#DOES IT MEAN MCR IS DOING MORE. OR JUST THAT MORE IS HAPPENING (like fob not playing an album apparently)
andoutofharm · 10 months
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what does “and more” mean . answer quickly
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pmvstump · 2 years
i’ve been seeing all these discussions of racism in bandom and it just reminds me that i have always felt very alone in bandom because i am very visibly like the only punjabi sikh a lot of ppl on here know (if they even “know” me). despite this, i have also felt solidarity with other south asian fans and other poc. i think i have only seen one other sikh fan of the same bands (specifically in the fob/mcr/pmore/etc realm, not like venturing off to bands that lean more into metal).
what i wanted to say though is that where i felt this support from a lot of other fans of colour, i felt the opposite from white fans. this doesn’t necessarily mean that all white fans are the same but it does mean that all white fans need to actually think about what they’re saying, what they’re agreeing with, and what other white fans they seem to be befriending.
there was a time on here where ppl (white and poc alike) were being genuinely racist about my appearance simply because they did not like me or because i had previously pointed out that they said/did something homophobic. yet, instead of ppl pointing out that what they were saying was racist, i saw ppl turn around and mock me for blocking these ppl (saying i was creating a “bubble” for myself). or they decided to dissect every part of who i am and continue to mock me after i had pointed out that these ppl were being racist. i blocked at least a hundred ppl for spreading/liking posts where they completely derailed what had actually happened. i had to spend time away from here so they’d just forget about it, but i did not receive a single apology for this.
my point is, solidarity does not mean SHIT if you don’t look into things carefully. i do not want to see any more poc on here get ostracized for defending themselves, especially when the ppl who are bullying them are white and/or don’t understand the context besides a “funny” post they saw on their dash. please do better, not just in the treatment of the poc you’re fans of, but in the treatment of fans of colour too.
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awkwardtaco056 · 5 years
so now that i’m no longer in the Hell that was school and after finding the lovely blog @endcringe i’ve decided to talk about my own experiences with cringe culture, bullying, and why it’s Really Bad to not let people enjoy inherently harmless things, especially neurodivergent people (read more because this is gonna get long and triggering at times, TW for mentions of bullying, suicide, child abuse, a brief mention of incest shipping. I won’t be naming any of the peers that I discuss my experiences with, because my point with this post is Not to “cancel” anyone, I just want to speak out on my experiences)
I’m neurodivergent; I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 8 years old. I didn’t know a lot about it, and a family member even painted it as “oh it’s nothing blah blah blah just apply yourself more. Because of this, I had no idea about the concept of hyperfixations until I was in my late teens. Due to that, I would obsess over random things and my family would shame me relentlessly for it. My mother said I had an “addictive personality” and that she feared I’d end up a drug addict or alcoholic because of it.
I look younger than what I am, I’m short, and small. AKA, the perfect candidate for being picked on by people bigger and stronger than me. People made fun of my art when I was around 13, but fortunately that was an instance where spite fueled me to improve drastically. However, just because I happened to take the shitty comments and have it fuel me then does NOT mean bullying people will have that effect all the time. At some point someone put my old South Park fan art on a cringe blog. I was temporarily hurt, and a little angry, but I realized that if someone was making fun of a 15 year old’s art, they probably didn’t have much going for them in life, so I moved on.
Fast forward to high school. Everything was horrible and I’m not exaggerating when I say I barely made it out alive. I was living in an abusive household up until January 2018 and I found comfort in many different interests. I’ve always found great comfort in music and the arts in general. In 2016, I drew a picture of a mermaid. I was inspired by the chocolate opal gemstone, and I thought it’d be fun to draw a gay chubby mermaid with dark skin and a rainbow tail and freckles. Junior year was lousy and I wanted something that sparked Joy. I was immediately told that “scientifically, mermaids wouldn’t look like that. Mind you, my take looked like this:
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Obviously I wasn’t going for realism, I just wanted to draw a cute mermaid. However, they continued to tell me that they wouldn’t look like that, going as far as writing so on the back of said drawing. When I got angry at her for taking it too far (as I’d established before that I didn’t like it when people wrote on my art without permission), they got angry back, accusing me of being unable to take criticism. Heated by the accusation, I went as far as asking my art teacher if it was fair for them to say that, and she said no, stating that constructive criticism would be talking about how I could improve my lineart and coloring in the digital version. I took her actual helpful criticism and since then have improved Drastically in digital art. Even with that being said, I found myself hesitant to participate in things such as MerMay because I was leery of hearing that peer berate me for having cartoony mermaids. 
 During high school I grew to love many musicians, a lot of emo/alternative stuff, a couple being Twenty One Pilots and Melanie Martinez. I love how unique TOP’s style is, their open discussion of mental illness, and as someone who had a rough childhood, I connected with every single song on Cry Baby. It was like nothing I’d ever heard. I started listening to mashups featuring all these different artists I love, adoring how they could change the tone and sound so drastically. A peer Bully of mine in junior year condemned these two artists, declaring that they made “Bad Music” simply because it didn’t fit their tastes. They’d throw my drawings on the ground, write over them in pen, steal my headphones so I couldn’t listen to music, push me around, complain that mashups sucked and gave them a headache, and in general shit all over conetnt that was actively preventing me from committing suicide. 
Some family members were no better. Once high school hit, I began listening to Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and My Chemical Romance. Their deep complex lyrics stuck with me. I would write down quotes from my favorite songs and thanks to hyperfixating, I remember each studio album in order My mother resented when I fell in love with the “Emo Trinity” because “the Columbine  shooters were emo and that event traumatized me” Despite that, not only did the Columbine tragedy occur in 1999 and none of the bands got together until the early 2000s, but I have a pretty good feeling those groups aren’t For gun violence. The other side constantly criticized the fact that I love FOB, P!ATD, and MCR because I’m black and “why must you listen to that white people music.”
 I grew fond of Dan and Phil in high school (and I’m still a fan to this day!), I loved Phil’s kindness and positive aura and I deeply connect with Dan’s sense of humor and personality. Their content made me happy during some very dark times in my life. It’s November 2017, I’m over a close peer’s house at the time, and notice PINOF is upon us. I drew the PINOF whiskers on my face, my plan being to quietly watch them in the corner of peer’s bedroom on my phone through headphones, the others were doing their own thing and I knew they didn’t like them, so I thought they’d respect it if I silently indulged in it. Unfortunately, the complete opposite happened. I was immediately shunned and locked out of the bedroom, told that I’d only be let back in if I washed the whiskers off because “absolutely not”. Me, being stubborn, washed them off temporarily but drew them back on in the room. Life during then was especially bad for me, as the abusive household I was in was getting worse. They noticed, of course, and even though all I wanted was to enjoy this small tradition in a time during a deep depression, I was immediately shoved out the room and locked out, only to have said peer’s family members notice. I’m a relatively shy person, so this was honesty a really harrowing experience that had a lasting effect on me. 
I grew to adore Sanders Sides as well, but the moment I found out most of my peers didn’t like Thomas, I was terrified.  I stopped watching Dan and Phil’s content for months and shied away from other fandoms too, only occasionally indulging in times of complete solitude. One time when said peers were due to visit my house for the first time, I saw the Phandom and Fander stuff I’d hung up on my wall in my little sanctuary that was my bedroom (it was the first time in years I’d had my own room), and I was filled with panic and fear. I took them down and hid them away, genuinely terrified of what they’d do to me if they saw. It’s still incites so much anger in me to this day because they turned around and ended up shipping incest, but somehow liking D&P and Sanders Sides was So. Much. Worse.
They were baffled by my actions, despite having humiliated me Twice by going on a private blog of mine separate from everything so that I could fully indulge and laughing at everything on there, once at a peer’s house, once right in school. I don’t think they realized how traumatizing it was to have a large group of people in public laughing at something I was deeply self conscious about for all of my life. I put on a brave face at the time, but ended up crying in the bathroom after first period began. I continued to be treated as lesser until things came to an ugly head August 2018 when I ended up in the hospital because I nearly attempted suicide. Years of child abuse, bullying, and being deemed “cringy” made me feel like I didn’t deserve to be alive, that everyone would be happier if I were gone.
After arguably one of the lowest points in my life, I cut them off and slowly began to embrace the Real Me. I started letting myself enjoy the things again, made true friends and even found love, my first boyfriend ever at 18. I still get choked up retelling it, but when PINOF 10 dropped, after he found out how much I’d been hurt over the incident in 2017, I was greeted with a photo of him with the whiskers on his face. I cried for a while, blown away at such a pure act of kindness. He listens to me ramble about my interests, he compliments my taste in music, he watched K-12 with me. 
This got incredibly long, but my point is this: Cringe Culture hurts people. You might think it’s whatever if the Thing doesn’t apply to your interests, but content you’re denouncing as cringy could be something that’s keeping them alive, that one flicker of light in a void of darkness. When I was contemplating suicide, I listened to The Black Parade, repeating Gee’s words to myself over and over, that nothing in the world was worth hurting yourself over. Some friendly joshing here and there is okay, but actively ripping someone to shreds constantly to the point where they have a mental breakdown in front of you and later on plan their own demise is disgusting. Nobody should abuse anyone for having harmless interests, no one. Unless you’re participating in p*dophilic/inc*st/s*xual assault/inherently abusive ships/content and pretending it’s not bad because “Fiction doesn’t impact reality!”, you have every right to like what you like and be happy. Read homestuck. Play Undertale. Draw up the Wildest OCs you can imagine. And stay away from people who try to rob you of innocent fun, life is too short and in this cruel, unforgiving world, you deserve to be happy, whether you’re a 13 year old who draws cute furries, a 16 year old cosplayer on TikTok, a VSCO girl, a 30 year old who writes/draws self insert art or a 20 year old who adores Invader Zim. 
Cringe Culture is just bullying under a different name, and it can lead to many instances of people, especially fellow neurodivergent folk to feel isolated and ostracized. Attempting to bully someone out of an interest they have isn’t going to fix them; it’s more often than not going to cause more damage. I suffer from diagnosed C-PTSD, anxiety, and depression, and sometimes I still find myself trying to over-justify my interests. To all who are roped up in bad homes and lousy “friends” who berate you for your innocent passions, I’m sorry you’re suffering, things will one day get better even if it doesn’t feel like it, and fuck those people. I’d also like to note that sometimes even if it seems more terrifying, it’s better to have one or two close friends you can truly trust than a whole group that walks all over you. You have every right to call them out for treating you poorly, and if things don’t improve, you also have every right to leave.
You have a right to live your True Self.
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dearly · 5 years
Hi! So since Dan’s coming out video, i’ve seen a lot of discussion on real people shipping/fan fiction, or believing/saying that a celebrity who never confirmed being queer, is queer. The main consensus i’ve seen is that it’s disgusting and harmful whether or not it’s true, and has got me to think about Larry or how we view Louis and his life. If what we’re doing really is very harmful. Kinda wanted to get your thoughts on real people shipping/fanfiction. Thank you😅
hi anon! i think those are two separate topics so i’ll tackle them separately.
i don’t have any issues with RPF/RPS. i’ve been in fandom a really long time and the first RPS i read was gale/randy from queer as folk, over a decade ago lol. and then i got into bandom (FOB, MCR, PATD etc) and which is a fandom entirely devoted to RPF, so it’s not some new thing to me really. i recommend reading the RPF entry on fanlore if you want to learn more about the history of RPF because it’s definitely not anything new and has been part of fandom since the late 1960s.
there’s always been discussions about appropriateness and people getting outraged at the existence of RPF, used to be tons of it on metafandom back in the day (i wish their archives were still available but alas...) i think a lot of it has to do with how people behave and approach RPF. i think the number one rule has always been never to break the 4th wall. does everyone follow that rule? unfortunately not. but it’s the behaviour that’s the issue, not the existence of RPF, i don’t think.
here’s what alex kapranos said about RPS about him and his band:
"I think it’s brilliant. It’s really, really funny. And I like that sort of thing cause it means that there’s people who have imagination who are inspired by your personality and the things that you’ve done, so it’s a good thing," he says. "There’s absolutely nothing wrong with fictionalizing a genuine character as long as you make it clear that you are fictionalizing, which I think all that slash stuff does." [Chart Attack, 2004]
just don’t push it on the people you’re writing or reading about (and a lot of the times it’s interviewers pushing fic on people these days to get some ‘funny’ reactions.
as for speculating on people’s sexuality: this also is always going to happen. speculation in general will always happen. cebrities are aware of this, they get media trained for a reason and have publicists for a reason to drop hints about things and so on. i think the situation with dan (and phil) is a bit different in that they became well known youtubers and developped a fanbase before the youtube craze started. they were not trained or prepared for scrutiny and i don’t think they even expected it.
so, no, i don’t think speculating on someone’s sexuality is harmful. what becomes harmful is being invasive or attempting to out someone whether that involves pestering them/people they know or trying to dig up ‘dirt’ (like hacking into things....and stuff....) i don’t think it’s fair either to disregard that throughout history LGBT people have used signalling to find and communicate with each other and make themselves visible to the community. i mean we learned about polari because of louis, a language that was created so gay men could communicate without fear. it’s not farfetched to think closeted people in the public eye would also ‘signal’ to fans who can pick up on those clues. 
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prettyoddfever · 3 years
absolutepunk.net’s Fever-era interview with Pete Wentz
Your biggest and most promoted act, Panic! At The Disco, have sold a ton of records and gained a lot of success pretty fast. Did you at all assist them in the writing of their debut album? What’s it like for you to see where those boys are now? I did not assist them in writing their record. I consider Ryan to be a contemporary of mine when it comes to lyrics and we have traded lines back and forth. Some of mine ended up on theirs as will some of his appear in the new FOB; in both cases like less then 1 percent of total lyrics. It’s like being a proud dad, I guess. I mean I will never again get to experience some of the adventures that happen to a band for the first time, and with bands like Panic!, I get to be part of that process again. Do you think Panic! is a better band than Fall Out Boy? Haha. “Which kid do you love the best?” I think Panic! and FOB are doing completely different things. For those who say the voices sound the same, I agree they are similar but only for the most part when compared to the nasal qualities of other pop-punk bands. If you compare either to Motown or some of our other musical influences, they both become quite the norm. I think that the musicality of P!ATD is amazing, but I am very happy being in fob -- if that answers your question. Fob = Jared Kaufman = Jason Tate < The Beatles > Panic! At The Disco; did you want a chart like that? Music is about opinions. I think FOB is one of the best bands because I am in it. That does not mean I can’t appreciate other bands like Panic!, Kanye or MCR, to name a few. 
What makes you go ahead and say “I’m going to sign that band?” What stood out about Panic!, The Hush Sound and October Fall that made you want to ink a deal with them? I didn’t intend on doing a record label. It was not something that interested me. I just wanted our friends in The Academy Is to get signed. After that I heard Panic! and my immediate reaction was jealousy. I was like these guys are writing songs I wish we had written. I think that it’s far more important as an A&R to chase songwriters not songs, because anyone can write a catchy song once. I want to find someone with a voice.
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pfudorqueen · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 85 82 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @halftheday (thanks, darling!)
Tagging: @froggydarren , @hepzheba, @anefan, @nothingtoseeherejustmovealong, @acollectionofsterek , @hobbitonbound, @haletotheyes , @bittensweetwolf , @kiti-the-warrior-poet, @chroniquedesseves (that’s like, half the required number, let’s say it’s good!)
Feel free to do it if it floats your boats (even if I didn’t tag you), or to not do it!
The last:
1. Drink: Pepsi Max. I thought for sure it was water + lemon juice but... nope. Didn’t have a drink since I went home.
2. Phone call: My mom, a couple of hours ago.
3. Text message: my mom also (to tell her something since she was in another room and I didn’t want to yell and disturb the cat)
4. Song you listened to: Welcome to the black parade - MCR (yeah i’m in an emo phase again, I’m full on old-PATD/FOB and MCR).
5. Time you cried: I kinda had tears in my eyes this afternoon, and this morning when I bumped my head, but I don’t know when’s the last time I actually cried.
Have you ever:
6. Dated someone twice: Yeah
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
8. Been cheated on: Not that I know of
9. Lost someone special: Does my cat count?
10. Been depressed: I don’t think so.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nah
3 Favorite Colors:
12. Grey/Pearl
13. Teal and Royal blue
14. Mauve
In the last year, have you:
15. made new friends: Yes <3
16. fallen out of love: No
17. laughed until you cried: Yeah
18. found out someone was talking about you: Nope
19. met someone who changed you: No
20. found out who your friends are: Mmm. No? Yes? Dunno.
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Yeah
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them! Don’t talk to all of them though!
23. Do you have any pets: We just adopted a cat today! His name is Willy, but I call him William Huntington the Third!
24. Do you want to change your name: No, it’s one of the things I like the most about me!
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Can’t remember. Nothing probably, I had class
26. What time did you wake up: 10am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching Quotidien
28. Name something you can’t wait for: MY OWN APARTMENT!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: A couple of seconds ago
30. What are you listening to right now: My mom ‘tss tss tss tss’ my cat and the sound of the oven.
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah. “Sketchy Tom” was his nickname actually.
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: Wet mouth sounds (I have misophonia). Also, my mom.
33. Most visited website: Tumblr, AO3, youtube probs
34. Hair color: brown, but right now it’s ginger turning on blonde (coloration)
35. Long or short hair: Long? I think?
36. Do you have a crush on someone: Not really. I kinda have a lowkey crush on a friend of mine, but it’s been going on for years. It’s like... She’s my friend, I love that she’s my friend, but she’s also an incredible person and I wouldn’t mind being more than just friends. But this isn’t friendzone shit.
37. What do you like about yourself: My brain!
38. Piercings: None
39. Blood type: O, I think
40. Nickname: Ellie, Leo, Reine des Licornes
41. Relationship: Single and hooking up with a friend
42. Zodiac: Chinese: Rooster ; Astrological: Virgo (MY BIRTHDAY IS ON MONDAY!)
43. Pronouns: She/Her
44. Favorite TV show: Suburgatory / Leverage / Veronica Mars / Scrubs / B99 / Parks and Rec #ETERNALFAV
45. Tattoos: Not yet
46. Right or left handed: Right
47. Surgery: When I was 8
48. Sport: I need to go swimming again!
49. Vacation: Backpacking through Europe next summer (except not with a backpack because i’m not a savage)
50. Pair of trainers: Nah
More general:
51. Eating: I don’t know what’s for dinner! But I’m kinda hungry. Even though I snacked absolutely unhealthy today!
52. Drinking: Water + lemon juice
53. I’m about to: set the table and have dinner
54. Waiting for: diner
55. Want: Dunno. A good life? MONEY! My own apartment. FUCK YES!
56. Get married: Maybe, I don’t know yet. Probably.
57. Career: Teacher (elementary school right now, will maybe switch in a few years to English teacher). Also, writer. Definitely.
Which do you prefer:
58. Hugs or kisses: Mmm. Soft kisses. Hugs get me too warm. Even though sometimes I seriously need them. 
59. Lips or eyes: Eyes, all the way!
60. Shorter or taller: Depends on the gender ;)
61. Older or younger: Older.
62. Nice arms or nice stomach: Also depends on the gender ;) But both is good!
63. Hookup or relationship: Relationship, even though right now I’m just hooking up with a friend. 
64. Troublemaker or hesitant: A little bit of both. Maybe more hesitant, unfortunately
Have you ever (Pt 2):
65. Kissed a stranger: I don’t... think so? Nah.
66. Drank hard liquor: Yeah
67. Lost glasses or contact lenses: Don’t wear any
68. Turned someone down: Yes, if you count the catcalling and ‘hey lady! do you want to-’ as turning someone down. 
69. Sex on the first date: Nah
70. Had your heart broken: Not really no
71. Been arrested: Almost
72. Cried when someone died: Never had anyone I know dying *knock on wood*
73. Fallen for a friend: Yeah, fuck, ugggh. It happens all the time. Maybe because I like people who are nice to me? xD
Do you believe in:
74. yourself: Most days
75. miracles: Not really
76. love at first sight: Absolutely not. Lust, yes sure, but love? Takes more than a look. 
77. santa claus: Yeaaaaaah! (I mean, no, but also yes?)
78. kiss on first date: Sure
79. angels: Not really either
80. Eye color: Brown
81. Favorite movie: There’s too many to choose from, seriously. Maybe Stand by Me
82. Current best friend’s name: Simon <3 (my soulmate tbh)
I tried to look for the missing statements, but there’s still 3 missing.
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frankensteindotpdf · 7 years
All of them (bc why not)
Harry Potter: How do you want to be remembered?
As someone who made a difference; someone who was kind, sweet, funny, and loving. 
Hermione Granger: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
Daniel Handler/Lemony Snicket- This man is amazing. He’s my favourite author and I couldn’t even begin to express how much I love him.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle- Another one of my favourite authors. He was insanely intelligent and just sounds like an awesome guy.
J.K. Rowling- Obviously.
Gerard Way- His songs mean so much to me, and his art is amazing…I just love him so much
Dan and Phil- (including them as one fite me) They’re so smart and funny and sweet and I just really really want to meet them.
(that’s just the first few to come to my head)
Ron Weasley: What ice-cream flavours do you love/hate?
Mint Chip is one of my favourites (fun fact! for a while I only said it was my favourite because it was my favourite character’s favourite flavour). I also L O V E cookie dough and cotton candy. I cant hate ice cream broski
Hagrid: If you could breed two totally different animals together, what new animal would you create?
A turtle and a sloth. No specific reason why.
Dumbledore: What is your most treasured possession?
My books, probably. (This includes my sketchbooks)
Voldemort: On the first day of ruling the world, what would you do?
Remove all laws against things people can’t control or that don’t harm others (being gay, bathroom bans, religions, etc.). After that I’d order the wealth of the world to be spread more evenly, as well as the food.
Fred Weasley: If you were told you only had one week left to live, what would you do?
Cry? Then I’d probably read, try to do something impactful, start a fundraiser (people love to donate to dying teens) so the funds could go somewhere important like disaster relief.
George Weasley: If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?
Authors mostly. Also my friends, see how they really feel about me.
Draco Malfoy: Do you like yourself?
I’m working on it? I know I don’t hate everything about myself (even though it feels like it sometimes), and I’m trying to be more positive.
Ginny Weasley: What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
Drawing and listening to music.
Neville Longbottom: What’s your fondest memory?  
(Oh it sounds so pathetic) Going to Universal? Honestly I was shaking it was literally like stepping right into the movies I’ve been watching since I was 2. I really love the peaceful happy moments spent with friends and my cousins (they live like 10 hours away). Singing and feeling genuinely happy.
Luna Lovegood: What are your favorite lyrics?
Oh there are SO many I’ll just go with the ones I can think of first
“I never let them see the worst of me. ‘Cause what if everyone saw? What if everyone knew? Would they like what they saw? Or would they hate it too?” Words Fail, DEH
“I cry tears you’ll never see. So fuck you, you can go cry me an ocean, and leave me be.” Save Rock And Roll, FOB
“Oh how stupid to think that I could compare to the pretty girl with the butterscotch hair. And I won’t hate you but oh, it stings. How does it feel to be adored by him?” Adored By Him, Dodie Clark
All of Waving Through A Window
And wow that was depressing how about a nice one
“Take my jumper. Wear it, you’ll need it on the train home. And everyone will know that I’ve been loved tonight; a permanent hug from you.” Permanent Hug From You, Dodie Clark
Severus Snape: Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?
Wow there’s a lot…incorrect grammar, being able to hear people chewing, clicking noises with no rythm or beat, people being too physically close…
Remus Lupin: What is your greatest fear?
Being alone.
James Potter: If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be?
Honestly I have no idea…I have yet to decide on a favourite animal, drinkwise maybe one of those punches with pop and ice cream, and ice cream flavour…uhh is music a flavour?
Lily Potter: Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
Anyone? People in general, I don’t really see myself as a person anymore, or at least worthy of the same respect and treatment so I’d do a lot for other people and yes, if it came to it, probably die for them too.
Sirius Black: What are your views on sex?
Personally I think it looks like a great thing to be shared with the right person. I think everyone has a right to their own bodies and their own decisions but I personally would have to be with someone for a while first.
Tonks: if you could be anyone else for a day, fictional or non-fictional who would you be any why?
Oh man idek that’s so difficult…..maybe Tonks? Honestly she’s so sweet and fun and CONFIDENT I could totally learn from that. Plus the metamorphagus powers would be awesome. and of course she’s married to remus
McGonagall: What do you believe I am thinking right now?
I think you’re doing the Jared Kleinman Laugh TM because of all the work you’re making me do.
Bellatrix: three words would others probably use to describe you?
annoying, irritating, stupid hopefully sweet, kind and funny
Lucius Malfoy: Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
I love debating, but actual arguements happen VERY rarely…I never stand up for myself so the only time I’ll argue with someone is if they’re hurting one of my friends.
Molly Weasley: What do you define as a family?
A group of people who love each other, feel comfortable around each other, and support and bring out the best in each other.
Arthur Weasley: If you could have any career possible, what would it be?
Peter Pettigrew: If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
If I had to, I would put much more thought and research into it but atm probably Beatrice or Elizabeth or something gender neutral
Umbridge: If you could choose, how would you want to die?
Colin Creevey: Who inspires you?
Youtubers like Dan and Phil, Thomas Sanders, and Dodie, as well as the members of MCR and authors and artists in general.
Dean Thomas: Are you generally organised or messy?
It’s a mix. I want to be organised, and some places of my life are organised (my closet is organised in rainbow order as well as type of clothing) but others are horrible (my room is a dump).
Seamus Finnigan: What makes you laugh?
Youtube, memes….everything tbh
Dudley Dursley: Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Not gonna say the name but there’s a person I know who basically destroyed my mental state. They insisted they were a friend while shredding any self-esteem I had to bits. They made it nearly impossible for me to talk, telling me “no one cares” “shut up” or “you have no friends” anytime I opened my mouth, which of course echoed in my head when they weren’t around. They terrify me, because I know they can rip down the self-confidence I’m working so hard to build back up with a sentence. And I have to see them every day again. And they’re acting just like they used to.
Vernon Dursley: Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Gosh this is tough. I don’t really…have a best friend. I used to, years ago. And last year, another person. But at the moment…no one. So that makes it really hard to choose someone. I know it doesn’t have to be a best friend but there isn’t really anyone else, either so…no…one?
Petunia Dursley: How close are you to your family?
Fairly? I feel like I hide a lot though.
Victor Krum: What is your favorite form of exercise?
none probably hiking on a nice cool day in the forest. Or sit-ups. Those aren’t too hard, so I don’t mind them.
Dobby: Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
(FINALLY LAST ONE) For most things, I very much need a plan. Otherwise I panic. If it’s just hanging out with friends, though, I do enjoy just wandering around shopping at festivals or downtown (but there has to be a set plan to get there ha)
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acadjonne · 8 years
18 questions about music
I was tagged for this way long ago by @stalk-softly oops but I’m doing it now so hey, I’m not a complete mess
1. Which bands/artist do you own the most albums by?
Fall Out Boy, hands down, but just because I own six of their albums. After FOB it’s Marianas Trench, since I own all four of their studio albums as well.
2. What was the last song you listened to?
Um, pretty sure it was This Is Halloween, the Panic! cover?? Probably, I’m too lazy to check. I know it was a Panic! song though.
3. What’s in your CD/Record player right now?
Nothing, because the CD player on my stereo doesn’t work.
4. What was the last show you attended?
Marianas Trench and the Last Crusade back in November. It was my first show ever, 11/5 would do again. I wanna get pit tickets next time I go to any show though, even if I do end up deaf and without a voice.
5. What was the greatest show you’ve been to?
Once again, Marianas Trench and the Last Crusade’s Halifax show, seeing as it’s the only one I’ve ever been to.
6. What was the worst show you’ve ever been to?  
I’ll repeat, for a third time, Marianas Trench and the Last Crusade. (It was amazing until my phone decided that 20% battery wasn’t enough to keep operating and Josh Ramsay had happened to be three feet away from me when it crapped out so I lost concert videos I’d put on my snapchat story.)
7. What is the most musically involved you have ever been? 
Probably now. Before, it was a means of coping, a distraction. Now it’s art, something I can appreciate and try to contribute back to. I’d love to half even a tenth of the talent of any of the musicians I listen to.
8. What show are you looking forward to? 
I’d sell my soul to see twenty one pilots live, especially if they could come to Halifax. I’d buy pit tickets even if I had to buy a prepaid visa and skip class to get tickets.
9. What is your favorite band shirt ? 
Probably my MCR one that I got in Florida? It has skeleton-emos on it, or as I like to call them, skelemos. I’m also fond of my Marianas Trench and the Last Crusade tour shirt.
10. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day? 
I could literally name like fifteen people. Top five would be Josh Dun, Josh Ramsay, Tyler Joseph, Patrick Stump, and Brendon Urie, though.
11. Who is one musician or group you wish would make a comeback?
Uh, dunno. I mean, it’d be cool to see MCR live, I guess? Or Queen, but Freddie Mercury be ded, unfortunately.
12. Who is one band/ artist you’ve never seen live but always wanted to?
Well, not always, but I’ve wanted to see FOB live for a while. twenty one pilots too, if I could, but neither of those bands is likely to come to Halifax. I don’t think either band has ever even played in Halifax before. I know twenty one pilots hasn’t.
13. Name four or more flawless albums 
Vessel - twenty one pilots Astoria - Marianas Trench Folie à Deux - Fall Out Boy (don’t judge me) Ever After - Marianas Trench (listen to it it’s all one long song it just doesn’t stop and it’s the best concept ever) Masterpiece Theatre - Marianas Trench (I have a problem)
14. How many concerts have you been to, total?
Marianas Trench and the Last Crusade’s Halifax show. That’s it. I’m new to this whole concert thing, living in the middle of nowhere, and hardly any bands ever tour here.
15. Who have you seen the most live?
You already know the answer to this.
16. What is your favorite movie soundtrack? 
Probably Hairspray? But if you mean instrumentals then I dunno. Does Doctor Who count? I Am The Doctor is my shit.
17. What was your last musical ‘phase’ before you wisened up?
Well, my mom listens to a lot of classic rock stuff, like Queen and Aerosmith, so I’d say that kind of thing? I dunno, I’m young enough that I could possibly claim to still be going through my punk phase.
18. What is your ‘guilty pleasure’ that you hate to admit liking?
Radio Radio. They’re from my hometown and their music is all in the Acadian French dialect, but they’re cool enough for me to discard my usual “no french music unless it’s Simple Plan” rule. They rap and shit. My favourite song by Radio Radio is Dekshoo, it’s fucking wild man, listen to it. Also, I don’t hate admitting to liking it, it’s just weird to explain because you practically have to have a doctorate in the french language to understand the words.
Tagging: @drowninginmyfear @mychemicalxtrench @icefirewolfdragon
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thefabkilljoy · 7 years
1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25-27, 29, 30-33, 36-38, 41-44, 47, 51, 53-55, 59, 60, 61, 64, 67, 70, 72-74, 76, 81-87, 89, 99 sorry it's so many ^.^
Iddhsgsbshsj okay here we GO ((sorry for how long this post is about to be in advance lol))
1. 6 of the songs you listen to most?It’s kinda hard to answer this as I listen to so much and fluctuate between which genre I want to binge listen to but prob something from p!atd, mcr, or maybe Hamilton idk I’ve been listening to a lot of that recently for some reason
5. What does your latest text message from someone else say?“Oki” ,.,….. like okay but weirder I guess
9. Ever had a poem or song written about you?Nothing other than like family projects by my brother and this one time a friend wanted to write a song about me because I came back from a week vacation in Canada but it never happened oh and I think I was in a couple raps lmao
10. When is the last time you played the air guitar?lol like last week at a friend’s house when I was imitating pharah’s new dance emote in overwatch
11. Do you have any strange phobias?I don’t think I have “"strange”“ ones but I faint around needles and I’m claustrophobic
14. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?Ew,,.,. Outside,.,. Uh well I only go outside on obligation so probably walking the dog or going out with some friends
15. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Is this,,.., metaphorically?? I can’t tell but either way probably most of the time behind but I guess it matters on the situation?
16. Favorite band?My Chemical Romance or Panic! At The Disco because my emo phase will never truly leave me
17. What as the last lie you told?Uh idk I don’t lie very often,… well I just told someone I couldn’t go to something when I just,,, didn’t want to and I also just told someone I ”“appreciated their words”“ when I sure af didn’t
19. What does your URL mean?Well my URL on almost everything is TheFabulousKilljoy ((mcr ref)) but THAT was obviously taken so I made this and it’s the only website I’ve ever used it on
20. What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?Everything and nothing hella
23. How do you vent your anger?Do nothing until I get over it or go to the vent channel on a discord server I’m on and complain
24. Do you have a collection of anything?When I in third grade I collected erasers, then in fourth I collected silly bands, and then after that not really anything unless you count the growing landfill of empty water bottles I’m too lazy to throw away in my room
25. Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Shrug probably voice chatting bc discord doesn’t support video chat yet ((I use discord a lot of you haven’t noticed))
26. Are you happy with the person you’ve become?More or less, but I believe I still have a long way to go
27. What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?Hate: anything too loud that isn’t musicLove: rain!!!!
29. Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Nope and yep, ghosts don’t really make sense to be real and duh of course there’s other life out there somewhere do you KNOW how big this universe is??
30. Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. A supernatural blanket which I lowkey hate because it has the main characters on it and isn’t THAT terrifying to see when you’re trying to sleep and iron pills for my anemia
31. Smell the air. What do you smell?Shampoo because I just got out of the shower
32. What’s the worst place you have ever been to?There’s this house in Vegas that i have to go to every once in a while for vacation that I absolutely despise
33. Choose: East Coast or West Coast?West, I live in California
36. Define art. Anything that somebody creates
37. Do you believe in luck?Eh not really? Maybe?
38. What’s the weather like right now?Cloudy in the 70'sish but no rain :((
41. What was the last book you read?Oh god I have no idea probably the Princeton Review APWH 2017 Study Guide™
42. Do you like the smell of gasoline?Not really but my brother loves it
43. Do you have any nicknames?Killjoy, kj, tfkj, your royal highness ;))
44. What was the last film you saw?I don’t know what the last one I saw was called but the one before that was Dirty Dancing
47. Do you have any obsessions right now?Homestuck, Steven Universe, Still Mystic Messenger for some reason, Supernatural, Hamilton also for some reason I haven’t even seen it, the new FOB album ((can’t wait)), Skyrim, Overwatch, and about 846272 other things
51. Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?Yes, but again it depends on the situation and the person and how, if at all, it was resolved
53. Do you save money or spend it?Save until I get enough to buy something I want ((rn it’s the void sweatshirt from wlf so if anyone wants to throw me like $40 hmu ;;);)););)(;);,),;),))))
54. What’s the last thing you purchased?I can’t remember
55. Love or lust?Love of course
59. Where were you yesterday?Home playing a ton of overwatch
60. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?Yep, a pink skirt I use for Roxy cosplay ((still working on that,,, eventually)) a Steven universe crop top im not actually allowed to wear lol, a flower, one of those eos lip balm eggs, and a flower crown thing from medieval times ((the knight dinner show thing))
61. Are you wearing socks right now?Okay honestly I just got out the shower and I’m very lazy so I’m just sitting here with a towel
64. Where is your best friend?Uh I don’t know probably at her house
67. What were you doing last night at 12 AM?I was on tumblr and discord because sleep schedules are for the weak
70. Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?No I’m an asshole lol, but having shared interests would be nice
72. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) what do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?Wow that’s dark okay uh I would tell everyone because then I’d just,,, die out of nowhere and they’d be so confused, with my remaining days I’d probably travel and make amends with people and try to do some good things in the world in the month I have left, and I’d probably be afraid but eventually accept it
73. You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Trust, love isn’t 100% necessary and it’s built off of trust nyanyways
74. What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?There’s definitely some but I sure can’t think of them right now
76. In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?Mutual trust, the ability to have fun with one another, shared interests and views, established boundaries
81. What would you want to be written on your tombstone?Something really witty and/or confusing so when people see it in the graveyard they’re just like,,, what the fuck was wrong with her
82. What is your favorite word?I don’t know I need time to prepare for these questions smh
83. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. A,,,,,,,, heart
84. What is a saying you say a lot?Oh god I have a lot of terrible annoying things I say a lot like rip, diddly darn, golly gee gosh, big mood, I’d let (her/him/you/them) step on me ((I say that all the time whenever I really like someone or someone says something nice to me lmao)) etc.
85. What’s the last song you listened to?Some Queen song I don’t remember that was playing
86. What’s your favorite color/colors?Black and pastel pink
87. What’s your current desktop picture?Well My computer has the Aperture Laboratories™ symbol from portal, my phone lock screen is my cat with a flower crown I photoshopped on him because,,, i love cats so much,,,, and my home screen is Bubblegum and Marceline from adventure time kissing ((even though I haven’t watched the show in years))
89. What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?There’s probably a ton but my least favorite that always comes up during truth or dare and stuff is "who do you have a crush on?” bc I can’t say that without outing myself bc spoiler alert: she’s a girl
99. If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?“HOLY SHIT THE WHOLE WORLD IS LISTENING TO ME RIGHT NOW I CANT FUCK THIS UP”
And we DID IT! Questions=Answered what a trip ((also something I say too much)) there’s probably hella spelling errors and shit but there’s no way I’m double checking this lmaothanks for asking my dude!!
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