mel-rhodes-place · 1 year
President Macron. Urban riots in France. (https://freewestmedia.com/2018/11/25/arabic-now-offered-to-six-year-olds-in-french-schools/) Last week, France had night after night of rioting in cities right across the country.   The riots overflowed into some other countries, (Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden were just three of the other nations impacted by this).  The immediate cause of the riots was…
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gertewenungar · 2 years
Größenwahn: Politikberater fordert Ausweitung der Konfrontation mit Russland
Größenwahn: Politikberater fordert Ausweitung der Konfrontation mit Russland
Mit seinen Empfehlungen für eine neue Ostpolitik bereitet der Politologe Stefan Meister Deutschland den Weg in die Isolation, die Verelendung und den Krieg. Die Bundesregierung wird seinen Vorschlägen voraussichtlich dennoch folgen. Von Gert Ewen Ungar Wer erfahren möchte, in welche Richtung sich die deutsche Außenpolitik entwickelt, sollte die Seite der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige…
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mariacallous · 9 months
European intelligence suggests that Russia may launch an attack on Europe during the winter of 2024-2025 if the United States finds itself "without a leader" following the 2024 U.S. presidential election, the German tabloid Bild reported on Dec. 23, citing an anonymous European intelligence source.
The intelligence service source contends that a potential Russian strike on Europe could occur within the presidential transitionary period, contingent on President Joe Biden not securing re-election in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. This transition period spans three months, from the November 2024 U.S. presidential election to the subsequent inauguration in January 2025.
According to the intelligence source, Russia may aim to launch an attack on Europe during this transition, especially if the leading Republican candidate, former President Donald Trump, is re-elected. Assistance to European countries is anticipated to follow, albeit with some delay.
Throughout his campaign for the presidency, former President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized the level of aid President Joe Biden's administration provides to Kyiv. President Volodymyr Zelensky has also previously warned that the result of the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election can "very strongly" influence the course of Russia's war against Ukraine.
The German think tank DGAP has issued prior warnings to Western nations, suggesting that Russia might launch a direct attack against NATO in "as little as six to 10 years." While Poland's national security agency has expressed a more urgent concern, estimating that Russia could potentially attack NATO in less than 36 months.
Polish officials have previously suggested that Russia might target a NATO alliance member in Eastern Europe, including countries such as Poland, Estonia, Romania, and Lithuania.
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zeroz2ro · 1 year
Rácz András: Norvég földrengéskutatók igazolták, hogy az oroszok robbantották fel a Nova Kahovka-i gátat
“Norvég földrengéskutatók adataiból az látszik, hogy jelentős szeizmikus mozgás volt a Nova Kahovka-i vízerőműnél, amikor kedd hajnalban átszakadt a Dnyeper folyón lévő gát. A robbanás 1 és 2 közötti erősségű földmozgásnak felelt meg. Ez egyben kizárja azt a lehetőséget is, hogy az ukrán tüzérség pusztította volna el a gátat, ugyanis nincs olyan ukrán tüzérségi rendszer, ami ilyen szeizmikus eltérést tudna kiváltani” – írja csütörtök esti Facebook-bejegyzésében Rácz András Oroszország-szakértő, a Német Külpolitikai Társaság (DGAP) munkatársa.
„A hirtelen szeizmikus kilengés azt a teóriát is kizárja, hogy a gát fokozatosan, magától omlott volna össze. Opcióként tehát egyedül az maradt, amit eredetileg is sejtettünk, és amire az indirekt jelek utaltak: a gátat uraló oroszok robbantották fel a létesítményt”
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The #British Academy: International funding opportunities
Global Innovation Fellowships: the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) 2024 The Global Innovation Fellowships with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is closing on 25 September. Apply now to bridge academia and policy. FIND OUT MORE ODA Research Management Capacity Strengthening The ODA Research Management Capacity Strengthening call closes on 30 October. Apply to enhance and…
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fondsinformation · 10 months
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korrektheiten · 10 months
DGAP – eine unerträgliche Lobbyorganisation, …
NachDenkSeiten: »… besonders unerträglich, weil wir sie als Steuerzahler mitfinanzieren. – Vor kurzem erschien in einer Nachrichtensendung des Fernsehens mal wieder einer dieser Experten, die präsentiert werden, um eine Meinung (angeblich) fundiert weiter zu verbreiten. Es ging um mehr Geld fürs Militär und der zitierte Experte war Christian Mölling von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik.Weiterlesen http://dlvr.it/SzWrx2 «
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starafterdeath · 10 months
Big Brother is watching you.
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zimmerberg · 10 months
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rhoenblick · 10 months
Den nächsten Krieg verhindern | DGAP
Russland stellt durch seine imperialen Ambitionen die größte und dringendste Bedrohung für die NATO-Staaten dar. Nach dem Ende der intensiven Kämpfe in der Ukraine wird Moskau sechs bis zehn Jahre benötigen, um seine Streitkräfte wieder aufzubauen. Innerhalb dieser Frist müssen Deutschland und die NATO ihre Streitkräfte zur Abschreckung und notfalls zum Kampf gegen Russland befähigen. Nur so…
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gertewenungar · 2 years
Ein Russland-Bild fernab der Realität – Politikberatung auf propagandistischem Niveau
In einem Beitrag, der zunächst in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung erschien, zeichnet der deutsche Politologe Stefan Meister ein Russland-Bild, das den Fakten widerspricht. Das Problem: Als Mitarbeiter der DGAP berät er auf dieser Grundlage die deutsche Politik. Das muss schiefgehen. Von Gert Ewen Ungar Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) ist einer der einflussreichsten deutschen…
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] Військовий експерт Німецького товариства зовнішньої політики (DGAP) Крістіан Мьоллінгг назвав умову успіху наступу ЗСУ — подолання першої лінії російської оборони. До речі, за словами заступниці міністра оборони України Ганни Маляр, підрозділи Сил оборони її вже подекуди прорвали, але стикаються з шаленим опором ворога. Як пише «Німецька хвиля», Крістіан Мьоллінгг висловив думку, що частинам ЗСУ достатньо просунуться до ліній постачання на залізниці та траси у напрямку Мелітополя — в цьому випадку вся територія до Азовського моря опиниться в зоні досяжності української артилерії та реактивних систем залпового вогню. Якщо це станеться, великий прорив російської оборони та велика битва може і не знадобитися — достатньо домогтися, щоб війська рф більше не могли утримувати позиції на півдні. «Тоді їм доведеться відступити», — додав військовий експерт. На його думку, Силам оборони Україні потрібно надати ще більше всіх видів західних озброєнь, у тому числі й засобів протиповітряної оборони, техніки для розмінування, а також боєприпасів. Також ЗСУ потребують ракет більшої дальності. Крістіан Мьоллінгг закликав Німеччину передати Україні крилаті ракети Taurus, назвавши «маячнею» твердження, що ця поставка може призвести до ескалації. Адже раніше Великобританія та Франція вже передали Україні схожі ракети. Військовий експерт додав, що уряд ФРН має скласти план дій, що враховує потреби ЗСУ на пів року наперед. Адже, на його думку, досі Німеччина завжди реагувала надто пізно. Раніше Мьоллінгг зазначав, що війна в Україні вступає в нову фазу. За його словами, Україна намагається прорвати лінії оборони в двох точках на півдні, відбуваються також важкі українські атаки на Бахмут, який має велике символічне значення для путіна. Фото зі сторінки Генштабу ЗСУ 22 Читайте нас у Facebook та Instagram [ad_2]
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news247worldpressposts · 10 months
#Breaking: #Poland's national security agency estimates that #Russia could #attack #NATO in less than 36 months, the head of the country's #NationalSecurityBureau said
Poland’s national security agency estimates that Russia could attack NATO in less than 36 months, the head of the country’s National Security Bureau said in an interview with Polish media outlet Nasz Dziennik on Dec. 2. The national security agency’s prediction comes in response to a report published by German think tank DGAP, warning Western nations that Russia may launch a direct attack against…
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inprimalinie · 1 year
Societatea Germană pentru Politică Externă, nemulțumită de bugetul militar al țării
DGAP – Societatea Germană pentru Politică Externă – a analizat bugetul militar al Republicii Federale Germania pentru 2024 și nu a fost mulțumită. Georgiana Arsene ✔️ Bugetul militar pentru 2024 a fost majorat cu 1,7 miliarde de euro, ajungând la 51,8 miliarde de euro. Cheltuielile totale de apărare ale Germaniei pentru anul viitor sunt compuse din bugetul militar (51,8 miliarde de euro),…
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mariacallous · 1 year
A combination of enabling energy markets to continue operating, supply adjustments and EU integration allowed the continent to survive the winter without serious harm, though it is too early to say whether the energy crisis is over, according to speakers at the “Time to Decide Europe Summit”, a one-day conference co-organised by ERSTE Foundation and the Institute for Human Sciences.
“Let me close on a cautionary note: we’re not necessarily out of the woods in Europe or globally [in terms of the energy crisis],” Mary Warlick, deputy executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), said on Tuesday.
Prior to the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the EU was buying around 50 per cent of Russia’s oil exports and over 60 per cent of its gas exports. The invasion sent energy markets into turmoil as Russia weaponised its energy exports, causing oil and gas prices to spike. But measures to mitigate the crisis, such as buying more liquefied natural gas (LNG), have reduced Russia’s pipeline flows to Europe by 80 per cent from pre-invasion levels and lowered prices to pre-invasion levels.
Yet speakers on a panel looking at the economy, energy and environment listed several uncertainties that it is important to keep an eye on, including the prospect of a complete cessation of piped gas from Russia to the EU, the continued strong economic recovery in China and higher demand for LNG imports.
“We’re anticipating as we look ahead to this winter that global gas supplies will likely remain tight, global LNG supply growth which Europe benefited from won’t be enough to offset the expected drop in pipeline gas deliveries, and global gas demand elsewhere in the world is also growing in places like Asia,” Warlick said.
To overcome prospective challenges that could lie ahead, speakers said the solution is to continue to accelerate investments into renewables and the clean energy economy. According to the IEA, the amount of renewable power capacity added worldwide rose by about a quarter in 2022; global electric car sales leapt by close to 60 per cent; investments in energy efficiency jumped; installations of heat pumps surged, especially in Europe; and nuclear power is making a strong comeback.
Guntram Wolff, CEO of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), told delegates that Russia still managed to make huge profits from its hydrocarbon exports last year, a result of “failed sanctions policy”.
While the plunge in piped gas exports to Europe should hit Gazprom hard this year as it cannot be easily sold elsewhere – experts estimate lost European sales could halve the export revenues of Russian energy giant Gazprom in 2023 – oil is a different matter.
Although the EU’s dual price cap for Russian oil products introduced in February is starting to have an effect, with Russia’s revenues in the first quarter of this year falling by a third, Russia is still earning significant amounts of money from these exports and there is the danger that the effect of the cap will be watered down.
“Russia sells the oil to India and China, which is what the price cap was designed to do… but we need to start using financial sanctions to tighten the effectiveness of the price cap to make sure that profits are minimised,” said Wolff.
The Financial Times on Tuesday quoted Josep Borrell, the EU’s high representative for foreign policy, as saying that the European Commission is aware of Indian refiners buying large volumes of Russian crude oil before processing it into fuels for sale in Europe, and the EU should move to stop this happening.
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newnoticiasjk · 2 years
Detento oferece R$ 100 mil para tentar subornar policial penal: 'Vamos ganhar um dinheiro juntos?' #bolhaedu… https://t.co/fcQUTZ2gro
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Mensagem foi entregue por meio de um bilhete, segundo a DGAP. Preso que já cumpria pena por receptação também deve responder por calúnia e corrupção ativa. Bilhete escrito à mão pelo detento e entregue ao policial Divulgação/DGAP Um detento de 26 anos foi penalizado suspeito de oferecer R$ 100 mil para subornar um policial penal, no Complexo Prisional de Aparecida de Goiânia (CPP), na Região Metropolitana da Capital. Segundo a Diretoria-Geral de Administração Penitenciária (DGAP), o jovem que cumpre pena por receptação, recebeu voz de prisão por corrupção ativa e calúnia, podendo sofrer sanções disciplinares internas. Compartilhe no WhatsApp Compartilhe no Telegram Como o nome do preso não foi divulgado, o g1 não conseguiu localizar a defesa dele para que se posicionasse até a última atualização desta matéria. LEIA TAMBÉM Mãe é presa suspeita de levar biscoitos de polvilho recheados com droga para filho preso, em Rubiataba Grupo é preso suspeito de usar drone para arremessar drogas dentro do Complexo Prisional de Aparecida de Goiânia Mãe é presa suspeita de tentar entregar biscoitos recheados com drogas para filho detido em presídio de Aparecida de Goiânia O órgão afirmou que o detento tentou subornar o policial, de 45 anos, na terça-feira (7), por meio de uma carta escrita à mão, a fim de conseguir aparelhos celulares no bloco 4. O funcionário, conforme DGAP, foi chamado pelo custodiado, que entregou a carta e disse que pagaria a bagatela pelo "trabalho". “Vamos ganhar um dinheiro juntos? É só o senhor falar a forma que o senhor faz acontecer, que nos organiza. Dá uma atenção”, diz trecho do recado escrito pelo homem. Ao ler o conteúdo do texto, de acordo com a DGAP, o servidor deu voz de prisão ao custodiado e encaminhou o crime à supervisão de segurança da unidade prisional. Durante o procedimento, o policial foi xingado pelo detento. O órgão explicou que o preso foi levado à Delegacia de Polícia Civil de Aparecida de Goiânia para lavratura do flagrante, e posteriormente, voltou à CPP. Veja outras notícias da região no g1 Goiás. VÍDEOS: últimas notícias de Goiás
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