#Cursed Love
aliea82 · 6 months
The pain hits hard, a blinding migraine that whites out his vision and had him falling to his knees, hands in his hair, a scream of pain on his lips.
Robin and Nancy fell beside him, hands on him, holding him up, asking what was wrong.
He couldn’t answer.
For years he had lived with headaches and migraines, but never had they hit this hard or so fast.
As his vision darkened, he was sure he was going to pass out when something in him shifted.
Hundreds of them.
Spanning thousands of years.
His past lives making themselves known.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened.
For many lives he had had this blinding pain, this download of memories, every time triggered by one horrible, hideous act.
Eddie was dying.
The pain fades as quickly as it started and Steve is instantly on his feet, running faster than he ever had in this lifetime.
Memories clashed and raced inside of his head, too many to look at yet all the same.
He and Eddie, always there, in each other’s lives, but never together, never knowing who they truly are, not until one or both are dying.
His last life he died first, on a battlefield an ocean away.
Eddie had held him, wearing the uniform of the enemy, crying as he begged Steve to forgive him.
Before that, Eddie had died, fallen from a building site, Steve unable to get to him because he was miles away.
Before that, again, Eddie, this time of an illness, it was slow, it destroyed his body and Steve had been his doctor, but he couldn’t save him.
Hundreds of deaths, thousands of years.
Never the chance to be who they were till one of them died.
Cursed to love but never to love together.
Not this time.
Steve spotted them instantly, Dustin crying over Eddie as he held him in his arms.
Skidding to a halt he fell to his knees and reached out.
“I’m here, Eddie, Edwardus...”
Dark eyes turned to him and blood covered lips smiled.
“My turn.”
“No, not this time, I’m going to get you out.”
“You, always, say that.”
“Times have changed, we just have to get you to a hospital.”
“Steven...it’s too late.”
“Shut up, I’m not letting it happen, not again.”
Blood bubbled out of Eddie’s mouth as he went to talk, pain causing him to tense.
“I’m sorry...amica mea, maybe next time.”
“Dominae eius Edwardus!”
Steve felt tears fall as he pulled Eddie to him, wrapping his arms around him, holding him close.
“Please...please, I can’t, not this time, not now, I need you with me on this one.”
“Look after the kids, keep them safe.”
In lives before, the other followed not long after.
Eddie shot himself on the battle field, Steve jumped off the same building Eddie had fallen from, Steve injected himself after not curing Eddie’s illness.
They always followed because to live with the memories, with their countless deaths was unbearable.
“Not without you.”
“You have to, this time...keep them...safe.”
He moves, picking Eddie up, a scream escaping the other, hands gripping at Steve as he carries Eddie towards the rift.
Beginning of time.
So, here’s the thing. You know that saying, ‘Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve’?
What if its right? But not how you think?
Adam and Eve were always to be together, it was the law of the land, but the story goes Eve was born of Adam, a male, incapable of producing a female. After all, only a female can have both the genetic code for female and male.
So, God made Adam, Adam made Eve, but Eve was male also, and so became Steve.
This was, of course wrong, a mistake made by a god that didn’t know better, after all, at this time they were just a child playing with powers they didn’t fully understand.
Anyways I digress.
Adam and Steve loved each other, it was what they were made for, but they couldn’t reproduce, it wasn’t possible.
This angered God, because their play toy wasn’t doing what they wanted.
So God made Eve.
God made Eve and decreed that Adam love her, leaving Steve alone and heartbroken.
Now here is where things get messy.
Among God’s first creation, the angels of heaven, was an angel that belonged to the choir. This angel was beautiful, the opposite of his siblings, with dark curling hair and darker eyes.
Many believed he should have been part of the fallen, belonged with Lucifer in the pits of hell, but Edwardus was pure, he was loyal and he loved his God.
Until he saw Steve.
Edwardus broke the rules of heaven, he travelled to earth and befriended the lonely and heartbroken Steve.
They got close, and soon became lovers.
They hid this from their God, meeting in secret, loving wildly and passionately.
But like all secrets, they were found out.
Their God cursed them, to forever live a thousand lives, but never to be together, and only knowing who they truly were when one of them was dying.
Steve watched the monitor, watched the line as it showed every heart beat, as it showed solid proof that Eddie was still alive.
Beside was Robin, her head on his shoulder, eyes closed, her hands wrapped around his own, holding him as if he was the most solid thing in this world.
Never in all his lives had he found her before, but as he tore his eyes away from the line he buried his nose in her hair and just breathed her in.
She was something new, something never placed on this earth before, something he knew was made just for him.
But why?
After all this time, after countless lives, why did this soul that spoke directly to his own soul suddenly appear.
She couldn’t have been made to be his lover, she love woman far too much, and he loved...
He turned back to Eddie, then at the monitor.
He had spent the last day sifting through memories, searching for the garden, looking for the times they had been happy.
They where there, but messy, filled with dark death and fear.
“Tell me again.” Robin whispers.
“Eddie is an Angel, I am the second man, cursed to love but never knowing till one or both of us are dying.” He had explained it better before when they had taken Eddie in for surgery.
“And...you remember it all?”
Robin had known something was wrong when Steve had started shouting and cursing in Latin when the Doctors had told them he couldn’t update them on Eddie’s situation because they weren’t family.
Robin understood most of it, but Steve had spoken so fast in an accent she never heard from him before that she lost the thread of what was said.
When he spoke again in English his vocabulary had changed, tending to be on the posh side, using words she knew he wouldn’t have understood just that morning.
He had changed.
His eyes seemed older, wiser, and his young teen body held itself as if he was a grown ass man.
“What was the oldest you lived to?”
“Many lives where full, old age taking one of us in the end. Those where the worst of lives. Knowing in the end we had spent a whole life time close but never knowing who we were to each other. So many lives of marriages and children...” he sighs.
“I loved them all, I miss them...but they all had full lives, full of love and happiness. But I, when each end came, with me at Eddie’s bedside or him at mine, was always filled with pain, anger and regret.” He looks down at Eddie, tears in his eyes.
“He is mine, he always has been, just as I am his. Always so close, but never together.”
Robin shifts, pushing closer to him.
“So God exists.”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“That’s pretty wild, I mean, given what is going on here, with the upside down. Why doesn’t he come and stop it?”
“Because they left their play thing a long time ago. God no longer cares what we do or how we do it. They will be off playing something new.”
“They? More than one God?”
“No, God is genderless, they are just God.”
“Right.” Robin nods, but her tone makes him smile as it shows she doesn’t fully understand, and he couldn’t blame her, this was a lot to take.
“So, if Eddie is an Angel...why can’t he just heal himself?”
“Because he’s human, at the moment. I don’t know if he will ever be an angel again.”
“Okay, that makes sense.”
They fall quiet, Steve watches Eddie’s chest rise and fall, helped by the ventilator, something that would have saved Eddie all those years ago, when Steve had to sit at his bed side and watch as his breathing became laboured then stopped.
But not now, now medicine was advance, it kept people alive, allowed the body to heal.
Eddie was healing.
It would take time, but right now, he was alive.
Not sure if there is more to this, It just had to be written.
Please feel free to use it as a prompt, just please tag me cause I would love to read people's take on it.
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heheluvuu · 9 months
maybe I should color it idk
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shoujo-dump · 1 year
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Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru
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laura-dns · 11 months
Love them so much 💙
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zhemariart · 5 months
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Been a while since showcasing any of these kids, so here we go <: Madara, Belle, and Celyn, all characters from my project Cursed Love. All three are people from Sergio's past, all three are also sadly deceased. Madara, here shown in her youth, passed peacefully from old age, Belle was a sad accident, and Celyn was grievously ill for years. All three got to leave a big impact c:
My Carrd c: Commission Info c:
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princessfantaghiro · 6 months
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foreverneverafter · 1 year
She’d let him crush her
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Let him break her
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Just as long as he never let her go.
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Only he did let her go...
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Not every love is meant to be....
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"I love you"
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scribe-of-death · 1 year
Cursed Love
You tell me terrible things
Of cursed bone and breath
Unholy things of gory detail
And you say it was for Love
Is this what your love is like? Torture every moment, filled and brimming with fear? Is this love?
What cursed love it is then.
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yourslovinglyaritri · 10 months
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Love is the most twisted curse of all times.
Gojo Satoru, Jujutsu Kaisen 0
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churroach · 24 days
Full of Desires
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kavebot · 3 months
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hes on my mind…
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shoujo-dump · 10 months
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Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru
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noknowshame · 1 year
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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zhemariart · 5 months
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Casually continuing on my Cursed Love BS, this time featuring Darren, the oldest child of Xander and Taryon, and Teresinha the little witch that is the cause behind the entire story C:
My Carrd c: Commission Info c:
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adhd-merlin · 6 months
polyamory and bisexuality could have saved camelot
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goldensunset · 6 months
people who go through the main tags of big and tumultuous fandoms looking for new fresh good posts to reblog are essential to any circle. they’re like true hunter gatherers leaving the safety of settlement and braving the unknown wilderness to find food for the flock. they risk their lives every day and will come back with a few scratches at best and severe psychological damage at worst
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