#Dave cumstaine
rust-in-piss · 4 months
i finally saved up for the meet n greet IM SCREAMINGAHSHHHEHHEJS. Its in 144 days. I will meet Dave FUCKING Mustaine in 144 days. Holy shit. I will shake his hand and talk to him. I can't even grasp the concept of it still 😭 I'm so happy, I'll definitely start crying when it happens LMAO
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #74: “Hoppy Bunny” | February 17, 2008 - 11:45PM | S06E05
Hey, some of these fucking episodes have DVD commentaries for them. I am mostly watching these on HBOMax for this blog, and I popped in the DVD to check to see if a moment in this episode was censored on both versions (it is). Imagine my surprise when I clicked the episode title and it asked if I wanted to watch it with commentary! When I was getting ready to cover this season, I checked the DVD to see if there were commentaries. Nothing on the packaging or the menus advertised that they did. Squidbillies volume two on DVD also suffers from this issue. Contemporary DVD reviews fail to mention the fact that select episodes have commentary tracks, probably because the person reviewing them opted to “Play All” and would not ever know the option was on the table.
I’ll start off this as a way to play catch-up: Reedickyoulus also has a commentary track. Dave Willis says that he got the idea for not featuring the Aqua Teens in the first few episodes by riffing during an interview that in the upcoming season the Aqua Teens move out because they realize the house was somehow causing all the strange things to happen, and that the show was just going to be about the empty house. So that’s what got them going down the path of the Marcula arc-ula.
The commentary for this episode features two writers, Thom Nicolette and Ted Murphy. They cop to the fact that they were the ones who wrote the scene where Shake microwaves cats in Reedickyoulus. It was in their first draft, and it was never changed. Dave Willis muses that he found other examples of on-cat violence in the show to go to far, but for some reason found the microwaved cats to be funny, so maybe his barometer is off for that kind of thing. 
This episode is Hoppy Bunny, which is a reasonably funny but not terribly memorable episode. I’m saying that because I really didn’t remember this one much at all. In fact, most of the episodes from here on out are ones I saw once, MAYBE twice. I remembered the character of Hoppy Bunny, but that might be because I saw the screengrab from the episode that accompanies it on episode guide sites and on various streaming platforms. It’d be like if you remembered what Bugs Bunny looked like, but didn’t remember him clearly being Jewish.
The plot! Carl buys yet another sexually-charged product; this time it’s a pied-piper program that includes a recorder that can summon turned-on broads. When he finally gets it, wires begin making their way into Carl’s body, eventually turning him into an elfin flutist, playing for the benefit of Hoppy Bunny, a man in a round bunny costume. He’s voiced by Scott Adsit, and the episode makes sure you know that he’s just some dude. In fact he’s a surgeon. 
A bunch of other furries show up. I don’t recall the episode calling them furries specifically. I was hyper aware of furries at the time because I was extremely online, and I wonder how much furrydom was in the zeitgeist in 2008. It was 5 years after CSI did an episode about them, which I remember a co-worker complaining about. He’s the only furry I specifically knew, and he balked at the inaccuracies of the episode. I pray CSI never comes for the middle-aged Adult Swim bloggers. It sorta seems like the episode was playing it safe by not using “furries” as shorthand, but if you know, you know. 
The moment in question that I was wondering if it was censored? Remember, from before? One of the furries (a unicorn) has a wet spot on his crotch, I think implied to be a cumstain. It’s pixelated out, which seems silly to me.
Frylock tries to solve the problem using science, but Shake torpedoes this by offering to give Frylock a massage and ripping off the diamond on his back. Shake gleefully celebrates obtaining the diamond. Dana Snyder highlights this moment on the commentary; how funny it is that Shake’s ultimate goal seemed to be to steal the diamond for the entire series and he’s spent this many episodes biding his time. Shake, even after experiencing the power of the diamond by taking flight and feeling it’s power, is so unimaginative that his plan culminates in him taking it to a pawn shop to try and get 20 dollars for it. 
I definitely like this show better than Squidbillies, but this uses the same formula as the “Wing Nut” with a plot that is specifically unresolved and given an ending that flaunts how little this all matters. I liked this episode fine, but it benefits mostly from the fact that I’ve seen it fewer times than “classic” Aqua Teen episodes. I am perfectly pleased with these characters and these settings! I am glad to have watched this! What more do you want from me?
Stray things I haven’t mentioned yet:
Matt M stars in the commercial that Carl is watching. It’s live-action!
There’s a part where he shows sheet music and the writers claimed that it was the Communist Manifesto transcribed into music notes. 
The shot of Cars jammed into Flylocks room is funny. Shake was using it as a parking lot for the furries.
The original ending was Frylock getting seduced by Hoppy Bunny, and Carl evolving into a griffin who slaughters the furries.
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toxic-fucking-waste · 4 years
I love metallica but I would gladly without a shadow of a doubt stomp a whole through both James Hetfield and Dave Mustaine
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davemustaine · 3 years
dave mustaine penis juice? Call that dave cumstaine
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disengaged · 2 years
That fic, in wattpad is stolen. i think it is in an account that has stolen fics from all over the place. ao3 and rockfic are (unless user is in wattpad) most likely the source material. ps. go ask a-m kelley/ dave cumstaine here... she has some knowledge of fics stolen.
yeah :-///// it's a huge problem in the met & gnr communities, it sucks so bad . it's just a shitty thing to do
like i Want to believe that people aren't being malicious about it (e.g. they just want to upload a fic they like onto a platform they like), but fact is .... when i write a fic, i put blood, sweat & tears into it, & most of my shit is kinda personal, to varying degrees. so even the "someone taking credit for my art" bit aside, having my stories ripped and put up on a site i actively despise is just ........ it's about the complete loss of control yknow ?? it sucks
i'm starting a support group for people who have had their shit stolen and put up on wattpad or instagram or the "ao3 pocket reader app" or whatever. We're strong and we will get thru this 😔😔
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richardwrights · 3 years
Well it’s about Goddamn time I posted this it only took me like. Three months for no reason
SO SORRY @dave-cumstaine I promise I will do better for any future requests <3
Here’s a short little guy for you all to enjoy
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fetch-the-hammer · 3 years
my friends and i are having a powerpoint night and i chose to do mine on tallica, so i made a joke, but now that i realize that i’ll actually have to stand up in front of people and introduce dave as “dave cumstaine” it’s a little less funny
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i think my new "persona" is gonna be dave cumstaine 
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