xfriskfannumberidk · 1 year
Hi Gaster, what do you think about the Gasters from the alternate universes?
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(Xtale flashbacks)
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doubletaleau · 9 months
Been meaning to say this for awhile, so I found out the DoubleTale and DoubleTale Sprite comics through the DoubleTale and DoubleScramble fics, as well as this other good fic called DoubleTime. And while I do like and/or love DoubleTale (some parts/stuff I don't fully like, but I do overall still like it and think it is good), I find myself liking DoubleScramble even more once I finished the fic, even though that and/or maybe even because that fic ended super darkly (and DS part of the reason why I really like DoubleTime too. Though there are other reasons too), so I was so excited to see this a DoubleScramble Sprite comic too (the DoubleTale sprite comic is cool too though). And I like DS even more now! (also, I just love sprite comics and/or sprite ones. So it is cool to see more ones for UT/DR).
I think huge reasons why I think I might like it more, is because I really like the more tighter focus (imo) on characters (I like/love DT, and like the characters and focus characters do get, but DT can have/has gotten quite a lot of characters at this point. Which isn't a bad thing ofc! But yeah) and the role swap of characters; with some of the being very unique and/or very fitting role swaps. Like Undyne being the Queen/in Asgore's role and Alphys I think in Toriel's. But in these role swaps, the characters keep more so their original personality, while also being affected by the differences of their world. I also really like how the role changes can really affect stuff too.
Besides Undyne and Alphys, I also really REALLY love Sans as Chara (idk, I just love Sans and Chara stuff, because I find them similar in a lot of ways, and I just like their dynamic and stuff, and I find Sans in Chara's role to be really interesting and quite fitting for him honestly) and Paps as Flowey/Asriel (which is honestly just fitting too, and even more so with Sans as Chara. Though, Sans as Chara and Paps as Flowey/Asriel is also just tragic and dark considering Asriel and Chara's whole thing and if you have read the DS fic. Things don't really end well sadly between Sans and Paps in that).
And I still really like Cter as Sans and Chara as Paps basically, and their relationship. Sans and Frisk's relationship is also just as interesting and cool/"cool" to me. And in DoubleTale, the DoubleScramble fic, and DoubleTime; quite a messed up relationship. And I am betting might become so in this comic too. Anyways, one of my favorite relationships, up there with like, Cter and Chara's, and the relationships between Undyne and Alphys and their (dead, kind of/mostly) kids. To name some. I also like Gaster and Grillby's new roles (esp. love Grillby as Gaster) and Mettaton in Alphy's role is just amazing. He brings so much life and drama to it. To name some more.
Like, I really like the take on role swaps in this, as much, if not, maybe more, even though I like/love them too, as StoryShift, and some takes on Underswaps (more so the takes on Underswap, that have the characters more closer to their original personality or have characters being a mix of their original personality and the character the swapped with. Because I find the comparison more apt in this case, and because I tend to like those kind of role swaps more. Even though I can like, even love, other kinds of swaps and role swaps too). Basically, I really love DoubleScramble, excited to see the rest of the Pacifist route (which, I don't think is that much more now?), and to see the other route(s) possibly. Spoilers:
I am both excited and scared for the genocide route (like, I am interested to see it, but I also don't want Frisk to ruin their happy ending basically; which is something Sans wasn't happy about either. And Sans to break. Cter ofc wasn't happy either). Also, as someone who read the DS fic, and remembers the final fight between Frisk and Cter in that, and how Sans had gotten so corrupted and broken by that point, that he wouldn't even let Frisk give up to Cter anymore as a kind of "punishment" for Frisk (seriously, that part/those parts were jusut chilling. Both Cter and Sans were so scary at that point. Then they stuff that came after the JH fight. Oh man), I am both looking forward to and nervous to see what your take on the Geno route will be (I know it won't be exactly the same as the fic though). No rush though; I am just excited for more.
I've had this in my inbox for ages bc it's so long but aaa!! Thank you!! More to come!!
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clethythecat · 1 year
ct!gaster:*ah, don't be. It is fine. They made a fine addition to the dt's extraction machine numbers.
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Can we Z (ct gaster) and sans(ct sans) doing something together?
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The question is-
Is he trying to get her out of the lab
Or did she drag him down there?
Either way, they look to be celebrating…
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deltaruminations · 2 years
OK so what i was actually up to looking through the samples (here's the actual comprehensive sheet) was verifying the use of Giygas soundfonts across UTDR. i should have done this in the music post in the first place but what can i say im not a respectable analyst im a fucking Gaster Guy for christ's sake (i'll be honest i totally forgot the sample sheet even existed until today)
so anyway:
in Deltarune so far, it looks like Giygas soundfonts are used only in ANOTHER HIM ("Giygas Static")
in Undertale, Giygas soundfonts are limited only to Amalgam ("Giygas Breath," "Giygas Static," "Giygas 3") and the Barrier ("Giygas Breath").
i don't think the Barrier sfx is relevant to anything i'm thinking about but i figured i should mention it for completeness. (i'm guessing it's a genuine instance of Yeah This Just Sounds Right For This Scene. even IF giygas samples are now "reserved" for whatever reason as of DR, that may not have been the case back then. it still may not be the case in the future!)
otherwise yeah, despite EB soundfonts being all over both games, Giygas soundfonts in particular are almost exclusively limited to ANOTHER HIM and Amalgam (which share the same "Giygas Static" soundfont, in fact). whether or not that constitutes a Connection or what that connection means is debatable but it does so far seem to be an intentional choice.
here are some other odds and ends from bouncing around the Music Zone today. these observations are pretty disjointed and probably not super interesting? i'm ambivalent about most of this as Worthwhile Data but i figure i might as well make note of it
mus_st_him.ogg uses the Chrono Trigger "piano." this isn't inherently super interesting. it's been identified in 3 other in-game UT tracks (Uwa!! So Temperate♫ ★, Reunited, Battle Against a True Hero) and one unused track (Bereavement). i don't think there's supposed to be like a pattern or anything there lol. many others have brought up Chrono Trigger more generally as a source of inspiration for tfox and raised the possibility of references to it (beyond music i mean) in Deltarune. given CT's frankly legendary status in RPG history it's not unthinkable to put it up on the Potentially Lore-Relevant Sound Design Choices pedestal alongside EarthBound but i don't wanna grasp too much at those straws right now lol
slightly more interesting is that this specific soundfont is only confirmed to be present once in Deltarune (so far), in ANOTHER HIM. given that this track is basically a straight up remix/re-imagining of mus_st_him.ogg it isn't really surprising that it uses the same soundfont, but i think it's a neat detail all the same.
also interesting is that the Chrono Trigger "piano" seems to be "reserved" now in DR, though none of the other Obviously Gastery Songs use it either. Darkness Falls uses Earthbound "Mellow Piano" (used one other time so far in that game, in Big Shot) and man.ogg uses SGM "Piano 3" (seemingly just an otherwise normal, all-purpose soundfont used in various places). honestly the CT piano might have just been brought back for that mus_st_him.ogg callback specifically and then shelved lol
oh except. the thing about "confirmed" instances. one of the sheet's contributors thinks it might be very quietly playing a countermelody around 0:33 in THE HOLY, which.......... veRY VERY INCHREsting,,,,, but also i don't want to get too invested in that if it hasn't been confirmed. it's pretty hard to hear but i can kind of detect something just before the choral voice kicks in again around 0:35. idk what to do with this honestly. i think the Man motif Possibly being used in THE HOLY is interesting enough without having to obsess this much over a tiny detail most people will never notice but w/e
Chrono Trigger soundfonts in general seem to be used much more sparingly in Deltarune. the "str" (string) is used in Powers Combined and ANOTHER HIM. moss_fanfare is composed entirely of 4 CT soundfonts for that nostalgic snes rpg achievement sound LOL. again i don't think this Means anything (probably just a stylistic/aesthetic choice more than anything.) just making a note of it
i also decided to double check for the G Sequence in Here We Are & Amalgam because why not. i haven't seen many claims thrown out about it around the Inter's Nets (at this point, i think if it were meaningfully present there'd be like 7 years' worth of duplicated Reddit posts about it lol) and yeah, i also don't hear it myself or really see it in any of the fanmade transcriptions i've found. Here We Are is clearly Alphy's motif more or less head to toe (which yeah. of course it is. true lab is About Her). Amalgam doesn't use any recognizable motifs as far as i can tell, which makes sense if we consider it's probably not supposed to sound familiar or grounded in the UT world (even in like a bad way), it's supposed to be completely alien and disorienting.
there are still some things about those songs that are rattling around my dome but given the fact that i'm Extremely Biased in favor of my own interpretations i'm worried about teetering too far into the Reading Into It Too Much Zone. idk why i'm so interested in this suddenly in the first place when we already have plenty of reasons to link G with the true lab (aside from him having been. u know. a royal scientist). i just really like these songs lmao
anyway noting this stuff for the sake of thoroughness but yeah i don't think it's worth thinking too hard on it tbh
Amalgam in particular is a pretty high-octane execution of the same techniques used in mus_st_him.ogg (lack of tonal center & resolution) but there kind of isn't any reason to get all weird about that, there are clear mechanical purposes to it. those techniques were used here because they elicit unease, tension, confusion, etc. and they're shared across both tracks because both tracks are intended to make us feel those ways, not because there's necessarily a thematic connection between them
i want so bad to make wild leaps about the parallel harmonies in both songs but again i think this is probably a disorientation tactic (makes it hard to distinguish the key) more than anything else
the piano the PIANO in Here We Are. the melody (sorry gonna butcher some Terms again here) from 0:45 - 1:28 is clearly (to my ear) riffing on Alphys's motif in the counter-melody but the shakeup from 1:28 onward, when the counter-melody ends, is. idk. nothing in that part of the fan arrangement i've been referencing seems to obviously match the Ideal progression of either the G Sequence or the Man variation and i'm not going to stretch too far on it. but yeah i think the idea of that bit being some form of G Piano is conceptually very interesting. it's just not really evident at this point as far as i'm concerned
as a note: Waltz of Seccom Masada predates Undertale's release by at least a year or two so it's not impossible that tfox could have had plans for it in UTDR by that point. do i think it's likely that it shows up at all in UT? no not really lol but it's not impossible i guess
Here We Are uses... the Mario Paint dog soundfont... I never would have noticed this otherwise but yeah you can hear it subtly barking under the 0:45-1:28 melody. i choose to interpret this as God bemoaning these crimes against his Creation
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aethergate · 2 years
From CT to Gaster
Gaster: You’re alive. Charataker: No need to sound so disappointed.
Charataker: How are you today? Gaster: Please don’t make me think about my life.
Gaster: I can’t believe all these people are wearing black. black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers. Charataker: Gaster, for the last time, we’re at a funeral.
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crazy--tale · 4 years
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Finally got around to redesigning Crazytale Gaster 👀 this looks way better then her first few designs
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idkimkindabored · 3 years
Hey ct gaster are you really gaster?
Ct!gaster: ummm how do I explain this, well my real name perhaps isn't gaster it could be redacted or just the mystery man I go by many names as for my true one shall not be known, if you don't understand this then come again later.
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skesgo · 5 years
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Commission for @catler00 of The Boys™ from his au Craftale! I love me some bad ass characters~ AlsoIt'sAHugeHonorDrawingThem//
Thank you so much once again for commissioning!
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cutiegrumpycerym · 5 years
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A flat drawing of Corrupt!Gaster I made for @natsunenuko ’s community project ! He is a precious crybaby bean~
(Click for better resolution !)
————- Corrupt!Gaster by me Art by me
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lilybug-02 · 3 years
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Doodles :)
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Mini chara comic I guess… they have nightmares a lot
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xfriskfannumberidk · 8 months
forgot to post this lmao
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(I'm really late but I forgot lmao)
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harmonytre · 3 years
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Art Fight Day #12
*Critic!Tale Gaster for @cihello
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clethythecat · 1 year
ct!gaster:*to er...put it lightly, a..."patient" escaped, and used violence to fend me off, which I tried to block using my hands,the laser I used to cut bigger pieces of metal and such, which is what they used, went straight through my hands ^^"
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*Goopy appears to be intently watching the conversation
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jessironi89 · 5 years
Ask Couragetale
"If you wanna know stuff nows the time to ask kiddo."
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Characters available for asks:
More will be available once i finish talk sprites.
The ask box is open!
Some things wont be answered fully because those kinds if asks will be more for the discord server then the public at the moment. Feel free to join up and get involved.
Couragetale belongs to me
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
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askcompaniontale · 7 years
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*That seems a bit more comfortable. Tuṣāra seems a little tired already...?
-Asks for তুষার are closed.
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