#Cuz theres such a big distinction made that they arent on the same level sano is a child and haru is an adult
frobby · 6 months
Something i really like about yohaji is its distinction between relationships with peers amd relationships with superiors.
One thing i thought was kinda silly at the begining was that haruaki was always hanging out with his students lile during breaks and shit (felt most strongly when they get scolded for breaking a window while playimg baseball) and i reason well hes the main character of course hes hanging out with the principal cast and i would have been fine with that.
But no not only does tanaka-sensei provide a in character reason (haru had a terrible school life) they come at me with 'haruaki is jealous of people friends' and what i think is really interesting about that initial chapter is that typically it would end with an 'oohhh but they ARE you're friends' but no it ends with 'even if you didn't make friends as a child you can still make adult friends' with miki and izuna becoming his friends.
This is echoed in the arc where haruaki is a student WITH sano and with his students and he has so much fun but finally he says 'im not your friend im your teacher' the relationships you have with your teachers and adults and vice versa in your life arent without value but theyre not the same as ones you make with your peers and should not be treated as such
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