#Dad Cor
nyanykamito · 4 months
Seepy Bois Plushie interest Check
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[Reblogs are greatly appreciated 🐣💙]
Interest check for 15 cm Prompto, Cor and Nyx Seepy bois plushies, if you’re interested in purchasing one or all of them please fill out the forum. I'll be using the form to yay or nay this project.
Link to Interest check Forum
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triotascha · 2 years
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Hello today I offer you this
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promscamera · 7 months
I'm so in love with Cor being the one who saved Prompto from the labs and it's not normal but I'm so obsessedddd
And like, any way is awesome!
Cor saved him and then raised him? Yeess
Or he saved him and Prompto's parents raised him and then Prom goes to train in the Crownsguard and Cor is all omg I'm so proud
Or Prompto's parents are assholes and Prompto has to live somewhere else and suddenty boom Cor the immortal is like 'I got it' and bonding
Or Cor managed to get him out but couldn't fully escape Niflheim with him and was forced to leave him behind/lost him. But he remembers the barcode number and one day they capture/find or whatever this guy from Niflheim with a barcode and of course it's the same and aahh feelings
Anyway, Cor and Prompto. Love it. I want it.
Anyone have any fic/blog recs? I need more! <3
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garbria · 2 years
Sorry for the delay, anon! I got kind of blocked on these.
For your consideration:
An aged up Nyx has made a name from himself in the Kingsglaive around the time Cor decides to go to Niflheim to investigate some disturbing rumors, so Regis orders Cor to take Nyx along with him. They find a cloning lab where they make MTs, but they only find one baby alive. They rescue him, and on the way back to Insomnia, Prompto wins over both Nyx and Cor.
Cor is lost around toddlers, but Nyx is a big brother to his core, so he's got experience helping with child care. By the time they make back to Insomnia, Nyx has essentially adopted Prompto, with Cor being similarly attached. But the Insomnian government won't let Nyx take Prompto because he's an immigrant. Cor steps up and tells them he's taking Prompto to keep him out of the system. Nyx is grateful, even as a part of him resents Cor for being the one allowed to keep Prompto.
Nyx practically moves in with Cor, because even if he's not officially Prompto's parent, he's not about to leave him, especially when he's seen how little experience with kids Cor has. Someone official raises a stink about it, so someone suggests Cor and Nyx get married so Nyx can legally have custody.
Cor goes along with it because in all this mess, he's fallen in love with Nyx. Once Nyx deals with his anger some and sees how hard Cor is trying to make things better for him, he admits he returns the feelings, and they all live together as one happy family.
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voxlunae · 2 years
hi so i write fics and this is my ongoing dad cor fic please enjoy
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greenko · 2 days
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I swear I didn't plan on making them dad and son, but I love doing dumb shit by accident. Everything great comes from a stupid joke.
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kittarts · 2 months
Would beldam use wybie and her parents against her?
She did it once so she'll definitely do it again given the opportunity!
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clockwaysarts · 8 months
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Prompto is very excited to show his dad Cor his latest photos!
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snoffart · 2 years
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handful of doodles and drawings I’ve done for my dad!Cor AU where he adopts Prompto and Aranea :-)
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flowr24602 · 2 years
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“Prompto…” Noctis repeats, trying the name on his tongue, finding that he likes the sound of it. “What happened to him?”
Cor is quiet for a long time. Then...
We dreamed a dream. An ffxv fic by LuckyLectio.
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nyanykamito · 3 months
Interest check for 15 cm Prompto, Cor and Nyx Seepy bois plushies, if you’re interested in purchasing one or all of them please fill out the forum. I'll be using the form to yay or nay this project.
If there's another character you'd like to see plushiefied there's a spot for it in interest check! 🐣 Link to interest check!
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meissashush · 6 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis & Original Character(s), Clarus Amicitia & Cor Leonis & Regis Lucis Caelum Characters: Cor Leonis, Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Regis Lucis Caelum, Clarus Amicitia, Original Non-Binary Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Sickfic, Sick Character, Childcare, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Parent Cor Leonis, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Good Parent Clarus Amicitia, Good Parent Regis Lucis Caelum, Kidfic, exercise-induced vomiting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, in the past and not at all current, Crownsguard Training (Final Fantasy XV), good parent cor but not good boss cor, reasons we dont bring our children to work when work is training an elite military opperation, the only reason cor has to deal with trainees is because he thinks its funny Series: Part 3 of to outlive nine ravens; to raise just one Summary:
“You want me to keep a toddler with me while I work?”
Cor does not know which of the Six he’d pissed off, but it must have been more than one. Maybe all of them.
The day had been a train wreck. Four different briefings, back to back to fucking back, followed immediately by an emergency escort detail. By the time he finally gets a chance to breathe, his phone is full of missed calls and text messages from one of his most annoying officers.
Aeolus: Why am I on the daycare emergency call list?
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chloefraazers · 2 years
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nil + talking about the teens | Horizon: Forbidden West (2022) — requested by @thunderjawsandlightning
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gingerel · 1 year
dad!cor + prompto
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What other people consider stoicism Cor simply considers calmness.
He’s never really been shocked, never been so surprised that he hasn’t been able to look past an obstacle and see a way around it. Cor has never been so frightened that he’s frozen, he’s never felt the kind of terror that people talk about where they say I didn’t know what to do.
Prompto’s mobile goes straight to voicemail, but Cor checks his room and finds his charger plugged into the wall beside his bed. While annoying, Cor can’t be angry about it; he’s been meaning to buy a second charger to leave at Monica’s for when he spends the night with her.
Prompto is speed dial preset one, Monica is on number two — she picks up fast, which is one of his favourite things about her. He wouldn’t co-parent a child with anyone else.
“Prompto left his gym sneakers behind,” Cor tells her without any preamble. “Let him know that I’ll drop them off at school on my way to work so he doesn’t have to rush back here.”
Monica is so quiet he wonders if she answered the phone at all.
“Prompto isn’t here,” Monica says. “Cor — I thought he…didn’t he decide to stay at home tonight?”
And suddenly Cor knows.
Suddenly Cor knows what it’s like to be so frightened you can’t move.
Noctis’ phone rings but he doesn’t answer, it just goes on and on and on. Cor calls Gladio next, who answers at once, takes the information in stride and promises to head right over to the Leonis household. Cor tries Noctis’ phone once more and this time it doesn’t ring at all.
Which, now he’s able to think again, is the most logical solution.
Gladio pulls off his ball cap as he awkwardly takes a seat by the breakfast bar where Prompto usually sits to do his homework while Cor attempts to cook for them. It’s a surprising show of deference that Cor might laugh about under different circumstances.
“We need to put out an alert that Noct — Prince Noctis is missing,” Gladio says. “Internally at least. Sir — I’m sorry.”
“Noctis is the one that should be sorry,” Cor mutters, staring at his phone like it will suddenly ping a GPS location of wherever Noctis has dragged his son.
Which wouldn’t work even if Prompto had his phone. Even if Prompto weren’t such a good kid he’d never invade his privacy like that. For a moment he considers bringing up the concept of Noctis having it during the next security review but no — he deserves the privacy too.
It’s so obvious. They’re sixteen, Noctis has had a taste of freedom living by himself. It makes sense that he would want to push the rules, to be stupid and reckless. To pull his son into the mess right alongside him.
“Next time they better just skip school,” Cor growls, tossing his phone onto the counter.
At least then it’ll be light out, at least then Prompto would just come home at a normal time and be a little off while the guilt eats at him about the lie. Cor probably wouldn’t even need to punish him for it when he eventually found out. Prompto’s pretty good at beating himself up about things.
Gladio hops down from his stool.
“I know which of their favourite arcades are open late,” Gladio says. He always did catch onto things fast.
“Go,” Cor says.
He should dispatch an entire Crownsguard patrol, or at least go himself, but at least if it’s just Gladio they might not run off again.
Cor’s still reading Gladio’s Not here, moving to next location text when his phone rings.
“Prompto,” he answers, not bothering to hide his relief.
Monica had turned up just after Gladio left and she seems to suddenly stand at her full height again.
“Dad,” Prompto says, barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you with Noctis?”
“Yes,” Prompto says. “We — um, we did something really dumb.”
“Yes,” Cor agrees. “You did. Where are you?”
“We wanted to go to this gig —”
“The one Noctis asked us about and was explicitly forbidden from going to because you’re both underage, it’s in a bar and was on a school night.”
Cor hears Prompto swallow.  “Yes. That one.” Prompto pauses and Cor hears Noctis speak but not the words he’s saying. “We didn’t even get in.”
“Probably because minors are prohibited without a chaperone,” Cor says. He had looked at letting them go, and he might have swung it, if not for the fact it’s a school night.
“I’m sorry,” Prompto says again.
“I’ll be right there,” Cor assures him. “Are you both safe?”
“We’re kind of hiding,” Prompto admits. “But, um. We’ll see you when you arrive.”
Cor must break every speed limit. Which is fine, he’s allowed. And it means he gets to glare at Noctis in his rear-view mirror much sooner.
“It’s my fault,” Noctis says as soon as they’re on the road. “Prompto didn’t want to do it. It was all my idea.”
“Of course, it was,” Cor says. “He’s still grounded though.”
Prompto opens his mouth, flounders, and closes it again.
“That’s fair,” he mumbles.
“Will you tell my dad?” Noctis asks miserably.
Cor hesitates long enough that Noctis physically squirms. It makes him feel a little better. “Not if you promise never to do it again,” Cor promises.
Noctis looks so relieved it's almost difficult to still be angry at him. Almost.
“Can Noctis sleep over tonight?” Prompto asks. “So, you don’t have to drive him back to his apartment?”
Cor should say no. But Prompto looks so earnest, like being separated from his best friend after what must have been quite a scare will be physically painful for him.
“Fine,” Cor agrees. “And Prompto?” His son hmms to let him know he’s listening. “Thank you for calling me.”
“Thank you for coming to get us,” Prompto returns.
“I always will.”
“Dad – do my moms know?” Prompto asks.
“How do you think I found out?”
Prompto swears quietly under his breath and Cor has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. 
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llycaons · 1 month
kind of gratified the other reviewers thought the human characters were one-dimensional and boring too. but then [redacted] got complaints? fuck youuuu he doesn't HAVE to be a human he's a ROCKKKKKKK and he's P E R F E CT
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swordofthreekings · 1 year
Okay, but Cor being the one to take Prompto from the labs, and then keeping him, but Prompto's got some attachment issues so instead of putting him in daycare or something, Cor just takes him to work with hi.
Cor training Crownsguard with bb Prompto in one of those little baby backpack things. Doing paperwork with him sitting on his knee or napping against his chest.
Just cute.
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