#Crypt's Scribbles (art tag)
dragon-subway · 5 months
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"Who cares if we're a little lost - look at these guys!" "I care, Fives, I care"
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lil guy (study)
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koritea · 2 years
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Your honor: Them.
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wayward-writers · 3 years
Monday MoodBoards
character mood boards (we'll reblog any under our tracker tags #waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Tall Tales Tuesdays
writing based off of thursday's prompt (we'll reblog any under our tracker tags #waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Wellness Wednesdays
self-care reminders, tips, and check-ins
Thursday Themes
prompt night (we'll reblog anything made in response) we post a prompt for the week (to be posted on Tuesdays)
Fluffiest Fridays
pet pics all round
Saturday Night Song Recs
swap songs with us please (we'll make a playlist of all of our suggestions and yours)
Sunday Scribbles
posting our quick pieces of art and reblogging any pieces under our tracker tags (#waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Meet the server below the cut:
Hi there! I’m E || @walksinstarllight on Tumblr. She/her, they/them, aroace and cas-coded through and through. I've only pretty recently gotten into Supernatural, but it has definitely carved its own place into my heart. I adore all of these characters (Cas especially), and I want to help give them the endings they deserve. I'm the Sera Gamble of the Wayward Writers (but better), and I'll be doing mainly plot and meta stuff here (that is, when I'm not screaming about fanfics), but I'm hoping to try my hand at writing as well. This project, and the people here, already mean so much to me, and I'm so glad to be a part of the Wayward Road. 
Hey, I'm Kat (K). My tumblr is @apathetichristmascracker come say hi - you'll see me around on this tumblr too alongside sonia, erin, and intro and outro. I'm C's Wine Sis, she's the dark to my twisty (greys ref), and I spend a ridiculous amount of time in the voice chats with Sonia and Erin just pissing about (they're great writers btw). According to the latest uquiz, I'm dean-coded, but I like to think I'm closer to end!cas. I'm 19 and in my first year of uni so this is me, banging a few gongs before the lights go out and I'm plunged into the real adult world (where I'm sure I'll continue as normal and it'll be no big deal, but I like to dramatise). I've been watching the show since S10 and I am obviously not ready to let Sam, Dean, Cas, and the rest of our babies go. So I'm here and I'm just really excited to hang out and get creative with the rest of Wayward Writers - write a lil love, write a lil pain. Of all the spn writer aliases we Waywards have adopted, I'm the Robbie Thompson lmao (the crypt, chronos, etc). I've worked with some particularly dope people on this project and we have some big brains - erin is our resident brain cell - in our ranks, so I can assure you peeps this is gonna be a wild ride on both our ends, in the best way.
Hi! So I'm Sonia - dean-coded hahaha I'm healthy™ I use she/her (tbh it's more any pronouns genders weird OK? I have no clue where I stand on it lmao) my tumblr is @carlgrimeschildsoldier I've been a supernatural fan for like 10 years now it's been a long decade I joined this project just to have some fun (not to say I don't take this rewrite seriously cause ofc I do) with rewriting, I love coming up with ideas and I've been really getting into writing due to all this which is awesome! So I help out with plot lbr I just throw ideas at the wall to see which ones stick lmao coherent thoughts who? and writing scripts I also wanna try writing novels! I've also ended up doing some of the Lore which hasn't made me wanna cry at all and am also helping out on the tumblr now too. I'm also pretty well known for being one of the ones always around lmao having a life who now? I'm also well known for being angsty af so in the nicest way possible I hope to make you all cry lmao. I'm really glad to be working on such a cool project and to see all the ideas everyone comes up with, I can't wait for you to see what we've created!
Heya all, I'm Cendense. I am found on my multi-purpose tumblr which is @centroverted . Any questions about me are likely to be answered there! Just look for the person with a Wei Ying pic somewhere on their layout. I'm an English major and tend to throw words at a wall and hope they stick! I got into spn around the ninth season and got repeatedly drawn back in due to certain things~ happening. I'm often about just spouting randomness to my fellow writers in this project, who have kept my life interesting the past few months. I'm going to vanish into the background now, as is my specialty, but rumor has it that if you say "The Untamed" in front of your tumblr three times in a row I shall appear.
Hey, I'm C. and I go by she/her. My tumblr is @dadstiel-trenchcoat . I'm currently in university and soon about to start a master program. My lovely subjects are English and Philosophy. I'm Davy Perez and one half of Ava(lance) of the Wayward Writers. Me and my other half A. hope to bring you some quality crossover content.™️ I also hope to live up to Perez' name and get justice for our shy, but devastatingly handsome angel. When I'm not simping for the Legends or SPN characters, chances are I'm on VC with my Wine Sis K. I wanna do a little bit of everything but my main focus will be writing and plot ideas. I might also do some work as a scribe because otherwise my attention span will give up after 30 minutes. Fun fact: I'm both claire- and donna-coded so I will be up at 3AM having the time of my life but also yell at you (softly) to go to bed. Also I'm a petty betty™️.
Heyo! I'm Gabriel (they/them), and the president of the Balthazar Deserved Better Club. My tumblr @ is @i-miss-balthazar . In this project, I contribute as a writer, lore researcher, plot planner, and sexy sax player. I'm also your resident simp, both for the characters and our talented Ether as well heart_eyes . All cards on the table, I joined solely to help Balthazar get what he deserved. However in working on this, I've found a deeper appreciation for all the characters, even the ones I wasn't initially a fan of. I'm thrilled to be a part of the Wayward Road, and I can't wait until we get to share it with y'all.
Hey :) I'm Ether, or Eth for short, he/they, cas-coded sam-girl (gender neutral), charlie and kevin stan and president of the Sam Winchester protection squad.  My tumblr is @tesghosterone and I've been watching the show sort of on and off for about 4 years. My job here is mainly for plot ideas and writing, but I'm trying my hand at meta and lore as well (when I actually have the braincell, that is). I spend most of my time here making my memes, drinking tea, creating Spotify playlists for random things and characters, and throwing random ideas around about subjects that make me sparkles feel things sparkles. other than simping for fictional characters, I am also my Gabriel's (not the archangel) biggest fan <3 I joined to do the characters (i.e. sam) justice and try and fix the plot inconsistencies that bugged me and turn them into something beautiful, and yes i am bitter about the special kids' arc in season 2, and the treatment of a number of minor characters (cough rufus turner and bela talbot cough). I am so happy to be here, working with these wonderful people, and I'm very excited to contribute to this project <3
Hi we’re Intro and Outro! Our tumblr @'s are @internetintroverts and @yourfinalbow , respectively. We do almost all of our work on the project together, which is why we’ve been dubbed “The Chaos Twins”, and we're the official Bucklemming of Wayward Road. We also spent 30+ hours writing Phantom Traveler and that episode has pretty much scarred us for life. But it's ok because time flies when you're- Sorry that 1x04 reference just slipped out. Right now we co-run some Tumblrs together and drink a lot of chocolate milk at 3 am while we try to get work done. Outro is a Dean-coded Dean girl (gn), Intro is a Cas-coded Dean girl (gn), and we're both definitely clowns. We hope you enjoy all the work we do, otherwise we really will be Bucklemming.
Hi everyone I'm Ael. One drink in hand for hydratation, a knife in the other to protect you all. Any pronouns are fine by me, I'm in my twenties and well I'm half-Dean half-Cas coded if it's any indication for you all! I love plotting ideas and doing lore research. I'm a professional Pic -Spammer and have too many Fandoms to do anything with my life. I'm the other half of (Ava)lance. Can't wait to share more with all of you! Tumblr: @tenji-whale-ael
Hi, I’m Rosalie! (they/them) My favorite color is blue like my spouse Blue :)) I don’t really use tumblr sorry. I love to write and I help write scripts for the rewrite (or I will once the universe gives me time to do it) You can check out my stuff on ao3! My user is rosepose!
Hi, I’m Lane! Also known as Thee Chaotic Fairy of Wholesomeness. My pronouns are she/her and my tumblr handle is @lanethesimp . I art things but I will occasionally be writing things as well within this project. I started really watching Supernatural a few years ago and the rest is history. I’m an endverse!Cas coded and Dean-coded girl. But there are so many other characters that I really love and are close to my heart. I’m honored to be a part of a project dedicated to creating a more satisfying ending for the characters I believe we’ve all grown to know & love. Not only for them, but for all of us who may have felt left out in the end. And I’m also very honored to be working with such amazing people and creating something great. I can assure you that this journey on the Wayward Road is going to be a fun one.
(Cas voice) Hello. I’m Elle! I use she/they pronouns. I’m a Sam-Coded Cas girl and it shows. I started watching Spn during season 12 after it was recommended by a friend. I’m the Bobo Berens of the project so I’ll be doing writing and plot . When I’m not writing for Wayward Road, you can find me making memes, sending gifs to Carrot, completing crack fic requests, or spewing angsty headcanons. Come say hi, my Tumblr is @ellewritessometimes .
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dragon-subway · 6 months
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too bad the Jedi couldn’t see the warning sign :/
quick n simple based and using images from this warning signs post
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dragon-subway · 1 month
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taking a moment to relax after a long day of being good at his job
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dragon-subway · 14 days
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Quick thing for his day
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dragon-subway · 8 months
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Average day with the coruscant guard
quick n silly inspired by this post and @//ddeck’s tags on it
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dragon-subway · 9 months
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happy cody day to all those who celebrate
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dragon-subway · 28 days
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Been thinking about @furious-blueberry0’s post on Palawan braids since yesterday, thought I might have a go too ^^
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dragon-subway · 8 months
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uhh yea I’m. Im not gonna finish this so have the thumbnail
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dragon-subway · 7 months
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and even fewer deserve
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dragon-subway · 2 months
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Ah, well, they weren’t planning on taking any layers off anyways. Surely this will lead to no problems
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dragon-subway · 6 months
Well that’s one way to greet your general (warning for blood and animal death)
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dragon-subway · 2 months
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Had the absolute pleasure of working with @barbaricyawn for the Star Wars prequels big bag event organised by @swprequels-big-bang! Please check out his fic: Field Trip
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dragon-subway · 3 months
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Little bug
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