#Dangerverse RP
outofmusespoons · 5 years
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I found this in the next town over at a Big Lots. I feel this would be found a lot in the zones.
My girl Artistic Zombie, loves prickly pears and tries to get her hands on anything made from them. Then hides it because what she finds usually is a rare find. Like this soda.
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agent-desertrose · 3 years
Success is measured in the lives we’re able to save. Today adds to that success. Welcome to the Zones, @citizen-10241996 . Today marks a new day in your life.
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inner-internet-blog · 5 years
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urbxn-decxy · 3 years
Hey all! I’m back!
Sorry for being away for so long (again).
Don’t know how often I’ll be checking back. I’m just here to update a few things.
If you have anything for me (qs, blogs, ideas) send ‘em over anytime!
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revxxero · 6 years
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sunsetcurve · 4 years
k the last post i made was kind of confusing and didn’t super make sense BUT basically the idea is that we would do a group rp on discord that takes place in the dangerverse but doesn’t necessarily involve the characters or in-show plots. it’s more that we branch off of it with our own characters. i have an overarching plot idea that doesn’t have a super strong connection to hd, it’s more just the superhero theme and the general air of dystopia, but we could also do sideplots and just stuff about our characters developing as a team/friend group. uhh...thoughts?
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bandomgay · 6 years
Oof somebody should create a dangerverse rp
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todrawthedevil · 7 years
WHY are the Zones allowed to exist?
first, let me pop down my dangerverse history headcanons as reference
it’s really fun to speculate how BLI deals with the growing threat of the killjoy rebellion. even though the comic is trash you can see that, even after (or maybe even especially because of) the fab four’s death, the rebellion only grows and the zones gets pretty populated as more and more people flock to join the other runners. in the rp, we have a lot of talk about the grand executions and punishments that were given in the olden days, that have given way to milder treatments, something that used to warrant the death sentance instantly now lending itself to reeducation instead
but why? i mean, obviously we don’t want to kill off all our ocs, but why were the zones even allowed to exist? it’s not exactly... hard to think of BLI and battery city as being in possession of nuclear power though the thought is terrifying. the album and the twitterverse both imply that the zones were very heavily bombed, though if you look at this map of the bombings that caused the great fires (more on that here) you would see that hardly any of it took place in california. literally remnants of a bomb are found IN THE ZONES, so why not just bomb the zones again, or at the very least, make it absolutely uninhabitable??
because there is profit to make out of rebellion. BLI is incredibly smart in later turning the entire concept of the rebellion into a franchise, but it doesn’t stop there
sure, culling the killjoys may be the easier option. but what does that leave you with? a whole lot of bodies and not much else. but reeducating killjoys? you now have more workers, more people to sell and buy your product, more consumers to spread the good word of BLI. BLI is a company that wants to rival religion, it would much rather build itself up on faith than on fear. sure, it could kill you, but remaking you in its image? resurrecting you from a death state you can’t even perceive because your memories of your identity before are just gone? much more suitable for the god complex that BLI tends to exhibit. not to mention... the headcanon that reeducation is a faulty technology, because you can’t truly take away free will forever... the idea that reeducation will break, and memories will break through and return... doesn’t that just help the business??? sure, you could be killed, but wouldn’t it be better to just reeducate you and reeducate you, trap you into an endless cycle that forces you deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, all while billing you for it?? just piling the debt on so that, no matter what, you owe the company?
think about it. crushing a rebellion only sparks a new one. people can only handle so much violence so close to them. if, instead, you decide to slowly and steadily ‘cure’ a population, acting like you’re providing for their every need while stabbing them in the back with every step they take, it’s so much easier to control. and in the months or years it takes to undo one reeducation, BLI has already gotten so much more powerful. so, instead of a mountain of corpses, BLI just has this city of worms just continously trying to dig itself out of the dirt and towards the sunlight only to get stomped down again as they make themselves higher and higher. that, that is far more suitable for the grand purposes of BLI and their goals than acting like a barbarian and just getting rid of the killjoys. as annoying as they are, at this point, the 2020s of danger days are all about sustaining the killjoy threat into something that benefits them, and robbing as much power from the rebellion as possible
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kxdfrxmyxstxrdxy · 8 years
Whoo boy. That feel when you wanna follow other dangerverse rps and see they don't cut their posts. •-•;
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inner-internet-blog · 5 years
Greetings from the zone tumbleweeds, it’s ya boy Spiral Strike out here bringing you the 411 on the latest bullshit I’ve been up to lately. Time to hit the redline and upthrust the volume because this blog is officially started. 
Info on Spiral Strike
Kinda just wanders the zones
Main blog is: @san--jose--sharpedos
Start date: Nov 22, 2019
Yes that was planned
This is my RP blog because I have nothing better to do, also gonna have a ton of aesthetic stuff
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idonteatbrains · 9 years
/I wanna plot with people. hit me up people! mun is bored/ 
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revxxero · 6 years
Killjoy Gangs: The Sukeban Girls
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As we know, there are other battery city-esque locations led by BLI, complete with their own outskirts full of rabble-rousers like us, scattered throughout the globe. While extremely difficult, a few 'joys over on our side have managed to make contact with some of these worldwide rebels. Through some contacts in the city, an acquaintance of mine connected with some girls fielding the battle outside of what used to be Tokyo.
They may not look look like a lotta what us western motorbabies do, but these gals are Killjoy through and through.
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Their inspiration comes from the Japanese Sukeban gangs of the 70s. These girls, fed up with the patriarchy, decided they too can be the adrenaline junkie, loudmouthed free-thinkers that it seemed at the time only the men were "allowed" to be. Wearing long skirts both to protest against society's sexualization of young women and to better conceal weapons such as chains, razors, and even swords, these badass girlies became a force to be reckoned with.
Just as most of us have come to identify with the punk movements of yesteryear, these new 'joys have reclaimed a symbol of resistance from their own society's past.
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inadesertwecallhome · 9 years
My name is Doni. I roleplay in the Danger Days verse RP as foreverviolence. I lived out in the Mojave Desert in southern California for about five years, from 2006-2012. I lived there, worked there, fished there, and earned a degree there. I am not claiming to be an expert of the area. I am not claiming to be an expert of the area but I am offering my advice if anyone should need it as I have knowledge of the environment. California to me is a very rich and very vivid, and beautiful area especially in the desert and if you should need advice on the way something looks, please do not hesitate to ask.I work so I will answer as quick as possible.
Peace out..Doni.
charactersinmyhead artisticzombie
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electric-century-boy · 10 years
Have you ever looked at the desert sunset?
If you haven't, you really should. It's the end of a day, the start of the night. That's when the stars come out, and they're brilliant out here. They were the Alien's favorite, leading to more ironies to his given name.
Electric Century had caught himself staring at the fading colors of the sky as the large, yellow ball faded over the dunes. He leaned against his parked cycle, eyes darting to catch the colors in front of his sunglasses. He sighed, remembering how sore he was from the work he had done throughout the day. Five cycles, one car, and one van still in the garage of the Station. Which reminded him, he needed to tell Alien to look for some new parts, or to at least looked for an abandoned car in the Zones.
Another sigh. He accompanied it with a gloved hand running through his gel-less hair, the blond strands falling in front of his face. He moved them off to the side to clear his sight-line. He needed it to see the color. He needed it to keep a lookout. He was a sitting duck out here, off of Guano, and he only realized it as he heard footsteps behind him.
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thestaticpulse-blog · 10 years
Getting nearly blasted by an idiot having a damn fit over how anyone pale = Drac is not the best way to start your morning.
I get that's sort of what I do, but I think most of the natives know not to shoot if I'm coming back from Battery.
These new kids....are they coming off some worse pills than we used to get? Starting to wonder if they're not getting dosed to the point of insane and then dumped out here on purpose because they're more trigger-happy  than usual.
Or maybe I just need a tan to survive anymore.
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Broadcast #3
Well folks, short broadcast for right now. I don't know how many listeners there are out there, but if there's anyone, this frequency works both ways. I guess this little... Project is fairly low tech, huh?
Anyways, bit of an update.
Procured some supplies from some old houses, I don't have much, but I do have extra. I guess if anyone wants some I could swing by, but we'll see how that goes. Depends on how friendly you sound, I guess.
As for a bit of news, I'm guessing that the drac patrol that I mentioned from earlier in zone four has since moved by. I'm GUESSING that it's safe to move through, but as always, keep an eye out. If you have to go around, just remember that white on black is a bad color.
Still don't know what they were doing but, they're probably headed back home. Then again, all I saw was two of them. Can't be that tough right?
Oh well, here's to hoping someone's out there...
If you're listening, you've got my frequency.
Oh, and if anyone from B.L.I. is listening in, tell your pals to mind their space. Expendable troops are troops all the same.
Anyways, if anyone's out there who isn't a grey scale Nazi, drop me a line.
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