#Cyborg Kaori
tlacehualli · 2 years
It seemed that Talon couldn't let a year go by before they did some other morally reprehensible pendejada to make Sombra feel even more fucked up about having to turn to them so long ago. She could moralize, she could philosophize, she could read all of the communist and anarchist theory in the world - and it didn't help, really, 'cause at heart she was selfish and human like everybody else and she'd just wanted to live a little longer. Facing the Conspiracy at the end of it all, she didn't know if she was gonna live through that and it always felt like the clock was ticking. 14 years since then. 8 years in Talon. 12 since her cyborgization.
Time flies when you're having fun.
This time - or rather, some time ago - Moira had cooked up something equally heinous. Sombra didn't know much, and she didn't dare to dive into Talon servers too deeply lest she catch the eye of the geneticist, but she knew enough. They'd made themselves another assassin and they'd taken a somewhat different tack this time. The result was someone far more violent. There was an edge of instability there that reminded her of how the Widow used to be all those years ago when they'd first met.
So to say that she was anxious about being partnered up with Kaori on a dual assassination/infiltration mission was a slight understatement. Had a highly advanced AI not been integrated into her spine, running through the various mental tangents her intellect could conjure at speeds she lacked and covering for her impressively lacking short term memory, she might have had a panic attack. As it was, she was just - quiet, as purple lights flickered quietly along her enhancements. They did that sometimes when they ran hot.
The pair of them were in a rooftop somewhere in Rome and Sombra's nose was wrinkled at the smell of the big city. She hated Europe so much. And she felt no qualms about their target - some bigwig neoliberal up and coming politician, young, handsome. Connected of course, from a moneyed family, with promises to focus on crime and to fund the reborn Overwatch. Also apparently to fund the police. Her task was to track the money, hopefully seize it - and assist Kaori, of course.
She extended her clawed hand, hardlight extending from her fingertips to weave a hologram that displayed the blueprint for the politician's home - a bit of a stronghold. It was wise to be paranoid, but not wise enough to get past her.
"What do ya think? I usually work with the Widow and she's more of a sniper so I can just get them into position for her, but..." She paused, glancing over her companion with consideration. "I guess you'll wanna come in with me?"
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Based on the comic book by the creator of Ghost in the Shell, a young female soldier Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos survive through the post World War 3 apocalyptic New York in search of human’s future hope, the legendary city of Olympus. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Deunan Knute (voice): Yuka Komatsu Briareos Hecatonchires (voice): Junichi Suwabe Iris (voice): Aoi Yuki Olson (voice): Hiroki Takahashi Talos (voice): Hiroki Touchi Nyx (voice): Kaori Nazuka Two Horns (voice): Tessyo Genda Mathews (voice): Katsunosuke Hori …: Hisanori Yoshida …: Mao Satonaka …: Shinichiro Kamio …: Yoshiki Nakajima …: Yuki Yonai Film Crew: Director: Shinji Aramaki Screenplay: Marianne Krawczyk Producer: Joseph Chou Executive Producer: Hidetoshi Yamamoto Original Story: Masamune Shirow Co-Producer: Max Nishi Original Music Composer: Tetsuya Takahashi Executive Producer: Takashi Oya Co-Producer: Makiko Nagano Music Producer: Shin Yasui Producer: Eiichi Kamagata CGI Director: Masaru Matsumoto Movie Reviews:
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Attention! CipherDefender.exe has intercepted an unknown transmission, "Shinobi46.txt" from A.R. World untouched by the Desire Grand Prix. Extracting this file can cause damage to your GlareOS/GazerOS system. DGP Management will immediately and painfully replace you in the event of network compromise or Master Suel's game of PUBG lagging. Proceed anyway?
->Yeah sure, why not? Heck no at all!
Running Shinobi46.txt...
Nin-Pow! Episode 46 of Shinobi! Sniff... oh Kanjo... How I miss you so... may Geiz Revive from Decade Season 2 carry thee to thy rest.
I thank you all for accompanying me these past 45 episodes. We laughed, we cried, we made new friends and foes. I got to date a smoking hot kunoichi and now we get paid to laze around and do nothing... life is good.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Oh don't remind me! Sniff... these damn recaps...
-You're the most evilest son of a bitch I've ever done seen in a Ninja show, Amakusa. I mean, Jesus Christ! ...literally.
-Ganbare, Rentaro-san!
-They got Bomb Chick, Kusarigama Dude, Kunai Lady... and my babygirl... Sai Guy...
-Whoa wait a sec OTHER WORLD NINJA RIDERS????
-Who the hell is this doofus?
-Keiwhat now?!
-I thought he was the Geats guy!
-Oh thank god, Izanagi. I feel better.
-Icchi..... I miss you...
-Oh that's nice, Dork-on and his cute sister got added to the intro.
-Oh man... showing me episode 3 knowing I'm crying... I hate this show sometimes, I swear.
-Oh that's a cool belt. I wonder what kinda toys you sold in your world?
-Do you need a reason, Keita? Or whatever your name is?
-Oh, down he goes!
-Bro doesn't know about the Ninja Act lmao
-...this dude talks to lawn ornaments. Weirdo. Not like us, we talk to wall scrolls!
-Oh that Gamano. Always so well informed.
-Y'know I wish that neechan was the Ninja Rider from your world. She seems to have a backbone!
-That kagemusha is my friend, Geronimo.
-Oh wow, he can just... instantly tell from that Daikon guy's belt, huh?
-Amakusa's a gold digger.
-Things have gotten real bad for us all, Keitai.
-Boooooo! Booooohoooooohooooooo!
-"Hah... Dumbass."
-Rentawooooo :((((
-He hungwy :((
-I still can't believe we've gone this long with Iroha still knowing nothing about Shinobi's identity. Not like in [REDACTED] Sentai [REDACTED]. Sun Wukong and pals are the most open and functional of friends!
-Ah, a noodle boy? You do seem like you drop your spaghetti a lot.
-No ninja wedding? Okay, sure.
-...Something tells me K-Touch's sister gets fridged somehow in her world. Poor lass. I don't even get told your name.
-Oooh, fuck 'em up Iroha!
-Oh right, Amakusa's magic glass lotus thing.
-So, Ketamine hides his secret too. I wonder how hard Trigon has it with those Jamiroquai guys?
-Diet Ryuki, huh? I bet you're wishing for something cringe like "world peace" or whatever.
-NINPO! ...Nin-No!
-Gotta hand it to Canine, he seems to know his way around a fight.
-Rickshaw express to Konjou Company!
-Oh, there's neechan.
-Amakusa would have a private Christian wedding. Great attention to detail there, Kaori-sensei.
-Stop the wedding!
-There's Keijo's belty thingy.
-Oh shit!
-Movie Riders showing up in-series never happens unless it's Decade or Decade 2!
-Who... who's this green guy though? The Great Prophet Master Woz, who served under the wonderful Geiz Revive, never had a watch for this lime dude. ...he looks cool, I'll give him that. Also... strangely familiar...
-Bro doesn't even know about Rider Fights lmao
-And Kayfabe hits the floor!
-C'mon Kagenari, you've got a daughter!
-And youuuu.... Green Guy! You have somebody you care about, right?
-Shun Sugata! The man! The Ninja!
-You're looking great, Ryo!
-Ooooooooohoohohohohoho, goes hard!
-He's helping us!
-"C-Cyborgs?" Indeed he is, Kiddie Kong!
-Excellent technique, Neesan!
-"...this isn't Madoka's track meet."
-"...Kento????? Bro????"
-...why do I know that name?
-"Oh man, Niichan...I hope you stop sucking soon."
-ZX's ninja gadgets are always so sick <3
-It's nice seeing Kagenari do good :)
-Oh, this green guy's a book guy, huh?
-Another Hattari!
-...is there retooling from Yaminin in that suit?
"-Icchi, come on man! I don't wanna fight you again! Remember how much we were fighting in the 20 mark?"
-Oh, there's Senhor Geronimo.
-Oh wow... Taiko's got a cool form. ...that buckly thingy he's got on his belt looks fun to play with too. Kinda like the Shuriken Starter!
-Get in there, Shinobi!
-Well, he's down! Oh, not yet!
-Whoa... you're cool.
-Get in there, Rentaro!
-Shinobi Buckle!
-Keiwa-kun! ...no, Kamen Rider Tycoon! Show that jerk who's boss!
-...have I been shit-talking his successor?
-Ohhhhhh, that's so sweet, they're singing it together :3
-At last... the holy ninjutsu!
-Rider Double Slash?
-The other Ninjas...
-Ninja Riders, Squad Up!
-Kamen Rider ZX! Kamen Rider Fuuma! Kamen Rider Kenzan! ...apparently! Kamen Rider Tycoon! Kamen Rider... Shinobi!
-Go forth, Ninjas!
-Holy Ninjutsu! Five Footed Assault!
-Noooooo, nooo Icchiiii...
-Amakusa, you fucker!
-Thank you... Ryo-senpai...
-Little Bro Keiwa, vanishing whenever there's trouble.
-Thank you, Keiwa :)
-See you around, Keiwa-kun.
-Damn, I bet the guy in Geats World must freak out whenever he hears it.
-Pffft... Geats... bet he's some kinda Beowulf type.
-...bet his actor's a real fox though.
-Wait for us, Icchi.
-Shirou, you monster
-Oh man, I can't wait to talk about this on social media with all my Rider Bros.
-I heard that up and comer Fuku Suzuki is a big fan!
[This concludes the decoded transmission. The World of Shinobi has been added to DGP Record as potential stage for next DGP Series upon World of Geats reaching Grand End.]
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n-phenix · 2 years
Le Girls Power dans les animé
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Allant de Naruto à dragon ball z en passant par Fullmetal, nous avons déjà tous eu a remarqué ces personnages féminins qui envoie du lourd dans nos animé. Dans cette article nous allons vous présenter 7 personnes féminin les plus badass
7- Misato Katsuragi (Evangelion)
Misato a un poste très important à la NERV (Capitaine puis Major), travaillant avec les pilotes d’EVA mais également avec les plus hauts placés. Cet élément suffit déjà à montrer le level de la meuf, mais en plus, elle hésite pas à envoyer chier comme il faut ceux qui la gonflent, et elle sait également prendre le taureau par les cornes. Au passage, Evangelion arrive à la fin du mois sur Netflix, l’occasion de découvrir ou redécouvrir cette oeuvre majeure (pour ma part, je vais le faire découvrir à ma femme, et je pense vous faire plusieurs articles sur le sujet !).
6- C18 (Dragon Ball)
Je ne pense pas qu’il soit nécessaire de présenter C18, la seule cyborg du Dr Gero qui a survécu, et qui a épousé Krilin par la suite. Tout d’abord, elle est extrêmement stylée (comme quasiment tous les personnages de Dragon Ball par ailleurs), mais surtout, elle a droit à plusieurs moments de badasserie folle, celui que je gardant sans doute le plus en mémoire étant le moment où elle dégomme Vegeta alors que celui-ci se pense invincible. Un dur retour à la réalité auquel le personnage est habitué…
5- Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Précision importante : je parle du Major Kusanagi tel qu’elle est dans le film Ghost in the Shell de Mamoru Oshii (chef d’oeuvre absolu à voir à tout prix !) car je ne connais pas le manga ou les animes (je ne sais d’ailleurs pas si elle apparaît dedans). C’est un des rares personnages principaux que je cite dans ce classement. Elle n’a rien besoin de faire pour impressionner tant son design est impeccable. Mais elle a malgré tout droit à un certain nombre de moments forts, notamment en fin de film où elle affronte un énorme tank.
4- Gally (Gunnm)
Gally est aussi un androïde féminin mais est quand même très différente de Kusanagi ou C18, et à mes yeux, c’est la plus badass des trois. Elle est surpuissante, surtout avec son corps de Berserker, et j’adore comment elle pulvérise des adversaires 5 fois plus gros qu’elle ! Au-delà de ça, c’est un personnage passionnant que j’ai adoré suivre dans ce manga magnifique que j’ai lu il y a de ça une dizaine d’années (une petite relecture s’impose…).
3- Tsunade (Naruto)
Tsunade est surement le personnage le plus badass de Naruto devant Kakashi à mes yeux. La meuf devient Hokage parce qu’elle déchire grave, elle est d’une puissance démesurée, elle a un charisme de fou. Mais surtout, c’est à elle qu’on doit une patate de forain d’anthologie lorsqu’elle affronte Orochimaru et que ce dernier essaie de la chopper avec sa langue toute dégueulasse. Et ça, c’est clairement le podium direct pour moi.
2- Kaori Makimura (City Hunter)
Kaori représente à la perfection ce que j’aime dans les personnages féminins de Tsukasa Hojo : forte, sexy, classe, résolument badass ! Elle calme toujours les ardeurs de ce gros lourd de Ryo, et elle est clairement pour moi l’atout principal de City Hunter. Alors que Ryo a très souvent tendance à m’énerver par sa lourdeur démesurée, Kaori est toujours stylée, toujours intelligente, et toujours totalement badass.
1- Tous les personnages féminins de FullMetal Alchemist
– Riza Hawkeye : la meuf qui ne rate jamais sa cible, qui sais tempérer Roy Mustang et qui a surtout une classe et une badassitude de chaque instant. Elle va tout le temps au charbon et prend toujours les bonnes décisions. La très très grande classe.
– Izumi Curtis : jamais femme au foyer n’aura été aussi cool. Son histoire tragique ne l’empêche pas d’envoyer la purée. Un des meilleurs personnages de FMA pour moi, et très clairement un des plus badass.
– Olivia Mira Arsmtrong : cette meuf, tu la fais chier, elle cherche pas à comprendre, elle te plante sa lame. Elle est en charge de la forteresse de Briggs, qu’elle gère d’une main de fer alors qu’elle est dans des conditions climatiques extrêmes. Totalement respectée par ses hommes du fait de sa poigne et de son charisme hallucinant, elle est clairement LE personnage le plus badass de FullMetal Alchemist.
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vihrago-a · 2 years
Happy New Year Spectre! I love you and Kaori, and appreciate you and fav assassin having to deal with one stabby cyborg ninja boi hehe. The dynamics between our muses is already so good. Who knows what sort of crazy stuff they'd get into in the new year??
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thecraggus · 5 years
Japanese high school girls are in big trouble in surreal blood-drenched art-house horror Tag (2015)
Japanese high school girls are in big trouble in surreal blood-drenched art-house horror Tag (2015) #MonthOfSpooks #Review
Very much not the bawdy Jeremy Renner comedy vehicle, “Tag” is a movie I’ll cheerfully admit to having tracked down after a bizarre gif piqued my morbid curiosity. Given that the gif shows a scene from the first ten minutes of the movie and it just gets weirder and more bizarre from there, that should give you an idea of what you’re in for.
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From cult director Sion Sono, “Tag” brings us the story…
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prfm-multiverse · 8 years
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POLYSICS 20th Anniversary Fun Facts or Die!!! #18
The japanese human beat boxer CYBORG KAORI is guest starring in the "Dr Pepper!!!!!" music video released in 2015.
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animepopheart · 3 years
Master List of Christmas Anime Episodes
Last year on my blog, we posted a full list of every Christmas anime episode known to man (well, maybe not quite...more on that below), based both on an old forum post that I think is now lost to time, and additional efforts to add missing episodes and update it.
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Check out the list below if you want to anime-style Christmas cheer! And please help us make the list more complete by reblogging to get this out there and replying with which episodes we’re missing or any we got wrong! We’ll be happy to credit you if we add any episodes you tell us about.
Note: Linked reference notes below lead to articles we’ve written about those specific Christmas episodes.
.hack//Quantum (three OVAs)
009-1 (OVA) (Ep. 2) – “Holy Night”
Accel World (Bonus) (Ep. 7) – “Achel World Seven”
Acchi Kocchi (Ep. 10) – “Bear Encounter ⇔ Lovelymas”
Ace Attorney (Ep. 8) – “Turnabout Goodbyes – 1st Trial”
After School Dice Club (Ep. 10) – “Happy Holy Night” [1]
Aggretsuko (Ep. 11) – “We Wish You a Metal Christmas”
Ai Yori Aoshi ~ Enishi (Special) – “Beautiful Snow” [1]
Aikatsu! (Eps. 12, 114, 165) – “We Wish You a Merry Christmas!”, “Happy Tree Christmas☆,” “Luminas☆Christmas”
Amagami SS (series)
The Ancient Magus Bride (Eps. 16-17) – “God’s mill grinds slow but sure.,” “Look before you leap.” [1]
Angel Beats! (Ep. 7) – “Alive” [1, 2, 3]
Asteroid in Love (Ep. 8) – “Winter Diamond”
Astro Boy (Ep. 13) – “The Light Ray Robot”
Azumanga Daioh (Ep. 17) – “December / Incredible Santa / Christmas Meeting” [1]
B Gata H Kei (Eps. 4) – “Throbbing Christmas Eve. What Does a First Kiss Taste Like?”
B Gata H Kei: Yamada’s First Time (Ep. 11) - “Year 2 Class H’s Christmas Eve! Take Me To Bed!” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Baka to Test (Christmas special)
Baka to Test to Shōkanjū (Ep. 8) – “Runaway and Maze and the Summoned Beast Instrumentality Project”
Bakuman (Eps. 23-24) – “Winning and Losing,” “Imagination and Presentation” [1]
Bakuon!! (Ep. 8) - “Winter Break” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Bartender (Ep. 10) – “Christmas Miracle” [1]
Big-O (Ep. 11) – “Daemonseed” [1, 2]
Blend S (Ep. 12) - "I Love You!" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Blue Period (Ep. 6) – “Serious Mental Breakdown”
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Ep. 2) – “Let’s Get Wiggy With It”
Bokura Ga Ita (Ep. 24) – Episode Twenty-Four
Boys Be… (Ep. 11) – “The First Snowfall”
Canvas 2: Niji Iro no Sketch (Ep. 23) – “Christmas Colored Decision”
Cardcaptor Sakura (Eps. 35, 62) – “Sakura’s Wonderful Christmas, “Sakura, the Cards, and the Presents / A Present For the Cards” [1, 2]
Cardfight!! Vanguard (Ep. 454) – “Examinees’ Merry Christmas”
Carole & Tuesday (Ep. 21) – “It’s Too Late”
Charger Girl Ju-den Chan (Ep. 10) – “Present!?”
Cheer Danshi!! (Ep. 7) – “Strain”
Chi’s Sweet Home (Ep. 58) – “Chi Wishes Upon A Star”
Chihayafuru (Ep. 23) – “The Night is Nearly Past”
Chocotto Sister (Ep. 24) – “Happy Christmas”  [1]
Chrono Crusade (Ep. 12) – “Holy Night” [1]
Citrus (Ep. 8) – “war of love”
City Hunter 2 (Eps. 37-38) – “To Kaori From Ryo, With Love At Christmas: Episode 1”, “To Kaori From Ryo, With Love At Christmas: Episode 2” (via tomodachi-to-koibito)
Comic Party (Ep. ?)
Clannad After Story (Ep. 10) – “Season of Beginnings” [1, 2, 3]
Crayon Shin-chan (Eps. 32, 127, 213, 258) – “Action Mask and Xmas,” “Miss Yoshinaga’s Eve,” “Christmas Party with Schoolchildren / Selling Christmas Cakes / Looking Forward to My Present from Santa,” “Miss Matsuzaka is Not Alone on Christmas”
Cyborg 009 (Ep. 11) – “Christmas Eve Mirage”
Dai Guard (Ep. 13) – “Things That Can be Forgiven, Things that Can’t be Forgiven”
Death Note (Eps. 33-34) – “Scorn,” “Vigilance” [1]
Delinquent Hamsters – “Christmas Eve Punks,” “Chris Moose is for Good Ham”
Denkigai no Honya-san (Episodes 3, 9) - "Party Hard," Snowy Night" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Detective Conan (Ep. 42, OVA 2) – “Karaoke Box Murder Case,” “The Santa Claus of Summer” (via tomodachi-to-koibito)
Devil Lady  (Ep. 11) – “Box”
Digimon Adventure 02  (Eps. 38, 42) – “A Very Digi-Christmas  (Holy Night the Digimon Big Gathering!),” “Digimon World Tour, Part 3 (Love and Borscht, The Ferocious Battle)”
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters (Ep. 13) – “The Christmas Disappeared!? The Calendar Thief Calendarmon!”
Dinosaur King (Ep. 45) – “Santa Saurus!”
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Movie) [1]
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan (Eps. 1-2) – “Precious Place,” “Joy to the World”
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (Season 1 Ep. 32, Season 2 Ep. 1) – “Frolic! Silent Night,” “Another Christmas Challenge!”
Doki Doki School Hours (Ep. 7) - "Santa Girl and New Years' Fun" (via @lancernolancing​) NEWLY ADDED
Doraemon (Ep. 486, 87, 488, 489, 643, 652, 692, 956, 1332, 1428, 1523 – “Day Changing Calendar,” “Nobita and Doraemon’s Christmas (part 1),” “Nobita and Doraemon’s Christmas (part 2),” “Mini Santa,” “Nobita’s Christmas Play,” “Snow in March,” “Flying Christmas,” “Time Skipping Pulley,” “Santa’s Chimney,” “Santa Mail,” “Santa Bag and Christmas,”
Dr. Slump Arale-Chan (Ep. 35, 87, 138, 162, 236) - "Bad Bad Santa," "Arale the Super Prize Girl," "Painful Christmas Day," "The Christmas Lie," The Horror of Black Santa!!" (via Matthew Lucas) NEWLY ADDED
Dr. Stone  (Ep. 21) – “Spartan Crafts Club” [1]
Dropkick on My Devil! (Ep. 3) – “Episode 3”
D.N.Angel (Ep. 25) – “The Black Wings”
The Duke of Death and His Maid – Episode 9
Ef – A Tale of Melodies (Series) [1]
Ef – A Tale of Memories (Series) [1]
Excel Saga  (Ep. 12) – “Big City Part II”
Di Gi Charat  (Eps. 16, 21) – “Usada Explodes,” “Di Gi Charat Christmas Special”
Fairy Tail (OVA) – “Fairies’s Christmas”
Flint the Time Detective (Ep. 13) – “Cavemen’s Christmas”
Food Wars (Ep. 79) – “A Midsummer Christmas”
Fresh Pretty Cure! (Ep. 45) – “We are Four Pretty Cures! Separation in Christmas Eve!!”
Full Moon wo Sagashite  (Ep. 37) – “A Present from Full Moon” [1]
Futari wa Pretty Cure (Ep. 44) – “A Holiday Visitor / I Couldn’t Be Happier!? Nagisa’s White Christmas”
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart (Ep. 42) – “A Rink Full of Sweethearts? Slipping and Falling into Grave Danger!”
Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star (Ep. 45) – “Cake, Kazuya and Christmas!”
Gabriel DropOut (Ep. 9) – “Christmas and New Year’s Eve Surprise”
Gal & Dino (Ep. 1-2) - "Nice to Meet You! & Look, Kitties!", "My Friend's Coming Over & I Ran Into Your Ex" (via @lancernolancing​) NEWLY ADDED
Gakuen Babysitters (Ep. 12) (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Ghost Hunt (Ep. 12-13) – “FILE 5: Silent Christmas Part 1,” “File 5: Silent Christmas Part 2”
Gintama (Eps. 37, 200-201) – “People Who Say That Santa Doesn’t Really Exist Actually Want to Believe in Him,” [1, 2] “Santa Claus Red Is Blood Red,” “Everybody’s A Santa” (via squirrelstothenuts)
Golden Time (Ep. 24) – “Golden Time”
Golgo 13 (Ep. 37) – “Christmas 24 Hours”
Gosick (Ep. 22) – “A Christmas Carol Decorates the Windowsill’s Happiness”
(MS) Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (Ep. 5) – “Say it Ain’t So, Bernie!”
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (OVA)
Gunparade March  (Ep. 12) – “Whenever You Say Goodbye”
Gunslinger Girl (Ep. 4) – “Bambola – Doll”
Hamtaro (TV)  (Eps. 25, 77, 129, 180, 231, 232, 283) – “Merry Christmas!,” “A Wonderful Santa Claus!,” “Mimi’s Christmas,” “The Mysterious Gift,” “Arriving to Your Smile!,” “It’s Santa,” “Merry Christmas!,” “A Christmas Ride!”
Hanamaru Kindergarten (Ep. 12A) - "A Hanamaru Christmas” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Happy Lesson (OVA)  (Ep. 3) – “Unsettling – Happy Mamas!”
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto (Ep. 10) – “Demon Lord”
Hayate the Combat Butler (Ep. 1) “‘Unmei’ In English Is ‘Destiny'” [1]
HeartCatch PreCure! (Ep. 44) – “A Christmas Miracle! We Met Cure Flower!”
Heaven’s Lost Property (Ep. 13) – “Queen of the Sky”
Hell Girl (Ep. 8) – “Miracle of Christmas Eve”
Hetalia  (Eps. 28, 31) – “In The World,” “Academy Hetalia Christmas” [1]
Hetalia World Series (Eps. 19-20) – “How Everyone Spent Their Christmas,” “America and Christmas”
Hidamari Sketch (Ep. 12) – “December 25: Goodbye Ume-sensei”
Himouto! Umaru-chan (Ep. 8) – “Umaru and Christmas and New Year’s” [1, 2]
Hinako Note (Ep. 11) - “From One Year To The Next” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Honey and Clover (Ep. 4, 9) – “Actually, I don’t like Christmas all that much… …” [1, 2], “Did she notice? Why is it that I don’t tell her? / That brooch was so heavy”
Horimiya (Ep. 12) – “Hitherto, and Forevermore”
How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? (Ep. 10) – “Do You Like Christmas?”
I Can’t Understand What My Husband is Saying (Ep. 12) – “Fusion Sage Day” [1]
The Idolm@ster (Ep. 22) – “On Christmas Eve” [1]
The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls (Ep. 24) – “Barefoot Girl.” [1]
I”s Pure (Ep. ??)
Ichigo Mashimaro/Strawberry Marshmallow (Ep.12) – “Present”
If Her Flag Breaks (OVA) - "Christmas? Do You Think I'd Make Use of Something Like That?" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
If I See You in My Dreams (OVA) (Ep. 3) – “One Snowy Christmas Eve…”
Invaders of the Rokujyoma!? (Ep 12) – “Invasion Going Well!?”
Irresponsible Captain Tylor (OVA) (Ep. 6) – “White Christmas” [1, 2]
Is the Order a Rabbit? (Ep. 11) – “The Girl Dons a Red Coat and Drives a Team of Rabbits Across the Christmas Eve Night Sky” [1]
Is the Order a Rabbit? BLOOM, episodes 10-11
Itsudatte My Santa! (OVA) [1]
Jeanie with Light Brown Hair (Ep. 25) – “Alone on Christmas Eve”
Jewelpet (Ep. 38) – “Merry Merry ☆ – Santa Comes to Town”
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (Movie)
K-On! (Ep. 7) – “Christmas!” [1]
Kaitou Saint Tail (Ep. 12) – “Surprise! The Large Lizard Santa Claus?!” (via tomodachi-to-koibito)
Kakushigoto (Ep. 9) - "Your Lie in December" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Kamichu (Ep. 13) – “We Do What We Want” [1]
Kämpfer (Ep. 12) – “Their Christmas: The Entrails’ Miracle”
Karin (Ep. 19) – “A Couple’s Eve is Embarrassing” [1]
Kasimasi – Girl Meets Girl (OVV)
Kids on the Slope (Ep. 4) – “But Not for Me”
Kill Me Baby (Ep. 10) – “Santa Icicle Snow Mantra”
Kimagure Orange Road (Ep. 38) – “Kyosuke Timetrips! The Third Christmas”
Kimi ni Todoke (Ep. 22) – “Christmas” [1, 2, 3]
Kin-iro Mosaic (Ep. 11) – “Try and Guess How Much I Like You”
Kissxsis (OVA, Ep. 2) – “Christmas for Two”
Kobato (Ep. 19) – “…White Christmas.” (via art-of-wandering)
Kodocha (Ep. 38, 89) – “The Special Christmas Kiss,” “Hallelujah on X-mas eve? My heart…”
Koi Kaze (Ep. 9) – “Wind Flower”
Koikimo (Ep. 4) – “On This Holy Night”
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki (Ep. 21) – “Black Santa is Sleepless in the Night”
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (Ganbare Goemon) (Ep. 11) - "Santa Claus is a New Villain!" (via CancerDog) NEWLY ADDED
Linebarrels of Iron (Ep. 10) – “Over Drive”
Log Horizon  (Season 2, Eps. 5-10) – “Christmas Eve,” “A Lost Child at Dawn,” “The Suifū Maidens”(The Maidens of Watermaple),” “Akihabara Raid,” “The Changing Battlefield,” “Guild Master”
Love Live! Sunshine!! (Season 2, Ep. 8) – “Hakodate” (via avatar-of-thevast)
Love Hina (OVA) – Christmas Special [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions (OVA) – “Glimmering… Explosive Festival (Slapstick Noel)”
Lovely Complex (Eps. 2, 10) – “The Ex-Girlfriend Love Triangle?!,” “A Confrontation With The Ex-Girlfriend?! The Epic Breast-Baring Battle!!”
Lucky Star (Ep. 11) – “The Various Ways for Spending the Holy Night” [1]
Lupin III: Pt. 2 (TV) (Ep. 12) – “The Sleight Before Christmas”
Macross (TV) (Ep. 35, 64) – “Romanesque,” “Christmas is in the Hands of the Goddess” [1]
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s (Eps. 9, 11) – “Christmas Eve,” “A Gift for Christmas Eve”
Magical Princess Minky Momo (Ep. 41) – “Please, Santa Claus”
Magikano (Ep. 11) –  “Was it Really a Holy Night?”
Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful (Ep. 5) – “Will I Catch a Cold Tomorrow?”
Maison Ikkoku (Eps. 2, 18. 39-40 –  “Love is in the Air? Which One Does Kyoko Love Best?”, “Kyoko’s Gift! What, You Mean It’s For Me?”, “Love Takes Guts! Godai’s Part Time Job Ploy!”, “A Bittersweet Favor! Budding Christmas Love!?” [1, 2]
March Comes in Like a Lion (Ep. 10) – “Something Given (Part 1) / Something Given (Part 2)” [1, 2]
Maria Watches Over Us  (Season 4) (Ep. 7) – “Blank Map of the Future”
Marmalade Boy (Eps. 40-41) – “A Holy night. I’m alone on Christmas Eve/The morning of lovers. Merry Christmas”
Martian Successor Nadesico (Ep. 13) – “There Is No Single Truth”
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (Ep. 38) – “A Christmas Present”
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure (Ep. 38) – “Battle on Christmas Eve”
Minami-ke (TV) (Ep. 12) – “Of Christmas And Eves” [1]
Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-Sou (Ep. 12) - “Kotatsu, Year End, Santa” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid (Ep. 10) – “Troupe Dragon, On Stage!  (They Had A Troupe Name, Huh)”
Mitsudomoe (S1 Ep. 9. S2 Ep. 2) - "Santa Claus is my Eccentricity," “The Marui House Is Full” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Mother of the Goddess Dormitory (Ep. 8) - “Kiriya Wishes Upon A Christmas” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED  
Momokuri (Eps. 23-24) – “Excitement! Christmas,” “To the Day of a Cold: Part 2”
Motto! Ojamajo Doremi (Ep. 45) – “Merry Christmas with Everyone!” (via Henry, comments)
Motto To Love Ru (Ep. 9) - “For Whom The Bell Tolls” (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood (Ep. 10) – “The Vampire and the End of the Year”
My Little Monster (Ep. 10) – “Christmas [1]
My Love Story (Ep. 17) – “My Christmas”
My Hero Academia (Ep. 101) – “Have a Merry Christmas!”
My Senpai Is Annoying (ep. 3) – “And Then, It’s Christmas”
My Wife is a High School Girl (Ep. 26) – “I will always love you…”
Mystic Messenger (Christmas DLC) – “Christmas Eve”
Nekopara (OVA) – “Nekopara OVA Extra”
Neo Ranga (Eps. 35-36) – “What Happened to Christmas Eve?”, “Christmas in Crisis”
Neo Yokio: Pink Christmas
Nichijou (Ep. 22) – “Nichijou Episode 22”
Ninja Nonsense (Ep. 10A) – “The Ninjas Have Christmas”
Nisekoi (Eps. 3-4) – “Need,” “Mother”
Nodame Cantabile (Ep. 3) – “Lesson 3: Queen of Percussion”
Nodame Cantabile: Paris (Ep. 5) – “Lesson 5: Chiaki and Nodame Cross Paths” [1]
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu: Purezza  (Eps. 3-4) – “Ah, It Hurts…”, “Yūto’s Scent…” (via squirrelstothenuts)
Odd Taxi (Ep. 11) – “If We Could Go Back to That Day”
Oh My Goddess (OVA) (Ep. 4-5) – “Evergreen Holy Night,” “For the Love of Goddess”
Ojamajo Doremi (Ep. 45) – “Help Santa!” (via Henry, comments)
Ojamajo Doremi Sharp (Ep. 44) – “A Happy White Christmas” (via Henry, comments)
One Piece (?)
Orange (Ep. 11) – “LETTER 11” [1]
Oreimo (Season 1 Ep. 7, Season 2 Eps. 14-15) – “There’s No Way My Little Sister Can Write a Novel,” “I Can’t Confess to Her,” “My Little Sister Is This Cute”
Oregairu (Season 2, Eps. 6-9) – “Without Incident, The Congress Dances, But Does Not Progress.”, “However, That Room Continues to Portray An Endless Everyday Scene.”, “Even So, Hikigaya Hachiman.”, “And So, Yukinoshita Yukino.” [1, 2]
Patlabor (TV) (Eps. 10-11) – “Eve’s Trap,” “Eve’s Terror” [1]
Persona 4: The Golden Animation (Ep. 8) – “We’ve lost something important again”
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou (Ep. 14) – “Windows and Lights on Christmas Eve” [1]
Ping Pong (Ep. 6) – “You Love Table Tennis More Than Anyone Else!”
A Place Further Than the Universe (Ep. 10) – “Partial Friendship”
Pokemon (Ep. 65) – “Holiday Hi-Jinx”
Polar Bear’s Cafe (Ep. 37) – “Christmas Planning / Christmas Trouble”
Popotan (Ep. 8) – “Christmas”
Pretty Cure (Ep. 44) – “A Holiday Visitor”
Pretty Cure: Max Heart (Ep. 42) – “A Rink Full of Sweethearts? Slipping and Falling into Grave Danger!”
Pretty Cure: Splash Star (Ep. 42) – “Cake, Kazuya and Christmas”
Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live (Ep. 38) – “The Happy Bell on Christmas Eve” [1]
Prince of Tennis (Ep. 165) – “The Tenipuri Family Goes to Hawaii?! – Christmas at the Tenipuri Family”
Punch Line (Ep. 3) – “Mars Attacks!”
The Quintessential Quintuplets, season 2, episode 4 – “Seven Goodbyes Part 3”
Rainbow Days (Ep. 1) – “Episode 1”
Ranma 1/2 (OVA) (Ep. 2) – “Tendo Family Christmas Scramble”
Ranma 1/2 (TV) (Ep. 75) – “Step Outside”
Re-Kan! (Ep. 6) – “A Super Awesome Holy Night” [1]
Read or Die (Ep. 10) – “A Christmas Carol” [1, 2]
Recovery of an MMO Junkie (Ep. 1) -“IRL, Online”
Rental Magica (Ep. 12) – “Requiem for the Holy Night”
ReLIFE (Ep. 16) – “Date” [1]
Rent-a-Girlfriend (Ep. 8) – “Christmas and Girlfriend”
Rilakkuma and Kaoru (Ep. 9) – “Snowman” (via squirrelstothenuts)
RIN-NE (Ep. 22) – “Christmas in the Derelict”
Robotics;Notes (Ep. 15) – “I’ll Show You a Dream”
Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals (Ep. 39) – “Christmas is the Last Chance for Love! / Cleanup is a Chance to Wash Away the Past!” [1]
Sakura Quest (Ep. 20) – “The Phoenix in the Holy Night” [1]
Sakura Trick (Ep. 8B) - "A Cherry Blossom-colored Christmas" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
Sailor Moon S: Hearts in Ice (Movie)
Saiyuki Reload (Ep. 13) – “~Lovely Baby~ Just a Tiny Tiny Story” [1]
Samurai Pizza Cats (Ep. 48) – “The Cheese Who Stole Christmas / Nyankii Santas Fly Through the Air” (via squirrelstothenuts)
School Rumble (Ep. 19) – “Here, There, Everywhere Is Christmas! Bravely Moving Forward For Christmas! Shatter, Christmas!” [1]
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (Ep. 64) – “A Christmas Present of Death”
Seitokai Yakuindomo (Ep. 11) – “Santa’s Sexual Desires”
Senran Kagura Shinovi Master (Ep. 1) – “CHANGE THE WORLD”
Sgt. Frog (Ep. 39, 90, 192) – “Keroro Christmas Battle,” “Keroro Spring Cleaning Battle,” “Keroro, I Cannot Say Merry Christmas,” “Keroro, Christmas Prevent!/Keroro Platoon Cake is a Man’s Battlefield!”
Shaman King, 2021 (Ep. 20) - "Joco’s Christmas" (via art-of-wandering / @art-of-wandering​) NEWLY ADDED
SHIROBAKO (Ep. 12) – “Exodus Christmas” [1]
Shugo Chara (Ep. 10, 12, 13) – “Character Transformation!”, “Amulet Clover!”, “Sad Christmas Eve!”, “Big Disturbance! New Year Live!” [1, 2]
Sing Yesterday for Me (Eps. 9-10) – “Christmas Carol,” “A New Year of Beginnings”
Sister Princess (Ep. 20) – “Christmas Love Destiny”
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, (Ep. 12) – “Sleeping Princess of the Demon Castle”
The Slime Diaries (Ep. 11) - "Where is Santa Claus?" (via DaijoubuJoeKun) NEWLY ADDED
SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation (Ep. 11) - "A Saint Comes to Town" (via eyevocal) NEWLY ADDED
Space Brothers (Ep. 96) – “Astronaut and Father”
Steins;gate 0 (Ep. 3) – “Protocol of the Two-sided Gospel: X-Day Protocol”
Stellvia (Ep. 12) – “Confession”
Strawberry 100%) (TV) (Ep. 14) – “Christmas of Past Loneliness”
Strawberry Marshmallow (Ep. 12) – “Present”
Super Gals! (Ep. 39) – “Holy Night! – Ring! Ring! – Emergency Bell of Love!”
Sweet Blue Flowers (Ep. 11) – “Winter’s Fireworks”
Sword Art Online (Ep. 3) – “The Red-Nosed Reindeer” [1, 2, 3]
Tamayura Hitotose (Ep. 11) – “A Christmas Eve Story♪”
Tenchi Muyo: Daughter of Darkness (Movie)
Those Who Hunt Elves (Ep. 21) – “Those Who Wait For Noel”
To Heart (Ep. 12) – “The Season of Emotions” [1]
To Heart: Remember My Memories (Ep. 10) – “A Long Night”
Tōka Gettan (Ep. 9) – “Snow”
Tokyo Godfathers (Movie) [1, 2, 3, 4]
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho (Season 2, Ep. 6) – “Militant Fist Chapter: A Christmas Eve Without Smiles”
Tokyo Mew Mew (Ep. 37) – “The Shining Tear: Celebrating Christmas with just the Two of Us”
Toradora (Eps. 17-19) – “Mercury Retrogrades at Christmas,” “Under the Fir Tree,” “Christmas Eve Festival” [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Toriko (Ep. 87) – “Merry Feasttmas! Gourmet Santa’s Present!”
Tsuki ga Kirei (Ep. 11) – “An Encouragement of Learning” [1]
Tsurezure Children (Ep?)
Urusei Yatsura (Eps. 10, 79) – “Pitter-Patter Christmas Eve,” “Mendo Family – Summer Christmas”
Usagi Drop (Ep. 3.5) – “Dear Santa” [1, 2]
Uta no Prince Sama (Season 2, Ep. 14) – “Shining Star X-Mas” [1]
Vandread (Ep. 10) – “White Love” [1]
The Wallflower (Ep. 12) – “Oh, My Sweet Home!”
Wedding Peach DX (OVA) (Ep. 3) – “Reunion ~ We Even Fight on Christmas ~”
White Album (Ep?)
Why the Hell Are you Here, Teacher? (Ep. 10) – “Tenth Period”
Winter Garden (TV)
The World God Only Knows (Ep. 6) – “Flag.6.0 I’m Ordinary?”
Wotakoi (Ep. 6) – “Bleak Christmas” [1]
Yawara (Eps. 116-117) – “Rich Idiot!”, “The Greatest Present”
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 (Ep. 42) – “Nozomi and Coco’s Christmas Vow”
Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo! (Ep. 44) – “Open! Everyone’s Present!”
Yo-kai Watch (Season 2, Ep. 23) – “A Very Christmas / The Koma-Santa Clause / Yo-Kai Ol’ Saint Trick”
You’re Under Arrest (Ep. 11) – “Santa Claus Panic”
Yuki Yuna is a Hero: The Great Mankai Chapter (S3, Ep. 5) – “Brightness Unleashed”
Yumeiro Patissiere (Ep. 12) – “The Seven Year Merry Christmas!”
Yuri on Ice (Ep. 11) – “Gotta Super-Supercharge it! Grand Prix Final Short Program”
Yuri Yuri (Ep. 7) – “Christmasery”
Yuru Camp  (Eps. 11-12) – “Christmas Camp!”, “Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls” [1, 2]
420 notes · View notes
positivitypeeps · 2 years
Casting the Dub of Fruits Basket: Another Because I Want It To Get Animated So Badly, Guys
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SAWA MITOMA - Kylie McNeill
OTHER ROLES: Suzu Naito (Belle)
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HAJIME SOHMA (Kyo & Tohru's Son) - Matt Shipman
OTHER ROLES: Reki Kyan (SK8 the Infinity), Floch Forster (Attack on Titan), Sen Kaibara & Inasa Yoarashi (My Hero Academia), Chrome (Dr. Stone)
Sorry to whoever played him in the last episode of Fruits Basket, cause I'm completely disregarding that.
MUTSUKI SOHMA (Yuki & Machi's Son) - Austin Tindle
OTHER ROLES: Neito Monoma (My Hero Academia), Marco Bodt (Attack on Titan), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
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KINU SOHMA (Hatori & Mayu's Daughter) - Carrie Keranen
OTHER ROLES: Mami Tomoe (Madoka Magica), Satsuki Kiryuin (Kill la Kill), Ichiyou Higuchi (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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RIKU SOHMA (Haru & Rin's Son) - Zeno Robinson
OTHER ROLES: Hawks/Keigo Takami (My Hero Academia), Onyankopon (Attack on Titan), Taiga Kagami (Kuroko's Basketball), Cyborg/Victor Stone (Young Justice)
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SORA SOHMA (Haru & Rin's Daughter) - Erica Lindbeck
OTHER ROLES: Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie in April), Naruko Anjo (Anohana), Akiko Yosano (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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HIBIKA SOHMA (Ayame & Mine's Daughter) - Cherami Leigh
OTHER ROLES: Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail), Asuna Yuki (Sword Art Online), Patti Thompson (Soul Eater), Suzuha Amane (Steins;Gate)
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CHIZURU SOHMA (Ayame & Mine's Son) - Laura Stahl
OTHER ROLES: Ray (The Promised Neverland), Tao Ren (Shaman King 2021)
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SHIKI SOHMA (Akito & Sigure's Son) - Jeannie Tirado
OTHER ROLES: Norman (The Promised Neverland), Carole Stanley (Carole & Tuesday), Endorsi Jahad (Tower of God)
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MINA SOHMA (Momiji's Daughter) - Emily Neves
OTHER ROLES: Eri (My Hero Academia), Kanade "Angel" Tachibana (Angel Beats)
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MICHI MANABE (Kakeru's Daughter) - Erica Mendez
OTHER ROLES: Gon Freeces (Hunter x Hunter), Emma (The Promised Neverland), Retsuko (Aggretsuko), Tsubaki Sawabe (Your Lie in April), Raphtalia (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
RIO MOSCA (Hanajima's Son) - Caitlin Glass
I could only upload 10 images max, damn
OTHER ROLES: Machi Kuragi (Fruits Basket), Damian Desmond (Spy x Family), Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist), Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia), Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Thought it would be funny since Caitlin would probably also direct this series (she directed the 2019 dub), plus she does a good young boy voice that is unrecognizable.
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twilighthomunculus · 3 years
How abt Shingo? or Hojo rin?
<3 <3 <3 Hello!!! Thank you <3 <3 <3 <3
my two murder hobos, how I love them so
So Shingo, my stinky rat man. First impressions where honestly the same as everyone else "evil man, evil, I hate. but hey at least that eurobeat intensifies meme comes from his race. and now,,,well,,,,, :)
Favorite moment-Sayuki's snot nosed Shingo comment in the extra stage. Idk if its different subbed but I think about it sometimes
Idea for a story- As some of you hopefully know, prologue mechaAU Night Kids were once a team(more than a team) but broke up after a devastating loss caused a rift in their ideologies. Rn I've been trying to figure out how write or show off them getting through their differences and rediscovering their passion as a certain junker reminds them of what they once were but I don't like to write too often and comics take too long for me to stay interested in finishing them. Will probably do a single page piece, Might just commission a drabble at this point but my ventures in the fanfiction world is limited.
Unpopular opinion-The only opinions I've seen of him are HATE or hehe stinky rat man so idk what to say here
Favorite relationship-I mean Takeshin is otp, but I also really enjoy the idea of He, Mako, and Sayuki all being a chaos trio in high school getting into racing with each other and being that lesbian/pure of heart, dumb of ass dynamic
Favorite headcanon-lets seeeee I mean I've got so many HCs for him, especially AU version, where I could probably pull a WattPad original movie, give him a different name, and make him my own OC but i will not. Some favorites include-He owns pet rats, his wound from his race v Takumi never heals properly, trans shingo, he does graphic art sometimes(designed the team logo and half of his tattoos in AU ver).
Now for Rin, gonna be a little short cause unfortunately there's not as much
First impression- stinky old man(derogatory)
Impression now- stinky old man(affectionate) ah yes the 20 y/o calling the 30 y/o old man, classic
Favorite moment-Shinigami Race(derogatory) dude I laughed out loud with this one because I'm a sick bastard ig, but its the only race I remember from 5th stage, and the only one I feel gives the same amount of characterization to the race as the ones from 1st and 2nd stage i need to read the manga
Idea for a story- Still working on White Comet v Grim Reaper, in which I'm rewriting the backstory to be Rin, Kaori, Ryosuke, and Fumihiro were once a team until a mech designed by Ryosuke failed killing Kaori and damaging Rin to the point where he's an angry cyborg now
Unpopular opinion- hard to have unpopular opinions on the guy when I know only ~4 other people in the english speaking fandom who actively have opinions on him
Favorite relationship- Him being a cursed uncle to Shinji is the best one, him having cartoonishly unbridled hatred for Ryosuke is also fun.
Favorite headcanon(s)- He was kinda a jerk older brother in a Rodrick Hefley kind of way and he's also the one who started the goth/punk boy trend for Gou(and eventually Shinji), he's the embodiment of wrath for a more less light hearted HC
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ladyarjuna · 3 years
"I have activated all 12000 lesbians! Absorbing their power, I will soon-" The cyborg monstrocity's head fell victim to a powerful roundhouse kick, launching it off into the distance, exploding while still midair. The kicker lands, looking away from the explosion. The year is 2043, the world has once again been saved by one of the legendary Daughters Of Kaori & Usagi.
Kousagi sighed. She can't believe she has to do this. This is ridiculous. She is twenty-two and furthermore her parents are right there and look like her sisters. "How do you even 'activate a lesbian', what does that even mean,"
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project-rebirth · 4 years
Beasts and Beings: Angels
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Angels are immensely powerful beings with very volatile existences in the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe. They can be beings of either divine origin, such as the Archangels Gabriel and Michael of Christian doctrine, or artificial existences consisting of masses of highly concentrated AIM fields built-up from the thousands of espers within Academy City. Angels of divine origin get their magical power from an energy accumulated in Heaven known as Telesma. 
Angels, both divine and artificial, have been described as possessing halos above their heads and various forms of wings manifesting from their backs, some of which such as the case of Archangel Gabriel can reach several kilometers into the sky, as well as speaking in an Angelic language that sounds like high-pitched gibberish to normal humans.
If deemed necessary, like a command from God, or being forced down from Heaven, an angel can acquire a human form. In the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, Angels hid their identities to enter ordinary people's cities and had meals with them. Indeed, as Gabriel can attest, he can hide his being an angel from humans quite easily.
Vento of the Front explains that Angels in the magic side have no free will of their own and that they are meant to be God's perfect tools, and are often referred to as messengers of God to humanity. Although, they can malfunction and in turn can be called a Fallen angel, or known as demons. According to Stiyl Magnus, Angels and Devils are similar in nature, however, the important thing is who they take orders from.
However, when a divine angel falls from heaven due to the effects of Angel Fall, they can break the orders of God in order to return to Heaven, such as killing humans, despite creating a paradox for God's plans for the Final Judgment, and seemingly have an orderly fashion of thinking. As with the case of Archangel Gabriel under the guise of Misha Kreutzev, who spends his time helping Touma, Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Kanzaki Kaori trying to find the culprit of her fall. Later when Kanzaki and the others try to prevent him or more appropriately inconvenience him from killing Kamijou Touya who was unknowingly the culprit, Gabriel resorted to destroying the world instead.
The case is somewhat different in the science side however, as evidenced by Kazakiri Hyouka's existence, as she displayed emotions similar to that of humans. However, Hyouka herself is shown to behave as a mindless tool similar to that of angels in Christian lore, after having her Fuse Kazakiri mode activated.
As stated angels in both sides are extremely powerful beings, capable of causing great destruction. So much is their power, that their very existence can distort the world. It has been said that a single angel has the power to bring down the Vatican. Even a depowered one such as Archangel Gabriel in his first appearance was simply toying with Kanzaki, a powerful Saint in her own right.
An archangel such as Gabriel has been shown to possess the ability to manipulate any celestial body through the use of "Astral in Hand", allowing it to immediately block the sun by speeding up Earth's rotation. He also displayed tremendous speed, able to move from Russia to France easily and eliminate their forces.
In order to be "summoned" or take a physical form on Earth, Angels must have a medium, or "core", to keep them bound to the Earth. Likewise, if the core that binds them is destroyed their physical form will leave the Earth.
Both divine and artificial angels seem to be weak to Touma's Imagine Breaker as well, as with the case with Misha Kreutzev trying to avoid Touma's right hand, as well as Touma himself trying to avoid touching Kazakiri Hyouka after finding out her true form.
Abrahamic Angels
One notable feature that the angels of the magic side has is their name being chosen by God, which is the purpose for which they are created. As such the names of angels cannot be easily changed, unless a powerful distortion changes these laws of God. Angels are also genderless and is depicted in some Christian lore as having qualities of both male and female.
Angels are also apparently susceptible to Angel Fall, which forcibly casts them down from heaven. At which point, angels will try to get back into heaven, even if it means disobeying the will of God.
An angel's name and attributes are widely referenced by magician's spell chants throughout the story, such as being used as a way to borrow power from when constructing a magic circle.
Archangel is a term used to refer to angels of higher rank than normal angels, in the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe there are four recognized archangels that are aligned to their own corresponding elements and attributes.
Each member of God's Right Seat derive their powers from the four archangels depending on their alignment after cleansing as much of their original sin as possible.
Archangel Gabriel
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Archangel Gabriel (大天使 (ガブリエル) Daitenshi Gaburieru?) is an archangel that appears in Toaru Majutsu no Index. He embodies the The Power of God (神の力 Kami no Chikara?) and represents the symbol of water which is its attribute, and is the guardian of the moon, the governor of blue, and the protector of the rear side. He is the only true abrahamic angel to appear in the series thus far.
Acqua of the Back is aligned with the archangel. Because of the distortion of the elements, he can bypass the name God has given him and is weaker than normal, even then Gabriel is still more powerful than several other characters combined such as Accelerator and Kazakiri Hyouka.
Other Archangels
   Archangel Uriel, also known as God's Flame or Fire of God    Archangel Raphael, also known as Medicine of God    Archangel Michael, also known as Regard of God or The Likeness of God
Other angels
Fallen Angel
Lucifer the Light-Bringer was said to be an angel that was the closest being to be allowed to sit to the right of God, until he malfunctions and causes chaos in one-third of all the angels in heaven, making him rebel against God's will and causing war and becomes a fallen angel. He is later defeated by Archangel Michael who became the ruler of all the angels, and had become a higher being compared to Lucifer even though they were once equals.
Moreover, there is a mention of the Grigoris by Sherry Cromwell as the ones who gave knowledge to humans on how God created Man from clay before the time of Noah, knowledge which eventually gave birth to the golem.
Non-Abrahamic angels
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Aiwass, the entity that Aleister Crowley supposedly summoned and the true author of the Book of the Law, has also shown the characteristics of an Angel, possessing a halo above its head and a divine form.
Espers of Academy City have been shown to sometimes exhibit angelic characteristics under specific circumstances. The most well-known example is what is termed "Awakening" by the fandom, wherein an esper gains wings and sometimes halos following contact with Magic and an emotional breakthrough. So far, only Accelerator has been shown to "awaken", gaining black wings partially during the Taowu incident at Seiin High School, then fully during the 0930 Incident, white wings and a halo during World War III, and finally platinum wings during the Ceremony of Mo Athair. Accelerator also speaks the garbled language of the angels in the early manifestations, though he can now retain his rationality.
The exact reasons behind this phenomenon are unclear, but it is known to be linked to Accelerator's mental state or him having an emotional breakthrough, like him feeling cornered or having something to protect. And when first manifesting a particular color, it follows Accelerator having contact with magic: redirecting the explosion resulting from Taowu's body collapsing into space; hearing Index's singing prayer to free Last Order from her coma induced by the manifestation of Fuse Kazakiri; singing a magic spell to save Last Order using data from Index's song, his encounter with Aiwass, and magical parchments under a Telesma-filled sky and crossing the Abyss using the new kabbalistic tree Clonoth with the assistance of Qliphah Puzzle 545. Index also compares the matter of the wings as similar to Telesma yet also fundamentally different in some way, and after first manifesting the wings, Accelerator, similar to Sasha Kreutzev as a former vessel of Telesma, is able to sense magic.
The cyborg Rensa 29, while making use of Accelerator's ability, was shown to be able to manifest wings same as Accelerator, deliberately getting pushed into a difficult situation to draw out the black wings and manifesting the white wings while determined to protect Yakumi Hisako, though she didn't manifest a halo.
The #2 Level 5 Kakine Teitoku manifests angelic wings when using his powers, but it is unknown if this is like Accelerator's, or just an aesthetic choice stemming from personal preference.
During the Level 6 Shift attempt on Misaka Mikoto, the transformed Level 5 esper manifests a halo, and even physically resembles the form of Misha Kreutzev during World War III.
The manifestation of angelic characteristics is not restricted to Level 5s only. While fighting to save her mother and using the magic of the Rosicrucian Spiritual Item violin Stativarius Ainsel, Sakibasu Yuri temporarily gained white wings and a halo.
Artificial Angels
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The AIM Burst is a less obvious form of an artificial angel.
Magic cabals such as the Hermentic Order of the Golden Dawn (Aleister Crowley's former magic organization), seem to have dabbled in creating angels themselves by collecting the formless telesma into a container which is in the image of a person. It is unknown if they had succeeded, though since Aleister Crowley has successfully manage to create an artifical angel on his own, he was most likely influenced by the cabal's methods.
One example of an "artificial angel" is Fuse Kazakiri, the "artificial angel form" of Kazakiri Hyouka, an existence that manifested from the mixing of AIM fields throughout Academy City and resides in the "Imaginary Number District" when not physically manifested. Fuse Kazakiri, an existence that is considered considerably less powerful than an a Christian archangel, has displayed the ability to fire beams of energy that can reach several kilometers in length, project an AIM barrier that protects all those around her, flying at supersonic speeds and manifest a powerful energy sword.
The AIM Burst, an AIM entity product of the Level Upper network also displayed angelical attributes such as a Halo and wings similar to those of Fuse Kazakiri. It should be noted that Kazakiri Hyouka, Aiwass and AIM Burst all had small triangular-prism shaped cores inside their bodies that sustain their existence.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Tokusatsu Streaming Guide: Where to Watch Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and More
Ten years ago a fan of Tokusatsu (Japanese special effects shows, mostly superheroes) could have never imagined the access we’d have to these programs today. Back then official releases of anything outside of the American adaptations, particularly Power Rangers, seemed like a far off dream. However in the past few years especially there’s been a slow trickle of Toku shows becoming available to stream in North America. 
In the last few months though that trickle became a waterfall as several new services have quickly become mainstays, finally allowing Toku fandom to finally enjoy their favorite shows legally. This also allows more casual fans a chance to experience these shows for the first time and that’s who this guide is mostly for. If you’re curious about the wider world of Tokusatsu and need a place to start, this guide should cover your bases for the many kinds of Toku series out there.
Just as a note, we are only discussing shows that are legally available. This also isn’t a comprehensive list. Many of the streaming services mentioned below have multiple Toku series available, we’re just picking a small sample. With that in mind, let’s dive into this ocean of Toku, shall we?
Kamen Rider (1971) 
Available on TokuSHOUTsu (Shout Factory TV/tubi/Pluto)
The release that shocked and delighted Toku fans, the original series in the long running Kamen Rider franchise may be old but that doesn’t detract from its enjoyment. This is Toku in its purest form. Incredible fights, trippy special effects, bizarre monsters, and a strikingly bleak backstory for the main character.
Hongo Takeshi is kidnapped by the evil Shocker and transformed against his will into a cyborg. Worrying if his humanity is intact, Hongo still fights for justice as Kamen Rider. It may seem simplistic in our modern age of superheroes but there’s something enduringly appealing about Hongo’s quest to stop evil despite the wrongs that were inflicted on him. 
Plus, come on, you can’t beat those trumpets that come in for damn near every music number. Highly recommend if you’re down for old school heroics or just want to enjoy some trippy 70’s TV.
Zyuranger (1992)
Available on TokuSHOUTsu (Shout Factory TV/tubi/Pluto)
Many people reading this are no doubt aware of Power Rangers, especially the original Mighty Morphin series. If you want to rock your world, you gotta check out the Super Sentai series Zyuranger. It’s as far from MMPR as you can imagine, with a team of dinosaur-evolved humans from 170 million years ago brought into the present day. 
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Power Rangers and How It Adapted From Super Sentai
By Shamus Kelley
TokuSHOUTsu: Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and Super Sentai Coming to Streaming
By Shamus Kelley
The differences between it and MMPR will be the main draw for most and as you watch the series you’ll be impressed just how much the producers of Power Rangers were able to take this footage and remold it for America.
Ultraman Mebius 
Available on TOKU
You can’t do a list about Tokusatsu without giving love to one of the big three, Ultraman. While the franchise’s original series sadly isn’t streaming (but you’ll be able to soon), you can’t go wrong with the 40th anniversary season Ultraman Mebius. Following the adventures of the rookie Mebius, the Ultra comes to Earth and joins up with the attack team (hilariously out of context) named GUYS. Mebius, GUYS, and even a few characters from past Ultraman series, fight off giant monsters attacking Earth.
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The Challenge of Bringing Ultraman to America
By Shamus Kelley
Marvel Reveals Ultraman Details
By Shamus Kelley
Both a great introduction for new fans and rewarding for long time Ultra fans, Mebius is a fantastic show to jump headfirst into the hero that’s larger than life.
Available on HiDive
If you want something off the beaten path of the big three Tokusatsu franchises, Garo might be right up your alley. Feeling a bit darker than other Toku (and not just because much of the action taking place at night or in darker spaces), the series follows Makai Knight Kouga Saezima attempting to protect humanity against the evil “Horrors.” Along the way though he encounters Kaoru, who is set to die in 100 days, and he sets out to try and save her.
Everything from the look of the series to the designs of the Garo suit feel different from Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman and if you aren’t feeling the more traditional vibe of those series Garo might be right up your alley. It’s also the first in a very long and surprising franchise so if you like it, there’s a lot more to get into.
Space Sheriff Gavan
Available on Toei Tokusatsu World Official
The first of the not as often remembered Metal Heroes franchise (although some of the series in it were adapted into VR Troopers and Beetleborgs), Gavan stands out for just how wild it is from the jump. Sure there’s the story about Don Horror (wonder if he’s a bad guy!) trying to destroy Earth and Retsu Ichijouji (Gavan) being sent out to stop him but that’s all icing on the cake. 
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American Tokusatsu Shows: VR Troopers
By Shamus Kelley
American Tokusatsu Shows: Big Bad Beetleborgs
By Shamus Kelley
Metal Heroes have a reputation for bonkers visuals along with great action and Gavan delivers in spades. From the opening seconds of the first episode we’re greeted with Gavan standing atop a robot dragon standing against a gloriously lush background of outer space. Lead actor Kenji Ohba is also stunning in his action scenes and he puts even the superheroes of today to shame with just how good he is in these hand-to-hand fights.
Love action? Love weirdness? Want to be cool and not go with the obvious choices? Gavan might be for you!
Android Kikaider
Available on Toei Tokusatsu World
An absolute smash hit in Hawaii that’s still talked about to this day, Kikaider is more classic ’70s Toku action if Kamen Rider wasn’t enough for you. Following the heroics of robot Jiro against the (obviously) evil DARK, the main draw of the series is not just the delightfully over the top action but also the compelling conflict between Kikaider and evil robot Hakaider. 
We should also mention that while the first two episodes of all series on Toei Tokusatsu World are subtitled, further episodes that will be uploaded won’t have them and it’s being left up to fans to subtitle the rest. Even without subtitles though, Kikaider’s action should more than keep your attention.
Dynaman (Night Flight Dub)
Available on Night Flight Plus
Easily the strangest entry on this list, Night Flight’s Dynaman isn’t just the seventh entry in the Super Sentai series. Oh no, it’s a little known dub of the show that aired on USA Network’s Night Flight program in the ’80s. It’s a gag dub through and through and mostly relies on pop culture jokes and (and we’re being generous here) outdated humor. 
Still, it’s a peek into one of the earliest examples of Toku being brought to America on a large scale. For that alone it’s worth checking out, especially for those interested in the history of Toku in America and exploring the “what if” of imagining this getting popular instead of Power Rangers.
Gridman The Hyper Agent
Available on TOKU
Bold proclamation to make, but Gridman has the absolute best design of any Tokusatsu hero ever. It takes what worked well enough for Ultraman but added extra detail in all the right places to create a truly iconic look for a hero. 
Gridman follows three hip computer kids (Naoto, Ippei, and Yuka) whose videogame superhero is taken over by the interdimensional Gridman who then combines with Naoto. The computer hero fights against the digital monsters of the evil Kahn Digifer in some of the best looking fights of all the series we’ve mentioned. Some shows might have better action overall but the look of the computerized world of Gridman can’t be beat.
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American Tokusatsu Shows: Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad
By Shamus Kelley
SSSS. GRIDMAN Episode 1 Review: Awakening
By Shamus Kelley
The show may look familiar to some American fans as its footage was used in Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad. Gridaman also experienced a revival in the form of the SSSS.GRIDMAN anime, which redid some of the concepts of the original series with a few easter eggs to Syber-Squad for very hardcore fans.
Special Rescue Exceedraft
Available on Toei Tokusatsu World Official
Look, I’m going to be real with you. I’ve only seen the first two episodes of Exceedraft. I have no idea if the whole series is good. What I can tell you though is that the first episode is straight up the most batshit wild episode of any Toku I’ve ever seen. It’s like if someone took the plot of Speed and said: 
“Aha, let’s do this but condense it down to 20 minutes, add in some shiny superheroes, and make it way more intense.” Also, the title of the episode is “The Kindergarten Bus of Death.” Just watch it. If you watch nothing else on this list, watch this episode. It’s Toku on, well, speed and it’s fantastic.
Available on TokuSHOUTsu (Shout Factory TV/tubi/Pluto)
What if Super Sentai, but a soap opera? It’s not that Tokusatsu had never had soap opera elements before or after this series, but Jetman took that idea to a level that’s still being talked about today. When Red Ranger Ryuu’s partner is killed in an attack by the (say it with us now) evil Vyram, the powerful “Birdonic Waves” are unleashed on four unsuspecting civilians. Ryuu recruits them and they become the Jetman team.
With strong characterization from the start, Jetman stands out by jumping into the romance between team members as Ryuu struggles with his growing attraction to White Ranger Kaori. It’s standard soap opera stuff, with a love triangle thrown in for good measure (which would have been better if Kaori was given more agency), but if you love those tropes then Jetman might be the series for you.
As we said earlier, this is only a small sampling of some of the shows available on streaming sites in North America. What are some of your favorite Tokusatsu series that are available to watch and which ones do you hope are picked up in the future?
The post Tokusatsu Streaming Guide: Where to Watch Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and More appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/323lmEt
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Lucca Comics & Games 2019, gli annunci di J-POP Manga
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Lo scorso mercoledì, come da tradizione in occasione della nuova edizione di Lucca Comics & Games, J-POP Manga ha dato via alle danze con gli annunci del suo J-POP Show, quest’anno per la prima volta al Teatro del Giglio con ospiti Clara Serina che ha aperto lo spettacolo cantando Kimba e Devilman, Massimo Corizza (doppiatore tra i moltissimi personaggi amati di Carletto il Principe dei Mostri), e Yudori, autrice coreana ospite della casa editrice milanese. Tra gli annunci gli attesissimi “Act-Age” e “Land of the Lustrous” passando per gli inediti di opere classiche, nuovi titoli per la Osamushi Collection, light novel, e manga per tutti i gusti. Di seguito la lista completa.
La principessa Zaffiro di Osamu Tezuka
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“Nessuna terra può essere ereditata da una donna, ma tutta la terra spetta ai figli maschi!” recita così un articolo della lex salica che sembra aver ispirato questo capolavoro del manga. Considerato il primo manga sul tema di genere, La Principessa Zaffiro racconta la storia di una futura regina nata col corpo di una ragazza ma con l'animo di un ragazzo, in un mondo fiabesco rigido e severo, dove sarà necessario salvare la giustizia.
volumi 3 completa - uscita prevista, febbraio 2020
La principessa zaffiro - I cavalieri gemelli di Osamu Tezuka
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L’atteso e inedito sequel della saga di Zaffiro, diventata ormai regina e con due gemelli valorosi come eredi. La difesa del regno e della libertà sarà affidata a questi due ragazzi, un maschio e una femmina, guidati da un unico destino.
volume unico uscita prevista, luglio 2020
Il Bisturi e la Spada: l'incredibile storia di Ryoan Tezuka (Hidamari no ki) di Osamu Tezuka
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La memoria storica di Tezuka ripercorre gli anni di un suo antenato: Ryoan Tezuka, medico del 1800 che ha vissuto il forte periodo di isolamento del Giappone. Parallelamente, la vita del samurai Ibuya Manjiro, fedele allo shogunato, scorre nella paura per lo straniero e per l’apertura dei confini nazionali. Un racconto storico e drammatico che appartiene direttamente al passato del grande Osamushi.
volumi 6 completa - uscita prevista, marzo 2020
La fattoria degli umani e altre storie di fantascienza di Osamu Tezuka
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Una speciale raccolta di racconti, mai pubblicati in Italia, che raccoglie le storie brevi di fantascienza più intriganti dell’opera di Tezuka, realizzate negli anni ‘60.
volume unico - uscita prevista, settembre 2020
Black Jack di Osamu Tezuka
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Uno dei più famosi, oscuri e drammatici personaggi creati dal genio di Tezuka. Il sinistro medico Black Jack, con la sua aiutante Pinoko, torna a rivivere nelle pagine di questa edizione di lusso in 15 volumi completa di tutte le storie che hanno reso grande il noir di Osamushi.
volumi 15 completa - uscita prevista, settembre 2020
Oltre le nuvole, il luogo promessoci (ROMANZO) di Makoto Shinkai
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Dopo il grande successo di Your Name e Weathering with You, la Makoto Shinkai collection si arricchisce degli altri romanzi che lo legano alle sue opere cinematografiche più famose. La novel di Oltre le Nuvole, il luogo promessoci racconta un esito diverso della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, dove il Giappone è diviso in due parti, una sotto il controllo degli Stati Uniti e una legata all'Unione Sovietica. Negli anni novanta il paese si riunisce e soltanto l’arcipelago dell’Hokkaido resta russo, dove una base segreta sta per essere costruita.
volume unico
Viaggio verso Agartha (ROMANZO) di Makoto Shinkai 
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Dopo 5 cm al Secondo, Makoto Shinkai realizza un’altra grande opera cinematografica che si concentra su un mondo fantastico e sull’avventura che due giovani esploratori dovranno affrontare per riportare a casa i propri cari. Questa è la novel scritta e ispirata durante la realizzazione del film.
volume unico
After Hours di Yuhta Nishio
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Amore, romanticismo e musica. Nel mondo dei club underground di Tokyo due ragazze si incontrano con la passione dei dischi, l’ossessione per il collezionismo e la voglia di sfondare come dj. La vita notturna di Tokyo le farà innamorare. Una splendida mini serie a tema yuri.
volumi 3 (in box set) uscita prevista: aprile 2020
Demon Tune di Yuki Kodama
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Dall’autore di Blood Lad, una nuova miniserie che unisce l’action shonen con il fantasy. L’incontro tra un ninja e una fata sarà la scintilla per far nascere una nuova leggendaria avventura ricca di combattimenti sanguinari e mostri incredibili. Dalle pagine di Jump SQ, la rivista adrenaline di Shueisha!
volumi 4 (in box set) - uscita prevista: Giugno 2020 
009 Re:Cyborg di Gato Aso e Shotaro Ishinomori
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Dopo aver raccontato in una splendida edizione completa le avventure del team cyborg più famoso del manga, dopo aver completato la saga principale con l’epilogo God’s War, siamo pronti a tuffarci in questa splendida serie alternativa che ripercorre le vite degli eroi di Ishinomori, in un restyle moderno grazie al talento di Gato Aso!
volumi 6 completa - uscita prevista: Febbraio 2020
Gon di Masashi Tanaka
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Personaggio di Tekken, diabolica mascotte, re della giungla selvaggia! Prima ancora che gli umani popolassero questa terra, c’era un solo e unico spaccone… il suo nome è Gon! Torna finalmente in una edizione deluxe il mini dinosauro più amato del Giappone, realizzato dal geniale Masashi Tanaka: l’unico originale e inimitabile GON!
volumi 3 - uscita prevista: Primavera 2020
Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile (ROMANZO) di Kazushige Nojima
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Tokyo Ghoul Zakki:re (ARTBOOK) di Sui Ishida
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Lettere a me stessa – La mia prima volta 2 di Kabi Nagata
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L’autrice di La Mia Prima Volta (manga vincitore della categoria “Miglior Serie Straniera” ai Premi Boscarato 2019 a Treviso) Kabi Nagata torna a parlare di se stessa con autoironia e grande forza emotiva. Il successo del libro precedente è una cosa di cui essere felici, ma presenta nella vita dell'autrice una serie di nuove sfide. In questo diario personale, Kabi Nagata le affronta una a una, cercando di trovare una risposta alla più grande domanda della sua generazione: Cosa significa essere adulti? Vivere da soli, gestire il successo, ma soprattutto, accettare se stessi e imparare ad amarsi sembrano missioni impossibili per una ragazza con la sua autostima, ma se c'è la volontà di cambiare, tutto è possibile!
volume unico - uscita prevista: Gennaio 2020
Sayonara Miniskirt di Aoi Makino
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“Non è per tipi come voi che le ragazze indossano la gonna!” Seppur pubblicato su una rivista shojo, Sayonara Miniskirt di Aoi Makino è un manga che affronta temi importanti e per diverse tipologie di lettori. La studentessa del liceo ed ex idol Nina Kamiyama è l'unica ragazza a scuola a indossare i pantaloni dell'uniforme maschile invece della gonna. Conduce una vita scolastica isolata e taciturna, fino a quando i professori diffondono l’avviso che una persona sospetta, probabilmente armata, si aggira nei dintorni della scuola mettendo in pericolo le studentesse. Nella mente di Nina riaffiora così il trauma che finalmente decide di affrontare, per poter tornare a essere libera di essere una ragazza, in qualsiasi forma lei desideri e fuori da qualsiasi schema le possa venire imposto. Da Ribon di Shueisha, un’opera contemporanea e necessaria.
volumi 2, in corso - uscita prevista: Autunno 2020
Metamorfosi BL (Metamorphoses to Engawa) di Kaori Tsurutani
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Vincitore del famoso premio Kono Manga Ga Sugoi, questa opera curiosa e particolare sbarca finalmente in Italia. L’amicizia tra due persone, anche molto diverse tra loro, può sbocciare per le ragioni più impensabili. Ed è questo il caso di una donna di settantacinque anni, che in un torrido giorno d'estate di ritrova in libreria davanti a uno scaffale pieno zeppo di fumetti di un genere che non aveva mai sentito nominare, e la commessa adolescente che la aiuterà a navigare in questa nuova passione condivisa: il Boy's Love. Una storia che distrugge qualsiasi barriera e pregiudizio, avvicinando due generazioni di donne in un mix commovente e delicato.
volumi 3 in corso - uscita prevista: Estate 2020
Kasane di Daruma Matsura
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Un manga di culto nominato all’ottavo Manga Taisho! Kasane è una ragazza dal volto deturpato e dalla vita ha ricevuto unicamente abusi e derisione. Solo sua madre le ha lasciato un regalo utile, prima di morire: un rossetto che le permette di rubare, letteralmente, la faccia alle persone che riuscirà a baciare, dando in cambio il suo volto sfigurato. Finalmente libera dal suo disgustoso aspetto e ansiosa di sfogare il rancore covato per anni, soprattutto nei confronti delle persone “belle”, Kasane comincia così la sua corsa alla vendetta, correndo sulla sottile linea che la separa dalla follia. Una storia inquietante, disegnata magistralmente da Daruma Matsura.
volumi 14 conclusa - uscita prevista: Maggio 2020
Love Stage di Eiki Eiki, Zaou Taishi
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Izumi sembra destinato, per nascita, a lavorare nello Show Business. Sua madre è una famosa attrice, suo padre un musicista, e addirittura suo fratello ha una band in cima alle classifiche. Lui erò è... diverso. Alle luci del palco, preferisce disegnare ragazze “moe” nella sua cameretta, nella speranza di sfondare come mangaka... Insomma, è un Otaku! La professione di famiglia però non perdona, ed è costretto a partecipare al remake di una pubblicità in cui aveva recitato da bambino. Lì, incontra Ryoma, il suo coprotagonista, che da allora non ha mai smesso di cercarlo! Unico dettaglio? Izumi era vestito da bambina in quella pubblicità. Sarà un problema per Ryoma scoprire che il suo primo amore era in realtà un ragazzo?!
7 volumi, serie completa - uscita prevista: Marzo 2020
Jackass! di Scarlet Berico
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Dal pennino di Scarlet Beriko, una delle autrici Boy’s Love più richieste, arriva una storia d’amore anticonvenzionale! Keisuke e Masayuki sono amici. Masayuki però è bello, ricco, popolare con le ragazze... insomma, a volte dà proprio sui nervi! Tra un litigio e l’altro, l’adolescenza dei due continua quasi indisturbata fino a quando Keisuke indossa per sbaglio un paio di collant neri, e scopre così il che per il suo migliore amico sono un vero e proprio punto debole! Riusciranno entrambi a rispettare la regola del “guardare e non toccare”?
volume unico - uscita prevista: Gennaio 
Escape Journey di Ogeretsu Tanaka
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All’università, Naoto rincontra Taichi, il suo fidanzato dei tempi del liceo, con cui aveva tagliato i rapporti dopo averlo sentito definire la loro relazione come “puramente sessuale". Nonostante covi da tempo rancore nei suoi confronti, si rende conto che Taichi è cresciuto da allora, e comincia pian piano a perdonarlo. Ritornare amici è semplice se una persona ti piace, ma l’amore, invece, è sempre terribilmente complicato… Il Boy’s Love romantico che tutti aspettavano!
uscita prevista: Gennaio 2020 
VOID di Zariya Ranmaru
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In un'era in cui gli umanoidi sono fatti su misura fino al più piccolo dettaglio del loro carattere, Maki ne riceve in dono uno molto speciale, oltre che estremamente illegale. Si chiama Arata e gli è stato dato l'aspetto di Ren, una persona estremamente importante nella vita di Maki, e non solo: l'androide riproduce alla perfezione carattere del ragazzo scomparso e, nonostante sia un tabù, gli sono stati impiantati i suoi ricordi. Riuscirà Maki a separare l'immagine sovrapposta di Arata e Ren? E che sentimenti risveglieranno in lui questo viso, questa voce, questi ricordi così familiari? Una attesissima attrice sbarca in Italia con questo volume unico dolce-amaro.
uscita prevista: Febbraio 2020
Il Gioco del Gatto e del Topo di Setona Mizushiro
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Shutendoji – Il banchetto delle Tenebre di Go Nagai
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Dopo aver terminato la serie storica di Go Nagai, finalmente in Italia arriva l’antologia di storie inedite che hanno ispirato il grande Shutendoji!
volume unico   
Gekiman! – Devilman Story di Go Nagai 
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Com’è nata la saga di Devilman? Come Go Nagai ha realizzato la sua opera magistrale che lo ha reso famoso in tutto il mondo? Gekiman! È il manga autobiografico disegnato da Go Nagai in persona sul periodo in cui ha scritto e inchiostrato il possente Uomo-Diavolo, inedito in Italia e presentato in una maxi edizione completa in tre grossi tankobon.
volumi 3 (in box-set) uscita prevista: Primavera
Shin Violence Jack di Go Nagai
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Dopo aver assistito all’epico finale del possente Jack, nella sua saga principale completa, arriva ad arricchire la Go Nagai Collection un volume inedito di nuove storie brutali e violente. Violence Jack è tornato, più cattivo che mai.
volume unico
Seventeen di Baron Yoshimoto
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J-POP è orgogliosa e lieta di annunciare la prima antologia di storie del celebre mangaka Baron Yoshimoto, uno dei fumettisti che costruirono il boom del gekiga negli anni '60 e ’70. Disegnatore e avventuriero, artista e personaggio lui stesso, all’apice della sua popolarità, improvvisamente partì per gli Stati Uniti dove ha potuto ispirare il suo stile. Nel 1985, dopo il suo ritorno in Giappone oltre all’attività di mangaka si è dedicato anche alla pittura con uno stile nuovo e innovativo in collaborazione anche con il grande Katsuya Terada. Seventeen è un’opera degli anni ‘70, una fotografia di una gioventù ribelle e alle prese con conflitti, vergogne, circostanze difficili.
volume unico
Frankenstein e altre storie di Junji Ito
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Il grande Junji Ito è tornato questa volta con una nuova antologia arricchita dalla sua personale rilettura del classico di Mary Shelley: Frankenstein.
volume unico 
Wizdoms no Kemonotachi di Nagabe 
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L’opera con sfumature BL che farà felici tutti i fan di Nagabe, autore dell’amatissimo Girl from the other Side. Nel profondo della foresta si trova una misteriosa scuola di magia, frequentata da uomini bestia di ogni tipo. Queste creature fantasy vivono amori intensi, storie romantiche, delicate e ironiche come solo il tocco di Nagabe sa raccontare.
volume unico - uscita prevista: Primavera
Act-Age di Tatsuya Matsuki e Shiro Usazaki
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Emozionante, affascinante, comico e drammatico. Il fenomeno Act-Age è ora anche in Italia! Direttamente da Shonen Jump, la storia di Kei Yonagi, splendida aspirante attrice, povera in canna e con il i propri fratelli da badare. Quando arriva l'opportunità di inseguire il suo sogno di diventare attrice, Kei ci si butta a capofitto, catturando le attenzioni del regista Kuroyama. Ma il metodo così ricco di empatia che usa Kei per interpretare i suoi ruoli è potenzialmente distruttivo. Benvenuti sul palcoscenico moderno di questa splendida serie targata Shueisha.
volumi 8 in corso - uscita prevista: Febbraio 2020
Land of the Lustrous (Houseki no Kuni) di Haruko Ichikawa
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Su un pianeta popolato da “pietre preziose” dalle sembianze umane, l'unico pericolo è costituito dal Popolo della Luna, che fa delle vere e proprie battute di caccia per raccoglierle, farle a pezzi, e usarle come ornamenti. In questa società dove essere forti e saper combattere è tutto, Phos, la fosfofillite, non desidera altro che diventare forte, potersi difendere e guadagnare il rispetto dei suoi compagni, che la vedono ancora come un bambino. Ma quanti pezzi di te puoi perdere per guadagnare la forza che hai tanto desiderato? E quanto di te stesso puoi perdere, per considerarti ancora... te stesso? Haruko Ichikawa ridefinisce il concetto di “Empatia grafica” con queste gemme che vanno in pezzi allo stesso modo in cui si spezza un cuore. Quello del lettore.
volumi 10 in corso - uscita prevista: Aprile 2020
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Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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hxtties · 5 years
Considering setting aside some time in the next couple days for some more iconing. focusing on taylor, nikki, kaori and rebecca.
also sudden concept idea: the cyborg characters use the likeness of actual people. with signed permission and such of course, with good money and royalties in it for them.
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thumm hnc esvenroc browny circus teeny frahoop milkees speena taisho 9nenn meg epiqurean sucrette cecil 5th garden havana exotica mansfield kenji aira saori sawa nagisa ami suzuki joanna shizuka mizca maa mini usagi-chang beautiful electro yukari takako miu amu spoon+ jaccapop cyborg 80s pal@pop melting holidays chocolat citrus kyoko togawa nippon girls bridge venus peter spank happy motocompo p5 hi posi mihomihomakoto tomoe shinohara rie tomosaka spaghetti vabune! akane hosoka orangenoise shortcut marino karia nomoto orange lounge tomosuke marshmallow kisses instant cytron kokusyoku sumire vanilla beans sonicberry favour micro mach machine yuu kofta pecombo losfeld hairsalon fpm tetrapletrap the caraway utrecht miniflex happy end kuno shinji boys & girls together photo jenny mummy the peepshow rocket or chiritori dahlia ex girl red go cart kuchiroro marys 9th cut tiroleantape chapter 4 nicely nice aprils bice bitter cherry jam ayuse kozue uinona tomoya harada pupa pastelshot chat chat humming parlour kiiiiiii collette genki rockets ram rider cinnamon toast crunch flower bellcow on button down panda 1/2 johnny dee childish tones 住所不定無職 (jusho futei mushoku) c want you soleil tweedees b flower honey skoolmates coba u 壱岐尾彩花 (ayaka ikio) strawberry mud pie! katamari pastel music abcd*efg softly! 3f=c apogee & perigee tarte tatin ナンバタタン 小池玉緒 (tamao koike) the apricots harqua nokko nelories ether22 p&rt sasanoooha funny little dream little lounge * little twinkle bluenö sunnychar three-weeks-old lovesick puppy chapi chapo ammakasie noka arcorhyme t.v. jesus murr*murr cyclon 86 pianetta instant cafe records camera works chupi*chupi tropico q comoestas sugi & reo cacoy kazmi with rickies syoko スーザン soda fountains balloon skirt noodles maki asakawa trico! マサ子さん margarets hope* marigold leaf twinkle jack the shinno love tambourines monsieur de foursaings eletronico spoochy chiemi manabe applecider lil 松井優子 (yuko matsui) pastel pants cosmetic robot the electronic tomato rajie mademoiselle yulia gekkan probowler portable - ハジメサセナイ chix chicks 平田香織 (kaori hirata) 稲森寿世 (hisayo inamori) starbow kilala & ulala yukako hayase yusei mints jellyfish (technopop academy) jet pool jullan comtron plus - cross power flower the tables - tablemania aimei cioccolata トランジスタ気楽 /トランジスタきらる 8-bitchin'tendo modern choki chokies 8分のバニラ (vanilla/8) 有機生命体 (yukiseimeitai) elisabeth arais toni basil lab life keiichi ohta shi-shonen urban dance yoshié - idoratria hiromix rocketman tom atom comoestas iwamura manabu testpattern interior akiko wada mikado urban dance everything play - loulou mon amour tamao koike - 鏡の中の十月 jess franco jun togawa kahimi karie dahlia kyary - ghibli set shonen knife joni mitchell lydia lunch dorian goodburger vanity 6 kt spit the pink panda
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