#Dark Matter Taranza au
usps-first-class · 8 months
"It has to be you."
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cauliarty · 2 years
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@usps-first-class some art of your Dark Matter Taranza AU!
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amazingdeadfish · 7 months
Self indulgent LMK X Kirby AU thought process but it's just Macaque and Mayor because I have favourites.
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poyoofthestars · 5 months
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We are back with more shirts!! -Mod
1. TC and PV Pecharunt Kirbrunt's assistant: Kieranrunt
(Time in shirt: 24 hours)
TC: One day you’ll be in here without me
PV: We’ll see
Kieranrunt: Now folks, they're the problem
Kirbrunt: Agreed
2. Marx and Bandana Dee Kirbrunt's assistant: Magolor
(Time in shirt: unknown)
Bandana: You little piece of-! You're the reason why I'm here!!
Marx: (not listening and thinks,) I can't stand Mags.
Magolor, on the side: (thinking) Enjoy your extended period, Marx
3. Dedede and Dark Matter (Taranza) Kirbrunt's assistant: Gooey
(Time in shirt: 24 hours)
DM(T): But I'm your husband
Dedede: Gross!
Gooey, unaware of the arguing behind him: Get along you two
4. Taranza and Dark Meta Knight Kirbrunt's assistant: Void
(Time in shirt: 48 hours)
Taranza: One of these days, I'm gonna get rid of you
Dark, who duct tape over his mouth: Mmph mmp mmph (The feeling is mutual)
Void: Remove the tape and the time is extended
5. TC Pecharunt and Marx Kirbunt's assistant: PV Pecharunt, everyone in the Star Allies
(Time in shirt: unknown)
PV, dying of laughter on the floor: Hahaha! Oh my Original One! This is ridiculous! Who's in the shirt now, huh?
TC: Shut up
Marx: Nice friendship, peachy
TC: You shut up
Marx: Shut up, shmarsh up
6. TC and PV Kieran Kirbrunt's assistant: Kieranrunt
TC Kieran: I know we both want to get stronger, but your annoying.
PV Kieran: Shut up, arsewhole
TC Pecharunt: How?
PV Pecharunt: ...why?
Kirbrunt and Kieranrunt: That's all folks!
TC Pecharunt, TC Kieran - @tealmaskmybeloved/ @the-boy-and-the-poison-puppeteer
PV Pecharunt, PV Kieran - @milliemuus
Kieranrunt - @marisol124
Dark Matter Taranza - @usps-first-class
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desultory-novice · 1 year
I don’t have much to show so...more sketches/warm-ups!
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askthedreamyversegang · 5 months
Askblog guidelines
Hello everyone! Shibuya here, and I'm opening up an askblog for my Multi-fandom AU, the Dreamyverse.
Don't spam the askbox, if I don't respond immediately, it might be because of, a. I'm trying to finish up that ask, b. The askbox is quite cluttered, so I might get to you ask later, c. I want to treasure that ask forever, and many other reasons.
If something makes me very uncomfortable I won't answer it, and it would simply be deleted.
If you have anything you want to ask that only the mod would know, ask it over at my main blog, @shibuyatoastedcursor.
Characters I can't draw will only be responding in text, sorry.
Sometimes text only posts will contain characters that I can draw, because either a time crunch or I don't have that much motivation to draw.
Characters available for asks (Color coded for your convenience):
Responding in blue text: Magolor, Gooey, Francisca (Text only), Periwinkle, Kamoro (Design yet to be revealed), Jester Waddle Dee (Design yet to be revealed), Selkie Dee (Design yet to be revealed),​ Midori (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in pink text: Kirby, Ribbon, Galacta Knight, Susie, Artist Waddle Dee (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in red text: King Dedede (Text only), Daroach (Text only), Flamberge (Text only), Niru.
Responding in purple text: Meta knight (Text only) Dark Matter Swordsman (Aka. Kuro in this au), Marx, Hyness (Text only), Drawcia, Olly, Magician Waddle Dee (Design yet to be revealed), Kamoro (Design yet to be revealed), Yumemi.
Responding in green text : Adeleine, Taranza, Moss, Kushina (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in orange text : Zan Partizanne (Text only), Bandana Waddle Dee, Morpho Knight, Olivia, Ginger, Honey Toast Dee, Kitsune Dee (Design yet to be revealed).
Responding in bold black text : Dark Meta Knight (Text only), Shadow Kirby, Dalmo (Design yet to be revealed).
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berrymi1k · 1 year
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please help this AU has infested my brain-
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moondust-artz · 1 year
Their all so silly
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Went to a party and ate a lot of crap, it was nice 👍
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sol-lar-bink · 11 months
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Kirbytober Day 24: AU
'Wilting Hope'
This lil AU idea started out focusing on Sectonia- or more accurately Joronia in this case. Then it spiraled into an AU idea where Nightmare won, and all of Dreamland/ Popstar would suffer from an eternal nightmare, and most villains end up winning + some roles reversed and/or changed.
Joronia here was gifted the Dark Mirror instead... but she rejects the gift from Taranza. Little did she expect the mirror to then steal away Taranza himself...! And now she's on a search for him and that blasted mirror.
Not sure if I'd use Keeby here... idk feels a bit mean when they've already been in Dreamcourse with Kirby. The general idea tho is that Keeby struggles to fight back the evil forces... Dark Matter takes over as well, possessing Dedede.
Parallel Susie here joins Joronia's efforts to fight back the evil forces... with her own selfish goals in mind. Since she's foreign to Popstar, she is unaffected by the eternal nightmare. That being said... she's taken over the Haltmann company, still with Star Dream intact. What happened to her father though...?
That's as much as I have though, I haven't thought about EVERY character of course! Also I'm using the name Joronia here in this AU, so its separate from the main Kirby world. A fun way to use the unconfirmed name.
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moonmacabre01 · 11 months
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Hey, I wanted to show y'all my Swap au ^^ Uuuhh list of what and how characters were swapped under cut(incomplete list)(warning: long af)
Kirby: Swapped with Dedede. The king of Dreamland, brave and noble! At least, that what he wants you to think. In truth he's gluttonous and kind of childish, and a bit of a coward. But he has a good heart, willing to step up whenever Popstar is in danger! If he manages to avoid getting possessed first . . . At least his friends will be there to snap him out of it! He's scared of spiders.
Dedede: Swapped with Kirby. The brave and darling hero of Dreamland, Dedede would much rather play and eat than he would fight. But when push comes to shove and evil threatens his home, you can count on him to be there! Always willing to make a new friend, he'll happily welcome any newcomers, even if they aren't what they seem at first.
Bandee: Swapped with Meta. commonly known as Brave Knight, he and his crew are well known and much wondered about among residents of Popstar. More laid back than one might expect a knight to be, he's none the less formidable in battle. He and Kirby are old friends and trusted partners, despite rifts in the past.
Meta: Swapped with Bandee. Kirby's second-in-command and Dedede's best friend, Meta's often anxious or insecure about his abilities, and will turn to his friends for support. But under the fear, he's skilled with a sword and has a noble heart, and people have surmised that he has the makings of a great knight. He has an extraordinary sweet tooth he likes to indulge in, with a particular fondness for chocolate.
Ribbon: Swapped with Queen Ripple. The selfless queen of Ripplestar, she didn't hesitate to send away the crystal shard with her younger sister when Dark Matter attacked. Even after her possession by Nebula2, she remained as kindhearted and fair as ever. After the king of Dreamland helped liberate Ripplestar from Dark Matter, the two struck up a close friendship.
Ripple: Swapped with Ribbon. The younger sister of the queen of Ripplestar, she went on a quest with the hero of Dreamland after her planet was attacked by Dark Matter. After Ripplestar was freed, Ripple became close friends with Dedede and Drawcia. Though rather clumsy and a little anxious, she's full of energy and possesses an brave spirit equal to that of her sister.
Drawcia: Swapped with Adeleine. A painting brought to life by a mysterious artist, only to flee her creator and come to Dreamland, where she started to create art of her own. After joining a quest to liberate Ripplestar from Dark Matter, she discovered friendship to be a joy like nothing she'd ever imagined. Nowadays she splits her time between Popstar and Ripplestar, painting the many views.
Adeleine: Swapped with Drawcia: An artist derided and mocked by her peers, she left her home planet to wander the galaxy. In her travels, she found a wonderous paintbrush capable of bringing her work to life. Remembering the scorn with which her art was treated, her heart darkened, and she vowed to show the galaxy the beauty of her work - by transforming the world into a one of paint. After her attempt was foiled, she disappeared, but the work she created with that mystical brush remains.
Sectonia: Swapped with Taranza. The queen of a land in the sky, she gave her love a gift, a mirror rumored to grant wishes, unaware of it's true nature. Tricked into believing her subjects planned to rebel, she descended to the lower world with the plan to take it's hero as protection. however, she mistakingly took the king instead of the hero, and Dedede immediately followed in pursuit. Her love was defeated and his lies unraveled, and ever since she's been trying to do better as a ruler.
Taranza: Swapped with Sectonia. A mage unsure of his abilities, his beloved queen gifted him a mirror rumored to grant wishes with the idea it might increase his power. And so it did, but it also warped his mind and body, and his love became controlling and possessive. He tricked his queen into the believe her subjects planned to rebel, in hope she would turn to him for protection. Instead, against his wishes, she descended to the lower world to take it's hero for her guard. Eventually he was defeated, and the truth of what he'd become revealed much to the grief of the queen who'd loved him to the end. Never the less, it is hoped he is happier now.
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
Kirby AU talk: "Hope Within The Darkness"
Morpho Knight just about never brings anyone back from the dead, but he felt bad enough for someone to the point of being generous.
That someone being the Dark Matter Swordsman.
All dead dark matter exist in the afterlife's hades. DMS has, unfortunately, been horribly mistreated by Zero and the rest of the clan. Zero constantly blamed DMS for "getting the clan killed with his incompetence", and there have been numerous instances where he ordered the others in the clan to attack DMS for being a "failure".
DMS, of course, does not take well to this mistreatment, and he always tries to fight back, but keeps getting his butt kicked.
Upon observing this cruel spectacle, Morpho Knight began to feel bad. Especially when he learned that DMS just wanted a friend, but still can't even get it with the rest of the dark matter clan in hades.
Not just that, but nobody else in hades wanted to be his friend either. "Poor guy", Morpho Knight thinks, just keeps getting done dirty.
At least Sectonia and Max Haltmann are friends in the mortal plane.
Morpho Knight thinks this is rather too abhorrent of a fate, and gives DMS another chance. He drags DMS out of hades and, as something he'd most likely never do again, allows DMS to come back to life and wishes him good luck in finally finding a friend like he's long wanted.
DMS was grateful to Morpho Knight for doing this. During his time in hades, he finally began learning to say things like "be my friend!" and "can you be my friend?" but the rest of the dark matter clan had no interest in being his friend. However, as Morpho Knight ever so generously brings him back to life, he may finally have his chance.
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As DMS gets brought back, he adopts the convenient alias Blade.
Popstar is his first destination. He's aware that he does not have good history with that planet, but he doesn't intend to cause problems again. He now just wants to try to ask for friends. He hopes that there will be people that are forgiving enough to be willing to be his friends.
He gets some luck early on. At the start, Blade becomes successful in making two friends: Kirby and Gooey. He encountered both of them strolling around in Dream Land, something they usually do.
Kirby is effectively unable to hold a grudge, as he's so easily forgiving. He was admittedly surprised to see Blade again, but once he saw the guy not wanting to be an enemy anymore and instead now wanting to be a friend, the pink puffball was glad to become Blade's friend.
Gooey is also unable to hold a grudge. He certainly did have issues with his kin in the past, but he was never really adamant about it, and he also mimics Kirby's behavior a lot by virtue of Kirby being an influence for him. He was more than willing to become friends with Blade. Both Blade and Gooey have been capable of finding solitude in being dark matter spawns that are no longer a part of the evil clan.
However, aside from those two friends, Blade's luck quickly shortens.
He was able to befriend Kirby and Gooey because they're so forgiving, but other people are not as easily forgiving. In fact, upon learning about Blade's return, a lot of people get nervous and uncomfortable. Some fear that Blade's return means that another dark matter invasion could be right around the corner to happen.
... He doesn't at all intend to do that. He just wants to make friends. But dark matter is one of the most infamous things in Popstar, and a lot of people have a very hard time trusting Blade upon his return.
King Dedede is the forefront of this. He's more distrustful of Blade than anyone else is, and feels especially uncomfortable around him. This is, of course, because he's been possessed by dark matter multiple times in the past, has had PTSD from it, and is very paranoid about the idea of getting possessed by dark matter for another time.
Dedede isn't usually much of a grudge holder. He forgave Magolor for the betrayal stuff, he forgave Taranza for the kidnapping and puppeteering stuff, and he even forgave Susie despite the HWC destroying his castle. But dark matter is different. Nothing has messed Dedede up as much as dark matter has. The first possession wasn't so bad, but the other two possession instances were traumatic for him. He underwent awful body horror from dark matter possessions. Dark matter learned to take advantage of the flaws he had back in the day. It painfully forced Dedede to change as a person.
The distrust for Blade upon his return doesn't end with Dedede. Other notable people in the cast are not trustful of Blade, either.
Bandana Waddle Dee and other waddle dees that serve Dedede are scared out of their minds when seeing Blade. Meta Knight is incredibly cautious and has his guard up. Adeleine is scared, since she's also a dark matter possession victim. Ribbon, while not as scared as Adeleine, is also nervous and distrustful as well upon learning about his return. The animal friends are all uncomfortable and nervous, too.
Some of them are terrified that he's going to hurt Gooey.
And unfortunately, Blade doesn't really help in easing their distrust. Despite wanting to make friends, he's... not very good at it. He doesn't really have the personality to be that good at making friends.
He's still got very, very grey morals going on at the start. He's still standoffish, rude, cold, brash, and is quick to respond with aggression when confronted. When people make their distrust clear to him, he perceives it as a threat. He thinks they're trying to take his friends away from him. And he's not willing to allow that to happen.
... He ends up getting into fights and arguments with people. Of course, it's largely based on misunderstandings, but this is not a great look for someone who was just trying to make friends at first.
He's going to need to change his behavior to be better at making friends. The good news is that Kirby is eager to help him out on that.
And eventually, Kirby isn't the only one to help him out.
For a little while, Blade has been unable to make anymore friends after Kirby and Gooey. But eventually, as he meets more of Kirby's friends, he does become able to make a third friend at one point.
The third friend that he makes is Magolor. Like many others, Magolor was wary and cautious at first, but he's been able to come around once he learned that Blade is merely just trying to make friends and realizes that the guy gets frustrated when met with confrontation.
Magolor knows what that's like, to an extent. He remembers when Meta Knight and Bandana Waddle Dee were still critical of him when he came back and apologized. It wasn't as quite as bad as what Blade is going through now, but he understands the struggle of being rejected when trying to make friends. It makes him want to help out.
He does believe that Blade needs changes to his personality, but he's glad to help him become a better person to make it easier to make more friends. He teaches Blade the concept of apologizing, something that Blade never knew about (it's not necessarily that he lacks remorse, he just didn't know how to make an apology beforehand).
Even when Blade becomes able to make apologies, some people are still uncomfortable and distrustful. Magolor, however, gives Blade some consolation and tells him to not feel bad when people don't forgive, as being friends with everyone isn't possible. And he tells him to not give up on his quest, and he's proud of the guy for being able to make any friends at all and gradually becoming better over time.
Magolor is quite helpful in this story. He eventually gets to consulting with some of his friends (Marx, Taranza, Susie, the mage sisters, etc.) to have them get to know Blade and if they can be friends with him. Right now, I won't disclose how successful Blade is at befriending those guys. Although I may do it in a separate post if someone comes to my inbox about it. Or if someone comes to my inbox about Blade's dynamics with all the dream friends in general. I could be willing to do that, just not on this synopsis if that makes sense.
Blade's got a big road ahead of him! He's got the right desire, just not the right personality and morals for it at first. It's clear that he's still in need of guidance. He's technically undergoing some kind of redemption of sorts, but it's a very slow and imperfect redemption.
But there's hope once the early friends that he makes are willing to help him out. There's a good chance that he'll be able to carve out a solid place for himself amongst Kirby's friends even if his reputation still isn't so great. Kirby himself seems glad to have Blade as a friend.
Let's wish Blade good luck as he continues his quest!
That's it for the synopsis for this AU! Thank you so much if you've taken the time to read this. This is yet another AU that I've cooked up.
I really like the Dark Matter Swordsman. He's potentially within my top 10 favorite Kirby characters, maybe. The creation of this AU stems from that fact, as well as the fact that it was said in Dream Land 2's manual that the reason why he became evil is out of jealousy due to not having any friends, and that he literally didn't even know how to ask for friends. That's really interesting to me. In my opinion, that reeks of potential to make him a nuanced character of sorts.
In my normal headcanon universe, DMS is dead like the rest of the non-defective dark matter, so that's why this is an AU. I think this is a wonderful concept nonetheless. If you remember I made the poll "If you were allowed to add ONE more dream friend to Star Allies, who would you pick?" and I added the Dark Matter Swordsman as one of the poll's many options, because I thought it would've had potential! He didn't win the poll, as Prince Fluff did (congrats to him!) but I still like the idea of DMS becoming a friend to Kirby. Kirby is very forgiving, so I'm sure he'd be willing to be DMS' friend if he asked.
Allow me to link the other Kirby AUs that I've made synopses for: Dark Stormy Matters, a story where Kracko goes off the deep end and fuses with Dark Matter in a desperate attempt to finally get back at Kirby, and Memories Still At A Halt, a story where Susie revives her father by making a wish to a clockwork star, but it goes wrong as he still can't remember as his daughter, and she has to deal with that.
Thanks for reading! I'll see you all later.
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usps-first-class · 8 months
Clash for the King
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das-a-kirby-blog · 1 year
You got a swap AU?? Could you tell me about it looks really cool!
ohohoho boy do I
- I swapped Kirby with zero; instead of him being made from positive matter, he's made of dark matter, though not evil.
- dedede instead would be a knight and Meta would be a king. SO you have dedede in the halberd taking over dreamland and meta knight in the castle stealing the food.
the meta-knights? Idk what to do with these guys. perhaps they stay the same but they roll with dedede and have a different name.
- marx and magolor switch professions. magolor would be the jester that tricks kirby and steals his wish while marx betrays kirby and tries to use the master crown. Marx eventually builds a theme park to apologize.
magolor would now be home to popstar, while marx would be home to another planet.
- joronia (or sectonia) would gift taranza (later named king rachnid) a mirror. as time passes, taranza would morph into a different person, becoming power hungry and wanting more.
joronia would later kidnap meta for king rachnid to kill, mistaking him for the hero of the land, and kirby has to save him.
after the fight goes down, joronia is left alone and heartbroken with her friend now dead.
- after being gone for so long and separated from her father, susie becomes a lost soul, who's only goal is to take over planets and mak profit.
in the aftermath of the mechanization, susie would lose her life to star dream and president haltmann would move on from popstar, still continuing his company...although more depressing.
- hyness, after being sealed away for so long from the ancients, would eventually fight dedede, who wishes to fight the most powerful being in the universe.
- galacta knight would lead the jambastion cult along with zan, francisca and flamberge
- something something galacta seals away hyness in fear of his powers yadda yadda
so many more, but this is all I feel like telling unfortunately!! I am lazy!!
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Hello peoples
Welcome to @sora-the-air-wubbox's Kirby AU Ask blog!
We have most of the Kirby Characters, if i dont know what Character and you send an ask about him/her, i will tell you i dont know that one!
there is slight gore in this au, injures, fights/spars.
OCS are allowed!
Other Fandoms are allowed!
Canon Kirby AU and other AUs are ALLOWED!
NO NSFW! Sora (creator) is a minor.
Kirby- a small puffball with a scar across his face, still happy as usual!
Meta Knight- stern knight, sorta anti-social, scar on his face from under the mask
King Dedede- big ol' goof. sometimes gets possesed
Bandanna Waddle Dee- only one out of all of them who keeps track of things
Marx- crazy jester.
Magolor- smart mechanic, extremely good technology.
Susie- smart and easily annoyed gurl.
Taranza- always nervous spider like creature, has two extra eyes under his main eyes.
The Three Mage Sisters- Francisca, Flamberge, and Zan Partizanne.
Hyness- still much as the canon Hyness, just a bit more protective.
Dark Meta Knight- scar across his face from a spar with Meta Knight. large wings and claws under them gloves.
Shadow Kirby- scar on eye, that scar causes his eye to go blind, half blind, very shy.
Galacta Knight- confused after he got out of his seal, cant fly properly after being locked up for a long time.
Morpho Knight- calm, gentle butterfly knight. has a whole hidden colony in ruins in the rainforest, large colony, three rankings; Gold (Royal) Silver (gaurdians of the royals) and Bronze (Citizen). Morpho is in the Gold Ranking.
Shadow Dedede (i think i got the name right)- CURRENTLY DONT HAVE ANYTHING FOR SHADOW DEDEDE!
Dark Taranza (i think i got the name right)- more cocky verson of Taranza, very tricky to deal with.
Red Kirby- calm, harsh, red puffball, protective over Blue Kirby
Blue Kirby- calm, gentle one out of the other kirbys
Green Kirby- scientist, goofy, and slightly crazy.
Yellow Kirby- crazy, goofy, yellow ball.
(yes i added the other colored Kirbys)
Prince Fluff- a organized Prince.
Kato (KIRBY OC)- a mage who can mix elements together, tall, fluffy, clawed-pawed hands.
Nova (KIRBY OC)- the fifth knight, forgotten, failed dark matter creation, siblings with DMK
Crizalist (KIRBY OC)- light blue shiny waddle dee with wings.
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Thats all! Still a wip Blog! thanks for visiting!!
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void-ink-studios · 1 year
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New batch of Incarnations AU designs! This time, we have the bunch I call the Redeemed Star Allies! All of the Star Allies that were once villains! Are they on Kirby's side? Their own side? Who knows! But at least they're not invoking the wrath of eldritch abominations anymore! Lore under the cut as always!
If you like it, reblog please!
Magolor: An intrepid little alien explorer, and a far off descendent from the Ancients. Originally after the Master Crown as a journey of discovery and cultural heritage, the allure of the crown and the Dark Matter within corrupted his heart. After getting kicked around by both the Star Family and the alternate dimension purgatory, he now peacefully dwells on Popstar as a researcher and inventor, looking into the past of the Ancients and making trinkets for the citizens of Popstar. And maybe make some money on the side.
Marx: An oddball, even among Popstar, Marx was everyone's punchline, always laughed at rather than with. Until he discovered the rumors of the Clockwork Wishing Star, and plotted against the people of Popstar. After turning the Sun and Moon on each other, and stealing Kirby's wish, Nova grants him the power of an Incarnation, becoming the unofficial Incarnation of Madness. Filled with overwhelming madness and nearly losing himself, Kirby hurls him into Nova, detonating the construct. He at least kept some of the powers as well as arms. He's still quite the trickster, but at least his antics are mostly harmless.
Daroach: The world renown gentleman thief, and kingpin of the Squeak Squad, Daroach strikes fast and glamourous. After hearing rumors of a great secret treasure in Castle Dedede, he decides to set his squad out on their biggest score ever. After a straining back and forth between the squad, Dedede and Meta Knight, and Kirby, Daroach finally opens the chest out of frustration, accidentally unleashing the ruthless Dark Nebula. After experiencing the madness of Dark Matter and the horror of possession, Daroach was thoroughly humbled by Kirby. He now lays mostly low with his gang of thieves but occasionally emerges to help either Kirby or the Meta-Knights. There seems to be some history between him and Captain Vul, however.
Dark Meta Knight (Umbra Knight): Both a villain and a victim, Dark Meta Knight is what could've been, if Meta Knight fell further into Nightmare's influence. The Mirror's Incarnation of Ambition, and a slave of the nightmarish Dark Mind, Dark Meta Knight was torn down and built back up as a weapon for invasion behind the Mirror. After being kicked around by both Kirby and Shadow Kirby (now known as Shade) twice, Dark Meta Knight confronted his counterpart from Popstar, breaking down his violent, lonely life. Meta Knight sees him as a brother he couldn't protect and tries his best to get him settled in a more peaceful life, both in Popstar and the Mirror world. Dark Meta Knight, for his rebirth, chose the new name for himself, Umbra Knight.
Susie: A girl once trapped in an alternate dimension, now head of the largest robotics company this side of the galaxy, Susie is equal parts intelligent and charismatic. She doesn't stick around on Popstar very long, or visit very often. But when she's planet side, she often collaborates with Magalor in technology (and bonds over the shared trauma of being stranded in another dimension). She carries herself with a degree of maturity not often seen on Popstar, hence why she gets along mostly with Meta Knight and his crew.
Taranza: Once a prince, now a king, Taranza is the current sitting leader of the Sky People, after the defeat of the tyrant Queen Sectonia. He's often seen at Castle Dedede, trying his best to broker some peace between these two kingdoms. He also shares with Meta and Kirby any and all information he's gathered about the Mirror, in an effort to bridge the gap and heal the alternate world. He has many regrets, especially with Queen Sectonia, and he tries his best to be a good leader and diplomat, to undo at least some of the damage he's done. He's inquisitive and curious, friendly now that he's on the Star Allies' side.
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desultory-novice · 11 months
I don't know if this is going to be expanded upon in Apologies but... What's Adeleine's relationship like with Characters like Meta Knight Magolor and Taranza? I'm just genuinely curious as we don't see them interact with her like the others! I mean... We did see Taranza clean himself up and prepare to go talk to her, Ribbon, and Susie in Star Allies, but not much else.
(Also I just wanted to say, I love how She and Daroach have a little sister/niece/daughter like relashionship!)
Heck yes, Daroach is absolutely Adeleine's super cool uncle! (To contrast Dedede's goofy dad attempts!) He just seems to naturally knows how to be there when she needs it and give her space to grow when she doesn't while Dedede is still trying to figure out if he's going too far or not going far enough?! (Then again, Dedede's origional encounter with the siblings is what put him in that awkward position to begin with. We'll soon see a little more about how his "relationship" with Noir influences his relationship with Adeleine.)
Taranza, once he heard Adeleine's story, probably considered inviting Adeleine to one of his and Susie's "grief nights" ...and then remembered those sometimes (often) involve alcohol and inappropriate yelling and decided against it XD
He offered her a patch of his sizable flower garden instead, if she wanted to plant some flowers for Noir.
Honestly, he doesn't know how to talk to her as well as Susie does because, unlike the two of them, he didn't lose family. TLDR, he wants to be someone who can help and impress and make things better but is a bit too awkward to try.
He has better success with her older brother in the Alternate Timeline, because they have much morein common...
Speaking of! I have this ask on that subject!
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Which was such a good idea, I wrote a little scriptlet for it!
:Noir in the gardens outside Castle Dedede, training: :Taranza floats up behind him, cordial: Taranza: "You're quite good with that."
Noir: "...You know your way around swords?"  (I thought you were just another squishy wizard...)
Taranza: "Ahaha... Not me! My queen did though. She was...amazing. Glorious. Beautiful..."
Noir: "Oh, right. I remember you now. You're the guy who merc'd his own...!" 
:Noir claps a hand over his stupid mouth: :Taranza looks away: :Noir, ashamed:
Noir: "...Sorry. At some point, I got stuck in the habit of trying to push everyone away on purpose and now...I don't know how to talk to anyone without shoving my foot in my..."
Taranza: "No, it's fine. In fact... it's true. Truer than how most people would phrase it."
:Folds his hands, reflective:
Taranza: "I can lie to myself that the corruption made her a different person but...I know better than anyone that she was still..."
:Noir interrupts him:
Noir: "...She wasn't any different! I could still see her in there! She was calling to me...! Why couldn't I...?!"
:He stops before he breaks down again: :Taranza smiles faintly, sensing a connection building:
Taranza: "I've heard a little about you too. You and...your sister. Has it been hard to talk to the others about?
:Noir trying to play indifferent but struggling: Noir: "...What's there to say? They've already told me it's not my fault."
Taranza: "Do you believe them?"
Noir: "..........No."
Taranza: "Mmm..." :He turns away from the camera:
Taranza: "'I gave her the gift.' 'I wasn't watching her closely enough.'"
:Noir stares at him in disbelief: :It's like he's speaking Noir's mind aloud:
Taranza: "To the others, it sounds like I'm wallowing in my guilt. But to me... it's not something so emotional as 'guilt.' It's just my reality."
Noir: "..."
:Taranza, smiling:
Taranza: "I didn't meant to interrupt your practice however!"
:He starts to leave before Noir stops him:
Noir: "Hey, uh...! What if... there was someone... I wanted to talk to about this...? Would that be...cool?"
Taranza: "It would be excellent! I'm always open for company on the weekend for tea and knitting!"
:Noir cringes in 'guard down' way he hasn't in a while:
Noir: "Tea and...knitting? Seriously...?"
Taranza: "It keeps your hands occupied!"
:Points at Noir's hands, curled tightly around the Rainbow Blade: :Noir admits defeat, giving the first signs of a potential smile:
[Back to the Ask]
It's a similar deal with Meta Knight, really. It's not that he doesn't care, it's because he does care that he doesn't have a lot to say to Adeleine. Meta Knight is the "watch silently from a distance" type.
His attention is focused much more on Noir than Noir's remarkably emotionally well-balanced and together little sister.
As for Magolor...
I actually did write (another) scene with Adeleine and Magolor but it started to spin off in a direction I couldn't quite wrangle back into place, and I wasn't wholly satisfied with where it was going or what it was doing for either Adeleine or Magolor's characters so I scrapped it. Since I already dropped another script here, we might as well make this an Apologies AU script party and drop that one here too!!
[Old Unfinished Thing]
:Adeleine steps inside the Lor:
Adeleine: "Magolor?"
:He is asleep on the console, murmuring:
Magolor: "...L-let...let me go... ...Help...me... Ki...rby..."
:She shakes him, worried:
Adeleine: "Magolor! Are you okay?!"
Magolor: "AH!?" "What?!" "Oh! Adeleine..."
:He calms down, finally seeing her:
Adeleine: "Sorry to surprise you. You asked to see me?"
:shockingly chipper given a second ago:
Magolor: "Yes, yes! It won't be long! I just need to 'fit' you for something!"
Adeleine: "What is it?"
Magolor: "I'm calling them 'dress-up masks.'
:Magolor points to the Lor's screen, showing the ones he's got already. They start to scroll by, renders of the masks' various 'models' showing up alongside them: :Adeleine, impressed:
Adeleine: "...Wow! You made all of these yourself? They're so cool!"
Magolor: "That's right! And every last one was snapped and modeled by yours truly! With the Lor here, I was able to hop back and forth across timelines like it was nothing!"
:Eyes closed, getting into his boastful story:
Magolor: "Some of these very VERY tricky to get of course! Not everyone wanted to be immortalized in the galaxy's BEST theme park! I got in a couple of fights... Won them all, of course!"
:He trails off when he opens his eyes and realizes Adeleine is staring at the Dark Matter Blade mask and model: :Magolor, pensive:
Magolor: "I heard... from Susie, that is... ...that unusual looking Dark Matter...was your brother?"
:Adeleine nods slowly:
Adeleine: "Noir..." "You...met him? While he was like that?"
:Adeleine, frightened to ask: :Magolor reads this emotion on her:
Magolor: "Yes! He was...strong! Truly a noble warrior! The toughest I ever faced! You ought to know I barely got out of there with my...!"
:Adeleine's expression sinks: :She knows Magolor is making stuff up for her sake:
Magolor: "...Sigh."
:He taps a button: :text appears beside the image: :the label "Dark Matter Clone" now displays beside the mask:
Magolor: "I couldn't do it. It's not him up there. Not your brother. Not...exactly. I snapped a recreation from another timeline. One without emotion. I did try to go back there. Back to the source."
:His expression tighens:
"But what I saw fighting Kirby in those dark skies... frightened me."
:He turns off the mask display:
"...Because I've been there."
Magolor: "I made a decision when I started this project: I wouldn't shy away from anything. Even the bad. I felt that everyone, like me, deserved the chance to own up to their sins and become free."
Magolor: "...But I'm a hypocrite."
:He taps at several more keys in a row: :A model shows up on screen as Magolor turns away from it:
Magolor: "Because there's one mask missing..."
:This model has no accompanying mask: :Magolor Soul's haunted expression stares back at the camera:
Magolor: "...I can't stand to look at it. To remember. I couldn't just neglect your brother but, honestly? I can't stand to see him either."
"Do you think I'm an awful person?"
:Magolor's own face reflects the haunted, mauled smile of his soul:
Adeleine: "...No. An awful person wouldn't have felt bad enough about lying to tell me the truth. ...Even if it's unpleasant."
"I'm not sure I'm ready to hear pleasant stories yet. I only saw him once and I was so scared, I ran away. Maybe...if I hadn't, if I'd tried to reach out to him, he'd still be here in some form...?"
(For your sake, Adeleine, I won't repeat the things I saw or heard that night. I'm sorry if that means you'll never know your brother's last moments. But I can't...I'm not ready to face that part of myself yet.)
[//ANNND like I said, this is about where I realized that not only had this gone on way too long and I had no ending in mind, these two had gotten massively OOC over the course of it and cut the story here!]
TLDR, Magolor is usually pretty good with kids and pretty good with "faking it" too but he's also something of what we would call a "bad adult." That said, Magolor's status as a non-paragon means that he can give her a perspective NONE of the good adults WILL give her.
Which is valuable.
(It's just not the one above. Because I don't like that XD )
PS: Since Apologies actually crosses over into Salty French Bread(!!) it ought to be said that unlike her brother, Adeleine thinks Marx is the cutest, funniest little guy and because Adeleine loves him so much, Marx in turn loves playing silly tricks with Adeleine like eating all her crayons and then splitting in two to create a rainbow.
Oh? What's this?
Are you still here?
I suppose since I'm giving out Apologies script bits in this post there's no harm in delivering a final little tidbit. Like the above, this monologue is also NOT Apologies Canon, but if we have any fans of mindbreak + horror in the audience, you might enjoy this brief (non-canon!) potential exploration into Noir's mind during Arc II...
********... ****...**...
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