#DC Car Service Rates
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If you are about to get married, have a prom or a bachelor party, and still need a unique driving service that will make an impression on you and your friends as well, Affordable Car Service Near Me is a service that can arrange you that, no matter of anything.
 High-Quality Transportation For All Celebrations
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Airport Car Service DC is a special service that we provide, and which includes only you and your friends having fun all along. Whether you plan to go for a smooth ride with a bunch of people, your future wife, or any other familiar face, we are the service that will make sure that your ride goes just in style. We provide various types of comfortable vehicles on which you can count on, therefore your only job is to have a great time while traveling, and maybe to experience Baltimore in a unique way as well. When it comes to day to remember. We all have some special requests which we can’t realize that easy, but if you choose to rent a convenient bus service, and in this case, we have only one appropriate on our mind, you will for sure not regret. Limo Rental or Party Bus Rental DC is a kind of service that can meet any client’s demand, and that is for sure one thing that we are very proud of. In other words, you stylish ride with our reliable staff is guaranteed, and what’s even greater, you can count only on a high-quality transportation service, no matter of anything.
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Where Your Safety Comes First
We always like to emphasize our capability to take care of all our customers; when it comes to the safety of clients, you should know that our staff is a completely professional one, and that is definitely what you need when you plan to take a classy ride tour. Our drivers are trained professionals who have a lot of driving experience, so their main effort will always be to get you safe and sound wherever you intend to travel.
 Since we provide 24/7 customer support, you can book your stylish ride whenever you want, and you can do that by calling 888-308-3767, or if you prefer a written word more, you can send us an email at, and we will be nothing but delighted to arrange your unique four-wheel party. So, do not hesitate; if you choose to travel with style, call us at (202) 888-7833
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nctdreams4me · 10 months
In Service of Mr Wayne
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Synopsis: I need to do my part in protecting Gotham City - my home - from further decay and corruption. What I discover at the long abandoned Wayne Manor is beyond anything I am prepared for...6 nameless men, coming into the light as I uncover the truth about a legend, and my own past...
Pairing: Y/N (Femme/She/Her) X NCT U "The BAT" subunit (Johnny/Yuta/Jungwoo/Hendery/Jeno/Jisung)
Genre: Mystery Thriller Smut, Mostly PWP, Crappy Depictions of Batman lore so please DC/Batman fans don't read this. I did no research and superheroes are not my strong suit.
Word Count: 7k+
Rating: Explicit Sex, Mature, PWP, 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Gangbang, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Spit Roasting (I think ToT), Double Penetration, Cream Pie, Cum Swallowing, filth I wrote in a sleep deprived state
Author's Note: Someone has to have written a better "The BAT" smut piece, please, someone tell me there are fics based off this video already? ToT Cuz look....I am in NO state to be writing this sort fic.
I wrote this in like 4 hours IDK what else to say. I just needed to purge this out of my system. Take it for what it is, me being horny for NCT ToT PS. Sorry for everything, I barely edited it. I wrote this just a few hours ago. I should be in bed. Enjoy.
* * *
The night air was still, not even a breeze. With the clouds covering the moon, darkness cloaked the manor that sat at the top of the hill overlooking the sea. I tried my best to blend into the quiet atmosphere as I pressed the pass code to the gate, one careful digit at a time, ears straining for any sort of noises.
The loud creaking from the metal gate doors sent my heart jumping around like the Trix rabbit after getting a bite of that sweet processed fruit shaped cereal. Looking around, the night remained black, even my feet before me difficult to make out, grey shapes I hoped wasn’t a trap just about to stun me into unconsciousness.
A new pass code at the front door before I heard the giant oak doors unlock. Gloved hand pushing the door, I entered into the empty mansion of retired billionaire, Bruce Wayne.
Or that was what he wanted the public to believe.
I received an anonymous tip about Mr. Wayne hiding his hobbyist life. Did his broken body really come from a random car collision?
Or had the elusive billionaire gotten his body mangled behind the private walls of Wayne Corp?
It was up to the truth seekers of Gotham City to figure out the honestly of these stories.
My filthy, corrupted city - the only place I ever called home - was undeserving of deceit and exploitation. It was the local folks like my family and neighbors who helped me work my way up in life.
Despite our broken down apartment and dangerous streets that we called home, my community supported me through school and I’d gotten a step up in life by landing a job at the Gotham Gazette.
Sure, I’m just the mail delivery girl on the 7th floor - but I’d received a white, unmarked envelope in my locker. Inside was a dark, blurry grey picture of what looked like 6 bodies (shapes, to be honest) standing at the edge of a cliff, miles high above the ocean. The only writing was on the back of the picture. “Outside Wayne Manor” with a date just 3 days before.
Below were 3 sets of 7 digit numbers.
I’ve always thought there was something funny about Gotham’s philanthropic CEO, but I was still in high school when Mr. Wayne announced his retirement after recovering from a life altering car accident. He moved away to enjoy his retirement with his broken back in Madagascar.
Almost a decade later, suddenly there’s a suspicious picture with 3 sets of numbers sent to me? I knew I’d been a bit chatty about wanting to get a chance to get a journalist role at Gotham Gazette, but so did half of the interns at the place.
I had to figure out the truth, and I hated my job, so I’d spent all my free time studying the history of Wayne manor. Allegedly, Mr. Wayne had sold the land off to a company based in South Korea, but the sale happened around his retirement. I couldn’t find the name of the company (or any human names) from my research.
The place seemed untouched. No news or announcement on any new developments. It was like Mr. Wayne left the property to rot.
I should have told someone about my investigation. But then again, I didn’t even know if I’d find anything. I was surprised the pass codes worked. It was instinctual to enter the numbers at the gate and door. Now that I was inside, I could text my best friend. Let them know where I was and why I was there.
But before I could take my phone out of my bag, I heard voices in the distance. Turning away from the closed front door, I saw light in the distance. Like there was an area down the hallway toward the right side that had a lamp light on.
Quietly, I walked carefully toward the light source, listening for more noises. The voices were too far away to make out but there was more than two people inside the manor.
Walking down the hallway, I took a quick glance around. The manor looked pristine, like it’d been cleaned from top to bottom regularly. Fully furnished, room to room, but eerily quiet and still.
Making it to the end of the hallway, I saw a set of stairs leading downwards, the light source coming from below.
Taking my phone out, I took a picture of the stairway that led downwards. It looked like it had appeared behind a sliding wall of some kind. A hidden entrance.
Slowly, left hand holding my phone out, I entered. I heard voices echoing along the giant cave.
“...days til we can unleash Batman Project 9.0 -”
“No one agreed on that as the title.”
“Hey, c’mon guys. We have to get all the cars into the cave before sunrise. This is Robin’s most important project.”
Step by step on the metal stairs, I got more and more insight into Mr Bruce Wayne’s secret hobby. He was…he was the Caped Crusader, the…
“It’s the Batman,” I blurted out, eyes falling to the symbol of the Batman - long wings with pointed tips inside a thick oval - adorned on a giant wall, red light adorned over the white sheet of the Batman symbol.
“Who the fuck are you?” There were a pair of hands on my shoulders from behind, pushing me forward. I gasped, losing my footing. “Johnny, did you order a seventh member?”
Making it to the bottom landing, I threw my hands out to catch onto the table, hip hitting the metal top. My eyes scanned the laptops and maps scattered on the table before going up to see four men standing before me.
All wearing black, all of them with hair slicked back. All tall and hovering over me. The tallest and broadest of the lot took a step forward, hands in his front pocket.
“You got her phone?” he asked, eyes on me before darting behind my left shoulder.
“She took a picture.” The guy who’d push me had dark red hair, big black eyes scanning me in my skin tight leggings. His front was up against my back as he handed my phone to the guy across the table. “I had no idea anyone even knew of our arrival.”
“I-I’m from the Gotham Gazette,” I said, trying to step away from the hot body behind me. I cleared my throat, standing up straight. “I-I got a tip that there was something going on here. Th-this is Mr Wayne’s mansion. W-what are you doing here? The people of Gotham deserve to know. When Mr. Wayne left, Batman did too. We always suspected-but-I”
My neck craned around as I took in the cave. Cars, guns, protective gear, too many screens and gadgets for me to take much else in.
“Well, we can’t have you revealing the truth of the Batman,” the tall guy holding my phone said. He handed my phone to another handsome man, before running a hand over his mouth, eyes scanning me. Less menacingly than the red haired guy. “If you want the protection like Mr Wayne and the Batman provided all those years ago, we can’t have you leave here. Not until we know what to do with you. Not until we launch the new Batman program. You’ll get a team of Batmans to help take care of your city. That’s what you want, right?”
I took a step back, seeing him step forward, but I ran right back into the red haired guy, his front hotter than just a moment ago.
“C’mon Johnny, she’s cute.” He planted his hands on the table, caging me into his arms. “We can get good PR if she works for the Gazette.”
“We can’t just let her loose based on her word,” the guy named Johnny said, hands back into his pants pockets.
“I’ll make sure she doesn’t say anything to anyone,” one of the men behind him stepped forward. Milky skin, intense glare in his eyes as his hands fisted at his sides. “I can take care of a small thing like that.”
“Hey, I have a name.” I balled my own hands into fists. I'm not afraid to let these strangers know who I am. I have nothing to hide. I told them as much, giving them my name, telling them exactly how long I've lived on earth in Gotham, knowing my love and care for the rotten city went deeper than any of these strangers.
“We aren’t here to hurt you,” someone spoke up behind me. A beautiful man with pouty pink lips walked down the stairs, big eyes staring at me. “We want to clean up Gotham, too. We were all orphans. What do you think Mr Wayne did when he retired?”
“He…” I looked around. One tall handsome man after another. First one, Johnny. He was the only one with a name. Behind stood the man with the intense stare, his eyes making your heart beat faster. A taller guy stood behind him fiddling with a switchblade in his hands. Behind you stood the hot bodied red head and the beautiful pouty lipped stranger. “He raised an army of new Batmans?”
“So far only six of us,” Johnny said. He held a hand out, as if offering for me to take it. “I need you to trust us. We want to help. I’m Johnny.”
“I’m Jeno,” said the guy with the intense stare. His demeanor softened as Johnny shook my hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Don’t mind Jeno,” the one with switchblade said, throwing an arm around Jeno’s neck. “He’s more bark than bite. I’m Hendery.”
“Yuta, if you want to know my name,” the red haired guy said as he refused to let up space between us. His hand touched my hip. I stepped away, almost colliding into the pouty pink lipped guy. “Shy.”
“Come on Yuta, be nice.” The pouty lipped beauty gestured for me to take Johnny’s hand. “I’m Jungwoo.”
“Meet our young savant, Jisung,” Johnny said when I took his hand once more, stepping away from Yuta. He led me deeper into the cave, down a small set of stairs and toward an opening behind a dark corner. “Jisung! We made a new friend.”
I stopped, back colliding against Yuta as he remained behind me. He looked much older than I last remembered.
Handsome with muscular arms as a man. Sparkling eyes still soft with his pointed chin and high cheekbones. He belonged with his five handsome friends. All making me blush as they stared at me.
“Y-you’re supposed to meet us tomorrow,” he said. “Didn’t you get my letter? Who let you in?”
“You sent me that letter?” I wanted to punch his arm like when we were little, neighbors who played together. He could have simply come over to my place and explained. “There was nothing in there!”
His eyes scrunched up with his nose as he threw a hand to his forehead.
“I forgot to put the letter in with the picture.” He sighed, staring at me. My whole body flared up, seeing his eyes scan down and up my body. “At least Haechan dropped it into the right locker. You’re smart, figuring it all out with just the picture-not that I expected anything less from you.”
“Well, I did solve all the riddles in class,” I said, standing up straight. “What the hell is going on? Are you really bringing back the Batman?"
“I heard you needed help getting a foot into the Gotham Gazette, so why not team up with us?” he said. “I told Johnny I could get good PR with you.”
“This is-” I looked around the room, dozens of vehicles lined up neatly in the garage, domed walls making me feel like I could fall over at any second, “-impressive. What am I supposed to do?” “Tell the truth about what’s really happening with the criminals working with the corrupt cops and politicians,” Johnny replied. “We’ll have a security team work with you. Ensure no one’s following you or trying to breach into your phone and private affairs. We plan to keep your contacts anonymous and safe too.”
“And how am I supposed to trust you?”
“Come on,” Jisung said, walking closer to you. “I stayed up all night watching over you that night your parents were gone. No one to look after us but each other.”
“And then you left me without a goodbye!”
Like the pain of losing a pet when I was little, I didn’t know how long I’d missed it until I saw Jisung staring at me with such a deep voice, eyes refusing to look away from me. My tears were wiped away with Jisung’s thumbs as he held my face in his palms.
“I’m sorry,” he said, lips against mine. Breathing mint into my mouth, taking over my senses. “We were kids. I didn’t know how to find you. Not until I returned.”
“Until now?!” His arms were around me, lips pressing against mine. I wanted him to keep kissing me, my arms wrapping around his neck.
“So don’t leave me.” His lips on my neck, he whispered my name against me. “Stay. Stay with me.”
“With us,” Yuta said. I held onto Jisung tighter as I felt a hand on my lower back. “You have to tell her, Jisung.”
“Tell me what?” I asked, pulling away from Jisung, standing up straight to look into his eyes. “Jisung? Tell me what?”
“You have to earn our trust too,” Johnny said. “Jisung vouched for you, we did a background check, but I have a strict third rule in terms of trust.”
Jisung took a step back as Johnny stood before me, hands going to my hips. His hands roamed down my ass before gliding up my sides and his long fingers fondled my breasts. Hands grazing down my back and between my thighs. Down my calves before he stood up and pressed his body against me.
“You seem clean,” he said, fingers pulling my chin up to stare into his eyes. “If you’re not in the Batman program I can only trust you if you can handle all six of us.”
“W-what?” I snorted. “Straight out of Pornhub. What a convenient rule to throw onto me when I’m alone with 6 strong men.”
“Yeah, more or less,” Johnny said, hands on my hips as he pressed his front against me, hot cock hardening against my stomach. “You were a stupid fucking girl to sneak in here in the dead of night. Trespassing on private property. Honestly, I’d cage you up for that. But since you’re Jisung’s friend, this is considered a gift.”
“Jisung.” My eyes darted over to him, right behind Johnny. My heart beat thrumming against my throat as I felt Yuta’s breath at the crook of my neck, his cock poking against my ass. “You’re not…you’re not going to-” “Rules are rules.” Jisung's eyes were cold as he unbuckled the fastening at the wrist of his leather gloves. “I know you can handle this. You’re a fighter. We need fighters on our side.”
The confidence he had in me helped me take in a deep inhale, shaky breath outwards as my hands went under Johnny’s pants, helping him untuck his shirt.
“Fast learner, I like that,” he said, hands helping me unbutton his shirt. “Get down on your sexy knees and suck some dick.”
My whole head was spinning. Hands gliding down Johnny’s thick thighs as I dropped down to my knees. The words and affection of these men was convincing me to help Gotham out by using my body.
If I had to use my mouth on six cocks, I could do it. Prove to Jisung that I was as resilient as he believed me to be.
Johnny exhaled loud and slow as I planted kisses on his hard abs. Fingers undoing his belt buckle and zipper, palms stroking his long, thick cock. It was hot as it grew in my fist. A soft giggle escaped as I looked up at Johnny, seeing him bite his lip.
Hands massaging my scalp. He was impatient as one palm pressed against the back of my head, shoving my mouth against his wet, musky cock. Tongue licking along his length, I inhaled his taste. Licked and sucked his balls as I stroked his thick hairy cock.
“Fuck, keep it up.” He was lost in loud inhales and exhales, eyes shut as I put the tip into my mouth, sucking softly like I needed to drink up the contents inside his thick meat. “Shiit.”
I ate up more of him as I sucked in. Slowly sinking his cock in, inch by inch. Hoping my throat didn’t constrict until I had him in more than halfway. Hand massaging his balls, I gagged as his tip shoved down my throat, no air as it constricted.
“Don’t you fucking forget me,” I spat out as I stroked him fast, my slimy bubbly saliva all over his hairy cock. I sucked on his tip again, tongue swirling around the sensitive pink mushroom. “Who’s next?”
I looked over my shoulder to see Yuta undoing his pants. He’d been horny for me the second he laid eyes on me. I couldn’t wait to see if he could handle me.
I stood, pushing Johnny away as his fingers tugged at my jacket. I slipped it off, letting it fall to the floor as I walked over to Yuta, pushing him to sit onto the roof of a shiny black Porsche.
“Fucking pervert,” I breathed against his lips as his hands palmed my ass. “Haven’t been able to keep your hands off me, can you? Can’t wait to let me suck you dry?”
“Prove it.” His hands fell to his side as my hands went under his shirt to feel his abs. He was soft, smooth. A scent like ocean breeze and cloves right up into my sinuses as we kissed, my left hand slipping down his front to find a smooth, warming cock. “Anyone can choke on a giant cock.”
“Fuck you,” Johnny said. He groaned as I heard the wet noises of him stroking himself. “You’re going to cum the second she licks your balls.”
“Let’s see,” I said, smiling up at Yuta as he grabbed my hair, tugging my neck back. I whined, hands grasping onto his thighs for leverage. “Asshole.”
“Suck it,” he cooed out gently. Hissing with a loud exhale as I swirled my tongue around his tip. It poked against the left side of my cheek. I glided my tongue up against his sweet cock. Gathering saliva in my hand to stroke his base. “Fuck, you’re no fucking joke.”
I lifted his cock as I sucked his left nut before licking the right, using both hands to massage his shaft and tip.
“You’re a greedy fuck,” I said as I stood up, continuing to massage his tip with the tips of my fingers. “All about you and everything all over your cock.”
He pulled me in for a kiss, arms wrapping around my waist. Pervert sucking up my spit, making it a point to get a good taste of Johnny as his tongue explored my mouth.
“Go on, pick the next one,” Yuta said, releasing me, hands pulling my sweater off. “Whose dick will taste better than mine? Hm?”
I felt a hand palm my left breast, feeling blood rush up to my brain, making it hard for me to focus. A soft kiss on my shoulder as a pair of hands led me out of Yuta’s hot hold.
“Come on, pretty girl,” Jungwoo said, hands unhooking my bra from behind. “Press those pretty tits between my dick. Johnny, can I cum on her face?”
He looked away from me, standing up straight as he looked over at Johnny.
“You just want a titty job?” Johnny asked.
“We’re only cumming once?”
My whole body flared up like I'd been struck by lightning as I looked down at Jungwoo tugging his pants off. His pink cock wasn’t as hairy or thick as Johnny’s, but he was much longer than Yuta.
I was beginning to look forward to comparing the taste of their cocks. See whose cock fit my mouth the best. Jungwoo began pulling his clothes off, eyes on my body as he reached out to palm my tit.
“Jungwoo,” I said, hand reaching up to caress his muscular arms, “your body is amazing.”
“Thank you,” he said, face flushing pink. “I don’t have tits like you. Your body is amazing.”
I laughed against his lips as he pulled my body against his. His kisses were soft, he moaned when his tongue parted my lips.
“I’d love your tits around my dick,” he requested softly, hand stroking my neck.
I wanted to suck his dick dry, because he was so soft and gentle, but if he wanted a titty fuck…
I got down onto my knees, hands cupping my breasts as I wrapped them around his wet, squiggly cock. Holding my tits firmly around Jungwoo, I spat out to get some lube onto his tip.
The whole room was filled with low groans. My head snapped up as I saw all six men staring at me.
In that moment, spit gliding down between my tits and Jungwoo’s cock, I finally realized that I was fucking 6 guys.
All of them enjoying the sight of me.
Jungwoo moaned, hands scooping my hair up into a ponytail as his left hand held my hair secure. His hips thrust against me.
“So pretty,” he panted, praising me continually as his cock lit up my chest. “So fucking pretty. Your tits. Lovely.”
“My turn,” Jeno said loudly, hand wrapping around my arm as I felt Jungwoo’s breathing grow shallow. “Jesus, Jungwoo, learn to hold it in longer.”
Jungwoo’s whimpered, shriveling as I left his body. On my feet, I couldn’t stop staring at Jungwoo. Sweat was gliding down his bare chest, perfect nipples hardened as he nodded at me. Fighting to keep his eyes open as he breathed heavily through his mouth.
“I’ll cum later.”
“Pretty, pretty lips,” Jeno said softly as he pushed me to sit on top of a black Ferrari. Fingers groping my cheeks as his palm pressed up against my chin. “Been a while since I’ve had such pretty lips on my cock.”
My eyes shut, feeling his sweet sugary lips over mine. His mouth was clean, free from the cock musk of his 3 friends. I sucked on his lips, loving the sweetness over my sinuses and taste buds. He moaned onto my tongue as my hands palmed his stiff cock through his pants.
“More bark than bite,” I breathed against his neck before sucking on his porcelain skin. Tongue gliding up against his Adam’s apple, feeling his heartbeat against the tip of my tongue. “Make sure you never forget these pretty lips.”
He was quick to be rid of all of his clothes. He pulled me up to my feet before he pulled my leggings and panties off, stating I needed to be naked for him.
Kissing up and down his shaft, I shut my eyes, savoring the special earthy taste of Jeno. He was like a woodsy forest, dewy and mossy, filling my senses with his calming scent. Smooth cock, thick and hot against my lips.
Licking up and down his big dick, I opened my eyes to see him with furrowed eyebrows, mouth hanging open with intense focus on me. Lips finding the thick blue vein on the left side of his cock, I sucked on it gently before licking my tongue against it, savoring the way the vein pulsed angrily against my taste buds.
Fingers from both of his hands fisted into my hair as I swallowed his tip, loosening my jaws, wanting to take all of him in. He breathed evenly as he shoved my head back and forth on his cock.
“So fucking pretty,” he panted, grip on my hair tightening, sending blood right up to my scalp as he thrust his tip back and forth against my throat, paying no mind to me gagging and spitting onto him, “Jungwoo’s right, you’re so fucking pretty.”
He released my hair as my hands pushed against his hips. I coughed inhaling air, mouth free from his thick cock. Hands stroking him as I blinked away tears from my eyes. My entire vision blurred when I was choking on his cock. My nipples and clit were throbbing, wanting a cock to be rough on my pussy too.
“Saving the best for last,” Hendery said, hands smooth as he pulled off his black leather vest, revealing a tan body, six pack abs glistening with sweat. Pecks smooth and firm. “Consider me warm up for your childhood friend.”
Jeno had me in his arms as he planted kisses onto my tits. An electric jolt hit my clit as Jeno wrapped his mouth around my left tit and sucked hard on it. My mind blanked as my whole focus fell onto the unbearable pain of Jeno grinding his teeth onto my swollen nub.
I moaned, feeling another mouth clamp around my right breast. Hendery sucked hard, his teeth giving my right tit the same pleasure Jeno gave my left.
“She’s good,” Hendery said through gritted teeth, hand shoving against Jeno’s chest.
I giggled, hands holding onto Hendery’s shoulders as  he stepped me away from Jeno’s possessive hold. His lips went to suck on my neck before landing over my lips. Hand on my chin, he broke our kiss. Lips almost as sweet as Jeno.
His hands roamed down my back, groping my ass before caressing my sides and tits. His mouth returned to my tits, eyes barely open as he continually kissed and licked my fleshy mounds. I shut my eyes, blood rushing up my back when he made eye contact with me, tongue licking my left tit.
“I want to play with you so much,” he said softly, fingers pressing up against my slit. My hips shook as I pushed myself closer to him. “Show me how good you can suck my dick, first. Kinky little thing.”
Obedient to his gentle order, I got down onto my knees, hands helping him tug his pants down as he sat down onto the table. Shutting my eyes as I wrapped my mouth around his citrusy musk, like inhaling oranges as his tip twitched down my throat, tickling my tonsils.
“Yes, so good.” His soft hisses encouraged me to keep bobbing back and forth. The taste of his cock was addictive, I wanted to keep sucking, as if his cock was an orange creamsicle. I wanted the foamy white stuff. “Fuck.”
His voice pitched up high, palm resting at the crown of my head as I sucked faster, left hand massaging his balls.
“How do you like it?” I asked, inhaling loudly when I let go of his tasty cock. My tongue lapped up sloppily against his balls as I fisted his shaft, stroking fast, chest swelling as Hendery’s hips shook and he whined. “Kinky enough for you, Hendery?” “Better not cum,” Johnny spoke up. “Hend, get it together man.”
“She’s a good cock sucker.” Hendery groaned, hands on my shoulders to pull me away from his cock. My jaw was hurting, knees feeling numb and raw, but the shy half smile he gave me sent a sharp surge of energy into me. I wanted to keep sucking him off. Find out if Hendery’s cum tasted as good as his cock. “Fuck, you’re a good cock sucker.”
“Thank you,” was all I could say, cheeks flushing.
“Come on.” Soft baritone reverberating down my spine as a pair of hot hands pulled at my hips, away from Hendery. “I’ve dreamed of this moment for months.”
“Jisung.” I turned around to see him with sweaty hair, damp tendrils falling over his eyes. I moaned as his fingers glided up and down my sides. His hand landed on my shoulder. “I-i…are you sure you want to do this with me?” His hand over my right led me to his stiff cock, smooth and hot. His eyes closed, his head tilted up into the air, hissing as I stroked down on him. I kept stroking him, feeling tears welling at the corners of my eyes.
Chest shaking, I wanted to please Jisung. I wanted to taste him. I knew he’d taste better than anyone else, but…
Blinking away the tears, I fell to my knees. Mouth kissing his tip, I laughed against his cock as it twitched. Tongue swirling around his tip, I stroked the bottom of his shaft before kissing his cock well. I wanted to know every centimeter of his cock against my lips, never forget Jisung’s cock.
His groan rang deep into me when I pushed his cock into my mouth. Thick tip engulfing the entirety of my mouth as I tried to suck in more. Tongue lapping up against him as best as I could. Savoring his earthy musk, licking up his bitter sweat. Making my mouth pool, pussy just as wet.
Tears leaking out the corners of my eyes as I looked up at him, hands massaging his balls. I tried to steadily suck his cock, but I felt a shiver ride up my back.
Releasing him, I let out a sob. I landed down on my ass, legs tucked under me as I wiped my tears away. Jisung called out my name, stooping down to pick me up.
I felt at least 3 pairs of hands on my body as I got onto my feet. Shaking my head, I thought of the glint of pride in his eyes when he said he needed a fighter.
“Fuck me, Jisung,” I said, sitting on the edge of the table. “Anywhere and any way. Who wants the other hole?” “Fuck, look at how kinky you are,” Hendery said, body pressed up against my left side, fingers fondling my folds. He hissed when I moaned, body hot with pleasure. “I knew you were kinky.”
“Yuta’s got dibs on the asshole,” Yuta said, pulling me back onto my feet.
“Of course.” I laughed as I felt his arms wrap around my waist, lips on my neck.
Yuta laid down onto the edge of the Porsche, hand fisting his cock, keeping himself hard. Jisung helped me get onto the car, hands unable to stop groping my body, fingers teasing my folds. Lips on my body as I laid on top of Yuta, back to Yuta.
My mind blanked as Jisung stood over me, bending over so he can position his cock against my pussy. Looking up at him, seeing sweat drip down his chin, gliding down the sides of his face, my whole body throbbed along to Yuta’s heartbeat underneath me. Head falling against Yuta’s chest as I felt Jisung's thick cock slide into my wet hole.
“Sucking that much dick makes you wet.” Jisung grunted, hands firmly holding onto my hips. I mewled, feeling him go in deeper, cock squirming as my walls enveloped him. Palming my tit, he nodded as he stilled inside of me. “Fucking precious cunt, you're mine.”
“Ji-jisung,” I moaned. Eyes shut, my hands squeezed his arms as I felt Yuta guiding the tip of his cock into my ass. “Yuta, y-you didn’t-lube-or-prep-”
“I’ll be slow,” he breathed against my ear. The knots in my stomach twirled tight as I felt two throbbing cocks fill both my holes. “So tight.”
“Get to sucking,” Johnny ordered, hand fisting my hair as he directed my mouth to his cock. He stood beside the low sitting car, cock right against my face. I moaned, refusing to break eye contact with him as I took more of him in, trying my best to loosen my throat and jaws. He groaned, controlling me with his fist in my hair. “Good girl. I’ll trust you when you swallow my cum.”
My entire body was ablaze. All I could focus on was trying to breathe through my nose as Johnny’s massive cock assaulted my throat, my neck straining. Senses overloaded as I struggled to breathe or taste anything but Johnny's salty cock.
My pussy was aching. Jisung didn’t give any shits how Yuta’s cock was affecting me. His thrusts were relentlessly fast as he chased for his release. Hands kneading my tits as he groaned out praises over how good my pussy was. Moaning around Johnny’s cock, he benefitted from the ways Jisung fucked me.
Yuta’s ragged breaths shaking under me sent chills deep into me, slow careful thrusts against my asshole creating deep ripples of pressure into my guts. Relentlessly slow and pleasurable, I moaned onto Johnny’s cock again.
My grip on Jisung’s thighs tightened as I felt Johnny’s hot cum spurt into my mouth. Holding my head still with both hands Johnny grunted as he shoved his cock down my throat.
“Swallow it,” he commanded, voice sharp. “Swallow.”
Obeying I gulped as best as I could with his cock keeping my mouth open. Gulping again when his cock left. He laughed as he got down and kissed me, tongue lapping all over lips and chin. He hummed against my lips before letting me go.
“Fuck, Jisung, she’s one hell of a fuck.” Johnny’s heavy panting intensified the shivers down my back with every thrust of Yuta’s throbbing cock inside my asshole. “Fuck, get to it Jungwoo.”
Yuta cummed, hips thrusting up hard, interrupting Jisung’s fast strokes. I gasped, whining as Yuta’s tip pressed up hard into me. Such a hard thrust, it felt like he hit the back of my cervix. I barely had mind to notice Jisung getting off, cursing as he glared at Yuta.
I whined, feeling Yuta’s cum heat up my ass. Eyes shut, I bit my bottom lip as the tingles rode up my back into my guts.
It wasn’t until his lips were against me did I realize that Jisung had me in his arms. Yuta had given me to Jisung once he got his release.
What a fucking gentleman.
Jisung’s soft lips on me brought my mind back to him. I wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking him gently, hoping he hadn’t gotten hurt with Yuta’s greedy fucking.
“Jeno, let her sit on your lap.” Jisung let me go as he looked over to Jeno. He smiled, hand fisting his cock. “Put on a good show.”
“About fucking time,” Jeno said, taking my hands as he sat down on the Ferrari. Hands fondling my breasts as he pulled me onto his lap. “Gorgeous body. Soft tight pussy. Let’s get it, Jungwoo.”
I shivered, heat riding down my back as Jeno’s teeth nipped my earlobe. Tongue gliding down the side of my neck. Left hand squeezing my tit as his right hand parted my legs wider with every soft caress down the inside of my thighs.
“Fuck.” I moaned, whimpering as the pads of his fingers stroked up and down against my aching clit. Tip of his middle finger sinking into my pussy. “Jeno, I like how you handle me.”
“I know,” he whispered against my ear, tongue teasing the shell, “so hot deep in here. For me, yeah? For me.”
I moaned as his finger went in deep, thumb rubbing against my clit. Lips on the pulse at the side of my neck, Jeno’s fingers left my pussy. Instantly, his cock was parting my lips, tip prodding against my clit.
“Time to multitask,” Jungwoo said, stepping forward, eyes fixed on my face. His lovely, big brown eyes scanned down my body, long slender fingers massaging my tit. “So pretty, I want to see those pretty lips on me.”
“Yes Jungwoo.” One hand caressing his abs, fingers collecting his hot sweat as I curled them into a fist before laying my palm flat to marvel his abs again. My other hand wrapped around his long cock. Hot thing pulsating, wet with clear precum leaking out the tip.
Tip of my tongue flicking against his tip, I tried to rub my taste buds against him, taste every bit of Jungwoo. I want to see if I could get those giant puppy eyes to bulge out, surprised with how good my mouth is. He whimpered, hands gently bobbing my head up and down as he thrust against my mouth.
“Fuck, suck him good,” Jeno breathed out, hands on my hips as he bounced me on his cock. I whined onto Jungwoo’s cock as I felt Jeno’s middle finger flicking my clit. “Cum on my cock. Cum on me.”
Trying to stroke Jungwoo’s shaft as I sucked on his balls, I tried not to get lost in the way Jeno’s cock was sending mind melting thrusts into me. Giant cock rearranging my insides as his fingers mashed my clit around like an elevator button.
I sucked hard when Jungwoo came, his hands holding onto my head as he stilled. Cute thing was silent when his cock softened in my mouth. His beautiful long fingers caressed my cheeks as he let me go. Silently walking away to pick up his clothes as Jeno stood us up.
He turned us around, my knees and palms hitting the top if the Ferrari. Hands on my hip Jeno pushed himself balls deep into me. One hand reaching for my right tit, he thrust back and forth hard. First time, I cried as the motions of his cock turned my vision red. Second time, we moaned together as he pulled me up against him, hand kneading my tit.
“Fuck, you’re pretty,” he panted, hand on my shoulder to push me forward, forcing me to plant my hands against the Ferrari again. Left hand on my hip as his hips slapped my ass. “Make me cum.”
“Jeno!” He spanked me. First on the right side and then the left.
“Tight cunt,” he panted with a guffaw. He kept spanking me with his cast iron skillet palms, red heat reverberating so deep into me my insides shook like Quasimodo ringing the bells of Notre Dame. My walls constricted around his cock again. He groaned as he quickened his pace. “Fuck, make me cum.”
By his own accord, he came as he spanked my asscheeks into bright red hot plates. Cock heating up hotter - like thick molten lava - in my belly before he pulled out and spilled his cum over my ass, smearing his cock against my thighs when he finished cumming. All I could feel and smell was Jeno's musk. Body reverberating with undiluted pleasure.
“Territorial shit,” Hendery said, pulling me away from Jeno. “You don’t always have to mark things when you cum.”
“Get it over with,” Jeno panted out, sitting back down onto the hood of the now fucked up Ferrari, eyes barely open. Sweaty back making squeaky noises as he laid down on it, completely naked.
Hendery rested his back against another black car - another Ferrari - as he kissed me. His soft kisses sent calming shivers down my body. His gentle touches on my body relaxing my muscles.
“Don’t think I’m done with you,” Jisung breathed against my ear before I felt him kiss the back of my shoulder.
I yelped, honeyed swoon as he tugged my ass against him, hand on my lower back guiding me to lean down closer to Hendery’s cock. Hendery’s citrusy musk consumed my senses as I took hold of his cock, licking up against the underside of his wet stick. My tongue glided over the parting of his ballsack, sucking up his sweet fresh musk as I felt Jisung glide his cock against the puffy lips of my pussy.
Hips shaking, I was ready to cum. Moaning into Hendery’s cock, I thrust my hips back, wanting Jisung’s cock to ruin me.
They both praised me as Hendery moaned at my mouth sucking on his smooth cock and Jisung sunk his cock into my wet pussy. Stroking Hendery hard, I licked around his tip, hoping he would come fast. My mouth was aching and my back was shaking, legs feeling weak.
Most of all I wanted to savor Jisung fucking me. His cock was heating my insides like the best cup of coffee on a chilly winter morning. Keeping me comfortably warm with every stroke into me.
Without warning, Hendery cummed into my mouth. Hands keeping my head still as he ordered me to swallow him.
“Swallow it good,” he said, similarly to Johnny. “Swallow, good girl. Good - fucking - girl.”
He fondled my breasts - soft fingers rolling my sensitive nubs around like marbles - as Jisung continued to fuck me. My hands grasped onto Hendery’s hips as I shut my eyes, moaning as Jisung’s cock radiated up into my stomach and up to my chest.
Hips thrusting against Jisung, I moaned as my entire body was hot and sweaty, lost in complete sex and lust. The stench of all 6 men all over me with my own sloppy sex all over the Bat Cave.
My back was pressed to Jisung’s front as he bent over, fingers intertwined with mine as he wrapped our arms around my waist. His thrusts were relentless, hips slapping roughly against my ass. He grunted, arms pulling me tighter against him as he came. Cum lighting up inside me, dripping down my legs.
"Jisung." I inhaled shakily as his cock left me. I fell to my knees, palms against the concrete to catch my fall. "Holy fuck, Jisung."
“You did great,” Jisung panted out, throwing a large trench coat over my shoulders, picking me up in his arms. “I told you, you’re a fighter.”
“Jisung,” I panted out, eyes roaming over the Batman symbol on the wall behind us adorned on the wall, “do you trust me now?"
Forehead against mine he nodded. A soft kiss on the lips. A calming warmth rode over my aching body, completely stuffed with cum. Sex filth all over me as all six Johnny, Yuta, Jungwoo, Hendery, Jeno and Jisung left me in ruins. Comfortably in Jisung’s arms.
"For today."
* * * THE END * * * Thank U 4 Reading! Like, reblog and send in Ask if you liked it!
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konboyblues · 2 months
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August 26th - September 1st, 2024
Monday, August 26th - Rescue // Doppelgänger // First Time
Tuesday, August 27th - Moving in Together // Multiverse // Sex Accidents
Wednesday, August 28th - Scars & Disabilities // Ex's // Aftercare
Thursday, August 29th - Double Date // Phobias // Secret Rendezvous
Friday, August 30th - Superfam & Flashfam // Fourth World // Control
Saturday, August 31st - Realizations & Confessions // Only Lovers Left Alive // Fuck Nasty
Sunday, September 1st - People of Manchester, Alabama & The Ravers // Nightmares // Accidental Kink Discovery
Continuing to celebrate the BartKon Renaissance in the modern era. Since the ship has historically been a rarepair since its conception in the 1990's, this fanweek acts as both a way to celebrate the BartKon narrative in DC Comics, as well as engage new fans in our small yet mighty collective.
Why should we participate in this?
Because you like BartKon. Because you saw fanfiction and fanart and shitposts, and decided you wanted to see what's poppin' in the BartKonosphere. All creators are welcome. Our romcom lovers, the darkfic connoisseurs, and of course, our smut specialists.
So how does it work?
The release date for fanworks is from Monday, the 26th of August through Sunday, the 1st of September, 2024. 
You have four months to write, draw, and create fanworks. On top of fanfiction and fanart, we also encourage meta, essays, ship manifestos, playlists, and poetry.
This is also an opportunity for new fans to engage with an old ship with a robust body of work, hence why this fanweek is dedicated only to BartKon depicted in DC Comics from 1994-2024. This is not a YJ-centric week, nor it is a BartKon+third week, nor is it a my-ship-is-better-than-your-ship week. Please be courteous and treat each other with respect when engaging with fanworks and their creators. If you misbehave, I will be cursing you with ten thousand years of bad luck on top of car/train/transportation trouble every day for the rest of your life.
BartKon of ANY comic book universe is acceptable. If you want to spend the entire fanweek exploring Luthor-El and Bart because you love horrific love, then be my guest! If you want a crazed version of Bart to kidnap Kon from Gemworld, go for it! Let that imagination run WILD!!!
Both safe and not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell tropes are welcome. Just make sure that you post any Mature content on a landing page that doesn't restrict Mature content (like AO3). I don’t want anyone getting their blog banned. We cannot defeat our capitalist overlords, but we can definitely work around them.
This fanweek will not have a dedicated blog. These prompts are free for anyone to use. Because it is a non-traditional, non-monetized, and free-to-opt-in casual event, there will be no mods but moi, no advertising of paid services, and no ratings or participant restrictions. I will open a collection on AO3 in August for anyone who wants their work collated for this event.
In order to ensure that both creators and the audience are making informed decisions about what they engage with, all creators are encouraged to include triggers and any other squick warnings. 
Please utilize the read-more function for fanworks that are longer than 250 words. We're tryna read yer stories, not get spammed with a wall of text. Please Be Courteous.
And last but not least - if you are engaging with any of the fanworks, reblog, reblog, reblog! Share the work with your followers. Send all the love to the creators for crafting their masterpieces!!
What can I contribute?
Fanart (standalones, comic strips, etc.), fanfiction (one-shots, multichapter, etc.), fanmixes, gifsets, graphics, meme collections, fanvids, ship essays and meta, songifics, playlists, poetry, whatever your heart desires! Go wild!!!
Can I create/write not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell content?
Yes!!! All creators are encouraged to include triggers warnings, sub-genre specifications, and other warnings in their posts. I will not discourage you from writing your 16k Bart Goes Insane Over Kon fic, but please... Be Courteous and tag your fanworks appropriately so people can make an informed decision about what they're comfortable with engaging with.
What does (X) prompt mean?
Each day has three prompts!! You can either pick a prompt OR you can combine prompts in different ways. Although the prompts range from The Basics, to Things That Frighten The Barts and Kons, and end with They're Fucking Nasty in Cissie's Basement Because They Can't Afford a Motel, I challenge you to let your imagination take you where you want to go with each prompt!! If you want to explore all three in the same fanwork, then be my guest!! I will not stop you :'>
Mainstream Canon, Elsewords, and AU content is acceptable! Just make sure to stay within the comicsverse. We have SO MUCH BARTKON MADNESS IN THE COMICS, SO PLAY AROUND WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL CANON!!! Creativity is key! Have fun!!!
Can I crackship/multiship/harem/OT3/polyam the characters?
No. It's literally BartKon Week, Heart & Bones Edition. There's like six active fans left on this bitch of an earth. Don't do this to me :'<
Does this have a tag?
During release week, use the general “bartkon” and "konbart" tags to share your work with the wider BartKon fandom on tunglr. You can use whatever other tags you fancy. The best way to share, however, is to directly @ me so that I may reblog it.
I didn’t read a damn thing before this, Ava.
TL;DR: Nearly four months until the fanweek!!! For all fanwork creators out there, now’s the time to start thinking about what prompts you want to utilize for your creations. There are no creative restrictions, but I do ask that you follow these posting tips:
All fanfiction should be under a read-more.  
Not-safe-for-tunglr fanwork should be LINKED to whatever landing site the content is being hosted on (Twitter, AO3, etc). This includes both fanfiction and fanart. I don’t want your blog getting flagged bc tunglr hates gay people.
Provide content warnings for all triggers, squicks, and sub-genres. Unfortunately, in my ten odd years away from DC Comics, the fandom's seen a resurgence in puritanical behavior and tons of censorship and self-censorship. Please list content warnings on your work but do not be discouraged in sharing your work. If a fancop gets on your ass, block them. Please block as MANY as you can. They're like pests, they're always gonna be there, but their influence can be diminished by staunch blocking and reporting.
You can participate as much as you want!! Maybe you only wanna create for one day? Cool! Maybe you’re an overachieving corporate clown insomniac like myself, and wanna create for every day of the week? Go for it!!! 
The most important thing is to have fun :)
Closing Remarks
Like all my other events I host, this event, too, is entirely selfish. I've loved BartKon since I was a child when I was first introduced to it in the form of Bart/Clark on Smallville. Although I only recently came back to reading DC's mainline comics, BartKon still holds a special place in my heart even after all these years, and the few who still create and engage in their fanworks inspired me to host a little something-something for our small community.
Take your time, look through the prompts, and get your creative juices flowing! I will be sending out reminders until the go-live date.
For the people who showed interest during the initial interest check, I hope you're able to participate. To the people who hate me, your mom's a hoe. Thank you.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Beautiful Stranger
Premise: Ethan Ramsey wasn’t looking forward to tonight, and then he met the woman of his dreams.
Book: Open Heart (AU) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Trope: Soulmates; Gala Words: 1,610
A/N: This fic is inspired by an ask from last year where I talked about AUs if Cassie wasn't a doctor. I'm using @choicesflashfics week 30, prompt 3 (in bold). Submission for @aprilchallenge prompt "dress".
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The entryway to the Washington Hudson Hotel in DC’s Adams Morgan was lined with black town cars and limos. Passengers disembarked under the covered portico, posed for cameras on either side of the red carpet rolled out in welcome, and followed ushers to the Art Deco ballroom.
Security guards in severe black suits prevented anyone from entering without an invitation. Sweat beaded their foreheads, more from the spotlights than the late spring evening, but dark sunglasses hid any discomfort.
Dr. Ethan Ramsey waited impatiently to be let out of the black limo his mentor and friend, Dr. Naveen Banerji, had insisted on renting for the occasion.
“I’m the guest of honor, after all,” he’d said, a Zen-like smile on his face. “Can’t just roll up in a Jalopy.”
Ethan couldn’t fault him that logic, even if he privately thought it excessive to drive two blocks from their hotel. But, then, the man was literally a saint and deserved this minor luxury.
Naveen was being honored tonight with a Humanitarian Service Lifetime Achievement Award from the Valentine Foundation for his work in advancing medical care in developing countries.
The black-tie event was part of the National Medical Symposium’s festivities, where Ethan was invited to present a keynote. An incredible accomplishment, given he’d become an attending not quite a year ago.
Ethan enjoyed the education and dialogue at these conferences but preferred socializing at a bar over scotch. However, Naveen had taught him that these social events were essential for advancing his career and getting sponsors to fund research projects. A necessary evil in medicine.
Finally, the rear door opened from outside, and Ethan slid out of the backseat. Naveen followed, waving and smiling at the flashing cameras as if he was at the Oscars. Ethan ignored everyone, marching through the glass doors, invitation card in hand.
“You were in a hurry,” Naveen said pleasantly, joining Ethan in the soaring foyer outside the ballroom.
“They didn’t care about me.” Ethan rolled his eyes and smirked. “I’m not the guest of honor, after all.”
Naveen chuckled, bumping shoulders with Ethan. “No, but with your looks, they probably thought you were a reality TV star. Off to give your chosen lady a red rose. That’s how the story goes.”
Ethan’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Why reality TV? What story? And I’m not carrying a rose.”
Naveen shook his head in dismay. “You know, my friend. There’s more to life than medicine.”
Before Ethan could counter that remark, Naveen turned away to greet someone he knew. Left to his own devices, Ethan glanced around the room, recognizing some faces from the conference. But if he was going to schmooze, he needed a stiff drink first.
Almost an hour later, Ethan escaped the crowded ballroom through French doors leading to a moonlit balcony overlooking the dark gardens below. He needed a few minutes of respite from the politicking and socializing that was part of the Valentines’ world.
Ever since he’d learned about the award, Naveen hadn’t stopped talking about the family. Being a Rhodian, Ethan certainly knew of the Valentines of Newport, but they didn’t run in the same circles as the son of a cable repairman from Providence.
He suspected they were like the other donors he’d met inside that ballroom; insanely wealthy and spoiled with a sense of entitlement. The foundation was probably a vanity project for one of the trophy wives, he thought dismissively.
He strode to the wrought-iron balustrade, gripping the edge as he threw his head back and took a deep breath. A floral scent hit his senses before he heard the rustle of fabric.
He spun on his heels to see a beautiful young woman standing against the wall, the hem of her shimmering midnight blue dress hiked up to reveal one silken white thigh.
Her hand froze; a black lace garter strap caught between her fingers. Ethan’s eyes involuntarily followed as the top of a sheer black stocking slid down her skin, catching where her leg was bent at the knee.
His eyes snapped to her face, tracing the arch of her brows, the flushed cheekbones and red lips parted lightly. Long blonde hair fell to the side, past her shoulder, the ends curling softly.
A glittering hair clip on the left side of her head held back the rest. The style revealed diamonds and sapphires dripping from her earlobe, matching the necklace cradled between the valley of her breasts.
Her fragrance enveloped him, his nostrils flared, and all Ethan could think was, “Mine!”
She gasped, or he did. Maybe it was the moonlight, or perhaps it was fate. He hadn’t had enough top-shelf scotch to blame the alcohol. At this point, he wasn’t sure what was happening to him.
“A gentleman would look away. Or lend a hand.”
Ethan heard the amusement in her soft melodic voice and glimpsed the teasing sparkle in her eyes. He wondered if they were blue like his. A strong probability, given the color of her hair.
He took a step toward her and then another, closing the distance between them. His hand unthinkingly reached for the dangling garter strap in her hand but stopped at the warning look in her eyes. Up close, he saw they were green with flecks of blue or black.
Ethan held up his hands in a truce. “That was a rhetorical statement, wasn’t it?”
She scoffed, clearly deeming it unworthy of a response. She quickly reattached her loose stocking and adjusted her dress. The fabric covered her from top to bottom, the hem brushing the toes of her high heels.
The dress would’ve been modest except for how it hugged her curves, accentuating every part of her that his fingers ached to touch.
“You’re staring again,” she said huskily, her chest rising and falling with rapid, shallow breaths.
Appalled, Ethan blurted out an apology. “I’m sorry. I–– “
He felt his skin flush, and the tips of his ears turn red. If anyone from Edenbrook saw him now, they’d surely laugh at his expense. Frustrated, he stabbed his fingers into his hair.
The woman threw him a strange look, her brows twisting in a V shape. Without a word, she turned to walk away, but he wasn’t ready to let her go.
He instinctively tried to stop her, his fingers brushing the back of her hand. They both hissed as an electric current flashed and pulsed where their skin met.
She held her hand against her chest, stroking the sensitive area with her thumb as if trying to rub away their connection. But she didn’t leave, nibbling on her bottom lip as she regarded him with a perplexed expression.
“I have no excuse for my behavior,” he began, hesitating as he searched for the words that would make her want to stay. “This is not like me at all. I’m not a risk taker. I don’t gamble with my feelings. I don’t ogle strangers at parties, even if they are beautiful. I’m a doctor, a man of science and logic. I…”
“So, you expect me to believe that you don’t know who I am?” she asked in disbelief. “And your arrival on this balcony a few minutes after me was a pure coincidence?”
Ethan looked at her, bewildered. “Should I know you? Have we met before?”
She stared into his eyes, searching for some inner truth. She must have found it, for she nodded and smiled.
“Okay, doctor. I believe you. Since you’re a man of science, care to explain that?”
She pointed to their hands, now resting against their sides. But there were tiny vibrations under the skin, wanting to reach across the space and connect with its mate.
“It’s nothing,” he said warily.
He shoved his hands inside his pant pockets and rocked back on his heels. For some reason, that made her laugh, and a knowing look entered her eyes. It was too astute for his comfort, and he felt laid bare.
“A man of science should know that some things defy expectations,” she mused, tapping one finger against her lips. “And every scientific achievement in history was because someone decided it was worth the risk.”
The sound of a bell ringing in the distance reached their ears, breaking the uneasy silence that followed her words.
“I have to go back inside,” she sighed. “I would say it was a pleasure, but honestly, I don’t know what this was. And I suspect we’re both not ready to find out.”
Ethan watched her walk away, and his feet itched to follow. But he waited, needing a few minutes to collect himself.
When he returned to the ballroom, he scanned the vast room for any sign of Naveen. His height gave him an advantage, and he spotted the other man in an animated conversation with someone, gesticulating excitedly.
Ethan swiftly navigated through throngs of people, slowing down as he neared Naveen. The person ahead of him moved away, and his steps faltered when he saw her.
She must have sensed him too, because she suddenly looked over her shoulder, her green eyes registering surprise as they locked into his shocked blue ones.
“Ah, Ethan, there you are,” Naveen called out. “Come meet my benefactor. Cassie Valentine is the head of the Valentine Foundation and the person who nominated me for tonight’s award. Cassie, meet Dr. Ethan Ramsey, my protégé and one of the most gifted diagnosticians of his generation.”
Ethan Ramsey did not believe in moonlight madness or fate. But for one brief moment, he had, and now his world was turned upside down. What’s more? Cassie’s amused smirk told him she knew it too.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey
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enigmaticxbee · 2 years
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✖️✖️✖️ 11x07 Rm9sbG93ZXJz
The one where... technology comes for Mulder and Scully because Mulder didn’t leave a tip on their weird silent sushi date.
Tagline: VGhlIFRydXRoIGlzIE91dCBUaGVyZQ= (aka The Truth Is Out There)
Best: Holding hands in a diner, just comfortably enjoying each other’s company after a long, wild night 🥰
Worst: This episode doesn’t really make sense (the silent sushi date, Scully’s weird smart house, etc) and isn’t subtle or all that deep, but it’s fun.
✔️ Flashlights
❌ Woods/Desert
❌ Slideshow
❌ Autopsy
✔️ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
❌ Mulder Ditch
✔️ Sunflower Seeds
✔️ Voiceover: AI intro VO
✔️ Catch Phrase: AI (IWTB)
❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
✔️ Casual Scully
✔️ Casual Mulder
❌ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
❌ Glasses Watch
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder
50 States: DC x109 (45/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 77%
❌ Bechdel Test: Only other human person in the episode is the waitress but only Mulder speaks with her.
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽
Creepiness: 👽👽
Humor: 👽👽👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
William check-in: No mention.
Break-up check-in: Well, they still have separate places (or did until Scully’s exploded) but they’re going on evening sushi dates and holding hands on their morning diner date so I think they’re going to be ok.
I like the concept of a silent episode - or episode where the only communication is with technology - but it just feels weird and unnatural that they aren’t talking on their sushi date. Also why is the place completely empty?? It would have felt more natural to me if they were in a busy restaurant and it was so loud they couldn’t hear each other and couldn’t talk or something. I know they’re going for a dystopian feel and to contrast with the diner at the end though.
The blob fish!! GA’s beloved
Her panicked who am I talking to! in the car 🤣
Mulder: You suck Mr. phone.
Scully: Poor! Awful! Terrible! Never again! Me on every automated customer service line trying to get through to speak with an actual person.
Scully’s smart house is very much a suspension of disbelief for me for this one episode. It’s nothing like the cozy aesthetic of her apartment in the original series or the Unremarkable house. If it was just aesthetic change that would be one thing - you could argue that she wanted something completely different when she moved out or that she thought of it as temporary so she never made it homey, etc. But after going on the run from the government and all her trust no one paranoia, the Scully I know would not live in a house that tracked her every movement and uploaded all that information online for whatever company or government agency or shadow conspiracy or individual to use against her!
Her password is Queequeg!
Rock it like a Redhead huh Scully? Her hair color changes so much over the years, I’m definitely a Scully has some red to her hair but she colors it truther.
Not sure how I feel about Scully’s new short hair - I think it just feels more like a wig to me because it’s so straight? It’s not bad but we know what Scully’s hair looked like when it was that length back in the day so it doesn’t feel quite right.
Scully’s little pink vibrator! To me Mulder’s look says more surprise that she’s carrying it around right now, not surprise that she has one - because you know he knows she does. TMI my little pink vibrator is not the same one, but the selection may have been (heavily) influenced by this episode.
Mulder’s frustration at being forced into this tip - it’s definitely worth $5 to make this stop 😂 Of course that’s what the tech companies are counting on 💀
Mulder thanks the waitress by name - this little diner seems like the kind of spot Mulder would be a regular at.
Mulder: Well, it’s good to see you got all your personal devices back. Scully: Not all of them. Significant look 👀
The first episode of the revival written by women (although Dr Anne Simon & Dr Margaret Fearon have story credit on MSII in season 10)
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macamadamia · 8 months
Sometimes, You Can Meet Your Heroes Chapter One
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Chapter Fic - Chapter 1 / ???
Ship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: Teen and Up
Chapter Word Count: 1000
AO3 Tags: Parent Dean Winchester, Parent Castiel, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Claire Novak is hell on wheels, Minor Character Death (before the story starts), Teen Claire Novak, Kid Ben Braeden, Mute Ben Braeden, Ex-Con Dean Winchester, castiel is doing the best he can
It’s been a year since Lisa’s death, and Castiel is struggling to help his grieving children. Claire has taken moody teenager to a whole new level, while Ben has retreated into silence. Claire might not share his DNA, but he raised her from birth, meeting Lisa when she was already pregnant. He doesn’t know anything about Claire’s birth father, apart from his name, and that he was in prison when Claire was born. He doesn’t want to know anything else about the man. Until Claire disappears in search of Dean Winchester.
Dean faintly hears the doorbell chime of someone entering the front office, but since he’s buried elbow-deep in the engine bay of a 1970 El Camino, he ignores it. The college kid who works the front desk was in today, and Krissy might be small, but she’s fierce, and would run interference on any customers. Happily. With a rifle, if he let her.
Usually, Dean doesn’t mind the customer service side of his business. He likes talking to people about cars, and he’s good at it, but today was a day he didn’t want to face the public He would have stayed home, only he’d probably end up day drinking until he passed out. The five-year anniversary of Benny’s death wasn’t a day he should be spending alone at home.
So, he’d come into work, told Krissy he didn’t want to be disturbed, and went to work on the recalcitrant El Camino Bobby had dropped off, that’d been taking up real estate in his garage for the last few weeks. 
With AC/DC blasting on the stereo in the corner, head under the hood of the El Camino, he doesn’t hear Krissy’s footsteps until she’s standing by his elbow.
Swearing, he jumps and barely avoids colliding his elbow with the engine block. “Jesus fuck Krissy!” Reaching for a dirty rag, he wipes his hands as clean as he can. “What are you doing sneaking up on me?”
Fixing him with a level stare, she doesn’t even flinch. Any other day, he’d respect it. “There’s someone here to see you.”
“Tell them I’m not here.”
“Don’t know if I can do that, boss.” Krissy goes from glaring at him to studying her fingernails with their fancy manicure, the kind that’s never been seen in the garage before she started working there. “It’s a girl.”
He rolls his eyes, turning back to the El Camino and throwing over his shoulder “You’re a girl, you talk to her.” Maybe if he ignored her she’d go away, and he could go back to diagnosing what exactly the hell is wrong with the piece of junk Bobby dumped on him.
She’s undeterred though, opening her phone and doing something with it that ends with the music in the stereo cutting out.
“Boss. She asked for ‘that asshole Dean Winchester’.” Her face is serious, even with the ridiculous air quotes. She stares him down, and its Dean who blinks first. 
“Shit. Okay.” He wipes his hands again on the already dirty rag. “Lead the way.”
They stop by the sink for Dean to scrub his hands as clean as they’re probably ever going to get. His mind briefly flashes back to his dad – coming home with engine grease under his fingernails and on his coveralls.
He scrubs harder, trying to shake the image away. He doesn’t need any more memories today. He’d already run the full gauntlet when he woke up.
Krissy isn’t wrong. There is a girl in the front office.  Waiting by the desk, wearing a school uniform he doesn’t recognise from any of the kids he sees in the neighbourhood. Her head buried in her phone, radiating teenage attitude even at this distance.
She looks up when he opens the door, and he sees the flash of uncertainty cross her face before she schools it back into disinterest. But there’s tension there, Dean can feel it. She isn’t here looking for a job, and she isn’t a rich teenager wanting a custom upgrade to the first car their daddy bought them.
Dean doesn’t know what this is, but he’s got a bad feeling. And his bad feelings are usually right.
Krissy barrels straight through the tension, snorting and folding her arms to lean up against the door frame. “You wanted to see the boss. I found him for you.”
“Yeah, thanks Veronica Mars, I’ll put my check in the mail for you.”
Dean reaches out an arm as Krissy bristles and takes a step forward, shaking his head at her. “Krissy, why don’t you go out to lunch? Charge it to petty cash.”
Again, with the staring competition, but this time it’s Krissy who breaks away first. “Sure thing, boss. But if you need anything, I’ll be right next door at Beth’s.”
She leaves, nearly shoulder-checking the teenager on the way out. The girl flips her the bird. He doesn’t know what went down before he arrived in from out the back, but he’ll quiz Krissy later. He’ll probably get an earful off Beth as well, knowing Krissy she’s next door telling on him to the café owner.
The girl leans back against the counter, sizing him up. She doesn’t appear to like what she sees. “You’re Dean Winchester?”
He pastes an easy smile on his face, going for the charm that usually wins over his female customers. “Yeah, apparently. What’s with the attitude, Miley Cyrus?”
“Eat me, Hasselhoff.”
Charm doesn’t work, so he tries a new tactic. “Okay, cool it. Yes, I’m Dean Winchester. I don’t know who you are though, where the attitude is coming from, or what you’re doing in my garage when we’ve got a big old closed sign on the door.”
She dodges the questions. He sees that uncertainty creeping back under the bluff and bluster. “Why are you closed on a random Thursday, if you and the receptionist are here?”
He can play the avoidance game, too. He’s probably been playing it since before she was born, god help him. “Look. You’re clearly here for a reason. Let’s start over. I’m Dean Winchester, and you are…?” He stretches out his hand for her to shake.
After a heartbeat of hesitation, she shakes it. “I’m Claire Braeden-Novak, and I’m 15 years old and an Aquarius.” 
Oh. Maths was never his strong suit, but the numbers fall into place quicker than he’d like them to.
“My mom was Lisa Braeden.”
Oh shit.
“And you’re that asshole Dean Winchester who bailed on his pregnant girlfriend 16 years ago.”
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aelectricsworld · 14 hours
Install Charging Station at Home: Residential Expert Electrical Services
Installing a charging station at home is becoming increasingly popular as electric vehicles (EVs) gain traction. It's convenient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. But how do you go about it? This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about installing a home charging station, including the benefits, necessary preparations, and finding the right residential expert electrical services to ensure a safe and efficient installation.
Electric vehicles are more than just a trend—they're the future of transportation. But owning an EV comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to charging. While public charging stations are useful, nothing beats the convenience of having your own charger at home. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore why installing a home charging station is a smart move and how expert residential electrical services can help you do it right.
Why Install a Home Charging Station?
The idea of fueling up your car at home might sound futuristic, but it's a reality for many EV owners. Here are some compelling reasons to consider installing a charging station at home:
Convenience: Charge your car overnight without having to find a public station.
Cost Savings: Save money on fuel and potentially benefit from lower electricity rates during off-peak hours.
Property Value: Increase the value of your home by making it EV-friendly.
Environmental Impact: Reduce your carbon footprint by using cleaner energy sources.
Understanding Different Types of EV Chargers
Before diving into the installation process, it's crucial to understand the different types of EV chargers available:
Level 1 Chargers: These use a standard household outlet and are best for plug-in hybrid vehicles or for emergency charging.
Level 2 Chargers: Require a 240-volt outlet and are ideal for daily use, providing a faster charge than Level 1.
DC Fast Chargers: Mostly used in commercial settings due to their high cost and rapid charging capabilities.
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Assessing Your Home's Electrical Capacity
Not every home is ready to support a high-powered EV charger. Here's how to determine if your electrical system can handle the load:
Check Your Electrical Panel: Ensure it has enough capacity for an additional circuit.
Consult a Professional: An electrician can assess your setup and recommend upgrades if necessary.
Consider Future Needs: If you plan to add more electric vehicles or other high-demand appliances, it might be worth upgrading your electrical system now.
Choosing the Right Location for Your Charging Station
The placement of your charging station is crucial for both convenience and safety. Consider these factors when choosing a location:
Proximity to Parking Area: Ideally, the charger should be close to where you park your car.
Weather Protection: If possible, install the charger in a garage or under a carport to protect it from the elements.
Accessibility: Ensure the location is easily accessible for both installation and daily use.
Steps to Install a Home Charging Station
Installing a home charging station involves several steps, each requiring careful planning and execution:
Choose Your Charger: Decide between a Level 1 or Level 2 charger based on your needs.
Hire a Professional Electrician: For safety and compliance, it’s best to have a licensed electrician handle the installation.
Get Necessary Permits: Check with your local government for any required permits.
Prepare the Installation Site: Clear the area and ensure it meets all necessary requirements.
Install the Charger: The electrician will install the charger and connect it to your electrical panel.
Test the System: Ensure everything works correctly and safely.
Cost Considerations
The cost of installing a home charging station can vary widely based on several factors:
Type of Charger: Level 1 chargers are cheaper, but Level 2 chargers offer more convenience.
Electrical Upgrades: If your home's electrical system needs an upgrade, this can add to the cost.
Installation Fees: Professional installation ensures safety and compliance but comes at a cost.
Permits and Inspection Fees: Local regulations may require permits and inspections, adding to the overall expense.
Benefits of Hiring Professional Electrical Services
While DIY installations might seem tempting, hiring professional electrical services offers numerous advantages:
Safety: Professionals know how to handle high-voltage systems safely.
Compliance: Ensure your installation meets all local codes and regulations.
Quality: Professional work tends to be more reliable and durable.
Warranty: Many electricians offer warranties on their work, providing peace of mind.
Finding the Right Residential Electrician
Finding the right electrician is crucial for a successful installation. Here are some tips:
Look for Experience: Choose an electrician with experience in EV charger installations.
Check Credentials: Ensure they are licensed and insured.
Read Reviews: Look for customer feedback to gauge their reliability and quality of work.
Get Multiple Quotes: Compare prices and services to find the best value.
Permits and Regulations
Installing a home charging station isn't just about plugging it in; there are several legal considerations to keep in mind:
Local Building Codes: Ensure your installation meets all local building codes.
Permits: Some areas require permits for electrical work, including EV charger installations.
Inspections: Your installation may need to pass an inspection to ensure it meets safety standards.
Safety Tips for Using Your Charging Station
Once your charging station is installed, follow these tips to ensure safe usage:
Regular Inspections: Periodically check the charger and its connections for any signs of wear or damage.
Proper Handling: Always handle the charging plug with dry hands and avoid using it in wet conditions.
Emergency Procedures: Know how to disconnect the charger safely in case of an emergency.
Maintaining Your Charging Station
Keeping your charging station in good working order ensures it remains safe and efficient:
Clean Regularly: Remove any dirt or debris from the charger and its surroundings.
Check for Damage: Look for any signs of wear or damage and address them promptly.
Software Updates: If your charger has software, ensure it is updated regularly for optimal performance.
Future-Proofing Your Home for EVs
As EV technology continues to evolve, consider these tips to future-proof your home:
Plan for Expansion: If you expect to own more than one EV, plan for multiple charging points.
Upgrade Your Electrical System: Ensure your electrical panel can handle additional load in the future.
Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest developments in EV technology to make informed decisions.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Avoid these common pitfalls when installing a home charging station:
Skimping on Quality: Investing in a high-quality charger and professional installation pays off in the long run.
Ignoring Permits: Failing to get the necessary permits can lead to fines and complications.
Poor Placement: Choosing an inconvenient or unsafe location for your charger can cause problems down the line.
Installing a home charging station is a smart investment for any EV owner. It offers unparalleled convenience, potential cost savings, and contributes to a greener environment. By understanding the process and working with professional residential electrical services, you can ensure a safe and efficient installation. Take the time to plan and execute your installation properly, and you'll enjoy the benefits of home charging for years to come.
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dccarservices · 5 days
Ride in Style with Town Car Service DC from Car Service DC
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When it comes to navigating the bustling streets of Washington DC, comfort, style, and reliability are paramount. Whether you're commuting to a business meeting, heading to a special event, or simply exploring the city, choosing the right transportation service can make all the difference. Car Service DC is here to provide you with an exceptional travel experience through our Town Car Service DC. Here’s why our service is the ideal choice for your travel needs.
1. Unmatched Comfort and Luxury
At Car Service DC, we pride ourselves on offering top-tier luxury and comfort with our Town Car Service DC. Our fleet features high-end town cars that are designed to provide a smooth, relaxing ride. With plush leather seats, ample legroom, and a quiet, refined interior, you can sit back and enjoy your journey in absolute comfort. Our vehicles are meticulously maintained to ensure they meet the highest standards of cleanliness and performance.
2. Professional and Courteous Chauffeurs
Our team of professional chauffeurs is dedicated to delivering exceptional service. Each chauffeur is carefully selected and trained to ensure they provide a courteous, punctual, and knowledgeable service. They are well-acquainted with the best routes in Washington DC, allowing you to reach your destination efficiently and without hassle. Whether you're in a hurry to a meeting or looking for a leisurely ride around the city, our chauffeurs are here to accommodate your needs.
3. Convenient and Reliable Service
Searching for "car service near me" should lead you to a transportation provider that offers convenience and reliability. Car Service DC is committed to providing prompt and dependable service, ensuring you can count on us for all your transportation needs. Our town car service is available 24/7, making it easy for you to schedule a ride at any time. Whether you need early morning airport transportation or a late-night pickup, we are here to serve you.
4. Ideal for Any Occasion
Our Town Car Service DC is perfect for a wide range of occasions. From business travel and airport transfers to special events and sightseeing tours, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Planning a night out with friends or a romantic evening in the city? Our town car service adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to your outing, making any occasion more memorable.
5. Easy Booking Process
Booking a ride with Car Service DC is straightforward and hassle-free. With just a phone call to (202) 888-7833, you can arrange for our town car service at your convenience. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you with your booking and answer any questions you may have. We strive to make the process as smooth as possible, so you can focus on enjoying your ride.
6. Competitive Pricing
Luxury and affordability can go hand in hand. At Car Service DC, we offer competitive rates for our town car service, ensuring you get the best value for your money. Our transparent pricing means no hidden fees or unexpected charges, allowing you to budget your transportation costs with confidence.
Contact Us Today
Ready to ride in style with Town Car Service DC? Contact Car Service DC at (202) 888-7833 to book your ride today. Whether you’re looking for reliable "car service near me" or a luxurious DC car service for a special occasion, we are here to provide you with an exceptional travel experience. Choose Car Service DC and discover the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience for all your transportation needs in Washington DC.
SOURCE: https://carservicedc01.blogspot.com/2024/06/Ride-in-Style-with-Town-Car-Service-DC-from-Car-Service-DC.html
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ieccgreentech · 20 days
10 Best Practices for Managing Carpark EV Charger Operations
The surge in electric vehicle (EV) adoption has revolutionised the transportation landscape, making the management of EV charger operations a critical task for carpark operators. Effective management of EV charging infrastructure not only enhances user satisfaction but also ensures optimal utilisation and longevity of the equipment. As more drivers switch to electric vehicles, carparks must evolve to meet the growing demand for reliable and accessible charging options.
Assess Demand and Plan Accordingly
Before installing car park EV charger installation Sydney, it is critical to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the demand in your area. Consider the local EV adoption rate, the demographics of your carpark users, and the availability of nearby charging infrastructure. Additionally, analyse traffic patterns and peak hours to determine the best locations for charger installation. This helps in deciding the number and type of chargers needed to meet both current and future demands, ensuring you are neither under- nor over-provisioned.
Choose the Right Charger Types
Selecting the appropriate chargers for your carpark is crucial for meeting user needs and optimising costs. EV chargers come in three main types:
Level 1 Chargers: These use standard 120-volt outlets and are the slowest option, best suited for overnight charging.
Level 2 Chargers: These require a 240-volt outlet and offer a moderate charging speed, making them ideal for carparks where vehicles are parked for several hours.
Level 3 Chargers (DC Fast Chargers): These provide the fastest charging speeds but are more expensive to install and operate. They are suitable for locations where drivers need a quick charge, such as rest stops or shopping centres.
A mix of Level 2 and a few Level 3 chargers can cater to a variety of user needs while balancing installation and operational costs.
Implement a User-Friendly Payment System
A seamless and user-friendly payment system is essential for enhancing the charging experience. Offering multiple payment options, such as credit/debit cards, mobile payment apps, and RFID cards, ensures accessibility for all users. Additionally, transparent pricing with clear instructions on how to use the payment system helps in avoiding confusion and dissatisfaction. Consider integrating a loyalty program to encourage repeat usage and foster customer loyalty.
Ensure Regular Maintenance and Upkeep
Regular maintenance is vital to keep EV chargers in good working condition and to prevent downtime. Develop a maintenance schedule that includes routine inspections, software updates, and prompt repairs of any issues. Partnering with a reliable service provider can ensure quick response times for technical problems, minimising disruptions for users. Preventive maintenance can also extend the lifespan of the equipment and reduce long-term costs.
Monitor Usage and Performance
Utilising a management software platform to monitor the usage and performance of your EV chargers can provide valuable insights. Such platforms can track charging sessions, energy consumption, and peak usage times. Analysing this data helps in optimising charger placement, identifying maintenance needs, and planning for future expansions. Real-time monitoring can also alert you to any issues that need immediate attention, improving overall reliability.
Optimise Charger Placement
Strategic placement of EV chargers within your carpark is crucial for maximising accessibility and visibility. Place chargers in high-traffic areas, such as near entrances, exits, or popular sections of the carpark. Ensure there is adequate signage to guide users to the charging stations. Consider factors like safety, lighting, and shelter to enhance the user experience, especially in adverse weather conditions. Reserved parking spots for EVs can also encourage responsible usage and prevent conventional vehicles from occupying charging spaces.
Provide Clear and Accessible Information
Clear and accessible information is essential for a positive user experience. Display detailed usage instructions, pricing information, and contact details for support at each charging station. Real-time updates on charger availability can be provided via a mobile app or website, helping users plan their charging sessions more efficiently. Additionally, providing information on charging etiquette and the environmental benefits of EVs can foster a sense of community and responsible behaviour among users.
Encourage Responsible Usage
Promoting responsible usage of EV chargers ensures fair access for all users and maximises the utility of the charging infrastructure. Set clear policies and guidelines, such as time limits or idle fees, to prevent charger hogging. Encourage users to move their vehicles once charging is complete, making space for others. Educating users about these policies through signage and digital communications can help maintain order and fairness.
Promote Sustainability and Green Energy
Aligning your EV charging operations with sustainability goals can enhance your brand image and attract environmentally conscious users. Source electricity from renewable energy providers to power your chargers. Highlighting the use of green energy can be a significant selling point. Additionally, installing solar panels or other renewable energy sources at your carpark can offset the energy consumption of the chargers and reduce overall operational costs.
Engage with Users and Gather Feedback
Engaging with your users and gathering feedback is crucial for continuous improvement. Conduct surveys, provide a feedback portal, and actively listen to user suggestions and concerns. Regularly updating your services based on user feedback can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty. Creating a community around your EV charging operations can also foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among users, leading to better maintenance and usage.
Effective management of carpark EV charger operations requires a strategic approach that balances user needs, operational efficiency, and sustainability. By implementing these ten best practices, you can ensure a positive charging experience for your users, promote the adoption of electric vehicles, and maximise the return on your investment in EV charging infrastructure. As the demand for EVs continues to grow, staying proactive and adaptable will be key to successfully managing your carpark EV chargers.
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limoservicedc · 28 days
Unlocking Luxury on a Budget with Cheap Limo Service in DC
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Are you dreaming of cruising through the vibrant streets of Washington DC in style, but worried about breaking the bank? Say goodbye to your budget woes and hello to affordable luxury with our Cheap Limo Service DC! Our mission is to provide top-notch transportation solutions without compromising on quality or style.
Why Choose Cheap Limo Service DC?
Unbeatable Affordability: We understand the importance of sticking to a budget without sacrificing your desire for luxury. Our rates are tailored to fit various budgets, ensuring that everyone can experience the elegance of a limousine ride or Party Bus DC ride without financial strain.
Diverse Fleet Options: Whether you're planning a night out with friends, a corporate event, or a special occasion like a wedding or prom, we have the perfect vehicle to suit your needs. From sleek sedans to spacious party buses, our diverse fleet ensures that you travel in comfort and style, no matter the occasion.
Professionalism at Its Finest: When you choose our Limo Service DC Company, you can expect nothing less than professionalism at every step of the journey. Our experienced chauffeurs are not only skilled drivers but also courteous and attentive professionals who prioritize your safety and satisfaction.
Convenience Redefined: Planning your transportation shouldn't be a hassle. With our easy booking process and flexible scheduling options, arranging your ride with our Cheap Limo Service DC is a breeze. Simply give us a call at (202) 765-2350, and let us take care of the rest.
Experience Luxury Beyond Expectations
We believe that luxury should be accessible to everyone. That's why we're committed to delivering exceptional service at prices that won't break the bank. Whether you're looking to impress your clients with a private car service Washington DC, celebrate a special occasion with a stylish limousine, or party the night away in a spacious party bus, we've got you covered.
So why wait? Experience the ultimate combination of affordability, luxury, and convenience with Limo Service DC. Contact us today at (202) 765-2350 to book your ride and elevate your transportation experience to new heights!
SOURCE: https://limoservicedc1.blogspot.com/2024/05/Unlocking-Luxury-on-a-Budget-with-Cheap-Limo-Service-in-DC.html
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dccarserviceandlimo · 19 days
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Affordable DC Car Service Need reliable transportation in DC? Look no further! Enjoy affordable rates and top-notch service with Car Service DC. Call (202) 888-7833 or visit https://tinyurl.com/3sr9hxmp to book your ride today! #AffordableDCCarService #CheapCarServiceNearMe #CheapTownCarServiceDC #WashingtonDCCarService #DCCarService #CarServiceDC
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levesquepaul · 1 month
Energize Your Drive: Exploring EV Charger Options in Coventry
Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly transforming the automotive industry, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. As the adoption of EVs continues to increase, the availability of charging infrastructure becomes paramount. Coventry, like many cities worldwide, is witnessing a surge in demand for EV charger options. This article delves into the various EV charger options available in Coventry, providing insights into the types of chargers, their benefits, and considerations for EV owners.
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The Importance of EV Chargers in Coventry
With the UK government's ambitious goal to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030, the need for EV chargers in Coventry has never been more critical. EV chargers serve as the lifeline for EV owners, providing them with the ability to recharge their vehicles conveniently and reliably. Accessible charging infrastructure encourages more people to transition to electric vehicles, thereby reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental sustainability.
Types of EV Chargers
In Coventry, EV owners have access to various types of chargers to suit their needs. The most common types of EV chargers include:
Home Chargers: Home chargers, also known as domestic chargers, are installed at residential properties, allowing EV owners to charge their vehicles overnight. These chargers typically utilize a standard household socket or a dedicated charging unit installed by a qualified electrician. Home chargers offer convenience and cost savings, as EV owners can take advantage of off-peak electricity rates.
Public Chargers: Public charging infrastructure in Coventry includes a network of chargers located in public spaces such as shopping centers, car parks, and service stations. These chargers are accessible to EV owners on the go and provide rapid charging options to minimize downtime. Public chargers may include Level 2 chargers, which offer moderate charging speeds, and Level 3 DC fast chargers, which can charge an EV battery to 80% capacity in a matter of minutes.
Workplace Chargers: Many workplaces in Coventry are installing EV chargers in their parking facilities to support employees who drive electric vehicles. Workplace chargers enable EV owners to charge their vehicles while they work, eliminating the need for additional charging stops during the day. Employers may offer incentives or subsidies to encourage employees to switch to electric vehicles and utilize workplace charging facilities.
Considerations for EV Owners
Before selecting an EV charger in Coventry, there are several factors that EV owners should consider:
Charging Speed: Different types of chargers offer varying charging speeds, ranging from slow to rapid. EV owners should assess their driving habits and charging needs to determine the most suitable charger for their lifestyle.
Charging Location: The location of the charger is crucial for convenience and accessibility. Home chargers should be installed in a convenient spot near the parking area, while public chargers should be strategically located in high-traffic areas for maximum accessibility.
Cost: EV charger installation costs and charging tariffs may vary depending on the provider. EV owners should compare pricing options and consider any incentives or discounts available for installing home chargers or using public charging networks.
As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, the availability of EV chargers in Coventry plays a vital role in supporting the transition to sustainable transportation. Home chargers, public chargers, and workplace chargers offer EV owners a range of options to conveniently recharge their vehicles while minimizing environmental impact.
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qocsuing · 2 months
Electric Car Charging Points: A Comprehensive Guide
Electric Car Charging Points: A Comprehensive Guide Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits and cost savings. To keep these EVs charged, a robust network of charging points is essential. Let’s explore the different types of charging points available in the UK.Get more news about charging point for electric car,you can vist our website!
1. Slow Charging Points Rating: Up to 3kW Use: Mainly for overnight charging at home or the workplace Charging Time: Approximately 8-10 hours for a full charge Slow charging points are ideal for EV owners who can leave their cars plugged in overnight. They provide a convenient way to charge your vehicle while you sleep or work.
2. Fast Charging Points Rating: Either 7kW or 22kW Locations: Car parks, supermarkets, leisure centers, and other public areas Charging Time: Approximately 3-4 hours for a full charge Fast charging points are more powerful than slow ones and are commonly found in public spaces. They allow you to top up your EV’s battery during shorter stops, such as while shopping or running errands.
3. Rapid Charging Points Rating: 50kW or higher (DC fast charging) Locations: Motorway service stations and major routes Charging Time: Around 30 minutes for an 80% charge Rapid charging points are perfect for long journeys. They provide a quick boost to your EV’s battery, allowing you to continue your trip without significant delays.
Finding Charging Points Several tools and apps help EV drivers locate charging points. In the UK, Zapmap is a popular platform that provides a comprehensive map of electric car charging points. With Zapmap, you can search for nearby charging stations, filter by type, and plan your electric routes1.
Remember to check the availability of charging points before you set off on a journey. As the EV infrastructure continues to grow, finding a charging point should become even more convenient.
In summary, a well-developed network of charging points ensures that electric car owners can charge their vehicles conveniently and efficiently. Whether you’re at home, work, or on the road, there’s a charging point waiting for you!
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advantagefinancialfcu · 2 months
The best bank for mortgages: the Credit Union NOMA
We at Credit Union NOMA known for our best mortgage services in Washington, DC. We help people by providing the best loan services among the other banks in the city. We, the credit unions, have helped people since the 17th century by providing various types of loan services at affordable interest rates with flexible eligibility. We are a non-profit organization that not only makes clients but also joins people as members of our union. Where one member’s investment becomes the aid for another member who needs a particular loan on an urgent basis without facing any trouble with lengthy paperwork or strict traditional banking rules. 
Finding the best bank in Washington, DC, can be very challenging or time-consuming for an individual if one has a lack of knowledge about the banks. To gain knowledge about banks, one should understand the difference between traditional banks and credit union institutions.
Traditional Banks
Provide a high interest rate.
Strict eligibility loan rules
Limited loan services
Make clients, not members.
Worldwide reach or branches in the world. 
Credit Union Institutions: 
Member-centered institution.
Flexible access rules and paperwork
Various loan services for members
Join as members, not as clients.
A new approach and idea to make loan access easy.
Limited reach globally.
The Types of Loan Services We Provide to the People
Personal or home loans: These loans are borrowed for personal purposes, such as home loans and loans for study purposes. We try to provide these loans as low as possible with a 5-year term limit. 
Loans for businesses: Our institution provides the best affordable business loans in the market in comparison to others with the lowest interest rates. 
Automobile Loan Services: These loans are for automobiles, such as car and bike loans. 
Mortgage Loan Services: Mortgage loans are conventional loans that do not take any responsibility regarding stability and are private entities mostly used by the local people of the city.
In conclusion: 
Our institution is best known for our mortgages in Washington, DC. These loans consist of many factors, such as being based on non-government entities, being accessed at a very lower rate, being much more flexible than the other loans, and being strict in rules and regulations. Card facilities are also available, so you can easily become a member under the union credit. This is the best loan service for the local people of Washington, DC.
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BLUETTI AC200P 2000Wh Portable Power Station: A Reliable Backup
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BLUETTI AC200P 2000Wh Portable Power Station is a high-capacity power station equipped with advanced features for reliable backup power. With a rating of 4.3 out of 5 from over 1,100 reviews, this portable power station has garnered attention for its impressive performance. I recently acquired the AC200P and have been thoroughly impressed with its capabilities. The efficient recharging rate, versatile outlets, and robust construction have all exceeded my expectations. I particularly appreciate its ability to power a variety of devices, making it an essential companion for outdoor activities and emergencies. Despite its weight, the AC200P's functionality and customer service support have made it a valuable addition to my setup. BLUETTI AC200P 2000Wh: Power Capacity and Versatility Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The BLUETTI Portable Power Station AC200P, a true powerhouse with its impressive 2000Wh capacity and powerful 2000W inverter, can confidently support 99% of home devices during emergencies. This makes it a reliable power backup solution for various situations, providing peace of mind and essential power supply when needed. The unit's LiFePO4 battery cells and advanced BMS technology ensure long-lasting performance, offering over 3500 life cycles to 80% capacity, making it a durable investment that can serve you for years to come. Efficient Recharging and Multiple Ports Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon With an efficient recharging rate, the AC200P supports up to 700W solar and 500W AC input for speedy recharges. With the ability to fully recharge in just 2.5 hours through solar+AC or dual AC charging, this power station ensures you can quickly top up its power reserves for uninterrupted use. Additionally, the unit features 13 versatile outlets, including 2 AC ports, standard USB-A/Type-C/Car ports, and 2 wireless charging pads, catering to a wide range of power needs. The 12V/25A DC port also enables powering DIY projects or essential tools. BLUETTI AC200P 2000Wh: User-Friendly Design and Accessories Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Everything you need to start using the BLUETTI AC200P right away is included in the package. Along with the power station itself, the package includes an AC adapter, Solar/Car charging cable, XT90-aviation cable, user manual, and a generous 48-month warranty for added peace of mind. The user-friendly design and comprehensive accessories make it easy to set up and operate the power station, ensuring a seamless experience for both new and experienced users. BLUETTI AC200P 2000Wh: Real-World User Experiences Credit - Amazon.com   Diverse experiences with the BLUETTI AC200P are highlighted in user reviews. While some customers express satisfaction with the product meeting their expectations and functioning as described, others raise concerns about issues such as faulty units or difficulties with customer service. Despite some challenges, many users appreciate the power and reliability of the AC200P, showcasing its ability to meet various power needs in different scenarios. The product's performance in real-world situations, from camping trips to emergency power backup, resonates with users looking for a versatile and robust power solution. Read also: - ALLPOWERS Portable Power Station: Versatile and Powerful Backup Battery - SinKeu Portable Power Station: Versatile and Reliable Solution for Power Needs - BEAUDENS Portable Power Station - Your Reliable Outdoor Power Solution - CTECHi Portable Power Station - Reliable and Versatile Outdoor Solar Generator Conclusion In conclusion, the BLUETTI AC200P Portable Power Station has proven to be a solid investment for reliable power on-the-go. While some users have faced minor issues, the overall performance and features of the AC200P make it a worthwhile purchase. With its impressive power capacity and versatile charging options, this portable power station is a top contender in its category. Questions & Answers: Question: How long does it take to fully recharge the BLUETTI Portable Power Station AC200P? Answer: The AC200P can be fully recharged in 2.5 hours using solar+AC or dual AC charging, thanks to its efficient recharging rate supporting up to 700W solar and 500W AC input. Question: Are there any reported issues with the BLUETTI Portable Power Station AC200P? Answer: Some users have reported faults with faulty units, including charging issues and wireless charging problems, which have affected their overall satisfaction with the product. Question: Is the BLUETTI Portable Power Station AC200P suitable for portable use? Answer: While the AC200P is designed for portable power needs, it may not be as easily portable as expected due to its weight, requiring two fit individuals to move it comfortably. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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