clownphobes · 5 years
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ijwrsmff · 3 years
could i request for the dbd killers pig, huntress, death slinger and whoever else you see fit with the idea of reader suddenly disappearing in a trial? like one minute they’re fixing gens and running round the map then the next minute they somehow end up back at the campfire or something and the killers had no idea? mistakenly thinking the entity took them or something. thank you !!!
Woo! This one was really fun to do, I absolutely LOVE this idea, thank you for requesting!
The Pig (Amanda Young):
Something was wrong...you were here just a minute ago…
She saw it with her own eyes
She was stalking behind you, ready to grab and hook you but…
A dark mist encircled you and then you were just...gone
A feral yell made its way up her throat and she began stabbing into the air
Were you...gone forever?
Maybe the entity didn’t approve of her and your relationship...and took you away
She screamed into the sky, and the three remaining survivors feared for their wellbeing
The rest of the trial was...brutal
She may have mercy at some points...but not with you gone
She resigned herself into thinking you were gone for good, and took her sweet time torturing the other survivors
If you were gone...there would be no holding back
She injures the others, letting them get just far away to think they’re safe before she jumps out of the shadows and takes them
She put their torture devices on quickly, and soon all of the survivors were running on borrowed time
She began hooking the others as soon as she could, just wanting this nightmare to be over
If she would be stuck in this loop eternally...she didn’t want to do it without you
Upon returning to the campsite and seeing you sitting there talking to your other survivor friends...she began crying under her mask
You ran up to her, knowing how frightened she must be
“Hey...it’s okay Amanda, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Those words and your warm embrace were enough to soothe her aching heart
The Huntress (Anna):
She was right behind you and you knew it
She had been chasing you for what felt like forever, and you were wearing out
You turned the corner quickly and hid in a locker, hoping to throw her off your trail
But she could see the red scratches that indicated you had entered the locker
“Oh my sweet little rabbit, you didn’t think that would work, did you?”
She swung the doors of the locker open to find...nothing
She was certain you were there...there’s no way you could have left the locker without hearing or even seeing it
The rest of the trial she spent looking for you
Forget the rules, where were you?
She didn’t even care about the other survivors, you were her main priority
After a while, she pinned a survivor down
It wasn’t her fault...he got in the way
“Where is y/n”
He looked confused “what do you mean? We haven’t seen them for a while...we figured you already mori’d them…”
So not even the other survivors knew where you had went…
She sighed and let him get up, continuing her search for you
By now, all of the generators had been repaired and the countdown had begun
She didn’t care
Where had you gone…? The entity wouldn’t have taken you in the middle of a trial...right?
As soon as she was back to the killer’s campsite she ran for the survivor’s campsite hoping with all of her being that you were there
You were there
She rushed over to you and picked you up into an embrace
“Don’t you ever leave me like that again, understand?” Her words were meant to sound firm but it came across as...frail
She was so terrified of losing you it hurt
“I’m sorry I worried you...I wish I knew what happened myself but...all I know is one minute I was in the locker and the next I was back at the camp.”
She refused to let go of you, and pressed her lips softly to your forehead
“I need you...that...that scared me so much” she spoke quietly, not wanting the other survivors to think she was weak
“I need you too...we’re together forever. No matter what stunts the entity pulls.”
Death Slinger (Caleb Quinn):
When he found out the entity took you...he was livid
All of the survivors remaining were absolutely horrified
He seemed...more vicious than usual
And that’s saying something
He aimed to make quick work of the survivors, not wasting any time hooking each and every one of them
There was...a dangerous look in his eyes that made the remaining survivors terrified to the core
He didn’t see it happen, but he assumed. One minute you were there, the next you weren’t. He even tried asking the survivors he hooked where you were but...they had no idea either
He reeled the last survivor in, and made quick work of placing him on the hook
You better be at the campsite...if you weren’t...he’d attack anyone and everyone who even looked at him
He couldn’t help it...he was beyond pissed
He didn’t want to admit it...but if you were really gone for good...there’d be no point in continuing the entity’s game
He would play the game...but he would lose all will to continue if you were gone for too long
So when he had finished with the trial, he immediately sprinted to the edge of the survivors camp
To say he was relieved when he saw you would be an understatement
You looked up to him with the eyes he so deeply loved and ran up to him
He pulled you into a hug immediately
He wasn’t one to show physical affection where the others could see...but this was an exception
“Leave me like that again and I’ll be sure to kill you in the most painful way possible.”
How comforting
At least you know he cares
The Shape (Michael Myers):
You were his primary target
Often, you were
In his mind...he was sparing you from continuing the game the entity had set up
He was saving you
He made sure it was as painless as possible...unless he was mad
Either about how the game had gone so far, or something else
But this time...when he was about to pull you from the generator, a dark mist enveloped your form and you were simply...gone
He stood still a moment, processing what he had just witnessed before his eyes narrowed and he kicked the generator with all the strength he had
The rest of the trial was...absolutely brutal
He made things as painful as he possibly could
It made him feel...a little better
Not enough though
If he could scream out, he would have
Instead, he settled on making the survivors remainder of the trial complete and utter hell
By the time he had hooked the last survivor they had less than half of the generators complete
He wasn’t wasting any time, that was for sure
When he appeared back at the campsite he stalked off into the dark between the two camps
You were there waiting for him…
“Michael! I was so worried, are you okay?” You placed your hands on the sides of his mask, something you did when you were trying to comfort him
It worked, and his demeanor changed
A small noise left his throat, and to you it sounded almost like...a whine
“I’m so sorry I scared you...but I’m here now and that's what matters!”
He placed his hands on your cheeks, mirroring your actions
You smiled up at him, and leaned up to press a kiss to his mask
“I’m here now...you don’t have to worry about me leaving anytime soon...okay?”
He nodded and pulled you closer into a warm hug
“I won’t leave you...I promise.”
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Hello Ducktales community I bring the crossover literally no one asked for: Featuring not only gamer Huey- but gamer Louie too! I have been having a great time playing dead by daylight and also remembering how much I love dt so my adhd brain mashed them together and this is the result!
I wrote down a lot of hcs here and tried to draw some but I can’t put everything down on paper without typing soooooo
- Louie radiates chill. Like, outside of an adventure, he’s super easy to vibe with and doesn’t really take video games too seriously. This works perfectly with Huey who gets way into the game and can get angry sometimes dfjkhgdkj - After playing with Della, I hc Huey trying and liking more competitive games, but still having to take breaks sometimes to de-stress - Louie is stupid good at the game for no reason and it makes Huey both very proud and impressed as an older brother, and totally annoyed and jealous of Louie as a dbd player - Louie loves watching his brother play survivor because he gets to narrate it and add stupid comments to make Huey laugh and keep him having fun. Plus he loves making fun of bad killers and survivors dfjkghdfk - Huey loves being able to play as survivor and perfectly plan out generators, track objectives, and plan hooks/chases so that everyone escapes. Louie loves being able to play as killer because he’s so perceptive and sharp that he loves being able to predict and play around the survivors. He’s also really good at mindgames jkfghdkjg - Huey got dbd as a gift from Gladstone, since he’s not very good at getting gifts for the kids I imagine fjgkhd and none of the adults had the heart to take it away from him. Huey would never tell Donald that the game has the word “fuck” in it though - Huey ALSO didn’t let his brothers even watch him play until eventually Louie just snuck in when Huey wasn’t around and started playing anyway. The blood and stuff grossed Huey out at first and the game used to be scary, but now he’s much more used to it. - Louie was only scared for a few matches before he started realizing the game’s competitive nature and got too focused to be scared lol. Once he played killer and found what he liked he was totally chill. - Donald occasionally sneaks some time to play and I imagine he mains Trapper and Meg and is god awful at the game but still loves it for the scares GKJFHDGJKDHFG - Huey’s go-to survivor build is: Spine chill, prove thyself, bond, decisive strike (Louie doesn’t like ds, but Huey runs it because he doesn’t like being tunneled) He likes having information on the other players’ movements, planning objectives, spacing out generators, and not getting tunneled off the hook djkfhgd - Louie never really has all that much of a standard build, but his try hard perks for Oni are: Infectious fright, bbq n chili, hex: ruin, Franklin’s demise (if there are no items, he subs out franklin’s for devour hope cause why not) He plays a standard snowballing Oni that slugs often and is constantly moving around the map. Huey is glad that they can never play against each other JKGHDFGJKH
God it’s like,,,,, 1 am and I should be asleep but I’m glad I finally got all this stuff written down fgkdjhgkjdf it’s mostly just for fun so feel free to add any other hcs you might have!
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petitelepus · 4 years
I just stumbled upon ur acc. and my lonely self am quite curious 👀 Could I bother you for a DbD matchup? I'm a 5'3" (and a half- always include the half) female, with short curly hair. I poke fun at and yet extremely shy when it comes to liking others. Once I warm up to people though, I'm energetic n kind of the crackhead friend if I'm honest XD I tend to get anxious easily and tend to cling to whoever I trust the most- Thank you 😌💞
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I match you with Jeffrey “Jeff” Johansen!
The Entity was especially cruel to you, sending you into a match without even letting you meet your fellow Survivors around the warm campfire who would explain to you how the game worked. So when you find yourself walking in an unknown street in Haddonfield and you suddenly feel a Killer’s claws rake over your back you cry out and cry in pain.
You have never seen a creature like that behind you as you try to figure out what it was. It was like a dead corpse, but not a zombie but as vicious as one. For a moment you think the world has come to an end and only one of the many monsters is following you, but just as the Hag is about to slash her claws over your back again, this huge man comes and does a full-blown body tackle on the Killer.
You stop in your tracks and looked at your savior. He was a huge man with a full-grown handsome beard, a huge body but not fat and not so muscular. When the Killer tries to get up, your mysterious savor picks you up in his arms like you weight nothing and runs off with you. You can’t stop looking at him and your heart goes thousands of hits per second and you’re not sure if it’s purely because you were attacked or because you were saved by this mysterious man.
So when you heard horns ring and see other people as your savor carries you into the mist, you notice how the claw marks on your back heal on their own when you get to the campfire. That’s the first time you learn about you, Survivors, and The Killers who hunt you for the Entity’s pleasure.
You feel all hope and meanings of life leave your body until the man who saved you comes to you and tells you that he will look after you. That’s the moment when you and Jeff Johansen are connected by invisible red string.
You love each other. Maybe not immediately but the love is there. You’re just a little too shy and Jeff is a little dense and doesn’t notice the signs until Ace tells him how obviously you’re crushing on the Swedish man.
You’re by far the shortest Survivor with Feng Min but Jeff never really paid attention to it. Not until he had you in his arms as he tried to save you from the Killer. You were so light and cute...! You insist you’re taller than you are, but Heff only sees pink around you.
You might act like a silly tsundere a little bit around him. You make jokes and try to act like a cool gal, but you can’t help but be obliviously into him. Others see it and thanks to Ace there is a bet going on who confesses first to another one.
So when the two of you start holding hands together without any real reason others see you as a couple and the two of you look at each other into eyes and hey, you don’t mind it at all.
You come out of your shell and show your pearls, not physically mind you naughty people there, but with your smarts and wit, you make everyone enjoy their times around the campfire even more. Jeff loves it how you make everyone feel a little bit closer to home.
When you get an anxiety attack, you quickly become needy of Jeff’s company and he is glad he can help you. He truly cares about you and wants to help you calm down after the attack. He doesn’t one bit if you cling to him, you two look like a koala and a tree.
You love to draw? Jeff loves to see you draw. There aren’t many pencils or coloring pencils so you get creative and draw with charcoal and he supports it. Draw him a portrait of himself and he is sold. With each drawing and time between it, he will sing a romantic heavy metal song for you.
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blvckblvr · 5 years
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can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME  : McKee but if you call me that I’ll kill you. pleeza Xeno unless i know you better
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  :  ummmm oh i own iguanamouth’s first paid commission. my cousin commissioned it because they went to high school together and he gave it to me years later
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  : big muscle women. capable but nonthreatening men. smooth skin...
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  :  fucking nothing. if i eat the same food twice in a single day i get really soured off of it for a little while. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : not big on citrus
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  : i have a cortex in my brain that produces endolphins when bad things happen so i like to keep up on monstrous internet happenings and creepy disappearances and args via youtube channels featuring men with low monotone voices
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  depends. tanktop n boxers usually. sometimes a nightgown. sometimes matching set. i own a couple kigurumis too
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : serious relationships
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : man idk. im one of those people that figure i wouldnt the the person i was if not for my past experiences so i appreciate all of it in a way and i don’t really want to change any of it. i guess i might have taught myself how to apply makeup and cared more about accessorizing?
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  fantastic mr. fox baybeee
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  i’ve been on an ito kick recently so i’m inclined to say like. earthbound, or hanging balloons, or layers of fear. i kind of enjoy his shorter works more than his longer ones?
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  : grumble grumble. musewise i like grimm/hollow knight, and shadow/silver/sonic. otherwise, i like wx-78/wilson, and uuuhhhh the classic phoenix/edgeworth and snufkin/moomintroll. 
15. PIE OR CAKE  : cake
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  roses...
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  idris elba. let’s go with him
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : i wanna go back to japan and i wanna go to that fucking vampire cafe
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert i think. 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : i’m gonna go with yes bc i startle easily and horror games make me nervous. that being said i fucking love horror
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : iphone
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : sadly, yes. i have a preference for fast-paced murder games. whatever that means to you i’ve probably tried a game in that genre. i have been known to settle in for like, zeldas or more micromanage-y games too
23. DREAM JOB  : in a perfect world i could be a storyteller in some capacity and that would be a viable and secure job for me financially and emotionally
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  : commission any artist i can find for art of my beloved oc wabbajack
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : i have unresolved anger issues involving dbd’s jake park from back when there were only 3 killers and 4 survivors and everyone played jake because he could just fuck over the killers immensely 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : steven universe just kinda makes me feel bad to look at now but it was fun when i enjoyed it
tagged by  : bullshark attacka me
tagging  :  i dont care
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pancakpop · 7 years
Livestream | DK
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Pairing: DK X Reader
Warnings: Dead by Daylight is a horror game so....
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You are a rather famous and popular streamer and you recently hit 10K followers on Twitch. Asking your fans what they want you to do to celebrate, you decided to finally do a livestream with your boyfriend Seokmin. 
“What would you like me to do for 10K followers on Twitch?” That is what you asked on Twitter. You, wanting to celebrate this achievement, allowed your fans to decide. You became famous because of your bi-daily livestreams that shows you playing a variety of games likes GTA, Overwatch and Dead By Daylight. You also became popular because of your humour and the amount of interaction you do with your followers every stream.
Hundreds of replies later, you finally knew what to do to celebrate. “Results are in! Next Thursday, I will be playing DBD with my boyfriend! Thank you for all the requests btw!” You hit send and you watched as the stream of comments and replies started. You loved reading comments and interacting with your fans. They were the reason why you made it this far and became this famous. After replying to some comments, you switched off your computer and went to the kitchen to make yourself some dinner. Deciding to just make some ramen, you gathered the necessary ingredients and tools and got to work. During your ramen making, you heard light steps come from behind. Then you felt a pair of arms wrap around your midsection and a head on your right shoulder. “Can I get some of your ramen, babe?” asked Seokmin. You nodded. “I made extra, just for you.” “Thanks,” he said happily, kissing you on the cheek. You smiled shyly at the gesture of affection. Seokmin prepared the table and you brought the pot of ramen over. While eating quietly, you thought that you should ask the question now. “Hey, Minnie?” you asked. Said boy perked his head up, mouth filled with ramen. “Hm?” he asked. You chuckled at him, telling the boy to finish his mouthful first before talking. Once he finished his mouthful, he replied with a “What is it, Y/N?” “You know how I reached 10K followers on Twitch right?” He nodded. “You ran at me, screaming with excitement,” he added. You blushed out of embarrassment. “Yes,” you said, “And you also know how my followers are requesting what to do to celebrate right?” “Yes..” said Seokmin wearily, “I know that.” “Well, the most requested request was to play Dead by Daylight with you in a stream. Are you okay with doing that?” Seokmin smiled. “Of course I am,” he said happily, smiling his killer smile. “What is Dead by Daylight though?” Your eyes widened. Then a thought formed in your head. You smiled slightly at the thought. “It’s a game that is currently really popular. It’s really fun to play.” He nodded, continuing eating his food. “OK,” he said happily, “When are we livestreaming then?” “Thursday,” you said. “Then I will anticipate Thursday,” he said smiling. You smiled back. “So will I,” you thought. ~Skip to Thursday~
“3,2,1. Hello everyone and welcome to my 10K followers stream! As said on Twitter, we will be playing Dead By Daylight with a very special guest. Meet my wonderful boyfriend Seokmin!” You gestured towards Seokmin as he waved shyly with a bright smile on his face. “Hi Y/N’s viewers!” “Seokmin here does not know anything about Dead by Daylight so this will be his first encounter and experience with it here.” Seokmin nodded. “I’m excited to delve into this new game.” “We will be doing a game to Q&A system for this livestream. Oh, also, tweet me your questions for the Q&A so we can see them!”
You continued with your regular streaming procedure, answering a few fan questions, setting the game up and making sure that Seokmin is comfortable and is having fun. “Do you want us to be a survivor or the killer first?” you asked your followers. The comments flooded in and you read a few of them. “Wait, survivor? Killer? You never said that this was a horror game!” said Seokmin, wide eyed. You laughed loudly. After calming down, you replied,” The title is Dead by Daylight. The word “Dead” is in the title! What did you think this game was?” “I thought it was an adventure game like The Forest or something!” exclaimed Seokmin. You mentally facepalmed yourself.
“Whatever Seokmin,” you said, “You learned something today.” Seokmin pouted. You checked the comments once again and saw that majority wanted you to be the killer first. “For the first game, we will be a killer then,” you said. You then explained to Seokmin about the different killers, buffs etc. “Which killer is your favourite to use?” he asked. “I like Mike the best. I also like the Invisible one and the chainsaw one,” you replied. “Okay,” he said, “Let’s use Mike then!” You clicked on the killer, added the necessary buffs and joined a game.
“I’ll do most of the playing and you can just observe and help since this is your first game ever.” Seokmin nodded. The game started and you were off, looking to find and hang the 4 survivors.
Seokmin is surprisingly good at being the killer. An hour into the stream and he already tried all the killers and got an all kill for more than half of the games. Your followers started calling him many nicknames as well because of his surprising skill. The mini Q&A sessions were fun as well, you and Seokmin joking around and answering questions from your followers.
“We are now going to be survivors for the next hour or so,” you announced to the camera, “I’ll play the first game by myself then Seokmin can try after with my help.” You read some comments, explained to Seokmin about some rules and joined a lobby once again.
“Oh my fucking god!” yelled Seokmin, scared. Your character was on the ground. “I was so fucking far away from her? How?!?” You laughed at your boyfriend. “It’s the Huntress killer,” you said simply, “She can throw her hatchets at you!” “I know that,” he said, spamming the space bar cause he was on Stage 2 on the hook, “Me going on the floor just happened so suddenly!”
At that very moment, your character died. “Dammit, “ exclaimed Seokmin, “Playing against the Huntress is hard.” “You don’t say,” you said sarcastically. Seokmin turned to look at you. “You being sarcastic?” You shrugged.
“I’m going to go to the bathroom quickly. You can start a new game and play for a bit, “ you said, standing up. “Okay,” he said, turning towards the monitor, “Don’t fall into the toilet again.” You turned red from embarrassment. “THAT WAS ONE TIME!!” you yelled, smacking him on the back lightly. He laughed loudly as you pouted, the chair that he was sitting on turning to face towards you as well. He took your hand and kissed gently on your knuckles. “I know, “ he said softly, “But I will never let you down for that.” You just decided to dramatically storm out of the room, knowing that Seokmin knows that you are joking.
You peeked behind the door frame. Seokmin is wearing your headset and is currently working on a generator on Dead by Daylight. He is focused on his task and it seemed like he is tense. You looked at the camera on top of your monitor, signalling to your fans that you are going to do something. You quickly put on the wold mask that you were holding in your hand and got ready to scare the living shit out of your boyfriend. You quietly tiptoed towards him and raised your arms up, prepared to scare.
“BOO!” you yelled loudly. Seokmin got startled and messed up the generator, causing a loud boom. He quickly turned towards you and got even more scared at the wolf mask, falling off the chair and onto the floor. You took the mask off and continued laughing, not caring that your character is standing still and that the killer just hit her down. You helped Seokmin off, still laughing loudly.
“You absolute ass,” he said, fear still in his eyes, “What was that for?” “Telling everyone about me falling into the toilet, that’s why, ” you said. “I hate you so much,” he said. “No you don’t,” you said, sitting down in the chair, “You love me and my mischievous side.” “That’s true, “ he said, placing his arms on your shoulders. You smiled happily.
This is cute af! Ship of the century!
You smiled as you read some of the comments. You decided to end the stream there. You said your outro for the stream and ended the stream.
“You know, we should stream like this more often, “ Seokmin said randomly. You looked up at him. “Really?” you asked smiling. “Ye,” he said, kissing the tip of your nose, “It’s really fun.” “Glad you liked it, “ you said happily, playing with his fingers, “The fans really do like you as well. We can make this a weekly or monthly thing.” He nodded. “Let’s do that then,” he said, ‘but can you make dinner first?” You smiled up at him. “Of course,” you said, standing up.
Hope you liked it! The ending was a bit rushed but I hope you enjoyed reading this!
Requests are open for BTS, GOT7, Seventeen and Blackpink!
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