#Luxury yacht transport
crosschartering · 9 months
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Yacht Shipping
Sail confidently with our specialized yacht shipping services, ensuring the secure and timely transport of your vessel across oceans!
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blueberry-beanie · 1 year
Can we get Yannis to come to Germany, please? No, we have Yannis at home. Yannis at home:
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joelalorian · 7 months
Tides of Desire - Chapter Eleven: All at Sea
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*mood board by the lovely @janaispunk. divider by the equally lovely @saradika-graphics
Pairing: Yacht Captain!Joel Miller x f!reader
Series Summary: TLOU no outbreak AU. Joel Miller is a luxury yacht captain running charters in the Caribbean. You join the crew as a deckhand and unexpectedly complicate Joel's peaceful existence. Basically the TLOU bunch on a Below Deck yacht.
Chapter warnings: 18+ MDNI. Angst, cursing, overthinking. Poor Reader is having a week. Smallish age gap (reader is 32 or so, Joel is 40). No use of y/n, though reader is of British descent and has the nickname Brit (occasionally used). Chapter names are nautical phrases.
a/n: I know fuck all about concussion treatments or medical care in general. Also, everything I know about yachting I learned by watching Below Deck.
Series masterlist
“Tommy! What the fuck happened?” Joel’s thundering voice carried across the deck, causing Tommy to flinch before his shoulders hunched stiffly. He’d never seen his brother move so fast, covering the distance at lightning speed until he knelt at your side, one large, hesitant hand hovering over your unconscious form yet refusing to give in and touch you.
Struck silent at the expression on his brother’s face, Tommy stared between the two of you. He’d never seen Joel so distraught, love and regret shining in the man’s watery chocolate eyes. He looked on the verge of tears seeing you hurt and unable to do anything about it.
“What happened?” Joel asked again, voice quieter this time, yet no less distraught.
“She fell as we were moving the kayaks. It was an accident,” Jake explained before Tommy could, and Joel’s dark eyes snapped to the deckhand with a sharp glare before shifting back to you, then Tommy. An unspoken conversation happened between the brothers before Tommy turned to Jake.
“Jake, would you find Ellie and finish the evening duties? We’ll handle this.” Jake looked like he wanted to refuse the order, glancing between the captain and the bosun a few times before turning on his heel without response. Once he was clear of earshot, Tommy spoke plainly, one hand grasping Joel’s shoulder. “Listen, Joel. She’s been a wreck all week, distracted and completely unlike herself. This was clearly an accident, but it never would have happened if…”
Jaw clenching, Joel swallowed roughly. “I know. This is my fault.”
“I’m not saying that. I’m saying… ugh, I don’t know what I’m saying. I just know that things like this don’t happen to her, and I don’t like seeing her confused and hurt over something you did. Brit all but shut down this week because of you.” Tommy didn’t want to hurt his brother any more than necessary, but he needed him to see sense. Joel was just as much of a wreck as you were, he just had more opportunity to hide it tucked away on the bridge.
Wide, dark eyes once again focused on your unconscious form. You looked peaceful, like you could have been asleep, dreaming of happy things, not knocked out cold from a fall. This was all his damn fault. “I’ll fix it, sweetheart. I’ll make everything better,” Joel murmured, running his fingers over the smooth skin of your cheek. He tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, lips pursed.
“Is medical transport coming?” Tommy questioned, pulling Joel’s focus back to action.
“They’re going to meet us at port. A storm’s rolling in and they don’t want us to wait. Frank’s gonna take watch duty and they’ll guide him over the phone if there’s anything he needs to do,” Joel explained. He hesitated to leave your side, this being the closest he’d been to you since you were in his bed days ago – was it only days? It felt like weeks – but they needed to get a move on.
“Ok. Where do we want to –”
“We’ll put her in my quarters. I don’t want her too far away from me in case anything happens.”
“Are you…” Tommy wasn’t sure how you’d feel about that if you regained consciousness before they got to port, but he trailed off, not about to waste precious time arguing with his brother. They were short on time; he could see the dark skies moving in from a distance. And Joel’s determined expression told Tommy he would have lost the argument anyway.
Lifting you gently once he checked your neck, Joel supported your head against his shoulder and carried you, bridal style, to the bridge, avoiding the areas where the guests were, and through to his quarters. Placing you gently on the unmade bed like the precious thing you were, he kissed your forehead, lips brushing against your skin as he whispered, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I promise, I will do anything to make this better, to make up for how poorly I treated you.”
As Joel was taking care of you and getting setup on the bridge, Tommy called over the radio for Sarah to join the deck crew. Being a woman down and in a hurry, he needed all hands on deck and, having grown up on yachts and learned from her father and uncle, Sarah was well versed in pulling anchor and docking. The deck crew worked quicky and thoroughly, getting the anchor up and securing the main decks.
The wind and waves picked up as they took off back to the island, anxiety spread through the crew knowing the real reason why they were rushing back to port. The storm was a bit of a blessing in disguise, giving the interior crew a good excuse to offer the guests for docking half a day early.
The routine journey seemed interminable to Joel, his mind half on steering the yacht safely back to port and the other half on you. He knew you were in good hands with Frank – that man adored you and knew how important you were to Joel; he would take the best care of you – yet Joel still worried. How could he not? You were hurt and things were a mess between you two. Anxiety bubbled in his gut, creating a tightness in his chest that he suspected would not go away until you were safe, and he was forgiven.
The docking was a mess weather-wise and sloppy in execution. Tommy barked out orders over the wind, but every single person on deck was preoccupied. Lines were tangled, spring lines weren’t tossed far enough, taking two or three tosses to get to the dock crew, and Joel nearly crashed into a damn piling. Worst docking ever, by far, but they finally made it, and the medics were waiting for you.
A hushed conversation took place on the bridge as the medics tended to you, securing your unconscious form to a stretcher.
“Are you sure? You’ve never, in the entire history of us working together, left the boat while charter guests remained on board,” Frank said, needing to clarify Joel’s insistence that he accompany you to the emergency room.
“I’m certain. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life, Frank,” Joel insisted, gesturing emphatically, the ball of anxiety in his chest tightening at the mere thought of not being by your side. Big cow eyes pleaded with Frank to understand, to take point in Joel’s moment of need. He was so close to just abandoning ship otherwise. “Right now, that gorgeous, kind woman is more important to me than any of this and I need to show her that. I need to be there when she wakes up to prove that to her.”
Frank looked at him so softly then, like he’d seen a new side of the man he’d known nigh on twenty years. He understood the lengths a man in love would go to – especially a man like Joel – and he refused to be the one who stood in the way of that. “Go, quick!” Frank waved him toward the deck. “They’ll be wanting to get her to the hospital asap. I’ll keep everyone in line and check in for updates. Take care of her… and yourself.”
In a rare moment of outward emotion, Joel gave Frank a one-armed hug, chocolate eyes full of gratitude and lips curling upward as he left the bridge.
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A pounding headache was the first thing that you noticed. The next was the pull of an IV in your arm when you shifted. The third, painfully bright fluorescent lights that only made the headache worse. Looking around in confusion, your eyes settled on medical monitoring equipment and blandly painted walls. You were in the hospital. Why?
Shifting again as you fought down any panic, a heavy weight pinned your free hand down. Eyes slowly moving around the room – you were a bit dizzy and vaguely nauseous – your gaze met a wild mop of dark, messy curls laying on your hand, and a large, warm hand gently grasping your wrist.
Your heart skipped a beat as everything came back to you in pieces. The double date. The wonderful night spent together in his quarters. The passion. The morning after… Heart thumping wildly in your chest, you sucked in a deep breath to calm yourself and continued jogging your memory. The look on Joel’s face as he sent you away. The tears. The sadness. The internal fight to keep going, to just do your job rather than giving up and ending your season early. The bright light of joking around with Jake. The laughter while loading kayaks. Tripping, trying to catch yourself, then everything went black and now you were in a hospital room.
God, the pounding in your head hurt worse after thinking so hard. You kept shifting, trying to find a slightly more comfortable position to ease the ache, and the hand around your wrist flexed reassuringly. Your pulse soared when Joel lifted his head, large brown eyes blinking owlishly up at you, and the machine at your side started to beep loudly.
“Calm down, sweetheart,” he murmured, voice rough from his nap. “Don’t wanna get your heartrate too high.”
You didn’t know what to say and just stared back at Joel, eyes taking in every move as he sat up and slipped his hand down your wrist to tangle his fingers with yours. He was here, at your side, holding your hand, gazing at you tenderly with concern in those beautiful eyes. It had to mean something, right? Right?
Lips parting, mouth parched yet needing to say something, anything. “What are you doing here?” That was the best you could come up with.
Joel’s brows pulled together, but a knock on the door interrupted before he could respond, and a doctor sauntered into the room.
“Ah, you’re awake! That is promising news.” The doctor – a balding, middle-aged man in a too-tight white coat – read your chart as the nurse accompanying him called out additional readings from the machine at your side. He hummed, noting down the new information, and placed the chart down on the counter along the wall. “Let me just check…”
The man trailed off, shining a light in your eyes to assess your pupillary response, then gestured for you to follow his finger with your eyes. He ran a few more tests of your reflexes and assessed the tenderness on your scalp where you hit your head. Satisfied, he put the penlight in his chest pocket and sat on a little rolling stool.
“So, you’ve had quite the day.”
“That’s one way to put it,” you grumbled.
“And I bet you have one helluva headache?”
You merely nodded, waiting for the doctor to get to the point.
“That’s to be expected. Nurse Chapin will give you a dose of pain medication in your IV for now.” The nurse moved to do exactly that as the doctor continued. “The knock to your head caused a concussion – grade three judging by the amount of time you were unconscious. But the good news is that the CT scans are favorable. The brain swelling is already going down. Any memory loss? Nausea? Changes in mood – increased irritability, moodiness, anger?”
“A little dizzy and very mildly nauseous. I’m mostly just tired and my head is fucking killing me.” Your brows scrunched together, eyes still squinting from the combination of the headache and the too bright lights. Joel couldn’t help the chuckle that burst from his chest, causing both you and the doctor to join in.
“I’ll take that laugh as a ‘no’ to increased irritability. The meds will kick in very shortly. Once they do, you’ll start to feel better, but you’ll likely be more tired than usual for a few days and will need to take it easy for a week or two,” the doctor explained. “I would recommend someone monitor you for at least the next twenty-four to thirty-six hours just in case there are any changes in your symptoms.”
Your eyes flashed to Joel, who was already watching you. His fingers squeezed yours ever so slightly, and you startled, having forgotten that you were holding hands. You could see in his eyes that he would not let you out of his sight. You weren’t sure how you felt about that yet, but you were too tired to argue about it.
Within a couple hours, you were discharged, and on your way back to the yacht with Joel. Neither of you spoke much, but as you suspected, Joel never strayed from your side, an arm or hand always wrapped around some part of you. Once you were in a car on the way back to the port, your head resting tenderly against Joel’s chest where it fell from sheer exhaustion, he finally spoke.
“I know this isn’t nearly enough, but I am sorry for my behavior, for how I treated you the other morning. I won’t disrespect you further by offering lame excuses. It was a piss poor reaction and I regret every single second of it. Most of all, I regret hurting you.”
You could feel the rumble of Joel’s voice mixed with the elevated beat of his heart against your face where it rested against his chest and hear the sincerity in his voice as it broke over certain words. His arm tightened around your shoulders, drawing you closer still until your entire being could tell how much he regrated his actions, his words, that entire dreadful morning.
Was it that easy, though? Were you ready to forgive and forget that quickly?
The medication had taken the sharp edge off the headache, but your mind was still a swirling mess. This was a conversation for when you were both clear-headed, you thought. But you appreciated his apology nonetheless.
You must have been silent too long because Joel started speaking again. “I don’t expect you to forgive me right now – or at all, really. I just… I just wanted you to know that I would take it all back and reset that morning, if I could.”
“Thank you, Joel, for the apology… and for being here for me even when things aren’t great between us. I want to forgive you, but I think… I think we should have a conversation when I feel more like myself,” you admitted, exhaustion lacing your voice.
Pressing his lips to the top of your head, Joel kissed your hair. “Of course, sweetheart. We’ll talk when you’re ready. In the meantime, let me take care of you. Let me show you that I’m worthy of your forgiveness if you find it in your heart to offer it to me.”
You murmured something intelligible, snuggling further into the warmth of his chest. Joel let you sleep the remainder of the ride and carried you on board like the precious cargo you were. It was well after midnight and the yacht was dimly lit and quiet, even the charter guests in their rooms asleep ahead of their departure later that morning. You remained out cold as he tucked you into his bed, slipping in beside you after a quick shower. You didn’t know it, but he held you close all night.
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True to his word, Joel looked after you with great care. His bedside manner was impeccable, if he did say so himself. You were an easy patient though, sleeping through most of the next day, rousing only when he woke you periodically per doctor’s orders. He made certain you had plenty of liquids to stay hydrated, light food to nourish you, and pain reliever for the lingering headache.
The charter guests departed none the wiser and they left a good tip despite their time at sea being cut a little short. Their departure was the only time Joel left your side for more than five minutes and, upon his return, he set your portion of the tip aside for when you were awake for more than fifteen minutes.
There was a rare lull in the schedule with the next charter being a short three-day reservation, so the crew all had four days in a row off. Convenient timing, of course, and Joel was glad you’d have the extra time to recover without feeling guilty. Originally, he planned to have an activity for the crew to unwind, but no one seemed to want to do that without you. He wondered if you had any idea how loved and appreciated you were among the crew.
After thirty-six hours, your energy started making a return and Joel allowed some visitors to check on you. Sarah had been driving him up a wall demanding to know via text how you were doing every five minutes and she would not relent until she saw you with her own eyes. If it was at all weird for her to see you sitting up in her dad’s bed while he gazed at you all gooey-eyed, she didn’t say peep about it, for which Joel was grateful.
Of course, Ellie had plenty to say about it – more than enough to make up for everyone who didn’t – but you merely laughed knowing the younger woman found the entire situation entertaining rather than ‘gross’ as she insisted.
Mostly, Joel just spent a lot of time watching you like a sad puppy, worrying about you, and hoping that you’d forgive him. This time spent taking care of you made him realize, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how much he ached to keep doing so, in good times and bad. If you couldn’t forgive him, if he lost you for good after this, it would surely destroy him.
He could deny it no longer, to himself, you, or anyone else who wanted to know. He was head over fucking heels in love with you. He just hoped that you felt just as deeply about him as he did about you.
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from-a-legends-pov · 7 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week - Smuggler Starships
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Which of these ships owned or used by a Star Wars Legends smuggler is your favorite?
The Wild Karrde, Talon Karrde’s Corellian Engineering Corporation Action VI Transport modified to be the headquarters of his smuggling and spy operation (Heir to the Empire)
The Pulsar Skate, a modified Baudo-class star yacht Mirax Terrik used for her smuggling operation (which she took over from her father Booster when he was arrested) and later to help the New Republic (X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)
The Lady Luck, Lando Calrissian’s yacht modified to include hidden laser cannons, a deflector shield generator, a scanner and transponder system for the use of aliases, and smuggling compartments, as well as luxury amenities such as a reflecting meditation pool and a crystal garden (Heir to the Empire)
The Jade’s Fire, Mara Jade’s heavily modified personal luxury yacht and the first ship Mara personally owned, free and clear (Ambush at Corellia)
The Errant Venture, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (formerly the Virulence) captured during a New Republic battle by smuggler Booster Terrik, who was allowed to keep it if it was decommissioned and the excess arms sold to the New Republic. It was later painted bright red (X-Wing: The Bacta War)
Hungry for more Star Wars Legends content? Follow @from-a-legends-pov and check out our upcoming Star Wars Legends fanfiction event, From a Legends Point of View, HERE!
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sourcreammachine · 1 month
NO!!! MICK LYNCH DIED?!! the legendary trade unionist, the secretary of the rail maritime & transport workers, brilliant orator and organiser of the recent wave of strikes? one of the uk’s greatest organisers? comrade lynch perished in a boat sinking?
oh wait. wait it’s MIKE lynch who died. tech bjillionaire who was accused of fraud. when one of the worlds biggest luxury yachts sank. good
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MDZS summer vacation headcannons
...because it's so warm and sunny outside that it makes me think of the seaside
Warnings: some suggestive implications bc it's wangxian, ofc they're going to be horny
Under the cut because it got long
"Lan Zhan, we should go to beach some time soon!" Wei Ying says in passing as they're drinking their coffees one morning.
"Mn. We will."
Next day LWJ gives WWX a three-fingers-wide file with suggestions for destinations, hotels, fun things to do and reviews from several reputable websites.
It's color coded, laminated, with high quality pictures of rooms and amenities.
"We could have just looked online, Lan Zhan."
"You told me you prefer to read on paper and take notes rather than use a screen. If I can make it easier for you, I will."
It's all 5 star hotels with scenic views and luxury packages only. All the best for Wei Ying, no holds barred.
"Lan Zhan, why are there no prices in this file?"
"Prices do not matter, Wei Ying, I can afford anything for you."
What a man
There are also transportation options, all of them super fancy and customizable
"...a private jet?"
"It is a lot more convenient than commercial airlines, Wei Ying. Flights to our destination are overcrowded and at difficult times of the day for you to wake up at."
"You want to rent a private jet just so I don't have to wake up early?"
What a man x 2
(He also wants to rent the jet so he gets to comfortably join the mile high club with Wei Ying but that's a secret)
Once at the fancy resort, they become the talk of the town
Hotel staff loves them
They never tip below 100$, they're both nice and respectful and LWJ glares down entitled Karens whenever they're in his earshot at the restaurant/reception/pool etc. until they shut up
Amazing guests 10/10, staff at other hotels is envious not having had them as clients
The top Google search of the week in the area is "single Lan men"
Everyone knows the super rich and super nice couple living in the presidential suite must be protected at all costs (and spoiled rotten)
They get so much complimentary wine and chocolate that they pack some of it to bring home and gift it to friends and relatives
There's always fresh flower arrangements and various trinkets awaiting them after they return from the beach or from visiting the area
Speaking of
Going to the beach is the only time when WWX willing wakes up early
He likes watching the sunrise
They have such a big beach bag
What do they even carry in there, it's like 10kg
"Lan Zhan, how much sunscreen did you even pack?"
"5 bottles. There are also 2 bottles of tanning oil, 5 towels, three charges, a power bank, money, two changes of clothes... and two bottles of lube."
LWJ is very forward-thinking, you see
The hotel has a private beach and the private beach has a VIP area - LWJ rents it all out so he and WWX get some privacy to enjoy the sun, sand and sea (and the sex)
They rent one of those fancy beach beds with a canopy (like this one) because just laying a towel on the sand is boring
Cocktails. So many cocktails
Bar staff has so much fun making them because WWX obviously knows his way around alcohol so he suggests all sorts of fun mixes and ingredients, it's a whole thing
LWJ quietly sips his mocktails and watches in adoration
(No alcohol for him until later in the day because he gets super light headed in the sun after alcohol and becomes an un-Lan clumsy mess) totally not projecting lmao wdym
None of the fancy apparel stops WWX from building sand castles and collecting seashells to give to LWJ as courting gifts like a crow
"Lan Zhan, do you think I could catch some fish if I dive fast enough?"
"Lan Zhan, look! A crab! It looks like your uncle!"
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, I think there are dolphins a bit farther out, let's rent a boat so we go see them!"
They do rent a boat, a small yacht to be more exact
LWJ knows how to sail and WWX suddenly can't be bothered with anything but how good his husband looks doing it
(They end up, um, rocking the boat before they even get to see any marine life)
They also rent jet skis
They race each other and do all sorts of fancy tricks to show off
The rest of the beachgoers are bewitched watching them
(It's a whole mating dance for them but people just think they're super competitive or something)
"Hey Lan Zhan do you think we can go far enough so nobody can see us and you fuck me on this jet ski?"
"Wei Ying."
"What, it would be fun!"
(It was)
(Why are they so horny)
The whole time is basically spent fucking after doing various holiday activities
Buying souvenirs? Fucking in the hotel afterwards
Having dinner? Fucking in the restaurant bathroom if the room is too far out
Romantic sunset walking on the beach? Fucking against some rocks after it gets dark (because sand is annoying and gets in unsavory places)
They take so many pictures
WWX posts almost everything on his socials and it's annoying
(nobody dares say anything bc LWJ would doxx them)
They end up stumbling upon some beach party at some point and ofc WWX wants to join in
The hosts are nice and a bit drunk so they agree, LWJ buys everyone shots and the party stretches until the morning
(WWX enjoys dancing and teasing LWJ about it but LWJ gives him the "you'll pay for this when we get back home" look and he knows it's worth it)
"Lan Zhan, let's go swim, I've always wanted to do it in the dark!"
(They do it. Oh, they also swim)
Everyone back home gets a little gift/souvenir thing which translates into an extra 3 luggage bags for LWJ to carry
"We definitely need to do this again, I had so much fun!"
LWJ takes out his laptop immediately and WWX starts laughing.
"Not that soon, Lan Zhan!"
(It is that soon, they basically have a redo of their honeymoon. It's great)
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dominimoonbeam · 5 months
To The Edge - 9
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: scifi romance, hijinks in space, rogues learning to trust, violence, blood, guns, death, explicit language, so much kidnapping,
Works organized and easily found over on the patreon. <3
They were almost there. Almost to the hub station where the mercenaries they’d contacted had said to meet them. For a second, before he patched them up, Stardust had considered trying to buy Cosmic’s help. They needed to get someplace and they needed a ship. From what they’d learned on Styx, buying a jet this far out was nearly impossible, but hiring transport was easy. Just about everyone with a ship was looking to make easy money.
…It wasn’t going to be easy money, though. There was a good chance their cousins would send more bounty hunters and, even if they didn’t, if Cosmic betrayed their contract he’d end up with a price on his head.
There was no way they could trust him to help them at his own risk, and if he was willing… there was no way Stardust could do that to someone. Especially not someone that had patched them up.
The console lit up in a strobe of bright yellow.
They tapped the console.
Call declined.
Cosmic sighed loudly. “That’s the third time that L-class yacht has tried to call, Stardust… Maybe you should just answer.”
They scoffed, swiveling side to side in their seat and watching the stars rather than their captive. Why answer? To hear Tansy’s terms of surrender? Or to have Genesis list the ways he’d make them pay when he got his hands on them? No. They’d rather not know which one it was.
They spun around to face their bounty hunter, smirking when a thought occurred to them. “Wouldn’t that reflect badly on you? You should be begging me not to answer.”
“Yes, it would look bad for me if you did and someone found out I’d lost my ship to my bounty…but I don’t think that’s why you’re avoiding the call.”
Stardust felt their smile sag. What if it wasn’t Genesis or Tansy? What if Illya was involved? Or Galileo herself? Would Stardust have to return if they called? How could they not? Solinoh knees only bent for the family and those were the names that brought them crawling.
No. It couldn’t be Galileo. If she knew, it would be over. If she knew, the others would have scattered and pretended they’d never had their eyes on the prize.
“Did you really run away from home? Is that what you were doing out here when you got picked up by pirates?”
Stardust looked at him. Rory Antilla. They still thought Cosmic suited him better. They’d had time to sift through his ship logs. He was a jack of all trades and had been to just about every corner of the edge, flirting with the border to the Court but not quite crossing. He was a smugglers, a thief, and a bounty hunter with an impressive log of successful jobs. No wonder he’d been the first to find them.
He laughed when they didn’t answer, the sound frustrated. “It is, isn’t it? Why? What cracked plan led you to think that life out here would be better than on some luxury resort planet back in the prime?”
They wrinkled their nose and tried to push away thoughts of Lu-Pan and Cory’s offer to hide out on a beach. There was no way to explain it to Cosmic—definitely no way without giving him enough information to get him killed. “What do you know about it?” they snapped off instead.
“Yeah, I don’t know anything,” he agreed. “But you could tell me. I mean, I am a captive audience. Emphasis on captive…”
They scrubbed a hand over their face, hating how much they did want to tell him. “My family can be… dangerous.” Fuck. That was nowhere close.
“Yeah, I know your family is dangerous, Stardust,” he started with a scoff but slowed, his eyes reconsidering them in a way that made their skin feel exposed. “Is that… I mean, why would that matter to you? Are you…scared of them?”
Their chest tightened. It was so much more complicated than just being family. They were blood. They were Solinoh. But not every branch of their tree was equal and not every branch loved the others. Stardust was a Solinoh Fairvell, a line of the family that had swung back and forth between trying to rule and trying to leave. It had not inspired closeness.
“Is that why you ran?” he asked, trying to understand.
They flinched at that honest effort—at what sounded dangerously close to caring in his voice. “I didn’t run,” they retorted. “I just left.”
He huffed, rolling his eyes. “Oh, you didn’t run?” he asked, words dripping with amusement. “Like how you didn’t faint?”
They set their jaw. They would absolutely never admit to having fainted.
Cosmic dragged a breath and slouched back in the chair, having long since stopped trying to pull his arms and legs free of all that duct tape.
“Okay,” he tried again. “Just tell me what you’re doing and maybe I can help. Was your family after you before the pirates tried to ransom you?”
Stardust swiveled side to side. He was smart. They felt like if they didn’t get off that ship with him soon, he might actually figure out what was going on.
“Damn. You do have bad luck, Stardust…” he laughed, like their silence was answer enough. “So, why are they after you? Did you steal something?”
They laughed before they could think better of it, shrugging and leaning back to look up at the ceiling. “I guess you could say so. I stole myself.” And now they were in deep.
“…You…You stole yourself? What does that mean?”
They pressed their mouth shut and shook their head. They shouldn’t have said that. They shouldn’t be talking to him at all. So, why hadn’t they just taped his mouth shut? With a sigh, they sat upright and swiveled forward again, back to him.
“Wait! Wait! Come on, we can figure this out. You don’t want to go home? Fine. I’ll drop you someplace else. Cut me loose and I’ll forget about the whole stealing my ship thing. Promise.”
They smiled despite all effort not to but refused to look back at him again. “Really?” they asked, doubtful. Hadn’t he been promising to make them pay an hour ago?
“Yeah, I mean, if I wasn’t taped to this chair, I could even make it a pinky promise.”
They ignored him.
Cosmic groaned, kicking at the floor. “Come on, Stardust! You don’t have a plan! You’re going to get us both killed.”
They tsked at him. “I have a plan.”
“Oh, you do have a plan? Fantastic! What is it? I’m all ears.”
They watched the stars. “I’m hiring alternative transport. We’re going to some station called Carina where you will get your ship back and I will be on my way, out of your hair.”
Quiet stretched with only the hum of the ship for so long that they had to look back just to make sure he was still there. He was. Still taped to his seat and staring at her.
“You… No. That’s not a plan. That’s like jumping out of a ship without a helmet and calling it a plan, Stardust.”
They rolled their eyes and turned their attention forward again.
“Going to another station to meet—”
“I’m hiring alternative transport,” they corrected. “I’ll let you go after!”
“Oh,” he said with sarcastic cheer. “Oh! You’re going to hire some mercenaries to take you where you want to go and then you’ll cut me loose. Well, thank you, but that’s not going to work.”
“Really? You think I can’t find someone with a ship willing to take me where I want to go?” They’d already found someone, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Logistics aside, you don’t stand a chance. There is a bounty out for your return. You think I’m the only one that got wind of it? Why do you think I was hauling ass to get you home? Every hunter on this side of the galaxy is going to be looking for you.”
They shrugged. How many could there even be out on this side of the galaxy? There was nothing out this way but abandoned settlements and stations.
“Stardust… Have you ever heard about Baron?” he asked.
Baron? They almost rolled their eyes. They’d known plenty of people who called themselves Baron, half of them legally named it. Royalty names were always popular in the prime. Cornelius had been middle-named Contessa. Admittedly, it was cooler than the affinity for space names like Stardust.
“He was some high-born primer like you that roamed too far from home and got kidnapped.”
Stardust shot Cosmic a lifted eyebrow. He was bullshitting now.
Only, nothing about his expression hinted at a joke. “It was a while back… but things didn’t go smoothly. Hunters started killing each other to be the one collecting that bounty. If anyone realizes who you are, things are going to get ugly. Shit, Stardust, even if they don’t realize who you are, they’re going to double-cross you. You’ll get yourself killed.”
They tore their gaze off him. He could be right. What insurance did they have that these mercenaries wouldn’t double-cross them? Payment. Part now and part later. It wasn’t like they had any other options. “So why did you do it?” they asked the stars, not turning to look back at him this time.
“What?” he asked, confused, and then he laughed darkly. “You want to know why I took the job if it was so dangerous?”
They nodded at the window, his reflection there in the glass, like he was out there in the stars.
“Because I’m the best,” he said, so smug that it sent a chill right down their spine. “Because it’s a huge payday and because…” He stopped short, the words and thoughts catching on something else. Some memory or terrible truth? The bounty hunter sighed, his eyes finding theirs in the reflection. “Because last time, that rich kid didn’t make it back… The hunters were so busy fighting over the bounty that he just… He got caught in the crossfire. That’s what happens out here. Things go wrong and people die. People like you are dangerous because everyone else around them gets hurt too.”
Stardust stared back at him. “That’s no different than back in the prime.” People like them, Solinohs, were dangerous everywhere.
“When that high born died, even though half the hunters that were fighting over him had died too, his family sent one of their yachts out here armed to the teeth and shot down everything they laid eyes on. They blew a whole station off the map.”
Stardust refused to wince, because of course that was what would happen. When a Solinoh died, even in the prime, even in the house of other primers, someone had to pay for that loss—someone had to learn the lesson so that everyone else would remember the value of their lives above all others. Why wouldn’t the primers do the same to others? It was ugly and wrong, but it was exactly what they would do.
Cosmic nodded at their reflection, lip curled, and they knew he saw it in their face—saw the lack of surprise. “So, you, Stardust, are going home. Right back where you belong. I am getting that payday and that’s going to be the end of it.”
Stardust pushed their boot along the floor, twisting their seat around to look at him. “I don’t think anyone but my relatives have ever tried to command me, Cosmic. It’s honestly adorable, especially considering that you’re still taped to that fucking chair.”
He grinned, and it looked like he’d bite them if he could. “Yeah, I can see why you think you have the upper hand right now, but we both know you’re not going to leave me here to die. So, you will have to cut me loose eventually.”
They bit back a laugh. He was so clever but he still hadn’t figured out how this was going to go down… “I know you really wanted that bounty. How about this, I’ll send you the money myself when I get someplace. It’s only fair for you getting me out of that situation with the pirates and letting me borrow your ship.”
His teeth clicked angrily. “Whatever tiff you’re having with your bloodline, you can sort out after I drop you off.”
The ship beeped and then announced, Approaching station.
The bounty hunter glared. “You’re not listening to me at all, are you?”
“Never have, no,” Stardust admitted, getting up from the captain’s chair and pulling their jacket back on.
“Stardust, you are going to get us killed,” he implored, all serious and big eyes now.
They fixed their collar, the ship jostling a little as it neared the station. “I’m saving you, asshole. You’ll realize it eventually. Or you won’t but, by then, I’ll have wired you some cash and you’ll feel better.”
“Saving… Stop! You’re not saving anyone! Least of all me.” He kicked at the ground, struggling against his bindings anew. “Fine! Go! Just cut me loose and get the hell off my ship!”
Preparing to dock.
They grabbed onto the edge of wall near him, the ship jerking to the side when it coupled with the station. Gears and valves hummed as it connected.
Stardust reached into their boot and pulled out the little weapon they’d kept since they first tied him up.
Cosmic tensed, staring at them. “What are you doing with the stun gun?”
Stardust bit back a guilty smile.
“No. You don’t have to knock me out before you cut me loose. I’ll let you go!”
“Oh, right, I’m definitely going to believe that…”
“I’m not lying!”
They waited, raising an eyebrow.
He snarled. “…Okay, I’m lying! But if you stun me with that thing again, I swear, I’m going to make you pay. I don’t care how far you run or how many mercenaries you hire, Stardust. I’m going to get you back, I’m going to steal your jacket, and I’m going to drag your ass all the way back to your cousins.”
Stardust stepped closer, grabbing the back of his chair over one shoulder. “You’re not the first to threaten me or even the first to hunt me.”
They flicked the safety off the stun gun.
He stared right into their eyes. “Don’t do this…” It was more of a warning than a plea.
Stardust had had a lot of enemies and rivals over the decades of their life, but they thought they might like him the most. “I am sorry,” they admitted because it was true. They didn’t want to hurt him. If there was a better way to knock him out, they would take it. They hadn’t been familiar enough with the drugs in his med room to risk using one of those.
“Don’t apologize! Just don’t do it!” he yelled.
Stardust tased him. Again. They didn’t look away, because they wanted to. They didn’t like seeing his body seize and his eyes roll back like that. It looked painful and it felt cruel, but it was their choice to do it—so they’d witness it too. That was how they’d been raised. They could do bad things, but they had to look.
When he was out, they made quick work of cutting the tape, not enough that he’d fall out of the seat but enough that he’d be able to get loose when he came too.
“Thanks for the ride,” they said to no one before leaving.
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merrock · 22 days
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face claim: ashley moore.
full name: euridyce meilyr de argavieso whitmore. ( the maternal surname is linked to spanish roots, with the mother herself being spanish ).
nickname(s) / goes by: riddy, for everyone. meimei, for grandparents. diddy, for close friends.liry, for parents and siblings.
pronouns & gender: cis woman, she / her.
sexuality: pansexual, demiromantic
birth date: march 10, 1998. pisces sun, cancer rising and tauros moon.
birth place: merrock, maine.
arrival to merrock: she's local.
housing: the coast & pier.
occupation: financial analyst and ceo of harmonia retreat & spa.
work place: working remotely as a financial analyst for a boston-based investment firm.
family: living members.
relationship status: dating.
euridyce 'riddy' whitmore's a character shaped by an intrinsic duality, a product of a childhood filled with abandonment and suffocating expectations. this duality forms the layers of her complex personality, making her both a figure of strength and fragility. resilient & determined: from a young age, euridyce learned to rely on her own strength. her mother's abandonment left her with a sense of emptiness, but it also planted the seed of resilience. she developed a fierce determination to rise above expectations and the family legacy, choosing to excel in her studies and career as a way of finding her own worth. reserved & reflective: euridyce is introspective, often preferring the silence of solitude to the chaos of social interactions. she has a natural inclination for deep analysis, both of herself and the world around her. this makes her a keen observer, able to pick up on nuances that others might easily overlook. this introspection distances her from crowds but also shields her from revealing her vulnerabilities. independent, yet craving connection: despite her independence, there is a part of euridyce that yearns for genuine connection, for a sense of belonging she never found in her family. this desire manifests in her pursuit of validation, both in her career and personal relationships. however, her fear of being abandoned again prevents her from fully opening up to others, creating an emotional barrier that is difficult to breach. perfectionist & ambitious: euridyce carries an almost insatiable ambition, always striving for perfection in everything she does. this pursuit, however, is not just for herself but an attempt to prove, primarily to herself, that she is worthy of the whitmore legacy, even as she chooses to build her own. she throws herself into her goals, sometimes at the cost of her own peace and well-being, never satisfied with “good enough.” insecure & longing for acceptance: beneath this facade of self-sufficiency lies a deep insecurity. euridyce constantly questions her worth, both as a member of the whitmore family and as an individual. while she seeks success and independence, she is haunted by the idea that she will never be enough, neither for herself nor for others.
WRITTEN BY: Ethel / Theo (she/her & they/them), GMT-3.
euridyce meilyr de argavieso whitmore was born on the 10th of march, at that precise moment when winter yields to spring, in the small, melancholic town of Merrock, Maine. Merrock, a place where the salty sea air meets dense forests, where past and present intertwine, was the backdrop of her silent and fragmented childhood.
the daughter of giunone de argavieso, a vibrant spaniard whose hands crafted fabrics into creations that enchanted the fashion world, and remington whitmore, the prodigal son of merrock, heir to an empire built upon the waves of the atlantic. the whitmore dynasty, with its long-standing tradition in the naval industry and maritime trade, had its roots firmly planted in the era of great sailing ships, expanding over the centuries to dominate global logistics, maritime transport, and luxury yacht construction. however, the power and wealth amassed by the family did not translate into harmony within the walls of the whitmore mansion.
euridyce, or riddy, as she preferred to be called, was the fifth of six siblings, a girl who grew up observing the disintegration of her home. the fights between her parents echoed through the corridors of the house, doors slamming shut, and her siblings fleeing to the streets of merrock, seeking peace away from the domestic chaos. when giunone left, without saying goodbye, leaving behind her children and husband, euridyce was nearly six years old, a birthday that was never celebrated. her mother’s departure left a deep mark on her, a scar that never truly healed.
as the years passed, the whitmore siblings grew distant from one another, each seeking refuge as far away from that cold house as possible. remington, the father, was not a malevolent presence, but his absence was a burden just as heavy. he was always immersed in his empire, in the responsibilities of a legacy that left the upbringing of his children to his own mother, the stern and distant grandma whitmore. euridyce never felt part of that world, as if she were a dissonant element, something that didn’t fit into the grand tapestry of the whitmore family. Her siblings were unique, brilliant in their own way, while she... she was just euridyce.
in high school, riddy found solace in her studies, an escape from the reality that surrounded her. determined to escape merrock and prove her worth, she dedicated herself intensely to her books, accumulating credits and honours, avoiding the parties and typical adolescent gatherings. her reward came in the form of a scholarship to harvard business school, a ticket to the world she had always dreamed of. at 18, she moved to boston, reinventing herself with every step.
at university, euridyce excelled as an exemplary student, graduating with a bachelor of arts (A.B.) in economics at 22. she became involved in various extracurricular activities, including harvard undergraduate women in business, the harvard financial analysts club, and the harvard innovation lab, along with summer internships in investment banking and strategic consulting. although less than five hours from merrock, riddy only occasionally returned to her hometown, giving in to her grandmother’s pleas of longing but never allowing it to interfere with her academic journey.
determined to go further, euridyce continued with an MBA at HBS, specialising in general management with an emphasis on entrepreneurship. she actively participated in the HBS entrepreneurs and the venture capital & private equity club, undertaking summer internships in a startup and a venture capital fund. her capstone project, a prelude to her own company, marked the pinnacle of her education.
returning to merrock, euridyce was ready to start her own business, determined to break away from her father’s empire, rejecting any financial help from the family. now, a young woman forged by the adversities of her childhood and the rigorous demands of academia, she was prepared to write her own destiny, far from the shadows that had always followed her.
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iamrupalihere · 1 month
The World’s Most Expensive Cars: A Symphony of Luxury and Performance
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When it comes to supercars, price tags transcend mere numbers—they become symphonies of craftsmanship, power, and exclusivity. Buckle up as we explore the 2024 lineup of the world’s most expensive cars, where each vehicle is a masterpiece in motion.
1. Rolls-Royce La Rose Noire Droptail: $30 Million
Rolls-Royce steals the spotlight with the La Rose Noire Droptail—a two-seater that redefines luxury. Breaking away from the usual four-seat layout, this masterpiece features a removable hardtop. Its intricate inlays, composed of 1,603 individual pieces of Black Sycamore veneer, mimic the illustrious Black Baccara rose. The deep True Love exterior paint completes this all-encompassing piece of art on four wheels.
2. Rolls-Royce Boat Tail: $28 Million
The Rolls-Royce Boat Tail exudes elegance and exclusivity. Handcrafted to perfection, it’s a blend of automotive engineering and bespoke luxury. With a design inspired by classic J-class yachts, it features a rear deck that unfolds into a picnic set. This car isn’t just transportation—it’s an experience, a statement, and a testament to craftsmanship.
3. Bugatti La Voiture Noire: $156 Million
Bugatti’s La Voiture Noire lives up to its name—the black car. With a quad-turbocharged W16 engine, it roars with 1,479 horsepower. Its sleek lines and carbon fiber body make it a true work of art. Only one exists, and it’s a tribute to Bugatti’s heritage and innovation.
4. Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta: $146 Million
The Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta is a symphony of carbon fiber, titanium, and handcrafted details. Its open-top design and manual gearbox evoke pure driving pleasure. With a 7.3-liter naturally aspirated V12 engine, it’s a rare masterpiece limited to just three lucky owners.
5. SP Automotive Chaos: $120 Million
The SP Automotive Chaos lives up to its name—an enigma of power and design. Its twin-turbocharged V8 engine produces 1,500 horsepower. The Chaos is a hypercar for those who seek the extraordinary, with a price tag that reflects its exclusivity.
6. Rolls-Royce Sweptail: $106 Million
The Rolls-Royce Sweptail is a bespoke creation—a one-of-a-kind commission. Its flowing lines and handcrafted interior redefine opulence. The owner’s vision came to life, resulting in a car that’s as unique as a fingerprint.
7. Bugatti Centodieci: $72 Million
The Bugatti Centodieci pays homage to the iconic EB110. With a quad-turbocharged W16 engine, it accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in just 2.4 seconds. Limited to ten units, it’s a blend of history and cutting-edge engineering.
8. Mercedes-Maybach Exelero: $66 Million
The Mercedes-Maybach Exelero is a grand tourer with a 700-horsepower V12 engine. Its sleek lines and imposing presence turn heads. It’s not just a car; it’s a statement of power and prestige.
These cars aren’t mere modes of transportation—they’re dreams realized, status symbols, and feats of engineering. Whether you’re a collector, an enthusiast, or simply curious, these masterpieces redefine what it means to drive in style.
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crosschartering · 9 months
Yacht Shipping
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Yacht Transport: Ship Your Yacht, Anytime, Anywhere
Regarding luxury transportation, nothing quite captures the elegance and prestige of yacht transport. Whether you are a yacht owner looking to relocate your vessel to a new destination or a first-time buyer eager to sail the seas, there are numerous factors to consider in choosing the right yacht transport vessel service.
With so many options available in the market, finding a reliable and efficient provider can be a daunting task. However, worry not, as yacht transport has never been more accessible. With the ability to ship your yacht anytime, anywhere, the industry is booming with innovative solutions to cater to your needs.
From specialized carriers equipped with state-of-the-art technology to the knowledgeable and experienced crew, Cross Chartering Yacht Transport is committed to ensuring our clients a seamless and hassle-free experience. So, whether you dream of cruising the Mediterranean or exploring the Caribbean, the yacht transport services team can help you realize your nautical dreams.
What is Yacht Shipping, and Why Is it Important?
Yacht transportation refers to moving vessels from one location to another with yacht transport by sea or land. It is an important first-class service for yacht owners and enthusiasts who want to relocate their vessels or participate in international events.
Yachts are valuable assets and require special care during transportation to ensure their safety. Cross Chartering Yacht Transport employs experienced yacht movers and uses specialized equipment to handle and move yachts.
Depending on the size and destination of the yacht, it can be transported using different methods such as trailers, lift-on/lift-off, or roll-on/roll-off. Yacht transport allows owners to explore new cruising areas without the hassle of undertaking long voyages.
It also enables participation in prestigious regattas and events held in distant locations. Yacht transport contributes to the growth and development of the maritime industry, creating employment opportunities and supporting related businesses. Overall, yacht transport is important for yacht owners and the industry as it facilitates the movement of vessels and enables access to various locations and events worldwide.
Types of Yacht Transportation Services Available
Various types of yacht transport services are available to cater to the different needs and preferences of yacht owners and enthusiasts. One popular option is the Roll-on/Roll-off (RO-RO) service, where yachts are loaded onto specially designed vessels using a ramp or platform.
This method is often used for smaller yachts and offers a convenient and cost-effective mode of transport. Another option is the LO-LO (Lift-On/Lift-Off) service, which involves lifting yachts onto and off the transport vessel with the help of cranes.
This method suits larger, heavier yachts that cannot be easily rolled onto a vessel. Yacht shipping services are also available for customers who prefer a more secure and protected mode of transport yacht.
Vessels are carefully loaded onto specialized yacht transport ships, securely stored, and protected from the elements during transit. This method is particularly suitable for longer journeys or transporting valuable or delicate yachts.
Yacht delivery services are also available where experienced captains and crew sail the yacht to its intended destination. This option allows yacht owners to avoid transport logistics and enjoy the experience of sailing in their vessels. Overall, the availability of these different types of yacht transport services ensures that yacht owners have options to suit their specific needs and requirements.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Yacht Transport Company
When choosing a yacht transport company, several factors need to be considered. First and foremost, it is important to evaluate the reputation and experience of the company. Look for testimonials or reviews from previous clients to determine their level of customer satisfaction.
Consider the company’s track record in handling yacht transportation. Ensure they have experience transporting yachts of similar size and type to yours. Another crucial factor is the company’s insurance coverage. Make sure that they have adequate insurance to protect your yacht during the transportation process.
It is important to examine the company’s pricing and payment terms. Compare quotes from different companies and evaluate the overall value you will receive. Lastly, consider the company’s network and resources.
A well-established company like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, with a strong network of partners and resources, will be better equipped to handle any potential challenges or obstacles during transportation.
Benefits of Shipping Your Yacht Instead of Sailing It
There are several benefits to shipping your yacht instead of sailing it. First, shipping allows you to save time and energy. Sailing a yacht can be long and tiring, especially if you are not experienced or do not have a crew to assist you.
By shipping your yacht, you and the captain can avoid the hassle of planning and executing a long journey, freeing up your time and energy for other activities.
Shipping your yacht allows you to avoid potential dangers during a long voyage, such as adverse weather conditions or unexpected accidents. Finally, shipping offers convenience and flexibility. You can arrange for your yacht to be transported to any destination, allowing you to explore new cruising grounds without needing a long and arduous journey.
How to Prepare Your Yacht for Transport
Preparing your yacht for transport is important to ensure its safety and protection during transit. First, prepare properly by removing non-essential items from the yacht to reduce weight during transportation. This includes personal belongings, electronics, and any loose items or equipment. Secure any remaining items properly to prevent them from moving or shifting during transport.
Properly winterizing your yacht is also crucial if you are transporting it during the colder months. This includes draining all water systems, adding antifreeze to the engine, and protecting vulnerable areas from freezing temperatures.
Before loading the yacht onto the transport trailer or ship, it should be cleaned thoroughly to remove any salt, dirt, or debris that could cause damage. Lastly, ensure that all necessary paperwork and permits are in order, and communicate with the transport company to ensure a smooth and well-coordinated boat transport and process.
Choosing the Right Transport Method for Your Yacht
When transporting your yacht, choosing the right method is crucial. There are various options to consider, each with its own advantages and limitations. One common method is using a specialized yacht transport company, like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport.
We have the expertise and equipment to handle different sizes of yachts and ensure their safe delivery. Another option is to sail your yacht to its destination. This can be a great choice if you have the time and experience. It allows you to enjoy the journey and provides a unique adventure. However, it requires careful planning, including extensive knowledge of weather conditions and maritime routes.
If your yacht is small enough, you may opt for trailering it. This can be cost-effective and convenient, as you have more control over the schedule and route. However, it is important to ensure your trailer is suitable for the size and weight of your yacht. Overall, analyzing your needs and the specific characteristics of your yacht will help you choose the best transport method.
Understanding the Costs of Yacht Transport
Understanding the costs of yacht transport is essential for anyone considering moving their yacht to another destination. There are various factors to consider when determining the cost of transporting a yacht.
The size and weight of the yacht play a significant role in the overall cost, as larger and heavier yachts require specialized equipment for loading and unloading. The distance and location of the destination port can also affect the cost, as shipping to remote or less accessible areas can increase expenses.
The season and market demand can influence pricing, with peak times typically being more expensive. Other factors to consider include customs fees, insurance costs, and additional services required, such as cradle or shrink-wrapping.
It is crucial to consult with reputable yacht transport companies, like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, to obtain accurate quotes based on your yacht’s express-specific requirements. Yacht owners can plan and budget accordingly by understanding these costs, ensuring a smooth and successful transportation process.
Yacht transport services provide a convenient and reliable way to ship a yacht, regardless of the destination or time of year. With specialized carriers and experienced crew members, you can trust that your yacht will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
Whether you need to transport your yacht across the country or to a remote island, Cross Chartering Yacht Transport can cater to your specific needs. We offer a range of options, including lift-on/lift-off and roll-on/roll-off methods, ensuring that your vessel is transported safely and efficiently.
By utilizing yacht transport services, you can eliminate the stress and logistical challenges of sailing your yacht to different locations. This allows you to focus on enjoying your time on board and exploring new destinations, knowing that your yacht will be waiting for you at your desired location. Get your FREE QUOTE today. Contact us at (954) 686-6902 or fill in the contact form on our website!
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Amazonian Whodunnit
Humanity is to blame for the slow death of the rainforest, but we are not equally responsible. The fingerprints of carbon inequality are all over this crime scene
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Every morning, I take my dogs for a walk to the scene of multiple crimes, where I grieve for the victims and consider who is to blame.
The location is the bank of the Xingu River, which is a five-minute stroll from my home. I will post a picture here of this beautiful but brutalised panorama so you can examine for yourself the violence that has been inflicted on the landscape in the nine years since I first visited Altamira.
The first victim, very stark in the foreground, is a dead tree, one of the many millions killed when the reservoir of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam flooded the river banks, drowning countless plants and other species unable to flee the rising waters.
The second can be seen on the distant hillside on the far side of the river, where there are two broad expanses of cleared land that were cut out of the forest by neighbouring farmers who wanted more space for their cattle to graze.
The third is the sky, shrouded in an acrid haze from the dozen or so fires that were burning around Altamira over the 24 hours before my walk, according to NASA’s satellite imagery.
Fourthly – and most alarming of all – is the river Xingu itself, which has shrunk back to levels not seen in recent memory as a result of a freakishly long, hot dry season. Compared to the peak of the rainy season, the depth of the river has fallen by four or five metres.
The place where I usually swim is now a mud flat. Rocky outcrops have become visible mid-stream, creating dozens of new islands and adding to the challenge of navigation.The impact on other species is immeasurable.
That such horrors would come to pass was all too predictable. Earlier this year, I wrote that the El Niño on top of the climate crisis would create an emergency within an emergency, which Brazil’s authorities needed to prepare for as this would almost certainly mean a severe drought for the Amazon.
But there has been zero preparation. Across the Amazon, fire fighting units have been over-stretched and transport systems disrupted by the severity of the prolonged drought. Meanwhile land grabbers make things worse by starting fires to clear forest, taking advantage of the tinder dry conditions.
Those blazes cause problems long after the embers are dimmed. Countless studies have shown tree clearance has a local, regional and global warming effect, in addition to weakening the rainfall-generating capacity of the rainforest. Replace the trees with cows, as is the common practice in Altamira and much of the Amazon, and the effect is far worse because the methane burps and farts of the cattle are a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. One of the most shocking reports of the past year was a study showing Brazil’s 220 million cows (almost half of which are in the Amazon) have a bigger climate footprint, when you include their role in deforestation, than all the factories, cars, power plants and 125 million people of Japan.
This brings us to the vitally important question for justice and for solutions: who is to blame?
There are those who would argue that humanity as a whole is responsible for this horrendous year of murderous heat, deadly fires, devastating floods and other global climate calamities, but that is only partly true. Yes, these extremes have undoubtedly been made worse by human burning of fossil fuels. The world is around 1.3C hotter than it was at the start of the industrial revolution. There is growing evidence that this makes El Niño events more likely. Yet despite the ever increasing death toll for all species from this heat, humankind is emitting more warming greenhouse gases than ever.
But “we” are not equally to blame. Not by any means. There is a huge carbon divide between the air-conditioned super-rich, who travel the world in luxury yachts, and the heat-vulnerable poor, who suffer the worst climate consequences even though they are least responsible. A new study by Oxfam and the Stockholm Environment Institute highlights the enormity of this gulf and its consequences.
Continue reading.
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simshousewindsor · 9 months
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EASTON, Windenburg (SNN) - - The Windenburg royal household published its financial report for the year 2022-2023, giving a glimpse of how the monarch and the working members of her family get from A to B and how much it all costs.
In total, over the last financial year the royals spent §4.5 million simoleons on travel, including the official tours undertaken by George I, Queen consort Rowena, (then) Princess Katherine, and Prince Louis, as well as some minor working royals.
But how do the Windenburg royals travel, and what methods do they have at their disposal? SNN has the answers.
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One of the main methods of domestic travel for the queen and the working members of her family is by helicopter.
The queen currently relies on one main helicopter at her disposal, The Queen's Helicopter Flight (TQHF), which is painted in a deep blue color with royal cyphers on each side. The craft is a model EC155 from Americreek manufacturer LorySims and has been in use by the royals since 2009.
Though helicopters are capable of landing in the gardens of Buckingsim Palace, the main central Easton landing hub for members of the royal family is at Kently Estate in a large field at the northern end of the complex.
The 2022-2023 royal household financial statement revealed that over 179 journeys were made via helicopters by the working royals throughout the year.
As the expense for this is paid from the allocation of funds the queen receives from the government to pay for her official duties, she retains the right to approve each use of her aircraft by family members.
Private Jets
In the same way that the queen has the use of helicopters to help her travel quickly and safely within the U.K. for short haul flights, she also has access to private jets both for her personal use, as well as for the use of working members of her family and government officials.
RAF Voyager
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In the 2022-2023 financial year the royals undertook a number of foreign tours. The queen and other members of her family are regularly asked by the Foreign Office to undertake international visits, in promoting Windenburg assets around the globe.
For their journey, the royals travel aboard RAF Voyager, the U.K government's VIP jet. While it maintains a military function as a mid-air refueling craft, it's also used to transport high-ranking government officials and members of the royal family. The Duke and Duchess of Kent used it the most as they undertook the most international visits on behalf of the Crown during the year.
RAF Voyager is maintained and manned by the Royal Air Force, which oversees all of the royals' air travel.
The Royal Train
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The Royal Train comprises a dedicated set of claret liveried sleeper, dining and lounge carriages reserved for the use of senior members of the royal family when traveling around Windenburg. There has been a royal train since the reign of Edward I and the current one was presented to King George I in 1994, though it has had its interiors updated in the years since.
Total expenditure on the royal train, including operating lease payments, for 2021-2022 was §1 million simoleons.
Royal Yacht
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The royal yacht of the Windenburg monarchy, also known as The Royal Yacht Windenburgia, has been in service since 1978. It is the second royal yacht to bear the name, the first being the racing cutter built for the Prince of Brindleton Bay in 1813. The yacht travels more than five-hundred thousand nautical miles around the sims world to more than 120 ports in 16 countries.
Fleet of Motor Vehicles
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As well as helicopters, planes and trains, the royals also have a fleet of luxury motor cars that are used for official events such as the State Opening of Parliament, as well as regular engagements around the United Kingdom of Windenburg.
The Rolls Royce State Limousines are official state cars manufactured by Rolls Royce as a gift for the late King George I on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee in 2017. The two cars produced, in navy and black, were in service for the King up until his death in 2023. They have most recently been in service for Queen Katherine I. The Queen Mother (then Queen consort) used the car while accompanying the King's coffin. Both cars are kept in the Royal Mews.
In 2022-2023, the official expenditure on motor vehicle journeys undertaken by the queen and senior royals was §200,000.
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eljeebee · 2 months
Ugh, I was meant to send you an ask and I darn well forgot, thanks fatigue. Any way, writing exercise. What is each of your characters preferred method of travel (cycling, bus, car, train, plane, teleport, whatever)?
Let's start with my agents:
Both Priscilla and Albert prefers traveling by car in land. Of course, Moumou is with them in the car.
Tony prefers his motorcycle when traveling alone, but he becomes the driver when he's with his wife and/or Albert (and Moumou!).
All three prefers to travel by private jet provided by their organization if traveling by air. Moumou just tags along.
For our college students, Louie, Sid, Julie, and Seamus prefers bicycle within the campus.
Individually, Louie and Sid prefers train. San Sequoia has a subway in Anchorpoint Wharf after all!
Coming from a royal family, Julie and Seamus prefers car, either driven by Bernie or Penny. Seamus has been practicing driving car and motorcycle too (he has a motorcycle back in their Del Sol Valley chateau).
Jason, Sophia, and Mason also prefers train. They're near the subway after all. They will also take point to point buses to reach their destinations.
Margaux likes to travel by car and plane (fortunately, she still have privileges to use the royal private jet from time to time, but since she tries to detach from the family, she usually flies first class in commercial planes). Bernie is the same as Margaux, but if possible, he'd prefer to travel by ship, or through his own superyacht. Penny likes cruise, ship, boats, yacht or whatever vessel she could travel in the ocean.
Most of my vampires prefer to travel with their Vampiric powers. Specifically:
Valentina and Percival Asvang travels as bats;
The Beau Sisters, the Aurums, and Helen and Vladislaus Straud travel by mist; and
The Vatores will use their vampiric speed.
However, they will only do this out of plain sight and if necessary. Because of this, Lana Beau will travel with whatever vehicle screams luxury. She travels in a Rolls-Royce that she personally drives (and with her sister, occasionally). Percy once asked if he could drive it. She barred him from doing that and bought him a Ducati ("Here's a toy for you. Don't touch mine, alright?") She'll travel with private jet too, if flying out of the country. She likes to boast her very old money.
The rest either has their own vehicles, like Valentina, who has a Cadillac sedan, Percy with his Ducati, and the Strauds with their Ford SUV (Caleb is the driver), or some of them will commute, like the Vatores and Helen, and Yvonne.
The Aurums are the exception. They always use their power to move around. To keep themselves out of sight, they will cast a charm around themselves.
The Coveys commutes by train, (trains in San Myshuno!) while Lavender Lee prefers taking the bus.
The Fengs prefers to travel by car, and business class in planes.
The Eyes of the Watcher prefers to travel by foot. It helps them practice discipline. The vampire Seeker, when necessary, will travel as a bat. When unable, they will utilize public transport.
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amitha87 · 3 months
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