papa-evershed · 9 months
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Rob James-Collier || Downton Abbey (2019)
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lifeisjuicy92 · 1 year
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“I can't believe this. I've never seen anything like it!”
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thecoffeerain · 5 months
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Some completely average Blackwall content
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just-two-blokes · 1 year
As much as I hate the fact that the first movie robbed us of seeing Butler Thomas in action, it gave Thomas his truly deserved 'I stopped giving a Fuck' energy which I absolutely love.
'You want Carson to manage the royal visit because you think he is more capable than I am? Sure, see how you get on with it.' *slams the door into the face of his employer*
'Oh.. Is the royal visit a bit more frantic and the staff a bit more snobistic than you thougt? Too bad I'm not on duty, Mr. Carson.' *grins and walks off*
*Gave himself some well-deserved time off, because, after all, he is still the butler. So he basically just accepted the date with Richard and went to the pub without telling anyone about it.*
*claimed his office back the moment the royal visit took leave, seized the opportunity to take *use* of his private office (by kissing Richard ofc!)*.
And of course, Richard seized his opportunity, the moment Thomas told him that Carson came back to manage the royal invasion.
Richard: 'Oh god, he's cute, he's sarcastic, he's intelligend AND he has got some free time. I now just what to do with this information.'
*asks Thomas to go on a date with him*
So I guess, I have to thank Robert for giving Thomas the break he deserved and thanking the King himself to give Thomas the man he deserves, by taking Richard on his trip to Downton.
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hats-and-lamps · 2 years
Thomas as Butler is a Bad Influence to the Downton Staff and I’m Living for it
One of my favorite headcanons coming out of rewatching DA1 is that the staff’s very mischievous tone is absolutely Thomas’s influence!  The way they all spring to scheme against the royal staff, that’s so Thomas. The efficient ruthlessness of even Anna?!- very reminiscent of Thomas... Carson has been away for some time now.  The staff doesn’t have that ridged undertone anymore because you know what? Thomas as butler has been a terrible influence on all of them and I am LIVING FOR IT. 
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vampiremagistrate · 1 year
If you saw this 2 times before no you didn't tumblr hates me and all I know is suffering. Help me figure out what I want to do in dragon age origins! Here are the options, more details under the poll:
I was originally going to have a feminine warden, but dysphoria hit hard because of some shit, and now I want a masculine aligned warden instead. Here are some more details about each one:
This cousland would be very focused on doing what he thinks is best for his family and best for others. He constantly puts others before himself but bottles things up and occasionally loses his cool. He would feel most comfortable around morrigan and alistair, and would even have a crush on alistair, but he knew that would go nowhere so he just ignores it and tries to remind himself he doesn't have time for romance. Over time he would end up falling in love with morrigan and wouldnt even know how it happened, but would try to ignore it and marry anora for political reasons. That said, he would be heartbroken when morrigan goes through the eluvian and would realize he never does anything for himself and go after her
This cousland hates the pressure and stress of being a cousland. He just wants to spend his time looking pretty, pranking people, reading, and dating men. He feels like he'll never live up to his parents expectations, so he doesn't even try. Instead he gets into mischief and does things like picking locks, pranking guards, stealing from the treasury to give to the poor, and causing chaos around the castle. The few times hes not up to something, he has his nose in a book or is at his vanity. He was friends with ser Gilmore growing up, or as much of his friend as what was allowed by his parents and would end up falling in love with ser Gilmore
Surana loves to read and learn. If he doesn't have a book on him, assume that it's a clone. His favorite things to learn about are the world outside the circle and forbidden magic, especially blood magic. He dreams of one day leaving the circle and traveling, but knows it'll never happen (or so he thinks). Even with all his reading, he's still rather naive about the world. When stress gets to be too much for him, he ends up cracking a lot of jokes and would end up best friends with alistair. When he meets zevran he would be in awe and think that he's so handsome, and then he would be blown away by zevran showing any kind of interest in him. He would fall in love with zevran fairly quickly
Reblog and suggest ideas in the tags or reply to this post with ideas! I'm open to other playthrough ideas, as long as the warden is masculine aligned :)
If you want to know anything else about any of the ideas, feel free to ask ❤️
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yesiplaygamez · 2 years
This blog loves and supports Alistair ❤
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beastofmoss · 1 year
Reasons why you should join Not Another DA Discord Server
1) Sneak peaks
2) Art
3) I get to tell more stories of my boyfriend's reaction to Solas(ex. Below)
4) 🦀 Manean'elvar
5) Bog
6) Murder.
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plaingrumpy · 1 year
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manicpunk98 · 11 months
I feel like Circle mages would realistically have the highest rates of atheism out of any other demographic.
They are taught from a very early age how to recognize and react to being manipulated and deceived by demons.
Especially emotional manipulation on just about every front. Anger, sadness, seduction, starvation, fear, etc...
It think it should be hard to pull a fast one on a Circle mage too. Especially ones who have survived the Harrowing.
By extension they should also be masters of these things. Know thy enemy. They'd know the most effective forms of manipulation and deception.
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slipperyskell · 2 years
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Another Hero of Ferelden for da road
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey 2019
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lifeisjuicy92 · 1 year
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saturday16s · 1 year
"Sun Conjunct Moon Synastry" : 108 of 256 * Haikus
THE 16th SYLLABLE : A Book of Approximately 256 Haikus, Affirmations and Other Anecdotal Aphorisms
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just-two-blokes · 2 years
'I'm not on duty, Mister Carson. You are'
'No, the good fairy came down on a moonbeam'
The gay sass is strong here.
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i’ve got zero self control because i can’t stop thinking about tamlen and now i’ve started two different fanfictions concerning him
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