ladykailolu · 6 years
Legend of Zelda theme on a music video but it shows paintings to commemorate the tale of the ndrv3 cast fighting back against all the Guardians controlled by Calamity Junko to seal their place in history among the great heroes of all time.
For example, Kokichi’s portrait would have the Yiga and Sheikah clans symbols all over it as well as him being surrounded by Guardians in a desert like area because that’s where he goes in the story--he crosses the icy Gerudo Highlands with Tenko and Himiko but then splits from them to further explore the Gerudo Wasteland and Desert, infiltrate both Gerudo Town, despite being a voe, and the Yiga clan hideout, fight their leader Kohga, and watch as Kohga leads himself to his own demise lol
Kokichi is crazy enough to survive in the harsh Gerudo Desert
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ladykailolu · 6 years
As a bonding ritual, Kaede frees dragon!Kokichi from an infestation of malice that plagues his whole body with evil. Once freed, she shoots an arrow towards one of Kokichi’s horns and claims a shard of that horn which she then offers up to the Spring of Wisdom to gain a path forward to a shrine. Afterwards, dragon!Kokichi flies away from the icy mountain and returns to his home Satori Mountain to the west. Kokichi is perched much like this beautiful dragon lady:
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ladykailolu · 6 years
Maybe the reason why Kokichi's interested in Himiko is because she saved his life as a kid. Like fighting a intimidating monster. However she did got defeated and almost got killed, until her master saved her. Unfortunately the attack traumatized her so much that she forgot the event. Whjich why she doesn't remember him.
LANAYRU ROAD–EAST GATE: Kokichi had stumbled into the wrong territory. He thought that it’d be pretty funny to sneak up on a patrolling, armed and dangerous Lynel from behind, jump onto its back and race through the mountains as if he was riding a horse. But this Lynel wasn’t having any of it and was in a particular foul mood that day as it was starving and looking for a good meal. Kokichi hid in the bushes near a waterfall as he eyed the Lynel from afar. The black-and-white striped Lynel looked much like a zebra-lion hybrid from this distance and didn’t seem to spot Kokichi…yet. When it turned its back to patrol the road leading to Lanayru Promenade nested in the middle of a flooded valley, Kokichi knew his chance had come. He crept forward from the bushes, careful to not make even the slightest sound as the Lynel’s hearing was far superior to a human’s. His heart was racing; the Lynel was simply HUGE! It was easily three maybe even four times the size of Kokichi when standing tall, and its body showed massive defined muscles that Kokichi was sure a single back kick could knock his head clean off. Beads of sweat moistened his brow as he got closer and the Lynel looked even bigger. This was the perfect thrill, the most fun life-and-death game he’s played since, but a part of him–a very small part–questioned why he would even throw himself into danger like this. He quickly suppressed the nagging part of his brain that insisted on retreating while he still could and spare his own life because the thrill of the game had completely taken over. He was maybe four feet away from the Lynel at its back. Miraculously, it hadn’t even noticed Kokichi’s approach which emboldened the boy. Foolishly, he prided himself on his quick feet and claimed that he could outrun even a Lynel! And, boy, he was determined to prove that when he has his fun and runs away from the raging beast. Granted…he’s never actually seen a raging Lynel before…
As the Lynel had its back turned, its bloody red eyes scanning the area in front, Kokichi crept up, now within a foot of the beast’s hind legs, and seized his chance! “Alley-oop!” Deftly, he jumped as high as he could, swung his arms out to grip the beast’s hindquarters for support, successfully cleared the tail in one fluid hop, and landed squarely on the beast’s back! Immediately, the Lynel lurched and bucked, roaring feverishly and flailing about to shake the pestering flee off of its mighty and powerful body, but Kokichi wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He quickly grabbed two fist-fulls of the Lynel’s mane and clung onto those hairs for dear life as the ride quickly became much rougher than he had previously expected. The Lynel jerked him violently back and forth, his neck whipping this way and that at alarming speeds that he felt dizzy and nauseated in just the first few seconds; his fingers hurt from his desperate grip, and his face nearly smacked against the Lynel’s back a few times when he flew forward! Needless to say, he soon regretted his decision of horseplay with this particular Lynel.
It wasn’t long when Kokichi lost most of his strength in his young and frail arms, and he was forcefully ejected from his seat and thrown quite a few yards back, landing harshly and squarely on his back in the grassy and slightly frosty dirt. The Lynel snarled and galloped forward for a few paces, eventually gliding around and drawing its savage Lynel crusher. Its bloodthirsty red eyes locked onto Kokichi, razor-sharp fangs bared clearly and lusting to taste the boy’s young and tender flesh. Arm muscles bulging, it galloped at full speed toward the slightly trembling boy, the crusher poised above its head and ready to pulverize its target. Luckily, Kokichi had enough sense to take advantage of the sudden adrenaline rush that washed over him and swiftly rolled out of the way and dodged a very fatal blow that smashed a small crater into the dirt where he once laid upon. Unfortunately, the force of the blow alone on the surrounding area was enough to catch Kokichi and knocked him away another few yards where he tumbled into the dirty, muddy banks of a small pond. He was in trouble for certain and needed to prove to himself that he really could outrun a Lynel. As the Lynel galloped away, steered into a turn and charged at Kokichi once more, the boy made a blitz to the nearest road, keeping one eye on the Lynel as he ran away and suppressing the urge to cry. Already, his arms and legs ached with muscle strain, and he was fairly certain that he had twisted one of his ankles when he tumbled into the dirt. As the Lynel closed in and nearly smashed his head into minced meat, Kokichi came face-to-face with the one fact he tried to avoid with lies: this Lynel was going to kill him right there, right then. Still, he kept running through the bushes and followed a trail that lead between steep cliffs. There was no way he was climbing out of this one, especially as the skies overhead started to darken grey, swollen with rain.
Nearby traveling in their direction was a young apprentice mage. She was the same age as Kokichi and youthful in appearance, although she tended to drag her sluggish feet when walking. She was quite sleepy at the time too, eyes drooping and head nodding a few times before she finally perked herself up at the sight and smell of rain approaching. She looked up to the sky, sighing at the rain clouds quickly forming and hurried off on the path to find those herbs her master had sent her to fetch. She wasn’t too far from the clearing just before Lanaryu Mountain at the Eastern Road. Her master had warned her to take special care of avoiding the monstrous creature he called a “Lynel” that patrols that territory. The herbs he needed were quite a ways away from the Lyenl’s territory, so he had deemed it safe and appropriate for a young mage to take on the task. Himiko remembered her master’s past lectures of Lynels during her studies of fantastical creatures. She recalled that he explained they were “terrible, powerful, and frightening examples of evil at work. They are vicious, predatory and ultra aggressive. To face one, you had better be well-prepared.” Alas, she doesn’t remember their weaknesses or strengths because she had dozed off during that part. She trekked on, clearly feeling some splashes of water drip on her face and hands as the rain was approaching ever closer. She also heard a noise that sounded much like thunder. Was there a storm coming too? The thunderstorms in the area were always very violent and dangerous as lighting strikes the ground often and sparks wildfires. She had better show a little bit of hustle to get those herbs and return then she’ll have a nice nap later on. When she walks a bit further on the road, it sounds less like thunder and more like…roaring? Was a wild beast nearby? She had a few tomes on her person, but she wasn’t sure if her master would approve of hunting when she should be foraging. And hunting sounds like it would be so much work, so she tried to ignore it and move on. But it couldn’t be ignored. …Especially when Kokichi made a mad dash from the bushes and tackled right into her!
By now, the heavens had opened and rain drenched the sharp precipices and dampened the ground. He had knocked into her with such force that it swept her off of her feet and right onto her backpack! Ouch! She would be feeling that for a few days afterward…Kokichi was heaving by now. Time and time again, he narrowly cheated death by dodging the Lynel’s massive steel crusher, fat fireballs, and feverish charges to collide with a random girl! His legs stung and ached so vigorously that he found it hard to regain his strength to stand, let alone run away. This might very well be the end for him. Himiko was dazed at first; she was clearly not expecting to be ambushed, but when she saw the fear and exhaustion on Kokichi’s face, she was more awake and alert than ever that day. The kids shuddered when they heard a mighty roar shatter the air around them. Desperate for life, Kokichi tried to crawl across Himiko’s lap, not quite ready to give up the escape for life, as Himiko frantically searched through her bag for a tome. When she found a fire tome and started the incantation, the Lynel was nearly upon them, charging with its teeth agape and claws ready to rip them to shreds. Himiko casted a fair-sized fireball that struck the Lynel directly in the face, stunning it momentarily and buying the kids a few more seconds to cling to life. As Kokichi was exhausted from escaping earlier, he could barely run at half his normal speed, prompting Himiko to grab one of his arms and tug on him to run faster. The Lynel lurched again, charging at them head-on. Himiko launched another fireball that stunned the Lynel in its tracks, but it was right upon them, and instead of flinching, it raised its forelegs, attempting to stomp the two humans to death. The strong and tough hooves knocked Himiko’s tome out of her hands as if it was swatting a fly; Himiko quickly flinched, expecting the worst when she saw one of the legs swinging closely and ready to smack into her head. Instead, Kokichi swiftly shoved her away out of the way and braced himself for impact by raising his arms in a defensive position. The Lynel’s legs slammed into Kokichi’s raised arm, easily knocking it out of alignment and sending the boy kneeling on the wet earth, doubled over in pain and clutching his arm. It wasn’t responding and stubbornly remained limp–he knew it was broken, perhaps even shattered, but he refused to shout in pain to give the foul beast the pleasure. Instead, he furiously cried his pain, his anger, his shame, and his despair into his tears as he remained hunched over, bracing himself for the final blow.
Himiko tried to drag him away in some futile effort to escape the Lynel’s clutches, but they both knew it was too late. The monster was fully upon them; they could smell the atrocious odor of its breath that choked their lungs, stung their eyes, and nearly induced their gagging reflexes. Quickly, Himiko threw herself over Kokichi’s body and prayed to whatever god was left for their safe passage into the afterlife as she knew death was calling for them. A few seconds passed, however, and they were still alive. Still…alive? Himiko cautiously removed herself from Kokichi and looked up–the Lynel froze to that exact spot, its arms open and ready to crush them altogether into pancakes. Indeed, it stood as still as a statue and covered with a faint glowing red light. “Himiko,” She recognized that voice, “Haven’t I told you that fire tomes are virtually useless during a heavy rain storm?” She turned and saw–her master! He was wielding his usual staff which glowed in that same soft red color as the Lynel as he peered down towards her and the boy. “M-master? I-I…was so scared.” “Indeed, you were.” He cast a dismissive look upon her, as if scolding her for making a rookie mistake, before raising and tapping his staff to the ground. The glowing Lynel shrunk into a small glowing red ball of light before completely vanishing in a few flashes, back to its territory. “If you weren’t sleeping in class, you would have also known that Lynels are extremely resistance to the elements. Now, let’s get you home.” “But the herbs…! And…!” She looked toward Kokichi who was still huddled in the dirt. His wound must be killing him–she can still remember seeing him raise his arm to that Lynel in her place…and how the Lynel nearly tore right through it. He was breathing heavily, and she could hear some faint sobs from his direction. So…he was crying, after all. As her master reclaimed her backpack and cleaned up the books and other items that had spilled when she was hit, she felt heavy pressure upon her head before she blacked out entirely.
When she awoke, she was laying on an infirmary bed, safe within the village she called home. She had a few bandages on her head covering a bloody wound she had received when she fell backwards and hit her head on some small yet sharp rocks. She couldn’t remember what had happened other than she was on her way to the Lanayru Eastern Gate and suddenly blacked out. It happened to be raining at that time so maybe she slipped and hit her head on a rock? Who knows? Certainly not her as the more she thinks about the time before and after that incident, the more her head aches and tortures her until she refused to think about it at all. During her sleep, her master had thought it was best to extract that traumatic experience from her mind lest the fear of seeing that Lynel serve as a mental block for developing her magical talent. He was worried about her physical and mental well-being, after all, which had prompted him to pursue her once he felt the overwhelming presence of a Lynel nearby. As for the boy…he had vanished as mysteriously as he came. He had looked so dreadful and pitifully helpless after the Lynel was sent away. With a dislocated arm and shattered bones, there was no way he could survive in the wild by his lonesome. Therefore, Himiko’s master had invited the boy into the village at least until he recovers completely. Kokichi had agreed, but he must have slipped off somewhere when Himiko’s master turned his back. Kids these days…
In truth, Kokichi had quietly slipped away when the man had turned his back and faced the road to the village. The boy had refused help because he had trouble trusting others who weren’t his brother or the organization he leads. Those were the only people he could trust. The only…ones…With the last of his strength before he passed out, he had reached the current secret spot of DICE where his subordinates, along with his younger brother, had immediately rushed out to receive him. At some point between collapsing and hitting the dirt, Kokichi must have passed out as he doesn’t remember entering their base. They did all they can to help Kokichi recover, making him comfortable, telling jokes, sharing some soft and light pranks and whatnot–whatever that could lighten the mood. The process of restoring Kokichi‘s arm to it’s natural state was certainly not easy nor painless, but he still endured it, and after a while with the help of some healing magic, his arm was completely healed and as good as new! Still, he couldn’t forget the sight of that cute mage girl that he had protected during that scary skirmish. He would make a promise to himself to someday meet her again. Now what was her name…? Hime? Hikari…? Hi..Hi..
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ladykailolu · 6 years
Upon leaving the Shrine of Resurrection, the V3 kids are kinda confused on where to go next. They hear Makoto’s distant voice beckoning them to visit the place marked on their Monoslates, but many of them prefer to travel and see the whole of the Great Plateau.
Miu and Kiibo seem to hover around the decayed Guardians littered in front of the Temple of Time. Kiibo feels a little weirded out as these Guardians were killer robots possessed by Calamity Junko’s great despair to murder thousands of humans. As Kiibo is a robot himself, he refuses to believe he’s anything like those Guardians, even if the others jeer at him for their shared status as robots. Miu especially likes these robots as they’re units from a highly advanced civilization and she wants to capitlize on it and make these robots her own with her new inventions. ...But that’s a long way off.
Kaito can’t seem to stay still for more than a minute, much like Rantaro. He certainly doesn’t like doing anything that voice tells him to do, so instead he wanders around the Great Plateau, sticking to the edges to find someway down because screw what that voice says. Alas, it’s hopeless to get down safely, so he ends up giving up. And of course, when he discovers Ryoma, Angie, Tenko, Shuichi, and Himiko hiding behind a large boulder near a wooden cabin as they observe a powerful Lynel patrolling in the distance, Kaito’s blood starts to boil and he marches off, despite the other’s warning, and stares down the Lynel. For a few moments, it seems like they’re just staring at each other, waiting for the other to back down, but when Kaito draws his sword for a fight, the Lynel roars and readies his weapon to slam to the ground. The others are helpless in watching Kaito fight off the Lynel and narrowly dodge attacks that would have left him a red smear in the ground. It gets close--so, so very close as Kaito finds himself running out of energy fast, struggling to dodge each one of the vicious monster’s attacks. In a huff, Maki appears from behind the cowarding group, clearly annoyed that now she has to step in to save that idiot’s life clearly because he was needed alive for whatever they were supposed to do now that they were awake. So she sprints off towards Kaito and deals the Lynel such a swift yet lethal blow that it stuns it for several moments, allowing just enough time for Maki and Kaito to escape and run away with the others until they were out of the Lynel’s sight. ...They still had to dodge the numerous bomb arrows the Lynel shot at them though.
Korekiyo is fascinated with the ruins left behind by the Guardians and prefers to linger around them for hours, marveling over the artifacts and artworks left behind and only imagining how people lived and thought a century ago. Rantaro also sticks with him and ponders about it for a bit before suddenly vanishing to go explore other ruins. What catches their eyes are the dormant shrines lying in wait for something to occur. No matter what they tried, the doors of the shrine would not open, so they eventually grew disappointed and dissatisfied and left for a new area.
Kaede tries to keep the group together, saying that it’s important for them to survive together and to take care of each other, but no one really listens, preferring to march to their own drums and explore as much as they can to find the answers at their own paces. Still, Kaede does her best to keep watch over them and eventually rounds all of them up to visit the place Makoto had guided them to earlier. From there, they all keep a general watch over each other but prefer to go in their own directions.
Gonta and Shuichi spend some time looking for resources and avoiding enemy bokoblins when they stumble upon them. Sometimes, it’s inevitable, so Gonta vows to protect Shuichi from these monsters, including even picking Shuichi up and carrying him on his shoulders as Gonta runs away from the danger (as he naturally ran faster than Shuichi anyway). Shuichi appreciates the offer and support, but reasons that it’s unnecessary upon visualizing seeing the world from a fleeing Gonta’s back. It’s a little excessive and...kinda embarrassing to be honest.
With the resources Gonta and Shuichi gather, Kirumi makes wonderful meals and studies cooking better to make more satisfying meals that offer a wide variety of effects, including increasing toughness, attack power, speed, and stealth. Tsumugi does a very similar thing but instead focuses on improving the defense and abilities of their clothing by enhancing them with certain resources and monster parts. She also likes dyeing clothes a certain color with these resources.
And of course Kokichi would find a Monokuma mask and wear it just to confuse the monsters and make them think Kokichi is one of their own. Then when they’re not suspecting, he’ll shock them with an electrical elemental weapon to cause them to drop their own weapons just so he can steal them and run away as fast as he can. It proves to be a very effective strategy for making sure he has an adequate supply of weapons.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
The “Life in Ruins” track would be an excellent opening theme to the sleeping beauty!AU or even the NDRV3xBreath of the Wild crossover AU. It has a nice piano theme that sounds like Kaede is performing it yet contains so much melancholy and peacefulness that it kinda fits the despair, emptiness, and loneliness the kids may feel as they are forced to wander the wilderness alone, walking upon the ground of a ruined kingdom and wondering what their lives would have been had the Ultimate Calamity had not happened. Alas, their lives were completely reforged and their past memories were wiped clean. This was probably for the best.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
Damn, Shuichi sure is tougher than he looks! He had to swim upriver and climb mountains just to find a pet freaking ALLIGATOR
I'd bet he sneak and climb right into Hyrule Castle just to find the three pieces of the Royal Guard outfit despite the overwhelming danger simply if someone asked him to
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ladykailolu · 6 years
Even Kokichi, with all his grandiose lies, cannot hide from the Eyes of Arceus.
The King of Hyrule, Before the Ultimate Calamity
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ladykailolu · 6 years
After listening to DR3 Despair Arc’s Opening theme over and over and over again, I can’t help but get a mad itch to design an anime opening with that very song for the NDRV3xLegend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild crossover I keep talking about. However, I’d have to give some backstory into one of the Dangan OC’s who’s the 17th student of the ndrv3 class and how she was pivitol in how the world was destroyed, the older ultimates (DR1, SDR2, DR3, and so on) deaths, and the near deaths of the ndrv3 cast. Basically, she’s the Ultimate Hunter and wears a skull of a ram on her head. The skull is seemingly possessed by something, and it’s Junko’s direct influence that brainwashes the Ultimate Hunter to cause the Ultimate Calamity and thus, the end of the civilized world.
The NDRV3 Ultimates were the last to fall during the calamity. Villages were burned; many lives were lost, and the Ultimate Hope was devoured by the essence of the calamity. The Ultimate Hunter, herself, was swallowed by despair and became morphed into a horrible monster enraged and feeding on malice, hatred and despair alone. The NDRV3 Ultimates tried their very best to stand together and fight off the monsters the calamity spawned and the many powerful Guardians and Divine Beasts Junko’s despair possessed and controlled. Alas, one by one, they fell to the brink of death with the last to fall being Rantaro at the gates of Fort Hateno on the desperate rush back to the Great Plateau and the Shrine of Resurrection to save the lives of his 15 fallen classmates. Once the last Ultimate was defeated, the Sheikah clan, who was  tasked to protect the Ultimates, redoubled their efforts and delivered all 16 bodies to the Shrine of Resurrection, each enshrined in their separate rooms, and sealed the entrance for the day they would walk on the earth once more.
The story of these fallen Ultimates begins 100 years later when each of them hears a voice calling out to them in the darkness. They wake up with complete amnesia, alone in their respective rooms and receive both their Shiekah Slate that has their name on the screen and a treasure chest. Each treasure chest has a screen with their name also lit up across it and their clothes within. Once they dress themselves, they enter the main lobby where the others have gathered before making their way outside to the world that has not seen them for a century.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
A few facts about dragon!Kokichi Oma:
--He’s a serpentine dragon!
--That means he has a long snakey body, six skinny chicken legs, no wings, flies on magic alone
--A very vocal and chatty dragon with a vast variety of calls
--Loves to claim that he’s eaten a multitude of lost humans before in many ways
--He hasn’t. Ever.
--He prefers to snack on a variety of fruits, the occasional small animal (squirrel, bird, etc), and the local vegetation.
--Grapes and cane sugar are his favorites!
--Will also claim that he single-handed usurped a powerful king, ate him then rested on his pile of treasure and is now worshiped by his followers.
--This is also false.
--Spends his days flying about the mountain, looking kind of bored and always willing to pull *mostly harmless* pranks on unsuspecting travelers
--Since he eats a lot of herbs that produce elemental-resisting properties when cooked, he’s naturally resistant to the cold on the mountaintops.
--Speaking of mountains, he lives primarily on the peak of Satori Mountain but will travel to the Dueling Peaks or even across the Gerudo Highlands.
--Whenever he flies, it looks like he’s cloaked in an ominous purple light. Kakariko villages call these sightings of him a “bad omen”
--He’s not an *evil* dragon (although he suuuuuuuure loves to claim to be)
--Absolutely hates the smell of burning Hyrule Herbs and Blue Nightshade dipped in Monster Extract
--It’s like, so gross and uncalled for
--Yet, the Kakariko Villagers burn this to ward off both him and his brother if they travel too close to the village
--Once, he chomped on and swallowed a pesky Black Bokoblin whole and got a nasty stomachache that lasted for a good week lol 
--Will not hesitate to curse whoever brings harm to his younger brother
--Nevertheless, loves to tease his brother and other dragons (*cough*Kaito*cough*) by stealthily nipping on their tails and blaming it on something else
--This is the #1 cause of fights with Kaito
--Can be settled (and dare I say tamed??) with a thrilling psychological battle of wits
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ladykailolu · 6 years
Regions of the living dragons:
Shuichi Saihara--he roams and nests in the highlands, badlands, and mountain ranges of northern central/slight eastern northern central Hyrule just northwest of the Death Caldera of Death Mountain, directly west of the dark Typhlo Ruins and northeast of the Great Hyrule Forest. The temperatures in his habitat fluctuate greatly--from mild 50s to scorching hot temperatures near magma that’ll set any human ablaze. But he’s naturally fire-resistant as a fire dragon so it’s really not an issue. As he lives in the rather hostile mountains, he doesn’t see humans very much, but he sure does see monsters! Bokoblins and Chuchus have a nasty habit of trying to nest near his home so he has to shoo them away with his flames. He’s careful to avoid getting the attention of the Lynels patrolling the badlands just to the west of his home.
Rantaro Amami--he likes to swim throughout the southeastern Necluda Sea, occasionally crawling into Lake Floria from the Faron Sea at the southernmost tip of the Faron region. His nest is in a hidden alcove within Eventide Island where his sisters mostly stay, but a few of them venture out with him as he swims the water ways. Occasionally, he’ll visit the swampy lands of East Necluda and swim through the rivers in the thickest part of Faron Jungle. He doesn’t stay too long in these areas as he loves and longs for the sea. The villagers of Lurelin who rely on the sea for their livelihood and even the people of Hateno village know to be wary of Rantaro sightings when their working on the sea.
Kaito Momota--he lives within the blinding blizzards of the snowy pierced peaks of the northwest Hebra mountains. The blizzards and cold don’t bother him a bit, so he’ll gladly climb the mountains of his home, exploring every inch of it and race across the Tabantha Tundra. He also loves relaxing at the secret hot springs while gazing in wonder at the aurora lights. The local people even call him the god of the mountain and warn others to stay a good distance from him if they see him. He doesn’t eat them or anything, but he can be quite destructive while climbing. He seems to be rather friendly-competitive with the proud Rito warriors that sometimes fly over the mountain to meet him.
Kokichi Oma--he can appear in quite a number of places! Usually, these places are ancient ruins or have some unearthly supernatural quality about them. He really loves chilling out on the beautiful peak of Satori Mountain in central west Hyrule at night, but it’s dangerous for humans to visit as skull creatures like to inhabitat that area at the same time. He may travel to the Hyrule Ridge and Gerudo Highlands, but if not, he usually likes to fly around West Necluda, between the dueling peaks of central east Hyrule and through the Pillars of Levia near Kakariko Village. The villagers of Kakariko often claim that the image of dragon!Kokichi flying overhead is a bad omen.
K1-B0--he lives with professor Robbie and Idabashi in the northeastern most reaches of the Akala Highlands. He really loves the Akala region as a whole since because he can feel such an intense energy brimming in every leaf and every blade of grass in the region--it’s the same energy that gives him life as a robotic dragon! Or so he likes to think. He usually doesn’t travel too far from the Ancient Akala Tech Lab, but he has ventured as far south as Tarrey Town and the Akala parade route! My, it sure was a shock to the residents of Tarrey Town to see a literal mechanical dragon snooping around the colorful woods just across the lake, haha.
Kaede Akamatsu--she is a human girl who lives in Hateno Village. She’s heard of the Great Calamity occuring 100 years ago and of the soldiers from Hateno who died during that great war, but overall, she doesn’t feel that innate fear and struggle the aftermath of the calamity brought as Hateno has suffered relatively minor damage since then. Life in Hateno Village occurs slowly and peacefully with the villagers going on their way to do their business and increase prosperity of the village in the hopes that Hyrule Castle would be revived once more. Occasionally, Kaede sneaks out of the village at dusk to walk the beaches hugging the Necluda Sea. She knows that monsters are about in the world, so she carries a few concealed weapons with her such as knives and even a pitchfork she “borrowed” from a neighbor farmer. She doesn’t really know how to fight but...it can’t be too much different than harvesting crops??? Honestly, she just keeps a vigilant eye and backs off and hides until she can safely return to the village whenever she spots monsters nearby. On horseback, she’s traveled as far west as Fort Hateno, but she’s too skiddish to venture anywhere past that when she sees the dilapidated Guardians eerily watchful just beyond the fort’s wall. Just once when she was staying at Fort Hateno in a nearby cabin, she saw the skies grow eerily pitch black at night, around midnight, with an ominous soft purple glow in the sky that seemed to originate from the Dueling Peaks just west of her current position. She stayed inside the cabin once she saw that sky as she feared another monster was nearby when in reality...it was just dragon!Kokichi flying about at night and investigating the Dueling Peaks for a little bit lol. The next morning, she was chomping at the bit to return home as soon as she could. She makes the promise to herself that one day she would leave the village for good, explore the world, and only return to her home when she climbed to the very peak of Mt. Lanayru. Fortunately, she would get her chance once she meets these dragon boys, join them in various adventures and fall in love with them.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
So...I was thinking of the NDRV3xBreath of the Wild crossover and here’s a few things to think about:
After leaving the Great Plateau, Shuichi kinda pals around with Kaede since he’s too timid to travel somewhere off by himself. Besides, he can help keep her safe as they travel eastward towards the Dueling Peaks and Kakariko Village. The other students scattered in all directions--each choosing where they go mainly by their own preferences. For example, Korekiyo is much interested in exploring the ruins left behind by the Great Calamity, so he too ventures east towards Kakariko Village and Hateno Village, but he doesn’t intend on staying long in these areas. Others like Kokichi, Tenko, and Himiko wander westward towards the Great Cliffs of the Gerudo Region. Eventually, they split apart, Himiko storming off towards the Gerudo Highlands with Tenko following her (over giving Kokichi his just desserts), and Kokichi eventually seeps into the Gerudo Desert but not without a little struggle to learn how to adapt to the ever-changing harsh temperatures that have killed countless humans and other creatures alike. Of course, it all became a very fun game to him once he snuck up and captured his first sand seal and used it to shield surf aaaaaaalllll across the desert sands. Filled with curiosity and mischievousness, he came to a stop in a valley filled with weird and even eerie statues of frogs painted with the eye of the Yiga clan.
Other students, like Gonta and Angie, feel a calling to the southern most border of the Faron Region! Here, the tropical weather births vicious and violent thunderstorms which spark fires that recycle old wood into food for the grass and creatures. Gonta feels most at home here and explores to find his bug friends, while Angie meanders a little eastward and arrives at Lurelin Village. She felt that she was destined to stay there as it reminded her of her home island.
And others are...a little hard to predict. Ryoma becomes a nomad--wandering here and there with no real purpose or aspirations. He just waits for the day that a Guardian or other creature takes him out of this world. Similarly, Rantaro quickly vanished from the group before the others even stepped down from the Great Plateau! He spends his days traveling every reach of Hyrule, exploring every nook and cranny he can find, and generally wandering around on his own whims. ...That’s not to say he isn’t investigating, however. Although he doesn’t show it, he’s very anxious about the forgotten past he and his classmates have been cured from. He sees reminders of it everywhere--the decayed guardians, the broken and splintered frames of wood where houses and carriages once stood, the shattered stones of castle monuments and buildings spilled out over the grass. He just can’t seem to sit still when he sees them which leads him directly to the belly of the beast--Hyrule Castle.
Getting back to Shuichi and Kaede, as they travel through the Dueling Peaks, Shuichi is the first to spot something swimming in the waters. Thinking that it was just a strange fish and against his better judgement, he allows himself and Kaede to walk further on the path and get closer. Just when he gets close enough to see a clear image of what’s beneath the surface of the water, two Lizalfoes splash from the river and attack them! Shuichi was caught offguard and rightly clammed up, but Kaede’ reflex was to use her shield and protect both herself and Shuichi. The Lizalfoes were quick to attack and overwhelmed both of them with it’s zig-zag approach coupled with acid spits and tail whaps. Just when Shuichi and Kaede thought they had met their end against these lizard beasts, an explosion or two slammed into the monsters and knocked them back into the water, killing them. The two looked up to see Kaito Momota using his paraglider to glide down one of the cliff edges of the Dueling Peaks just in time to fire a few bomb arrows at the Lizalfoes. It turns out, Kaito was just on his descent after climbing to the very top of the Dueling Peaks when he heard the Lizalfoes snarl and Shuichi’s and Kaede’s screams for help. So he quite literally swooped in and bam! Sometimes when he’s flying through the air, when he focuses, time slows down and makes it easier for him to aim his arrows. After that encounter, Kaito sticks around Kaede and Shuichi for a bit until they get closer to Kakariko Village. However, adventure soon calls for Kaito once more and leads him away from the Pillars of Levia towards a new quest. Kaede doesn’t see Kaito again until she traverses the bone-chilling Hebra Mountains beyond the Tabantha Frontier to the far northwest. There, too, he aspires to climb to the very top of the mountain, searching for shrines to get stronger. When he does make it to the top, he sees a falling light from the sky followed by a prompt crash to the ground. When he investigates it, he’s very thrilled to find that a star fragment had fallen to the Earth.
Eventually, Kaede and Shuichi become separated and are forced to pursue their own paths. Kaede travels northward from the eastern Great Lanayru Springs towards the Woodland Region on a rumor that there was some fantastic treasure hidden in the Great Hyrule Forest. Coincidentally, that’s where Shuichi is! maybe he’s the fantastic treasure oops “Oh yeah, he was a quiet, timid thing. That boy.” Workers at the Woodland Stable would often comment that a young man fitting Shuichi’s description had visited a few days before on his way towards the woodlands to the west of Death Mountain. Despite the warnings of danger, he was insistent on exploring the Great Hyrule Forest in the hopes of finding and using this great treasure to undo the Calamity. Fearing for his safety, Kaede pursues the same path that he had traveled and comes face-to-face with the strange wall of mist that invades the Great Hyrule Forest...
Some of the students catch a few rumors that Rantaro has been spotted in a few locations. Folks at the Riverside Stable to the southeast of Hyrule Field have commented that a strange, friendly, and calm young man passed by sometime before, mentioning something about Guardians and about Hyrule Castle. He seemed insistent on getting more information about it, and the way he looked at it biding its time in the distance was quite unsettling. They couldn’t bring themselves to believe that this young man had wanted to travel there! But lo, he did. He ran across the vast plains of Hyrule Field, dodging the Guardian Stalkers by using the nearby trees as cover then dashing through ruins and eventually getting closer and closer. Whether or not he made it out alive was unknown to the students, just like his motive for attempting the journey there in the first place. Later, Kaede and Shuichi learn that Rantaro may have been seen traveling towards the Tabantha Frontier by approaching the Elma Knolls, Mount Drena, and the Rowan Plain. Shuichi runs ahead, desperate to get answers and witnesses firsthand Rantaro stealing weapons and other items from a black Hinox! It was a thrilling and chilling sight to see. Rantaro had waited patiently and anxious as Shuichi could tell behind a mixture of trees and ruined walls for several moments as he analyzed his surroundings and formulated a plan. Of course, Shuichi was just thrilled to finally confirm that his MIA classmate was alive! Rantaro dashed toward the Hinox, leapt up its side, climbed it’s great belly, and scored a Royal Halberd, Royal Claymore, and Royal Bow before jumping to the ground and bolting off westward just as the Hinox made it’s way to its feet and gave chase. Shuichi ducked behind some brush too and kept careful watch of the direction Rantaro was heading before pursuing from a safe distance. In the Rowan Plain, Shuichi comes across a ruined wooden building and some slightly charcoaled firewood that must have been used as a campfire recently. Furthermore, he discovers a journal that was left behind by Rantaro and keeps all of his notes and musings about his journey thus far. He must have forgotten to take it with him...Nevertheless, Shuichi reads every word on every page to learn all he can about the post-Calamity World. It’s there where he finds a few of the secrets behind Hyrule Castle--how the five great pillars that now surround the castle have once been buried deep beneath the earth and housed the Guardians.
Hmm, as I think of this more, I’ll have more to tell.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
The Sheikah Slate is perfect for Shuichi, the Ultimate Detective, to use! For one, he can use the camera function to record images of the monsters, resources and equipment he finds in the overworld and the Sheikah Sensor can detect nearby targets if he needs to find anything fast. Additionally, he can use the Stasis function to clearly see where enemies are so he can either run away or use stealth to attack strategically.
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ladykailolu · 7 years
NDRV3xMajora’s Mask crossover AU where Kokichi is still his pranking, lying self. His pranks knock out the Happy Mask Salesman (Korekiyo), and when he goes through Kiyo’s stuff, he finds the evil Majora’s Mask and takes it for himself, wearing it about because it looks cool! Oh, but then his pranks start escalating from relatively harmless to hurtful, dangerous, and even outright bloodthirsty evil. His DICE followers increasingly grow worried about him as his pranks get a little out of hand and out of character, but they follow along anyway. Eventually, their pranks reach Shuichi, who was just strolling in the woods, and they daze him briefly, steal his hat and a really special item given to him by Kaede (of his world) and then they take off! Shuichi wakes up in time to see where they ran, so he chases after them, but he falls down a rabbit hole in the middle of a tree and enters a parallel dimension! In this world filled with people so familiar but so different, Kokichi’s pranks and outright evil has spelled its doom. Kokichi has:
A) Turned a drunk Rantaro, who was going home by himself after his bachelor party, back into a child. This left him vulnerable to an attack by a thief who stole the Sun Mask he made for his wedding with Kaede. This also forced him to go into reclusion until he got his mask back which sparked fear at his sudden disappearance by Kaede who is near hopeless and from Rantaro’s father who is the mayor of the town and dealing with issues of the world ending and the postponing of the Carnival of Time.
B) Tricked the Warriors of Hope into letting him into their squad “to do good” but then he was kicked out for his evil motives.
C) Influenced Odolwa, the god of the southern swamp, to become enraged and take the local princess as hostage and blame the whole thing on K1-B0. K1-B0 is then captured by the royal guards and set to be executed for a crime he didn’t commit.
D) Summoned a blizzard so powerful that it froze the mechanical monster Goht and threatens the lives of the northern mountain folk. Kaito, who’s regarded as the local hero of the mountains, sets off to find the mechanical monster and defeat it to end the horrible winter, but a sudden avalanche pushes him off of a steep mountainside and kills him.
E) Increased the temperature of the western ocean to summon horrible storms and threaten to eradicate the ocean life. This also prompted local pirates to fight and kill off Maki who was attempting to steal back the eggs of magical fish who could lead her to the Great Bay Temple and restore the ocean to its healthy natural temperature.
F) Turned Kirumi’s son into a twisted tangled tree that eerily resembles a human screaming in agony. It looks so sad, and she’s kept in the dark about his fate until the very end of the story.
G) and possibly worst of all--summons the moon to crash into the Earth after 72-hours of Shuichi’s arrival which also prompts its own problems--namely Ryouma regrets that he can’t see the chicks he hatched and took care of grow into healthy and strong chickens, the Carnival of Time--which is the height of the year and the pinnacle of the season of hope--is canceled entirely, people are evacuating Clock Town which is positioned squarely underneath the moon, the postman Kiyotaka has to make the painful decision to go against the rules he devoted himself to and flee or to die serving as a postman, Kaede also has to make the choice of fleeing the town with her family or to stay behind and hope until the very last second that she can see Rantaro again, and much more.
Shuichi, a young detective, has all the time in the world and none at all to restore peace and hope to this doomed world.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
Not so fun fact: dragon!Shuichi hatched quite unexpectantly for his parents in a shallow cave bored into a rocky cliffside somewhere in the dry and hot mountain ridge of central northeast Hyrule, just on the border of the Eldin region. As a young hatchling not quite strong enough to fly, he was rejected by his parents and sent crawling to his uncle who promptly took him in and raised him. In return, when Shuichi grows bigger and stronger as a proper dragon, he is tasked with aiding his uncle in keeping the bokoblins, moblins, and lizalfoes away from the human monastery his uncle guards as a patron deity. Through this task, Shuichi practiced, under his uncle's guidance, how to control his fiery breath, fly through the hot and dry smoky air, and climb the sharp and steep mountain cliffs and hardened lava flows to better scare off pesky monsters. Shuichi is forever grateful to his uncle for taking him in and giving him a home and tries not to be a burden. He's a little shaky at first when he fights a bokoblin, but his uncle's reassuring watch from afar helps him to gather the courage to spit a few flames at the intruder. Eventually, he gains some confidence to fight these monsters alone, although he still can't shake that timidness when he sees a hulking moblin or a gang of bokoblins. If he ever is wounded during these encounters, he returns to the monastery where the monks tend to him with their local herbal medicine and the fresh food he likes. Sometimes with his uncle's permission, Shuichi will adopt his human form to better "fit in" with the humans he guards, as he feels like he stands out too much as a dragon.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
dragon!Kokichi imagine:
Kokichi and his brother really love making their nest on the very peak of Satori Mountain because it’s chock-filled with apple trees, herbs the produce resistances to different elements when cooked, small animals they like to snack on, and a good vantage point to spot and subsequently mess with the occasional human traveler (they don’t eat humans, although Kokichi loves to lie about all the ways he’ll cook a human up and feast on them in maddening whispers to those unfortunate travelers; in each case, he just likes to see them running away and screaming in fear lol). But what they love to do is in the middle of the night, Kokichi and his brother will purposely seek out the local Stalnox that stomps near the mountain and cruelly mess with it by poking and whipping at its bones with their tails and claws to disorient it. Eventually, one of the little dragon buggers will pluck the eye right out of the Stalnox’s skull and play monkey-in-the-middle by tossing it over the Stalnox to his brother! That’s their absolutely favorite game to play. And when they’re bored of it, they’ll fly off with the eye and plop it right next to the nearest traveler to scare them away! It’s all in good fun. At dawn, they know that the eye will disintegrate once the sun rises, so they try to have as much fun with it as they can until then. As an extra bonus for living among a hub for the skeletal monsters, Kokichi will whack a few of the Stalkoblins with his tail and use the bones of their smashed bodies as a toothpick to clean his teeth of food remains. Then he’ll also practice playing ball by whacking the Stalkoblin’s skull up a hill on the mountain several times.
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ladykailolu · 6 years
Sometimes, just sometimes during one of the torrential downpours of the Faron Jungle, dragon!Rantaro can be seen guiding a small horde of his little sisters across the thick and deep Faron rivers as they travel upstream the Dracozu River in the search for rare food. When they reach the banks of a river, Rantaro stays behind just long enough to make a headcount of his sisters and make sure that all of them are still within the group. He also keeps an eye on any surrounding Lizalfoes so he can steer his sisters away from them. They’re nasty things after all and can fire shock arrows as well as use a variety of human-made weapons. Being an older Eventide electric speartooth dragon, he’s naturally resistant to electricity and he’s survived being struck before with arrows and harpoons and the like, but he desperately doesn’t want his sisters to get hurt and will thoroughly chew up any Lizalfoe that dares to harm any one of his little sisters. Therefore, he quickly guides them through the river and warns them to keep submerged underneath the surface of the water so the Lizalfoes and other monsters don’t catch sight of them. When they reach the Spring of Courage, they lay out underneath the hot jungle sun and bask in the lukewarm ponds and humid air around them. If they want a little more privacy then they enter the large dragon statue devouring the spring and dive into the spring’s waters. The Spring of Courage is their favorite place to relax as it’s peaceful and is surrounded by a tranquil air. Rantaro helps a few of the older sisters in hunting down their favorite fish and crab which is shared by the whole family in peace. A few Lizalfoes have tried to ruin their fun, but Rantaro and a few of his more brash sisters scared them off with their hissing and spontaneous charging. During these times, the youngest sisters tend to retreat and hide in the deep waters of the spring and hover around the moldy and weathered statue of Arceus. Sometimes they stay overnight at the spring and explore the surrounding forest together, and when it comes time to leave, Rantaro anxiously guides them through the rivers of the jungle and becomes relieved once they reach the waters of the Faron Sea. From there, it’s a few hours until they’ve reached their home at Eventide Island.
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