#dangerousfellow fanfic
dfel-writer-l · 1 year
how long has it been since i've posted. who even knows if the dfel community has finally evaporated..?
but regardless I JUST POSTED A FIC ON WATTPAD!!!!!
this is my first work in a while so i might be a little rusty and might be kind of rushed because i wrote it in a day 😁
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headcanon-cafe · 4 years
Your Guys’ First Fight// DangerousFellows
Warning: Cussing and an angry almost make-out session. I usually don't put a warning and just hope you know but ehhhh...
This wasn't good at all... okay so today was going great it was sunny and people were laughing and joking as they ate dinner. No one would have thought that there was a zombie apocalypse going on right now. It wasn't until the middle of the night you were awake (which is no surprise) when some Zombies got through the gate which meant someone had to go close the gate and kill the what looked like only two so far got in.
So what to do...
Now usually if this happened Lawrence and Ethan would deal with this but everyone was asleep Ethan was sick so waking him up was out of the question and Lawrence needed his sleep or else he would be grumpy in the morning, so you thought 'Hey it's only two zombies, I can deal with this myself' and you actually listened to yourself...
You are now outside and had just closed the gate and is now looking for the Zombies "Now let us see, where could my most favorite creatures in the world have gone..." you whispered carefully walking both in fear of the zombies and waking up someone up. You held the crowbar close to you as you walked around outside and it was a good couple of minutes until you actually found them both at an okay enough distance where you could take one down and not worry about the other one killing you within those seconds. You easily took them both down but right when you turned around there was a Zombie right in front of you. You were so shocked that you couldn't move.
Right as you thought you were going to die the zombie just fell to the ground, and right there was Lawrence... looking more pissed than ever.
You were now inside sitting in the conference room, outside the sun had just started going up so by your calculations it is about 5 in the morning, with Lawrence yelling at you and you trying to hold back tears.
"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!??? You could have gotten hurt or worse killed! What made you think that doing this in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT all by YOURSELF WAS SMART?! In case you've forgotten this is a ZOMBIE INFESTED WORLD we are living in and doing stupid things are NOT going to help you!" This is the most he has ever held at you and not only were you scared, tired and feeling guilty you were also feeling embarrassed cause some of the guys started waking up and were just awkwardly looking at you two. "I'm sorry Lawrence I really am I guess I wasn't thinking correctly at that moment in time... it needed to be done and I felt as if I needed to..." Your voice started out strong but somehow ended weak and just above a whisper.
"Yeah well, that was some stupid shit you just did. The worst part is you didn't tell anyone, you didn't tell ME. I'm your boyfriend, I'm the group leader and I care for you but how the HELL am I supposed to protect you if you're running from me and to the danger instead of away." Your voice now way below a whisper "I'm really sorry Lawrence..." he looks at you, his face scarier than ever and his voice stern "Yeah well say I haven't woken up... Sorry wouldn't have brought you back now would it."
You were now in your room trying to sleep since Lawrence sent you to your room since you didn't sleep a lot. The worst part is, is that the small argument was still lingering in your head and it would for a while.
(Sorry this one was so long but hopefully y, you enjoyed???👌👌)
You have never seen Ethan so pissed. Of course, you kinda deserved getting yelled at right now and you really thought he would but oh no. Countless times he's told you not to wander the halls alone, so what did you do?? Wonder the halls alone at night without telling anyone and without a weapon. Of course, nothing happened for you to get hurt other than you slipped but still. But usually, when Ethan's mad he'd give a few words of how to avoid a situation or maybe fix it or maybe even a long stern lecture of why not to set things on fire outside... yeah that happened *coughs*.
But now he's giving you the silent treatment. He's always so quiet especially in front of everyone but no it's so bad that he won't talk to you or give you any physical attention at all he is fully ignoring you!!
"Ethan..." Nothing. He doesn't respond his eyes are closed so you figured hey maybe he's asleep. You run his fingers through his hair and quietly said his name again. He then pushed your hand away and turned away from you. Now, he had you flabbergasted.
past tense: flabbergasted;
surprise (someone) greatly; astonish. "this news has left me totally flabbergasted")
"Ethan I know your mad at me but please talk to me." Nothing, no response, no movement, nothing. "Ethan! Look at me, please!" After a bit of silence, he turns over to look at you yet as he stares at you yet keeps silent. For a while, he kept looking at you without saying anything and you didn't say anything either. "Ethan...would you please talk to me?" You say in the verge of tears. You then hear him sigh and felt a strong grip on your wrist and him pulling you into his lap. You hug his arms and he squeezes you. He puts his head into the crook of your neck and speaks softly "Don't get me wrong... Just because I hug you doesn't mean I forgive you... I'm still very pissed." And then he hugs you tighter never letting go that night.
He said he was okay he's talking calmly, trying to make you understand what you did was wrong. But yet you didn't understand, and even worse he was putting on a brave face but is obviously about to break into tears. It broke your heart. You're trying to understand, you're trying to fix what you did but you can't and he's breaking because of it... you just don't understand. The stress of this was getting to you. You too felt like you were about to cry, you felt like holding him, you felt the need of his comfort but your head was filled with thoughts...
'He's the one needed comforting, not you... he's mad at you and you did something to make him mad you don't deserve his love right now. Don't you dare cry, don't you dare cry just try to understand." And between your thoughts, not understanding, and Harry sounding like he was gonna break down anytime, it was all too much. Your voice coming out is broken pieces "I'm- I'm really trying to understand Harry, I really am but I just don't." This time instead of the somewhat comforting voice you were hoping for but knew you wouldn't get his voice almost, like I said, almost angry. Tears starting to come down. "How do you not understand?! You hurt me! How is that hard to understand?!" You voice quivering as you try to form words tears starting to form.
"I mean I don't understand how I hurt you..." he grabs your wrist and looks straight into your eyes. Your tears falling at an uncontrollable rate and getting more anxious with time. His anger now obviously there shown by words but every other aspect of his body, his body language, his eyes, how gently he held your wrist, it all held sadness to them. "You put yourself out there for all zombies, those people infected with the disease from hell, to see. You put yourself in danger when there were a hundred different options to avoid that exact scenario. Yet you put yourself in danger... How do you not understand how hurt I am! How do you not understand how I, honest to god, not return here if something happened to you! I had to imagine a world without you!! And do you know what that looked like (Y/n)!? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Cause I couldn't live without you and yet you keep putting yourself in danger?? How can you do that...??" Your sobs being the only thing heard in the room once he was done. Feeling so heartbroken from his words. You quickly hugged him, trying to silence your sobs, trying to comfort him, trying to comfort yourself, trying to get the relief of knowing he's okay. But you knew he wasn't, anyone could figure that out. "I just- I just want you to stop putting yourself in danger.... please (Y/n)"
At this moment Zion was pissed at you, and technically you had no reason to be mad but you easily 'copy' feelings. Not on purpose but if someone's sad you'll easily be sad. If someone's happy you'll be happy. If Zions pissed you'll find a reason to be pissed, which let's just say that doesn't mix well with Zion's personality. So right now you were both screaming at each other finally finished the main reason for the argument which was you put yourself in danger, which isn't something new you guy fight a lot about that. But know it's about how you are mad at him for no reason. "JESUS CHRIST (Y/n)!! I keep getting mad at you because I keep thinking I'm gonna lose the love of my life! Why the hell are you mad at me?!?" He screams making hand motions as he talks emphasizing to you how mad he actually is. "Because this is a fucking ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! YEAH NO SHIT I'M IN DANGER ZION!! WHEN YOU LIVE IN A WORLD LIKE WE DO NOW WE ARE ALL IN DANGER 24/7!!!" You scream back. Right when Zion was about to retort there was a soft knock at the door and you could see Lawrence's head popped in.
He pushes up his glasses and coughs awkwardly. "Hey uh I get you guys need to work this out but uh could you quiet down by any chance?? You're gonna attract Zombies plus you're scaring Eugene and literally everyone else... but mostly Eugene." You then cough awkwardly yourself and apologize asking Lawrence to apologize for you to everyone else. "Sure thing (Y/n) and uh sorry to bother you guys..." you mumble a quick it's alright and shoo him out. Right when he leaves you glare at Zion. "Wow way to go, you scared the kid." he scoffs and reply's "Okay 1 your younger than him and 2 you were the one screaming like a banshee. Maybe if you learned to shut up we wouldn't have to of had that awkward conversation with Lawrence." You scoff back at him "If I learned to shut up! I can be as loud as I fucking want to be!" His glare sharpening "You need to seriously shut up..." trying to make you glare as sharp as his you then said the one thing you knew you shouldn't of which was "Make me." You then felt a big force push you to the wall making you gasp from the impact. Realized Zion just pushed you against the wall and there is no escape. Your body trapped between the wall and his body, his knee pushed up between your legs, not touching anything yet but if you were to move at all it would. While his mouth is right next to your ear. "You should think about what you say before you sat it, sweetheart, it could get you in a whole lot of trouble before you know it.
Of course, you guys never got into an argument for a real reason. You two fought over the stupidest shit. Like today, for instance, you guys were fighting about the difference between a Pun and a Pickup line. You say there is a fine line between the two and they are totally different but he says that there is a grey area and that sometimes they can go into the same category. The thing was, none of you were laughing. You guys were seriously arguing about it which is strange since most of the time it was playful banter. "A pun is a a joke that uses play on words! A pickup line is a bad way to pick up chicks! Sometimes you can you a pun to pick up chicks!" He yells. Oh did I mention that the whole group was here watching this exchange between you two.
"That's not true! What do you guys think!?" You turn to ask the guys but they quickly put there hands up saying they weren't apart of it. Grumbling angrily you turn back to Eugene "Fine then! Give me a Pickup Pun!" Just as quickly as you said that he quickly responds "Do you like raisins?" Baffled you stand there in silence "Uh...what?" He looks you dead in the eyes and again ask "Do you like raisins?" 'Is he ignoring the argument we just had...? Fine...' "They're okay I guess... Why?" "What about dates?" As soon as he said that you had to try your hardest not to smile. You guys were looking each other in the eyes not one of you cracking a smile. You could hear the guys giggling in the back ground. After a while of this you knew you lost so you just smiled goofily held up your middle finger and retort with a 'Fuck you' he smiles goofily also and replied "Wondering how long you were going to hold that smile. It was was so hard to not."
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I loooovvveee your content and u was wonder if you could make a Lawrence POV of smut if you can thanks ( this is embarrassing for me I'm sorry;-;)
Hellooo, Lovely! Thought I’d start by saying that I’m not very good at writing POV. LOLs I still give it a go, anyway in a different kind of format than my usual. I kept this one short, simple... and 🥵🌶. It might be a little messy because I was half sleepy writing this. Hope you still enjoy it ❤️ Bambi
p.s. There’s no judgement or shame here, my dear fawn. Our blog is a safe space to thirst over your favourite DFel boi 😘 Kiss and Huggles 😘
Taste - Lawrence POV x Reader
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* image from Lucydream, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 753
Warnings: Smut . Profanity (18+)
I rubbed my hands over my arms, hoping to gain some warmth from the chill.
The air does tend to become quite bitter at this time of the night.
I peered over to where (Y/N) was resting.
She must be cold.
Why didn’t she use the blanket that I had given her?
I knelt down beside her and gently covered her body with the fleecy material.
That should help her get a more peaceful sleep.
I watched her longingly, in awe of her beauty before leaning down to kiss her on the forehead.
Her lips parted, and she was breathing softly. Her chest, rising and falling, steadily.
I couldn’t help but trace my thumb over the curves of her lips.
Such soft, supple lips.
So inviting.
How much I loved her. It makes me elated to know that she also feels the same way.
Will it be ok if I…
I pressed my lips upon hers, kissing her tenderly.
(Y/N) sighed softly, and I pulled away just enough to see her reaction.
A sleepy gaze stared back at me.
I felt my cheeks heat up, embarrassed that I had been caught.
“I don’t mind if you continued, Lawrence?” She murmured, combing her fingers through my dishevelled mane before cupping my cheeks with her delicate hands.
“Kiss me again… Please…”
Her breathy plea sent me into a frenzy, and I began my journey down her body.
I grazed my lips over the soft skin of her neck before pushing her tee up to expose her breasts.
Her nipple was firm in my mouth as I sucked gently.
I felt her arch her back, quivering with pleasure.
Pleasure that I was giving her.
I felt (Y/N)’s hand nudge my head to go further down.
She lifted her hips up from the floor and snapped the waistband of her skirt.
“Take them off.”
Her command had me piqued with arousal.
I felt my cock ache beneath my trousers.
However, I must refrain from giving in to my own cravings.
Tonight, I wanted it to be about her and her needs.
I hooked my fingers over both the hems of her stocking and panties before sliding them off her legs.
(Y/N) was wet.
Her pussy was glistening under the dim light of the basement.
I needed to taste her.
The alluring scent coming from sex was driving me insane.
I HAVE to taste her.
I positioned my body and lowered my face between her thighs.
I shifted her legs towards her chest before burying my face into her heat.
“Oooh… Fuck! Yeeesss!”
Her lust-filled mewl was like a sonnet to my ears.
I couldn’t help but groan in response.
Her essence was delectable. Divine.
More. I need MORE.
I anchored my arms around her thighs and devoured her clitoris — swirling my tongue all over the sensitive bud.
(Y/N) bucked and moaned as I sucked, licked and fucked her pussy.
I could feel her walls clench around my probing tongue.
She must be close.
“Don’t stop, Lawrence… Don’t stop!”
I lapped my tongue along the side of her labia before latching onto her clit once more.
Releasing one arm, I plunged two fingers into her slick cunt.
Pumping vigorously.
Cum, my love… Cum for me.
Her wetness splattered on my chin as I continued to finger-fuck her pussy — my tongue, dancing circles on her swollen bud.
I gave (Y/N) one last, hard thrust, and she finally came undone.
My beautiful woman writhed in ecstasy as she cried out her climax — panting breathlessly.
I sat up from between her legs, adjusting my glasses up my nose.
I gazed down at the glorious woman before me, wiping her essence off my mouth with the top of my sleeve.
How lucky am I to have her in my life.
(Y/N) was huffing, coming down from her blissful high.
Her sparkling (e/c) eyes captured mine as she held her thighs up towards her chest once more — spreading them wide.
Exposing herself in all her lascivious glory.
No longer can I abstain from my own desires.
I felt the relentless throb of my dick as I subconsciously unzipped it free from its confinement.
Oh, how much I wanted to feel her tightness wrap around my shaft.
Her wetness dripping off my cock as I would slide in and out of her delicious pussy.
As my trousers fell from my hips, (Y/N) moaned her next command.
“Now fuck me, Lawrence.”
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mxdnightlvers · 5 years
Can I have some last name headcanons for all the dangerous fellows characters? Thxx
Hope you enjoy~~ Sorry if it doesn't really match, I tried to find what best fits them, and I was using a list of most common surnames so😂
Dangerous Fellows Lastnames~ Headcannon
Eugene~ Sanders~ (I also will give him Anderson)
Zion~ Anderson
Ethan~ Sanchez
Harry~ Collins
Lawrence~ Thompson~ (I also like Lockhart)
Judy~ Rivera
Sue~ Hernandez
Jay~ Evans
Scarlett~ Lopez
Hailey~ Garcia
~Written by: Dangerousfellowshoe~
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headcanon-cafe · 4 years
Confession- DangerousFellows
He didn't mean to confess at all. Well, he wanted to just not that exact moment so it was a total accident. You came into his room late at night because of a nightmare, you both relaxed with each other often so you always go to each other's room when in need. So obviously this wasn't the first time or out of the normal for you two. It was this last time though that something out of the normal happened. You came to his room late at night, laid next to him and all was ordinary until the next morning. You woke up to some amazing feeling, it took you a little bit to know the cause of the feeling because it was right when you woke up but soon realized it was Ethan running his fingers through your hair.
This caught you off guard cause not only was he awake first but he likes to stay away from too much physical contact unless needed or extremely wanted from you. Due to you not wanting the pleasurable feeling to stop you decided to keep pretending to be asleep and let him continue. "I wish I could say I love you but words are so hard." After a bit of silence you would turn around, surprising him and making him stop. You snuggle against him and hide your blushing face in his chest you would reply with "I love you too. But don't stop doing that." So you guys spent the rest of the morning looking at each other and him playing with your hair.
Harry gets brownie points for being a brave bastard. Not only did he mean to tell you, but he made it so you were comfortable with it first. You guys were on patrol and he brought up the question. "So (Y/n)... if I were to ask you out what would you say." You turned to him and smiled. "I would say, duh I've been waiting for you to ask forever! What's with the question Harry?" He then got on one knee grabbed your hand, slowly brought it to his mouth when you finally felt his lips touch your knuckles, you knew you were blushing hard already. When you thought he was gonna let go of your hand, he never did. He kept your hand there and you could see him smile from behind your hand, him looking deep into your eyes and you staring back into his amethyst eyes, never wanting to leave. You could quietly hear him say, "(Y/n), I love you, please be mine in this time of terror please be my one light in this world of darkness. Please make me smile when there's nothing to smile about, please let me have you, not as a possession but a quality, as a better part of myself." Of course, the answer wouldn't be anything other than yes.
You see, Zion is a boi that gets very jealous very fast. So when the guys tried to talk to you about stuff that had nothing to do with surviving Zion would always have an excuse to drag you and himself away. Of course, the excuse was always so stupid or obvious anyone would know that he was jealous.
Except you, you oblivious sh*t.
Zion was dragging you away from talking to Eugene and you were slightly annoyed. This was because you were in a good conversation about one of your old favorite tv series 'Gravity Falls' and this wasn't the first time he's taken you away from a decent conversation. Zion would then take you to his room and that's when things got awkward. "So is there a reason you took me away from any conversation I have with the squad?" You ask, he then rubs his neck and looks away. "If you want to talk, talk to me. You always want to have a conversation with them but never me, it pisses me off." At that moment you kinda pieced things together (Finally) and started to laugh hysterically for how jealous he was getting. You would then continue by wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek and trying to continue the conversation you were having with Eugene but Zion having no idea what you're talking about.
It was literally the most awkward thing ever. Literally, you wanted to take a shower and you felt really scared and didn't want to go alone for some reason. Of course your dumbass thought hey wouldn't it be genius if you asked your crush to come with you whilst you shower. Somehow you didn't realize how bad that sounded until you actually said it out loud... to him. You both just kinda looked at each other with both your faces getting redder and continuing to get redder with each passing second. After what seemed to be an eternity (but was realistically 7 seconds) you looked away from him and turned your head towards the ground giving a quick apology, rambling about how you were scared. "I-I'm sorry, I guess I should've thought about what I was saying. I sorta speak before I think and like I guess no thought process went into that other than 'hey I'm dirty and scared might as well ask someone I like to go with me'. IM NOT SAYING I LIKE YOU, well I like you a lot but, but... oh sour Satan why don't I ever think... Look I apol-" right when the word apologize left your mouth he grabbed a hold of your hand, squeezing your hand once in contact and pulled you towards the bathroom "Okay 1 learn when to stop talking. 2 I'll keep watch outside. You shouldn't apologize for being scared, apologize for being a dumbass." And even though he was turned away from you, you could still see the tips of his ears stained red. You smiled and gripped his hand you also blushing and whispered a "Thank you, Eugene."
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dfel-writer-l · 3 years
wanna write a somewhat angsty fic with zion but idk anything but the regular old “he’s jealous bc he likes mc” trope 
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dfel-writer-l · 3 years
yandere!Lawerence x reader update!
so i won’t be uploading part 2 tonight! >.< 
I’m SO sorry to those who were waiting for the update but please be patient with me :(( i have work to do tonight, and it might be late once i’m done. but pls don’t let this make u stop reading! i PROMISE to update it as soon as I can tomorrow. pls believe me when i say i will update
but on that note please have a good night/morning! <3
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dfel-writer-l · 3 years
tn i won’t update the oneshots book bc i’m trying to make a good (spoilers lol!) yandere!Lawerence x reader and i want to make it good for yall since i’ve never wrote ab this and i dont know much ab yanderes so i’ll do a little researching and try to get it out tm <33 and who knows! maybe this story will have a part 2....
check my pinned for a link to the actual book! if u enjoyed pls vote and give feedback whether good or constructive <33
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mxdnightlvers · 5 years
could you do a lawrence x female reader where she makes him flustered by flirting or something like with him? I always see a very... innocent reader so it’d be cool to see a little change :)
Hope you enjoy 😂💕
Playful- Lawrence x Reader
I ruffled my hands through my hair and slumped down onto my chair. I was quite tired from my patrol with Zion and his constant teasing. I closed my eyes and people chattered around me in classroom 1-C.
"What's wrong?" I looked up and saw Lawrence patting my head. I shook my head, not wanting to worry him. He smiled and sat down next to me and I closed my eyes once more.
I woke up in my classroom, confusingly looking around at my surroundings. My eyes took time to adjust in the dark classroom. My eyes then focused outside the window. The moon was out with a few clouds hiding it. The moonlight illuminated a small part of the classroom and the open the window allowed the cold, crisp air to enter. I then realized something wierd, my blanket seemed smaller than usual. I then looked beside me and saw a sleeping Lawrence.
"What the-" I almost screamed out as I slid away from him. He looked so peaceful sleeping, his brown hair draping over his face and his glasses barely staying on. I did him a favor of removing his glasses and set it beside me. He started to fiddle around before finally waking up. His tired eyes met with mines and I smiled at him.
"Morning love, how'd you sleep?" I greeted teasingly.
"Wait wha-?" He replied, blushing a red color. I laughed at his cute flustered expression. He then proceeded to push what's supposed to be his glasses up on the bride of his nose. Lawerence surprisingly pulled away and glared at me, I only gave him a playful smirk in return.
"Missing something?" I sang my words playfully. He pouted and I grabbed his glasses from behind me and hooked it in the middle of my shirt collar.
"Come on Y/N give it back... I need those and they're my only pair." He said reaching for his glasses but I swatted his hand away. I giggled and started to walk away when Lawrence grabbed my hand and suddenly pulled me back down. The brown haired figure was now towering over me, with a stern look in his beautiful brown eyes. I didn't bother to say anything playfully back and we silently laid there for a while before coming to our senses. He looked surprised at what he had just done and I looked away, a rosy color staining my cheeks. He removed his glasses from my shirt and fixed it onto his face. He got off me and I sat up, still not wanting to make eye contact. He got up to leave but I stopped him, also standing up.
"Wait Lawrence!"
"Yeah Y/N?" He replied as he spun around. I walked up to him, placing my hands on his collar, fixing it. This made him quite flustered by my unexpected gesture, face even more red.
"I'm sorry." I stated finally making eye contact with him. He opened his mouth to say something but I flashed him a smile which made him even more flustered. He then ruffled my hair and proceeded to leave.
I made my way back to my blanket and curled up. Jeez what a wierd night, I wonder how he even ended up in my room anyways. I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I went to the one place that always calmed me down, the rooftop. The air was even colder up here but the stars and the beautiful night had even a better view from here. The cold air gently blew against my skin as I looked up and closed my eyes. I was then interrupted by my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder. My eyes shot open and I immediately spun around. It was Lawrence. A pink blush appeared on my cheeks as I tried to maintain eye contact.
"You know... I never actually told you how I ended up sleeping next to you." He hesitantly said, also blushing. I nodded for him to continue and apparently I fell asleep in classroom 1-C and he carried my to my classroom only to accidentally fall asleep next to me. I giggled at the kind affectionate gesture and thanked him.
"Hehe, did you know you're really cute when you're asleep." I playfully said poking the tip of his nose. He swatted my hand away and looked away, embarrassed. He tried to reply but kept on stuttering. I chuckled and proceeded to walk away but he strongly gripped my hand and spun me around.
His eyes were different, I dont know where he got this unexpected confidence but it was very interesting. His grip on my hand was strong, not allowing me to let go. He towered over me, a hint of dominance in his brown eyes that were fixated on mines. His lips slowly curved into a smirk and there was nothing I could do or say, I stuttered unable to form any words and he chuckled at my reaction as I did a few minutes earlier.
"Y/N I..."
You can imagine what happens after :)
Written by: Dangerousfellowshoe
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mxdnightlvers · 5 years
Could I get a oneshot for Lawrence where he has to take care of you because you hurt yourself by accident? And he gets really irritated because he was worried?
Sorry this took so long😂 I hope you enjoy it!
Hurt- Lawrence x Reader
Today, I lost yet another person.
He wasn't necessarily nice to me but it still hurts to lose someone you know.
He pushed me down the stairs and I injured my ankle, making it swollen.
I couldn't walk back to the school so Eugene gave me a ride on his back.
Scarlett fiercely blamed me for Jay's death but my mind was so clouded I barely paid attention to her. The classroom had an uneasy feeling surrounding it. The mixed doubts and suspicions rising inside of us. I cant take this anymore, I need a break.
I made my way out of the classroom, barely being able to walk. As I was about to enter my classroom Lawerence stopped me.
"Hey Y/N wait!" He called and I spun my head around.
"I need to take care of your leg first, I cant have you walking around with an injured ankle." Lawrence said with that charming smile I'm all too familiar with.
Lawerence suddenly picked me up, bridal style, startling me. He looked down at me and smiled and my cheeks blushed a rosy color. I looked away, quite embarrassed but we soon arrived at his classroom. He placed me down on his blanket while he brought a first aid kit and tended to my leg. He focused intently on me, making sure I was comfortable
"Alright! You just need to heal so dont try and wander around and please dont run." Lawrence stated, finishing up.
I smiled and slowly made my way back to my classroom. I laid down on the blanket, now too big for me without Judy. The setting sun gleamed through the windows illuminating the classroom. I curled myself into a ball, as I tried to sleep. I tried to sleep but my thoughts kept me awake. I decided to go for a walk to hopefully calm down. I slowly limped all the way to the stairs and after contemplating, I decided to go down. I walked along the empty hallway which was eerily quiet. The boarded up windows barely allowed the moonlight to pass through, surrounding the hallway in darkness. I took a peek inside each classroom as I walked down until...
I froze and looked around.
The noise continued. I hurriedly looked around until I saw a dormant zombie lurking at the end of the hallway. It wasn't looking my direction but I was still scared. How stupid of me to not bring a weapon with me. I started to make my way until...
"Ow!" I accidentally screamed out. I tried running but my ankle sent a piercing pain throughout my leg, making me crumble onto the floor. The zombie was now facing my way and steadily making my way towards me. I was not about to die now, not like this. I barely had the energy to stand and the zombie was nearing closer and closer. I tried to crawl away but my leg was preventing me from even moving. I closed my eyes as the zombie neared closer.
A dull strike was heard from in front of me. I slowly open my eyes and saw Lawrence strike the dying zombie. I looked up at him but instead of being greeted by his warm smile, he was frowning.
"I told you to stay in your classroom and not wander around! Why can't you listen to such simple instructions!"
I flinched at his sudden harshness and looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. He held his hand out to me and I hesitantly grabbed it. He mumbled something under his breath as he guided me back to my classroom. His expression was cold and it barely showed any emotion. I didn't say anything as I was too timid to do anything. He left me in my classroom saying nothing. I slumped onto the floor left alone to my thoughts when Lawrence suddenly returned. He brought back the same first aid kit from earlier and stared to tend to my leg. His expression seemed to have lighten up a bit and I decided to finally say something.
"I- I thought you were mad...." I barely managed to say.
He looked up at me with that welcoming smile I longed for, "I'm not mad Y/N.... I'm just... worried."
"Worried?" I looked at him confused
"I dont like seeing you hurt like this and the fact that you go do reckless activities frustrates me. I... I'm just trying to keep you safe." Lawerence replied, mumbling something inaudible in the end.
I blushed and looked away until his fingers met my chin and faced me towards him.
"Promise me you wont do anything reckless again okay?" His brown eyes literally pleading at me to listen to him.
"I promise." I said taking his hand in mines.
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Ok um IM A HUGE DANGEROUS FELLOWS FAN AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (Fan girling so hard) soooooo i really like your writing and i would love if you could do eugene (i love him so much) or harry (my second favorite he's such an angel) like there trying to have some quality time with reader but keep getting interrupted by the other guys but finally get to be alone and turns saucy i would love this owo
This ended up being saucy throughout the whole fic LOL We have a thirsty MC/Reader for this one 😉Enjoy, gorgeous and thank you for the request x
Alone at Last - Eugene x Reader
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* image from LucyDreams
Word Count: 1,407
Warning: Smut . Profanity (18+)
Finding comfort on Eugene’s shoulder, you had your eyes closed; listening peacefully to the beautiful melody resonating from the piano. It had been a while since you were able to spend quality time together and as the days went by, you began to crave for it… for him… all of him. So of course, you were ecstatic when your boyfriend had suggested meeting in the music room, your private oasis, for a much-needed break.
“That was amazing, Eugene.” You exclaimed sensuously, eager for his talented fingers to be caressing you instead of the monochromatic keys.
Chuffed, the golden-haired male smiled proudly before gazing into your lustrous (e/c) eyes, “Well, obviously!”
Impatient desire kindled within the depths of your core as you admired his boyishly handsome face, biting your lip subconsciously. It took a lot of willpower for you to resist pouncing on him right then and there.
Impulsively, you placed a hand on his thigh, rubbing gently as your eyelids dropped in a sultry manner. You beamed at him seductively, inching further up the inside of his leg. Longing for intimacy, you didn’t want this rare alone time to go to waste.
Eugene blushed vibrantly and froze, caught off guard by your forwardness. His placid cock began to twitch, growing with excitement beneath his now tight trousers.
Giggling at his reaction, you pecked him on his nose cheekily; maintaining a soft caress between his thighs.
“Did you miss this~?” You cooed against his lips, tantalising his skin with your warm breath.
Snapping out of his daze, Eugene glared at you; a hint of mischief in his blazing amber irises. Keeping his eyes locked onto yours, he guided your hand to his hardened bulge over his pants. Wrapping your fingers around his shaft, you gripped onto him firmly; causing him to gasp lightly.
“What do you think?” He panted breathlessly, leaning in to brush his lips upon your expectant ones - waiting for his embrace.
Startled, you both spun around; letting go of each other in the process as you both gawked at the two men standing between the doorway.
Harry remained by the entrance; face flushed with embarrassment from intruding on your moment of intimacy as Ethan stood next to him, straight-faced as always.
“Ahh… Sorry for interrupting but… umm… Lawrence has called for a meeting.” A flustered Harry stammered, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided your owl-like gaze – wide-eyed and stunned.
Ethan stared at the both of you, nonchalant about the situation and simply nodded before walking back down the hallway. Sending you off with an awkward smile, Harry followed closely behind his athletic friend.
Eugene let out an exasperated sigh before standing up from the piano, lacing his fingers around your own.
“Maybe we’ll get some privacy later.”
Pouting, you rose beside him and cuddled up against his arm, “Hopefully.”
Tranquil silence surrounded the atmosphere as both you and Eugene patrolled the rooftop that evening. The city beyond the heavy fencing seemed peaceful and the stars above glittered the vast cloudless sky. It was a breathtaking sight and you turned towards your boyfriend, twining your fingers with his.
“Everything looks fine… No signs of zombies lurking near the gate or the schoolyard.” Pulling you into his arms, Eugene gazed hungrily at your parted lips, “Shall we continue where we left off?”
Without hesitation, you threw yourself onto him; grasping the collar of his jacket. Eugene stumbled against the wired fence from your urgency – pinned by your sex-driven form. Your tongues instantly tangled erotically as your lips connected, passionate and greedy.
Together, you slid down to the floor.
Straddling your boyfriend’s lap, you began to grind against his already hardened cock. The head of his length rubbed against your clit; the friction causing your pussy to become wet, aching for penetration. Eugene gripped onto the flesh of your hips, rocking you back and forth in a steady rhythm. You mewled into his mouth as your hands ravished through his light-coloured mane.
Eugene flung you off him as you yelped from the sudden noise coming from the rooftop door.
“I swear… this chick is so damn annoying and clingy! Why do I have to be paired up with her?! She’s such a pain in my…”
Zion had slammed the door open and casually strolled through the entrance looking extremely perturbed. His golden orbs soon fell upon your frozen body lying on the floor before landing on his bewildered friend. He noticed the obvious bulge in Eugene’s pants and frowned.
Frustrated at getting caught in the act for the second time today, Eugene blasted at the redhead.
“For crying out loud, Zion! Ever heard of knocking?” He quickly yanked his jacket down to cover his crotch.
“The fuck? This is a public area, dude! There’s a time and place, you know?!”
As the two friends bickered, you stood up gingerly and briskly dusted the dirt off your clothes. Your face was burning crimson and you made haste towards the door – slinking away, embarrassed once more.
After the last meeting and dinner had ended, you trudged back to the comfort of your room – disappointingly alone. Riddled with sexual tension, you wondered whether to sneak your way towards your Eugene’s room or force yourself to stay put and deal with your pent-up frustration on your own.
Deciding on the latter, not wanting to risk bumping into the others again, you changed out of your daily attire and slipped under your knitted blanket in nothing but your panties and tee. Closing your eyes, you slipped your hand down past the cotton trim of your underwear and began to tease your clitoris; all the while fantasising about Eugene’s tongue lapping at every crevice of your sex. You could imagine his soft hair tickling the insides of your thighs as you bucked your pelvis into his gorgeous face; his tongue darting in and out of your slit.
Soft moans escaped your o-shaped lips as you skimmed your fingers down to your slick hole and then up again, coating yourself with your essence. You fastened your pace, stimulating your swollen bud – attempting to relieve yourself before bed.
“Mmm… Eugene…”
Your eyes sprung open towards the cocky voice, and there stood the blonde; leaning his shoulder against the door frame with his arms folded over his chest - a smug devilish grin on his face.
“Oh my goodness, Eugene! Don’t scare me like that!” A rosy tint crept upon your cheeks as you glared at him, your hand still hidden within your panties.
Closing the door behind him, he made his way towards you; taking his clothes off in the process. His unzipped pants hanging off his hips, Eugene knelt down before you and gave you a small nod of his head, gesturing for you to sit up.
Smirking at your lover, you threw the blanket off to the side – revealing yourself to him. Eugene hooked his fingers on either side of your panties and slowly peeled them off your legs. His breath hitched as he watched you continue to pleasure yourself with fiery carnal eyes; his cock throbbing under the constraints of his slacks.
He hovered over your provocative form and ran his tongue along the curves of your lips. You gasped softly as yours tangled with his own in a dirty, salacious dance.
A string of saliva bridged between your lips as Eugene pulled away, stripping the rest of his clothing off.
“Just so you know, we’re not sleeping tonight.”
You smiled lasciviously at his words and your lips met once more in a heated and desperate kiss – no longer able to contain the desires that had been building up throughout the day. Moments later, he had your legs out wide. His hands grasped both your knees drawing them to your shoulders as he sheathed his shaft inside of your warm supple cunt; grinding himself at the hilt and stretching your pussy walls with his girth. You let out a breathless sigh as he pumped his cock in and out of you vigorously – the sound of your wetness filling the midnight air.
Eugene fucked you over and over, allowing your inhibitions to run free until dawn - making up for lost time. As the morning rays warmed your heaving forms, you cuddled happily together under the comfort of your blanket – completely spent, satisfied and overwhelmingly relaxed.
x mod bambi
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for shits and gigs...
MC: Eugene! Want to do something today?
Eugene: *fidgets and mumbles*
MC: What did you say?
Eugene: *blushes* I... wantyoutositonmyface!
MC: What?
Eugene: NOTHING! F*CK! *runs away*
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Jealousy - Lawrence x Reader
Reader’s Choice Fanfic : 200 Followers Event
Lawrence x Reader Fluff / NSFW - “I’m not jealous…”
A/N: Once again, thank you for taking the time to vote! Our next milestone is coming up very soon! So... if you would like to be apart of choosing our next fanfic, make sure to VOTE!
Hope you enjoy! ♡ (⇀ 3 ↼) chu~
x Mod Luna x Mod Bambi
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* image from LucyDreams, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 3,606
Fluff / NSFW
Warning: Smut . Profanity (18+)
Splitting into groups of two, Zion and Eugene leave to explore the first floor of a seemingly untouched house, while you and Lawrence head down towards the basement. While walking down the stairs of the dimply lit room, your anxiety grows as you continue to blindly stumble upon cobweb after cobweb. You felt nervous enough to be alone with the man you’ve come to grow feelings for, but the possibility of a spider falling upon your face made you hair stand on end.
Fear overcoming you, you attempt to grab hold of Lawrence’s sleeve for comfort. However, you somehow end up tripping over your own feet – swiftly pulling his jacket off from him before stumbling to the ground clumsily.
“Hey now… I know we’ve been spending a fair bit of time together lately, but I wasn’t expecting you to make the first move so boldly.” He chuckles at you as he holds out his hand before pulling you back up with ease.
“I WASN’T–” You blush ferociously as you try to protest. “I don’t even know how that happened. I was just… afraid of spiders falling on me…”
Lawrence stares at you – amused.  
“Alone with a guy, in a dark and secluded basement with the possibility of a zombie lurking about… yet the thing you’re most afraid of right now is a mere spider? You really are an interesting one, (Y/N)…”
“You’re a reliable, kind and gentle leader, Lawrence. I doubt you could EVER frighten me more than a spider could. I mean… have you seen those beady eyes?!” You wrap your arms around yourself as goosebumps spread throughout your body from the thought of them crawling upon the surface of your skin.
“Kind and gentle… huh?” Lawrence moves forward, cornering you between him and the column situated in the centre of the room. His body presses against yours – warmth radiating from his body, igniting a burning desire within you to feel more of his touch.
“Well then… How about now?” He whispers, sending a pleasant chill down your spine as his breath caresses your ear.
You slide your hands up his chest and feel him shudder from your touch, you then grip the collar of his shirt and pull him closer, your faces barely inches apart.
“You don’t scare me, Lawrence.”
“Maybe you should be.” His voice low and sultry as his thumb traces the bottom of your anticipating lips.
You feel his breath upon yours as he slowly moves in to close the gap between you both.
I’ve been so unsure of what his true feelings are towards me. Does this confirm that Lawrence perhaps… feels something for me too? This spark between us… surely he must sense it as well…
Your heart thumps violently, eager to indulge in the taste of his lips.
Just as you were about to kiss, the sound of approaching footsteps cuts your moment short and you both pull away from each other as Zion and Eugene’s beaming faces pop in through the entryway - hands full of snacks.
After arriving back to the school, the four of you make your way through the building towards classroom 1-C to meet the others. Exuding anger, you stare daggers through Zion and Eugene’s heads during the whole journey back, causing them to question the random drops in temperature.
They’re lucky they had found a goldmine of food or I would’ve pummelled them both to the ground for ruining such a pivotal moment.
As Zion and Eugene disappear into the classroom ahead, Lawrence suddenly grabs hold of your hand and pulls you towards him, swinging you around to face him in the process. He slides his arm around your waist – pulling you close. He then slowly brings your hand up towards his lips before placing a soft, lingering kiss upon your knuckles. Your cheeks now painted crimson, he returns his gaze on yours – desire evident in your (e/c) eyes. Intuitively, you begin to lean forward; only then realising your actions as he places a finger upon your lips. A warm smile graces his face – a subtle a hint of playfulness dancing in the corners of his lips. Without a word, he releases his hold on you and continues to make his way through the door.
Your fingers come up to softly graze your lips, still feeling Lawrence’s lingering touch upon them. You stay frozen in the hallway as you try to calm your accelerated heart rate. Attempting to manage the shock, you take a deep breath and finally make your way into the room.
After celebrating Zion and Eugene’s grand discovery of snacks, everyone stays behind in the classroom for lunch. Grabbing a cream bun, you settle down on the ground happily next to Ethan before sighing contently as you lean back against the wall, relieving the fatigue aching your body.
You close your eyes, thankful for the opportunity to relax and gather your mind. However, your moment of peace was suddenly interrupted by a playful nudge to your side and you turn your face to acknowledge the indigo-haired figure beside you; a slight frown on his face from your lack of greeting.
Unswayed by his attempt at guilt-tripping, you simply poke your tongue out at him and he chuckles softly while shaking his head before focusing his attention back to his food; you follow suit, chowing down enthusiastically on your bun.
Things were always like this between you both, since arriving to the school; Ethan and you had become close friends. The relationship between you two was natural and purely platonic; it was as if you found the older brother you had always wished for. Besides, there was only one person who could cause your heart to beat wildly within your chest.
You feel a lingering gaze upon you and look up, locking eyes with Lawrence across the room.
Speak of the devil.
Your eyes wander towards his inviting lips and you sigh in disappointment at the memory of this morning’s supply run as well as his little tease in the hallway.
It was then that you notice Lawrence watching you curiously, his head slightly cocked to one side as he taps the side of his mouth. You reach up to touch your face curiously, smearing cream onto your fingers. Embarrassed, you quickly wipe the mess away and see Lawrence smiling amiably at you. You blush ferociously and clear your throat; to which Ethan raises a questioning eyebrow at your sudden awkwardness. After taking a quick glance at Ethan, Lawrence then turns back to continue his conversation with Harry. You feel Ethan’s stare piercing the side of your face and you turn back to him, feeling defensive.
“What?! Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ethan lips curl into a barely noticeable smirk and you curse at yourself for being such an open book.
“Urgh fine! You caught me, just… shut up!” You giggle as you hide your flushed face upon your knees. You hear him chuckle softly once more before ruffling the back of your hair.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Your face says it all.” You sulk playfully, your words muffled against your knees.
You hear Ethan let out a lengthy sigh, “So, this is how a dad feels when his daughter falls in love for the first time…”
You raise your head, rolling your eyes at him light-heartedly as you feel your cheeks slowly grow with heat once more.
“It’s ok, I approve.” He continues as he pats your head.
“Arghhh can we stop talking about this now?!” You plead as you place your hands upon your flushed face. Ethan chuckles once more but complies, allowing you to finish your lunch in peace.
Unbeknownst to you however, Lawrence keeps watch from across the room, a quiet rage gradually building as he witnesses your cheeks flush pink from what he assumed was Ethan’s touch.
Something’s wrong…
You slump over the desk and sigh as your cheek squishes against the surface of the table – frustrated from the turn of events. Unsure and confused, you can’t help but think that Lawrence had been purposely avoiding you as of late.
I don’t understand… things were progressing so fast, but now it feels as if we’ve gone back to being strangers…
You don’t know what changed; it had been difficult to find opportunities to spend some time alone with him. He was either always busy conversing with someone or just, not around.
During the meetings he’d refuse to look your way, and on the rare occasion that your eyes would meet, he’d turn away without a second thought. Something in him had changed, no longer was he the welcoming, sweet and confident leader that you came to love; instead it was as if he had a complete change in character to someone who just felt cold – distant.
You then hear your classroom door slide open and you raise your head excitedly, hopeful to see a certain chestnut-haired man standing in the doorway.
“Sorry, just me...” Ethan walks in sluggishly, his voice as monotone as ever.
You lean your forehead back against the desk and groan loudly from exasperation, not needing to explain your actions as Ethan was previously informed of your troubles. He walks over and perches himself upon the desk beside you, patting your head soothingly in comfort. “I have good news.”
Your ears perk up and you look up at him expectantly, eyes sparkling with hope.
“Lawrence asked me to call you for him. He’s waiting in the Principal’s Office.” He announces nonchalantly.
“YOU’RE ONLY TELLING ME THIS NOW?!” You gasp as you jump up onto your feet and sprint out the room, only to then rush back and pop your head through the door for one more thing.
“THANKS ETHAN!” You huff as you sprint off once more, hearing Ethan’s faint chuckle in the distance.
Finally reaching the office, you pause in front of the door – your heart racing in a mixture of excitement, anxiousness and adrenaline.  You take a deep breath as you reach out towards the doorknob, calming yourself before entering. You see Lawrence standing by the bookshelf, flipping through a book uninterestedly and indifferent to your presence.  
“Hey Lawrence! You wanted to see me?”
“Yes, actually…” He closes the book and slides it back in its place among the sea of others - turning around to face you.
Your heart flutters with hope, feeling somewhat awkward from his gaze due to his prolonged lack of attention towards you.
“I need you to section out the snacks for everyone before tonight’s dinner.”
You pause, feeling embarrassed from the excitement you had felt anticipating this moment.  However, that feeling was quickly replaced by utter disappointment, realising he had no intention of changing the way things were between you as of late.
“That’s it...?” You murmur softly, focusing on calming the impatience overcoming you.
“What else is there?” His voice cold – emotionless.
His words pierced through your chest, leaving you to feel vulnerable… rejected.
“What else is there?! Hmm let’s see,” You place a finger to the corner of your mouth and tilt your head sarcastically. “How about we address the fact that you’ve been AVOIDING me these past few days.”
Frustration overwhelms you and without even thinking, you continue to verbalise how disheartened he had made you feel.
“What am I to you? Some emotionless play thing? I’m not a toy, Lawrence! Or have you had your fun? Did you get bored? Is that why you’re treating me like this? Like I don’t exist?”
You were seeing red, tears glazing over your eyes.
“And here I thought that you wanted to see me. To tell me you were simply busy… that you avoiding me wasn’t what I was thinking and that we could go back to the way things were! But this… this is just disappointing.”
Lawrence makes his way towards you, his steps slow and ominous. You could feel the anger seeping from his aura however, you know better than to cave in to his attempts at intimidation. He looks down at you, his usual warm eyes now dark – empty.
“Disappointing? You know what’s disappointing? Falling prey to a temptress who showcased such innocent reactions to your touch, only then to see her cosy up with another just minutes after.”
Lawrence grabs onto your jaw, his grip strong and painful; a contrast to his usual gentleness. He brings his face closer – threatening. “Here you made me believe that this gorgeous, flushed face of yours belonged only to me. I was a fool.”
You refuse to back down, swatting his hand away from your face in the process. “If you’re talking about Ethan, then you ARE a fool. We’re just friends, he’s like a brother to me.”
“Yeah, well… you seemed fairly chummy with this “brother” of yours when we got back here.”
“You’re unbelievable! WE. ARE. GOOD. FRIENDS! Why won’t you listen?!”
“Your actions speaks louder than words.” Lawrence steps away from you, burying his emotions.
“Did that moment in the basement prove nothing to you? Or even that time in the hallway?! Do you not understand YOUR own impact on me?”
He stays silent and unresponsive to your questions. Instead, he makes his way towards the door; withdrawing himself from confronting you any longer.
“STOP BEING A COWARD AND FACE ME!” You cry out, completely exhausted by his tendency to ignore whatever problems that arises and shutting you out.
Before you could comprehend Lawrence’s sudden actions, your back slams against the wall behind you – your arms gripped tightly within his hold and pinned to both sides of your head forcefully.
That did it. That got to him.
His face moves closer to yours once more, so close that you could almost taste his breath against your lips.
“I’ve seen how you are with him – you glow. You become this radiant, cheerful… carefree person, and it’s him that brings that out of you. How could I compete with that?!”
“Do you honestly believe that you have no effect on me? YOU OF ALL PEOPLE?!”
Taken aback by the rise of your voice, his grip loosens just enough for you to slip out of his hand to grab it in return, forcibly placing his palm just above your left breast – a subtle blush growing upon his cheeks.
“THIS! This is what you do to me, Lawrence!” You calm your tone as your heart thrums violently against your chest; there was no denying that he could feel it.
“You are the only one who does this to me. What you see is not what others bring out in me. When you’re the centre of conversation, this is what happens… this is what YOU bring out in me! So, don’t you dare try to deny or undermine my feelings for you, just because your blinded from something as irrational as jealousy!”
Lawrence pauses, needing time to comprehend your outburst of emotions. He then rests his forehead upon yours, as if seeking comfort from the awaiting realisation of his misunderstanding.
“I’m not jealous… It’s just… when I see you so close with other guys, it… it drives me insane!” He grits through his teeth, his feelings now clear and exposed, no longer hidden within the safe confines of his self-built walls.
You gently move his hand from your chest and place it upon your cheek, nuzzling into his warm palm before looking back at him – eyes vibrant with conviction.
“Then stop shutting me out… Take me.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking for.” He growls, struggling to control his urges to possess you.
“I think I know very well, what I want.”
Without wasting another second, he crashes his lips upon yours and you moan underneath him – his taste intoxicating your senses.
You lean into the wall behind you, allowing Lawrence to finally dominate your lips. Your fingers tangle through his soft disheveled hair as you both become enthralled in passionate kisses; each one fuelled with emotion and thirst.
He loosens his grip on you and finally embraces your lust-driven form - one hand at the nape of your neck, the other at the small of your back.
“Lawrence…” Breathless, you embrace him – pulling him closer. Your body was now flush against his, you could feel his erection rubbing through your clothed sex.
“I hate when you make me feel like this…” His whisper was hot against your skin as he begins to shower you with fiery kisses along your jawline and then trailing down to your collarbone.
You gasp as delightful shivers run up your spine. You arch your back, nudging your breast into his chest as you sigh with gratification.
“Like… what?” You pant, yearning for more of his touch.
Sucking at the flesh of your neck, Lawrence snakes his hands down the contours of your quivering body and hoists both your thighs up. You naturally wrap your legs around his hips, feeling him grind into you.
“Possessive.” He envelopes your tender lips again and you moan lustfully into his mouth.
With a sudden sense of urgency, you yank his heavy jacket off his shoulders with hast – intentionally this time. You then unbutton his shirt, both garments now lying crumpled upon the floor.
Lawrence breaks away from your lips and pulls off his black top, still keeping you pinned against the wall. You throw off his glasses and slowly trace your fingernails down his toned bare chest, making his breath hitch from the carnal sensation. The fire in his eyes ignite with burning need and he crashes into your lips once more; tongues tangled and fighting for dominance.
Holding you pressed firmly against him, Lawrence moves over to the desk; unwilling to break free from your lush lips.
You place your hands on the surface as he situates you along the edge; stripping your tee and bra off impatiently – your breasts bouncing freely from the motion.
He then languidly slides your track pants off; dragging the pads of his fingers along the curves of your thighs. Hands on both your knees, he spreads your legs out wide, exposing you completely – your body now on show for the man you had long desired.
Hungry eyes lock onto yours as Lawrence peppers kisses up the inside of your thigh until he reaches your glistening cunt. With a long, hard lick he teases your clit. Lewd moans escape your lips as you tip your head back, feeling hypnotised by his carnality.
Lawrence lavishes your aching pussy, alternating from fast to slow strokes all over your labia and in between. He encases his lips around your swollen bud and sucks forcefully, flicking the tip of his tongue at the same time. Craving for more, you grip onto his hair and buck into his face. Taking the hint, he tongue-fucks your aching slit.
“Yes… Yes… Yes…” You begin to feel pleasure building up in your core, a tell-tale sign that you were ready to come at any moment.
Satisfied with how wet you were, Lawrence flips you on your side; positioning you to stand upon one leg while propping the other up onto the desk. He then removes his belt before unzipping his pants, revealing himself in all his glory.
He teases your slick entrance with the head of his rigid cock, “How bad do you want me?”
You gaze into his honey-coloured eyes, your face glowing with eroticism. Lawrence smirks and glides his length into you with ease, inch by inch – both of you groaning in unison.
Once he was hilt deep inside your tight, supple cunt, Lawrence stills himself – letting you adjust to his size.
His cock throbs and you knew you were completely filled by him. You catch his eyes once more, licking your lips seductively.
“Fuck me, Lawrence. Make me yours…”
You didn’t have to tell him twice.
Lawrence rams himself into you with such force that you lose balance. With his cock still inside you, he manoeuvres your naked form onto your back; your ass slightly off the sturdy desk, his grip around you waist.
“Moan, (Y/N)… Moan louder so they know, that it’s me who makes you feel this way!”
He drives his hips into you vigorously; a strong rhythmic pace as he slides in and out of your dripping core and you mewl a sinful tune, giving him pleasurable goose bumps all over his body.
Wanton vocals, wetness and the sound of skin slapping filled the Principle’s Office as Lawrence speeds up his pace, seeking his release along yours.
His movements now erratic; he continues to pound himself into you, making you bounce to his tempo. He growls louder, turned on by the sight of your beautiful body.
Soon, the walls of your cunt tightens around his shaft, heat rising throughout your body; and with one hard thrust, you come. Your back arches; moaning blissfully and bucking your hips as an orgasmic wave vibrates from your core.
Your pulsating sex prompts Lawrence to find his own release, painting your insides with his silky hot seed.
Chest heaving and feeling euphoric, he hovers above your torso gazing deeply into your enchanting eyes. You blush, smiling back at him as you cup his face with your palm – stroking his cheek with your thumb.
He closes his eyes and inhales deeply, trying to absorb the emotions from your warm touch. Placing his hand within yours, Lawrence moves it to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently – reigniting the memory of his initial touch.
He smiles at you, a sweet and compassionate smile as he whispers, “You’re mine now…”
“I always have been.”
x mod luna x mod bambi
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Here are all our Dangerous Fellows Fics for your reading pleasure! This will make life easier rather than scrolling through our feed!
Enjoy, our precious Felines and Fawns x
500 Followers Prompt Event
-  Masterlist
Dangerous Fellows Christmas Event 2019
- Masterlist ( incomplete )
Goodbye - Eugene x Reader x Minor Angst
500 Followers Reader’s Choice Event
Eugene x Reader x Fluff / NSFW (on hold)
-  Wicked - Eugene x Reader Fluff
-  Dessert - Eugene x Reader x NSFW
-  Can’t Wait to See You - Eugene x Reader x Fluff
-  Only One Other - Eugene x Reader x Fluff
-  Alone at Last - Eugene x Reader x NSFW
-  Five More Minutes - Eugene x Reader x Fluff / NSFW
-  Together at Last : PART I - Eugene x Reader x Soulmate AU / General / Fluff
-  Together at Last : PART II - Eugene x Reader x Soulmate AU / Minor Angst / Fluff
-  Don’t Let Go - Eugene x Reader x Angst / Fluff
-  Unexpected : PART I - Eugene x Reader x Angst
Valentine’s Day Prompts 2019
-  Eugene x Hot Bath x NSFW
-  Eugene x Surprise Flowers x Fluff
-  Eugene x Kiss/Cuddles x Fluff
Stay - Harry x Reader Fluff (minor NSFW)
The Cost of Loving You - Harry POV x Reader x General / Angst
-  Leg Praise Kink - Harry x Reader x NSFW
-  Thirst - Harry x Reader x NSFW
-  That’s My Girl - Harry x Reader x NSFW
Valentine’s Day Prompts 2019
-  Harry x Passionate Moment x NSFW
-  Harry x Hot Shower x NSFW
Home - Ethan x Reader Fluff
-  Home Run - Ethan x Reader Fluff
-  Dad Ethan Headcanon
-  Privacy - Ethan x Reader NSFW
-  It Was Always You - Ethan x Reader x Fluff / NSFW
-  Pillow Talk - Ethan x Reader x NSFW
-  Missing You - Ethan x Reader x Fluff / NSFW
-  Good Girl - Ethan x Reader x NSFW
-  Skittish Kitten - Ethan x Reader x Fluff
-  Something Sweet - Ethan - Reader x NSFW
-  Wakey, Wakey - Ethan x Reader x NSFW
-  Together - Ethan x Reader x Fluff x NSFW
Valentine’s Day Prompts 2019
-  Ethan x Love Song x Fluff
200 Followers Reader’s Choice Event
-  Jealousy - Lawrence x Reader x Fluff / NSFW
-  Broken - Lawrence x Reader x Fluff (minor angst)
-  More than a Pretty Face - Lawrence POV x Reader x General / Fluff
-  Please - Lawrence POV x Reader x General / Fluff
-  Sealed with a Kiss - Lawrence x Reader x NSFW
-  Next Time (Stargazing PART 2) - Lawrence x Reader x NSFW
-  Colour - Lawrence POV x M/Reader x Angst / Fluff
-  Broken Promises - Lawrence x Reader x General / Fluff
-  Caught in the Act - Lawrence x Reader x NSFW
-  Caught - Lawrence x Virgin Reader x NSFW
-  Lawrence x Reader x NSFW Headcanon
-  Lawrence x Reader x NSFW Imagine
-  Curious - Lawrence x Reader x NSFW
-  Taste - Lawrence POV x Reader x NSFW
Valentine’s Day Prompts 2019
-  Lawrence x Stargazing x NSFW
-  Lawrence x Hot Shower x Fluff
Zion x Reader x NSFW (Double Drabble)
Goodnight - Zion x Reader x Angst
Unspoken Longing : PART I - Zion x Reader POV x Harry x General x Angst (minor NSFW)
-  Nerd - Zion x Reader Fluff
-  Weirdo - Zion POV x Reader x General / Fluff
-  A Weapon in Disguise - Zion x Reader x General
-  Tease - Zion x Reader x NSFW
-  Shower Room - Zion x Reader x NSFW
Valentine’s Day Prompts 2019
-  Zion x Passionate Moment x Angst
-  Zion x Unexpected Pregnancy x Fluff
-  Zion x Proposal x Fluff
-  Zion x Cosplay x Fluff (minor NSFW)
Happy Birthday Luna
More than Friends - Judy x F/Reader x Fluff
For shits and gigs... 1 (incorrect quote)
For shits and gigs... 2 (incorrect quote)
-  Falling in Love - Ethan & Harry Headcanon
-  The Teacher’s Lounge - Ethan x Reader x Eugene x NSFW
-  A Midnight Tryst - Zion x Reader x Harry x NSFW
Impromptu Writings (multifandom)
Boku no Hero Academia
Dabi x Reader x Fluff (minor NSFW) (double drabble)
Warmth - Mafuyu POV x Angst / Fluff
Mr Love : Queen’s Choice
For shits and gigs... 1 (incorrect quote)
For shits and gigs... 2 (incorrect quote)
Ikemen Revolution
Sirius Oswald Subtle Foot Kink NSFW (imagine)
Mystic Messenger
Vanderwood Mini Tazer Kink NSFW (imagine)
Mystic Code
Play With Me? - Eliot Carter x Reader (minor NSFW)
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ehehe hello can i get a fluffy scene with ethan pinning a super shy mc against the wall while confessing? thanks!!!
Enjoy, Anon! Sorry it took so long x
Skittish Kitten - Ethan x Reader
Tumblr media
* image from LucyDreams
Word Count: 813
You rested your head on the window frame, watching the sun set over the quiet city skyline. A vivid array of violet, orange and red lit up the room. You and Ethan were on patrol and had decided to search for anything that would be useful or valuable in one of the classrooms.
Ethan approached you quietly and enveloped his arms around your waist, propping his chin on top of your head. You squeaked and jolted from his casualness; stepping away promptly - a vibrant blush painted on your cheeks. You tucked your hair behind your ear shyly, avoiding the gaze of the indigo-haired male.
Ethan watched you with hurt in his eyes, “Why do you avoid me?”
You pursed your lips and began fidgeting with your fingers as you continued to stare out the window, unsure of how to answer him. To be honest, you were a shy little being who had a massive crush on a friend and you didn’t know how to approach him without turning into a skittish kitten!
“I’m not avoiding you,” You lied, “Umm… Lets go check out another room.”
Just as you were about to head to the door, Ethan grabbed your wrist and pinned you to the wall. He kept his grip on you, his other arm pressed up beside your head as he leaned in close; he was at his wits’ end with your excuses. His intense turquoise irises searching for answers in your (e/c) ones, “Do I make you feel that uncomfortable?”
You blushed again, anxiously biting your bottom lip, “No, it’s not that at all…”
“Then why do you keep running away from me?” This was the first time you’ve heard him sound so desperate.
You finally met his gaze, feeling guilty at your timid behaviour.
He let go of your wrist and cupped your bright pink cheeks, “Talk to me.”
Your heart hammered in your chest as your words trembled, “I just… You… make me nervous.”
Looking a little shattered, he dropped his hand from your face.
“Wait!” Without even thinking, you grabbed his tee - pulling him in towards you.
“I mean… Not in a bad way… You make me nervous because I…” Your eyes suddenly widened, realising that he was flush against your breasts. You let go of his tee and covered the embarrassment on your face with your clammy palms.
His usual nonchalant expression was replaced with a look of concern. He wanted to understand you… get to know you… he wanted to hold you and never let go. Ethan ran his fingers through your (h/c) hair, fixing the stray strands into place, “I don’t think I’m intimidating…” His whisper was soothing and he thought hard about his next move. He gently peeled one hand off your face and raised it to his lips. You could feel yourself swoon as he gave feather-light kisses along your knuckles, attempting to ease the tension.
You kept your eyes covered with your other hand, “Ethan! That only makes me more…”
Alright, girl! Calm your nerves! This is your chance to let him know how you feel!
Inhaling deeply, you let out a staggered sigh and finally uncovered your crimson-coloured face, “Youmakemenervousbecauseilikeyou!” Shyness took over once more and you averted your gaze.
Eyes wide, Ethan was taken aback by your sudden revelation. He placed your sweaty hand over his chest and you felt the rapid beat of his heart. You kind of knew that he felt the same; he was always very bold about his actions. However, you didn’t think that YOU could make his heart pound so ferociously like this.
“This is how you make me feel too.” He began, hooking a finger under your chin to guide you back to his gaze. Your breath hitched as you saw fire in his beautiful eyes; burning with untold desire.
“I like you too…”
Captivated by his confession, your knees gave way - overwhelmed by emotions. Ethan caught you in his strong, athletic arms and brought you into a warm embrace, your back still pressed against the wall. He cupped your heated cheek, leaning in so your lips were brushing one another; his eyes locked onto yours with conviction and need.
A tiny smile finally graced your blushing face and you wrapped your arms about his neck, ultimately giving in to your own desires.
“Can I kiss you?” Not once did he lose focus on you as he held you tight.
You lingered your half-lidded eyes to his soft lips, anticipating your first kiss with him.
You nodded.
All of your anxiety and timidness vanished instantly as Ethan captured your lips in a romantically slow, sensual kiss; the type of kiss you would only dream of in fairy tails. You relaxed in his embrace; allowing yourself to be swept away by the love and adoration his lips conveyed.
x mod bambi
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