#Crunch Tech review
gothiccharmschool · 1 year
Life in the workplace advice from your Goth Auntie
(Caveat: this mostly applies to the tech industry, but there are probably parts that apply elsewhere.) Now that I am on the other side of the management veil, I've learned things that I wish I'd known when I was a regular employee.
A competent or good manager doesn't want to set you up to fail. Firstly because it's the decent thing to do! Treat folks with respect! Secondly, because employees failing signals the manager is failing at their job, and managers up the chain notice. Self-serving? A bit, and anyone in a management slot should be dedicated to helping their team, but sometimes the only thing that will get not-so-competent managers to help their peeps is a sense of "Oh shit, this is going to put my own ass on the line".
A competent/good manager should be giving you feedback all the time, and help you strengthen areas you're weak at. Any annual review talk should never come as a surprise. That goes double for performance improvement plans, extra coaching, etc.
A competent/good manager also asks for feedback on themselves. I have weekly 1-on-1 meetings with all my peeps, and in every meeting I ask where I need to do better, and if I'm failing them somehow. I need to know so I can better defend them, which leads to my next point ...
A competent/good manager actively protects you. From meetings, from sudden randomization, shifting deadlines, etc. If one of my peeps says "BTW, my feature team just cut time from the deadline", I immediately set up a meeting with said feature team to set expectations of what my folks are capable of with less time. I make it clear that the original amount of work isn't possible with the new deadline, and if it has to be done, we take it higher up the chain and play project management thunderdome.
If work gets weird, deadlines get crunched, etc, a competent/good manager gets that IN WRITING from the folks responsible and gives it to you IN WRITING. No vague "Oh, we discussed it in the meeting" or DMs in Slack - in an email that can be saved. Again, actively protecting their team.
I would never have taken a management role at any other company I worked for because I didn't trust the management chain above me to let me protect my team. Because that is the number one job of a competent/good manager. If you're working for someone who doesn't tick these boxes, start doing the arduous thing known as "managing up" (oh how I hate that phrase), and ask your manager for feedback at every meeting. Ask for information in writing, give important information in writing, and (tactfully) give your manager feedback. And the moment it seems that's not helping, start figuring out an escape plan.
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alica-tech · 1 year
a guide on behavioral interviews💼
ok i've got a behavioral interview coming up so decided to make this quick guide on how i prepare for these if it helps anyone else trying to land internships or full-time jobs in the tech industry!
the process
1. ⭐ Introduction (10-15 min)
The interviewer wants to know more about you, your career goals, skills, and how you align w/ the company's mission.
Like a compelling essay, you want a strong hook or opening statement. The first question asked is often "Tell me about yourself" and this should be a brief elevator pitch (30 seconds) that highlights your current status (student, major, study area), your relevant experience, why you're interested in the company/why you're a good fit for the company, and what you're looking for (in a job). Practice this in front of a mirror if you have to!
Doing company research is really important for the whole interview! You want to look informed and interested. You can use sites such as:
Twitter Linkedin Glassdoor company website (blogs/news/about/careers page) any press releases/news articles to find info about what the company is focused on or what they care about most.
Find things that are genuinely interesting to *you* and write it down on a separate notepad to remember it
Review the job posting you applied to and review where you meet their expectations (your strengths) and be aware of your weaknesses (be ready to answer like "I'm working on improving my..." or "I hope this company can give me more experience in..")
Top questions: Tell me about yourself, why do you want to work for us, what are your strengths? Why should we hire you?
2. ⭐ Situational Questions (15-30 min)
This is where you use the STAR method to craft your responses to questions about your communication, work ethic, and collaboration style
STAR: Situation, Task, Action, Result
Here's a guide + sample questions that you can encounter in any type of interview!
Also, prepare 5-6 solid situations that you can use to anchor your STAR responses. These can come from your resume, where each project can be something you can tie back to another soft/technical skill the company is looking for.
For example, for my hackathon experiences, i can relate it to any collaboration / communication / time crunch / meeting deadlines question. for my research experience, i can relate it to analytical skills / experimental / problem-solving questions.
For me, I put all my projects/experiences on a google doc, and then I write additional bullet points on things I did, problems I solved, challenges, skills I gained, etc. It's kind of like a super expanded resume. It's a great reference at a glance! Reflecting on your experiences/projects is very important as well, whether large or small.
3. ⭐ Closing (5 - 10 min)
This is your opportunity to end on a strong note, re-iterating what makes you a good fit for the company and asking questions that show you've done your research on the role/company!
What are good questions? Questions that aren't easily answerable on the company site, questions that will help YOU make a decision if you want to work for them
Here's some good ones: What is your current work from home / hybrid / in-person policies? What are the most exciting challenges facing your company in the next 6 months? What's the next step in the interview process / when can I expect follow-up? Is there support for junior / entry-level developers (such as mentorship)? How does the company support work-life balance? Can you share any recent projects / initiatives the company has taken on that you're excited about?
Here's some to AVOID: Avoid asking about salary / benefits unless you absolutely need this information before moving forward, Avoid asking questions you can google easily or know by reading the job description, avoid questions that are clearly outside of your interviewers area of expertise
phew, maybe i shouldve broken this into multiple posts, for now this is a quick overview, hope this helps!
additional (free) resources:
interviewbit - variety of questions listed for behaviorals
tech interview handbook - more details on preparing for STAR and example responses
handshake blog post - list of questions you can ask at the end of any interview
exponent's blog post - FAANG interviewing, focusing on company values, finding peer-to-peer mock interviews
pramp.com - practice mock interviews with peers
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
YOUR 2024 August Horoscope
     August 2024 is one helluva cosmic rollercoaster. One of those roller coasters that you find at a fly-by-night carnival, and wonder to yourself “did they install this correctly? Are ALL the nuts and bolts in place?” This is actually the same type of question you’ll likely have for yourself as you move through August.
     Because Mercury does station retrograde. On the Leo New Moon, (which as a Leo Rising, pisses me off MAJORLY). Then, we have Venus changing signs twice, and some tricky, potentially sticky-but-hopefully-not-too-incendiary interactions between Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, followed by a really WILD CARD Aquarius Full Moon. By the time the Sun enters Virgo, though, things begin to cool off and de-crunch. Sorta. 
     If all of that sounded like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, fret not! In layman's terms, it means that for the majority of the month, technology, communications and your Insta feed are going to get a little wonky. Mercury retrograde is the reason you lose your keys, misplace your documents, have to buy a new phone because your other one just suddenly stopped working, can’t download/upload that file, and much, MUCH more.
     So, yes: August is essentially filled with the aforementioned tech glitches and communication mishaps—because Mercury is retrograde Aug. 4 thru Aug. 28—but it’s also a great month to slow the f*ck down. Not just because of Mercury Retrograde. Yes, Mercury Retrograde encourages you to slow down, to assess and review, but also forthcoming squares from Mars & Jupiter (in Gemini) to Saturn in Pisces are going to FORCE you to slow down. They are metaphorical red lights. They are also days of friction, tension, and restless indecisiveness. 
     When the planets of action, confidence, and expansion (Mars and Jupiter, respectively) butt heads with the planet of limits and restrictions (Saturn), your forward motion is stalled. It’s like trying to drive with the emergency brake on. You can move, but accelerating is a challenge. This happens on Aug. 15 & Aug. 17. Before that, Mars & Jupiter collide in Gemini on Aug. 14, and it’s like full-blow traveling circus energy. Jamboree, free-for-all, fuck it and find out. (except you don't WANT to say "fuck it and find out!")
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fragile-practice · 11 months
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Week in Review
October 23rd-29th
Welcome to Fragile Practice, where I attempt to make something of value out of stuff I have to read.
My future plan is to do longer-form original pieces on interesting topics or trends. For now, I'm going to make the weekly reviews habitual and see if I have any time left.
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OpenAI forms team to study ‘catastrophic’ AI risks, including nuclear threats - Tech Crunch; Kyle Wiggers
OpenAI launched a new research team called AI Safety and Security to investigate the potential harms of artificial intelligence focused on AI alignment, AI robustness, AI governance, and AI ethics.
Note: Same energy as “cigarette company funds medical research into smoking risks”.
Artists Allege Meta’s AI Data Deletion Request Process Is a ‘Fake PR Stunt’ - Wired; Kate Knibbs
Artists who participated in Meta’s Artificial Intelligence Artist Residency Program accused the company of failing to honor their data deletion requests and claim that Meta used their personal data to train its AI models without their consent.
Note: Someday we will stop being surprised that corporate activities without obvious profit motive are all fake PR stunts.
GM and Honda ditch plan to build cheaper electric vehicles - The Verge; Andrew J. Hawkins
General Motors and Honda cancel their joint venture to develop and produce cheaper electric vehicles for the US market, citing the chip shortage, rising costs of battery materials, and the changing market conditions.
Note: What are the odds this isn’t related to the 7 billion dollars the US government announced to create hydrogen hubs.
'AI divide' across the US leaves economists concerned - The Register; Thomas Claburn
A new study by economists from Harvard University and MIT reveals a significant gap in AI adoption and innovation across different regions in the US.
The study finds that AI usage is highest in California's Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area, but was also noted in Nashville, San Antonio, Las Vegas, New Orleans, San Diego, and Tampa, as well as Riverside, Louisville, Columbus, Austin, and Atlanta.
Nvidia to Challenge Intel With Arm-Based Processors for PCs - Bloomberg; Ian King
Nvidia is using Arm technology to develop CPUs that would challenge Intel processors in PCs, and which could go on sale as soon as 2025.
Note: I am far from an NVIDIA fan, but I’m stoked for any amount of new competition in the CPU space.
New tool lets artists fight AI image bots by hiding corrupt data in plain sight - Engadget; Sarah Fielding
A team at the University of Chicago created Nightshade, a tool that lets artists fight AI image bots by adding undetectable pixels into an image that can alter how a machine-learning model produces content and what that finished product looks like.
Nightshade is intended to protect artists work and has been tested on both Stable Diffusion and an in-house AI built by the researchers.
IBM's NorthPole chip runs AI-based image recognition 22 times faster than current chips - Tech Xplore; Bob Yirka
NorthPole combines the processing module and the data it uses in a two-dimensional array of memory blocks and interconnected CPUs, and is reportedly inspired by the human brain.
NorthPole can currently only run specialized AI processes and not training processes or large language models, but the researchers plan to test connecting multiple chips together to overcome this limitation.
Apple’s $130 Thunderbolt 4 cable could be worth it, as seen in X-ray CT scans - Ars Technica; Kevin Purdy
Note: These scans are super cool. And make me feel somewhat better about insisting on quality cables. A+.
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The Shifting Web
On-by-default video calls come to X, disable to retain your sanity - The Register; Brandon Vigliarolo
Video and audio calling is limited to anyone you follow or who is in your address book, if you granted X permission to comb through it.
Calling other users also requires that they’ve sent at least one direct message to you before.
Only premium users can place calls, but everyone can receive them.
Google Search Boss Says Company Invests to Avoid Becoming ‘Roadkill’ - The New York Times; Nico Grant
Google’s senior vice president overseeing search said that he sees a world of threats that could humble his company at any moment.
Google Maps is getting new AI-powered search updates, an enhanced navigation interface and more - Tech Crunch; Aisha Malik
Note: These AI recommender systems are going to be incredibly valuable advertising space. It is interesting that Apple decided to compete with Google in maps but not in basic search, but has so far not placed ads in the search results.
Reddit finally takes its API war where it belongs: to AI companies - Ars Technica; Scharon Harding
Reddit met with generative AI companies to negotiate a deal for being paid for its data, and may block crawlers if no deal is made soon.
Note: Google searches for info on Reddit often seem more effective than searching Reddit itself.  If they are unable to make a deal, and Reddit follows through, it will be a legitimate loss for discoverability but also an incredibly interesting experiment to see what Reddit is like without Google.
Bandcamp’s Entire Union Bargaining Team Was Laid Off - 404 Media; Emanuel Maiberg
Bandcamp’s new owner (Songtradr) offered jobs to just half of existing employees, with cuts disproportionately hitting union leaders. Every member of the union’s eight-person bargaining team was laid off, and 40 of the union's 67 members lost their jobs.
Songtradr spokesperson Lindsay Nahmiache claimed that the firm didn’t have access to union membership information.
Note: This just sucks. Bandcamp is rad, and it’s hard to imagine it continuing to be rad after this. I wonder if Epic had ideas for BC that didn’t work out.
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Surveillance & Digital Privacy
Mozilla Launches Annual Digital Privacy 'Creep-o-Meter'. This Year's Status:  'Very Creepy' - Slashdot
Mozilla gave the current state of digital privacy a 75.6/100, with 100 being the creepiest.
They measured security features, data collection, and data sharing practices of over 500 gadgets, apps, and cars to come up with their score.
Every car Mozilla tested failed to meet their privacy and security standards.
Note: It would be great if even one auto brand would take privacy seriously.
EPIC Testifies in Support of Massachusetts Data Privacy and Protection Act -Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Massachusetts version of ADPPA.
Note: While it may warm my dead heart to see any online privacy protections in law, scrambling to do so in response to generative AI is unlikely to protect Americans in any meaningful way from the surveillance driven form of capitalism we’ve all been living under for decades.
Complex Spy Platform StripedFly Bites 1M Victims - Dark Reading
StripedFly is a complex platform disguised as a cryptominer and evaded detection for six years by using a custom version of EternalBlue exploit, a built-in Tor network tunnel, and trusted services like GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket to communicate with C2 servers and update its functionality.
iPhones have been exposing your unique MAC despite Apple's promises otherwise - Ars Technica
A privacy feature which claimed to hide the Wi-Fi MAC address of iOS devices when joining a network was broken since iOS 14, and was finally patched in 17.1, released on Wednesday.
Note: I imagine this bug was reported a while ago, but wasn’t publically reported until the fix was released as a term of apple’s bug bounty program.
What the !#@% is a Passkey? - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Note: I welcome our passkey overlords.
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How Can a VB-MAPP App Simplify Data Collection and Analysis?
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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) professionals and educators working with individuals on the autism spectrum understand the critical importance of data collection and analysis. One of the most widely used assessment tools in ABA therapy is the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), which helps assess and track language and social skills development in individuals with autism. While the VB-MAPP is highly effective, manual data collection and analysis can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Fortunately, technology has stepped in to streamline this process with the development of VB-MAPP apps. In this comprehensive guide, we explore how a VB-MAPP app can simplify data collection and analysis, making the lives of ABA professionals and educators easier and more effective.
1. Real-time Data Entry:
VB-MAPP apps allow professionals to input data in real-time. Gone are the days of carrying around paper assessments and jotting down observations manually. With the convenience of a mobile app, therapists and educators can instantly record data during sessions, ensuring accuracy and timeliness.
2. Effortless Organization:
One of the standout features of VB-MAPP apps is their ability to organize data seamlessly. Data points are categorized, labeled, and stored electronically, eliminating the need for bulky binders filled with assessment sheets. This organized approach not only saves physical space but also simplifies data retrieval and review.
3. Instant Progress Tracking:
VB-MAPP apps provide immediate access to progress tracking. Professionals can view data trends, identify areas of improvement or concern, and adjust intervention strategies in real-time. This agility is crucial in tailoring ABA therapy to meet the unique needs of each individual.
4. Automated Analysis:
One of the most significant advantages of VB-MAPP apps is their ability to automate data analysis. These apps employ algorithms that process the collected data, generating graphs, charts, and reports. This automated analysis reduces the risk of human error and allows professionals to focus on interpreting the data rather than crunching numbers.
5. Customizable Reporting:
Every ABA therapy program is unique, and VB-MAPP apps recognize this diversity. Users can customize reports to match specific goals, objectives, and benchmarks. This level of personalization ensures that data analysis aligns with the individual's progress and targets areas requiring further attention.
6. Secure Data Storage:
VB-MAPP apps prioritize data security and confidentiality. Most apps offer secure cloud storage options, safeguarding sensitive information while allowing authorized team members to access the data when needed. This feature enhances collaboration among therapists, educators, and caregivers.
7. Integration Capabilities:
Many VB-MAPP apps offer integration with other software and platforms commonly used in ABA therapy and education. This interoperability streamlines the data collection and analysis process by allowing professionals to work within a familiar digital ecosystem.
8. User-friendly Interface:
VB-MAPP apps are designed with user-friendliness in mind. The interfaces are intuitive, making them accessible to professionals with varying levels of technological expertise. This accessibility ensures that even those less tech-savvy can benefit from these apps.
9. Cost and Time Efficiency:
By automating data collection and analysis, VB-MAPP apps save professionals considerable time and effort. This efficiency translates into cost savings for organizations and allows professionals to allocate more time to direct therapy and interaction with individuals with autism.
10. Continuous Support and Updates:
Developers of VB-MAPP apps are committed to improving their products. This means that users can expect continuous support and updates to enhance functionality, address issues, and adapt to changing needs in the field of ABA therapy and autism education.
In conclusion, VB-MAPP apps have revolutionized the way ABA professionals and educators collect and analyze data. These apps offer real-time data entry, effortless organization, automated analysis, and customizable reporting, all while ensuring data security and user-friendliness. By simplifying data collection and analysis, VB-MAPP apps empower professionals to provide more effective, personalized, and efficient support to individuals on the autism spectrum. As technology continues to advance, the role of VB-MAPP apps in ABA therapy and autism education is set to grow, improving the lives of both professionals and those they serve.
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t-tex-edwards · 2 years
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The Nervebreakers' "Face Up to Reality"
[This time it's personal. My second most anticipated release of the millennium (after the Peter Laughner box) is here. I'm not going to review it, because I wrote the liner notes, which are reproduced in full below, including the part that wouldn't fit on the jacket. To say these guys are important to me would be an understatement. If my drummer from college hadn't seen them open for the Sex Pistols, I might not have moved from New York to Texas. Between 1978 and 1981, I saw them more times than any other band besides the Juke Jumpers. Mike Haskins remains my guitar hero, and Barry Kooda my human being hero. Bob Childress once surprised me with a message on the RadioShack corporate net after I'd written something about them online. My wife and I once made a pilgrimage to Austin to see Tex Edwards play a bar gig. And I'm proud to say that Carl Giesecke once played sleighbells on "I Wanna Be Your Dog" with Stoogeaphilia. But enough about me. I've got to go listen to this again.
]Think of this record as a follow-up that took a while to emerge.
It was 1980, 40 years ago as I write this, when the Nervebreakers -- who’d bossed the nascent Dallas punk scene from its inception, opened for every punk/”new wave” touring act that passed through Big D (Ramones, Sex Pistols, Clash, Police, Boomtown Rats), and made the pages of Rolling Stone via the image of guitarist Barry Kooda with a fish in his mouth onstage at the Pistols show – recorded their sole long player, We Want Everything!, which then took 14 years to make it onto vinyl.
The Nervebreakers coalesced in 1975 when Kooda, a junior college theater major back from Army service in Korea, managed to insinuate himself into the “arty rock band” Mr. Nervous Breakdown, formed by his high school best friend, guitarist Mike Haskins, with fellow record store employee Thom “Tex” Edwards. Haskins and Edwards bonded over their mutual appreciation for the Raspberries’ combination of tuneful songcraft and rock crunch. Drummer Carl Giesecke was a moonlighting symphony percussionist, while bassist Bob Childress, who’d joined after the Ramones show, held the distinction of having seen both the Stooges and the New York Dolls every night for a week at Richard’s in Atlanta while attending Georgia Tech.
Onstage, they had a formidable presence, honed over years of four-set gigs, with frontman Edwards draped rakishly over the mic stand, Kooda in his Army helmet and pistol belt, Haskins looking like Donnie Osmond’s axe-slinging twin, Childress bouncing around like the Uberfan who got to join his favorite band, and Giesecke pounding out a solid pulse. Their repertoire included covers as diverse as We Five’s “You Were On My Mind,” George Jones’ “The Race Is On,” and the Troggs’ “Strange Movies.” More to the point, they penned potent originals: “Hijack the Radio,” “Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls,” “My Girlfriend Is a Rock.” Haskins and Edwards were the main writers, with occasional contributions from Kooda, but drummer Giesecke claims credit for their best known song.
When the sessions for We Want Everything! were complete, Haskins and Childress left to form Bag O’ Wire, while the Nervebreakers recruited replacements for an East Coast tour, after which the band folded. Edwards and Kooda followed different musical directions, while Giesecke toured with Roky Erickson (whom the Nervebreakers had backed in 1979).
Fast forward to 2008, when the Nervebreakers reconvened in Haskins’ home studio to record some songs they’d never gotten around to documenting back when. The energy and excitement of the band in its heyday were still in ample supply, along with tunefulness, crunch, and sardonic wit. Highlights include the title track’s snaky rifferama, the leg-twitching rockabilly of “Just Yawn,” the splenetic snarl of “Don’t Wanna Be Used,” and the sprightly punk-country of “I Don’t Wanna Hold Your Hand.” Kooda penned the ennui anthem “Wake Me Up,” and co-wrote the dance-craze theme “They Were Doing the Pogo.” The closing triptych of “It’s Obvious,” “Breaking Down,” and “I’d Rather Die” provides a rousing conclusion to a rockin’ set of tunes that’s long overdue, but right on time.
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alexara-store · 22 hours
SAMSUNG 14" Galaxy Book4 Pro Laptop: A Detailed Review of the 2024 Model
In 2024, Samsung has made a solid move in the ultra-premium laptop market with the release of its Galaxy Book4 Pro. This model, boasting a 14-inch 3K AMOLED touchscreen, is part of the next-generation of Samsung laptops, aimed at professionals, creators, and tech enthusiasts who demand both performance and aesthetics. The Intel Core 7 Ultra Processor, 512GB storage, and cutting-edge security features set the stage for this laptop to be a standout performer in its category. In this in-depth review, we’ll cover every aspect of the Galaxy Book4 Pro, from its design and build quality to its display, performance, battery life, and overall user experience.
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Galaxy Book4 Pro Laptop
Design & Build Quality
Sleek and Professional
The first thing that catches your eye with the Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro is its stunning Moonstone Gray finish, which strikes a perfect balance between professional sophistication and modern minimalism. The smooth metal chassis feels premium in hand, with its brushed aluminum giving off a refined yet robust appearance. At only 1.4 kg (about 3 lbs), this laptop is impressively lightweight and portable, making it an excellent option for people who are constantly on the go.
The thin profile is just 11.9mm thick, meaning it can easily slip into a bag or backpack without adding much bulk. Yet, despite its slimness, the laptop feels solid, thanks to its well-built structure. Samsung’s engineering here ensures that it can withstand the wear and tear of daily usage, while still remaining a fashionable accessory for modern professionals.
Attention to Detail
The hinge on the Galaxy Book4 Pro is smooth and sturdy, allowing the display to open and close with a seamless, reassuring motion. Samsung has paid particular attention to the tactile feel of the keyboard and trackpad — both are well-positioned and responsive, delivering an excellent typing experience with a decent amount of key travel. The backlit keyboard comes in handy for late-night work sessions, offering multiple levels of brightness adjustment.
The laptop also features a wide precision trackpad, which supports all the modern gestures available in Windows 11, ensuring smooth navigation across tasks.
Display: 3K AMOLED Excellence
Crystal-Clear AMOLED Display
Arguably the standout feature of the Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro is its 14-inch 3K AMOLED display with a resolution of 2880 x 1800. This panel is a feast for the eyes, delivering deep blacks, vibrant colors, and sharp visuals that are characteristic of Samsung’s best AMOLED screens. Whether you’re watching movies, editing photos, or simply browsing the web, the colors pop with an incredible range of contrast.
The 3:2 aspect ratio is ideal for productivity tasks, providing more vertical screen real estate to work on documents or browse through long web pages without needing to scroll as frequently. For creatives, the screen’s high pixel density ensures razor-sharp image clarity, while the 100% DCI-P3 color gamut coverage guarantees accurate color representation — an essential feature for video editors, photographers, and designers.
Touchscreen & 360-Degree Flexibility
The Galaxy Book4 Pro isn’t just about beautiful visuals, it also includes a touchscreen with support for multi-touch gestures. The touchscreen is responsive, accurate, and ideal for those who prefer a more hands-on approach to interacting with their laptop. With 360-degree hinge flexibility, it easily transitions between a traditional laptop and a tablet, making it highly versatile for presentations, creative work, or even just casual media consumption.
Performance: Intel Core 7 Ultra Processor & Beyond
Next-Level Processing Power
At the heart of the Galaxy Book4 Pro is the Intel Core 7 Ultra Processor (13th Gen), a powerhouse designed to handle demanding tasks with ease. Whether you’re running multiple programs simultaneously, editing high-definition video, or crunching large datasets, this processor provides the speed and efficiency needed to keep everything running smoothly. It’s especially capable in multi-threaded tasks, outperforming many of its competitors in benchmark tests.
Paired with 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM, the Galaxy Book4 Pro handles multitasking like a breeze. You can effortlessly switch between heavy-duty applications, keeping numerous tabs open, while still enjoying lag-free performance. This laptop is ideal for professionals who need to manage complex workflows, whether it’s content creation, software development, or data analysis.
Graphics & Creative Work
Although the Galaxy Book4 Pro doesn’t come with a discrete GPU, it features Intel’s integrated Iris Xe Graphics, which is more than capable of handling light to moderate graphics work. It can run creative software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and even Premiere Pro with ease, though for more GPU-intensive tasks like 3D rendering or AAA gaming, you might find its performance slightly lacking compared to laptops with dedicated GPUs.
For casual gamers, however, this laptop still holds its own, handling less demanding titles and casual gaming without breaking a sweat.
Storage: Fast & Reliable
With 512GB of NVMe SSD storage, the Galaxy Book4 Pro offers ample space for most users to store their important files, software, and media. The NVMe drive ensures fast read/write speeds, allowing for quick boot times and fast file transfers. If you’re dealing with large files regularly, this speedy storage will save you valuable time, ensuring your laptop performs efficiently even under heavy loads.
For users requiring more storage, the laptop does offer options for external drives, thanks to its Thunderbolt 4 ports and USB-C compatibility.
Security: Advanced Protection
In today’s world, security is paramount, and Samsung has built some impressive features into the Galaxy Book4 Pro to ensure that your data stays safe.
Fingerprint Scanner & Windows Hello
One of the most convenient security features is the integrated fingerprint scanner, embedded in the power button, which works seamlessly with Windows Hello. This feature allows for instant and secure logins without needing to remember a password. It’s fast and reliable, recognizing your fingerprint almost instantly.
Enhanced Privacy Tools
Samsung has also included privacy protection tools, such as Samsung Knox, a security suite that safeguards your laptop from potential cyber threats, including malware and hacking attempts. Additionally, the webcam shield is a physical barrier that can be slid over the camera for extra peace of mind, ensuring that no one can access your camera without your knowledge.
Connectivity & Ports: Plenty of Options
The Galaxy Book4 Pro comes equipped with a decent selection of ports, especially considering its slim profile. It includes:
2 x Thunderbolt 4 ports for fast data transfer and 4K display output
1 x USB-C port
1 x USB-A port for legacy peripherals
1 x HDMI port for external monitors or projectors
3.5mm audio jack for headphones or microphones
microSD card slot for expandable storage
With Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3 on board, the Galaxy Book4 Pro provides super-fast wireless connectivity, ensuring that you can easily connect to the latest wireless networks and Bluetooth devices.
Battery Life: Power That Lasts
The Galaxy Book4 Pro is equipped with a 63Wh battery, which provides all-day battery life under moderate use. Samsung promises up to 12 hours of usage on a single charge, and in real-world tests, the laptop comfortably lasts between 8–10 hours of typical usage — enough for a full day of work without needing to constantly search for an outlet.
Even when running more power-hungry applications or using the display at maximum brightness, the laptop still offers impressive battery longevity, making it an ideal companion for long workdays, flights, or conferences. And when you do need to charge, the fast charging capability allows the laptop to get back up to 50% battery in just under 30 minutes with the included 65W USB-C charger.
Software: Windows 11 & Samsung Ecosystem
The Galaxy Book4 Pro ships with Windows 11 pre-installed, which offers a clean and modern interface along with enhanced features for multitasking, productivity, and gaming. One of the standout aspects of Samsung’s laptops is how well they integrate with the rest of the Samsung ecosystem. If you’re a Samsung user, especially if you have a Galaxy smartphone or tablet, you’ll appreciate features like Samsung DeX, Quick Share, and Link to Windows, which provide seamless syncing between devices.
For example, Quick Share lets you transfer files between your Galaxy devices quickly and wirelessly, and Samsung Notes syncs effortlessly, allowing you to take notes on your Galaxy tablet and view them instantly on your laptop. Multi Control lets you control multiple devices from your laptop keyboard and trackpad, providing an intuitive multi-device workflow.
User Experience: What It’s Like Day-to-Day
From a day-to-day usage standpoint, the Galaxy Book4 Pro delivers a smooth, enjoyable experience. Its lightweight design, paired with the vivid display and responsive performance, makes it an excellent laptop for professionals who need a reliable machine for both work and play.
For students, creatives, and remote workers, the 14-inch form factor strikes a good balance between screen real estate and portability. Whether you’re working on a video project, giving a presentation, or just consuming media, the AMOLED screen makes everything look stunning, and the Intel Core 7 Ultra Processor keeps up with your demands.
The quiet fans ensure that even during intensive tasks, the laptop stays cool without generating distracting noise, which adds to the premium feel of the device.
To buy this product, Click here
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rawdatabyp3 · 27 days
Modernizing through Data for Literal Growth with Paul Grissom of PAR
Think farming and data don’t mix? Think again! In this episode, Paul Grissom from Pacific Ag Rentals (PAR) brings the heat, showing how data is shaking things up in agriculture. From slashing manual work to making on-the-spot decisions with real-time insights, Paul shares how technology is helping PAR not just keep up, but thrive. Whether you're a data geek or just curious about how tech is fueling growth in unexpected ways, this episode is a fun, eye-opening ride into the future of farming.
Paul doesn’t hold back—he shares an honest take on what it’s like to bring data into a hands-on industry like agriculture. You’ll hear how PAR is using data to optimize equipment, streamline their operations, and seriously level up their business. And the best part? It’s not just about crunching numbers; it’s about seeing real growth and making smarter moves every day. If you think data is only for tech companies, Paul's story will change your mind—and maybe even get you excited about what data can do for your business.
What makes this episode a must-listen? Paul’s down-to-earth vibe and no-fluff approach. He breaks it all down so anyone can understand how data is making a real-world impact, even in an industry as hands-on as farming. It’s the kind of story that shows how a little tech can go a long way, no matter what field you’re in. If you’re looking for inspiration on how data can fuel growth in your own world, this is the episode for you!
Loved what you heard? Let us know! Leave a review and tell us what you think—your feedback helps us bring you more awesome stories like Paul’s, packed with insights you can use right now.
Check out this episode!
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Navigating Finances with a Small Business Accountant in Burlington
Running a small business comes with its unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing finances. Whether you're a startup or an established business, having a reliable accountant by your side can make a world of difference. Small business accountants in Burlington are invaluable partners, helping entrepreneurs streamline their financial processes, ensure compliance, and ultimately, support growth.
The Role of a Small Business Accountant
A small business accountant does more than just crunch numbers. They offer a wide range of services tailored to the specific needs of small businesses, including:
Bookkeeping and Financial Record Keeping: Accurate and up-to-date financial records are the backbone of any business. Accountants manage daily transactions, keep track of expenses, and ensure that all records are maintained systematically.
Tax Preparation and Planning: Taxes can be a major burden for small businesses, but with the right accountant, this burden can be significantly reduced. Accountants help with tax preparation, ensuring that all deductions and credits are applied correctly, and assist with tax planning strategies to minimize tax liabilities.
Financial Analysis and Reporting: Understanding your financial health is crucial for making informed business decisions. Accountants provide regular financial reports, analyze trends, and offer insights into the financial status of the business, helping owners make strategic decisions.
Budgeting and Forecasting: Planning for the future is vital for the sustainability of any business. Accountants assist in creating budgets and financial forecasts, helping business owners set realistic goals and allocate resources efficiently.
Compliance and Regulatory Guidance: Navigating the complexities of business regulations can be daunting. Accountants ensure that businesses comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including tax laws, employment standards, and financial reporting requirements.
Benefits of Hiring a Small Business Accountant in Burlington
Burlington is home to a vibrant community of small businesses across various industries. Whether you run a retail store, a tech startup, or a local service-based business, hiring a small business accountant in Burlington can offer several advantages:
Local Expertise: Accountants familiar with the Burlington area understand the local market dynamics, economic conditions, and specific regulations that may affect your business. This local expertise can be invaluable in tailoring financial strategies to your business's unique needs.
Personalized Service: Small business accountants often offer more personalized services compared to larger accounting firms. They take the time to understand your business, providing tailored advice and solutions that align with your goals.
Cost Savings: While hiring an accountant is an investment, the cost savings they can generate through efficient tax planning, accurate bookkeeping, and strategic financial advice often outweigh the initial costs. They help identify potential savings and optimize your financial operations.
Peace of Mind: With an accountant handling your finances, you can focus on what you do best—running your business. Knowing that your financial affairs are in expert hands provides peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on growth and innovation.
Choosing the Right Small Business Accountant
When selecting a small business accountant in Burlington, consider the following factors:
Experience and Expertise: Look for accountants with experience in your industry and a proven track record of helping small businesses succeed.
Certifications and Credentials: Ensure that the accountant holds relevant certifications, such as Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), and is a member of recognized professional bodies.
References and Reviews: Ask for references and read reviews from other small business owners to gauge the accountant's reputation and reliability.
Communication and Availability: Choose an accountant who communicates clearly and is available to answer your questions and address your concerns promptly.
Technology and Tools: In today’s digital age, accountants who use modern accounting software and tools can offer more efficient and accurate services.
A small business accountant is more than just a financial advisor; they are a partner in your business's success. In Burlington, finding the right accountant can provide you with the financial clarity and support needed to navigate the challenges of running a small business. Whether you're just starting out or looking to optimize your existing operations, investing in a skilled accountant can be a game-changer for your business's growth and stability.
Dean & Associates Accounting in Burlington is your go-to partner for expert financial management tailored to the small business. With their specialized knowledge, personalized service, and comprehensive offerings, they are well-equipped to help your practice achieve financial success.
Contact Dean & Associates Accounting today and discover how their expertise can benefit your small business.
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financialinvests · 6 months
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ideasdome · 6 months
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railrecipee · 8 months
RailRecipe – A Gastronomic Journey on the Rails
Embarking on a train journey becomes a delightful gastronomic adventure with RailRecipe, turning the simple act of eating into a feast on the move. Say goodbye to the days of settling for dull train meals; RailRecipe is here to ensure that every journey is a flavorful experience, bringing an array of delicious dishes right to your seat.
An Array of Flavors for Every Taste: RailRecipe understands that every passenger is unique, and so is their palate. The menu is a diverse tapestry of flavors, offering a variety that caters to different preferences. Whether you crave the warmth of traditional Indian curries, the crunch of a fresh salad, or the comfort of continental delights, RailRecipe has something to satisfy every taste bud.
Effortless Ordering for Everyone: RailRecipe commitment to simplicity ensures that ordering food is a breeze for everyone. Whether you're tech-savvy or prefer a straightforward approach, RailRecipe's user-friendly website and mobile app make the process easy. A few clicks or taps, and you've secured a ticket to a delightful culinary journey, allowing you to relax and enjoy the scenic beauty outside your train window.
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Quality Assurance – Freshness at Every Bite: What sets RailRecipe apart is its dedication to delivering not just tasty but also fresh and high-quality meals. Every dish is crafted in modern kitchens, adhering to rigorous hygiene standards. The ingredients are sourced from trusted suppliers, guaranteeing not only authenticity but also the freshness of each ingredient. RailRecipe prioritizes your safety and satisfaction, ensuring that each bite is a moment of culinary joy.
Dining at Your Convenience: Understanding the value of your time, RailRecipe offers flexibility in choosing your preferred delivery time. Whether you're an early riser looking for a breakfast boost, a midday snacker, or someone craving a late-night nibble, RailRecipe ensures that your meals arrive when it suits you best. It's dining on your schedule, adding a personal touch to your travel experience.
Communal Feasting for Groups: RailRecipe goes beyond individual travelers, catering to the spirit of togetherness. The group ordering option is perfect for families, friends, or colleagues traveling together. Sharing a meal becomes a communal experience, turning your train compartment into a cozy dining room where stories are shared and bonds are strengthened over delightful dishes.
Customer Satisfaction as the Ultimate Destination: At RailRecipe, customer satisfaction is not just a goal but the ultimate destination. The positive feedback and glowing reviews from satisfied passengers showcase RailRecipe's success in turning train journeys into flavorful adventures. It's not merely about reaching your destination; it's about enjoying the journey itself, and RailRecipe ensures that each meal becomes a highlight of your travel story.
In Conclusion: RailRecipe is not just a food in train delivery service; it's your culinary companion on the tracks. With a diverse menu, an easy-to-navigate platform, and an unwavering commitment to quality, RailRecipe transforms every train ride into a delightful culinary journey. The next time you embark on a train adventure, let RailRecipe be your gastronomic guide, ensuring that your meals are as enjoyable as the landscapes passing by outside your window. Step into a world of taste with RailRecipe – where every meal is a celebration of flavor, convenience, and joy on the rails.
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Florida Pest Control Service: Keeping Your Home Safe and Sound
Hey there, homeowners! If you're living in the Sunshine State or the vibrant city of Dubai, you probably know that dealing with pests is just a part of life. But fear not, because we're here to chat about the wonders of pest control, and why it's a game-changer for your home sweet home.
Bugs, Bugs Everywhere: Understanding the Pest Scene
Florida, with its tropical climate, is like a paradise for pests. Mosquitoes, termites, and all sorts of critters love to call it home. And let's not forget Dubai, with its unique challenges, battling desert pests and urban invaders. But fret not; we've got the scoop on how to keep these unwanted guests at bay.
The Heroic Pest Control Professionals
Enter the pest control professionals, the unsung heroes of the homeowner's world. These experts aren't just bug zappers; they're protectors of your health, property, and sanity. We'll explore why calling in the pros is a smart move and how they work their magic.
Choosing Your Pest Control Avengers
Selecting the right pest control squad is crucial. Recommendations from friends and online reviews are gold. But wait, there's more – make sure they're licensed and certified. It's like assembling your Avengers team, ensuring they have the right superpowers to tackle your pest foes.
Pests, Pests, Go Away: A Guide to Common Intruders
Let's get to know your enemy – from disease-carrying mosquitoes to property-damaging termites. We'll break down the risks each pest brings and how to spot them before they turn your cozy home into their haven.
Pest Control Magic: The IPM Approach
Ever heard of IPM? It's like the wizardry of pest control. Integrated Pest Management combines biology, chemistry, and culture to fight pests effectively. We'll explore why it's the Gandalf of pest control methods.
Eco-Friendly Pest Control: Saving the Planet, One Bug at a Time
For the environmentally conscious homeowners out there, fear not. Pest control can be eco-friendly too! We'll dive into the green options available, ensuring you can kick pests out without harming Mother Earth.
DIY or Pro: The Pest Control Dilemma
To DIY or not to DIY, that is the question. We'll weigh the pros and cons of taking matters into your own hands versus bringing in the professionals. Spoiler alert: sometimes, it's better to let the experts handle it.
Dubai's Pest Control Marvels
Switching gears to Dubai – what's the pest situation in this bustling city? We'll discover the challenges and how the pest control professionals in Dubai tackle them. It's like learning the origin story of your favorite superhero.
Safety First: A Guide to Pest Control Practices
When the pest control heroes arrive, safety is the top priority. We'll share tips on how to ensure the well-being of your family and pets during and after the pest control mission.
Cheers to Success: Customer Testimonials
Nothing beats a success story. We've gathered tales from real folks who've battled pests and emerged victorious, thanks to pest control professionals. Get ready for some feel-good reading!
The Future of Pest Control: Tech and Trends
Pest control isn't stuck in the past. We'll explore the latest tech innovations making waves in the industry. Smart traps and data-driven solutions – the future is now!
Crunching Numbers: What Pest Control Costs
Let's talk money. Pest control costs can vary, but we'll break down the factors influencing the price tag. It's an investment in a pest-free future for your home.
No More Bugs: Tips for a Pest-Free Haven
Prevention is the key to a bug-free life. We'll share practical tips for keeping pests at bay between professional visits. It's like having your superhero utility belt!
There you have it, the ultimate guide to pest control in Florida and Dubai. From choosing your pest-fighting squad to eco-friendly options and future tech, we've covered it all. Remember, a pest-free home is a happy home!
FAQs – Your Burning Questions Answered
Q1: How often do I need pest control in Florida?
A: It depends on the pests and severity. Pros can guide you on the optimal schedule.
Q2: Are pest control chemicals safe for pets and kids?
A: Yep, pros use safe stuff, but follow guidelines for extra peace of mind.
Q3: Can I DIY pest control with store-bought products?
A: DIY can work short-term, but pros bring the big guns for lasting results.
Q4: What pests does Dubai deal with?
A: Everything from desert critters to urban invaders. Pros there are pest-fighting experts.
Q5: How do I keep pests away between pro visits?
A: Regular maintenance, sealing entry points, and staying clean do the trick!
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roostisgood12 · 9 months
Convenience at Your Fingertips: Order Roost Fried Chicken Online
A Feast for the Senses:
Roost Fried Chicken is renowned for its succulent, flavorful, and perfectly crispy chicken that appeals to the taste buds of chicken lovers everywhere. The online ordering platform ensures that this delectable feast is just a few clicks away, bringing the savory aroma and delightful crunch of Roost Fried Chicken directly to your doorstep. From traditional bone-in pieces to tenders and wings, the menu caters to a variety of preferences, making it a go-to choice for those seeking a satisfying and savory meal.
User-Friendly Ordering Process:
The user-friendly interface of Roost Fried Chicken's online ordering system makes the entire process a breeze. With a few simple clicks, customers can browse through the menu, customize their orders, and choose from a range of sides and beverages to complement their meal. The intuitive design ensures that even those who are not tech-savvy can navigate the platform with ease, Order Roost Fried Chicken Online making the experience enjoyable for everyone.
Time-Saving Convenience:
In a world where time is of the essence, the convenience of ordering Roost Fried Chicken online is unparalleled. No longer do customers have to endure long lines or wait times at the restaurant. The efficient online ordering system allows patrons to place their orders in advance, specifying their preferred pickup time or opting for seamless delivery. This time-saving aspect ensures that the deliciousness of Roost Fried Chicken is delivered to your doorstep or ready for pickup precisely when you want it.
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Exclusive Deals and Offers:
Roost Fried Chicken understands the value of customer loyalty, and its online platform is not just about convenience but also about rewarding its patrons. Exclusive deals, discounts, and promotional offers are often available to those who choose to order online, Fried Chicken Lakeview Chicago adding an extra layer of incentive for customers to opt for the digital route. These special promotions make the online ordering experience not only practical but also economically appealing.
Reviews and Recommendations:
The online ordering platform also provides a space for customers to leave reviews and recommendations, sharing their experiences with others. This feature allows potential customers to make informed decisions about their orders, ensuring that they are getting the quality and satisfaction that Roost Fried Chicken promises.
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fragile-practice · 10 months
When Mass Surveillance is Just Good Business
Week in review: Nov 19th — 26th Welcome back! A little-known surveillance program has been data mining more than a trillion US phone records every year, and the OpenAI leadership struggle ends.
And as always, many other developments across technology, the shifting web, and digital privacy.
Handle with care.
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The GPT to rule them all: Training for one trillion parameter model backed by Intel and the US government has just begun — Tech Radar; Keumars Afifi-Sabet
A new AI research project, backed by Intel and the US government, called ScienceGPT is underway, aiming to train a one-trillion-parameter generative AI model.
The model will be trained on a massive dataset of scientific data with the goal of creating an AI that can make groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
Note: I assume ChatGPT was also trained on many of the same scientific journals, although the US gov may have some proprietary datasets holed up in the national labs. I look forward to seeing models come out that have been trained more exclusively on data from a particular field and comparing those models to custom GPTs based on ChatGPT 4. There are probably compute efficiencies to a smaller model, but I think there might be accuracy gains there too.
China lobs tech demo into orbit for People’s Republic version of Starlink — The Register; Richard Speed
China has launched a satellite constellation of 12 satellites that could be used for a Starlink-like internet service.
The satellites are in a polar orbit, which means they could provide coverage to remote areas.
Note: The amount of investment into space-based internet connectivity seems to ensure it will be viable for much of the world within the next decade. How will these satellites keep up with technological advances? Will these companies be able to launch entirely new constellations along with generational technical achievements?
Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems — MIT News; Allessandra DiCorato
Researchers have developed a new algorithm that has identified nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems.
CRISPR is a gene-editing tool that is revolutionizing biology and medicine.
The new systems have different properties than the well-known CRISPR-Cas9 system.
This could lead to the development of new CRISPR-based tools for research and therapy.
Sam Altman to return as CEO of OpenAI — The Verge; Nilay Patel and Alex Heath
Sam is back, and the board has been reshuffled at the demand of investors — Microsoft chief among them- and employees.
Note: The discourse has been focused on how inept the board was, and how sophomoric their move to ouster Sam without specific cause was. The board was out of their depth as to how to fire a popular founder-CEO, but I think it warrants taking seriously they believe OpenAI was going down the wrong path, and over-prioritizing profitability compared to safety.
OpenAI’s crisis will sow the seeds of the next generation of AI startups — Tech Crunch; Tim De Chant
OpenAI’s recent turmoil could lead to the creation of a new generation of AI startups that are more open about their work and more committed to ethical AI development.
Note: Chaos may convince some venture capital that there is an opportunity to chip away at OpenAI’s dominance, but their alignment towards profit-seeking over safety probably makes it less likely that any new players can make it big.
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The Shifting Web
Windows-as-an-app is coming — COMPUTERWORLD; Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
The app-based approach could also make it easier to run Windows on different devices, including smartphones and tablets.
Note: Microsoft has a lot of work to do to make Windows an experience I would use on either a tablet or smartphone. I’m sure Microsoft shareholders favor stricter account / subscription authentication. If they make this the core windows experience, Linux might finally have its heyday.
Internet out: India deploys shutdowns in name of security — TechXplore; Aishwarya Jumar and Parvaiz Bukhari
The reasons cited for internet shutdowns include protests, exams, and national security concerns.
Critics say that the shutdowns are a violation of free speech and are often used to suppress dissents.
Note: Sad to see these tools of totalitarianism make their way into a democracy. It will be interesting to see how governments employing heavy-handed censorship methods react to the widespread availability of satellite communications.
Hallmark Channel Won the Streaming Wars — Wired; Angela Watercutter
The Hallmark Channel has been a dominant force in the streaming wars, thanks to its loyal fanbase and its consistent release of holiday-themed content.
The channel’s streaming service, Hallmark Movies Now, has over 2 million subscribers.
Note: Credit to Hallmark for showcasing a transition from TV that is both profitable and not anti-consumer. $6 a month seems pretty reasonable, and I can’t help wish for the alternative timeline where TV channels all were available for a few bucks a month.
Elon Musk’s X could lose $75 million in ad revenue following antisemitic content backlash — Engadget; Mariella Moon
Several major advertisers have pulled their ads from X, including General Motors, Ford, and Audi.
OpenAI’s mess exposes the dangers of vendor lock-in for startups — Tech Crunch; Ron Miller
The recent turmoil at OpenAI has highlighted the dangers of vendor lock-in for startups.
OpenAI’s problems have stemmed in part from its reliance on Microsoft Azure for its cloud computing needs.
Note: The day Open AI’s Azure credits run out, does OpenAI have enough revenue to diversify to AWS or another provider? Or are they trading for Azure credits in perpetuity?
Inside the Operation to Bring Down Trump’s Truth Social — Wired; David Gilbert
The North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO) have set about manipulating trending topics on Truth Social and have had success exceeding their original objectives.
Now they are looking to take the platform down entirely ahead of the 2024 election.
Note: It’s very funny to show so concisely why these platforms require moderation and firm guardrails — which Truth Social was made to dispute. However, Truth Social users will do a lot more damage if their platform dies, and they migrate back to mainstream platforms. NFAO’s goals don’t align with their stated intent. Besides, right wing fascist assholes have X now. What is Truth Social even for anymore?
Google admits Spotify pays no Play Store fees because of a secret deal — Tech Crunch; Ivan Mehta
Google has admitted that Spotify pays no Play Store fees because of a secret deal.
The deal was reportedly struck in 2019 and allows Spotify to avoid paying the 30% fee that Google typically charges developers.
The deal has been criticized by some as being anticompetitive.
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Surveillance & Digital Privacy
Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records — Wired; Dell Cameron, Dhruv Mehrotra
The Data Analytical Services (DAS) program, run by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), has come under fire for its lack of transparency and accountability.
The program grants law enforcement access to the phone records of any individual in the United States, regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.
Critics argue that the program is a blatant violation of privacy rights and should be immediately discontinued.
Note: AT&T’s decades worth of call logs are kept not because the government requires them to, but because they know they can be turned for a profit. Government use of data brokers — both small-scale and mega corps like AT&T- will continue to offer a legal loophole until peddling personal digital information is outlawed and privacy regulation enacted.
Net privacy wars will be with us always. Let’s set some rules — The Register; Ruper Goodwins
eIDAS is an EU regulation passed in 2014 with the stated purpose of governing “electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions.”
The EU now wants to revise eIDAS to transfer the authority to generate digital certificates that control the security of protocols like HTTPS.
This would give states, state-approved organizations, or anyone corruptly part of that particular chain of trust, the ability to make fake sites that monitor and decrypt Web traffic silently and at scale.
Note: This would be a privacy hellscape for the EU.
DPRK Hackers Masquerade as Tech Recruiters, Job Seekers — Dark Reading; Nate Nelson
North Korean hackers have been posing as tech recruiters or applicants and are employing two distinct campaigns: Contagious Interview and Wagemole.
The Contagious Interview campaign tricks unsuspecting applicants into installing malware during the interview process.
In Wagemole, they disguise themselves as jobseekers to gain access to internal networks and steal valuable data.
GenAI Requires New, Intelligent Defenses — Dark Reading; Banghua Zhu, Jiantao Jiao, David Wagner
GenAI models, capable of generating realistic text, code, and images, can be manipulated to produce malicious or misleading content.
Techniques like jail breaking and prompt injection can be used to exploit AI models. Traditional security measures are often ineffective against these new threats.
The authors propose two novel defense approaches: black-box defense, which utilizes an intelligent monitoring system to detect anomalies, and white-box defense, which involves modifying the AI model itself.
The FCC says new rules will curb SIM swapping. I’m pessimistic — Ars Technica; Dan Goodin
SIM swapping and port-out scams involve tricking wireless carriers into transferring a victim’s phone number to a malicious actor’s device, allowing the attacker to intercept calls, messages, and even two-factor authentication codes.
The new FCC rules require carriers to implement additional safeguards, such as two-factor authentication and PIN verification.
Goodin argues that these measures are too vague — failing to identify specific authentication methods. He also believes that the culture and history of apathy from the big telecoms suggest they are unlikely to take the initiative to develop sound practices.
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Handle with care.
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hiringjournal · 11 months
The Top Skills to Look for When Hiring an App Developer in India
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In the tech-savvy digital age, the demand for skilled app developers is progressively soaring. As the need to hire mobile app developers is accelerating and the recruitment market is faced with a severe talent crunch one way to address the widening talent gap is hiring remote talent.
India has emerged as the global leader and a preferred destination to hire tech talent remotely. Given the abundance of talent availability and hiring demand for Indian talent, it can be overwhelming for hiring managers to identify a qualified candidate. To streamline this hiring challenge you must carefully evaluate the skill set of the applicants. In this article let’s look at what are the top skills and qualities you should seek in an app developer in the dynamic market. 
What Skills Evaluation Can Ensure Your Project’s Success
To ensure the success of your project, when you hire dedicated mobile app developers you must evaluate the following skill set which is a judicious combination of technical and soft skills. 
Experience and work portfolio
A developer's work portfolio and a substantial record of their professional experience are a valuable testament to their ability. Reviewing their previous work samples and experience can provide insights related to their work quality, coding style, expertise, reliability, and versatility. Also, look if they have experience in diverse industrial segments such as gaming, e-commerce, or any other software development projects.
Programming Prowess
It’s a fundamental skill for any app developer to be proficient in top-rated programming languages such as Kotlin, Java, React Native, Swift, etc. These languages form the cornerstone for the development of applications across diverse platforms. A competent developer is not just one who has a strong command over the languages but also one who exhibits adaptability along with an exceptional understanding of the best coding practices to render a functional and secure app interface.
UI/UX Design Expertise
When considering app development UI/UX are also pivotal aspects. A developer who is well-versed in creating appealing aesthetics and a seamless user experience is a valuable investment. Hire mobile app developers who understand the design principles, user behavior, and user preferences thoroughly and have an eye for detail to craft user-friendly and intuitive applications. 
Cross-Platform Development Skills
With the diversity of devices and operating systems available in the market, cross-platform development is of immense value. Therefore, an adaptive mobile app developer is one who is skilled in diverse frameworks such as Flutter, React Native, or Xamarin. This allows the developers to create apps compatible with several platforms saving time and money.
Problem-solving and Analytical Ability
One of the vital people skills to evaluate when you hire mobile app talent is their problem-solving approach and ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues. These skills are like the hallmark of an efficient developer as they assist them in better identifying the problems, devising realistic solutions, and optimizing the application’s performance. 
Concluding Remarks
In a nutshell, to hire mobile app developers who are an appropriate fit for your vacant position you must carefully evaluate the above-mentioned skills. By carefully assessing a multitude of skills and qualities you can be assured of their suitability for the job. Choosing to appoint Indian talent for your application development will not only help to meet your project requirements but also exceed your expectations for the project's success.
Uplers can be your one-stop talent partner if you want to hire the top 3.5% of pre-vetted Indian remote talent. At up to 40% cost-savings you can matchmake an exceptionally competent candidate profile in less than 2 weeks. With zero hassle you can hire Indian mobile app developers from across 5+ time zones. To know more check Uplers website today. 
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