#DIY burlap doors
iepurasdepraf · 11 months
Here's that part 2. More to come. Ok, I love you. Part 3 soon. Bye bye.
“Oh, come on…” You were standing on the rusted out running board of the truck, fighting with your oversized and overfilled rucksack that was a challenge to get around on it’s own, but now it was also tangled up in the content’s of the truck bed. Ropes, burlap, several unsealed first aid kits, one had blood on it, some old moldy moving boxes, tarps. hoses, beat to hell tool boxes, what looked like some kind of pump- you didn’t want to think about it. You closed your eyes to force yourself to stop taking inventory and focus.
Finally, it came loose from whatever it was stuck on and you gasped, opening your eyes and trying to maintain your balance on the untrustworthy running board only to choke on your own spit seeing Crane on the other side of the truck, leaning down on his forearms. It was at that moment you realized how tall he was. The very top of the side panel only came up to his low chest. He was standing flat footed on the ground and could not just see, but see in just fine, but could probably reach the middle of the bed and then some with those long arms. He could probably grab you from there if he was in the mood to try. When had he gotten out of the cab? You couldn’t remember hearing him get out? 
Trying to choke those rattling nerves down with the most pleasantly chirped “Were you an eagle scout? You look prepared for anything short of the apocalypse!” only to receive a hum and him looking away from you for the first time since he’d gotten out of the truck so he could look down into the bed. You chose to take that as him agreeing with your observation. In the past few hours of in person interaction, you’d mostly been talking at him while he gave you the Kubrick stare. The way people talked about him online you thought he’d have been enjoying the sound of his own voice. Then again, what did true crime people actually know? It gave you hope. Maybe they were wrong about him in a few ways, in enough ways for it to matter.
You hupped and lifted the rucksack up and let it do a, partially, controlled fall to the gravel parking spot that was more mud than anything which made you groan because it was brand new, but really that was it’s purpose, wasn’t it? Bound to get dirty sometime. Out of breath, you got that heavy pack to the patio and thunk thunk thunk’ed it up the too tall diy project steps onto the patio. Old paint crunching under your shoes and then the rucksack when you dragged it across the planks to the door. The owner had said the hide a key was in the plant pot by the door, but you couldn’t see anything that looked out of place in the odd sort of tiny pine tree’s cracked fancy pot. 
“Do you see a-” You looked beside you thinking he'd be standing there, but he wasn't, which somehow made you jump harder than if he'd been there. Your first instinct after that was to look behind you, he wasn't there either. "Dr. Crane?" you whispered. Where did he go? Looking around you eventually found him. Lurking at the bottom of the steps to the porch. You couldn't even really see him, just the corduroy pants covering his knees down to the struggling to stay together old work boots on his feet  in the lowlight of the dim porch lamp. Finding him made you jump harder than him just not being where you thought he was. "Jesus Christ!" "Mm?" The vaguely questioning sound he produced made you realize he'd not heard you or had and just hadn't answered. You couldn't tell. Maybe he thought it was funny. “What are you doing down there?” No answer. “Can you help me find the hide a key?” Again, nothing, he did join you on the porch however. Stepping over the steps you’d had to climb.
It only took him a second. Seemingly finding it at a glance among the perfectly similar riverstone rocks scattered in the pot. After fishing it out, he used the ragged hem of his faded olive colored sweater to wipe the dirt off before handing it to you. That was sweet of him. You made sure to say thank you.He smiled slightly, you caught it out of the corner of your eye. The door was finicky. You thought the key was going to snap before you managed to get it right where it wanted to be to unlock the door, but the moment that lock clicked the door was yanked from your hand. Swinging violently open to crash into whatever was behind it. Rattling the glass window in the door itself so hard that you were shocked it didn’t shatter.
You froze, struggling to breathe. You managed to look to Crane. For what you weren’t sure. He was playing with a lock of his hair, making it curl around his finger. He looked like his favorite tv show was on rather than disturbed.
“A draft.” He offered. “Yeah,” You looked into the house then after you just couldn’t look into the abyss anymore you looked back to him. “A draft.” When you didn’t move he took the initiative. Walking into the house like he owned it, taking your rucksack with him. Making you do a double take when he picked it up without strain singlehanded. All the way to the other side of the living room to the dining room where he sat the bag down on the table and thoughtfully turned on the overhead light. It flickered before slowly easing to it’s full brightness that only illuminated the table itself and maybe a foot around it making it an island in a inky sea of nothing, but vague shadow. 
You should have gone with him. You should have, but you didn’t and now there was an insidious moat between you and him. All you had to do was join him. Go through that not so narrow unlit area. There was nothing there. Maybe a rug. One of those weird floor sockets for lamps. Crane stood patiently watching you stickbug in the doorframe trying to psych yourself up to go inside. You’d ridden out into the middle of nowhere with one of the most dangerous men in Gotham on a Friday night to some guy you’d found on Craig’s list house to find a ghost because he’d told you his grandpa died there in a hunting accident or some shit. The man watching you oscillate just got out of an insane asylum. Just go in the house. Why are you afraid of the dark?
So you closed your eyes tight and ran. Into the house, through the dark moat around the kitchen, and right into Crane. He stumbled back slightly when you two collided with him and offered a steadying hand on your shoulder. “Sssorry.” You eek out peaking up at him. All you got was a scoff of a laugh from him. The look on his face felt it was saying it was fine. You were quick to give him his space, but he didn’t come across as particularly opposed to you being close to him and that meant a lot to you because from the moment you met him he’d made it absolutely clear he did not want anyone to touch him, look at him, even be near him. To the point where he’d refused to approach when someone had tried to be polite and hold a door open for him at the diner earlier. You’d expected him to move away or move you away. Maybe not being shoved off of him was a reward for facing your fear. Maybe you’d watched too many Youtube videos and overthought everything always. 
You metaphorically grab yourself by the back of the head and forced you to fight the straps to get in your bag so you could start unpacking. After setting your flashlights and your recorder you realized you were fucking up. Pay attention, explain things to him. Show him there’s a process. So, um, a…well,” You cleared your throat “So it’s a kind of some now and some later kind of thing.” “Mhm.” Oh, you actually had his attention. “Because while we can, hopefully get some responses in the moment, there will be some things we’ll have to go over in the recordings for. Like recorded voices we couldn’t hear or, ah, you know.” He tilted his head slightly, not knowing in the slightest. “Shadow people or apparitions. Things like that.” A soft snort. “Don’t laugh!” A little poorly suppressed jack-o-lantern-esque cracked his thin lips. He was somehow more and less creepy when he smiled at the same time. It was like he really didn’t know how. A spidery hand came up quickly to cover his mouth with his fingers, apparently conscious of this. “I’m not.” He rasped in assurance unconvincingly. 
After cutting him with a side eye, you went back to unpacking. Apparently, feeling a little more silly, he moved to hover behind you to see over your shoulder. Curious. Picking up the K2 meter and turning it over in his hand then jumping a little when he turned it on and it beeped loudly once before he turned it back off. “We can’t use that in the kitchen.” You say making sure all three of the flashlights had batteries in them. “It detects electromagnetic fields. It’ll give a false positive in a spot with a lot of electricity running through it.” 
He made no comment, but he did turn it back on and test that for himself. Waltzing around the kitchen to see what and where set it off and what didn’t while you make sure your video camera had nothing embarrassing on it in case he got curious. It seemed like mostly old videos of your cat and that was just fine for him to see. You turned to say something and jumped. He’d at some point moved to stand beside you, but you couldn’t even give what you were going to say a second try because a loud crunch sent a shiver down your spine and an echo cascading out into the otherwise silent house. It had come from Crane. Which didn’t make it less ominous, but he’d found a bag of Goldfish crackers somewhere and was munching away like he’d not just eaten a big supper an hour or so ago. 
“You can’t just eat that.” You protested. “It’s not…” Then you saw the date on the bag. 03/17/2014. “Oh my God.” He had to have seen that. You know he saw that.The look on his face when he realized you’d seen it told you he had. At the very least they had to be incredibly stale, at the worst they’d gone bad. “Jonathan.” His eyebrows shot up. First name? Bold, very bold. “Stop!” Another handful. “They’ll make you sick!” He rolled his eyes in a bored way and that’s when he noticed the camera. Side stepping quickly so he’d be out of the shot. If it was so no one saw him eating decade old Goldfish or for some other reason you weren’t sure.
He didn’t want to be recorded? That was fine with you. You turned it so you were the focus. “It’s not recording, don’t worry.” “Mm.” To ease his concern you held it out to him. “Here, this way you won’t have to worry.” An incredulous glance, but after a moment or two of you not changing your mind he finished his last handful of Goldfish, dusted the crumbs off on his pants, and took the camera. He was so careful when he did. Like he was worried your hand would snap off like a porcelain doll’s if he was too rough. After sussing out how it worked, he had it focused on you with the red light on, recording already. 
At least he couldn’t eat the Goldfish anymore.
You smiled at the camera, at him. Holding up one of the flashlights you presented to him “Uv light.” then another “Infralight.” then the last one “This is just a mag light, but!” You lightly tapped the camera once you’d sat the flashlight down next to the bag of Goldfish that would haunt your nightmares. “That’s a full spectrum camera! So hopefully it’ll get anything-” “And where,” “We might…” “Did you get all of this?” You were struck dumb. That was the longest sentence he’d ever said to you in person. It hadn’t been half a day of knowing him in person so that wasn’t really saying much, but still/ Unfortunately you knew your answer wasn’t a winning one the moment you went to answer it. “Am…” His eyebrow arched “Amazon?” You managed to get out with all the authority of a parrot saying “Bottle.”
He looked away, sucked on his bottom lip then let it go with a loud pop while moving his now free hand to touch his chest then only looked back at you after letting out a long breath that would have been some kind of prolonged stress sigh if he was more annoyed. He wasn’t annoyed though, but you also couldn’t tell exactly what emotion was. Looked back at you, but ultimately returned to his silence even though for a moment it seemed like he wanted to say something. At least he didn’t laugh. Just slow blinked at you like your cat did sometimes.
“What?” He shook his head “I know you want to.” That made him give you an amused look. You decided to take it as him being tickled you claimed you could tell. “I’m just admiring your…resourcefulness.” You, not believing that for a minute, threw a side eye at his head, but ultimately decided to go back to unpacking anyway. If only out of spite at the moment. “You could be  a little more grateful, you know? I spent a lot of money on this stuff for us.I know you think it’s silly, but-” It was money you didn’t really have either, not for this at least.“You didn’t already have this?” “No?” His good humor hit the floor like a lead balloon. “Why?” “Because I promised you I would?” He threw his hand up. You were a little shocked he didn’t accidentally fling the camera from how quick and instinctual the gesture was “But the cost?” He didn’t raise his voice even in spite of the clear agitation or at least disgruntled confusion. Still nearly whispering which made the fact that you’d bothered him in some way a lot less terrifying than it probably should have been. You kinda felt like a librarian that told him he couldn’t check out any more books until he paid his late fees.
“I don’t care about that.” You laughed a little saying that and it did nothing to soothe his consternation. “You don’t care?” “Why would I care about that?” It was a genuine question that he seemed completely boggled by “None of this,” He waved the camera to give an example “Could have been cheap. Pumpkin, you got scammed. You know-” “No.” You quickly put a finger up and to his credit he took being interrupted like a champ. Just going quiet again with a soft huff. “If you think, genuinely think, that this is entirely about proving ghosts are real to you then maybe that sweater is a little too tight in the neck.” It wasn’t, it was so loose at this point you could see his adams apple and where his clavicals started. “You wouldn’t chastise me for buying a badminton net, would you? That’s all this is.” You got the feeling he would have chastised you for that too, but maybe that was just his generally miserly vibe. He nearly seemed like he was buffering on that statement until you added “It is a bonus though. Proving ghosts are real, I mean.” “Even if you do find something, no one will believe you.” Crane actually frowned a little then you heard why “Not with me here.” 
“Well,” You put a hand on your hip and puffed yourself up “I’d rather have you here than anyone believe me anyway.” That sent him into an odd state of awed confusion apparently. “Besides, you’re the only person I care about believing me. It’s not like I’m doing this for anyone else. It’s just us here.” There was a split second where he looked like he was about to throw up, but he choked whatever emotion that was bubbling up with a forced cough before holding the camera back up with that unreadable expression right back up where it was before. He didn’t argue, weirdly. He loved arguing. Maybe you’d won for once? He’d stopped fussing that’s what mattered. 
You’d forgotten what you were doing during that. You must have looked lost because he motioned at the rucksack and all the stuff on the table. “Oh! Right, right, right. Anyway, that’s a full spectrum camera. So it should be able to pick up anything we miss. I wanted to get a thermal camera, but I ran out of money. Aahahaa-” He didn’t laugh, but he did smile a little. 
Maybe those little smiles made this whole goofy adventure worth it in the end? They did to you at least.
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mogulinterior · 4 months
Vintage Rustic Christmas Decor Ideas
Embracing the charm of rustic Christmas decor can indeed transform your home into a cozy winter wonderland, evoking a sense of warmth and nostalgia. Here are some ideas to help you achieve that rustic and inviting atmosphere:
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Use vintage wood carved doors as unique wall or door decorations. Lean them against a wall or hang them up as rustic artwork. You can also repurpose them as tabletops or use them as a backdrop for your Christmas tree. Opt for a natural color palette that includes earthy tones like browns, greens, and muted reds. This will create a warm and comforting ambiance reminiscent of a cabin in the woods.
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Incorporate antique brass cladded doors into your decor. These can be used as tabletops, trays, or even as hanging decorations. The vintage charm of brass complements the rustic theme beautifully. Place ornate consoles in key areas of your home to add a touch of elegance to the rustic decor. These can serve as display surfaces for holiday-themed decorations and create a focal point in the room.
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Decorate with seasonal fruits and greens, such as apples, pears, pine branches, and eucalyptus. Arrange them in bowls, vases, or as part of table centerpieces to bring a fresh and natural element to your holiday decor. Scatter nuts and pine cones throughout your decor. Place them in baskets, incorporate them into wreaths, or use them as filler for decorative bowls. These simple additions contribute to the rustic charm.
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Choose Christmas ornaments with a rustic or vintage vibe. Wooden ornaments, burlap accents, and handmade pieces can enhance the overall aesthetic. Consider incorporating DIY ornaments for a personalized touch. Introduce soft textures like knitted blankets, faux fur throws, and plaid pillows. These cozy elements not only add warmth but also contribute to the overall rustic feel.
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Use warm and soft lighting to create a cozy atmosphere. String lights, candles, and lanterns can enhance the rustic charm of your Christmas decor. Engage in DIY projects to add a personal and handmade touch to your decorations. Create rustic signs, wreaths, or garlands using natural materials like twine, burlap, and wood.
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Remember, the key to achieving a rustic Christmas decor is to blend vintage elements with natural, earthy accents. Feel free to mix and match items to create a personalized winter wonderland that reflects your style and embraces the festive spirit.
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craftygstudio · 11 months
Festive Christmas Wreath Decorations and Creative Ideas for Every Season
As the holiday season approaches, one of the most iconic and beloved traditions is adorning our homes with festive decorations. Christmas wreaths are a timeless symbol of this celebration, and they add a touch of warmth and joy to any space. In this blog, we'll explore the art of Christmas wreath decorations, share some creative Christmas wreath ideas, and even touch on the concept of summer door wreaths to keep your home looking inviting year-round.
Part 1: Christmas Wreath Decorations
The beauty of Christmas wreaths lies in their versatility. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, allowing you to customize them to your liking. Here are some classic Christmas wreath decorations to consider:
Traditional Evergreen Wreath: The classic choice, made from fresh or artificial evergreen branches, often adorned with pinecones, red berries, and a festive bow. It exudes the timeless charm of Christmas.
Rustic Wreath: Create a cozy, rustic feel by incorporating natural elements like twigs, burlap, and dried fruits. This style is perfect for a country or farmhouse-themed Christmas.
Glamorous Wreath: For a touch of elegance, opt for a wreath made with shiny ornaments, metallic ribbons, and glittering accents. It's a show-stopper for any front door.
DIY Wreaths: Unleash your creativity by making your own wreath. Gather materials like ornaments, ribbons, and even old holiday cards to craft a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Personalized Wreaths: Monogram or custom wreaths add a personal touch to your décor. Incorporate your family name or initials to make your wreath truly unique.
Part 2: Christmas Wreath Ideas
Now, let's explore some creative Christmas wreath ideas that go beyond the traditional. These suggestions can add a fresh twist to your holiday decorations:
Themed Wreaths: Instead of a generic wreath, create one that follows a theme, such as a winter wonderland, Santa's workshop, or a candy cane lane.
Ornament Wreath: Decorate your wreath with a plethora of colorful ornaments, making it a vibrant and eye-catching focal point.
Scented Wreath: Incorporate fragrant elements like cinnamon sticks, dried oranges, and cloves to fill your home with a warm, inviting aroma.
Edible Wreath: Craft a wreath with edible goodies like candy canes, gingerbread cookies, or chocolate ornaments. It's a treat for the senses.
Minimalist Wreath: Embrace simplicity by using only a few elements, such as eucalyptus branches, white ribbons, and subtle lighting.
Part 3: Summer Door Wreaths
While Christmas wreaths are seasonal, the idea of decorating your door with wreaths doesn't have to be limited to the holidays. Summer door wreaths can bring the beauty of the season to your home year-round:
Floral Wreaths: Choose vibrant, summery flowers like sunflowers, daisies, or peonies for a welcoming and cheerful entry.
Seashell Wreaths: For a coastal vibe, create a wreath adorned with seashells, beach glass, and driftwood.
Herb Wreaths: Combine aromatic herbs like lavender, rosemary, and thyme to make a fragrant and visually appealing summer wreath.
Succulent Wreaths: These low-maintenance, drought-resistant plants can create a modern and trendy door decoration.
Nautical Wreaths: Celebrate the sea with a nautical-themed wreath featuring anchors, ropes, and seafaring elements.
Christmas wreath decorations hold a special place in our hearts during the holiday season, but with a dash of creativity, wreaths can become a delightful part of your home decor year-round. Whether you're crafting traditional Christmas wreaths or exploring unique ideas for any season, these festive decorations have the power to welcome guests and make your home feel warm and inviting. So, let your creativity flow, and embrace the beauty of wreaths in every season.
these festive decorations have the power to welcome guests and make your home feel warm and inviting. So, let your creativity flow, and embrace the beauty of wreaths in every season.
Get more information on CraftyGstudio
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lynchcreek · 1 year
DIY Spring Wreath Inspiration: Budget-Friendly Ideas for a Fresh Front Door
As the vibrant colors of spring paint the world with new life, it's the perfect time to adorn your front door with a cheerful spring wreath that welcomes the season with open arms. Crafting your very own DIY spring door wreath allows you to embrace your creativity and add a personal touch to your home's exterior without breaking the bank.
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Gathering inspiration from nature's bounty, a budget-friendly spring wreath can be easily made with minimal supplies and a dash of ingenuity. Start with a simple grapevine or foam wreath base, readily available at craft stores. For a nature-inspired theme, consider using faux or real flowers like daisies, tulips, and cherry blossoms, or opt for seasonal favorites like peonies and hydrangeas.
Incorporate various textures and elements, such as burlap ribbons, twigs, or even small garden tools, to add rustic charm and depth to your creation. Raid your craft stash for leftover ribbon, fabric scraps, and embellishments to infuse the wreath with a pop of color and character.
If you're feeling adventurous, try repurposing items like old picture frames, wire hangers, or even egg cartons to create unique wreath bases. Not only does this add an eco-friendly aspect, but it also lends an original and eye-catching twist to your front door decor. With a sprinkle of creativity and resourcefulness, you can fashion a budget-friendly DIY spring wreath for front door that reflects the joyful spirit of the season. Hang it on your front door with pride, and watch as it brings a breath of fresh air and a touch of nature's splendor to your home, welcoming both guests and the new season with delightful charm.
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casagear-home · 1 year
Celebrate Independence Day with These Creative Decoration Ideas
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Independence Day is a day of joy and celebration. This is a day when people come together to celebrate freedom and honor this incredible country-- the land of the free. Whether you are gathering with your family or hosting a party for your friends, it is essential to make sure that your Fourth of July decoration ideas complement the festive spirit. We want to help you in making your Independence Day decoration ideas a grand success. In this blog post, we will share some creative and engaging decoration ideas from our experts in order to help you celebrate the day in style.
Add life to your Independence Day decoration with fun balloons! Bring out your inventive side and cover your balloons with glitter, glue, and colorful pompoms. Make sure to stack your balloons in clusters with a star-spangled theme. You can even set them outside and create a balloon arch for an absolutely stunning display. As a bonus-- this activity can be fun for the kids to participate in, too!
What simpler way to set the tone than by decorating your front door with a themed wreath? Get creative with using patriotic colors like red, white, and blue! This will make your wreath stand out brilliantly and clearly. You can even choose to DIY the wreath by using paper cones, ribbons, flowers, and more to create an artistic accent that reflects your personality.
Use a vintage-inspired flag decoration as a centerpiece in your home decor. A classic flag connoting the nation's olden times and heritage gives a traditional and satisfying look. You can use antiques and woodwork with traditional flower arrangements to bring back a traditional vibe to your celebrations.
Make your dinner tables sparkle with firework-inspired table decor. Festive table runners are available in patriotic themes, but you can create DIY table runners by using burlap and painting it with lush colors of the USA flag. Then add a small patriotic centerpiece with red, white, and blue flowers and lights to complete your masterpiece.
Bring balance to your exterior decorations by adding yard signs and garden flags. Find signs that correspond with patriotic slogans such as the American flag, stars, and stripes, and deploy these signs to your and your neighbor's front yards. Get creative with your garden flags too, by embodying sayings like “God Bless America” and “Land of the Free” and fun artwork like fireworks, eagles, and Uncle Sam.
Independence Day is a day to have some fun, inspire, and honor the history of America. Casagear's favorite decoration ideas are here to encourage the patriotic celebration of the 4th of July and help you convey the spirit of America in your home decor. Now, take a moment to get creative by incorporating some of these themes into your Independence Day decorations and watch your celebrations go to the next level!
If you're looking to pick up some new home furniture for your outdoor space, living room, foyer, or some art and decor for your walls-- Casagear's Fourth of July Collection Page is up now for you to peruse! Don't wait-- happy shopping!
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
40+ Bicycle Wheel Wreath Ideas That Look Absolutely Stunning
40+ Bicycle Wheel Wreath Ideas That Look Absolutely Stunning
Are you looking for a fun recycled craft? Try your hand at making a rustic-looking bicycle wheel wreath!
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DIY Wreath Ideas: Create a Reusable Natural Wreath Frame
Want to make your own wreath frame for the home? This tutorial will show you how to make a wreath out of branches!
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Bicycle Wreath for Front Door
Southern Charm Wreaths is a faith based company whose mission is to propel the wreath making industry by educating, inspiring and motivating creative business owners to excel.
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Where to Buy Ribbon for Wreaths without a Business License
Where to Buy Ribbon for Wreaths - 10 places to get ribbon that you don't need a wholesale license to buy wreath supplies
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Suncatching Mossy Mushroom Wreath | Unique Handmade Mushroom Wall Decor
Small 6” inch celestial mushroom wreath, decorated with hand-sculpted and hand painted amanita-inspired mushrooms, star charms, wrapped angel aura crystals, and moss! This wreath hangs on a 2” twine cord as well. This is a very unique gift idea for nature lovers! *** please allow up to 1 week for processing time for handmade items.*** Item details: - Wreath diameter: 6” - Mushrooms are handmade with polymer clay - Total length is around 8” Please keep in mind that this is a 6 inch wreath! It may be subject to small changes due to the natural vine wreath bases being different sizes and types. Have any questions? Feel free to message me! _______________________________ Be sure to check out my instagram for new product launches, shop updates, and more! www.instagram.com/AsAboveCreations
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Purple Easter Floral Cross Wreath, Religious Front Door Décor
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DIY Tree Of Life Wreath - The Shabby Tree
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Farmhouse Bee Heart Wreath
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40 DIY Farmhouse Wreaths
From DIY cotton wreaths to boxwood greenery wreaths, there are plenty of easy DIY farmhouse wreaths for inspiration to choose from.
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How to Make a Bicycle Wreath
If you're for some inspiration for a fall wreath project, I can't wait to walk you through the transformation on a bicycle into a stunning fall wreath.
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Step by Step Flower Wreath Tutorial
Are you having a hard time finding a wreath frame these days? Well I have a pretty easy and inexpensive solution for you, Dollar Tree tinsel wreath frames. Dollar Tree offers these frame for our Patriotic and Halloween holidays. You can even purchase them by the case and stock up for the year. I fi
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Poly Burlap Flower Wreath with Boxwood Center Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to make a poly burlap flower wreath with boxwood center using poly burlap and a Unique in the Creek plastic flower form. Watch the video! Supplies Flower-Form-15-inch RP810027 White Poly Burlap Mesh
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How to Make a Deco Mesh Wreath
Deco Mesh Wreaths are easy and fun to make! Learn how to make an easy Deco Mesh Wreath using 10" mesh and 3 spools of ribbon.
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Rainbow Tulip Wreath
Learn how to make a stunning rainbow tulip wreath in just 20 minutes. I decided to make myself a new spring wreath and when I saw that Michaels had mini tulip bunches in every color of the rainbow, I knew I just
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votivecandleholder · 2 years
5 Creative Birthday Decoration Ideas without Balloons
New Post has been published on https://happybirthdaydecor.com/balloon-decorations/creative-birthday-decoration-ideas-without-balloons
5 Creative Birthday Decoration Ideas without Balloons
Birthday parties are always a blast—but what would a birthday bash be without balloons? If you’re looking to spice up your party decorations but don’t want to use balloons, don’t worry; there are plenty of creative alternatives that can help you make your special day even more memorable.
1 Best Birthday Decoration Ideas without Balloons
1.1 Streamers and Ribbons
1.2 Banners
1.3 Table Decorations
1.4 Paper Lanterns
1.5 Confetti
2 DIY Decorations without Balloons
Best Birthday Decoration Ideas without Balloons
Read on for some great ideas for decorating your next birthday celebration without balloons!
Streamers and Ribbons
Streamers and ribbons are one of the most popular and versatile decorations around .These decorations can add so much life to your home or venue with their bright colors and festive appeal. Streamers can be hung from walls, railings, and ceilings to create an eye-catching display. Ribbons can also be used in creative ways like tying them around door handles for a sweet surprise when guests walk into the party space.
They come in an array of colors and styles, making them perfect for any party theme. For extra pizazz, hang different sizes and shapes of streamers in alternating patterns. The great thing about streamers is that you can customize the colors and lengths depending on your party’s theme. For instance, if you’re hosting an under-the-sea themed birthday party, you could get blue streamers with seashell cutouts or ocean animal cutouts along the length of them.
You can also combine different colors of streamers together to give your space more life and color. And as an added bonus, they don’t require any helium or complicated installation tools!
Banners are another great decoration option for birthdays without balloons. Banners come in all sorts of styles – from plain paper ones with just text on them (perfect for creating personalized messages) to ones made with fabric or burlap (ideal for rustic themes).
They’re also easy to hang up using tape or command strips – no need for helium here either! Plus, banners can be customized with images or quotes related to the theme of the party. 
Table Decorations
Table decorations can also make a huge impact with relatively little effort. Tablecloths are an easy way to add color and texture; they come in many different materials including paper, plastic, fabric, burlap, etc., and you can match it to the color scheme of your party or choose something more neutral if you want the focus elsewhere. You can also add table runners for an extra pop of color or themed napkins or plates for a cohesive look that doesn’t include any balloons whatsoever!
For smaller spaces like coffee tables or side tables, centerpieces are a fantastic way to bring everything together without taking up too much room on the actual table surface. Centerpieces don’t have to be complicated; even just a few candles arranged in an aesthetically pleasing way would do the trick! 
Paper Lanterns
Paper lanterns are a great way to brighten up any room with their warm glow. You can find paper lanterns in just about any color or pattern imaginable, so they’re perfect for adding a unique touch to your birthday decorations.
String several together and hang them over the dance floor or gift table for extra flair. Or create an eye-catching display by hanging them at varying lengths throughout the room.
No decoration is complete without confetti! This small detail adds so much joy and excitement when it gets thrown as part of the festivities or sprinkled around the party area as decoration. Whether it’s sprinkled down from above or scattered across tables or countertops, it will definitely add some sparkle and shine to your party decor. You can make your own confetti using colorful paper cut into small circles and squares or buy pre-made biodegradable confetti made out of tissue paper or wood fibers that won’t harm the environment after its use at the party!
Choose confetti in coordinating colors that match your party theme, such as metallic gold stars for a glam feel or vibrant rainbow circles for a fun pop of color. Just make sure the area is covered with something waterproof first so the cleanup process is easier!
DIY Decorations without Balloons
Birthday decorations don’t need to include balloons in order to look festive and inviting! With just few colorful and fun décor alternatives, you can create a beautiful environment that will make any birthday celebration even more special. So the next time you’re planning a birthday bash without balloons, consider embracing these alternatives instead! Your guests will love them just as much as they would any balloon-filled event – maybe even more so!
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lynch-creek-farm · 2 years
Xmas Wreaths to Start Celebrating the Start of the Season With
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Summer had its fun this year, and with the holidays coming up, it’s time to start thinking about Christmas music, Christmas presents, and best of them all, Christmas Decor. Now we know it’s still hot outside and summer doesn’t seem like it’ll end, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start creating a list of decorating ideas and eyeing those new Christmas decorations that Lynch Creek Farm puts out each year. If you’ve been waiting for the best holiday decor for this upcoming Christmas season, we at Lynch Creek Farm can provide you with everything you need to bring your home to life this holiday season. 
Home Decor and Gift Ideas to Purchase for the Holidays
We offer an abundance of unparalleled Christmas garland, fresh Christmas wreaths, adorable tabletop Christmas trees, swags, and stunning Christmas wreaths for front door, living room, and entryway. We also sell warm white Christmas lights as well as wreath hangers, and other decorations including quirky gnomes, porch signs, and pillar candles. For wreath lovers who take the time each year to find their perfect front door wreath, we have dazzling pinecone wreaths created with beautiful red berries, snowflakes, plaid, and burlap bows, and Christmas ornaments, among many other decorations. These are incredibly festive pieces that make the best gifts and home decorations for the holidays. 
Holiday Wreaths Mixed with Festive Decorations for Your Front Door
In our outdoor greenery wreath collection, we have an assortment of red berry wreaths, mixed pine and noble fir wreaths, and ornament wreaths that cater to different parts of the season. For snowy days and winter weather, our first recommendation is Mountain Snowberry, a lush wreath created with white berry clusters, pinecones, and frosted leaves. Cobalt Christmas is made with frosted branches, metallic blue berries, and blue, aqua, and silver ball ornaments. We also love Snowy Owl, a silver holiday wreath created with glitter-frosted branches, frosted pinecones, bright red berry clusters, silver ornaments, and a plush elegant snowy owl sitting next to a silver bow.
Vibrant Xmas Wreaths You Can Add Lights and Tinsel To
If your home decor is usually colorful and full of decorations, we have plenty of door decor wreaths that’ll meet those expectations every year. Country Christmas, Pacific Pepperberry, Touch Of Holly, and Graceful Blooms are littered with beautiful decorations like frosted bristles, brilliant red ornaments and berries, and magnolia flowers. To add even more Christmas shine, consider purchasing lighted wreath or tinsels to give your wreath that extra flair if you want to add some DIY touches. 
For house decor that embodies the true essence of the holiday season, shop for all of your decorating needs with Lynch Creek Farm. Every piece is designed to last with fresh greenery and high-quality pieces that you won’t want to put away at the end of the season. So, visit our website and grab yourself an original Lynch Creek design before they’re all gone for the holidays.
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arenamains · 2 years
Black light table cloth
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Home Office Guest Room Ideas That Will Refresh Your Everyday LifeĬontemporary Wood Burning Heating Systems That Will Upcycle Your Old StuffĮntryway Red Doors That Are Simply Amazing View in Gallery Burlap lace table runner round temasistemiĬreative Planters Ideas That Will Make Your Home Shiny Make sure to verify our gallery out, when you've chosen the ideal appear for yours. This burlap lace table runner round temasistemi thought makes you get some ideas, in this article I provide several. View in Gallery Best round black bistro patio table tablecloth smarty View in Gallery Table linens napkins rentals tableskirting shirtime Burlap Lace Table Runner Round Temasistemi There are hundreds of ways to design your own. You can find plenty of best round black bistro patio table tablecloth smarty suggestions throughout our website using a number of pictures. View in Gallery Essential home 70in round black tablecloth dining Best Round Black Bistro Patio Table Tablecloth Smarty Take a look at these images to aid decide which is the greatest for you personally. This features essential home 70in round black tablecloth dining provide many different types for ideas. View in Gallery Dining room great wooden table ideas black View in Gallery Interior perfect black white striped tablecloth ideas Essential Home 70in Round Black Tablecloth Dining You are going to visit a sizable selection of different. This idea that is dining room great wooden table ideas black might be intimidating and quite daunting, but our specialist may assist you tremendously. Wall Hooks Designs Inspiration That Will Satisfy Youĭisco Inspired Bedroom Design Inspiration That Will Simplify Your Lifeĭining Room Great Wooden Table Ideas Black Masculine Bedroom Ideas That Will Add Special Charm To Any Home View in Gallery Banquet table linens black thediapercake home trendĬorian Concrete Onyx Prima That Abound With Warmth Pleasant Feeling View in Gallery Buy cheap tablecloths temasistemi View in Gallery Black tablecloths sale temasistemi Banquet Table Linens Black Thediapercake Home TrendĪlso if you are unsure of where to begin with the banquet table linens black thediapercake home trend or do not understand what you are looking for, visiting our articles may be a great spot to get your start.
Are hey looking mo Re professionally? Would you find it challenging to locate what pleases you, in the event that you're? Then sense free to grab and discover our site. This buy cheap tablecloths temasistemi pictures seems inviting and stunning. View in Gallery Dining room candle sconce design black tablecloth View in Gallery Royal blue tablecloth wedding temasistemi Buy Cheap Tablecloths Temasistemi 38 Truly Amazing Renovated Milan Apartment Modern Retro That Abound With Charming Traditional Touchĭiy Wedding Favors That Will Catch Your Eyeĭiy Gold Hexnut Necklace That You Must Craft.Ozone House Sydney Modern Design That You Cant Dislike Diy Twinkle Light Wreath That You Must See Right Now
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handmadewitchcraft · 5 years
DIY: Door Wreaths
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Instead of making a different one for different occasions I have opted for a more permanent fixture.  
I crocheted a circle pattern (pick whichever you like best, you can easily find them online or in crochet magazines).   Then I measured out the diameter and found (fresh!) birch branches as they are very flexible and don’t break easily.  I twisted them into a circle, tied the ends up and then covered the whole construction in juta/burlap rope.  The sort you find in garden shops.  
Then attached the crocheted circle to the twig circle.  And voila:  a semi-permanent wreath like fixture:
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So every season I come up with something different to decorate it with.  Obviously, I went for holly as “tis the season” after all. 
A good choice is always a plant with protective properties.  
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hochzeit3863-blog · 4 years
Out-of-doors Decorations For Fall along with Winter Weddings
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The home decor you select for the outside areas of your wedding are the versions which will create the first effect of your wedding. Whether your invitees will view them merely briefly as they scurry in a warm church on a icy December day or can spend the entire celebration between them at an early fall months outdoor wedding, the exterior interior decor are very important. Create a gorgeous welcoming design with these delete word outdoor decorations for drop and winter weddings.
From the autumn, outdoor decorations generally take on a rustic flavor. It is great for the diy woman, as they are often easy to build. Grand stalks of wheat or grain tied to the columns of any country inn with a russet colored ribbon would be a wonderful means to set the tone for the charming country wedding when using early October afternoon. Range the front steps with containers of mums in holiday colors for a gorgeous leaked of color. The bins of flowers can be re-purposed as table decorations to the post-wedding brunch the following moment, or simply transport them to the house to decorate your own porch or even yard after the wedding. All these decorations would be very much commensurate with the taste of a bride who have likes a simple silk shantung gown and handmade wedding ceremony jewelry.
Wreaths are amazing decorations for doors, forest, even the broad side of an barn. The marvelous issue about a wreath is that you can produce a nearly infinite variety of models using the same basic application form. For an elegant wedding in the Christmas season, adorn typically the church doors with a set of two square wreaths made from boxwood. Tie on wide bright satin bows with further long streamers for a artisitc chic effect. For a slide celebration, create a rustic wreath from grapevine and all berries to hang on the door of the restored barn reception. Give a bow in a cranberry or perhaps pine green burlap for just a festive touch. Wreaths can even be very feminine, such as a common round pine wreath adorned with dried white hydrangeas or preserved white magnolia blossoms. Or add seashells and starfish to a desire wreath for a nautical winter months wedding by the sea.
Lights is an easy way to increase drama to the exterior places of your wedding. Classic very small white lights can be used to excellent effect when hundreds are generally strung through trees flanking a front door. Or hold small clear glass terre over an entry technique filled with flickering white candle lights. On a snowy day, coated lanterns with ivory wax lights planted in the snow together a walkway would be a stunning way to brighten up a dreary day or icy nighttime. If your ceremony and wedding party will take place outdoors prior to fall weather turns way too cold, hang candle loaded lanterns on shepherd's hook varieties to line the junction or around the perimeter on the reception space.
Great wedding patterns always surprise guests along with at least one big "wow". Consider having hundreds of illuminated wood pumpkins set out on a gemstone wall beside the driveway prior to your country club for any late October wedding? Or maybe suspend giant illuminated snowflakes from lamp posts away from wedding venue as does one January bride I realize. (So fabulous for her Winter months Wonderland wedding, which was detailed with handmade wedding jewelry together with crystal snowflakes. ) Seeking another splashy way to spruce up your outdoor space? Drape fantastic swathes of fabric in your marriage color to frame outside to your ceremony or office reception space.
There are countless more ways to decorate the exterior of an autumn or winter wedding. Chain garlands of preserved fall leaves over an arbor, hang chic wreaths created from frosted silver Christmas at any time you on the windows of your wedding reception site, or simply carve a significant heart in the fresh gone down snow. The special attention offer to decorating the outside of the wedding party site will make an incredible first sight.
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lynchcreek · 2 years
Christmas Swag Vs. Christmas Wreath: What's The Difference?
Do you know the difference between Christmas swag and a Christmas wreath? Most people don't. Many people use the terms interchangeably. But there is a big difference between the two! This blog post will discuss the differences between Christmas swags and wreaths and help you decide which one is right for your home this holiday season!
What is a Christmas Swag?
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A Christmas swag is a decoration made from greenery, such as holly, red berries, warm white clear lights, bristle, pine cones, and evergreens. It is usually decorated with ribbons, bows, and other festive elements. Christmas swags can be hung on front doors, used as centerpieces, or even with other Christmas decorations.
The benefits of having Christmas Swag are:
-They are easy to make! You can find DIY tutorials all over the internet on making your own Christmas swag.
-They are relatively inexpensive. You can find inexpensive artificial Christmas teardrop swag without spending a ton of money. However, if you want the best door swag, you’ll want to use a high-quality company like Lynch Creek Wreaths.
-They add a touch of elegance to your home. A well-made swag can dress up your door decor, living room, banister, Christmas tree, holiday decor, or wall decor.
What is a Christmas Wreath?
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A Christmas wreath is also a decoration that is made from greenery. However, it is usually circular and can be hung on doors, windows, or fireplaces. Christmas wreaths are often decorated with poinsettia, floral components, ball ornaments, plaid burlap, filler, hydrangeas, magnolias, pine branches, pine needles, and white led lights, snowflakes, or wintry pine to match other Christmas decor. Depending on where you purchase them, you can even find unlit or pre-lit wreaths.
The difference between the two all comes down to shape and size. Swags are usually longer and thinner, while wreaths are shorter and wider. Now that you know the difference, you can decide which one is right for your home this holiday season!
How Do I Choose The Right Christmas Swag?
When choosing a Christmas swag, you will want to take into account a few things, including:
Size And Shape Of Your Space
If you have a larger space, such as a doorway or fireplace, you will want to choose a larger swag. If you have a smaller space, such as a window, you will want to select a smaller swag.
Overall Style Of Your Home
You will also want to take into account the overall style of your home decor. If you have a more traditional home, you will want to choose a more traditional swag. If you have a more modern home, you will want to select a more modern swag.
Material Of The Christmas Swag
Another thing to consider is the material of the swag. Most Christmas swags are made from artificial greenery, like a pine artificial Christmas teardrop swag battery-operated. However, you can also find ones made from natural greenery. You will want to choose a material that matches the style of your home and personal preferences. You can choose from tons of options such as mailbox swags, greenery swags, holiday swags, berry swags, pine cone swags, and more.
Now that you know all about Christmas swags, it's time to decide if one is suitable for your home this holiday season!
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Need some DIY spring wreaths inspiration? Check out this spring wreath for the front door that has forsythia and a large burlap bow! This is an easy DIY spring wreath to brighten up your home decor! #springwreaths #diyspringwreath #springwreathforfrontdoor #springwreathdiy | Like My Facebook Page >> https://ift.tt/2jty87z ... Saved from - https://ift.tt/2VtCXBv
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stacieconnerty · 5 years
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Learn how to make a Bubble/Pouf style wreath on a Dollar Tree wreath frame. DIY Wreath, Bubble Wreath, Pouf Wreath, Deco Mesh Wreath, Burlap Wreath, Home Decor Wreath, Door Wreath, Valentines Decor, Easter Decor, HolidayWreath #diy #diyhomedecor #diycrafts #diyprojects #julieswreathboutique https://ift.tt/2xacOhL
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freekoalabanana · 2 years
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DOLLAR TREE DIY Pumpkin Wreath - Pumpkin Wreath Form, Dollar Tree Fall DIY
#diy In this tutorial, I'm sharing a Pumpkin Wreath that you can make using Dollar Tree supplies. This Farmhouse style burlap wreath is easy to Do It Yourself using affordable items found at Dollar Tree Stores. Hang this wreath on your door for Fall and Thanksgiving and get ready to receive lots of compliments! Keep reading and watch the video below to learn how to make this Pumpkin Wreath Dollar Tree DIY!
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lynch-creek-farm · 2 years
Summer Wreaths You Need To Know About
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While most people save decorating their homes for the fall and winter months, some of us like to get a jump on the season. If you’re one of those who love to decorate as early as Easter or just looking for something different to add to your home, this summer, check out these fantastic summer wreaths!
At Lynch Creek Farm, we’ve been making beautiful, handmade wreaths for many years. We love helping our customers find the perfect wreath for their homes, and we’re always on the lookout for new trends. From dried floral wreaths, eucalyptus wreaths, greenery wreaths, berry wreaths, and boxwood wreaths to sunflower wreaths and tulip wreaths, there is plenty of front door decor to choose from when it comes to summer wreath ideas.
We’ve put together a list of our favorite summer wreaths for you to check out. Take a look and see if any of these would be perfect for your home!
What Is A Summer Wreath?
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A summer wreath is a type of wreath made specifically for the summer season. Summer wreaths are usually made with lighter, brighter colors and materials than their winter counterparts.
While you can find summer wreaths made of almost anything, some popular materials include greenery, eucalyptus leaves, burlap, peony, seashells, starfish, succulents, green lemon, or other green leaves. There are plenty of options from wildflower wreaths, hydrangea wreaths, lemon wreaths, and lavender wreaths to peony wreaths and grapevine wreaths, choosing a summer front door wreath for your home.
Instead of ordering a generic summer wreath from Amazon or Wayfair, which will look like every other summertime decor, or taking on the arduous task of trying to DIY summer wreaths by looking at tutorials, why not browse one of the best sellers from Lynch Creek Farm? We’ll fill your home with the beautiful wreath decorating ideas you want this summer.
Garden Romance Wreath
The holidays are coming, and you need beautiful decorations for your door! Garden Romance offers the perfect solution with our gorgeous 18” flower wreath. This lovely wreath is handcrafted with a graceful mixture of dried integrifolia, white larkspur, English lavender, pink phalaris, and white statice. The result is a romantic blend of natural elegance that can be easily displayed in any room in the home, whether that’s on the front door, living room, dining room, or simply wall decor. This wreath makes an exceptional and thoughtful gift. Designed for indoor use, this wreath will add beauty and natural style to any home. You won’t find anything like it on the market today – it’s a fantastic product and an incredible experience all rolled into one!
Forever Zinnia Wreath
This Forever Zinnia Wreath is the perfect summer door wreath for anyone on your list! The natural beauty of this wreath will bring delight to any room it’s placed in. It’s also a great way to show off your love of nature and floral design or remind you of your favorite summer garden. We know you’ll love this beautiful Forever Zinnia Wreath as much as we do. It would be the perfect addition to your home décor or a special gift for someone you care about. Order yours today!
Classic Green Myrtle
Our Forever Zinnia wreath is a stunning garden wreath with naturally beautiful botanicals, including delightful preserved pink and yellow zinnia flowers. It will bring endless delight to anyone who receives it! Designed for indoor use. You can hang this beautiful dried floral wreath on your door, home, or office to add some natural beauty to any space.
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