wormlette · 7 months
can tallmen and halffoots reproduce in DMverse? no reason :smile:
Bestie I fully believe Laios’ dick could hammer nails through a wall when he gets that old man where he wants him
They CAN reproduce in DM and even if they couldn’t that wouldn’t stop him 🥰
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corey-067 · 4 years
24 for corey black?
Thanks for the ask, Nonny. I don’t know if this was the one that you were intending, but I’d recently rebagled two lists. Apologies if it’s not the right one, but have some fluff!
This is set in @keldae‘s DMVerse, a SWTOR AU, which I highly recommend you check out. 
They'd gotten the younglings aboard and settled as quickly as possible, their pilot sending them skyward the moment the ramp was up. Curled up on the couches in the common area, several of the Jedi younglings had already fallen asleep. The Mandalorian left his helmet with one of them, who had latched onto it planetside, and had curled up with it wrapped in their arms. 
He felt the presence of two of the Jedi following him as he made his way to the Dancer's cockpit. "Resistance forces, assets are aboard. Repeat, assets are aboard. Disengage and head for rendezvous aurek." Moments later, Corey heard the distinctive sound of the ship entering hyperspace, and he hoped that the remaining ships made it through okay, especially considering why they were there. 
Korin came forward first, a frown crossing his features as he took in the Mandalorian's eyes and injured face. "Rough day?" He asked, a hint of a smirk playing about his lips. He reached out his hand, and Corey clasped his wrist, pulling him in and clapping him on the back. "Hey, hey! Armor, ow! Don' be digging that into my sof' parts!" He chuckled as he returned the gesture before stepping back.
"I've gotta get something out of today," Corey sighed, shaking his head. "You're never gonna let me live it down." His grin was tired but sincere. "Vor entye, ner vod. Truly."
He released his grip on Korin, eyes searching the cockpit until he found her. Sliding one of his gauntlets off, he reached out and caressed Lana's cheek, as though he couldn't quite believe she was real. 
"We need to get you looked at," Lana frowned, reaching for his hand. Her skin was cool against his, and the moment that the reality that she was really in front of him, and not part of a nightmare in which she would be ripped from his grasp, the sulfur drained from his eyes, returning to their natural blue. Everything he'd been holding onto, all the pain and hate, seemed to drift away as he rested his forehead against hers. 
"I know you said y' had contacts among the Mandos, but I never woulda guessed..." Korin murmured in the background, more to himself than anything. 
Corey leaned down, his fingers tracing Lana's features, and he kissed her. At that moment, the galaxy simply ceased to be; there were only the two of them. No shocked Jedi, no friend who was ushering them out of the cockpit so that they could have a moment of privacy. For the first time in more than two years, they felt complete. Their lips only parted to breathe, as they found each other again, softly meshing together. He'd tasted nothing sweeter, his heart swelling with love as they held each other gently, energy singing through their bond as the Sith began to heal his battered body. Simple proximity was enough of a salve for his soul, and the last thing he remembered was planting a gentle kiss on her cheek, as a smile curved his lips.
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ncfe4r-blog · 7 years
Closed starter for @jurassicjerk
☆° Even with Domino being as gloomy as it was that day, the Circus girl seemed all too happy to make her way through the town. She hummed as her rainboots splashed and sloshed in each and every puddle. Sure it was a childish thing to do, but sometimes one just needed to indulge in the silly little things in life.
A happy hum left her lips as she kept moving along, on her way to a sweet little cafe she’d discovered a few days before. Japan always had such interesting things! Who’d have thought someone would have come up with a cute monster cafe? It was all she ever could have hoped for.
However while her thoughts were on pastel colors and sweets, she hardly paid any attention to the people around her. With a large jump into an even larger puddle, Tilly launched a mini-tidal wave right onto an unsuspecting brunet. The realization of what she’d done came far too late, and her eyes went wide when she realized that this poor person was now soaked. 
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry Mister! Are you okay?”
No, Tilly, he was dripping wet. °☆
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 years
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This pretty much straight-up confirms that the “Eastern Islands” in Dungeon Meshi land are the DMverse’s version of Asia. Spoiler alert, but Shuro is very blatantly Fantasy-Japanese, so I wonder if Rin’s ancestry is analogous to anything specific.
While we’re talking about Rin, honey, I know you have a thing for Kabru, but I very much caution getting involved with a guy who straight up admits that he loves gathering way-too-much covert information on his peers as a ~fun hobby~. And Kabru, please like. calm down. for everyone’s sake.
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andveryginger · 5 years
SWTOR Fic: Double Duty
Title: "Double Duty"
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic (Drastic Measures AU)
Author: Ginger
Pairing: Imperial Agent/Jedi Shadow (Reanden Taerich/Mairen Bel Iblis)
Summary: ”You’re not a spymaster,” Marcus Trant muttered. “You’re a damned matchmaker!”
The idea for this has been rattling around in my head since the Fictober list dropped. The prompt, “I might just kiss you” certainly grabbed the attention of the two assholes. Unfortunately, Real Life™ has been a total bitca and I’m just now settling in to do a little writing in between some embroidery commissions.
Theoretically takes place sometime in some future version of @keldae‘s DMverse, where the Alliance is established on Odessen, with Ardun Kothe having stepped in as spymaster because Spyboy Theron has his own operational duties. Marcus Trant has apparently been forced to depart Coruscant for an as yet undisclosed reason. Mai and Reanden have -- of course -- been snarking at each other for months. More recently, however, Ardun has noted a change between the two...
Many thanks to @keldae for letting me play in the sandbox. You can have Reanden back any time. Really.
“...I have all the particulars on your identities here --” Ardun Kothe stopped, frowning as he bowed his head over his datapad. “Damn it. Grabbed the wrong one,” he said. He looked up to his agents: former Imperial operative, Reanden Taerich, and Green Jedi, Mairen Bel Iblis. “Excuse me -- and ah, try not to kill each other while I’m gone, hm?”
Reanden watched his old friend disappear into the corridor, door sliding closed behind him. He cut Mairen a wicked grin. "I might just kiss you..."
"Might?" The red headed Jedi raised her brows briefly, expression shifting quickly to a smirk. "Be still my beating heart."
His lips quirked sideways in response. "We're supposed to be married, darling," he said. He took two steps forward, narrowing the gap between. "I should be making your heart race."
Her gaze darted involuntarily -- and almost imperceptibly -- to his lips. But Taerich was a student of body language. It’s a tell he noticed, and one she knew she telegraphed. She cocked her head to one side, mischief sparking through green-hazel eyes as she folded her arms across her chest. She didn’t otherwise move. "I suppose, darling," she drawled, "I'll simply have to fake it."
"Fake it?" Reanden stepped closer. "If you must, I suppose. Though perhaps a bit of rehearsal might be needed."
Amusement mixed with the impish gleam in her eyes. "Just so I'm prepared, hm?" Her lips twitched. "Seems I've heard that song and dance before."
At this, Reanden raised his brows, left disappearing under the lock of hair that flopped diagonally across his forehead. "And here I thought Jedi led more sheltered lives. Or so your dear uncle led me to believe."
"My dear uncle has no idea," Mairen replied with a roll of her eyes. "I trained as an operative, Taerich. That required no small amount of... adjustment. Thankfully, my training officer was more than happy to oblige."
His brows arched higher. "Well, so Kothe wasn't always buttoned-up and all business, hm?" He pursed his lips, his own gaze flitted toward her lips. He covered by making a show of looking her over. "And good taste, too."
"Honestly, Taerich," she said. "You're off your game if you think that is flattering." Leaned against the conference table, she shifted a bit, despite herself. Recovering, she gave a wry grin. "At least I know Ardun cares."
"Present tense?" He stepped closer. Warmth radiated between them, as well as an undercurrent of energy that seemed to shadow their interactions of late: a mix of frustration and amusement and irritation and... something else that could prove dangerous. Neither will admit it, but both struggled to keep breathing steady and even. "I'd hate to step on any toes. Professional courtesy, and all that."
Mairen shook her head. "Long since over, if you must know," she answered. "Friends now -- colleagues, too." She glanced down, then back up. "The only toes you're about to step on... are mine.
"Then I suppose I should stop.” His eyes flashed and he swept gently forward with his foot, slipping the toe of his boot the narrow space between her own.
The Jedi arched her left brow sharply. When he didn’t retreat, she shifted to sit on the conference table, widening the gap between her legs. She unfolded her arms, hands coming to rest on either side of her hips.
Gaze holding hers as he stepped into the space, her inner thighs embraced his quads through the fabric of their trousers. He could see the slight flare of her nostrils, knew his were doing the same. Hands curled over the curve of her hip; his lips hovered millimeters away as he spoke: "Should I stop?"
“A little rehearsal,” Mairen replied slowly, “might be just what the agent ordered."
There was a sharp intake of breath, and Taerich sealed his lips over hers. The connection was at first like their conversation: firm, assured, almost taunting. She was, after all, calling his bluff -- matching his brazen attitude with her own. But then his hands drifted up, framing her face as the kiss deepened. Her hands came to rest on his biceps, tugging him closer as she shifted her hips toward his. Around them, the room faded. Their focus narrowed to little more than each other and the current that seemed to flow through them as they explored new territory.
Breaking away abruptly, Reanden dropped his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. Opening them again a moment later, his hazel eyes regarded her, pupils blown. His chest rose and fell quickly, and he swallowed between breaths. He rested his forehead against hers. “Kriffing Hells,” he panted. “Wondered what that was going to be like.”
Her laugh was abbreviated, hindered by her own short breath. “Me, too.” Mairen tightened her grip on his arms briefly. “Now I’m wondering about a lot of other things.”
He chuckled. “Me, too.” There was a long exhale, then he drew back and looked toward the door. “We’ve got to get out of here. Kothe will be back, and we are in no condition for the rest of that mission brief.”
The Corellian Jedi nodded. “Maybe, but…” She licked her lips, brow creasing in thought. “...that mission will get us out of here. And, as you so helpfully pointed out, we’re supposed to be married -- or at least our cover identities are. I can’t think of a better excuse to… satisfy some of that curiosity? Especially since we’ll have quite a bit of downtime after the drop.”
Reanden gave a lopsided grin. “I like the way you think,” he replied. “The only problem I have at the moment is I’d rather just satisfy that curiosity -- right here and now.”
“Force, Taerich,” she hissed. Her hands tightened on his arms. She then pushed him away, employing a small amount of assistance from that same energy she’d just taken in vain. Reanden landed heavily in the chair to her left. The want in her green hazel eyes reflected his own as she looked to him. “Later.”
A split second and the durasteel panel slid open once again. Kothe entered much as he’d departed, eyes fixed on the datapad in his hands. “And this should cover it,” he said as he made his way toward them. “I’m uploading the data to your ship, Reanden -- it’ll be best employed for this one. You can study your covers en route.”
The former Imperial nodded, crossing his legs, casually interlacing his fingers in his lap. “I --” He paused, clearing his throat. “I’ll make sure she’s prepped and ready to depart as soon as possible.”
Kothe nodded. “Good.” He looked to Mairen and blinked. “You all right, Mai? You look a little flushed.”
“Yes, well…” Mairen cleared her own throat, glancing to Reanden, then back to her old friend and colleague. “We had a few choice words while you were gone. I… think we’ve settled it. For now.”
Again, the senior agent nodded. “This is practically a milk run, but the last thing I want is for you two and your sniping at each other to compromise the mission. Understood?”
“Oh, I don’t think that will be a problem.” Reanden pushed himself to standing, flashing a wink at Mairen as he did so. He picked up his jacket from the table, holding it at his waist. He then looked toward her. “Meet you in the hangar in ten?”
“Ten minutes. Got it,” Mairen replied. She slipped off the conference table to her own feet, shifting her attention to Kothe. “See you on the other side, old friend.”
“As always.”
Kothe stood watching as the two beat a hasty retreat from the room.
From the opposite door behind him, Marcus Trant entered, also watching as the two agents hurried away. He gave a long, slow whistle, leaning against the podium at the front of the room. "Those two," he drawled, "are like detonite."
Picking up the small surveillance device, a disc about the size of a credit chip, Kothe chuckled. "Ready to blow at the lightest spark?" Trant nodded. "You're not wrong... and it's exactly the reason I'm sending them on this meet. We don't want them anywhere nearby when they finally get their drutash together."
Trant shook his head. "I thought she hated him."
"She did." The former Jedi looked up at his colleague, hint of a smirk ghosting across his lips. "Or rather, she hated her perception of him -- one fed to her for decades by her uncle... who, as we both know, has his own reasons for bias." The smirk finally stuck. "Turns out the reality is a bit more complicated."
"So it would seem." Marcus shifted, gaze following Kothe as he moved about the room, gathering datapads and tapping controls on the console integrated into the table. A crease formed in his brow. "Mairen's not exactly known for fooling around, Ardun."
Kothe nodded, once. "I'm more than aware," he said. His voice was a low rumble, rueful tone evident in his words. "He's the first to spark such a... passionate... reaction from her since -- well, in a long while.”
Since you, Marcus supplied silently. "But... Taerich?" he asked. "He's a remarkable agent and an old friend, but... well, his issues have issues. You know that as well as I do."
"And Mai -- Mairen -- isn't without her own baggage," Kothe began. "But I've seen -- and heard -- how miserable he is, Marcus. That banter between them is the liveliest I've seen him outside of an op in...also in a long time."
“Same.” Trant grimaced. He shook his head. “He’s been an absolute disaster since Airna died. Kept it from the kids well enough, I guess; even from me, for the most part. The past few years, he’s pretended to have it together -- and actually has -- for missions. I’ve pretended not to notice when he drops off the radar afterward.”
The former director of SIS nodded once. “Not unlike you, after… well, after. But you climbed out of the bottle. He keeps finding his way back in.”
“A popular diversion, but not a coping mechanism.” Kothe offered a rueful smile. “She’s a good balance for him -- not afraid to call him out on his bantha shit, like Airna. He needs that. If this works -- and that’s a big if -- it might help.”
Marcus regarded his colleague for a long moment, lips pursed as he chose his words carefully. He shifted his weight between his feet, picked at the veneer on the podium. “You two have something of a history,” he said. “You’re okay with her and the old bastard?”
“Mai and I,” Kothe began, “are friends. Have been since she left Corellia.” He placed his datapad onto the conference table. Leaning against it in a manner that he had seen the Green Jedi herself do earlier, he folded his arms across his chest. “We can’t go back, and I don’t know that either of us wants to. I just want her to be happy. And I want that old bastard to be happy, too.”
Trant sighed, then gave a snort of laughter, shaking his head. “You’re not a spymaster,” he said. “You’re a damned matchmaker.”
At this, Kothe laughed. “Not the spymaster anymore -- or I won’t be when you step up,” he replied. “Seems to me, I’m left at loose ends.”
“Doesn’t make you the morale officer.”
“True. Hylo might not like me honing in on her territory.”
Shaking his head again, Marcus pushed himself to his feet. “C’mon,” he said, beckoning with a wave of his left hand, “and let me buy you a drink. Got a bottle of Whyren’s in the stash.”
The former Jedi fell into step next to his friend, pausing only long enough to secure the conference room. “Hope you’ve got more than one bottle in there, old friend,” he said. “With those two, we’re gonna need a steady supply.”
“With those two, we might as well buy the distillery…”
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ladyicepaw · 6 years
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Some more polished character drawings of the Dreammakers main cast!
The first 8 pages of the comic are uploaded now, you can read it on the DMverse Tumblr or on deviantArt! I’d recommend the latter, since Tumblr tends to mess with the image sizes of the pages.
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umisabaku · 7 years
Hi! Just wanted to say I love your DMverse; I think I've re-read it like. 4 times. (And cried every time - the feels are so real ;-;) I started reading your other works, and really really loved the haikyuu shapeshifter AU! Will there be a Tsukiyama or IwaOi addition? And thank you for the lovely writing; your stories make my day!
Ohmy gosh, thank you so much! Ahhh, that is so lovely to hear!! I am very gladyou enjoy both series =D
Iwould like to write a Tsukkiyama and IwaOi story in theHaikyuu!Shapeshifters!AU at some point!! I have every intention of doing so, atany rate. Although it occurs to me that I should probably explain in a littlemore detail as to why it’ll probably be awhile before I get the chance. (Itoccurs to me that I’ve said, “it might be awhile,” but never fully explainedwhy. This isn’t quite what you asked anon-friend, but I’m taking the chance toexplain anyway, so thanks!)
Itend to be a very single-minded writer, which means that at any given moment Iam only working on one longer writing project at a time. (The shorts thatappear on tumblr and the fairy tale AU that gets written one section at a timeon tumblr are exceptions to this rule). And I tend to work on the one writingproject until I am finished with it and then I move on to the next one.
Thisis a very good approach to writing, in my opinion! Because it’s the reason whyI usually finish long writing projects. But it does have the drawback that ifI’m currently working on a really, really long writing project, nothing elsegets written.
SoI’m currently working on the Nijimura story in Designation: Miracle, and mostlikely I am not going to work on any other longer work until this one isfinished. The next big project I have in mind is the epically long MasaYoubackstory one, and I’m really excited to work on that one. Really, reallyexcited to start that one. So I might immediately jump into that one next.
Icould, hypothetically, write at least a TsukiYama story (if I try to keep itshort) after the Nijimura one and before the MasaYou one, but it depends onwhich project I find more exciting.
Ihad actually started writing “One of Many Circles” around the same time I wasworking on “When the Stars Threw Down their Spears” and after I finished… whatwas it… Promiseland? And maybe “And After”? (Can’t remember) I was going tofinish OMC before starting “Filthy Halls” and I wrote some of it but then I wastoo excited for “Filthy Halls” and just wrote that one instead. I finished OMCafter finishing “Filthy Halls” and before starting the Niimura story. Sooooo.
IfI can get the entire TsukiYama story plotted out in my head by the time Ifinish writing the Nijimura story, I will write that one next, I promise =)
Thanksagain for your lovely ask! Sorry that I went into more information than youprobably needed, but it’s fun talking about my writing process =D
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millenniumeyebrow · 7 years
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captain-jhawkins said: [text] wrong number wrong number. and it’s affectionate poking?
[text] Affectionate poking?
[text] And what conversation prompted the text?
[text] Did someone think it was more than "affectionate poking?"
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meredithcheats · 11 years
The mattress shifted slightly, stirring Damon into semi consciousness. His eyes opened to see Meredith curled up against him. An amused smile appearing on his features, he moved the blanket so she could have some too, he lazily draped an arm around her, and he went back to sleep.
[daawwwwwwwww - and here Meredith was complaining about his feet.  What a bitch she is]
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ncfe4r-blog · 7 years
@jurassicjerk​ continuation of (x)
☆° “Bother me?”
At that, the girl looked outright confused. Almost as though she couldn’t comprehend the statement. 
“Why would it bother me? I think it’s cute,” she stated rather matter-of-factly. “If boys don’t have fluffy hair, what are you supposed to snuggle into? What can you play with when you’re feeling sad or affectionate? I feel like the fluffier the hair, the better!”
And with that, she reached to play with a strand his own hair. 
“I’m sure you have girls all over you all the time!”°☆
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thedungeonmother · 2 years
I got into the sims again after ten years.. pt 1
You wanna hear about some shenanigans?
So I created my two sims and had to restart my game three times because I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m using CC so it took me a while to get everything perfect but now I have a beautiful house and huge yard and my little family is made of absolute garbage fires and I couldn’t be prouder.
My hope was to recreate an over-arching story for my dm-verse stories (no, you don’t get to know more about that... yet.) and set to work recreating that lore and my original plan for twins backfired a little bit when playing around with the game I found that these trashfires absolutely picked favorites and one toddler ended up severly neglected. 
So that didn’t end up happening... 
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corey-067 · 4 years
6 from the memory asks c:
Thank you for the ask, Deryn! Sorry that it took me so long to complete it. This turned into a bit of a chunk of exposition, but for “A memory of a turning point in his life,” we have the moment that Corey agreed to be a double agent for the Republic, which ultimately had him smuggling people and secrets out of the Empire, and providing convincing escapes for planted spies returning to the fold.  This takes place in the crossover point between Ficverse, @keldae‘s DMverse, and RPverse. Specific details change, depending on which timeline it is, but the gist is the same. Corey Black packed a lot of living into his relatively short life, and it's fair to say that he's had a number of turning points, but the one that stands out the most has to be when he ended up working peripherally for the Republic via the SIS. High off having earned notoriety at a very young age in a Geonosian Arena, Corey worked as a Bounty Hunter within the Empire for a little while but felt no sense of belonging. He found what he was looking for when he joined the military. His intelligence and physical aptitude got him noticed by the Imperial Science Bureau, and later Imperial Intelligence. Using his sense of duty against him, they had him participate in a program intended to produce supersoldiers for the Empire. He was one of only two subjects and the only stable one. He killed the other in defense of the facility staff and was transferred to Korriban's military garrison when they shut the project down. From there, he was given assignments by Imperial Intelligence and several other organizations within the Empire to complete tasks that regular soldiers could not. Imperial Intelligence offered him a permanent position, given his ability to plan on the fly, gather intelligence, put it into practice in the field, and creatively interpret his orders. He could also perform his tasks with minimal impact outside of his assigned targets, leaving little to no collateral damage even when his superiors insisted that he went through them, rather than wasting time bypassing them. He managed to maintain that perfect record for the better part of two years, but once the Cold War ended and saw firsthand how the Empire operated in war, he began to doubt his position. He cared deeply about many of the people around him, including his handler, the new Keeper, and a Sith with whom he'd become entangled. He was exhausted and utterly drained by the carnage clinging to him, following him around like a Kaasian storm. 
Imperial Intelligence was betrayed from within, two of his missions sabotaged back to back, and they recalled him to Dromund Kaas while an investigation took place. Someone had sliced information from the Intelligence databanks, which wasn't supposed to have been possible, but they had. They reassigned Corey from his previous objectives, tasking him with discovering the identity of the leak. 
The data was passed through an independent information broker in Hutt space; any digital fingerprints scrubbed clean. Who he'd been as a bounty hunter seemed so far away, but it was just another persona he would wear. The mission was simple enough. Establish his presence in Hutt Space, allowing just enough information to slip out about his actual identity that the Republic would take notice and attempt to gain a foothold with the SIS, using more 'stolen' information. 
He was in Imperial Intelligence headquarters when news of three bombings on border worlds between the Republic and Empire, each a world on the Mandalorian's target list. Terror cells with anti-Republic sympathies had claimed responsibility for the attacks, which had decimated Corey's targets and a swath of civilians. Corey knew better than to assume it was anyone other than the Empire. 
After something of a curt conversation with Cipher Nine, who admitted that he preferred less bloody methods too, but reminded him that they'd sworn loyalty to the Empire and that the Empire did what was necessary for them to move forward. He agreed grimly, but the doubt rose higher than it ever had. While attempting to reach out to the Republic, he landed himself a meeting with an SIS agent who only introduced himself as Jonas, in a cantina on Nar Shaddaa. 
Jonas was sympathetic, laid back, and charming, but he was also very suspicious. 
A short while after the Mandalorian returned to his ship, he received a holocall, perhaps the most heavily encrypted line he'd ever seen. The person on the other end was his target; he knew Corey was hunting him, and he knew the Mandalorian's record. He knew that the spy doubted his place in the Empire, the Empire's intentions. They couldn't permit him to join the SIS in any visible capacity, but if he was willing to affect real change, rather than just putting on the face of someone who wanted to, then he had a role that suited Corey's talents perfectly. The Mandalorian took some convincing, but it was as though a weight lifted from his shoulders. He would remain personally loyal to those he cared for, and despite the differences in ideology, he would do whatever he could to build a better galaxy for them. 
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corey-067 · 4 years
OTP for Corey? :D
Without a doubt, that has to be Lana Beniko. I’ve written a number of Coreys in a number of different relationships over the years, and their relationship beats them all, hands down. 
In Ficverse and in @keldae‘s DMverse, they’ve known each other for years when Rishi happens, and during a mission that they were working together, Lana deliberately lets herself get kidnapped without telling Corey, so that his reaction would appear genuine to any onlookers.  Obviously, Corey’s reaction in that situation is that he needs to find out where she went, and rescue her. He’s not proud of how he got the information he did, but he went off to rescue her, fighting until he was all but exhausted, only to find Lana in the process of breaking out of her cell at the time.  Enemies rushed them, following the trail of destruction Corey left, and while Corey and Lana fought them off, they argued about the situation. When she asked why he would jeopardise the mission for her sake, he exploded, basically yelling at her that it was because he loved her. She echoed the sentiment, and they took down the rest of the enemy together, finished the mission, and hid their relationship so that they were the only ones who knew. No matter how long they’ve spent apart, they’ve never stopped loving one another.
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corey-067 · 4 years
WIP Sampler Tag
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Thanks to @storyknitter for the tag!
Tagging: @hotdoghowitzer @keldae @andveryginger @elveny @borealtwilight and YOU, dear follower!
Part of part 5, iirc (This took me forever to find, because of the name, and then I didn’t change it) (SWTOR AU/DMVerse)
Malicos’ Flight (SW:JFO prequel fic)
Carry the Cross (SWTOR Ficverse)
DMVerse: The Spark of Something New  (SWTOR AU/DMVerse)
For Family (Halo)
Reclamation (SW: TCW)
Wish You Were Here (Mass Effect)
Sangheilios (Halo)
Full Circle (Halo)
Homecoming (SWTOR RP/Ficverse)
The Unexpected Path (Halo)
The Arm Thing (SWTOR RP/Ficverse)
Ziost Castle Segment (SWTOR AU/DMVerse)
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corey-067 · 5 years
UST prompts, #2!
It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve been able to write, let alone for these two. This is back during their pre-canon Imperial days, in what I believe would be @keldae‘s DMverse. Also my first time deliberately writing UST ;) Hope it came out okay! Thank you for the prompt! For anyone interested, the list is here.
They were burying themselves in busy-work, Sith and Mandalorian working side by side as they waited for one of their contacts to check in. Blue eyes watched the data scrolling up Lana’s datapad screen, checking the combinations off against his own. It was valuable information, the programming for a Republic security system which they’d need to bypass in the next phase of the operation, which Corey had spent the last hour or so breaking into, repeatedly. Taking the last gulp from his cup of caf, Corey found himself noting that Lana had already finished hers, and had for the second time attempted to drink from the empty mug. The base of the mug hit the edge of the holotable as she flicked the loose strands of hair away from her glowing yellow eyes, frustration creeping into her features as he felt his focus wander from his task to her.
Corey felt his breath catch in his throat as his gaze traced along her jaw, lingering for a moment on the gentle dimple that perfectly bisected her chin. They were drawn to one another, he knew, and not just professionally. It was strange for him to find someone whose company was so fulfilling yet distracting. He caught the little glances she gave in return, as well, both of them glancing away when the other spotted them. He couldn’t help himself. He was trained to get an impression of a person from every source he could, including the physical, but this was something else entirely. A smirk curved Lana’s lips and Corey lost himself for a moment, eyes tracing the smooth line, to the gentle dimple at the end, distracted enough by the growth of the smile that he didn’t realize that she was watching him. His eyes flickered down, and the smirk grew soft at the red flush that overtook his cheeks the moment their eyes met.
There was a remarkable openness in her posture, one that he was convinced was mirrored in his own, and this time, he didn’t look away when she caught him staring. The smile persisted, and he couldn’t help but smile in return, uncharacteristically bashful though it was. He wanted to be close to her, closer than they could possibly be, here and now. He stepped closer, just half a pace, but close enough that he could smell the softly sweet spice that seemed to radiate from her. They stared at one another for a long, wordless moment, eyes dancing as they read their intentions, knowing each other better than almost anyone alive. The electric thrill of her fingers brushing against his uncovered forearm was without compare. Nobody had that kind of effect on him. His lips parted as he searched for the right words to say, pleased to see her golden eyes flicker down to them. He reached out to her, his fingers tingling with anticipation as his mind ran ahead to his fingertips brushing her soft hair from her cheek, dancing as it was in artificially circulated air.
It was at that moment that her comm beeped, for the call that they’d been waiting for. “I’ll grab some more caf.” He muttered, as they hastily composed themselves.
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