend your evening, allowing you insight into Andalusia's rich culture and creativity. Puerto Bonus has various options beyond clubs if you're looking for something different but equally exciting. Whether it's dining or simply enjoying scenic views, there's no shortage of ways to make lasting memories in this glamorous locale.
For More Information:
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Table Reservations in Strip Club
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itineraryblog · 1 month
Things To Do In Auckland: A Journey of Discovery and Delight
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Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, is a bustling metropolis that seamlessly blends urban energy with natural beauty. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and endless activities, Auckland is a destination that caters to all kinds of travelers. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a taste of New Zealand’s unique culture, Auckland offers a diverse range of experiences that will leave you captivated.
Explore Auckland’s Iconic Landmarks
Visit the Sky Tower
One of Auckland’s most iconic structures, the Sky Tower offers panoramic views that stretch out across the city and beyond. Standing 328 meters tall, it’s the perfect spot to get a bird’s-eye view of Auckland. You can dine at the Sky Café or, if you’re feeling adventurous, try the SkyJump for an adrenaline rush.
Wander Around Auckland Domain
Auckland Domain, the city’s oldest park, is a lush green oasis in the heart of the city. It’s home to the Auckland War Memorial Museum, which provides a fascinating insight into New Zealand’s history, from Māori culture to natural history. The park itself is perfect for a leisurely stroll, with its wide open spaces and beautiful gardens.
Take a Trip to One Tree Hill
One Tree Hill is one of Auckland’s most culturally significant locations. This volcanic peak offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding landscape. It’s also a place of historical importance, with strong connections to the Māori people. The park surrounding the hill is a great spot for a picnic or a relaxing walk.
Dive into Auckland’s Cultural Scene
Discover Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
Art lovers will find a treasure trove of works at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. The gallery showcases an extensive collection of national and international art, including significant Māori and Pacific artworks. It’s a must-visit for anyone interested in New Zealand’s rich artistic heritage.
Attend a Live Performance at the Civic Theatre
The Civic Theatre is a historic venue that’s known for its stunning architecture and rich history. Catching a live performance here is a unique experience, whether it’s a musical, a play, or a film. The interior is as much a show as what’s on stage, with its elaborate design transporting you to another era.
Enjoy Auckland’s Natural Beauty
Relax at Waiheke Island
Just a short ferry ride from the city, Waiheke Island is a paradise of vineyards, olive groves, and beautiful beaches. It’s the perfect spot for wine tasting tours, coastal walks, and soaking up the sun on pristine sands. The island’s relaxed vibe makes it a favorite weekend getaway for locals and visitors alike.
Hike in Waitākere Ranges
For those who love the great outdoors, the Waitākere Ranges offer a wilderness escape just outside the city. With dramatic coastal views, lush rainforests, and hidden waterfalls, it’s a hiker’s dream. Karekare and Piha Beach are popular spots for surfers and beachgoers, while the trails offer everything from gentle walks to challenging hikes.
Visit the Auckland Botanic Gardens
The Auckland Botanic Gardens are a peaceful retreat from the city’s hustle and bustle. Explore themed gardens, from native New Zealand plants to exotic collections, or take part in family-friendly activities. It’s a great place to unwind and learn about the diverse plant life that thrives in Auckland’s climate.
Experience Auckland’s Adventure and Outdoor Activities
Sail in the Hauraki Gulf
Auckland is known as the “City of Sails,” and a trip to the Hauraki Gulf shows you why. Whether you’re on a yacht cruise or a sailing adventure, the waters offer stunning views of the city skyline and surrounding islands. Keep an eye out for dolphins and whales, which are often spotted in these waters.
Take a Day Trip to Rangitoto Island
Rangitoto Island, a volcanic island just off the coast of Auckland, is a popular day trip destination. Hike to the summit for breathtaking views or explore the island’s unique lava caves. The island is a haven for nature lovers, with its rugged landscapes and native birdlife.
Try Ziplining on Waiheke Island
For a thrill with a view, try ziplining on Waiheke Island. This eco-adventure lets you soar above the treetops, taking in the island’s stunning scenery from a unique perspective. It’s an exhilarating way to experience the natural beauty of Waiheke while getting your adrenaline pumping.
Savor Auckland’s Culinary Delights
Dine at Viaduct Harbour
Viaduct Harbour is Auckland’s premier dining destination, with a variety of waterfront restaurants offering everything from fresh seafood to international cuisine. As the sun sets, the harbor comes alive with lights, making it a vibrant spot for both dining and nightlife.
Visit Ponsonby Road
Ponsonby Road is the place to go for trendy cafés, eateries, and boutique shopping. This bustling street is a food lover’s paradise, offering a range of culinary experiences from casual bites to fine dining. After your meal, explore the local shops and galleries for a taste of Auckland’s creative scene.
Shop and Stroll Around Auckland
Explore Queen Street
Queen Street is Auckland’s main shopping thoroughfare, lined with shops, cafés, and historic buildings. Whether you’re looking for high-end fashion or local souvenirs, you’ll find it here. The street is also home to some of Auckland’s most iconic architecture, making it a great place for a leisurely stroll.
Visit Parnell Village
Parnell Village is Auckland’s oldest suburb, known for its charming boutiques, art galleries, and specialty shops. It’s a great place to find unique gifts and locally made products. Don’t miss the Parnell Farmers’ Market on weekends, where you can sample fresh produce and artisanal goods.
Auckland is a city that truly has it all — stunning natural landscapes, a vibrant cultural scene, thrilling adventures, and culinary delights. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there’s always something new to discover.
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crosschartering · 9 months
Yacht Shipping
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Yacht Transport: Ship Your Yacht, Anytime, Anywhere
Regarding luxury transportation, nothing quite captures the elegance and prestige of yacht transport. Whether you are a yacht owner looking to relocate your vessel to a new destination or a first-time buyer eager to sail the seas, there are numerous factors to consider in choosing the right yacht transport vessel service.
With so many options available in the market, finding a reliable and efficient provider can be a daunting task. However, worry not, as yacht transport has never been more accessible. With the ability to ship your yacht anytime, anywhere, the industry is booming with innovative solutions to cater to your needs.
From specialized carriers equipped with state-of-the-art technology to the knowledgeable and experienced crew, Cross Chartering Yacht Transport is committed to ensuring our clients a seamless and hassle-free experience. So, whether you dream of cruising the Mediterranean or exploring the Caribbean, the yacht transport services team can help you realize your nautical dreams.
What is Yacht Shipping, and Why Is it Important?
Yacht transportation refers to moving vessels from one location to another with yacht transport by sea or land. It is an important first-class service for yacht owners and enthusiasts who want to relocate their vessels or participate in international events.
Yachts are valuable assets and require special care during transportation to ensure their safety. Cross Chartering Yacht Transport employs experienced yacht movers and uses specialized equipment to handle and move yachts.
Depending on the size and destination of the yacht, it can be transported using different methods such as trailers, lift-on/lift-off, or roll-on/roll-off. Yacht transport allows owners to explore new cruising areas without the hassle of undertaking long voyages.
It also enables participation in prestigious regattas and events held in distant locations. Yacht transport contributes to the growth and development of the maritime industry, creating employment opportunities and supporting related businesses. Overall, yacht transport is important for yacht owners and the industry as it facilitates the movement of vessels and enables access to various locations and events worldwide.
Types of Yacht Transportation Services Available
Various types of yacht transport services are available to cater to the different needs and preferences of yacht owners and enthusiasts. One popular option is the Roll-on/Roll-off (RO-RO) service, where yachts are loaded onto specially designed vessels using a ramp or platform.
This method is often used for smaller yachts and offers a convenient and cost-effective mode of transport. Another option is the LO-LO (Lift-On/Lift-Off) service, which involves lifting yachts onto and off the transport vessel with the help of cranes.
This method suits larger, heavier yachts that cannot be easily rolled onto a vessel. Yacht shipping services are also available for customers who prefer a more secure and protected mode of transport yacht.
Vessels are carefully loaded onto specialized yacht transport ships, securely stored, and protected from the elements during transit. This method is particularly suitable for longer journeys or transporting valuable or delicate yachts.
Yacht delivery services are also available where experienced captains and crew sail the yacht to its intended destination. This option allows yacht owners to avoid transport logistics and enjoy the experience of sailing in their vessels. Overall, the availability of these different types of yacht transport services ensures that yacht owners have options to suit their specific needs and requirements.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Yacht Transport Company
When choosing a yacht transport company, several factors need to be considered. First and foremost, it is important to evaluate the reputation and experience of the company. Look for testimonials or reviews from previous clients to determine their level of customer satisfaction.
Consider the company’s track record in handling yacht transportation. Ensure they have experience transporting yachts of similar size and type to yours. Another crucial factor is the company’s insurance coverage. Make sure that they have adequate insurance to protect your yacht during the transportation process.
It is important to examine the company’s pricing and payment terms. Compare quotes from different companies and evaluate the overall value you will receive. Lastly, consider the company’s network and resources.
A well-established company like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, with a strong network of partners and resources, will be better equipped to handle any potential challenges or obstacles during transportation.
Benefits of Shipping Your Yacht Instead of Sailing It
There are several benefits to shipping your yacht instead of sailing it. First, shipping allows you to save time and energy. Sailing a yacht can be long and tiring, especially if you are not experienced or do not have a crew to assist you.
By shipping your yacht, you and the captain can avoid the hassle of planning and executing a long journey, freeing up your time and energy for other activities.
Shipping your yacht allows you to avoid potential dangers during a long voyage, such as adverse weather conditions or unexpected accidents. Finally, shipping offers convenience and flexibility. You can arrange for your yacht to be transported to any destination, allowing you to explore new cruising grounds without needing a long and arduous journey.
How to Prepare Your Yacht for Transport
Preparing your yacht for transport is important to ensure its safety and protection during transit. First, prepare properly by removing non-essential items from the yacht to reduce weight during transportation. This includes personal belongings, electronics, and any loose items or equipment. Secure any remaining items properly to prevent them from moving or shifting during transport.
Properly winterizing your yacht is also crucial if you are transporting it during the colder months. This includes draining all water systems, adding antifreeze to the engine, and protecting vulnerable areas from freezing temperatures.
Before loading the yacht onto the transport trailer or ship, it should be cleaned thoroughly to remove any salt, dirt, or debris that could cause damage. Lastly, ensure that all necessary paperwork and permits are in order, and communicate with the transport company to ensure a smooth and well-coordinated boat transport and process.
Choosing the Right Transport Method for Your Yacht
When transporting your yacht, choosing the right method is crucial. There are various options to consider, each with its own advantages and limitations. One common method is using a specialized yacht transport company, like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport.
We have the expertise and equipment to handle different sizes of yachts and ensure their safe delivery. Another option is to sail your yacht to its destination. This can be a great choice if you have the time and experience. It allows you to enjoy the journey and provides a unique adventure. However, it requires careful planning, including extensive knowledge of weather conditions and maritime routes.
If your yacht is small enough, you may opt for trailering it. This can be cost-effective and convenient, as you have more control over the schedule and route. However, it is important to ensure your trailer is suitable for the size and weight of your yacht. Overall, analyzing your needs and the specific characteristics of your yacht will help you choose the best transport method.
Understanding the Costs of Yacht Transport
Understanding the costs of yacht transport is essential for anyone considering moving their yacht to another destination. There are various factors to consider when determining the cost of transporting a yacht.
The size and weight of the yacht play a significant role in the overall cost, as larger and heavier yachts require specialized equipment for loading and unloading. The distance and location of the destination port can also affect the cost, as shipping to remote or less accessible areas can increase expenses.
The season and market demand can influence pricing, with peak times typically being more expensive. Other factors to consider include customs fees, insurance costs, and additional services required, such as cradle or shrink-wrapping.
It is crucial to consult with reputable yacht transport companies, like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, to obtain accurate quotes based on your yacht’s express-specific requirements. Yacht owners can plan and budget accordingly by understanding these costs, ensuring a smooth and successful transportation process.
Yacht transport services provide a convenient and reliable way to ship a yacht, regardless of the destination or time of year. With specialized carriers and experienced crew members, you can trust that your yacht will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
Whether you need to transport your yacht across the country or to a remote island, Cross Chartering Yacht Transport can cater to your specific needs. We offer a range of options, including lift-on/lift-off and roll-on/roll-off methods, ensuring that your vessel is transported safely and efficiently.
By utilizing yacht transport services, you can eliminate the stress and logistical challenges of sailing your yacht to different locations. This allows you to focus on enjoying your time on board and exploring new destinations, knowing that your yacht will be waiting for you at your desired location. Get your FREE QUOTE today. Contact us at (954) 686-6902 or fill in the contact form on our website!
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barleybus41 · 1 month
Bachelor Party: Crafting Epic Celebrations That Leave Lasting Memories
When it comes to celebrating the groom's final days of singledom, a bachelor party is more than just a night out—it's an epic celebration that sets the stage for a lifetime of memories. Whether you're planning an adrenaline-pumping adventure or a laid-back weekend with friends, the key to an unforgettable bachelor party is in the details. Here’s how to ensure your celebration is truly legendary.
Understand the Groom’s Preferences
The most important factor in planning a bachelor party is to focus on the groom's interests. Is he an adrenaline junkie, a foodie, or someone who enjoys a quiet evening with close friends? Knowing what the groom likes will help you tailor the event to be something he’ll cherish forever. For example:
Adventure Lover: Plan activities like skydiving, white-water rafting, or a weekend at a shooting range.
Food and Drink Enthusiast: Organize a gourmet food tour, a whiskey tasting experience, or a visit to a renowned brewery.
Laid-Back: Opt for a weekend getaway at a cabin, complete with barbecues, poker nights, and a lot of storytelling.
Choose the Perfect Destination
The location sets the tone for the entire event. You can go local, opt for a road trip, or even go international, depending on the groom's preference and budget.
Local Options: A nearby city with great nightlife, a day at the beach, or a retreat at a nearby lake house can offer a more budget-friendly yet memorable experience.
Road Trips: A road trip to a famous national park, a popular sports event, or a music festival can provide an exciting journey filled with bonding moments.
International Getaway: If the budget allows, jet-setting to a city like Las Vegas, Miami, or even an international location like Ibiza or Bangkok can add an exotic flair to the celebration.
Create a Balanced Itinerary
It’s essential to strike a balance between planned activities and free time. Overloading the schedule can lead to exhaustion, while too much downtime might leave the group feeling underwhelmed. A good mix of daytime adventures and evening celebrations is key. Here’s an example:
Surprise Elements
Adding an unexpected element to the celebration can make the event truly unforgettable. Consider incorporating surprises such as:
Special Guest Appearances: Arranging for a close friend or a relative the groom hasn’t seen in a while to show up can be a heartwarming surprise.
Unique Experiences: Rent a luxury car for the day, book a private yacht, or arrange for VIP access to a club or event.
Keep the Group Dynamic in Mind
Every group has its unique dynamic, and it’s important to consider this when planning. Make sure that all attendees can enjoy the activities, regardless of their interests or physical capabilities. Open communication with the group before the event can help set expectations and ensure that everyone is on board with the plan.
Document the Memories
While everyone’s busy having a blast, it’s easy to forget to capture the moments. Designate someone to be in charge of taking photos and videos, or hire a professional photographer or videographer for part of the event. Creating a video montage or a photo book after the party is a great way to commemorate the occasion.
Plan the Finances
Bachelor parties can range from budget-friendly to extravagant. It’s important to set a budget early on and ensure everyone is comfortable with it. Collecting money ahead of time can help avoid any awkwardness during the event. Be transparent about costs and ensure that everyone knows what they’re paying for.
Stay Safe and Responsible
While having fun is the top priority, it’s crucial to keep safety in mind. Ensure there are designated drivers or arrange for transportation, and make sure everyone knows their limits when it comes to alcohol and other activities. The goal is for everyone to have a great time and get home safely.
A bachelor party is more than just a rite of passage; it’s an opportunity to create lifelong memories with the groom and his closest friends. By focusing on the groom’s interests, planning a balanced itinerary, and adding in a few surprises, you can craft an epic celebration that will be talked about for years to come. Whether it’s a wild adventure or a relaxing retreat, the key is to celebrate in a way that truly honors the groom and his journey into married life.
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Barley Bus Tours
Bachelorette Party Bus
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estaie · 1 month
Dragon Mart Hotel: 10 Powerful Reasons to Choose It for Your Dubai Stay!
10 Compelling Reasons Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel Should Top Your List of Dubai Stays"
Dubai, a city known for its extraordinary blend of modernity and tradition, offers an array of accommodations catering to every type of traveler. Among the myriad of options, Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel stands out as an exceptional choice for those seeking a harmonious mix of comfort, convenience, and value. This extensive guide delves into ten compelling reasons why Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel should be at the top of your list for an unforgettable stay in this dynamic city.
Prime Location: Your Gateway to Dubai's Vibrant Attractions
Adjacent to Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel : A Shopper's Paradise Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel is perfectly situated next to Dragon Mart, one of Dubai’s largest and most diverse shopping destinations. Dragon Mart is a colossal retail complex that houses over 4,000 stores, offering everything from electronics and fashion to home furnishings and accessories. This proximity provides guests with unparalleled access to a wide array of shopping options right at their doorstep.
Why Dragon Mart is a Must-Visit:
Extensive Retail Options: Dragon Mart is not just a shopping mall; it’s a retail experience. From the latest gadgets and stylish apparel to unique home decor and traditional goods, the mall caters to all shopping needs. Its vast selection means you can find almost anything you’re looking for without having to travel far.
Dining and Entertainment: Beyond shopping, Dragon Mart features a variety of dining options, from fast food to international cuisines. The mall also hosts entertainment venues, including cinemas and play areas for children, making it a comprehensive destination for all family members.
Convenience: Having Dragon Mart adjacent to your hotel means you can easily pop over for a quick shopping spree, a meal, or even just a leisurely stroll, all without the hassle of long commutes or complicated transportation.
Easy Access to Major Dubai Attractions Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel’s location also places it within easy reach of Dubai’s iconic landmarks. The Dubai International Airport is just a short drive away, making the Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel an ideal choice for travelers arriving or departing from the city.
Top Attractions Nearby:
Burj Khalifa: As the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa is a must-see. Visitors can experience breathtaking views from the observation decks on the 124th and 148th floors. The iconic structure symbolizes Dubai’s architectural prowess and offers a panoramic perspective of the cityscape.
Dubai Mall : Adjacent to Burj Khalifa, Dubai Mall is more than just a shopping center. It’s a world-class entertainment hub with attractions like the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo, an ice rink, and a myriad of dining options. The mall is a focal point of Dubai’s modern entertainment and retail landscape.
Dubai Marina: Known for its stunning waterfront views and cosmopolitan vibe, Dubai Marina features a picturesque promenade with numerous cafes and restaurants. It’s a great place to relax, enjoy a meal, or embark on a yacht cruise to see the city from the water.
Comfortable Accommodations: A Home Away from Home
Modern and Well-Equipped Rooms Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel offers a range of modern, well-designed rooms that cater to different needs. Each room is thoughtfully furnished with contemporary decor and equipped with essential amenities to ensure a comfortable stay.
Room Features:
Standard Rooms: These rooms in Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel provide a cozy and functional space for short stays. They come with plush bedding, high-speed Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV, and tea and coffee-making facilities. The design maximizes comfort while maintaining an affordable price point.
Family Rooms: Ideal for families or groups, these spacious rooms offer additional bedding options and ample space for everyone. The family-friendly design ensures that guests of all ages can enjoy a relaxing stay.
Suites: Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel For those seeking more luxury and space, the suites offer a home-away-from-home experience. These rooms include separate living areas, fully equipped kitchenettes, and dining spaces, perfect for extended stays or those who prefer a more residential setting.
Family-Friendly Features Traveling with children can present unique challenges, but Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel makes it easier with its family-friendly accommodations. The hotel provides amenities and services designed to cater to the needs of families, ensuring a comfortable stay for all members.
Family-Friendly Amenities:
Spacious Rooms: Family rooms and suites provide ample space for families to relax and enjoy their time together. Additional bedding options and child-friendly features make these rooms particularly suitable for family stays.
Kids’ Facilities: The hotel offers facilities designed for children, including play areas and entertainment options. These features ensure that young guests have plenty of activities to keep them engaged and entertained.
Family Dining: The on-site dining options cater to various tastes and dietary needs, including those of younger guests. With a range of menu choices and child-friendly meals, dining at the hotel is convenient and enjoyable for families.
Exceptional Service: Hospitality That Shines
Friendly and Professional Staff The commitment to exceptional service is evident throughout Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel. The staff is known for their friendliness and professionalism, consistently going above and beyond to ensure a pleasant stay for every guest.
Why the Service Stands Out:
Personalized Attention: From the moment you check in, Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel staff provides personalized service tailored to your needs. Whether it’s assisting with special requests, providing local recommendations, or addressing any concerns, the staff’s attention to detail enhances the overall guest experience.
Proactive Assistance: Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel staff is proactive in offering assistance and ensuring that all guests’ needs are met. This approach helps create a welcoming and comfortable environment, contributing to a memorable stay.
24-Hour Reception and Support The 24-hour reception desk is a significant advantage for guests, providing support and assistance around the clock. This feature ensures that you can check in or out at any time and receive help with any issues or requests, no matter the hour.
Benefits of 24-Hour Reception:
Flexible Check-In/Check-Out: in Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel The availability of round-the-clock reception allows for flexible check-in and check-out times, accommodating various travel schedules and preferences.
Immediate Assistance: Whether you have late-night questions or need help with early morning plans, the reception staff is always available to provide immediate assistance, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
On-Site Dining: Culinary Delights at Your Convenience
Diverse Restaurant Options Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel offers several dining options, ensuring that guests have a variety of choices for their meals. The hotel’s main restaurant provides a diverse menu, featuring both international and local cuisine in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.
Dining Highlights:
Varied Menu: The restaurant’s menu includes a wide range of dishes, from hearty breakfasts to light lunches and satisfying dinners. The diverse selection caters to different tastes and dietary preferences, making it easy for guests to find something they enjoy.
Comfortable Setting: The restaurant’s comfortable and inviting setting enhances the dining experience, allowing guests to enjoy their meals in a pleasant environment. The restaurant’s ambiance is designed to be casual and relaxing, perfect for a leisurely meal.
Casual Café Experience For those who prefer a more casual dining option, the hotel’s café provides a selection of gourmet coffees, teas, and pastries. This charming spot is ideal for a leisurely breakfast or an afternoon break.
Café Features:
High-Quality Offerings: The café serves a variety of high-quality beverages and snacks, making it a popular choice for guests looking to enjoy a relaxed and enjoyable dining experience.
Elegant Atmosphere: The café’s elegant and cozy setting creates a pleasant environment for guests to unwind and savor their food and drinks.
Convenient Room Service Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel also offers 24-hour room service, allowing guests to enjoy a meal in the comfort of their room. The room service menu includes a range of options, from light snacks to full meals, catering to different tastes and preferences.
Advantages of Room Service:
In-Room Dining Convenience: Room service provides the convenience of dining in your room, ideal for guests who prefer to relax in privacy or have busy schedules.
Flexible Options: The menu offers a variety of choices, ensuring that you can enjoy a meal at any time of day or night, adding an extra layer of comfort to your stay.
Top-Notch Facilities: Enhancing Your Stay
Well-Equipped Fitness Center Maintaining your fitness routine while traveling is easy at Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel, thanks to its state-of-the-art fitness center. Equipped with modern cardio machines, free weights, and resistance training equipment, the fitness center caters to both regular gym-goers and occasional exercisers.
Fitness Center Features:
Modern Equipment: The gym features a range of high-quality equipment, including treadmills, ellipticals, and weight machines, allowing you to stay active and fit during your stay.
Convenient Location: The fitness center is conveniently located within the hotel, making it easy for guests to incorporate exercise into their daily routine without having to leave the premises.
Relaxing Swimming Pool The hotel’s swimming pool provides a perfect spot to unwind and relax after a day of exploring Dubai. Whether you’re looking to take a refreshing dip, sunbathe by the poolside, or simply enjoy the tranquil environment, the pool area offers a serene escape from the city’s hustle and bustle.
Pool Area Highlights:
Scenic Views: The pool area offers scenic views and a peaceful ambiance, creating a relaxing atmosphere for guests to enjoy.
Comfortable Seating: Ample seating and lounging areas around the pool ensure that you can relax comfortably while enjoying the sun and the surrounding views.
Outstanding Value for Money
Affordable and Competitive Rates Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel offers exceptional value for money, combining affordability with high-quality amenities. The competitive room rates ensure that guests can enjoy a premium stay without breaking the bank.
Value for Money Benefits:
Cost-Effective Accommodation: The hotel provides comfortable and well-appointed rooms at rates that offer excellent value compared to other options in Dubai.
High-Quality Services: Despite the affordable rates, the hotel maintains high standards of service and quality, ensuring that guests receive a premium experience at a reasonable price.
Special Offers and Discounts To further enhance value, Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel frequently offers special promotions and discounts. These offers may include reduced room rates, dining packages, and other incentives, allowing guests to enjoy a premium stay at an even better price.
Types of Offers:
Seasonal Promotions: The hotel often runs seasonal promotions and discounts, providing opportunities to save on your stay during peak travel times or special events.
Extended Stay Discounts: For guests planning longer stays, the hotel offers discounted rates for extended periods, making it an ideal choice for those needing temporary accommodation.
Business-Friendly Amenities
Meeting Rooms and Conference Facilities For business travelers, Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel offers meeting rooms and conference facilities equipped with modern technology. These spaces are designed to accommodate various business needs, from small meetings to larger conferences.
Meeting Room Features:
State-of-the-Art Equipment: The meeting rooms are equipped with the latest audiovisual technology, including projectors, screens, and sound systems, ensuring that your business presentations and meetings run smoothly.
Flexible Spaces: The hotel provides flexible meeting room configurations, allowing you to set up the space according to your event requirements, whether for a formal presentation or a collaborative workshop.
Efficient Business Center The hotel’s business center supports guests with essential services such as high-speed internet, printing facilities, and workstations. This amenity is particularly valuable for business travelers who need to stay productive during their stay.
Business Center Services:
High-Speed Internet: Access to high-speed internet ensures that you can stay connected and manage your work tasks efficiently, whether you’re sending emails, attending virtual meetings, or conducting research.
Printing and Copying: The business center provides printing and copying services, allowing you to handle important documents and materials with ease.
Convenient Transportation Links
Easy Access to Public Transportation Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel’s location offers excellent access to local public transportation options. The nearby public transport routes, including buses and the Dubai Metro, make it easy to travel around the city and reach popular destinations without hassle.
Public Transport Benefits:
Efficient Travel: The availability of public transportation allows you to navigate Dubai efficiently, avoiding the need for a car rental or expensive taxi rides.
Accessible Routes: The proximity to public transport routes ensures that you can easily reach key attractions, shopping centers, and business districts, enhancing the convenience of your stay.
Airport Transfer Services To further enhance convenience, the hotel offers airport transfer services. This feature simplifies travel to and from Dubai International Airport, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience for guests arriving or departing from the city.
Airport Transfer Services:
Seamless Transfers: The hotel’s airport transfer service provides a hassle-free way to get to and from the airport, reducing the stress of navigating public transportation or arranging taxi services.
Comfort and Convenience: The transfer service ensures that you travel in comfort, with professional drivers and well-maintained vehicles providing a pleasant journey to and from the airport.
Safe and Secure Environment
Robust Security Measures Guest safety is a top priority at Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel. The hotel is equipped with comprehensive security measures, including 24-hour surveillance, secure access points, and trained security personnel.
Security Features:
24-Hour Surveillance: The hotel’s security system includes round-the-clock surveillance, ensuring that all areas of the property are monitored and secure.
Secure Access: Access to guest rooms and other areas of the hotel is controlled through secure entry systems, providing an added layer of safety for all guests.
Secure Parking Facilities For those traveling by car, the hotel offers secure parking facilities. The well-lit and monitored parking area ensures that your vehicle remains safe and secure while you enjoy your time in Dubai.
Parking Benefits:
Safe Parking: The secure parking facilities provide peace of mind, knowing that your vehicle is protected while you explore the city or relax at the hotel.
Convenient Access: The parking area is conveniently located, allowing for easy access to and from the hotel, making it simple to manage your transportation needs.
Local Experiences and Attractions
Discover Nearby Attractions While staying at Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel, you’ll have the opportunity to explore a range of local attractions. The surrounding area offers diverse experiences, including cultural landmarks, shopping centers, and entertainment venues.
Notable Attractions:
Dubai Festival City: This expansive shopping and entertainment destination features a range of retail outlets, dining options, and leisure activities. The waterfront area offers stunning views and a relaxing environment, making it a popular spot for both locals and visitors.
Al Qasr: For a taste of traditional Arabian luxury, visit Al Qasr, a grand resort that showcases Dubai’s cultural heritage through its stunning architecture and lush gardens. It’s an ideal place to experience the opulence and elegance of traditional Arabian design.
Global Village: Located a short drive from the hotel, Global Village is a multicultural theme park offering international food, entertainment, and shopping experiences. It’s a unique destination that provides fun and excitement for all ages, with vibrant pavilions representing countries from around the world.
Immerse Yourself in Dubai’s Culture Dubai’s rich cultural scene offers a wide array of experiences, from traditional markets and historic sites to modern landmarks and entertainment options. Exploring the city’s cultural offerings will enrich your stay and provide a deeper appreciation of Dubai’s vibrant character.
Cultural Experiences:
Dubai Creek: A historic waterway that has played a significant role in Dubai’s development, Dubai Creek offers a glimpse into the city’s past. Visitors can take an abra (traditional boat) ride along the creek and explore the nearby gold and spice souks.
Dubai Museum: Located in the Al Fahidi Fort, Dubai Museum provides insights into the city’s history and heritage. The museum’s exhibits showcase traditional artifacts, historical documents, and reconstructions of historical scenes.
Jumeirah Mosque: One of the few mosques in Dubai open to non-Muslim visitors, Jumeirah Mosque offers guided tours that provide insights into Islamic culture and architecture. It’s a valuable opportunity to learn about the city’s religious and cultural traditions.
Conclusion: Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel – The Ultimate Dubai Stay Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel excels in offering a blend of comfort, convenience, and value that makes it an outstanding choice for travelers visiting Dubai. Its prime location next to Dragon Mart provides easy access to shopping, dining, and entertainment, while its proximity to key attractions ensures that guests can explore the city’s highlights with ease.
The Dragon Mart Hotel modern accommodations, family-friendly features, and exceptional service create a welcoming environment for all guests. The diverse dining options, top-notch facilities, and outstanding value for money further enhance its appeal.
With convenient transportation links, secure parking, and a focus on guest safety, Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel offers a stress-free and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re in Dubai for business or leisure, the hotel’s amenities and services cater to a wide range of needs, ensuring a pleasant and memorable stay.
Booking with estaie ensures you enjoy the best of Premier Inn Dragon Mart Hotel and other top-rated hotels in Dubai. With estaie, you can access exclusive deals, seamless booking, and personalized service tailored to your needs. Whether you're drawn to the comfort and convenience of Premier Inn Dragon Mart or interested in exploring other exceptional hotels, booking through estaie guarantees you the best rates and an effortless experience. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy your stay in Dubai to the fullest—book with estaie today!
Book your stay at Premier Inn Dubai Dragon Mart Hotel today and discover why it should be at the top of your list for an unforgettable Dubai experience. Enjoy the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and value in one of the world’s most exciting cities
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Bachelor Parties in Bangkok, Thailand: The Ultimate Experience
Bangkok, Thailand, has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the top destinations for bachelor parties in the world. With its vibrant nightlife, exotic culture, and endless entertainment options, the city offers everything needed for an unforgettable bachelor party Bangkok experience. From wild nights out to luxurious experiences, Bangkok has it all.
Why Bangkok?
Bangkok stands out for several reasons when it comes to bachelor parties. First, the city's nightlife is unparalleled. From bustling clubs and bars in Sukhumvit and RCA to hidden speakeasies and rooftop lounges, there’s something for every taste. You can enjoy everything from chic cocktail bars to high-energy nightclubs featuring international DJs.
Another reason Bangkok is a popular choice is its affordability. You can experience luxury accommodations, world-class dining, and VIP experiences at a fraction of the cost compared to Western cities. The value for money allows you to stretch your budget and make the most out of your celebration.
Bachelor Party Activities in Bangkok
When it comes to planning the perfect bachelor party in Bangkok, the options are endless. Here are some of the top activities that make the city a premier destination for an unforgettable celebration:
Nightclubs and Bars Bangkok's vibrant nightlife is the heart of any bachelor party. The city offers an array of nightclubs, bars, and lounges that cater to all styles and preferences. Whether you want to dance the night away at a packed club or enjoy drinks with stunning city views from a rooftop bar, Bangkok has it all.
Private Parties For a more exclusive experience, you can arrange private parties at luxury villas, penthouses, or on a private yacht. With private chefs, DJs, and entertainment options like fire dancers or even burlesque shows, you can create a one-of-a-kind event tailored to your group’s preferences.
Adventure Activities Beyond the nightlife, Bangkok and the surrounding areas offer exciting daytime activities that will add a thrill to your bachelor party. You can take your group to Muay Thai boxing lessons, go-karting, paintballing, or even on a speedboat adventure to nearby islands. For those looking for a more relaxed day, consider a private pool party at one of the city's luxury hotels.
Strip Clubs and Lap Dance Shows For a more risqué experience, Bangkok offers a variety of gentlemen’s clubs and lap dance shows that cater to bachelor parties. These venues provide private rooms, bottle service, and performances that will leave a lasting impression on your group.
Thai Spa and Wellness If relaxation is part of the plan, Bangkok’s renowned spas offer luxurious treatments, including traditional Thai massages, aromatherapy, and hot stone treatments. A day at the spa is the perfect way to unwind and recover from the previous night’s festivities.
Fine Dining and Food Experiences Bangkok’s culinary scene is one of the best in Asia, offering everything from street food to Michelin-starred restaurants. Treat your group to an extravagant meal at one of the city’s top restaurants or take a food tour to experience the best of Thai cuisine. Private chefs can also be hired for a more intimate dining experience in your villa or party venue.
Why Choose a Professional Planner?
Planning a bachelor party in a city like Bangkok can be overwhelming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the area. That’s where professional event planners come in. Companies like Bachelor Party Bangkok specialize in organizing customized bachelor parties, taking care of every detail to ensure your celebration is flawless.
From booking accommodations and arranging VIP access at the hottest clubs to organizing activities and managing transportation, a professional planner can make the process stress-free. They can also provide insider tips and recommendations, ensuring your bachelor party in Bangkok is everything you’ve dreamed of.
Bangkok, Thailand, is the ultimate destination for a bachelor party that will be remembered for a lifetime. With its exciting nightlife, diverse activities, and luxurious options, the city offers something for every type of celebration. Whether you want to party all night, enjoy thrilling adventures, or relax in style, Bangkok has everything you need to create the perfect bachelor party experience.
If you’re ready to plan the bachelor party of a lifetime, consider reaching out to a professional event planner in Bangkok to help make your vision a reality.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
6 October 2022
Grand Master, The Royal Victorian Order, will attend the Annual Evensong and Reception, Savoy Chapel, Savoy Hill, London WC2.
Colonel, The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), will attend the Blues and Royals Club Annual Dinner at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London, 66 Knightsbridge, London SW1.
7 October 2022
Patron, Minchinhampton Surgery Charitable Trust, will attend a Reception at Chavenage House, Tetbury, Gloucestershire.
8 October 2022
Patron, the Wooden Spoon Society, will attend the VetsFest Rugby Tournament at Moseley Rugby Club, Billesley Common, Yardley Wood Road, Billesley, Birmingham, West Midlands.
11 October 2022
Will visit the Lakes Distillery at Cockermouth, Setmurthy, Cumbria.
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will visit the Blairgowrie Group at Easter Rattray Farm, Blairgowrie, Perth and Kinross.
Will visit the International Fire and Rescue Association training facility at Strathore Road, Thornton, Kirkcaldy, Fife.
12 October 2022
Patron, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, will hold a 50th Anniversary of Patronage Reception at St. James's Palace.
Will attend the Annual National Service for Seafarers at St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Paul's Churchyard, London EC4.
Court Member, The Fishmongers' Company, will attend the Court Autumn Dinner at Fishmongers' Hall, London Bridge, London EC4.
13 October 2022
Patron, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, will attend a Reception at Members' Dining Room, House of Commons, London SW1.
Patron, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), will attend the Women in Logistics Annual Conference at Volvo Trucks UK and Ireland, Wedgnock Lane, Warwick, Warwickshire.
Life Vice President, National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs, will attend a 90th Anniversary Dinner at the Farmers Club, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1.
14 October 2022
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will open new North Pembrokeshire and Cardigan Premises at Havard Stables, Dinas Cross, Newport, Dyfed.
Will open Haverfordwest High School at Queensway, Haverfordwest, Dyfed.
Will attend the 2022 World Rowing Coastal Championships Beach Sprints and open the Coastal Schooner Interpretation Centre at Saundersfoot Harbour Events Deck, Saundersfoot, Dyfed.
17 October 2022
Past Master, the Worshipful Company of Woolmen, will attend a Dinner at Mansion House, Walbrook, London EC4.
Gatcombe Park: Guardian, Give Them a Sporting Chance, will hold a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park.
Gatcombe Park: Guardian, The Chaffinch Trust, will hold a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park.
18 October 2022
Will attend the Clothiers Company 500th Anniversary of Ordinances Dinner, the Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, Worcestershire.
19 October 2022
Patron, Sense Scotland, will open TouchBase East Dunbartonshire, 59 Springfield Road, Bishopbriggs, Dunbartonshire.
Patron, Columba 1400, will attend a Reception and Dinner at Blair Estate, Dalry, Ayr and Arran.
Patron, Seagull Trust Cruises, will re-commission Canal Passenger Boat, 100 Southbank Road, Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire.
20 October 2022
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will visit Ashmount, Ruddington & Wenlo RDA Groups at Meadow School of Riding, Bowley's Barn Farm, Stanford Lane, Normanton-on-Soar, Loughborough, Nottinghamshire.
Will attend the Seven Seas Club Centenary and Trafalgar Night Dinner at the National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Place, London SW1.
Will visit Kays Scotland, 9 Barskimming Road, Mauchline, Ayr and Arran.
21 October 2022
Patron, Maritime UK, will launch the National Centre for Coastal Autonomy at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, Plymouth, Devon.
Will visit the Centre for Space Technologies at Cornwall Airport Newquay, St. Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall.
Will visit Communications Facility, Goonhilly Downs, Helston, Cornwall.
1 November 2022
Will visit the restored Junk Yacht Boleh at Haslar Marina, Gosport, Hampshire.
Patron, The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, will open the Gosport Services Community Hub at Brune Park Community School, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire.
Will visit the restored Junk Yacht Boleh at Haslar Marina, Gosport, Hampshire.
3 November 2022
Will attend a Luncheon at Coutts, 440 Strand, London WC2.
Patron, The Royal College of Emergency Medicine, will attend a Conference at Octavia House, 54 Ayres Street, London SE1.
President, British Olympic Association, will attend the TeamGB Dinner in Central London (venue tbc).
4 November 2022
Patron, Moredun Foundation, will attend a Conference at Pentlands Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik, Midlothian.
5 November 2022
Patron, Scottish Rugby Union, will attend Scotland versus Fiji International Rugby Match at Murrayfield Stadium, the City of Edinburgh.
8 November 2022
Royal Fellow, The Royal Academy of Engineering, will attend a New Fellows' Dinner at Drapers' Hall, Throgmorton Street, London EC2.
9 November 2022
Patron, Learning and Work Institute, will attend an 'Art for the People' event at City Lit College, 1 - 10 Keeley Street, London WC2.
Chancellor, Harper Adams University, will attend a 'How do we achieve Net Zero in Farming and Food?' discussion at Rabobank, Thames Court, One Queenhithe, London.
Commandant-in-Chief (Youth), St. John Ambulance, will hold a Young Achievers' Reception at St. James's Palace.
10 November 2022
President, World Horse Welfare, will attend the Annual Conference at Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7.
Patron, Wetwheels Foundation, will attend a Reception at Mansion House, Walbrook, London EC4.
11 November 2022
as President, Royal Yachting Association, will chair the Annual General Meeting, attend awards ceremony and luncheon at One Great George Street, London SW1.
15 November 2022
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will visit the Maisemore Group to mark the Fiftieth Anniversary at Hartpury College and University, Hartpury, Gloucestershire.
16 November 2022
Patron, St Margaret's Chapel Guild, will attend an Annual Service at St. Margaret's Chapel and subsequently attend the Annual General Meeting, Queen Anne Room, Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh.
will attend a Service to mark the nine hundred and fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Priory at Dunfermline Abbey, St. Margaret Street, Dunfermline, Fife.
24 November 2022
Chancellor, University College of Osteopathy, will attend the Graduation Ceremony at Bridge Theatre, 3 Potters Fields Park, London, SE1.
will attend a Biennial Reunion Reception of the Association of Royal Yachtsmen at the Royal Thames Yacht Club, 60 Knightsbridge, London SW1.
25 November 2022
Colonel in Chief, Intelligence Corps, will take the salute at a Passing Out Parade at Chicksands, Bedfordshire.
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