#Daeron The Daring
iamyourdailydoseofbi · 18 hours
ME? A WHORE? Yes, yes I am. Just look at them and tell me that I am not supposed to be one.
The Targaryen-Hightower's
"Thrones are won with swords, not quills. Spill blood, not ink."
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The Targaryen's
"Tell my half-brother that I will have my throne, or I will have his head."
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The Hightower's
"The city is yours, Princess. But you will not hold it long. The rats play when the cat is gone, but my son Aemond will return with fire and blood."
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The Velaryon's
"What did Viserys ever have that she did not? A little sausage? Is that all it takes to be a King?"
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scarareg · 3 days
Removing Maelor, Helaena's role in the plot being minimised and Daeron not being mentioned at all and his existence being a question mark makes you wonder, why are the likeable Green's characters being deleted? Is the show truly unbiased as they claimed to be?
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aggloomy · 3 months
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ophelieverse · 3 months
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because where tf is him HBO?!?!?
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thesunfyre4446 · 8 days
repeat after me : marrying jace to helaena solves nothing because alicent's sons are still a threat.
helaena never posed a threat to rhaenyra's claim. it was her brothers. a marriage between helaena and jace only benefit rhaenyra and jace - helaena basically becomes a hostage to be used against her mother, and she boosts jace's legitimacy.
aegon aemond and daeron still remain a threat, with their sister held hostage.
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The Greens - A Happy House
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paintb0x · 5 months
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🪷 daeron 🪷
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ra-horakhty-art · 1 year
Alicent and her children.
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tidetower · 2 months
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The Prince of the Hightower and the Heir to High Tide
Artist: erchitos
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marshsano · 2 years
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the idea of daeron targaryen showing up in season 2 like “MY FATHER WAS SICK???” is so funny to me. like little dude was literally unaware of everything. living his life in peace when the rest of his family decided to usurp the throne.
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cruciomee · 3 months
Team Green Dragon Hatchlings
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howdoesagrapewrites · 7 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐈𝐈𝐈
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: incest/targcest, yandere/lovesick behavior, unhealthy relationships, platonic and romantic yanderes, not everyone is romantically involved with reader, yandere EVERYONE x reader, it is kind of implied that Daemon has hit reader before, or that reader is aware Daemon is violent
>You loved Rhaenyra
>As a child, she'd always make time for you, and eagerly wait for your arrival. She always wished for a girl, and while doing your hair and telling you tales, she always said you were everything she could ever desire in a lass
>So before she married your father, you loved Rhaenyra
>You loved Daemon
>Your father had always doted on you, you had always been his favorite. He defended you fiercely against any slander, and reminded you that all that mattered was that you were dragonborn, you were his seed and carried the Targaryen lineage. You were his first born, his little girl
>So before he married Rhaenyra, you loved your father
>But then you had too look at yourself in the mirror while being dressed for the big day of your father's not first, not second but third wedding day. Not even a year later of Laena's passing
>You remembered Rhaenyra flying with your father and step-mother, while your uncle Laenor would stay on land with you
>You look back at that memory, and can't help but imagine Laena's reaction
>They married in secret, just them, a septon and you
>When you asked your father why your sisters or Rhaenyra's kids were there, he said he trusted you the most
>But you didn't, you didn't trust him anymore
>It was never spoken, but you knew Laenor's "mysterious" death somehow involved them
>This marriage also meant you would have to say goodbye to your sisters, Rhaena and Baela, who would stay in Driftmark
>They both wept, and Rhaena threw a tantrum, but it was to no avail
>And as much as you loved Jace, Luke and Joffrey, they were not your sisters
>Despite the warnings, that year you mounted your dragon for the first time
>Two of the dragon keepers had to run through the halls of dragonstone to inform your father of your dissaparence along with Dagahrion's, it was not difficult to put two and two together
>He got on Caraxes and chased after you
>Like a wise hand once said, not being capable of controlling your daughter seemed to be a tradition in the house of Targaryen
>It was not hard to find you, Dagahrion had grew even concerningly so in the last season, making him easy to spot
>The dragon was shaking, unused to being rode, Daemon begged to every god he had ever disappointed to please allow you to survive, anxiety pooling in his gut
>You were hugging Dagahrion as hard as you could, with your eyes shut. Tears streaming down your cheeks, your face felt like it was freezing due to the wind hitting you. Your garments were restrictive, causing your legs to be tightly wrapped around the scales of his neck
>"Lykirī, lykirī" you kept screaming to your dragon, until he steadied and finally landed at your command
>You were surprised to see Caraxes land with you, your father's screams were inaudible between the fear, the wind and Dagahrion's noises
>When you got off your dragon, your father's expression made your blood run cold. He approached, and you knew by his stance, he could only mean to hit you as soon as he was close enough, you fearfully walked towards him
>But instead of a slap, he hugged you so close to his chest you had trouble breathing. But you did not care, you simply let him silently suffocate you, you can feel his worry, his anger, the turmoil inside him, his heartbeat says it all
>He slowly lets go, and proclaims "I will not have any daughter of mine fall off her dragon, be aware" it sounded like a threat, but you knew in what terms your sire had always spoken in
>He took you home to Dragonstone, on Caraxes, having Dagahrion follow
>When you came back, you noticed Rhaenyra's arm was bleeding once again, she had developed the bad habit of picking on the stitches when she was anxious, but never on this level
>She ran to hug you, and you smelled her blood, the same blood of the valyrian ceremony
>It was difficult to forgive, but you did
>You exchanged multiple letters with Alicent Hightower, and she had always reminded you, that the seven watch after you, and know you have the strength to forgive
>You had spoken to her plainly.
>"[...] You said my father will never love Rhaenyra more than he loves me, but that is not what afflicts me. He may love me more, but I am competent —as competent as any person with a fine set of two eyes— to see he loves her more than lady Laena. She was not my mother, but in her heart of gold, she held me, and at the risk of disrespect, I dare to say she was the closest I could get. I wonder if dragons would get to feel this way too, Caraxes is a son of Dreamfyre and Vermithor, yet they are all apart, and Dagahrion is a son of Vhagar, but has no sire that we know of. Do they feel lonely? I wish they do not, I don't wish for their misery."
>"My dearest Y/N.
Despite my many years here, I do not know about dragons as nearly much as I'd like. They are miraculous creatures, but like any one of us, they were created by the god of seven faces, So I believe they are capable of such emotions. But princess, do not think only of their misery, think of their joy. If I am not overstepping, then may I offer you a solution for both predicaments of loneliness? Both Dagahrion and your grace are the blood of the dragon, and if it pleased you to remain surrounded by your kin, you are always welcome to King's Landing, Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, Vhagar, Vermithor and their riders are always honored to give you company. Perhaps one day you'll call the red keep your home, if you'll excuse my boldness.
While you are not at arms reach from me, I keep you in my mind and my prayers. Pray to the mother, sweet child, you need her like one day I needed her.
Warm regards."
>No matter how much Alicent spoke of him, you did not want anything to do with Aemond for a long time, it was painful
>But you would send one raven for Daeron and one for Helaena almost every week
>Daeron was everything you once saw in his older brother, a knight, a hero. And he was oh so gentle, just like his sister. Perhaps it was due to his position as the youngest, but Daeron never screamed to be heard, never dolled up to be seen, he was gentle like a summer breeze, and never tried to control the conversation in your corresponde
>And as time passed and you kept Alicent's words in your head, your step-brothers also became close companions, each of them sweeter than the last one, the Velaryon boys were like warm honey in your presence, sweet and sticky
>Jace was always respectful, but there was some things you didn't know about him
>Like how he stole an old nightgown of yours to cuddle with at night, or how he keeps hiding your quills so you'll stop writing Daeron
>At some point it is impossible to hide your correspondence from your family, causing Daemon to forbid the servants from giving you birds. This ultimately fails, as you always charm the servants into doing whatever you want
>You sometimes travel to King's Landing on dragonback along with Rhaenyra, you can see that side your family, and Rhaenyra can closely watch the Hightowers actions
>Despite everything, this time was happy
>You loved Rhaenyra, and Daemon, and Alicent, and Viserys, and Jace, Luke and Joffrey, you loved Daeron and Helaena
>But what a horrible feature life has, when everything that is wonderful is meant to end
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fragileheartbeats · 2 months
out of all of King Viserys’ children, Rhaenyra is obviously the most qualified/most competent to sit the Iron Throne. There is no question about that.
Excuse me what?😂 Are you fr? If yes can you please give me a reason why she's the most suitable to sit on Iron throne? Because she's rightful heir? I'm sorry but that's not good enough. We have many Targaryen rulers and they were rightful heir, but you know... they fucked up, so it's not a convincing reason.
Actually she was the only one who wasn't suitable to sit on iron throne. Like we literally saw that, she fucked up so bad in half of a year that even her sons didn't denied what she did and literally there's no Rhaenyra after her, she was a disgrace for her future generations, that's says alot.
She was so bad that she was kicked out, people were tired of her. And then Aegon come and gets everything under his control in like a week while he was physical dead.
The funniest part is that all of green kids actually have something that make them more suitable than Rhaenyra.
First we got Aegon, he's brave, resilient, determined, he's smarter than Rhaenyra, he's protective and he's mentally the strongest and unbreakable. He survived the worst things and still continue. He was literally unbreakable, even towards the end of his life he gained the strength to walk, hardly but yes.
Then we have Helaena. She was a lovely and kind woman, she claimed one of the most badass dragons in the history when she was a kid, she was so loved that people literally gone mad after her death, that's say a lot about the difference between Rhaenyra and Helaena.
Next is Aemond. Smart, brave, a dangerous fighter and he have the biggest fucking dragon that he claimed when he was a kid. Do I need to say more?
And finally Daeron. Oh lord, this guy was smart as fuck and he was the most dangerous even though he was the youngest, he's also brave and loyal to his family. And people actually liked him. He was a fairly kind, clever, and humble guy. Definitely the best among Viserys’ sons.
Now what does Rhaenyra have that makes her comparable to them? What does she have that make her better?
Her age? The fact that she's first born?
Well that's just another reason why she don't deserve to sit on the throne, because she was heir since she was 8 yet she never fit into her position as one in so many years (25 years).
On the other hand Aegon never was heir so he never tried to fit but we see how in a short time (2 years or shorter) he grows and fit his position as king, we see how he live up to his title.
I'm sorry but even the fact that she's first born make her more pathetic.
This amount of delusional is not normal. I'm telling y'all.
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k-ac-l-art · 1 month
Sunfyre the Golden
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Sunfyre has such a cool design, so I just had to draw him. I might be team black but team green's dragons truly are some of the coolest!
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addaerontruther · 2 months
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aifsaath · 3 months
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The Portrait of the Future King, a bigger version to be found here
Baela’s first thought, absurdly, was that the king looked much the same as he did now, even though that was only partially true. Young Aegon in the portrait was not thin, but he was a bit leaner than the king was now. His hair was shorter too, chin length rather than the shoulder length locks he now wore. And of course he was not scarred, not even a little bit. He stood straight, but not tall, nearly a head shorter than his brother, but taller than his sister. He wore a rich red tunic embroidered in gold thread at the collar and cuffs and belted at the waist. One hand rested upon his sister’s shoulder and the other rested upon the pommel of his sword. Curiously, there was a green glove on that hand. His sister was similarly clad in red, and the pair of them stood in the middle, a brother standing sentinel on either side. The one standing at Helaena's shoulder she recognized easily as Aemond One-Eye, and the other, standing beside Aegon, must have been Daeron, although Baela had never met him before. The boys wore deep green to their brother and sister’s red, and where Aegon wore golden rings set with red and green gems upon his fingers, and a jeweled chain draped across his chest, his brothers were dressed less ostentatiously. It was, Baela realized, a portrait of a future king and queen. - Our Fathers Clad in Red, Chapter 6 (by me & @gwenllian-in-the-abbey)
Alas, yes, the long awaited portrait / political propaganda is here!
Because there is no way the greens wouldn't use the most obvious religiou symbols and bloodline claims of kingship too.
@lemonhemlock @gwenndigo @branwendaughterofllyr @duxbelisarius @prodogg @theothermaidoftarth @alexandria-millie @maryonaccross @evabluepark888 @darylandbethfanforever9 @ara-meyy @calyssmarviss @tremendousandsonorouswords
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