#David Jehoahaz Abraham
holograham-crackers · 2 years
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I made magi memes for a friend of mine's/my own enjoyment
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babymagi · 1 year
out of curiosity i wanted to see if there was any Sinbad/David fics on Ao3 and I'm actually surprised that there was two (one even in English)
honestly that's a really funny crackship though, that'd make Sinbad Aladdin's Step-Grandpa😂
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When Satan strikes, strike back with the word of God.
And the Lord said to Jehu, “Because you have done well in doing what is right in My sight, and have done to the house of Ahab all that was in My heart, your sons shall sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation.”
But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart; for he did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam, who had made Israel sin.
So Jehu rested with his fathers, and they buried him in Samaria. Then Jehoahaz his son reigned in his place.
And the period that Jehu reigned over Israel in Samaria was twenty-eight years. 2 King's 10:30-31,35-36.
We serve a God who is the word, the word Jesus became flesh, dwelt amongst us and redeemed us from the hand's of the enemy. The above scripture portion tells us that Jehu did what was right in the sight of God and He allowed his four generations to sit on the throne of Israel. David always walked with God, but some of his descendants drifted away from God, Jehu walked with God for some time, but later on he failed to walk in the law of the Lord. Practicing the word of God brings good success David ruled over Israel for forty years, but his descendants ruled for a lesser period, Jehu ruled over Israel for twenty eight years.
The spiritual level and maturity of a believer is known by the word of God in the inside of a person. The inside influences and changes the outside, if a person knows and has the word of God in the inside of him, it will change the outside and his circumstances. Every problem and challenge that we have and face is due to lack of word and wisdom (running to God and His word in times of trouble is wisdom). The word of God has the ability and power to create, recreate, restore, heal deliver and prosper any person and situation. If you know the word of God then you can face and handle any situation in your life. The word of God has the solution to every problem that a person has and goes through on this earth for example if you are in sickness and require healing, we should take healing scriptures from the Bible and meditate on it and health and healing will flow to us. If we require provision from God we should take provision providing scriptures from the Bible and meditate on it and provisions will flow to us.
Many in the body of Christ don't give much importance to the word of God, they perform some religious ceremony and read a few scriptures for some time and start complaining that God is not working in their lives. God is not interested in the religious ceremonies that we perform, He is waiting to fulfill His word and His promises in our lives. The word of God preserves and gives long life to a person, it brings in health, healing, deliverance from bondages, prosperity and good success. If we need anything from God we have to find out His will in the word and walk accordingly then only His blessings will chase and overtake us. There are many christians who know the word but they don't practice it, that is why there is no fruits in their lives ( be not only hearers of the word, but doers of the word). If you love God you will practice His word.
Jesus said if you abide in Me and My words abide in you then you will bear much fruit. Jesus knew and loved the word from His childhood, He preached at the temple when He was just eleven years old and the people around Him marvelled. Satan came in the wilderness to try and test Jesus, He fought Satan with the word of God, He spoke from the word of God and the devil ran away. The word of God is so precious and powerful that when Satan hears it from a believers mouth it starts running for it's leftover life (Jesus crushed the head of the devil on the cross of Calvary it's tail is only wagging, He left it so that we can crush it under our feet). We are so privileged that we have the word of God in different languages and versions, our spiritual father's Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph never had the privilege of having a Bible and attending Bible study, yet they walked with God in good and bad times and fulfilled God's plan for their lives.
Today make a decision to always spend quality time in the word of God.
Tell yourself I will read, meditate, pray, preach and practice the word of God everyday in my life.
Tell the devil Jesus is the truth and you are a liar.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8.
My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands,
For length of days and long life, And peace they will add to you.
Proverbs 3:1-2.
Father we thank You for the word, Lord we thank You for the written word, increase our hunger and thirst for the word and decrease the hunger for this world. Give us the grace to always read, meditate, pray, preach and practice the word and let Your word and promises come to pass in our lives in Jesus matchless name we ask and pray. Amen and Amen. God loves you
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mugges · 3 years
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It’s been a while but please enjoy this Bad Dad comic
based on this post
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Hello! I would ask for a magi matchup please? I don’t know if I did it right so sorry btw :,)
(I‘m open to any gender)
Sexuality: Queer/Ace Gender: Girl  Personality: ENFP (It could be outdated) Zodiac sign: Taurus
I‘m a very outgoing and optimistic person, I have a talent for socializing. I‘m observant as hell and I’m a very loyal friend! I‘m known for the funny/ therapist friend but I‘m smart when it comes to one of my interests (multiple fandoms). One of my hobbies is to read and I basically don‘t do anything other then that, I draw sometimes and create different working masks designs (some where the mask can spin and stuff). I‘m a calm person (only not when I get a new hyperfixtion, I love to rant about random things) and I do not judge easily, most of the time I keep myself out of it actually. I have a bad tendency that I sometimes am to careless about things and I often overlook it. The other bad patz of myself is that I‘m brutally honest with my opinions and sometimes they can be seen as harsh. Okay but now for other facts about me!
I‘m a very creative person, I always was. I‘m writing stories for 4/5 years and I never had an outburn once (I‘m actually kind of proud for this one… but shush). I‘m a theater kid and already played some big roles, I‘m a babysitter (most of the time I do it for free but sometimes I get money, it’s cool!), and the school subjects I‘m the best at are English, PE and Science. I also have the bad habit of daydreaming so hehe– but anyways I think I don‘t have more. Sorry if the grammar isn‘t perfect– English isn‘t my first language. But thanks anyways and sorry if I did it wrong ^^*
Your grammar is great! Thank you.
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If this man wasn’t with Sheba then he’d be with you! Not only is he intrigued by your outgoing and positive personality but he also likes your observant nature as you’ll need it when it comes to this guy. Your loyalty will be probably his favorite thing about you and you’d be one of the very few people he’d open up to as well. Solomon finds your humor refreshing and enjoys your creativity. He’s a bit protective of you often being others’ therapist friend as he would want you to make sure to take care of yourself too which could a few arguments. He wouldn’t mind your honesty and sometimes, might even view it as entertaining.
As for the hobbies, Solomon loves to read too and wouldn’t mind curling up with both you and a good book. He would find your mask making and theater work phenomenal and would be interested in seeing all of your works. He’d love your hyper fixations and how calming you can be. Solomon would find your ability in babysitting great and might even consider having a kid with you. Congratulations! You’ve got yourself a literal god.
Other matches are David and Arba
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strangehellhole · 3 years
Sneak peak of a short comic i’m planning for week no.4:
Even a man who can see through everything like David can’t understand his own wife sometimes..
(i don’t know how to draw his weird hat lmao)
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rikari-rika · 4 years
MAGI Awareness Event 5th day.
Let's combine two worlds ! ! !
MAGI x FATE... I wonder what would happen if these guys met ...?? Would they approve of their respective counterparts? What would they think? Given the fact that both worlds are completely different yet kind of similar ... it's kind of fascinating to imagine how a clash would turn out.
Day # 5: Crossover ♡
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hansenlinlin · 6 years
So I just got a note on my Huricane video and was reminded that it was a 105 layer video. Well.... this one is at least 160... Damn XDD
Noticed a layering mistake though... UGH
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itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Sinbad no Bouken 182                      [Final Chapter]
This is only a fan translation, don’t forget to support the official releases of Snb and the MangaOne app if you can, and
►[Please don’t repost without giving credits. If you use this translation, don’t forget to share the link to this post!]◄
Thanks to @soreita for the raw! ^^
The final night “ The adventures of Sinbad”
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Night 182 “The adventures of Sinbad”
 Page 1
King Sinbad founded the new kingdom of Sindria.
He became known as “The high king of the seven seas”, and several years went by quickly…
 The “Reim empire” on the west that still holds great influence.
And the “Kou empire” on the east that unified the three warn-torn countries.
The 2 major powers of east and west repeated aggressively invasive wars in order to expand their territory,
And their invasion deepened more and more…
   Page 2
Narration: In response to that, a remote country that had a tribute relationship with the three countries before the unification of the Kou empire, declared their adherence to the “seven seas alliance”
 TN: Takeru!! Haha
  Narration: The far east island-country “The kingdom of Kina” allied themselves with another nation once again.
  Page 3
…. Thus, the situation around the world was about to change little by little.
The former boy that headed towards the dream he had embraced….
 The final night “The adventures of Sinbad”  
TN: We see a ship on the seas…
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Page 4
 The king of Sindria. Sinbad.
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Page 5
Ja’far: It’s unusual for you, Sin.
To take the trouble to be on the deck…. Is something up?
 From the eight generals of the kingdom of Sindria. Ja’far.
 Sinbad: … Well,
Somehow, I feel a little nostalgic.
  Page 6
Sinbad: It’s been a long time since I’ve been on Balbadd, so…
I unconsciously started to remember the old days.
Ja’far: I see.
Sinbad:  The way you were when I met you, well, you had a foul tongue and your attitude was awful too, huh.
Well… From that, you have come this far and grown up well.
(Little Ja’far’s manuscript: Shut up!! Idiot. / Sin’s manuscript: I seriously mean it.)
 Ja’far: Wait…!! Please stop talking about old times!!
Ah, But what about you! Contrary to me, Who’s the one that has become careless since he became an adult?!
( Ja’far’s manuscript: mainly concerning the alcohol….)
Sinbad: drinking alcohol is adult’s behavior, Ja’far-kun.
Ja’far: I’m telling you to consider that there are limits!
 Ja’far’s manuscript: It’s always that what gets you into trouble!
Sinbad: but, when I think about it, it has been quite long time since those days.
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  Page 7
Sinbad: I fought against you guys on Valefor’s “dungeon”, and then we became comrades and battled together….
And after that, we started trading in Reim and we launched our trading company…
We traveled across various countries, we met a lot of people and learned a great deal of things.
 We were nothing but small merchants, and thus, now we are…
The king of the “Kingdom of Sindria” and its minister.
 Page 8
Sinbad: A lot of things have happened to reach this point but,
All of that are irreplaceable experiences that made us become what we are today.
We’ve lost many things too, though…
 Ja’far: ….
Ja’far: But even so,
You moved forward.
You held on to a “dream” that no one could have materialized…
And became “King”.
 Page 9
Once, our country was destroyed, and when everyone was brokenhearted,
You guided everyone, and it’s undeniable that everything that we’ve been able to built up until this point, it’s thanks to you.
 Ja’far: I know it.
I know how many hardships you have overcome, all the troubles, the pain,
All you have gone through to build up everything we have this very day….
 Page 10
Ja’far: your “dream” is still on its way…
Let’s make it truth.
To make a “world” aiming towards true peace.
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  Page 11
Sinbad: That’s right.
Rather, our “dream” starts from here on.
 Ja’far: Yes.
Anyhow, we are now heading towards Balbadd…
Since the demise of the previous king, there has been an internal disturbance,
And there are rumors that the citizens have been suffering due to the tyrannical rule of the current king.
In addition, strange situations have been happening.
we suddenly received an announcement of them discontinuing trade with our country the other day…
I can feel the hints of someone working from behind.
Sinbad: If this is something caused by that organization, we can’t overlook it…
Ja’far: …
If their plan is to raise up the abnormalities of the world, we must stop them without fail…
 Page 12
 Masrur: ….
We’ll be arriving soon.
Sinbad: All right.
In order to make the world without conflict that we wish for…
 Sinbad: Let’s go!
To Balbadd….!!
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 Page 13
____ what?
Although You said those things just a while ago….
You’ve immediately gone to who knows where, haven’t you?
Hey! Come here now!!
Masrur: …
(Masrur’s memories: Masrur, I’m gonna go drink for a little bit, please don’t say anything!)
 Page 14
People: Cheers!
Man: Well, Sir
You sure can drink, huh?
 (Background Manuscript: service people: service, here’s your drink. People: Thank you.)
 Sinbad: It’s been a long time since I’ve been in Balbadd. It’s become quite fun.
 Page 15
 Sinbad: Balbadd’s wine is certainly exceptional, huh.
Sir, can you give me once more cup? I came to this place because I wanted to drink a bit of this.
 (Sin SFX: “smile, smile”)
 Shopkeeper:  I’m sorry… but that was the last cup .
Lately, customs have risen up, and our stock of good alcohol has decreased…
Not only in our establishment, but apparently in all of Balbadd.
As a consequence, lately customer visits have been decreasing too.
Sinbad: …. Sir. In that case, can you bring in your most expensive liquor?
For every person in this place.
 Shopkeeper: What!!?
Sinbad: Something like not being able to drink delicious liquor…. There’s nothing as sad as that.
So, even if it’s just for this moment, I want you to enjoy it.
(Manuscript: specially now that economy is awful…)
 Page 16
Sinbad: It’s my treat today. Please enjoy!
 TN: Sinbad pays the shopkeeper, who apparently thinks so grateful for receiving so much money.
 Page 17
TN: Later, Sin is out of the bar with a bit of liquor, he sits alone near the outskirts of Balbadd.
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  Page 18
 Sinbad: ….
Master, it’s been a long time.
I’m finally back.
although I’ve come this far, it took me quite a while…
Ah, this is bringing back memories. This is the wine I used to drink so much back in the old days!
(Manuscript: I took the left-over with me)
Since I’m already here, I thought about having a drink with… with you master, though it seems like it’s the last one.
We used to drink like this in the old days.
 Page 19
I’m truly grateful for everything you did for me master...               (TN: I’m in great debt to you/I owe you so much)
We didn’t know anything about trading or anything else,
And you taught us how to stablish a company and the ways of trading.
That time in Parthevia and that time I rebuilt my country too, you’ve guided me all along,
Thank you… so much.
Might be different from when you were here.
 But still, I’ll help this country….
The country of the teacher that helped me so much….
Without fail,
 Page 20
One way or another, I will definitely do it.
TN: Cheers!
 Sinbad: hmm, it’s really tasty!
Yay, I’ll drink it all!
TN: Later…
Uh, hmmm
 Page 21
……. Bad
Who’s there?
 The voice that I can hear from time to time since that moment….
Who are you?
David: I am you. Sinbad.
The only “Singularity” who can see the great flow of “destiny”
You and I are, so to speak, an identical existence that has been isolated from the world. My only supporter.
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 Page 22
You might not understand yet but, you’ll come to know that truth eventually.
And then, you and I will unite into one.
In the not far away future.... It will “certainly” happen!
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 Page 23
TN: Sun is up and so is Sin.
Sinbad: haa, haa, haa    TN:*heavy breathing*
What was that? Just now, was it a dream?
What a strange dream…
Why am I dreaming this sort of stuff…?
That’s ridiculous. I am who I am, I’m not anyone else.
To have such dreams can only mean that I had quite a lot to drink yesterday, huh…
 TN: lol, nakey nakey
 Page 24
TN: Where are my dragons Metal vessels !!? haha and then Sin spots the 3 brothers.
SNL Brothers:
1)      Big bro! with this, we’ll be able to have lunch!
2)      If we sell this out, we’ll be able to make a name for ourselves!
3)      Let’s go, little brothers!
Sinbad: huh?
Wait… wait!!
Those are my….!!
Sinbad: I’ve been robbed….
 Page 25
TN: Sinbad is looking for a leaf lol
Sinbad:  huh…
It’s been a long time since I had to do this.
I’d rather if it were just the clothes, but when it comes to having my metal vessels stolen….
 (In Sinbad’s imagination= Ja’far: what are you doing!!??)
He’ll absolutely shout at me, right?
 Anyway, now I have to manage this situation somehow but …..
 TN: Sinbad can hear noise.
 Sinbad: people are coming!
I’m saved! If they can lend me some clothes, I’ll be lucky.
 As one would expect from me. I got immediately lucky.
Reminds me of the good old days…
In those times I also came to face numerous dangers many times this way.
But, I’ll definitely overcome this new crisis, without fail.
 Page 26 y 27
I, Sinbad, will do it…
 Sinbad to Morgiana and Aladdin:  Yo! You guys!
Nice weather today, huh?
If you don’t mind, can I join you?
 Page 28
My name is Sin
I’m a merchant heading to Balbadd!
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And this is the end of the series!! As always, Thank you so much to for reading! and thank you so much for following these translations until now ^^ we still have the extra content of volume 18 and 19 to look forward! ;D
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robustconviction · 6 years
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thedemonlady · 7 years
Sinbad No Bouken 176 Raw
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Here is the chapter of this week! :D
Don’t forget to support the manga in the MangaOne App
please see @itsdanystormborn blog to read the translation of this new chapter!  :D
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babymagi · 3 years
Ja'far, whacking David with a sandal: THAT was for corrupting the love of my life!
David: What?
Sinbad: HE'S TALKING ABOUT ME! I'm the love of your life?
David: Sinbad? How did you-
Ja'far, whacking David again: And THAT was for trying to kill my adopted children!
David: OW?! Children?!
Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana: HE'S TALKING ABOUT US
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disappointeddavid · 7 years
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What’s the point of being a daddy if you don’t choke someone once in a while?
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Headcannon #2:
Every character in Magi (even Arba and David) likes Wannabe by: Spice Girls
........ Except Umm Madaura.
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ugo-the-nerd · 7 years
Magi Volume 36 Cover Scans + Lil David Cheeb
My Copy of Magi Volume 36 just arrived! Enjoy! (♡ >ω< ♡)
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hanatata98 · 7 years
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Day 7 : favorite villain //i luv lil david sorrymasen// Day 8 : favorite djiin
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