#Dang ceramics
janekfan · 2 years
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mimeticspace · 5 months
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Rachelle Dang
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laeyein · 7 months
i love scheduling posts <3
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wthtorke · 11 months
Tiny read of things people like doing! (1/?)
Gender neutral reader x Yautja - 321 words - No warnings
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  Not many yautjas pursued the field, even as a pass time. They were good with their hands, but anything that wasn't incredibly violent or combative in some way was rarely encouraged. Paya knew how they still had scholars. It seemed fitting for humans, though. He'd watch you work for hours. Sometimes you'd do ceramic pieces. He'd watch you wet your fingers before going back to the turning piece of clay on the wheel. There was just something entirely mesmerizing about watching your fingers work. He started off sitting and ended up laying on the couch, whatever tension melting from his form as the minutes went by. He felt molded by you, in some way. The ability you had to affect him so much. "Wrapped around the finger" was an expression he had heard once, when a human does whatever the other one wants, simply for being themselves. He understood it. He felt wrapped around your fingers like whatever you were sculpting. Never had he thought he would be in a situation like this. Never did he think he would be praying for the days to last forever, just so he could spend them like this. With you, and only you. "Purring is really the best work background noise, I think." His blinks. "Aw, don't stop! You always stop when I mention it, but can I help myself? It's so dang adorable." He scoffs, shifting on the too small couch to get comfortable again. Humans. Give them a little space and they walk all over you. "That cat next door ain't got nothing on you." He gets up from the couch, dragging his finger across the wet clay before smearing it on your cheek as you laugh. He points at the unfinished piece on the wheel. "Fine fine, I'll entertain you some more." You shake your head, wetting your fingers again as he sits down, sighing and getting lost in you again. --- This was posted SIX MONTHS AGO ✨Here✨
Also my commissions are -open-. It's $1 for every 100 words and the best part: anything I come up with over what you paid is on me 💖 Something like what you just read would be $3 for example ;) hit me up!
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nymla · 29 days
Some of my new ceramics, some of which are still available in the shop :} https://www.nymla.se/shop Thank you so dang much for the orders and for your general support! 💚
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celticbotanart · 1 month
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to some of your favorite mutuals 💌
I was tagged by @sideadde, thank you so much!! Sid tagged me on my personal blog but I'll just go ahead post this here since it's a music post - this blog has been pretty dead too as I mentioned on my previous post, so this is a good way of posting SOMETHING here, at least. SO, I dont have a favorite-FAVORITE playlist, so I'll just use this opportunity to activate my Brazilian music playlist - accurately named "Tropical Gothic" bc our music is very fun and lively but also a lot of them is more melancholic than y'all from outside might think kkkkkk
Let's do this!
Milton Nascimento - Peixinhos do Mar ("Little Fishes in the Sea")
Starting strong! The song seems to be an adaptation from folk music and it shows - he says "Who taught me how to swim / It was, oh sailor, it was the little fishes in the sea", which is very whimsical. Then, it goes on and it also mentions how Portuguese came from overseas to Brazil, "bringing gunpowder, lead and bullets, we want to fight wars". You see what they did here, lol
2. Zé Ramalho ft Belchior - Garoto de Aluguel ("Rentboy")
This one is a huge favorite of mine djkfhdjhgf It goes HARD on the tango, accordion and all, it's just SO good. Zé Ramalho and Belchior (and Milton from the previous track) are like... legends, they are incredibly important figures to the brazilian music history, especially Milton and Belchior, really. I highly recommend going for their stuff if you're interested in more MPB ("Brazilian Popular Music" in Eng)! The song itself, it's literally what it says on the tin lol. It's about this prostitute guy and how he goes on with his life. This one might or might not be in my OC Cassie's playlist kdjfhkdf
3. Nana Caymmi - Flor da Noite ("Night Flower")
Jfc, this one. So atmospheric, and Nana's voice is very deep and smooth. And the fucking strings in this arrangement???? Iconic and gorgeous AF. It talks about someone reminiscing far into the night about past events, especially about a love that ended long ago. She keeps saying that if the person she loves meets someone else, than her former lover shouldn't talk to this new person about the past, and what's gone. It's such a beautiful song ahhh <3 3. Casa de Caba - Cílio ("Eyelash")
Oh dang, it's another Brazilian Sea Shanty time! Or at least, that's how I see this one, with all the instruments they use and the vibes. He starts mentioning a bunch of imagery to tell us the character singing is tough and is here to fuck with people in ways they WILL dislike, lol, such as "I'm the eyelash falling in your eye, an eye that cannot see", "An ugly, poorly-made ceramic pot that never breaks"; at the same time he's also "the word that guides you, the caress that comforts you, the delivery food you order and always arrives quickly", haha. Then the chorus, he's pleading: "Janaína, Janaína, Mother of my February, take me back, to the seashore" - Janaína is another name for Iemanjá, or Yemoja, the mother of seas and deity of oceans in many afro-brazilian religions, who came from the Yoruba culture. He mentions February there in the lyrics because Iemanjá is celebrated here on Feb 2nd! :)
5. Margareth Menezes - Faraó ("Pharaoh")
OH GOD YESSS! Probably the most creative track in here - the music genre is called "Axé" and very based on African / Afro-Brazilian instruments as you'll hear. Here, POWERHOUSE DIVA Margareth Menezes will fucking give you a fast course on literal Egyptian Mythology/History ("The ascension, not even Osiris knew how that happened /The order or submission of His Eye was transformed into true humanity"; "The Epic of Geb's Code, and Nut who gave birth to the stars"; "Osíris asked Isis in marriage / And the evil Seth, full of wrath, assassinated him"); then, she uses that as a way of saying we should look at our African roots in awe and joy, and how the black people is still fighting to this day for basic respect and equality, even originating from the land of legendary kings and queens and golden gods. It's SUCH a powerful song, and it's catchy af. Depending where you are, if you just scream "EU FALEI: FARAÓ!" (I said: Pharaoh!), people WILL answer to you with EEEEE, FARAÓ back lol that's how fucking iconic this one is and I love it so much
Hope you like the songs on this one! <3 Tagging @dravenxivuk @feykiller !
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jbbartram-illu · 1 year
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Good news! The saga of the Gnomish Cabinet-of-Unknown-Age has a happy ending!
My brother-in-law was able to help us do the necessary geometry/hoiking to get it up our difficult stairs & it's now sitting happily in my studio, looking PRETTY DANG GOOD, I THINK (also the billy bookshelf it replaced fits beautifully in the otherwise useless little nook by the closet - I really can't believe how well it all worked out!).
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It also feels like it was designed exactly for ceramics-stuff storage?? My underglaze collection sits perfectly in the drawer and boxes of clay fit to the millimetre, right on the door-line!!
Please also enjoy some closeups of the various carvings - I love how even the functional handles are fancy little guys!!
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I am considering a first snake. Gotta do research and all that but I'm leaning toward hognose. Aiming for the smallest I can reasonably keep because I just think small snakes are cute, and hoggie behavior is positively adorable. What's the minimum size enclosure you'd reccomend for an adult hognose? Reccomended setup items?
Hoggies can be perfectly decent first snakes! Be sure to do lots of research and make sure the breeder has them eating unscented f/t rodents.
The enclosure size you'll want for an adult will depend on your snake's sex - females tend to get significantly larger. Any hoggie will be pleased as punch in a 40 gallon enclosure; you can go bigger but 40 gallons is plenty. Adult males can thrive in as small as a 20 gallon.
Here's my hognose essentials checklist:
Hoggies tend to do pretty dang well with visible light and UVB if you want to go that route! If you don't, a ceramic heat emitter is also perfectly fine.
Deep, deep substrate! All snakes need at least an inch, but hoggies need a few inches to burrow. Aspen is a good substrate. Deep substrate is the single most important thing to include in your hognose enclosure!
Lots of things to explore on the ground of the enclosure! Lots of hoggies are garbage climbers, but extra hides (I use the boxes from heat bulbs for my hoggies' extra hides), cardboard tubes, and even crumpled balls of paper towels can give your hognose things to explore.
A humidity box! Lots of people assume that because hognoses need low humidity, they won't need a humidity box. Not true! A humidity box can help ensure a hognose sheds great every time, and it's even more important because the rest of their enclosure will be so dry. Simply make a hole in the lid of a container big enough for your snake to curl up in, fill it with damp moss, and you're done!
All the best, good luck with your research!
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pythianoracle · 3 months
PSA About Some Shady Shit on Tumblr
This post is to bring light to some shady marketing on tumblr. This is not about an individual, but rather as a company posing as an aesthetic/meme account in order to get people to buy from their shitty drop shipping company.
I am making this post because I am sick of covert marketing and drop shippers over charging for the same stuff that can be found for cheaper and by the actual company. I am also concerned for the possible hazard of drop shipped items that need to be food safe in order to use.
Tumblr user @/my-kawaii—world is a drop shipping company pretending to be an aesthetic blogger who happens to “find” links to all the products in posts. All these links lead to the same drop shipping company website: Lavender Constellation. Under the cut is evidence to support my claim.
Alt text has been added for accessibility.
Hey, so I’m really not one to make posts like this, but I saw something that rlly sketched me out that some people may want to be aware of.
So, someone I follow reblogged this really cute teapot that my-kawaii—world posted!
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[ID: a screenshot of a tweet reposted by user my-kawaii—world on tumblr. The post reads “losing my mind over this frog teapot my best friend gave me”. Attached to the tweet are two images showing a green frog teapot with two black tadpole cups. ID END]
Seems innocent enough, right? But then you scroll to the end of the post.
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[ID: A screenshot of the bottom of the previous post by my-kawaii—world. Attached is a link to a storefront in green and pink text that reads “**Update For the people asking I asked her and she bought the frog tea set HERE🐸. ID END]
I thought “dang, a ton of people must have been asking them if they went to all that extra effort”, so I decided to check the tags.
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[ID: A screenshot of the post reblogs with the user names blocked out in red to respect privacy. From top to bottom, the tags read: #cat #basically #cats and #haha. ID END]
Why would people be tagging this with cats if it has nothing to do with cats? Looking further, if you open up a reblog, you see this.
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[ID: A screenshot a reblog that shows a different tweet. Punctuation has been added to alt text for readability. The tweet reads as follows: “Me: Invents a device to talk to cats. Cat: Oh god, finally you understand me. When ever I meow for hours it’s because I want wet food. I know this was so opaque for you. Me: No no, I knew you want wet food the whole time, but you can’t have it whenever you want. Cat: (blank space) Me: (blank space) Cat: first of all, fuck you,”. ID END]
They’re retroactively editing their high note posts to give more credibility to the shit they’re selling. Here is the listing on the linked website
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[ID: a screenshot of a website called “Lavender Constellation”. The website has a light purple background with darker purple text. The listing image is of a green frog teapot with two black tadpole cups on a pink background and labeled “TEA SET FROG & TADPOLE”. The item’s original price is listed as $149.95 USD and is listed as on sale for $79.99 USD. ID END]
Wow isn’t it so cool that it’s on sale right now? Save over $60 USD? What a steal! They also offer free world-wide shipping and have a coupon code you can use. Crazy.
Upon further digging, the real teapot is the frog from the サンアート aka sunart brand, specifically from their parent and child collection. And guess what? You can get it on Amazon for less than half the price, even after the “sale”.
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[ID: a screenshot of the same green frog teapot and black tadpole cups listen on Amazon. At the bottom are options to select, including Frog Parent, Elephant Parent, and an additional one that is cut off. The frog parent is $32.96 USD and the elephant parent is $26.22 USD. ID END]
I looked into the brand and they seem to specifically make ceramics additionally, the options to pick less popular options that I don’t see nearly as many bootlegs of make me pretty confident this is the actual product.
This is far from the only post they’ve done this with. Looking at their blog, you’ll see a sea of ads for their original posts, all linking to the same store:
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[ID: A screenshot of a post by my-kawaii—world. The post is cut off due to the size of the device it was taken on. In the screenshot, there is an image of a silver sword ring with a skull on the pommel and a chain connecting the pommel to the cross-guard. Below the image is a link that red, bolded, and underlined text that reads: “OMG, I FINALLY FOUND THE RIGHT WITH FREE SHIPPING!!!!”. ID END]
And then following the link, we get taken right back to the Lavender Constellation website:
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[ID: A screenshot of the same Lavender Collection Website from before with a pale purple background and darker purple text. The listing photo is of a person’s hand with a silver ring in the shape of a sword. It has a skull on the pommel and a chain connecting the pommel to the cross-guard. The listing is labeled “STAINLESS STEEL GOTH SWORD RING” in purple text. ID END]
If you go to their page, you will see a ton of other examples of this. Hell, I have even more examples, but I feel this post is long enough as is. I’m frankly fed up with people doing this shit, especially charging over double the price of an original product for a shitty knock off.
I’m not going to comment of the safety of these products (i.e., if the knock off teapot is food safe or not) because I don’t plan on buying one to test for lead, but that is a genuine risk you have when buying drop shipped products. For example, counterfeit makeup is well known for containing chemicals that can be harmful to the skin due because they’re much cheaper than the skin safe stuff. Here is a research article that discusses some of the harmful effects that unregulated, counterfeit makeup can have on your skin. The article is open access, so don’t worry about being blocked by a paywall.
Again, I don’t know if the counterfeit teapot is food safe or not, I haven’t been able to find any posts discussing the bootleg, or even Lavendar Constellation as a whole, but with stuff like this, it’s much better to be safe than sorry.
I am positive my-kawaii—world and Lavender Constellation are not the only people running operations like this on tumblr, I’m sure there are a shit ton more. Most will probably run the same way as my-kawaii—world. Essentially if you go to a page that posts a ton of cute, aesthetic products and they link to the same website for every single thing, it’s probably a drop shipping scam.
I’m not someone who thinks I’m “morally superior” for buying only name brand stuff, hell I own a few bootleg plushies, but items that need to food safe are not something I personally would fuck around with. And even if these bootlegs are food safe, the fact that they are charging over double the price of the original is so ludicrous and inexcusable.
Personally, I recommend blocking the @/my-kawaii—world account. Don’t micromanage people who have already reblogged from them unless they’re a friend, mutual, etc. Basically, don’t harass strangers who happened to reblog the original post or the edited post. Just get the word out there about this account.
Do I think my post will shut down their site and drive them off Tumblr? Probably not. But the more people that know about this specific scam and scams like it, the better.
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foxglovefaun · 6 months
if i could get just one break, that would be so cool and neat and so cash money
shortly after midnight on new years day 2023, i fell down a flight of stairs that (understandably) exacerbated the herniated disc in my spine. after getting home about an hour later, while in the bathroom a large chunk of my bathroom sink fell off the basin and the ceramic sliced me up on the way to the floor
basically ive been waiting for a break ever since then lmao and it is december
i think u can understand that i have been rendered afraid to move lol
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Here is an original story I wrote for class. My first ever original work!
Tags: @lifeofroos @marisolinspades @tigerkay93
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I always felt drawn to the ocean. 
Perhaps it was because I was raised near the shore and used to spend my childhood days playing on the sand.
Every morning I would wake to the cries of seagulls, and every evening I would be lulled by the rolling waves. 
My mother would say that I was baptized by sea water and blessed by Poseidon himself, given how much I loved the sea so much.
I remember playing in the crystal clear waters, feeding the multitudes of colorful fish that swam among the vibrant coral. 
I never went too far or swam too deep, however. My mother, the protective woman that she was, would see the potential danger and sense my curiosity, and she’d snatch me up in her arms and carry me back to shore. She told me never to leave the shallows for dangers lurked beyond the familiar waters.
I had always assumed that she was talking about the usual dangers like riptides or strong currents, dangerous fish and what not.
But it never occurred to me that she was protecting me from something else.
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The ocean always reminded me of her, even before her passing. Every time I looked out my window while drinking my morning tea, I remembered her. If I stared long enough at the beach, I could almost see her, standing there by the water, dressed in her favorite peach hued sundress, her long black hair blowing in the sea breeze. 
If I looked hard enough, I could picture her smile as she stood there, admiring what she loved so much.
There’s no doubt that my love for the sea came from my mother. She taught me everything I knew and made me appreciate what dwelled below the waves. 
I missed my mother, and not many daughters can say that, truthfully. 
Even after three years had passed, the house just didn’t feel the same. It felt cold, empty, devoid of life. 
In an attempt to bring back some semblance of the past, I spent most of the money left to me on aquariums. Every penny went into the finest equipment and supplies I could find. 
No corner of the home was spared.
(Except for the bathroom. Just didn’t feel right to keep lil lives in there.)
I spent my days working, studying, and caring for my new little “family”. 
Fish always made my mother smile, so having them around made me feel extra close to her.
However, nothing really came close to what I felt while walking along the sand, especially under the light of the moon.
The tranquility of it, of the sea at night, it gave my heart peace.
But that peace was short lived. 
That night, that one night, changed everything.
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“Keys? Check. Phone? Check. Wallet? Secured. Sanity? Debatable.” 
It was nine at night and the sun had set a while ago, giving way to a beautiful full moon, the silvery moonbeams streamed in from the open windows behind my fish tanks in the livingroom.
Once I was satisfied that I had everything I needed, I snatched my water bottle from the table that held my keys. But in my haste, I knocked over a ceramic mermaid figurine. It fell to the floor with a *THUD* and a *DINK* as the fragile fins broke off.
“Shit.” I hissed in frustration. With an agitated sigh, I put my water bottle back down, crouched to the floor and picked up the broken mermaid. “Dang it,” I grumbled as I held the finless statue and stood back up.
With no small amount of disappointment, I gave the figurine a once over. 
The figurine had been a “sorry-for-your-loss” type gift from a friend of the family. For a six and a half inch tall statue, the details etched and painted on her were immaculate. She had sculpted long, flowing raven hair. The black ,graceful, locks gave her appearance a certain fluid grace, as if she was below the waves. 
Her posture suggested that she was mid swim, which, being a mermaid, isn’t all that surprising. Added to the hair, and to her seashell bra and tail, were lil diamonds and pearls, giving her an added sparkle.
The figure’s eyes were a stunning sapphire and her pouty lips were a beautiful deep wine red. 
Personally, my favorite detail would have to have been her tail. It mimicked the tail of a betta fish, with it’s fanned out fins and bright colors. The paint used for the tail was a shimmering metallic navy blue paired with a bright fuschia near the tips of the fins.
The fins which were broken in my hands. 
“Dammit, I actually liked you.” I mumbled as the disappointment ebbed. I looked around, thinking of a possible place to store her until I had time to maybe fix her.
That’s when it came to me. Out of the many tanks in my home, one large tank rested on an old table which has drawers. Drawers deep and secure enough to hold a fragile figure.
I quickly headed over towards the living room where the tank was situated. 
In the dark, the bright blue lights of the tank lit up the living room quite well. The sound of the bubbling and water filters filled the area, making it feel very tranquil. 
Behind the tank I was headed towards was a large open window. Outside the window was beautiful scenery, the ocean just a few feet away. In the sky, a large rose-hued moon rested above the darkened waves, reflecting its light off the water’s surface. 
The stars above added to the elegance of the scene, twinkling without a care in the damn universe.
Before I spaced out, I blinked and turned my attention to the tank in front of me. 
Every tank was filled and decorated differently, according to the various ecosystems that belonged below the waves.
The specific tank I was standing in front of was, by far, my favorite of the lot. Of all the fish I had to choose from, I chose a classic little guy. The entire *harem was pricey, but worth every penny. 
The clownfish group was a bright addition to the collection I had accumulated and as I watched them swim about the brightly lit tank, my heart was filled with some small amount of joy.
After a few moments of observing my little pets, I opened one of the drawers, carefully put the statue inside, and closed it just as carefully.
I raised a finger and pointed to the nearest fish. At the sight of my finger, a handful of them swam over eagerly, possibly thinking they were going to get fed. 
I chuckled. “Okay you lot, I need you to guard that little statue with your lives. You got that?”
The little bright orange and white striped fish bobbed up and down happily, trying to get at my finger through the glass no doubt. But I took the gestures as acknowledgment to my instructions, in a joking mindset that is, and turned to leave. 
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“I should’ve brought my other hoodie.” I said as I tugged my sweater tight around my form. It wasn’t inherently freezing, but the chill in the breeze was enough to make me shiver occasionally.
But after walking for a few more minutes, I soon grew more comfortable with the temperature. 
I took a deep breath, just basking in the glow of the moon and stars, feeling the rumble of the waves as they crashed against the shore.
I lost myself to my thoughts, dwelling on whatever crossed my mind. In sync with the rhythm of the waves, memories flooded my consciousness, filling my heart with a twinge of grief once again.
I soon found myself praying for something, anything, to distract myself from remembering.
As I walked in the sand, shoes in my hand, I put my face up to the wind, feeling it play with my hair and caress my face. When I felt the moment was right, I paused. I dropped my shoes in the sand and cast my eyes upon the heavens, taking in the sight of the glimmering stars above.
I can’t recall how much time passed as I stood there, but something settled over everything, casting the night in an eerie stillness. 
Everything seemed to hold its breath, falling silent. Even the waves seemed to hush themselves, leaving me in the eerie darkness.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that was clawing its way up my spine.
That’s when I heard it. 
It was faint at first, but the sharpness of the sound carried on the wind. I froze and swiveled my head back towards the ocean, facing the direction the noise had come from. My line of sight didn’t reach far into the shadows that rested over the waters, so I spotted no explanation for what I heard.
I waited there in the dark, straining my ears to hear the sound more clearly, but it faded after a few moments.
Thinking it was probably noise from the town pier three miles away, I shrugged it off and started making my way back to my house.
But I had only taken a few steps when I heard it again, this time louder and as clear as day. 
The voice, if it was even a voice, made my blood run cold and I could feel my heart pounding in my ears.
It was singing, for lack of a better way to describe it. Whatever it was had this high keening pitch to it, the vocals kept repeating the same whistling note. It sounded more animalistic than human, as if something was mimicking a human voice.
And the singing wasn’t singing, per se. It was…comparable to a hypnotic shrieking, high and piercing.
I fumbled for my phone and turned on the flashlight. I scanned the night blackened waters, slowly starting to freak out. 
“Hello?! Who’s out there?!” I called out, knowing full well there was no one, especially at this time of night.
Off to my left I heard a splash somewhere in the water. I swiveled around and in my terror, I realized that I was up to my thighs in the water. 
“What the-”
I couldn’t remember even getting in the water, let alone registering the coldness of my soaked pants. 
The singing became louder and I covered my ears as it got higher in pitch, dropping my phone in the sea, plunging myself back into the pitch blackness of the night. 
There was another splash, off to my right this time. And then, there in the shadows, alone with no help for miles, I felt something grab my ankle. 
With a shriek of my own, I kicked furiously until whatever had grabbed me let go, and I ran. 
I ran like I had never ran before, kicking up sand as I sprinted for my house, not wanting to stick around any longer.
The whole way, I kept hearing that voice. That shrill, eerie whistling vocal, following me from the water. 
I don’t remember the rest of the night. But I know it wasn’t the last time I would have an encounter with that creature. 
Since the beginnings of civilization, man kind has always told stories of an aquatic being called a Siren. 
For the Greeks, she first appeared as a half bird, half woman type creature. Her kind would sit upon rocky shores or outcroppings and lure in foolish sailors. The hero Odysseus ran into them on his long journey home, and knowing the danger they possessed, he gave his crew instructions that would later save their lives.
But in other civilizations, Sirens are another race of Merfolk, possessing the beauty and charms of a young woman and the tail of a fish. 
Sightings of her kind have been documented in various legends, often choosing different forms of allure. In some tellings, she uses treasure and promises of love to ensnare her prey, other times she uses magic. But in most popular and well known stories, she uses her voice. Her song lures sailors and any foolish mortal to their deaths, calling out to them from the depths of the ocean. 
As various as her techniques and forms are, one thing remains certain: She only sees humanity as prey.
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polish-art-tournament · 5 months
same anon as last time, thank you for your anwers!! 💛 i didnt have the chance to go to barbey, because I've run out of time, but now i wish i had!! but out of arkadia and picasso, i totally get you, arkadia wins hands down. i had mixed feelings about picasso to begin with, so i might be biased, but i think the exhibition was a bit oversold. i did not really vibe with most of the sketches and the ceramics, though i hadn't known he made ceramics at all, so i did learn something there! and the way he approached them was quite interesting. and yeah, the female centaur was fun!
(co do magnesów: tak! były jakieś trzy randomowe i wgl nie związane z wystawami. gdzie się podziała reszta nie wiem, ich brak był bardzo odczuwalny :( )
as for arkadia, i dont remember much about the permament mnw exhibition, but i guess thats an interesting re-contextualization? i liked how they tied post-war, PRL, and more recent art to it. the PRL propaganda posters were fun! and yes, i was pleasantly surprised they included queer art! i wish there had been more!
later i went to sztuka widzenia/the art of seeing: nowosielski et al. (na zamku królewskim) and it was one of the best exhibitions ive seen recently! nowosielski was the focus, but it had a lot more of other artists than him. my only complaint is that i wish the pieces were better described, but imo it was very coherent and flowed really well and i can wholeheartedly recommend it!
halo dzieńdobry jeśli obserwują mnie pracownicy mnw: oddajcie magnesy :(((((
i havent seen the nowosielski one! will have to go at some point, i've heard a lot of good things about it. i have however seen the lviv exhibition at the royal castle, and it's charming but small and very mydło z powidłem, so the overall (intended i guess) vibe you get is "dang, there is so much good art in ukraine, i wish there wasn't a fucking war going on"
(also it has a painting in which the people of kraków are greeting franz josef with bread and salt but the bread looks like a pizza and franz josef's hat looks like a potted fern plant so it's very funny) (and there is a lovely still nature painting with only white vegetables so it looks Strange and Haunting)
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I've recently been playing this game, Palia, and while I do enjoy it for the most part, there are some things I am not a fan of. Now, on PC, this game is still in beta but the game is also available on the Switch eshop and doesn't say it's in beta but I have seen Switch players having the same issues as PC players so it probably is still the PC beta build. Anyway, this isn't my typical review thing as I am still playing the game but this is what I like and don't like so far.
What I like:
Growing and harvesting crops is easy and relaxing.
Fishing is so easy to do (take that Stardew Valley!)
The crafting is really fun and very easy to understand. Sure, at first I had to look at the Palia wiki to see how to make some things, like ceramics and glass bulbs, but finding the required items to make them is pretty easy to do. Plus, there's something satisfying when you can look around your house and be like "I made that" and it's true, I chopped down the tree, turned it into planks and then into that piece of furniture.
The NPCs are all very interesting and unique from each other and I love that and Tish needs to be my Palia waifu...oh wait did I type that???
The graphics are not the best but not the worst but I personally like the more simplistic, kind of cartoony style of them over something that is ultra realistic.
What I Don't Like:
The time it takes to do stuff like turn wood into planks or stone into brick is so long that it hinders on absurd. For example, turning 1 sapwood into 1 sapwood plank takes 1 minute so if I am doing 100 sapwood then that's going to take 100 minutes, or around 1 hour and 40 minutes, if my math is correct. That's just one example and there are so, so many examples of how absurd this is.
The in game chat so damn annoying. There's no regular way to disable the in game chat. Like, in The Elder Scrolls Online, I can just press a corner of the chat window and it goes away until I want to open it again. The most you can do it open the chat window and deselect all the chat severs and then close the chat window. The problem is that if you do all that and then decide to go to a different area or to your housing plot or if you do something to have the game spawn you in a safe area, then suddenly all those chat servers will be automatically reselected and I hate it. Sorry, I don't care what other people are chatting about, I just want to relax and do my thing. I event went into the options and enabled streamer mode with the chat off and even had the chat window just turn on like come on people! Make a better way to just close the dang chat window for those people who don't want to see it.
Finally, the quest design is stupid in my opinion. Yeah, aside from fishing, farming, crafting and all that, there are quests related to the central story of where did all the previous humans go and why are they just suddenly reappearing? What I find stupid about the quest design is that say, I need to go talk to Tish, it'll make Tish with a yellow flag or talking bubble and her location will be on your compass and, of course, your map when you press M and open it. On the other side, if a quest needs you to go to the Temple Of Gales and 10 Silverwing egss...good luck finding those without some sort of guide because it doesn't give you any hint as to where those things are and I personally hate that. I get that some people don't like quests in RGPs/MMORPGs that tell you where to go and what to do every step of the way but not me. Like, I get that they wouldn't tell me exactly where all 10 eggs are but like give me one of those search within this area for this egg and I'd have been happy. Plus, given that this game has pretty much no combat, most of the quests are very puzzle heavy too and it just makes the quests feel really long, drawn out and extremely tedious to me.
But yeah, I am currently kind of torn on this game because I like probably about half of it, the nice and relaxing half of it, and I also don't like half of it and really hope that they work on some of the quest design stuff and especially the annoying nature of the chat window. I'd also say that if you wanna try it, try it on PC if you are able to. It's not bad on Switch but it struggles on Switch, which is where I first tried it but swapped to the PC version.
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Dang it, it’s past 11 (sorry)
This is gonna be a short one because I can’t survive without sleep. (Though maybe I’ll elaborate later, but only if people actually like this. It’s pretty bad.) —————————————
Keith spends his nights staring at the ceiling. Call it childish if you will, but he is absolutely TERRIFIED of the dark.
Even when he ended up in his desert shack after being booted from the Garrison, he suffered through a short trip to the nearest civilization (which was 45 minutes away, mind you) to invest his limited savings in a night light.
Yes, Keith dealt with the humiliation of being that one teenage guy who walks into a random children’s store to buy a night lamp. Oh wait, no, that doesn’t happen because most teenage guys DON’T NEED NIGHT LAMPS. (Don’t worry, Keith. I may not be male, but I still own a night lamp. Mine is a blue ceramic triceratops, and I can’t sleep without it. <3)
But now, he spends his time in the castle that decidedly does not have any night lights in it.
Yes, the walls have that blueish gooey effect, but everything is pitch black at night, because apparently Alteans can only sleep in absolute darkness. According to Allura, some even go as far as to cover their markings so that the glow will not disrupt their sleep.
And you know what? That’s great for them. Absolutely lovely. But you know what isn’t lovely? Not being able to get any damn sleep because Alteans apparently only design castleships according to their own customs. So thank you Coran’s great uncle or whoever he was. Thank you SO much.
Maybe Keith might have to resort to some other way of catching a decent amount of rest.
He did always fall asleep better around other people. But only trustworthy other people. He hadn’t come across someone like that in a while. Though didn’t Lance ask Keith to come sleep over some time?
Lance is pretty trustworthy…
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heylinfanclub · 11 months
I’m gonna paint a ceramic mushroom. Hrmrmrmm. Polls polls polls.
Color Scheme!
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geekeryisafoot · 1 year
There's an ongoing saga at work about tiny ceramic ducks randomly showing up in our offices. I'm talking mass produced ducks in a rainbow of colors the size of your finger nail. They're adorable, they're a pun on our team name, and whoever is hiding them is color coordinating them to our offices (like they put a purple duck next to my ace flag which makes me 😢💜). In the last like 9 months we've gathered little pieces of evidence about where they ducks are coming from and we know it's someone on our team, but we've got no idea who is behind it
One of the coworkers I like the best told me he was convinced it was me behind the ducks and I am fucking delighted that this is apparently the image I've cultivated. I wish I'd been the one to think of something like this but dang maybe I should take this as inspiration to do something else delightful and weird and useless
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