#megadeth angst
Can you write a one-shot about the idea that you cheated on dave mustaine and he found out? 💋
A/n: I don't know if you wanted this to end in smut or not but it's just angst, who doesn't love angst <3 I also left it at what may be an odd part so if you want a part two I can do that, just let me know what direction you want it to go in <3
Gimme your Dave asks bc every time I write one I’m reminded of how hot he is, it’ll be written between now and six months from now <3 /hj
Warnings: Angst, cheating, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Dave was always so distant. He was cold and never truly seemed to care about you, always putting music first.
You'd ask him to go out every now and then but were always left with an open answer, so you'd go out with your friends. You knew they could be encouraging in some... interesting ways, to say the least, but when you went out for a nice dinner you'd planned months in advance with them instead of Dave, heading out to a nearby bar and hooking up with some guy seemed ok.
You didn't think to much of it, it was one night with some random guy you'd never see again, Dave would never even know.
But then it wasn't just one night.
You found yourself going out, telling Dave you'd be with your friends but you'd be at the bar by yourself. Or rather, at the bar on some guy in the bathroom or a back alley somewhere.
This went for a few months. You promised yourself you'd stop but then Dave went on tour with Megadeth. He never called you. Never sent you anything. There was nothing from him and it infuriated you. So you got yourself all prettied up and went out to find guy of the night.
Dave wasn't home and wouldn't be for a while so you brought him back home to have your fun, and you did.
When you woke up he wasn't there, you figured he'd just gone home but when you went downstairs he was making breakfast. "Oh, no, why'd you come down? I was gonna bring it to you." He had said as he rushed over to you. Dave had never done anything like that.
Not recently.
Sure, maybe it wasn't a constant that he'd been cold and distant. He showed he loved you once upon a time, he'd buy you flowers, show you his favourite bands because he wanted you to like the same things he liked. He took you out to fancy dinners, bought you pretty dresses, did everything a good boyfriend should do.
But it all stopped at some point.
When this new guy started showering you in the attention you'd missed oh so dearly you had to keep it coming in some way.
You let him stay until Dave gave home, making him leave a few days in advance just incase you had the dates mixed up or Dave ended up coming back early. He treated you like a queen, making you food, worshipping your body, doing everything just right.
Doing everything the way Dave used to.
Then Dave came back and it was right back to that cold void walking through the halls of your home. You tried talking to him but he'd just grumble something and leave it there. It was pointless.
Weeks passed and you saw something about Dave change. One day he'd be an exact copy of what he used to be, the next he'd go right back to ignoring you.
You woke up one night alone in bed, odd since Dave was usually a heavy sleeper and never left the bed even if he did wake up.
You checked the time and saw it was past three. Worried, you decided to go looking for Dave.
You heard voices coming from the living room and went to investigate, finding Dave sitting on the couch and anxiously biting the skin around his nails as he stared at the TV.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you came up to him, sitting next to him on the couch. He didn't respond, didn't even look at you. His eyes stayed glued to the TV, a blank expression on his face. "Dave?" Again no response. You huffed and leaned against him, letting your eyes close since you were still tired.
"You cheated on me?" He asked. Your body tensed and your eyes shot open.
"Huh?" Is all you managed to get out.
"You cheated on me." He said, more of a statement now. "Your boyfriend called, asking if you were busy." You inhaled deeply and pulled away from him.
"Oh?" He asked, finally tearing his gaze away from the TV to look at you. "Is that it?"
You shrugged. "What do you want me to say?"
Dave glared at you before shrugging, sighing before he spoke. "I don't know. Not that, I guess." He mumbled as he looked back to the TV. You reached for the remote and turned it off.
"What do we do now?" Dave said nothing. "Do you want me out?" Nothing. "Dave?" Silence.
You stared at him, waiting for an answer, a reaction. Anything. You wanted him to scream at you, yell at you for what you did, you wanted him to throw things and kick you out.
"Are you serious?" You demanded, all your anger over the past few months, over everything the two of you had been through, over everything he'd done to you, it all boiled up and burst at the surface. "Nothing, you're giving me nothing?"
He didn't even flinch as your voice raised. "I wanted attention! I wanted someone to love me and not care to show it! I wanted more than this cold fucker that showed up randomly and took the man I loved, what happened to him, huh? He let groupies fuck that right out of him? Drugs?"
You stood in front of him and pulled his hand away, the one that was holding his head up. "Answer me!"
Tears rolled down his cheeks though his expression remained the same. You didn't say anything and neither did he, he just kept his gaze forward as more tears fell from his eyes.
You huffed, hands falling to your sides in fists as you stormed off. You were about halfway up the stairs when Dave called out to you. "You love him?" He asked, not even bothering to look at you.
You turned back to him, taking a few steps down to him. "What?"
"I said," his voice was shaking as he spoke, "do you love him?"
You crossed your arms over your chest, eyes flickering around. "I don't know." You answered after a moment, honestly having no idea how you felt about it when you really thought about it.
Silence fell over you again before Dave broke it once more. "Does he treat you right?"
You chewed your cheek. "Better than you do."
"Better than I did?" You paused at that, sighing as you sat down on the steps.
"Better than you do." You repeated.
Dave looked up at you. "I never stopped loving you." He said, wiping his eyes.
"You stopped showing it." You mumbled, with the silence around you he could hear you.
"I was... terrified... for you, me... us." He said. "No one ever loved me like you."
You took in his words, the two of you maintaining eye contact as you thought about it. "Why'd you stop showing it?" You asked.
"I was scared." He said, you shook your head.
"That's not good enough, what did you want to happen?" Now it was Dave's turn to think.
He let out a heavy sigh. "This, I guess."
"You wanted a reason to get out." He paused before nodding. "I gave you one." He gave another nod "So... do you want me out?"
"No." He answered fast. Faster than you expected. Faster than he should've. "Stay, please."
You stood and walked back to him. You stopped in front of him. "What do we do now?" Dave thought for a moment before patting the spot beside him.
"We can fix this." He muttered, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you to his side.
"Should we..?" You didn't want to ask it but you knew you had to. Dave looked down at you, his eyes glassy and a small pout pulling at his lips.
"Please." His voice was no louder than a whisper. Suddenly he wasn't the man you'd known.
He wasn't the sweet guy that bought you flowers for your birthday or other special events or just when he thought of it, he wasn't the man you couldn't recognize as the one you loved who only spoke to you when he needed to. He was a kid who's mother couldn't love him over her religion, he was the kid who's brother-in-law beat him when he was listening to music.
He was innocent and pure and needed love.
Your wrapped your arms around him and pulled his head to your chest so he could cry. You wanted to tell him everything would be fine but you weren't sure it would be, so you just let him cry. And when he started apologizing for things he did and things he didn't you didn't interrupt him, you just forgave him. When he cried over his mom and his dad you let him.
When he cried all his tears and fell asleep against you, you let him. You pulled a blanket over the both of you and held him close, whispering nothing but love in his ears so he slept good even if just for one more night.
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eenniess · 2 months
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silassinclair · 1 year
Can you do Dave Mustaine angst?
Maybe with his girlfriend threatening to leave him bc of his alcohol addiction?
If not it’s totally fine! :)
I have taken it upon myself to be the Dave Mustaine writer that the world needs. Thanks for requesting, and I hope this is to your liking <3
Please Don’t Leave Me
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Upon entering your and Dave's shared apartment after the late shift the scent of alcohol hit your nostrils like a truck. It's been going on like this for a while. Having childhood trauma along with getting kicked from the band he put his heart and soul into only made him worse. And you understood, so you gave him space.
Over five months of space to be exact. But he didn't let up at all. His lain body was sunken into the couch with a bottle of jack loosely hung from his index and middle finger. The TV was playing MTV and what a coincidence, it was Metallica playing Four Horsemen. A song he wrote and worked his ass off on.
"You shouldn't be watching this. They're all dickheads." You walk up to the TV and twist the knob on the console, changing the channel to some random cooking channel.
A low growl and the thud of another empty bottle sounded. "I was fucking watching that." Dave said and got off the couch to stumble up. He walked to the TV but you held him by his shoulders in place.
"Stop it Dave. You're only destroying yourself. Can't you see what you're doing to yourself? What you're doing to us?" Your voice cracks in desperation. These have been the worst five months for you and your high school sweetheart. Everything felt like it was crashing down all at once.
"Oh stop being such a fucking sap!" He shot loudly and slapped your hands off him making you hold your stinging hands to yourself. "It's not my fucking fault! It's all because of my shitty old man and bat shit crazy Mother! They made me this way and those four, CUNTS-" He punched the wall making you yelp and reel back in fear.
By now his face was beating red. His snarl was animalistic and violent, everything about him was just pure drunken rage.
"D-Dave..." You whimpered in fear, voice cracking. Tears began to form in your e/c eyes. Dave has never hit you before, never lain a hand on you.
The man only huffed and puffed. His breathing ragged and shoulders rising up and down with every intake and exhale of air. His white knuckled fists were at his sides and his eyes pierced through you like knives.
This wasn't the love of your life anymore. This was someone else entirely. Someone Dave kept locked up in chains in the dark depths of his mind. But now it was free and it was ruining his life.
Ruining your life too.
“Dave. I don’t think this is working. With you like this.” You say as you turn your back on him to walk to your shared bedroom. Opening the closet you grab a duffel bag and stuff some clothes inside along with toiletries.
“Heyy…” Dave’s low voice said as he stumbled into the bedroom, he held onto the door frame for support. “What’re you doin there? And don’t you fuckin walk away from me.”
Ignoring him you continue stuffing your bag with your belongings. Slipping in some cassettes, photos, makeup, and other valuables.
Dave grabbed your shoulder from behind and spun you around. This time he looked to be standing straighter. His tight expression loosened when he saw your own expression though. Tears were falling down your face and your mouth was in a wobbling frown that threatened to break into a sob.
“Y/n.. hey why you cryin’?” Dave slurred and reached to cup your cheek, but you flinched and backed away.
“H-Hey. I’m not gonna hurt you.” He said, his own eyes becoming glassy.
You turn back around and zip up the duffel bag and put the strap over your shoulder. Hurriedly you leave the room and grab your jacket and keys off the hook. Dave chases after you but doesn’t touch you.
“Talk to me baby. What’s wrong?”
With a final snap you whip around and poke a firm finger into his chest.
He’s never seen you so angry. His Y/n, shy, sweet, and supportive of his dream. You’ve always been there for him and now here he was throwing it all away. The look of realization crosses his face.
He’s in utter shock. Now he’s just about sober, or closest to sober he ever has been over the five months.
“Honey please understand that I-”
“UNDERSTAND AND GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!” You push his form away from you. His outstretched hands pleading for your forgiveness fall to his sides.
“Is… Is this it for us?” He sniffles. No no no he can’t imagine a world without you.
Sighing and pinching your nose you nod. “Yes this is it. I can’t take it anymore so we’re done. We’re breaking up.”
“Anything but that Y/n, please baby I’m so fucking sorry.”
He reached up slowly to hold your face, when you didn’t back away this time he cupped both your cheeks and leaned in close.
“I’ll change. I’ll cut down the drinking, I’ll get a job, I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to stay with me. Just please,”
He dropped down on his knees and hugged your waist, burring his face in your tummy.
“please don’t leave me.”
Dropping your bag at your side you kneel down on his level and wrap your arms around him which he returns. Like a starved man he takes in your scent like it’s the last time he’ll ever have the opportunity. His tear stained face buried into your neck as small whimpers and pleads left his lips.
“One more chance Dave. But if I even so much as catch you doing drugs or drinking then we’re over. I’ll help you though okay?” Your fingers brushed his long locks. Feeling him nod you continue.
“We can do it together. It’s always been us right? Just you and me Dave. Your dream isn’t dead yet, you can still have your band and play your music.”
An excruciating cry left his lips. “What have I done? I don’t deserve you N/n..”
Pulling him off of you you gently caressed his puffy tear ridden face that reflected your own.
“Dave listen to me.” You wiped the stray hairs from his face. His glossy eyes looked into your own.
“I would never give up on you that easily okay? But you’ll have to accept my help. If you don’t accept my help then there’ll be no point.”
He nodded.
“So will you stop with all this drinking nonsense, get your act together, and chase your dreams?”
A smile that outshone glistening gold crept onto his face. “Hell yes.” He pulled you in close and kissed your lips lovingly.
“I can’t believe I went so long without your kisses… I missed you so much N/n, and I’m sorry I was away for so long.”
Wiping your tears away you smiled, “I’m glad you’re back love.”
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jameshetfieldswifee · 8 months
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Saw a tiktok post earlier, i was inspired haha
They r my divorced parents who loved each other very much /trust
Angst, slight fluff in the end idkk(also to the people who wanted this ‘fic, I apologize if it aint up to ur expectations 🥲👌🏻)
James and Dave were supposed best friends. Although, their feelings for each other began to change after awhile of hanging out.
Dave, had an attraction for James. Though, he didn’t like the idea of falling inlove with a boy. While James, he didn’t care if he fall inlove with a boy, but if it’s Dave.. it’s a big no to him.
So of course the friendship between them was.. interesting to say the least. Until one certain night.
Metallica had just finished another gig, they were just as drunk as you think they would be. Especially Dave. Hence, caused him to come up to James.
“James?” Dave tapped James’ shoulder, trying to get his attention.
“Yeah? What’s up?” James turns to Dave.
“Can we talk in private, real quick?”
Dave lead James to a more secluded area. Where the two of them were alone, the tension grew upon the two boys. Their eyes locked together.
“So um..” Dave muttered, his voice suddenly going soft.
It was very fucking clear what he was feeling, James just knew about it.
“I know what you wanna say.” James cuts off Dave as he was gonna speak.
“You like me.”
“….” Dave couldn’t say anything back, as he knew it was true.
“Listen, Dave. I don’t mind it. But.. I swear, I can’t feel this way towards you.”
Dave was sad, but he felt the same. He didn’t like the idea of him being inlove with boys after all. But still, he couldn’t simply stop his attraction of James.
“I..” Dave muttered.
“I wish you were a girl.” He finally got his thoughts off.
“What?” James questions, abit stunned.
“I do wish you were a girl.”
James just looked at Dave, with a odd look on his face. He never expected Dave to say that. Ever.
“I genuinely don’t know what to say…”
Dave looks up to James slightly, slight tears welling up on his eyes. This affected him. It did. It was all complicated, a complicated feeling and friendship they had.
Eventually, James walks away. Leaving Dave alone, left with his own thoughts. He was confused, and a feeling of slight dread was on his mind. Knowing the later hangouts with James will and can be awkward.
The very morning later, Dave was in his bed. Staring to the ceiling mindlessly. His eyes turned blurry, as he saw himself tearing up, crying afterwards.
Not much on part 1, i know, but i just got finished hanging out with some friends at a mall sooo yeahh feel free to suggest any ideas for part 2 :33
Thx for reading !!
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rust-1n-peace · 3 months
Dave Mustaine x Y/N POV story, slightly based off the song. (mature: vulgar language, gore, violence, use of drugs/alcohol(THEY ARE BOTH OF AGE.), talk of death)
Words: 1,369
Y/N’s POV: October 26th, 1989, 2:35AM
It was cold, frigid, brisk as hell, dark, black, eerie… y’know, it was a damn cold, dark and scary night. I mean, I was at least scared, my friend Dave wasn’t at all, well, he was sleeping, but I was still wide awake, we were in his room. I looked at the alarm clock on Dave’s bedside table, dammit, it was past 2AM, I had just realized he had fallen asleep hours ago. Now, it was just me and my own thoughts, just me, until I heard a creak, a very long, loud creak, I jumped at the sound and frantically flicked my eyes around the room, it was almost like someone was walking up the stairs or opening an old door. Whatever it was, it scared me, pretty bad. I was gonna get up but, I couldn’t move, holy shit, I was so scared I couldn’t move! I just sat there until I felt like I wasn’t frozen in my own body, then I got up and went downstairs to investigate.
I opened the door and walked out, quietly shutting it behind me so I didn’t wake up Dave. There was a chill running down my spine, but I was brave, I was no pussy and ghosts are NOT real. Like seriously, who believes that-... what was that. I had heard another creak, this time it sounded closer to me, but it still scared me just as bad as the first time. I cleared my throat, 
“Hello..? Is anyone there?”
God I sounded crazy, but if there is someone there, then they better reveal themselves because I was freaked out, really freaked out. I made my way to the kitchen, getting myself a glass of water before heading back up to Dave’s room, the stairs being squeaky were not helping how scared I was though. I walked into Dave’s room and sat on the floor by the bed, Dave was still sound asleep. Like, dead asleep. Until he wasn’t. He groaned and looked at me, 
“What’re you still doing up, man, it’s almost 3AM.”
Dave’s POV: October 26th, 1989, 2:50AM
I had just woken up again, I think I could have fallen asleep at around… 10PM? Not too sure, but I woke up. Y/N was sitting next to the bed, they looked scared though, I dunno what they were scared about but hey, at least I wasn’t. Then there… I-... was that a creak? What was that? Holy shit, now I know. I sprung up and went over to the door, opening it and looking down the hallway, there was nothing, no one coming up the stairs, no one walking in the halls, nothing. Y/N was staring at me like I was insane, 
I said, they just continued looking at me the same way, I just shrugged it off and went downstairs. I walked into the living room and it felt strangely cold. I checked the windows, none of them were open. It was just really cold. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I then turned around and looked back and forth, left and right, there was… nothing..? What was that then, a ghost? Unlike my friend, Y/N, I was a strong believer of the supernatural. I was scared, not as scared as they looked though, not at all. I ran back upstairs and opened the door to my room, walking in and looking at them.
 “I get why you’re scared now, there’s gotta be something downstairs, it was cold and something touched my shoulder. I dunno man.” 
I sounded insane, literally. They cleared their throat 
I inhaled,
“The living room.”
Y/N got up and took my hand, pulling me downstairs. I almost fell down the stairs twice, but as soon as we got downstairs, they took me to the living room. 
Y/N’s POV: October 26th, 1989, 3:05AM
I led Dave into the living room, it was cold, he was right, but I didn’t believe that something touched his shoulder. Not at all. I didn’t believe it unless I saw it. 
“You’re right, it is cold.”
Dave looked at me like I was a total dumbass.
“Well no shit.”
I sat on the couch while Dave just stood there, looking around the room then back at me, then around the room again. Then there was another creak. Dave and I made eye contact, but there was a darkness in his eyes, like something was trying to quite literally steal his soul. They were already brown but they looked almost black. Then Dave jumped.
“I felt something again, I feel like something’s just fucking with me at this point. If you’re gonna scare me, fucking scare me! If you’re gonna kill me, kill me! Dammit!”
He was. FED. UP. I could tell he was pissed at whatever this thing was. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked behind me and around the room, nothing but Dave, but he was nowhere close to me.
“I felt i-”
Dave interrupted me.
“I know, you believe me now?”
I shrugged. I really didn’t, but maybe a bit.
“Just a bit.”
Dave’s POV: October 26th, 1989, 3:15AM
I interrupted them, expecting them to at least believe me a bit, which they did. I left the room and slipped into the kitchen. I looked on top of the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of Jack, pouring myself a shot so I could calm down. I groaned, it burned a lot more going down than usual. I was loathing myself a bit, then Y/N walked in.
“Really, you’re drinking?”
I blinked and looked at them. “Yes, and?”
Y/N looked disappointed in me, 100%, but did I care, no. I lit a cigarette and looked at my hands, I was still shaking and I was scared, pretty scared. 
“I thought you were sober, like fully sober.”
When did I ever say that, I can’t recall.
They shrugged and stole the bottle from me, I almost took it back and smashed it on their head but I stopped myself, quickly. I didn’t wanna have to clean it all up and shit y’know. We were just hanging out then all of a sudden, there was this loud, LOUD, bang, then the room went cold, so cold. I inhaled and somehow sputtered out.
“I-I… what was that.”
They looked at me and shrugged, obviously clueless. Y/N basically had zero idea of what was going on, I wasn’t oblivious or anything but I at least had an idea of what was happening. Y/N’s POV: October 26th, 1989, 3:45AM I looked at the clock on the oven, it had been around an hour since this all started. I wasn’t really scared anymore, I was genuinely just confused, really confused, I looked around and then looked out the window. There was someone on our back porch, looking like it wanted inside, I pointed outside then all of a sudden, glass SHATTERED. The person was inside and obviously hungry for blood.
“Dave… DAVE.”
Dave spun around and looked at the unexpected intruder, grabbing the bottle out of my hand and smashing it over its head. Glass flew everywhere as I ducked away, just watching them. They fought, then the person punched Dave in the face, over, and over, and over until Dave gave up and passed out, I was freaked out, watching the person run out of the house.
“I-I… Dave?”
I went over to him and shook his body, scared shitless. Was he okay? Who was this unknown person? Why did they go for Dave and not me? I didn’t know, at all. I shook him more, then he eventually woke up. Dave’s POV: October 26th, 1989, 4:20AM I was breathing heavily, feeling something warm run down my throat, assuming it was blood, I sat up and leaned against the cabinets.
“Holy fuck..”
I panted out, shaking a shit ton as Y/N sat next to me.
“You okay?”
They said as they handed me a kitchen towel for my nose, I held it against my nose and mumbled.
“I guess so…”
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vampw3bb · 1 year
Who I’ll write for
Motley Crue
Guns N’ Roses
The doors
LED zeppelin
Hanoi rocks
Foo fighters
Van Halen
Faster pusssycat
Skid row
Def leopard
Bon Jovi
Black Sabbath
Tokio Hotel
Scream movies
Stranger things
The walking dead
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Gif not mine credits to creator!
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andvys · 5 months
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 30
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Warnings: 18+, MDNI. angst in the beginning, hurt/comfort. smut, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving).
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader | past Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Word count: 14k+
Summary: For the first time in your life, you fight for what you want and don't let slip through your fingers.
A/N: @hellfire--cult ROE, I don't know how to thank you for being such a big help with ideas and editing (especially in this chapter and in chapter 27) but I'd literally bake the best cake for you. thank you so so much, ilyyy 🫶🏻
series masterlist
The evening sun shines down on the trailer park, leaving an orangy pink cast on everything the sun rays touch. Your skin feels warm but your hands are shaking and your heart is pounding, not from fear but from excitement. You look down at yourself, at the sundress you bought on your shopping trip with Robin, last week. A smile tugs at your lips, she told you that Eddie will like the dress. 
You’ve been waiting for this moment all day and the closer you get to his trailer, the giddier you feel. You can’t wait to see him, to feel him, to kiss him. 
Despite what happened with Steve, you can’t help but feel happy even when a part of you is still feeling the sadness. 
It took some time to get your thoughts back in order and to calm the anxiety that took hold of you. You were scared that you had lost him for good this time, but when you walked back into your room and started cleaning the mess, you eyed every item that once belonged to him, you looked at the pictures that you had taken of him, the ones that were taken of the two of you together, ones from your childhood, ones from your early teens, ones from your relationship and ones that were taken recently, despite the heartbreak, the sadness, the goodbye that was shared earlier, you realized that you would be okay, that you would find your way back to each other because the bond that you share is one of a kind, a friendship like yours cannot be broken, no matter what. 
You and Steve will be okay. 
The gravel crunches beneath your shoes and the tires of your bike as you’re pushing it along next to you. You’re gripping the handlebar tightly as you run your fingers through your hair. 
You see his van first, it’s parked in front of the trailer. 
Wayne’s car is missing, he must be at work already. 
Your heart skips a beat when your eyes find him. 
Eddie is sitting on his doorstep, staring up at the pink sky. A cigarette in between his lips, he seems to be lost in his thoughts, not noticing you yet. 
You can’t fight the smile off your lips when you take in the sight of him. He looks so pretty. Your heart starts pounding faster. 
He is wearing the Megadeth shirt that you had gotten him a while back. 
He takes a drag from his cigarette before he stubs it out in the ashtray next to him. He blows out the smoke and stands up, he is about to turn around and walk back into the trailer when he sees you. 
He blinks, staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face. 
You are too happy, too excited to notice the sadness in his eyes, the dark circles beneath them. 
Your heart flutters in your chest and your hands itch to touch him. You drop your bike on the grass, not wanting to waste any more time, you rush towards him and jump into his arms and hug him tightly. 
“Hi,” you whisper against his chest, still smiling with your eyes closed. You breathe him in and press yourself against him. You don’t see the way his brows furrow, the way his eyes flash with confusion, you don’t even notice how long it takes for him to hug you back. You’re in a daze, just happy to be in his arms again. 
He wraps his arms around you, though he doesn’t hug you back as hard as you hug him. He leans his chin on the top of your head though, a sigh falling from his lips. 
“I missed you.”
Did you? He wants to ask. 
Did you miss him when he was with you? 
But he stays quiet, despite the anger, the sadness, and the heartbreak he feels – he felt all night. He stays quiet for now. 
He knows why you are here. 
Not because you want him. Not because you want a repeat of what you did the night before.
You pull back and look up at him, your eyes are shining with happiness, and the smile on your face is so bright, so beautiful. Though it’s not meant for him, is it? No. Only one man can make you this happy. Only one man can put that smile on your face. Only the one you spent your night with, the man that wasn’t him. 
You take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. 
He can’t take this. His heart can’t take this. He can’t even look at you without wanting to cry, knowing what you’re about to do. So he turns around and he walks back into the trailer, he pulls you in, squeezing your hand before he lets go. 
You’re still so blinded by your own happiness to notice anything. You just follow him inside and close the door behind you, still smiling, still beaming as you look at him, at the back of his head. 
He runs his fingers through his messy curls before he turns around. 
“Are you here to tell me that you went back with Harrington?” 
You blink at his words. 
It takes you a moment to understand his question or to notice the look on his face. 
The anger in his features, the downturned lips, the redness in his eyes. Your heart drops, aching in pain when you realize that he had 
Your smile falls, slowly as your face scrunches up in confusion. Your chest suddenly not feeling as light as it did just moments ago.
He scoffs, shaking his head at you. 
“Sweetheart, I saw his car in your driveway last night. And I saw the shadows in your room, I can take a hint.”
Your blood runs cold, your heart starts pounding for different reasons now. 
Your eyes widen at his words as you start shaking your head at him. 
“No– wait, he did come over, but it’s not like that,” you say as you step closer to him, frowning. “Wait, you came by yesterday?” 
He clenches his jaw, looking away from you as he takes a step back. 
“Listen, I– I uh, I need time… I can’t really deal with this, right now.” 
You can see the tears in his eyes, the ones he is trying to blink away, the ones he is trying to hide from you. 
“Eddie, listen to me, just for one second–”
“I don’t need to listen to you! I knew I didn’t have a chance for fucks sake, I knew that I never would if he decided to come back and make things right, once and for all.” 
Your eyes start burning again. You look up at him in disbelief. 
He made up his mind about it all without talking to you first. You understand him, you really do. You wouldn’t be any different if you were in his position. But it hurts to find out how he thinks about himself. Because how can he think so little about everything that he is? How can he think he is not worthy? When he is the greatest man and person you’ve ever met. 
“No chance? I– Eddie, yesterday–”
“Yeah, and then I saw Steve Harrington’s amazing, polished BMW outside your house. Like I said, I can take a fucking hint.”
You shake your head again, biting back tears as you step closer to him. Annoyance and anger rushing through you when he doesn’t let you speak. 
“Are you going to let me talk!?”
“Why!? Why would I let you do that!? Do you even know how I–” he pauses, taking a deep breath, he turns away from you, raising his hand, he runs it through his hair. It’s shaking from all the anger inside of him. He sighs as he tries to calm down. “And it makes me so fucking angry that even when you hurt me like this, I still can’t leave your side. Fuck, I thought about it–”
The tears that you kept blinking away blur your vision. Your heart drops like it never did before and your eyes widen at his words. 
“You… thought about leaving me?” You ask, not even recognizing your own voice. It’s thick with tears, shaky and so small. 
You look away from him, you tilt your head down, looking at nothing as you get lost in your mind. 
He wanted to leave. 
Eddie wanted to leave you. 
Someone is leaving you again.
Someone is not choosing you again. 
Someone decided that you’re not good enough, again. 
Someone – Eddie, who you love with all your heart, is going to leave. Someone you thought would never even think about it. 
Your heart shatters at the thought of it. 
You can’t lose him. 
What will you do without him? 
What will you be without him?
Suddenly, you don’t feel as determined as you did before. The happiness that you felt is all gone and your heart is on the brink of shattering, once again. 
You want to turn around and walk away because you can’t stand this, you can’t stand to see him leave. 
You want to run. 
Eddie can see the way your bottom lip is shaking, the way your lashes keep hitting your cheeks as you blink so rapidly. It makes him feel guilty knowing that you’re about to cry because of him.
“I thought about it. I could never fucking do it, no matter what the hell you do to me. I could never leave you. Shit, you could break my heart over and over again and I’d still be here.” 
No matter what. 
You look up at him with blurry eyes and a racing heart. 
He can’t leave. He can’t leave you. No matter the circumstances. He won’t leave you. 
Steve left you, there was no reason for him to leave, but he did. He left you. 
But Eddie won’t leave. He’d rather hurt and get his heart shattered than leave you. 
You think about what Heather said to you, yesterday. 
You think about your interaction with Nancy, about the things she had said to you about Eddie. 
You think about your Mom’s words. 
You think about Steve, about how you didn’t fight for him when you wanted to, about how you just accepted it. 
You won’t do it with Eddie. 
So, instead of taking a step backwards, you take a step towards him, ready to change the course of your feelings, the course of your mind, and the course of your future. You step towards him ready to fight for what you want, selfishly. 
And you sniffled as you willed your tears away. 
“It’s time you listen to me–”
Anger sparks inside of you as you look into his stubborn eyes, and you couldn’t contain yourself any longer. He needed to listen to you, he needed to because you won’t lose him, you won’t let him turn his back on you, and so– You raised your voice at him.
“You are a fucking hypocrite, Munson! Telling me I run away, now look at you! You don’t even let me talk! You wanted me to talk about my feelings yesterday night. Now you’re going to fucking listen!” 
Eddie is stunned. He stares at you with wide eyes, unable to form a sentence or even speak a single word. He never heard you yell, or cuss at him, you never called him by his surname. And you sure as hell, never looked at him with anger before. 
You take a deep breath. 
“He– Steve did come to my house last night. I also thought that he was there to make my life complicated again.. but.. he came to – he came to make it easy. To make me happy.. To say goodbye.”
Eddie tilts his head, furrowing his brows at your words. He watches the way your lips tremble, the way your glassy eyes stare up at him desperately. 
“He came to let me go, Eddie. He beat me to it.”
“Beat you to it?” He shakes his head. 
“I was gonna go to his house today. I needed to let him go. To finally cut that rope between the two of us.. And like I said, he beat me to it.”
Eddie is trying to process your words in his head, though he can’t make sense of them, he is lost, more lost than ever. He purses his lips, tilting his head even further. 
“I’m a little lost here.”
You sigh, only now noticing how nervous you really are when you feel your hands shaking harder than before. 
You’re scared. You’re scared of losing him. And you could go on and on, give him words that will confuse him even more, but instead, you do something else. Something you’ve been wanting to show him since yesterday. Something that you held close to your heart and never realized why. Something that even you took your time in understanding the reason as to why it is here. 
You look down and place your hand on the locket around your neck. 
“I– I wanted to be happy. I always thought that my happiness would be with him, planning a future together.. And I’ve known for a while that.. that I didn’t see Steve in my future anymore.” 
You take the necklace off, taking a shaky breath as you look at the locket. You raise your head and look back at him. You step towards him and take his hand in yours, placing the locket in his palm. 
He stares at you with widened eyes, confusion still lingering in them. And then, he looks down at the locket in his hand, at the one he always stared at, wondering what picture you had carried inside of it – deep down, he knew that it was a picture of Steve. 
But as he opens it, he finds out that it’s not. It’s not a picture of Steve. 
It’s a picture of him. 
His lips part and his breath hitches in his throat.
All this time, you carried a picture of him inside this locket? A locket that Steve gave you months ago? A locket that was gifted by the person you cried for?
You stare at him with shaky hands and tears in your eyes. You have never been more afraid than you are now. You have never done this before. You have never confessed your feelings in that way, so explicit and raw. And a part of you wants to turn heel and run to save yourself from rejection. 
But for Eddie, you will push through your nerves and embarrassment. 
“As soon as I got it, I cut your face from a picture we took at the carnival and put it inside.. Took me a while to realize why I did it without hesitation though..” You giggle, nervously. 
Eddie’s eyes well with tears as realization slowly dawns on him. The anger starts to dwindle and his heart feels lighter, happier again, after all the tears he had shed last night, thinking that you chose Steve, that he was just a meaningless thing you wanted to touch for once before going back to him. 
He looks back at you and finally, he notices the look in your eyes. A look he never noticed before because of his fear. A look he never thought he would ever get from you because it was the same one you directed towards Steve. A look that maybe if he had thought a little bit better of himself, he would have noticed way before. 
“Sweetheart, w-what–”
“I love you, Eddie. More than just my best friend,” you whisper, shakily. 
Eddie freezes. He is staring at you in shock. 
Did you really just say that to him?
You choose him. You love him. 
At the lack of answer you couldn’t help but feel like running again, the fear of rejection settling in deep in your gut, but your heart flipped it off and your heels dug in the ground even harder than before, not letting you go anywhere.
“And– if you don’t.. just give me some time, because I can’t live without you, Eds. I really – I can’t see anybody else in my future in that way that’s not you. I really can’t so– I will try and try..”
His mind still needs a moment to process your words, he is still in disbelief. Everything he thought he lost, is right here, right in front of him. His broken heart is mended, gone is the sadness, gone is the pain, all there is is the love he wanted to set free and show to you. 
“B-But if there is still a chance then I will wait.. I will wait for you and I will fight for you – for us.” 
You are still rambling, not giving him the chance to speak. 
He can’t stand to see you with tears in your eyes any longer, so after putting the necklace on the counter, he steps forward, with a racing heart, he takes a step closer to you and he cups your cheeks and he slams his lips against yours, taking your breath away with a kiss he had craved since last night. 
Your heart screams in joy the moment you feel his lips moving against yours. 
But you are frozen in place, staring at him with wide eyes. Your heart is beating so fast, you don’t even know how to react, what to think, what to do because just seconds ago, you thought that you were losing him, that he was about to reject you, tell you that he doesn’t feel as strongly as you do, that you would have to turn around and leave with a broken heart.
You are still staring at him, not blinking, not moving. 
But you can feel him. 
You can feel the softness of his touch, you can feel his hands on your cheeks, you can feel his lips moving against yours so gently. 
His hands move down to your waist and he pulls you closer and closer until you’re flush against him, you feel his heart pounding in his chest and only then do you snap out of it. 
Eddie is kissing you, he is kissing you again. 
You won’t leave with a broken heart. 
Not this time.
You close your eyes, you wrap your arms around him and you melt into the kiss so effortlessly.
Your heart keeps pounding, your stomach flutters just the way it did, last night, if not even more. 
He sighs in content, squeezing your waist as he deepens the kiss. 
Eddie is so desperate to feel you, to kiss you harder and harder, needing to feel you more and more. 
He can’t believe the words that you have said to him. He can’t believe that the girl he loves with all his heart loves him back and wants him just the way that he wants her. He can’t help but smile against your lips, despite the lack of air that is getting to him, he kisses you even harder as he backs you up against the kitchen counter. 
You whimper against his lips as you tangle your hands in his hair, pulling at his curls. 
“I need you to repeat what you just said to me,” he murmurs against your lips, pecking your lips again and again. 
You open your eyes to look into his, giggling. “Everything?” 
He smiles fondly, tucking your hair behind your ears, he caresses your cheek, “No, just that one part.”
The look in his eyes is so different from the one before. They’re soft, his features are now filled with nothing but happiness, and his smile widens when you peck his lips. 
You can’t even begin to describe the feeling in your chest the longer you look at the man you love. 
“I love you,” you whisper. “I love you so much, Eddie Munson.” 
Eddie doesn’t know whether to scream in joy or to cry in happiness. He grasps you harder, blinking away the tears that welled up in his eyes from your confession. 
“Holy shit.” Kiss. “I can’t believe this is real.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I love you so much, princess.” 
Your gaze softens, and your eyes burn with tears, though this time, it’s happy ones. 
His words are so genuine, so real. 
He looks at you in a way that makes you feel seen. 
He holds you in a way that makes you feel safe. 
For the first time in your life, you feel like you can genuinely let yourself fall. Because even when Steve felt love for you as he said he did, it was never like this, never this unconditional. 
Eddie wraps his arms around you and he pulls you in, he hugs you so tightly, almost crushing you in his arms, he kisses the top of your head as he runs his fingers through your hair. 
“You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to – I have loved you from the first moment you sat next to me and cried on my shoulder. I just – I just thought, man – this girl can love.. this girl really knows how to love, that hooked me to you, sweetheart.” 
A tear falls from your eyes when realization rushes through you, that his feelings aren’t newfound, it’s not something that he just discovered, it’s something that had always been there.
He loved you from the very first moment. 
He loved you when you still loved Steve. 
He loved you even when you still pined after him. 
He loved you and still told you that you and Steve might get back together in the future. 
He loved you and still let you go on a date with another man. 
He loved you and he still let Steve into the friend group, all while knowing that he might lose you to him. 
He loves you. 
Eddie loves you so much that he would rather get hurt than ever hurt you. 
Your tears fall harder when you think of all the times he was hurting because of his feelings for you. 
You pull back and tilt your head up, looking at him with your tear-filled eyes. 
“I hurt you, I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
His eyes soften when he sees the guilt and the sadness in your eyes, the tears that roll down your cheeks. He shakes his head at you, wiping them away as he leans in to kiss your lips – something he thought he would never get to do again after last night. 
“I get to hold you like this now, I get to tell you that I love you. I get to kiss you, I get to make you mine, sweetheart. It was worth the wait,” he says to you with all his heart. 
You smile through your tears and you lean in again, “then make me yours, Eddie. Please, I want to be yours.”
Eddie feels like he is in a dream, to get to hear these words from you, to get to hear those special, magical words falling from your lips make him the happiest man alive. This is all he ever wanted. You. Your love. For you to reciprocate the feelings that had always been there for him. 
He can’t believe that this is real, that you want him in that way, that last night wasn’t just sex for you, that it was more than that. He can’t believe that you are desperate for him, that you’re standing here in front of him, begging for him to make you his. 
But it’s real, so very real. 
He wraps his arm around your waist and leans down, hooking his left arm behind your knees and picking you up with ease. He smiles when a squeal leaves your lips. He kisses your cheek as he begins walking. 
“What are you doing?” You giggle as you hold on tightly to him. 
“Gonna make you mine, sweetheart.” 
His words would make your knees buckle if you were still standing. 
Excitement rushes through you when he carries you into his room, slamming the door with his foot. He sets you back down on your feet, grinning at you when he cups your cheeks again, not wasting a second before he slams his lips back to yours, unable to fight the smile off his face when you moan against him and desperately cling to his body. 
His hands find their way to your back, he pulls you closer and closer until there’s no space between you two. His palm slides down, further and further until it rests on your butt, he can’t even hold himself from grabbing a fistful of it, causing you to moan again. 
Your fingers rest on the back of his neck, you’re pulling at his hair, kissing him deeply, desperately. You feel his tongue on your bottom lip and you instantly part your lips more for him. 
He groans into the kiss when your tongue meets his and your hand slides down his stomach, making his heart flutter and his skin tingle. He wants you, god, he wants you just like he had you last night. 
He wants to worship your body, leave no inch unkissed. He wants to show you just how much he fucking loves you. 
But you want to do the same. 
You want to feel him, fully. 
You reach for the hem of his shirt, only breaking the kiss to tear it off of him. The second his shirt hits the floor, your lips are back on his. 
The kiss is desperate, filled with lust but most importantly, it’s filled with raw feelings, it’s filled with love. And you don’t know whether to smile or cry in joy because you got what you wanted so so much. 
His hands are gentle on your skin despite the desperation behind his touch, he is still so gentle and soft with you. 
You break the kiss when the lack of air gets to you, breathing heavily as you press your lips to his again and again, smiling when he looks at you with awe in his eyes. His fingers dig deep into your butt as he starts to push you towards his bed. 
He bites his lip, looking you up and down, hands moving up to your waist as he plays with the thin material of your sundress, “that’s such a pretty dress, sweetheart.”
You giggle, blushing at the way he’s looking at you. 
“I bought it just for you.”
His eyes widen at your words. 
You were thinking about him when you bought it?
A shy smile is playing on your lips, one that is enough to make him melt into a puddle. 
Your cheeks heat up the longer he stares at you like this. You use his distraction to push him down on his bed, placing your hands on his shoulders, and then you step in between his legs. 
He looks so pretty like this, with his cheeks flushed, his hair laying so messily on his shoulders, his pale skin that looks so perfect, you want to kiss every inch of it, you want to show him how much you love him. 
“Do you like it, Eddie?” You whisper as you shudder at the feeling of his hands gripping your hips. 
He licks his lips, nodding his head, “I fucking love it, sweetheart,” he whispers as his hands move up and down your sides. “I love everything about you,” he says so genuinely and honest as he looks at your body, his eyes tracing your beautiful face, your skin, your lips, your nose, your eyes that he loves so much, your hair, and the rings you wear on your fingers, the ones you never took off ever since he had gotten them for you. 
You stand in front of him, looking like the prettiest angel that has graced this world. His heart is beating so wildly in his chest, it’s so full of love and joy. 
He snaps out of his thoughts and his eyes widen when you get down on your knees in front of him. 
You lay your palms on his thighs and slide them up, moving closer to him, you reach for the cuffs on his belt and you start to undo them. 
“Sweetheart, w-what–”
“Let me do what I wanted to do last night. And guide me if you want, I want to learn what you like, Eds.”
To see the girl he loves kneeling before him, tugging at his belt and the button of his jeans, desperate to feel him, desperate to touch him, to taste him, to make him feel good makes him feel like he’s gone to heaven. 
“Please, Eddie. Let me,” you whisper with a pout on your lips as you tug on his jeans. Nervousness lingering inside of you and yet you feel eager to show him how much you want him, how much you crave him, not just sexually but emotionally. You want him to feel good, you want him to feel pleasure and you want him to feel your devotion and your love for him. 
Holy shit. 
He blinks, gulping as his dick strains uncomfortably against the rough denim. 
Who is he to deny you? To deny something he dreamed of at night since forever?
With your help, he takes his jeans and boxers off, pushing them down his legs hastily. He stares at your eyes, at the way they flash with lust when his dick springs free, hitting his pelvis. 
“You have such a pretty cock, Eddie,” you purr and glance up at him lovingly. 
He is big, you already knew it, you already felt it. You knew that you would struggle to take all of him, but your mouth only waters even more at the thought of him hitting the back of your throat. His tip is an angry red, already leaking with pre cum and suddenly, your lower stomach tightens, your skin begins to tingle and you can’t wait to feel him inside of you again. 
You feel excited for this new and raw feeling. Something you didn’t let yourself enjoy before because you never felt as comfortable as you do with Eddie. 
Not only did you express yourself in words, something you have never done before. You surprised yourself even. 
Your reaction now surprising you even more, the way you have to press your thighs together, bite back whimpers despite not feeling any pleasure at all, yet. 
All because of Eddie – because of what is doing to you. 
He watches the way you bite your lip, the way your pupils widen as you wrap your hand around him– that is enough to make him moan. A simple touch from you and he is gone. 
He watches with wide eyes as you lean forward, licking your lips before you press the tip of your tongue against the underside of his cock and lick a stripe up his length with a moan. 
“O-Oh, holy shit,” he gasps, gripping the bed sheets beneath him. 
You giggle at his reaction, taking him by surprise again when you spit down on his dick, using it as lubrication to jerk him off.
Eddie’s brows furrow and his eyes darken as he stares down at you in awe. He didn’t expect you to spit on him like this, he always expected you to be a little clueless when it comes to this, knowing that you and Steve didn’t really do much except for soft ‘love making’ – that’s how you described to him, at least.
He loves the way you look as you sit on your knees in front of him, the way you’re jerking him off, looking at his dick like you’re ready to drool all over it – and that is exactly what you do, moments later. 
You wrap your lips around his tip, swirling your tongue around it with a moan. Your hands grip his thighs roughly as you take him deeper into your mouth. 
Eddie’s eyelashes flutter, and a shaky moan falls from his lips as he feels warmth engulfing him. You moan around his dick, sending vibrations through him. 
“Sweetheart,” he whimpers as he keeps his eyes on you. “Y-You’re so – oh my fucking god,” he gasps out when you hollow your cheeks around him, whimpering as you start bobbing your head. 
He moans your name out, trying not to move his hips but it’s hard to stay still when his dream girl is sucking the soul out of him. 
Excitement floods through you, happy to hear him whimpering your name, happy to see him falling apart for you. 
Eddie is so taken aback but so fucking happy – when he got up this morning, he didn’t expect his day to end like this. With you here, with you doing this to him. 
He lets go of the bed sheets and instead, he reaches his hand down to brush the fallen strands out of your face. He runs his fingers through your hair, making you moan even louder when his fingertips graze your scalp. 
“Jesus christ, baby,” he whimpers, breathing heavily as his heart pounds in his chest. 
Your eyes water when he hits the back of your throat and you try to not choke, keeping your throat relaxed as you continue to suck him off, loving the way it feels to do this to him. 
“You’re so good, y/n. You’re so fucking perfect, such a good girl for me,” he praises you as he keeps on holding his hips still so he doesn’t gag you. 
You moan at the pet name, pressing your legs together. 
His moans and whimpers make you shift uncomfortably and it takes everything in you not to push your hand into your panties for some relief instead, you dig your nails into his thighs. 
Through watery eyes, you look up at him as you moan filthily and Eddie feels as though he truly has gone to heaven. 
You bring your hand up, surprising him yet again when you start playing with his balls and smirking when he whimpers even louder than before. You can feel him twitching inside your mouth and it only makes you more desperate to make him feel good. You blink your tears away, bobbing your head faster than before, hollowing your cheeks harder than before, ignoring how much you’re drooling on him. You wrap your hand around his dick again using it along your lips to pleasure him. 
In response, he tightens his grip on your hair and throws his head back, chanting your name as though it’s the only word he remembers. 
The carpet beneath your knees is rough on your skin but you couldn’t care less right now. All that matters to you is Eddie and his pleasure. 
There are so many things he wants to say, so many praises he wants to give you but he can’t, he is speechless, so deeply lost in the pleasure, so deeply lost in you. 
His body feels on fire, he feels love and lust, so much of it. 
Sweat is already building up on his skin, coating his forehead and his chest which is rising up and down heavily. Only as he feels himself getting closer and closer does he snap out of it, not wanting to cum just yet – he gently pulls you off of him, groaning at the way you whine as you release him with a pop! 
You blink at him in confusion, eyes flashing with concern as you look at him with puffy red lips and tears beneath your eyes. Eddie almost busts at the sight of you alone. 
“W-What’s wrong, was that not good–”
He simply cuts you off by grabbing you underneath your armpits, pulling you up with ease. He sets you on his thigh, groaning at the feeling of your soaked panties against his skin. He cups your cheeks, “don’t you dare finish that sentence,” he murmurs before he slams his lips against yours, surprising you with a kiss. 
You moan into the kiss, feeling needier than ever after the way he just grabbed you so roughly. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him back. Sighing in amusement when you feel him struggling to take his shoes and jeans off without breaking the kiss. 
You tangle your hands in his hair as you move your lips roughly against his, surprised at the fact that he doesn’t seem to mind that you just had him in your mouth. 
You can’t even stop yourself from moving your hips and grinding down against his thigh.
“Mmmh, I need you,” you whimper against his lips. “Please, fuck me.”
He groans, grabbing your sides harder before he flips you over, lying you down on your back, he pecks your lips, “no,” he shakes his head. “I’m not gonna fuck you today,” he whispers as his fingers start to fumble with the buttons on your dress, “I’m going to make love to you, baby.” 
Your eyes widen, your heart skipping a beat at his words as your chest fills with warmth. 
“I’m gonna show you how much you mean to me, how much I love you.”
“Please,” you whisper. 
He smirks at you with his flushed cheeks and his dark eyes. He continues unbuttoning your dress, taking it off slowly as his hands touch your skin gently. Unlike the night before, he takes his time with you, he leans in to kiss your neck, your collarbone, your arms after sliding the straps of your dress down before taking it off completely, not knowing that this makes you feel so overwhelmed with love – in the best way possible.
“My beautiful girl,” he whispers against your warm skin as his hands grab at your boobs, his fingers pinching your nipples as he keeps peppering your neck in kisses, tracing the marks he had left behind yesterday. 
A smile tugs at your lips, “Eddie..”
His name fell from your lips so many times before, though never like this. 
“Please.. I don’t want to wait any longer,” you whine, wrapping your hands around his arms as you try to pull him closer. “I need you inside of me now.”
His heart couldn’t flutter any more than this. 
He quickly takes your shoes off, throwing them down next to his before he makes his way back to you, kissing up your legs and giving some love to your inner thighs as he hooks his fingers around your panties. 
“Eddie,” you whine, reaching your hand down to grab at his hair. “Don’t tease me.”
His lips are so soft against your skin, smacking with each kiss that he blesses you with. He spreads your legs further after taking your panties off, pressing his fingers against your soaked entrance. 
You grip at the sheets beneath you, bucking your hips up. 
He moans as he moves his fingers through your folds, teasing your clit with his thumb as he slips two fingers inside of you, stretching you open. 
“Eddie, I need you,” you whimper, already clenching around his fingers. 
“Let me taste you, sweetheart–”
You grab his wrist, trying to pull him closer, “please! You can do it later, I need you,” you beg. “We got all the time in the world for this,” you say, driving him crazy with your words.
“Fuck,” he whispers, surprised with your desperation but more turned on than ever. He pulls his fingers out of you and presses his lips to your hip bone, trailing kisses up your body and enjoying the way you’re breathing so heavily beneath him as you tangle your hand in his hair again. 
“You’re so perfect,” he murmurs against your chest as he leaves kisses there. “My pretty pretty girl.” 
You whine at his words, wrapping your arms around him when he finally hovers over you. You hook your legs around his waist, gazing up at him with needy eyes. You lean up to peck his lips. 
“My pretty boy,” you whisper against his lips as you move your hand down, wrapping it around his dick and lining him up with your entrance. “I need you now.” 
He shudders against you, heart nearly exploding at your words, he moans as he leans his forehead against yours, pulling you into a kiss again as he presses into you slowly, making you both moan against each other. 
The ache between your legs gets more and more intense as he pushes in deeper and deeper. 
Eddie’s hands reach for yours, his fingers tracing you softly as he intertwines them with your own, squeezing them tightly as he thrusts into you completely, pinning your hands down beside your head. 
You’re both whimpering in pleasure. 
Your walls are fluttering around his cock, your hands grab his tightly, you pull away from the kiss and bury your face in his neck. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” You chant into his ear as you squeeze his waist even tighter with your legs. 
Everything inside of him screams in pure joy. His heart couldn’t be filled with more love. He can’t even stop the tears from building up in his eyes, his emotions getting the best of him. 
Your lips touch his skin, your voice is calling out his name. You are trusting him, loving him, letting him love you. 
“I love you so much, Eddie,” you whisper those words into his ear that he never thought he would ever get to hear, let alone from you. 
He lets go of your hand, cupping the back of your neck to pull you back so he can see you. He pinches your chin between his fingers, tracing your bottom lip as he takes a moment to admire you. He gently brushes your hair out of your face, smiling when your lips twitch. He looks into your eyes, the look in them matching his own – there is love, so much of it, it makes him want to cry in happiness. 
“God, I’m so in love with you, y/n.” 
These words are ones you had craved for so long, you had yearned for them, longed to hear them back from someone you love so unconditionally. 
You blink, your eyes burning with tears now. 
His eyes are soft, so filled with unconditional love, he admires you, taking you in like you’re the best thing to ever exist. No one has ever looked at you like this before. 
“I love you,” he whispers as he presses his lips to yours. “I love you more than anything, sweetheart.”
“Show me,” you whimper, clenching around him. “Please.” You beg, needing him to show you just how much he truly wants you, how much he loves you. 
He slams his lips back against yours, kissing you deeply, passionately as he starts rolling his hips. 
You wrap your hand around him as your other clings to his, still intertwined with his fingers. You squeeze your eyes shut when you feel him hitting you so deep inside that it makes your eyes tear up even more. 
You both whimper against each other as your tongues meet and the kiss deepens into something more. This isn’t just a kiss. This isn’t just sex. This is more, so much more. 
He holds you close as he thrusts in and out of you with slow but deep motions. He moans into the kiss so desperately, sending vibrations through you. 
You’re skin to skin, clinging to one another desperately as you get lost in love and pleasure. 
He is so deep inside of you that you’re already on the verge of falling apart and you know that he is too, he is twitching inside of you, his moans turning into whimpers as you squeeze around him. 
You taste him along with the saltiness of the tears that mingled into the kiss, the ones that fell from both yours and his eyes but neither of you care, you keep kissing each other like there is no tomorrow, like you don’t need to breathe – like you need this to breathe, each other. 
Only when oxygen truly does go out and you both pull away just enough to catch your breaths, do you open your eyes to look at each other. Eddie wastes no second to attach his lips to your skin, kissing away your fallen tears, kissing your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your lips before he moves down, tilting your head to the side so he can love on your neck. 
Your fingers dig into his skin, holding onto his back tightly as you grind back against him, wanting more and more of him. 
“You’re the love of my life,” he whispers into the crane of your neck before your name falls from his lips in a whimper. 
Your chest compresses in joy, more tears spill down your cheeks and even in the pleasure you can feel the lump in your throat. 
Everything feels so right with him. 
Everything feels so perfect. 
He feels like home. 
You press your hand to his chest, feeling his heart, the beat of his matching your own. 
“You’re mine too,” you whimper as you press your lips to his shoulder, kissing and sucking on his skin. 
You squeeze your eyes shut as he grabs your hips tightly and starts moving faster, harder. His hips snapping against yours roughly while his lips touch your skin so gently and his words are nothing if love filled. 
“I can’t believe you choose me,” he whispers, unable to hide the shakiness of his voice as tears fall from his eyes and onto your bare skin. “I can’t believe you want me.”
You reach for his face, cupping his cheeks gently as you urge him to look at you. His soft brown eyes meet yours and they look back at you so lovingly that it makes you want to sob in happiness. 
“You’re my everything.” 
“You’re mine too, Eddie.” You whimper.
You never thought that someone would look at you like this, that someone would love you like he does. 
And you are so desperate to give it all back to him, to show him how much you love him, to show him how he means everything to you. 
“I’m yours, Eddie,” you whisper, raising yourself up to kiss his lips. “I belong to you.”
He kisses your lips again and again, moving his hips faster, reaching his hand down as your moans get louder and more high pitched. 
The chain around his neck dangles in front of you and you use it to pull him closer. 
“And I belong to you,” he murmurs against your lips. “My heart is yours.”
“Mine is yours too.”
He kisses you passionately as he presses his fingertips against your clit, rubbing circles against it, causing you to jerk against him and hold his hand even tighter than before. 
You clench so tightly around him that his hips stutter, almost cumming right this second. 
“F-Fuck,” he whimpers against your lips. “You’re close, aren’t you baby? I can feel it, you’re so tight around me. J-Just let go for me, yeah?” 
You nod your head hastily, blinking rapidly as you keep your eyes on him. 
He looks down at you, watching the way your chest rises up and down so heavily, the way your face contorts in pleasure because of him. You cling to his hand, your rings pressing against his. 
“Cum with me, Eddie,” you beg with pleading eyes, arching your back in pleasure. 
He cups your cheek again, pecking your lips. 
“I’m gonna.. fuck… I’m gonna cum. Y-You’re so perfect, baby. I love you, I love you so fucking much,” he moans as shockwaves grip his body. 
You’re both panting, eyes filled with tears from pleasure but neither of you are ready to look away from each other’s eyes. He pounds into you faster, a little rougher as his fingers play with your clit. He tears a loud gasp out of you when he thrusts deeper into you. 
“Cum with me, baby,” he begs, kissing your lips. 
You claw your nails into his skin, you let go and cum around him just as your name falls from his lips and he spills inside of you. 
He holds your hand tightly and he keeps moving for another few seconds before he collapses on top of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Oh my god,” he whispers. 
You’re breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath. Your body is shaking beneath his and that makes you cling to him even harder. 
He can feel your walls pulsating around him, that keeps on tearing small moans out of him. 
He keeps on kissing you, praising you with sweet words even as he comes down from his high. His fingers touch your skin so softly and he treats you with so much love and care, something that puts a smile on your face. 
You trace his back, moans of pleasure escaping your mouth whenever his lips meet that sensitive spot on your neck. 
Neither of you want to move, both so content with this. 
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you, Eddie.” 
He pulls back after a moment, facing you again with a dopey smile on his face. He kisses your lips before he pulls out, making you whimper. 
“You okay, angel?” 
Your heart soars at the soft look in his eyes as he caresses your cheek. You feel so loved with him. It makes you both so giddy and happy. You never thought that you would ever feel something like this. 
“Mhmm,” you smile, taking his hand in yours to kiss it. 
He smiles at you, licking his lips before he leans down to kiss your forehead. He then gets up. 
“I’ll be right back, sweets.” 
With curious eyes, you watch him put his boxers on before he leaves his room but not before winking at you. 
With a smile on your face, you lay your head on his pillows and look up at the ceiling, giggling when you hear him cursing after something hits the ground in the kitchen. 
He comes back with a wet cloth and a glass of water. He puts it on his nightstand before he gets back on the bed, pushing your thighs apart so he can clean you. 
You blush at his action and look away. Steve had only ever done it after your first time together, after that, he stopped caring. 
He notices the look on your face and furrows his brows, “what?” 
You shake your head, “nothing,” you murmur, biting your lip. 
He chuckles at you, smiling fondly as you keep your eyes locked on anything but on him. 
You’re still blushing, trying to hide from him. 
“You’re so cute,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss your hip bone before he pulls his blanket over your bare body. 
Your heart skips a beat at his words, you look back at him with a shy smile on your face. 
He stares at you so lovingly, scooting closer to you, he reaches his hands out to cup your cheeks, “yeah, you’re truly the fucking cutest.”
Leaning into his touch, you protest with a simple ‘no’ as you put your hand on his arm, “I think that’s you, Eds.”
“Me?” He asks, blushing just the way you do. “Nah, I’m not cute,” he snorts. 
"Yes, you are,” you giggle, pinching his pink cheek. “Now come here and cuddle me.” 
His eyes light up at your words, heart fluttering inside his chest. 
He hands you the glass of water first, making sure that you drink all of it before he complies to your wish. 
He lies down beside you and pulls you on top of him. Hands instantly reaching into your hair. He plays with it, smoothing down your strands as he stares down at you with a happy smile on his face, watching the way you stare at his tattoos, tracing them with your fingertips while a smile plays on your lips. 
Silence fills the room as the two of you enjoy your moment of bliss. 
You listen to his heartbeat, getting lost in your thoughts and the feeling of his hands on your skin. 
Eddie admires you, running his finger up and down your spine. 
“Hey Eddie?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
You look up at him as you prop your chin up on his chest, looking into his eyes. 
“I wanted to come see you, last night.” You say, needing him to know that. 
He furrows his brows, pursing his lips as he tilts his head. 
“I couldn’t fall asleep without you. I wanted to come here but when I was about to leave, Steve was there.. on my front porch.” 
His gaze softens.
You wanted to be with him last night. 
Just like he wanted to be with you. 
“Oh,” he whispers, tugging you even closer. 
You nod, seemingly not wanting to talk about anything else from the night before, you lay your head back on his chest, letting the silence greet you again. 
Eddie doesn’t push you, not wanting to ruin this moment by talking about your ex boyfriend. 
He knows that whatever happened between you and him last night, was about more than just your past relationship. 
He leans down, kissing your forehead softly before he lies back again, watching the way you smile at him as you snuggle closer. 
You’re the first to break the silence again after a few minutes of staring at his corroded coffin poster. 
When you lay your hands on his chest, and you look at him with curious eyes, Eddie knows that you will ask something that will leave him a blushing mess. 
“Did you ever try to kiss me?” 
He raises his brows, a laugh falling from his lips. 
“Try? I almost did, sweets.”
“What!?” You ask in shock. 
He shakes his head at you, he always knew you were oblivious, he noticed that in those moments. 
“Okay, when we cuddled or you sat on my lap when we watched movies? Remember how I just kissed your cheek out of nowhere?” He asks. “Or your nose?”
Your eyes widen in shock, flooding with realization. 
He chuckles at the look on your face, “yeah, no. I got too lost in the moment many times and  almost kissed you.. unconsciously.”
“Yeah!” He says with widened eyes. “And I just dodged when I realized I was leaning in, desperately, because what excuse can I give if you noticed me leaning in?”
You giggle at that, “holy shit.”
“Yeah, I yelled into my fucking pillow many nights. – I’m glad you’re amused though,” he chuckles, tickling your sides. 
You grab his hands, giggling even louder, “stop!” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. 
“When did it start?” 
“You loving me… when was it Eds?”
Eddie falls silent, he tries to pinpoint the moment he caught himself falling in love with you. 
He thinks about the beginning of your friendship. 
The late night drives. 
The movie nights. 
Tuesday nights at the hideout. 
Your sleepovers. 
But truly, Eddie loved you way before all of that, already. 
He had his eyes on you before he even knew your name. 
He chuckles as warmth spreads in his chest. 
Loving you always felt like a blessing, even when he thought he knew that he would never have a chance with you. Loving you still felt so.. safe. 
“Beats the shit out of me, sweetheart. I always fucking loved you – shit, I failed classes because I was too busy staring at your pretty face,” he admits with blushing cheeks. 
Eddie is so in love with you that he can’t even think back to a time when he didn’t love you yet. 
Your eyes widen with both shock and love, tearing up with happy tears as the overwhelming feeling inside your chest makes you want to cry. 
You swallow the lump in your throat, staring at him in awe. 
When did you fall in love with him?  
Just like him, you can’t remember a time when you didn’t love him. 
“Well, I can’t remember either,” you admit as you lean closer to him. “But I’ve loved you for a long time now.”
He squeezes your waist in response, heart swelling in his chest. He kisses your lips before you both start giggling. 
“We’re fucking idiots.”
He snorts, nodding his head. 
“Platonic my ass.”
“You always said that we’re platonic!” You laugh. 
He rolls his eyes with a smile. 
“Yeah, well. What did you want me to say? I am in love with her, like fucking crazy, but it’s cool, we are just friends. Does that sound better?”
You giggle, staring back at him with happy eyes. 
His smile widens at the look on your face, he places his hand on your cheek, caressing it, softly. 
“Did you talk to anyone about it… about your feelings, I mean?”
His smile falls a little. 
Yeah, he talked about them to Dmitri and Robin, even Gareth. But the first person was someone entirely else. 
He takes a deep breath. 
Your blink. 
“He confronted me about it. Told me that I was a fucking liar about my feelings, that I was a moron really,” he chuckles as he thinks back to the few conversations he had with him. “Told me to stop lying to myself about it.”
“Oh..” You murmur, slowly realizing just how much Steve had really changed. Even while he was fighting for a second chance with you, he never did anything to harm your bond with Eddie, he never did anything to drive him away from you, even while knowing about his feelings for you. 
“Sweetheart, want me to be honest with you? I think everyone knew about our feelings for each other except for us.”
A smile appears on your face, your eyes find his again. 
“I think we should get a medal for most clueless people in Hawkins. How does that sound?” 
You both giggle at your words, continuing to joke around until you both get tired and fall asleep in each other's arms. 
Not as friends but as something more for the very first time. 
The smell of coffee and food is the first thing you notice when you wake up, the next morning. 
The sunlight peeks through the closed curtains, lighting up the room ever so slightly. You open your eyes and sink deeper into his pillows. Breathing in the smell of his cologne which makes your stomach flutter in an instant. 
You stretch your arms out before you sit up, holding the blanket against your body. You look around the room, eying the discarded clothes on the ground. Eddie’s shirt is still on the ground next to your dress, you pick it up and put it on, smoothing your hair out before you place your feet on the ground after pushing the sheets off of you. You bend down, picking up your panties, you put them on as well. A smile tugs at your lips when last night’s events start catching up to you. 
Your heart skips a beat when you hear Eddie’s voice in the kitchen, singing along to a song that plays on the radio. 
Your eyes fall on the framed picture on his nightstand – it’s one of you, just you. Well, you and sweetheart. His guitar is in your hand, his jacket thrown over your shoulders as you look into the camera with a big smile on your face. 
There’s traces of you around his room, a forgotten shirt, earrings you had taken off and left behind, a denim jacket you have been looking for, polaroid pictures of you and him, your perfume on his dresser next to his. 
And Eddie never bothers to put these things away, he loves seeing your stuff in his room. 
With a smile on your face, you walk over to the window and slide open the curtains, squinting your eyes when the sun hits you in the face. You open the window to let some fresh air in before you leave the room, making a quick stop in the bathroom before you join Eddie in the kitchen after washing your face with cold water. 
He is standing with his back to you, not noticing you yet. 
Your heart soars and you have to clench your thighs together when you take in the sight of him. He is shirtless, gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips. His hair is pulled into a messy ponytail. He is bobbing his head along to the music as he cooks breakfast. 
You bite your lip, making your way towards him. You wrap your arms around his waist and press your lips against his back, kissing him. He doesn’t even flinch, instantly melting into your touch. 
“Good morning, sweetheart.” 
You hear the grin in his voice and it only makes you smile even harder. 
“Morning, Eddie.”
He puts the spatula down before he turns around to face you. Smiling just as happy as he did when he woke up with you in his arms, this morning. He cups your cheeks and leans down, smacking his lips against yours. 
“How’d you sleep, pretty girl?” He asks, tucking your hair behind your ear as he pecks your lips again before he pulls you into a hug. 
“It was the best sleep of my life,” you mumble into his chest, causing him to chuckle as he presses his lips to the top of your head. 
“Yeah? Mine too. I couldn’t believe that I got to wake up with the love of my life in my arms.”
You giggle, unable to fight the smile off your face as you look up at him. Taking a moment to admire his pretty face. 
This is certainly not the first morning you spent together but this is different. So very different. 
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” 
A shaky breath falls from your lips as your chest tightens. 
He leans down to kiss you again, his ringed fingers gripping your waist tightly as he suddenly picks you up and places you on the counter. 
You giggle at him, making him smile even harder. 
“Sorry sweets, I’ll kiss you some more in a second, don’t want the food to burn,” he says as he pecks your lips once again before he turns back to the stove, checking on the scrambled eggs. 
He throws some toast into the toaster before he reaches for a mug in the cabinet, pouring some coffee into it, he adds creamer and sugar into it before he hands you the mug, “for my lady,” he grins, winking at you. 
You giggle at him as you wrap your hands around the mug. 
“Why thank you, sir,” you grin, pulling the mug up to your lips, you take a sip and place it on the counter next to you. 
You lick your lips, staring at him, at the tattoos on his pale skin, the marks you have left on his neck, the happiness that shines in his eyes, the smile that won’t fall. 
He is so beautiful. 
He is so happy, in a way you had never seen him before. Not even when you got him Metallica tickets for christmas – and he was really fucking happy about them. 
Your heart has never felt this.. alive before. Just watching him be so happy, so in love with you makes you the happiest girl in the world. 
The moment Eddie turns off the stove and puts the pan to the side, you reach for his hand and pull him in, he gladly makes his way in between your legs, his lips curling into a smirk when you cup his cheeks. 
“You’re so beautiful, Eddie,” you smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “And you’re all mine.”
His eyes light up even more, brown eyes that are filled with nothing but love, shine even brighter now. He steps even closer to you, grabbing your waist, he presses lips to your jawline. 
“I’m all yours. I’ve always been yours.”
You place your hands on his shoulders, your heart beating strongly in your chest.
“And I’m yours, Eddie. All yours.”
The silly grin on his lips tells you how happy and giddy he is to hear these words from you. He suddenly grabs your face and starts to kiss all over it, making you giggle louder than before. And then, he kisses you deeply. 
He smiles into the kiss when you moan so prettily against his lips, wrapping your legs around his waist as you kiss him back. 
His hand slides down to your hip, squeezing it tightly before he slips it under your shirt – his shirt. 
He only pulls away to ask the question that he has been dying to get off his chest since the night before. 
His heart is racing in his chest as he opens his eyes to look at you again. 
“Can I be your boyfriend?” 
You giggle loudly, “I’d be mad if you weren’t.”
His smile widens and he almost fist bumps the air again but instead, he pulls you in for another kiss. 
You’re both smiling, both happier than ever. 
Neither of you can contain the excitement and the love you feel for one another. 
You get so lost in each other, so lost in the kiss that you don’t hear the car parking in front of the trailer, or the footsteps echoing outside, or the door opening, neither of you notice Wayne standing in the doorway or the unfazed look on his face.
He is not surprised to see this. 
He clears his throat, which makes you both pull away from each other, still smiling. 
You both greet him cheerfully, not even bothering to hide the fact that you were making out in the kitchen. 
He looks between the two of you, staring at the marks on Eddie’s neck. He shakes his head, though a smile tugs at his lips. 
“Finally,” he grumbles as he simply takes his jacket off and walks into the kitchen to pour himself a coffee, like he didn’t just walk in on something new. “Was wondering how much longer you’d take,” he says, walking over to the kitchen table with his favorite mug in hand. 
“Well, we made it Wayne,” Eddie grins, happily. “And now I can do this.”
You give him a questioning look, giggling when he slides you off the counter and takes your hand in his, pulling you towards where Wayne is now sitting. 
The older man was just about to take a sip of his coffee, though he pauses and looks between the two of you, giving his nephew a questioning look. 
“Wayne, this is my girlfriend,” he grins, gesturing to you. “Girlfriend, this is my uncle Wayne.” 
You giggle at him, blushing at the way he is staring at you. 
Not even Wayne can hide the smile on his face. He is happy to see Eddie like this, so full of life, so happy and in love. 
He puts the mug down, looking towards you, he grins at you, holding his hand out, “well, welcome to the family, sweetheart.” 
You take his hand, smiling just as happily as Eddie does, “thank you, Wayne.”
“Hell yeah, welcome to the family, baby.” Eddie says before he smacks his lips against your cheek again as he hugs you tightly after you let go of Wayne’s hand. 
You lean your head on his chest, smiling brightly. 
Wayne smiles as he looks between the two of you. 
Finally, he picks up the mug and takes a sip of his coffee. 
Eddie kisses your temple before he pushes you down on the chair. He runs back to the kitchen. He grabs three plates and fills them with scrambled eggs and Wayne’s beloved bacon, placing the toasts on both yours and Wayne’s plates before he throws two more into the toaster. 
He carries the plates over to the kitchen table, placing them in front of you and his uncle. 
Wayne pats Eddie on the back, throwing you an amused smile, “should’ve gotten with him sooner, I didn’t know that he’d turn into a chef once he’d started dating you.” 
You giggle at him. 
“He didn’t cook breakfast for you before?” You ask. “He always cooked well for me.” 
Eddie winks at you as he brings you the mug you abandoned on the counter earlier. 
“I’m always taking care of my girl.”
You blush at his words and smile fondly. 
Yeah, Eddie has always looked after you and you don’t even know how to thank him for it. He did so much for you. 
He places the coffee mug in front of you and you take his hand before he walks back into the kitchen. 
“Thank you, Eddie.”
By the look in your eyes, he can tell that you are thanking for more than just the breakfast he had cooked for you. You are thanking him for so much more. 
He smiles at you, giving your hand a squeeze before he pulls it up to his lips, kissing it softly. 
“It’s my pleasure, sweetheart.”
Wayne smiles at the two of you. 
“Now eat before it gets cold,” Eddie orders, trying to give you a mean look but failing to do so. 
“Yes sir,” you chuckle. 
He joins you a few moments later, placing his plate on the table. Instead of sitting down next to you, he picks you up and settles on the chair you just sat on before he pulls you down on his lap, making you blush for yet another time this morning. 
He starts eating his breakfast, scarving down his eggs and toast like a man starved. 
“Jesus christ, boy,” Wayne mumbles, giving him a disapproving look. “Slow down.”
“I’m starving, uncle,” he mumbles after gulping down his food. “We had an intense workout last night.” 
Wayne groans at his words while you giggle and shake your head in embarrassment. Hiding your face behind the mug in your hand. 
“So, are you two ready for your trip?” Wayne asks, leaning back in his chair. 
You and Eddie look at each other, yours and his eyes sparkling with excitement – Excitement that got even more intense after last night. 
“Yeah,” you both whisper, smiling at each other. “We are.”
The warmth of the summer still lingers, though the leaves are turning yellow now as fall creeps closer and closer. The wind blows through your hair, the fresh breeze reminding you that something new is upon you – a spontaneous plan you and Eddie had come up with weeks ago when you changed your mind about the road trip and came up with a different, better plan. 
Your mom has already said goodbye, after shedding one too many tears and making Eddie promise to take care of you, she left for work – which she was ready to miss just so she could stay a few more minutes with you. You had to convince her to leave, not wanting her to be late for work but also not wanting to wave goodbye and make it harder than it already is. 
You look around, a sad yet excited smile resting on your features as you squeeze your arms tighter around your friends. 
“I’m gonna miss you so much,” Heather whispers into your ear as she hugs you tighter than ever. 
“I’m gonna miss you too, Heather.”
“I’m gonna come visit you next week,” she jokes, sniffling as she tries to hide the shakiness in her voice behind a chuckle. 
“I’m gonna miss you too, so so much,” Chrissy sighs. 
“You guys are gonna be off to college next year, don’t act like you wouldn’t leave my ass behind,” you joke as you pull away from them both. 
“Says who?” Chrissy asks, raising a brow. “Maybe I’d force you and Robin to come with me.”
Heather turns to look at her with a frown, pouting at her. “But not me?”
Chrissy giggles, wrapping her arm around Heather, “all of you, actually.” 
“Me too?” Argyle jokes as he stands next to Eddie, leaning against the van as they both smoke their cigarettes.
Chrissy chuckles, “sorry, no boys are allowed in my room!” 
“What a shame,” Argyle sighs. “How am I supposed to visit my girl, Chris?”
Eddie chuckles, nudging his shoulder with his own, “you rent a place and have her move in with you, that’s what I’d do with mine,” he winks at you, making you blush. 
Heather and Chrissy giggle at the flustered look on your face. Both of them are happy to see you so giddy and in love. 
You blink as you stare at your friends, hoping that you won’t cry again, but it’s hard not to when you’re about to leave your life behind. 
“I’m gonna get back inside for a moment.” You gesture to your house, as you hold the keys tightly in your hand. 
“Okay!” Chrissy smiles. 
Heather smiles at you sadly, noticing the tears in your eyes. She takes Chrissy’s hand, “come on,” she whispers, pulling her along with her as she walks down your porch steps.
You turn away from them and step into your house for the last time. 
You still smell the cookies that your mom had made for you and Eddie earlier. The coffee you had this morning. You sniffle quietly as you look around your home. 
You always knew that you would leave someday and you are so happy and excited for your future with Eddie, but leaving things behind will never be easy. 
You have made so many memories in here, good ones, bad ones. Ones that put a smile on your face, ones that made you cry. Ones that you will always carry with you, even when you’re leaving. 
You hold onto the railing of the stairs, looking up, you now know for sure that you won’t be coming home tonight or tomorrow. 
You’ll be in a different place tonight. A different state, a different town, a new home. You would probably break into tears if you did this by yourself but you have him with you and that’s all that matters to you. 
A knock echoes through the hallway, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You quickly wipe away the tears that managed to escape your eyes. You turn around, freezing in your spot when you lock eyes with someone you didn’t expect to see. 
Steve’s soft eyes sparkle with kindness, a smile tugs at his lips as he leans against the doorframe. His arms are crossed over his chest, he’s wearing a brown leather jacket, aviator sunglasses hanging on the black shirt he’s wearing underneath it. 
“Hey,” he whispers. 
His gaze softens when he takes in the sadness in your features. 
“Hi,” you smile, blinking. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
It’s been two weeks since that night. You always wondered how he had been doing. 
His sadness still runs deep, you can see it. But he looks good, better than he did that night.
“Couldn’t let you go without saying goodbye,” he shrugs as he steps into the house. 
You smile, eyeing his face, you take a step towards him. 
Your heart is aching a little – he is still your friend, still your childhood best friend. 
“How are you doing?” 
You take a deep breath, looking around for a moment before your eyes settle back on him. 
“Good, a little sad but I’m good. And you?”
He takes a moment to answer your question, he is looking at you, at your face that he won’t see anytime soon. He ignores the pangs in his heart. 
“I’m alright.”
You nod. 
The longer you look at him, the harder it gets to hold back tears. Tears that are already sparkling on your eyelashes. 
“I’m gonna miss you, Steve.”
He gets teary eyed as well as he memorizes your features, as though he could forget you. 
It hit him a little harder than it should have when he found out that you were leaving. Yeah, he let you go and he said his goodbye but he wasn’t prepared for this. You have always been the biggest part of his life, even when he left, you were still around. And he would rather have that again than watch you leave, completely. 
Knowing that he will pass by your house every day, without catching sight of you in your driveway puts a new kind of sadness in him. 
Knowing that you won’t be behind the counter at the record store whenever he will walk in, makes him even sadder. 
He would rather risk the chance of running into you with Eddie than knowing that there won’t be a single place in town where he will find you.
“I’m gonna miss you too.” 
You step closer to him and he can’t help himself but pull you into a hug, wanting and needing to hold you, one last time. Not knowing when he will see you again, drives him crazy. 
He is sad but he doesn’t want you to be sad. You have spent enough time wallowing in sadness, shedding tears and living in darkness. 
You stepped out of it, and he doesn’t want you to take that step back, not even through memories. 
He squeezes you tightly, leaning his cheek on the top of your head as he holds you, rubbing your back. He smiles when you hug him back just as tightly. 
“You got the apartment that you wanted?” He asks. 
You nod against him, “yeah,” you whisper. “How’d you know?”
“Robin told me about it. And about the jobs – shit, I can’t believe you’re moving to Chicago.” 
You giggle and pull back, looking up at him with sadness yet excitement on your face. 
“If someone told me last year that you’d be moving to Chicago with Eddie Munson, I’d probably think they’re on drugs or something,” he says, chuckling. “No offense to Eddie, of course. I just – well, I never saw it coming.”
You laugh through your tears, wiping them away as you tilt your head up. 
“Who knows, maybe we’ll hate the big city life so much that we’ll come back in a week or two.”
He shakes his head in amusement, laughing, though it doesn’t match the look in his eyes. 
“No. It will work out. You always make it work out,” he whispers, smiling fondly at you. His eyes fall on the necklace around your neck, loving that you’re still wearing it, just like he will always wear the wristband you had given him. 
“What about you? How’s the job search going?” You ask, knowing that he wanted to quit his job at Scoops Ahoy for a while now. 
His eyes light up a little, he runs his fingers through his hair, nodding. 
“I actually have an interview today a-and I found a place.”
You raise your brows, eyes widening at his words. 
“You did?” 
“Yeah, my dad has been bitching about everything lately, I just don’t wanna be around there any longer. And hey, maybe Robin will move in with me, I got a spare bedroom there.” 
Your face saddens at his words. You know that he doesn’t have it easy with his dad. 
“I’m sorry about your dad,” you whisper. 
His brows knit together and he waves his hand, “nah, it’s fine. I’m just happy to move out.”
You nod, “I’m happy for you, Steve.” 
He smiles at you, “and I’m happy for you.” 
You stare at him, thinking about your childhood, your teen years, your friendship that you have to leave behind for now and you can’t help but get lost in the bittersweet sadness again. 
He watches the way your eyes get glassy again but he doesn’t want you to cry anymore. 
“Yeah, I know you’ll come back in two weeks. I know you can’t live without me. Remember that one time my parents took me to California that one summer? Yeah, you cried when I came back.” He jokes, giving you a teasing smile. 
A laugh falls from your lips, you roll your eyes at him. 
“That was in second grade!”
“Yeah and look at us now. Still crying, Dolly.”
You can’t even fight him on that but you chuckle through your tears. You reach for his hand, taking it in yours, you squeeze it tightly. 
“I love you, Stevie.”
He smiles, knowing the meaning behind your words. 
“And I love you, y/n.”
You hug each other one last time. 
“Have fun in Chicago,” he whispers, squeezing your arms. “And don’t forget about me.”
You lay your head on his chest, holding onto him for a moment, you’re greeted with sadness but you will leave it behind, it won’t follow you into your future. 
“I won’t.”
How could you ever forget Steve Harrington?
You tilt your head up and lock eyes with him for the last time, for now. You try to not let the hurt get to you – but you feel his pain and you see the longing in his eyes, you see the way they flash with regret. 
Even though he is happy for you – and you can see that he truly is. You still know that he wishes that he would’ve changed his mind when he still had the chance to. 
You know that this will haunt him for a long time but you don’t want it to. You don’t want him to get stuck in the past and think about what he should’ve done. You want him to move on and find the same kind of love that you did. 
You pull away from him after a moment and you leave the house together. You lock the door and put the keys in your pocket, looking at the home you grew up in, one last time before you walk away. 
Steve doesn’t tear his eyes off of you. He keeps looking at you, enjoying the last moments he gets to stare at you. 
He watches the way you cling to Robin, hugging her goodbye. 
He watches the way you shed a few tears as you hug Chrissy and Heather, one last time. 
He watches the way you giggle at something Argyle said to you. 
And then, you walk towards your boyfriend with a smile that transforms into the happiest one that Steve had ever seen. One that he could never put on your face. 
Even through the sadness, he can’t help but smile as he watches you. 
With a sigh, he walks towards Eddie, ignoring the way the man’s eyes flash with surprise when he halts in front of him. He takes a deep breath before he holds his hand out to him, both as a peace offering and to say goodbye.
Eddie stares at his hand for a moment before he takes it, still staring at him with furrowed brows. 
“Take care of her,” Steve says, glancing at you. 
Eddie shakes his hand, nodding. 
“I will,” he promises. 
“And if you hurt her, and I know I am a hypocrite for saying it, but if you do, I will hunt you down and chop your head off and feed it to Higgins dogs.” 
Eddie’s eyes widened in amusement. 
Steve sees the way you shake your head as you look down with a smile on your face, happy to see him be so protective of you, still. 
“Now that’s a good threat, Harrington. But I’d rather feed myself to those dogs than hurt her.”
Yeah, he would rather hurt than hurt you. 
That’s why he is the right one for you, Steve thinks. 
Steve watches the way you reach for his hand and he has to ignore the pain in his heart. 
“You ready to go, sweetheart?” 
Steve watches the way your eyes look into Eddie’s, the way they shine so brightly for him, the way his shine so brightly for you. 
You’re in good hands, that’s all that Steve needs to know.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
He watches how happy you look with him. 
How full of life you are again. 
How in love you are with him. How in love he is with you. 
You will be happy, he knows you will be. 
And when you turn around, you flash him a smile that he knows he will never forget. 
“Goodbye, Stevie.”
“Goodbye, Dolly.”
He will see you again. He knows that you will come back to Hawkins someday but for now, you will be gone. 
And even then, he knows that you will always linger. 
Well, we made it to the ending. I'm sad that it's over, but you guys are still getting an epilogue. And oneshots/blurbs about this fic.
I hope you liked this story and had fun with it as much as I did.
Thank you for all the love and support I got from you guys, you're amazing and I'm forever thankful for all of you! 🩷
@taintedcigs @mysticmunson @wroteclassicaly @trashmouth-richie @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @xxhellfirebunnyxx @take-everything-you-can @sherrylyn628 @somethingvicked @nemesis729 @munson-mjstan @succubusmunson
683 notes · View notes
tobybestupid · 6 months
★ So sorry this took absolutely forever and TOO long to write!
★ Also, if requesting please add what gender you would like if it is for NSFW!! (Gender neutral is okay too!)
★ Btw! Please, do not spam like my posts!
Before we get into this, info for requests and such!
★ I do nsfw, angst, fluff, ECT.
★ I do NOT allow/do racism, homophobia, rape, icky bodily fluids ect.
★ I will do character x character
★ I also do Reader x Character/Band member and/or Character/band member x Reader x Character/band member!!
★ you can request any of the bands that have been mentioned here!
★ hope this makes sense!!
+ if I missed anything I'm so sorry!
Bands I do
Guns n Roses
Mötley Crüe
Hanoi Rocks
COD mw2-mw3
Mötley Crüe
All of them together x reader
Mötley x reader hc's
🖤Nikki Sixx🖤
Sick mötley x reader
Mötley dealing with you being drunk
Taking care of him after tour
Fourth of July with mötley
You pampering mötley
Big ol' crybaby
Doing so good
⛓️Mick Mars⛓️
Sick mötley x reader
Mötley dealing with you being drunk
How to take care of him after tour
Fourth of July with mötley
Please, stay
Bubble bath- with cats?
Peachy Keen
You pampering mötley
Mick Mars x Reader injury (appendix, I think)
NSFW hc's
🌜Vince Neil🌛
Sick mötley x reader
Mötley dealing with you being drunk
Fourth of July with mötley
You pampering mötley
NSFW Alphabet
❤️‍🔥Tommy Lee❤️‍🔥
Sick mötley x reader
Mötley dealing with you being drunk
Fourth of July with mötley
You pampering mötley
You're still beautiful
🥀Terror Twins x Reader💣
Terror Twins x Reader hc's 1
Terror twins x Reader hc's 2
Terror Twins x reader hc's 3
Terror Twins x reader hc's 4
Terror Twins x reader hc's 5
Terror Twins x reader hc's 6
Sick!Terror Twins x reader hc's
My turn
So, so good
Calm down, ey?
(y'all are so hungry for Terror Twins omg...)
Hanoi Rocks
Late night kisses
🌺Micheal Monroe🌺
Coming soon!!
🕸️Sami Yaffa🕸️
NSFW Alphabet
Such a tease, huh?
🥀Andy McCoy🥀
Coming soon!!
💫Paul Stanley💫
🎭Gene Simmons🎭
Coming soon!
🌌Ace Frehley🌌
Coming soon!
🐾Eric Carr🐾
Coming soon!
Guns n Roses
Do you love me more?
They fell asleep with your kid
❤️Axl Rose💋
They fell asleep with your kid
Axl x Kurt Cobian sister!Reader hc's
NSFW Alphabet
Cold baby?
Bad day?
🎸Duff McKagan🎸
They fell asleep with your kid
🚬Izzy Stradlin🚬
Sick as a dog
They fell asleep with your kid
🍿Steven Adler🍿
The, fell asleep with your kid
Paradise City
NSFW Alphabet
🍃Dave Mustaine🍃
Your not my baby
Tour rat
NSFW Alphabet
Dating Dave head cannons
Call of Duty (COD)
🦴Alex Keller🦴
Coming soon!!
🖤Simon "ghost" Riley🖤
Reader with sensory issues
Dating him head cannons
Roommate könig
🧼John "Soap" Mactavish🧼
Coming soon!!
🌜Farah Karim🌛
Coming soon!!
🥃John Price🥃
Coming soon!!
🌺Kate Laswell🌺
(x fem reader only cause she's lesbian)
Coming soon!!
☠️Keegan Russ☠️
Coming soon!!
🔥Sebastian Krueger🔥
Coming soon!!
78 notes · View notes
allmoshnobrain · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫: 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 02 of 06 | masterpost
word count: 5,4k | ao3 link | fic's playlist
He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I wondered if he too would be feeling the happiness that sang in my chest at that moment, like a little miracle had just unfolded before us. It was hard to find another word to describe it. He’d found me. After so many years, he’d found me.
✦ on this chapter: james hetfield x female!oc, dave mustaine x female!oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst, grief, smut mentioned/implied
✧ Once you told me, "Look for the North Star, then you'll see" / Heavenly, I hear / Found my way to the beach / There were waves over me / I was lost at sea 'til you found me / 'til you found me ✧
May 20, 1984
Settling into the new home my parents had bought for me turned out to be easier than I’d expected, especially since my friends had moved in with me; we all shared the same space and, slowly but surely, it was shaping up to be our own little slice of paradise, buzzing with music, chatter, and laughter as we got everything sorted.
But everything felt eerily still when I arrived home on that Sunday afternoon. I opened the front door, spotting a few moving boxes still hanging out in the living room. I glanced around, puzzled, eyeing the empty space and wondering where the gang had vanished to. That's when I caught the distant murmur of voices drifting from the kitchen.
"You can't just go after him, James. It's gonna wreck our reputation, have you even thought about that?" Lars' voice carried down the hallway, tinged with irritation.
"You think I give a damn about our reputation when he's out there dissing my girl?" James shot back, his voice tinged with anger. I arched an eyebrow, definitely intrigued now as I made my way closer. I reached the kitchen door to find Lars leaning against the sink, his brow furrowed, while James, so much taller, paced back and forth, his fists clenched. "I couldn't care less. Let him yap about us all he wants, but lay off her. I'm gonna beat the crap out of him, then maybe he'll learn to keep his trap shut."
"Hey, guys," I interjected, and James halted his pacing immediately, both him and Lars shooting me a startled look, like they'd just seen a ghost. A knot twisted in my gut as I realized they were probably talking about something they didn't want me to know about. "What's the deal?"
"Nore!" Lars chirped, a bit too brightly, as he hastily snatched something off the table. I narrowed my eyes, noting it was a cassette tape he was awkwardly trying to stuff into his pocket. "Oh, it's, uh, nothing important!"
"What's that?" I inquired, nodding toward the cassette in his grasp. James shot him a pointed glare, and Lars swallowed hard.
"It's, um, nothing, really! Just..." He stumbled over his words as I closed the gap between us, grabbing his arm and snatching the tape from his grip. "Hey!"
"If it's really nothing, then you won't mind me taking a look, right?" I challenged. James shot me a worried look before striding over towards me.
"Nore, hand it over," he demanded, his tone grave, his brow furrowed. I stared at him, torn between defiance and confusion.
"No," I shot back, turning on my heel and bolting up the stairs.
"Nore!" James called out, chasing after me, but I was already too far ahead. I reached our shared room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind me. James pounded on the door, growing increasingly frustrated. "Nore! Come on, give it back!"
"Unless you've got another girlfriend, this has gotta be about me, right?" I challenged, and he grunted, kicking the door in frustration. "You’re gonna start keeping secrets from me now?"
"You don't get it. It's for your own good. Just let me in!"
I brushed off his demand, which only earned me a frustrated growl from him. Fixing my gaze on the tape in my hand, my heart skipped a beat when I spotted the band name: Megadeth. There wasn't much else on the tape besides handwritten song titles on the label. I'd been keeping tabs on the Californian metal scene enough to know this wasn't just any old tape — it was a demo. I couldn't help but wonder how Lars and James got their hands on it, and what the hell it had to do with me.
"Come on, Nore!" James's pounding on the door grew more urgent as the music began to play, the cassette inserted into the tape deck in our room. "You don't wanna hear this. Trust me!"
I stayed silent, my heart doing some churning uncomfortably in my chest as I recognized Dave's voice emanating from the speakers. I blinked in surprise; I remembered he was scouting for a vocalist for the band back when we were together, but I had no clue he'd decided to take on the role himself. Somehow, that made it all worse; I wasn't prepared to hear his voice. I wasn't ready for the flood of emotions that hearing him but not being able to talk to him, see him, or touch him brought crashing over me. I wasn't ready for the fury radiating from his voice, blazing like a wildfire, channeling all his pain into his music. And then, it hit me what he was singing about.
My only love, something I've never felt / Now you've gone to heaven and I'll burn in hell / I loved you to death!
Oh. Was that why James was so adamant about me not hearing the tape? Could that song possibly be...?
And now I'm down below / And what do I see? / You didn't go to heaven / You’re down in hell with me / And now you’re coming back / “baby take me please!” / I really think I would, if you weren't such a sleaze / I loved you once before, you kept me on a string / I'd rather go without than take what you would bring / I loved you to death!
I chewed on my lip, my stomach twisting as the song came to its end, struggling to make sense of everything I'd just heard. Suddenly, it all clicked. I understood why James had tried to shield me from it; Dave's lyrics were harsh, dripping with anger and bitterness, a far cry from the sweet and caring Dave I once knew. For a fleeting moment, I tried to convince myself it couldn't be about me — but who else could it possibly be about?
For months, I'd been wondering what he'd say if I ever found him. Would he listen? Would he let me explain? And for months, I'd been living with this fear — that he'd hate me, that he wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore. But I'd always held onto hope; hope that I could make things right, that I could clear things up somehow. Yet, that song... It crushed whatever hope I had left.
It hurt me more than I could say.
I stood up and swung open the bedroom door, finding James right there, his blue eyes filled with concern. I threw myself into his arms, trying to hold back the tears. He sighed and hugged me back.
"I warned you not to listen," he grumbled.
"And you were just gonna keep this from me forever?" I asked, my voice shaky.
"If it meant not hurting you, then yeah."
"James, I deserved to know," I said, pulling back to look at him. He reached up and wiped away a tear, his touch gentle on my cheek.
"You're right. I'm sorry," he said softly, planting a light kiss on my forehead.
"Where'd you snag this tape, anyway?"
"Our producer gave it to Lars. Said Dave's using that Mechanix song we had on our album as The Four Horsemen..."
"Those were his songs, James. He's got every right to do so."
"Why do you still stick up for him, even after all this?" he frowned, a hint of annoyance in his voice, then sighed. "Sure, he can use his fucking songs. But he doesn't get to pen this garbage about you."
I shook my head with a sigh.
"It's so not fair," I said, trying to push down the shake in my voice. "He jumped to thinking I'd just cheat on him, replace him outta nowhere. Didn't even give me a chance to explain; just up and left. And I..." James pulled me into another hug as my voice hitched, making it tough to keep talking. "I still miss him. And I wish..."
"Nore..." James murmured, squeezing me tight, and I sighed, shutting my eyes. "You miss him that much? Aren’t you happy with me?"
"Course I'm happy with you," I replied, my voice muffled against him, hugging him close and soaking in the comfort of his scent as I buried my face into his chest.
"Then stay with me ," he said, his voice gravelly, stroking my hair tenderly. "I'm here. And I would never hurt you like that. Maybe it's time to... let this go. I can make you happy, Nore. Promise."
"You already make me happy," I murmured, sniffing softly and pulling away from his embrace, wiping away the tears that insisted on falling. James cupped my face in his hands, giving me a gentle, affectionate kiss on my lips.
I loved James. That certainty had grown in my chest over the past few months until it became unbearable, impossible to ignore. But could I allow myself to forget Dave like that? Could I allow myself to move on and leave behind a love that had changed my life? Even if he hated me, my heart still beat for him. Could I allow myself to let go of that feeling? 
Could I?
September 5, 1986
Ever since James and I’d started dating, James had always been warm. Warm and cozy, like a lit fireplace on a winter night, enough for me to always want to be around — always there, always comforting. As we lay together, both totally spent after spending most of the night pleasuring each other, he started planting little, lazy kisses on my neck, his hand resting flat on my belly. His blond locks tickled my cheek, his breath warm against my bare skin. 
"I feel like something's off with me," I mumbled, and he stopped kissing me, his lips lingering against my neck.
"I’ll stop if you want me to," he whispered, his arms enveloping me, drawing me snug against his bare skin. James had this knack for drawing me in tighter whenever I hinted at pulling away. He just couldn't resist keeping me close, and honestly, I didn't mind one bit. "Just say the word if you need me to back off," he murmured softly.
"No, it's not that," I replied, turning to face him with a sigh. His blue eyes locked onto mine, curious. I let out another soft sigh, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. He responded instantly, pulling me closer, his grip firm.
"What's on your mind then?" he asked, his lips trailing from mine to my neck once more. I sighed again, closing my eyes, my fingers tangling in his hair as heat pooled between my legs.
"I don't want you guys to leave," I admitted, and he paused his kisses, pulling back to meet my gaze. I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as I looked away. "I know it's part of your job. I know you've been on countless tours, and this one won't be any different. But... I just wish you'd stay, just this once."
James gave a nod, pulling me into a tight hug and planting a gentle kiss on my temple. The whirlwind of tours and gigs wasn't a walk in the park for either of us. Sure, it had its perks, but the constant movement, the jam-packed schedule that I struggled to keep pace with, and the long stretches of time apart definitely took their toll on our relationship. Especially now that the band was hitting new heights of success; I wanted to be there for them every step of the way, but reality dictated otherwise with my own commitments.
It hadn't been such a big deal in the past; after over two years as James's girlfriend and spending loads of time with Cliff and the boys, I was used to the drill. But this time, there was this gnawing feeling in my chest, like something wasn't quite right. It wasn't exactly that I wanted them to stay or that I wanted to tag along but couldn't; it was more like I just didn't want them to leave. I didn't want them out there while I was feeling this jittery, like something was about to go south any second.
"I'm probably being a bit selfish," I admitted, meeting James' eyes.
"Nah, not at all," he countered, running his fingers through my hair and flashing me a grin, clearly trying to lift my spirits. "I'll make it up to you, promise. I'll bring back souvenirs from everywhere we hit. What do you say? We'll be back before you know it, Nore. Trust me."
I gave a nod, a small smile tugging at my lips. There was no point in dumping all my worries on James; things would work out, somehow. I nestled closer to him, giving him a hug before planting a soft kiss on his jawline.
"Meanwhile..." he started, his lips meeting mine as he settled over me. I let out a soft chuckle, looping my arms around his neck; he leaned back, giving me a smile tinged with mischief, his hands trailing up my thighs in a way that sent shivers down my spine, anticipation building within me. "I think we should make the most of my being here while we still can. What do you say?"
"Hmm... sounds like a plan," I answered, and he chuckled, leaning in to kiss me once more.
March 13, 1987
Backstage used to be my sanctuary, but not anymore.
The buzz, the drinks, the laughter, the pounding music — those were the things that used to make me feel alive. Completely in the moment. But ever since Cliff had left us, the whole scene had just become another stress trigger. It was cruel, how I would still catch myself hoping to spot him any minute, beer in hand or puffing on a cig before hitting the stage, tuning his bass with that grin of his like he was born to rock out. Then reality would hit me seconds later, reminding me that I would never see him again.
That he was gone.
That night’s gig marked my first outing since the accident. I only agreed to go 'cause I knew James was missing me like crazy, especially after everything went down. It stung how Cliff's death had torn us apart, making it damn near impossible for us to even be in the same room despite still loving each other; it was all just too raw, too painful to wrap our heads around.
But I stuck it out for the whole show, even though my heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice seeing the band up there with a different lineup, knowing it shouldn't be that way. Jason, the new bassist, was actually pretty damn good; I knew my aunt and uncle had loved him, and knowing he had their stamp of approval made things a bit easier to swallow. I didn't know him too well yet, but he came off as friendly and laid-back. Plus, his passion for the band and music had me smiling, thinking about how Cliff would've dug having someone with that same fire taking his spot.
Once the show wrapped, I didn't stick around for the inevitable after-party. While James and the guys were all caught up sorting out post-gig stuff, I slipped out the back, lighting up a smoke with a sigh. A persistent headache throbbed away, making me regret coming in the first place.
"Miss you, you dumbass," I muttered to myself, feeling the sting of tears threatening to spill over.
If I'd known that accident was coming, I would've done anything to stop Cliff from stepping foot on that bus. I would've volunteered to take his spot, even crawled into the bed he was in when it all went down. I would've traded places with him in a heartbeat, and I would've gone to my grave with a smile on my face. 'Cause living in a world without him was a nightmare worse than anything I'd ever imagined.
And now, all I could do was wish I would wake up back in our cozy home, catching a whiff of the coffee he used to brew up and hearing his gentle chuckle as he teased Leanne about tying the knot some day, all in that playful tone that barely masked his real longing — to live . To start a family, maybe have some kids, buy a house for his folks, and grow old doing what he loved, soaking up the rewards of his talent.
But none of that was in the cards anymore.
And I had remained, an empty, unrecognizable shell of the lively girl I used to be. I didn't know a life without Cliff — he had been my rock since forever. He'd been there since day one — I mean, literally, he was around before I was even born. We grew up side by side, like two peas in a pod, and now what was left of me was rotten, alone, and meaningless.
What was I without him, if he was such a huge part of who I was?
How many more losses in my life would I have to take?
Suddenly, I remembered Dave. The first boy I'd ever really loved, that kind of love that shakes you to your core. Losing him hurt like hell, no doubt about it. But compared to losing Cliff, it was like small fry. Still, Dave was the first real loss I’d ever faced. When all my efforts to track him down hit dead ends, I had to learn to live with the hole he left behind. After all these years, I still thought about him from time to time, but it didn't sting as bad as it used to.
I couldn't help but wonder if the ache in my heart from Cliff's absence would ever dull down like it had with Dave. Or if I'd have to face an even bigger blow, something that'd make this pain seem like child's play in comparison. 
After roaming the city streets for hours, I finally headed back to the hotel. When I got to the floor where the band was crashing, I bumped into Jason, standing by his room’s door.
"Hey, Nore," he said, his voice sounding rough, and I gave him a puzzled look. Was he crying?
"Hey, Jason. You all good?"
"I-I'm good," he mumbled, voice low, avoiding eye contact as he sniffled and wiped his face with his hand. Yeah, definitely not okay.
"You're not out there with the guys. What's up?" I asked, and he glanced up, his brown eyes a bit bloodshot, cheeks flushed.
"It's just... It's been kinda rough trying to fit in with the band. Especially with all these pranks they pull..." he trailed off.
"Pranks? What do you mean?" I frowned.
"Oh, it's nothing!" he rushed to say. "You know, just dumb stuff. It's just that it always catches me off guard, like now... I went back to the room to grab a jacket and found they'd messed it all… Up…" He slowly stopped talking as I brushed past him, turning the doorknob of his room and pushing the door open.
I froze in my tracks, utterly stunned by the sight before me. Jason's room was a complete disaster zone — suitcases torn open, clothes strewn all over, mattress gone, and beddings tangled up in the ceiling fan. Furniture flipped over like a hurricane had blown through. I just stood there, dumbfounded. Whoever did this wasn't messing around — it was straight-up hostility, so blatant it snapped me out of my own sadness and fired me up with anger.
"Jason, who did this?" I spun around to face him, my expression blazing, and he took a step back, clearly rattled.
"Nore, it's no big deal, really..." he started, but I cut him off.
"Whoever trashed your room needs to answer for it. This is not okay! I'm going straight to James; he'll sort this out..."
"No, please," he pleaded, cutting me off. "Please, that'll only make things worse! Don't talk to them, I'm begging you…"
I gawked at him, trying to wrap my head around what I was seeing, the pieces slowly fitting together in a puzzle that made no sense. 
"Jason," I began cautiously, "did James and the guys pull this stunt on you?"
He stayed silent, which I interpreted as a confirmation. My gut twisted in discomfort. What were they thinking? That wasn't our style. Sure, we'd get a bit wild sometimes, drink too much, goof around — but deliberately messing with someone? It just didn't add up.
Just then, the elevator chimed, and out stumbled a clearly wasted James, grinning when he spotted Jason.
"Hey, Newkid!" he slurred, stumbling over his words as he came over and slung an arm around Jason's shoulders, who shot him a nervous grin. "Check out the new decor in your room, dude! Pretty rad, huh?" He burst into laughter.
"James, what the hell is this?" I demanded, my voice shaky. He glanced up, looking surprised to see me there.
"Hey, babe. You dipped out, what's the deal?" he asked, dropping his arm from Jason's shoulders and stepping toward me. I folded my arms, taking a step back. He furrowed his brow, confused. "What's eating at you?"
"You tell me. What's the deal with this mess?" I gestured to the chaos in Jason's room. James just grinned, shaking his head.
"Princess, it was just a prank... Come on," he said, reaching for my hand, but I shrugged him off, stomping heavily toward our room. "Hey, hold up... Baby!" James called after me, trailing behind.
Ignoring him, I swung open the door and grabbed my bag, hastily scooping up the scattered clothes and belongings. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall — not now.
"Nore, what the fuck are you doing?" James rushed into the room, grabbing my arm. I shook him off, backing away, glaring at him through teary eyes, my breaths coming in uneven gasps. "Babe, what's going on?"
"How can you even ask? What, you think it's funny to be some kind of bully now?" I demanded, my voice quivering. James shook his head, looking utterly baffled by my reaction.
"Nore, chill out! It was just a prank..."
"What kind of prank is this? This isn't us, James. Why are you guys messing with him?" I snapped, continuing to pack up my stuff. "Cliff would never stand for this."
James took a step back, looking like I'd slapped him. His brow furrowed, jaw clenched.
"And how would you know?" he shot back, and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"You think you knew him better than I did, James? Seriously?"
"Nore, it was just a joke..."
"A joke ? Really?" I shouted, tears finally breaking free. "I can't deal with this, James. What's gotten into you? He's not to blame for what happened to Cliff!"
"I get it. Nore, just try to calm down," he said, coming closer and taking hold of my wrists, locking eyes with me. "Take a deep breath, okay?"
"James, this isn't fair," I choked out through sobs. "Can't you see? We've been falling apart since he left. You're angry, and you're bitter, and you're mean , and sometimes I don't even recognize you anymore, and I hate it! And I feel like nothing — I don't feel like me anymore without him. You don't need me like this."
"I do need you."
"I'm fucking broken, James."
"No, you're not!"
"I am !" I burst out, my voice cracking. "You deserve someone who won't lose it over every little thing like this, James. You deserve better than me. I'm not good for you anymore. I'm not good for anyone, for anything."
"So what's the fucking deal?" he asked, his voice shaky, desperate, his blue eyes brimming with pain. "You’re breaking up with me now?"
I didn't say anything, just locked eyes with him, feeling my heart twist painfully as I realized something had broken right then and there. I loved James, but how could I love anyone fully when my pain consumed me like this, leaving little space for anything else? How could I let myself be loved when his anger kept driving us further apart, drowning out our love in all the noise?
I let out a heavy sigh, my breath trembling, and released his hands from mine.
"I'm heading back home. I'll pack up and catch the next flight..." I mumbled.
"Nore, don't do this," James pleaded, reaching for my hands again, but I pulled away.
"I can't, James. I'm sorry. Just... Please, let me go," I sobbed, burying my face in my hands as I sank onto the bed.
Not too long ago, James would've never left me like this. He would've been there, comforting me, holding me tight and never letting go. But things weren't like they used to be, and the world didn't work the way it should anymore.
So, he just walked away, leaving me alone with my pain.
Over the next few years, James and I attempted to patch things up time and time again — but it was like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. We just couldn't get back to where we were before. Eventually, we drifted apart and started seeing other people, searching for happiness in different eyes, different embraces, different kisses.
But it was useless.
The ache in my chest lingered, a constant reminder of the emptiness that echoed in both of us. And no matter how hard we tried to keep our distance, we always found our way back to each other. We never went back to using those labels — boyfriend, girlfriend — but we couldn't deny the pull between us. I always found myself drawn back to James, and he always found his way back to me.
Eventually, I got used to that kind of love, a mix of joy and sorrow that felt like the only steady thing in a crazy world, a way to bury my own unhappiness. Over the years, me and the guys stayed tight, because what other choice did we have? They were my family, and I was theirs.
I tried to tell myself that maybe I'd never feel that same spark of life again, but hey, at least I wasn't totally miserable. Even though I'd lost a lot and sadness seemed to follow me like a shadow, I still had some good things left — maybe with time, I could figure out how to move forward again. Maybe this was as good as it got.
I almost bought into it.
Until Dave found me.
February 18, 1992
In the end, it was him who found me.
After all the failed attempts, all the heartache, all the rage, all the emptiness I'd been carrying around for years without him, it all came crashing down in that moment when our eyes locked. Time seemed to stand still, his hand on my shoulder sending a jolt through my body, making my heart lose any sense of rhythm.
"Dave?" I whispered, and the sound of my own voice seemed to stir something in his eyes, an old and familiar pain, but also hunger, happiness, and ecstasy.
It was really him.
It was really, really him.
"Hey," he said, and the normalcy of his answer made me chuckle. He grinned at my laughter, that old, beautiful smile, and my heart seemed to melt into pure warmth and affection.
How could I have lived so long without him?
"Hey," I replied, a smile stubbornly appearing on my face. " What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Junior's dating that Music Now anchor; she hooked us up with some tickets. David, David Ellefson," he clarified, noticing my confusion. "I ended up calling him that. Can't have two Daves in the band, and I called dibs first, so..." He trailed off, a small grin playing on his lips that I couldn't help but mirror. "Wanna grab a table? You were getting some food, right? We can catch up for a bit..."
"Sure thing," I nodded eagerly. We snagged an empty table and settled in. I poked at my food, but my appetite took a backseat with him sitting across from me. Dave seemed both different and the same, all at once. He was still as good-looking as ever, with his ginger hair cascading over his shoulders, warm hazel eyes, and that familiar crooked smile that always got me.
"So, what brings you here?" he asked.
"Oh, I work here," I answered, grinning when he raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised.
"Really? What do you do?"
"I act. Just landed my first lead role in a TV series."
"So you ended up in the arts, huh?" he remarked. "I remember you were tossing around the idea of studying something like that back when... Well, back when we were a thing."
I blinked, feeling the flush rise to my cheeks. I was so thrilled to see him again that, for a moment, I almost forgot how our last encounter had been a train wreck for both of us. How the end of our relationship had left us both hurting and confused. How so many misunderstandings had ruined our love beyond repair. 
"Dave," I began, my voice faltering with nerves. "I know it's been forever... But there's so much I want to say. So much I need to explain. I—" I trailed off as he reached for my hand, his grasp enveloping mine, so much larger and warmer, sending my heart racing.
"No worries," he answered, his voice gentle as he kept his gaze locked on mine. "We can talk. I reckon doing it here might be a bit tough, huh? How about we pick a day just for that?"
The idea of meeting up again brought a wave of relief to my face. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I wondered if he too would be feeling the happiness that sang in my chest at that moment, like a little miracle had just unfolded before us. It was hard to find another word to describe it.
He’d found me.
After so many years, he’d found me.
We chatted away for the rest of the party, mostly about work stuff. Everything felt oddly familiar yet different at the same time, and we kind of danced around the real thing: all the emotions we'd been through during our time apart, the fights and secrets that tore us apart when we still cared about each other, and whether we still felt the same way. 'Cause, honestly, I could barely look at him without feeling my whole body fill with a wild happiness, feeling alive like I hadn't felt in a long, long time.
As the party wound down, we lingered by the entrance, chatting quietly while Charlie made the rounds saying her goodbyes. We seized the moment to swap phone numbers, sharing hopeful smiles and whispered words. The night air was chilly, sending shivers down my spine. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to ward off the cold.
"Feeling cold?" Dave asked, already slipping off his blazer and draping it over my shoulders before I could respond. I looked up at him, feeling my cheeks flush, and he grinned. "You can hang onto that. Gives us a good excuse to make sure we see each other again."
The ride home flew by in a blur; I hardly paid attention to Charlotte's excited chatter about the party. Instead, I clung to Dave's coat, feeling its warmth seep into me. His scent lingered in the fabric, intoxicatingly close, like it could drive me crazy.
I must’ve been dreaming, right?
It felt like I was living in a dream. Running into him after all these years, completely by chance, seemed too good to be true. For so long, I'd convinced myself that happiness and hope were out of reach. Turns out, I was dead wrong. I had no clue what the future held — no idea what would come of this unexpected reunion. But the chance to make things right, to clear up the misunderstandings of the past, even just a little bit, felt like a gift too good to pass up.
All I could do that surprising night was hope it wouldn't all vanish by morning. Hope his voice would be there when I called the next day, because I could hardly wait to see him again.
That night, I didn't have any nightmares.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged on the next parts, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
tag list: @killazilla777 @whatsupvic @70srogah @genswine9 @twice360noscope
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 4 months
Can you do dave mustaine too (safe words)
I wrote this pretty fast but I hope it's still up to your standards of tumblr smut <3 If you want to see another artist for this prompt or any other's I'd be happy to write it (I'm very bored :'3) just let me know :3
Warnings: Smut, slight angst, use of a safe word, if you think there's something I missed please let me know :3
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You and Dave had been dating for a few months now and decided that you would have date nights every Friday night. It didn’t have to be something big every week and you would take turns planning the dates in question, but there was always something.
The both of you had had a very long week and now just needed some time to relax so a movie marathon night was the best option in your minds.
Dave got snacks, drinks and a pizza for an actual meal on his way home while you set up a comfy place on the couch and got a set of DVDs stacked up in the order you planned to watch them. The genre’s ranged from cheesy romance to get you started and then psychological horror for later in the night. You also had a few comedies sprinkled in so you’d be able to sleep tonight, either way it gave you an excuse to cuddle up tight to Dave and that’s all that really concerned you.
Dave got home and you started on your night, watching and snacking and cuddling all the while. About halfway through one of the romance movies there was sex scene that you didn’t realise would pop up. It was probably one of the first filmed movies you’d seen ever and this scene was no exception to that.
You watched in discomfort as it went on, the dramatic noises and odd movements making you shift in your seat. Dave looked to you, chuckling softly. “What? This movie got you feeling something?” He teased. You shook your head, cringing.
“Can you fast-forward or something?” You asked, searching around for the remote. It was just on the edge of the coffee table, when you went to reach for it Dave kicked it off the corner and it landed with a soft thud on the carpet. “Oops.” He smirked and pulled you in for a kiss.
The kiss was a nice distraction from the film in the background. Dave obviously wanted to take it further and didn’t even ask before tearing your clothes off. To be fair, they didn’t break. Though you’re sure you heard a rip at some point everything did seem fine.
Dave was all over you, kissing up and down your neck, licking and sucking on your chest. Whatever he could reach he had his mouth on.
Soon he had you standing in front of him between the couch and the coffee table, facing the TV. Dave was standing right behind you, cock buried deep inside you and quick thrusts pumping it in and out of you at a pace that would normally have you seeing stars. Instead, everything just felt off. He wasn’t hitting the right spots, his harsh words just hurt you and if he tried being nice you felt awkward.
The movie seemed to keep getting louder and louder and you just wanted everything to stop around you. “Davie-Davie, I don’t-”
“Shut the fuck you, slut.” Dave interrupted you, continuing to rut into you. He seemed perfectly content with the scene, you felt as if you were recreating the scene in the movie.
“Davie, can we just-” You were cut off by a yelp when he slapped your ass.
“I said shut up!” He said in a much more commanding tone. That along with the slap, not to mention the embarrassment you felt at this moment, brought tears to your eyes.
“Davie, please...” You tried again. His hand raised and came down harder on your ass, leaving a bright red mark. That stretch he forced that always had your mind in a fog hurt, his harsh words that made you want to beg hurt, the slaps you loved counting hurt. The tears trickled down your cheeks and hit the floor. For a moment Dave’s hips sputtered and you took it as your chance. “Pumpkin.” You said, it came out no louder than a whisper.
Dave stopped completely. “What-what was that?” He asked, now just holding you close, strong arms wrapped around your waist.
“Please, stop, I-I don’t like it.” You stumbled out. Dave pulled out and reached back for a blanket to wrap around you. You got your shorts back on, Dave offered you his shirt and you happily accepted.
Dave sat you back down on the couch, holding you in his lap. A little cocoon of blankets and comfy things. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He said, pressing soft kisses to your cheeks and forehead. “I thought it would be a fun end to the week.” He explained. You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Next time do something romantic, not fake Elvis fucking Marilyn Manson.” You said with a soft chuckle. You aren’t even sure what movie it was. Hell you didn’t even know how you got it in your hands but it was never going to be played again.
“You wanna keep watching movies? Or-or I could get you a bubble bath, light some candles, give you a massage?” You knew he would do anything to make it up to you. It sounded like a good end to the week for you.
“Can we cuddle in the bath?” You asked, looking up at him, your eyes still slightly glassy. He chuckled and nodded
“Of course we can, you thought I’d let you get princess treatment alone?” He kissed the tip of your nose. “I am just as deserving of being a princess.” He stated as he lifted you up to carry you to the bathroom so he could set everything up with you.
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eenniess · 17 days
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Edward Nashton Headcanons
Summary: My personal headcanons for Edward Nashton. Again, these are MY personal headcanons and I use them for when I write about him. So, yeah. I can't believe I'm just now writing headcanons for this guy. This is long overdue.
Content Warning: Sexual themes (there will be a section for NSFW headcanons), angst, trauma, and smoking. I have so many headcanons for this man...
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(literally going to eat him)
~Read Below Cut~
(Before this starts, I want to clarify something. Run Rabbit Run, a series I made, is my personal 'background' story for y/n and Edward. Of course I don't use that story in all my Edward Nashton fanfics bc I have other ideas yk. But, overall, it's my personal headcanon story for him. So a lot of these headcanons will apply to that. I hope that makes sense lmao. Run rabbit run is like my concrete headcanon, and every other fanfic I've written about Edward is pretty loosey goosey and just for fun.)
SFW Headcanons:
He has autism 110%. He got tested for it when he got out of the orphanage and was not surprised when he discovered he had it.
He loves journaling. Sometimes he will scrapbook. He likes to document his feelings/thoughts, especially when he's feeling down.
One of my headcanons is that his Riddler persona is always apart of him. He can't 'get rid' of it. So, he goes to therapy to deal with it and the journaling helps a lot with it.
^following off on that, I think that after the events he did and after being with y/n he genuinely tries to reform. He would use his 'crave for justice' and apply it to protesting and standing up for human rights and stuff like that. So like, imagine roaringkitty from Dumb Money. He always informed ppl about stocks. Edward is like that except it's about social justice and equality. Slay.
He really loves fruit. Like a lot. He favors kiwi and watermelon a lot.
he likes to make protein shakes/smoothies for breakfast a lot!
because he's a boyfriend that acts like a dad, y/n once got him a "World's Best Dad" shirt for April Fools (since that's also his birthday, y/n actually got him a real gift too which was a photo of them in a cute little picture frame) but he found the shirt to be really funny so he'll occasionally wear it out in public and everyone is always confused
"World's best dad? How many kids do you have?" A woman asked.
*he proceeds to leave the conversation and leave the woman extremely confused and concerned*
He smoked for a little while when he didn't care about his own health, but he stopped when he started dating y/n. It's difficult for him, but with y/n's encouragement he's doing a great job.
he goes to therapy
he listens to Lana Del Rey occasionally, but only cuz y/n listens to her...although he doesn't mind listening to her music...
although he doesn't really look like it, he LOVES metal. His favorite bands for heavy metal/ NU metal is as follows (ranked from most fav to least fav): System Of A Down, Megadeth, Korn, Slipknot, Metallica, Slayer)
Other bands/singers he likes are (in no order/specific genre): The Cramps, Weezer, Green Day, ICP, Gorillaz, Billy Idol, I Monster, Talking Heads (he loves the Talking Heads sm)
He also likes 'oldies' like The Inkspots, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Billie Holiday.
When he started dating y/n, he started to listen to hyperpop (bc y/n listens to hyperpop IN MY HEADCANON)
He isn't the biggest fan of hyperpop, but he doesn't HATE it. he actually loves some certain songs/artists. (mainly likes Lumi Athena and 100 gecs)
when edward and y/n go out to a social gathering, it looks like this:
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but tbh, that's just how they look next to each other 24/7 lmao
edward loves to read books, especially classics like Frankenstein, Dracula, For Whom The Bell Tolls, A Clockwork Orange, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (bro loves banned books)
loves spoiling y/n with all his heart. the only thing keeping him from being a sugar daddy is that he is in the same age range as y/n. but other than that, he literally acts like a sugar daddy.
has a BUNCH of nicknames he made specifically for y/n such as: rabbit, bunny, firecracker, spazz, crackhead/drophead, and the sweetest one of all... "dickrider🥺" and he calls them that during silly little arguments or when y/n gets sassy
"Blah blah blah, Edward. I don't wanna hear it." - y/n
"Whatever, dickrider." - Edward
"'Scuse me?" - y/n
"You heard me. Dickrider." - Edward
"I am not a dickrider!" - y/n
"Well..." - Edward
"No." - y/n
"Wellllll..." - Edward
"No. Shush." - y/n
"Fine...dickrider..." -Edward
"EDWARD!" - y/n
Edward dresses like a 40 y/o divorced dad trying to learn the floss at a BBQ in a relatives backyard (so slacks and a polo/button up shirt)
y/n forces him to expand his wardrobe so he occasionally wears actual t-shirts and jeans sometimes, shorts, sweaters, etc.
Edward occasionally likes to grow out his hair slightly (kinda like Paul Dano's haircut in Ruby Sparks)
dyes his hair occasionally (mainly black but he once did black with SUBTLE dark green highlights)
he hates oatmeal, porridge, grits, Jell-O, and pudding. the consistency makes him want to scream. (same)
he is the most LGBTQIA+ friendly person ever. if he is meeting someone for the first time, he asks their pronouns.
i think that he is queer. i don't think he really has a specific sexuality. he's just queer, yk? but, that's really it.
he GENUINELY loves to sing and will often sing y/n to sleep if they are having trouble.
he can play lots of instruments but has a preference for guitars (electric/bass/acoustic)
loves Breaking Bad.
hates Walter White.
he makes references to the show so much that it's concerning
"Oh shit! I just broke this plate!" - y/n
"Is it bad?" - Edward
"No, not really, bu-" - y/n
"Did it break bad?" - Edward
"Edward..." - y/n
"Was it breaking bad?" - Edward
"Get out of my apartment." - y/n
"Can you still cook? Can you still cook after breaking bad?" - Edward
"Edward Nashton, I'm going to hurt you." - y/n
he really likes stop motion moves, he admires how much work is put into them (loves Fantastic Mr. Fox the most. Coraline is a close second.)
he doesn't mind PDA, he actually loves it. he's proud to show off his partner (but he doesn't do anything more than kissing and cuddling in public...sometimes...maybe in a bathroom or a closet...hehe...)
sometimes he'll have nightmares about the orphanage and he'll wake up crying. y/n will hold him and comfort him back to sleep. he'll tell his therapist about the dream asap and work through it with them.
he'll also have nightmares about being the 'Riddler' again. those scare the shit out of him. he doesn't want to be that person again. his past haunts him frequently, even though he is reformed.
he knows how to sew very well and will sew customizations on his clothing and y/n's clothing. Example: hearts on their jeans, question marks on his sweatpants, stuff like that.
he knows that no one will truly forget what he did as the 'Riddler', but he hopes that donating to charities, raising money for them, and giving advice to others will show people that he's a changed man. but, all that really matters is that y/n knows he's a changed man.
practices drawing/painting/sketching in his free time (he loves to use charcoal, water colors, and oil pastels)
he hates when his skin is dry, so he lotions all the time. he has the softest skin ever. but, his hands are usually rough because he plays guitar and he has callouses built up. yet, it feels oddly nice against y/n's skin.
RANDOM THINGS I FEEL LIKE HE WOULD SAY: (ik this isn't really a headcanon but i just want you to see how much of a nerd/weirdo he is)
"You know, flamingos get their pink color from eating carotenoids. They are born a pale grey, but over time they get the pink hue that we know them for. Although, it's very rare for them to be a hot pink, more of a coral."
"No, y/n, you cannot drink the dish soap and burp bubbles. I don't think that's even possible."
*watching Tom & Jerry* "These physics are so unrealistic. Tom would be pulverized underneath that anvil. Blood and guts would be everywhere." *y/n looks at him with a horrified look* "Um, I mean...what a...what a goofy cat..."
*walks up to y/n with his phone in his hand* "So uh, one of my twitch followers in my stream today said I was 'Serving... *spells out c*nt*' and they also said that I 'ate and...left no crumbs?' is that a good thing?" *y/n laughs* "That's a very good thing." *he smiles*
"I saw a pigeon get it's head stuck in a donut today. It reminded me of you."
"Male ducks have corkscrew penises. So, they literally screw each other."
"Please stop putting your fingers in my mouth when I yawn."
"Yes I want a damn scooby snack. They sound fucking delicious."
"How am I supposed to live, laugh, love in these conditions, y/n? How!?"
"Y/n, be honest...do these jeans my butt look big?"
"A kid at the library threw a book at me and I contemplated drop kicking him."
"Please, for the love of God. Stop calling me the Rizzler. I...I don't know what that means..."
"Are you the backrooms? Cuz, I think I'm getting lost inside of you. Wait...that sounds weird. Um, forget that. Do you wanna kiss me now?"
"I'm not straight, but...that's all."
"One of my followers on Twitch said I look like the moon emoji. Banned."
"Edward, I'm afraid we can't make mac & cheese tonight. We're all out." - y/n
"Why? Do not be afraid..." - Edward (in the most deadpan voice)
"Well...now I'm very afraid..." - y/n
Dom all the way. He has too much of an ego to be a sub. Ik a lot of ppl say he would be a sub, but I strongly disagree. Maybe he'd try it a few times.
This guy is too kinky, it would take 500 pages to list them (not rlly but ykwim)
He can bounce back between being completely vanilla and being ao3 type of kinky
some of his personal fav kinks are: BDSM (bro is sadistic prove me wrong), he is also a bit of a masochist though; choking; overstimulation; he has a daddy/sir kink; he actually likes roleplay a good bit, but it just has to be something good.
(one time y/n and Edward tried to do a college professor/college student roleplay and it was so fucking funny they couldn't go through with it. y/n said "Is there anything I can do to make my grade better Professor Nashton?" and he said "Do a better job...?" and that's when they both realized they couldn't get through it.)
Edward doesn't think sex is super important in a relationship, so he can go a long time without it. But, sometimes...he just wants to touch y/n. Not even have sex. Let me explain...
^sometimes he'll ask y/n if he can just finger them or eat them out, something like that. he doesn't even want to cum, he just wants to make them cum.
He developed a fond and cruel taste for teasing y/n in public. Sometimes he'll subtly make a fingering motion if he's picking something up. Or, he'll rub their inner thigh while sitting at a table. He usually only does this if y/n has an 'attitude' or if he wants to hint that he wants to have sex that night. However, if y/n ever gets uncomfortable during his teasing, all they have to do is tap him on the knee/shoulder and he'll know. They both respect boundaries <3
This is a bit of an angsty one, but sometimes during sex, he'll realize how lucky he is to be with y/n. So, he'll stop whatever he was doing and just hold them close to him. The sex after that is usually gentle and soft, which y/n actually really likes. He'll cry and tell them that he loves them so much and when they are both done, he'll just spoon them and find comfort in their body heat.
he is the KING of weird sex positions and weird places to have sex. he once fucked y/n in the closet at one of their friends house. it was cramped, so he had one of their ankles lifted on his shoulder and their other leg hoked around his waist. if y/n wants him to fuck them, he'll find a way. trust.
he really likes being praised during sex bc it makes him feel proud. it also feeds his ego a lot, but eh! hehe
if there was a competition for who could "do the best dirty talk" Edward would win it immediately by a landslide. y/n was the first person he ever had sex with, but they swear it was like he was a "professional" at it. he says such vulgar and erotic things and its jarring coming from such a sweet face. y/n loves it. what things does he say? well, let's start with sweet things he'll say during sex...
"You're so breathtaking below me, y/n. You're glowing."
"How is it that you looks so angelic while I'm fucking you?"
"You're doing such a good job, baby. You feel so good."
"That's it cara mia, cum for Eddie."
"You're making my heart race, honey. It just might burst out of my chest if you keep this up..."
^Aw, wasn't that so sweet :3 hehe, that's what he says a lot during vanilla and occasionally during some kinky sex. but, what does he say when he's in a "I'm going to fuck the soul out of you" mood? Uh...
"I know it feels heavenly, but you really ought to keep your voice down. You don't want to get caught, do you? Or, perhaps...that's exactly what you want. So filthy..." (while fucking you in a public bathroom)
"I wonder how long it'll take you to start begging for more...oh, there we go. Hm, not long at all..."
"I won't bite you hard, maybe, but I can't say the same about fucking you."
"What's the matter, rabbit? All fucked out and dumb? But, I haven't even started round 3 yet..."
"If you want it so bad, then why don't you bark for it? Yes, I'm aware you're not a dog, but I assure I can easily leash you up like one if you aren't a good girl/boy."
"I'm going to make sure you can't walk straight for a week. You know I can do it."
"You were starving for it. You were drooling over it. Now, you're gagging on it. How's it feel shoved down your pretty throat?"
"I don't care if they can hear us. That just means they know how good you're getting dicked down. Why don't you moan my name a little louder, make sure they remember who's doing this to you."
"'Oh Edward! Edward!' You sound so fucking cute when you're whining. Do it again. Louder."
"Suck on it like it's fucking candy. You're gonna get every last drop."
"Look at you. Before, you were teasing me in public, torturing me. And now, your face is shoved in the mattress while I'm fucking you from behind. Not so fucking cocky now, are you?"
He's also AMAZING at aftercare. He'll give y/n a bath, sometimes he'll even take a shower with them.
He will always clean y/n's legs/pelvic area (and anywhere else that needs cleaning) with a damp rag every single time they finish having sex.
If he was particularly rough with y/n, he'll give them a gentle massage afterwards and tell them how good they did.
being the paranoid boyfriend that he is, he'll always remind y/n to pee afterwards so they don't get a UTI. he'll also tell them to drink lots of water.
One of his favorite things to do for aftercare is have them lay across his lap or sit on his lap or snuggle up against his side as they both watch a movie or TV show (it's usually Breaking Bad or My Little Pony. the duality of man.)
Tbh, if he can't make y/n's legs sore for at least an entire day after having sex, he doesn't think he did a good job.
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hellfireclubmember · 9 months
Secret Nerd PT 2
Someone requested this and I can't find the ask so I am sorry. I'm also sorry for literally taking forever to get to it.
part 1
Summary: Eddie, who may or may not be in love with you, finds out you like LOTR.
Warning(s): lots of steve fluff but eddie angst, unrequited love, not proof read
pairing(s): boyfriend!steve harrington x fem!reader, platonic!in love!eddie munson x fem!reader
w/c: 1.6k
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Siouxsie and the Banshees was softly playing through the dimly lit shop. The stacks of new records were beginning to lose their height as you sorted them out into their appropriate bins. There was dust in the air from the number of bins you were kicking out of the way. Usually there was someone to help you with the heavy lifting, but it was 10 AM on a Tuesday. A time void of customers.
“(Y/N)!!” Eddie’s voice boomed through the store.
There was something almost pathetic about how fast a smile appeared on your face when you heard him. You loved it when Eddie visited you at work. He always made your shift go by at Mach speeds. He helped you on inventory days, walking around holding piles of records all whilst giving you free music advice. Which was really just him complaining about anything you put on the loudspeaker. Because according to the dramatic mop of hair, ‘your music taste would be perfect if you just cut out all the moody, creepy whining.’
“I know you’re in here, short stack! Only you would be playing Siouxsie.” You could hear the eyeroll from across the store.
“Yeah, whatever, act like I haven’t seen you nod your head to Happy House.” You walked onto the main floor where Eddie was sitting on the counter, next to the Madonna cassettes. “Nice of you to come see me, Edward.”
“No need to continue the act, (Y/L/N).” His face was stone cold, eyes blank. Last time he looked that severe, he was being told that Hellfire couldn’t use the theatre room because the basketball team had booked it last second. Not a good day to be around Hellfire’s dungeon master. Mike, Dustin and Lucas avoided him for two days, just to be safe.
“You don’t have to pretend to be friends with me any longer; for I have been told the truth.” He hopped off the counter and crossed his arms over his chest, covering the Megadeth graphic plastered on his black tee. “The lady lies.”
“Me lady?” You pointed your finger to your chest, confused as you could be. “I lie?” Brows furrowed as you thought of any fib you might’ve muttered out lately.
“You lie! If we were friends, you would’ve never kept your love for Lord of the Rings from me!” he exclaimed, hand on his forehead. In that moment, the appreciation you had for Eddie’s dramatics had been replaced with a strong urge to kill. You should’ve guessed it though; it had been exactly one day and one night since you had admitted it to Dustin. And Dustin is a HUGE blabber mouth. The boy did not stop.
“Ah, heard about that huh?”
“Yeah, I heard about that.” He rudely mimicked your voice and glared at you. “This entire time, when I was holding stacks of Duran Duran for you, we could’ve been talking about Boromir’s heroic sacrifice.” It was taking everything in Eddie not to crack. He couldn’t stop thinking about how cute you look all pouty. You were all frown lines and crossed arms.
The small crush Eddie had on you seemed to grow at speeds that would leave NASA’s head spinning. When you were first introduced, he didn’t think much of you. Some chick he saw at school occasionally, walking with Nancy or laughing with faceless losers. You were one of the rare people that didn’t move to the other side of the hallway when he walked by, so he definitely remembered you when Dustin was pushing him toward the group. He already knew you were dating Steve, how could he not? ‘Steve’s girlfriend’ was your identifier. And back then, there was nothing he cared less about. Currently it’s something that didn’t let him sleep at night.
Eddie was never sure what love would feel like; and now he knew what both love and heartbreak felt like. Even so, he was never truly sad, not when he could spend time with you like this. The faux vexed look you were forcing onto your face was enough to crush any self-pity swelling in his chest. Besides, he knew that there was no way he had a chance. You loved Steve, and Eddie knew there was no one else you would rather love.
“You would be a Boromir kind of guy.”
Eddie held his hand over his chest as if he were hit with an arrow. “A woman after my own heart.” He fell onto the counter he was previously sitting on.
“Where’s my pretty girl?” The voice of the sandy haired man was heard before he was seen. Eddie watched your eyes light up before you walked around the counter toward the door.
“Hi, Stevie.” You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest. Steve was like a giant, human Xanax. He made every muscle in your body relax, every racing thought slow down. You squeezed him tight and took a deep breath. Steve loved your hugs. You hugged him as if he had gone away for years at a time.
Steve’s arms wrapped around your shoulders, and he kissed the top of your head. “I missed you.”
“Aw I missed you more, Harrington.” Eddie stood behind you. His arms were crossed over his chest. He was trying his best to look as big as possible. Even if he did know you loved Steve, it did not keep him from messing with him as often as he could.
There was really very little things Eddie could do about the pesky feelings that clawed at his chest when your eyes reached his. He knew that at some point they would slowly fizzle out, like the bubbles in his favorite beer. But for now, he was going to enjoy them. Enjoy looking at you smile, hearing you laugh, rolling your eyes, even putting away those annoying records and cassettes. Even if the image of you stuck to Harrington chunked away at his health. He was used to piecing his heart back together with the scraps of time he could spend with you. Eddie knew what his role was in life and getting the girl wasn’t part of it. It was devastating but his songs had never been better.
You felt Steve’s body tense up. “Man, you’re in here a lot.” He kept a possessive arm around your shoulders. “You wouldn’t want my girl or anything, would you?”
Your head snapped up to look at your boyfriend. That was a really jerky thing to say. Something King Steve would say. Which is what was the most surprising bit, with all the effort Steve put in to distance himself with his asshole high school self. All his other moments of jealousy were pretty tame, cute even. But he was being a jerk to your friend, and it was very upsetting.
Eddie scoffed. “I could never. That would be really dumb of me, right?” He grabbed your hand and pulled you toward him, his lips placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. “I bid your farewell, fair maiden. I have dragons to slay and whatnot.”  
The sunlight from outside painted the walls of the record store once Eddie opened the door. The second he was out of ear shot you finally spoke to Steve.
“I hate it when you’re like that.” Steve looked over at you when he heard your voice, and your frown was like a shot to the heart. He was no stranger to your cute angry face, but he knew when you were really upset. That frown looks nothing like the one you shoot him when he steals some of your fries. And he knew why you were upset. He was being a douche bag. As he was saying the words, he knew they were very asshole things to say but he couldn’t stop it. Steve couldn’t help how angry Eddie’s heart eyes made him.
“C’mon baby. He was flirting with you.” He tried to reason with you, walking around the counter to where you were counting some cassettes. “He has to know he can’t have you. Even if you’re all nerdy too.”
“Steve, Eddie isn’t a threat to you.” You turned around to face him. “Just cuz we both like..”
“I know. God, I know he’s not. I’m not insecure, sweets.” He put his hand on your right hip. Looking down at you. “I know I was made for you ‘cus there’s no one out there that loves you like I do.” He let go of your hip and found your hand. A perfect fit, but he already knew that. If that thing about an invisible string was true, he knew you were both knotted up together. Like those impossible knots on your necklaces, the ones you have Steve work out for you.
The anger that you felt for Steve dissipated and turned to another familiar feeling. Adoration. Love. Loving Steve has been the easiest thing you have ever done. He made it so easy. With his honey coated words and his pretty pink lips that kiss away all your worries.
“I just wish you would be nice to Eddie. He’s done nothing but be good friend to me.” There was a part of Steve that knew you were right. He was a good friend, not just to you but to multiple of his own friends. But the part of him that knew he was in love with you made him want to pummel Eddie.
“I just hate that he thinks about you the way I do.” He placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “It should be illegal. I should put in a word with Hop, get him arrested or something.” Another kiss on the tip of your nose. “In fact, get every loser that thinks they have a chance with you and through ‘em in jail.” Another kiss to your forehead. He saw the way you were biting back a smile when he pulled away.
“Just please stop being an asshole okay?” His finger found your sides and he started to poke, making you giggle and squirm away.
“If you insist, angel.” His lips pressed to yours for a long kiss.  
taglist: @slashersluttt @slurmp69 @sadbitchfangirl @actual-mom-steve-harrington @stylesyourmine @pennyllanne @johnricharddeacy
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lvrleha · 6 months
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hello, my name is leah!! I’m 19, black, and I love Metal. I’ve “been” a metalhead for a year now and my first metal band was Metallica. My bands are megadeth, Metallica, black sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Pride and glory, misfits, queen, black label society, zakk sabbath, Alice In Chains, dio, and the Beatles. ﹒⪩⪨﹒
I’ll write for … ✎
Zakk wylde
Alice in chains (Jerry Cantrell, Mike Inez.)
Metallica (Cliff, Lars, Jason, James, Kirk, Rob.)
Megadeth (Dave only..for now 🫶🏾)
Queen (Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon)
Ozzy Osbourne (Randy Rhoads Only.)
Eddie Munson
What I’ll write … ✎
Smut, angst, fluff.
Yes, I will write age gaps, (NO AGEPLAY😭), dark content such as: somnophilia, dubious content, dark content such as stalking or things of that sort. // Also more “taboo” topics too. If you’re uncomfortable with those things please DNI. (All previously discussed if established relationships)
I WILL NOT write for Public sex, band member x member, whips/chains, bdsm (depends idk), blood (with an exception of vampires and period sex), minors or high schoolers.
Anything else I did not put out just ask if I’m into it/write for it. Depends, if it doesn’t correlate with my rules I’ll just put my own twist on it. Still enjoyable for everyone ♡.
SHITPOSTING MAIN: @wyldegrrl (I’m more “popular” there. 😉)
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Rules (Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, prefrences, Master List, and Current Works)
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(Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, and prefrences)
“I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams.”-Howard Philips Lovecraft
Hello I'm Mr. Cosmic, I am a Romantic Asexual Man (Not sex repulsed, I actually find the concept of sex and how deeply it is ingrained in humanity fascinating) my birthday is September 26th, My favorite food is Spaghetti and Garlic Bread (I know I know, Asexuals and garlic bread), my favorite drink is home made Mountain Tea, I love writing romantic and fluffy things but I also may right angst if I'm in the right mood, My favorite bands are Queens Of The Stone Age, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Iron Maiden, Nujabes (RIP), Megadeth, Rob Zombie, and Foo Fighters, I hope we can all get along!
I take recommendations for shows to watch and add to the list of fandoms and music to listen to while I write (I am partial to fast paced songs, but I also enjoy slower ones)
I am also associated with the @favonius-library and @ecrin-de-litterature
My Pet Peeves For Asks
One Of My Pet Peeves For Asks: Fighters, Not Body Builders
I only write romance for female characters but I'm perfectly fine with writing platonic male relationships (There are a few exceptions but most of the time this is the rule of thumb to go by)
I write for G/N, Male, and Female readers
Like any other Tumblr I reserve the right to reject asks
Be Respectful.
Do Not Hate On People In The Comments!
No Homophobia, Transphobia, etc. etc.
If You Have A Question About A Post Ask In The Comments Of The Post please.
No Politics!
I prefer to write for Ladies but I will do guys once in a blue moon if they're a part of the ask.
Due to a recent attempt to write trans readers and the anxiety attack which affected my willingness to write I have made the decision to (For the moment this may change though it is unlikely) not write Trans readers there is nothing wrong with Trans People I just feel like I can't portray them properly.
IF ONE MORE GODDAMN FUCKING PORN BOT OR BLANK BLOG FOLLOWS ME I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL GO ON A GODDAMN PURGE SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CUSTOMIZE YOUR TUMBLR OR I MIGHT ACCIDENTALLY BAN HAMMER YOU!!! Please, if you have a question or an ask, ask me the question in the INBOX not in my MESSAGES. My MESSAGES are for my mutuals to talk to me. Not to receive asks through, that is what the ASK BUTTON is for. If I continue to receive asks in my MESSAGES I WILL start blocking people.
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Reverse 1999
Lobotomy Corporation
Library Of Ruina
Limbus Company
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fate Grand Order and Fate in general
Ikki Tousen
Highschool DxD
Senran Kagura
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
Dungeon Fighter Online
Dungeon Fighter Duel
River City Girls
King Of Fighters
Guilty Gear
Granblue Fantasy
Under Night In Birth
Street Fighter
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Fear & Hunger
Fear & Hunger: Termina
Hi-Fi Rush
Trails Of Cold Steel
Girls Front Line
Elden Ring
(To Be Added)
What I Will Do
Character x Reader
All of the dere's (Yandere, Kudere, Tsundere, Goudere, Masodere, Sadodere etc. etc.)
Character x Multiple (Separate from Poly, NSFW only Ex. Free Use)
Platonic Relationships
NSFW (If You Want a Specific Kink You Have To Ask)
(More To Be Added)
What I Won’t Do
Non-Con (I might do CNC)
Kinks like Scat and Vore
(More To Be Added)
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gogobo0ts · 10 months
About + Rules
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you can call me Ani (she/her) <3 I write fanfics mainly for rockstars but I'm open to discussing just about anyone.
Requests are open!!
I'll write some blurbs, one-shots, or scenarios, you can request longer fics, but those will take longer :) i'm open to smut (ahaha ofc), fluff, angst whatever really, or just talking <3
here are the bands/rockstars I write for:
Guns 'n Roses
Hanoi Rocks
Van Halen
Motley crue
Bon Jovi
Led Zeppelin
L.A. Guns
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
I am VERY open to discussing anyone though <3
What I WON'T write for
Anything too extreme, piss, scat, super public sex (i'm fine with some exhibition) or the likes
m x m (I can do GN, but I'm afab and mxm is not what I'm used to)
I'm sure you get it. be respectful and everything's cool.
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