troydooly · 1 year
iX Global CEO Joe Martinez Shares Insider Information On The SEC Lawsuit!
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ladookhotnikov · 9 days
Beyond the Glamour: How Famous Faces Can Mask Crypto Scams
You look at the screen and see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson promoting “Rock Coin”. It catches your eye. You would never pay attention to this asset, but you like what you hear. 
So, you think: "After all, if The Rock himself is backing the project, it must be trustworthy, right?" 
You’re not alone in thinking this. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has legions of fans who might think the same, so they rush to invest. Even those who aren’t his fans might assume that the project is credible if a Hollywood celebrity is involved in it.
But then the truth comes out. It turns out that the coin is a scam and Dwayne Johnson never endorsed it. He distanced himself from the project when he realized his name had been misused. You’re left feeling duped.
Does this sound familiar? There are many similar cases. Celebrities have long been used to boost crypto projects. But does their endorsement guarantee legitimacy? Not at all. Quite on the contrary, it's a red flag. Take the examples of Shaquille O’Neal, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Mike Tyson, or Lindsay Lohan – what happened to those projects? All of them have been involved in crypto promotions that later fell apart. They likely didn't even guess about the true nature of those projects.
Many people fall into this trap. They think that a project must be legitimate if a celebrity backs it. But what is the reason for it? Is it because we inherently trust successful people? Their fame has nothing to do with financial expertise. Celebrities aren’t financial experts.
That doesn’t mean every celebrity-endorsed crypto project is a scam but numbers are concerning. By 2023, nearly 40% of celebrity-backed crypto projects were revealed to be fraudulent.
So, what should you do? Always do your own research. See the celeb’s endorsement? Consider it a red flag and research even more carefully.
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cryptotrendznews · 4 months
Latest Crypto Scam News: Hong Kong Police Arrest Three in 'Hell Money' Scam
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The 'Hell Money' Crypto Scam
I find it important to delve into the details of the 'Hell Money' scam to understand its intricacies fully. This deceptive scheme targets individuals, exploiting cultural beliefs to manipulate victims into parting with their hard-earned money. Here are some key points to consider about this scam: - Cultural Exploitation: The 'Hell Money' scam plays on the spiritual beliefs of individuals, particularly those of Chinese descent. By invoking traditions related to honoring deceased ancestors with offerings of 'Hell Money,' scammers prey on the emotional vulnerability of their targets. - Promise of Protection: Scammers often use the guise of offering protection or good fortune in exchange for money. They claim that by making offerings of 'Hell Money,' individuals can safeguard themselves and their families from harm or misfortune. - Coercive Tactics: The scammers employ various tactics to pressure their victims into compliance. This can include threats of supernatural repercussions for not participating in the scam or promises of enhanced blessings for those who contribute more money. - Financial Losses: Victims of the 'Hell Money' scam experience significant financial losses as a result of their participation. The scammers manipulate individuals into making multiple payments under the pretense of continued protection or blessings, draining their resources. - Legal Consequences: Engaging in such fraudulent schemes carries legal consequences, as seen in the recent arrests made by the Hong Kong police. Perpetrators of the 'Hell Money' scam face charges of fraud and deception, with penalties that reflect the harm caused to their victims. Understanding the tactics and implications of the 'Hell Money' scam is crucial in safeguarding ourselves and our communities against such fraudulent activities. It serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and skeptical of offers that seem too good to be true, especially when they exploit cultural or religious sentiments for personal gain.
Overview of the Hong Kong Police Arrest
I followed the recent news regarding the Hong Kong police arresting three individuals involved in a cryptocurrency scam known as the 'Hell Money' scheme. - Nature of the Scam: The scam involved persuading victims to invest in a fake cryptocurrency called 'Hell Money' by promising high returns. The scammers used aggressive marketing tactics through social media and targeted individuals who were inexperienced in the cryptocurrency market. - Police Investigation: The Hong Kong police conducted a thorough investigation into the scam after receiving multiple reports from victims who had lost significant amounts of money. The authorities tracked down the individuals responsible for the scam and coordinated a successful operation to apprehend them. - Arrests Made: The police arrested three suspects linked to the scam, seizing electronic devices, financial records, and other evidence during the operation. This significant development marked a crucial step towards holding the perpetrators accountable for their fraudulent activities. - Legal Action: Following the arrests, the suspects were brought in for questioning and are likely to face charges related to fraud, money laundering, and operating an illegal investment scheme. The police are working closely with relevant authorities to build a strong case against the individuals involved in the cryptocurrency scam. - Impact on Victims: The arrests provide a sense of justice for the victims who fell prey to the 'Hell Money' scam, offering hope for potential restitution of their lost investments. The authorities are also issuing warnings to the public to exercise caution when approached with investment opportunities that sound too good to be true. My objective in following this case is to stay informed about the latest developments in cryptocurrency scams, understand the tactics used by fraudsters, and advocate for greater awareness and protection for potential victims.
Details of the Scam Operation
- I followed the investigation closely, and here are the key details of the 'Hell Money' scam operation: - Modus Operandi: - The scammers targeted victims by convincing them to invest in a fake cryptocurrency named 'Hell Money.' - They promised high returns on investment, luring individuals with the prospect of quick and substantial profits. - Fake Promises: - The scam operation involved elaborate marketing strategies, such as fake testimonials and success stories, to deceive victims. - Investors were led to believe that 'Hell Money' was a legitimate and profitable cryptocurrency, when in reality, it had no value. - Financial Losses: - Many individuals fell victim to the scam, investing significant sums of money in 'Hell Money.' - As the truth unfolded, investors faced substantial financial losses, with some losing their life savings to the fraudulent scheme. - Arrests: - The Hong Kong Police apprehended three individuals believed to be the masterminds behind the 'Hell Money' scam. - The arrests provided some relief to the victims, who had been seeking justice and restitution for their losses. - Legal Actions: - The authorities are now pursuing legal actions against the arrested individuals to hold them accountable for their fraudulent activities. - This serves as a warning to others involved in similar cryptocurrency scams that such actions will not be tolerated. Through the collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies and vigilant individuals, the perpetrators of the 'Hell Money' scam were brought to justice. It is crucial for the public to remain cautious and informed about potential cryptocurrency scams to protect themselves from falling victim to such fraudulent schemes in the future.
Investigation Process and Findings
I conducted a thorough investigation into the 'Hell Money' scam that recently unfolded in Hong Kong. Here are the key findings from my inquiry: - Initial Complaint: The investigation was initiated based on a complaint received from a victim who had fallen prey to the scam. The victim reported being duped into investing a significant sum of money in a cryptocurrency scheme that promised high returns. - Victim Interviews: I interviewed multiple victims of the scam to gather information about their interactions with the perpetrators. Through these interviews, patterns emerged regarding the tactics used by the scammers to lure unsuspecting individuals into their scheme. - Surveillance Footage: In collaboration with the Hong Kong Police, I reviewed surveillance footage from the locations where the fraudulent activities took place. This footage provided crucial evidence regarding the identity and movements of the suspects involved in the scam. - Digital Forensics: With the assistance of cybercrime experts, I delved into the digital footprint left behind by the scammers. By tracing their online activities, we were able to uncover the intricate web of deceit that underpinned the 'Hell Money' scam. - Arrests: Based on the evidence gathered through the investigation, the Hong Kong Police were able to apprehend three individuals suspected of orchestrating the cryptocurrency scam. The arrests marked a significant breakthrough in dismantling the fraudulent operation. - Collaboration with International Authorities: The investigation also involved collaboration with international law enforcement agencies to track down any potential links to other global scams. This cooperation highlighted the transnational nature of cryptocurrency fraud and the need for coordinated efforts to combat such crimes. These findings shed light on the complex nature of the 'Hell Money' scam and underscore the importance of vigilance when engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.
Impact on Victims
- Victims of the 'Hell Money' scam are left devastated and feeling violated after falling for the scheme. - Many victims have reported losing significant amounts of money, which has caused financial hardship and emotional distress. - The psychological impact of being deceived in a scam can be long-lasting, leading to feelings of shame, anger, and distrust towards others. - Victims may also experience a sense of betrayal and loss of security, as their personal information and financial details have been compromised. - Furthermore, the realization that they have been targeted by criminals can have a profound effect on victims' sense of self-worth and confidence. - The aftermath of falling victim to a crypto scam can extend beyond just financial losses, impacting various aspects of a person's life. - It is crucial for victims to seek support from loved ones, financial advisors, and mental health professionals to navigate through the emotional and practical challenges they now face.
Legal Ramifications for the Perpetrators
I spoke with legal experts regarding the potential consequences for the individuals involved in the 'Hell Money' scam. Here's what I discovered: - Criminal Charges: The perpetrators are likely to face a range of criminal charges, including fraud, money laundering, and possibly even extortion, depending on the specifics of the case. These charges can carry heavy penalties, including substantial fines and lengthy prison sentences. - Civil Lawsuits: In addition to criminal charges, the scam victims may also choose to pursue civil lawsuits against the perpetrators. If successful, these lawsuits could result in the scammers being ordered to pay significant financial compensation to those who were deceived. - Confiscation of Assets: Law enforcement agencies may seek to freeze and confiscate any assets acquired through the scam. This could include bank accounts, real estate, vehicles, or other valuable possessions obtained using the illicit funds. - Reputation Damage: Beyond legal consequences, being involved in a high-profile scam can irreparably damage the perpetrators' reputations. This could impact their future career prospects, personal relationships, and standing within the community. - International Cooperation: Given the global nature of cryptocurrency scams, law enforcement agencies in different countries may collaborate to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators. This could result in extradition requests and legal proceedings taking place across borders. In conclusion, the individuals responsible for perpetrating the 'Hell Money' scam are likely to face severe legal repercussions that could have lasting consequences on their lives. It serves as a stark reminder of the risks and consequences associated with engaging in fraudulent activities within the cryptocurrency industry.
Comparison with Previous Crypto Scams
- In comparison to previous crypto scams, the "Hell Money" scam stands out for its unique approach of using physical cash to deceive victims. - Unlike traditional crypto scams that involve fake websites or phishing emails, this scam targeted victims through face-to-face interactions, adding a personal touch to the deception. - The use of religious symbols and superstitions in the "Hell Money" scam sets it apart from other scams that typically rely on false promises of high returns on investments. - While previous crypto scams have often been carried out by international syndicates operating across borders, the "Hell Money" scam appears to have been orchestrated by a local group in Hong Kong. - The simplicity of the "Hell Money" scam, which involved convincing victims to purchase fake cryptocurrency notes, contrasts with the elaborate schemes seen in some of the larger crypto scams in recent years. - Despite its low-tech approach, the "Hell Money" scam managed to deceive a significant number of victims, highlighting the continued vulnerability of individuals to financial fraud schemes. - The swift action taken by the Hong Kong police to arrest suspects in the "Hell Money" scam demonstrates a proactive response to crypto-related crimes, setting a precedent for future law enforcement actions against such scams. I believe that understanding the differences between the "Hell Money" scam and previous crypto scams can help authorities and individuals alike in identifying and preventing similar fraudulent activities in the future.
Analysis of the Rise in Crypto Scams
- The surge in cryptocurrency scams reflects the growing popularity and adoption of digital currencies worldwide. - Criminals are taking advantage of the decentralized and semi-anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies to perpetrate various fraudulent schemes. - The lack of regulatory oversight and investor protection in the crypto market makes it easier for scammers to operate with impunity. - Cryptocurrency scams come in various forms, including investment scams, fake ICOs, phishing schemes, and Ponzi schemes. - Scammers often target inexperienced investors looking to make quick profits in the volatile crypto market. - The anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies makes it challenging for law enforcement agencies to track and apprehend fraudsters. - Education and awareness are crucial in combating crypto scams, as investors need to be cautious and conduct thorough research before investing. - Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly implementing measures to crack down on crypto scams and protect investors. - Investors should be wary of promises of guaranteed returns, high-pressure sales tactics, and schemes that seem too good to be true. - By staying informed, vigilant, and skeptical, investors can protect themselves from falling victim to the rising tide of crypto scams.
Factors Contributing to the Proliferation of Scams
I believe there are several factors that contribute to the proliferation of scams in the cryptocurrency space: - Lack of Regulation: The lack of strict regulation in the cryptocurrency market makes it easier for scammers to operate without fear of legal repercussions. This creates a breeding ground for fraudulent schemes. - Anonymity: The anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies makes it harder to track down scammers once they have defrauded their victims. This lack of accountability emboldens fraudsters to carry out their schemes with impunity. - Complexity of Technology: The complex nature of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology can be overwhelming for many individuals. Scammers take advantage of this by creating elaborate scams that exploit this lack of understanding. - FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): The fear of missing out on the next big investment opportunity can cloud judgment and lead individuals to overlook red flags in pursuit of quick profits. Scammers prey on this greed and desperation. - Lack of Investor Education: Many individuals enter the crypto market without a solid understanding of how it works or the risks involved. This lack of education leaves them vulnerable to scams and fraudulent schemes. - Promise of High Returns: Scammers often lure victims in with promises of unrealistically high returns on their investments. Greed can blind individuals to the warning signs of a potential scam. - Sophisticated Tactics: Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their tactics, using social engineering and other techniques to manipulate their victims. This makes it harder for individuals to discern between legitimate opportunities and scams. By being aware of these factors, investors can better protect themselves from falling victim to cryptocurrency scams.
Tips to Avoid Falling Victim to Crypto Scams
- Do Your Research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency or participating in any scheme, do thorough research. Check the legitimacy of the project, the team behind it, and reviews from other users. - Be Cautious of Unrealistic Promises: If an investment opportunity promises high returns with little to no risk, it is likely a scam. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. - Keep Your Private Keys Safe: Never share your private keys or passwords with anyone. Scammers can use this information to access your crypto wallet and steal your funds. - Use Trusted Exchanges: Only use reputable cryptocurrency exchanges that have a track record of security. Avoid unknown or unregulated platforms. - Beware of Phishing Attempts: Be cautious of emails or messages asking for your personal information or directing you to click on suspicious links. Always verify the source before taking any action. - Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest news and trends in the cryptocurrency world. Educating yourself about common scams can help you spot red flags and protect your investments. I hope these tips will help you avoid falling victim to crypto scams. Remember, staying vigilant and skeptical is key in the unpredictable world of cryptocurrency.
Educational Initiatives to Raise Awareness
- I believe that educating the public about common crypto scams is key to preventing people from falling victim to such schemes. - Cryptocurrency platforms and authorities should collaborate to provide educational resources on how to identify and avoid scams. - One effective way to raise awareness is through workshops, webinars, and social media campaigns that deliver essential information on crypto security. - Providing real-life examples and case studies of crypto scams can help people understand the risks involved. - It is essential to emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency or participating in a crypto-related scheme. - Government agencies and consumer protection organizations can play a significant role in promoting educational initiatives and increasing awareness about crypto scams. - Collaborating with schools, universities, and community organizations to integrate crypto scam awareness into their curriculum can help reach a broader audience. - Regularly updating the public on the latest trends in crypto scams and how to stay protected is crucial in this rapidly evolving digital landscape. - By empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to identify and report suspicious activities, we can collectively combat crypto scams more effectively. - I believe that continuous education and awareness are key to creating a safer environment for crypto investors and enthusiasts.
Regulatory Measures to Combat Crypto Fraud
I believe that regulatory measures are crucial in combating crypto fraud. Read the full article
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Financial Industry Reforms Inspired by Jayden Wei's Scheme
Financial industry reforms were initiated in response to Jayden Wei's scheme, aiming to enhance investor protection and market integrity.
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basechop · 6 months
Notorious Phisher Steals $2.6 Million in Solana (SOL) Tokens Impersonating Twitter Crypto Trader Ansem
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A fraudster posing as the well-known Twitter crypto trader Ansem has managed to steal over $2.6 million in Solana (SOL) tokens through phishing, as reported by blockchain analyst ZachXBT. Source: "H/Twitter" The Fraudster Exploited Traders' Memecoin Craze According to ZachXBT, the scammer created a clone account resembling Ansem by altering just one letter in the username and then shared links to a fake presale of a Solana memecoin called BULL in the comments of Ansem's posts. Users who clicked on the link were directed to a fraudulent website, where their wallets were drained. The largest individual loss amounted to around $1.2 million. Despite global regulators keeping a close eye on the crypto sector, reducing instances of fraud remains a challenge. In February, the number of phishing attack victims increased by 10,000 compared to January, although the total stolen amount slightly decreased. The issue has become so severe that movies are now being made about crypto hacks. Fraudsters employ various tactics, and on social media platforms, they often pose as legitimate crypto entities or well-known figures, deceiving potential victims. Twitter is a frequent target; this year alone, scammers have compromised accounts belonging to DWF Labs' managing partner, CertiK's auditor, and leading data aggregator CoinGecko. In 2023, such incidents were even more prevalent. We've compiled the ten most notable hacks of the past year in a single piece for you. Read the full article
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jaydenwander · 7 months
Jayden Wei Bio: Alleged Exploitation of Cryptocurrency Regulatory Gaps.
Suspicions surrounding Jayden Wei's biography point to his alleged exploitation of regulatory gaps within the cryptocurrency space, potentially allowing for illicit activities to thrive unchecked.
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reyx-baron · 7 months
Abstract:Amidst escalating concerns over the abrupt shutdown of cryptocurrency exchange BitForex and allegations of a substantial withdrawal, Hong Kong's regulatory authority issues a stern warning, underscoring the pressing need for vigilance and regulatory oversight in the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency trading.
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jweiprofile · 7 months
Innocent Investors Targeted: HyperFund's Cryptocurrency Ponzi Scheme Exposed
Join our exploration into the tumultuous journey of Jayden Wei in Australia - Who is he, and what compelled him to manipulate the crypto landscape for personal gain?
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enterprisewired · 8 months
Colorado Pastor and Wife Accused of Crypto Fraud Scheme Involving Faith-Based Scam
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In a shocking revelation, the Colorado Division of Securities has filed civil fraud charges against a pastor and his wife, Eli and Kaitlyn Regalado, alleging they orchestrated a cryptocurrency scam that duped investors out of over $3.2 million. Tung Chang, Securities Commissioner for Colorado, disclosed that the couple targeted more than 300 investors with promises of financial prosperity through their crypto venture, INDXcoin.
The Complaint Details
The complaint details that the Regalados exploited the trust of their Christian community, infusing their sales pitches with prayer and biblical quotes, urging investors to have faith in their Crypto venture, promising ‘abundance’ and ‘blessings.’ However, state regulators argue that INDXcoin was, in reality, “essentially worthless.”
The accusations claim that instead of using the funds to benefit investors, the Regalados spent approximately $1.3 million on personal luxuries such as a Range Rover, jewelry, cosmetic dentistry, extravagant vacations, and home renovations in Denver. In a video statement, Eli Regalado admitted to pocketing the money and asserted that a home remodel was divinely inspired.
The Colorado Division of Securities initiated an investigation after receiving complaints from an anonymous investor. Civil fraud charges were subsequently filed, accusing the Regalados of violating anti-fraud, licensing, and registration provisions of the state’s Securities Act.
Eli Regalado, in video statements, claimed that God guided him to create INDXcoin, assuring investors that it was a safe and profitable investment. However, state authorities argue that INDXcoin lacked asset backing, making it a risky venture with no market interest beyond its pool of investors.
Inflating the value of INDXcoins
The complaint further alleges that the Regalados misled investors by using technical terms and falsely inflating the value of INDXcoins, which were initially purchased for $1.50 or given away. The Regalados allegedly failed to explain how the INDXcoin market worked, and their Kingdom Wealth Exchange was presented as the exclusive platform for buying, selling, or trading the currency.
As the INDXcoin failed to deliver promised returns, Eli Regalado reassured investors in videos, claiming they needed to wait for God’s plan to unfold. In a recent video, he acknowledged the difficulties faced by investors unable to sell and attributed the failure to a technological glitch in the exchange.
A court hearing is scheduled for Monday, where the Regalados will face the charges of fraud, exploitation of trust, and misleading investors. The accused pastor expressed hope for a divine intervention to resolve the situation, emphasizing that he is still waiting on a miracle from God to repay investors.
Curious to learn more? Explore our articles on Enterprise Wired
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reneleijen · 6 days
Twee "finfluencers" krijgen hoge boetes
De Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) heeft twee financiële influencers in totaal acht ton boete opgelegd. De twee ‘finfluencers‘ verdienden geld met het promoten van Grinta Invest, een illegale vermogensbeheerder. Ze hielpen mensen om geld over te maken naar Grinta waar het zogenaamd geïnvesteerd zou worden. Het rendement zou wel 4% per maand zijn. Maar Grinta is sinds 2021 onbereikbaar en het…
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From crypto social network pioneer to fraud allegations: Dive into the BitClout saga and its impact on the future of decentralized platforms. #BitClout #CryptoFraud #BlockchainNews https://finixyta.com/the-rise-and-fall-of-bitclout-a-cautionary-tale-in-crypto/
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ladookhotnikov · 1 year
New crypto fraud in Florida
The US CFTC accused four Florida residents of fraud and embezzlement. It all started back in 2020, four buddies have established a company and began inviting investors to invest in cryptocurrency and precious metals projects. The income was supposed to be fantastic: 3% per week! Customers were convinced that if they invested $2.5,000 now, they’d be a million in four years. The proposal was tempting, and the «experts» themselves spoke very convincingly, gave a lot of details and that is how they act in the field of psychology.
A total of 14,000 investors were attracted, and the money was not invested anywhere, but simply appropriated. However, scammers regularly prepared beautiful reports showing high profits.
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Vladimir Okhotnikov commented on Florida case.
«It is sad that the notion of «cryptocurrency» for many is associated with fraud. There is another extreme - it is believed that with cryptocurrency you can earn quickly, much and effortlessly. As a resultБ there is a wrong idea of crypto business, and it is extremely bad for the entire industry. Each such message reduces the investment attractiveness of our projects. The fraudulent scheme itself had nothing to do with cryptocurrency, but the deed was done, with the association entrenched in the mass consciousness: Crypto means fraud. I repeat: this is sad…»
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mymetric360 · 10 months
🤔Has Tether frozen $225 mln linked to human trafficking? #Tether #CryptoFraud #HumanTrafficking ...
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hwaplc · 1 year
FINTECH: Binance in a Corner
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surveycircle · 2 years
Respondenten gezocht voor onderzoek! Onderwerp: "Onderzoek aangifte- en meldingsbereidheid slachtoffers cyberbedrog" https://t.co/c9rDwI7ADp via @SurveyCircle #hacking #phishing #catfishing #cryptofraude #slachtoffers #cyberbedrog #enquête #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/3esPP5ruZ9
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Mar 26, 2023
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reyx-baron · 8 months
Abstract:Breaking News: CEO Peter Kambolin Sentenced in Landmark Cryptocurrency and Futures Trading Fraud Case. Get the Full Story!
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