#DILF Finn tho
ladyelainehilfur · 1 year
Episode 6 of Fionna and Cake smacked, I WILL be watching it again
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pendragaryen · 2 years
The 100 rewatch 2023 S1 E3
Episode “Earth Kills”  
A word in advance: I always loved and appreciated the way they were playing around with the episode titles back then. Sadly it completely got lost in the translation into german. There the 2nd and 3rd (”Earth Skills” and “Earth Kills”) episodes titles are: “Wir sind nicht allein” which basically means “We’re not alone” and “Wozu man Freunde hat” which can be translated to “What friends are for”... See? The initial meaning got totally lost here. It’s frustrating. Therefore i’m only watching in english language. (The german voice actors aren’t the best either... so... it wasn’t a hard choice for me in the first place...) This just as a little info before i begin. ;) Now here i go, my Earth Kills-live rewatch is about to start!
“Previously on The 1OO...” Oh Bob’s voice! NICEEE!
Awww... Flashback to happier days on the ark. The Wells- and Griffin-families are watching an old football match together. Also: MEET PAPA-GRIFFIN! Maybe it’s bc i’m getting older but... he’s quite the DILF isn’t he?! Haha... sorry... hormones..
Earth, now: Jasper is in so much pain. He’s screaming... Meanwhile little Charlotte is screaming too. She’s got nightmares. But there’s MOMMA BEAR CLARKE immediately tending to her. “Maybe being on the ground is our 2nd chance” Clarke’s trying not just to cheer up Charlotte but also herself...
Two kids of the 100 out alone in the woods for a little rendezvous. Oh! There’s the acid fog already! I forgot it came so early in the series. Poor kiddos... They just wanted to have some fun...
Asdfghjkl BELLAMY! Bellamy and his hatchet. Training and aiming at a tree. Hit me baby one more time... seriously... Bellamy and Murphy are unnerved by Jasper’s screams echoing through the camp. Atom thinks the screams are frightening the kids. Oh look! Murphy isn’t half as good as Bellamy aiming at that tree... lol nice try... Bell and the others want to go hunting.
Meanwhile in the dropship: Clarke’s worried. She tries to fix Jasper’s wound but it’s really a task of its own. Wells and Finn are helping.
O and Atom. She wants to sneak out of camp with him - but he doesn’t even reply. Oh... she has a certain suspicion now... She’s FUMING when she enters Bellamy’s tent, he’s preparing himself for the hunt. “You can’t keep everyone away from me!” He must’ve threatened Atom. She’s so done with this brotherly overprotectiveness..
Jasper’s screams cutting through their dispute and they’re both off to the dropship. There, Bell’s pessimistic: “That kid’s (Jasper) is a goner.” Clarke’s IMMEDIATELY in his face tho “DOWN HERE EVERY LIFE MATTERS!” - Bell wants to kill Jasper when he’s not getting any better within the day. “You don’t have the guts to make the hard choices. I do.”
Everyone is pissed or shook by his words, especially Monty “What a selfserving jackass!” but FINN (of all people...) defends Bell in a way “He also happens to be right...” Yeah well..
Flashback again. Abby and Jake are talking about the ark’s system failure he discovered. The ark is going to get out of oxygene in a forseeable future - which basically means certain death for the ark’s citizens. He wants to make it public but Abby’s desperately trying to hold him back.
On earth, now, Clarke’s found some herbs that could help with Jasper‘s wound. She, Wells and Finn go off into the woods to fetch some more. Oh look! They find an old car which basically stucks hidden in the ground.
Charlotte secretly followed Bellamy and the others on their hunting trip. OUPS! Bell almost hit her with his hatchet!!! Kiddo’s tough tho. She wants to stay, although the forest might be too dangerous for a little child. She even wants to hunt herself.
Meanwhile Clarke’s found some of the herbs in a river. But suddenly there are harsh noises: A swarm of birds coming towards the group! Then there’s kind of an alarm to hear, a siren. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! But they don’T have time to think about it bc a toxic looking storm cloud is rushing towards them!!! Like the birds before, they’re fleeing now too.
Flashback/The ark: Aw, baby Clarke and Wells playing chess together. Just besties having a good time. But Clarke’s worried. She’s telling him about the discovery her father made about the ark... and that he wants to go public with it! Wells reassures her “Your secret is save with me.” Mh...
On earth, now: The acid fog is everywhere now. Bell and Charlotte hurry to seek shelter in a cave together. In the dropship Octavia is worried “My brother is out there!”
Clarke, Finn and Wells find shelter in that old hidden car in the ground. Oh nice, there’s also an old bottle of whiskey. Finn immediately takes a sip. They have to sit out the storm anyway so they could as well have a drink.
It’s night now. In the cave Charlotte wakes up screaming again from a nightmare. But there’s DAD BELLAMY, reassuring her with his deep, hoarse voice. (Woah i mean it! It’s SO DEEP! I’m shivering... ) He’s probably used to similar situations with his sister back on the ark. “Slay your demons while you’re awake.” Oh-oh--
“Down here weakness is death, fear is death...” Well Bellamy... That’s some approach to soothe a kid after having a nightmare... But then he adviced her to hold on tight to her knife and face her fears: “ Screw you, i am not afraid!” The initial thought is nice. Seriously.......
Meanwhile in that hidden car: We learn, why Clarke’s hating Wells so damn much. “Remember the time when you betrayed me and got my father executed?” OUCH... That hits. She’s also drunken now. Wells defends himself “I made a mistake”. Kind of a weak excuse... Is he hiding something? Maybe?
Oh god... every word from Clarke hits now “If you were be my friend you would walk out into this fog and never come back...” Jesus... she’s so hurt and pissed. 
In the dropship Murphy’s got enough, he wants to put an end to Jasper’s screams - and his life. Once and for all. But he’s been shut out from the higher deck by Octavia and co. Thank goodness..
Another flashback/The ark: Jake’s recording his message for the people of the ark and Clarke comes in witnessing it. They have an argument. Clarke’s so worried for his savety. But BOOM there are the guards already storming in, arresting Jake for treason... HOW COULD THEY KNOW?! It sinks in... Wells... right? shit... Clarke is screaming!
Earth, now: The acid fog is gone. Clarke and the others on their way back to camp. Finn confronts Wells about his betrayal on Clarke. Another weak reply: “I made a choice. And if she hates me for the rest of her life...” Ouch...
Bell and Charlotte are searching for the others of the hunting group in the forest. They meet. But where’s Atom?
Finn wants to play the referee between Clarke and Wells now. “How sure are you that Wells’s the one who turned in your dad?” He noticed that Wells might hide something... Clarke snaps back, she’s sure, she seemingly doesn’t WANT to forgive him - but you can see his words are gnawing on her. - Suddenly we hear Charlotte’s screams!
Charlotte has found Atom. He’s lying on the ground, gravely wounded and bleeding, visibly in heavy pain. Is that what the acid fog does to people?! Omg! Bell’s kneeling at his side, but he seems so overwhelmed by the situation. It’s clear to him: Atom won’t make it. It would be merciful to help him die... Atom even begs for it... Oh god... it hurts so much to see that guy suffer... But Bell’s just sitting there, the knife already in his hand, paralyzed and shook to the core...
And then Clarke appears behind him. He senses here before he sees her. She kneels down on Atom’s other side. She also notices very quickly that there’s no hope for Atom to survive this. Clarke flashes Bell a desperate look. There is no other way. OH GOD. I can’t even look at what comes next... but yes... i do it anyway...
Clarke takes the knife from Bellamy’s hand... and while humming a little lullaby to soothe him she plunged the blade into Atom’s neck, puts him out of his misery... And Charlotte’s witnessing it all... Oh-oh.--
Bell’s clearly and utterly impressed by Clarke’s doing. He’s almost in awe, can’t take his eyes off her. NOW WHO DOESN’T HAVE THE GUTS TO MAKE THE HARD CHOICES, HUH?! Bell’s seeing the princess with different eyes now. He’s got a lot of respect for her now. Nice for a change.
Back in camp Octavia’s mourning Atom’s death. She doesn’t want Bell to comfort her or any explanation and storms off crying. Bell IMMEDIATELY takes all his frustration about his inability to help Atom and the reaction of O onto Murphy, who’s just insulted Octavia. Suddenly there’s a lot of aggressive tension. But Murphy gives in. Good for him.
Flashback to the ark again: Jake’s about to be getting floated. Abby is desperate. Wells and his father are there too, of course. They can’t even look at the Griffins. Jake says goodbye to Abby, gives her his wedding ring. Oh gosh and suddenly Clarke’s there too, rushing into her father’s arms. She’s crying hard. Jake’s giving her his watch she’s later wearing in memory of him. Clarke doesn’t want to let go of him.
Just before he gets floated Jake only has eyes for the two women he loves, especially for Clarke. Then he gets sucked out into the vacuum. Very sudden, very fast.
Clarke’s breakdown in her mother’s arms is heartbreaking and hard to watch... Jesus i have to blink back tears, even though it might be already the 10th time i’m seeing this. This is so sad, gods...
Back in camp, today: Clarke’s tending on Jasper with the weeds she brought. He’s finally fallen asleep. - Out there Wells is digging graves yet again. Clarke appears, asking him right away: “It was my mom, wasn’t it?” She thought about it. What Finn was saying was probably just the last push she needed to come around. Maybe she didn’t want to see the truth until now. It’s too painful. Her own mother turned her father in... WHY?!
And Wells... Omg, good boy Wells took ALL THE BLAME on himself, just so that Clarke wouldn’t have to hate her own mom... Imma cry... What a selfless friend! Jesus, what you do when you’re in love... I’m speechless...
Oh, look! Jasper’s awake again! And he already wants a shot of moonshine... great... That’s not how you’re getting better, moron!
And then in the end... i feared it...
Charlotte and Wells... I see the bad moon rising. Seriously... Out of the blue inmidst an innocent talk... she’s STABBING HIM DOWN!!! She hit him with her knife! At the same spot, where Clarke had plunged her own knife into Atoms neck!!! Wells father killed her parents. His father’s face is what’s haunting her in her nightmares every night. “Slay your demons...” OH MY GOD... SHE TOOK THAT LITERALLY! Bell’s still got a lot to learn about parenting it seems... JESUS NO! NOT WELLS! Even after all this time i’m still cursing at my screen! WTF CHILD!  - Well... What a LOST child... Completely broken. That’s not even fair on all fronts... It’s so controversial.
Bellamy had all the good intentions - and it lead to so much pain. That’s hard. But he couldn’t have forseen this! How could he? IT IS NOT HIS FAULT! But that doesn’t make things any better. It just HURTS to see Wells die in such a bad and unnecessary way! Right after he had been forgiven by his Clarke... I CANNOT... I admit it... I shed a tear. I’ll probably always do it at this point. Wells Jaha deserved better. And we all know it. Woah that’s quite a show we’re watching here. And it certainly makes you pensive.
Tough stuff. But from now on... almost every episode is tbh. That’s the route we’re taking here. Serious shit’s happening - and is coming towards us. We know this now, at latest after finishing this episode. The mere THOUGHT that a kid should be capable of such a cruel act is almost unbearable. It‘s so hard to watch and it overpowers almost everything else that happened this episode. Jake’s death was very sad to see. But i understand why he had to try to warn the people, who are otherwise completely oblivious to what’s really going on with the ark’s survival systems. Also incisive: The mercy-killing of Atom... All these moments hit like a ton of bricks and make us, the audience, realize, what kind of show we‘re watching here. It’s dark and very disturbing but SO INTRIGUING and interesting you just want to watch further.
What i liked: Bellamy learns to respect Clarke, he even admires her for her courage.  Wells and Clarke’s reconciliation.
What i disliked: Isn’t that obvious? Charlotte killing Wells. Jake’s death. Clarke and Wells fighting (with words). It’s not nice to see Atom die either...
Fave quote(s): “Maybe being on the ground is our second chance”
Song(s) i associate with the episode: “It’s the fear” by Within Temptation (”It's the fear, fear of the dark. It's growing inside of me, that one day will come to life. - Long ago it came to me and ever since that day, infected with its rage, but it ends today. ”)
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1dontc4re · 2 years
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OK EXPLANATION TIME. I posted it on twitter too but I wanted to add my reasoning for funsies >:3
S tier: ok i have a clear bias here. Alphonse and Seth are simply ✨my boyfriends✨ what can i say. I will say tho, dilf Seth is superior. I’ve watched that video like five times now. And now that we’re getting dilf Alphonse somewhere down the line I’m going to get so fucking unbearable. Stable, a little dirty, a little dangerous, and he has a dog? Fucking marry me. I hate to say this but DM Alphonse has the better aesthetic. I love them both, absolutely, but dark haired Al simply hits different. I’m a sucker for accents so of course cowboy Seth had to be up there with the greats. And Al in a skirt has me 🅱️arking.
A tier: I love Big Red and Thottie Alphonse but not as much as the S tier. Still love me a big ol himbo tho. I also like Faust better in a dress than normal Faust lmaoo. He’s in this tier because I really like the masquerade video. Finn is so sweet it makes me want to destroy him <3, and I enjoy yandere Finn from time to time. Yandere is not really my thing but I appreciate the devotion to the listener. WE NEED MORE CRYPTID HUNTER SETH, we only have like one video and it’s such a fun concept I can’t wait to see more. Lastly, Auron. The full 50 shades shit is not really for me, but…. When he said “You’re calm because I’m calm.” Ok that really did it for me. A strong guiding hand and all that. That’s the kind of confidence I really like.
B tier: Faust needs friends y’all. He’s bitchy, sure, but he’s also very wounded and keeps pushing people away. Wanting to be a good friend is all that I feel towards him atm, we’ll see if that changes in the future. Now, Big Hot Werewolf Daddy Ulrick is very yummy, but we only got three videos and then he got scrapped rip. Hopefully we’ll see more of him. Charlie the rat also needs friends but I also want to step on him a little bit, chew him like a chew toy, make him plead, you get the idea. Jack is… okay I guess. Bunny Finn is adorable but not as good as regular Finn.
C tier: Jessie, Jessie. Mother of the year /j. Thoo’s performance is so fucking good, I love southern accents, I’m starting to realise. But man, the way she hurt Seth… I’m not very forgiving of bad parents in general. Echo’s cute, not much else to say there. I’m a monsterfucker through and through, but Egon didn’t manage to retain my attention for long I’m afraid. I can’t even remember the butler’s name bro. Edmond, right? Usually I’m a sucker for servant dynamics but Yuuri’s british accent…. I just can’t take it seriously.
D tier: I know nothing about these people. We’ve barely seen anything with Storyteller Finn (I haven’t read the zine) and Valentine’s video got unlisted before I could listen to it. And Derek is Derek :p.
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germvity · 3 years
hello! im germ and i own this multifandom blog.
im mainly a writer but i like drawing and editing things too ☺️
my reader is gender neutral unless stated otherwise.
blog name was: enavity
this blog will contain swearing! if that's something you don't like feel free to leave!
don't repost any of my stuff please
reblogs > likes (but idm!)
personal writing tag: #germvity writing
personal random talk tag: #germvity venting
don't use my personal tags pls and ty
i do not tolerate: racism, pedoph!lia, death threats/r@pe threats/r@pe jokes (they were never funny and never will be) (will write dub-con but nothing else!), su!c!de baiting, threats of s*lf h*rm/sh baiting, homophobia/transphobia/anti-lgbt, abuse giving people shit for their religion, posting hate for a fandom i write in: i.e i write for slashers sometimes and ik people think we condone their actions even tho we don't + they're fictional soo chill.
i'm uncomfortable with some kinks such as:
feet, scat!!!, ageplay (fucking gross), snuff, heavy bondage, extreme bdsm, spanking/cropping, slave/owner (more maybe added idk)
(fandoms and stories below cut)
• ENA - joel g:
ena, moony
• DBD:
surv: feng min, yui kimura, jake park, elódie rakoto, quentin smith, felix richter, yun-jin lee, cheryl mason, leon s. kennedy, steve harrington (more may be added)
killer: danny johnson (ghostface), demogorgon (pls don't judge me 😭), michael myers (shape), sally smithson (nurse), anna (huntress), rin yamaoka (spirit aka best girl who deserved so much better), f.j.s.j (legion - seperate ownly), adiris (plague), caleb quinn (deathslinger), talbot grimes (blight), charlotte deshay (twins), ji-woon hak (trickster) (more may be added)
max, nikki, neil, nerris, harrison, preston, sasha, erin, jasper (aged up only!), david, gwen, daniel
kaeya, amber, venti, albedo, diluc, childe, razor (more may be added)
(more may be added)
requests closed atm!
(human versions/animal!reader only i don't do animal/human (ironic isn't it bc i write for demo-))
ash, kris, agnes (aged up), mr fox aka red bc he canonically doesn't have a first name (aka dilf 😩), stan weasel, felicity fox, franklin bean (please his voice is perfect)
jeff, ben, toby, tim/masky, brian/hoodie, helen/bloody painter, jane 😍, eyeless jack, laughing jack, isaac grossman, sally (PLATONICALLY), (more may be added)
asra, julian, portia, nadi 💜, muriel, lucio, valdemar, vulgora, volta, vlastomil, valerius
adrien, chat noir, luka, nathaniel, chloe, alya, marinette, alix, félix, kagami
brian stells, sophie walten (fem only), jack walten, felix kranken
william afton (fnaf series), michael afton/schmidt (fnaf series), jeremy fitzgerald (fnaf series)
cloud strife <3, biggs, jessie, reno, leslie kyle <3
edward richtofen, tank dempsey, nikolai belinski, takeo masaki, marlton johnson, abigail “misty” briarton, michael “finn” o’leary, albert “weasel” arlington, billy handsome, sal deluca, scarlett rhodes, bruno delacroix, diego necalli, stanton shaw
rises the moon // leon kennedy x reader
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
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draayder · 2 years
Fmk Hiram Lodge (Riverdale), Diavolo (Jojo), Finn (Arcane)
this is. a wide range of characters. and none from properties I've directly seen lol
Hiram Lodge
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kind of a dilf. organized crime vibes. I would love to learn he's doing gay activities but I somewhat doubt it. however with riverdale who fucking knows. a solid contender tho
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I do love this fruit's outfit. it's great. I need me a mesh shirt like that. this guy's also organized crime, right? I support him. according to the wiki, also a dilf. congrats to him
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oh yeah people have sent me this guy before. he is definitely jaycore. also also organized crime guy. love this dude. he seems like he'd be a freak (honorific)
okay so Hiram is by far the most boring of these three so he's dying. I think I'm gonna fuck Finn and marry Diavolo because stand powers seem like the better long term investment, and I don't think king crimson would necessarily improve a one night stand enough to be worth the risk
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avocado-hater · 3 years
My thoughts on AHS Double Feature E6 (Spoilers)
People in this town are insane as f.
I hate that i'm not american because all the characters this season only speak in pop culture references and methafors. I can't understand half the things Holden is saying.
Oh Harry, you're such a kind soul... i mean maybe, i think you lost your soul a few days ago when you treated your wife like trash.
I'm finally getting to understand Harry. He's just stupid and reckless.
"He wasn't bad, it was the pill!" "It was Doris fault, she wasn't talented" "He never meant to hurt people, you just don't understand how awful it is to not being able to use your full potential" I can see it coming. I get it tho, he's a DILF.
Alma calling Ursula a chicken bitch and Harry not reacting at all is just lovely. Great parenting skills.
Are the pale creatures eating Ursula? I don't think so.
That baby would be better in Belle's belly than under Harry's supervision.
Was this untalented/talented fight really necesary?
Leslie looking hot with that gun.
Bye bye, Harry. You should've seen it coming.
Oh so now The Chemist and Ursula are fruity and they're raising the little devils together. This is gonna end well.
The characters evolution/development this season is awful.
The hustler joke wasn't funny, it was upsetting. Alma is a child.
Prodigy kid count your days.
That was some hell of a rushed ending. Very unsatisfying.
My thoughts on AHS Double Feature: Red Tide.
This is the first season i've watched weekly since Cult and it was kinda cool watching it that way. I was really excited about this season because of the cast and because everyone said it was very dark and very well written, well, i don't know about that.
Red Tide strong points were the score, cinematography, the aesthetic and the cast, it had some cool "social messages" and in some ways it felt really personal, it was upsetting and dark at times and i liked it, but the writing was not out of this world, most of the characters were annoying and awfully developed. It was very predictable and rushed and no, don't blame it on the number of episodes, i've watched limited series with 5 or 6 episodes and some of them are masterpieces. But it had its moments. it had a great premiere and episode 5 is in my top 5 of the best episodes in the AHS universe. I liked the tension at times, but it was messy and overwelming in a bad way.
Frances Conroy, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe and Evan Peters were the highlighst of the first half. Even tho Belle and Austin were villains, it wasn't hard for us to root for them, they were both very interesting and compelling and yeah, Evan might be playing the hot weird guy again but he does it so well and i kinda missed his particular voice. Same with Frances, the way she delivered her lines and how she made us empathize with Sarah was awesome.
We can't say a bad thing about Sarah Paulson's performance, plus she was playing Linda Tripp at the same time, no one is doing it like her, and Lily? She should be doing Oscar winning stuffs, the way she made us empathize with Doris in episode 5 only proves how much she loves what she does and how good she is at it, Doris might not be talented but Lily sure is.
Doris fate was one of the highlights of this half too, same with TB Karen's. The whole thing was very tragic and memorable and i really liked that.
I'm sure Sarah Paulson will be nominated twice next year (Lead actress (Linda) and supporting actress (Karen)) and i fear for Frances and Lily because they really deserve some awards, but horror is underrated and with the amoung of upcoming limited series this year, i don't see it happening anytime soon.
Finn Wittrock did really good as the lead and Leslie Grossman did great too but i'm kinda tired of her playing the same annoying bitchy character over and over again and i know it's not her fault. Lily and Finn have zero romantic chemistry, they could play friends or enemies or siblings but they aren't believable as a longtime married couple, mostly because Finn looks like he's on his late 20s.
Macaulay Culkin and Ryan K.A were amazing additions to the cast and i hope they come back for another season and i hope they play very different characters from the ones they got to play this season.
I don't have a lot to say about Billie, Adina and Angelica. Adina was doing great as always but they killed her off in episode 3 and i was expecting The Chemist to be darker and a more complex character.
I like upsetting, disturbing endings but i never got to connect with The Chemist or Ursula and it felt too rushed and even predictable. Cheesy at times, messy, kinda silly and where is the major plot twist? A very Murphy ending.
If you were expecting a redemption arc or justice at the end, i think you didn't understand this season.
I don't have high hopes on the second half but we'll see, right? I'm excited about Sarah and Lily playing historical figures tho.
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angelicmichael · 3 years
AHS red tide episode 1 and 2 thots!! Sorry I’m late this time lmfao. Spoilers ofc and kinda long cause I always have a lot to say when it comes to ahs ig 😶
Y’all the beginning alone was so fucking good
It started off creepy right off the bat and ngl.. that has me so relieved bc ahstories wasn’t that creepy/scary at all imo
Watching this season just makes me nervous bc I didn’t rlly like ahstories but.. I’m already impressed hehe
Seeing lily rabe play a mom again tho 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
I hate using this word but Finn Witrocks character is 100% a dilf djdjd no other way to say it 😭
AHHH Sarah Paulson !!!
I know I just write fanfic but dude- the fucking scene where Finn Witrocks character is writing and just staring at a blank document and slamming the delete button- LIKE I FUCKING RELATE TO THAT SM FJDJDJD 😭😭
Loveeee the creepy vibe of the town!! Like the mysterious and creepy side characters and just the town itself is everything. It kinda reminds me the town in riverdale is or even ‘welcome to nightvale’ type of vibe 👁
I just love the creepy town trope idk haha
But lily and Finns characters are so cute together 🥺 like what (or atleast in the first episode.. yikes)
But also.. Evan and Frances’s characters doing karaoke was the cutest shit ever to me !
Idk.. it’s just kinda making me emo seeing a lot of the old actors back in ahs 👉🏻👈🏻 I’m so fucking happy most of the cast is ahs alumni lol (unlike in ahstories 🤐)
This is probably such a unpopular opinion but y’all- I wish Emma roberts was in this season lowkey. And Cody ofc djdjd
Idk why I’m thinking sm of other shit but like.. so many things in this episode reminded me of past ahs seasons??
Like the grocery store reminded me of cult.. Lily’s character craving meat reminded me of murder house..
But also- this reminded me SO MUCH of ‘the shining’.. like the parallels are insane tbh (espically in the second episode!)
The first episode was so good!! I loved it 🥺
I thought ahstories made me nostalgic and miss ahs but holy fuck.. watching actual ahs again truly feels so good lmfao
But y’all.. It didn’t exactly register wtf the black pills would do until I saw him make the meat smoothie 😳 like.. sir STOP
Maybe it’s bc I’ve been watching twilight recently but like- this is reminding me sm of twilight 😭 and I’m honestly not mad at it
I rlly hope we see more of her!! I love her sm
I’m 100% writing for her in the future sorry not sorry djdjd
I can’t wait to watch more of this tho!! I absolutely loved the first two episodes- holy shit
I wasn’t expecting to like this season as much as I do tbh.. (just bc of how much ahstories kinda.. disappointed me tbh djdjd) but I’m so glad I chose to watch it
Literaly can’t wait to see more of this next week !
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Cast your mutuals but it’s only Lottie because it’s her birthday 🥳🎂
I just want to say that I see you, I hear you, and I’ll deliver (even tho I’m lazy and I could never do this if it wasn’t for you)
Cast your mutual ( @imdreamingwiththestars ) as...
Marvel Man — Ant Man, Scott Lang
Wait before you get mad hear me out! SCOTT LANG IS THE SEXIEST AVENGER! First off he’s fucking hilarious without even trying. Like HILARIOUS. Everything he says has me in stitches. Second, he’s a great fucking father— literally the best fucking father. Kinda like how you’re always telling me to drink water and to go to bed. Third, he’s adaptable! He can switch between superhero, commendable dad, friend, awkward, sexy— this man is everything and you are everything. Fourth, he’s a dork. And you can’t get mad at me for that because it’s not a jab— it’s the reason we’re friends. The scene in Ant Man and the wasp where he’s doing a thousand things while bored at home just screams Lottie and the way one moment you’re sending pictures of the bracelet you made and then the next your doing something entirely different. Finally he’s sexy— he’s hot as fuck and anyone who doesn’t think Paul Rudd— America’s true golden boy— is sexy then I don’t want to know you. He’s sexy not only because he’s just plain sexy with no substance (which he’s not and neither are you) but because of all the things I said before saying that he’s hot. This fucking DILF makes me want to be a MILF.
Marvel Woman — Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff
Chaos Queen bisexual witch with nerd boyfriend— sounds about right to me! No— you don’t have nerd boyfriend but he’s out there (and maybe his name is SCOTT LANG). She loves fiercely when it comes to family and feels like she’s dying when those she loves are hurt. Family relationships get rocky at times but would do absolutely anything for her found family. She has meltdowns that rock entire towns and then, in the next second, is fine. Maladaptive daydreamer who creates the realities she would rather be in and adds the extra creative flare that the rest of the people around her are missing. That town was suffering before she showed up and gave it the ol’ razzle dazzle. Like please, take over my mind anyday. Deals with my Agatha Harkness level drama with grace. Like oh shit I kidnap you and force you to relive trauma and you don’t kill me? Wow a queen. 100/10 would bang and, yes, that needed to be added because it’s an important attribute. Also when I picture Lottie’s marvel costuming I see red and I see corsets and that’s enough for me 😌
TVD Man — Kai Parker
No, you aren’t a sociopath but neither was Kai Parker!! He was a kid who’s family fucked him over in every way because he was different and then— when he lashed out after years of straight abuse— got locked up. He’s not crazy— he’s hurt and no one’s fucking listening. He’s made mistakes but everyone would rather say shit about him instead of looking at their own lives. At the end of the day no one was better than Kai Parker despite how much they would like to think they are. He appreciates the little things— snowflakes and good food and sharp knives. He’s charming and has a voice that makes me melt— I can picture him going for walks and sending me videos about his coffee and what he bought at target. He needs a hug and a vacation and an I’m sorry.
TVD Woman — Bonnie Bennet
Is it telling that I picked another witch? Possibly. Am I gonna do it again? Definitely. Bonnie Bennet is a badass despite the fact that literally everything goes against her. She isn’t a badass because it’s easy, she’s a badass because it’s in her fucking DNA. No one wants her to be a badass— even her grandma at some points hates her— but she can’t turn it off so she doesn’t. She shouldn’t turn it off. She’s level headed but oh boy when she gets angry fucking watch out. She’s ride or die for her friends but will put them in her place when she needs to. She’s the most powerful one but no one treats her like it?? Creative problem solver with a penchant to let her powers kinda slip from time to time until a building or two is on fire. Falls for the hottest people but also might fall for your brother. She is the hottest one— full sexy— and again, yes, that’s important.
TO Man — Marcel Gerard
It was a toss up between him and Vincent Griffith but I have made my choice. Marcel is the poster boy for found family but also for knowing when it’s right to separate and do his own thing. The true king of NOLA who has exquisite taste in music. He was kinda evil at the beginning but it really only made him sexy so?? He thought he was protecting his city and vamp fam and I think that’s reasonable. Cares deeply, is beyond loyal, and would kill for those he loves. Saves a dorky awkward gay from death and that goes without saying hey thank you ma’am dorky gay here thankful for you’re consistent messages in her inbox I would be dead on here without you. Accidentally acquires a child but becomes one of the best dads ever despite her temper and unpredictable powers. Has an on off relationship with an equally sexy blonde. Himbo CEO vibes and I think that’s lovely— like you. You are lovely.
TO Woman — Hayley Marshall
Fierce, sexy, hybrid who loves two men even though they makes her so damn angry. Family drama 100%, found family drama 200%. Wolf queen who appreciates the downtime of chilling in nature with a cold drink and good people. Would die for her family but before it even gets to that point she would kill anyone who got in between her and them. Would go to unknown lengths to do the literal impossible like bring her family back from the dead. Impeccable mother— impeccable friend— impeccable leader. IS SO FUCKING SEXY. Also kinda angsty lol.
A Favourite Song — Drops of Jupiter | Train
Despite what it may seem like, I didn’t choose this because I know it’s one of your faves. I chose it because when I think about you I think about little things. Dunkin donuts and bikini tops and mugs and pink purple blue bracelets and late night talks about nothing. The verses of this song talks about all the little things she does that makes him love her and that’s how I feel about you. I love you because you don’t say hi, you say things akin to “Finn Mikaelson deserves to feel sexy like the rest of his brothers” and I think this song has that energy.
A Favourite Movie — Treasure Planet
“You’re gonna’ rattle the stars, you are.”
A coming of age adventure story with an angsty main character and a happy ending— it’s perfect. Sometimes to find yourself you need to find a golden map, get your moms rich friend to fun your pirate ship, hire a sexy cat captain, and befriend a father figure whose also a villain. Sometimes you also have to let him get away at the end. It touches on themes of discovery, forgiveness, trauma, and self love. Jim is a capable sarcastic smart kid and his best friend is an awkward robot who talks too much— wow, it’s us. Please bring me to space school when you get accepted 😌
I hope this makes you smile on your birthday! I love you most 💕
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disorqer · 3 years
Show me some cute/hot ice hockey players please. I need to hoe for more Finns
wwwooaahh this is kinda embarrassing(for me) but imma do it anyway:
there’s like 2 major guys I’m simping for rn😅 ehh so umm;
first: Miro Heiskanen (aka. miro the hero)
(this is like the best pic of me so yeah sorry i just need to use this one)
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then there’s:
Juuse Saros (aka. juice/juicy{i like to call him juicy juuse})
(LMAO SORRY THIS PIC IS SO FUNNY I COULDN’T FIND BETTER HEHDJFJF) {there’s better ones i swear i just like this one for some reason}
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very juicy i think yeah hello[ they look the same but it just tells what my taste is.... :’) ] {i should use gifs but I’m not gonna steal from anyone and I’m bad @ making ’em so—- uhh}
honorable mentions:
Sebastian Aho (i used to be so obsessed w him like 5years ago omfg)
Mikko Rantanen (he gives me dilf vibes for some reason even tho he’s pretty young)
hmmm ok Kasperi Kapanen maybe idk(he has fatass OKAY ILL STOP-){check his ig- don’t.}
Roope Hintz when he was younger ( now he looks kinda like rat{no hate}) [he’s like miros BFF!!!!!!! actually they’re all besties every finn is a bestie w another finn]
THERE’S PROBABLY MORE BUT IDK ALL OF THE FINNISH NHL PLAYERS BC THERE’S SO MANY and there’s probably been like cute ones earliel but idk I’m not a hockey expert gghhgg💀🤷‍♀️
the end. thank u.
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