#Dave mustaine smut
mustainegf · 20 hours
Cuddles with young dad Dave and y’all’s kid.
you got home from rough day at work and saw Dave and (young 3-4) child horsing around in the living room, with a HUGE mess. You give the mess an exhausted look, kiss both their foreheads and go upstairs to relax in bed. Dave cleans the mess and comes upstairs to find you in bed, (not mad but sad) and him and child comfort you with cuddles.
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The day had beaten me down, left me drooping and gloomy. From the moment I walked into work, it was a nonstop flood of issues, meetings, and last minute problems. By the time I finally walked out of the building, I felt like I had nothing left to give.
As I pulled into the driveway, I took a deep breath, pushing myself to leave the stress behind and be there for my perfect little family. I could hear laughter before I even opened the front door. It was the kind of pure, joyful laughter that only children seemed to have.
I walked in to find the living room in absolute disarray. Toys were strewn across the floor, couch cushions had been transformed into a makeshift fort, and there were coloring books and crayons scattered everywhere. In the middle of it all was Dave and our 3 year old daughter, sucked into their own little world.
She was climbing all over him, her frizzy red curls bouncing with each move, the same curls she got from her daddy. Their laughter filled the room, I couldn’t help but smile.
For a moment, I just stood there, taking it all in. They hadn’t noticed me yet, too wrapped up in their game. My heart was warm with love for them, but the mess also seemed to mock my tiredness. I sighed, feeling the weight of the day fall even heavier on my body.
Dave looked up then, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. “Honey, you’re home!” he said, grinning. Our little girl turned at the sound of his voice, her face breaking into a wide grin. “Mommy!”
I managed a tired smile in return, trudging over to them. I kissed Dave on the forehead, then bent down to kiss our daughter’s. She giggled, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. “We made a fort, Mommy! Look!”
“I see that, sweetheart. It’s a very impressive fort,” I mused, trying to keep my voice exciting for her. But the truth was, all I wanted to do was collapse into bed and shut out the world for a little while.
Dave must have sensed something was off because his smile faltered a bit. “Long day?” he asked gently. I just nodded, feeling tears build in my eyes. “Yeah, it was rough. I just think I’m going to lie down for a bit.”
“Okay,” he said softly. “We’ll clean up down here.”
I shot him a grateful look, then turned and made my way upstairs. Once in our bedroom, I changed into my most comfortable pajamas, cleaned my face, and crawled into bed. I lay there, staring at the ceiling, wondering if it was selfish of me not to be downstairs with my fiancé and daughter.
It wasn’t anger that I felt, just a deep, aching sadness. Some days, the balancing act of work and home felt simply impossible, like I was failing at literally everything. I thought about the mess downstairs, the joy on my daughter’s face, and the love in Dave’s eyes. And still, here I was, feeling utterly drained and unable to fully appreciate it.
I must have lightly dozed off because the next thing I knew, I felt the bed shift. I opened my eyes to see Dave, along with our daughter climbing in beside me.
“Hey,” he whispered, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “How are you feeling?”
I tried to smile but instantly felt the tears welling again. “I’m just so tired, Dave. I feel like I’m failing.”
His face softened, and he pulled me into his arms. “You’re not failing. You've never failed at a single thing in your life.”
Our daughter wriggled her way between us, her little arms wrapping around my neck. “I wuv you, Mumma,” she said, her voice muffled against my shoulder.
I hugged them both tightly. “I love you too, both of you. More than anything.”
We spent the next hour cuddling, Dave snuggling up as out daughter liked to shift around, spitting out random words and giggles as we jokes with her.
These two could always make my day better, my perfect daughter, and her perfect father.
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Can you write a one-shot about the idea that you cheated on dave mustaine and he found out? 💋
A/n: I don't know if you wanted this to end in smut or not but it's just angst, who doesn't love angst <3 I also left it at what may be an odd part so if you want a part two I can do that, just let me know what direction you want it to go in <3
Gimme your Dave asks bc every time I write one I’m reminded of how hot he is, it’ll be written between now and six months from now <3 /hj
Warnings: Angst, cheating, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Dave was always so distant. He was cold and never truly seemed to care about you, always putting music first.
You'd ask him to go out every now and then but were always left with an open answer, so you'd go out with your friends. You knew they could be encouraging in some... interesting ways, to say the least, but when you went out for a nice dinner you'd planned months in advance with them instead of Dave, heading out to a nearby bar and hooking up with some guy seemed ok.
You didn't think to much of it, it was one night with some random guy you'd never see again, Dave would never even know.
But then it wasn't just one night.
You found yourself going out, telling Dave you'd be with your friends but you'd be at the bar by yourself. Or rather, at the bar on some guy in the bathroom or a back alley somewhere.
This went for a few months. You promised yourself you'd stop but then Dave went on tour with Megadeth. He never called you. Never sent you anything. There was nothing from him and it infuriated you. So you got yourself all prettied up and went out to find guy of the night.
Dave wasn't home and wouldn't be for a while so you brought him back home to have your fun, and you did.
When you woke up he wasn't there, you figured he'd just gone home but when you went downstairs he was making breakfast. "Oh, no, why'd you come down? I was gonna bring it to you." He had said as he rushed over to you. Dave had never done anything like that.
Not recently.
Sure, maybe it wasn't a constant that he'd been cold and distant. He showed he loved you once upon a time, he'd buy you flowers, show you his favourite bands because he wanted you to like the same things he liked. He took you out to fancy dinners, bought you pretty dresses, did everything a good boyfriend should do.
But it all stopped at some point.
When this new guy started showering you in the attention you'd missed oh so dearly you had to keep it coming in some way.
You let him stay until Dave gave home, making him leave a few days in advance just incase you had the dates mixed up or Dave ended up coming back early. He treated you like a queen, making you food, worshipping your body, doing everything just right.
Doing everything the way Dave used to.
Then Dave came back and it was right back to that cold void walking through the halls of your home. You tried talking to him but he'd just grumble something and leave it there. It was pointless.
Weeks passed and you saw something about Dave change. One day he'd be an exact copy of what he used to be, the next he'd go right back to ignoring you.
You woke up one night alone in bed, odd since Dave was usually a heavy sleeper and never left the bed even if he did wake up.
You checked the time and saw it was past three. Worried, you decided to go looking for Dave.
You heard voices coming from the living room and went to investigate, finding Dave sitting on the couch and anxiously biting the skin around his nails as he stared at the TV.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you came up to him, sitting next to him on the couch. He didn't respond, didn't even look at you. His eyes stayed glued to the TV, a blank expression on his face. "Dave?" Again no response. You huffed and leaned against him, letting your eyes close since you were still tired.
"You cheated on me?" He asked. Your body tensed and your eyes shot open.
"Huh?" Is all you managed to get out.
"You cheated on me." He said, more of a statement now. "Your boyfriend called, asking if you were busy." You inhaled deeply and pulled away from him.
"Oh?" He asked, finally tearing his gaze away from the TV to look at you. "Is that it?"
You shrugged. "What do you want me to say?"
Dave glared at you before shrugging, sighing before he spoke. "I don't know. Not that, I guess." He mumbled as he looked back to the TV. You reached for the remote and turned it off.
"What do we do now?" Dave said nothing. "Do you want me out?" Nothing. "Dave?" Silence.
You stared at him, waiting for an answer, a reaction. Anything. You wanted him to scream at you, yell at you for what you did, you wanted him to throw things and kick you out.
"Are you serious?" You demanded, all your anger over the past few months, over everything the two of you had been through, over everything he'd done to you, it all boiled up and burst at the surface. "Nothing, you're giving me nothing?"
He didn't even flinch as your voice raised. "I wanted attention! I wanted someone to love me and not care to show it! I wanted more than this cold fucker that showed up randomly and took the man I loved, what happened to him, huh? He let groupies fuck that right out of him? Drugs?"
You stood in front of him and pulled his hand away, the one that was holding his head up. "Answer me!"
Tears rolled down his cheeks though his expression remained the same. You didn't say anything and neither did he, he just kept his gaze forward as more tears fell from his eyes.
You huffed, hands falling to your sides in fists as you stormed off. You were about halfway up the stairs when Dave called out to you. "You love him?" He asked, not even bothering to look at you.
You turned back to him, taking a few steps down to him. "What?"
"I said," his voice was shaking as he spoke, "do you love him?"
You crossed your arms over your chest, eyes flickering around. "I don't know." You answered after a moment, honestly having no idea how you felt about it when you really thought about it.
Silence fell over you again before Dave broke it once more. "Does he treat you right?"
You chewed your cheek. "Better than you do."
"Better than I did?" You paused at that, sighing as you sat down on the steps.
"Better than you do." You repeated.
Dave looked up at you. "I never stopped loving you." He said, wiping his eyes.
"You stopped showing it." You mumbled, with the silence around you he could hear you.
"I was... terrified... for you, me... us." He said. "No one ever loved me like you."
You took in his words, the two of you maintaining eye contact as you thought about it. "Why'd you stop showing it?" You asked.
"I was scared." He said, you shook your head.
"That's not good enough, what did you want to happen?" Now it was Dave's turn to think.
He let out a heavy sigh. "This, I guess."
"You wanted a reason to get out." He paused before nodding. "I gave you one." He gave another nod "So... do you want me out?"
"No." He answered fast. Faster than you expected. Faster than he should've. "Stay, please."
You stood and walked back to him. You stopped in front of him. "What do we do now?" Dave thought for a moment before patting the spot beside him.
"We can fix this." He muttered, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you to his side.
"Should we..?" You didn't want to ask it but you knew you had to. Dave looked down at you, his eyes glassy and a small pout pulling at his lips.
"Please." His voice was no louder than a whisper. Suddenly he wasn't the man you'd known.
He wasn't the sweet guy that bought you flowers for your birthday or other special events or just when he thought of it, he wasn't the man you couldn't recognize as the one you loved who only spoke to you when he needed to. He was a kid who's mother couldn't love him over her religion, he was the kid who's brother-in-law beat him when he was listening to music.
He was innocent and pure and needed love.
Your wrapped your arms around him and pulled his head to your chest so he could cry. You wanted to tell him everything would be fine but you weren't sure it would be, so you just let him cry. And when he started apologizing for things he did and things he didn't you didn't interrupt him, you just forgave him. When he cried over his mom and his dad you let him.
When he cried all his tears and fell asleep against you, you let him. You pulled a blanket over the both of you and held him close, whispering nothing but love in his ears so he slept good even if just for one more night.
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itsshawtyfellas · 9 months
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found this on pinterest so you have to see it too
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dave-me0wstaine · 6 months
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thinkin about this dave and how he’s such a dad bf. just taking care of you, spoiling you with little gifts or a nice dinner. always showering you with praise, calling you his good girl, his pretty baby. truly you are his pride and joy.
and out in public he’s always got a hand on you, guiding you wherever you need to go, rubbing your thigh when you sit down to dinner. just subtle hints of dominance here and there to remind you your his.
and he takes just as good care of you in the bedroom. you’re his little pillow princess, how could he not? he always makes sure your in the most comfy positions while your taking his cock, whispering in your ear about how well you take him, “like you were made for me, baby.”
and you get absolutely delirious one day, and accidentally call him daddy, and he teases the ever-loving shit out of you, much to your embarrassment. grinding his hips into yours, thumbing harshly over your clit, saying things like “why’re you gettin’ so shy? i might as well be your daddy, m’spoilin’ you so much,”
but he must not be too turned off by the name, because it’s not too long before he’s making a mess out of your cunt, filling it with his cum <333
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luvrboydave · 10 months
dad's best friend dave brainrot
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pairing: dave mustaine x fem!reader
warnings: smut, age gap, oral sex (f receiving), pet names, hair pulling
a/n: had to remake this account so i'm posting this again lol whoops...anyways enjoy!!
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your dad invites him over for dinner and to have beers, watch shit on tv, talk cars, etc every so often. he’s just so fucking hot, and the fact that he lives just across the street makes things so much worse. when dave mows his lawn, he’s always shirtless and every time you make sure to be out on your front porch to stare at him. and don’t think he doesn't notice your lingering stares…in fact, he likes to put on a bit of a show for you, constantly wearing those slutty little cutoff tank tops around you, going to his mailbox in the morning wearing nothing but a low-hanging pair of grey sweats…he likes that you watch him; honestly, he kinda gets off on it. knowing someone much younger than him finds him attractive turns him on so much.
one night while your dad is out of the house for a work trip, dave presses you up against the kitchen counter, his chest flush with your back, and whispers nasty shit in your ear as you grind back into him. “been thinking ‘bout this for so long,” he groans as he grabs your hips and holds you still against his hardening cock. he flips you around to face him, hoisting you to sit on the counter before kneeling, flipping your skirt up, and sliding your pretty little panties down your legs. and god, he is such a tease. he takes his sweet time rubbing up your thighs, purposefully avoiding the spot you need him most. he won’t touch you until you whine for him to do so. he wants to hear how desperate you are for his touch, how badly you need him between your legs. “please, dave, please touch me...need you so bad! ’m so wet for you, baby...” he looks up at you with that stupid fucking smirk and whispers out a “good girl” before diving right into your soaked pussy. and good lord, this man eats pussy like his life depends on it!
your legs are thrown over his shoulders, and it’s all so fuckin sloppy. his fingers are pressed inside of you as he laps at your swollen clit. his pupils are blown wide when you look down at him, and he’s staring up at you through his messy bangs, watching how you react to his touch. his chin is glistening with a mixture of your slick and his spit, and his pretty nose brushes up against your clit occasionally. you brush the hair from his face to get a better look at his pussydrunk expression, and it almost sends you over the edge. your hands weave into his curly hair and try to pull him away from you. dave growls when you pull his hair, his eyes rolling to the back of his head for a split second at the feeling, but he doesn’t budge. “oh shit- baby, ‘m gonna cum!” you cry out, your grip on his hair tightens, and you begin to squirm. dave wraps his arms around your plush thighs, pulls you closer to his mouth, and mumbles, “stop squirmin’, sweetheart.” your eyes roll back into your skull, and your legs start to shake. “c’mon sweetheart, cum for me. let go, baby.” dave growls. “fuck, fuck, fuck! i’m cumming-” you cry out. your whole body shudders, and your vision goes white. dave grunts against your pussy, helping you ride through your orgasm. “fuck, sweetheart...you did so good for me. so good, baby,” dave groans, “god…this pussy is gonna kill me, baby,” he breathes out, resting his head against your thigh, a dopey smile on his face. through your labored breathing, you manage to mumble, “what about you?” he looks up at you and laughs a bit, “no need to worry ‘bout me, sweetheart…you already made me cum in my pants like a fuckin’ teenager.”
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iheartjameshetfield · 5 months
dave being into close contact positions during sex… he’s pressed to ur back, got your legs over his shoulders, chest to chest, hand holding etc <3333
hold on i’m doing backflips
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god just imagine having dave behind you…him pressing kisses from your lower back all the way to your neck, burying his face there. him wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you into him as he rests his chest against your back, murmuring things like “taking me so well” or “fuck yes just like that”
or or or or
having your legs over his shoulder, placing a kiss on your calf and massaging the backs of your thighs. his thrusts are slow yet hard when brings his arms around your legs, looking down to see where the two of you connect
having him on top of you, his weight crushing you in the best way possible. your lips never part from his unless it’s to breathe, and even then you’re disappointed at the brief loss of contact. just imagine the two of you lost in each other, tongues and teeth clashing as he brings you to your orgasm. his hands clutch yours and he brings it to the sides of your head. the pace of his thrusts increase while your moans are muffled by his while you come undone. you cry while holding an even tighter grip on dave’s hands, lifting your head to deepen the kiss.
after you calm down, dave would probably lay on his back, bringing you along with him. he would play with your hair, praise you, tell you how good you were for him and how amazing tonight was<333
i just know he’s so sweet and loving in bed i need him :((
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stevenssticks · 7 months
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taken from these 3 asks + the thoughts i was having earlier this week.
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specifically w this dave bc woah
the argument started out as something stupid. he doesn’t even remember what it was. all he knows is that he fucked up royally when he said something that absolutely shattered you. he watched your face fall, your lip start to quiver, tears welling up in your eyes. he lets you run off to your bedroom, slamming the bedroom door shut. dave knows he’s sleeping on the couch tonight, the first time ever, if he doesn’t fix this.
you two go about your day as if the other isn’t even there. dave feels sick when he looks at you cooking yourself dinner. his lips press into a thin line. he watches you take your dinner to the office to go eat alone, come back, wash your plate and put it in the dishwasher, looking up and then his eyes catch with yours. it’s just a second of a glance, but dave can see your eyes are red and puffy. he really made you cry.
he watches you mosey back to your shared bedroom as he goes to sit on that couch and eat his own meal, which proves to be futile as he has no appetite. dave covers his plate, placing it in the fridge for later and slowly walks to the master bedroom, when he hears your soft sobs from a few feet from the door.
he slowly turns the knob, flinching as the door squeaks to reveal you, curled in on yourself, facing away from him and toward the window of the master bedroom. dave slowly walks over, his presence making a depression in the bed where he slides in next to you. he starts by rubbing a hand over your shoulder and back, massaging as you sob harder now that he’s here, trying his hardest to soothe you after what’s been said.
dave moves up to press his chest to your back, big strong arms wrapping around you.
“m’ so sorry baby… so sorry. don’t know why i said that. i really don’t.” dave feels that he could cry too at this rate. he holds your shaking body, repeating words of praise to you over and over until your sobs are reduced to sniffles.
“can you look at me, hon?” he whispers to you, hand on your shoulder pulling gently for you to face him. you do so, still refusing to meet his eyes as your lips quiver and you stare at his chest. the two of you lay side by side like that, facing each other as dave brings a hand up to your cheek, whining away the tears as they continue to fall. “i love you, you know that? you’re my whole world and nothings gonna change that. i was stupid. so fucking stupid.”
you look up at him then, and his nose and cheeks have begun to turn red just as it does when he’s holding back tears. his eyes are glassy, and you’re still so unbelievably upset, but he’s truly trying everything to make this right. you lean your head down to bury your face in his chest, whispering a little “i love you too.” dave hugs you so tight, he kisses the top of your head, burying his face in your hair. his kisses move lower as he leans your head up to look at him again, kissing your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, pulling back for a moment and then going in for a sweet kiss on your lips.
dave deepens the kiss further and you let him, pulling away for you to catch your breath while dave whispers to you: “so pretty… prettiest i’ve ever seen.” before rolling you onto your back. dave presses his body to yours, continuing to kiss you long and deep for a while longer before his lips move to your neck. you whine, bringing a hand up to the back of his head to keep him where he’s sucking bruises into your neck.
“gonna make it up to you, sweetheart. i promise. i’ll make it up to you in a million different ways,” he moves to your exposed collarbone while he tries to push your shirt up.
he gets your chest exposed, moving down to suck a nipple into his mouth and you writhe away from his mouth at the stimulation. dave holds you close and tight, not letting you get away from him as the arm that’s not wrapped around your middle works at your sleep shorts. he leaves wet, sloppy kisses down your torso, leaning up to throw his own shirt over his head.
once your sleep shorts are kicked off as well as your panties he grabs you by the calf’s and pulls you towards him as he sits on his heels. “c’mere, baby.”
he unties the bow on his pajama pants, pulling them down with his underwear to his mid thighs. his cock is hard and leaking, tip a pretty pink and his breathing is already hard and slow as he spreads your legs for him. he looks up at your pretty tear stained face, puffy eyes and lips. you’re just the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
he runs the tip of his cock through your folds, teasing your hole before pushing in, grabbing your thighs to wrap around his waist as he leans down, pressing chest to chest with you and taking your hands in his.
“okay?” he asks hesitantly, and when he sees you give a watery smile and a nod he starts to move slow and deep, squeezing your hands tight as your legs lock around his waist. “fuck, honey, squeezing me so good. never wanna let you leave this bed…”
you mewl, whispering your own praises and apologies which dave hushes, wanting you to focus on him making you feel good. he nudges the side of your face with his nose and you know to turn so he can give you a long and deep kiss. dave’s hips stutter, beginning to move a little quicker, a little deeper, and soon you’re both gasping out short exasperated breaths as you near your orgasms.
“you gonna cum? yeah… that’s it, i gotchu. you’re okay. you can do it, come on. wanna see you cum on my cock.” you squeal as dave moves a hand down to your clit, rubbing fast tight circles and you contract around him, death grip on the hand that’s still clasped in yours as you cum for him.
“oh fuck.. look atchu… love you so much baby. never gonna let you go… oh- oh fuck!” and then dave is cumming too with a groan that’s muffled by you going in for another kiss. his hips slow to a nice roll, more tears leave your eyes as all your emotions are released, a whole day of tension and hurt that you start to let go of.
you breathe each other in, laying on each other before dave rolls off of you. he pulls the covers up and holds you close. a silent understanding that you will talk the rest of this out tomorrow. at least he doesn’t need to sleep on the couch.
this took a week to get out i’m so sorry
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generalsolae · 7 months
(Dave Mustaine x Reader)
I was just thinking about this Dave (80s) confessing his feeling with some sweet sex🤭
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Warnings: smut, mention of drugs use (if you consider weed drugs), a little of kink size, eyes contact kink
Dave just couldn’t sleep that night, he kept turning around in the bed over and over, trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep.
But he just couldn’t, you were all over his mind. He felt like he wasted a chance with you earlier today, you were so close to him, it was such a vulnerable moment… he should have took his chance.
But he didn’t, and that just wouldn’t let him sleep. You and Dave were close friends, you knew each other since middle school and he probably was the most important person in your life.
A week ago he got kicked out of Metallica, that night he came over at your door completely and totally drunk, you let him in and he passed out on your bed just an hour later. Since that night he spent the whole week at your place, not having nowhere to go, until he went to a motel because he said “he didn’t want to bother you more then he already had” but you really loved his presence, you wanted to say that to him but you thought it wasn’t appropriate.
He slept much better with you next to him, but now that you weren’t there he was struggling. He even tried to smoke a joint to fall asleep, usually it worked, but his brain just wouldn’t cooperate this time.
“Fuck it” he mumbled to himself, deciding he was just gonna come over at your place. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to sleep without you in any case, so it was pointless to keep trying.
It was 3 a.m. when he knocked on your door, waking you up from your peaceful sleep.
You got off the bed and put on one of his oversize shirt he left at your place to cover yourself up. You headed to the door, robbing your eyes with your hand as you yawned.
You opened the door, curious of who could be knocking at the door at this time of the night and, to be honest, you weren’t exactly surprised to see Dave standing in front of you like an idiot.
“Hey” you smiled at him even tho you were tired, you didn’t like to be waken up, but you were happy every time Dave came over, even if it was in the middle of the night.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
He seemed a little bit embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head “couldn’t sleep. I… I wanted to see you again.” He confessed, making you smile wildly. And oh God, he loved that smile.
“Come in.” You said softly, opening the door fully to let him in.
He smiled a bit, entering your apartment slowly. It was all so familiar to him, it felt like home. He felt safe there, he felt safe with you.
“So… I was wondering if I could stay here tonight.” He said, trying to not sound rude.
Hearing those words just made your heart melt. Just as his heart did when he saw you were wearing his shirt, it just looked so good on you. He loved seeing you in his clothes, they were just so big on your small figure.
“Come.” you said, taking his hand and leading him into your bedroom. You always shared bed since you were little kids so it was normal for the two of you… even though this week felt different in a way nor of you could explain.
A few minutes later you were both laying on the bed, just starting into each other’s eyes in a some sort of trance.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” You finally broke the silence, speaking in a hush tone.
He shrugged, turning so he was laying on his back as he watched the ceiling, his hands resting on his belly “I was thinking about you.” He finally admitted.
Your heart skipped a beat as you heard what you wanted to hear the most in these past few months. “What about me?” You asked even though deep down you knew what he was thinking about.
“About how much I want you.” He said turning his head to look at you, wanting to see some sort of reaction from you. But you just stayed still for a couple of seconds.
He was starting to give up, to think he was a fool to believe he had a chance with you. But then you kissed him, you kissed him hard, passionately and a little sloppy too.
He quickly grabbed you by your neck and waist to pull you close to him as he kissed you back, switching position so you were underneath him.
“I’ve been waiting for this.” You whispered between kisses.
He chuckled a bit as he caressed your cheek “could have told me sooner, sweetheart.”
You shut him up with another kiss as you pulled his shirt off hungrily. Your hole body consumed by lust.
When you felt his lips on your neck, shivers of pleasure ran down your spine as you let out soft moans.
“Dave…” You whispered so low he wasn’t sure if you actually said it or not.
“Say it again” he demanded as he took off your shirt, wanting a confirmation of what you just said.
“Dave” You said again, more loudly these time, making him harder.
He just loved your voice, and hearing soft moans leaving your mouth with his name turned him on so much.
He kissed you down your collarbone, than down your chest and belly, until he reached your most sensitive spot.
When you felt his lips kissing your clit, you closed your legs for instinct as a sweet sigh left your mouth.
“Ah, ah, ah. Keep ‘em open for me, sweetheart.” he said, putting his hand on your thighs as he opened them slowly again.
You nodded as you looked at him, biting your lower lips. As soon as he started to lick your throbbing pussy, you pushed your head back, letting sweet moans leaving your mouth. Soon you realized you had neighbors, so you decided it was better if you covered your mouth, but Dave wasn’t exactly happy with that.
He grabbed your wrists and pinned them on your belly so you couldn’t cover your mouth. “I want to hear you, baby.”
He kept sucking your clit, making you moan more then you wanted to. Suddenly you felt two of his fingers enter you and move inside and out of you at a steady pace, making you clench around them almost immediately.
“You like that, uh? Yeah, you do. I can feel it.” He teased you, making you whine.
“Please, Dave… I need more..” you moaned, grinding your hips against his fingers.
“I wanna make you feel good tonight, baby. So I’ll give up on the teasing for this time.” he said, and you thanked his for this.
He reached down to undo his belt and quickly take off his pants and boxs, letting his hard length spread out.
He was so fucking big. You were clearly surprised and your astounded face made him chuckle a bit before positioning himself at your entrance. “Are you sure, baby?” he asked you sweetly, looking at you in the eye.
You bite your lower lip as you nodded.
He started to enter you, scratching your walls slowly “eyes on me, sweetheart”
He said, putting a hand on your cheek to make you look at him.
You moaned a little when he entered you fully. He stayed still for a few seconds before moving to make you get used to his size, waiting for you to give him a nod.
When you finally nodded at him, he started to thrust in and out of you at a slow and steady peace, to make you get used to him.
You started to moan softly and you closed your eyes as you kissed him “go faster” you whispered on his lips, and that was just what he wanted to hear.
His thrusts became faster and harder, making you moan a lot more loudly. You pushed back you head, arching your back and closing your eyes as your mouth was completely open.
“Look at me.” he said as he grabbed your chin firmly, forcing you to look at him and making your walls tightening.
“Fuck your tight.” He groaned as he kept trusting in you
You felt you’re release coming close as he kept pushing in and out of you roughly “fuck Dave I’m so close..” you moaned.
“Me too baby” he groaned as his thrusts became more sloppy.
After a few more thrusts you felt your climax hitting you, making you orgasm.
This was just what he needed to cum too, and soon his hot seed was filling you up as he pushed deeper to not let it fall out.
He kissed you one more time before slowly pulling out of you as he moved your hair out of your face “I love you”
You smiled softly, kissing him once more “Maybe you could stay here a little longer then just tonight. And I love you too, by the way.”
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metallicaislife · 4 months
Talk is Just Talk, Right?
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A/N: Hey friends it's been a while! this is so short, I'm sorry and I'm not fully back yet, but I hope you enjoy this!
Requested by: @dowsinsanity
Genre: Smut 18+ MDNI
Words: 643
Warnings: Threesome mxfxm, oral(m and f receiving), fingering, unprotected creampie, biting
“What do you think doll?” Dave asked as he traced small shapes on my thigh. 
My mind raced a million miles a minute. Dave and I had talked about letting one of his band members join in the bedroom. I always thought it was just that, talk. But as he and Cliff sat in front of me telling me it could be a reality, my brain short circuited. First off, I never thought Dave would actually be into it as he can be a little possessive. I’m not angry about it, I just didn’t think it would ever happen. Second, ever since I met Cliff there had been a spark. Not that I was looking to leave Dave, I love him, however I can’t deny the natural chemistry Cliff and I share.
“We don’t have to, it was just a suggestion.” Cliff said. My eyes met his and I suddenly realized I needed to give these men an answer. 
“Yes, I think it’s a great idea.” I said bashfully. 
The men heard my answer and we quickly left the bar. 
“Eyes on me, pretty girl.” Cliff said as he loomed over the side of the bed. 
My eyes flicked to his face as my jaw was hung open. Dave was feasting on me from behind and I could feel the coil tightening in my stomach. 
My eyes fell from his face as he pulled his already hardening cock out of his pants. My mouth watered as I licked the tip. Cliff hissed, and my eyes made their way back to his face as I took him into my mouth. 
I watched as his face twisted in pleasure as I swirled my tongue around his cock. 
I moaned as Dave inserted two fingers into me, he alternated between curling and scissoring them. 
Cliff bucked his hips, his cock sliding further down my throat. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I choked. I hollowed my cheeks and bobbed my head back and forth. I closed my eyes as the coil snapped and I came on Dave’s fingers. 
“You taste divine as always.” Dave murmured and kissed the small of my back. I could feel him shifting around. I moaned again as he split me open with his cock. He set a hard and fast pace. The lewd sounds of our bodies slapping together filled the room. 
Cliff fisted my hair and held my head still as he began fucking my face. He matched Dave’s pace. The tears that had entered my eyes earlier now fell down my cheeks and I screamed around Cliff’s cock as my orgasm ripped through me. 
Dave and Cliff continued, overstimulating me as they found their own highs. 
Cliff came down my throat, and I did my best to swallow what I could, as Dave filled my pussy with his cum. 
Cliff pulled his cock out of my mouth. He took my chin in between his fingers lifting it up so our eyes met. I am sure I was a sight to behold with my mascara running down my face as cum and spit dribbled down my chin. 
“Such a good girl.” He said, and I smiled softly at him still feeling hazy from my orgasms. 
Dave lifted me up against him as he slowly fucked his cum into me marking me as his. 
“Love to do this again sometime.” Cliff said as he tucked his cock back into his pants. 
“Just as long as you remember she’s mine, Burton.” Dave said and then bit my shoulder causing me to whimper. 
“Sure.” Cliff smirked and sent me a wink as he left the room. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, doll.” Dave said as he kissed the area he bit. 
I hope Dave shares me with Cliff again. I could get used to them both bringing me so much pleasure.
Thanks for reading! Requests are closed but feel free to chat :)
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mxstaines · 8 days
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RUTHIES INN :: 1984-1985
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skinbeneaththeskull · 10 months
SAGE i have not been able to stop thinking abt corruption with dilf dave...he's so sweet, takin things slow for you. at this point he knows his way around women, yknow...he loves the fact that he gets to turn you into a whore for him <3
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OMG SYN ?!?!?!? this is literally such a good fucking idea holy ALSO '99 DAVE?!?! my fav era 🤭🤭
riding this man would literally be the best thing in the world omg !!! he'd have a tight grip on your hips, squeezing at the fat on them that spilled from his fingers and he'd have his eyes closed, groaning and tipping his head back, letting you do all the work until you get tired enough to stop, "that's all you got, hun?" you'd nod softly, literally on the brink of erupting until he'd flip positions and fuck you so slow it hurts.
you're constantly begging for him to go faster but he just lands a slap on your ass, holding your hair back softly. he'd hunch over, mouth pressed to your ear, voice calm and demanding like always, "be a good girl for me, baby. you can take this cock however i want you too, hun." you whined at the response, gripping the sheets beneath yourself, trying to back yourself more on to Dave, seeking more friction.
"god, you are such a fuckin' slut. can you take it now? this what you wanted?"
he groans and sarcastically huffed before fucking you into the mattress, hands tight on your hips, hard and deep thrusts now. you're just moaning loudly before he shoves your head into the pillow infront of you. muffled "thank you"'s were being pulled out from your mouth, trying your best to stay quiet for the ginger.
he would pull out and you'd lift your head, looking back and pouting when you were left empty.
"what's wrong, princess, need more? need me to fill my whore up? oh, i know you do, fuckin' slut."
he'd shove himself back in, only for you to clench around his length and for him to let out a moan of pleasure. bringing his hand up to your throat choking you slightly, his thrusts got messier and messier before he came and filled your aching cunt, you cumming with him.
he pulls out and just let's his body go limp, dick pressed against your ass, "more," you whined and he's more than surprised as he chuckles softly.
"seems like i turned you into a cock slut, huh? you're lucky i have stamina, but im not going so easy this time."
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mustainegf · 2 months
Hey love!!! I've been thinking really much about rust in peace era and Vault era Dave. Like imagine youre his best friend that has been teasing him all day with a short skirt and he just cant take it anymore so he fucks you so hard you can't feel your tummy. Also i love his hands so much they're so big and veiny hdbcismdhskdisndysjsbdu. I hope you understand me. (Oral f receiving, fingering, rearanging guts...)
I screamed when I read this, I love you so much nonnie, pls dm me I wanna be ur friend 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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As the day waned, the lights dimmed, and I couldn't shake the feeling of Dave's eyes tracing every contour of my figure.
The short skirt I'd chosen that morning seemed to have a magnetic effect on him, drawing his attention with every subtle sway of my hips.
With each deliberate bend to retrieve something or reach for a pen, I could practically feel his gaze burning into my skin. And whenever I brushed against him, I couldn't suppress the thrill that shot through me, or ignore the distinct bulge in his pants.
Dave and the guys had just finished up their set, and I was waiting for Dave backstage. I was excited to see him so worked up again. A large part of me liked to tease him, make him think dirty thoughts.
Maybe it was wrong, doing such a thing to my best friend, but how could I help it? Ever since they've been doing shows for their new album "Rust In Peace" I haven't been able to keep my eyes off him, or tame the flutter in my crotch.
Suddenly, my eyes snapped over, watching as Dave trudged down the hall. He looked so sexy, the shiny thin necklace, jeans, bullet belt, and the crisp white button up that was undone all the way to his stomach. His fiery long hair flowed behind him, a hunger in his eyes I'd never seen before.
"You." He points at me as he arrives at my side.
"You're coming with me. Now." He demanded, grabbing my arm as he whisked us away into an empty dressing room.
I glance down at his large hand gripping at me, tugging me into the room and shutting the door.
His veins flared and his eyes were sharp. I'd never seen him so needy.
"What are you doing?" I whisper as Dave locks the door. "I'm gonna ruin you." He grunts, his fingers clenching my arm even harder. "That's what I'm doing."
He growls, pushing me to the wall, kissing me with a fervor that surprised me. It wasn't playful, not sweet. It was hungry, desperate, passionate. It was everything I never knew I needed.
"Just love my attention huh? Prancing around in this skimpy little thing all day?" He tugs slightly at my small skirt.
"Dave." I moan softly, a name I'd moaned many times before, not to him, but to myself in the dark of the night, when my fingers were buried between my thighs. Dave was quick to tear off my tank top along with my bra.
"God..." he groans, sucking dark marks onto my breasts, my hand tangling in his long fluffy hair.
"Do you have any idea how long I've held back on you? How many times I've wanted to fuck this gorgeous body of yours?" He muttered into my ear, his skilled hands reaching below my skirt and tugging my delicate panties to the side.
"If you don't stop talking, I'm going to come right here and now," I threaten. "Good." He smirks, nipping at my shoulder as he slides two fingers deep inside me.
"Fuck." I gasp, bucking my hips against him, seeking more. He pumps my pussy, his thumb circling my swollen clit. My head falls back against the wall as he finger fucks me relentlessly.
"Tell me..." he grunted, his eyes like daggers on mine. "How often do you touch yourself to me," he grins evilly, curling his fingers inside me.
"I- I don't..." I whimper. I wasn't too sure why I had lied, I was obviously enjoying this. "Lie to me again and I won't let you finish."
He growled, looking at me with a murderous expression. "Every night." I manage to spit out through my teeth.
"Such a slut, my slut," he kisses my jaw, his fingers pumping faster. "Are you ever gonna wear a skirt like this again? Have you learned your lesson yet?"
He grits out, those words laced with filth. "I learned my lesson-oh, Dave.. please, I'll only wear it for you, Dave..." I babble, my voice breathless.
"Good girl, fuck- I gotta taste you..." Dave dropped to his knees, holding my skirt up. "Legs apart." He instructed.
With a gulp, I Leaned further back against the wall, nudging my legs apart. I could feel his quick hot breath on my slick, and it only turned me on more.
Without warning, he latched onto my clit, sucking and nibbling on it, driving me insane. I dug my nails into his scalp, my legs trembling around his head. I didn't know if I could take it anymore.
"Please... right there," I pleaded, and he did the unthinkable, he pushed his tongue inside of me.
After being friends for so long, and now he was fucking me with his tongue. I screamed out, my head flinching back.
"Let me hear those pretty sounds," he muttered into my pussy, his tongue still darting at my insides.
"Oh God," I cry out, my body tightening. Dave took this well because he started eating me like he was starving. "Mmmmm." I moan, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
"Dave! Ohhhh!" I scream out in pleasure, my walls contracting around his tongue. I couldn't stop myself from cumming, feeling that sweet realest implode inside my core. He drank me in, swallowing every drop until the last little pulse.
"Fuck, you taste even better than I thought," he grinned, giving a few kisses to my thighs before standing back up.
His lips found mine, and I could taste myself on his tongue. While our lips fought, I reached down to palm him in his jeans. I brushed against his bulge, his pants incredibly strained.
"Are you on the pill?" Dave asked under his breath, his gaze serious as he watched me.
I shook my head no, I didn't sleep with many men, embarrassingly. "That's okay, I'll get you some after okay? I need to cum in you so bad," he groaned. I helped him tear off the bullet belt, and he quickly stepped out of his jeans and boxers. Holy shit. He was big. Bigger than I thought he would be. He noticed my staring. "It's all for you," Dave uttered, gripping my thighs with his large hands and lifting me up to sit flush against the wall, my legs wrapped around his hips.
His cock touched my entrance and I shuddered.
"So sensitive." I bit my lip, nodding at him, the tip of his cock touching my clit.
"Fuck, need to be in you..." Dave groaned, resting his head on my shoulder as he thrusted up into me, filling me in one swift movement.
"Yessss!" I yelled out. "Oooh, god yes," I cried out, digging my nails in his shoulders. He felt amazing inside me, thick, full, and he hit all the right places.
He pumped me slow, kissing and nipping at my lips, cheeks, and chin. I ran my hands up his back, loving the rippling muscles beneath my fingertips.
Dave slammed into me so fast I nearly lost my breath.
"You're so wet," he croaked, kissing my throat. "Yeah, you drive me crazy, always thinking about you," I rasp, a small chuckle following.
"You're mine," Dave said lowly, fucking his throbbing cock into me.
It sounded so dirty but in the best way possible.
"Yours," I whispered, tilting my head back. "Come on baby, give me what I want." He coaxed, moving faster.
Fuck, it felt like he was bruising my insides, and rearranging them while he was at it. "Dave! Oh, Dave..." I whined out to him.
"That's it, take it, take it like the good girl you are," Dave grunted, ramming his hips back and forth.
"Fuck yes, yeah, just like that, just like that," he chanted as he picked up the pace. He pounded me mercilessly, he didn't hold back, and Iloved it.
"Dave- oh.. right there..." I panted for air, his cock continuously knocking it out of me.
"Yeah baby, right there." Dave whispered, kissing the shell of my ear. He kept a nice rhythm, always hitting the right spots. "So close... so close," I panted out. "Yeah, just like that."
He grunted, fucking me senseless against the wall.
"Yeah, so good for me, baby," he gasped out, my nipples grazing his chest. I could hear his heavy breathing.
I strained my neck, flinching wildly as I felt my orgasm creep up. "DAVE!" I yelped, far louder than I should’ve.
My inner walls quivered around him, clamping down on his cock.
"Holy shit," he cursed, shaking his head, almost as if he was in disbelief. He continued to thrust in and out of me, causing me to shudder even more.
When he came, he didn't try to hold it back.
"Ohhh God, oh God!" he bellowed, his cum splashing into me. I could feel him pulsing inside me.
We both stayed like that for a moment, savoring each other. We both stopped moving, resting against each other as we tried to breathe at a regular pace.
Dave rested his head over my shoulder, a long exhale leaving his lips. "I love you," he said under his ragged breath.
I smiled, running my fingers through his hair, "I love you too." I sighed, not wanting to leave this moment. I knew it couldn't last forever, but I wasn't ready to face reality yet.
Dave pressed his forehead to mine, his hazel eyes boring into me. He kept his gaze locked on mine as he carefully slipped out and set me down back on the floor. "Can you walk?" He asked with a nervous chuckle. His dominant veil had been lifted to show the man who I'd known forever.
"I think so," I giggled, stretching my aching legs.
"Come back to my place, then I can fuck you properly, yeah?" Dave grinned.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 1 month
idk if you write threesomes or not, but plsplspls do something spicy with izzy stradlin and dave mustaine. yk how i come up with the combo if you've seen that pic of them 🤭 (my cute boys omgomg)
A/n: I don't think I've written a threesome until this point (except for the gnr gangbang thing) so I hope I wrote this good? Also going through a writers block so please bear with me <3
Warnings: Smut, threesome, fingering (f receiving), oral sex (f + m receiving), double penetration, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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You had no idea how it ended like this, honestly even how it started was a bit of a blur.
You’d been waitressing at a club, making just enough to pay rent for your apartment. It was a normal night, busy as per usual. Guns N’ Roses had come in, Megadeth trailing behind shortly after. While it was unusual for such big bands to come in it wasn’t unheard of. You sold booze, it’s dangling chum for sharks.
You’d spoken to them a few times because they happened to sit at your tables, never did you expect that to have led to now when lead singer Dave Mustaine had his cock down your throat while rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin was behind you, fingering you and getting you ready for the rest of the night.
You gagged around Dave’s girth, tears already trickling down your red cheeks. Izzy’s long, skilled fingers fucked you nice and slow, learning every part of you, what made the sweetest moans come from you. They’d vibrate around Dave who groaned in satisfaction.
Izzy pulled out of you for a moment and got on his back, pulling you down to sit on his face. He lapped at your folds like his life depended on it, his nose bumping your swollen clit over and over again and bringing you closer to the edge.
You could feel Dave twitching in your throat and you knew he was close as well. When Izzy moved to suck your clit you came hard on his face, grinding down on him to get every ounce of pleasure you could.
Dave pulled out and jerked his cock a few times before cumming on your face.“Oh, fuck, look at that pretty face.” He gleamed, tapping his tip on your cheek. “Izzy, come look at her.” Izzy gave a final kiss to your clit before going to see what Dave was seeing. Your tear stained cheeks and bruised lips, covered in cum.
“Fuck.” Izzy sighed, taking your face in his hands and kissing you, biting your lips with such passion.
Dave chuckled and moved behind you, slipping his cock through your slick folds before pushing into you, causing you to moan into Izzy’s mouth. “Like being stuffed full, huh?” Dave mused.
“No,” Izzy hummed his infamous word, “she can take more, can’t you, sweetheart?” He lifted you up, and you fell back onto Dave’s chest. The ginger was quick to wrap his arms around you, keeping you upright.
Izzy kneeled in front of you, stroking himself a few times before pushing into you. You whined at the sting from the stretch between your legs, god you felt like you were being torn in two.
Izzy held your face again and kissed you sweetly, polar opposite to the other feelings you were having. Dave joined him and kissed the back of your neck, wanting to relax you as much as possible.
The initial pain subsided to make room for pleasure as they started moving, filling you up so good and hitting every spot. You held onto Izzy’s shoulders, needing to hold onto something as you were sandwiched between the two.
One of Dave’s hands went to rub your clit and it sent you over the edge a second time. Your eyes rolled back, your nails dug into Izzy’s shoulder blades which seemed to hit a nerve somewhere in him because his hips snapped into you and he came with a soft moan in your ear, his big hands holding your thighs and squeezing them gently.
Dave was quick to follow, fast grunts matched with even needier thrusts. “Fuck, so fucking tight, so fucking good.” He muttered before finally cumming inside you as well.
Several moments passed before they pulled out, having waited until they’d both calmed down. Both their cum dripped out of you and onto the bed, mixed white liquids pooling between your legs.
Dave pulled you close to him and had you lie down, you face now inches away from the puddle of cum. “Be a good slut and clean up for us.” He smacked your ass an Izzy laughed as he lit a cigarette.
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dahliaslove · 1 year
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⭑ authors note: here are some random headcanons because i love channeling my inner karen smith (mean girls) and elle woods to write these
⭑ warnings: lots of kisses, dave is a smug asshole, small descriptions of sex (like two paragraphs), i got carried away with these hc’s because i’m delusional
⭑ pairing: dave mustaine x fem!bimbo!reader
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- if we’re talking late 90s / 2000s dave?? this man will treat you like a princess, he will endlessly spoil you in kisses and gifts, i just know it. he’d be so gentle on you too, like he’s the type of guy that will never not have a hand around wrapped around your waist ( this is very effective when it come to him stoping you from tripping on air )
- constantly sitting in his lap and just playing with his hair as you talk about whatever happened to you that day or about a particular new line of makeup, he would not understand a single word you’re saying but is very supportive and nods along as you try to explain
- same goes for you whenever he talks about things you don’t understand, he’ll try to go in depth with his explanations untill you understand <33
- he’s possessive as hell, especially because you’re a little unobservant when it comes to the world around you, and he just wants to make sure nobody’s treating you wrong, it works too because dave is low key a little intimidating so i feel if he sent someone a glare they would back off pretty quickly
- thats not me saying that you can’t defend yourself though! dave has absolutely seen you tear into any pervy or downright disrespectful men and he loves that you’re not afraid to stand up for yourself or sacrifice a heel to throw at someone
- but he is a softie for you that will back you up and cuss anyone out if they try to mess with you :)
- speaking of him being possessive though . . . this man will absolutely cover you in hickeys, he doesn’t care if you complain about you having to use a lot of foundation to cover it. On days where you don’t have the time or patience to cover it he’ll walk next to you all smug and happy all day
- dave lowkey has a right being so smug though because i know he’d treat you so well in bed, like he’d give it to you any way you want it just cause you’re his girl ‘n he loves you so much
- if you want it rough? dave will have you bent in half beneath him with your legs thrown over his shoulders and your mascara running down your face as he thrusts his hip up into you at a bruising pace
- you want it soft? he’ll slowly rock his hips into you from behind as you watch a movie cuddled up on the couch. and he’ll shush you whenever your whines start to get too loud and tell you to focus on the movie.
- either way when you’re done he’s wiping away any of your tears and planting a sloppy kiss on you that smudges up your lip gloss even more.
- if you gave him bracelets to match with you he would wear it forever, like imagine seeing dave walk around in his black heavy metal tees while wearing a bunch of bright pink bracelets with hearts and glitter all over them that you made for him.
- and if the bracelets break or fall off, he’s coming to you with pouty lips and begging you to make another one like ‘baby, please make me another one? i didn’t mean to break it, i swear!’
- i swear sometimes you be thinking he’s the princess in the relationship because at least 80% of the time there’s some residual lipstick marks on his neck or his lips would constantly be at least a little pink from your lipstick rubbing off on him when you guys kiss
- oh my god . . . sitting with him while he practices on his guitar too, you’ll sit there all patiently while making more bracelets or reading some fashion magazine and when you’re not doing that you’re only ever watching the way his hands glide and pluck at the strings on his guitar ( he gets smug and teases you about this because he’s an ass and he loves the way your voice gets all whiny in pitch as you try to defend yourself against his teasing )
- and he’d never not have some sort of pink hairband or clip stored in his pocket for you but it’s fine because he knows you always carry things for him in your little pink purse like guitar picks or an extra water for if he gets thirsty :}
- in conclusion, someone get this man a silly little bimbo girlfriend who will always lay kisses on him !!! (i volunteer)
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dave-me0wstaine · 8 months
ever since i read a post on here a while ago about dilf! dave with a younger gf i have not been the same and quite frankly, i need to write about it before i combust
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summary: reader is being a brat, and dave is not having it. (also dave is kinda sorta really mean?)
nsfw under the cut!
ok so let's say you meet dave in his mid forties, while you yourself are in your mid twenties. this relationship is quite different from dave's previous ones. for one, he's a lot more mature, a lot more subdued; he's not as impulsive or unruly as he was in his youth. secondly, he's (arguably) become more patient, which, incidentally, makes him an excellent brat tamer.
granted, dave doesn't have to tame you often; especially considering he treats you like a princess. he takes you out on dates, buys you nice things (even if you whine and tell him not to spend his money on you), makes sure you feel loved and cared for. he basically treats you as if you hung the stars in the sky. you're his pride and joy, his baby.
if this wasn't enough, dave fucks you good too. any way you ask for it, he'll give it to you; if you want it gentle, he's pulling you into the missionary position or spooning you, giving you gentle deep thrusts as he whispers words of praise. if you want it rough, dave's yanking your hair, manhandling you into all sorts of positions, pushing your head down so he can shove his cock unapologetically down your throat; the whole nine yards. usually though, dave only gets rough with you whenever you're being a brat.
it's not often that you decide to be bratty, but usually it comes after a show, when you're tired and ready to go home, or when you're out and a girl comes up to get an autograph, and begins not-so-subtly flirting with him. other times, it's simply because you want to get a rise out of him. and this was one of those times.
you and dave are spending precious time together at home, watching a movie and sitting on the couch. usually, you're cuddled up underneath his big arm, but tonight you decide to curl up at the complete opposite end of the couch. dave, who's just come home from tour a few weeks ago, doesn't like the lack of physical contact.
"c'mere, honey." dave mutters, reaching his hand out to touch your outstretched leg. in response, you curl your leg back towards you, dave's finger tips barely gliding against your bare leg. a decidedly bratty, slightly mean-spirited thing to do, you think to yourself.
"don't wanna," you huff out. it's childish, you're aware, but you really want to see how much you can work dave up. usually he has a bit more patience with you, however, today, unbeknownst to you, his patience is thin.
"fix your attitude." dave says, a stern look on his face. part of you already wants to fold, to be his good girl and curl up next to him, give him gentle kisses all over his face. but again, you want to see just how far you can push him.
so, you dramatically turn your nose up at him, and respond, "fix it for me."
instantly the mood changes. dave's arm shoots out to grab your calf and yanks your leg, pulling your body into a laying position on the couch.
"i didn't ask you. i told you." dave grits out. your eyes widen in surprise. "fix. your. attitude." deciding to test your luck, you hesitantly shake your head no in response.
"no?" dave's voice lilts in a condescending tone. he seemingly gives you one more chance to speak, to say something to quell his anger, but you stay wide-eyed and silent.
dave's face darkens with a mix of lust and anger, and for a fleeting moment, you're scared. but that fear soon turns into a heat that pools between your legs.
"you're gonna regret this little attitude of yours, i hope you know." dave smirks, and tangles a fist in your hair to yank you up from your laying position.
"get up." he hisses, and with his fist in your hair, he guides you over his knee and instructs you to pull your pajama pants down.
with your torso over his knee, it's hard to get your pants down in the awkward position, but dave only pulls your hair harder, snapping "hurry up. i don't have all fuckin' day, slut."
as soon as your pants are down, dave's landing harsh, heavy-handed smacks to your ass, making you squirm in his grip.
"the fuck's gotten into you, huh? you just wanted me to be rough with you? is that it?" dave growls out, "decided to be a bitch so i'd show this pretty pussy of yours some attention?"
"m not bein' a bitch," you whine out, "you are." you mumble, mostly to yourself, but dave hears your backtalk.
"you really don't know when to shut the fuck up, do you whore?" dave snarls, and spreads your legs apart. before you can dig yourself into an even deeper hole, he starts delivering rough, hard slaps to your pussy.
your whines rise in pitch, and you feel tears begin to prick in your eyes from the mix of pain and pleasure. in vain, you try to wriggle from his grasp, to block his hands from your heat, but he just swats them away and growls at you to be still. but suddenly, it what seems to be an act of mercy, dave stops, and begins rubbing the heated flesh of your backside.
"aww, does it hurt, baby?" he coos in a condescending tone, but your too delirious with pain and pleasure to realize it.
"mmhm," you sniffle, nodding your head.
"good, it's supposed to." dave sneers, and begins smacking your ass and cunt once more. "you think you can just give me attitude and get away with it? huh, you little slut?" he questions, but you're so far gone already all you can do is cry and attempt to blubber out an apology.
"p-please!! daddy, m'sorry, i didn't mean to," you cry out. despite your initial commitment to being a brat, with the hits dave is delivering to your ass and clit, your stubbornness quickly determinations into submission.
"well, you should've thought about that before you opened that mouth of yours," dave replies in a condescending tone. however, to your surprise, dave decides to show you mercy, and sinks his fingers deep into your cunt as he's rubbing the battered skin of your backside.
"m'sorry.." you whimper, big hot tears running down your cheeks.
dave coos at you once more, this time in a genuine way. "i know, baby. but you've learned your lesson, haven't you?".
before he can even finish his sentence, you're frantically nodding his head. "mmhm! m'your good girl, promise!" you babble in his lap. if he weren't so turned on, dave might've laughed at your pathetic state. instead, all he could feel was a surge of pride that he had reduced you to such a state in such a short amount of time.
"i know, baby, you just had to be reminded of that, huh sweetheart?" he says, pushing your curled body off of his lap. before you can pout at the loss of contact, dave gestures to the bed, "why don't you lay on your back for me, pretty?."
this time, dave does laugh, watching as you scramble to lay on the bed, just as he asked of you. he crawls on top of you, and lays in between your legs. he craddles your head in his hands, placing soft, gentle kisses to your skin; a stark contrast to his rough actions only moments earlier.
"you're so pretty when you cry." dave mumbles, almost to himself. you nuzzle your face into the side of one of his hands, and gasp as you feel the head of dave's cock run through your wet folds.
as he slowly slides his cock inside of you, you begin rambling once more. "thank you, f-fuck, thank you,". however, you're gratefulness doesn't last long, as dave sets a brutal, unforgiving pace.
"f-fuck! s'too much, please," you whine, feebly pushing your hands against his lower torso in an attempt to push him away. if you didn't know any better, you'd say he was in your stomach with how deep he's thrusting into you. it's all too much to handle, especially after his rather rough spanking. it'd be a miracle if you could sit tomorrow, much less walk. much to your dismay, dave simply swats your hands away, and hikes your legs over his shoulders, folding you in half.
"what? did you think i'd let you get off with only a spanking? after talking to me like you did?" dave smirks at your widening eyes of realization, that the punishment has only just begun.
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luvrboydave · 2 months
dad's best friend dave pt.2
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pairing: dbf!dave x virgin!fem reader
warnings: smut, kinda insecure reader, inexperienced reader, age gap, couch sex, unprotected piv, creampie, maybe breeding kink idk, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), pussy slapping (like once), LOTS of praise, dave teaches her how to give a hj/bj, pet names (sweetheart, baby, darlin'), tiny itty bit of overstim, soft dave but also a little mean dave at the beginning
words: 2.3k
a/n: not proof read and also might be bad cuz im a bit out of practice :3 feeding the dbf!dave girlies even though im not hyperfixated on megadeth rn!!!! enjoy guys, COME GET YOUR FOOD MWAH <3
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ever since your little fling with dave, he’s been plaguing your thoughts more than usual…daydreams of his thick fingers inside of you, wet dreams involving him pinning you down and having his way with you. no matter how hard you try to ignore the thoughts and push them away, they always return stronger. sometimes, you wonder if he ever thinks about you as well, if he touches himself to the memory of your tight cunt. 
surely, he notices your lingering stares when he comes over to watch sports with your dad, right? surely, he notices that you’re completely and absolutely in love with him, right…?
it’s like you don’t even exist to him anymore; were you really that bad of a lay? thoughts raced through your head. did you do something wrong? did he not like how your body looked? were you too inexperienced for him? you were startled from your thoughts when a hand laid on your shoulder. looking to your left, you see that familiar head of curly orange hair. 
"oh, hey dave. sorry. i was just lost in thought," you mumble, turning to look up at him. 
dave hums at your words, “no worries, sweetheart. your dad just ran to the store, wanted me to tell you he’d be gone ‘bout an hour or two.”
your eyes follow him as he walks around the couch and sits beside you. “so, what was goin’ on in that pretty head of yours, hm?” he smiles, locking eyes with you. it was as if he could see straight through you. 
“just thinking about…college stuff,” you murmur, eyes breaking away from his and looking down at your clasped hands. 
“school stuff, hm? there’s no reason to lie to me, sweetheart.” he places a hand on your bare knee, and you jump slightly at the touch. 
“i know, sorry. my brain is just all kinds of messy right now.” you sigh.
“you wanna talk about it?” he asks as his thumb rubs comforting circles over your thigh. 
you go silent, trying to decide if you should just ask if you’ve done something wrong. your brain is screaming at you not to do it, and your stomach churns at the thought of him confirming all your insecurities. 
with a burst of courage, you blurt out the question that’s been haunting you, “did i do something wrong?” 
dave’s face scrunches in confusion, “what makes you think you did something wrong, sweetheart?”
“y’know, the last time we were…alone…together. i can tell you’ve been avoiding me since then. i thought maybe i did something wrong or something you didn’t like if you were staying away from me…” you ramble, moving your hands wildly while explaining yourself. 
“shit, sweetheart…m’sorry. you didn’t do anything wrong; you were perfect. i was keeping my distance from you ’cause i thought you’d be disgusted by me.” he laughs, scooting closer to you on the couch and sliding his hand higher up your thigh. 
“i could never be disgusted by you.” you giggle, resisting the urge to press your thighs together at his touch. 
“is that right…” he hums, a smirk forming on his lips. 
all of a sudden, his lips are on yours. you moan in surprise, hands coming to wrap around his neck. the kiss is desperate but sweet at the same time, as if he’s trying to make up for causing you to stress. his hand continues under your skirt, knuckles rubbing over your damp panties. Dave’s other hand cups your face, deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue into your mouth. 
you gasp when he slides your panties to the side and runs a finger through your folds. “shit, sweetheart… so wet for me already.” he groans into the kiss. you buck your hips up into his hand, silently asking for more. 
“mmh-, my baby is so fucking greedy.” dave growls, slipping a finger inside of your cunt. his cock grows hard from the noises you’re making–your soft mewls are music to his ears. dave slips another finger inside of you slowly, stretching you out nicely. once you adjust to the new addition, dave picks up his pace–fingers pistoning in and out of you. 
“fuck, this pussy is so sloppy for me, baby…all for me, ain’t that right, sweetheart?” dave grunts, looking you in the eyes. 
you struggle to give him an answer–the pleasure already too much for you. As you try to speak, the only things that come out are strained moans and half-formed curses. 
“fuckin’ answer me, baby.” dave growls, pulling his fingers out of you and landing a harsh slap on your sensitive cunt. your body jumps at the impact, crying out from the pain. 
“shit- yes! all for you- all for you…” you whine tearfully, hands moving to grip his hair. 
“good girl,” dave praises, rubbing your clit, before slipping his fingers back into your drooling pussy. his pace is brutal, and he doesn’t let up–not even when fat tears start to roll down your cheeks. one of the hands that’s threaded into his hair moves to grip his wrist, trying to slow him down–but he doesn’t relent. 
dave pushes you down to lay on your back with his free hand before snatching both of your wrists and pinning them above your head. He can tell you’re close by the way you squirm underneath him, frantically bucking your hips into his hand. 
“that’s it, sweetheart. let go for me.” dave coos as you come undone. your body shakes, thighs clamping shut around dave’s hand at the intensity of your orgasm. 
your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath. dave gives you time to recover, gently rubbing your thigh before leaving to grab you a glass of water. you thank him when he returns to the living room, and you down the glass quickly. 
“wanna help you now,” you mumble shyly, pushing him back against the couch before sinking to your knees in front of him, “this is my first time doin’ this…” you admit. 
“fuck…you’re so perfect for me, sweetheart. letting an old man like me take all your firsts,” he groans, “gonna let me be the first one to fuck your pretty little angel cunt too, hm?” 
you nod softly, looking away from him in embarrassment. he chuckles at your shyness before grabbing your hand and placing it over his bulge. 
“here, let me teach ya how it’s done,” he smiles, “first, you gotta take it out, ‘kay?” 
you nod again, pulling the zipper down and helping him slip out of his jeans. you’re a little intimidated, but he reassures you that you can back out anytime. 
you reach into his boxers and wrap your hand around his cock; it’s a bit weird at first, but you eventually get used to the feeling and feel confident enough to pull his boxers down and let his cock spring free. dave praises you sweetly and helps guide you through it. 
“go ahead and spit on it now, sweetheart,” he commands softly, stroking your hair. you do exactly as he says, gathering spit in your mouth and letting it drip from your lips onto the head of his cock. 
“good,” he smiles, “now use your hand to spread it around–use a little pressure, but don’t squeeze too hard.” 
you follow his instructions, stroking up and down and occasionally squeezing lightly. dave groans softly, watching you with lustful eyes. he swears he almost cums when he sees your wide, curious eyes staring up at him. 
“you’re doing amazing for me, baby…use your thumb to rub the tip–and if it feels like it’s getting dry, spit on it some more.”
you let some more spit fall onto his dick, using your thumb to spread it around his tip. hesitantly, you lean down and give the tip a small lick. your cunt clenches at the sound dave makes. testing the waters, you give it another lick before wrapping your lips around the tip. dave has to fight the urge to buck his hips up and bury his cock deep in your warm throat. 
“fuck- didn’t even have to tell you to put it in your mouth,” he groans and threads a hand in your hair, “take your time, sweetheart. you don’t gotta rush.” 
you try to smile at him before taking his cock further into your mouth. you revel in the small grunts and sighs dave makes, thighs clenching at the erotic sounds. as you try to take him deeper, you gag around his cock and quickly pull off to catch your breath. dave hums at your messy face, the tears pooling in the corner of your eyes making his dick twitch. he softly raises his hand to caress your cheek, encouraging you to take him back into your mouth. 
“gonna let me fuck your throat, sweetheart?” dave questions, “i promise i’ll be gentle.”
you hum in agreement around his cock, whining when he threads his hand into your hair. dave slowly thrusts up into your mouth, and your throat constricts around him as he pushes deeper and deeper. his free hand wipes the tears from your eyes, and he coos at you softly. he groans when he bottoms out in your throat. 
“shiiit- you’re doing great, sweetheart. just breathe through your nose, baby–tap my leg a few times if you need me to pull out,” he mumbles, pulling back until just the tip is in your mouth and sliding back in slowly. 
dave slowly increases his pace, spouting praise at you as he does so. When you swirl your tongue around his tip and bring a hand up to massage his balls, he knows he’s about to cum. he quickly pulls out of your mouth and pulls you up from the floor before laying you down on the couch. 
“need to be inside of you, sweetheart. can’t wait to fill this pretty pussy of yours.” dave groans, pulling your shirt over your head and panties down your legs. 
“hot even wearin’ a bra, huh–so fuckin’ desperate for me…you wanted this to happen, didn’t you.” he teases, hands groping at your bare tits. 
you whine, nodding feverishly and bucking your hips up into him. dave chuckles at your impatience. your body twitches when you feel dave spit down onto your already sopping cunt a few times. dave guides his cock to your cunt, slipping between your pussy lips and rocking back and forth. your mouth opens with a silent whine when the head of his cock catches on your clit as he rocks forward. 
“gonna put it in now, sweetheart. try to relax for me, i want this to be as comfortable for you as possible,” dave states, pushing your legs up towards your chest and guiding his cock to your entrance.
you keen at the stretch, wincing slightly as your cunt opens up for him. “that’s it…breathe for me, baby–just relax.” he murmurs sweetly.
dave continues pushing deeper into your tight pussy, groaning as your warm walls flutter around his length. he pauses as he bottoms out, allowing you time to breathe and adjust to his size, all while muttering praise in your ear. 
“think i’m ready for you to move, baby…” you whine, rocking your hips slightly into his. 
dave smiles at you before he pulls out and thrusts back in gently. your eyes roll back into your head as he begins thrusting into you at a steady pace. you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a messy kiss. dave swallows the pretty noises you make as he fucks you, revelling in your pleasure. 
“you can move faster-” you moan, breaking the kiss and looking him in the eyes. 
“you sure, sweetheart?” he questions, slowing down his thrusts and waiting for you to confirm. you nod, giving him the go-ahead to speed up.
it’s like a switch flips inside of him–he pushes your legs even closer to your chest and fucks into you quickly. your head falls back onto the couch's armrest, fingers clawing at his shoulders in pleasure. dave’s hips piston in and out of you, your sloppy cunt squelching with each thrust. 
your back arches off of the couch when he snakes his hand down to play with your swollen clit. your body feels like it’s on fire, the pleasure quickly becoming too much. 
“hnng- think im gonna cum! fuck-” you cry out, voice breaking as tears spill from your eyes.
“Shh, sweetheart. you can let go, c’mon, cum for me like a good girl.” he coos, fingers still rubbing circles on your clit as he picks up his pace. 
Your body shakes as you start to cum, and your vision goes spotty. your arms hold onto dave’s shoulders for dear life as your body convulses. dave continues thrusting in and out of your cunt, overstimulating your poor, sensitive pussy. 
“keep clenchin’ around me, just like that, sweetheart,” he growls, his pace faltering ever so slightly. “fuuuck- gonna fuckin’ ruin this gorgeous angel cunt of yours, baby–fill you up so good you’ll be leakin’ for weeks.” 
dave groans, pushing his hips flush with yours when he cums, pumping you full of his warm, sticky cum. your pussy flutters around him, milking him of every last drop. dave’s head drops into the crook of your neck, and he presses soft kisses to the skin there. you stroke his back as he lays on top of you, a smile pulling on your lips. 
“i think i’m in love with you,” you mutter softly. 
dave’s ears perk up at your words–he lifts his head to look at you, “you really mean that, sweetheart?” 
“of course I do,” you affirm, moving your hands to hold his face and pull him up into a loving kiss. 
“i love you too,” he murmurs into the kiss, “but we might wanna get dressed…i don’t think your dad would appreciate seeing us cuddled up naked on the couch,” he laughs.
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