#Customized Food Delivery Software
foodivsystems · 6 months
Customized food delivery software optimizes various aspects of your restaurant's operations. Tailored to your restaurant's needs, this software streamlines operations, enhances customer experience, and provides valuable data-driven insights, ensuring seamless scalability and cost-effective growth.
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elisamaza · 4 months
Pizza delivery drivers of Reddit, what are some of the craziest reasons people have ended up on the “no delivery list”?
I worked for a pizza place that was near a very large software company. Deliveries to the neighborhoods or offices where all the tech workers lived was usually pretty awesome because they'd tip rather well. But there was one apartment that started to become a concern for us drivers. The man ordering was always polite, always paid, always tipped $4, and he would have been a perfect customer. He'd order breadsticks and a salad twice a week, and sometimes he'd include a bottle of root beer. Except when he opened his door, you could see an alarming amount of our breadsticks boxes stacked everywhere inside. Not like a few on the counter and a couple by the trash, stacks and stacks of them. Even worse, it was only our boxes in there. He wasn't just ordering from us often, we were the only place he was getting food outside of work. Now, I've worked in some of those tech offices myself, I know that there's enough decent food options just hanging out in the break rooms that this guy was probably not malnourished, but the way his living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard was a clear sign that this guy didn't have a healthy relationship with our food. Our manager was a really cool dude though, and he heard the drivers joking about the boxes and asked a couple of us "Is this like a messy guy or a guy who needs help?" We agreed it was probably the latter. So on his day off, the manager went to the guys apartment with an envelope that had gift cards for several other restaurants that delivered in that area and chatted with him. Manager found out that the guy was an immigrant on a Visa who was struggling to find American food he liked, and too socially awkward to ask anyone. So he talked with him through a few menus and helped him with some recommendations. Then he helped the guy load all the old boxes into his truck to take to the dump, in exchange for a promise not to order from us more than once a week. For a little while, the manager had a note on the calendar showing the last time the guy had ordered, and a couple times he had to hold his ground and refuse the guy's order. But after that chat, I never saw the stacks of boxes again, and the guy would boast about the different meals he'd had.
what the fuck dude, this is so sweet.
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appdevelopmentstech · 10 days
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softwarecompanys-blog · 7 months
Best Food Ordering App Development Company: On-Demand Delivery Solutions
Looking for the best food ordering app development company? Look no further! Our expert team specializes in on-demand food delivery app development. Based in India, we're dedicated to delivering top-notch services according to your needs. Whether you're a startup or an established business, our team ensures your app stands out with advanced features and seamless user experience. Partner with us, the best food delivery app developer in India, to take your business to new heights! Contact us today to get started:  [email protected]
Visit: www.protonshub.com/industry/food 
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fare-api · 1 year
Custom Food Delivery System | Restaurant Management Software
Build On-Demand Food Delivery App
Want to build your own on-demand food delivery app? Being a leading On-demand app development agency, we can help you develop full-fledged food ordering & delivery applications. Leverage the power and appeal of popular Food delivery giants like Swiggy, Zomato, and UberEats to your business.
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FlightsLogic is a leading custom food delivery system development company, We provide a custom food delivery app development solution for food delivery startups and restaurant businesses.
FlightsLogic is a better and more powerful food delivery software to manage and handle all internal operations smoothly. The restaurant management software is designed to be visually appealing and meets the needs of business owners and customers.
We have deployed high-end technology systems to bring out the most engaging multi-chain restaurant apps and deliver desired benefits to users of different streams. Our cost-effective food delivery application works on multiple platforms and also operates as a device-friendly system. Our readymade Food ordering and delivery solutions are one of the quickest and simplest ways to launch your food delivery business anywhere in the world instantly.
FlightsLogic is Food Delivery System Development Company that build user-friendly food delivery applications, Restaurant Management Software for your business.
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stellaralignment · 8 months
After reading @kira-serialfaggot 's post about inaccessible menus and @butterfly-sapphire post about non-customizable menus figured I now had sufficient excuse to rant about how I hate how every big restaurant's ""solution"" to these two problems is somehow always the worst fucking app I've ever had to use in my life.
So, to clarify real quick. I agree with both previous posts. Places that serve food should have their menu easily accessible somewhere if they have an online presence, and places that let you customize your order need to have that as a feature of any digital ordering solution they implement. Good? Good.
So, a lot of places I've seen (Wendys, Taco Bell, and McDonald to name a few) Have tried to get around how fucking horrible the DD app itself is by making their own apps with DD integration for the actual ordering/serving of delivery orders. Great, this lets them provide their own menu customization options, serve discounts/coupons, and generally have more control over the user experience. Fantastic. As a bonus, this usually also allows you to just look at the menu whenever you want.
Small issue. All of these apps were written by the worst fucking programmers I have ever witnessed in my life. I havn't gotten angry enough to de-compile or try to reverse engineer one yet, but my user experience has been so consistently bad and I've encountered issues that, as a software engineer, I honestly could not tell you how fucked their system has to be in order to allow that to happen.
Allow me to tell you the worst of these. I'm trying to order delivery from a store. It's late, like 7pm, but I know the place is open till 10. I can confirm this on their website (I do later for reasons that will become apparent) and google maps. So I punch in my address, make my order, and go to checkout. Unfortunately, the app tells me "Your payment method failed. Please select a new method and try again". Which was odd, but not unimaginable. I've had issues with my bank in the past. So I swap cards and try again, thinking nothing of it.
Except, my other card doesn't work either. Nor does using PayPal, or Google Pay, or any of the other payment options I tried. I'm getting desperate. I buy some games on steam just to make sure some of these are working, which they are. I was worried, but now that I've confirmed all my money hasn't been siphoned away somehow, I'm just confused and getting annoyed.
So I start going insane. I buy digital gift cards from several different sites and try using them. No dice, payment failed. I try using the website instead of the app, on my phone and PC. Payment failed. I boot up an android studio instance with a brand new virtual phone, install the app on it, and try to order. Again. Payment failed.
I'm starting to wonder if their servers are just completely down. A friend in a different state can order with no problems. A friend in the same town can order with no fanfare.
But my roommates can't. They have the same issue
Payment failed.
So. I'm going insane. I've now spent almost 3 hours attempting to order food, and I'm starving. It is at this point that my anger finally overcomes my social anxiety, and I do the one thing I never thought I'd do.
I call the store in question.
Now, in all of this there was one crucial mistake I made. See, that friend in the same town? Lived on the other side of town. And there's 2 different stores of this franchise in town. We didn't control for this, because the app doesn't let you pick a store anyways when doing delivery. It's hard locked to whatever one is closest, which isn't a terrible thing to do. You need to get the delivery address anyways, and you know where all your store are, so it cuts out a step for me. But having to choose a store might've clued us in to what was going wrong.
Because the store? Was closed. Not just closed, like mega closed. It was being shut down. It hadn't been open for two weeks, and would never be open again. The order was failing because they'd already taken all the computer systems out, and it couldn't confirm to have received the order.
So there was nothing wrong with the payment. Literally nothing I could have done about this. I am just barred completely from ordering because the app defaults to the nearest location for orders, and my nearest location didn't exist anymore.
And you'd think that there would be some way to communicate this to the user when making the app. But for reasons I can only assume are profit motivated (Though I have no idea how the fuck this is more efficient/profitable), the app just defaults to saying the payment failed.
Now, I wouldn't be this mad if this was just "oops edge case lol" where I suffered the unfortunate consequences of some procrastinator forgetting to do the thing that removes stores from the database. Unfortunate but not really anyone I can blame for it. But no. This is just the most extreme example, and it's not even confined to the one app.
Almost every single app like this I've used defaults to saying the payment failed and to try a new payment method when anything goes wrong. No drivers out on DoorDash to actually move the order? Payment failed. You're trying to order a seasonal item that got dropped today? Payment failed. The companies servers actually are down? Payment failed. You're not connected to wi-fi like an idiot and there's actually something you can do to fix the issue that's not related to payment whatsoever? Payment failed.
What the fuck is up with this lazy ass programming? I seriously doubt there's enough technical debt from these apps to justify not having a robust error catching system that communicates with the user what the issue is. By the fucking stars these people love collecting intrusive data, I'm surprised they havn't used this as an excuse to harvest everyone's fucking location at all times and send "error data" back to central.
But just don't tell me my debit card was declined when I'm trying to order a burger and you closed that store two weeks ago.
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greatbigbellies · 10 months
Esoteric Eats: McPreggo, Enjoyable Fast Food Fare That Kicks More Than You’d Expect!
Author: Veronica Greene
With a name like “McPreggo”, you’re probably greeted by a lot of questions. What do they even serve? How good are their lawyers that they can get away with a name like that? Why is it spelled with two G’s when the sauce brand only uses one?  While I can’t answer all of these questions, things will start to make more sense once I explain both the food, and this restaurant’s gimmick.
You see, much like the chain fast food restaurant that this place borrows its prefix from, McPreggo is a burger joint, serving a wide line of burgers, fries, breaded chicken items, and other side items. The wait between order placement and food delivery is very short, and everything is fairly uniform from one visit to the next. “So what?” I hear you saying, “It’s McDonald’s with a weird name?” and that, my dear reader, is where you’re wrong. McPreggo’s selling point, and the reason the place was so packed when I ordered my food for review, was that each entree item induces a sort of “quantum-phantom pregnancy”, and each side item, dessert, and special soft drink causes different effects on the pregnancy in question. The pregnancy persists for 6 hours on average, though they do have items (such as the mozzarella sticks, which I saw being eaten in abundance) to further extend the duration of an active McPreggo pregnancy. They also include a sauce that increases the duration further by a random amount, giving the experience an air of spontaneity if desired. These items can be eaten in abundance for a pregnancy carrying multiples, though they also include entrees that will take you up to triplets with a single sandwich. The whole experience really caters to embracing all of the struggles that come with pregnancy, with items that increase belly size in different dimensions, brightens stretchmarks, and even increases the activeness of the quantum babies inside. That said, if you ever overextend and bite off more than you can chew, some of their dessert items are great for pulling back the intensity. Items which I’m sure any parent-to-be wished worked on non-quantum pregnancies.
Once again, I know what you’re thinking. “Quantum-phantom pregnancy? Did they lace this lady’s burger with something hallucinogenic?” to which I say no. This stuff WORKS, and it’s one-to-one with the real thing. While it doesn’t usually come up, because this is a food review publication and the food critic’s personal life is typically irrelevant, I actually have two kids. A pair of twins, in fact. The relevance of this is simple: I’ve been pregnant before, the old fashioned way, which means I know what it feels like. So when I placed my order, spying everyone from the customers to the employees sporting (some excessively) round baby bumps, I almost scoffed a little. There was no way some little quantum science sandwich could simulate what it was actually like to carry life in your womb.
Sitting here, drafting this article with voice dictation software because my belly has grown so large I cannot comfortably reach my desktop keyboard, I am a humbled woman. I was so, so wrong.
The unfortunate fact of the matter is, their menu is well beyond what I could eat in a single sitting, which is why this review is going to focus on some of the major lunch items, some of the more outlandish side items, and wrap up with a milkshake. They have a full breakfast menu, as well as a list of sodas which are hand-mixed in house, and a myriad of sauces with their own effects. If this review gets enough attention, I’d be happy to dive back in for a part two, revisiting McPreggo for the other items. Until then though, lets get to the food.
My first item was aptly named “The Twinner”, a simple double stack cheeseburger with your standard fixings. I figured since I’d been pregnant with twins before, I’d skip the singleton and go right to what I’m familiar with. I must say, the burger was delightful. While by no means the most innovative thing taste wise, it doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel to be good. The meat patties were grilled to perfection and the vegetables gave it a lovely crunch! While the place is marketed to be along the lines of a speed-first fast food place, the quality of the food reminds me more of a small town, family owned diner. Just genuinely tasty, and fills you up!
And boy, does this thing fill you up. Nothing happened until I finished my burger completely. There was just enough of a delay that I had a moment where I thought I’d been duped. Like all the bumps there were fake and it was some elaborate prank… Then I felt something shift inside me, deep in my gut, and I started to fill out. The experience was… disarmingly non-invasive. It didn’t hurt, I wouldn’t event call it “uncomfortable”, beyond of course the discomfort of the end result. I pulled my blouse up and watched my belly expand right before my eyes, placing a hand on it to feel my palm fill with my own taught midriff. I wasn’t timing it, but I’d say once the process started it took about 45 seconds. The growth is wild, you would expect it to hurt, like something would bruise or tear, but no, you just… feel yourself growing bigger.
And then they kicked, and I found myself remembering a time not so long ago, wearing maternity overalls which barely wrapped around me, painting the walls of my kid’s room while they excitedly jostled around inside me. Take it from an experienced mom-to-be, the sensation is exactly like the real deal. It’s jarring how real it felt, and feeling it like I was full term again, no 9 month buildup, just BAM, PREGNANT, after a single burger, was insane!
With my doubts disproven, I moved on to the other entree item I intended to eat for the review, “The Labor Inducer”. This was a spicy chicken sandwich which promised to add one baby to my womb, and induce regular braxton hicks contractions. I knew going into this review I had to try this one, just to gauge the realism of it, and to tell you, the reader, just how intense it gets. That’s why I’m here, to jump into the deep end so you don’t have to!
I will say, much like the twinner burger before, I have no complaints about the quality of the food. The chicken was warm and tender, the breading had good flavor, and the pepper sauce did pack more heat then I anticipated. It takes a few bites to hit, lulling you into a false sense of security before it ramps up. I have a decent spice tolerance, and it was pretty heated for me, so those with less resistance to heat should be reasonably wary.
The process repeated, with my belly growing further out, filling with a third, just as big as the other two. The size of the quantum babies each feels like the size of a healthy singleton, so know that they ramp up FAST when going for multiples. As for the braxton hicks, they also felt quite real. I recall the ones I dealt with when pregnant with my own kids being a bit more intense, but even these were strong. I’m not sure why anyone would intentionally give themselves contractions, because they did indeed hurt like you wouldn’t believe, but if you want realism, it’s there.
While there remained a lot from the lunch and even the breakfast menu that I’d yet to eat, many of the other items simply ramped up the multiples. There were of course others, which included random numbers of additional babies, and even included some pregnancy-specific medical conditions for customers to experience (I’ll admit I had to google “polyhydramnios”). As mentioned before, those will have to be for another review. What I wanted to delve into was the sides, which promised everything from reshaping my belly to increasing the strength of certain pregnancy-based side effects. I started with the pickle chips, which I knew I’d enjoy since I’m a sucker for salty snack foods. They claimed to enhance the strength of pregnancy cravings, and generally make things taste better.
If any of my readers ever considers trying McPreggo, do yourself a favor, and have an appetizer of these chips. Even if you don’t like pickles, they’re worth it. The already tasty line up becomes sublime once you have active cravings for it. I know full well this is a marketing tactic, to get you to waddle in and buy more food, but when the food in question is so good, I’ll allow it. The chips themselves were crisp and had a nice crunch to them, and the salt content was on par with a good potato chip. Once the cravings hit, I moved to the fries. 
These were marketed as making a belly longer, creating a “torpedo belly” shape. I downed them quickly, (they were very, very good. Lightly seasoned with something I couldn’t place because I demolished them too fast), and while I couldn’t quite tell at first if they had worked, the sensation of the front of my now triplet heavy belly nudging the table I sat at, when I myself hadn’t moved an inch, was proof enough. At this point, I was starting to feel heavy and sluggish, and started to slow down a bit. I’d eaten two sandwiches and two large sides, and was now carrying multiples on top of it all, so I was feeling quite stuffed. Still, I had two more items I wanted to try. The spicy nuggets touted themselves as increasing movement of the quantum babies, making them more active. A claim that before eating anything I doubted, but now was fully willing to believe. After eating the six nuggets, which did pack some heat though nowhere near as much as the labor inducer, the once mostly dormant babies inside of me began to stir. It was slow at first, but once one was moving, all three were kicking and shifting like crazy. I once again was reminded of those sleepless nights, trying to get comfortable with rowdy twins in me, but now, there was a third. I only had one 6 piece order and felt a difference, so I can’t imagine how intense it would be if someone had 12 or even 18.
To wrap up the review, I had a large “Maternal Marionberry” milkshake waiting for me. It’d been out for the duration of my meal so I expected it to be a little softer after having melted some. I was surprised that it was still quite thick, and I had to work to get it through the straw. The marionberry flavor was really on-point, very fruity, very smooth. The shake claimed it’d widen my hips and give me the “pregnancy glow”, and while I’m not sure how you measure the “pregnancy glow”, the hips are definitely wider. Not only did they feel bigger, but once I cumbersomely hefted myself from my chair and waddled over to the mirror, I could visually tell they had changed. I did a slow, awkward 360 view around the mirror and I had to admit, it was crazy feeling pregnant again. I looked and FELT the part, and had to give credit where it was due, those cooks at McPreggo made the experience a tasty one.
So to summarize, McPreggo food is very good on its own, but the gimmick really sets it apart. The effects onset quickly and are painless, but they really do what they say on the package, so don’t underestimate them. I still have about 4 hours left of my quantum pregnancy as I’m writing the first draft of this review, and given how hard it’ll be to reach my keyboard to make edits as I am, I’m going to take some time to enjoy this. Overall, if you wanna sample pregnancy, easy 10/10. And if you’re just there for the food, definitely 8/10, but stick to the sides, or you’re in for a heavy surprise when you finish that burger.
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ciferon2311 · 7 months
Top choice for your restaurant’s food ordering system | Ciferon
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Discover the myriad advantages of integrating Ciferon into your restaurant's operations. As the premier online ordering software for restaurants, Ciferon offers a comprehensive solution to enhance your efficiency. Consolidate all your online orders onto a single, user-friendly screen, eliminating the frustration of juggling between platforms.
Effortlessly manage your digital menu with Ciferon's intuitive interface. Conduct real-time updates, additions, and modifications directly from the POS system, ensuring your menu is always current and enticing. Customize menu timings, upload captivating images, and refine titles and descriptions with ease, captivating customers with the latest culinary offerings.
Ciferon boasts seamless integration with various food aggregators, enabling you to accept orders from multiple platforms effortlessly. From accepting orders to managing payments, everything is centralized in one location, simplifying operations and enhancing the customer experience.
Seize control of your restaurant's online presence with Ciferon's order management benefits, gaining valuable insights into sales and making informed decisions to stay ahead in a competitive industry.
Embark on a transformative journey with Ciferon by booking a free demo today. Experience firsthand the convenience, efficiency, and innovation that make us the preferred choice for online ordering software. Elevate your restaurant to new heights with Ciferon – where simplicity meets sophistication in the realm of online food ordering.
To know more-
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navedahmedkhan · 1 year
Food ordering & delivery dilemma? A simple software solution can do all the hard work for you
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Since ecommerce has started penetrating into the lives of people, the diversity of items being ordered and delivered online has been increasing. Online Food Delivery: A Growing Trend
Among the various products being delivered online is the food products. The changing lifestyles of people and the increased utilization of technology are the major factors driving consumers towards online food orders.
Nowadays, people find it difficult to cook food due to multiple reasons which include working at a workplace or preparing for a party in a short period of time. Getting the items delivered to their doorsteps has become the most preferred option among the people. Here technology is providing unparalleled convenience to consumers by letting them order food in a few clicks on their smartphones or laptops and get it delivered.
Online food ordering and delivery has turned out to be a boon not only for consumers but also for restaurants and small food outlets. The increasing number of food businesses going online indicates the same.
Revenue in the Online Food Delivery market is projected to reach US$1tn in 2023 and is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 12.78%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$2tn by 2027.
Having understood the importance of running online, food businesses are looking for the food delivery software that suits them best and gives them an edge in the fiercely growing market.
Here in this short blog, I will help you get rid of the dilemma of choosing the food delivery solution for your business. Food is a perishable item that loses its taste and quality if not delivered on time. Thus, it is not only necessary for businesses to consider smooth ordering but also quick delivery to determine their future. Critical Factors for Success: Key Features of Effective Food Delivery Software
Efficient Mobile Applications: In an age where the role of technology is paramount, running an online food business without utilizing mobile apps will take your business nowhere. Consumers could easily download the app on their smartphones and place orders for their favourite dishes in a few clicks. Similarly, for restaurants and delivery agents, their respective app ensures that they manage their functions smoothly. The apps for the restaurants allow the owners to upload the details of the products in bulk on a touch apart from accepting orders and marking the availability of food items. The driver app, used by delivery agents, displays the optimized route for safe and quick delivery.
Bringing Automation for Faster Delivery: Today, 10-minute delivery has become a trend. The time taken to deliver the food items determines the success of the business. This urgency has led to the emergence of hyperlocal ecommerce that depends upon small geographical areas and robust software to deliver the customers in a minimum time. Failing to achieve quick delivery will drift your customers to your rivals. Thus, to meet the customers’ expectations, the online food delivery software must be empowered with automation in the process to eliminate the time taken in doing manual tasks. For example, automatically assigning the delivery task to the most suitable agent is one of the characteristics of an efficient solution.
White-label Solution: Nowadays, the white-label food delivery solution has become the most preferred choice among businesses. An efficient solution must facilitate the branding of the online food delivery company instead of the software company. It ensures that the consumers get to see the name of the food business in their entire buying process.
Easy to Introduce New Features: The changing requirements in the market keep businesses on their toes. Various new features need to be added to the software for online food businesses to align with the market demands. The cloud-based food delivery software is best in this case as the onus of introducing new features lies on the software company rather than the delivery business. This ensures that the business owner delegates all the hard work to the software company and focuses himself towards business growth.
Multiple Online Payment Options: Transaction forms the most important part of any business. Different customers use different modes of payment methods to complete their purchases. Keeping note of this, the food delivery software is armed with several payment options like payment gateways, card payment, and cash on delivery, among others. Depending upon the restaurant’s requirement, they may choose the payment options to be available for the consumers to pay for their orders.
Promotional Tools: Retaining loyal customers and increasing the number of buyers is at the core of any business. For this, businesses put in lots of effort by utilizing various marketing strategies. Today, there is fierce competition in the online food delivery business and it is paramount to expand the customer base. For this to be achieved, modern food ordering software must come up with various in-built marketing tools like referral programs, loyalty rewards, and facilities to create discounts and offers. These promotional tools ensure the increase of cart value and maximise the profit margin.
Location-based Service: In the case of an online food business, quick delivery plays an essential role. A delayed delivery results in food losing its taste and thereby, leads to the shrinkage of customer base. To ensure timely delivery from the restaurant to the customer’s doorsteps, the food delivery software must display the restaurants that are closest to the customers first. Ordering from them will help in the delivery of the food item in a minimum time. Also, the restaurants must be able to mark the area of delivery such that the consumers can’t get the items delivered in that area. This feature helps in the odd times like during rain.
Free from Technicalities: Technicalities of food delivery software should not become a hindrance to the growth of a business. The software should be designed in a way that anyone, with or without technical expertise, can use it easily. This will act as a driving force for all the stakeholders including restaurants and consumers to make the best use of the software.
Final Words
To make a mark in the food delivery industry, just the intent of the business owner is not enough. It is the futuristic food delivery software that will play its role on an equal footing.
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btrestrozucol · 1 year
How to Run a Restaurant Business Successfully in India: Essential Tips and Strategies
A thorough understanding of the Indian food sector, effective administration, and careful planning are all necessary for operating a successful restaurant. With the ever-increasing competition and evolving customer preferences, restaurant owners must stay ahead of the game to thrive in this dynamic market. In this article, we will explore essential tips and strategies for running a restaurant business successfully in India, with a particular focus on leveraging restaurant system management and software for efficient operations.
Embrace Technology: Restaurant Point of Sale (POS) Systems-
One of the most crucial aspects of running a successful restaurant business is adopting modern technology to streamline operations. A robust restaurant Point of sales system is an invaluable tool that can revolutionize your restaurant's efficiency and profitability. A restaurant POS system automates various tasks such as order management, inventory tracking, billing, and reporting.
Investing in reliable software for restaurant POS in India can enhance the overall dining experience for your customers. With a feature-rich POS system, you can expedite order processing, reduce errors, and improve table turnover. Furthermore, advanced POS software allows you to manage multiple aspects of your restaurant, including online orders, delivery, and reservations.
Optimize Restaurant System Management
Efficient management of your restaurant system is crucial for smooth day-to-day operations. Here are some essential tips to consider:
a) Staff Training: Invest in comprehensive training programs to ensure your staff is well-equipped to handle various responsibilities. Properly trained employees can provide better customer service, handle busy periods efficiently, and effectively utilize the restaurant POS system.
b) Inventory Management: Implement a robust inventory management system to track ingredients, supplies, and equipment. Regularly monitor stock levels, streamline procurement processes, and reduce wastage to minimize costs.
c) Menu Engineering: Analyze your menu and identify the most popular dishes, as well as the least profitable ones. Optimize your menu by highlighting high-margin items and removing underperforming dishes. This strategic approach can significantly impact your revenue and customer satisfaction.
d) Streamline Operations: Look for areas where you can automate or streamline operations further. This could include implementing self-service kiosks for order placement, online reservation systems, or integrating your POS system with third-party delivery platforms.
Focus on Customer Experience
In the highly competitive restaurant industry, providing an exceptional customer experience is paramount. Happy customers become loyal patrons and often spread positive word-of-mouth, which is invaluable for your business. Here are some tips to enhance the customer experience:
a) Personalized Service: Train your staff to provide personalized attention to customers. Encourage them to engage in friendly conversations, remember regular customers' preferences, and offer recommendations based on individual tastes.
b) Speed and Efficiency: With the help of a restaurant POS system, streamline your order management process to ensure quick and accurate service. Reduce waiting times, expedite food preparation, and optimize the billing process to leave a lasting positive impression.
c) Online Presence: Leverage the power of digital platforms to connect with your customers. Maintain an informative and user-friendly website, regularly update your social media accounts, and actively engage with customer reviews and feedback.
d) Loyalty Programs: Implement a customer loyalty program to incentivize repeat visits. Offer discounts, freebies, or exclusive benefits to encourage customers to choose your restaurant over competitors.
Maintain Quality and Consistency
Consistency is key to building a strong brand reputation and earning customer loyalty. To maintain high-quality standards:
a) Ingredients and Sourcing: Source fresh and high-quality ingredients from reliable suppliers. Ensure your kitchen staff follows strict guidelines for food preparation and storage.
b) Menu Testing: Regularly evaluate and test new dishes or menu updates to maintain consistency in taste, presentation, and portion sizes.
c) Hygiene and Cleanliness: Ensure that your restaurant maintains impeccable hygiene standards. Regularly clean and sanitize all areas, including the dining area, kitchen, restrooms, and storage spaces. Train your staff on proper food handling and safety practices to prevent any health hazards.
d) Feedback and Improvement: Encourage customer feedback and take it seriously. Address any concerns or complaints promptly and take necessary measures to rectify them. Use feedback as an opportunity for continuous improvement and to meet and exceed customer expectations.
Effective Marketing and Promotion
Implementing effective marketing and promotional strategies can help increase your restaurant's visibility and attract new customers. Consider the following tips:
a) Online Presence: Develop a strong online presence through a well-designed website, active social media profiles, and online review platforms. Regularly update your online platforms with enticing content, attractive food photography, and engaging promotions.
b) Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local influencers, food bloggers, and organizations to reach a wider audience. Offer special deals or partnerships to enhance visibility and credibility.
c) Special Events and Offers: Organize special events, themed nights, or seasonal promotions to create excitement and attract customers. Offer discounts, happy hour specials, or loyalty program incentives to entice new and repeat visitors.
d) Customer Referrals: Implement a referral program that rewards customers for bringing in new patrons. Word-of-mouth referrals can be highly effective in attracting new business.
Financial Management and Cost Control
To run a successful restaurant business, effective financial management is crucial. Consider these tips for better cost control:
a) Budgeting: Develop a comprehensive budget that includes all aspects of your restaurant's expenses, including food costs, staff salaries, rent, utilities, and marketing. Regularly review and analyze your budget to identify areas where costs can be reduced without compromising quality.
b) Menu Pricing: Set prices strategically by considering ingredient costs, competition, and customer perception. Ensure that your menu pricing allows for a healthy profit margin without alienating customers.
c) Vendor Negotiations: Build strong relationships with your suppliers and negotiate favorable terms to secure competitive pricing for ingredients and supplies. Regularly compare prices from different vendors to ensure you're getting the best deals.
d) Waste Reduction: Implement measures to minimize food waste and optimize portion sizes. Train your staff on portion control techniques and consider donating excess food to local charities or food banks.
Conclusion Running a successful restaurant business in India requires a combination of effective management strategies, embracing technology, providing exceptional customer experiences, and implementing smart marketing techniques. By utilizing restaurant system management and leveraging pos restaurant software in India, you can streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve overall profitability. Additionally, focusing on customer satisfaction, maintaining quality standards, and controlling costs are essential elements of a thriving restaurant business. With dedication, continuous improvement, and the implementation of these essential tips and strategies, you can position your restaurant for success in the dynamic Indian food industry.
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anasblogging · 1 year
Top 10 ways to earn money in 2023
Freelancing: Freelancing allows you to work remotely and provide your services to clients across the world. You can use platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer to find work in various fields such as writing, graphic designing, software development, etc.
2. Starting an online business: Starting an online business can be a great way to earn money. You can create and sell products or services, run an e-commerce store, or start a blog or YouTube channel to make money from advertising revenue.
3. Investing: Investing in stocks, real estate, or cryptocurrency can be a great way to earn passive income over time. You can invest through a broker or use online investment platforms like Robinhood or Coinbase.
4. Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people's products and earning a commission on any sales that result from your promotion. You can sign up for affiliate programs with companies like Amazon, ClickBank, or ShareASale to get started.
5. Selling items online: You can sell items on online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon. You can also sell your own products or services through platforms like Etsy or Shopify.
6. Teaching or tutoring: If you have a skill or expertise in a particular area, you can teach or tutor others online. You can use platforms like Teachable, Udemy, or Skillshare to create and sell courses.
7. Delivery or rideshare services: You can earn money by working for companies like Uber, Lyft, or DoorDash. These companies allow you to work flexible hours and earn money by delivering food or providing rides to customers.
8.Social media management: Many businesses and individuals need help managing their social media accounts. You can offer your services as a social media manager and help them create content, manage accounts, and engage with followers.
9.Virtual assistant: You can provide administrative support to businesses or individuals as a virtual assistant. You can help with tasks like scheduling, email management, and data entry.
10.Renting out property: If you own property, you can rent it out to earn passive income. You can use platforms like Airbnb or VRBO to rent out your home or other properties to travelers.
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itoss · 1 year
SAP Business One ERP for Food and Beverage Industry
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The food and beverage sector has thrived in recent years, attracting an increasing number of customers. Most Trusted, Secure & Powerful ERP Solutions This business is increasing global demand, resulting in a fast rise in food costs. this industry’s significant difficulties are growing demand for diversity and innovation, poor profit margins, product traceability, and quality government control. SAP Business One for Food and Beverage aids with all elements of the industry’s manufacturing and distribution. 
This ERP Software analyses the current particular needs of the food sector SAP B1 for Food and Beverages Make your Manufacturing business run easier with the Globally most trusted ERP Solution, SAP Business One
SAP Business One for Manufacturers – SAP B1 ERP increases visibility and gives solutions in every aspect of your manufacturing operations and resolves your most frustrating production challenges. SAP B1 provider of one-stop management solutions for all manufacturing verticals, including the Apparel Manufacturing Industry, ensures daily operations effectively. 
ERP for Manufacturing Industry supports standard assembly processes, disassembly, as well as special, production orders. SAP Manufacturing can easily centralize all records, analyze opportunity pipelines that can be entered into production orders, identify production slot availability, warehouse location, and issue methods are automatically recorded.
Recipe Management: SAP Business One allows businesses to create and manage recipes for their food and beverage products. This can include tracking ingredients, quantities, and costs, and managing allergen and nutritional information.
Quality Control: SAP Business One can help businesses track quality control measures for their products, including testing and inspections. It can also help manage compliance with regulatory standards and certifications. Inventory Management: SAP Business One allows businesses to manage their inventory levels, including tracking stock levels, setting up reorder points, and generating inventory reports.
Sales Management: SAP Business One enables businesses to track sales data, including the total sales revenue, sales by product, and sales by customer. It can also manage promotions, discounts, and pricing for different products. Purchasing Management: SAP Business One can help businesses manage their purchasing processes, including supplier management, purchase orders, and tracking deliveries.
Financial Management: SAP Business One includes financial management features such as accounting, budgeting, and cash flow management. This can help businesses manage their finances more efficiently and effectively. Reporting and Analytics: SAP Business One can generate reports on sales, inventory, and financial data, allowing businesses to analyze their performance and make informed decisions.
Overall, SAP Business One can provide food and beverage businesses with a comprehensive solution for managing their operations, from recipe management to inventory control, to financial management and reporting.
TOSS Solutions is the top SAP partner in India with SAP B1 market presence having been awarded as the SAP Business One #1 partner. ITOSS Solutions has over a decade-long successful history of rendering services from implementation, customization, support, managed services, cloud hosting, HANA, and migration services.
ITOSS Solutions has been recognized by SAP as the best SAP Business One Partner for the North & East India regions. ITOSS Solutions is a Top ERP Software Vendor based in Delhi NCR rendering its services across the country.
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appdevelopmentstech · 24 days
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ivaninfotech · 2 years
A Guide On Food Delivery App Development: Features And Importance
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In this era, who doesn’t use a food delivery app?
Right from the younger generation to the adults, every individual in the modern world is well familiar with the food delivery apps that are delivering their favourite food to the very doorstep.
With digital transformation taking grasp on every industry, the sector of the food and beverage industry is also implementing the necessary advanced technologies to enhance the business process and gain more customer base. While the pandemic had hard hit the sector, gradually with the online delivery of food and beverages, the industry started to regain its customers back after the initial severe lockdown. With the adoption of the food and beverage software development in the sector, the entire business process is being streamlined which has been helping right away from food ordering to food delivery to the customers. They are a major part of the restaurant sector with top companies like Uber Eats, Zomato along with Swiggy enabling tough competition.
So, are you a restaurant owner and thinking of having your own food delivery app? That is a great investment and let us explain why every restaurant should have its own food delivery app.
What Are The Benefits Of Building A Food Delivery App?
The last few years have witnessed a significant rise in the demand for food delivery services and that is well understood through the rising of the delivery services like Zomato and Uber Eats. In fact, the market is estimated to grow by $300 billion by the year 2030 due to its rising demand and the usage of smartphones. Hence, more restaurants are investing in food and beverage system software solutions.
Let’s check out why investing in food delivery apps should be important.
Smooth delivery experience for the customers.
Hassle-free ordering and easy tracking
Enhance brand loyalty
Reduced cost due to no food delivery commissions
Ensures seamless and effective communication
Advanced Features To Integrate Into Food Delivery Apps
There are certain features that restaurant businesses should be mandatorily integrated into while developing a food delivery app. Here is a list of advanced features that can help in making your food delivery app one of a kind and provide customer satisfaction.
Quick Search
The search bar option should always be provided in a food delivery app so that the users can easily find the food dish that they are looking for. The search option should help users easily and quickly locate the food and restaurant that they want.
Order Status
Customers should be able to check out the order status of the food that they have ordered through these food delivery apps. Integrating the food delivery app with the food and beverage software development can help the restaurant owners to know the order details and at the same time, the food delivery app data is synced accordingly to let the user know the status.
Multiple Payment Options
Businesses must include multiple payment options in the food delivery app as it provides customers to pay through whichever method they are comfortable with.  The payment methods should be faster, easier and as per the user's convenience.
Discounts and Promo Codes
Who doesn’t like some discounts when ordering some food? Therefore, while developing a food app, make sure to include promo codes and discount options to reward your customers for ordering from you thereby enabling them to return for repeated orders in the future.
Customer Reviews and Opinions
Customer reviews and feedback is extremely necessary for any business and especially for food delivery apps. So, make sure you integrate the feature of customer feedback through ratings and reviews for both the food dishes and the delivery service.
The rise of the food delivery app is inevitable and should be taken as an essential aspect by every restaurant. Investing in the food and beverage software development and integrating it with the food delivery app system can help restaurants keep a track of all the customer details related to food delivery.
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vromony · 2 years
Business Name: VROMO
Street Address 1: 98 Cutter Mill Rd 466 S
Street Address 2: Great Neck Plaza
City: New York
State: New York
Postal Code: 11021
Country: USA
Business Phone Number: +35315388838
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://vromo.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearevromo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wearevromo
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wearevromo/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-CXNwh1qKwnMlEWrOEn2RQ
Description: VROMO is the #1 software for restaurant food delivery. We help restaurants operate the most efficient delivery solution at scale while giving their customers an exceptional brand experience. Headquartered in Ireland with offices in New York, VROMO provides best-in-class food delivery and fleet management software to some of the biggest restaurant brands and DSPs around the world. We’re constantly thinking about your business – because we’ve been in the restaurant delivery business for more than 20 years. If you’re interested in scaling your delivery operations, we invite you to join and grow with us.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12903084092648871652
Business Hours: Sunday 24/7 Monday 24/7 Tuesday 24/7 Wednesday 24/7 Thursday 24/7 Friday 24/7 Saturday 24/7
Services: Delivery management software for restaurants, food delivery businesses and takeaways
Keywords: food delivery management software, restaurant delivery software, food delivery app for drivers
Payment Methods: Check, Debit Card, Credit Card, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, Bank Transfer
Business/Company Establishment Year: 2016
Owner Name: Brian Hickey (CEO)
Service Areas:
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vncglobal · 2 years
Logistics Management 101: A Beginner's Guide
What is Logistics Management?
Logistics management may be a process within the Supply Chain management that focuses on the model of transporting and storing goods before the ultimate sale. The plan ensures that products promptly hit their destination and are kept appropriately.
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The logistics process starts with the delivery of raw materials and concludes with the shipment of the final product to the consumer. Managers need a comprehensive strategy to effectively coordinate the many moving parts of this lengthy process. Several factors contribute to efficient logistics management, such as-
Choosing vendors that provide transportation facilities
Finding the fastest transportation routes
Searching for the simplest delivery method
Utilizing software to automate standard processes
To avoid problems that build up, logistics managers need to take each component into account. Poor transportation management, for instance, may cause deliveries to be delayed, resulting in dissatisfied customers. Inadequate planning can also lead to impulsive decision-making, which can result in additional costs. As a result, businesses ought to concentrate on learning how to effectively oversee the various types of logistics management.
Types of Logistics Management:
There are four essential varieties of logistics management that target different phases of the availability chain:
●    Supply Management:
Supply Management entails planning, ordering, and receiving raw materials or products that are needed by a particular deadline. This needs logistics managers to seek out the simplest type of transportation and storage for the precise item.
For example, perishable foods might have to be transported in refrigerated vehicles and stored in temperature-sensitive units until they're shipped to stores. Managers also must consider the order size to make sure the mode of transportation can handle the availability volume.
●    Distribution Management:
Once the products are transported safely to storage or distribution centres, managers must determine their destination, like retail or grocery stores. This process takes time because it involves loading, transporting, and unloading items.
When the products gain their destination, employees must count and report stock usage. Distribution management is crucial because it monitors the activity of products as they move from warehouses to stores. If you are looking for an excellent inventory management service provider, VNC Global is the right place for you.
●    Production Management:
Production management oversees the phases of merging raw materials and components into the End product. This process includes finding and retrieving the mandatory materials to produce the item. Managers must correlate materials’ arrival time with the assembly schedule to avoid stalling operations or storing early shipments.
●    Reverse Logistics and Returns:
There could also be excess materials that require to be reclaimed after production. Therefore, logistics managers must schedule pickups to retrieve extra supplies and products to re-enter into inventory.
Modes of Logistics:
●    Trucking:
The majority of road transportation is carried by trucks. It is useful for services in rural areas where there aren't many other options for transportation and is one of the cheapest ways to move goods.
Good for intercity transportation
Allows flexible routing
Minimizes cost for short distances
●    Maritime Transportation:
The maritime mode of transportation is the primary mode of transportation for global trade. It is advantageous for intercity transportation, allows for flexible routing, and minimizes costs for short distances. The OECD says that ships transport 90% of traded goods and that demand for global freight is growing.
Useful for cross-border shipment
Cheap mode of transportation
Transportation of heavy and bulky goods
Secure means of transportation
●    Rail Transportation:
Rail transportation is the most efficient mode of transportation for moving bulk materials over great distances. It is also a cost-effective mode of transportation for moving heavy and bulky goods. Rail transportation is also useful for shipment across borders.
Cost-effective mode of transportation for long-distance
Quickest modes of transportation on land
Least affected by unusual weather
Fixed routes and schedule help in the exact prediction of delivery time
VNC Global offers top-class business solutions, including supply chain management, Finance management, inventory management, etc. to the companies located across the borders.
●    Air Cargo Transportation:
The transportation of goods via air from one location within a country or anywhere in the world is known as air cargo transport. It is a cost-effective mode of transportation for long distances, one of the fastest modes of land transportation, and it is least affected by unusual weather.
Quicker delivery of the consignment
It offers direct and shortest route, and no barrier comes it's way
Suitable to carry perishable goods
Higher safety and less risk
●    Goals of Logistics Management:
Logistics expenses are non-refundable, and if a product fails, the entire logistics process must be repeated to retrieve the goods. It is the fastest and shortest mode of transportation. It offers a direct and shortest route and does not encounter any obstacles. It is suitable for carrying perishable goods. By improving the quality of the production, customers are guaranteed high-quality goods, and returns and additional logistics costs are reduced.
Supply chains would operate inefficiently and run the risk of falling behind the competition without benchmarks. By optimizing workflow to achieve goals, logistics management can reduce the impact of risks like missing deadlines by clearly defining objectives.
Six essential objectives should be the focus of logistics managers:
1.   Increase Efficiency:
Monitoring both inbound and outbound transports are necessary for increasing overall efficiency. Finding reasonable transportation rates that reduce the company's overhead and cost-per-order expenses should be a top priority for managers.
Locating suppliers who carry out quality inspections to find and fix errors before shipping can help managers increase logistics efficiency. Companies can avoid having to recollect items that have been returned if they catch product errors before they reach customers.
2.   Reduce reaction time:
Businesses can work to reduce their interval to increase customer satisfaction in addition to improving product quality. Customers value prompt service, and the quicker an organization can respond to their needs, the better. Managers can launch and postpone operations like shipping replacement items or ordering inventory with the click of a button thanks to modern supply chain technology.
3.   Reduce Unexpected Events:
Unexpected events can still cause process disruptions for businesses. There are dangers in each store network stage that would burn through organization time and assets, from upset creation lines to merchandise harmed during shipment.
Businesses respond to these occurrences by investing in expensive transportation or maintaining healthy levels of safety stock. However, advanced software that improves logistics control is now available to businesses. New solutions keep an eye on operations and try to minimize the impact of unforeseen occurrences.
4.   Optimize Inventory:
Managers must examine the fine line between overstocking and under stocking products in order to optimize inventory levels. Stockouts and lost sales may occur if not enough product is held, affecting profits and customer satisfaction. Overstocking, on the other hand, can result in increased holding and shipping costs that reduce profits, hence, to increase the profits, get in touch with VNC Global for all of your inventory management needs.
Managers of logistics should try to reduce stock deployment to levels that can both meet customer demand and cut costs associated with logistics. Companies can keep inventory turnover rates and availability healthy by calculating minimum stock levels for each item.
5.   Reduce Logistics Costs:
Material transportation is a significant logistics expense. Companies can better control profit margins by cutting this cost. Businesses must consolidate product movement to reduce shipping costs. However, depending on the product's size, weight, type, and destination, transportation requirements can vary greatly.
Most of the time, logistics companies that ship small orders quickly charge a lot. As a result, the shipping cost per unit is lower, the larger the order and the longer the gap. Businesses can reduce logistic costs by grouping small shipments of comparable products with the assistance of ordering software.
6.   Enhance Quality:
Total quality management (TQM) is a rising trend in the logistics sector and the business landscape as a whole. Companies can boost sales and customer satisfaction by improving product quality over time. There is nothing the logistics company can do to make up for damages that occur after the final delivery if an item breaks or fails to function properly. Consequently, organizations ought to adopt a proactive strategy to help the norm of their tasks.
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