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who could ever get mad at him?🥺
sweatshirt's recolor by @dejasenti99 (i'm in love)
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Johan Seong x Reader: friends to lovers
Sorta continuation of: meeting Johan Seong for the first time
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You didn't quite believe he would be here. But that unkempt hair, all black getup and general homeless vibe is instantly recognisable.
"HEY JOHAN!" you yell and the figure whirls around to look at you. You can see it takes him a moment to recognise your face.
Fancy meeting him here. Must be a strange twist of fate after expecting to never see him again. He is shifty as hell and isnt the most pleased to see you but a little guilt claws at you when you remember the last time you shared a meal and he ate like he was starved... You invite him along to another meal. Yes yes your treat, and you're immediately met with suspicision.
"Why? You don't owe me anything" "Those perverts could have fucked up my whole life. So what's a meal when I owe you my life?" He thinks about the logic of that for a moment. You are grasping at straws but he agrees anyway.
This kid eats with an unmatched verocity.
You start seeing him again in odd places, like you're strangely drawn to each other. Gangseo, Gangnam, Gangdong. You treat him to a meal each time "you're paying right-" "when have I not paid!"
Finally seeing him in central Seoul again, you are both eating the same black bean noodles as the first time. You decide to ask for his number. "Give me your phone" you hold out your hand. He doesn't move and just glares at you. As if you are some pretty thief, the nerve of this guy. You roll your eyes and ask the waitstaff for a pen. You scribble your number on a napkin.
"No pressure. Just... Give me a call or text when you're around or want to share a meal with someone."
Weeks pass before you receive a text "it's me" and you roll your eyes fondly. Who else but Johan would send that.
There is no reason really for you guys to talk but one day you see a video of a feral cat that reminds you of him. You text him with "lol this u". You don't hear back until later that night. To your surprise he sends you a picture of 2 dogs "eden miro won't like that" "waiT ARE THESE BABIES YOURS?!" "Yes" "OMG I LOVE THEM WHYNDIDNTNY YOY TRLL.ME ABOUT YIUR DOGS!!N!" As if poor Johan could read your excitable response.
But why didn't he tell you? Well you hardly know the guy. There's a lot he hasn't told you.
You start to hear a little more from this enigma. His texting habits are sporadic but he'll also send you pictures now and then of his dogs. You, easily bored, will send him messages 'wyd' (usually ignored), pics of studybooks captioned FML (responded to with ":("), memes ("?? Explain"), or just nonsense about your day ("👍") and then one time he actually texts "not a good day. Food? U pay"
The meals increase in frequency. This goddamn freeloader. And eventually evolve to occasional home hang outs at yours where you can save just a smidge more by opting for take outs. You spend the time schooling him on Mario Kart and educating him on films ("how have you NOT seen these Disney films, have you been living under a rock?!" "...")
More and more frequently, you catch him staring at you with a frown on his face. Maybe he's trying to work you out. Maybe he just thinks you're odd. You shrug. Johan's a weird guy, you're not going to question what he does.
You would have never pegged Johan to be a crier, or for him to be affected by childish movies from Disney or Ghibli. And maybe you should have warned him but going through the classics and watching Bambi's mother being killed off screen triggers a very unwelcome reaction
You hear sniffling and glance over to Johan trying to hold himself back from being upset. "Hey..." You put your hand on his, clenched into a fist and white knuckled. "I'm sorry I didn't- it's ok to be upset" you put your arm round him. "Disney was on some shit back then"
He wipes his face with the back of his hand, and you almost suffer whiplash from the speed he ups and leaves your home.
You go for weeks without hearing from him, your texts left unanswered. One night you hear your phone buzzing and see his name flash up the screen.
Johan's voice is thick with hesitation and anxiety. He pauses often but he eventually tells you about his momma. You ask if you could visit her with him one day and he gives you a maybe.
You're walking back from dinner with Johan and tell him about your classes. You show him a few pictures of you and your friends and he notices a guy with glasses standing closely next to you. "And this is Yeonwoo. He's really smart, he's been helping me with my classes."
You almost miss the glare he gives your phone, then he just huffs and walks off. You yell after him "what's the rush" and he ignores you. You're not stupid, you notice the way he reacted to Yeonwoo and you feel your face grow warm.
You ask him to slow down but instead you're hit with a barrage of questions and insecurity as you struggle to keep up with his pace.
"Why are you hanging with me?" "I like hanging with you"
"You should be spending time with Yeonwoo if he's so good" "I prefer to spend time with you"
"Is that 4eyed bastard your boyfriend" "what are you talking about"
"Do you like him" "why? Are you jealous?"
That stops him in his tracks. He avoids your eyes and stares at the floor but you see the tip of his ears flush red, all the way down to his collarbones
"Johan..." He doesn't react. You reach out to hold his hand in yours. This gets his attention and he snaps his eyes to yours in surprise.
"I actually like you"
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justagalwhowrites · 7 months
OMG! One of these days, you will kill me with ''Yearling'', even more now that I spoiled myself reading an answer to one of your asks. I still don't know if I'm angry at myself or somehow relieved to have some time to mentally prepare myself, lol! I'm a disaster!🤣 It's an anon that had this question: Are either Bambi or Joel going to be with someone else? I've promised myself I'll be more careful from now on as I like to be surprised, but everyone, including me, knows it's almost impossible.😅
You've made me really curious about Mark. Now my brain contemplates the possibility that he's alive and that somehow he'll be back in the middle of the BIG ANGST! I know it's farfetched, but you know brainrot, lol! He loved Bambi. For him, not coming back to her would take something really big. But this thing he has to do because it's the right thing has me really curious. And I wonder if we'll learn about it in some way.
The fact Bambi is the one who starts to teach Ellie the truth and importance of familial love, to me, feels so right. How parents love their kids is one of the most powerful things to have and feel. And to someone like Ellie, it doesn't exist unless someone literally points to her. I teared up a bit with the moment between Joel and Ellie after being patched up. She's finally realizing how much Joel loves her and that to him, she'll always come first. It makes me happy for her to know it will always be there, even if, due to her upbringing, I don't know if she'll be able to fully accept it. They are becoming a little family, which makes me fear more THE BIG ANGST. Because the doctor is right, they are Joel's girls.
And don't start me on Bambi and Joel at the end of the chapter. Their interactions always make me feel so much. The depth and strength of their feelings are touchable with your words and a pleasure to read. Thank you for that and the chapter itself! And just a little bit sorry for the ramble; you wrote almost 10k words, and that's a lot of material to discuss, lol!♥️♥️♥️
Lol Oh Bestie, I promise I'm not TRYING to kill you!! And I promise the major spoilers will never be posted here. Cross my heart ❤️
I'm loving how curious everyone is about Mark. He definitely loved Bambi. Enough to keep coming back to her over and over again for years. I really can't wait to get to what's coming related to him lol I'm overly excited about it and I love that everyone has latched onto him and has theories about him and AHHH! It's making this even more exciting for me, too lol
OMG Thank you! I think Bambi is the perfect person for this job, too. She has this unique connection with Ellie - pseudo mom/close friend/fellow queer/role model of sorts (Ellie high key loves all the shit Bambi can do with the horses, she has a bit of "I want to be her when I grow up" going on) - that makes what she says to her stick differently than when it comes from someone else. The three of them are developing a family dynamic that will take some getting used to from everyone but I'm so looking forward to how it unfolds. Though... valid fear on the big angst I'M SORRY!!
And yessss I love the emotional intimacy with Joel and Bambi. She obviously has a lot of hang ups in the physical intimacy space but both of them have a lot of trauma baked into emotional closeness, too. The fact that they can lean on each other and be open with each other just makes me so happy. I love them both so much 😭 I know I made them but they feel like friends or something to me, I love seeing them grow together and I'm so happy you do, too!!
Thank you so so much for reading and for your thoughtful asks! I always look forward to them ❤️
Love you!!
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gaykarstaagforever · 11 months
The novel Watership Down has been on my pile of things I need to read for awhile now. But Tumblr and video games exist so I'm not sure when I'll get to it.
Instead I watched the 1978 English animated adaptation. Which is good, aside from the fact that it is trying to jam a 500 page fantasy novel into an hour and a half: the pace is brisk to say the least, and a few times I had to pause it and try to remember why in particular rabbits are getting killed in this scene.
...And trigger warning, rabbits do get killed a LOT in this movie. If they had titled it Watch Rabbits Get Killed for 90 Minutes, people would watch it and get upset that you didn't warn them about all the rabbit-killing. This is like Saving Private Ryan with rabbits.
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Is that a bad thing? I don't think so. This is a universe where anthropomorphized rabbits live like actual rabbits: everything eats them, and their one defense is running away. Rabbits being killed is like 50% of what rabbits do. It would be disingenuous to leave that out.
Now what's odd to me is that the author of the novel based it on stories he used to tell his young daughters. ...You told your kids tales of a brutal rabbit civil war, in which the rabbits cry out to their god for help, and he turns his back on them? That's...I mean, Cinderella is good, too, dude.
I thought initially all this rabbit brutality was an allegory for something. And it may be, up to the point when the rabbits brave terrors to settle on the titular Watership Down. But that's only the first half of the movie. Then it turns into a thing where our heroes and their deranged seagull friend must battle Rabbit Stalin for access to sweet rabbit p*ssy. And suddenly I'm not sure what we're doing.
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Maybe nothing. It doesn't have to be Animal Farm to justify itself. It may just be a fun story about Fantasy Rabbit Moses and Joshua leading the Rabbit Jews to a sexy new Promised Land. Which is...something. But you're allowed. It's entertaining, at any rate.
And rabbits making more rabbits is the other 50% of what rabbits do, so again, you sort of have to put it in. It would be jarring if your Rabbit The Hobbit didn't have a subplot about them all getting laid.
The animation is good but a little rough-hewn, like 90s television animation (think like Animaniacs or Ducktales). Or maybe if you gave the people who did the old Danger Mouse cartoon a really big budget. Fitting for a UK production. People compare it to "anime," but people compare everything that isn't The Lion King to what they vaguely remember Akira being, which doesn't help anyone understand anything. It isn't like the Rankin Bass stuff where it is a Western production animated by a Japanese studio - this was UK animators. I'm being pedantic because every adult animation with graphic violence isn't fucking "omg like anime." Anime is 8 trillion different things. There is more than Disney and "anime." Expand your reference palate.
It's on MAX, and is certainly worth seeing. It really isn't like anything else. Maybe a little like Secret of Nimh? The book, not the movie. I actually read that book but DIDN'T see the movie, in this case. But the animals in that are sentient for sci-fi reasons and that is the core of that story. Watership Down has more in common with White Fang or Fox and the Hound, or Bambi. It obviously inspired all of that Redwall stuff, which are other books I was supposed to read at some point but haven't.
The UK certainly likes their cute furry animals going through a Game of Thrones. Since I am like 99% those people, I don't know if I want to know what that implies.
Also special shout-out to the LYING BASTARDS who gave the DVD this cover:
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These are like the two scenes in the entire movie where a rabbit isn't getting mauled to death, probably by another rabbit.
Here is the original movie poster:
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He looks like he's escaping a concentration camp at dawn. That...isn't far off, actually.
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I posted 4,661 times in 2022
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#oscars - 18 posts
#flashing - 18 posts
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#self reblog - 12 posts
#lmao - 11 posts
#hiiii - 10 posts
#lol - 9 posts
#my sweet bean - 9 posts
#sr - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#funniest moment of the year was when this (posted by bots that auto share their tweets) had to be manually deleted from the spncast channel
My Top Posts in 2022:
But if a mouse sold NFTs of a kia sorento?
33 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
💕my most romantic fic recs💕
a little late for valentine's day but here's a special addition of my fic recs that I think are particularly appropriate for the holiday or if you're just in the mood for something with a lot of heart. sorted by length. as always, feel free to message me/send me asks about any of these fics. i'm always happy to talk :)
recs under the cut:
dean's coworkers vs the heteronormative agenda by cowboydeanwinchester T, 4,106
Premise (from ao3): Dean started working at a local auto repair shop in Lebanon, Kansas about a year ago. His coworkers don't know much about him. Except that he has a wife. Or maybe he doesn't. But he has a kid. Who is either a toddler or a high schooler. Who is either named Jack or Sammy. He also might have a best friend named Cas, but that also might be his wife.
Truth is nobody knows what to make of Dean. In universe, where nobody dies and Cas and Dean get domestic and Dean doesn't realize the mental hoola-hoops he's causing his coworkers to work through.
My recommendation: This outsider POV has a really fun look at Dean and Cas's relationship and centers around their anniversary. A nice quick read if you're looking for something light.
Sixpence by tiamatv T, 10,055
Premise: Dean and Cas get married, but things don't go exactly as planned.
My recommendation: Some angst stemming from a vital misunderstanding, but at the core a very romantic story with a great resolution.
Broadway Musical by Griftings M (very light), 12,453
Premise: AU where Sam stays at Stanford, Dean and Jo are destined to bear two sons to become the vessels. The angels try and fail to set them up, so Castiel decides to go to Earth to get them together himself.
My recommendation: A classic comedy full of romantic hijinks.
you're fooling yourself by cowboydeanwinchester T, 13,051
Premise: Dean who is now a mechanic and Cas who now sells goods at the farmer's market raise baby Jack together.
My recommendation: Super cute baby Jack fic (part of a series).
profoundly bonded (by law) by sobsicles E (only comes in at the end, the rest is very pg), 20,130
Premise: Dean and Cas are retired and living together. One day Cas asks to Dean to marry him (just as friends) and Dean says yes because he can't think of a reason not to.
My recommendation: Simple, sweet, domestic.
Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover by ImYourHoneyBee E, 26,300
Premise: With Cas back from the Empty, Dean is eager to share his feelings, but Cas doesn’t believe him. Dean will do anything to convince him.
My recommendation: This has the tag "Dean being a simp" which I think sums it up nicely lol. Just Dean doing everything in his power to woo a disbelieving Cas. Very cute with minimal angst.
A Hero of His Own Story by ioascc E, 26,779
Premise: A canonverse au of sorts on one of Chuck's other versions of Earth where Dean is not the righteous man, but ends up meeting Castiel anyway who joins him and Sam on hunts.
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41 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Public Domain Day 2022
OMG forgot about Public Domain Day! Happy Public Domain Day 22 (2 days late)! Some really good stuff this year including the original Winnie the Pooh book, The Sun Also Rises, Bambi, and a ton of other works! As the years go by we get more and more sound recordings and films since their preservation obviously increased over the years. While only a few hundred thousand go into the public domain this year, that number will certainly go into the millions in a few years time. We're also nearing the talkie era and next year The Jazz Singer will be PD with a deluge of sound films to follow. Remember once a work is in the public domain you can do pretty much anything with it, so go ahead, get creative!
Some resources:
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64 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
fic recs for...no particular reason
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[Image ID: Screenshot of Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec saying "Pizza? Never heard of it," edited so that "pizza" is replaced with "finale." /.End ID]
Wild that after 15 seasons Supernatural never actually had a finale. Oh well, we have fanfic. Here's a collection of some of my fav fics that fill the void of never having a finale. Click here for my full rec list.
Recs under the cut sorted by category, listed by wordcount
dean's coworkers vs the heteronormative agenda by cowboydeanwinchester T, 4,106
Hey Stud by mrhd M, 4,715
swimming with the fish pond fishes by februyuri E, 25,674
Haircuts and Harboring Hope by City_Of_Paper_And_Ink T, 14,558
six hundred sundays (and many more) by sobsicles M, 15,689
Learning Curve (I just want to say I love you) by tsujiharu M, 20,206
*thunder road by dothraki_shieldmaiden E, 20,883
swimming with the fish pond fishes by februyuri E, 25,674
so good at crashing in by Wintertree M, 26,430
Fenario by ftmsteverogers E, 47,085
The Things You Cannot Change by marbleflan E, 67,867
Right Where You Left Me by outdean E, 93,581
*take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden E, 95,043
take the bones, begin anew by JustStandingHere M, 103,254
dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d’s to the destination) by sobsicles E, 108,427
*written pre november 2020
We always were but never knew it by frightfullyrude G, 3,819
The Jensen Mistake by fellshish T, 5,087
foundations by rhinestoneangels (almondrose) T, 6,236
of fire and circles by rhinestoneangels (almondrose) T, 7,939
adam bites the apple by sicsempertyrannis T, 10,946
the valley of the shadow of death (keep walking) by p1013 E, 16,006
Waveform Frequency by LeverDrift M, 20,419
On Labor by a_good_soldier E, 24,661
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109 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
well then
165 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
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lolahasmoxie · 1 year
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I posted 3,435 times in 2022
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#omg i’m dying - 164 posts
#omg i'm dying - 161 posts
#henry cavill - 153 posts
#eddie munson - 123 posts
#puppeh - 107 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#wanna go to a game with him solely for the beers and food and nod and smile while he tries to explain wtf is going on with the game fjdjdjsj
My Top Posts in 2022:
I don’t want to be that fan girl, but why does his girlfriend look like she was photoshopped into that picture.
20 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Eddie Munson Headcannon
If you are pregnant with a boy, he will say, "you're growing a tiny penis inside of you," probs on the daily.
42 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Bambi - EM x Reader
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warning: sexy times, cursing, witty banter, fluff, drug use (18+)
Word Count: 0.9k
So, I had some “me time” the other day and it was so good that I was walking like a baby gazelle. I knew i looked hilarious walking to my bathroom so I wondered what my current favorite obsession would say if he saw me.
Also, reader and Eddie are out of high school. Our boy made ‘86 his bitch. Both are in their early twenties.
The “ha ha you love me” interaction is from one of my favorite Simpsons episodes (Lisa’s Pony) and is one of my favorite Homer and Marge scenes.
Divider by @ichigoohinatsuma
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276 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Thumper - E.M.
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So a while ago, I wrote this. Here's the follow-up because turnabout is fair play.
PAIRING: Eddie Munson x reader
WARNINGS: Smut, fluff, under 18 DNI
NOTES: The last one was inspired by some 'personal' time I had with myself. Same deal here. Thank my showerhead and a free afternoon for this one.
Sequel to Bambi. Not necessary to read it before, but check it out if you want to.
Header from @firefly-graphics
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307 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sleep Tight - E.M.
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Pairing: Single Dad Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Word Count: 3.8K (this may have gotten away from me)
Warning: fluff, idiots to lovers, a couple of curse words
Notes: This has been living in my brain for days, and I had to get it out. So everywhere I've read Eddie as a dad, he has a little girl. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But can you imagine him with a little boy who is his tiny doppelganger? Dead.
For this, I picture Eddie and Reader as having known each other since they were kids, and both were close growing up. Eddie flunked his first senior year, and reader graduated and left Hawkins for college. They kept in touch for a while but eventually drifted apart. She returns to Hawkins and reconnects with Eddie and his 4-year-old son. Mom has been out of the picture since he was born, and I picture Eddie as a mechanic who plays with Corroded Coffin on the weekends.
Eddie and Reader are 28 in this (takes place in 1994). An AU where the Upside Down doesn't exist, and Eddie lives.
Divider from @firefly-graphics
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1,196 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
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onsunnyside · 2 years
more links😁
1. little fears when ari comes and takes reader on her lunch break
2. 😳this is CL!steve w legacy for sure but also tarzan!steve but ALSO holy grail!steve…this honestly might just be over half ur au’s in general
3. one of the streams for holy grail
4. cruel!reader w one of the dilfs on the trip <3
5. CL!steve w legacy after she keeps mouthing off with him, i think yes
6. bambi and steve after bambi begs for cream
and here we are again, thots and drabbles below:
this is at his office where he promised you just a normal lunch, but then he saw the skirt you were wearing: suddenly looking way shorter than he remembers and he can't help but pull you onto his lap and unzip his pants. fucking into you with abandon, spewing filth like "dumb little girl, open your eyes. that's it, eyes on me, baby, I want to see you when I fill up your little cunt."
you're completely right, this is basically half of my aus😵‍💫😵‍💫 too many thots... but no words
oh but who is it🌚🌚 that's what ransom thinks when he checks on your account from halfway across the world, then, he recognizes that stupid voice, "be as loud as you want, baby, your neighbour is already here."
this (s)creams bucky and you sneaking away. he's got you deep in the forest on a blanket, your panties pulled to the side as he jerks off, the head of his cock rubbing against your clit, "Bucky, please," you moan, reaching down and pushing him closer to your hole, "want you so bad..." "but your daddy said no." "but Ari—he doesn't care, why should you?" He grins at you, surging forward to capture your lips, he licks into your mouth, "now I know why Andy wants you all to himself, filthy girl, breaking rules so proudly. You'll be punished for that later."
omg yes, 100%. this is also Ari and ATA!reader bc he needs to teach you a lesson.
oh my, and since Steve just also has ✨big loads✨ it usually covers you all over, and spills out of you onto the covers below.
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
Dazai + ice skating!!
Imagine Dazai convinces you to go ice skating while you’re out on a date. He believes that it will be the perfect ending for tonight- the stars are out, the light snow looks gathering around you makes you look so angelic, and he would get to hold you in his arms like he always craves to do- you’ve never skated before, like ever.
He can sense your hesitation and nervousness, but you find it hard to say no because you don’t want the night to end just yet. And the smile that lights up his face is enough to warm you up even in the dropping temperatures.
But as he guides you on the ice, you’re already slipping and your feet are sliding apart and you feel like Bambi did when he took his first steps- but he never lets go. You’re getting frustrated with yourself and it just feels so embarrassing-but he doesn’t laugh at you, no teasing leaving his lips. He’s patient with you, takes the death grip you have on his hands without complaint or even a grimace on his face, and never strays far from you. “I’ve got you, you don’t have to worry. I won’t let you go.”
You joked with him about how is he just so good at everything, but the end you manage to get the basics down with his help. You stumbled more than you would like to, and almost fell once- but you caught you, dipping you instead, his breath grazing your lips with that amazing smile you wish would grace his face more. Like a scene out of a romance movie, but even better that it’s real and with him.
And as he pressed his lips against yours, you’re grateful for the special memories you get to create with him, and you’re already planning on creating more 🤍
dream... why u do this
who said you could make me blush like that huh
can we talk about how SWEET you made dazai here? we all know he's so annoying and outrageous in his own way, but please, i can only imagine his hand with mine as we are ice skating 😖💖 but no, the idea of him being so comforting is beautiful, and it's, well, comforting. even when you feel so embarrassed, he's got you, and he isn't letting go, and i absolutely adore that so much, omg. what the heck?
my heart, and the night is so beautiful and young. everything looks ravishing. almost like a fairytale. but he always catches you, and he doesn't look away. you can see he's so in love in his eyes, and he cherishes only you.
why you do this to me huh
huh huh i am crying thank you sweetie, you just made my entire day with this — catch me throwing headcanons in your inbox soon 🏃‍♀️
i love you dream, you're absolutely beautiful. 💖
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trailshome · 3 years
ok so... i made a discord account askfhj and i really wanna join but im like. so nervous. i know that its gonna be good for me if i do join bc i haven't had any human interaction besides my family and at walmart when i almost bumped into a lady and said sorry and its getting a little noticeable i think akshigj i think i might join uhhh tomorrow?? maybe?? hopefully?? just gotta get over the initial “what if” phase bc i know its not gonna be as bad as i think its gonna be. anyway I realized that i haven’t told you what the chunky cats’ name is!! her name is gigi!! she’s more demanding in affection than bambi bc she will climb onto ur chest. she doesn't care abt what ur doing atm, because what you SHOULD be doing is giving her cuddles!! anyway fun fact: bambi looks nothing like a bambi. the reason i named her was because when she was a kitten she was really tiny (she was the runt of the litter) and i thought she was rlly clumsy and fragile so i named her bambi, which she outgrew pretty quickly lol
//gigi and bambi!! precious!! omg!! ahh my cat, Moe, was the runt too but he grew into a big boi -- so uh... I wonder how big the other kittens were?? anyways!!
The discord is p chill!! Not a whole lot of chatter going on but there's some art, some MCs being shared, and I'm always down to answer questions or chat!! Everyone has been super friendly and we'd be happy to have you join us -- feel free to take all the time you need, I was nervous about joining discords too, so I totally get you, Spice!! So whenever you're ready, we'll be happy to see you!! <3
Aaaand just incase anyone else would also like to join, here's a link: xx
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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Crush Culture AU
Today was the worst day for a guy like him . Where love is in the air and it seems he's allergic because nobody wants to take an interest in a boy that is nerdy and never seems to know when to shut up . And it didn't help his sad love life when today is spent giving chocolates , stuffed animals , and cheesy cards .
Have you guys guess what day it is ?
Ding !! Ding !! ... Valentine's Day !
He dread every second of the day as he walked down the school hallway . Every turn he was faced with hormonal teenagers kissing their S.O. He picks up his pace to head to his friends hangout . Which consisted of Sam , Miguel , Robby , Chris , Aisha ,Tory , Mitch , and Eli and himself .
It was an unusual group , Sam and Tory  didn't get along but both were friends with Aisha . Miguel and Robby would bicker and clash with the whole history of love triangle with Sam but they both tried to get along .
Miguel and Robby tried not to fight that often , After all they were being raised by Mr.Lawrence Along side with Mr. Larusso .
Somehow the the dynamic worked . Pulling out his phone as he receives a message from Sam reminding him of the gift for Robby . They all had decided to give something to the blonde , Robby had a rough year . With his mom going to rehab , Sam dating Miguel , and thinking his dad loves Miguel more . He sends her quick telling her he didn't forget .
Robby was gifted cards , candy , stuffed animals , their goal was achevied when the blond had a bashful smile carrying his gifts to each class including Miguels .
....... .......... .....
It was in his 3rd period , was when he had enough . Thats why once the teacher left he started speaking his distaste.
" Its not fair , why do people like me have to suffer while the rest live high off love . I will never find love , I'm gonna be stuck all alone and watch people live a happy life . I hate this day , i hate valentines day .
Whats wrong with me , Am i ugly ,nerdy  or Am i unlikable ?  "
" Demetri don't say that ! You won't end up alone . " Sam had quickly came to his defense putting a halt to her love gaze with Miguel. Robby and Miguel nodding their heads agreeing with Sam.
" Easy for you to say you have Miguel , everyone in our group has a love life . I bet right now Eli's with Moon trying to woo her so that leaves me to nothing . "
Looking at Sam, giving him a sad smile and Miguel giving him a sympathy smile as well.
He went back to sulking until a candy bar was in his eyesight .
" Here , Happy Valentine's  " Robby says with a smile . Probably from the big pile of Cards and Candy that he had received .
" Great a pity gift "
" Its not a pity gift , it's mine now it's yours . Hey ! if you want I can kiss you to make you feel better . Or ...." Robby turns to Sam and Miguel with a mischievous look in his eyes . All three of them get up hug him and shouting , embarrasing him as other students start watching .
" Omg , no stop please ,  I take it back . I surrender !! "
" We love you Demetri ! " " Your the best ! "
" We wouldn't trade you for anything in the world ! " " We Love you !! "
...... ....... ...... ....... ....
Lunch was almost over and he was still ranting his hate about Valentine's and he didn't feel bad he was ruining the mood of everyone with their girlfriends and boyfriends.  They had someone , and once he realised Eli was no where to be seen it only made him feel worse . It sucked having feelings for your best friend.
Vibration coming from his phone interuppted his train of thought and speech . A message from Eli ,
Meet me at the computer lab . Asap !!!!!
Arriving , Eli isn't in the room . Maybe the text wasn't for him . Right as he's about to leave he spots a teddy bear as the size of the computers . It hold a heart that said Will You Be Mine .
" So Will You Be Mine " Jumping from hearing Eli , he turns around to face him . He had a raised eyebrow with a smirk waiting for his answer .
" haha , is this for moon ? , let me just say it's cute . she'll probably be happy . "
Looking confused at Demetri,  he thought his feeling was pretty clear for the latter . He took the teasing up a notch , he even told him last week , " he would hit that" when Dem  was going on and on that was going to die a virgin . He loved the blush that appeared on the pale skin . Damn he was simping , If Sensei Lawrence was allowed to simp for Mr . Larusso, he can too .
"   -ou , it's only fair . Guess I am the only one . And I mean who wouldn't want to date moon . She's perfect and pretty , I hope everything turns out well . You and Moon will make a great couple , I guess . I mean I wouldn't  kno- "
Guess He had to Strike First, so that's what Hawk did , he pinned his friend and kissed those lips so  he can shut up .
" I like you Dem,   Only you and i really hope you feel the same because I have bunch of other cliche gifts for you today . So what do you say , Will You Be Mine ? "
" If I say yes , Will you manhandle me and kiss me like that again ? Cause the answer is a Yes . "
Laughing at his best frie- well now boyfriend , He kisses Demetri.
..... .... ....
Once school finish as the group of friends wait for the two missing boys to arrive . They quickly spot Demetri and Hawk holding hands and kissing each other while holding a teddy bear that somehow had a Mohawk.
" Guess he doesn't hate Valentines Day anymore ! "
Sidenote : @bdaviss I saved and used your icons ❤ Hope you don't mind . Guys I had this in my notes for awhile , I was waiting for Valentine's to come . Also Robby must be protected at all cost , hes my smol Angry bean . Sam is Demetris sister and no one can tell me otherwise . Crush Culture because why not , music video inspo for this . Also I love Canon Gray , might do a Heather Moodboard . Mentioned Lawrusso because in this world no one can live with out karate husbands . We know Johnny be simping for those Bambi eyes , shit i am too.
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diziaddict · 3 years
WATCHALONG: Uc Kurus 1x1
I've been a little apprehensive about this show but it seems like there are a lot of positive reviews so I'm keen to start. Probably going to start writing this series' reviews in watchalong format so hopefully these are entertaining. Warning that these will literally be my most raw and immediate thoughts so enjoy!
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Omg so omnious... the dark road, black gloves, foreboding music.
Oop here it comes, old dude is about to die. He's way too obnoxious. Yepp he's been shanked. Oooh whoever this is has a flair for the dramatics. Taking a polaroid and tossing some pennies?
Oh my god I am living for mohawk's dancing.
Well then, guess the wedding is off. Was nice while it lasted.
What even is this ship? Jesus is this what she was so upset for? Wow the wedding is back on.
Well hello there. Mans looking hella fine in that fitted suit. I've declared him husbando.
Uh oh why is man bun just sitting in the shadows. Is he good or bad? Ok his name is Efe and he's super impatient.
Nevermind he's police.
Oof he's after husbando so I'm unclear on whether I like him or not. He looks super self-entitled but that's lowkey what all Turkish dizi policemen look like.
Really? What was the need for all this violence. Husbando do something.
Haha here he comes. My man ain't panicked. Nuh uh. No stress pimples.
Oi! How dare you arrest husbando. It makes legal sense but still... he's husbando.
Omg murderer is just going around casually past the police. Ooh looks like he's a waiter? I'm mad he has a beautiful voice.
Ooh Efe and husbando facing off. I don't like that Efe is disrespecting the whole neighbourhood. That's just unnecessary. I really liked husbando's speech though... feel like it touched something in Efe.
Uh oh husbando doesn't like this song... the same song that murderer was playing. Hmmm.
Why is mohawk getting all awkward? Also who's this chick making heart-eyes at husbando.
Efe is smart, I'll give him that, but I don't like that he's chasing husbando. Leave my mans alone.
Well I guess techie's been caught. Looks like he's giving husbando up to beardo. Hoping for a plot twist.
In case I haven't said this before... husbando is HOT.
Ask and they will deliver... techie never gave husbando up. I like that husbando has power from respect and friendship not money. It's more meaningful.
Ok girl stop undressing my mans with your eyes. It's the second time and he ain't into it.
Lmao husbando and his guys just bamboozled beardo.
Ooh the journalist is flirting with Efe. She's pretty but the way she speaks is kinda annoying me. Let's call her bambi– she's pretty, brunette and has big doe eyes.
Hehe bambi is playing Efe... I like her already. Ooh husbando is interested? Nevermind she's his sister. Oops ("SwEeT hOmE aLaBaMa" intensifies).
Old man's body was found but Efe and his short-temper will literally be the end of me. He keeps throwing around baseless accusations. Like dude calm down before you pop an artery.
Husbando's aunt emulates Polly Gray (from Peaky Blinders) energy and I like that she can read husbando in seconds.
I can't bring myself to be behind Efe. He's too closed-minded. Hopefully he'll have a character arc later on.
Aww husbando has a broken relationship with his dad but he won't give up. I'm a softie for the whole bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold trope.
Oh no... I have a bad feeling. The whole "you're my son" thing along with the sick wife? Halit is definitely going to get hurt.
Uh oh murderer is out to hunt again. I like that they repeat the same shots and soundtracks during these scenes. Gives a sense of continuity.
I really like that husbando flaunts his flaws as his strengths. The whole speech he gave about being a "gypsy bastard" is super powerful.
Another killing? This soon? Murderer is getting a lil too addicted to the hunt. I wonder what the connection is between the people he kills.
He's been stabbed!! Oh wait... murderer has something against hurting gypsies? Huh... he waited to make sure husbando was ok.
Goddamnit I knew Halit would die. There were way too many emotional scenes with him.
Aww bambi came by to comfort Efe. I keep forgetting what her name is... I'll try pay attention next time.
Ok but the red track suit is a look. It's giving Sue Sylvester vibes. OH MY GOD– the blonde hair, salty-ass attitude and red tracksuit? Husbando IS Sue Sylvester. Lmao he could literally wear a trash bag and still look cute.
What's up with his pissy attitude? Oh his people stopped supporting him. So much for respect is more meaningful... I guess it can be lost much easier.
Ughhh husbando might make rash decisions if he doesn't realise soon that there's a serial killer.
Yepp there he goes starting gang wars. Oh well.
Haha Efe just got a giant serving of humble pie. I like the doctor, she totally just pointed out his discrimination.
Ooh finally Efe and husbando might join forces?
Ok I really like this wrestling scene, it's the perfect example of the 'show don't tell' storytelling technique.
Both are equally strong but Efe is by the books while husbando is street-smart. Efe uses his special training while husbando is more resourceful and uses his environment to his strength.
There's a great contrast in their fighting styles. Efe uses precise movements like headlocks and blocks to advance while husbando improvises, biting Efe's hand and stomping on his foot.
OMG murderer and husbando have the same brand on their palms. I wonder if they're brothers?
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adonisstyles · 7 years
Omg please write some angst I've been dying for some angry harry and his missus who doesn't let him off the hook easy!!
Omg, this ended up being over 1,000 words. I hope you like it.
A Little Misunderstanding
A/N: smut, angst, perceived infidelity.
It was supposed to be a low key night with Jeff and Glenne and it had ballooned. It was now a 16 person party, 13 of whom were total strangers. You were dressed and ready long before Harry and were sat on the bed waiting as he primped in the bathroom mirror. Just watching him move around aroused you. You clench your thighs at the thought.
“Babe, why do I need to go to this?” you pleaded. “I’ll barely know anyone and you’ll be busy talking to everyone else.”
“N’ true, babe,” he paused. “It’s a dinner, we’ll be sitting next to each other.”
Either a blessing- he’d be stuck or a curse- easy access to your skirt. Now that he couldn’t see you, you rolled your eyes and let a sigh out of the corner of your mouth.
“Babe, I can hear your eyes rollin’ from here.”
He exited the bathroom to see your skeptical yet stern expression. He evaluated your dress and gave you a ridiculous smirk. You pressed out the lapels of his clownish button up and gave him a quick peck. This did nothing to quench the dull roar in your abdomen. He linked arms with you and you walked down to the car.
“Harry, you know how these things go. It’s not that I don’t want to be a part of your career. It’s that you always get so wrapped up that Glenne has to take pity on me in a corner with a flute of champagne,” you breathed deeply.
“It’ll be fine, babe,” he reassures. “I promise.”
During the car ride his hand rests teasingly on your thigh. You distract yourself by staring out the window. He has to know what he’s doing to you right now and he’s not playing fair. You arrive at the appointed restaurant and find the group milling about on the balcony of the restaurant. Already a bad sign, there’s nowhere to force Harry to sit next to you. You immediately find Jeff and Glenne who begin introductions around the group. Names and faces you’ll never remember.
“And this is Jack,” Jeff finishes. “He’s an intern.”
“Nice to meet you,” Jack interjects offering his hand for you to shake. You take it smiling kindly at him. You turn to ask Harry for a drink and find that he has already flitted off to a conversation with some people who you think worked in clothing production, maybe?! Looking back to the current group, Jack is the only one still standing there. He has a somewhat confused expression which turns into a pitied smile once he connects the dots.
“Let’s get you a drink,” he smiles and offers his arm. You take it and saunter over to the bar.
You order a John Collins, you’ll need the fortification to get through the night. Jack orders a dirty martini. The night progress much the same way. He tells you about his doomed lovelife. You don’t divulge too many details- you don’t really know him after all. But you do commiserate sharing stories of past relationships. He puts his hand on your arm to comfort you at the end of a particularly heartbreaking break up story when you’re interrupted.
“Babe, I think it’s time to go,” Harry’s voice cuts like a knife through the conversation, his firm hand on your shoulder. You look up to see a stern, angry twist to Harry’s usually Adonis-like facial features. Oh, shit- what had you done? You hadn’t said anything, Harry had to have known this guy if he was working for Jeff.
Harry leads you out of the restaurant into your waiting vehicle. The car ride is deathly silent. His grip on the steering wheel shifts but is always tight. Finally pulling up to the house he puts the car in park and quickly exits, storming around and opening your door. You step out, trying to project calm. You know Harry would never hurt you, but you can tell something is wrong.
Once inside he turns around and levels you with a scorching stare.
“What was that?!?!” he exclaims. He starts unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off. He toes out of his shoes next
“What was what?” you retort. He circles you to undo your zipper. You let the dress pool on the floor.
“You know what!” he slings. “The guy at the bar and the flirty hand on your arm thing.”
At this you cannot help but let out a cackle. You are both half naked, in your living room and Harry is jealous of a gay man.
“Jack!?!” you gasp incredulously. “Jack… Jack… is gay!” you gasp between laughs.
With that admission Harry’s brow smooths and his face settles into a “goddammit, how stupid am I” sort of facial expression. His shame is now converted into sexual energy. He’s going to fuck this memory out of you.
He pins you back against the wall and presses a crushing kiss to your lips. Your hands find his trouser button and undo it. He steps out of them and begins kissing down your jaw and neck.
“Can’t believe you were jealous of a gay man,” you moan.
He pauses his kiss and ruts against you saying, “how was I supposed to know he was gay. Just saw his hands on you and your upset expression.”
You slip your hands into his waistband and push off his boxers.
“M never gonna let you live this down, Bambi,” you tease him with a lick to the tip of his nose.
He thrusts into your hand and grabs at your thighs.
“M gonna do my best to fuck that memory out,” he replies.
Before you can fire off your retort he’s sunk fully into you. That dull roar from earlier is now a 3 alarm fire raging in your belly. He fucks up into and toys with your clit. He’s doing a damn good job of making you forget, but you have one upper hand card left to play. You lean into his ear and moan out “Jack couldn’t do this to me.”
At that Harry’s gone, one of the only times he’s finished first. You are not forgotten though, he fucks you through his orgasm and brings you to yours.
You are nothing but a pile of sweaty tangled limbs, coming down from the mutual high.
“Babe, please don’t bring gay men into our bedroom again,” Harry rasps.
“I didn’t bring him in you did,” you say with a slap to his bicep.
He’s never gonna hear the end of this.
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justagalwhowrites · 4 months
Hi, Kit🤗 I have just read 28 of Yearling, and omg 🥹 I loved everything. One of my favourite things is how well-drawn the characters are. I loved seeing them doing their tasks. Everyone tries to contribute. I love the way you write about Jackson and every character. It feels like I'm watching a period drama. I'm so invested in their lives, and every time something good happens to them I feel so happy for them 🤗 I feel like Ellie has grown a lot since Bambi is here, and I'm so glad her relationship with Joel has healed and that now she is helping Bambi regain her daughter's trust. I love the fact that Kyle is a dork. He sounds like a good kid, and I'm glad Bambi wants her daughter to socialize and to fall in love and found people that care about her 🤗 And she trust Joel again🥹 Yearling is such a breathtaking and moving story. Thank you so so much for sharing it with us. I can't express how much I'm loving it. Please, don't beat yourself up if the chapters get longer than you intended or if writing them takes you longer than you expected. Your well-being comes first and you are doing a wonderful job 🥰 (Personally I think it's impressive how fast you write and how good the quality is, but that's not the point💚)
AHHHH Hi Bestie!!
EEEEE! I'm so glad you like Jackson so much!! I've been trying really hard to make it seem like a real place with real people and I love that people like you care about what happens with them, it means the world.
Ellie has DEFINITELY grown since Bambi got there! She's fallen so easily into being Savvy's big sister, too, and her relationship with Joel is on such solid ground now. There aren't any secrets (though he still doesn't know that she's a lesbian but he'll learn soon enough, I don't think she's actively hiding it it just hasn't come up and she's not looking to bring it up.) Bambi wants whatever will be best for Savvy and I think she recognizes that keeping her cloistered away from the world isn't what's best. As much as she misses Savvy and wants to be close to her again, she is so happy she's getting to have a real life.
I'm so glad you're loving Yearling!! I just really don't like making y'all wait long for chapters but it really means so much that you're willing to wait at all so thank you ❤️
Love you!!!
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