embyrinitalics · 2 years
Even tho I drew some pics of Seer!Link I'm super interested in Cyborg AU!
AIEEE YES YOU DID AND I LOVE THEM!!! 😱😭🖤 And thanks, I'm super glad to hear that!
Plot write up here, and previous snippets here and here.
Here's a bit with Zelda prior to meeting Link, cuz we haven't seen her yet and it's really all I've got 😂
The water in the spring was always cold. No matter the time of year or how bright the sun, she always emerged from the pool shivering, barely able to keep her teeth from chattering while her entourage complained of insufferable heat and mosquitos. But the bugs meant they always kept a protective ring of torches lit, and she invariably moved toward the fire like a moth, drawn by the promise of warmth for her numb fingers. It had been another unsuccessful visit. She briefly considered extending their stay another night, but a brief glance at the handful of knights and Sheikah sitting in their torchlight circle like it was some sort of ward spell made her mind for her. They had suffered enough. Tomorrow was the ride of shame. “There’s nothing shameful about what you’re doing,” Impa had insisted softly, the first time she let slip her nickname for that particular segment of their journey—their very tired, very orbital journey. She didn’t know how the moon did it, honestly. “It only shows your devotion to the goddess, and serves to remind the people to rekindle theirs.” Leave it to Impa to conjure a flattering interpretation. If only her people saw things the same way. But she had heard the epithets, same as everyone else. Faithless. Forsaken. Heir to a throne of nothing. And maybe she would have minded the ride less if she weren’t heralded and trailed by so many white banners, fluttering in the breeze as though announcing her surrender. They were supposed to symbolize her purity, but she doubted very much anyone saw them that way anymore. They symbolized her defeat, and she could inspire no one brandishing a mark like that. Zelda puffed a sigh, forcing a smile onto her lips. That was enough wallowing for one evening. “I hope you saved some for me,” she said, drifting closer to the smothered cookfire. “My mouth was watering all through that last prayer.” “Thought it might tempt you out,” the captain smirked, ladling her some supper out of the pot and passing her the bowl. “Peeled the potatoes myself.” “And that explains the lumpen potatoes,” chimed one of his knights. Captain Eagus was a kind man—battleworn and grandfatherly, though he had no wife and children of his own. His neat beard was salted and peppered, and scars and wrinkles pulled at his eyes when he smiled. He’d been the captain of her personal guard since she was a girl, and his lumpen potatoes aside he was as fine a bodyguard as anyone could ask for. She hated dragging him out into the jungle at his age. But he had sworn when she was young he’d stay by her side until her task was done, and here he was, ten years later, doing just that. He was more than qualified to sit in the war rooms with her father’s generals. But instead he was sitting out in the stifling heat and the mosquitos, with her. She smiled brighter, pressing chilled fingers tight to the warm bowl. “I’m sure it’s delicious.” “Eat up, Princess. Hylia knows you’ve earned it. I’m always tuckered out after a long swim, or a long prayer. I can’t imagine how exhausting it is doing both at once.” “Oh, it’s not so bad,” she said, hiding a grimace behind a spoonful of stew. “What about you all? Was there much excitement? Any monsters?” Eagus sounded disappointed. “Not a peep.” She knew the feeling. "There was a message from one of the directors," one of the Sheikah said, producing the Slate for her to examine. “Apparently they’ve made some kind of a breakthrough at the tech lab, and have requested both you and your father to be present to inspect their work.” She tapped the screen awake and scrolled, chewing. The message was brief, and a bit dramatic. Distinctly Robbie. “A weapon that will turn the tide in the battle against the Calamity.” It was probably a new broadsword prototype. And that hardly warranted her presence, especially when her father had made his opposition to her involvement in the ongoing research at the lab known years ago. Still, she was glad for any excuse to visit.
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gumptiomdog · 2 months
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can tumblr please let me post the finished guys their so important to me
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 269
Another Legend of Zelda Crossover with Ghosts are Dragons. Because it’s fun :>
Danny has decided to go on a vacation with his platonic-romantic-they-aren’t-sure-yet partners. To a different world! Where they can spend more time than just the summer before heading back to their world or the Realms for work. Self employed or no. 
Look, they spent their entire teenagehood protecting the city and world, they deserve a break! So they chose a random direction and a random world that didn’t feel too liminal and ecto-contaminated, and off they went!
And it’s great! The monster issue is easily enough taken care of too, even if it’s to Sam’s complaint. Interesting taste though… Oh well, they can complain and debate that later, because they don’t have to really worry about much. Well, much besides the weird corruption sort of rotting smell that seems to be getting stronger… 
Maybe that’s normal around here…?
@fairy-lights-and-blobs @radiance1 You both enjoy dragons so here <3
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rarestdoge · 4 months
I've seen a good deal of confusion with the many versions of Cam, so I MADE A CAMUAL.
It was originally meant to be short and sweet and just colored sketches, but ofc I ended up fully rendering it bc I can't help myself hdhjwhd
Ah yes, the tutorial
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"the original long nose anime man. also hes hot"
"He's a cyborg. He can fly. He's even Italian-American. I can't not fuck him."
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lightmare000 · 7 months
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raelefae · 5 days
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These two frames just before he grabs the pan of burning garlic are so charming and relatable, they're probably my favorites in the entire 2001 series.
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70s-cyborg-009-caps · 4 months
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destiniibond · 2 months
Started watching Cyborg 009, and got really into it. Did a few character doodles of 004 and 002
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cyborg00-why · 10 months
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Ishinomori Mangattan Museum 20th Anniversary exhibition: Cyborg 009 Party Collection
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cabletwo · 5 months
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This is the AcCountability Detective Agency, extending our gratitude to Cable Two for allowing us to use their Tumblog to post our findings on the mysterious disappearance and presumed death of John G. Gajillion III, CEO of Gajillion Inc.
This post is the first of five updates to be posted throughout the week. Please check back tomorrow for the second.
Cable Two viewers and fans are encouraged to contribute their theories and observations as we struggle to unravel this case. We can be reached via this Tumblog or [email protected]
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rukafais · 1 year
i still think the funniest possible answer to “where did all the divine beasts go in tears of the kingdom” would have been “purah and robbie were in the middle of dismantling guardians and ancient sheikah tech for parts and they were like “oh, the champions’ ghosts are still here? well divine beasts are really big, we can repurpose some bits and pieces to give you new bodies if you want” and then we get unstoppable sheikah-tech cyborg ghost champions just, hanging out with their descendants and shit
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artistmitchy · 4 months
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Happy birthday, you beautiful bird shaped man. 🐦
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My new favourite thing will be editing dancing clips from the stage show and adding own music.
Skull walks in on his son dancing to some Ayesha Erotica and is like "....Wtf that boi doing?" And just walks away.
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emzycore · 11 months
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Jet paintings + Albert
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lightmare000 · 1 year
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