#Cults and mysteries
dsrptstudios · 1 month
Lost movie - lost producer?
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I searched my uni's online archive for anything related to the 'Simularcum' movie (unfinished? lost? bootlegs?). Jackpot. This is why it was never properly released.
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amimuu · 1 month
“Had I found you sooner—“
Dtiys submission…from June—oops
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More doodles under the cut
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Boy oh boy! Proceeds to sweat nervously
Imagine forgetting to post some art for months. Haha. Couldn’t be me. Nope. Not at all. Sweats even more
Sooo this is actually my participation for when Mikey held a dtiys back in June and I participated (told em I’d find a way to make it angsty. Did I succeed?). Was originally planning to post it after results were in but uhm. I. Forgot. But since I’m currently in the middle of an ✨artblock✨ you get it now. Yippee!
There’s also some more recent doodles sneaked in here for the sillies including this one
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Aka, how Chime and Callum’s (The Lamb and the Goat) “first” meeting went like. Technically, it’s the first time they’ve seen each other. Technically. Let’s not forget these guys are from different dimensions. And like isn’t that Callum guy dead or something?
Cuz if you were to ask them, they’d tell you they go a looooong way back. Perhaps too long.
Welp. Anyway, that’s all from me today. As always inbox is open for anyone to come by and say hi, I always love a nice chit-chat. Until next time!
Extra: non-colored ver + sketch
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weirdlookindog · 8 months
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Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968)
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sentienttoastah · 20 days
Just the two of us
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scarlet-cookie · 2 months
I started LOTM and so far I’m in 5 chapters so this one guy went from
-Grocery shopping (with a gun)
-Nearly pulled said gun on a tarot card reader
-attempt a ticket-back-home ritual with said groceries
-Trick some unsuspecting people into thinking he’s some ooo mysterious powerful figure
In one morning.
Cool hobbies, Klein.
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donutfloats · 3 months
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An old, forgotten god
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windsweptinred · 5 days
Hear me out, here me out…
“And that it was from Chaos that the first three primordial gods sprang forth: Gaea (Earth), Tartarus (the Underworld), and Eros (Love) - Hesiod's Theogony
Gaea/Earth: Ariadne 
Tartarus/The Underworld: Eurydice
Eros/Love: Caeneus
Purely me headcanoning my heart little away. But I love how in a sense they all represent the three eternal beings ‘of chaos’ that make up creation incarnate. 
Ariadne: Who is now the ‘Mother of her people and her land’ as president. A representation of feminine power. Life
Eurydice: The first person to return from the Underworld and essentially, conquer/master death. Death 
Caeneus: Sweet, sweet Caeneus who embodies love, the driving force of creation. Love
They don't embody the return to Chaos per say, rather the power that sprang from it. The necessary cycle of death and rebirth, destruction and creation that Zeus has selfishly stalled. That they, as a trio will restart.
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19burstraat · 6 months
I know I've definitely seen posts abt this before, but I can't get over how much the 'Jordie' in Kaz's head is just... not Jordie. Like obviously it's not, bc he's dead, but it's also not even accurate to Kaz's memory of him.
Like these are the sorts of things that are attributed to 'the voice of' Jordie:
Jordie had come for his vengeance at last. It's time to pay your debts, Kaz. You never get something for nothing. But he could hear Jordie laughing. No, little brother. No one is stronger. You've cheated death too many times. Greed may do your bidding, but death serves no man.
While Jordie was no stranger to grandstanding statements, and one might argue Kaz actually picked that habit up from him ('The city is winning so far, but you'll see who wins in the end' for example), these aren't the sorts of things he'd have said to his kid brother??? Yes, he could be arrogant, and he's snappy with / acts superior to Kaz a few times, but as far as we see, Jordie is mostly very good with Kaz; he has a remarkable tolerance for/patience with him, especially for a newly orphaned thirteen year old. Kaz admittedly comes across as a quiet kid and is pretty compliant; he rarely talks to anyone except Jordie and Saskia, he seems to just watch for most of their interactions with 'Hertzoon', he largely does as he's told and doesn't wander off, but he's still like... nine, and wants to do stuff like see the magicians and make all the dogs walk at once, and sulks when Jordie stops him from doing stuff and makes him stay inside. We also see Jordie pretty frequently lying to Kaz to try and make him feel better. But this mental-Jordie is not a comforting presence. The start of SOC is literally set up to make you think Jordie is someone that Kaz has swindled or betrayed, that he fears will come back for vengeance, so it's a big 'oh wait wtf' moment when you realise that he's not a rival gang member or anything, he's just his brother, and it wasn't his fault. But you wouldn't know it! Kaz wants 'Jordie's' voice silenced 'forever' and seems afraid of it, almost— at least, it turns up in vulnerable moments. He thinks that 'paying his debt' (i.e. taking out Rollins) will get rid of it. (Sorry hon. It won't.) Kaz thinks at one point that he still sees Jordie as "infallible" and looks at him through the eyes of the child he'd been, but in other scenes he's glove-puppeting 'his brother' to punish himself. I guess he still sees Jordie, even in death, as the ultimate authority figure, and to cope with guilt/stress/grief he imagines that this is something he's being compelled or commanded to do, and that when he does it he'll have redeemed himself, when really it's just desperate flailing to get the closure he couldn't have. I'm sure he knows goddamn well that this isn't actually what Jordie wanted for him ('You'll go to school') and that's why the mental 'Jordie' is really off, because Kaz knows its not really the will of his brother— it's just him. It talks like him! He doesn't even try to imitate the real Jordie! It's just Kaz, alone— but he's never really been able to come to terms with that.
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stumpyshocky · 2 months
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I think Servo would love being a cult leader and go crazy. He'd have anyone who dissents (which means anyone who slightly annoys him) put in prison.
This was a quick work that I did while sick. I hesitate to call this a sketch but it's not a finished rendered piece.
Cult stamps by @inkscarlet 💮
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
caught sight of a starling at my birdfeeder, and had a strange thought: it must be weird to be a bird.
To continue the thought experiment: all day long, you hang out with your flock who---with minor personal and sex variations---look like you. Then you go out into the world, and cross paths constantly with creatures that look vaguely like you (except they're different colors or smaller or bigger or their mouths are different shapes) that speak similar yet distinct languages (chirps vs. songs vs. whistles vs. calls). You might fight over resources, sure, but you're also expected share the world with these meaningfully distinct creatures.
.......are birds just constantly living with aliens? Albeit Hollywood aliens with prosthetics and makeup, not actual aliens. Except we live here too! So not only do birds live with Hollywood aliens, they live in close proximity with actual legitimate aliens, who exist on a level that birds simply can't comprehend, and move according to bizarre inexplicable rhythms. We create mysterious objects, some of which are benevolent (bird feeder, garden) and others of which inflict punishment (windows) and some where it depends (telephone wire, pole). We seem to have other dangerous lifeforms attached to us, though it's unclear how (cats and dogs). We act in ways that are frightening, baffling, and even more alien than the starling perched on the other side of the birdfeeder.
Conclusion: to be a bird is to live with aliens and with gods.
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Even moar trump mugshot memes
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weirdlookindog · 8 months
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Barbara Steele and Mark Eden in Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968)
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kingskippy568 · 2 months
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Was doing some quick practice sketches with my ant and lamb and liked how they looked so I felt like sharing! Cat curtesy of servoz
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Slowly cooking up my own characterization of the Lamb to hypothetically use in a fanfic / future comics and fanart, and I realized some similarities to another character.
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how fucked up would it be if i wrote a fic where suguru’s little lover falls for kenjaku after his death………
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