#Council on Foreign Relations
ireton · 30 days
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reality-detective · 1 year
2013 - “An Invisible Empire”
You Decide 🤔
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lasseling · 6 months
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Very concerning
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ophilosoraptoro · 2 months
IS THIS WHAT"S REALLY GOING ON AT HARVARD? The secret links between deep politics and the Ivy League
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msclaritea · 2 months
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NOV. 11, 2021
"Method acting is a Hollywood tradition that’s netted many an Oscar and irritated thousands of coworkers, but it’s likely never been this stinky before. For The Power of the Dog, the new Netflix psychological-thriller-meets-cowboy-romance, Benedict Cumberbatch joins the unwashed ranks of celebrities like Jake Gyllenhaal and Ashton Kutcher. To stay fully in character, the actor didn’t shower for six days.
It was a choice wholly encouraged by Oscar-winning director and writer Jane Campion.."
"The Clooney family connections to Washington and politics at the highest level is nothing new. Fun fact, his maternal great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Ann Sparrow, was the half-sister of Nancy Lincoln, mother of, you guessed it, Abraham Lincoln.
Not only is Clooney related to Washington royalty, he’s not the first person in his family to make it big in entertainment.
Cabaret singer and actress Rosemary Clooney was George Clooney’s aunt, the sister of his father Nick Clooney. George’s other aunt, Betty Clooney, was also a famous singer in the 1950’s. And yet another famous singer, “You Light Up My Life” singer Debby Boone, is George’s cousin. Recall that his father was a gameshow and TV host and it almost starts to seem as if being from certain families makes it a lot easier to break into Hollywood.
Clooney was raised a strict Roman Catholic and attended Catholic schools where he served as an altar boy from the time he was young. By middle school Clooney had developed Bell’s Palsy, a type of facial paralysis. Bell’s Palsy is rare in adolescents, as it’s most commonly linked to sexually transmitted herpes and extreme stress. It’s worth noting that Clooney’s fellow United Nations and Council on Foreign Relations pal Angelia Jolie has also long struggled with Bell’s Palsy. In Clooney’s case, what with the rampant systemic child sex abuse we are learning has gone on for decades in the Catholic church and the connection between Hollywood, child sex abuse and Hollywood-linked military programs such as MK Ultra (recall Clooney’s father’s military ties), his having Bell’s Palsy as a child is certainly an interesting side note....Clooney studied acting with leading Scientologist Milton Katselas at his Beverly Hills Playhouse for 5 years, from 1982-1987.
In the book co-authored by the now-deceased-under-extremely-mysterious-circumstances Andrew Breitbart, Hollywood, Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon — The Case Against Celebrity, Milton Katselas is discussed at length. As well as Scientology in general and it’s connection to Hollywood.
'Here’s the cliff’s notes: Think of Scientology’s presence in Hollywood as an intelligence dragnet to identify those who will trade compromising secrets for power and influence.'
One of the very top lieutenants of that intelligence operation, for decades, was Milton Katselas.
July 15, 2007, New York Times, ‘The Actualizer’: “Students have left Katselas’s school, the Beverly Hills Playhouse, because of the pressure they felt to join the Church of Scientology… they could not ignore how many of their classmates and teachers were Scientologists … and the assorted weirdness..."
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187days · 7 months
Day One Hundred Nine
It snowed this morning, so, of course, our students were annoyed that they didn't have a two-hour delay. That, coupled with the fact that it's Friday before vacation, did a number on attendance. But! My APGOV students have recovered from Covid, so that class was actually fuller than it's been all week!
Students returned just in time for a lesson on how a bill becomes a law (or not). I gave them a series of questions, and taped the answers up around the room, so they had to physically follow the bill's path. It's something a bit different, it's always worked well in the past, and today it was great, too. After we discussed the answers, I had students do some research on some of the most important laws in US history and share what they found out.
Meantime, my Global Studies students had to finish the work they started yesterday on World 101. Most of them did fine, and I'm generally happy about how this assignment went. I just have a couple students who are totally apathetic, and I haven't figured out why, and it's sad. I can't imagine what's going on in their minds. I just have to keep trying to reach them, and maybe I won't- every teacher has to accept that they won't reach everybody- but I have to keep trying anyhow.
But first? I get a week off. It's February vacation!!!!
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jobkash · 1 month
Internship, Foreign Affairs, Editorial, Fall 2024
Overview:All who are selected to participate in CFR’s Blavatnik Internship Program and Robina Franklin Williams Internship Program receive training in the field of foreign policy and international affairs as well as skills training in writing, research, program planning and much more.Foreign Affairs magazine has an internship opening in the Editorial Department. The intern will have the unique…
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arlengrossman · 4 months
America's Remarkable Election Denial
By Arlen Grossman Published at DailyKos.com May 29, 2024 “When Fascism came into power, most people were unprepared, both theoretically and practically. They were unable to believe that man could exhibit such propensities for evil, such lust for power, such disregard for the rights of the weak, or such yearning for submission. Only a few had been aware of the rumbling of the volcano preceding…
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
The Council on Foreign Relations and other notions
Dr Daniel Estulin, best-selling author delves into power politics. A good ABC for those who would otherwise tune this stuff out.
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unita2org · 10 months
Biden padre e figlio l’ANTIDIPLOMATICO 06 Dicembre 2023 07:11 Scandalo Burisma: pestato in carcere un testimone chiave delle interferenze di Biden sul regime di Kiev di Clara Statello per l’AntiDiplomatico E’ stato pestato in carcere Aleksandr Dubinsky, parlamentare della Verkhovna Rada, legato all’oligarca Kolomoisky. Era stato arrestato perché testimone scomodo nel caso Shokin, che fa…
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xtruss · 10 days
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plitnick · 1 year
Leading liberal Zionist voices call for ending U.S. aid to Israel
Over the weekend, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote a column that needs to be circulated to every office in Congress. In it, citing ex-U.S. government officials, including two former ambassadors to Israel, Kristof proposed that the united stop its annual aid package to Israel. Not condition the aid, but stop it, fully, albeit gradually. There are a number of flaws in his reasoning…
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mel-rhodes-place · 1 year
President Macron. Urban riots in France. (https://freewestmedia.com/2018/11/25/arabic-now-offered-to-six-year-olds-in-french-schools/) Last week, France had night after night of rioting in cities right across the country.   The riots overflowed into some other countries, (Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden were just three of the other nations impacted by this).  The immediate cause of the riots was…
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187days · 7 months
Day One Hundred Eight
Last month I attended a webinar about the instructional tools put out by the Council On Foreign Relations, and it ended up being a really good one (not every professional development opportunity is). I ended up poking around their World101 site, in particular, to see what I could use in Global Studies. And then I wrote the plan for the lesson I taught today.
My students and I had been connecting some historical dots to explain the conflict cluster in central Africa (DRC, CAR, South Sudan) and the influence of the LRA on the region. We went back to colonialism, the World Wars, and the Cold War to connect dots and understand why the current situation is the way it is. And I've been making the point that most current situations lead back to those same events (at least one of them, if not all of them), so I'm going to prove it by having them each read a book (I have shelves full of options) about a current situation once we come back from February break.
I had them choose their books last class so that we could do a prep lesson today and tomorrow (it's meant to take two days). Students have to go on World101, read the modern history section of the profile of the region where their book is set, and answer some questions for me. That's giving them some general background knowledge that will be helpful to them as they read. And it's going really well. Like, with very few exceptions, students dove into their work.
So that's a win.
Meantime, my APGOV class remains decimated by Covid, but the students who're healthy discussed Baker v. Carr and Shaw v. Reno with me, examined some of the worst examples of gerrymandering today, and read an article about the legislative branch (pivoting from elections to the role of the people elected). On a tangent, I also put on SchoolHouse Rock's "I'm Just a Bill" just as one of our hall monitors walked by, and he started singing along. Also, one of the sections in the article they were reading mentioned the franking privilege, and one of my students wondered how useful that was nowadays with everything being online.
A typical teacher would've said that's a great question, but probably wouldn't have had an answer. I didn't have an answer either, but- as longtime readers know- this APGOV class has many friends who hold office, so I texted one of the congressmen whose visited us to ask how often he uses the franking privilege. He texted back to say he'd check with his staff, so we don't have an answer yet. Still, it's fun asking- really, it's fun just being able to ask.
There's still a lot of challenging stuff happening, but in my little classroom things were good today!
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kramlabs · 2 years
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