#DangerousFellows headcanons
headcanon-cafe · 4 years
Your Guys’ First Fight// DangerousFellows
Warning: Cussing and an angry almost make-out session. I usually don't put a warning and just hope you know but ehhhh...
This wasn't good at all... okay so today was going great it was sunny and people were laughing and joking as they ate dinner. No one would have thought that there was a zombie apocalypse going on right now. It wasn't until the middle of the night you were awake (which is no surprise) when some Zombies got through the gate which meant someone had to go close the gate and kill the what looked like only two so far got in.
So what to do...
Now usually if this happened Lawrence and Ethan would deal with this but everyone was asleep Ethan was sick so waking him up was out of the question and Lawrence needed his sleep or else he would be grumpy in the morning, so you thought 'Hey it's only two zombies, I can deal with this myself' and you actually listened to yourself...
You are now outside and had just closed the gate and is now looking for the Zombies "Now let us see, where could my most favorite creatures in the world have gone..." you whispered carefully walking both in fear of the zombies and waking up someone up. You held the crowbar close to you as you walked around outside and it was a good couple of minutes until you actually found them both at an okay enough distance where you could take one down and not worry about the other one killing you within those seconds. You easily took them both down but right when you turned around there was a Zombie right in front of you. You were so shocked that you couldn't move.
Right as you thought you were going to die the zombie just fell to the ground, and right there was Lawrence... looking more pissed than ever.
You were now inside sitting in the conference room, outside the sun had just started going up so by your calculations it is about 5 in the morning, with Lawrence yelling at you and you trying to hold back tears.
"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!??? You could have gotten hurt or worse killed! What made you think that doing this in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT all by YOURSELF WAS SMART?! In case you've forgotten this is a ZOMBIE INFESTED WORLD we are living in and doing stupid things are NOT going to help you!" This is the most he has ever held at you and not only were you scared, tired and feeling guilty you were also feeling embarrassed cause some of the guys started waking up and were just awkwardly looking at you two. "I'm sorry Lawrence I really am I guess I wasn't thinking correctly at that moment in time... it needed to be done and I felt as if I needed to..." Your voice started out strong but somehow ended weak and just above a whisper.
"Yeah well, that was some stupid shit you just did. The worst part is you didn't tell anyone, you didn't tell ME. I'm your boyfriend, I'm the group leader and I care for you but how the HELL am I supposed to protect you if you're running from me and to the danger instead of away." Your voice now way below a whisper "I'm really sorry Lawrence..." he looks at you, his face scarier than ever and his voice stern "Yeah well say I haven't woken up... Sorry wouldn't have brought you back now would it."
You were now in your room trying to sleep since Lawrence sent you to your room since you didn't sleep a lot. The worst part is, is that the small argument was still lingering in your head and it would for a while.
(Sorry this one was so long but hopefully y, you enjoyed???👌👌)
You have never seen Ethan so pissed. Of course, you kinda deserved getting yelled at right now and you really thought he would but oh no. Countless times he's told you not to wander the halls alone, so what did you do?? Wonder the halls alone at night without telling anyone and without a weapon. Of course, nothing happened for you to get hurt other than you slipped but still. But usually, when Ethan's mad he'd give a few words of how to avoid a situation or maybe fix it or maybe even a long stern lecture of why not to set things on fire outside... yeah that happened *coughs*.
But now he's giving you the silent treatment. He's always so quiet especially in front of everyone but no it's so bad that he won't talk to you or give you any physical attention at all he is fully ignoring you!!
"Ethan..." Nothing. He doesn't respond his eyes are closed so you figured hey maybe he's asleep. You run his fingers through his hair and quietly said his name again. He then pushed your hand away and turned away from you. Now, he had you flabbergasted.
past tense: flabbergasted;
surprise (someone) greatly; astonish. "this news has left me totally flabbergasted")
"Ethan I know your mad at me but please talk to me." Nothing, no response, no movement, nothing. "Ethan! Look at me, please!" After a bit of silence, he turns over to look at you yet as he stares at you yet keeps silent. For a while, he kept looking at you without saying anything and you didn't say anything either. "Ethan...would you please talk to me?" You say in the verge of tears. You then hear him sigh and felt a strong grip on your wrist and him pulling you into his lap. You hug his arms and he squeezes you. He puts his head into the crook of your neck and speaks softly "Don't get me wrong... Just because I hug you doesn't mean I forgive you... I'm still very pissed." And then he hugs you tighter never letting go that night.
He said he was okay he's talking calmly, trying to make you understand what you did was wrong. But yet you didn't understand, and even worse he was putting on a brave face but is obviously about to break into tears. It broke your heart. You're trying to understand, you're trying to fix what you did but you can't and he's breaking because of it... you just don't understand. The stress of this was getting to you. You too felt like you were about to cry, you felt like holding him, you felt the need of his comfort but your head was filled with thoughts...
'He's the one needed comforting, not you... he's mad at you and you did something to make him mad you don't deserve his love right now. Don't you dare cry, don't you dare cry just try to understand." And between your thoughts, not understanding, and Harry sounding like he was gonna break down anytime, it was all too much. Your voice coming out is broken pieces "I'm- I'm really trying to understand Harry, I really am but I just don't." This time instead of the somewhat comforting voice you were hoping for but knew you wouldn't get his voice almost, like I said, almost angry. Tears starting to come down. "How do you not understand?! You hurt me! How is that hard to understand?!" You voice quivering as you try to form words tears starting to form.
"I mean I don't understand how I hurt you..." he grabs your wrist and looks straight into your eyes. Your tears falling at an uncontrollable rate and getting more anxious with time. His anger now obviously there shown by words but every other aspect of his body, his body language, his eyes, how gently he held your wrist, it all held sadness to them. "You put yourself out there for all zombies, those people infected with the disease from hell, to see. You put yourself in danger when there were a hundred different options to avoid that exact scenario. Yet you put yourself in danger... How do you not understand how hurt I am! How do you not understand how I, honest to god, not return here if something happened to you! I had to imagine a world without you!! And do you know what that looked like (Y/n)!? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Cause I couldn't live without you and yet you keep putting yourself in danger?? How can you do that...??" Your sobs being the only thing heard in the room once he was done. Feeling so heartbroken from his words. You quickly hugged him, trying to silence your sobs, trying to comfort him, trying to comfort yourself, trying to get the relief of knowing he's okay. But you knew he wasn't, anyone could figure that out. "I just- I just want you to stop putting yourself in danger.... please (Y/n)"
At this moment Zion was pissed at you, and technically you had no reason to be mad but you easily 'copy' feelings. Not on purpose but if someone's sad you'll easily be sad. If someone's happy you'll be happy. If Zions pissed you'll find a reason to be pissed, which let's just say that doesn't mix well with Zion's personality. So right now you were both screaming at each other finally finished the main reason for the argument which was you put yourself in danger, which isn't something new you guy fight a lot about that. But know it's about how you are mad at him for no reason. "JESUS CHRIST (Y/n)!! I keep getting mad at you because I keep thinking I'm gonna lose the love of my life! Why the hell are you mad at me?!?" He screams making hand motions as he talks emphasizing to you how mad he actually is. "Because this is a fucking ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! YEAH NO SHIT I'M IN DANGER ZION!! WHEN YOU LIVE IN A WORLD LIKE WE DO NOW WE ARE ALL IN DANGER 24/7!!!" You scream back. Right when Zion was about to retort there was a soft knock at the door and you could see Lawrence's head popped in.
He pushes up his glasses and coughs awkwardly. "Hey uh I get you guys need to work this out but uh could you quiet down by any chance?? You're gonna attract Zombies plus you're scaring Eugene and literally everyone else... but mostly Eugene." You then cough awkwardly yourself and apologize asking Lawrence to apologize for you to everyone else. "Sure thing (Y/n) and uh sorry to bother you guys..." you mumble a quick it's alright and shoo him out. Right when he leaves you glare at Zion. "Wow way to go, you scared the kid." he scoffs and reply's "Okay 1 your younger than him and 2 you were the one screaming like a banshee. Maybe if you learned to shut up we wouldn't have to of had that awkward conversation with Lawrence." You scoff back at him "If I learned to shut up! I can be as loud as I fucking want to be!" His glare sharpening "You need to seriously shut up..." trying to make you glare as sharp as his you then said the one thing you knew you shouldn't of which was "Make me." You then felt a big force push you to the wall making you gasp from the impact. Realized Zion just pushed you against the wall and there is no escape. Your body trapped between the wall and his body, his knee pushed up between your legs, not touching anything yet but if you were to move at all it would. While his mouth is right next to your ear. "You should think about what you say before you sat it, sweetheart, it could get you in a whole lot of trouble before you know it.
Of course, you guys never got into an argument for a real reason. You two fought over the stupidest shit. Like today, for instance, you guys were fighting about the difference between a Pun and a Pickup line. You say there is a fine line between the two and they are totally different but he says that there is a grey area and that sometimes they can go into the same category. The thing was, none of you were laughing. You guys were seriously arguing about it which is strange since most of the time it was playful banter. "A pun is a a joke that uses play on words! A pickup line is a bad way to pick up chicks! Sometimes you can you a pun to pick up chicks!" He yells. Oh did I mention that the whole group was here watching this exchange between you two.
"That's not true! What do you guys think!?" You turn to ask the guys but they quickly put there hands up saying they weren't apart of it. Grumbling angrily you turn back to Eugene "Fine then! Give me a Pickup Pun!" Just as quickly as you said that he quickly responds "Do you like raisins?" Baffled you stand there in silence "Uh...what?" He looks you dead in the eyes and again ask "Do you like raisins?" 'Is he ignoring the argument we just had...? Fine...' "They're okay I guess... Why?" "What about dates?" As soon as he said that you had to try your hardest not to smile. You guys were looking each other in the eyes not one of you cracking a smile. You could hear the guys giggling in the back ground. After a while of this you knew you lost so you just smiled goofily held up your middle finger and retort with a 'Fuck you' he smiles goofily also and replied "Wondering how long you were going to hold that smile. It was was so hard to not."
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dangerous fellows karaoke night headcanons
a/n: alcohol/drinking mention and all characters are aged up (18+)
- i think u all already know eugene is gonna dominate karaoke night
- zion sounds fucking horrible. also all he knows is big time rush songs and the lyrics to bitch lasagna
- harry is a great singer but he's nervous and shy at first
- everybody is cheering him on and he finally gives in
- harry doesn’t sing one of those soft love songs tho. homie is belting out my heart will go on from titanic and eugene is very worried for him
- ethan doesn’t sing at first until he takes like 3-4 shots
- drunk singing never gonna give you up with zion 💀
- zion and lawrence have a rap battle but it gets so intense bc they’re both aiming for each other’s throat
- it gets physically violent and ethan and harry have to pull them off each other
- judy is LOUD and she’s never singing. she’s just screaming the lyrics
- also she can rap eminem’s songs really well and it makes everybody go ??????
- scarlett tries to get zion to sing disney duets with her
- he thinks it’s lame
- eugene calls him a pussy and they ended up aggressively duetting a bunch of disney love songs together
- hailey has a soft angelic voice that blows everybody away. judy is her number one hype woman
- harry sang i want it that way and got way into his feels. zion had to pull him away from the mic and give him his therapist's number
- sue doesn’t sing that much but she tries her best. she doesn’t show it but she’s having a lot of fun
- judy and eugene sing spice girls’ wannabe together
- lawrence knows all the britney spears songs and ethan is his backup vocal
- once they’re both warmed up harry and lawrence unleash their anger through singing hard rock songs
- everybody in the room: bro? 💀
- jay can’t sing. he hits all the wrong notes while trying to serenade scarlett
- on the other hand ethan can’t sing either but somehow he hits all the notes to hopelessly devoted to you so good for him
 > lychee
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
Hello, I love reading your headcanons over and over again. I was wondering if I can request one about the fellows reacting to MC being able to talk to her dog. Like MC is trying to get her dog to move and her dog responds like a dog in a very vocal way. I hope you understand what I meant by this 😅. Thank you!
Fellows reacting to their S/o’s dog responding very vocally -
It took me a minute to understand, but I see what you mean 😌
Lawrence: He’d be shocked at first. He was expecting your dog to move like you said, but when the dog said ‘no’ pretty clearly, Lawrence choked on his drink, staring at your dog in surprise. “Did your dog just talk? Can your dog say more than just ‘no’?”
Ethan: He would assume he just imagined your dog talking. He was slightly tired, so when your dog said “no, sorry”, his eyes widened, glancing over at you before staring back at your dog. Rubbing his eyes, he would point at your dog, saying: “Did I hear that correctly, or did you dog just talk?”
Harry: I’m sure he would be surprised, but he would soon get very excited. Jaw hanging in shock, Harry would stare up at you with wide eyes, but a big smile would replace his shocked expression. Giving your dog a tight hug, Harry would start asking your dog questions. “You can talk? Since when?! I’m I secretly your favourite person in this room?? Don’t be shy...”
Eugene: Eugene would slowly turn his head towards you when he heard your dog talk, raising his brow at you. Pointing a chip in your direction, he would ask if you were messing with him, making it seem like your dog just talked. When you shook your head, Eugene would sigh, popping his chip in his mouth. “What’s next, talking squirrels?”
Zion: When he heard your dog talking, he would leap out of his chair, point a finger at your dog. “Did that dog just talk? That dog is now my dog, and that’s final.” Giving your dog a quick pat on the head, he would pout his lip at you, begging you if he can have your dog. When you say no, he would glare at you, and now you have a jealous Zion.
Jay: Oh boy, when he heard your dog speak, he waved his finger in the air, getting up from his chair and walking out the door. Before he closed the door behind him, he glanced over at you, saying: “That dog is possessed, and I don’t mess with paranormal stuff. I’ve seen many horror movies! I know what happens!!”
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dfelgang · 4 years
dfel boys flirting headcanons ✎... ❞
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ethan: he is a shy guy. so it is not surprising that, in the art of flirting, he is hesitant, clumsy and discret. usually, when he wants to flirt, he makes use of simple things as a subject — and all this in a very awkward way. "do you like to eat? i mean... we could go out and eat any day together".
eugene: this boy is the kind of flirt that woos, and then disguises. he is generally disconcerted and flumbling. also, with him there would be lots of staring and then looking away when he gets noticed. but who can blame him? he is just timid. "this hairstyle made your hair look really nice","what did you said?", "nevermind".
harry: his flirtations are actually compliments. very genuine ones. he speaks spontaneously; when he finds it pleasant, he likes to appreciate it and sees no problem with it. in fact, he does not even realize that his lines can be understood as flirting. "i enjoyed the time we spent together. your presence does me good".
lawrence: his flirtations start as really nice compliments. but then, as he gains intimacy, he tends to become somewhat invasive; makes use of flirting to find out more about his loved one. "this necklace really suits you. it matches your eyes. where did you get it from?", "was it a friend that gave you? or that guy you were talking to last week?"
zion: in his flirtations, he uses and abuses duplicity of meaning. he is not ashamed of making malicious comments that make you feel sheepish, and he is also very direct. "this red tint is quite sensual. and this dress highlights your curves...", he says, smiling naughtily.
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dangerousfellowss · 5 years
favorite types of affection
what are the dfel boys’ favorite types of affection?
~please just hold his hand
~he likes the reassurance that you’re still there
~will absolutely melt if you kiss his cheek
~(actually, will melt if you kiss him anywhere. just kiss this boy!!)
~wholesome bb, just wants to love and to be loved
~this cutie!!
~loves cuddles but will never admit it
~literally just run your hands through his hair hhhhh
~he would MELT on the spot
~just wants to be near you, even just holding hands is enough for him
~doesn’t really mind pda 
~that being said, especially doesn’t mind when you randomly kiss him in public places
~(by that i mean he loves it)
~he’s one touch starved boyo, so he absolutely loves it when you rub his back or run your hands through his hair
~overall favorite is probably neck kisses (giving and receiving)
~lean your head against his chest!!
~loves just silently cuddling with you
~will melt at literally any affectionate touch
~like just run your hands up and down his arms and watch him melt
~his favorite is when you rub his hands (or his back) to help him sleep after a rough day
~really likes verbal reassurance that you’re his and only his
~needs physical reassurance as well
~hold his hand at all times!! if you let go he’ll stare at you forlornly until you grab his hand again
~loves when you cup his cheek while kissing him
~just make sure he knows that you’ll always be by his side
ahhhh my first headcanon!! not gonna lie, this actually took me forever but i really enjoyed writing it!
my requests are open, so don’t hesitate to send in a request if you want to!
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mxdnightlvers · 5 years
Can I have some last name headcanons for all the dangerous fellows characters? Thxx
Hope you enjoy~~ Sorry if it doesn't really match, I tried to find what best fits them, and I was using a list of most common surnames so😂
Dangerous Fellows Lastnames~ Headcannon
Eugene~ Sanders~ (I also will give him Anderson)
Zion~ Anderson
Ethan~ Sanchez
Harry~ Collins
Lawrence~ Thompson~ (I also like Lockhart)
Judy~ Rivera
Sue~ Hernandez
Jay~ Evans
Scarlett~ Lopez
Hailey~ Garcia
~Written by: Dangerousfellowshoe~
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tartagilicious · 4 years
Hello! I love to read your writing and my favorites are the ones from DangerousFellows. So, I was wondering if I can have a headcanon for the fellows of an MC who has a prosthetic leg or arm? Thank you!
hi!! thank you anon, I haven’t written a dangerous fellows request in a long time, so this was fun to get! though before I start, I want to say that while I did a bit of research on prosthetic limbs beforehand, I myself am able bodied so I apologise if I get anything wrong or offend anyone mistakenly.
- As an athlete, I’d say he sees the most prosthetic legs out of the guys
- but in an apocalypse? you’re definitely the only one, and honestly in his opinion, you’ve lived against the odds
- there are tons of additional things that you need to worry about with a prosthetic leg, and he’s kind of proud of you for making it so far while at such a clear disadvantage 
- though of course, silent Ethan lol, won’t voice this apart from a few rare times and his normal kind gestures
- he’d take one look at your prosthetic arm and immediately not be able to take his eyes off of it. ofc, not in a rude way or anything, but the way you choose to take that would be up to you entirely. I just feel like that’s how he would initially react
- he’d gain a level of respect for you that wasn’t there for the original mc, but even he doesn’t really know what for. for making it so far? for being able to live with something like that? whatever it is, it certainly makes him a little softer than he was in the game at first. 
- over time, seeing you in action impresses him
- he might shyly ask you a few questions about it occasionally, just out of pure curiosity. was it hard to learn to use your prosthetic? is it hard to do things like drive? just innocent but random questions like that
- honestly, barely even comments on your arm apart from a few separate times
- he doesn’t wanna draw too much attention to it in case you don’t like it, because he knows that some stories of amputees can be brutal
- but when he does acknowledge it, it’s usually jokingly taunting you like “you sure you can run with that leg of yours?” and you still beat him in a race anyway smh
- he just doesn’t want you to feel like it’s unnatural or anything like that, or become self conscious over something that’s just a part of you
- would be careful with you, not to offend you or anything, but just because he kind of doesn’t know what to do lol
- he would help you with anything regarding your leg if you needed it — such as cleaning it or checking that everything is still functioning well. wouldn’t want anything to break in the middle of an apocalypse T-T
- he’s really respectful of the fact that you wear it and still manage to be the badass person you are tbh
- he doesn’t know if he could do that, even if you make it look easy. that respect shows in his actions occasionally and its the purest thing 
- concerned boyfriend asf???? mc?? do you need help???
- sometimes he’s so cautious about your prosthetic leg that you laugh at him. you used to thank him for it at first, but now if he’s biting his nails over you doing something like going down the stairs you’ll just laugh at him
- he doesn’t even really see it normally, and it’s honestly just there when he wants to see it or the situation is genuinely dangerous
- but every single one of his concerns are still meant out of love, I promise lol
- he’d probably bend over backward to somehow find a new prosthetic leg if yours broke 😭 he’d probably even find one somehow tbh lmao
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
How do you think the fellows would react to an immune mc? Stay safe btw
Fellows reaction to an immune MC -
I believe being immune means being protected from a disease. I’m having a brian-fart, so sorry if that’s not what you were going for. 
Lawrence: He wouldn’t think much about it until he saw you get bitten by a zombie. He would panic and was about to kill you until you stopped him. “I’m immune, so I won’t turn. Put the weapon down.” He’d look at you like your crazy. He wouldn’t believe you at first, so he’ll keep his distance until the 24 hours are up. 
Ethan: He always knew there was something special about you, but he couldn’t really pin-point it. When you gave signs that you were immune, it then clicked for him. “Wait? So you can get bitten by a zombie and you’ll be fine?” I mean, even if you did get bitten, he’d still panic.
Harry: You scared poor Harry. He began to cry when he noticed a group of zombies coming towards you, knowing that he can’t do anything to help you. When he saw you get bit, his heart broke. Though you really confused him when you walked up to him all fine, like nothing happened. “Why are you crying? I’m immune.”
Eugene: He’s known for having bad nightmares, but he didn’t think any of them would come true until he watched you get bitten by a zombie. Freaking out, he called for the other fellows, not knowing what to do. When you told everyone you were immune, Eugene gave you the biggest hug while crying into your shoulder. “Don’t ever do that again.” 
Zion: It’s his job to protect you, so when you jumped in front of him from an incoming zombie, Zion knew you wouldn’t be with him in the future. Quickly killing the zombie, he would make sure you’re okay only to notice the bite mark on your shoulder. “Hey, don’t give me those eyes! Help me up will you? I’m immune so you don’t need to worry about me.” 
Jay: Okay, he wouldn’t care if you were immune or not. Once he saw you get bit by a zombie, he’d push you away from him. “Get away from me! I don’t need you biting me!” You can try to get close to him, but all he’ll do is panic and run away from you. 
Bonus because why not? 
Scarlett: Same with Jay, she doesn’t believe you’re immune and is just using it as an excuse to stay with them longer. “So you are the reason why everyone is disappearing!” Hey, at least you can scare her away when you get too close to her.
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
Just want to start by saying I love ur works and u're writing is amazing💙💙💙 I was thinking of what if u purposefully put yourself in danger and how would the boys react to that. I really don't have a gender preference so I guess just a non binary reader (if that makes sense)
How the boys would react if you put yourself in danger -
Aw, thank you ^^
Lawrence: He would look at your like you’re crazy. Why would do you something like that? Once you’re alone with him, he’ll scold you, asking why you did that. I mean, even if you were protecting one of the other boys, he’s still gonna be slightly mad at you. If you tried to protect him, he’ll be happy but still mad. Let’s just say you’re not allowed outside for about a few days.
Ethan: He’d panic. Since you’re in danger, his first concern is getting you back to safety. He’d be calm when asking you why you did that, but deep down inside, he’s ripping his hair out. He likes that you were brave enough to do that, but now you’re not leaving his side for awhile.
Harry: He’d freeze in shock. It would take him a moment before realizing what’s going on and that you’re in danger. He’ll try to fight off the danger, but the most he’ll do is grab ahold of your wrist before running. He doesn’t care where he’s going besides getting you away from the danger. Once you get back to safety, you’re going to be cuddling him a lot.
Eugene: He’d be scared for you. He wouldn’t really know what to do besides help you out. He’d try to get the danger away from you before pulling you into a tight hug. He’d probably start to cry, afraid he was going to lose you. Now he’s always going to be holding onto you, whether it’s holding your hand or wrapping his arm around your waist. He wants to know you’re still there by his side.
Zion: He’d be kinda ticked off. I mean, why would you put yourself in hurts way when he can protect you? You won’t be able to get far before Zion throws you over his shoulder and runs. When you get back to safety, he’ll take in a deep breath, not wanting to yell at you. Yeah, now Zion won’t let you go anywhere without him by your side.
Jay: He wouldn’t really think about it. He only cared about himself and making sure he wasn’t going to get hurt. I mean, yea, he cares about you, but not as much as himself. When he sees you’re okay, he’ll ask why you did that and if you’ll ever do it again. Now whenever he’s going outside, he wants you with him just in case.
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
how zion react to mc getting hurt (i love your blog sm 🥺💕💕)
Zion reacting to you getting hurt -
Thank you! I love my blog too <3
- I feel like Zion won’t notice you’re hurt until he sees an injury somewhere on you. Like if you cut your finger, he won’t know until he sees a bandaid on your finger. If you get hurt mentally, then he totally won’t notice unless you’re acting different around him.
- If you accidentally hurt yourself physically, like a small cut or you scrapped your knees on the ground when you fell, Zion will raise a brow at you. “Be more careful, I don’t want you getting severely hurt one day.” 
- Maybe you did get severely hurt, like maybe you got shot by a rude person or got stabbed by a robber, Zion will p a n i c. He’ll be by your side, trying to stop the bleeding. He’d beg everyone around him to help you, and he won’t be able to look at you without tears rolling down his cheeks. 
- If you got hurt mentally by what someone said to you, Zion won’t know unless he was there when it happened. Zion is bad at picking something up, so the other fellows had to tell him something was up with you for him to realize. If he was there when you got mentally hurt, Zion won’t go easy on the person. “How dare you tell my (Y/n) that! You think you’re any better!? Huh!?”
- Maybe one of the fellows hurt you? Like, maybe Scarlett pushed you towards a group of zombies, or Eugene accidentally tripped you? Zion will snap. He trusts the other fellows, so if they hurt you, he won’t be very happy. He’ll give the other fellows the cold shoulder for weeks until you tell him your fine, and to talk to the others since they’re worried about him.
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
NSFW headcanons for Ethan pweas and thank you?🥺 I love your content so much and imma just say you're a real trooper and a god send and we love you :) ❤❤❤☺️
NSFW Headcanons on Ethan -
Thank you <3
- Okay, Ethan is a vanilla dude, so nothing is shocking here. Like, he’ll be up to trying new things, as long as it doesn’t involve you or him getting hurt. I think the only thing he’ll be okay with is maybe being blindfolded and hair-pulling. He’s okay with choking, but he won’t add too much pressure behind it. He’s a soft dom. 
- One way to get him going is by touching his thigh. Something about it sends sparkes throughout his body and he gives you those puppy eyes to move your hand a little higher. Just imagine touching his thigh under the table with the others, and Ethan is trying hard not to choke on his food in the process.
- He has a low sex drive, so he does not get horny easily. I feel like being a slight brat makes him go as well. If you’re being touchy in public, Ethan will quickly tell you to stop since other people are around, but he secretly likes it. The thought of being caught by being handsy with his significant other is something he’s always thought about. 
- Ethan isn’t a fan of quickies. I think the only time he’ll ever do a quickie is if he’s in a rush for something but you gave him a little problem. Maybe in the shower or a closet is where a quickie would ever happen.  
- Since he’s a quiet guy, he can get pretty blushy at times. If you ever happen to dominate him, which he won’t fight you for it, then his face will be a bright red colour. Especially when he moans, he gets pretty shy about it and will try to bury his face in the crook of your neck so you don’t have to see how embarrassed he is.
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
How do the guys feel about kids. I definitely dont want any so just wondering. ( I'm asking a couple more hc accounts the same question too. I really sorry if that is offensive to you. I just want different view points on it) Thank you if you read and maybe respond to this!
Just sent in the thing about the guys and kids. More specifically; would they be alright with not having any. Sorry! Thanks again😊
How Dangerous Fellows feels about kids -
Lawrence: Honestly, he really wants kids and thinks about it often. He would want at least 2 girls and 1 boy. He’s totally fine with not having any kids even though he’ll be sad at the thought. 
Ethan: He’s fine with kids, but he doesn’t want them any time soon. Maybe later down the road with his partner. He 100% wants at least 1 boy and 1 girl. If his partner can’t have children, he’ll be there to support them and is totally fine if they don’t have kids. 
Harry: This cute bean wants children and would suffocate them in his love. He wants at least 2 boys and 1 girl. He’s in no rush to have kids, and if his partner can’t have kids, he’s totally fine with not having any. 
Zion: This guy here only wants one child who he wants to be a boy. He’s totally fine if he can’t have any kids since he doesn’t believe he’ll be good at taking care of them. 
Eugene: He doesn’t want any kids until later down the road. He’ll probably only want one child in which he wants to be a girl. He’s totally okay with not having any children and would probably just adopt a pet to fill in the space. 
Jay: He actually doesn’t want any kids and is fine with not having any. If his partner wants children, he’ll be okay with it since he doesn’t want to hold his partner back. So no kids unless his partner wants one. If he was to have kids, he would want a boy. 
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
HC with Eugene and MC cuddling uwu
Cuddling with Eugene -
- I hope you like tickles because if you’re cuddling with Eugene, you’re going to get tickled. I mean, if you’re stressed or sad, he won’t tickle you, but he’ll write ‘I love you’ on your stomach with his finger. He just wants to see your smile. :(
- If you two are having a lazy day while cuddling, Eugene would love it if you just roll on top of him. Wrestle around with him! He always lets you win because he likes to see you happy. You matter more than his pride. And don’t forget staring into each other’s eyes before kissing him tenderly... 👀
- Eugene loves to rest his head on your chest. Just listening to your heartbeat allows him to relax. Most of the time, you’re the big spoon since he likes to be held, but if you wanna rest on his chest instead, he won’t complain. 
- Don’t forget him complimenting you. Eugene will point out good things like your choice of clothing or praise your hairstyle. He’ll also tell you how beautiful you look while his arms are wrapped around you. 
- Bro! Trace over the curves on his body with your fingers. He will melt in the spot. His jawline, lips, cheeks, arms, anything! He finds it really cute and it makes him love his body even more when you do something like this. 
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
Could you do a one shot for after the all survive ending where Lawrence's parents are actually alive in the safe zone and they start being controlling over him again and the mc sees it one day and tells them off and just encourages him to break free and follow his dreams?
Lawrence x Fem. Reader ~ Follow Your Dreams
Word Count: 1362
Warning: None
Kicking a pebble across the street, I huffed, tugging on the backpack straps that wrapped around my shoulders. Today was surprisingly warm out, causing everyone to sweat as they all wore hoodies or jackets. Today is the day we’re all heading to the safe zone. Lawrence was in front of the group, holding out a map as Harry helped with directions. 
Clearing my throat, I felt my saliva slowly slide down my dry esophagus, causing me to shiver in discomfort. Sighing, I raked my fingers through my hair before picking up my pace to keep up with the group. 
“Are we almost there, Lawrence?” Eugene whined, digging through his backpack for his water bottle. Glancing over at the brown-haired male, he shook his head, pushing his glasses back up.
“No, but we should be there within an hour.” Sighing, my eyes wandered over to Ethan, to which I gave him a tiny smile when we obtained eye contact. Fiddling with my thumbs once more, I flinched when a water bottle appeared in my vision. 
“Here, it seems like your throat is dry… besides, you could use it more than me,” Eugene utters under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck. Giving him a smile, I carefully took the water bottle out of his hand, muttering a thank you before drinking the remaining liquid.
Welcoming the, somewhat, warm water down my throat, I trembled in delight, feeling more energized and attentive. Pulling off one strap of my backpack, I swiftly shoved the empty bottle inside before carrying on with the group. 
Sighing through my nose, I observed the empty houses around us. Many houses had their windows shattered and their doors wide open, allowing anyone to enter. Lawrence thought it would be a good idea to travel through a neighborhood, but I have an unsettling feeling about it. Everyone was silent, afraid to talk so we don’t attract unwanted attention. 
“We’re almost there,” Lawrence whispers, glancing over his shoulder to make eye contact with the group. 
“Can we just take a break!? My feet are killing me!” Scarlett whined, leaning up against Jay as they walked behind me. Rolling my eyes at the annoying female, I winced at how loud her question was. Scanning the area around us, I didn’t notice any sudden movement, but you can never be so sure.
As I continued to look around, I ran into a firm chest, causing me to stumble backwards. Before I could fall to the ground, Zion quickly helped me regain my posture.
“Thank you, Zion.”
“Anytime, kiddo.”
Glancing up, I noticed Lawrence stopped walking and was sending daggers at Scarlett. His hands were on his hips and his foot was quietly tapping the pavement of the road.
“I’m sorry, do you want to get to the safe zone before dark? If so, please just keep your mouth shut and continue walking. Like I say, we’re almost there.”
Lawrence held eye contact with Scarlett as he turned back around, letting how a sigh before talking to Harry again.
Everyone was silent from the sudden outburst, afraid we were going to get yelled at if we even uttered a word.
We continued to walk for about ten minutes before I noticed a large building up ahead.
“Guys! The safe zone!” I pointed, bouncing on my tippytoes. Before I could let out any more happy sounds, Eugene covered my mouth, glaring at me as he lifted his finger to his lips.
“Be quiet, we still don’t know if there’s any zombies around!” He whispers, taking his hand away from my mouth and ruffling my hair.
Clenching my teeth, I gave him an apologetic smile before sticking by Ethan’s side. Even though we haven’t talked much, we had an instant connection when we meet and became friends.
“Halt! Have any of you been bitten or came in
contact with the infected?” Jumping from the sudden voice, I gazed up to see two tall soldiers standing in front of us, their guns at their side.
“No, we’re safe. I even checked them before we left to go here.” Lawrence stated, glancing around at the group.
“You may have checked them, but we would also like to check them just in case. Before we do that, you may go inside and go find a spot you all would like to camp at.” 
Moving to the side, the soldiers started to talk through a walkie talkie before the large gate in front of us opened.
Turning to face us, Lawrence all gave us a smile before leading us into the building. “We did it you guys!” Eugene cheers, giving my arm a tight hug before punching Zion’s arm, causing the taller male to growl down at him.
“Finally! A bed!” Scarlett sighed, plopping down onto an air mattress before falling asleep. Jay just sighed before laying down next to her, getting some shut eye as well.
As everyone was getting situated on their air beds, I began to take off my jacket before I heard two voices coming over to us. Raising a brow, I glanced over my shoulder to see two older people making their way to Lawrence.
“His parents? At least he found them.” I started to think about my mother, hoping to find her somewhere in this large building. 
Before I could turn back around to finish what I was doing, I overheard their conversation.
“Lawrence! Look at you, you’ve really let yourself go! And you even made friends? Wow, at least you were doing something during the apocalypse.” His father pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a disappointing sigh.
“I agree with your father, like man, you need a haircut and some clean clothes! You smell! How did your group stay with you this entire time?” The female plugs her nose, waving the air in front of her.
Not believing my eyes, I stepped into their conversation, not caring if I seem rude.
“Excuse me! Hi, I’m (Y/n) and I’m friends with Lawrence. Not to be rude or anything but we all survived because of Lawrence leadership and how devoted he was to get us somewhere safe. And it’s the apocalypse! Of course he’s going to smell because the water didn’t run where we were staying! Not only that, who thinks about their hair while you’re trying to fight for survival?”
I questioned, wrapping my arms around Lawrence and giving him a gentle hug. Before Lawrence could utter a word, his parents stepped in, giving me a death glare.
“Listen here, we are his parents and he will listen to what we say! We raised him to care for himself and not some nosy little thing like you!” His mother spat at me, leaning dangerously close to my face.
“Yeah! He was supposed to go to college and become a lawyer, but now look at him! He wasted his time fighting for you guys and you could have gotten him killed! This is your fault!” His father stabbed a finger at my chest, causing me to stumble backwards a little, but thankfully I was still holding onto Lawrence’s arm. 
“Hey! He’s a grown man and can do whatever he wants! He doesn’t need to pushing him around and controlling what he can do and can not! That’s not your choice anymore! So just leave him alone!” I growled, catching the attention of nearby soldiers.
His parents noticed the soldiers watching them, ready to take them away if need be.
“Don’t think this is over with you little brat.” His mother snarled, flipping her hair before walking away next to his father.
“Damn, those are your parents? I’m sorry. Remember what I said, you can do whatever your little heart wants to. Break free and follow your dreams. You’re the reason we are all alive and safe. Thank you, Lawrence.” I smiled up at the taller male, noticing tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Thank you, that’s the nicest thing someone has ever told me. And thank you for also helping me against my parents.” Kneeling down to my height, he wraps his arms around me before giving me a tight hug.
“I’ll always be right by your side, Lawrence. Forever and always.”
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
Hi! Can I request some SFW headcanons for a sweet relationship with Eugene in a modern au? Thank you!
Having a sweet relationship with Eugene -
- Having a relationship with Eugene means staying up all night. You two will always have something to talk about. Whether it’s something you two are going thorugh or just talking about how much you like food, Eugene has his ears open, and is always willing to listen to you.
- Even if you’re not a morning person, you’re going to be waking up to feel Eugene kissing your forehead. I picture him as a morning person, so you’ll be getting kissed around seven in the morning everyday. If you’re mad that he woke you up too early, he’ll sing you back to sleep to pay you back.
- When Eugene wakes up before you, he leaves you little notes around your house. So when you wake up, you’ll find a sticky note on your mirror, on the fridge, on the TV remote, etc. The sticky notes always has cute little says that will make your heart melt: “Morning, babe! Even when you’re sleeping you still look like an angel in my eyes. Breakfast is in the fridge!”
- Maybe you guys are having a lazy day? Don’t worry! Eugene’s got you. You two would spend all day making forts out of sheets in your living room. You’d place pillows on the ground so you two have something soft to lay on. Eugene would put in a movie while grabbing some snacks. Nothing like cuddling in your fort while watching a moive.
- If Eugene is ever busy and out of the house, he will always make sure you’re okay. Every hour he’ll text you, asking if you need anything or what you’re up to. If you ever need something from the store or if you accidentally cut your finger with a knife, Eugene will drop everything and will come to your aid. 
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
Love notes from the boys based on their personalities please!!
Dangerous Fellow boys love notes based on their personalities -
Lawrence: “Hey, uh, this is my first time writing a note to someone, so sorry if it’s cringy. haha... anyways, I just wanted to say you looked cute today. I couldn’t help but stare at you in class. I’m supposed to be studying for the upcoming exams, but you’re the only thing on my mind. I know you’re probably not into guys like me, but I just wanted to show you that someone does care for you. Take care. <3.” 
Ethan: “Wow, I can’t believe I’m doing this, but hello. Um, I don’t really know how to do this or where to start but thank you for waking me up before I got in trouble, I owe you one. I don’t get to talk to you often, and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school? Maybe get ice cream or hang out at the park? I’m free Sunday if you’re up to it. I’ll leave you alone now, nice talking to you, I guess.” 
Zion: “Hey! You clearly know who I am! Anyways, how’s the shortie doing? I noticed you dropped your books in the hall earlier today, sorry I couldn’t help you, you just kept pushing me away. Do you like me that much where you can’t look at me in the eyes? Don’t wanna fall for me harder? I’m just messing with you! Geez, stop getting all flustered. Anyways, I’ll see you later, shortie. ;).” 
Harry: “Hello, um, I don’t want to take up your time any more than I am right now, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? If not, maybe whenever you’re free? Okay, give me a call when you have something in mind. PS. You look cute when you smile, you should do it more often. :D” 
Eugene: “Okay, listen here. My friend made me do this so don’t think it means anything. I don’t get to talk to you in class or see you often, so I want to say hello and goodbye! PS. why are you so cute? Like, what are you doing that makes you look like an angel? -_-” 
Jay: “Yes, hello, it’s me. I know, you’re probably tired of hearing from me, but you always walk away from me before I can talk to you! And I don’t think that’s fair! So, since you’re reading this, thank you! Anyways, I want to tell you congrats on passing your test, totally not jealous... Oh! And if you look in your locker, I bought you a bag of candy. Don’t ask how I got your locker combo...”
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