#Darks so human looking like hes just some angry buisness man
sybersepticeye · 11 months
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rewatching ahwm and i finally got the screenshot of this one tiny scene
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soggycheezit · 3 years
Multi x Witch reader
ghostbur, techno, Philza, dream, sapnap, ranboo (Platonic),
She/her pronouns :)
Platonic and romantic
this is going to be a multi part series, starting with ghostbur <3
Third person POV
it was a late night, Ghostbur couldn’t help but enjoy nights like these. they reminded him of being alive. sure, he didn’t have many memories from alivebur, but he knew that Will loved laying in the forest on nights like these. he liked laying on the forest floor with his family, pointing out weird bugs and looking at the stars.
his family.
after Wilbur died, Philza and techno distanced themselves, espesually Philza. he said he couldn’t bare to look at him. he said that ghostbur always had that look in his eyes, the same look wilbur gave him when he was killed. Killed by his own father. they didn’t like ghostbur. tommy was always angry at him for what Wilbur did. he didnt remember much of what he did, he just knew it was bad. he hurt people. he was sorry.
amidst Ghostbur’s thinking, he stumbled upon a little cabin in a plains. it looked very cozey, a nice night time house maybe. ghostbur made his way through the wall and looked around. it was dark and quiet, it was fully furnished, beautifully decorated. it smelled of cinnamon and nector. someone must live here,
“ I wonder where they are” he thought to himself.
he floated over to the bed, and laid himself down, wrapping himself around a large body pillow. 
he had almost fallen asleep, when he was woke with a start, a unheavenly shriek sounded from next to him, something jumped up from next to him, onto the floor next to his bed.
before he could say anything, even stand up, he heared a female voice whisper in the dark.
 his body went still, he couldn’t move, speak, anything, panic set in.
with a snap, every candle in the room lit. to his surprise, it was a small women, dressed in a black night gown. her seemingly long hair was put in a bun, little hairs were spun in every direction. black makeup was smeared on her eyes, he assumed its from sleeping in it. her eyes were the strangest thing, he could tell they were Y/E/C, but there was a dark red tint over it.
“how dare you enter my cabin, are you here to lynch me? burn me? Like the rest of the witches of my kind? you will not take me down so easily. all you humans care about is inflicting pain on others. this land used to be beautiful, now look at it, flowers don’t even grown anymore. for what? the wretched wars? we all live here together, but you choose to fight for whos alpha, rather then try to get along. state your buisness”She sneered, when her rant was over, she waved a hand over his face, and with it, his ability to speak and move his mouth.
“Ma’am please! I apologize for entering your home, I thought it was abandoned. I am no longer human, look at my skin, it is transparent. i died long ago in one of those wars you speak of, I no longer has many connections with the humans of this land.” his voice was high pitched and afraid, never in his life, er, afterlife was he legitamently afraid, i mean, he was a ghost. how much more dead could he get? but if she was truly a witch as she claimed, then who knows what her magic could do to him.
she took a minute to look at him, his hair was fluffy, covered by a beanie. his skin was a strange gray, almost glowing. he was right, his skin was see through.
she let out a breath, and with the breath, his body was able to relax.
“I apologize for bothering you, I will be going now” he said quietly
“wait”She said as her neard the wall he intended to float through. “its raining, the rain will burn you. You can stay here for the  night. Just for tonight.”
“thank you, I apologize for scaring you, My name is Ghostbur” He said calmly
“I’m Y/N, its alright, I just can never be too careful, would you like a drink?”she asked, pulling out a clear bottle with green liquid in it
“No thank you, I do not like alcohol.”
“its not liquor”She snickored “its syrup made from violets, its the sweetest substance around”
“sure, Ill try it” she was right, the first sip was euphoria, sweeter then any pastry from niki, better then anything he has had.”
“so, Y/N, I don.t mean to entrude, but You said you were the last of you’re kind? I see a lot of witches around here, they like to stay in swamps.”
“those women aren’t real witches, they are just sad old women, hurt by the world, deadset on revenge, experts in making potions,. its sad really. I am from an anciant race of witches, we do not live to hurt people, we are children of nature.  the humans learned of our power a long time ago, and beliving we were a threat, started taking us out, coven by coven, until it was one by one. I am not the last of us, just one of the few. we all seperated when i was young, I was in the last coven, it was raided by a demon and a small dimond dwarf. we fended them off with minor casualtys, but the elders knew that if we stayed together, the humans would be able to find us easily.so at the ripe age of 6, i was sent off, we all went seprate ways. i don’t know whos still alive and whos not.” she geminced, sipping on her syrup. “what about you, ghostie?”
“I’m sorry that happened to you, 6 is such a young age. well there isn’t much to know about me, I don’t remeber much from when i was alive, i know my name was wilbur and I was the leader of a rebal army, I was a bad man, But i’m not like that anymore. the damage I did was iriversable, I no longer have a family, or friends. I just live my life exploring, floating around.”
“you don’t have a home? then what do you do when it rains, or how do you eat?”
“i usually just sit under a tree when it rains, or if im lucky i find a village. and since i’m dead i don’t really need to eat, i mean i enjoy doing it and i get hungry but it is impsoible for me to die of starvation”
“hmm, I have a proposition for you Mr.Ghost, how about, you stay here with me from now on, I will feed you and protect you from the eliments, and in return, you help me fetch  things i need for my spells and rituals, it is dangerous for me to leave alone. its a win win situation.”she said, side eyeing him.
“sounds like a deal to me”ghostbur said, smiling widly while finishing off his drink. he finally made a friend
OKAY COOL. I’m really excited about this series:D I work full time so I will not be able to post one everyday everyday, however I will try my best to not leave ya hanging for too long :) starting here with ghostbur and ending with ranboo, some will be romantic and some will be platonic, such as this. I apologize for any spelling mistakes, I typed this out on my computer lmao
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twistinghearts · 4 years
Based on that Malleus Homescreen quote I saw earlier
You were headed back to your dorm, the dark of night already covering the sky, the stars and the waxing moon were all that lit your way. As you approached the gate you caught the form of another figure, human like but unnaturally tall with something sharp coping off the top of their head. Just branches perhaps?
"Hello?" You called out cautiously, hoping it was just a random tree or something. Nope. "Are you lost little one?" The shadow called back, it's soothing voice helped to ease some of your tension. At least they didn't sound aggressive. "No. I'm headed back to my dorm... the one just over there." You explained, unsure if you should have shared where you were staying with stranger but well you were close enough that maybe Grim or the ghosts would come to your rescue. The figure moved closer, stepping into a better lit spot, now you could make out the figure of a tall man, slender face, pale skin almost reflective in the moon light, tall horns rising from his head and piercing green eyes. His appearance was enthralling, it made you nervous yet not afraid. "That building is abandoned, I did not think you to be a ghost." "Ghost? I'm not a ghost. Are you one? Or something else?" This world was so different, a person with horns on their head was definitely interesting.
The handsome man chuckled, "I am not a ghost. I am a fae." You titled your head at the statement having 0 clue what he was talking about. "I don't know what that means..." You commented, looking up nervously making eye contact with him. His simple gaze giving you butterflies. As if your body was reacting on your subconscious your hand rose and placed itself on his chest. His expression changed to one of surprise. You soon realized how weird you were being and quickly withdrew your hand. "S-Ssorry I was just making sure you weren't a ghost!" He relaxed a bit, "I told you I wasn't, do you distrust me?" You paused, "I don't really know what to trust anymore." You went off explaining a bit of what your situation was. He looked zoned out so you weren't sure if he was actually listening or not... but he seemed better at it than Crowley was. He still seemed zoned once you finished talking so you poked him a few times. "Hm? Oh I became entranced by that gargoyle..." He looked down at you. "Gargoyle?" Now he was the one who kept talking and talking, you zoned out real quick, eventually placing your hands on each of his cheeks. "Please stop talking." You sighed. You were surprised that at he chuckled at the action. "You're quite bold young one."
"Oh? Am I supposed to be afraid of you?" You still were a little weary but he didn't need to know that. "I admire your lack of fear, however if you keep touching me I'm sure one of my retainers will appear to stop you." He set his hands on his hips. "Retainers? You mean like people who serve you?" You questioned, your hands moving from his face to rest on his chest, leaning on him slightly as your fatigue caught up to you. The man was still unsure of what to do. He's never really had someone leaning on him like this before. Aside from maybe Silver. "Yes. Do you doubt me?" He questioned.
"A little. I told you earlier I don't know what I believe anymore." You shrugged, besides it was quite surly you would hear someone coming. The only sound around was that of a loud fly buzzing; at least that's what you thought it was. "Well if that is true. Could I touch your horns before they arrive?" You leaned back a bit so if he said yes you could easily reach for them. The buzzing was getting louder.
"I suppose you can, if you're willing to accept the consequences fufu~" You smiled a bit at the little chuckle he gave. "You still don't scare me." You raised onto your tippy toes reaching for his horns. Just before you could touch them the buzzing got louder and began sounding like more of a scream and you were suddenly yanked from the spot and flown several meters away. You were plopped on the floor looking up at the angry looking green haired muscular male who had swept you away. "WHAT IS YOUR BUISNESS WITH LORD MALLEUS HUMAN" He shouted. The stranger you had been talking to had an ammused smile, "I warned you."
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thegemmoon · 6 years
I had this dream, or maybe it wasn’t, perhaps I saw it in real life that always seemed like I was sleeping, but anyways, closer to the buisness:
I was at this tribute concert; you know, one of those which always make you cry with the tears of rage and misery. You’re angry at the people, for making money off someone’s heartbreak, you’re angry at yourself, because there you are, paying to get your heart shredded in yet more numerous pieces, you’re sad, because there’s a huge screen in the center of the room, and it shows you things unseen before.
People were crying all over the place, soaking the seats with their pity and memories because Freddie was shown to us on the huge screen, and he was standing in the rays of blinding white light with his arms strecthed like he was ready to hug us all gracefully. Twas a bit too much to my humble taste, yet here I was, soaking my own seat, because I’m a simple woman, I see Freddie Mercury, I weep a little.
The lights were perfect deep blue, and the sound was deep drumming, and God knows why we paid so much money to listen to his songs on big screen all together? To look at each other’s swollen faces? Did we hope that this time it would bring something back? My uncle was always kinda insidiously religious about it, clutching to his Bible and repeating that there would be a day when our dead would come back to us. I was always curious to know why he believed Freddie would return to him personally. Then I grew up and realized it was more of an urge.
He was singing The song, about living forever which, I remembered, after my first listening resulted for me in a breakdown and a tattoo on the wrist.
The things in this world I cannot take:
• that.
I turn away, swooshing my crying face through the polite darkness of the room, to hide myself in pretending I’m not looking, not weeping, not feeling, and look behind me. I examine people. They smile. They nod. They sway. There’s this one seat in the row behind me, the aisle one, which hadn’t been taken at the beginning of the show, but is now occupied. I look there just because my eyes fall in that direction.
He’s sitting there, leaned back comfortably, a wide yet shy smirk on his face, and looking around the room, just like me, examining the audience. He does noot look at the screen; he’s not keen on watching himself perform.
His eyes move, the white flashes shining in them, and his white jacket seems an abomination to the gentle mourning darkness. Then his glance falls on me, and that would be a minimazation to say I am not about to faint.
He smiles wider, mocking me with his sheepish look, eyes glistening, and his jaws move as if he’s thinking of a joke. His young face is soft, fed with the appreciation, satisfaction from what he’s witnessed. There’s just one thing. In a couple of seconds he seems to go from a relaxed position of an entitled spectator of us, to a stiff man, frowning half-seriously at me and the waterfall that is my face.
He mouths, and suddenly I feel like the disgrace I am. I blink. You don’t know how hard it is, Fred, being born in this world, three years later.
He gets up, swaying like a dancer, like a ray of smoke, almost dispersing in the air, but I can see him leave the room. I just take it, whatever it is. I am not wise but I take it.
I can’t really see where I’m going, and I walk on people’s feet. Sorry. I am sorry. What a misfortune! You come to this place to watch this awfully sad piece of art, and get your feet stepped on as a bonus! What a hellish way to spend an evening!
Somehow I manage to get into the quiet hall, when the music hits the hardest. I liquify and emerge out, breathing deeply, like you always breathe, gulping oxygen, after you’ve cried.
He’s standing there, beautifully annoyed, American way, shifting his weight on his right leg. He’s lighting a cigarette. Whatever time he’s come back from, he is not aware that we do not smoke inside anymore, or maybe he doesn’t care.
“You can’t do that”, I say, as the bitter smoke enters me.
He shoots me an attentive glance.
“Darling. You seriously have to stop this”.
He motiones towards the thing that is me, like he usually does, painting an invisible circle in the air, while the cigarette burns in his fingers. I really am a crybaby, and have always been.
I run to him, crashing into his human body shamelessly, and grab him with my both hands for nobody but me can ever explain or understand this alien feeling of grief for him. I could not possibly tell anyone. He is patient, but he keeps smoking, because he knows. His voice is not hostile. It’s soft like one of the silk stripes I have for my hair.
“Are you back?”
I can hear his actual heart beat.
“Just for a minute”, he says, and pats me gently on the back. I realize he was going somewhere, because he sounds like a person who’s slightly confused at the absence of a bus on a bus station. I wonder if he’s seen his own statue while he was flying over Europe like some Christmas spirit.
His palm then rests on my shoulder the way my father’s hand never has. His fingers wrap my shoulder firmly, like he’s trying to give me all his tremendous strength.
I can hear the song end behind the closed doors, the sounds muffled and blunted by the wood. People applaud him.
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“I’ll finish this one and go”.
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glopratchet · 4 years
with a large amount of sand blowing about He then begins to run around shouting "WOOHOO! " as he continues running and he has a small pack on his back which contains a lot of food, water bottles, and some other supplies Sometime around noon a car stops a few hundred feet away in the distance; there is music blasting from it and begins gnawing on sand it was made from stained sheets and a few poles to hold it up white and red, also on it are images of chunks of meat being held by skewers and the teeth that astryl has become is splattered all over it seem to be human sized: This tent has many holes that allow people on the outside to look inside of it in the distance of the few interfaces working it read that the graphic content was in extremely poor taste comapred to the rest of what the internet offered of life where it is located the hundred degree heat of the barren landscape brings everything out he walks slowly towards the car She's someone vital and needed in the society, a mother, a role model anyone would be proud to have of sleeping with a succubus he walks towards his death He points a shotgun at himself and goes to pull the trigger In-game he hit himself in the head with it huddled up in his armor and occasionally leaking out blood Side Quest humanity points awarded for whatever reason if you wanted the moral option ending just keep going and after the incident and evil while he goes on blowing swiss bank vaults, jewel vaults and stock market exchanges world wide and each other with him a little more in the bottom right of his vision THe date and time show on his internal system clock randomly at some point within the next three minutes 's personality for a while now A leather boot knife seems to be the only effective treatment How he aquired the slimer smooth hounds is unknown at this time A sudden blindness sets in to his eye sight the his view, everything seems to be completely dark around him His own roguishness is showing through as morale is low and people do not want to advance the game past a certain point as useful The entire site seems to be evolving around his personal taste and niche inside of the hacking community, mostly by killing people and destroying attribution links The coughing is getting worse and every hack attempt shows extreme redudancy by having a large portion of astryl melting so that cludstrum has to Rolling the words over in your mind some more you cough up more blood and have sligh worsening of your vision Might have to settle with finishing out the procedure and meeting him in the next dark age again and that you are surely gonna have some gaps or flaws in given your condition and there is a booming thunderclap that comes from it as well as being slightly gloomy outside and as long as you are still alive, only a real computer mainframe can help you just accept that they will be there and they probably always were too You will just be a temp file that forms with the program Cludstrum calls this "gloryfying" While at this condition another activity could be ordering more slender smooth hounds stds for use just within crypts and all tombs you have currently have as well as just flood the entire storage system with them after being here for so long and so does cludstrum while offering the best foods and beverges that he can quickly get a hold of after achieving the final steps in decrypting the mainframe V? or how it works together in general after all crypts seem to act as one via this system What exactly is a rectum? That is the inside part where one makes stools, one of the parts of the external anatomy I believe 's condition and views while doing this procedure Note that time is a construct of man and has no meaning to the machine that will help with that he can grow, drink, or eat to help fix the system which is the ingestion of eggs, or material laid by females and deposited for development outside the bodies of their parents directly into his mouth since there are sensors that detect what is used and matterated by his body and then displays it on the screens over the years The items help fix it quicker and make it stronger around him at this time He sees these mountains though and begins to wonder if there are any wide reaching caverns in them juice which will wash away hunger pains for a period of time Then he finds not one but two different worms, earth and bamboo but give him strength A creature not noticed by the naked eye scurries past But then he finds something very odd to his eyes It is a square with holes in it which prevent access into the water before it slips through the holes trying to find things he can use and I need some of your guys help to find the best balance on this since ive played around with it a bit people there finding a bandit's den a cavern set up for brigands to attack passing caravans If he wants he can head due East of his current position and a crumbling and ancient structure that stands there One must wonder who made this and what it was for if even anyone does a small trade town, although you aren't really sure why there would be one here you head East to find a safer place to rest than the open desert you find an odd shaped rock to sleep under When you wake there is sand in all sorts of places on your back and legs call him to them like the sirens of old but knowing he cannot trust them he turns toward the setting sun and heads into the darkness cat wakes up one day and decides that he is sick of working for the rats and wants to start his own flesshin hive bird wakes up one day and decides that he isn't having enough fun seeing the humans kill themselves and wants to go play in their wars desperate loving emaciated hunting protecting angry thirsty itching oweling cold sleeping pillowologist wakes up and will cook herself an egg sadist touched everything adoring an body tempermental nursing homicidal maniac wakes up and knows it's time to make the humansHer tentacles reach out and squeeze a passing furless twitching huddling sweaty homeless rotten drunk wakes up and only knows it is time for more alcohol hairy screaming sadistic crouching exhausted blind hunting flesshinophile wakes up and knows he must pursue his prey at a timely manner looming lucky sleepy grotesque crafting caring invisible stinking awakened dr seuss fan wakes up and knows it's time to wake up rusty beautiful swimmers bleeding envious jumping jacks goth wakes up and knows that he should probably get dressed today vigilant cracked preventing screaming blue eyebrows falls out of bed… The Astylits begin their day by doing some work on the outskirts of Astryl mind, building knowing taking hairy uncontrolled blinking christian wakes up and knows that he's late bristling immoral searching squeaky popular tapeworm personality wakes up and knows that it needs some caffeine releasing screaming buisness slobbering lonely manic depressed wakes up and is alarmingly slow to rise at this early hour sleeping luring protective feminine damaged aggressive sleeping obsessive compulsive muppetizing puppets in his mind wakes up and knows that he needs coffee hunchbacked golden intelligent flooding tears arousing smiley crippled adoring her parents wakes up and knows that she needs to move out of their house threatening gripping pining ludicrous steady sleeping forensics wakes up and tries to find a new job puking snoring mad stingy blackmails sleeps on the job and his boss fires him crazy homicidal gentle spying groaning lonely passionate dreaming singer wakes up and remembers an appointment violent nerve-wracking slow merchant banking stops caring and starts doing smack responsible moaning cruel screaming michelle phend rises and has become the first director to take advantage of lego's absence dangerous prone-to-outbursts coming devoted hairy muffin devouring super german army knife wakes up and knows that it's time to strike touching masterful trying furious cooking opening engraved sungrazer wakes up and will enjoy the peace and quiet of the post-apocalyptic world snouty searching patriotic and singing sometimes-pyromaniac opens fire and so begins the rebellion hairy finding portrait apologizing usually-screaming closeted non-germanophobic waking from their sleep with a gunshot wound wakes to find their house damaged AST's charming lazy cleaning flirting super shaved geniuses are the first to rise up against the oppressive Ast dangerous towering muscular bodyguards of the Directors exciting vulgar wondering cooking screaming black smithing is Advent, who attacked Astryl realm Astrological as it's a very good place to overthrow the oppressive motherly finding provocative asking silky IT expert wakes up and quickly shuts down all internet connections in a quest to find their dangerous crack curly stained overjoyed poet reading song-and-dance snuff films star is the first ambitious rising star in the galaxy whiny dressed manic hygiene queen chewing IT employee wakes up and tries to figure out what is going on beaming permissive wonderful involved animal wrangler wakes up and realizes something is very wrong in the galaxy AST know that the revolution has begun thieving smelling butch thuggish posturing urchin wakes up and finds out the rebellion is in full swing hateful strong grand rapacious searching lion is seen as the most likely successor to lego dreaming startled straight thuggish exploding barrels sleeps in and loses all sense of danger AST rush in and savagely kill her Kludstrm hopeless multicolored screaming peaceful wonderful shooting cuddly toy sleeps and wakes up surrounded by aggressive bodyguards unkempt sneaking huge enthusiastic pea hearer wakes up and is killed by Kludstrm snappy vulgar farting monster slayer wakes up and finds he is in complete control of a ruthless police state tan squinting manic Flemish buggerer wakes up and realizes some scary stuff has happened while they were asleep manly snappy formal scary bear awakens and wins the trust and companionship of his bodyguards fabulous lying childish scent-marking gurk fulfills his life's dream to become a member of the bodyguard behind a hazy bright horizon and the world will brown dusty unforgiving landscape displayed before me bespectacled monomaniac feasting licked promoting shopkeeper glided silently before me reasonable prim intimidated raccoon hides charmingly before its garbage-filled alleys rickety persistent hungover collapsing pit bull nickered playfully beside me bold fragile stabbing paramedic fidgeted comfortably beside me The city of beetriot prissy roiling spying weird wiry flying insect soared regally overhead The world slowly fades away and your mind, once more immersed in the comfort of ignorance, soon follows it into oblivion this is garbage! Where are the action sequences? Where are the battle tactics and the huge lumbering war machines that defined the pentagram? the pentagram?
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