#Daughter of Terrasen
acourtofquestions · 1 month
“Her cheek against the moss, the young princess she had been — Aelin Ashryver Galathynius — reached a hand for her. 'Get up', she said softly.”
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Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (a decade apart)
by @wavyhues (on Instagram)
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erisvansserra · 3 months
Follow You Fenrys x Reader x Azriel
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Summery: 30 years ago, Y/N fell through a portal and woke up in Prythian naked an afraid. She counted herself lucky that she was found by the shadowsinger and his high lord, who took her in and gave her a home. Despite their hospitality she dreamed of her home and the mate she left behind, Fenrys, who searched for her until one day.. he finds her.
AN:- GUYS this fanfic has legit been keeping me up at night so I thought I would share it with you all hahaha!!.
The light of the morning sun edged its head between the crack in the curtains, Azriel knew you were still asleep in the bed you shared, still snuggled between the sheets. He cursed himself for not coming through the door and choosing to fly straight to the balcony after work, spy work. Slowly he pushed the door open and poked his head inside. Relieved to see he hadn't wakened you up, he walked inside, spreading his wings to block out the rising sun from your face. Closing the door he walked over to his side of the bed, sat down and started kicking off his boots when he heard you stir behind him. "You're home late" You groan as he tips his head over his shoulder to look at you "Did something happen?" you continue and shuffle along the bed to make some room. "No, just had some reports to write up" Azriel answered as he slid into bed and wrapped you in his arms. Smiling softly, you nuzzled into his chest, still cold from riding on the wind to get home. You hummed sleepily and allowed yourself to fall back into that familiar comfort he offered you and began to dream.
30 Years Earlier Terrasen, your home as wild and free as your queen, Aelin. You sat at the dining table with Lysandra and Aedion as they spoke softly to their adoptive daughter. You hummed to yourself as you worked on the jewelry in your hand, slowly needling little diamonds onto it. You were so deep in concentration you didn't notice your mate's approach until his large hands landed on your shoulders, jolting you slightly. "Fen!" you yelp turning in your seat to look back at the golden male. Fenry's smiled down to you, his large canines making his smile look a little more sinister than he attended. "Did I scare you?" he chuckled, sliding into the seat next to you after placing a small kiss to the top of your head. "No" you lie and continue working on the necklace you're working on for Lysandra. You felt him move closer to you, his nose buried in your hair as he inhaled your sent "why don't we go for a swim? get your mind off this" he purred, his hand coming up to cover the necklace in your hand. You felt the want for him almost immediately, the hot pool in the pits of your stomach started to raise its head at his tone of voice. "There is a child present" Aedion snapped from the other side of the table, drawing both sets of eyes to him. Both you and your mate chuckled and decided to leave the room, together.
Fenrys was your typical fae male mate, he never left your side unless he needed to, he was territorial and protective... but what you loved most about him was he was fun. His golden hair was tied back in a bun, showing off his high cheekbones and sharp jaw line that made him look delicious. His onyx eyes slid to yours as a small smirk rose on his lips " like what you see?" he asked as he wrapped a toned, golden arm around your waist. "Always" you answer matching his smirk with your own. Your answer made his smile grow into his normal shit-eating grin, you roll your eyes playfully and rest your head on his shoulder as you continue making your way outside. The warm air kissed your skin as you opened the door to the courtyard, it was a beautiful day.
You and Fenrys skinny dipped in the lake not far from the keep, splashing each other playfully while swimming around in the cool water. What neither mate realized was this was the last day they were going to spend together, the last happy memory they would share before you were stripped from his arms in the middle of the night.
And dumped in Prythian.
Present Day
Mate, mate, mate, mate.
You miss your mate. As the dream rattles you awake you realise that Az is still asleep next to you, guilt hits you so fast you run out of the room and into the bathroom to throw up. As you retch into the toilet bowl you hear Az approach the bathroom and knock softly from the other side of the door. "Another dream?" he asks as he enters the room and crouches beside you to rub soothing circles on your back. "My mate" you answer as you peer at him between strands of fallen hair. He nods slowly, understanding the pain you feel and tucks some strands behind your ear. "Did you dream of falling again?" he asks, his voice as soft and gentle as silk. You nod once in response as your gut twists again threatening to spill more into the toilet bowl. Azriel was the most understanding person you had ever met, you weren't always with him, you were friends first. He was the one to find you that day, laying cold and naked on the forest floor. He took you to Rhysand, where he looked into your mind and saw everything, your home, your family.. Fenrys. It had taken some time for both sides to trust you, but in those years that Rhys was under the mountain you had grown close with the inner circle. Particularly Az. He knew your past, knew of the mate that you had been ripped away from... but he loved you all the same and was willing to give you the time you needed.
So here you both sat in front of the toilet bowl for the thousandth time in your relationship. Him giving you soft soothing words while you mourned the loss of your mate and your life. After some time, he scooped you into his arms and placed you back into bed. ......................
Later that day you sat in the living room with Feyre and Nyx, laughing as you watched the young lad learn to walk but failing. A warm cup of tea sat in your hands, the heat slightly burning the sensitive flesh of your palm, but you ignored it. Azriel had been called on by Cassian, something about a disturbance near the Illyrian camps they had to check out. He placed a warm kiss on your cheek before he flew off with his brother. "Any improvement?" Nesta asked as she walked into the room and plopped onto the couch next to you. "Hardly" Feyre answered as she took the babe back into her arms and planted kisses all over his face, making nyx scream in laughter. You and Nesta smiled as Nyx's fits of giggles filled the room, you looked to Nesta and offered her the cup in your hands. "its still warm" you prod as you hand the tea to her, she sips it then hands it back to you.
You and Nesta were best friends, she was a huge bitch to you at the start but recently... she's been the only person besides Az that understands your pain, your longing for home. She's also the only person in this whole house that reads dirty smut books with you.
"Bleh, I hate peppermint tea" she croons as she pulls a face, looking at the cup in your hands. "But its good for you" you jest and give her a sweet smile, bringing the tea back to your own lips. You and Nesta spend the rest of the afternoon talking and watching her nephew rise and fall. Feyre is about to out Nyx down for a nap when Rhysands voice fills your head.
"Come to the forest at once"
You and Feyre share a look, obviously she had been given orders to winnow you there. She quickly explains this all to Nesta then plops her son into her sisters hands, you hadn't had time to say anything to Nesta before Feyre grabbed you and winnowed away to the forest. Snow crunched under your feet as you landed behind the three warriors. Cassian, Az and Rhysand all had their weapons out and their backs turned to you. The wind hit your body so hard it almost knocked you backwards, the smell of pine and snow filling your senses as you tried to blink away the stinging in your eyes. "I don't want to fight you" came a rough voice that didn't belong to the three males in front of you, but did belong to someone you knew. Rowan, your oldest cousin and longest friend. Stalking forward you pushed through the three males that shielded you, you could have fell to your knees as Rowan's eyes met your own. A hand flew in front of you protectively, but you knocked it away as you ran to him, calling his name over and over. "y/n!" Rowan shouted, dropping his sword so he could wrap you in his arms. "How? How?" You asked as you buried your face into your cousin's neck, your body shaking as he held you against him. "Aelin, she worked it out" he explained as he pulled you away from him, his eyes darting from one side of your face to another taking in everything you were and everything you are. The Night Court stood behind you in complete shock, their faces blank as they watched the scene unfold in front of them. Azriel felt the pull to go and comfort you but held strong, not knowing this male and how he would react. Then a crunch of twigs caught their attention, a small blonde female emerged from the forest surrounding them, a small ball of fire danced in her palm as she walked towards you and rowan. You looked to Aelin for the first time in 30 years, she looked slightly older but unchanged from the Aelin in your memories. You didn't even shout her name, as she approached you fell to your knees and placed your head on the snow below you. "Aelin, forgive me" you pleaded to her, to your queen "I tried to come home but-" you continued but your words hitched in your throat as you felt her body call over yours. "Don't apologies you idiot" she said against your skin, slowly you raised and hugged her back while rowan stared down the night court still behind you. "Should we introduce ourselves?" Cassian mumbled to no one in particular catching your attention. You take Aelin's hand and help her stand; you walk her and your cousin over to your friends and make introductions. "This is your cousin?" Cassian asked, nodding his head to Rowan as he stood with Aelin, a protective arm wrapped around her waist as he held her close. You nodded in response and looked up to the white hair male, his green eyes still darted between each person in front of him. " He is a bit of a brute" you say as you turn your attention back to the night court, earning a small smile from Feyre and a chuckle from Az. It hit you then, Azriel was here and had watched you reunite with your family, your court. You took a few steps toward him, but he held up his hand stopping you from coming any closer, confused, you nodded and stood still. Rhysand invited Aelin and Rowan to stay in the townhouse while the night court discussed their next move, they obliged and allowed Rhy's to winnow them away. "You must be happy" Feyre said coming to your side and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "I am" you said smiling back to her " I could go home" you continue softly. Feyre looks over her shoulder to Az who stares emotionless into the distance, she sighs and then turns her head forward again and whispers "he will miss you". You feel that guilt from earlier pang around in your chest again, you don't dare to look back at the shadowsinger, you and he both knew that your time together had just come to an end. " I will miss him too" you confess as Rhys winnows back to the forest.
"Come on, I will take you to be alone with them" Rhy's says and extends a tanned hand to you, smiling you leave Feyre's embrace and fit your hand in his. Not looking back as he takes you to the family you have dreamed of every night for the last 30 years.
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delulu-is-the-soluluh · 2 months
Scars of Flames and Wind | Prologue
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Next Chapter
A Dark!Rowaelin x afab!Reader
Author's Note: Hello! It is with great apprehension that I post this fanfic, which has been in my mind for almost a year, but is now finally seeing the light of day. It’s also the first time in 12 years that I’m writing again, so I’m quite rusty. English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance! It’s a long chapter! (Creating context for a fanfic set in the canon era of the eight books made me rethink my life choices, but I’m not backing down!) I hope you enjoy it, and I would love to receive feedback <3
General Warning: Throughout the story, there will be Dark!Rowaelin, DubCon, possessiveness, extreme jealousy, low self-esteem, and many questionable thoughts and actions. There will be some creation of information for the sake of the plot but without straying from the canon, I promise.
Warnings: In this chapter, none; Flashbacks; Aelin’s parents as special guests.
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Orynth, 10 months before the Fall of Terrasen
The library was silent and bathed in the afternoon sunlight, with the sounds of  turning pages and scribbling on paper echoing through the room. Rhoe was intensely searching for some information that could help in training his niece’s power. Despite being distant relatives and her presence being only due to a future agreement, he cherished the intelligent and fearless girl she was. But her ability to manipulate earth, from a long-forgotten and diluted dynasty in the Ashryver genealogy, was growing rapidly, and without any other living relatives like her and many of their records lost, it was becoming harder to train her abilities.
With a long sigh, Rhoe diverted his gaze from the paper to his daughter, Aelin, who had insisted on coming to study with him, under the pretext of “spending more time with her father” and learning more about “whatever he was learning.”
With a soft smile on his face, he watched her. Aelin was sitting in an armchair ahead of him, holding a book up to her eyes, without turning a page for quite some time. With a low laugh, Rhoe realized that his daughter was alternating her gaze between the page and his niece sitting by the window, drawing in her notebook, unaware that she was being attentively admired.
Aelin had come just to be close to Y/N. His smile dimmed as worry washed over him.
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Aelin couldn’t help but notice how her hair shone in the sunlight, how her irises became lighter, and how her skin seemed to glow as she traced lines upon lines in her notebook. It was... mesmerizing. The fantasy book was already forgotten; she couldn’t concentrate on a single word. She wasn’t sure why she couldn’t. She just felt her cheeks warm slightly, using her book as a shield against her blush.
Was this what it meant to like someone? Her heart beat faster when Y/N was around, and her mind often wandered to the moments they spent together. So it was different from friendship... right? She had heard stories about her uncle Orlon and how he liked Darrow more than a friend, and that had never seemed strange to her. But now, feeling something like this for Y/N left her a bit..confused
A memory of the conversation she had the day before with her aunt, Marion, came to her mind:
Aelin was sitting in the garden, surrounded by the flowers her aunt Marion lovingly cultivated. Spring was at its peak, and the air was fragrant with the scent of the flowers. She looked at her aunt, hesitating for a moment before asking the question that was on her mind.
“Can I ask you something?”
Marion smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind Aelin’s ear. “Of course, dear. What do you want to know?”
Aelin took a deep breath, nervous. “Uncle Orlon and Darrow... they like each other more than friends, right?”
Marion paused for a moment, surprised by the question, but her smile remained gentle. “Yes, they do..”  she squinted her eyes, already knowing where this was going. “Why the question?”
Aelin took a deep breath, thinking about how to ask her that. “How do you know when you like someone like that? How do you know it’s more than friendship?”
Marion held Aelin’s hands, looking into her eyes. “Liking someone like that is a special feeling. You feel your heart beat faster when you’re near that person, and you think about them all the time. When you’re with them, you feel a happiness you can’t explain. It’s a type of affection and care that goes beyond friendship.”
Aelin bit her lip, still a bit confused, but her aunt’s words began to make sense. “And if I feel that for someone, but it’s not a boy?”
Marion smiled, caressing Aelin’s face. “Love doesn’t choose genders, Aelin. What matters is how you feel. If your heart says it’s love, then it’s love. And that’s something beautiful, regardless of who it is.”
Aelin felt relieved but still confused at the same time. “But... how can I be sure if it’s really that? How can I be certain?”
Marion thought for a moment before answering, her words filled with kindness and understanding. “Aelin, love isn’t always something we can define clearly. Sometimes, it’s confusing and complicated. But if this person makes you happy, if you feel a special connection, and if your heart beats faster just thinking about them, then maybe you already have your answer. Don’t be afraid to follow your heart.”
Aelin nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. Marion’s words echoed in her mind as she tried to understand her own feelings.
Back in the library, Aelin looked at Y/N once more. Marion’s words resonated in her mind. Maybe it was more than friendship. Maybe it was something special. She wasn’t sure yet, but she knew she wanted to find out.
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Plains of Theralis - Terrasen, 6 months before the Fall
The field stretched out before them, a vast green expanse that seemed to lose itself on the horizon. The sun was high in the sky with vibrant heat. A light breeze carried the fresh scent of the earth and wildflowers, mixed with the distant sound of birds singing.
Aelin, with a daring smile on her lips, gracefully and confidently pulled the reins of her horse. She cast a challenging glance at Y/N, her blue eyes shining with the promise of fun and competition.
“Let’s see if you can catch me!” Aelin shouted, her voice filled with contagious joy and a hint of provocation.
Y/N, feeling the dense wind on her face, smiled back, her heart racing both from the race and the attention of Aelin. She spurred her horse forward, leaning in with determination. “Get ready to lose!” she responded, with a glint of challenge in her eyes.
As they raced, Y/N couldn’t help but get lost in the sight of Aelin. The way she moved, with wild freedom and natural grace, was mesmerizing. Her laughter, free and vibrant, seemed to echo across the vastness of the field, blending with the sound of the horses’ hooves hitting the ground.
Aedion, riding a bit behind and enjoying the competition, watched the interaction with an amused smile. He approached and shouted, “Show offs! I don’t want to be the third wheel here, so don’t worry about beating me!” he teased, his tone filled with humor and lightness. Y/N laughed as Aelin cast a challenging look at Aedion as she sped up even more, the wind blowing strongly in her face.
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Last Beltane before the Fall
The festival was full of life and renewal. Bonfires blazed in the shadows of the night, casting a golden and dancing glow over the smiling faces of the people. The heat from the flames mixed with the fragrance of flowers and herbs adorning the place, colorful clothes and floral adornments decorated the participants, who moved to the rhythm of festive music.
Aelin and Y/N were at the center of the celebration, jumping over the flames with contagious laughter, their shadows projected on the dancing flames. The joy on their faces was palpable, and the heat of the fire seemed to reflect the flame of their own feelings. The sound of folk music and laughter mixed with the crackling of the bonfires, creating a symphony of celebration.
After a jump over the last flame, Aelin stopped dancing, and with a soft smile and a special glint in her eyes, she pulled something from her dress pocket and approached Y/N.
“I have something for you,” Aelin said, handing Y/N a small velvet box.
With her heart racing and the heat of the festival still vibrating in her bones, Y/N looked at the box with curiosity. “What is it?” she asked, her tone curious and eager.
Aelin smiled, her gaze fixed on Y/N as she watched her reaction. Y/N opened the box and found two delicate necklaces, each with a unique pendant. One necklace was adorned with a radiant sun pendant, and the other with a crescent moon. The light from the bonfires reflected off the jewelry, casting small sparks that seemed to dance in sync with the music.
“Aunt Marion made them for us. So that we always remember each other, no matter what happens,” Aelin said, her voice joyful and slightly hoarse from the celebration. She put on the necklace with the moon pendant for herself and held the necklace with the sun pendant, offering it to Y/N.
Orlon and Darrow watched from afar, their gazes attentive to the scene unfolding before them between the little princess and her future lady-in-waiting.
“Doesn’t this worry you at all? It’s good to see the girls together, but don’t you think this little crush could cause a new...linear impasse?” Darrow said with slight concern, his eyes still on the girls as they put on the necklaces for each other.
Orlon maintained a serene look at the two, still unaware of the agreement proposed not long ago: Aedion would marry Aelin in the future, with Y/N being the queen’s lady-in-waiting, a general, a bearer of wildfire, and a geomancer of the rare and forgotten Montserrat lineage.
But the “innocent crush”  had everything to become something more in a few years, and that was visible to everyone. Some servants even dared to say it could even be a mating bond that caused them to get along so well and never be apart.
“Well, if that’s the case, maybe Rhoe should start ordering another little princess as soon as possible to keep the agreement in order!” Orlon jokes, his eyes shining with humor.
Darrow couldn’t help but laugh lightly, even with the weight of responsibility still hanging in the air. “Let’s see how this unfolds, then. We still have time.”
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Orynth, Hours Before the Fall of Terrasen
The day in Orynth was shrouded in a tense and anticipatory atmosphere. The unexpected visit of the King of Adarlan and his son, Dorian, to the kingdom of Terrasen had alerted everyone, even after deciding to give them a warm reception.
During the dinner, where royalty and the closest members of the court were gathered at the table, Aelin struggled to maintain her composure after rejecting Prince Dorian’s friendship, which was quickly rebuffed with his comment that he ate like a little lady.
Moments later, without any warning, Aelin felt a pressure in her head as a sudden burst of heat emanated from her body. Flames erupted around her, dangerously close to the curtains and ornaments. The guests recoiled, some shouting in surprise, while the Terrasen guards rushed to control the situation. Aelin's eyes were wide with terror and frustration as Y/N, amidst the chaos, swore she saw the King of Adarlan watching with a cold smile on his lips.
The dinner ended abruptly, and a quick decision was made: Aelin would be taken to a country house, far from Orynth, where she could learn to control her powers more safely. Her parents and a few guards would accompany her.
Hours later, as night started to fall, determined to comfort Aelin, Y/N sneaked into her room. The castle was silent,  as she entered the room unseen, finding Aelin sitting on the bed, her eyes still vacant from the events of the dinner.
“How are you feeling?” Y/N whispered with concern.
Aelin looked up in mild shock, her shoulders relaxing slightly at the sight of Y/N in her room. She tried to smile, but the effort was evident.
“I’m fine.” she answered quickly. “ It’s just.. it’s getting harder to.. you know, controlling these.. ” She replied, while raising her hands, voice quiet but trying to stay light. It was bad enough she had been banned from the library, her favorite place, because of them; having an episode like this, in front of everyone...
Y/N gazed at her for a moment and moved closer, sitting beside her. They sat in silence for a moment, just feeling each other’s presence. Aelin sighed deeply, her shoulders relaxing slightly.
"You've got this, Aelin. You always do.. Plus, you're not alone in this. At least they know what to expect, right?" Y/N said reassuringly. "Unlike my power, which is completely unknown, and I'm the only one who has it."
Aelin laughed lightly and before she could give her a smart remark, Evalin appeared in the doorway, her expression surprised but soon replaced by gentle concern.
“You shouldn’t be here, Y/N... Come on, let’s go back to your room,” she said, her voice firm yet kind.
Y/N resisted, holding Aelin’s hand. “I just wanted to know why she can’t stay here! Or maybe I could go too! Lady Marion is going, can I go too?” she complained, trying to give Evalin her best puppy eyes.
“Because...” Evalin hesitated. What excuse could she use? She didn’t like lying to the girls, but if she said it wasn’t safe, it would not only spark more interest but also add more reasons for her pleading. 
“Because someone has to stay here to keep Prince Dorian company, and Aedion... well, he’s not the best at it, is he?” Evalin sighed, giving the most generic answer she could.
However, it was not entirely false. Aedion was still on bad terms with the princeling for spilling tea on Aelin’s dress. 
Y/N huffed before getting up from the bed and hugged her, not noticing that one of the sun’s rays from her pendant had caught on Aelin’s still-scorched blue dress, tearing and falling onto the bedspread.
Aelin noticed and tried to warn her, but she had already left the room with her mother. With her eyes fixed on the chain, Aelin quickly wrapped it around her own, the pendants connecting, the sun encircled by the crescent moon. “I’ll return it later.” she whispered to herself.
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But later, Terrasen was attacked.
The castle of Orynth was under siege. Flames licked at the stone walls, casting eerie shadows as screams echoed through the corridors. Adarlan, whom they had once welcomed as allies, were now ruthlessly burning and killing everyone in sight. The betrayal was a sharp dagger into their backs, a cruel twist after extending hospitality to those now wreaking havoc.
Aedion shielded Y/N with his body, keeping her safely behind him as they navigated the chaos as the last two survivors of Orlon’s personal guard guided them to the secret passengers . "Stay close," one of them muttered, gripping his sword tightly.
Y/N's eyes were wide with terror, tears streaming down her face. Her mind raced to Aelin, desperate to know her fate. "What about Aelin? What about Uncle Rhoe and Aunt Evalin?" she whispered to Aedion, her voice trembling.
Aedion's jaw tightened, his own worry evident despite his attempt to remain calm. "They'll be fine," he whispered back, "Aelin is strong, and so are Rhoe and Evalin. They have guards with them, they’ll be safe." his furrowed brow betrayed his own fear as his words sounded to not only reassure Y/N, but also himself.
They hurried down a narrow corridor, the guards pushing aside a tapestry to reveal a hidden door. "This way," one of them urged, ushering Y/N and Aedion into the secret passage. The door led them to the edge of Oakwald Forest, their only hope of escape. But as they emerged into the dim light of the forest, they were ambushed.
Adarlanian soldiers surrounded them, swiftly killing the guards who had been guiding them. "Run!" one of the dying soldiers shouted, his final act a desperate bid to save them.
Y/N didn't hesitate. She sprinted into the forest, her heart pounding, while Aedion drew a sword off the grass and followed, cutting and attacking any enemy that tried to block their path. Seconds felt more like hours, their skin and feet now bruised and scratched by the bushes as they entered the dark forest, the trees now looming like silent sentinels, and the sounds of battle faded as they ran deeper into the woods.
Y/N's breath came in ragged gasps, her mind a whirlwind of fear and grief. The betrayal, the loss, the uncertainty of their survival weighed heavily on her. Aedion was right behind her, his presence a small comfort in the midst of the nightmare.
As they reached a small clearing, they paused, both panting for breath. Aedion's face was grim, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of further danger. “You’re okay?” he asked breathlessly, while scanning her with his eyes looking for any more serious wounds. 
Y/N was panting, breathless from running. Her body was caked with dirt and marked with cuts, her face streaked with tears that left trails on her cheeks. Her eyes were wide, lost and frightened, as she reached for her neck and realized her necklace was gone. She whispered Aelin's name and Orynth's, her voice trembling, lost for words.
Aedion felt the earth beneath his feet start to tremble, a subtle vibration that grew stronger as Y/N spiraled deeper into her panic, awakening her powers. He cut the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her, nestling her face against his chest beneath his chin, while his other hand gripped his sword tightly. He held her close, grounding her in the present and calming the tremors, ensuring they wouldn't attract any unwanted attention.
 "We'll find Aelin," he said, hugging her from the side, one hand on her head, the other still with a firm grip on the sword. his voice firm despite the sadness in his eyes.
"We'll find them all, I promise."
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throneofsapphics · 10 months
old faces, part two
Rowaelin x f!Reader
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Summary: you and Rowan meet again after seven years, and deal with the fall-out of a secret. 
Warnings: mentions of drinking, death, and grief
Word Count: ~6.4k 
A/N: I'm hesitant about this one, but I’m going to throw it out here anyway. feedback is more than welcome :) thank you to everyone who gave me the idea for this! the next two parts will be coming soon!
series masterlist
Rowan counted the whirls in the ceiling, the delicate and detailed decorations of their assigned suite in the palace. A window propped open, letting a dry summer breeze in. Aelin’s taste for luxury couldn’t compare to here. A few centuries of relative peace could accomplish that. She squealed in delight at the sunken bathing pool, filled with aromatic oils, candles lighting the edges, a window showing greenery beyond. Rose petals. There were gods-damned rose petals floating on top. 
Despite his best efforts, his mind drifted to you and his daughter, Ceri. He fought the ugly resentment at your secret. Your actions were justified, but If he hadn’t caught sight of you, he could’ve lived the rest of his immortal life with no idea he had a child out there. Rowan ruminated on the fear that he’d somehow failed both of you - although realistically he knew there was nothing he could’ve done. He debated how he’d make up for lost time, how to convince you to move closer, how to gain his daughter’s trust.  
“What’s on your mind?” Aelin asked, turning over to prop herself up on her forearm. 
“Ceri,” the words came easily, but he hesitated to say you were on his mind as well. Aelin hadn’t given him any indication she was jealous, or that this would pose a problem, but it was foreign territory for both of them. 
“They should both come to Terrasen,” Aelin murmured, catching his attention. Rowan’s head snapped, eyes widened. That’s … not what he expected her to say. Maybe that Ceri should come, at least for a few months a year, but certainly not his former … lover. His wife’s lips were curled into a smile, “I enjoy her company.” 
He raised his brows. Considering how she’d treated Remelle, “She’s nothing like her,” Aelin scoffed, reading the words in his eyes. 
It could be merely that Aelin enjoys her company - or that she wants to keep an eye on her. As usual, he wouldn’t know until Aelin decides to tell him. 
‘In another world, I could’ve built a life with her,’ the thoughts of his past echoed. It was another world now, a better world. Building a life with you didn’t mean romantic, but a life where he could co-parent his child, where he could keep both of you safe and happy. It might be a better world, but there were still threats. Still people who would take the two of you, if only to have leverage over him and Aelin. A fist clenched in his chest, pressure building, squeezing, suffocating him - if anything happened to the two of you -
“We’ll keep them safe,” Aelin shifted and ran her hand up and down his arm. 
‘We can figure it out tomorrow,’ Rowan had said. Tomorrow came in the form of a ghost from your past. 
“It wasn’t wise for them to come again,” the blonde-haired emissary explained. Now bloodsworn to the Queen of Terrasen. Aelin, she insisted you call her. 
You recognized Fenrys instantly. The two of you used to frequent enough of the same taverns and circles to know each other by name. The same recognition had flashed in his eyes, mouth turning up at one corner as he greeted you. 
You blinked, dragging yourself back into the present. “So they sent you as a messenger?”
He snorted, “something like that,” and paused, onyx eyes assessing you as you fought the urge to squirm in your seat. 
“And the message?” 
“They want you to consider … relocating, for your safety. For both of you.” 
His eyes flicked to the glass door, where your daughter played in the small garden beyond. There had already been murmurs, more inquiries about your daughter, more curious gazes. 
“I’ve considered moving to Eyllwe.” You already spoke the language, and the climate was similar. It would be an easy adjustment, and closer to Terrasen. 
Fenrys’s mouth parted, you’d surprised him with your answer, and it took him a few moments to reply. “We were hoping you’d consider moving to Terrasen.” 
Exactly what you suspected. But, you had your daughter, Ceri’s, best interests in mind. Would she want to grow up under constant surveillance, for her every move to be watched, the pressure of her relation to the crown - even if she’s not in line for it. Possible slurs and taunts about the circumstances of her birth. 
“Anywhere you go, she’ll eventually be recognized,” Fenrys said, as if he was reading your mind. Your knuckles whitened as you clenched your fists. He eyed you warily, sensing the protective instincts flaring inside you. “We’re not saying you need to move to Orynth, there’s other places if you want some distance from …”  
Fenrys didn’t need to finish the sentence.
“Right,” you cleared your throat and stood. “I need to think about it.” 
“Of course,” he recognized your not-so-subtle dismissal, and stood with you, depositing a roll of paper on the table. Your eyes narrowed, flicking between the scroll and him. Fenrys shot a wink at you, motioning for you to lead the way to the exit. 
You paused at the gate, fingers curling around the latch, turning over your shoulder to look at him. “It’s good to see you.” 
Fenrys understood the unspoken word, free. 
“And you,” his throat bobbed, “I’ll be back tomorrow.” 
The gate swung open, and he disappeared, footsteps silent as he rounded the corner. You took up a position on the bench, watching as the sun lowered, leaving a beautiful array of gold and pink hues, absorbing remaining warmth. Would Terrasen have sunsets like this? Gods, it sounded like you already made up your mind. 
“Who was that?” Ceri chirped. She’d chosen to stay out of his way after the brief introduction, sending shy glances from the garden, and retreating when he left. You wouldn’t push her to spend time around someone if she didn’t want to. 
“An old … acquaintance,” 
“What’s an acquaintance?” She asked, the word foreign on her tongue as she drew out the syllables. 
“Someone you know, but not a close friend.” 
She nodded solemnly, as if this was crucial knowledge, and you couldn’t fight your smile. 
“The Queen said we’re her friends now,” she bounced on her toes. We’re. Not just her, but the two of you. A small warmth bloomed in your chest, sobering as you realized the extra dangers of a friendship like that. 
“That’s lovely.” She paused, remembering something, and sprinted inside without another word. 
Ceri returned, holding a paper out for your viewing. “I want to give this to her.” 
A drawing. Gray jagged mountains, dense forests, little rivers and valleys. The landscape had surprising detail, and nothing like Antica or anywhere you remembered showing her.  
“I saw that in my dreams,” her small finger traced the outline of the mountain. Terrasen, the place popped into your mind, based on descriptions you read in books. Dreams, she was dreaming of a place she’d never seen. 
“We’ll find a way to get this to her,” the words came out gently. At a young age, you lost faith in any kind of divine intervention, but this … this was too coincidental to ignore. A chill ran down your spine, only partially from the breeze. The sun had fallen, a gray sort of dusk replacing the orange hues from earlier, and you made your way back inside.
Your hands shook as you cut the seal on the scroll Fenrys left, unfurling the message. A list of different places in Terrasen; Perranth, Caraverre and Allsbrook. Promises the two of you would be taken care of, that you’d be able to find work, that there would be other children and day schools for Ceri. 
But, this wasn’t a demand or order, it was a plea and offer. Even extended to your friend, Reya and her daughter Ani - Ceri’s best friend, if they showed desire to relocate as well. Ani would follow Ceri if her mother let her, and Reya expressed desire to visit Terrasen before. Reya’s family that had taken you in over the years. The day you arrived in Antica, just hours after you’d brushed the dust from the gate, an equally pregnant Reya sought you out, informing you your mothers had been friends - and because of that you were obligated to as well. 
The Queen and King were practically bending over backwards to try and get you to come … or, they were genuine and wanted both you and your daughter somewhere safe. 
Silver hair swished back and forth as she sat at her desk again, pencil already in hand - sketching out another drawing. If this was going to happen, you needed her to agree first. After you spoke to Fenrys tomorrow you’d bring it up, and the two of you would make the decision together. 
“I don’t want to go,” her small foot stomped on the ground. 
“Ani would come with us.” You weren’t surprised your friend agreed easily. “Your father lives there as well.” 
Ceri put the pieces together quickly, asking for confirmation the day after they showed up on your doorstep. 
“You said my father was a Fae warrior and royal,” she planted her hands on her hips. You nodded, pulling two chairs out, motioning for her to sit. Before now, she’d accepted your explanation - not asking for a name. The day would come eventually, but you thought you had a few more years. “He’s the King of Terrasen.” 
“Yes,” you said slowly, letting her carry out her train of thought. 
“Does that make me a princess?” You frowned as she spit out the word. 
“Do you want to be a princess?” Her head shook rapidly and she scrunched her nose. Your mouth indented at one side. “Then you don’t need to be a princess.” 
“If we move there, I have to be a princess, that’s what Ani said.” Her green eyes filled with tears, and you gently grasped each of her shoulders, crouching to be at eye level. 
“Ani was wrong,” and you need to tell her mother to keep her daughter’s mouth shut, “you don’t have to be anything you don’t want to.” You brushed away one of the stray tears, opening your arms up to let her launch into you, running your fingers through the silver strands. 
“But,” you murmured as she dug her face into your shoulder. “It’s not safe here for us, anymore.” 
The words sliced into your chest - breaking away a small piece of you. The sanctuary you sought years ago, no longer a safe place to be. Just this afternoon you’d spotted two lurkers across the street, watching your home and the surrounding street. You tugged Ceri beyond the gate, slamming the wards in place, re-examining the marks etched in stone for any weaknesses or fading. 
“It’s all his fault.” 
No, no, no. This is not how you wanted the conversation to go. “It’s not,” you whispered, pulling her back. Her face was red, cheeks flushed in anger. “It’s not your father’s fault there’s bad people out there.” 
“Why didn’t he stay with us?” 
The animosity in her tone made your stomach turn. This conversation was coming, you knew it, and possibly long overdue. 
“Your father used to serve a bad Queen, Maeve,” you started the hair on your arms standing up, “and I left, when I knew I was pregnant with you. To keep both of us safe. I didn’t tell him,” Her mouth parted to ask ‘why,’ but you held up a hand. “If he knew of us, he could have been forced to tell the Queen, who could do bad things to us or make him do bad things.” Her brows furrowed, and you wondered if you were butchering this explanation, but you were already started - you might as well keep going. 
“I know he would have done his best to protect us.” You did know that, you knew the sense of loyalty Fae held to their children, the fierce protectiveness - you had it yourself. “But he was … bound to do her bidding, and if she ordered him to hurt us, he would have no choice. She may have been able to use you through him, and that’s a risk I'll never take.”
“Maeve is dead,” she stated, more to herself, but you nodded anyway. All of the children knew the story of the battle of Terrasen, of the war fought in Erilea. Reya was a widow, her husband died in Orynth, along with her brother. “Good,” her little fists clenched, shoulders rolling back. Maybe that protective sense extended to her Rowan, whether she knew it or not. 
You cautioned her not to bring Maeve up to either of them, to any of the people from Terrasen, and that they would tell her if they wished to. There wasn’t a need to dig up fresh wounds. 
One week left of the Royal visit. One week to try and figure this hellstorm out. Ceri’s reluctance transferred into your own. Perhaps Eyllwe would be a better option. 
Fenrys came by in the early hours, letting you know Rowan, Aelin, and he would stop by later that night, after the sun had set. You promised a late dinner, and now grew to regret that promise considering how much you were panicking over the food. Keep it simple, your mothers words echoed in your mind as you put together the few heritage dishes she taught you, squinting to read the scribbled recipes, worn down by time and travel. 
You felt more than heard their approach, the old magic swirling in the air, and the small ring of the ward’s alarms. Ceri followed you through the garden, less shy than last time, but still reserved as she half hid behind you. 
The wards were up. Directly after the royals visited your home, you activated them. Only those you wanted to see the house or its inhabitants could. 
Your eyes scanned the street beyond them, spotting two figures watching your house intently. They couldn’t see anything beyond the normal facade, the garden exactly as it’s supposed to be. Magic hid your figures, and the ones right before the gate. Did they catch their approach?
Still, you let out a low breath, focusing on keeping your panic down as you willed the magic to bend enough to let them inside. 
“Those are clever wards,” the Queen commented, fingers tracing over the wyrdmarks carved in the pale stone walls. 
“Thank you,” you forced a smile on your face as your hand shook lightly, gaze still on the figures across the street. This was the first time they stayed past sunset. 
“Have they been bothering you?” 
Aelin’s voice was low, but you recognized the edge of danger as she followed your gaze. 
“They can’t see us.” A non answer, but before she could question further, you waved them inside. Rowan pinned you with a look that said he had more questions. Later, you mouthed. When Ceri was sound asleep. 
Rowan watched you and Aelin go back and forth, discussing books - he’d forgotten how much you loved to read, debating who the better romance author was, the best and worst tropes. Things like; third act break-up, miscommunication, enemies to lovers, love triangles. 
His attention switched back to his daughter, who had alternated questioning both him and Fenrys about everything, and especially magic. Each question she asked, he answered the best he could, and asked her more in turn. Rowan wanted to know it all, wanted to catch up on the seven missed years, and to catch up with you as well, to learn how your life had been, what raising Ceri was like, and how to be a worthy father. 
“How did you learn Wydrmarks?” Aelin asked. 
“My mother taught me,” you smiled at her, like Aelin was dredging up a pleasant memory. “I still have the books. She lived in Eyllwe for a while.” 
Aelin asked her a question, in what he assumed was Eyllwe, and you joined in. Then, Ceri did, already speaking another language this young. That makes three he knows of; Eyllwe, Halha, and the common tongue. She inherited her mother’s intelligence, that’s for certain. 
The three of you had a language you could speak in - one he couldn’t understand. Something told him that could lead to trouble. Fenrys caught his gaze over the table, smirking. 
After dinner, he was informed his daughter had a gift for him and Aelin. Two drawings - of Terrasen. She was talented, especially for her age. The detail is what surprised him - vivid, as if she’d seen it with her own eyes.  
“They’re from my dreams,” she piped up - and answered his question. 
Behind her, your eyebrows drew together, teeth chewing on your bottom lip. Catching his gaze, you offered a half smile. An attempt at nonchalance, one he saw right through. You may have changed, but you still wore your emotions for everyone to see. 
“They’re wonderful, thank you.” Aelin reached out, squeezing her shoulder. 
He looked back down at his drawing, and spotted four stick-like figures, hastily added in a corner, the wax of the pencil fresher. She’d added them recently, maybe even an hour ago. The heights and hair colors made them easily recognizable, and filled him with some hope. 
“It’s beautiful,” he finally looked up at her - into eyes identical to his own, but unburdened and radiant with joy. Gods, he’d do anything to protect that. 
Ceri yawned, attempting to muffle it with her fist, blinking rapidly to try and keep her eyes open.   
“Time for bed,” you announced, and she turned to you - a small pout forming, but yawned again and her shoulders drooped in resignation. 
“Goodnight,” she said to the three guests, and dragged her feet down the hall. Five minutes later, you tucked the thin sheet up to her shoulders, making sure the window was propped to let in the breeze, pressed a small kiss to her forehead, and snicked the door closed - her breaths already evening out into a deep sleep. 
They remained right where she left them - at the table. Rowan looked up from where he’d been studying his gift. “She’s talented.” 
You nodded absentmindedly, sliding back into your seat next to Aelin. It had surprised and intimidated you when she claimed the seat by your left. But, she’d put you at ease quickly, easily guiding the conversation between your mutual interests. 
“I never showed her pictures,” you cleared your throat. “But .. I'm assuming they’re of Terrasen.” Three nods. 
“Have you made a decision about moving?” Fenrys braced his forearms on the table, getting right to the point. The others stiffened, but brimmed with anticipation. 
“We’ve discussed it,” you tapped your fingers against the table. Honesty is the best way to go. “My friend said she’d go, but Ceri is … reluctant.” 
“Have you tried to convince her?” Rowan replied harshly, a shadow of guilt following; as much of an apology as you’d get for his tone and implication. Not that you were owed one, you’d probably feel the same in his situation.  
“This is her home, this is where her friends are, it’s not surprising she’s reluctant to leave,” you ran a hand over your face. And … you knew Antica was safer, but generational prejudices took time to undo. Terrasen used to be a safe place for Fae, interrupted by a decade of terror. It would take time to rebuild that legacy.
“She’s … open to the idea of a trial. To go for a few months, and see if she likes it. I promised her I won’t force her to stay if she doesn’t.” Years of building an iron will kept you from cowering under their stares. That was the only compromise you managed to come to. The next barb shot at Rowan before your filter caught up with you, “she inherited your stubbornness.” 
That little comment lightened the mood, because Fenrys laughed, Aelin snorted, and you could’ve sworn a small smile graced over Rowan’s face. In all honesty, your daughter was a mini-Rowan in female form. 
“I pity you,” Fenrys murmured, ignoring Rowan’s glare.
“I heard that,” a small voice chirped from the corner, and you groaned. 
“She’s also quite skilled at faking her sleep, and eavesdropping” turning over your shoulder, you fixed her with a glare, and she looked completely unapologetic. You noted the natural breeze flowing through the window, strong enough it would’ve blown away her scent - and she managed to get close enough for her immortal hearing to let her eavesdrop without detection. “Did you hear everything?” 
“Only about the trial visit.” You couldn’t scent a lie, and motioned for her to come to the table. If you’re speaking of her, she may as well be invited, and now that she knows - you doubt she’ll go back to sleep anytime soon. She slid into the chair next to her father, and you gave him a look to say; your turn. You did your part, he can do his best to convince her now.
Aelin and Rowan patiently answered all of her questions; is it safe? - yes, is it cold? - yes, are there ghost leopards? - yes, are they friendly? - Fenrys choked, and Aelin gave a firm no. 
“Then,” Ceri cleared her throat. “Why should I visit? You’re not making it sound very nice.” 
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you knew diplomacy was not in her future. Aelin spoke of the snow,  sledding, the magic of the Oakwald forest, giant wolves, the Staghorns, learning to control her magic - that caught her attention, and by the gleam in her eyes; you knew you’d be moving to Terrasen, at least temporarily. There’s a reason Aelin makes a great Queen. 
“You and your mother can choose where you’d like to live, if you come.” Aelin finished. Rowan’s jaw clenched, barely perceptible. 
“What will she do with her work?” 
“That’s for me to worry about,” you reached over the table, placing your hand over her own. She looked at you skeptically, but nodded. You’ve saved enough money over the years to keep the two of you comfortable for a decade or two - with careful spending. 
“Your mother is talented enough to find work wherever she goes,” Rowan added, sending you a knowing look.
She tapped a finger against her cheek, looking between the four of you. “I agree,” she announced, and you watched Rowan - watched how his face lit up. Saw Aelin watching you, watch him. You tore your gaze away. There’s nothing left between the two of you, and you don’t want to give her any reason to think there might be. Even if you’d found each other at the right time, she was the perfect match for him. It only took hours in their presence to realize that. It filled you with a different sort of happiness; after everything he went through - he deserved the best love could offer. 
The clock behind you chimed, you glanced over your shoulder - only ten, but you saw Ceri yawning, again, her eyes starting to droop with sleep. 
“Are you ready to sleep now?” you asked her quietly. Maybe if you gave her the decision - she might stay in bed this time. She nodded, rounding the table and grabbing your hand. You stood with her, but she paused to look at Rowan. 
“Will you tell me a story?” Rowan blinked once, but he agreed and stood, trailing after the two of you towards the bedroom. You sent a silent prayer to the Gods he’d given one that wouldn’t give her nightmares. 
Against every instinct, you let them have some privacy after Ceri gave you a small nod. It was laughable that your daughter was giving you reassurance. Not quite ready to face Aelin and Fenrys alone, you leant stopped at the end of the hallway, leaning against the wall. Rowan’s hushed tones floated through the open space, low enough you couldn’t quite understand the words. 
“Y/n,” Aelin’s voice came through. Turning your head, you found her standing a few paces away. Either you were deep in thought, or she’s especially silent on her feet. Maybe both. Aelin tilted her head, indicating for you to follow. Fighting the scowl threatening to emerge - at the idea of obeying someone's orders in your own home, you pushed from the wall, leading her towards the sitting room. Dishes could come later, for now you let your body melt into your favorite armchair, a perfect view of the street beyond. 
“Have there been many … lurkers?”
It would be so easy to lie, but she’d see right through those, and if you were going to co-parent … that’s not the foot you wanted to get off on. “Yes, a few each day.” 
“Have they approached you?” Fenrys cut in quickly. 
“They can’t see us, with the wards.” Aelin murmured something that sounded like; that’s what I thought, but you were distracted - glancing out the large window to see if they were still there. Sure enough, two shadowy figures remained, lurking across the street. 
“How do your wards work?” Fenrys switched the line of questioning. 
You studied him for a moment before answering. “I come from a family of magic wielders, and the lingering magic around the house built up over the decades. I used the Wyrdmarks to … direct it. It acts on my intentions, for lack of a better word. I’m not actively using my magic to surround the area” He looked at you, like he was prompting for more detail, “In all honesty, it would take me hours to explain each detail.” 
“I’d love to hear it some day,” Aelin added, face light and smiling, but there was still a tension in her shoulders. 
“Some day,” you promised. Maybe in the near future, maybe far away. If you ended up settling somewhere in Terrasen, you’d find a home already exposed to magic - maybe previously owned by magic wielders. 
“It’s impressive,” you heard Rowan rounding the corner. Aelin had chosen the spot on the couch next to Fenrys, leaving Rowan to sit in the other armchair. Not quite as comfortable as yours. “What are you going to do about them?” He jerked his chin towards the window. 
“There’s not much I can do,” you admitted. “They haven’t proven to be a threat, haven’t approached us.” 
“Has anyone … approached you?” He leaned back, and you saw right through his attempt to look nonchalant. 
“I’ve had a few questions about her, as expected.” 
“What did you say?” Rowan pushed. 
“What I’ve always said, that I don’t quite remember.” He let out a small grunt at her answer. It was the right thing to say, he knew that, even though it unsettled him. He wanted the world to know the two of you - you didn’t deserve to be some kind of dirty secret, he was proud to have Ceri as a child. And you as a … friend. 
“You do have an army of cousins,” Fenrys commented wryly, shooting a knowing glance towards, and you rolled your eyes. It’s common knowledge there’s plenty of Whitethorns in Doranelle. Aelin was watching the interaction with keen interest. 
Do they know each other? She asked, meeting his eyes. 
“How do you know each other?” Aelin questioned. 
“We ran in the same circles.” 
“Drinking circles,” Fenrys clarified. “You used to drink most males under the table.” 
“That’s a thing of the past.” 
“You never get a night out?” He recognized the glint in the male's eyes - if you ended up in Orynth, Fenrys might drag you out for a night to celebrate. It would be good for you; ‘you don’t know what’s good for her anymore,’ the voice in his head countered. 
“Night’s in mostly. I try to keep a low profile.” Another way you changed. The old you never turned down a chance to go out - to feed off the energy of a crowd.
It was crowded, one of the more famous bards in town for the night. Crowded enough the two of you could slip in against the wall, hood disguising your features, Rowan’s magic redirecting your scents. Nights out together were rare. Rowan watched as the male sang, one of those songs where the crowd would join in - each line growing dirtier as it went on. You knew every one, and countered his incredulous looks with an unabashed smile, not one bit of shame. 
He pushed himself back to the present. The low profile you built was gone now. You both knew it. Before, it’s unlikely anyone but the royals or courtiers recognized your resemblance. But with their visit - it was as clear as day.
“The truth will come out, eventually.” For once, he mentally thanked Fenrys for opening his mouth.
“I know,” there was quiet resignation in your voice. Mourning, almost. Mourning a life under the radar, a life without him. Rowan pushed the thoughts out of his mind, not a life without him - a life of peace. Whether you liked it or not, now that he knew he had a daughter, he had an obligation to the two of you. Beyond obligation, he had a desire to be part of her life, and that meant being part of yours as well. 
“Will your friend join you in Terrasen?” Fenrys questioned. 
“Reya … she’s said yes. She -” you choked on your words, on the memory, clearing your throat, “her husband and brother served with the Darghan and died in Orynth,” you were surprised your voice remained steady, “she’s wished to visit for some time now.” 
You tried to hide it, but he still saw the one small tear welling in the corner of your left eye. Just one. 
Rowan read between the lines. He recalled some of his conversations with Sartaq after the battle. He told, in hushed tones, of Arundin, the mountain where suldes, the spears all Darghan warriors carried, were planted after their deaths. He said their souls would roam with the wind, and maybe Reya was searching for theirs, searching for closure.  
It was like someone threw a haze over the room with your words, the shift poignant, dark silence radiating through the room. They were good men, and Reya wanted to find closure. You were there through it all, through the news of their deaths, felt the loss and suffering along with their family. 
A shadow crossed through Aelin’s eyes, a hint of guilt flooding over her features, and you felt the need to do something about it.
“Ani, her daughter,” you continued, “is very proud of her father, and so is Reya and her family. Before he left, he told us that he was proud to fight for a better world.” Aelin seemed to lighten at that, so you continued. “You’re probably tired of hearing things like this, but we’re all proud our country fought for you.” 
You’re not certain why, but you wanted her to know that - to assure her, in case she hadn’t heard it before, or heard it often enough. Based on the grateful look Rowan shot your way, maybe she hadn’t. 
“Were you here, during the war?” Fenrys asked. 
“I was, my mediocre healing skills came in handy. There was still a city to run,” your mouth curved at the corners. The Torre had been all but emptied, and there was still a city to run. Some of the tension left the room, thank the Gods. 
The moon had shifted, full and bright, and some of the light flowed through the room. Full moons, time for transformation. Fitting, considering you were about to uproot everything you’ve known for the last seven and a half years. 
“How soon can you be ready to leave?” Rowan asked. Aelin cut a sharp look at him, but he ignored her. Maybe he could’ve phrased that better. 
A soft laugh left you. Different, even your laugh was different, filled with a weariness that wasn’t there before.  “We’ve always been ready to go at a moment's notice, but I’d say two weeks or so to wrap everything up.” 
One week, they’d be leaving in a week. There’s no reasonable way for them to extend their visit, not without turning more heads. One week he’d be away from Ceri and you, a whole seven days where he couldn’t be there to protect the two of you. A week left in a city - with a target firmly on your backs.
“We’ll make travel arrangements for you,” Aelin’s voice cut off his thinking. 
“There’s no need-” 
“I’ll already be leaving at the same time, it’s no bother.” Fenrys interrupted you. Right, he’d be in the city an extra week to wrap up some negotiations. Rowan felt slightly better now. He’ll feel even better once he threatens Fenrys within an inch of his life. You narrowed your eyes at Fenrys, for the interruption, and he gave an unapologetic shrug and changed the subject “Has Ceri ever been on the water?” 
“Not the open sea,” you grimaced. “I’ll make sure we have something for nausea.” 
What are you thinking? Aelin caught his eye as you and Fenrys went back and forth, debating the best remedies for nausea. At least he could avoid your light-hearted bickering. There’s potential for the two of you to be insufferable together.  
Once we leave, people will be more motivated to act. That tightness gripped his chest again. 
Aelin frowned; I know. I’ll speak to Nesryn. 
Y/n won’t like that, he cautioned, even though he didn’t particularly care what you thought of it. When it came to your safety, he’d deal with your irritation. 
Nesryn can keep a secret. The woman had been a rebel. 
Are you going to tell y/n?
Too nervous? Aelin teased him, and his nostrils flared. Fine, he could tell you.
He caught your eye, and waited til your attention directed to him. “Once we leave, there will be a bigger target on your back.” 
“I’m aware,” you crossed your arms, “I do have a functioning mind.” His brows flicked, at least you still had some thorns. 
“It would be wise to have someone aware of who Ceri is,” Rowan went on as you looked ready to interrupt - to tell him off, no doubt, “aware of who she is to me, and that the two of you would be a valuable hostage.” 
He watched as you visibly stiffened, eyes hardening. Rowan knows you were aware of the dangers, but hearing them aloud would put another sense of urgency. 
“We have a friend, who can have someone look out for you - until it’s time for you to leave.” He could read the words on your tongue; I can protect us. “I know you’re capable,” he assured you, “but it’s not a weakness to have an extra set of eyes on you and Ceri.” 
Rowan watched as you came to the conclusion - watched how you’d swallow any kind of pride or ego for your daughter, for his daughter. He would’ve asked Nesryn to keep an eye out regardless, but having you aware and in agreement made it easier. 
“Who’s your friend?” 
“Nesryn Faliq.” The future Empress. 
The whites of your eyes shone, even as you said, “I shouldn’t be surprised.” Your fist came up to your mouth, stifling a yawn. The clock chimed again. Eleven already. 
“We’d best get back,” Fenrys pushed himself up from the couch, Aelin followed quickly, giving the two of you a moment of privacy. 
“It means .. everything, to me, that you and Ceri are willing to come to Terrasen.” 
“It’s a trial, remember?” You teased him. One year, that’s what Ceri, and by extension you, had agreed to. They had one year to convince Ceri to stay permanently.
“I know,” he nudged you with his elbow, drawing out another one of your laughs. Lighter this time. He felt himself falling back into the old companionship, the easy way the two of you had with each other. You’d been something between a friend and a lover. The closest thing he could come to friendship, while serving under Maeve. Temporary, but here you were seven years later - now to be a permanent fixture in his life.
Aelin and Fenrys waited for them at the gates, the two lurkers were gone now. Good, he might’ve done something impulsive otherwise, something that may have damaged relations between both countries. Fae may have few laws against murder, but that’s not always the case for the rest of the world. 
“Will you be back before the end of the week?” 
“I don’t think so,” Aelin said. “It’ll draw more suspicion if we’re seen coming here.” 
If Rowan could, he’d spend the rest of his time here getting to know the two of you. 
“I’ll be back,” Fenrys shot a wink at you. “You’ll see plenty of these two in the next year.” 
He found himself studying you, again. You didn’t look disappointed they wouldn’t be back, but not relieved either. He didn’t know how to feel about it, how he wanted you to react. It would be too easy for this to be simple. 
Aelin and Rowan sought out Nesryn and Sartaq early the next morning. 
“We’ve just learned Rowan has a daughter in the city.” Aelin got right to the point. “She and her mother are moving to Terrassen in two weeks.” 
Midnight eyes shot to Sartaq, who’s mouth tightened. They suspected something, but hadn’t known for certain. 
“There was suspicion of someone related to the Whitethorns living here,” he said, “but we never confirmed it.  Her mother is known to us, of course.” 
Of course. Maybe you weren’t quite as low profile as you thought. 
“Her work.” Nesryn clarified. “Although she’s done a good job flying under the radar.” 
“Not good enough for my spies,” Sartaq added. 
“After our visit, it’ll be too obvious. It puts a target on their backs.” 
“We’ll keep our eyes on her. Discrete ones.” Nesryn said, before she could specify her ask for help. 
“Thank you,” Rowan said, and she could hear the relief in his tone, sensing the small tension leaving him through the bond. 
“You’d do the same for us,” Sartaq answered. They were allies, and the Khaganate had already done so much for them, throughout the whole war. Without a doubt, she knew she’d do the same. Rowan went on to describe what he’d seen, detailed descriptions of the figures across the street, and a brief description of the wards she has up - of how they hide you. Nesryn gave a nod of appreciation, and Sartaq still didn’t seem surprised. Aelin remembered Chaol telling her he had an extensive network of spies.
The conversation left them in a much better mood, easing some of their nerves. Aelin barely knew Ceri, or you, but already felt fiercely protective. Maybe even as much as Rowan did. She’d never replace you, she didn’t want to, but she’d be a part of your lives no matter how the cards fell. 
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leiawritesstories · 15 days
Rowaelin Month 2024, Day 7: All Dressed Up @rowaelinscourt
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: flirting, swearing, rich people talk, badly concealed horniness, NSFW content, a few fun little hidden jokes teehee
A/N: hi hello this is technically for tomorrow BUT it's getting posted now because i'm taking the LSAT tomorrow and i'm going to be way too mentally exhausted to function, yayyyyy 😃 also, i might disappear for a little while after the exam, bc i also just started my senior year of college and it's a bit busier than i thought lol. anyway.....enjoy!!! at your own discretion please :)
If the club was fancy, its VIP lounge was a study in luxury. A pair of black-suited bouncers flanked the door, their dark-shaded eyes constantly scanning the club, scrutinizing each and every person who approached the lounge doors. Rowan handed over the thick square of embossed ivory paper from his tux jacket pocket and nodded amiably at the bouncers as they checked his invitation and waved him in. Conspicuous as he’d felt before, when he was walking through the club in a custom three-piece designer tux, he felt positively unremarkable among the sea of haute couture that thronged the VIP lounge, all of them centered around a tall, elegant woman in a fitted sheath dress of molten gold with a slit that crept dangerously high up her right leg. Her head tipped an inch sideways with the echo of her laughter, and she rested one graceful hand on the forearm of the handsome man she was talking to, crimson-tipped fingernails contrasting sharply with his black jacket. 
Aelin Galathynius. 
The only daughter of perhaps the most influential voices in Terrasen’s political scene, Aelin filled the spotlight like she was born to it. Which she was. She’d been appearing in front of press cameras and journalists practically since her birth because Evalin Ashryver, the first female secretary of state, had wanted to show the world that a woman could have both a successful high-profile career and a family. Furthermore, her father was Rhoe Galathynius, the deputy prime minister, and he had personally taught his only daughter how to handle the press. 
At twenty-nine, Aelin was one of the most recognizable faces in Terrasen, though that was mostly due to her success as a former professional volleyball player and current coach, as well as an incredibly generous philanthropist, rather than her parents’ collective renown. Rowan had known Aelin since high school, had harbored a crush for her practically as long, and since he was also a retired athlete and the head of a foundation that supported talented young athletes whose families couldn’t afford their sports, he often crossed paths with Aelin at events like this one. 
She was chatting with Dorian Havilliard, the oldest son of Prime Minister Havilliard and a childhood friend of hers, when Rowan strolled over and nodded cordially at the dark-haired man. “Good to see you again, Havilliard. Do you mind?” 
“Not at all!” Dorian air-kissed Aelin’s cheeks. “Whitethorn, good to see you as well. I’ll have my assistant reach out to yours to schedule a proper meeting, yes?” He had recently indicated his interest in sponsoring one of Rowan’s foundation events. 
“Sounds perfect.” Rowan shook Dorian’s hand and pretended not to notice as the other man stage-whispered “he’s so hot” to Aelin before he left the two of them alone. 
“Rowan.” Aelin’s crimson lips curled into a smile. “What brings you here? I thought you usually avoided these little parties like the plague.” 
“I try,” he said dryly. “Unfortunately, there are several key donors here, and my VP practically threatened to strangle me if I didn’t show up and have a drink with them.” 
She chuckled and took a delicate sip of the champagne in her hand. “I wasn’t aware I was one of your key donors, Rowan.” 
“Maybe I’m using you as a human shield,” he teased. 
“I’m afraid I’m more of a spear than a shield,” she said with a wink. “That means I’ll charge at your big scary donors with you if you can work up the balls to ask.” 
“Can you blame me for hesitating?” He swiped a glass of champagne from a passing server’s tray and locked his gaze onto Aelin as he took a deep sip. “You look stunning in that dress, Aelin, and I’m afraid that’s all anyone will see.” 
“Ah, stop it.” She swatted his arm. “I’ll get their attention, and you’ll capture it like you always do with your cute little big-old-shy-guy smile and blush.” His cheeks heated, and she grinned. “There, you see? One of your usual protests that you ‘don’t do as much as you want to do’ and you’ll have those donors eating from the palm of your hand.” 
“I’d like to eat you from the palm of my hand,” he mumbled, mostly to himself. “You’re sure?” 
“Of course.” She set down her champagne and looped her arm through his. She lowered her voice to a throaty whisper. “And if you want to eat, Whitethorn, all you have to do is ask.” 
His pants tightened. He swallowed thickly, forced himself to think about the donors in order to control his traitorous body, and covertly poked Aelin in the ribs. “Quite a naughty thing to say, Aelin.” 
She winked lazily at him. “We’re at a club, Rowan. Certain things happen at clubs.” 
“Such a brazen woman.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear, and his lips just barely brushed her neck. “What kind of things are you thinking about, hmm?” 
“Schmoozing with donors, for one.” She laughed softly at his disgruntled expression and brushed a megawatt smile across her face as they approached one of the couples who were frequent donors to his foundation. “Connall, Sorscha, delighted to see you here!” 
Connall had been one of Rowan’s teammates, and he’d retired a year before Rowan so he could spend more time with his wife, Sorscha, and their family. “Surprised you made it, old man,” he joked as he clasped hands with Rowan and affectionately thumped him on the back. 
“Trust me, we both are,” Rowan deadpanned. “Sorscha, you look lovely as always. How are the little ones?” 
“Growing up too damn fast,” Connall sighed. 
Sorscha nodded in agreement. “Lyla started walking the other day; I turned around for five seconds and she made it into the other room. I almost had a heart attack.” She laughed. “And Gray has been obsessed with taking care of the garden, except that he doesn’t know the difference between the weeds and the herbs.” 
“Little guy brought his mama a fistful of ‘bad weeds’ that were actually dill,” Connall added, snickering. “Oh, and James is doing fantastic at the football camp.” 
Rowan smiled. “That’s amazing! How is it having him stay with you?” One of the projects he was trying to start involved pro athletes having orphans and foster kids stay with them when they participated in training camps for their sports. 
“We love it.” Con grinned down at his wife. “He’s still a little shy with the kids and he basically lives out of his duffle bag, but he’s a lot more talkative now.” 
“He seems more at ease,” Sorscha said. “It could be that he’s made friends at the camp, or that my son pretty much idolizes him because he’s a big boy who plays sports, but I think he’s also just more… comfortable.” 
“That’s almost exactly what we were hoping would happen.” Rowan squeezed Aelin’s hand, and she beamed up at him. “Good. Well, I hope this helps convince the board.” 
Con thumped Rowan’s shoulder. “We’re in your corner, man. I’d be happy to tell the board about our success if you need.” 
“I just might take you up on that.” Rowan shook Con’s hand and accepted Sorscha’s hug. “Thank you so much.” 
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Aelin teased as they walked away, heading for another donor that Rowan had spotted. “You’re a natural—just get them talking about how much they want to help these kids or how much they love what they’re already doing, and they’ll give you their support.” 
His hand slid to her lower back, guiding her through the throngs of people. “Wish I had half as much confidence as you have, Ae.” 
“Stop that,” she chided. “Rowan, your foundation is hugely successful because of you. That much is evident, and I’ll keep trying to convince you of that until you accept it.” 
“I know a few ways you could convince me,” he murmured, half to himself. 
Her smile melted into lazy dangerousness, and sparks kindled behind her stunning turquoise eyes. “Do you, now?” 
His hand curled possessively around her hip. “I do.” Heat raced through her blood at the weight of his touch. “Dance with me.” 
“Of course.” 
They stepped into the swirl of couples dancing in the middle of the lounge, and Aelin gasped quietly when Rowan pulled her so close that she was almost flush against him, wrapping one arm around her waist with his hand on her hip and lacing his free hand with hers. So close she could feel the thrum of his heartbeat, she draped her free arm around his neck, fingers toying with the collar of his pressed black shirt. The song changed, shifting to a deep, pounding bass and sultry vocals, and her body moved in near-perfect tandem with his as he led her through the dance. 
“All that hockey training certainly gave you good moves, Ro,” she teased, flicking her gaze up to his through her lashes. 
He smirked languidly and rotated his hips in a borderline lustful circle. “And all your volleyball training probably gave you strong legs.” He tipped his head down and purred his next words into her ear. “But how long until they start shaking?” 
“Dream on, hockey boy,” she whispered, even as desire uncoiled between her legs at the sinful rasp of his voice. 
“Every night.” Her breath caught at the admission in those words, and when he brushed a thumb across her lips, she leaned into the touch. Her nod was confirmation enough, and he replaced his thumb with his lips, kissing her softly at first and then deeper, slower, the stroke of his tongue almost too slow for the heat pounding in her blood. 
In a hazy blur, they were in the club’s bathroom, Aelin sucking in a sharp breath as Rowan yanked her dress up around her waist and planted her bare ass on the marble countertop. He chuckled, a low dark gravelly rasp that curled up her spine like smoke, as his eyes traced down her body and discovered her lack of underwear. “Dangerous move, darling,” he murmured, attaching his lips to her neck and pressing his calloused thumb directly onto her clit. “No panties? Anyone could see you, Aelin.” 
“Anyone—ahh, Rowan!—isn’t going to see,” she panted, her words broken up with gasps and hitched breaths. “Just…fuck, just you.” 
“That’s what I like to hear.” Free hand reaching down the front of her dress to tease her hardened nipples, he thrust three fingers into her, reveling in her broken moan and the way her eyes scrunched shut in pain-edged bliss. “Hold still for me, pretty girl.” Wordlessly, she nodded, bracing her hands on the countertop to stabilize herself. He smirked and kissed her hard, swallowing her moans, and pumped his fingers roughly, bringing her to her first orgasm of the night within a few minutes. He worked her through the high, teasing her sensitive clit just enough to make her whimper when he withdrew his glistening fingers and licked them clean, gaze locked on her the whole time. 
“Please, Ro.” She whispered his name, her plea a raspy breath. “Need you to fill me up.” 
“Good girl.” He pushed his trousers and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring free, and her eyes went wide and dark as she stared at his size. 
“Th-that…” Her mouth went dry. “That’s not going to fit.” 
He brushed his thumb over her kiss-swollen lips. “It will, pretty girl. Trust me, it will.” He pushed one of her dress straps off her shoulder and palmed her breast. “Your pretty pussy took my fingers so well, Ae, getting all ready for my dick.” 
Her breath escaped in a shuddering groan. “How is it so hot when you say filthy things like that?” 
“Because you’re my dirty little good girl.” He smirked and tilted her chin up to brush a bare feather of a kiss over her smudged lipstick. “Can you stay quiet for me?” She nodded, and he kissed her as he dipped his fingers into her cunt again, working her in long slow strokes. When she wrapped her hand around his wrist and whispered that she was ready, he lined his cock up and pushed into her slowly, savoring the tight grip of her pussy around his dick and the muffled whimpers she made as she struggled to stay quiet while accommodating the size of his velvet steel schlong. 
“Rowan,” she choked out, near desperate. “Please!” 
“Good fucking girl,” he groaned, and he rocked into the cradle of her hips, thrusting with increasing force. Gripping her waist, he pinned her to the counter and fucked her hard, and she buried her face in his shoulder to muffle the uncontrollable moans that tore from her throat. The soap dish clattered to the floor, and he just kicked it underneath the sink and thrust harder, hurtling them both towards climax. Aelin tipped her head back and rasped out his name as she came, ecstasy written all over her features, and he groaned her name as he came inside of her. As their bodies stilled, he gently pulled out, smirking at the sight of his rowillymilk dripping down her legs. 
She trailed a finger between her thighs and lifted it to her lips, licking their cum off and humming softly in pleasure. “Delicious.” 
He growled and pulled his pants back up and lifted her off the counter, stopping to fix her dress before he laced his fingers with hers and led her out of the bathroom and back through the flashing strobe lights of the lounge and out a side door. “Your place or mine?” 
“Mine.” She flicked a heated glance at him from under her darkened lashes. “Got a few toys I like to use in my bedroom.” 
“Get in the car.” Rowan pulled the passenger door of a sleek black SUV open with more force than strictly necessary, the muscled lines of his body tense, the gleam of his eyes predatory. Aelin touched the smudged lipstick at the corner of her mouth, wiping it away as she slid gracefully into the car. He closed the door and went around to the driver’s side, and she sucked in a half-surprised, half-aroused gasp when he accelerated down the dark, empty city streets with a hand splayed on her thigh. Heat pulsed between her legs, radiating outward from the warm, firm weight of his palm atop her leg. 
She at least had enough of her wits to direct him towards her townhouse. “Turn left here,” she directed, guiding him down the familiar path to her home. “First right, then second right.” He navigated the turns with expert precision, and it was only minutes before he’d pulled into the single parking space marked out in front of her property. 
A sudden, thick silence blanketed the vehicle, and Aelin had the urge to caress Rowan’s face when she caught sight of the faint uncertainty nearly buried in his fiery gaze. So she did, gently tracing her fingertips across his cheekbones. “Welcome to my home, Ro.” She winked lazily. “Want me to show you my bedroom?” 
His lingering hesitation melted into molten, commanding desire. “That’s my good girl.” The praise flowed over her like sunlight. “Can you get out of the car, Ae, or do you need to be carried?” 
“Someone has a high opinion of himself.” She clicked her tongue and smoothly climbed out of the car. He prowled around from the driver’s side, banded one thickly muscled arm around her waist, and pressed her back against the door. 
“Still so naughty,” he murmured. “What should we do about that, hmm?” 
“Why don’t you come inside and show me?” she whispered right back. 
He kissed her, and it would have been sweet if not for the cum sticking to her thighs. “Good girl.” Hand in her hand, he followed her into her townhouse, locked the front door behind them, and waited all of twenty seconds for her to drop her small purse before he hauled her over his shoulder and stormed up the stairs. She managed to point him towards her bedroom door, and he set her onto her bed with uncharacteristic gentleness. 
And tore her dress down the middle. 
She was halfway through an outraged gasp when he yanked her hips to the edge of the mattress, dropped to his knees, and licked her dripping pussy. Her outrage kindled into lust, and she plunged her fingers into his hair, shoving him closer as his tongue drew harsh patterns on her needy clit. Through the incoherent, garbled whimpers and moans streaming from her throat, she managed to reach sideways and grab her wand vibrator from her bedside table and switch the toy on before tracing the buzzing tip around her stiff, aching nipples. 
“What,” Rowan growled, “do you think you’re doing, hmm?” He didn’t wait for an answer, just took the vibrator from her and replaced his tongue with the toy, teasing her cunt with too-light touches and biting kisses, ignoring her breasts altogether. “Did I say you could touch yourself, Ae?” 
“N–no, sir,” she whispered. Calling him sir had been impulsive, but it felt so right. 
He swore filthily and shoved his pants off, letting his massive meat pole spring free. “That’s correct. Now be a good girl and put your hands above your head.” The vibrator skimmed her throbbing pussy and dipped farther back, circling the rim of her ass, and her fists curled into the pillows above her head as words failed her. He seemed pleased with her obedience, because he kept the toy there as he returned his mouth to her cunt and devoured her, tongue spearing into her and teeth scraping her most sensitive parts. It couldn’t have been more than two minutes before stars exploded across her vision as she came so hard she shook with the force of it. 
He turned off the vibrator, threw it across the floor, stripped out of the rest of his clothes, and hauled her up the bed, kissing and nipping up her body as he went. “Don’t hold back,” she breathed, the words shaky from the last waves of her orgasm but no less confident. 
“Scream for me, pretty girl,” was all he said in response, and he flipped them over and pulled her down onto his cock. She was so wet that her cunt slid down effortlessly, and he didn’t give her any time to adjust before he lifted her hips up and down, helping her ride his dick at a frenetic pace. “Fuck, Aelin!” 
“Fuck, Rowan!” she screamed in tandem, head falling back in bliss. He sat up, deepening the angle, and fucked her relentlessly, until she was a mess of broken cries of his name. 
“Come with me,” he ordered, and he pinched her clit sharply. She screamed his name to the gods as she shattered, and he came with her, burying himself deep. He rocked his hips gently as she shook, working her through every last second of the drawn-out orgasm, milking his own pleasure. As she calmed and rolled off of him, sprawled onto her stomach, he ran his fingers through her hair, smoothing the mussed strands. “So fuckin’ good, Fireheart.” 
She turned onto her side and grinned, linking her fingers with his. “Happy anniversary, my love. Should we do that again next year?”
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tomtenadia · 1 month
Check My Heart - 3
Hello all,
Here we are with another chapter and be prepared for a super sweet DadRowan...
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A week had elapsed and on that morning in late August, Rowan was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for him and a lunch pack for his daughter. It was her first day of school and he needed it to be perfect. He had cleared his schedule for the morning and afternoon. 
The previous night she had been excited and together they had laid out the uniform and prepared the backpack. She had asked for a panda backpack but her pencil case, pencils and pens were all Hawks branded. He was going to buy her regular ones but Maya had wanted to flaunt her allegiances right from the beginning. He knew his daughter and was sure she was going to brag about him very soon and put in place anyone claiming Perranth was better. HE loved his daughter but would admit that she had spent far too much time surrounded by hockey players and for an almost 6 yers old she had very strong opinions already. 
His parents had convinced him to send her to a private school with great reputation and quite an interesting curriculum. He was nervous and prior to enrolment Rowan had requested a meeting with the headmaster to discuss his situation. Had to disclose that the mother was not in the picture and that his parents looked after Maya when he was away and also were the only people beside him to be allowed to pick up Maya from school. 
So far his daughter had lived in a sort of protected environment but now she was going out in the world and, although Elide had done a wonderful job at dealing with most speculation with regards to his marriage to Lyria, he was afraid that something might leak at the wrong time and reach his daughter.
Breakfast ready, he climbed upstairs and went in Maya’s room. His daughter was just getting off the bed, her elf light switched on “morning big girl.”
Maya ran to him for a hug which Rowan did not deny her “Are you excited about school?”
She spread her arm wide “this much.” Rowan kissed her and then both went back downstairs.
“I made you waffles.”
Maya smiled and tucked in as soon as the plate was in front of her.
“I spoke to Miss G and she knows you are starting school but you can have some training in the afternoon with her after school.”
“Can we go tonight, dad? I want to tell her about school.”
In the weeks since the day he had played on the ice with Aelin, he had met her almost every morning. He had started to teach her some basic hockey manoeuvres and in return she had tried to teach him figure skating. Suffice to say that it reminded him of when as a toddler he was learning to skate. But it had been fun. Neither ever mentioned their accidents and he was not sure if she knew about him but surely she was less grumpy with him.
“That we can do.”
“She is teaching me the tappo jump.”
“You need to show me.”
Maya smiled proudly and Rowan was looking forward to see his daughter on the ice.
When he arrived in front of the school he paused before switching off the car and pushed back the tears he felt pooling at his eyes. 
“Dada, school!” Maya was trying hard to unfasten her belt so he quickly jumped out of the car and went to her door “wait a second.”
Once his daughter was ready he grabbed the backpack, locked the car and together they walked to the main door. Maya was buzzing, Rowan was struggling to let her hand go.
Inside they were met by teachers and Rowan walked to the table to see where his daughter was heading to.
He had visited the school with Maya a while before and she loved it.
“Whitethorn,” he said quietly. Hockey was a big thing in Terrasen and he did not want any fans interrupting his moment with Maya. The woman at the desk smiled at him and then pointed to a specific room.
“Ready to see your class and meet your teacher?”
“Yes,” added Maya jumping up and down in excitement.
“Welcome,” said a woman with dark skin “My name is miss Falliq and I will be your teacher.”
“I am Maya and I love school.” The teacher kneeled and smiled “I am so glad.”
“Dada, I am at school.”
Rowan kneeled and hugged his daughter “I know baby and I am so proud.” A big kiss smacked on her cheek “and I love you so much.”
Maya returned the kiss “I love you too dad.”
Rowan all of a sudden could not pull back and let her go.
Then he took a deep breath and pulled back “I’ll pick you up after school and we are going skating okay?”
Finally he stood and the teacher reassured him.
Rowan pulled back his cap and sneaked outside as quickly as possible. He hid in his car for a few minutes and fought the tears that threatened to spill. His girl was growing up fast and there was not a day in which he worried if he was doing a good job.
He was about to go back home but in the end he drove to the ice rink. Maybe some exercise would dull the ache of sending his daughter to school.
In the changing rooms he went for his lockers and wore a pair of training trousers and then his spare clean jersey. It felt strange to wear it again, with his fingers he brushed the C on the left hand-side then closed his eyes and pushed aside all the dark thoughts. 
As he walked along the tunnel he felt the soft notes of music filling the arena. He was positive it was Aelin and his step had an unexpected spring until he emerged out of the tunnel and froze. 
The usual pang of panic spreading through his body.
Rowan cursed. He had been feeling better recently and had no more panic attacks but now… he leaned against the wall and tried to control his breathing as his mother had coached him. She kept insisting that he had ptsd and maybe he should see a therapist but Rowan dismissed the theory every time. When he finally got his breathing under control he resumed his walk and emerged and spotted Aelin dancing at the rhythm of classical music. It was relaxing. While training with her they always kept the music on and he decided that it definitely did the trick. It had the power to keep him concentrated on the music and not on the ice.
He sneaked in and sat on the bench and studied her dance. She probably had spotted him but did not appear to be bothered by his presence. Aelin did a series of loops and jumps and he thought he recognised a Lutz. He had tried and learn more about the jumps and during their sessions he had managed to improve his single toe loop and a waltz jump, he still looked like a demented oaf but at least he was holding the landing now. 
He smiled and kept watching her. Aelin lifted her leg behind her, grabbing it with an hand and then he saw her body folding forward until it resembled a doughnut. She spun and he was mesmerised. 
Watching her skate was a thing of beauty. 
Rowan was quite familiar with some of the performances from when he was with Lyria but Aelin seemed on another level.
She was up straight again and skated in a wide oval to gather momentum, Rowan watched her get in position for a jump but as she was about to take flight he noticed the brief hesitation. That split second was all she needed. Her skate caught in the ice and went flying on the ice. Rowan in terror skated to her “Aelin,” panic in his voice.
“I am fine.” She snapped in a furious tone.
“What happened there?”
She was silent and turned her head away from him.
“You were trying an axel.” He admitted as he had seen her preparing for a forward take off.
“I…” her hand went to her knee “I just missed the timing.”
Bullshit, he wanted to shout. He had watched a lot of her videos of her competitions and she never missed. She was amazing and all the accolades she had been attributed were deserved. All of a sudden he realised she was struggling just as much as him. 
“No, you didn’t.” He said softly and she looked up at him with a broken stare.
“I know…” he whispered and saw the surprise in her eyes “I saw the video.”
“You mean you saw me throw my career in the toilet.”
“It was a freak accident.”
Aelin scoffed hard “I landed a perfect triple axel and then what do I do? I fucking mess up with a Lutz?”
Rowan chuckled “well, it might be like us not scoring while on a 4 on 3 power play and an empty net.”
“You do realise I have no idea of what you just said?”
“We just need to teach you more hockey.”
They fell into silence and he sat at her side on the ice “want to know something cute?”
Aelin nodded.
“Maya started school.”
She squealed in delight “she told me that she was starting school, she was all excited.”
He lay down on the ice and could not care about the temperature.
“You seem sad.”
“No, I am happy, but it scares me at the same time.”
Aelin was about to ask something but Rowan stopped her and shook his head.
“Get up old man, show me some hockey.”
Rowan got up and went to the locker room and gathered some equipment and got back to the ice. He placed the net and the a few cones.
“You taught me some basic, now it’s my turn.”
He grabbed his stick and with experienced agility he zigzagged between the cones and scored.
“Do I need to cheer? What if I support the other team?”
“You really are a menace.”
Rowan huffed a laugh and continued “now, when you are handling the puck you need to protect it. Other players will try and steal it so they can score. To do that, you do this movement.” He placed the puck on the ice and showed Aelin the motions “see? You move it left and right and protect it using the blade as shield.” He finished skating and scored again “you try.”
He passed her the stick “This is huge.”
“That’s what she said.” He added with a smirk.
Aelin moved on the ice, her agility on the skates was perfect but he saw her struggle to control the puck that kept escaping.
Aelin screamed frustrated and Rowan moved closer. He pondered how close to get “Can I?” He asked, wary of personal space. When Aelin nodded he moved behind her and his hand covered her on the hilt. Slowly he moved their joined hands showing her the correct movements “Try now.” He pulled back quickly but the scent of lemon verbena still engulfed him. 
A scream of joy awoke him from his thoughts and he noticed Aelin skating among the cones with a far better control. She was a quick study. Of that he had no doubt.
When she scored Aelin celebrated with a loop and a jump and Rowan just stared at her mesmerised by that woman with fire in her veins.
“Well, you can join us next game.”
“No thanks, You brutes can have fun.”
Rowan stopped in front of her “now try and get to the net with me blocking you.”
Aelin grabbed the stick and concentrated in a fierce expression “I am ready.”
Although Rowan went easy on her she never moved much as he blocked at every single try.
“I give up.” She added throwing the stick on the ice “I don’t care about hockey anyway.” 
Rowan huffed a laugh “oh, the brute in me is hurt.”
Aelin was about to dismiss him when he stopped her “What’s a tappo jump?”
Her expression was one of curiosity “there is no such thing.”
“Maya said that she was learning the tappo jump.”
Then understanding dawned on her “the tap toe jump.” Quickly she demonstrated it to him “it’s one of the very basic jumps we teach, a fundamental,” Aelin did another jump but different “this is the bunny hop. Another basic jump.”
“Try the first one again.” She showed him and Rowan observed with interest.
A moment later he tried and crash landed on the ice. Aelin circled around him “All okay old man?”
“I haven’t fallen this much in a lifetime.”
Aelin nodded to his feet “your skates are not meant for this, you have no toe pick.”
“Oh, I have heard of that…”
“Good, now let me go back to my training before class comes in.” And with that she skated away leaving him on his own.
He chuckled to himself. It had been fun. Eventually Rowan went back to his training, allowing Aelin’s music to keep him focused. The team was getting back soon and he had to be prepared.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn  @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127 @mariaofdoranelle @yashiw @renxzs  @aelin-gods-killer
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nikethestatue · 1 month
Throne of Glass:
Rowan: pine and snow (he smells like Terrasen)
Aelin: jasmine, lemon verbena, and crackling embers
Lysandra: ever-changing
Dorian: sea and winter morning (this is what Manon says he tastes like)
Elide: cinnamon and elderberries
Aedion: Clear book and new grass
Sartaq: Wind and mountain springs
A Court of Thorns and Roses:
Cassian: snow-chilled wind and crackling embers
Nesta: fire, steel, and winter sunrise
Azriel: night-chilled mist and cedar
Elain: jasmine and honey
Feyre: lilac and pear
Rhys: citrus and sea
Mor: citrus and cinnamon
Tamlin: Lilac, cedar and something earthy
Crescent City:
Hunt: rain-kissed cedar (Bryce says he tastes like rain and cedar and salt and lightning)
Bryce: lilac and nutmeg
Ember Quinlan: Honeysuckle and nutmeg Einar Danaan (Autumn King) - Ashes and Nutmeg
Besides all that, I am seeing patterns now and I wonder if there are relations that we should be paying attention to:
We got Team Jasmine: Aelin and Elain
We got Team Lilac: Bryce, Feyre, Tamlin
We got Team Nutmeg: which is exclusively Bryce and her parents
We got Team Cedar/Pine: Rowan, Tamlin, Hunt and Azriel (Hunt and Azriel are basically identical, which is very interesting)
Team Snow/Chill: Nesta, Cassian, Rowan, Dorian
Team Crackling Embers: Aelin and Cassian (both are deeply associated with fire), plus Nesta who is just 'fire'
Team Citrus: Rhys and Mor (cousins) and Aelin (all related?)
Team Sea: Rhys and Dorian (related?)
Team Cinnamon: Mor and Elide (both witches?)
Curious absentees: Manon, Ruhn (and Lidia)
Misc characters:
Tharion- Water and salt
River Queens Daughter- Water lilies and bubbling streams
Nesryn- Mint and Spice
Arobynn- Almonds
Valg- Death and rot
Chaol- Male warrior?? (Old Spice?)
Petrah Blueblood- Myrrh and rosemary
Sorscha- Rosemary and mint
Juniper- Jasmine and vanilla
Hypaxia- Eucalyptus and lavender
Lady of Autumn Court: Roasting chestnuts and crackling fires
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
reader being Rowaelins daughter and she’s secretly seeing Elorcan’s daughter, at first rowaelin think that she has a secret boyfriend and they want to see him and kind of threaten him, but then everyone finds out at the same time that it’s actually them dating🖤🖤🖤🖤🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Elorcan daughter x Reader
A/n: this is such a cute idea I died reading it. And yes this is named after a folklore song but I’m focusing on the happy romantic parts of the song ☺️ Elorcans daughters name is Diana (BOTH ARE OVER 18)
Warnings: none
Light snores pull you from your dream and into the sweetest reality. Your beautiful girlfriend, Diana Lochan, the most beautiful female in all of Terrasen. You brush he thick black hair back from her face and smile. Even though your relationship is currently a secret, you were both happy. Besides, if your family’s knew the two of you would never have any peace to figure things out.
The future Lady of Perranth began to stir and her eyes cracked open. Diana’s soft giggle warmed your heart. “Morning y/n/n.” Gods her voice was so hot in the morning.
You moved closer, sharing a pillow with her and Diana wrapped an arm around you. You rested your face in the crook of her neck, placing small kiss across her skin.
Pulling away from your girlfriend you boop her nose. “What should we do after breakfast?” You ask. Diana hums in thought. “We could take a walk int gardens. Or we could go into the city, look around maybe window shop. Ohh what about the library?”
Before you could give your answer your mother was knocking on your door. “Y/n, breakfast soon. Are you out of bed yet darling?” You hold your finger up to your lips as Diana held her breath. “Yeah mom! I’ll be down in a few minutes.” The Queen of Terrasen’s footsteps faded and you could both breathe again.
The two of you scrambled out of bed to get dressed. “Fuck my shirt,” Diana sighed holding up the tattered fabric. “Uuhhhh,” you tore through your expansive closet and grabbed an outfit, throwing it at Diana, “wear this.”
Once you changed you noticed the shirt was one your family would know. You wrapped a cardigan with silver star patches around her and buttoned it. “You look so cute Di.” You give her a quick kiss and pull her toward the door.
Sure, sometimes you guys were sloppy with your scents and obvious signs. No one ever said anything though. Walking into breakfast the family was so lost in conversation no one noticed the two of you. It was kind of nice.
As you sat down your father immediately perked his head up, sniffing your direction. “Y/n,” he said sternly. “Yes father?” You ask confused at his hostile tone this early. “Who’s scent is on you?” At his very loud question the entire table looked at you.
Your eyes went wide as you looked at your mother, siblings, and the Lochans. You locked eyes with Diana and your mouth started moving. Nothing coherent came out, just sounds as you tried to think of an excuse. You looked back at your father, a white eyebrow cocked at you.
“Well father, uuummmm…Diana and I just,” Diana stood suddenly, her chair sliding back loudly, “We’re together!” She practically screeched. You slap your hands over your eyes. “I was just going to say we had a sleepover, babe.”
Removing your hands you saw Diana’s cheeks turn bright red. You could feel yours start to heat as well. Your mother comes up behind you, kissing your head. “We are very happy for you darling. Right Rowan?” She growled out that last part making you and your siblings laugh.
Your father snapped out of his shocked state, “Yes, yes! Of course.” Lorcan spoke up next, “I’m very proud of both of you for not being afraid to admit it. We didn’t mean to scare you, you’re very brave, girls” you and Diana were shocked that Lorcan was so understanding.
When he and your father thought no one was looking they began glaring at each other. Both promising death. “Oh we should take you girls out this afternoon. Wouldn’t that be fun Aelin?” “Absolutely!”
You and Diana groan, giving each other an exasperated look. You both knew your moms were just going to grill you on your relationship. You knew they were doing it out of love.
As breakfast went on you felt a little lighter. Like a weight you didn’t know was on your shoulders had disappeared. Everyone at the table were back to their conversations but you could only look at Diana. You were so happy to have her. And now there was no need to hide.
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
I saw these two ex to lovers prompt and I can't choose so if you like them you can pick one or both idk ahaahaha
- sending their ex a book a day, the first word of each title spelling out an apology.
-ten years after their breakup one receives a letter inviting them to their exes wedding with a “help me” written in a tiny font on the bottom.
You Still Would’ve Been Mine
Written for my Drabblefest
I wrote both, but with a twist (not exactly an apology and it’s ten months instead). I hope you like it 😆
PS it’s canonverse
960 words, no warnings
⨯ ⁺ ✦ ・ 。゚⨯ ゚♡ ✧* ・。* ★,。・:*:・゚☆
If Rowan listened to one more word about Terrasen or Adarlan, he was going to lose his mind.
He wasn’t even a useful prince, he had no idea what he was doing in Sellene’s Throne Room.
“The merchants won’t stop complaining ever since Adarlan made these new trade deals,” Uncle Ellys explained, “Terrasen’s goods got into the Adarlanian market like the plague.”
“Enda,” Sellene called from her throne. “send word to our spies.
After every other family member was dismissed with an assignment to do, it was just Rowan and Sellene there.
“C’mere.” She kindly requested him to come closer. “Rowan, we are losing Erliea’s biggest kingdoms. The Fae from Adarlan now have access to Terassen’s Fae liquor, magic hospitals, magic schools, every month is a new thing. And now this.” Sellene took a deep breath and rubbed a hand on her face, letting her shoulders drop for a moment. “I know you don’t talk about Terrasen, but I need you to tell me what you saw.”
“I saw nothing,” he answered with a neutral face, masking his tense body.
It was true. It was supposed to be a trip with Fenrys to visit Galan, and they ended up being guests in the Ashryver party to visit Terrasen.
Rowan’s presence wasn’t political, and the only thing he saw was walls ornate with gold, silk bedsheets and the top of pine trees when he was flying, using his hawk form to sneak in and out of the crown princess’ bedroom.
Rowan’s ground his teeth, his pulse racing. Well, that was before she not only backstabbed him, but his entire country as well.
“Okay, I got it,” Sellene said when she sensed the growing notes of rage in his smell. She bit his lip and fiddled with an envelope in her hand. “This came in for you.”
Rowan snatched it from her hands. “I thought the mail interceptions were over when Maeve died.”
Sel grimaced. “Lorcan gave me this one because he thought it was an exception, sorry. I didn’t open it, though.”
An exception indeed. Rowan opened the seal with one of his blades, wishing he could use it to stab the wedding invitation instead.
The King and Queen of Terrasen request the pleasure of your company—Rowan rolled his eyes—at the marriage of their daughter, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, to Duke Perrington, blah blah blah.
Rowan was once told it would be his name instead, but those promises were long gone.
I’m yours, she said, her smile lit through the darkness. Tell Sellene to request an official political alliance with a marriage proposal, and I’ll be officially yours.
Rowan was on a boat home the next day.
He shook his head, his heart constricting as he tried to shake off the memories too. Especially the ones of him learning, right before leaving Doranelle again, that Aelin’s hand was already promised to another.
Rowan’s eyes skimmed through the wedding invitation, until he found something that made his heart stop, the world world narrowing down to two little words in the bottom of the invitation, in a familiar handwriting.
Help me
“What?” Sellene said while snatching the invite from his hands. “Gods, I’m never talking about Terrasen with you again. Your smell gets weirder and weirder and— oh, shit.” She looked up, eyes widened and personal scent tinged with alarm. “Have you been in touch with her?”
Sellene sent him a cut-the-bullshit look.
He crossed his arms. “She’s been sending me books. Just that.”
“Not a word? Just books?” She got up when Rowan nodded in confirmation. “Where do you keep them?”
They both shifted into their bird forms and flew out the window towards Rowan’s bedroom, where he kept a small collection of books he didn’t want to store in the Royal Library.
If Sellene heard how fast Rowan’s heart was beating, she didn’t show. His insides were quivering as he scrambled his mind for answers, but nothing came.
Sellene shifted back and frowned at the bookshelf, both hands on her hips. “Just the books, no letters attached?”
“Yes. These ones.” Rowan pointed at the books with one hand, fingers tangled in his hair with the other. “They’re in the order she sent, it stopped a couple of months ago.”
His cousin barely heard him, completely focused on the books. “Havelok the Dane, Erec and Enide, Laxdæla Saga and Piers Plowman.” Sellene’s index finger ran across these four book’s spines. “Side by side like this, as if they were in a box set, it kinda looks like they spell ‘help’.”
“What?” With his heart beating out of his chest, Rowan grabbed a piece of paper and scrabbled the titles there, in the order Aelin sent him.
Havelok the Dane
Erec and Enide
Laxdæla Saga
Piers Plowman
The Divine Comedy
Amadís de Gaula
The Decameron
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Owl and the Nightingale
Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart
Doon de Mayence
Le Morte d’Arthur
Egil’s Saga
His entire world halted when he put them all together, four words tearing down his walls of hurt and resentment.
Help, dad sold me.
Rowan felt dizzy, barely breathing as everything clicked together.
All the trade agreements, scholar exchange, diplomatic alliances between Terrasen and Adarlan he heard of. It was all because Rhoe sold his daughter to the highest bidder.
Over his dead body.
He ran to his room, grabbed his sword and a pouch with enough gold for three intercontinental trips—one to go, two to come back—and tucked his wedding invitation into his jacket’s pocket.
Sellene’s eyes were firm as she clutched his forearm, putting all her Fae strength into her crushing grip. “Do not. Cause. An international disaster.”
Rowan just shifted into his hawk form and flew to the nearest port.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
There was nothing that could be done to fix her.
And she was ... she was ...
A whimpering noise came out of her, lips trembling so hard she had to clamp down to keep the sound inside.
But the sound was in her throat and her lungs and her mouth, and when she took a breath, it cracked out. Once she heard it, everything came spilling into the world, until her body ached with the force of it.
She vaguely felt the light shifting on the lake.
Vaguely felt the sighing wind, warm as it brushed against her damp cheeks. And heard, so soft it was as if she dreamed it, a woman's voice whispering, Why are you crying, Fireheart?
It had been ten years--ten long years since she had heard her mother's voice. But she heard it then over the force of her weeping, as clear as if she knelt beside her. Fireheart--why do you cry?
"Because I am lost," she whispered onto the earth. "And I do not know the way."
It was what she had never been able to tell Nehemia--that for ten years, she had been unsure how to find the way home, because there was no home left.
Storm winds and ice crackled against her skin before she registered Rowan sitting down beside her, legs out, palms braced behind him in the moss. She raised her head, but didn't bother to wipe her face as she stared across the glittering lake.
"You want to talk about it?" he asked.
"No." Swallowing a few times, she yanked a handkerchief from her pocket and blew her nose, her head clearing with each breath.
They sat in silence, no sound but the quiet lapping of the lake on the mossy bank and the wind in the leaves. Then-- "Good. Because we're going."
Bastard. She called him as much, and then asked, "Going where?" He smiled grimly. "I think l've started to figure you out, Aelin Galathynius."
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sarahjswift · 1 year
A Terrible Day - Rowaelin Oneshot
I'm trying to expand my writing resume on this app, because all the wonderful creators I follow have these insanely long masterlists with links that lead to more links that lead to more links and it's everything I want to be XD
I wrote this in a frenzy of two hours, including breaks for running and to gulp down some iced tea and eat a slice of cheesecake :D
If you go to my masterlist(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rNsQz959dwBibJ4ydmb6_0fixjSEBXBiVRKVoyd-tQ0/edit), you will see the fics I wrote for the 2023 Aelin Week. Most, if not all of my fics are in AUs but I thought I'd switch it up with a "what happened next" kind of fic, which is what I did for Aelin Week. Not saying I liked it more than my other AUs, but it was just cozy to write you know? ☺☺
If you'd like me to do more of these, let me know! It's a Oneshot for now but we'll see, I could just do short stories of their adventures inbetween my current projects!
This is the most NSFW thing I've ever written and I felt so guilty doing it - I kept glancing around like I had a bomb or something LMAO. It's not even that bad I don't think, but I COULDN'T DO IT *sobs*
How do you fanfic writers do it???
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Language, Smut
Summary: Aelin has a bad day and sweet sweet Rowan cheers her up (mostly just fluff)
Tag List <33: @backtobl4ck, @aelinchocolatelover, @renxzs, @blue-bird17, @autumnbabylon, and @luell1q
enjoy dear readers!!
Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius had had a terrible day.
Not like her usual bad days - where Fleetfoot had rubbed mud all over a new dress, or the bakery in Terrasen Square was closed (although she shuddered whenever she thought of those days) - but bad in the sense that she felt her chest constricting. Darrow hadn’t budged on the topic of Aelin’s passion project - a community garden for the citizens of Terrasen. A trivial want, yes, but it was close to Aelin’s heart. 
However, as Darrow had made extremely clear at their meeting; “A community garden is a complete waste of resources. We need to focus on rebuilding Terrasen before we have the time to worry about meaningless projects such as that.” 
Now Aelin was trudging down the hallway, melancholic. At least it’s the end of the week, she thought glumly. She had no more meetings, nothing to work on for the next three days. 
The queen reached her private corridor. Here lay her bedroom, personal library, and office(well, one of many). Aelin often felt guilt over the luxuries that she indulged here, but she couldn't help wanting to live in this area of the castle - her parents had as well, and she could sometimes hear the pitter-patter of her feet running down the hall, her giggles as she raced her father. Remembering these moments was a happy thing, but today it just made her more depressed.
Two guards monitored this corridor - Beor and Alys. Beor was a kind, shy man, and the only time he ever talked was to rave about his wife and two young daughters. Alys was a fierce woman who had clearly been through unimaginable things, which only became more apparent from the vicious scar slashed down the side of her face. She was strong and reminded Aelin of Nesryn. Aelin liked the two guards greatly, but she pitied them occasionally when she was reminded of what…sounds they were witness to, as they were stationed outside her bedroom door during the night. The morning after her birthday, Beor could barely look her in the eye without going beet red. 
Aelin nodded to them as she passed. “Majesty,” they both murmured, bowing briefly. She flashed them a quick smile, all she could muster, before retreating into her bedroom. She faced the door, locked it behind her, and burst into tears.
All the stress from the day caught up to her - Darrow, missing her parents, the strain of the crown. She slid to the floor, not even bothering to turn around as she cried, hugging herself. She prayed Alys and Beor couldn’t hear her, not as-
She froze when she heard that deep voice say her name. “Shit.” She knew who it was instantly, but turned around still to find her husband and mate, Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius. He stood there, his face full of concern for his wife, and the sight of it made Aelin sob harder. 
“Hey, hey,” Rowan soothed, advancing toward her in a split second. He held her close, sitting there on the floor with her, and Aelin turned fully toward him, clutching his shirt, crying into his neck. He was so strong, so steady that Aelin felt like she’d been drowning and now she’d found a lifevest. 
Rowan stroked her hair and rubbed her back simultaneously, patiently waiting as she cried it out. Finally, she scooted back, sniffling. “Oh, Gods, I’m so sorry.” Aelin couldn’t meet his eye as she wiped her cheeks, focusing on the floor. She probably looked like a mess. 
“Aelin.” He tilted her face up, piercing green eyes scanning her face. She only realized now he was tense, jaw clenched, filled with a mix of concern and anger that somebody had hurt her, something only a mate could feel. “What happened?”
“I’m fine, first of all,” she sighed. She smiled as he slumped with relief, but it faded as she recounted her day. “Darrow…Darrow is still very against the garden idea. I don’t know, maybe it’s stupid. He sure thinks it is.”
“Wait, why is he against the garden?” Rowan frowned. “I love the idea.”
Aelin arched a brow. “I think you’re just saying that.”
“No, I’m not!” her mate protested. “It’s a great idea, Aelin. Darrow might not see it, but it could help those who were affected - ah, hell, let’s be frank. I think every being in the world has at least some trauma, and I really think the garden could help them. It could help them build something, trust in something.”
“Well, thank you, buzzard. That’s the idea, but it’s too silly to spend money on.” Aelin leaned back into her husband, who immediately encircled his arms around her. She ran her fingers down his muscled arms, pressing down slightly. She snickered as she felt him flex underneath her fingertips. “We need the money to be put toward the library, and just getting our bearings after the war.”
“I thought we were well off.”
“We are - our coffers run extremely deep. I don’t think we will have to worry about money ever again, thank Gods. But that’s us. Our money is different from Terrasen’s money.” 
“Hmm.” Aelin could almost feel Rowan frowning, thinking of something to help her problem. The thought warmed her heart and she tilted her head up, observing him. He is so beautiful, she thought. His bronze skin was smooth, his lashes long, his bone structure immaculate. But of course, she was drawn to his eyes. It was always his pine green eyes. They would always, always be her favorite asset of his. She ran her fingers lightly over his face, tracing it to memory like she’d done hundreds of times, like she’d do many more times. 
“Aelin,” he breathed. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his. He opened up to her and she kissed him deeply, threading her fingers through his hair to tug him to her. She felt his warm hands slip up her shirt and she broke the kiss, biting her lip as she watched him. Rowan leaned in and kissed down her neck. She gasped as she felt his tongue on her skin, digging her hands into his shoulders. 
She kissed him roughly, their lips falling into a rhythm, and she made to unbutton her shirt. “Wait,” Rowan murmured onto her lips, holding her hands firmly in his to still them. She broke away, confused and a little hurt. As if seeing the second emotion in her eyes, he kissed her on the lips quickly - or at least, he tried to make it quick, but Aelin followed his head with her own, prolonging the kiss. As her tongue brushed his, her mate groaned before pulling away again. 
“Why do you keep pulling away?” she panted, resting her forehead on his. Rowan released her hands to stroke her cheeks. She felt him breathe in her scent and smiled, knowing it comforted him as much as his did her.
“Well, for one I’m not taking you on the floor,” he started, chuckling when she smacked his arm. 
It’s not like it’s never been done before, she said to him, mind-to-mind. She felt him freeze and glance up at her smirking face. 
“You’re making this harder,” he grumbled.
“Good,” she snickered. He stared at her confused, before going red as he got the joke. She cackled for the first time today, standing up from the floor. She helped him get to his feet as well, laughing again as he winced and rubbed his back. Her buzzard, ever the old man.
“And two,” he glared at her, “I thought it would help you cheer up if we went to Finlas’s.”
Aelin squealed. Finlas, a kind old man, owned her favorite place to eat in Terrasen - Finlas’s. He served the most amazing dishes, not to mention their desserts. “Yes. Oh, Rowan, you’re the best!”
Rowan grinned, pleased with himself. “Well, let's go then.”
They got ready in a matter of minutes. As Rowan went to tell Alys and Beor, Aelin checked her reflection and groaned. Her face was red and puffy from crying. She splashed cold water on her face and frantically rubbed a jade green marble over her skin, something Lysandra had said would help with puffiness and bone structure. Luckily, it seemed to do the job. Dressed in the simple white shirt and black skin tight pants she’d worn all day, Aelin grabbed her bag and hurried to leave.
The mates walked out of the castle and towards the Square, hand in hand. It was a beautiful early summer evening, the sky darkening to pinks and purples, the humid air cooling to an ideal temperature. The spring flowers were giving way to green, every tree lush and bountiful. Aelin swelled with happiness as she looked around her kingdom, even more so as they reached the Square and saw people milling about, shopping and talking. 
They reached Finlas’s and Rowan hurried to open the door for her. Aelin smirked as she passed. “What a gentleman,” she teased, and Rowan rolled his eyes. To their delight, Finlas himself greeted them and led them to a booth in the back. The back of the establishment was clearly meant for couples, with its dimmer lighting and flickering candles on the tables. Each seat even had a red rose placed atop its plate. As they walked by, people stared and whispered to each other.
“Enjoy your meal,” Finlas said warmly, before bowing and hurrying off to greet the next customer. Aelin settled into the cushioned booth, watching her mate as he did the same. 
“What are you going to get?” Rowan asked. Aelin opened her mouth to respond before he interrupted. “Wait, no - let me guess. A medium-rare, absolutely massive steak with fried potatoes, and a fizzy drink?”
Aelin grinned. “Exactly. Great job, buzzard. Now let me guess; a curry that you will burn your tongue on like you do every single time, an iced tea and some bread?”
Rowan barked a laugh. “Exactly.”
They ordered just that, and enjoyed the meal. Aelin groaned improperly as she took her first bite of steak, sounding enough like another activity that Rowan shot her an annoyed look. 
“Sometimes I can’t tell if food or me gives you more pleasure,” he hissed across the table. 
“Can’t it be both?” Rowan was not pleased with that, and to Aelin’s delight her husband glared at her plate for the next ten minutes, as if it were another man who had stolen her away. 
They talked of their days and their plans for the next coming weeks. Rowan was working every day on the building of the library, which was coming along speedily, most likely thanks to his Fae strength and speed. He’d even begun to help with the design aspect of the building, something Aelin wholeheartedly trusted him with. “By this time next year, you will most likely be picking out books to stock the library with,” Rowan told her. A task Aelin was most excited for, and already planning to enlist Dorian with. 
Finlas brought them a huge chocolate cake free of charge. “Oh no, we couldn’t,” Aelin protested, reaching for her wallet. “It’s really to trouble at all-”
“Stop, Your Majesty,” Finlas said gently. “After what you’ve done for us - you deserve all the food in this restaurant for free.” At Aelin’s confusion, he explained; “I was a victim to a Valg raiding of my village. They took my son for their army, but…Your Majesty made sure he was safe. I have my son back now.” 
“That was all Yrene, not me,” she managed to say, overcome with grief for Finlas. 
Finlas shook his head. “No, Majesty. It was because of Lady Yrene, but you were the one who saved Lady Westfall, and then sent Lord Chaol to the Southern Continent to heal. Because of your kindness, you saved my son, no matter how distant the efforts were.” 
Aelin couldn’t see through the blur of tears, and gave Finlas a watery smile. “Thank you.”
They walked back to the castle, the sky even darker. Aelin smiled as she looked around, surrounded by people walking through the city. Laughter filled the air, the type of laughter she hadn’t heard in a while. She pulled Rowan into an alleyway abruptly, ignoring his yelp of surprise. 
“Thank you, Rowan,” she said to him. “My day was shit and now…you turned it into a happy day. You…you truly just know me so well. It still surprises me sometimes.” 
Rowan smiled down at her, his face soft and open in a way she knew it only was for her. “Anything for my Fireheart.” 
He bent his head and kissed her. She drew him down, opening the kiss. She felt him wrap a shield around them and glanced over, giggling when she saw him using his power to prop large slates of wood to separate their alley from the bustling town square. The noise disappeared, the only sound their ragged breaths. 
“I love you,” she breathed, tipping her head back as he pulled her shirt off. His nostrils flared as he took her in, gripping her waist, rubbing his thumb over her skin. 
“I love you too,” he gritted out, his eyes near black. He leaned forward and Aelin couldn’t help her loud moan as he went to work on her upper assets. She felt him huff a laugh onto her skin, and managed to pant out a; “What?”
“I made you moan louder than when you ate that steak,” he smirked, staring up at her with an expression of complete male satisfaction. She laughed, but went quiet as he claimed her mouth. 
Quickly they were both only in their lower undergarments, standing in their piles of clothes. Aelin shifted impatiently, waiting for him to take her against the brick, but he was examining the wall with concern. “What are you waiting for?” she begged.
“This seems...unsanitary,” he frowned. She whined, but he still wouldn’t move - at least, until she dragged her fingers down, down his stomach…
Later, he rolled off of her, both of them panting. After the alley, they’d dressed and hurried home before he took her twice more. She should give Beor and Alys a raise, honestly. 
Aelin sunk into the pillows, sleep already overtaking her. She was so glad they’d invested in this luxurious, massive bed. Rowan laid on top of her, his head on her heart, and Aelin’s arms encircled him, fingers toying with his hair. With her mate laying with her like this, the plush mattress beneath her, the soft blankets, and the feeling of happy exhaustion from the pleasure of before, she was in heaven. But just before sleep took her, her mate interrupted the peaceful silence. 
“Fireheart,” he whispered into the darkness, “did you have a good day?”
Aelin smiled down at her mate, knowing the male in her arms was the male she’d worship and adore for the rest of her days. “Yes, Buzzard. Yes I did.”
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delulu-is-the-soluluh · 2 months
Scars of Flames and Shadows | Chap 2
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Chap 1 | Chap 3
A Dark!Rowaelin x afab!Reader
(Temporary) Summary:  Aelin and Y/N shared a deep bond since childhood, growing up together in the royal courts of Terrasen as their innocent crushes hinted at a future romance. However, the invasion of Adarlan shattered their world. Aelin was forced to become Celaena, while Y/N stayed behind, joining the rebellion and becoming their most lethal spy, never ceasing to look for the princess. That is until she accidentally meets with a famous assassin who’s eyes she knows for so long.
Warnings: Lots of pining. Drama (I’m a drama queen); Set one month before the events of AB.
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Chapter 2 | The Assassin and The Spy
Celaena pov:
I can’t believe Arobynn had the audacity to send me to this decrepit part of Rifthold. And yes, it was business and the client offered a decent sum, but I can’t ignore this scum of the place. It truly reflected just how much the client despised the target: an abusive father, slain at his daughter's request. He often came around here to buy drugs and alcohol before returning home to “demonstrate” his fragile masculinity to his family.
Typically, I would have a little bit of fun with this type of job: I get to have one less abuser in the world and explore new ‘methods’. I was inspired tonight. Had a plan and everything. But he had to die within thirty minutes.  I had hoped to spend at least half the night relieving some tension. Instead, I was left fuming in a rat hole, my clothes way too fine for this, feeling grotesquely out of place, breathing a repugnant smell of air, and so frustrated.
That’s why I stood in the doorway of a filthy bar, scanning the dim interior, sulking about this crap of evening. I needed to find a way to blow off steam. A brawl in a dingy bar seemed like the perfect escape—losing myself in a little chaos might help to drown out the boredom gnawing at me.
Thankfully an opportunity soon presented itself. One of the drunken patrons made a lewd comment accusing me, rightfully so, of cheating in a card game. A few snarky remarks later, and they were on it. Fists flew, chairs splintered, and bodies collided in a whirlwind of aggression. For a moment, I was lost in the cathartic release. But it still wasn't enough. Their punches were too amateur and the chaos didn’t bring me any relief.
As the brawl raged on, I stumbled toward the door, the sense of agitation pressed more intensely against my ribs. I was about to slip out when I collided with someone. I was ready to throw them on the floor but they kept balance. So I looked up, ready to lash out again, only for shock hit me like a tidal wave. 
It couldn’t be. She wasn’t supposed to be alive—Arobynn had said...
But there she was. Y/N was before me, alive and well, her eyes wide and surprised as I could hear my heart in my ears: She recognized me 
Without a second thought, I turned and bolted. I couldn’t let her see me like this, couldn’t risk my identity or her safety. Despair clawed at my chest as I ran. Y/N was alive. She survived, she.. Why was she here? What was she doing in Adarlan?
The sound of footsteps behind me broke through my thoughts and I dared to look behind. Fuck she was fast, faster than I remembered. My breath quickened, and I pushed myself harder, darting through alleys and leaping over obstacles. I scaled walls with ease, my movements fluid and precise. But Y/N kept up, relentlessly stubborn still.
I darted across the rooftops hoping to lose Y/N in the maze of buildings, until the sound of her steps began to fade. “Finally,” I thought, dropping down into a secluded alley. I leaned against the wall, ripping off my mask to catch my breath. How did this happen? How had she found me, and if so where was Aedion?
It was just a glimpse. A breathtaking glimpse and I didn't even know I could still feel that, let alone be.. I need to put myself together. ‘I’m Celaena Sardothien, Adarlan’s best assassin, heir and prote-’
A soft thud echoed in front of me interrupting my thoughts and I looked up, alarmed. The moon casted a pale light over the narrow passage as Y/N stepped forward, her eyes widening in recognition and disbelief. A smile began to bloom on her lips as she parted them to speak. “My gods… It is you…”
Gods she was beautiful. Her voice, matured and raspy, struck me with a wave of conflicting emotions way too strong for my liking. My heart leapt, but I forced myself to stay as composed as I can be, my gaze cold and unyielding as Y/N walked toward me.
“Ael-” She didn’t get a chance to finish as I ran toward her, lunging to bring her down. I need to escape before any more questions or emotions could complicate matters.
I wasn't expecting when she fought back, quick on her reflexes and certain astonishment upon her face. She still ducked and twisted, blocking my initial strike with a defensive posture. “Please, stop,” Y/N gasped, her voice edged with desperation as she tried to fend off my assault.
I was fierce, aiming to bring her down rather than maim. I landed a few solid blows, but Y/N’s instincts kept her from falling.Pride started to bloom in my chest, to know she’s skilled and trained. It was thrilling and.. a bit exciting. Each time I tried to pin her down, She dodged or countered with quick, fluid movements. 
As I moved in to grapple Y/N, I attempted to pin her against the wall. Y/N twisted free, striking back with a powerful kick to my midsection, forcing me to stagger back. Her eyes were full of anguish and determination as she panted, “Why are you doing this? Aelin...”
“Who the hell is Aelin?” I said through gritted teeth, trying to maintain control and balance of the fight.
Her face crumbled, eyes flooding with pain before anger quickly took its place. I could barely react before she came at me and pinned me down to the floor. Damn, she was strong. Finally, a worthy opponent. I grinned, ready to free myself when Y/N's eyes revealed nothing but anguish.“You don’t fool me... Please, all I ask for is one moment...” Her voice was low and filled with despair. “I can’t let you go again...” 
Her plea struck me like a physical blow. The world around me seemed to blur as my resolve wavered under her gaze. She seemed to sense the shift in my demeanor. With a fluid motion, she released her hold and gently helped me to my feet. Despite the urgency of our confrontation, her touch was careful, almost tender—as if she were handling something precious, even in the midst of our struggle.
The walls I had built around myself slowly began to crumble, leaving me exposed to a torrent of memories and feelings I had long buried. The tension was replaced by a fragile silence that spoke volumes. I couldn't let this happen—I had to maintain my control.
“I’ve been looking for you... non-stop,” Y/N’s voice was breathy and raw. “I’ve been looking for clues, for leads, and—”
The sharp sound of my dagger being retrieved from my sheath cut through the air. “Stop deluding yourself. You’re not the hero here, you’re just a nuisance I’ve been trying to avoid. So save your tears and get out of my way.”
It was uncalled for. Hypocritical even, when the embellished hilt of my blade concealed our necklaces. So insincere when “Celaena” is named because of it. Rage flashed into her eyes and never left mine as she strode to me, grabbing my wrist, pulling me in and aiming my dagger at her fifth rib. 
“Kill me then.” A heartbeat passed “ it only proves how deeply you're haunted by it” 
my eyes astonished by her recklessness as a bitter smirk appeared on her face. “What part of ‘I can’t let you go’ don’t you understand?” Her voice filled with agony and determination. Her proximity allowed her gaze to drift to my lips. I couldn’t help but do the same to her. “Just one moment... I’m begging you.”
I sighed as I met Y/N’s determined gaze. “Alright,” I whispered. “One moment.”
The full moonlight was nothing compared to the smile she gave me.
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I reached the small, rundown inn a couple of streets away from that alley for its privacy and minimal patronage, making it safer for our conversation. Entering the dimly lit room, I was greeted by the musty smell of old wood and worn fabric. I closed the door behind us and turned to face Y/N. Before I could say anything, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. “I knew it you were alive,” she murmured against my shoulder, her voice breaking with emotion.
I stood frozen for a moment, the warmth of her embrace seeping through the cold barriers I had built around my heart. Slowly, I raised my arms and returned the hug, my body trembling with the flood of suppressed emotions. “I missed you,” I whispered, my voice barely audible.
We pulled back slightly, Y/N’s hands resting gently on my shoulders. Our eyes locked in a tender gaze. “Can you tell me what happened then? What’s been going on?” she murmured softly, concern evident in her voice. I hesitated before shaking my head slightly, guiding her to sit on the worn bed. “I want to hear from you first,” I said quietly. “Tell me what’s been happening with you.”
She nodded and took a deep breath, her eyes searching mine for strength as she began to recount her story. She shared everything—from the night we survived to Aedion and the Rebellion, her training, and her arguments with Darrow, which made me laugh a little; some things never changed. I felt a deep sense of relief at hearing that Aedion was alive and well. It was a comfort to know that amidst all the chaos, someone I cared about was safe and thriving
I did the same right after. I recounted my story in detail—how I survived that night and became Celaena and everything that happened during these years. As I spoke, Y/N’s face clouded with sorrow and regret, her eyes reflecting the weight of my suffering. Her heartache was visible and deepened with each revelation about my life in the Guild and the isolation I endured. Her hand gripped mine tightly, as if trying to hold onto me amidst the flood of emotions. A vivid reminder of our shared past and the emotional cost of our separation.
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock. “I can’t believe you’re Celaena Sardothien,” she breathed, a trembling laugh escaping her. “Earlier tonight, I joked about how someone must be incredibly lucky to find you. Turns out, I was right.”
I nodded, a bitter smile touching my lips as Y/N took in the gravity of my words. “All this time… you were right here, so close yet so distant.”
“I did what I had to do to survive, even if it meant hiding in plain sight.”  I replied, my voice heavy with regret. Y/N reached out, her fingers brushing against mine. "We’ve both paid our prices. But we’re here now and we have a chance to fight back, to reclaim what was lost." I pulled my hand away, the flicker of hope dimming. "I can’t..." Y/N shook her head lightly, looking at me with confusion. “What do you mean you can’t?”
“I can’t go with you, Y/N. I’m stuck with the Guild. Arobynn keeps track of every ‘investment’ he makes in me,” I said softly, looking at my hands.
“I can pay. I’ll pay your debt and we’ll go—” Y/N said with determination, but I cut her off with a sigh. “It’s an insane amount of money...” I answered, a bitter taste in my mouth, realizing how much I had spent on whims and quirks.
Y/N went still for a moment, analyzing my features as she said quietly, "Have you ever thought of coming back? Of reclaiming your throne?" I was silent, my expression unreadable. Y/N’s frustration grew as her eyes turned cold. "You never even considered it, did you?"
"I thought no one survived," I tried to explain, my voice strained, still not looking at her. "That's what I was told. That everyone was dead." Y/N grabbed my hand, searching for my eyes, voice fierce.
"But now we know that’s not true. I’m here, Aedion is alive and so are Ren, Darrow - Hell even Maurtaugh is alive! And there’s the rebellion, an army that we’re building for you…” She shook her head, as if trying to understand a puzzle “Does that change anything?"
I looked away, the silence heavy between us. The weight of my choices and fears hung in the air, leaving me speechless. Y/N’s gaze softened but remained resolute “You’re scared that Arobynn will come and report us, right? It’s not because you’ve given up.. isn't it?”
I stood quiet and after what felt like hours, I looked at Y/N, guilt, sadness, and shame evident in my eyes. “Aelin Galathynius is dead.” I whispered. I almost could feel Y/N’s heart wrenched at my words, but she didn’t back down. Her grip tightened on my hand, a mixture of pain and determination in her eyes.
“If she is truly dead, then we'll let her go. But you and I... we’re still here. We can still fight, still reclaim what was lost. Crowned or not” Y/N’s voice wavered but held a steely resolve. “I can’t do this alone, we can’t do this alone. And if you won’t come back for yourself, then come back for the people who still believe in you, in her.”
My eyes flickered with conflicting emotions, my mind racing with the weight of my choices. I swallowed hard as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my ornate dagger. “There’s something I need to give you,” I said softly, handing it to Y/N. “Our necklaces... they’re inside the hilt. I kept them all these years.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she traced the intricate design of the dagger, her fingers trembling. When she carefully opened the hilt, revealing the hidden necklaces, tears welled up in her eyes. She looked back at me with a mix of relief and sorrow. “I thought I had lost mine,” she whispered, her voice breaking.
A bittersweet smile touched my lips. “It got stuck in my dress that night and fell onto the bed... I couldn’t let go of it. Not completely. Not of you.”
The weight of the moment hung heavily between us, the past and present colliding in a whirlwind of emotions. Y/N stepped closer, her voice barely above a whisper. “If Aelin is gone, then let me say goodbye to her properly.”
The intensity of her gaze held me captive. I felt my heart race as she closed the distance between us. Our breaths mingled, charged with a longing that had been suppressed for far too long. I whispered Y/N’s name as her fingers brushed against my cheek, her touch gentle yet electrifying. “We’ve both been carrying this weight for too long,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “Let's just be who we really are, even if just for tonight.” The room seemed to shrink around us, the air heavy with unspoken promises. As she leaned in, I felt the pull of her warmth and the magnetism of her presence. 
Our lips met in a slow, tender kiss—my first ever. Why had I denied myself this connection for so long?—The softness of her lips against mine was both startling and comforting, as if all the years of hidden longing and unspoken passion had found their voice in this single, perfect moment. Her hands gently traveled through my hair, caressing the back of my neck and resting on my waist, as if trying to memorize this moment. I responded in kind, my fingers brushing her cheek, slipping into her hair, and exploring the contours of her back. The kiss deepened, a dance of passion and vulnerability, filled with the weight of what could have been and the hope of what might still be. 
Our kiss lingered, a bittersweet testament to what we had lost and what might still be. When we finally parted, breathless and trembling, I looked into her eyes, seeing the raw emotion that mirrored my own. “I love you,” she whispered, her voice thick with undeniable sincerity, her fingers caressing my cheeks. “I’ll be waiting for you, no matter how long it takes. So please... think about what I’ve offered.”
My resolve wavered for just a moment as I took a step back, the storm of emotions threatening to consume me. "I can't go with you," I said, my voice barely a whisper but cutting through the silence like a knife. "There's too much at stake. And If I stay any longer, the Guild will notice. They'll come after you and then after the rebellion.." Each word felt like a dagger to my heart, but I forced myself to continue as I shook my head. "I can’t."
The pain in her eyes was almost unbearable, and I felt my heart shatter in response. "So that's it, then?" Her voice cracked, filled with a bitterness that stung more than any blade. "You're staying here while I... I just leave?"
My eyes brimmed with unshed tears. "I'm sorry. This is the only way I can keep you safe." She nodded, her expression a mix of disbelief and sorrow. "Okay," she managed to say, though the word sounded hollow, devoid of hope. "I understand."
The finality of it hung between us, a suffocating weight. I watched her as she took a deep breath, looked at the dagger in her hands and stood up; Walking towards the door, each step she took felt like a piece of my soul was being torn away. 
The silence behind her was deafening, and with each step, the distance between us grew wider. As the door closed, I fought the urge to call out to her, to change my mind, to run after her and leave everything behind. But I knew I couldn't. I sank onto the hollow bed, the ache of her absence a fierce, unrelenting force. Each breath felt like a struggle as I felt my eyes tear up. What a painful reminder of lost possibilities. 
I took my time to build my walls again, to put on the mask of savagery and cruelty that for so long has been mine. When I finally stood up, the numbness that enveloped me was profound, my steps heavy as I left the inn behind, stepping into a world that felt colder than ever. 
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Author’s note: I tried to keep close to the character but I think I’ve failed :/
It was tricky, since Celaena has a push and pull behavior with “new” people and only opens up after a 'life or death' situation (as we see with Sam and some scenes with Ansel in AB) while Aelin it is in fact more in touch with her feelings (but still a keeper of them) and tends to show her vulnerable side at first to her family (like after rescuing Aedion in QoS and her first encounter with Elide in EoS). My idea was to demonstrate the Celaena/Aelin egos clashing but I think it didn't work.
But please have faith in me and I promise you that the good stuff is about to come. Just give me like two more chapters (maybe one) and you’ll hear a jealous hawk screeching and too many people living under the same roof :D
Thank you for all the reblogs and likes, it means the world to me <3
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@acourtofbatboydreams @throneofsapphics
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throneofsapphics · 10 months
pls pls reader is Rowan’s ex and they haven’t seen each other in 7 years so when they finally do meet again he’s already mated to aelin but then Rowan also stumbles across reader’s 7 year old daughter who happens to look exactly like Rowan
old faces
ex Rowan Whitethorn x Reader
Summary: you and Rowan meet again after seven years.
Warnings: none I can think of
A/N: thank you for the request!! this now is continued as poly!rowaelin.
series masterlist
You moved to Antica specifically to stay far away from Wendlyn, and stayed to put distance between you and Terrasen. You thought it would be the best place to … not necessarily hide, but to avoid unwanted attention. Your daughter had very distinct features, and even the two of you stuck out somewhat here, but the locals didn’t seem to pay much mind to it. Especially considering your mother had been from there, even though your father was Fae, from Wendlyn. It made it easy to blend in, even in places where your kind was still regarded with suspicion. 
As soon as you learned you were pregnant, you fled. Anything to get her far, far away from Maeve, even if it meant leaving Rowan, and hiding it from him. Not that you’d been very official, both of you knew it was a temporary arrangement, but even something temporary can turn into a permanent reminder. 
The royal visit was announced, and you couldn’t flee the city without looking suspicious. You’d spent the last seven years avoiding attention, and knew any day this could collapse on you, sweeping in to uproot both of your lives. 
“Aren’t you going to see them?” Your friend asked, head tilted. 
“No,” you said quietly. 
“I want to,” your daughter peeped up, and you threw your head back in a groan. 
“Come on,” your friend encouraged, “I’ll go with you.” 
The excitement on your daughter's face kept you from pushing against it. The next few days, all she could talk about was seeing Queen Aelin of the wildfire. The legendary war hero. And her King consort. You should’ve told her the truth, but every time you went to bring it up - something else distracted you. 
Rowan caught a glimpse of silver hair, and the flash of a familiar face before they disappeared into the crowd. He could be seeing things, but he doubted it. Still, what would you be doing this far away from Wendlyn? Your mother was from Antica, he remembered, but you didn’t have any reason to leave the roots you’d established near Varese. Any reasons he knew of.
“There’s someone I need to find,” he told Aelin later that night. It stuck in his mind for hours, and he needed to figure out if it was actually you. Normally he wouldn’t care, but an instinct pricked the back of his neck, and those instincts served him well so far. 
Aelin eyed him with suspicion, but agreed, and they snuck out of the palace, sticking to the shadows to make their way through the streets as he tracked your scent, still familiar to him - even seven years after he’d last seen you. 
Laughter came from a front garden, a child running in circles, one female - you, and a human woman sitting on a bench. 
The child. Aelin took a sharp breath next to him. Silver hair, green eyes. Female, but a near replica of him. Aelin’s arm wound under his shoulders, he hadn’t realized his knees buckled. 
Alarm shined on your face as you took in the two of them. Your daughter scurried behind you, head peeking out behind your legs. 
Hidden, you’d fled to hide her from … her. Just like Aedion had been hidden away. 
“Rowan,” Aelin said quietly, catching his attention who is she? Her eyes asked. 
Y/n. We dated several years ago, he replied. Aelin let out a small hum, he’d told her about you before. Told her everything. 
“I’m leaving,” you shifted back and forwards on her feet, hands clasped in front of you. Rowan knew this day would come. Maeve’s bloodsworn didn’t have long-term relationships. Not with the danger, more with Maeve’s reluctance for them to become entangled with anyone. Attached anywhere that might split their loyalties. 
“Alright,” he replied, keeping his expression neutral. Your beauty struck him first, followed by your kind disposition, and finished by your sense of wit and intelligence. In another world, perhaps he could’ve built a life with you. 
Your face fell briefly, but you gave him a small smile before turning on your heel. Something was wrong, off, and he couldn’t quite figure out what. 
“Wait,” he said before you went far. Your shoulders rolled back, and you turned to face him. “Where will you go?” Instinctively, he knew you meant leaving the area, not just him. 
“Here and there,” you hedged, and took off again. Rowan didn’t chase you, if you wanted to leave he could let you go. It was about time, anyway. Maeve had become suspicious recently. 
Aelin didn’t seem jealous, if anything she seemed curious and … maybe excited. 
“Your majesties,” you murmured, dropping into a low bow. It felt wrong to him, to have you giving such formal greetings. 
“No need,” Aelin smiled warmly at you, you returned a wary one. 
“Is she ..?” Rowan asked, even though it was obvious. 
“Yes,” you swallowed. Your … their daughter had stayed back, holding on to the hand of your friend now. You unlatched the gate. “If you’d want to come in,” you waved an awkward hand behind them. Thankfully, Aelin took the lead and strode right inside.
Your eyes met his, lips pressed into a tight line, before you looked away. 
“Come say hello,” you called to her. She seemed to gain some courage, and bounded back towards you. 
Still half hidden behind you, she dropped into a curtsey. Aelin crouched down and held out a hand, introducing herself, and she took a few hesitant steps towards her. Aelin always had an easy way around kids, and his … daughter was no exception. Your friend came over, introducing herself and managed to lead both of them away, as if sensing he needed some time to talk to you. 
“She was looking forward to seeing your Queen,” you murmured quietly. 
“Were you ever going to tell me?” 
“I didn’t plan to,” At least you were honest, even if his chest grew tight. He had a right to know his child, to help raise them, to protect both of you. “At first,” you caught his attention again, stopping his train of thoughts. “I considered it after … things changed, but I didn’t want you to feel obligated.” 
“She’s my daughter. It’s an honor, not an obligation,” the words flew out before he could think clearly. “I should be there to -” 
“We don’t need anything,” you cut him off. 
“That’s not,” he let out a slow breath, “I want to help.” Saying he has a right to help raise her probably wouldn’t gain him any points in this case. 
“We live on different continents.” At least you weren’t outright rejecting it. He fought the urge to ask you to move closer, to Terrasen - where he could make sure the two of you were safe. Where the past was less likely to be repeated. 
“She’ll be in danger if anyone finds out. You both will.” 
Sure, peace had come, but there were still enemies out there. Still people who didn’t like him or Aelin. Even with a different mother, she would have a claim to the throne if she wanted it. His Fae instincts raged at him, to take both of you away from here - to hide you from any threats or harm, and it took most of his self control to shove them down. 
“They don’t know,” even you looked hesitant, as if you didn’t quite believe the words. With their visit, it’s likely at least a few people will put together her relation. The features are quite distinct. He pinned you with a look, calling your bullshit. Your mouth indented at one corner as you glanced back at him with a shrug, “It would be too much to hope for things to be simple, wouldn’t it?” 
It really would. 
He watched Aelin, a small flame in her palm, delight showing in the small girl’s eyes. She turned her palm, a small gust of wind extinguishing the flame. Maybe on instinct, Aelin looked at him with raised brows. Apparently his daughter had inherited his own magic. Pride filled him, along with caution. Someone would need to train her. 
You had a sad smile on your face as you watched the Queen of Terrasen with your daughter. Not once had you entertained the idea of Rowan returning to you. But, maybe you could co-parent with them somehow. With her origins obvious, someone in the city would begin to put the pieces together, and you knew she needed someone to train her in magic. 
There really wasn’t a better option than the male standing next to you. When you first saw him, it felt like you were seeing a ghost. A distant memory, come circling back in your life. 
You laid in his arms, head against his bare chest as he ran a hand down your back. How many people got to see this side of the feared warrior? You were definitely in the minority. A few minutes later, and you rolled off him. One hour til you had to be at work. It was one of the few weekends you both had free, and it came to an end all too soon. 
“When will I see you again?” You asked as he tugged a spare tunic from his pack. The answer would be the same, would be what it always was, but you still asked. 
“I don’t know.” 
The next time you met, only a few weeks later, you already knew a small life form had begun to grow inside you and had made your decision.
Things had been too peaceful the last seven years, too simple, and it felt like you were always waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
Her daughter was intelligent enough she knew she’d already put the pieces together, and that she’d have several questions to ask later on.
“What happens next?” You asked him quietly after a few minutes. 
“We can figure it out tomorrow.”
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leiawritesstories · 6 months
queen's crown
rowaelin + kiddos // written for April microfics @throneofglassmicrofics using the prompt "Crown"
word count: 725
warnings: none :)
The Staghorn Crown of Terrasen sat atop its emerald-green velvet pillow, the gold spires that resembled antlers jutting proudly up into the still, silent air of the throne room. At its center, the kingsflame bloom encased in crystal seemed almost to glow, the scarlet and crimson and orange of its petals radiating warmth and light.
The princess rose onto her tiptoes and fixed her wide-eyed gaze upon the crown, the pedestal just barely taller than her head. At the sound of footsteps entering the throne room, she startled, and her elbow knocked into the pedestal as she wobbled, trying to keep her balance.
She stared, her wonder turning to horror, as the crown tipped off of its cushion and tumbled towards the floor.
But a swift, wintry wind brushed through the throne room, caught the crown, and deposited it neatly back on its cushion, its tendrils wrapping carefully around the princess as she wobbled on the steps.
"Are you alright, little love?" Her father's voice, her father's wind.
Six-year-old Alanna Whitethorn Galathynius felt her lower lip shiver as the tears slowly spilled out of her eyes, the same bright pine as her father's. In an instant, her father was there, scooping her up into his arms, soothing her.
"I--I almost broke Mama's crown," Lana half-sobbed, burying her face in her dada's warm shoulder.
"Shh, little love, it's alright." Rowan carried Lana back to her rooms, where her mother was waiting, concern on her face. He kissed the top of his daughter's blonde head. "You know Mama and I would never let anything happen to you, Lana."
She sniffled. "I sorry, Mama."
Aelin took her daughter from her mate's arms, giving him a brief, tender look. "Lana, lovey, you mean so much more to me than that silly old crown." She cupped the little girl's face, meeting Lana's teary gaze with her own steady one. "Were you trying to see Mama's crown?"
Lana nodded. "Auntie El said you used to try and see it all the time when you were my age."
A distant, yearning smile slipped across Aelin's face. "That was...a very long time ago. I'm surprised she remembers." When she was a child, Aelin had often slipped into the throne room to stare at the crown from a distance, a memory she'd almost forgotten until her daughter brought it up.
Calming, Lana touched the bracelet that curled around Aelin's wrist, a smaller version of the crown with golden prongs like antlers. An everyday crown. "It matches."
"Yes, it does." Aelin kissed Lana's forehead. "Do you want to go see the crown, lovey?"
Lana's big green eyes lit up. "Yes!"
"Alright, then." Aelin stood up and took Lana's hand, and with Rowan at her back, ever the hovering buzzard, she led her daughter down to the throne room. Together, they walked across the quiet, shadowed expanse of the room, its soft darkness broken by the sunlight that streamed in through the arched windows along the walls.
At the front of the throne room, she lifted the crown's cushion off the pedestal, slowly knelt down in front of her daughter with a flicker of a grimace of discomfort, and set the cushion on the ground. Lana's expression widened with wonder as she clung to her mother's hand and stared at the crown.
Rowan knelt next to Aelin, concern creasing his face. "Are you sure you should be--"
"I'm fine, you overbearing buzzard," she sighed, one hand drifting to her very rounded stomach.
A tiny mirror of her father, Lana pressed both of her small hands to Aelin's bump. "Mama, baby?"
"Baby is just fine, lovey," Aelin promised. Gently, reverently, she lifted the crown from its cushion and raised it into the shaft of sunlight, causing light to radiate off of the kingsflame bloom. As her daughter and her mate watched, she carefully lowered it onto her head, feeling its familiar weight settle over her.
Lana stared raptly. "Mama so pretty," she murmured.
Aelin smiled as she lifted the crown off her head. "One day, my daughter, this will be yours." Lana held very still as Aelin placed the crown atop her small head, holding it in place so it didn't slip down the princess's face.
And the Queen of Terrasen looked at the future queen, her heart full to bursting at the sight of her family.
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tomtenadia · 4 months
Detours to You - 28
Hello all,
I was planning on posting this on our favourite queen's bday but I forgot. Anyway this is an important chapter with a. lot of fluff and cuteness.
Spot the direct quote from the book 🥰
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May eventually arrived and with it Aelin’s birthday. She was turning thirty four and Rowan had a plan. 
He had convinced her to take the day off and Elide and Lysandra had been his partners in crime. Aelin was four months along and the hint of a baby bump had started to show. Maya had been fascinated and both he and Aelin, had made sure to answer all of her questions, some of them with the help of books.
That morning he had sneaked out of bed earlier than usual and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He was making fresh croissants filled with chocolate. His mum, an early bird like him, had joined him and helped him prepare a super meal.
He had been planning that day for a while now, but he was mostly excited about the rest of the day. He had told his plan to Maya and had to threaten her to cancel her hockey training if she babbled. Maya had promised to keep the secret. 
The smell of pastries engulfed the house and it wasn’t long until Aelin showed up on the kitchen doorstep with Maya in tow. 
He turned to them “My queen, my princess.” He offered them a bow “your breakfast is ready.” With his hand he waved at the table where a tray full of croissants was awaiting them at its side a bowl with fruits and other sweet treats he had prepared. Then a chocolate milkshake for both and a mug of coffee for him and his mum. 
Aelin pulled Rowan to her and begged for a kiss “Happy birthday, fireheart.” He whispered against her lips.
“Happy birthday, mama!” Maya climbed off the chair and ran out of the room returning a few minutes later with a piece of paper in her hands “nana Wen helped me last night.”
Maya passed the paper to her mother and Aelin squealed in delight. It was a drawing of her dressed up as a queen, Rowan at her side was a knight and Maya was in front of them with an armour of her own. Underneath there was a scribbling reading “happy birthday queen mum.”
Aelin squeezed her daughter tight “I love you, muffin.”
Eiddwen distributed the food and sat down “well, I think I have my birthday surprise too,” she started “I have bought a small cottage in the neighbourhood down the hill.”
“Rowan, you and Aelin are going to have another child. I will help and I will be a babysitter if you need to, but you need your own space without me lurking around.”
“Eiddwen, you are not a burden.”
The woman took Aelin’s hand “I know darling, but you two might want some privacy too.” She continued “as I said I will be just down the hill. I might have to go back to Wendlyn for a short spell to make sure everything is alright in the other house but I will be back for my grandson’s birth.”
Eiddwen turned to Rowan who had been silent “Rowan?”
“Mum, no one is kicking you out.”
Eiddwen moved closer to her son “I know,” she knew he was worrying about her. Still remembered how hard she had to push him to leave Wendlyn and go back to Terrasen where he belonged “I know you worry and are happy to look after me, but I am fine. These few months with you three have been better than any therapy I went to in the past five years.”
“Good, now let’s stop moping, we have a birthday girl to celebrate.”
After breakfast he finally set his plan in motion. 
Elide and Lysandra picked Aelin up for their spa session. When he had talked to them about his plan, Lys had reminded him that the spa voucher still remained unclaimed. That was the perfect excuse to distract her. He and Maya would go to the bookstore and set their plan in motion. He was giddy. 
Once the car with the three women was away Rowan helped Maya to get ready and both left.
“Dad, I kept the secret.”
“You have been wonderful, my love.”
On that day he was driving his regular car since he had taken the day off and his deputy was on call. He did not want any interruptions. But that meant he could not go near Aelin’s shop since he was not on fire services duty.
He parked and helped Maya climb off the car seat and then he grabbed his bag. 
Lysandra had given him a set of keys for the store since they had closed for the day. 
He stepped in the shop and disabled the intruder alarm as Elide had explained and then locked the door behind him, making sure that the sign said closed for private function.
Elide and Lys had gone there early that morning and brought all the decorations he would need. They had been excellent partners in crime and supporters.
“Okay Maya, we need to decorate the fantasy section like a forest.”
From a box he extracted a lot of fake kingsflames and started decorating the shelves while Maya looked after the bottom shelves. He then went through the back and took a vase with real kingsflames. They were Aelin’s favourite flower.
“Okay, shall we do the fairy lights now?”
Maya went to grab the content of another box “these ones?”
Lys had suggested to use real candles but both Rowan and Elide had been horrified. Open flames in a bookshop? Lysandra had tried to explain she meant the one in glass style containers where the flame was away from the rim. He had given her a lecture on fire safety and Lys had surrendered at his idea of having battery powered tea lights.
He had finished attaching the strings of fairy lights while Maya was placing the tea lights in the most random places. Instead of changing everything he picked up one at a time and lifted Maya in his arms so she could be the one to place it in the correct location.
It took them a few hours for the transformation, but now the fantasy section of the shop looked amazing. He switched off the lights for that section and only left on the ones at the very far back for safety.
“What do you think?”
“I love it dad, it’s so magical.”
The tea and fairy light created a suffused atmosphere. It was perfect.
A text reached him.
“Maya, mum is coming, time to get changed.”
“We totally needed that,” said Aelin as they climbed back in the car “peanut and I are very relaxed.”
Lysandra and Elide looked at each other “there’s another stop we have to do before taking you home to your man.”
They arrived in the centre of Orynth quickly and Aelin was confused when Lys parked in the staff car park.
“Shh…” Elide told her. 
They walked at the front of the shop and Aelin noticed a hint of lights from inside “why are the lights on?”
Lysandra had texted Rowan in advance and hoped he was ready.
They got in and Elide took her hand guiding her to the paradise in the middle of the shop.
Aelin gasped.
Rowan was standing in the centre of the fantasy section dressed in a knight armour and a sword at his hip. Maya was at his side with a kid’s version of his costume. He had asked Fenrys for the best place where to find such costumes and he had been happy at the result.
“What’s happening?” He heard Aelin ask.
He spotted Lysandra and Elide fall back into the darkness. He had promised they could stay and watch. They had been a great help after all.
“My queen,” he took a step forward and went down on one knee in front of her, bowing his head. He then looked up and offered her his hand and stood once more.
Maya advanced with a crown in her hands. Aelin kneeled so that Maya could placed it on her head “you look pretty, mama.”
“Thank you, my love.” She stood again and faced Rowan.
“Aelin, my queen, I spent centuries wandering the world, from empires to kingdoms, to wastelands, never settling, never stopping - not for one moment. I was always looking toward the horizon, always wondering what waited across the next ocean, over the next mountain. But I think… I think that the whole time, all those centuries, I was just looking for you.”
Aelin gasped loudly, that was a direct quote from her favourite book where the warrior confess his blossoming feelings to his queen.
He stepped forward and took her hand and Maya joined him carrying a small black box in her hands “mama, dada loves you very much. Will you marry him?”
“My queen, we took a detour through life and I almost lost you forever. No more. Marry me. Make  me the happiest man in Erilea.”
Aelin started sobbing and nodding eagerly “Yes, of course.”
Rowan grabbed the ring from the box and placed it on Aelin’s extended hand “I love you, fireheart.”
Aelin moved closer to him and let his strong arms encircle her “I love you too, buzzard.”
Maya pulled at her mum’s dress “me too.”
The two adults kneeled down and sandwiched their daughter in-between “Mama did you like the surprise?”
“It was beautiful, baby, and I am so happy,” she said with still wet eyes.
Lysandra and Elide waited until it was okay and then ran to the trio “Congratulations!” 
“You can finally join us in the married club.”
“Am I allowed too?”
“Rowan, you can join Lorcan and Aedion and you three can have husbands nights when the three of us need a break.”
Rowan chuckled.
“Mama, dada can we have pizza tonight?”
Rowan looked up at Aelin “do you feel okay to go out?”
“I want to keep my knight’s costume.”
Luckily Rowan had bought hers but his had to be returned.
He helped Lysandra and Elide tidy up while Maya slayed imaginary dragons and pretended to protect Aelin. 
Once they were all finished Lys and Elide said their goodbyes while Rowan guided his girls outside. It was late afternoon and the sun was still high. It was May and Terrasen would experience longer days.
“Dada, can we go to Orynth Tower?”
Rowan smiled and looked at Aelin. That had been their first date. It had been a stunning evening and he had taken her on top of it and they had their first kiss. It was just perfect.
“Did you plan this too?”
Rowan shook his head.
They drove there since it was in the heart of the financial district and he was not asking Aelin to take public transport when he had a car. Rowan parked the car at the car park nearby and they started walking. Maya still dressed with her cape and her plastic sword. She was happy and Rowan was not going to spoil that moment. 
He bought a family ticket and they joined the queue for the lifts. Maya holding her dad’s hand and Aelin was holding the other, leaning against him while they waited.
Rowan kissed her head “remember when we visited here on our first date?”
Aelin looked up at him and smiled.
“You had a cute blue dress that really messed up with my head all night. You had let your hair down and curled it too.” Another kiss “you were the most beautiful woman I ever saw.”
“You came straight from work and had kept your uniform to impress me.”
Rowan laughed “that I did.”
“Let’s go!” Called Maya, while pulling her father forward.
He and Aelin followed and entered together with a few tourists as well. 
As on instinct, Rowan’s eyes landed on the panel against the wall and the codes for the last inspection. 
The lift was made of glass and they could see all the cables.
“Dad, I can see the cables.”
Rowan picked up his daughter in his arms “see that hatch on top of us?” Maya nodded “once I had to rescue some people stuck in this very elevator. My colleagues they lowered me down with the ropes inside it.”
“Did you save them all?”
“Of course I did.”
Aelin smashed her face against his chest and restrained her giggle. She had heard that story already and the face of the other passengers was just the same as the first time they rode it together. She knew Rowan would not take a lift if alone, but with her he always made an effort if it involved an insane number of storeys. 
“Dad, you can always save us if we get stuck.”
Rowan laughed and horror spread around the cabin “we are okay, baby.”
The ride finally over, Rowan let the other people file out and apologised silently to all of them. 
“Let’s go.”
Once on the platform he put Maya down and the girl ran to the viewing point and plastered herself against the transparent barrier “dada it’s so pretty.”
Rowan and Aelin joined her and Aelin snuggled closer to him. The view for taller people was free, and Rowan leaned against the barrier.
“I love that we are here on the day we got engaged.”
Aelin lifted her left hand in front of her staring at the ring on her fourth finger  “I still can’t believe it. Still feels like I am dreaming.”
Rowan pulled her body really close to his while his free hand was brushing Maya’s head who was leaning against his legs. 
“Maybe this is how is was meant to happen,” he whispered softly against her head “maybe this detour through life was what we needed to come out better and stronger than what we were five years ago.”
Aelin kissed his shoulder “that sound like something my dad would say.”
Rowan chuckled lightly “it was actually, and he made me think.” He turned her to face him “I am not saying that is going to be perfect from now on, but all we have gone through made us stronger,” he kissed her forehead in a loving gesture “And I love you three madly.”
Aelin looked down at Maya who was still staring at the view from the tower.
“You are my sappy old man.”
“To whatever end.” He whispered back with a soft kiss.
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the-regal-warrior · 1 year
The Captain’s Daughter: Part One
I’m back! Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything, but the writing gears in my brain stalled for a while. But they’re working once more and I’m back with a brand new story inspired by my newfound love of sea shanties.
Note: the song mentioned in here is Haul Away by Nathan Evans.
Summary: Elide and Lorcan living life as part of the best pirate crew.
Warnings: None.
The sea was unusually calm that night. Having spent as many years at sea as she had, Marion wasn’t used to such eerie stillness. She’d led her crew through more storms than she could remember, and found the motion of the waves soothing. 
On nights when it was calm and the ship didn’t rock, sleep wasn’t easy to find. After tossing and turning for a few hours, her husband and first mate snoring away beside her, Marion had left the warmth of her bed and Cal’s arms for a walk around the deck in the chilly ocean air, deciding that was just what she needed. 
Her crew always said that she had a bond with her ship, The Wyvern, and laying her hands on the mast while the night swirled around her had always brought her peace.
She’d made for the wheel, checking in with her helmsman and the course of her ship. Nox was a young man, not much older than her daughter, but he was a damn good crewman, and she trusted him implicitly to guide them all safely while they slept. But a good captain knew that no one job was beneath them, and Marion Lochan was a damn good captain.
“All good, Nox?” she greeted, trailing her fingers over the rail as she climbed the steps to reach the man.
“Yes, Captain.” He patted the wheel with a certain fondness every member of her crew possessed. “She’s a steady girl and we’ve got nothing but clear skies ahead.”
Nodding, she circled the rear mast, one hand braced on the wood as she moved. The faint sound of someone singing reached her ears, barely audible over the breeze that had kicked up, but it was lost as Nox spoke once more.
“Everything okay, Captain?” Keeping his face tilted toward the horizon, he turned to her in concern. “Worried about our last run-in with the Navy?”
Marion chuckled, the sound escaping her before she could stop it. “The Navy is the least of my concerns.”
Many would have found her statement egotistical and a harbinger of certain trouble, but Marion had a secret most other pirate captains didn’t share. Her closest friend and former crewmate was none other than Evalin Ashryver, the wife of Rhoe Galathynius, Admiral of the Terrasen Navy. Not to mention that Evalin’s daughter, Aelin, and nephew, Aedion, had both served briefly on the ship as well. The latter had become Captain in the Navy, serving under Rhoe and helping Marion and Cal continue their reign as pirate lords.
Descending the steps, she caught the tail-end of Nox’s smirk at her statement, and she shook her head in laughter once more. “Fair wind, Nox,” she said. 
Reaching the main mast, she offered a wave up to Kaltain, her barrelman and the other person she trusted with the safe guidance of her ship through the night. The woman was a damn good lookout, and her affinity for climbing the ropes faster than anyone she’d ever seen only added to her value. 
The woman waved back before offering a complicated set of hand signals in the direction of the wheel, and it was only moments before Marion heard Nox’s laughter rumbling behind her. The two of them had developed their own form of signs and signals so they could communicate without speaking. 
Placing her hands on the solid bulk of the main maist, Marion breathed deeply, her eyes slipping closed and the smell of salt wrapping around her like a familiar embrace. The life of a pirate hadn’t always been easy, but she’d never wanted to trade it for anything else. She knew she’d miss nights at sea too much to ever give it up.
Marion wasn’t sure how long she stood there before she became aware of two things: the singing had become audible once more, and her husband had found her, if the arms wrapped around her waist were anything to go by.
“What brought you out of bed, husband?” she murmured, leaning against his chest without taking her hands off the mast.
Ghosting his lips over the very top of her forehead, Cal just sighed softly. “You know how hard I find it to sleep without you, Captain. I’ve been up since you left our bed, but I know how you cherish your time with your ship.”
“You,” she told him, finally turning in his embrace, “are a good first mate and an even better man.” Marion paused as the singing grew louder, finally allowing her to place the tune as Haul Away. “Who is that, I wonder?”
Her husband smiled down at her. “Just wait, you’re going to love it.” Taking her hand, he pulled her toward the bow. “Come with me.”
Walking slowly so as not to disturb the two people she could just make out sitting on the forecastle deck, Cal pulled her into the shadows at the bottom of the steps, motioning for her to keep quiet. Marion peered up onto the deck, smiling when she realized what exactly she was seeing. 
Lorcan, one of her gunners - not that her style of piracy had much use for heavy artillery - and her newly appointed quartermaster, was seated against the railing. Resting between his legs with their fingers intertwined was none other than Elide, Marion and Cal’s daughter. The two of them had been together in secret for several months, only a select few people on the ship - Marion, Cal, Nox, and Kaltain - having been made aware out of a desire for privacy in the early stages of their relationship.
The dark-haired man was singing softly in her ear, the sound only carrying because of the breeze, and Marion felt her heart swell at the obvious love she could see growing between the two of them. 
Wrapping her fingers around her husband’s wrist, she pulled Cal back toward their quarters. “Let’s leave them be, my love,” she murmured, catching the smile on his face. He’d told her once that he couldn’t picture anyone better suited for their daughter, and she wholeheartedly agreed. 
As they slipped through the door and down the stairs to their room, Lorcan’s voice swirled around them before being carried off to sea on the breeze.
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