#D3 Marine
d3marine · 1 year
Yacht Electrical Systems Maintenance for Keeping your Yacht Alive
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Although megayacht owners and yacht engineers may be knowledgeable, they are not licensed to work as the ship's electricians. Owners frequently hire yacht repair firms to handle work on their electrical systems. 
A detailed knowledge of the vessel's electrical systems enables the yacht repair and maintenance business to identify and address minor faults before they become more serious ones. Therefore, regular preventative maintenance of the yacht's electrical systems will keep it operating at its best. 
Regular equipment inspections, even if there are no visible indicators of malfunction or wear and tear, are part of preventive maintenance. Vulnerabilities in systems, materials, and equipment are also taken into account. The technical and mechanical staff aboard yachts schedule routine maintenance tasks to prevent costly damages. They have a good maintenance schedule in place as well.
In particular, the following systems are focused upon for preventive maintenance:
Alarms, monitoring systems
Lights, lighting systems
Circuit breakers, switchboards
Generators, motors
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 years
Horror does have a place in Doom
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(Mainly felt like making this post after a video by thebeansprout13, even if this comes out later because it was in my drafts for a while)
This is a very talked about, overplayed topic on Doom and it tends to repeat, sometimes because certain opinions/observations are more popular than others.
I think horror is an element in Doom and there's a lot of ways to talk about this, both in favor and against or even somewhere in the middle.
The 90's games
We all know about Doom Bible's canned ideas of the characters and story but even then, Doom is clearly inspired by Aliens, Evil Dead, DnD and so on.
But maybe this mix of inspirations (And the weird presentation of the games) means there's different things to pick apart.
If Doom was a movie, it could have been a B-movie with a goofy, campy nature and still have some eerie atmosphere or gross practical effects.
At first we have:
Some dark, suspense based music tracks.
Darker areas meant to show off lightning and "slow" moments.
Probably the default movement speed and the history behind "ALWAYS_RUN".
Doomguy being hurt in the box art and ingame status bar.
The Arch-vile's intended design of an eerie HR Giger inspired alien.
Textures like the flesh walls with metal pipes, twisted faces and some hanged corpses people thought were based on a real pic of Mussolini (But it's actually GI Joe figures).
But then there's:
The fast gameplay and combat that can happen.
Cartoony designs and assets.
The metal music (And other tracks like those that sound kinda like jazz).
The campy writing style in the manuals and intermission screens.
The presentation of Daisy's death.
Some of Doomguy's faces.
The name "BFG" and how some assets were made like using toys to make the guns.
Maybe whenever a level was clearly gimmicky and "gamey" or experimental.
The ridiculously low-tech aesthetic with blue carpet floors and maybe how Phobos' sky doesn't look like Phobos.
So it seems Doom always had a mix of elements and that's why people even argue over this, though i also see benefits of Doom being a "blank canvas" when it comes to its staying power.
Doom 64 was the more horror focused classic game with its take on Hell and some demon designs (But still not showing Doomguy's bloodied mugshot or some assets of classic Hell).
Even its theme song was barely metal (And i think John Romero really liked the PS1 port).
And D64 is also seen as "the real Doom 3" though this is a bit of a topic i mentioned in a different post.
Doom 3
A "reboot" of the series and a new entry in a time after the series was dormant (And mostly carried by fan mods).
D3 pushes things to a specific direction that John Carmack thought it was natural.
Some fans think the same, others thing it's opposite to what they expect out of Doom, some even accept it as a new thing.
D3 is much more story focused, with a bunch of cutscenes, background/lore, characters and most if it isn't goofy.
Demons are redesigned and some barely resemble their original versions (Might be because they looked "goofy" even if we have fanart that knows how to make them eerie; Meanwhile, D3's Arch-vile didn't capture the original design that much).
New demons represent a new art style that makes them "more serious and scary" or at least surreal.
The UAC stuff is still low-tech but in a more detailed, "professional" way.
Gameplay is slower, with a focus on reloading and the lantern.
Darkness focus and horror etc.
More serious tone, with little music.
D3 marine never smiles and looks worried most of the time.
Besides UAC and Hell, there's the Martians as a way to "extend" the universe but they're still mostly mysterious and not shown a lot.
The premise of a UAC marine having to fight demons after the UAC unleashing Hell is technically there, but it's also differently done from the original games (At least/specially if you look into the "lore" in the old manuals).
This game divided some fans, though a prespective i like to hear more is one that likes the idea but not so much the execution and i also always bring up how unfair it is that later versions (BFG edition and others) tend to have new problems or cut content for no reason, while not fixing certain flaws.
Because you'll still find some older fans thinking Doom was supposed to have some form of tension or horror, compared to those that prefer the fast action side of things.
Oddly enough, Hell in the series always had potential to be weird but D3, the game with the most experimental demon designs, didn't really took advantage of those elements.
At least D3 has some mods that fix some people's issues with the game, whether or not it leads to them respect the game more.
If you ask me: Doom 3's horror isn't just the dark corridors or slow "doomed" marine, but it's the crazy designs like the Bruiser having a screen on its mouth or the Revenant having transparent skin.
And i think D3 has its fair share of goofyness like the Turkey minigame (And the others in RoE that later versions deleted for no reasons) or that one fat zombie going "mmmm boy" that farts.
Doom 2016 and Eternal
D2016 is like an extreme opposite to D3: You are the horror and gameplay is more focused on movement and projectile avoiding that there's barely hitscan enemies besides the Possessed Security and maybe the Hellrazer.
Besides the arena focused combat, there's the Glory Kills, alt fires, upgrades, Mick Gordon's music, the character of the Doomslayer and so on.
But bits of D3's style are still present, speciall Mars and Hell a bit since Doom technically wasn't always "Mars" (Otherwise, more people would bring up the classic Phobos aesthetic and specific textures but even Hell still doesn't carry certain elements back).
(In fact, when D2016 was revealed, people complained about the lack of color and even said the demons looked "MOBA-ish")
The Hellknight is clearly inspired by its D3 design but one major difference is being eyeless instead of the weird eyes (Or are they sockets?) it had in D3.
Most demons have a rather "focused" aesthetic of chitin armored creatures and even lore explaining how they work or even how the UAC was involved in some being created/modified (Which may or may not affect the appeal of Hell being a weird dimension of evil that Doomguy has to put up with).
It's also somewhat known that D2016 was influenced by outside factors for Doom: The Doom comic ("Rip and tear") is obvious but there's probably other theories like anything to do with Death Battle or internet copypastas/webcomics joking about Doomguy (And i guess Brutal Doom but there's still arguements about it).
Doomslayer being a killing machine that scares demons is like an inverse to the "doomed" D3 marine: Putting classic Doomguy in the middle since he's both a strong action hero but still gets hurt (Even his portrayal in the 90's comic is like this).
The existence of D2016 is also a result of Doom 4 being cancelled: A game that was so deviated from Doom, it didn't even feel like a D3 sequel (And maybe it wasn't).
In a way, D2016's appeal relies on some bits of fanservice and at least getting basic ideas that people associate with Doom, which contrasts D3 not relying on "outside factors" but also chosing specific parts of the series while also executing them in a way that i'm not sure if it was ideal for D3 itself.
Then there's Doom Eternal, which builds up from 2016 in a lot of ways (And in was that people either like or hate it but it's still a very beloved and popular title).
The aesthetic is more colorfull and brings back some classic designs (Not entirely as they're put inside the new aesthetic), there's the concept of the "Doom universe", lots of new mechanics and a lot more to like (But also things that divided some fans).
Eternal's "videogamey" pickups were technically based on how some people thought pickups in D2016 overlapped with the environment, even if people liked how items in D2016 "existed in the setting" (Because even in classic Doom, you didn't have those kinds of pickups).
There's a lot of debates about Eternal's lore and aesthetic that leads to comparisons to 2016 but i'm thinking on making a post dedicated to that (Specially with some prespectives, opinions and stuff that most people don't consider).
Regardless, Eternal has clearly different media influences compared to the originals and feels like a different genre.
Basically, if classic Doom is a "campy B-movie", Eternal is a "saturday morning cartoon with gore" (And D3 is a serious sci-fi horror movie, i guess).
(And let's not forget: Different people are behind these games, in a series where people already interpret them in their own ways)
Sometimes, i think Doom is like the Planet of the Apes movie series:
D3 is closer to the original premise but 2016/Eternal are seem to be the more liked iteration of the series.
(Meanwhile, we have Mighty Doom as the most cartoony Doom game but in a cute way while the RPG Doom's had a different cartoonyness and sense of humor and a rather serious intro comic)
"Horror" in Doom to fans (And what else)
If you look at some pieces of fanart (Or even fan redesigns) and some mods, there's definitely an appeal of Doom being more horror focused and tense, even without affecting certain designs or the personality.
It's why one could not only defend D3 but even think that D3's issue isn't being different but rather doing a flawed job at its own direction.
Because 2016/Eternal also have their own differences from the original games but they seem to mostly nail their own direction.
I even see "horror" complement the "power fantasy" concept of modern Doom: Making Hell weirder and stranger, which makes Doomguy/Slayer feel even stronger.
Because "horror" as a concept can mean a lot: Not just dark corridors or walking slow, but it can lead to really interesting designs that make Hell feel threatning and weirdly creative.
After all, if it's possible to make a game out of "fans want a Doomguy that is more powerfull and the gameplay is fast", i don't see why we couldn't have one that is "fans want a tense, bone chilling experience and the demons look scary but still cool", even if you see those cool fan redesigns as better than what we got in D3.
(I like to believe that different types of Doom can coexist)
Even D3 haters may find or cherrypick some parts of the game they like (Which also makes me think it's another good reason why MetaDoom is a really cool mod).
I believe it should be possible to make a game that has elements of both "paths" represented, even if it means like a level with disturbing environments and then you find a goofy collectable toy in a secret.
I also said this before but i kinda get D3 hate coming from older fans but not people who got into the series at 2016 and after, because you technically "skipped" the "dark age" that some fans went through.
How hated D3 really is depends on which opinions or mindset overcome the others, because fanbases and hobbies almost tend to have an "anglicized canon" that is rather pushed by some specific people.
Anyway, i tried to add as much i could in this post but i'd like if someone like a Youtuber or older fan were to analyze this and even add more to this or correct potential flaws.
It's a topic that could be more explored, because even people that argue "Doom was always X" overlook elements that support their claims.
Other links to check, i guess.
How i think a good D3 re-release could be.
Doom 3 power ups and Doom 3 enemy roster rant.
"Doom 3 alternatives" for some picky fans.
The D2RPG intro comic.
Bunch of stuff related to Quake and Wolfenstein.
"Remastering" the 90's Doom games.
How a Doom movie or show could be good.
I mean, there's more on this blog but these could be good enough.
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T'au-Commander Types you might encounter in the wild
So I did some research on how to build my model, and now it'd be a shame to forget all that information - I better write it down here so maybe someone has a use for it. So if you ever wanted some options on how to build your commander, here you go!
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(Pictured: a Coldstar Commander with his iconic jetpack and his direct superior to the left)
Alright, for the basics, there's two types. Essentially 3 but Crisis Commanders don't count really. So we got the Enforcer and the Coldstar. One is tough as nails and the other is fast as fuck. Their inherent abilites are not that special, the Enforcer reduces incoming damage by 1 (to min. 1) and the Coldstar has 14'' movement and a once-per-game teleport move, and they both get a specific Crisis Suit buff, but tbh that's not why people pick it, if anything its a bonus.
The key part of those units is how customizable are in terms of weapons and system loadouts. In fact the power that comes from this versatility is so insane, unless you are playing Farsight Enclaves you are limited to 1 per detachment.
Each of them has one special weapon the other does not have. The Enforcer sports the Cyclic Ion Blaster, which is pretty lame even when overloading if you ask me, but is fine threatening stuff like Marines and the Coldstar gets the High Capacity Burst cannon, which is essentially the regular Burst Cannon but with 10 shots instead of 6 and Ap-1.
Both draw from the same list of weapons all of the Assault type, those being
T'au Flamer 12'' A.D6+2 S4 Damage 1, Autohits
Plasma Rifle 30'' A.1 S8 AP-4 Damage 3
Missile Pod 30'' A.2 S7 -2 Damage 2
Fusion Blaster 18'' A.1 S8 AP-4 Damage D6, D6+2 when half range
Burst Cannon 18'' A.6 S5 Damage 1
Airburst Fragmentation Projector A.D6 24'' S4 Ap-1 Damage 1 Blast + Indirect Fire
Looking at it that sure feels weird. Why does a model with a Ballistic Score of 2+ that has no need to rely on auto-hits need a puny little flamer? It's because you can upgrade EVERY SINGLE ONE of these with a Prototype System. However, you only get one of such systems per unit, cost extra points, and only upgrade ONE of the weapons, even when you have multiple of the same.
Generally you can take up to 4 of these except for the exclusive guns in any combination, altough duplicate weapons cost extra points, or you can drop a weapon and take a support system. Target Lock is installed for free without taking a slot, but most people just take a Shield Generator just to protect their high value unit better.
But wait, there's more! Not Customizable enough? Well in addition to that, Commanders can take a Warlord Trait AND a Relic! That opens up the door to a lot of options, and I will present some of them now, starting with the most common one:
Note: all are either accompanied by 2 Shield Drones or in case of example E by 2 Markerlight Drones.
EXHIBIT A: "The Melee" (Any Sept)
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We are not sure if it is because they slept through all of combat training, but apparently they did not get the meme that they are supposed to be bad at melee combat. Here's the recipe to kick ass and make someone bear the mark of shame that they lost to T'au in melee:
Commander Type: Coldstar
Warlord Trait: Precision of the Hunter - (Reroll all Hit- and Wound rolls)
Relic: Onager Gauntlet - (Melee weapon with S12 AP-4 D3, punches a hole through vehicles)
Prototype System: Thermoneutrenic Projector. (The Flamer loses its autohit ability, but gets -2 AP and one more points of damage, but the key part is that it can be used it melee. Same AP, same Damage, but the bearer makes D6+2 ADDITIONAL ATTACKS, on top of the 4 you usually have. )
Other Slots: High Capacity Burst Cannon for general purpose, Fusion Blaster to ensure whatever you charge at actually kicks the bucket, and of course a Shield Generator.
You need to clear hordes? Flamer and Burst Cannon got you covered, even in melee, and every vehicle except the really big things need to be careful, because this thing will just go absolute ham on them.
Exhibit B: "The Tank" (T'au Sept)
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Commander Type: Enforcer
Warlord Trait : T'au Sept "Strenght of Conviction" (5+ ignore damage)
Relic: T'au Sept Vectored Maneuvering Thrusters +2 Movement, once a round when you get charged, just say no and go away just outside of their range.
Prototype System: Novasurge Plasma Rifle AP-5 and prevent invul. saves means those 3 damage are definetly going to stick.
Other slots: Cyclic Ion Blaster, Shield Generator, Fusion Blaster
Remember the thing where it reduces all incoming damage by one? Now imagine if that one damage also had a 33% chance of just not happening - and when it comes to melee, it just says no, so an entire phase where it will not get damaged. Meanwhile being in T'au Sept means you will hit those Plasma shots for sure, and a lack of movement is not a problem if you found your spot combined with long range weaponry.
Exhibit C: "Borkan goes BRRRRR" (Bor'kan Sept)
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Commander Type: Coldstar
Warlord Trait: Seeker of Perfection (+1 AP on all guns, 6s create up to 3 mortal wounds)
Relic: Overdrive Power System (Pick 2 weapons, those get +1 to wound when shooting in half range)
Prototype System: "DW-02 Advanced Burst Cannon" (+1 S and +2 shots and AP-1 when compared to the regular cannon, but most importantly it ignores rules that make enemies ignore the damage).
Other Slots: High Output Burst Cannon, Shield Generator, Fusion Blaster
This thing shreds. By picking the two burst cannons, this can turn even vehicles into swiss cheese, and half range is easy given how Borkan gives 4'' bonus range on all weapons. Good against hordes due to the high number of shots, but +1 to the wound roll is strong. Suddenly these guns with all their shots start punching WAY above their weight class, and the mortal wounds on top are just the icing to get things done. When in doubt that this is not enough to bust a tank, shoot the Fusion Blaster and laugh.
Exhibit D: Melee 2.0 / No, I am not getting out of this chair (Sacea Sept)
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Commander Type: Enforcer
Warlord Trait: Strategic Conqueror (Give Out Obsec)
Relic: Grav-Inhibitor Field (Enemies around you fight last, Melee hit -1)
Prototype System: Themogenic Projector (again. Hey, we don't have many melee options)
Other Slots: Cyclic Ion Raker, Shield Generator, Fusion Blaster
Sacea is a weird one, the entire Sept wants you to run Infantry and Infantry-Battlesuits that use Heavy Weapons. We only got Broadsides for that, the rest of the list will most likely be Fire Warriors or Pathfinders, and maybe some small crisis suits for the Enforcer's inherent buff. When played smart and the map is in your favor, that objective secured perk will be able to hold multiple points at once.
Usually a bunch of Non-Suit units on an objective are just hostile charge fodder, luckily our Commander will be a walking brick wall who will defend the point until the very end. Even when the enemy tries to flood the point with units, with Obsec it still belongs to you. You essentially advance this in turn 1 towards whatever point you claim belongs to you together with some support units, and your opponent will not be able to do much about it
Exhibit E: The Sneaky Git (Dalyth Sept)
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Commander Type: Coldstar
Warlord Trait: Perfection of the Hunter
Relic: Dynamic Mirror Field (5+ Invul, Cannot be targeted unless closest or enemy within 12'')
Prototype System: Resonator Warheads (Missle Pod Upgrade, reduces enemy movement of Infantry, Beast, or Cavallary by 50% until next turn)
Other Systems: Velocity Tracker/High Capacity Burst Cannon, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Rifle
Now we are entering the exotic territory. While the Enforcer sticks around due to being tanky, this thing here will live forever simply because youe opponent will never get to target it EVER. If you play Dalyth that usually means the field is flooded with Kroot anyways, and as long as it is not the nearest unit and 12'' away it mostly just cannot be shot.
Add to that the Coldstar's mobility, and you got a heavy hitter that never dies, screws up enemy plans with the movement reduction (hey, nice melee only unit you got there lmao), and is very adept at doing something Dalyth lists with Kroot will always struggle against: removing aircraft and vehicles. Double Plasma Rifles plus Precision of the Hunter is plenty to blast these off the board. The velocity tracker is just a bonus against aircraft and other flying units that could bypass your hordes of Kroot. If the Velocity tracker is deemed unnecessary due to a lack of aircraft in your local meta, either add the High Capacity Burst Cannon back on or a 3rd Plasma Rifle.
There's probably many others, and some do not require their own entry, because seriously what's to say about Farsight Enclaves besides "short range"?
Of course there's also always the option of just loading the Commander up with 4 Fusion Blasters, warping into the enemy zone turn 1, do 32 damage with precision of the hunter, and then die. But that's a waste, we got Ghostkeels for exactly that purpose.
Aside from that the T'au Codex has some tricky tools to use, like the Coldstar's Engine Burn or Viorla's defense system - but tbh using a Signature System or Relic slot for maybe some mortal wounds in a game that you even need to roll for, that's not worth it.
Alright, hyperfocussed wall of text is done! Let's see if anyone can get any use out of it lol
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nihannx · 20 days
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stubobnumbers · 30 days
CFB Promotion and Relegation - The Big East
Big East Tier One - The Big East (FBS): Louisville Cincinnati West Virginia Penn State Pittsburgh Syracuse Rutgers Boston College Connecticut
Big East Tier Two - Conference USA (FBS): Marshall Temple Villanova Albany Buffalo Stony Brook Massachusetts Rhode Island New Hampshire Maine
Big East Tier Three - Coastal Athletic Association (FCS): Central Connecticut State Merrimack College Monmouth (NJ.) Long Island University Marist College Wagner College Duquesne University Robert Morris (PA.) St. Francis (PA.) Bryant University
Big East Tier Four - Patriot League (FCS): Georgetown Holy Cross Stonehill College Colgate University Fordham University Bucknell Lafayette College Lehigh University Mercyhurst University
Big East Tier Five - Atlantic Football Association (D2): Sacred Heart University Southern Connecticut State Western Connecticut State University Post University U. of New Haven American International College Assumption University Bentley University Franklin Pierce University Saint Anselm College
Big East Tier Six - Eastern Football Association (D2): Pace University College Of New Jersey Fairleigh Dickinson-Florham Kean University Montclair State Rowan University William Paterson U. Trinity College – Connecticut Wesleyan University
Big East Tier Seven - Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (D2): Slippery Rock University Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania California University of Pennsylvania Clarion University of Pennsylvania East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Edinboro University Gannon University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Lincoln University Pennsylvania
Big East Tier Eight - Keystone Football League (D2): Lock Haven University Millersville University of Pennsylvania Seton Hill University Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania West Chester University of Pennsylvania Allegheny College Carnegie Mellon University Albright College Alvernia University Gettysburg College
Big East Tier Nine - West Virginia Conference (D2): Alderson Broaddus University Bethany College – West Virginia Bluefield State College Concord University Fairmont State University Glenville State University Shepherd University University of Charleston West Liberty University West Virginia State University West Virginia Wesleyan College Wheeling University
Big East Tier Ten - Northeast Football Alliance (D3): Bates College Bowdoin College Colby College Husson University Maine Maritime U. of New England (ME.) Plymouth State Salve Regina University
Big East Tier Eleven - Little East Conference (D3): US Coast Guard Academy US Merchant Marine Academy Vermont State – Castleton Middlebury College Norwich University Massachusetts Maritime SUNY Maritime College Amherst College Anna Maria College Curry College
Big East Tier Twelve - Eastern Football Association (D3): Bridgewater State University Fitchburg State University Framingham State Dean College Endicott College Umass-Dartmouth Springfield College MIT Nichols College Tufts University
Big East Tier Thirteen - Northern Small Colleges Coalition (D3): Western New England U. Westfield State Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Worcester State Alfred University Alfred State Buffalo State University Hamilton College Hartwick College
Big East Tier Fourteen - Empire Football Alliance (D3): Brockport State Cortland State Hilbert College Hobart College Ithaca College Rensselaer Polytech – RPI St. John Fisher College St. Lawrence University SUNY Morrisville Union College – New York
Big East Tier Fifteen - Northeast Conference (D3): U. of Rochester Utica University ASA College – New York Erie CC Hudson Valley CC Monroe College – New Rochelle Nassau CC Sussex County CC College Of Mount Saint Vincent
Big East Tier Sixteen - Small Pennsylvania Schools Conference (D3): Delaware Valley University Dickinson College Eastern University Franklin & Marshall College Geneva College Grove City College Juniata College Keystone College King's College – Pennsylvania Lebanon Valley College
Big East Tier Seventeen - Pennsylvania Football Alliance (D3): Lycoming College Misericordia University Moravian University Muhlenberg College Saint Vincent College – Pennsylvania Susquehanna University Thiel College Ursinus College Washington & Jefferson College Waynesburg University
Big East Tier Eighteen - Eastern Football Coalition (D3): Westminster College – Pennsylvania Widener University Wilkes University Lackawanna College Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology New England College Williamson College of the Trades
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evoldir · 5 months
Fwd: Postdoc: SouthAfrica.Genetics_MarineBiology
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: SouthAfrica.Genetics_MarineBiology > Date: 12 April 2024 at 06:24:55 BST > To: [email protected] > > > The Centre for Ecological Genomics and Wildlife Conservation at the > University of Johannesburg invites expressions of interest for a > joint postdoctoral fellowship to the value of R250 000 (~US$ 13,400) > per annum.  The fellowship is awarded for up to 2 years, depending > on performance. > > Candidates should have experience in the analysis of genetic and/or > genomic data by means of unix-based applications, including high > performance computing. The successful applicant will work on existing > or new projects in a research field of their choice, which may > include population genetics/genomics, phylogenetics/genomics and > eDNA metabarcoding. Projects typically focus on marine/estuarine > eukaryote species of conservation concern, commercially exploited > species, or document biodiversity. Please see details about the > center at https://ift.tt/iMOx6vk and > https://ift.tt/zprOJ8j > > This is an excellent opportunity for young researchers (with a PhD > awarded within the past 5 years) to boost the number of research > outputs on their CV. They can also gain experience in student > supervision if they choose to become registered co-supervisors of > postgraduate students (MSc and PhD levels). The University of > Johannesburg is Africa's top university in terms of the number of > accredited research outputs published, and postdocs contribute > significantly to this: > https://ift.tt/Vy1wU8z > . > > Interested candidates should please send the following documents > to Prof.  Peter Teske ([email protected]); the review of applications > will commence immediately: > > * A motivation letter not exceeding 1 page in which the applicant >  briefly summarises skills and interests (with a particular focus >  on experience in unix-based analyses and other skills relevant to >  this position) > * A short CV (1-2 pages) that includes key publications; do not include >  predatory journals (https://ift.tt/QITkDdM) > * Proof of having completed a PhD no earlier than 2019 (e.g. a scan of >  the PhD certificate or academic record); candidates who have not yet >  completed their PhD, but expect to do so soon, are encouraged to apply > * A PDF of at least one published (or in press) scientific paper that is >  relevant to this position (at least one first authorship is a >  prerequisite) > * Contact details of three references > > The most suitable candidate will be selected by May 1, and will > then officially apply for this position at the departmental level > (the closing date is May 15). The actual commencement of the postdoc > position is flexible, but should be no later than 3 months after > the outcome of the application has been announced. > > > *Prof. Peter Teske* > Department of Zoology > University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus > Auckland Park 2006 > South Africa > Tel +27 (0)11 559 3373 > https://ift.tt/5E9esbR > > > For courier shipments: > D3 LAB 339 > (D LAB building on the far right (seen from D RING), two floors up, > turn right through the glass door, last entrance on the left) > Department of Zoology > University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus (APK) > Corner Kingsway and University Rd. > Auckland Park 2092 > Email: [email protected] > Tel.: 011 559 3373 > > Peter Teske
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spookysaladchaos · 6 months
Surimi Raw Material, Global Market Size Forecast, Top Nine Players Rank and Market Share
Surimi Raw Material Market Summary
According to the new market research report "Global Surimi Raw Material Market Report 2024-2030", published by QYResearch, the global Surimi Raw Material market size is projected to grow from USD 1.22billion in 2024 to USD 1.59 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 4.52% during the forecast period (2024-2030).
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Figure.   Global Surimi Raw Material Market Size (US$ Million), 2019-2030
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Above data is based on report from QYResearch: Global Surimi Raw Material Market Report 2024-2030 (published in 2024). If you need the latest data, plaese contact QYResearch.
Figure.   Global Surimi Raw Material Top 9 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2023, continually updated)
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Above data is based on report from QYResearch: Global Surimi Raw Material Market Report 2024-2030 (published in 2024). If you need the latest data, plaese contact QYResearch.
This report profiles key players of Surimi Raw Material such as Gadre Marine Export Pvt. Ltd., American Seafoods Company LLC., Anjoy Food Group Co., Ltd, Honghu Jingli Aquatic Food Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Haizhiwei Aquatic Products Co., Ltd., Ningbo Jinhai Aquatic Product Foodstuff Co.,Ltd., Ulka Seafoods Pvt. Ltd., Haixin Food Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Longsheng Aquatic Products Co., Ltd., etc.
In 2023, the global top five Surimi Raw Material players account for 37.48% of market share in terms of revenue. Above figure shows the key players ranked by revenue in Surimi Raw Material.
Figure.   Surimi Raw Material, Global Market Size, Split by Product Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Surimi Raw Material Market Report 2024-2030.
In terms of product type, Seawater Surimi is the largest segment, hold a share of 90.09%.
Figure.   Surimi Raw Material, Global Market Size, Split by Application Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Surimi Raw Material Market Report 2024-2030.
In terms of product application, Frozen Surimi Products is the largest application, hold a share of 79.10%.
Figure.   Surimi Raw Material, Global Market Size, Split by Region
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Surimi Raw Material Market Report 2024-2030.
Market Drivers:
D1: With the improvement of people's living standards and dietary structure, the demand for high-quality, healthy and delicious food is increasing. Surimi raw material, as a nutritious and diverse taste ingredient, has broad application prospects in the food processing and catering industries. Especially today, when healthy diets and seafood flavors are increasingly popular, the market demand for surimi raw materials is expected to continue to grow.
D2: With the continuous innovation of food processing technology and cooking technology, the application scope of surimi raw materials is also constantly expanding. By developing new product categories, flavors and cooking methods, we can further meet the diversified needs of consumers and enhance market competitiveness. At the same time, technological innovation can also help improve the quality and added value of surimi raw materials, and enhance the profitability of the entire industry.
D3: The development of the surimi raw material industry is closely connected with multiple industrial chain links such as fishery, aquaculture, processing and manufacturing. With the coordinated development of related industries and increased policy support, the surimi raw material industry is expected to gain more development opportunities. For example, the government's policy support for fishery transformation and upgrading, food safety supervision, etc. will help enhance the overall competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities of the surimi raw material industry.
D4: With the acceleration of globalization and the deepening of international trade cooperation, the surimi raw material industry is also expected to gain more international market expansion opportunities. By participating in international competition and cooperation, we can introduce advanced technology and management experience and improve the overall level of the industry. At the same time, we can also explore overseas markets, broaden sales channels, and further enhance the company's profitability and brand influence.
C1: The main raw material of surimi is fish, and the price of fish is affected by many factors such as market supply and demand, seasonal changes, and marine resource conditions, and the price fluctuates greatly. Fluctuations in raw material prices will directly affect the production cost and price stability of surimi raw materials, bringing certain risks to business operations.
C2: As a raw material for food processing, the quality and safety of surimi raw materials are crucial. If there are food safety issues in surimi raw materials, such as excessive heavy metals and bacterial contamination, it will pose a threat to consumers' health and may cause companies to face legal proceedings and reputational losses.
C3: The government's supervision of the food industry continues to strengthen, and relevant laws, regulations and standards are also constantly improved. Enterprises need to pay close attention to changes in policies and regulations and promptly adjust business strategies and production processes to adapt to new regulatory requirements. Otherwise, you may face the risk of violating laws and regulations and corresponding penalties. Japan's move to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea has brought serious risks to food safety. Chinese customs quickly made a major decision to ban the entry of Japanese aquatic products.
C4: The international trade of surimi raw materials is affected by various factors such as international politics, economy, and exchange rate. If there are adverse changes in the international trade environment, such as trade barriers, exchange rate fluctuations, etc., it may bring risks to enterprises such as blocked exports and rising costs.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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acushopeu · 10 months
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
22. describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
44. any writing advice you want to share?
22) my writing process!
be living my life, possibly babysitting or driving (maybe talking about blorbos)
think "hey what if...."
become possessed
from there it splits Version A - the fastest, and rarest, one
A1. get to my couch (or a different laptop place, or a notebook if desperate)
A2. Frantically let words spill out of me, often wishing my fingers could keep up with my brain. It's sometimes almost painful, needing to get the words out
A3. edit for a variable amount of time an post
My first published mcyt was like this - watched ranchers in the crossover at 11am, ideas marinated all day, came up with "what if tango's the key to fix fwhimmy" walking to my car at 5pm, started writing like 5:15 and published at maybe 1am. almost 5k long. Insane. that was MY EX STOLE MY SOULMATE.. | Empires SMP S2 1.19 (rated T) and I'm told also With Their Knife to His Throat (rated M) but I legit have next to no memories of writing that one, I think it was 48 hours from idea to published (4k).
B - normal version. Note: all of this is interspersed with working on a lot of other stories
B1: Have an idea, probably frantically but maybe it builds
B2: Think about it a lot, maybe ideas in a little notebook if they are coming at the wrong times. 
B3: write down bits of prose as they come, do a lot of outline in gdocs. 
B4: start writing from the beginning based on outline but also what feels right - in any given moment, i know more about the story than i did when i wrote the outline
B5: if i’m lucky write chronologically and work through the outline and add things. Often a section isn’t coming and i skip ahead. If it’s not happening, it’s not time for it to happen. To write the way I really want to, I need to know how it ends, so I can have the story build. 
B6: probably fuss a lot
B7: beg people for help and to tell me it’s okay to publish
B8: stress a lot about if it’s good enough and about minor changes i could make
Optional: B9: put it down for 1-7 months (i just published a fic from january, and two of my bang fics are from september and november)
B10: publish it pretty much the same as it was in B8
(I deleted C by adding B9 but already wrote D)
D: Probably just the once
D1: See a prompt for driving after dark and get unexpectedly interested
D2: write 2k of notes while trying to get another story done
D3: Give myself 6 days to write those 2k of notes and then it’s 20k and my longest fic ever and oops needs a lot of typo fixes: The Key to His Problem (rated E)
The editing etc process:
 During every version of this I have a gdoc shared with people and am begging for advice. If i can’t decide on a word when i’m writing and have some flow going, i say “they were all [very] surprised” and leave a comment (or just the brackets) to come back later and fix it. THIS IS MUCH OF HOW I WRITE FAST. The first draft is to get out it out of my head, the second draft is to get it into the reader’s head. SOMETIMES the flow is perfect and i don’t need to do this, but like, idk, 10% of the time? 
A lot of the words in [brackets] will wind up staying as is, but it gives me permission to move on without feeling like i’ve settled. 
Editing sometimes involves a lot of of editing passes, sometimes just because i want to work on it and don’t want to write. This can mean the early parts get soooo much more love. 
Sometimes I print out a fic that has gone through a set of editing and do more on paper. It can be great. I just see the story differently, and it mostly keeps me from adding huge amounts, and i catch errors i didn’t otherwise. 
Usually i put up the ao3 draft a few days earlier and start adding tags and putting in my text (which i do in html) to look at it. The title often comes the day i publish, cause i wait till the end.
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed unless i don't have my laptop. I started carrying around a pocket sized notebook in march and i'm onto my second one. I got it in a Japanese stationery store and got hooked, i have this line in many sizes, here's my pocket notebook -https://www.jetpens.com/Maruman-Mnemosyne-N184A-Twin-Ring-Memo-Pad-A7-Graph/pd/7379 I've written in this baby in the corner of a club cause i had ideas waiting at the bar for a drink.
44. any writing advice you want to share?
You have to get the words out. You have to get the words out. You have to get the words out.
Good words can be, often are, born of less good words.
Don't be afraid of editing! Great fiction generally comes from editing! Put down some fucking words even if you hate them and get to the next part. I do this, I am not preaching advice I don't take. I'll leave a comment sometimes to tell my future self I didn't think they were good words, I just needed them out. It's fine, I survive every single time.
If you don't need to edit, swell! But if you're stuck, just keep writing something -- or if that won't work, or you feel shitty, take a break. Work on another story, do something else, but if you're miserable and slamming your head against the wall, STOP! Don't hurt yourself! Because you shouldn't hurt, and because you'll associate writing more and more with hurt.
Get other people involved. Share snippets with your friends (if you've got an appropriate discord, make a channel for it!) Trade off reading with your writer friends. If you like my writing, know that not a single word I've ever published hasn't been read by multiple other people. My pre-fic writing was generally group works, so that's what feels normal. The idea of publishing with not even anyone to say "Hey Vee, this makes sense in your brain but not mine" is terrifying. You don't need to Have Serious Beta, it can just be cheerleading or really general "point out if anything is a big problem". I found out this week i am a "phenomenal cheerleader" -- your friends, or some kind soul on a discord, don't need to give you literary analysis to say "this part is cool, your fic is good, i hope you publish!"
Fandom is shared joy. Share your joy in every way - cheerleading others, getting other to share joy with you on your works, leave comments, leave kudos, reblog, make happy posts, keep the negativity to smaller spaces, SHARE THE JOY. I've been in fandom legit longer than some of you have been alive and it's always the joy, that's what it always comes back to. Hold onto the joy, that's what will last in your hearts. <3 <3 <3
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tvueberregional · 1 year
Kostenlos bekommen: COLLAGEN BOOSTER - Omega 3
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Kostenlos bekommen: COLLAGEN BOOSTER - Omega 3 Wie das funktioniert sehen Sie am Schluss des Artikels EIN TRAUM, dieser COLLAGEN BOOSTER: Eine trinkfertige Flüssigkeit für eine 10-tägige Anwendung, die MSC-zertifiziertes Meereskollagen, Hyaluronsäure+ und Astaxanthin enthält und köstlich nach arktischer Beere schmeckt.   Es ist klinisch bewiesen, dass der Collagen Booster von Eqology nach nur 7 Tagen den Feuchtigkeitsgehalt in der Haut sichtbar verbessert. Er trägt dazu bei, der Haut Feuchtigkeit und Festigkeit zu verleihen und die Faltentiefe zu verringern. Er schützt zudem die Hautbarriere, sodass Ihre Haut prall aussieht und sich auch so anfühlt. Enthält Hyaluronsäure+. Hyaluronsäure besteht aus wasserbindenden Molekülen, die in der Haut vorkommen. Sie kann das 1000-fache ihres eigenen Gewichts an Wasser binden, wodurch die Haut mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und prall ist. Enthält Astaxanthin, ein potentes Antioxidans bekannt als Carotinoid, um die Haut vor freien Radikalen zu schützen und die Funktion des Immunsystems zu verbessern. Der Collagen Booster kann Ihre Kollagenproduktion ankurbeln. Ohne Zusatz von Koffein oder Zucker zur Steigerung der Energie.   Jetzt kaufen - Geld zurück Garantie: https://eqology.com/at/r/visionaer/direct/register/?redirect=checkout     Für weitere Hinweise und Informationen und auch für Interesse diese Informationen zu verbreiten, stehen wir Ihnen per E-Mail zur Verfügung, gerne auch telefonisch unter: Telefon + WhatsApp   0172 8174858 oder +436765517633 als direkter Ansprechpartner mit Herrn Gleich und seinem Team aus Therapeuten und Ernährungsberater zur Verfügung. https://instagram.com/gleich.florian https://www.facebook.com/gesundefette Diese Vorträge sind genial, um das eigene Wissen zu stärken, auch was die Ansprache und Umsetzung betrifft. Ebenso auch, um eure Kontakte aus den Heil praktizierenden Bereichen dazu einladen zu können. Nutzt diese Chancen 🙂     Stille Entzündungen die unsichtbare Gefahr Die Wirkung von Omega 3 D3+K2        Ansprechpartner Florian Gleich und Frau Simone Weiß per E-Mail oder auch gerne per Telefonat.  Für weitere Hinweise und Informationen und auch für Interesse diese Informationen zu verbreiten, stehen wir Ihnen per E-Mail zur Verfügung, gerne auch telefonisch unter: Telefon + WhatsApp   0172 8174858 oder +436765517633 als direkter Ansprechpartner mit Herrn Gleich und seinem Team aus Therapeuten und Ernährungsberater zur Verfügung. Omega 3: Mehr kennenlernen: https://eqology.com/at/r/visionaer/direct/webshop/unsere-produkte-at/omega-3-at/page/2/     Der Begriff „Weißes Gold“ wurde geprägt. Schon während der Wikingerzeit wurde gesalzener Klippfisch und Dorschleberöl hergestellt und wie Wein als erlesene Ware gehandelt. Um die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde das Wissen um die gesundheitlichen Vorteile von Fischöl zum Allgemeinwissen. Kabeljauöl war schon als gute Quelle für Vitamin A und D bekannt, als dänische Forscher die gesunden Omega-3 Fettsäuren DHA und EPA in den 1970ern entdeckten. Daraufhin wurde Dorschöl wegen seiner Omega-3-Fettsäuren immer beliebter. Die Produktionsstätte Die Omega-3-Fima Pharma Marine liegt an der Westküste Norwegens, in der Nähe von Ålesund, eine Region, in der schon über 130 Jahre marine Öle produziert werden. Zusätzlich zu der fortschrittlichen Technologie verfügt die Anlage über ein topmodernes Forschungslabor und zählt zu einer der umweltfreundlichsten Omega-3 Einrichtungen. Im Februar 2014 bekam Pharma Marine unter CEO Leif Kjetil Gjendemsjø die Chain of Custody Certification (CoC). Der CEO wuchs in einer Fischerfamilie auf und startete seine Karriere direkt an der Basis mit Fischfang und den daraus erzeugten Produkten. Das Omega-3 vom Arktischen Ozean hat eine hohe Qualität.Pharma Marine sichert durch jahrelange Erfahrung, Kompetenz und aktuelle Technologie die Qualität der essentiellen Omega-3-Fettsäuren. Wenn das reine Öl, bevor weitere Zutaten zugefügt werden, gut schmeckt, dann ist es ein qualitativ hochwertiges Öl. Verwendung der ganzen Fische Die Produktionsstätten fokussieren sich auf Nachhaltigkeit, um die Erhaltung der Ressourcen für zukünftige Generationen sicherzustellen.Der Kopf des Dorsches und die Leber sind ganz besonders fetthaltig und beinhalten eine große Menge an Omega-3. Pharma Marine nutzt in Zusammenarbeit mit den Fischern 100% des aus dem Meer entnommenen Fangs, um somit nachhaltigen Fischfang zu gewährleisten. Gjendemsjø engagiert sich für ein hohes Qualitätsniveau, kombiniert mit dem Respekt gegenüber der Natur. Sein Tipp für die Qualitätsbestimmung eines Öls ist es zu kosten: “Wenn das reine Öl, bevor weitere Zutaten zugefügt werden, gut schmeckt, dann ist es ein qualitativ hochwertiges Öl”.   GESUNDE FETTE Die Empfehlung so wenig wie möglich Fett zu essen ist falsch. Fette sind gut für uns und wenn wir nicht genug davon bekommen hat es negative Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesundheit. Ein Mangel an Fett kann eine der Ursachen für Übergewicht sein, und essentielle Fettsäuren sind genauso wichtig wie Vitamine. Fett ist nicht gleich Fett. Es muss zwischen guten und schlechten Fetten unterschieden werden. Wichtig ist dem Körper ausreichend gute Fette zuzuführen und eine gute Balance zwischen guten und schlechten Fetten zu halten. Den Körper ausreichend mit gesunden Fetten zu versorgen ist eine der wichtigsten Regeln für eine gesunde Ernährung. Fette sind gut für uns und wenn wir nicht genug davon bekommen hat es negative Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesundheit. Kategorien von Fettsäuren - einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren: z.B.: Omega 9 (in Olivenöl) - mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren: z.B.: Omega 6 (in Sonnenblumenöl) und Omega 3 (in Leinöl) - gesättigte Fettsäuren: vorwiegend tierische Fette - Transfette: durch Hydrierung aus Pflanzenölen hergestellt (Margarine), können zu Erkrankungen führen. Die ersten beiden Typen sind bei Zimmertemperatur flüssig, während die beiden anderen fest sind.Eine einfache Faustregel ist: mehr flüssiges Fett als festes Fett zu sich zu nehmen. Einige Fettsäuren werden als essentiell bezeichnet, weil der Körper sie nicht selbst produzieren kann. Sie sind für unsere körperliche und mentale Gesundheit lebensnotwendig. Normalerweise nehmen wir durch die Nahrung im Verhältnis zu wenig Omega 3-Fettsäuren und zu viel Omega 6-Fettsäuren auf.   https://eqology.com/at/r/visionaer/direct/3-for-free-client/   KOSTENLOS ETWAS BEKOMMEN     Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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ayala831 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Marine Layer Bridget Pants White Wide Leg Stretch Cotton Size 4 New.
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d3marine · 1 year
Yacht Management and Maintenance Service in Dubai
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D3 Marine Services has a team of highly experienced and skilled professionals who are trained to provide comprehensive yacht maintenance and management services. The team is equipped with the latest tools and technology to ensure that all services are performed to the highest standards.
Visit: https://bit.ly/3Wg3y1g
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
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I said this before but despite the new games being influenced by the comic, that version of the character can work as a representation of Doomguy's personality (At least if you remove the goofy lines because he doesn't talk).
Doomguy smiles when he picks up guns and can get hurt and even has a rare chance of being shocked (In game, even if the last part had to be fixed in source ports).
Comic guy shows that balance between succeeding at killing demons and even enjoying it and still getting hit and angry over it.
It kinda fits with what you expect Doomguy to be.
Whereas the Doomslayer is 100% angry and barely shows pain (Partially because he's a demigod) and the D3 marine is "doomed" and is serious about it.
Because Doom is in fact inspired by Evil Dead but it's the comic that almost pushes a link between Doomguy and Ash Williams.
It's also why i believe it's worth considering the other inspirations behind modern Doom, whether it's some media like RoboCop (Mentioned in interviews), Pacific Rim (Knowing Hugo Martin) or even Death Battle and other memes.
Maybe he's in a middleground between "doom bringer" and "doomed" while the Slayer and D3 marine are extremes on either side.
Same with gameplay in a way.
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patern29 · 1 year
L'Inseparable 398, le tout petit voilier transportable
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L'Inseparable 398 est le plus petit voilier habitable transportable disponible aujourd'hui. Ce petit bateau disponible sur plan est un bateau très polyvalent. Plus petit que le Souriceau....oui oui, ça existe...l'Inseparable 398. Ce petit voilier, proposé en, kit et construction amateur, est sans doute le plus petit voilier habitable et transportable. Ce nouveau petit voilier est signé par spécialiste du petit voilier, l'architecte navale Éric Henseval.
Plus petit voilier transportable et habitable
L'Inséparable 398, petit voilier transportable et habitable de moins de 4 mètres. Commandé par un Italien pour naviguer sur le Lac de Côme et la lagune de Venise, ce mini voilier, prévu pour naviguer en solitaire ou en double, ne mesure que 3.98m et permet de dormir à bord. Construit en contreplaqué époxy et en plusieurs stade de finition, ou sur plan, l'Inséparable 398 est gré en catboat avec une possibilité de gréer un gennaker. Plusieurs unités sont en cours de construction actuellement, en amateur notamment. Le bateau se veut simple à transporter, à gréer, à naviguer, tout se fait du Cockpit.
Caractéristiques Inseparable 398:
Matériau: contreplaqué marine ep.9mm, fibre de verre et résine époxy Longueur coque: 3,98 m - Longueur à la flottaison: 3,98 m - Longueur hors tout, LOA: 4,77 m - Bau max. : 2,00 m - Largeur (max) à DWL : 1,55 m /Franc-bord avant: 0,77 m/ Franc-bord arrière: 0,64 m - Tirant d'eau min./max.0,19 m / 0,96 m - Tirant d'air : 7,89 m - Motorisation: Hors-bord 2 ch to 5 ch - Surface de grand-voile: 14,5m2/ Surface de Gennaker : 7,8m2  Surface de voilure totale au près: 14,5m2 - Déplacement: 387 kg / Déplacement (charge max) 635 kg. Masse quille: 113kg (Plomb) possibilité fonte Incoulable avec mousse d'insubmersibilité totale et bois : 558 litres Transportable/ Beachable / Mât pivotant sur jumelles pour mâtage seul Categorie de conception européenne : C2 D3 https://youtu.be/AAG_JIgEXHU Read the full article
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stubobnumbers · 1 year
College Football By State - New York.
FBS: Army Black Knights - West Point, New York - They played their first game in 1890. They are an FBS Independent.
Buffalo Bulls - Buffalo, New York - They played their first game in 1894. They are in the MAC.
Syracuse Orange - Syracuse, New York - They played their first game in 1889. They are in the ACC.
FCS: Albany Great Danes - Albany, New York - Their program was established in 1973. They are in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA).
Colgate Raiders - Hamilton, New York - Their program was established in 1890. They are in the Patriot League.
Columbia Lions - New York City - Their program was established in 1870. They are in the Ivy League.
Cornell Big Red - Ithaca, New York - Their program was established in 1887. They are in the Ivy League.
Fordham Rams - New York City - Their program was established in 1881. They are in the Patriot League.
Long Island University Sharks - Brookville, New York - Their program was established in 1957. They are in the Northeast Conference.
Marist Red Foxes - Poughkeepsie, New York - Their program was established in 1965. They are in the Pioneer League.
Stony Brook Seawolves - Stony Brook, New York - Their program was established in 1969. They are in the CAA.
Wagner Seahawks - New York City - Their program was established in 1927. They are in the Northeast Conference.
D2: Pace University Settlers - Pleasantville, New York - They are in the Northeast 10 Conference.
D3: Alfred Saxons - Alfred, New York - They first played in 1895. They are in the Empire 8 Conference.
Alfred State Pioneers - Alfred, New York - They first played in 2003. They are in the Eastern Collegiate Football Conference (ECFC).
Brockport Golden Eagles - Brockport, New York - They first played in 1947. They are in the Empire 8 Conference.
Buffalo State Bengals - Buffalo, New York - They first played in 1981. They are in the Liberty League.
Cortland Red Dragons - Cortland, New York - They first played in 1893. They are in the Empire 8 Conference.
Hamilton Continentals - Clinton, New York - They first played in 1890. They are in the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC).
Hartwick Hawks - Oneonta, New York - They first played in 1928. They are in the Empire 8 Conference.
Hilbert Hawks - Hamburg, New York - They played their first game...last year!? They are a D3 Independent.
Hobart Statesmen - Geneva, New York  They first played in 1891. They are in the Liberty League.
Ithaca Bombers - Ithaca, New York - They first played in 1930. They are in the Liberty League.
Merchant Marine Mariners - Kings Point, New York - I believe they are moving down from D2. They are in the New England Women's and Men's Athletic Conference (NEWMAC).
Rochester Yellow Jackets - Rochester, New York - They first played in 1889. They are in the Liberty League.
RPI Engineers - Troy, New York - They first played in 1886. They are in the Liberty League.
St. John Fisher Cardinals - Pittsford, New York - They first played in 1971. They are in the Empire 8 Conference.
St. Lawrence Saints - Canton, New York - They are in the Liberty League.
SUNY Maritime Privateers - Bronx, New York - They first played in 1985. They are in the NEWMAC.
Morrisville Mustangs - Morrisville, New York - They are in the Empire 8.
Union Dutchmen - Schenectady, New York - They first played in 1886. They are in the Liberty League.
Utica Pioneers - Utica, New York - They first played in 2000. They are in the Empire 8.
Awards: My Favorite Mascot - Burninatin' The Empire State with the Cortland Red Dragons. (Though the Marist Red Foxes, Albany Great Danes, LIU Sharks, and the Ithaca Bombers are also cool.)
Boomers Approved - The Ithaca Bombers.
The "Good Dog" Award - The Albany Great Danes.
The "We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat" Award - The LIU Sharks. They turned the in-board into an out-board.
The "Nick Wilde/Robin Hood" Award - The Marist Red Foxes.
The "Color Wheel" Award - The Cornell Big Red.
The "Power Painters" Award - The Wagner Seahawks.
The "Dispatching The Cavity Creeps" Award - The Colgate Raiders.
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beingulti · 1 year
Lev Gerstle
Hi y'all! My name is Lev Gerstle. I'm 29 and I've been playing ultimate since my freshman year of college. I currently live in Hawai'i, but I've bounced around and also lived/played ultimate in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Australia. My ultimate highlights include being the B-team captain for Dickinson College, founding the first club team from Hawai'i to compete in the series in 11 years, and most recently serving as one of the mixed coordinators for Kaimana Klassik. Outside of ultimate I'm a marine biologist working on some projects for the City and County of Honolulu. Excited to spend this week talking about D3 ultimate supremacy, conspiracy theories, Jewish holidays, brain surgery, and anything else that happens to pop into my head. Feel free to shoot me a DM or tweet at me with any questions!
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