#imperial agent x jedi shadow
coryphefishh · 1 year
Let's do a deep dive on a line from the Theron x imperial character romance in Shadow of Revan.
Goes something like...
"And they said if I ever kissed an imp, I'd spontaneously explode."
So uh. First question...WHO EXACTLY does he mean by "they?"
Early Jedi training? No. Jedi say that about kissing anyone.
SIS training? No. For some agents, kissing imps is part of the job description.
Teff'ith? No. Although it's a nice headcanon that she changes pronouns to they/them.
Theory: Whoever these anti-imp-kissing people are, they're more recent acquaintances.
Next question is WHEN? How recently was Theron advised of this?
Let's zoom out shall we?
The makeout is happening in the briefing room. On Yavin. After a whole lot of Republic and Imperial forces arrived and are at this very moment, trying very very hard to get along. And I don't have any specific examples, but I remember there's bickering and banter dialogue that we overhear.
Now let's zoom out even farther and look at content before and after Yavin.
In the Umbara arc, Theron writes in The Letter that, "I loved you from the moment I saw you."
Now, this easily makes sense for a republic character. Theron's job is to make a holocall to an important person, and WOW they are--WOW very attractive.
An impside character? Running through Manaan? Dodging droids and Selkath while being increasingly on fire? Makes just as much sense if you think about it. He wouldn't necessarily know who this chaotic force of nature is at first.
Oops wait halp that's not just an imp, they're an extremely important high profile powerful imp.
Let's zoom back a notch, and we have a plausible theory.
Theron is obviously unsuccessful at putting a stop to these feelings, especially after what happened on Rishi. He is absolutely smitten and just CANNOT STOP TALKING about this magnificent person who stormed the compound to sweep him off his feet and whisk him off to safety, except he'd already escaped, and kriff, the look on their face when they saw he'd already escaped! Except alas his love is an imp! Except what if....
And every single republic soldier in earshot is all "Mr. Shan DO NOT KISS THE IMP!"
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Stars Collide; Stars Crossed: chapter II
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Summary: Din and his partner fight as one, their expertise unrivaled as they battle the Imperial agents. Their unwavering determination to protect the Child drives them forward, overcoming every obstacle with fierce resolve.
pairing: Din Djarin x afab!Skywalker!reader
warning: 18+ content, Eventual smut, Unprotected sex, Violence, Blood, Age-Gap, Kidnapping, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, a sprinkle of Angst, Idiots in love, Flirting, possessive!Din, powerful!reader, Jedi!reader, Grogu being adorable, Grogu loves his Ma more than his buir.
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Your footsteps echo with purpose as you and the Mandalorian approach the entrance of the hidden Imperial base. Beeb remains vigilant as he trails behind, his sharp sensors scanning for any signs of danger.
The air is charged with a heavy silence, and your heart is heavy with the weight of the task at hand. But you stand firm, for the Child's life is on the line, and you will not be swayed from your mission.
Your weapon feels heavy in your hand as you draw closer to the entrance, your muscles coiled with anticipation. Every step forward is a step closer to danger, but you press on with unyielding resolve.
With unwavering determination, you take each step forward, ready to confront any obstacles that may cross your path.
The entrance looms ahead, and the Mandalorian signals you to halt with a subtle hand gesture. His hands hovering over his blaster, ready to draw and shoot his eyes scanning the surroundings for any hint of danger. With a quiet motion, the Mandalorian signals for Beeb to flank to the side. Your droid moves with fluid grace, scanning the entrance for any traps or alarms with swift efficiency.
The silence is absolute, except for the soft hum of Beeb's scanners, as he moves with the stealth of a shadow. You watch with admiration as Beeb completes his task, a testament to the Mandalorian's tactical prowess.
Beeb's signal of safety prompts a nod from the Mandalorian, and you advance, taking positions on the left side of the entrance. The gravity of the mission weighs heavy on your mind, but you cast aside the distractions, concentrating solely on the objective.
Before you, the Mandalorian stands tall and unwavering, poised in front of the imposing entrance to the hidden Imperial base. His gloved hand slowly rises, rapping against the cold, unyielding metal of the door.
A scanner pops out to scan the surroundings, and without hesitation, the Mandalorian rips it apart with swift precision. The display of raw power and skill leaves you in awe, your admiration for his abilities growing stronger with each passing moment. The Mandalorian's hand clasps yours, and you two round the corner, pulling you to safety just in the nick of time. With a silent gesture, you signal Beeb to follow, and the three of you huddle in the shadows as two stormtroopers march out of the Imperial base, oblivious to your presence.
"Check the Perimeter." The Stormtrooper commands his partner trooper with authority.
With the troopers distracted, you give a subtle nod to the Mandalorian, silently communicating your plan. Your heart races with anticipation as you move with stealth, slipping into the shadows to flank the enemy. The element of surprise is on your side, and you are determined to use it to your advantage.
Your dual-phase lightsaber hums softly as you glide through the shadows, your movements a graceful dance in the darkness. The troopers remain unaware of your approach, their focus on the task at hand.
With the Force as your ally, you are like a phantom, slipping behind the troopers with ease. Your lightsaber ignites with a brilliant flash of green, its vibrant energy casting a glow across the scene.
The trooper stiffens at the sight of you, but it's too late. You move with the swiftness of a predator, your movements fluid and precise. You close the distance between you and the trooper with a single leap, your blade leading the way.
As your blade arcs through the air, the trooper raises his weapon in a futile attempt at defense. But it's no use. Your skill as a Jedi Knight surpasses his training as a mere stormtrooper, and your blade slices through his armor as if it were paper.
The trooper falls to the ground with a dull thud, his armor clanging against the metal floor. You don't pause to admire your handiwork, instead spinning on your heel to face the next target. Your senses are heightened by the Force, allowing you to anticipate the trooper's movements before he even makes them.
You dart forward with a grace that belies your deadly intent, your blade flashing in the dim light. The trooper tries to dodge, but he's too slow. Your blade connects with his armor, sending sparks flying in every direction.
In the end, the result is the same. The trooper falls, defeated, his armor no match for your skill.
The second trooper turns to face you, his own blaster raised in defense. But you are too quick for him, and you deflect his shots with ease, each bolt redirected back toward its source. The rhythmic hum of your lightsaber echoes through the silent area, a menacing sound that fills the trooper with dread.
With each deflection, you move closer to the trooper, his fear evident in his stance. Your blade dances through the air, striking fear into the trooper's heart as he desperately tries to fend off your assault.
In a moment of desperation, the trooper lunges forward, his blaster raised high. But you are a master of combat, and you easily sidestep his clumsy attack. In one fluid motion, you deliver a powerful strike that sends the trooper reeling, his weapon clattering to the ground.
Despite his defeat, the trooper does not relent, and he continues to fight with a fierce determination. But you are the embodiment of grace and skill, and you dance around his attacks with ease, your lightsaber flashing through the air like a deadly bolt of lightning.
In a final flourish of movement, you close in on the trooper and strike him down, your blade finding its mark with deadly accuracy. The trooper falls to the ground, defeated and broken. The fight is over, and you stand victorious, your heart racing with the thrill of battle.
The thud of the troopers hitting the ground reverberates through the air, and you stand still for a moment, catching your breath and calming your racing heart. But you know that time is of the essence, and you can't afford to be complacent.
With swift, calculated movements, you scan the area for any signs of alarm, making sure that your presence remains undetected. Once you're satisfied that the coast is clear, you nod to the Mandalorian, silently signaling that it's time to move forward.
You lead the way, moving with the agility and grace of a Jedi Knight. Each step you take is precise, each movement calculated as you navigate the unfamiliar terrain. The Mandalorian follows in your wake, his senses sharpened and alert to any potential threats. With a swift motion, a hinged panel opens on his side revealing the weapon, and the crackling energy dances along its length. The sight of it fills you with relief, knowing that Beeb is ready to defend against any threat that may come his and your way.
The droid rolls forward with smooth precision, placing himself between you and the Mandalorian, and the approaching stormtroopers.
His grappling cables are coiled and at the ready, glinting in the dim light of the corridor. Beeb is prepared for whatever may come, his circuits buzzing with focused energy.
The sound of marching boots alerts you to the presence of two stormtroopers, causing you to quickly grab the Mandalorian and pull him behind a nearby crate. Beeb rolls behind another crate, mirroring your stealthy movements.
The room falls silent as the Stormtroopers enter, their weapons at the ready, flashlights illuminating the darkness. You wait patiently in your hiding spot, heart racing with anticipation.
As they pass by, the Mandalorian leaps into action, his blaster blazing with deadly accuracy. The first trooper falls before he even knows what hit him, and the second meets the same fate in the blink of an eye.
Their bodies hit the ground, and the only sound left is the hum of the Mandalorian's weapon as he holsters it. You emerge from your hiding spot, ready to continue the mission.
Your keen senses pick up the sight of Beeb unleashing a jolt of electricity at the fallen stormtroopers, his optical lenses narrowing at the two troopers who had dared to threaten the safety of the Child.
"Bad guys," Beeb chides them with an electronic hum, as he continues to shock their motionless bodies. Watching his adorable antics, you can't help but let out a peal of soft laughter, a sound of amusement slipping past your lips. And is that a faint huff you hear from beneath the Mandalorian's helmet? Who knows?
Focusing on the task at hand, you pivot with swift grace, and at that very moment, another trooper steps into the room, weapon drawn and poised for attack.
You meet their gaze without hesitation, your eyes blazing with the force of your conviction. The trooper charges forward, but you are prepared.
With graceful ease, you retrieve a concealed blaster, its weight familiar in your hand. In a swift and calculated move, you unleash a lethal bolt of energy, aimed with deadly precision towards the trooper.
The blaster fires with a deafening blast, the red energy bolt streaking through the air before striking the Imperial soldier with unerring accuracy. The trooper crumples to the ground, defeated by your skill and power. Your brother-in-law Han Solo's gift proves its worth in moments like these. A sleek and deadly DL-44 blaster pistol. That man is a lifesaver at times.
You turn on your heel and catch the Mandalorian's expression of astonishment. A small smirk tugs at the corner of your lips, and you give a casual shrug of your shoulders.
The Mandalorian clearly wasn't expecting you to wield a blaster, and you relish the look of surprise on his face.
"You never know when a blaster might come in handy," you quip, a playful glint in your eyes.
The Mandalorian chuckles, his disbelief now turning into admiration. "I've seen Jedi use a lightsaber to deflect blaster fire, but you using one like that is a sight to behold." You smile at the Mandalorian's compliment, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "As a Jedi, it's important to be adaptable," you reply. "Sometimes, unconventional methods are necessary to get the job done."
The Mandalorian nods in agreement, his eyes still fixed on you. "I guess that makes sense. You Jedi are full of surprises."
A chuckle escapes your lips, the corners of your mouth upturned. "Surprises are part of our repertoire," you reply with a grin.
With your lightsaber ignited you turn to enter the other room. The Mandalorian readies his own weapons, his gaze unwavering and focused on the task ahead.
"Shall we?" Your lips curve upward in a hint of a smile as you address both Beeb and the Mandalorian.
Beeb chirps and whirs, before responding in a high-pitched tone, 'I'm always ready for action, mama.'
The Mandalorian's helmet meets your eyes, his countenance stoic, "Let's go," he says with conviction.
With conviction, you and the Mandalorian stride across the threshold into the next room. Your eyes scan the area, and you quickly spot two troopers positioned on opposite sides of the room. One stands to the right, the other to the left, their backs to you.
As you turn towards the Mandalorian, a moment of stillness hangs in the air between you. With a mutual understanding, you each take on a trooper, splitting off to opposite sides of the room. You focus on the trooper on the left, ready for battle. The Mandalorian moves to the right, his weapon at the ready.
Without a sound, you glide forward and close the distance between yourself and the stormtrooper. His back is turned to you and he is unaware of your presence. You position yourself to the side and pivot on the ball of your foot.
Your body flows with the motion as you deliver a swift kick to the back of his knee, targeting his popliteal fossa with precise accuracy.
The stormtrooper loses his balance and falls to the ground with a loud thud, his rifle clattering out of his hands. You move in quickly, taking advantage of his vulnerability, and grab his arm with both hands.
Your movements are graceful, yet purposeful, as you twist his arm behind his back, dislocating his shoulder with a swift and efficient motion.
The stormtrooper cries out in pain, but you do not relent. With a calm and focused demeanor, you apply pressure to his wrist, rendering him powerless. Your training allows you to seamlessly transition from one move to the next, leaving your opponent helpless in your grasp.
The Mandalorian and Beeb, who decided to assist the Mandalorian, make their way to your side. You stand tall, victorious over the fallen stormtrooper, your chest rising and falling with every labored breath. A whisper of the Force caresses your consciousness, and you feel the familiar tingle on the nape of your neck. Your awareness sharpens as you sense the source of the disturbance, the presence of someone pure. It is the Child. The energy in the air shifts and swirls, beckoning you to follow its trail and rescue the youngling. The energy that envelops you vibrates with a sudden intensity as if the very fabric of the Force is trying to communicate with you. And then, like a veil being lifted, a brilliant light shines through the darkness, revealing the presence of the youngling.
You can sense the Child's pure essence, a warm and comforting glow that fills you with hope and purpose. It's as if the galaxy suddenly feels less daunting, less vast, knowing that you are not alone in your journey.
Your senses flare with awareness, drawing your attention to a door. You can sense the Child's presence emanating from the other side. The Force guides your instincts, urging you to move closer to the door. With each step, the sensation grows stronger, until you can almost feel the Child's tiny heartbeat. You come to a stop, mere inches from the door, knowing that the Child is waiting just beyond.
As you stand still, attuned to the presence of the Child, you sense a slight shift in the air behind you. Suddenly, the sound of blaster fire echoes in the chamber as the Mandalorian fires upon the control panel, causing the door to slide open.
In an instant, you turn to face two stormtroopers, their blank helmets staring back at you with cold, lifeless eyes.
Beeb springs into action, unleashing his grappling cables with deadly accuracy towards the unsuspecting trooper. In a flash, he deftly rolls towards his target, unleashing a shower of crackling bolts of electricity that leave the trooper writhing in pain.
Meanwhile, the Mandalorian engages the other trooper, his movements swift and precise. His blaster roars to life, spitting out bolts of plasma that send the trooper scrambling for cover. But the Mandalorian is relentless, closing in with a fierce determination that leaves the trooper no room to escape.
You stride forward towards the man, a doctor, your gaze locked onto him. With a flick of your wrist, you summon the Force, lifting him off the ground as if he were weightless. His eyes widen in surprise and fear, and he struggles against your grasp, but you hold him steady with ease. The power of the Force surges through you, filling you with a sense of control and mastery.
"No, no, no, no, please. I didn't do anything, I kept him safe." The Doctor yells out in a panic and fear.
With a flick of your wrist, you toss the doctor aside, taking notice of a mind probe floating above the Child. Your hand rises, fingers curling into a tight fist as you focus your energy. With a surge of power, the mind probe crumples, crushed by the might of the Force.
A cacophony of metal screeching against metal resonates throughout the chamber as the fragments of the droid plummet to the ground. Doctor Pershing retreats in terror at the sight of your might, his pupils dilating in awe of your immense power. You turn towards him, your gaze unflinching.
"Explain yourself," you demand, your voice cold and commanding.
Doctor Pershing cowers from you, raising his hands in fear, "I protected him. I protected him. If it wasn't for me, he would already be dead! Please, don't hurt me. Please." A firm grip on your shoulder brings you back from the brink of your anger, and you turn to see the Mandalorian, his head slowly shaking in disapproval. As you catch your breath, you feel a gentle brush against your leg and glance down to see Beeb, his lights flickering with concern. Gradually, the overwhelming emotions that had threatened to consume you begin to ebb away, leaving behind a sense of clarity. And for the first time, you lay eyes on the Child.
Your gaze falls upon the Child, and in an instant, a flood of memories consumes you. You are transported back to a time long ago, to a distant planet where an ancient and wise Jedi Master once took you under his wing. You can almost feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and hear the sounds of the lush jungle around you. You remember the lessons, the guidance, and the wisdom of that ancient Jedi, and how it has shaped you into the person you are today.
The presence of Master Yoda courses through your veins, his teachings a part of who you are. His voice reverberates in your mind, imparting words of wisdom and guidance that resonate to this day. The air around you seems to shimmer with his essence, as if he were right there by your side, guiding you with every step. Master Yoda's voice reverberates, whispering through the very essence of the Force. "Young one, take the Child, you must. Danger here, there is."
A surge of determination wells up within you, as Master Yoda's words echo through your mind. You nod in agreement with the wise Jedi's words, feeling a deep sense of urgency to protect the innocent Child from the impending danger.
"The Empire is on its way," you declare. "Their hunger for the Child will not be satiated until they have him in their grasp. We must leave, and we must leave now. Our mission is to protect this Child at all costs."
You feel the Mandalorian's unwavering gaze upon you, despite the obscurity of his helmet. Even though you can't see his eyes, you sense the intense determination that burns within him, and it ignites a flame within your spirit. With a nod of agreement, he signals his commitment to the mission at hand, and you know that you have a steadfast ally by your side. With a swift and gentle movement, you approach the Child, feeling a sense of urgency to release him from the restraints that bind him to the hover-stretcher. Your fingers glide over the metal clamps that hold him in place, and you focus your mind on freeing him from this captivity. As you work, your heart fills with a deep sense of compassion and tenderness towards this small and innocent being, who has been so cruelly taken from his home. You pause for a moment, watching the Child's peaceful form, and you feel a surge of protective love wash over you. Without hesitation, you release the final clamp, and the Child is free.
You hold the Child tenderly against your chest, his small form a weightless burden in your arms. His little chest rises and falls in a gentle rhythm as he sleeps, his dreams a mystery to you.
Turning to face Beeb and the Mandalorian, you offer them a small smile. Though you cannot see the Mandalorian's eyes behind his beskar helmet, you know that he is watching you intently, his protective nature evident in the way he stands.
Beeb chirps softly, his mechanical whirring a soothing balm to your ears. You feel grateful for his presence, as he has been a constant companion and ally on your journey.
The Mandalorian's gloved hand rests gently on the small of your back, his touch sending a shiver through you, a feeling of safety and protection. With the Child cradled in your arms, and Beeb by your side, you follow the Mandalorian as he leads the way out of the sterile lab and into the dark, foreboding corridors of the Imperial Base.
The echoes of your footsteps fill the air as you move swiftly and quietly, every step filled with purpose and determination. You can feel the weight of the Child in your arms, his breathing steady and calm, and you're filled with a sense of responsibility, a deep need to protect him at all costs.
The Mandalorian's beskar helmet gleams in the dim light, and you can't see his eyes, but you sense his strength and resolve, his unwavering commitment to getting all of you out of there alive.
As you make your way through the winding corridors, you can feel the tension rising, the air thick with danger and the threat of discovery. But the Mandalorian's presence at your side, and Beeb's chirping encouragement, keep you focused and grounded, and you move forward with a steady pace.
Together, the four of you press on, determined to escape the Imperial Base and get the four of you to safety.
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Tag list: @babygirlrex0504 @alienated-green-tea @fatima-marisa @dindjarindude @sharin1806 @ruthyalva96 @avengersfan25 @i-say-choco-you-say-ice-cream @the-anchored-sailor-girl @erissco @vintageoldfashion
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☼ Please note that I do not wish to have my work translated or published on any third party reading websites. I claim the rights to my work.
☼ Where I don’t have any rights to the characters, many ideas and OC are my own creation. Please respect that.
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serenofroses · 7 months
ok list of ocs that I have YET to update my pin post and add to toyhouse. (maybe i get pages up and upload images to use on profile)
plus I'll give you tiny info for them to get you familiar with.
Kritanta - tsis - first born son to Revan and of Kressh bloodlines. Was put into cryogenic machine for 100 years. Main Wrath. Married to Vowrawn (Vowrawn was his first love back in kotor 2). Jugg spec leaning in offensive tank. Real name: Sevket.
Elysia - tsis - second born daughter to Revan and of Kressh bloodlines. Like her brother, she was place in cryogenic machine. Love interest to Nico Okarr since kotor 2. Shadow spec leaning in offensive tank. Former Wrath known as Venera. Became legal guardian to Jazz when she joined Jedi Order.
Jazmyn - miraluka-tsis - first born daughter to Kritanta and Vowrawn through trans pregnancy. Main Consular. Deaf and had head injury trauma as result of being rescued from the Red Reaper cult. May or may not take on child! Nadia as padawan while Tau took child! Vaylin on. Sith name: Savitri. Main love interest to Tau. Assassin spec.
Ania - miraluka-tsis - second born daughter to Kritanta and Vowrawn through trans pregnancy. Also Deaf. Main Imperial Agent but goes by Cipher Fourteen. Was trained as Sith but lost all of her ability to use the Force physically by (redacted) that she later go to Imperial Intelligence. Main love interest to Marr and Jadis. Sniper spec.
wow, only four ocs and any other class ocs are more background or played for sake of romance/class story/play other specs in endgame lol. x) then again, I made my own raid group version for my legacy consist of ocs plus npc-turned-ocs.
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andveryginger · 5 years
SWTOR Fic: Double Duty
Title: "Double Duty"
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic (Drastic Measures AU)
Author: Ginger
Pairing: Imperial Agent/Jedi Shadow (Reanden Taerich/Mairen Bel Iblis)
Summary: ”You’re not a spymaster,” Marcus Trant muttered. “You’re a damned matchmaker!”
The idea for this has been rattling around in my head since the Fictober list dropped. The prompt, “I might just kiss you” certainly grabbed the attention of the two assholes. Unfortunately, Real Life™ has been a total bitca and I’m just now settling in to do a little writing in between some embroidery commissions.
Theoretically takes place sometime in some future version of @keldae‘s DMverse, where the Alliance is established on Odessen, with Ardun Kothe having stepped in as spymaster because Spyboy Theron has his own operational duties. Marcus Trant has apparently been forced to depart Coruscant for an as yet undisclosed reason. Mai and Reanden have -- of course -- been snarking at each other for months. More recently, however, Ardun has noted a change between the two...
Many thanks to @keldae for letting me play in the sandbox. You can have Reanden back any time. Really.
“...I have all the particulars on your identities here --” Ardun Kothe stopped, frowning as he bowed his head over his datapad. “Damn it. Grabbed the wrong one,” he said. He looked up to his agents: former Imperial operative, Reanden Taerich, and Green Jedi, Mairen Bel Iblis. “Excuse me -- and ah, try not to kill each other while I’m gone, hm?”
Reanden watched his old friend disappear into the corridor, door sliding closed behind him. He cut Mairen a wicked grin. "I might just kiss you..."
"Might?" The red headed Jedi raised her brows briefly, expression shifting quickly to a smirk. "Be still my beating heart."
His lips quirked sideways in response. "We're supposed to be married, darling," he said. He took two steps forward, narrowing the gap between. "I should be making your heart race."
Her gaze darted involuntarily -- and almost imperceptibly -- to his lips. But Taerich was a student of body language. It’s a tell he noticed, and one she knew she telegraphed. She cocked her head to one side, mischief sparking through green-hazel eyes as she folded her arms across her chest. She didn’t otherwise move. "I suppose, darling," she drawled, "I'll simply have to fake it."
"Fake it?" Reanden stepped closer. "If you must, I suppose. Though perhaps a bit of rehearsal might be needed."
Amusement mixed with the impish gleam in her eyes. "Just so I'm prepared, hm?" Her lips twitched. "Seems I've heard that song and dance before."
At this, Reanden raised his brows, left disappearing under the lock of hair that flopped diagonally across his forehead. "And here I thought Jedi led more sheltered lives. Or so your dear uncle led me to believe."
"My dear uncle has no idea," Mairen replied with a roll of her eyes. "I trained as an operative, Taerich. That required no small amount of... adjustment. Thankfully, my training officer was more than happy to oblige."
His brows arched higher. "Well, so Kothe wasn't always buttoned-up and all business, hm?" He pursed his lips, his own gaze flitted toward her lips. He covered by making a show of looking her over. "And good taste, too."
"Honestly, Taerich," she said. "You're off your game if you think that is flattering." Leaned against the conference table, she shifted a bit, despite herself. Recovering, she gave a wry grin. "At least I know Ardun cares."
"Present tense?" He stepped closer. Warmth radiated between them, as well as an undercurrent of energy that seemed to shadow their interactions of late: a mix of frustration and amusement and irritation and... something else that could prove dangerous. Neither will admit it, but both struggled to keep breathing steady and even. "I'd hate to step on any toes. Professional courtesy, and all that."
Mairen shook her head. "Long since over, if you must know," she answered. "Friends now -- colleagues, too." She glanced down, then back up. "The only toes you're about to step on... are mine.
"Then I suppose I should stop.” His eyes flashed and he swept gently forward with his foot, slipping the toe of his boot the narrow space between her own.
The Jedi arched her left brow sharply. When he didn’t retreat, she shifted to sit on the conference table, widening the gap between her legs. She unfolded her arms, hands coming to rest on either side of her hips.
Gaze holding hers as he stepped into the space, her inner thighs embraced his quads through the fabric of their trousers. He could see the slight flare of her nostrils, knew his were doing the same. Hands curled over the curve of her hip; his lips hovered millimeters away as he spoke: "Should I stop?"
“A little rehearsal,” Mairen replied slowly, “might be just what the agent ordered."
There was a sharp intake of breath, and Taerich sealed his lips over hers. The connection was at first like their conversation: firm, assured, almost taunting. She was, after all, calling his bluff -- matching his brazen attitude with her own. But then his hands drifted up, framing her face as the kiss deepened. Her hands came to rest on his biceps, tugging him closer as she shifted her hips toward his. Around them, the room faded. Their focus narrowed to little more than each other and the current that seemed to flow through them as they explored new territory.
Breaking away abruptly, Reanden dropped his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. Opening them again a moment later, his hazel eyes regarded her, pupils blown. His chest rose and fell quickly, and he swallowed between breaths. He rested his forehead against hers. “Kriffing Hells,” he panted. “Wondered what that was going to be like.”
Her laugh was abbreviated, hindered by her own short breath. “Me, too.” Mairen tightened her grip on his arms briefly. “Now I’m wondering about a lot of other things.”
He chuckled. “Me, too.” There was a long exhale, then he drew back and looked toward the door. “We’ve got to get out of here. Kothe will be back, and we are in no condition for the rest of that mission brief.”
The Corellian Jedi nodded. “Maybe, but…” She licked her lips, brow creasing in thought. “...that mission will get us out of here. And, as you so helpfully pointed out, we’re supposed to be married -- or at least our cover identities are. I can’t think of a better excuse to… satisfy some of that curiosity? Especially since we’ll have quite a bit of downtime after the drop.”
Reanden gave a lopsided grin. “I like the way you think,” he replied. “The only problem I have at the moment is I’d rather just satisfy that curiosity -- right here and now.”
“Force, Taerich,” she hissed. Her hands tightened on his arms. She then pushed him away, employing a small amount of assistance from that same energy she’d just taken in vain. Reanden landed heavily in the chair to her left. The want in her green hazel eyes reflected his own as she looked to him. “Later.”
A split second and the durasteel panel slid open once again. Kothe entered much as he’d departed, eyes fixed on the datapad in his hands. “And this should cover it,” he said as he made his way toward them. “I’m uploading the data to your ship, Reanden -- it’ll be best employed for this one. You can study your covers en route.”
The former Imperial nodded, crossing his legs, casually interlacing his fingers in his lap. “I --” He paused, clearing his throat. “I’ll make sure she’s prepped and ready to depart as soon as possible.”
Kothe nodded. “Good.” He looked to Mairen and blinked. “You all right, Mai? You look a little flushed.”
“Yes, well…” Mairen cleared her own throat, glancing to Reanden, then back to her old friend and colleague. “We had a few choice words while you were gone. I… think we’ve settled it. For now.”
Again, the senior agent nodded. “This is practically a milk run, but the last thing I want is for you two and your sniping at each other to compromise the mission. Understood?”
“Oh, I don’t think that will be a problem.” Reanden pushed himself to standing, flashing a wink at Mairen as he did so. He picked up his jacket from the table, holding it at his waist. He then looked toward her. “Meet you in the hangar in ten?”
“Ten minutes. Got it,” Mairen replied. She slipped off the conference table to her own feet, shifting her attention to Kothe. “See you on the other side, old friend.”
“As always.”
Kothe stood watching as the two beat a hasty retreat from the room.
From the opposite door behind him, Marcus Trant entered, also watching as the two agents hurried away. He gave a long, slow whistle, leaning against the podium at the front of the room. "Those two," he drawled, "are like detonite."
Picking up the small surveillance device, a disc about the size of a credit chip, Kothe chuckled. "Ready to blow at the lightest spark?" Trant nodded. "You're not wrong... and it's exactly the reason I'm sending them on this meet. We don't want them anywhere nearby when they finally get their drutash together."
Trant shook his head. "I thought she hated him."
"She did." The former Jedi looked up at his colleague, hint of a smirk ghosting across his lips. "Or rather, she hated her perception of him -- one fed to her for decades by her uncle... who, as we both know, has his own reasons for bias." The smirk finally stuck. "Turns out the reality is a bit more complicated."
"So it would seem." Marcus shifted, gaze following Kothe as he moved about the room, gathering datapads and tapping controls on the console integrated into the table. A crease formed in his brow. "Mairen's not exactly known for fooling around, Ardun."
Kothe nodded, once. "I'm more than aware," he said. His voice was a low rumble, rueful tone evident in his words. "He's the first to spark such a... passionate... reaction from her since -- well, in a long while.”
Since you, Marcus supplied silently. "But... Taerich?" he asked. "He's a remarkable agent and an old friend, but... well, his issues have issues. You know that as well as I do."
"And Mai -- Mairen -- isn't without her own baggage," Kothe began. "But I've seen -- and heard -- how miserable he is, Marcus. That banter between them is the liveliest I've seen him outside of an op in...also in a long time."
“Same.” Trant grimaced. He shook his head. “He’s been an absolute disaster since Airna died. Kept it from the kids well enough, I guess; even from me, for the most part. The past few years, he’s pretended to have it together -- and actually has -- for missions. I’ve pretended not to notice when he drops off the radar afterward.”
The former director of SIS nodded once. “Not unlike you, after… well, after. But you climbed out of the bottle. He keeps finding his way back in.”
“A popular diversion, but not a coping mechanism.” Kothe offered a rueful smile. “She’s a good balance for him -- not afraid to call him out on his bantha shit, like Airna. He needs that. If this works -- and that’s a big if -- it might help.”
Marcus regarded his colleague for a long moment, lips pursed as he chose his words carefully. He shifted his weight between his feet, picked at the veneer on the podium. “You two have something of a history,” he said. “You’re okay with her and the old bastard?”
“Mai and I,” Kothe began, “are friends. Have been since she left Corellia.” He placed his datapad onto the conference table. Leaning against it in a manner that he had seen the Green Jedi herself do earlier, he folded his arms across his chest. “We can’t go back, and I don’t know that either of us wants to. I just want her to be happy. And I want that old bastard to be happy, too.”
Trant sighed, then gave a snort of laughter, shaking his head. “You’re not a spymaster,” he said. “You’re a damned matchmaker.”
At this, Kothe laughed. “Not the spymaster anymore -- or I won’t be when you step up,” he replied. “Seems to me, I’m left at loose ends.”
“Doesn’t make you the morale officer.”
“True. Hylo might not like me honing in on her territory.”
Shaking his head again, Marcus pushed himself to his feet. “C’mon,” he said, beckoning with a wave of his left hand, “and let me buy you a drink. Got a bottle of Whyren’s in the stash.”
The former Jedi fell into step next to his friend, pausing only long enough to secure the conference room. “Hope you’ve got more than one bottle in there, old friend,” he said. “With those two, we’re gonna need a steady supply.”
“With those two, we might as well buy the distillery…”
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keldae · 5 years
Fictober ‘19 -- Day Three (SWTOR)
“This was a terrible idea,” Reanden muttered, squirming as he tried to find a remotely comfortable position. It was remarkably difficult with his hands in binder cuffs behind his back, keeping him secured to a pole in the small, dim room.
“Now? Now you listen to me?” The other occupant of the makeshift cell glared at him, under the strands of red hair that had come loose from her braid. “If I wasn’t ready to strangle you, I would take full advantage of the moment to say ‘told you so’...”
“Such anger, Master Jedi--” Her boot made contact with his knee -- an impressive feat, given how they were bound on opposite sides of the cell. “Ow!”
“You had that coming,” Airna muttered as she squirmed back to somewhat-upright. “This is your fault.”
Reanden shot the Jedi a glare. “Which one of us triggered the Hutt’s fucking security systems?”
“Which one of us insisted on barging in here anyway despite it being an objectively terrible idea in the first place?”
“It was a great idea, until you blew it!”
“Sure, say that and ignore everything the Jedi was saying about ‘bad feelings’ and ‘foreboding’.” Airna gifted Reanden with a glare. “Asshole.”
“Pfft.” Reanden snorted, his hands carefully twisting behind his back. If he remembered this part of Intelligence training correctly... “I had this well in hand without Jedi interference, thanks. You trying to make all your premonitions self-fulfilling prophecies?”
“I swear to the Force, I should have let you run in here and let you get your sorry ass killed...”
“Nah. You’d miss me too much. I daresay you’d be heartbroken.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Even with how pissed off he was at his cellmate, Reanden couldn’t resist smirking at her exasperated groan. “Doesn’t change the fact that you would be distraught if I met an unfortunate ending...”
“Only because the only person who gets to kill you is me, in case you had forgotten.”
“See? You’re so-- OW! Enough with the kicking!”
“Only because there’s nothing here I can Force-throw at you, moron!”
Reanden rolled his eyes. “Lucky for you, I’m a somewhat-nice guy.”
“When the hell have you been anything approaching even somewhat nice?”
“Right now.” He still hissed a couple of interesting words as he finally managed to dislocate his thumbs correctly, but it was enough for him to successfully pull his hands free of the binder cuffs. “I could let you stay here, but that throws a complication into the fact that I’m the only one allowed to kill you...”
“.... How the fuck...?” Airna shook her head and scowled at him, then seemed to consider what few options she had. She sighed and leaned to the side enough so Reanden could see the cuffs on her own wrists. “... Help?”
“I’m savouring this memory for the rest of my life,” Reanden smirked as he crawled over to help Airna escape the restraints, trying very hard to not think about how much he had to lean over the pretty Jedi to get her hands free, or how nice her hair smelled.  “Having the snarkiest Jedi to come off Corellia asking for help...”
“I’m going to bite you,” Airna growled.
“Buy me a drink first,” Reanden retorted as he managed to undo the cuffs. He stood up as Airna groaned, pulling her hands in front of her and gingerly rubbing her sore wrists. “Coming?”
“I still hate you,” Airna muttered as she carefully got to her feet, refusing his hand up. “Last time I try to save a damned Imp’s sorry ass from his own idiocy.”
“Come now. We both know you enjoy staring at my ass too much to let me die.” Reanden nearly laughed out loud when the Jedi blushed as red as her hair, but managed to stifle it as he got the door to the cell unlocked. “Let’s go.”
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captcarolmarvl · 5 years
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original characters [2/?] | star wars universe | attributes chart | aria lenahki
species: cathar | chiss | cyborg | dathomirian | devaronian | dug | duros | ewok | gamorrean | gand | geonosian | gree | gungan | human | hutt | jawa | kaminoan | klatooinain | kubaz | mirialan | mon calamari | mustafarian | nautolan | meimoidian | ongree | ortolan | pantoran | pa'lowick | rakata | rattataki | rishii | rodian | selkath | sith | sullustan | talz | togruta | toydarian | trandoshan | tusken raider | twi'lek | ugnaught | umbaran | weequay | wookie | zabrak | zeltron 
alignment: light side | nuetral | dark side 
occupation/professions: architect | archivist | beastmaster | bio-engineer | blacksmith | bounty hunter | cartographer | collector | counselor | cryptoslogist | cyber-strategist | datatech | doctor | engineer | financial | fixer | flight instructor | gambler | gatherer | gladiator | handmaiden | hazmat | herbalist | hermit | historian | imperial factory worker | imperial hunter | information broker | jedi | jedi hunter | jockey | journal clerk | journalist | junk boss | law enforcement | legal | librarian | medical | mercenary | military | miner | officer | operative | philosopher | pilot | portmaster | programmer | racer | rigger | sales | scavenger | scholar | scout | sculptor | secretary | security | slicer | systems analyst | system designer | tailor | tax collector | teacher | tour guide | training officer | travel agent | treasure hunter | weapons master 
affilitation: rebel alliance | galactic empire | jedi order | hutt cartel | old republic | new republic | sith order | separatist confederacy | mandalorians | black sun | trade federation | neutral | inter-galactic banking clan | techno union | commerce guild | corporate alliance | retail caucus | nightsisters | nightbrothers | royal house of hapes | ssi-ruuvi empire | rogue squadron | green group | red squadron | blue squadron (rebels) | blue squadron (clones) | gold squadron | naboo security | republic senate | 501st legion | 327th star corps | 212th attack battalion | 41st elite corps | wolfpack | breakout squad | lightning squadron | shadow squadron | slick's squad | flame squad | coruscant squad | senate guard | freedom fighters (ryloth) | pantoran assembly | pantoran gaurd | podracers | hondo ohnaka's pirates | death watch | sugi's mercenaries | desilijic kajidic (jabba) | hutt grand council | hutt cartel | cad bane's bounty hunter crew | dark jedi | gray jedi | the krath | dark council | jedi council | confederacy of independent systems | the ones | imperial navy | alliance of free planets | galactic alliance | the resistance | sith order 
home world: tatooine | coruscant | naboo | hoth | kashyyyk | dagobah | bespin | mustafar | alderaan | geonosis | yavin | yavin 4 | kamino | mon calaramri | mandalore | corellia | dantooine | cato neimoidia | malachor v | polis massa | mora band | ryloth | nal hutta | onderon | ithor | taris | tython | florrum | byss | ossus | haruun kal | exodeen | felucia | belsavis | dromund kaas | ilum | korriban | makeb | nar shaddaa | ord mantell | quesh | tython | voss | nevarro | arvala 7 | sorgan | jakku | mirial | pantora | dathomir | endor
abilities: force power | alchaka | art of movement | ayna-seff | force bond | force call | cleanse | cleanse mind | corpse vision | dampen force | dark energy trap | dreambubble | force concealment | force familiar | floating meditation | force clouding | force focus | force generation | force healing | force in balance | force jump | force orb | force projection | force push | force pull | force scattering | force scribe | force stasis | force form | hassat-durr | hyper tunnel | ice image | force immersion | insight | life bond | mind probe | mind walking | mind-touch | phase | progenitor's call | psychometry | restful-sleep-in-danger | sand levitation | sever force | shatterpoint | sith alchemy | sound mimicry | stonepower | beast taming | tapas | telekinesis | time-drifting | time-stream | waveform | force choke | force lightning | force rage |force drain | consume essence | deadly sight | enhance force sensitivity | force corrupt | force crush | force destruction | force phantom | force net | force shadow | force slow | force insanity | force scream | thought bomb | memory walk | darkshear | transfer essence | midi-chlorian manipulation | sith emperor's ritual | alter enviroment | battlemind | beam of light | combustion | cure disease | cure poison | droid disable | electric judgment | force blinding | force enlightenment | force light | force meld | force persuasion | force stun| force valor | hibernation trance | malacia | mind trick | morichro | plant surge | protection bubble | revitalize | tutaminis | wall of light | slicing | knife combat | synth-weaving | tech-savvy | mechanics | diplomacy | mixed martial arts | expert pilot
other: female | 24 years | dark hair | gray eyes | scarred left arm | dual-weilding lightsabers
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Heroes(and their skins) and Hero Starfighters that should be added to Battlefront II
My other Battlefront II Wishlists
Imperial/First Order Skins
Clone Wars era Heroes
Padme Amidala
Geonosis(Default Skin)
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Queen Amidala
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Handmaiden Padme 
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Palace Battle Dress
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Ahsoka Tano
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Siege Of Mandalore
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Qui-Gon Jinn
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Mace Windu
Jedi Master
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Plo Koon
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Barriss Offee
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Luminara Unduli
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Kit Fisto
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Aayla Secura
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Shaak Ti
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Depa Billaba
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Quinlan Vos  
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Jango Fett
Bounty Hunter
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Cad Bane
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Aurora Sing
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Asajj Ventress
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Bounty Hunter
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Savage Opress
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Pre Vizla
Death Watch
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Bo-Katan Kryze
Death Watch
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Clone Commanders
Captain Rex
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Commander Cody
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Commander Bly
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Commander Gree
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Commander Neyo
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Commander Wolffe
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Commander Bacara
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Commander Gregor
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Commander Fox
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Galactic Civil War era Heroes
Kanan Jarrus
The Last Padawan
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Caleb Dume
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Ezra Bridger
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Hera Syndulla
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Sabine Wren
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Garazeb Orrelios
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Alexander Kallus
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The Grand Inquisitor
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Jedi Temple Guard
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The Seventh Sister
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The Fifth Brother
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Gar Saxon
Emperor’s Hand
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Shadow Collective
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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Grand Moff Tarkin
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Enfys Nest
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Crimson Dawn
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Dryden Vos
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Tobias Beckett
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Jyn Erso
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Imperial Disguise
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Cassian Andor
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Imperial Disguise
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Bodhi Rook
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Chirrut Îmwe
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Baze Malbus
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Director Orson Krennic
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Nien Nunb
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The Sequel Trilogy Heroes
Poe Dameron(yes, he has a X-Wing, but we need a hero for Poe. Poe can use his blaster rifle and side arm blaster and use BB-8 as an ability)
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Rose Tico(Rose can be improvised upon)
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Imperial Disguise
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General Armitage Hux
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Cap and Coat
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Supreme Leader Snoke
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Zorri Bliss
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Knights Of Ren
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Hero Starfighters
Anakin’s Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor
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Obi-Wan’s Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor
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Ahsoka Tano's Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor
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Padme’s  J-type Naboo star skiff
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Darth Vader's black Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor
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Grievous’ Soulless One
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Dooku's solar sailer
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Jango’s Slave 1
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Cad Bane’s Xandu Blood 
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The Ghost
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Sabine’s Tie Fighter
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18 notes · View notes
rebelsofshield · 5 years
Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron-Review
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Alexander Freed resurrects the X-Wing novel in Alphabet Squadron, a rousing and emotionally complex adventure that ranks among the best in the current canon.
(Review contains minor spoilers)
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The second Death Star is destroyed. The Emperor is dead. The Empire is falling and its forces are scattered and desperate. For the first time since the Galactic Civil War began, the Alliance, now the New Republic, is winning. However, as a galactic government collapses and a scattered militia group begins to take its place, it turns out that the waning days of the war may be more chaotic than anyone anticipated. Among those caught in the chaos is Yrica Quell, a former Imperial TIE pilot of the infamous 204th Imperial Fighter Wing aka “Shadow Wing,” who herself just one of thousands of other former soldiers looking to escape to the otherside of a losing war. After Yrica attracts the attention of New Republic Intelligence agent Caern Adan, she is drafted into a makeshift working group to hunt down and eliminate her former wingmen, whom have become a major thorn in the burgeoning Republic’s side. Overseen by Adan, New Republic general Hera Syndulla, and a reprogrammed Imperial torture droid, Yrica helps to form a group of misfit and war addled pilots to help save the New Republic from dying before it even begins.
At Celebration Chicago, Alexander Freed said that he was inspired to write Alphabet Squadron by the classic Expanded Universe X-Wing novels written by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston. While Freed’s pilot focused narrative and thrilling action sequences are sure to evoke memories of this series, the book that Alphabet Squadron seems to brush shoulders with most after first read is Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath trilogy. Like Aftermath, Alphabet Squadron is the first in a trilogy following an ensemble of misfit characters in the waning days of the Galactic Civil War and the fallout of the Battle of Endor. Wendig’s trilogy always boasted an impressive scope and stylistically impressive prose, but the first installment of Aftermath struggled due to characters that failed to make an impression and an unfocused narrative. Each novel in the trilogy improved on the one that preceded it, but it is hard to deny that Aftermath got off to a rocky start. Conversely, while Alexander Freed’s dense prose may not appeal to some readers, Alphabet Squadron launches out of the gate with fully formed characters and a sense of purpose and place.
Like his previous Star Wars novel, Battlefront: Twilight Company, Freed excels in making the Galaxy Far, Far Away feel lived in. As previously mentioned, his dense writing style may turn off some readers, but it does an incredible job in helping this setting come to life. It’s clear that Freed put extensive thought into helping to realize a galaxy in this degree of turmoil. In the months immediately following the Battle of Endor, there truly wasn’t a seat of power in the galaxy as both The Empire and the New Republic are each in periods of transition and internal upheaval. The Empire finds itself lacking in direction and leadership and facing a long collapse that seems unlikely to turn in their favor. The New Republic must not only contend with forming a new government but transitioning from a guerilla military to an expansive force capable of finalizing a war it never really prepared to win. Alphabet Squadron in the process evokes such classic pieces of desperate military science fiction like Battlestar Galactica and even The Last Jedi. In the aftermath of such devastating canon events as Operation Cinder, Freed captures the fluctuating and unstable state of the galaxy with descriptive settings, well thought out dips into everyday life of the average galactic citizenry, and first and foremost the characters at its center.
As any good novel should do, it is truly the characters of Alphabet Squadron that make this book sing. Freed brings together an ensemble of damaged and diverse pilots to make up the titular Alphabet Squadron. Fittingly each of these characters not only feel as unique and varied as the ships they fly, but they all realistically bear the scars of beings who have spent their last years embroiled in war. For better and for worse, Freed frames much of the narrative around the reader and the characters gradually learning about the pasts and motives of the different pilots and their commanders. While Freed maintains a rotating third person limited point of view, it becomes quickly apparent that what we learn from each of the characters isn’t necessarily to be trusted. These are damaged people that are hiding things not only from their teammates but from themselves and it is this obscuring, while at times perhaps a bit too illusive, that adds a larger sense of discovery and engagement to a narrative that by and large follows the familiar “learning to work as a team” structure.
Of the five main characters, Yrica is undeniably the most intriguing and fraught. Unlike many classic Imperial defectors, Yrica joined after the Battle of Endor when Palpatine’s regime was already collapsing. While her motives for seeking out the New Republic are mostly self-serving, Freed succeeds at making Yrica a sympathetic protagonist, if an undeniably flawed one. Her narrative becomes one not only of finding a purpose or direction in a galaxy that wants nothing more than to cast her aside, but of deprogramming from fascist doctrine. “Think like a rebel,” becomes a mantra that carries its way not only in the cockpit but to the cantina, to her therapy sessions, and in learning to be a leader to her team.
The rest of Alphabet Squadron are similarly impressive. Nath Tensent is a classic Star Wars style rogue, a mix of pirate, rebel, and early Imperial defector, with a charisma that easily wins over reader and co-pilots alike. He’s the type of lovable bastard whose true intentions are often hard to read and frequently underhanded but nonetheless is capable of incredible moments of humanity and empathy for others.
Wyl Lark and Chass na Chadic hail from two formerly paired squadrons, whose long, tortured final mission takes up a large portion of the first act of the novel. Lark becomes Alphabet Squadron’s heart, bringing a boyish sense of naiveté but also empathy to his fellow pilots. Smartly, Freed knows how to show the dangers of this though and demonstrates how Lark’s inherent good nature sometimes leads to personal danger and overstepping his bounds in the care of his teammates. It avoids cynicism while also teaching the value in trusting the independence of others. In particular, this is demonstrated with Wyl’s relationship Chass na Chadic, the music blasting Theelin pilot, who joins Alphabet Squadron alongside him. Given their shared trauma and different manners of coping, Freed frames the frayed relationship between these two particular characters as a central arc of the book and it works well, especially given how well drawn both characters prove to be.
And Kairos? Kairos is the resident, silent badass. Cloaked in rags, armor, masks, and mystery, Kairos remains the closest to an enigma at the novel’s conclusion. What little we learn of her hints at a past filled with trauma and strife which not only comes about in cold mystery but short bursts of intense violence. She feels not unlike the fan favorite animated bounty hunter, Embo, with a dash of Wolverine-esque tragic past. It makes her brief moments where she opens up to the other members of Alphabet Squadron linger for pages afterward.
Even supporting cast members spark with their own sense of personality and life. Caern Adan tows the line between grandstating jackass and pragmatic foreward thinker in a way that makes him feel realistic if not empathetic. Chass and Wyl’s former squadmates before joining Alphabet Squadron shine through with individual quirks and personalities and their presence becomes particularly haunting and painful despite their relatively little time on the page. Even Adan’s mechanical assistant, an Imperial Torture Droid turned team therapist, is a standout with an unexpectedly endearing sense for emotional sensitivity.
Fans of Star Wars Rebels are also sure to enjoy Hera Syndulla’s meatier than expected role here. Freed paints a picture of a war weary Hera that is driven by duty and longs for the days of Ghost family. Her maternal caring for those under her command shines through and her moments of guidance to the Alphabet Squadron team rank as some of the most emotionally affecting beats of the novel as a whole. Those hoping to see Jason Syndulla or some of the other members of the Rebels may be disappointed, but any fan of the Spectre Two is sure to get a lot out of this book.
Freed also succeeds in bringing these characters into action. While his prose while the characters are grounded is often dense with detail and minutiae, Freed somehow finds an incredible balance when his characters step into the cockpit and begin fighting off TIE Fighters. Dogfights feel energetic and kinetic and Freed manages to block these with a sense of action and pacing that feels clear and exciting. Alphabet Squadron even gets creative in just how a squadron of five different types of ship would function and the resulting set pieces feel both imaginative and surprisingly practical. Given the strong work done to fleshing out these characters and their chaotic world in the quiet moments, it gives the beats where blaster bolts are flying and starships are exploding an extra oomph of tension and emotion.
It may not be immaculate, but Alphabet Squadron is a truly engrossing and affecting read. Between Freed’s incredible sense of setting to his well-drawn characters, it’s hard to find a more satisfying book in the current Star Wars canon and the wait for the next installment of this series in 2020 feels like an eternity away. The sequels may be ending this winter with The Rise of Skywalker, but the next great Star Wars trilogy may have already just started.
Score: A-
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sweusource · 6 years
Many people have asked for that, so I decided to do a list with the essential novels and comics of the EU/Legends. This is my personal opinion and I have a very bad memory too so I guess, I haven’t included many others, so if you think there’s a book or any other EU content that should be on this list too, please, just let me know and I’ll put them on this list.
Obviously, I haven’t read all the books of the EU and tbh I’m not a fan of anything related to Rise of the Empire era, prequels, and The Clone Wars. All my favorite content is from Rebellion Era and post-ROTJ.
Anyway, here it’s my list of the most important novels and comics of the EU.
The EU books are divided into different eras.
Before the Republic Era - 37,000 BBY to 25,000 BBY
Old Republic Era - 5000 BBY (years before the Battle of Yavin to 1000 BBY)
Rise of the Empire Era - 1000 BBY to 22 BBY
Clone Wars Era - 22 BBY to 19 BBY
Imperial Era - 19 BBY to 0 BBY
Rebellion Era - 0 BBY to 4 ABY (4 years after the Battle of Yavin)
New Republic Era - 5.5 ABY to 22 ABY
New Jedi Order Era - 24.5 ABY to 36 ABY
Legacy Era - 40 ABY to 139 ABY
Dawn of the Jedi: Into The Void   
Dawn of the Jedi 
Force Storm
The Prisoner of Bogan
Force War
Tales of the Jedi
The Golden Age of the Sith
The Fall of the Sith Empire
Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon
The Saga of Nomi Sunrider
The Freedon Nadd Uprising
Dark Lords of the Sith
The Sith War
 Knights of The Old Republic (Comics)
Days of Fear
Nights of Anger
Daze of Hate
Knights of Suffering
Prophet Motive
Faithful Execution
Dueling Ambitions
The Reaping
The Old Republic Novels
Fatal Alliance
Knight Errant
Darth Bane Trilogy
Path of Destruction 
Rule of Two
Dynasty of Evil 
Legacy of the Jedi 
Part 1 (chapter 1 onward) takes place during 89 BBY. 
Part 2, "Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn" (chapter 7 onward) takes place during 76 BBY. 
Part 3 "Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi" (chapter 14 onward) takes place during 44 BBY. 
Part 4 "Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker" (chapter 20 onward) takes place during 22 BBY
Darth Plagueis 
 Jedi: The Dark Side
Jedi Apprentice
The Rising Force
The Dark Rival
The Hidden Past
The Mark of the Crown
The Defenders of the Dead
The Uncertain Path
The Captive Temple
The Day of Reckoning
The Fight for Truth
The Shattered Peace
The Deadly Hunter
The Evil Experiment
The Dangerous Rescue
The Ties That Bind
The Death of Hope
The Call to Vengeance
The Only Witness
The Threat Within
Secrets of the Jedi
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader
Cloak of Deception
Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Novelization)
Prelude to Rebellion
Vow of Justice
Emissaries to Malastare
Infinity's End
The Hunt for Aurra Sing
The Stark Hyperspace War
The Devaronian Version
Rite of Passage
Honor and Duty
The New Face of War
The Battle of Jabiim
Show of Force
Dreadnaughts of Rendili
Siege of Saleucami
Into the Unknown
Hidden Enemy
Jedi Quest
Path to Truth
The Way of the Apprentice
The Trail of the Jedi
The Dangerous Games
The Master of Disguise
The School of Fear
The Shadow Trap
The Moment of Truth
The Changing of the Guard
The False Peace
The Final Showdown
Outbound Flight 
The Approaching Storm
Episode II Attack of the Clones (Novelization)
The Cestus Deception
Jedi Trial
Episode III Revenge of the Sith  (Novelization)
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
The Cestus Deception
Darth Vader and the Lost Command
Coruscant Nights
Mace Windu
Shaak Ti 
Aayla Secura  
Count Dooku 
Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin
Jedi Twilight
Street of Shadows
Patterns of Force
 The Last of the Jedi
The Desperate Mission
Dark Warning
Death on Naboo
A Tangled Web
Return of the Dark Side
Secret Weapon
Against the Empire
Master of Deception
The Last Jedi 
Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker
Rebel Dawn
Death Star
The Han Solo Adventures
Han Solo at Stars' End
Han Solo's Revenge
Han Solo and the Lost Legacy
Dark Forces (Novellas)  
Soldier for the Empire
Rebel Agent
Jedi Knight
Han Solo Trilogy
The Paradise Snare 
The Hutt Gambit
Rebel Dawn
The Lando Calrissian Adventures
Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu
Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon
Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka
Episode IV: A New Hope  (Novelization)
The Fight for Justice
Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
Rebel Force 
Choices of One
Empire and Rebellion
Razor's Edge
Honor Among Thieves
Splinter of the Mind's Eye (The first Expanded Universe novel)
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (Novelization)
Shadows of the Empire 
Mara Jade. By The Emperor’s Hand
Mara Jade: A Night on the Town
Tales from Jabba's Palace
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Novelization)
The Truce at Bakura
Jedi Prince
The Glove of Darth Vader
The Lost City of the Jedi
Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
Mission from Mount Yoda
Queen of the Empire
Prophets of the Dark Side
Tales from the New Republic
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor 
X-Wing (Different eras and timelines) (from 6.5 ABY to 44  ABY)
Rogue Squadron
Wedge's Gamble
The Krytos Trap
The Bacta War
Wraith Squadron
Iron Fist
Solo Command
Isard's Revenge
Starfighters of Adumar
Mercy Kill
The Courtship of Princess Leia
Tatooine Ghost 
The Thrawn Trilogy (Novels and Comics)
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising 
The Last Command
Dark Empire 
Vol I
Vol II
Empire’s End 
The Jedi Academy Trilogy 
Jedi Search
Dark Apprentice
Champions of the Force
I, Jedi
Children of the Jedi
Planet of Twilight 
The Crystal Star
The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy 
Before the Storm
Shield of Lies
Tyrant’s Test
The New Rebellion
The Corellian Trilogy 
Ambush at Corellia
Assault at Selonia
Showdown at Centerpoint
The Hand of Thrawn Duology
Specter of the Past
Vision of the Future
Judge's Call (Short Story)
Junior Jedi Knights
The Golden Globe
Lyric's World
Anakin's Quest
Vader's Fortress
Kenobi's Blade
Survivor’s Quest
Young Jedi Knights
The Rise of the Shadow Academy
Heirs of the Force 
Shadow Academy
The Lost Ones
Darkest Knight
Jedi Under Siege
The Fall of the Diversity Alliance
Shards of Alderaan
Diversity Alliance
Delusions of Grandeur
Jedi Bounty
The Emperor's Plague
Under Black Sun
Return to Ord Mantell
Trouble on Cloud City
Crisis at Crystal Reef
The New Jedi Order (NJO)
Vector Prime
Dark Tide Duology (Onslaught and Ruin)
Agents of Chaos Duology (Hero's Trial and Jedi Eclipse)
Balance Point 
Edge of Victory Duology (Conquest and Rebirth)
Star by Star
Dark Journey
Enemy Lines Duology (Rebel Dream and Rebel Stand)
Destiny's Way
Force Heretic Trilogy (Remnant, Refugee and Reunion)
The Final Prophecy
The Unifying Force 
Dark Nest
The Joiner King
The Unseen Queen
The Swarm War
Legacy Of The Force
Fate Of The Jedi
Legacy (Comics) (50 Issues/10 Volumes)
Book I
Book II
Book III
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rakghoul-legacy · 2 years
Mina Cell's Legacy Class Story Cast
Mina Cell = Cipher Nine
Xodu Rha = Darth Kaelranzo / Sith Ally / First Agent of The Rakghoul Emperor
Kenjoh Lifshyn = Superior Officer In Rakghoul Intelligence / 2nd Agent of The Rakghoul Emperor
Minister Of Rakghoul Intelligence / Rakghoul Keeper = Minister Of Intelligence / Keeper
Qunge = Nem'ro
Draltar Sierkah = Karrels Jarvis
Sin'lupi = Toth'lazhen
Wurdrix = Fa'arthra
Braiko = Kaliyo
Dox Drad = Dheno Rey
Caz'dijo Kallig = A Sith Sorcerer That gets killed for threatening Mina Cell by Kenjoh Lifshyn / Then gets turned into a mindless servant of The Rakghoul Emperor
Sqirt-Tos = Caz'dijo's Khem-Val
New Rakghoul Keeper / Rakghoul Watcher Two = Keeper / Watcher Two
Darth Ontea = Darth Jadus
The Dragon = The Eagle
Darth Zhon = Darth Zhorrid
Arecass = Chemish
Lucbri = Sanju
Twussiz = Grey Star
Rakghoul Watcher X = Watcher X
Garmoi Goldixw = Jorden Tlan
Evig'buje =Anspi'shel
Sashro Gamuss = Mia Hawkins
Maniac Eyes = Dragon Eyes
The Old Hunter = The Old Man
Triste Tannbowr = Caz'dijo's Andronkidos Revel
Tector Tyllus = Vector Hyllus
Wingus Bar = Captain Pervious
Baron Sairgur Lanzilee = Baron Peyar Cortess
Baroness Thennal Lanzilee = Baroness Chay Cortess
Drand Mant = Denri Alde
Kathmar = Hunter
Cooregi = Chance
Trance = Wheel
Iopul = Saber
Abelagu Turswi = Ardun Kothe
Doctor Rubdav Moorcov = Doctor Eckard Lokin
Doctor Serejam = Doctor Cel
Qeva Eergop = Ki Sazen
Zushty Bykry = Caz'dijo's Azshara Zavros
Administrator Zidreg = Administrator Kroius
Admiral Brigcoa = Admiral Davos
Captain Broduly = Captain Furth
Sergeant Hlern (Full Name is Sergeant Hlern'pathe'zoatte) = Sergeant Thent
Aristocra Hlong = Aristocra Saganu
Ensign Elaiang Marrall = Ensign Raina Temple
Murki The Corporeal = Pashok The Unyielding
Dustefra Clifari = Caz'dijo's Talos Drellik
Branlar Jelharp = Kanjoh Slyke
Pisits = Ohta
Gilemi Gartru = Chaney Barrow
Vaigler = Paarkos
Tett'iborra = Person Who Saves Llaw'o'marwolaeth From Xodu Rha / Rakghoul Intelligence Cipher
Llaw'o'marwolaeth Thoda = Managed Mischief Dark Lord
Drerdust Lanizlee = Pashon Cortess
Drok Nayan = Mina's Grandfather Who is Nok Drayan
The Conjurer = The Creeper
The Brawler = The Prince
Ukernetu = Kolovish
Osvadar Pettadd = Yem Leksende
Neen'huw = Phi-Ton
Bum'huw = Bas-Ton
The Void Blood = The Shining Man
Deel'huw = Yana-Ton
Thazos'huw = Therod-Ton
Random Rakghoul Bounty Hunter = Random Bounty Hunter
Kroon = Zanar
Men Qys = Caz'dijo's Xalek
Lord Myst San = Lord Razor
Major Elymina = Major Nedecca
Major Caspab = Major Sanos
Moff Jargust = Moff Zamar
Rakghoul Jedi Knight = Jedi Knight
Rakghoul Eidolon Security Mercenary = Eidolon Security Mercenary
Boneywench Sunbeing = Darth Fud / First Rakghoul Sith Inquistor
Havoc Rakghoul = Rakghoul Prince / First Rakghoul Trooper
Diampres Barall = The Wrath and First Sith Warrior Allied To Sentient Rakghouls
Carnagebounty Ragesoul = First Rakghoul Bounty Hunter
Daydreams = Creator Of Republic Rakghoul Experiments
Rana Rakghoul = Rakghoul Princess and First Rakghoul Jedi Shadow
Transfer Cell = Mina's Father
Nisha Nayan = Mina's Mother / Transfer Cell's Risha Drayan
Darryll Dixon = Rana's Former Master
Raydenkai = Imperial Alt of Darryyll Dixon
0 notes
cyraniadebergerac · 6 years
The Watcher X Choice Thoughts
(Spoilers ahead for those who don’t know what happens at this point or later in the game)
I’ve just finished the Nar Shaddaa Arc with Evrain and made my first dark side choice. On Balmorra, the smart thing would have been the dark side choices but the operation worked without making them in the end (a bit unrealistically even if she didn’t say who was being extracted). With whether to allow Watcher X to escape or not, the empire’s good obviously was for him to be kept locked away or killed which usually guides the Imperial light side/dark side decisions in game as discussed elsewhere on this site and tvtropes. 
However, it better fit Evrain in this instance to help Watcher X. Not because he’s a coward as Kaliyo claims or for pure personal benefit, but for the sake of his people and the utter wrongness of the Empire Watcher X exemplifies.
Leaving aside how the game seems to basically assume the agent keeps X alive in game (with how the technological Jedi Ghost knock-off is utter baloney unless X actually did survive you killing him or was actually Force sensitive and became a Force Ghost), there is also the factor hinted at later on of how Cipher Nine is also a Chiss spy within the Sith Empire. It makes perfect sense since the Chiss can easily realize that the Empire is going to turn on Csilia after their war with the Republic is done that they would send people to serve the Empire who would keep track of Imperial secrets and weaknesses as well as plans. Watcher X is a huge resource about the Empire’s secrets, not exactly trustworthy but not loyal to the Empire anymore. Having Watcher X as a Chiss ally would then be a huge breakthrough on Imperial inner workings, meaning that a Chiss Cipher Nine would be putting his own people before the Empire.
Also though, I see Evrain as already aware that the Empire doesn’t care about the people serving it and will double cross them given the chance. Watcher X is simply a vivid example. I’d watched this storyline before and been more wary of Watcher X and his more cutthroat manner but playing through those scenes, I saw him as incredibly human. He’s understandably paranoid from working under the Empire and his loyalty was betrayed by being conditioned. Being locked up in Shadow Town only to be dragged out when there’s need of him probably broke any remaining feelings of loyalty he had, particularly with how he was a  experiment raised and trained by the Empire from birth practically. And Evrain and I both felt more compassion towards him, even if we didn’t necessarily trust him or agree with all his methods. Another reason for Evrain to lie to Watcher 2 and allow X to go free, even if Kaliyo can’t understand it.
Then there’s also the aspect where Evrain might be able to see that he was a possible future candidate for conditioning and someone that’s already gone through it would be helpful. Though Evrain probably didn’t count on just what conditioning would be like or of not having memories of being conditioned. But that’s the main purely selfish thing I could think of regarding this choice.
So really, this choice was less darkside than others. Thanks for reading this long tract of me figuring out why this was one dark side choice I agreed with doing even if Kaliyo was rooting for turning Watcher X in and got mad when Evrain didn’t but lied.
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andveryginger · 3 years
SWTOR Fic: “Reentry” (1/1) (Mairen/Reanden)
Title:  “Reentry”
Fandom:   Star Wars: The Old Republic (RPverse) Relationship(s): Mairen/Reanden (F/M) Rating:   Teen Warnings/Tags:   Adult Situations Implied
Notes: Fictober was kinda the jumping off point for this one, but real life really just went haywire, about halfway through the month. So... here it is, encouraged by the prompt, “Your information was wrong.”
Anyone interested in the back story should take a peek at the “Deja New” series, which covers the first meeting of these super-spy dorks, working undercover in the Empire, and the subsequent relationship they stumble into. This story falls shortly after the battle at the Meridian shipyards, as Mairen and Reanden have been invited to lead a Corellian-based task force in the renewed battle against the Empire. Posted without beta. All mistakes are my own.
Green Jedi Enclave Coronet City Corellia
The Jedi once known as Mairen Bel Iblis stood before the memorial, gaze tracing up the contours of the winding stone form as it reached upward and upward. A burning sensation tickled across her sinuses, creeping upward to engulf green eyes, even as the corners of her mouth tipped down, an outward sign of her struggle for control. Allowing her eyelids to close, she swallowed back the knot rising in her throat and knelt in the damp grass. She lowered her hands, fingertips barely brushing the blunted blades of foliage at her sides. Taking a deep breath she exhaled slowly, reaching gently into the Force. Chaos burbled just beneath the quiet veneer of recent history. Rebuilding efforts were underway in portions of the city, but kneeling, reaching into the energy that swirled within the enclave, she could sense the wounds still healing from the previous war: The aroma of scorched earth as it lingered in the air. The plumes of dark smoke rolling into the sky behind the towering skyline. The scream of Imperial fighters as they soared overhead, pursued by the howl of Republic ships. And all of it intermingled with shouted orders from troopers, cries of pain from the wounded, and wails of those left behind.
If living as a Sith on Dromund Kaas had been Hell, Corellia under fire had been the Ninth Level.
Her sister had been among the wounded – among the dead.
Her mother, her brother-in-law, and nieces had been among those wailing with the loss. Tightness gripped her chest, eyes stinging again as her own grief struggled back to the surface. She remembered too well the day she heard of the sacking – the sneering, wicked grins of the Imperials surrounding her as they celebrated the subjugation of her home, her family, and the death of so many of her fellow Green Jedi. Playing Sith hadn’t been all that much of an act that day. Dark tendrils coiled into her connection, and she felt a chill wash over her. She could hear the rumble of distant thunder; see a flash of lightning across a dark sky.  No, she thought. No more. This was not Dromund Kaas. This was Corellia, vibrant and full of life – life she could feel swirling all around her, warm and bright and reassuring. Wisps pushed back at the darkness, familiarity cradling her, welcoming her, and soothing the jagged edges of her anger and grief. She felt the whisper in her ear more than she heard it: “Emotion, yet peace… Death, yet the Force.” Drawing in a deep breath, she concentrated on how the air flowed into the lower reaches of her lungs; how her chest expanded first forward, then outward from the ribs. Exhaling slowly, she used the focus to reach further into the warmth that surrounded her. Resilience. Determination. Hope. There were Corellians who fought for the wrong reasons, engulfed by their hatred and seeking revenge… but they were far outnumbered by those who fought for the right reasons – for independence and for home. These had been the reasons she stayed on Dromund Kaas… and these had been the reasons her sister had remained in the enclave. Even as the realization settled over her, she felt a prickle of discomfort flutter across her mind; the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She could sense nothing as an empty shadow took position behind her. It was a sensation she was familiar with, though with an unsettling twist: Most operatives trained in cloaking themselves and capable of concealing their signatures appeared as if they were nothing -- as though there were nothing unusual to sense. In this case, she could sense something – almost like a black hole – as if someone was somehow bending the Force around them. The voice that spoke into the silence was brittle. “I’d heard you were dead.” Mairen knew that voice. It was harder now, lacking in the warmth she once knew, but she would always recognize her brother when he spoke. Perhaps, she reasoned, the anger in his voice was why he felt so… unsettling. Of them all, he had required the most work in meditation… and hated every minute of it. Drawing a second breath, she once again gave an extended exhale, opening her eyes slowly. She moved, unhurried, to stand. Once there, she remained bent at the waist, red hair shielding her face as she swept debris from the knees of her pants and frowned at the damp circles. There would be time to change later, she supposed. Finally, her gaze settled on her brother. The years had been kind and yet… not. He was tall and wiry, built very much like their father. Gone now were the smile and chubby cheeks of his youth; they had been replaced by chiseled, high cheekbones, severe and sharp as his tone. Shadows lurked at the corners of his eyes and mouth, the creases there deepened not only with the passage of time, but the passage of life: It was a shadow that lurked in the pale green eyes that watched her now. Mairen held her own features in check, remaining behind her shields for the moment. She stood to her full height. “Your information was wrong.” His eyes narrowed and she could feel him reach out, begin to test her defenses. Fingers twitched at his side, thumb brushing against the hilt suspended from his belt. “And the rumors that you’d turned? Were those also wrong?” She nodded, once. “Part of the cover.” “You stayed.” “I did.” His lips thinned and Mairen glanced down as his fingers twitched again; glanced up as his jaw clinched. “Adrie died; the war ended; and you stayed,” he said. There was emphasis on each syllable, heavy, as anger seeped into his voice. “Twenty years, living it up as a Sith lord, yet I’m supposed to believe it was all ‘your cover’?” The shielding around his emotions was strong, but there were cracks beginning to form. Concern creased her brow. “You’re my brother, Cian,” she began slowly, her own voice calm and measured. “Father trained us all: You, me, Adrie. You’re the only one left who might know better than just about anyone whether I was capable of turning – of turning my back on my family; on Corellia; on the Force --” “No,” Cian interrupted. “I was your brother. The woman that stood there and lied to us – lied to me – about ‘finding her destiny in the Empire’ – she wasn’t my sister… because my sister wouldn’t have left our mother to deal with Da’s passing; wouldn’t have left me to clean up the mess. And she sure as Hells wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to say goodbye to her little sister.” Mairen frowned. The skepticism was expected… maybe even warranted. She’d known there would be members of the enclave especially who would question her return; it had been one of the larger reasons she had avoided it to this point. Still, he had not been there the day the fighting started again; hadn’t been there to see or sense her reaction. Even twenty years distant, it was a time she did not wish to repeat. “Our baby sister is one with the Force – just as we all will be, when our time comes,” she replied, “but if you think I didn’t feel anything – that I didn’t mourn her – that I don’t miss her – then you are blinded by your own anger and grief.” Her eyes narrowed. “I did not turn.” Her brother dropped his chin, green eyes holding hers. Each word was enunciated: “I don’t believe you.” “Then may the Force help you, because I” – Mairen paused, shaking her head – “clearly can’t.” The events of the next moment happened in a blur: In the exact instant that Cian reached for his saber, her husband, Reanden Taerich, and her mother, Senator Ruari Bel Iblis, rounded the corner. Immediately sensing the danger, Ruari swung her left hand up, fingers splayed as she ensnared her son in the Force. Pinned, he struggled like a man bound, face distorted with strain and anger. Beside her, Reanden had drawn his holdout blaster, barrel pointed toward Cian. His finger rested against the trigger guard. The senator scowled at her son. “What in the Nine Hells is going on here?” “A conflict with reality,” Mairen replied. “He believes I actually turned – that I’m truly Sith.” Voice strained and speaking through clenched teeth, Cian remained defiant. “I will not allow the Empire to take more from this enclave than it’s already stolen!” “Do you honestly think she’d be standing here -- now -- in this instant, if she were Sith? I’d kill her myself, if that were the case,” Reanden snapped. “Though your cousins or a battalion of the Republic’s finest might’ve beaten me to it the moment she set foot on Coruscant, if she were actually Sith.” Cian blinked, confused. “Coruscant?” His glare focussed on Reanden. The spy remained still, blaster at the ready. “With you?” “Coruscant. Nar Shaddaa. A particularly lovely honeymoon on Alderaan…” There was a hint of dark amusement in Reanden’s eyes, echoed in his tone as he taunted the immobilized Jedi. “It’s generally accepted that wives travel with their husbands.” “Husband?” Mairen nodded. “Reanden was forced out first. He was finally able to extract me from the Empire about three months later,” she replied. “After my lengthy debrief with SIS, we… married… on Alderaan. Mum’s cousins were quite accommodating.” The furrow in her brother’s brow deepened, along with the shadows lurking in the creases along the corners of his mouth. “You? Married him? After what happened to Airna? And you expect me to believe that you’ve not turned?” “I know what happened to Airna, Cian.” Casting a sidelong glance to Reanden, she nodded imperceptibly. “I’ve met the man who killed her – stood toe to toe with him, in the heart of the Citadel. It was not Reanden Taerich.” Pushing against the Force restraint, Cian tossed his head to the side in disgust; Ruari’s hand wavered with the effort. “I’m going to release you,” the senator said, slowly. “You’re going to leave the enclave, and you’re going home to meditate. If you even think about drawing on your sister again, Reanden will be keeping his blaster handy, and I will not be so gentle if I have to restrain you again. Do you understand?” He nodded once. Ruari drew her hand back slowly, as one might draw back a sheet, draped over a statue. As the restraint released him, Cian rolled his neck and shoulders, shook out his fingers. He looked to his mother. “You want to see the best in her,” he commented. “You want to believe her. I just hope it doesn’t get us all killed.” Ruari, Reanden, and Mairen watched as he turned, stalking across the courtyard to the far exit. As he disappeared, the cloud around her dissipated, and Mairen instantly reached for Reanden. The old spy reeled her in and held her close; their joined relief almost overwhelmed their connection. He smoothed his hands over her hair, lips pressing gentle kisses to her temple. “It’s all right, love,” he said. His own voice was a bit rougher than he expected. “We’re all right.” For her part, Ruari watched him comfort her daughter. “I should have prepared him – should have prepared you for how he’s changed.” She heaved a sigh. “I don’t think I realized quite how much.” Reanden regarded his mother-in-law. “I’m no Jedi, Ruari,” he began, “but after that? I’d say unless someone is able to get through to him, he’s going to be more a danger to himself and the enclave than any Imperial.” Ruari nodded. “I’m afraid you’re right.” She swallowed, straightening. “Let’s get the two of you out of here. I expect a bit of peace and quiet and time alone would be appreciated right now.” “Anywhere other than here.” Giving a rueful smile, he released Mairen reluctantly; he maintained a hold on her hand. “I think I’ve had quite enough of Coronet for today.” Mairen forced a laugh. “That makes two of us,” she replied. “I think a double of Whyren’s, a fire, and a warm blanket might be just what the med droid ordered.” The senator took the lead, nodding as she stepped past them. “I know just the place.” ***
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keldae · 5 years
Fictober ‘19 -- Day Twelve (SWTOR)
For all that Reanden had grown up around Force-users, he had never been able to feel the burning hot fire against his senses, or feel the weight of power against his mind. Frankly, he wasn’t even sure what it was supposed to feel like -- he only knew he had never experienced it, and never would.
Trying to figure out what the Jedi felt… well, it was just as foreign to him as the Sith way.
“It’s light,” Airna tried to explain, frowning in thought. “It’s… light and warmth, like sunshine-- no, not like sunshine. It’s… hmmm.” She chewed on her lip for a moment. “It’s like… gazing into a star? No, that’s not right either…”
“Like trying to explain the colour red to a blind man?” Reanden dryly asked.
“... Yeah, pretty much.” Airna shrugged. “It’s like… it illuminates everything and enhances everything it touches.”
Reanden looked away from the pretty Jedi, frowning at the duracrete beneath their feet. “Like light that reveals everything?” He sighed as he felt her nod. “What if I don’t see it?”
“It’s still there,” Airna quietly said after a moment as she reached over to set her hand on top of his. “You might not see it, but I can… and it shows me you.”
He bitterly snorted. “That’s a terrifying thought.”
“Not really? I mean, you keep yourself so tightly shielded that you barely show up as a lifeform most of the time. But in times like right now, when it’s just you and me…” 
Curiosity won out over Reanden’s skepticism. He looked back at Airna, noting the way she seemed to be studying him. “What do I look like?” he softly asked.
“... Ice. Although I guess it’s half what you feel like.” Airna seemed a little embarrassed as she tried to explain what she sensed. “It’s like, you present as ice made of shadows, cold and dark and secretive. But underneath that…” Her fingers tightened over his. “There’s light hidden behind the shadows -- a line of silver that’s hard to see, but if you know how to look through the shadows, you can see it, gleaming in the darkness.” She smiled as he frowned at her. “And behind the shadows, it’s as bright as a star.”
“I’m not a light anything,” Reanden protested. “You know how much shit I’ve done in the name of the Empire, how many people I’ve killed or…”
Airna nodded. “And yet, you still reached out to the Republic. And I’ve seen the way you try to minimize damage done to ordinary people, and the way you’ve tried to help people. Don’t think I don’t know who leaked us that information about that slave trading ring we broke up.”
“I don’t think ‘good’ things done out of spite for the Empire count as ‘good’,” Reanden still muttered.
“As far as I see it, anything to counter the Empire, no matter the motivation, is at least a little bit ‘good’. And you’re more ‘good’ than you let on.”
“Wreck my reputation, why don’t you,” Reanden mumbled, and saw her smirk before he looked back down. He wanted to call her delusional for claiming he had any sort of light in him, when he knew how much blood was on his hands, whether directly or not. But she hadn’t been wrong yet with her premonitions. Maybe, if she was even a bit right…
His hand finally twisted enough to lace his fingers in with hers and squeeze her hand back. Maybe he wasn’t a completely lost cause yet.
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keldae · 7 years
Spooky Prompt 7 - At the crack of thunder Person A wakes up, they discover that the other beds in the stronghold are empty.
The crash and rumble of thunder overhead woke Reanden up out of a sound sleep. His eyes flew open, scanning his side of the room and the window looking out over the valleys toward Syward. Lavisar didn’t have too many storms- but when the storms did happen, they were huge and unnecessarily violent. Half surprised one of the boys isn’t trying to crawl into bed with us, he mused to himself as he rolled over to see if either of his sons had sought refuge with their mother. At twelve and ten years old, they kept switching between I’m almost a grown-up, Dad, quit treating me like a kid! to I don’t know what I’m doing and adulting is scary, Daddy!, and he suspected it was only going to get more chaotic when he had two teenagers in the house.
He frowned when he realized his wife’s side of the bed was empty, the sheets mussed. “Honey?” he asked as he sat up, squinting into the shadows. Lightning lit up the room as thunder rolled again, letting him see that he was, in fact, alone. “Bioscan,” he whispered to activate one of his cranial implants, and his frown deepened when the scan turned up nothing. Aerna was not within range of the scan. It’s the middle of the night, and in a thunderstorm. Where would she be?
With a grunt, he got out of the bed and padded across the carpeted floor in bare feet, clad in only a pair of grey sweatpants. For a second, he considered grabbing the blaster pistol he kept behind the headboard or the vibrodagger under the mattress- but Lavisar was safe, and his wife was a Jedi. He wouldn’t need his weapons. Besides, if she was with one of the boys, it wouldn’t do for them to see him armed and paranoid.
He slid open the bedroom door and crept down the hallway to his sons’ rooms. Both doors were closed, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. Reanden slid open Sorand’s door and poked his head in, hopefully quietly enough to not wake up the boy- then felt a thrill of fear in his heart when he realized his younger son’s bed was empty. A quick check into Korin’s room confirmed that his other son was also not asleep as he was supposed to be. “Aerna!” he shouted as he turned back around, fighting to keep the panic at bay. The house rang with the echoes of his shout, but he heard no answer from his wife or his sons. He hurried back to his room and checked the security panel beside the door- no signs of a disturbance or a forced entry (or exit). His family had to still be inside the house, right-?
A tiny, stifled noise behind him made him whirl, and his heart leapt into his throat when he saw the shadowy, faceless man holding Sorand by the scruff of his neck just a few paces away. Reanden took a step toward his son, then froze when he saw the lightsaber hilt being pressed against the boy’s head. “No, not him,” he whispered as he looked up at the Sith holding his son as hostage. “He has nothing to do with you, Jadus! Let him go!”
“Shall I? You betrayed me, Agent. It’s only fitting that you should be punished by your own choices.” Darth Jadus adjusted his grip on Sorand, earning a tiny whimper of terror from the ten-year-old. “Your weaknesses are so exploitable.”
“It’s true,” spoke up another voice, one that made Reanden go at once cold with dread and hot with fury. He turned to see Hunter holding a blaster to Korin’s side and a smirk on his face. “Who would have thought that the legendary Legate would be so easy to break?”
“Dad…” Korin whispered, giving his father such a look of fear that Reanden felt his heart break. The boy squirmed in Hunter’s grip, then froze as the blaster dug in against his ribs. “Dad!”
“Shhh, son,” Reanden whispered as he raised his hands in surrender, desperate to not make Jadus or Hunter take his sons’ lives. “You’re going to be okay. I’ll figure something out-”
“Is that so?” Hunter grinned maliciously. “Onomatophobia.”
Pain tore through Reanden’s brain as he fell to his knees with a scream. It’s overridden, the code can’t work anymore, Watcher X said it’s disabled! “No, please! Not like this!”
“Pathetic, Cipher Nine.” Jadus sneered as he gripped Sorand’s neck tighter, earning more tears from the child. “You are soft and weak and a disgrace to Imperial Intelligence.”
“And the SIS,” added another voice, one that made the agent sink with dread. The man who’d once been his younger brother, and now only went by Darth Maglion, emerged from the shadows, Force-carrying his hostage in front of him by her neck and flipping a lightsaber hilt in his other hand. “I knew you were weak, brother- but marrying a Jedi? Betraying the Empire for the Republic?”
“Better a traitor than a kinslayer,” Reanden hissed as he raised his head and made eye contact with his wife. Aerna looked terrified, but her fear seemed to be more for their sons and less for herself. “I don’t care what you do to me, but let my family go!”
“Oh, no.” Hunter grinned maliciously. “Killing you is far too quick and easy.”
“You wouldn’t suffer enough.” Maglion stepped closer, still holding Aerna in front of him with the Force. “Your treasons must be punished by your suffering. Live out the rest of your natural life, traitor, with the knowledge of your failures claiming your family.”
“Your legacy will end with your sons’ lives here,” Jadus added, giving Sorand a pointed shake. “And you will live every day for the rest of your life knowing that your choices killed the people you claim to love the most.”
“No…” Reanden brokenly whispered, even while he clung to the one fragment of hope deep in his heart. His daughter was still alive, still safe and not here. Even if he failed to save his wife and sons, perhaps he could keep Xaja alive and hidden with the Jedi-
A lightsaber ignited behind him, and he looked over his shoulder as that last hope died. The girl behind him in the garb of an acolyte with a blood-red ‘saber had his wife’s features, but the corruption of the Dark Side made her resemble her uncle far more than either of her parents.
“Oh, we’ll let your daughter live,” Jadus said. “She serves the Emperor as she should. But the rest of your family, Cipher Nine, do not deserve such an honour.”
Thunder rolled. Lightning not originating from the storm outside crackled. A second lightsaber ignited with the distinct sound of a plasma blade piercing a human body. A blaster fired. And all that Reanden could hear was screams-
He jolted upright with a ragged gasp, sweat soaking his tee-shirt and the contents of his stomach threatening to come back up violently. Thunder rolled again, making Reanden flinch until he realized the storm was moving on, leaving only gently drizzling rain in its wake. Rishi, he realized as he re-adjusted to the waking world. Not Lavisar. Rishi. The old agent ran his hands over his face and paused when he felt the tears on his worn cheeks. He glanced at the readout from his implants and sighed when he realized the date. Over a decade later and the nightmares keep getting worse. 
It didn’t matter that he could just hear the soft, steady breathing on the other beds in the safehouse, that he’d seen his sons and daughter alive only a few hours earlier- he still got up to quietly walk to the bunks he knew they occupied, linger for a few minutes at each to reassure himself that all three of them were still alive and (relatively) safe, then pulled on a jacket and let himself out of the roof hatch, letting the rain wake him up and wash away the remnants of the nightmare. He wouldn’t be going back to sleep tonight anyway, not with the last image of his wife’s terrified face frozen in his mind, or the cruelty of his brother and Jadus and Hunter still vivid in his memory.
You’ll never be free of us, Legate. You’ll see us again, every time you think you’re safe.
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rakghoul-legacy · 5 years
Tett'iborra NPC (Good) Character Profile
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Name, Race, Class, and Allegiance
Name: Tett'iborra
Race: Rakghoul Chiss
Origin Story: Imperial Agent
Classes: Vanguard and Gunslinger
Allegiance: Rakghoul Alliance
Family, Friends, and Enemies
Family: Claais Wingar (His Ensign Raina Temple and Wife)
Friends: Sentient Rakghoul Army (Main Force), Galactic Republic (Ally Of Main Forces), Sith Empire (Ally Of Main Forces), Sentient Rakghoul Council (The Rakghoul Council Of Sentience) and Justicars (From In-Game On Coruscant)
Enemies: Vitiate the Rakghoul Emperor (Master Of Enemies), Xodu Rha (Dark Sided Sith Maurauder Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Starkstar (Dark Sided Sniper Servant To Rakghoul Emperor), Regverso (Dark Sided Jedi Knight Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Wamau (Dark Sided Scoundrel Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Major Catherin Ann (Dark Sided Sniper Servant To Starkstar And Love of Starkstar), Cedjess Weigavis (Dark Sided Cyborg SIS Agent [Gunslinger-Based] Servant to Regverso), Xutria (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Conqueror [Sorcerer-Based] Servant to Xodu Rha), Zragrur (Dark Sided Rattataki Mandolorian [Vanguard-Based] Servant to Wamau), Bubi (Dark Sided Zabrak Makeb Imperial Operative Servant To Xodu Rha), Jusuo (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood THORN Specialist [Sage-Based] Servant To Wamau), Ysixo (Dark Sided Rattataki Kilik Ally [Assassin-Based] Servant to Starkstar), Reejayl Pasktro (Dark Sided Human Constable [Powertech-Based] Servant To Starkstar), Gehli (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Ensign [Maurauder-Based] Servant To Starkstar), Jaycanna (Dark Sided Cyborg Chosen Of Voss [Sorcerer-Based] Servant To Starkstar), and Ajadar Sabacan (Dark Sided Human High Warlord [Sentinel-Based] Servant To Regverso)
Starting Server, Current Server, Title In-Fiction and Legacy Title In-Fiction
Starting Server: Star Forge
Current Server: Star Forge
Title 1 In-Fiction: Agent
Title 2 In-Fiction: The Illustrious
Title 3 In-Fiction: Cipher Agent
Title 4 In-Fiction:  Rakghoul Sith Intelligence Commander
Legacy Title In-Fiction: The Shadow’s Veil
Enemy To In Class Stories, His Soldiers, and Biography
Enemy To In Class Stories: Xodu Rha (During Mina Cell's Legacy Class Story and During Cregdeath Skull’s Legacy Class Story)
His Soldiers: Rakghoul Imperial Intelligence Agents and Rakghoul Alliance Rakghoul Sith Intelligence Soldiers
Biography: Tett'ibora is a Rakghoul Chiss Imperial Operative who appears in "Mina Cell's Legacy Class Story" as an enemy to Xodu Rha. He learns the truth about what happened with Mina Cell and heads to stop Xodu from executing M'ariposia, a sith sorcerer that is the leader of Managed Mischief who has plans on interfering with Mina Cell. He stops Xodu Rha from attacking him and Explains the Situation to M'ariposia which she responds with she will let the Eternal Alliance know so they can let the Empire Know. He then searches for info in Cregdeath Skull’s Legacy Class Story. He later joins becomes a Rakghoul Sith Intelligence Commander and then joined the Rakghoul Alliance as an Imperial Veteran. He soon becomes enemies to Kenjoh Lifshyn In Main Story 2.
Vosedj = Kaliyo
Geodex Ullsear = Vector Hyllus
Doctor Dalrol Durhext = Doctor Eckard Lokin
Ensign Claais Wingar = Ensign Raina Temple
Tett’iborra Looks 1
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Tett’iborra Looks 2 As a Vanguard
Tett’iborra Looks 2 As a Gunslinger
Tett’iborra Looks ? As a Vanguard
Tett’iborra Looks ? As a Gunslinger
Tett’iborra X Claais Wingar According To Dr. Love
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Tetti’borra Starting His Sabotage In The Black Market of Kenjoh Lifshyn
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Tetti’borra Sneaking Around Xodu Rha’s Stronghold In Gunslinger Mode
Tetti’borra Battling Xodu Rha To Save M'ariposia
Tetti’borra ??1
Tetti’borra ??2
Tetti’borra ??3
Tetti’borra ??4
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rakghoul-legacy · 6 years
Friezatan Profile
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Name, Race, Class, And Allegiance
Name:  Friezatan Race:  Zabrak Class:  Sith Juggernaut Allegiance:  None At First But then Joins Dark Republic In Main Story 6
Family, Friends, and Enemies
Family:  None Friends at First:  His Crew and The Friezatan Force Friend After Joining the Dark Republic During Main Story 6:  His Crew, The Friezatan Force, Android Thirteen, Babydoll, Barakasin Barsen (Supreme Emperor) Blakira Barsen (Supreme Empress) Talis Al'Gul (Dark Republic Jedi), Gerard Torne (Dark Republic Military General), Dan Krovos (Dark Republic Sith), and Sadom Phanu (Dark Republic Sniper), Jinuiu Krovos (Fellow Dark Republic Jedi until she discovers Loth Vortena In His Prison Cell and betrays the Dark Republic Near the end of Main Story 2), Dark Republic Enslaved Jedi (Enslaved Fellow Jedi in Dark Republic), Dark Republic Enslaved Smugglers (Enslaved Smugglers In Dark Republic), Dark Republic Enslaved Troopers (Enslaved Soldiers 1 In Dark Republic), Dark Republic Enslaved Sith (Enslaved Sith In Dark Republic), Dark Republic Enslaved Imperial Agents (Enslaved Soldiers 2 In Dark Republic), Dark Republic Enslaved Mandolorians (Enslaved Bounty Hunters In Dark Republic), Dark Republic Enslaved Zakuulians (Enslaved Zakuulian Soldiers In Dark Republic), Nahut (His God), Esh-kha (Allied Race as of Ankhin Acquired Ghost 4 during Main story 5), Dur Sharc (King Of The Esh-kha as of Ankhin Acquired Ghost 4 during Main Story 5), and Jatzife Shan (As Of Story 4 until she betrays the Dark Republic near the of main story 6), Ywijice Shan (Sith Assassin Daughter of Jatzife and Theron Shan who joins during Main Story 5 and stays allied after her mom betrays the Dark Republic), The Dread Council Security System in Satele Shan Server Galaxy (As of When He Becomes Supreme Emperor of The Dark Republic), Ratyhd Zed (Togruta ?? Gunslinger Ally Of Darth Malgus Server Galaxy since Middle Of Main Story 7), Qogawl Zed (Chiss Engineer Ally Of Darth Malgus Server Galaxy since Middle Of Main Story 7), Bergern Colony Server Adaptists (Allies Since Main Story 7), The Former Revanites Of The Harbringer Server (Allies Since Main Story 7), Jaina The Cannoneer (Trooper Kilik Joiner Ally Since Main Story 7), Captain Alarick (Engineer Kilik Joiner Since Main Story 7), Dark Republic Kiliks (Allies Since Main Story 7), Cellonsan (When He Joins The Dark Republic), Cellonsan’s Crew (When Cellonsan Joins The Dark Republic), Hitiren (When He Join The Dark Republic), Hitiren’s Crew (When Hitiren Joins The Dark Republic), The Shadow Tinrons (When They Join The Dark Republic), Other Babydoll Recruits (When They Join The Dark Republic), ?? (??), and ?? (??) Enemies At First:  Android Twenty-One, Vegetasir, and Their Crews Enemies After Joining the Dark Republic During Main Story 6:  Android Twenty-One, Android Twenty-One’s Crew, Vegetasir, Vegetasir’s Crew, Android Seven, Android Seven’s Crew, Trunksire, Trunksire’s Crew, Podrexosin Barsen (A Traitor To The Dark Republic), Azepanec Barsen (Another Traitor To The Dark Republic), Ankhin’s Eternal Alliance (Main Enemy Force), Fiery Sky (Enemy Force 2), Order Of Zildrogg (Enemy Force 3 until Main Story 7), Ywijice Shan (Daughter Of Theron-x-Jatzife and Leader of Rakghoul’s Legion with Darth Malak), Rakghoul’s Legion (Enemy Force 3 Since Main Story 7), and Android 22 (Android Leader of Rakghoul’s Legion)
Starting Server, Current Server, Titles 1-3 in-game, Legacy Title In-Game, Title In-Fiction, Video Game Story #
Starting Server:  Bergern Colony Current Server:  Satele Shan Title 1 In-Game:  Darth Title 2 In-Game:  The Merciless  Title 3 In-Game:  Acolyte Legacy Title In-Game: Conqueror Of The Black Hole Title In-Fiction:  Leader Of Friezatan Force Video Game Story #:  14
Friezatan At First
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Friezatan 2.0
[Insert Image Here]
Friezatan Talent Tree at Level 55
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Friezatan ??
[Insert Image Here]
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